l ‘ y» I. J. STAlek, 1;;ég:;:;tg;l‘~z;5; L ‘ “mafia, a. . "' i MONDAY MORNING, “an. 17, 1865 :ASSABSINATIOE or m fiknsmkfir or THE UNITED STATES! ; ’i‘he [‘cou'p‘u’")! was aim-tied ox} Satd’r day hi the iriteihgcnco that the PieLi _dem of glue meted Saatea hx'gd come 11.0 his death fit the handp of a hold {l. d reckless again. An event so nppaEl: jng had five} before occurred in 6 r history, and that. it should have fallfn upon the~ cquntry at, {time whenfthe prospect for the restoration of panic and grdcr was so bright. and. hear cheering, le‘n‘l. nddifionul Weight to at Eflicting visitation. President. Lincolp had shown febently so man/[fest ‘a (leash? and mtuntion to net Mqh‘mfignnnimity and modefation in adjusting our «13111;: cultins, that there ‘7’“ good reason to Llook fer a speedy termination pf them; ‘and that, he would have been renioveil at. such a juncture, is regarded by 111% reflecting. men a}; the greatest. 'm‘lsforr Ltune that. could hu‘vu befallen Hmnntiow j May God, in his mercy, avert. {urthc} fibulamityfi-‘om this leng-afliietcd people I; ggatfling lntclliggugc! m mnsmifir 5301 AND] - mommy woman: I flurderofia Attack Upon. Seine-1 - ‘ tary Seward! ‘j Wgniwaox. April H The President of the Unite-1 States was shot. whilb stranding at Ford's Theatre to night. It is feared that the wound: are _mortai‘. 7’ ‘ ‘ ' ;.,Tha Particulars. . ‘ ‘ . W‘snmuros. April 14. President Linoolh and his wife. togethe wi§h other Lfriends, this eiening viu‘iled '_l"ord’s Theatre for the purpose of witness }ipsbe' performanc‘e of the "American Cou ll . ‘ . . I It. was announced in the paper": thntGr-n and Grant would also be prewnt,‘but tlm 'gentleman instead took the late train 0: cars for New Jersey... ’ ’ The theatre wfns densely crowded and {iv ory‘body seemeg delighted with the scezzl bafo're them. ‘ - ' Durin the ghird act, and whiie there was a-tengporaryf pause for one of the actors to enter, the sharp report of a pistol was 0 ~he-ud, which merely .au‘mcxed * Mtenfion, 'but suggested nothing serious until a man installed 20 {thefront of—lhe PfesldenL’slbox \ waving if“ daggerjn his ugh: hand. and 'exclnim “‘ffjic empzr 'l'yrunnin" and im mediately’lédped from the box. which w'us 'of the‘ 'sncondwier, to the stage beneath and gun acrois 'to the opposite side. thus 111ml:- jug his escape. amid the bewildermént of flhe audience, from the‘rear of the theatre, ' 'and mounting ‘a horse. fled. The screams of Mrs. Lincoln first. disclosed the fact to the audit-ace that the President had been. nhot—Jhen an present rose to their feet, 'ruahing toward the stage. many exclaiming, “ f'Hang him! [lgng him!" ‘ g The excitemém was one of the wildest possible description, and 0! course there Was an abrupt. termination of the theatrical 'perfm‘mance. ' _ ‘ " _ . ' There was «rush towards the Presiden- ltial box. 'when cries were heard: “Stand yack. Oivelhim air! Has any one atim; ulants?" ' . - _ . On a. hasty examination. it?” feu‘nd that the President had been shol. through thehend, above and backot the temple bone, ’wq thgt some of the grain wamlodziqg out. He‘ was removed to private'house oppo site (the thea'tre, and' the glurgeon Genera'l of the flaw and dum- surgoons‘wer'e sent for to attend to his cbndition. ‘ 0n emexeminetioh of the private box] blood was diuxwefed on the back of the 'cusbiened rooting éheir on which the ‘Pres ident had been, tting: also; on the parti tion en'd on themoor. A common _single herreled pocket pixtol'mls found on the bupet.’ " 4., .f ‘ 'A military guard was placed’in front of the private residence to which the firesi 'dent had been conveyed. ' ' An immense crowd gathered in front of itnll deeply anxious to learn the condition of the Bresidenl. It bud been previously announmd that the woundyus mortal, but all hoped 'otherwi-e. . " The shock to the community we: terrible. At midnight the Cabinet, with Messrs. vSumner,Colfex and Farnsworth, Judge Car 'ber. Governor Oglesby. General Meigs, Cob onel Hay. and a few personal friends, with 'Surgeon General Heine: en'd his medical es 'mcieta, were around his bedside. ' . President in in a dying condition at mid 4 Di ’l‘. I _ z . ' g‘he Plaident was in a state 61' syncope, totally inlenlible And breathing slowly. the blood dosing from the wound n. the back ’of hi! hand. ' The Surgeon: were exhausting every pos uiblo effort. of medical skill, but. all hope wu yogic. ( ' ‘ The parting of his funin with the aying Prelident is too sad for duct-imion.l Attempted Aussainstiop‘ of Secretary “' ’ Seward. v" When the excitement at Life thutre want its wildest height, reports were circulate?! that _Bocretery Severe h-d aisle been “marinated. “ On ranching this gentlemm'u residence a crowd Ind rmiiimy guard. were found. st the 'door, ltd on entering it was ascertained that 'the report: were hund upon truth. Erexybody Where mu l 0 excited‘mct scarcely an intellig. ibie account could berathnred, but ghifnm fare snhsuntinlly’es follows: ‘ " L' About tcn'B'flaflg a man rang the bell, and the cell having been answered by a. colored ‘urndt. he and he had come from Dr. Verdi, Secretlry Seward’i family physician, with a groceription, M the Mme time holding in his . end someleiece oi folded paper, and laying, in enlwerto I refusal, that he mult see the \flecreury. n he was entrusted With I particu {in direction concerning the medicine. We still insisted on going up, “though repeatedly informed thbt no one nonidehter the Chamber. The men pnlhed we lervant wide end wsiked quickirdowuds the Secrct'rufy‘a room and was Nu not by Hr. Frederick w. Seward, of who; mjemnded to no the Secrets", ma. ting the nine npruentation which he‘did m the Mint. ‘ What further pnsed in the my ofceilo’qny, in not knowh. but the men struck him on the hyd with 3 Dirty, leyergiy inlj‘u ring the dull” m filing tiih‘ gimosi lease 3!. The min flmi rushed into the chnmber Mgmflfior Segflrd, gnymuber in the 'Uni ‘ any, and Mn 11W. a mu m“ om Stun Degnrflnpn t;flidlwo ml. name, . 1313 them 111. 'He then" rushed mm fieé'r'et‘u-y, who wuslyinz in bed in nu maroon. tad indicted three whiz the b’nhMF' 'fi".'i.‘3' it is thought Ind hoped, MW“ 4 .. - Tho mum: tho? nu?‘ lon nan. mounted bll‘honcn tho our and rode of bdore tn alum rouldlte stranded, and in um um: minner I! lie ugsnuin olflge Pruidenx. RN u is balieved the injuriu ut the S‘ecret-ry uni not. final um- th'ou of the olhm. nighough boih [he Secrenry and tho Allilllnl Snafu-y 'nre vary seriously mjureé. . l ISacreuric-q ‘Sunlon snd‘Wencs, Ind oth‘er Prominent otficen pf the government, filled in Qecmnry Seward'n hon-e tq enquiv: into! 'biiu condition, and then hand ofthe “unim' taliou of the Pxelident. proceeded'lo.the house ram: Hg'wns lying, exhibiting of courle, in teusa Inxiety Ind tolicitude. ‘ | lAg-ilnpgeme giowd was gnhered in from of; the Prelident‘a houso, antic-strong guard also “W‘s. the .0911“ HOW”: elm-“Cb“ mad] Itwinned there—many persdns evidnnlly sup- pubhc bulldlngs of the town draped m paling that he youtd he brought to hil home'. momning—and that, Rev, D, T. Carna kqfs':,:?:;:.:':’.:::::$;;,ta“::"fi;1:°::::f hm.» r nested w demer a Funeral- Epreuions of inéignntion uni the pr'otoundest Qnmonuo. .th? day solectcd for na swmm ,1 may “want - _ txonnl hu glumon and prayer, or on i The qilitixy‘nuthoritiel lure delpulchedtysome other suitable occasion. Rev. Dr. {Donate-dflpntroll in awry direction in ordgr, J_ A. Brown 'was ge|ectvcd to open the If pomhle, to “Felt the nuuin; while the exercises with prayer. ' . metropolitnnlpolice ‘m‘e Hike Vignlant tor the It was also rowived to'reqncst an: Inmetpurpoafi. - - ~ .. Thu “tang, both It the theatre tnd at Sec- bunine“ places to be cjowd dutlng the: tutu, _Sgw rd‘a house, took pilce It. shout harm! of the late Premdcnt. _ l the name hop: ()0 o’clock), thus showing I The Committee will have an adjourn preconcscnefi Man to usuainnelthose gunk—’od meeting this (Monday)-eveninfr~ atl men. omg evidence; oft e gui lofthn party ‘ . x . :7 . hq hatched the Prenident are-in possession the'ofligefiot. J' H' White, Esq.,_“hgnl on”: [longer ‘ , , mono emm armngefiients WI“ be Vice Prenident John-on in in the city, and‘mnde. ‘ Ihi‘s hotel quyn‘rters are gunrded by I:o3pm 'luuv.-. ‘ - Ofllciel Guetta. ‘ SATURDAY’S WAR NEWS. .Wun-xnoro’x, April 15—1,30 A. M,-——.‘!qjof Th 3 final interview between Gene. Grant] flaunt},- Thi: evening ebout 9.30 1". IH,, at land Lee occurred at the resulence of ML! 'Ford'a Theatre, the President while Ilttingin’SWilson M'Lane. in 'Appomnttox Count ih‘l- private box with Mn. Lincoln, Miss Flame‘House. ’l‘he oonditionl‘ of the surrender and Major Rsthhurn, was that by on onusin were prepared by an aid, and signed by [who sudden};V entdered the box nudnppronched the 36116"ng Soon after. Gen. Grant or behind the' resi ent- .. . dere 25 unions to be distributed .The assassin then let’pcd upon the stage among the, Confederates. , brandishing a large "dngger or knife and made Ben. Lee w” in Richmond 09 Wednes hi' ““99 in ““3 ""91. “"3 theatre. ' day, where ‘his wife is so ill that she is no “3° p.","°l M“ "“"ed at the b‘“‘ M ‘l‘° expected to recover. It wu reported that IPresidentinheod,nnd penetratednenriythrough he would go to Raleigh and advise Johns the head. The wound ll mortal. ' _ ton tolsurrdlder. 1 The Prelldent has been iniensibleerer sinc’e Gen Ewell has been released on parole, it was indicted on is now 'in . . ' . . . ‘ About the mime hour on gssagssin, whether and .m m Washington. lie d‘dl‘re' "h‘t’i the lame or number entered Mr. Sewnrd‘é‘he did not order the burning of Richmond, house, and under pretense of having a jpre- but “3‘“ ‘t was done l": the m 0!" scriplion, was shown to the Secretary's sick it ‘5 'PPOH'Ed that shérman 3 army Id chnu\iher. The Secretery‘wes in bed, a nurse :?:§i‘:a:‘°m Goldlboro 0“ Monday ,“9‘ and .liss Seward with him. , ° . . _ . 'Flie assassin immediately rushed tothe bed, Gen. ord )5 _now_m command at. Ruch ;iu’flictin’g one or two-scuba~ on the throat and mood. and Wextzel is at Petershurg. ‘ rlwo on the race. It is hoped the wounds will Gen: Grant’s headquarters Will hereafter {not he mogul. )l'y apprehension is thin. they be in' Washington. s {will prore filth). ..v . - —~~-——-«u. _;,. _ ~— I Thé noise alarmed Mr. Frederick SewerduNEGßo EMANCIPATION AS APRAC who was . in an adjoining room, and hastened . to the door ot,’ his father’s room, where he met ' TIC“.QUESTION- i lthe ",Mlas‘sin, who inflicted l'i‘ll’ion hiiu one o; A recent Washington disphtch announces 'more dangerous wounds. 9 recoger o , u - ' . - :Frederick Sewm‘d is doubtful. _ Y! fifhnf the“: :3 at 2.11.6 {resentful}; 5‘ yerg I It is not prohithle mm the Presidentwill us? “Is" 3°53 “ Ow" 2°; "‘19:” “Be.“ “:33" 'lhl‘fiugll the nig it. « , ‘ nronn us any. t. as n column as ’ Gen. Grant and wifewere ndvertised'to be “‘illigh as “men thousand. ThPy are in a! lthe theatre thxs evening, but he alerted to d d' . d ' 'd f - ‘ {Burlinglgnmi 6 o’clock this evening. ‘m u. “99 {con Itlonr an .3: rom abroad toI icnbiuot meet “[l,“. which GeneriiLGrnut was 4the hreedmen's Association here wouldbe present to-dny, the subject of the state or the thankfully received.” , ~ ‘ , 3 ‘ Lcountry nnd the prospects of a speedy pence, To this appen‘ the New York Tribun * e rreie discussed. ‘ , . . ’ . e? ' The President in: very cheerful and hope- Ph“ 53 {0110“5‘ .5 l i’ful. lie ipok‘e very kindly of Genernl Lecund We s‘o most earnestly protest against the others of the Contederncy, and the establish- guthenng of negroes, or whl‘teshln vast nggre-f meat of the government in Yirginin. gallons of powers—whether pulled freedmen’si i All the members of the Cabinet except Mr. virus” 0! SOmelhing less plausible—and un-l Seward ri‘re now in‘ ntiendunce upon the Pres- dermkinz to’feed. “0"", Iheltei and educate; m. 1 1, , m, s( v.l, but 1,,» ‘qhemriu goodpm bikinis. lthsn’grossim- ewni 0 non o gru... _- . _ . _ and "“ “Cir position to attempt this—on unjgt tax on "Miami 3 'biigude oi ‘Fetleral cavalry has ‘been ity-of the newt--1113“ "m, the firm). We rxi‘er to ihe runny-a prim-imivd hm mimli hun- and t'ol. Bum] hml SW mum. rm, 3 charitable audngrievouswrongt we henefici- sent. fiomx the army nt Anponfailox Lourt "Inquishad. 'l'he “m or laying by :1 dlSOTllL'liy muh. 0;; Milan; rum:- 3. “p. 22! F.'ll l: d r ' bg. _ Sec “i”. It has pleflaed God to make labor the liou>e to garrison IL. ho fiéllilllg tcnkéuside all feelings ofe ice—ev- 0“ “'9 mull“ 0" " llf‘flmlf‘h “""mlhd-fl ”mg" " m,” h ‘. .m.‘ ’ "I ”mm H" hepu him . 21‘ fundamental low of humfin existence, and “e Ph‘ca' l e “WW“; yielded as 5.00” “the; "y weal! “ml 5915‘“ "H's "misurreuiler 0' he" """~‘""“"“°“'"“ l‘r """' “mm‘ln”. ”M ”M" New!” “much!“ H“ Ti] s”an believe the my beneficent or it mm“ ~mom: up eared inglght. llie l-ederul nr-tture and to take apu View of; tllroly—n crowd oi Soldiers iriiin the Hanna-J's Limo niliu- iin' .\‘urc mimr ohouion. _The ut'fll .__ not more been enacted. You do not benefit my‘u'. :hp omuttox is now undo/r cnuimundgthe duties ol'the 1m he hour- “cc“mlmnlt'd "S An “fl'rt‘l {infillflltu'li “'0 35"“- lrmii “ltllluollll “as rm-eirqii in the forenooii . any hu'miin being—whether white, bhick or 0109119” Meade.’ General i/‘fiullhflml AS- of the nntiun’s victor ml to doigret t" “"1”"! I’." some 5". W" “MN" “ho-tih-morr-itic tli rre 4 l-l l l'4 18 yellow—by conniving that he shall live ic‘lylsistnnt S cretury of Wm, you», have ro- this. Vengeance do' to "will“? hitherto occupied it good htflntliflx in‘} f g. ‘ c ."n L" L' )“n'l ‘2’!” 3' .._» - too the products ot others' labor; on the con. turned '10! City Point. T5l: railroad fro and so fur as he sw'as concerned h “third. ”3” “0"" ”mix ““1 l‘l’Pl'UV‘d 9" W l““" V”""ka‘lrs. hum“ d “1m “ "'l' '“"""‘.’“”"S h.” President Lincoln breathed his last "Puffy you do .hifn. A very great-injury:- City Paint, which is to Try bupplit‘s to’ that he eradicated from his breast ll feel- "'m‘ “'b’ "mfml'rw‘mlm I.)in '“mrllcmsmrh [ldlngiwum MW “Hum" “I” m“ r“ at. 79 O'clock on Saturdflyx mornin" __ "“00‘1‘502-0' m“! 'l5 Nature’s “inflame; What Meade’s cl'mlfl- hfls been epnired'to Nolwn inns of vengeance or ‘of animmit); t words» 0-! .5 “mm” d our prominent 'DC'W‘N'“ “l" ““0"“ 0" “E"“mlll' "1") Hum")- H 0 never k 0 ft be . .. dh' ererppposes or peeks to evade it is Atheism, way Cot: House, a low miles out uf‘nhise wlmm We have con uereil n , Cl‘llensv The-y went to t' L- reriil- ml- ot'Jiidgc - ‘9'" opt) a 0; 61113 woun “L. and'niust resultin “in. X . Burkeswnte. / g The discudsion was Mint to. divide {he Fifht-r. The Judge britigulhiwn uiiwpll iizi. W'l‘lie .\'.-w Ynik Tnlnmr has nhnt‘mlih ‘ —-.‘ i A . We know a,“ "l“, black: "0 poorly fitted The-re al'e various/4011mm that Selma, in Senate into two forces one on the sid of \lylllfl down. when he mun urnim-d by ihilunin- formor hittomess. nut-I own ll ~nry W....| IQA telegram received from Balh- ’°' “"“°“‘—.“v ”“edv m“! "M“ “"-—-cm‘v' ‘A' 'is been cui’tuwd by;GenPralGrnnt(includinv-illth DA ~ ‘“3""°"°.“ ‘1” “"*~“» i" “W” “l" “u“ t- B~~ccher bo'i ntotl'l' H; v- ' l more yesterday my“ ((s9o,6er smm But all cuddling, and pampering, and-gusudL :Get 91'!” cnvflryexpe'iition «(and th h d L‘h' e .mocrn l hprn going out lu- [mind u‘i'rmrd 2"!“de - g h .. \l on ,iiri-linn. .L on] is comfortable this inoriiinrr His ““11““th m ”"9"““8 ”me ”“he “0"“ The -cd on April " qelnla... when:l ginelglhnleertznoxmrlhe Th 3 “m""d' "I‘m ””‘Y 4“"I-m'1fi'1 0‘ 1'3"! in "'s'" "0‘ ”he" ”m" u'“ d"“”'*-'"""“" “Ml" ; . . . '3' abires of ‘laver . Leteve t (ed ~ . .A " “ . T , ‘ ll 05' W‘ 0 I's er “1‘ thrum in r m . t i, - - ....._?- ' ‘ . . ' . , son Fliedel'ick remainsvlnscnmble. Thuémn’ “Mei-study“ ”,4, veil-3 JumizfiEx-‘nge 5““ min “NW- “ 51103" difi-gresolutions too. special committee “to makq, whereuhoil’ he ‘tlgl‘illuilm: titlilliz"him":-i.fl.l'u{:‘uulml “3”” Hull? ”u“ “9 aim oontnu IN" suspicion in strong against. Booth Endztree w plum and bargain, and work, and’snve, Rm tummy: the capital ofitheni a tent of politiral laiih, and an enm.’ he no good a I'ninn mun it. nnj .guuil tl‘mt hcv‘liui the Ipirlt ‘nf his I'( m-nk. his: .\uniluy John Sut‘rhtt', ofiPrince George’s ,cound’ for yourself. . Leap upon/no one, buttokeyou of! to I‘9?!)in that Mont- ’ciation at? a outed tor tho futureJ' ro'ulccd in our \ll'lul'lt-s 1.. much :is any um i “‘"k '“l'fliimglll” l'r”l“’°"d l'"“"‘il""i“" mM, “the: mmds- To most #:fixrmshsbtm £39225. ‘1: 3° ‘5 c am.nmg".E..:‘;;€;:l23':';:s":i2 “‘Sflt‘iZJf‘é‘Lfiifiz.’;‘i‘ 1: ::i‘..\‘“9:.::,:“:'“"": :n "w r" sum»- u- Lo Willi: ‘pmctfuhnpfis dbahe-‘beelkflukonz 'th'ht, and give hnlt‘ ot'it’wherevyith tzyliiiik: iirdi {ate ram Stonewalllt°;\VUM‘ political cilrlla}; they can make olht As wail-:1 us togillnfiiihint:‘l'ir'ila‘llf-ilze‘hn“film: “fl.“ a.“ ‘Twm'mus'. “w NW Ydrk 75”” In 1 Is no .8 10V? ‘t 0 (gulpi‘ltSfiivrlll your “fly to some locllity. whére you can 'do leai rude-Ml vessels {\iiitmra. of him. , ~ ~luiiin night, but ilm'. eicn ifhn: hit-l ut] ignl r"! "us hlm up "”37"“ ong B%?di lnfi‘VOldlng theovprtahklng' benefit! Better york for your board onlyjha and '3‘ to tht’efiiuy-fourg In the. House the same» course W 11! pur, thvit iii c, he, in the tllll‘f jiuliaiu «ATM-r or; M {‘rllu-r thou-a. wh-vu the fun-«pool of lift' 'rm of Justice. 4, .- beg hoard; clothing nnd shelter ahogethcr. Ro7] lhe blone 'suiled.‘ sued. Mr. Gleason. nl Sufl‘olkfofl'ered Wham disi 'ct, wuul‘l not so fur turgei hum-Him: tho' ling in in hunu !“ plum" untulvll .il. . . __'.-.» : lust noyvtherudest‘and commonest luboris lie 4. “"“mP'f’d ‘0 rGllowéolutiono of congrululation.-advising mode-3‘" ‘0 o}, ' ”’0 “MM“ Dr "" 1‘“H"l|"f-7-P'ii5""“‘ 'i’""““."- he “”5 ‘l"'l\"’9 "‘ ”""h 1 m engorged Swerf‘l'dem‘tnfl- A, freed man, he! ‘ hag! expiredund were ration in the hour of V'K'tory. ..1 olifict, lyuoh. [in thisxont- at their ninulu-r Ilir- \V n Lt‘t‘t'lll with juhiluiian. lint nnw. us tho . though burdenednith a family, canfiud work, fired uponl.j- A sehmun on the hmgarnvym object,” cime [ruin the radicals, and so .“”'{" “"d h eh m..- ol the Wiuu'uw you” v—«jlllllf‘ in whiny ilrovr mar. hi». wul ll't‘ltlbll'!‘ shelter and food, if he only “2""5 We need w .lil’ll‘ed, anybotli vessels anchored. . (it-[lend Grunt “e, we, there. - During their stnzv “oh-um.- «as wrvrul lllll'i‘fl u-iiliiu him at it» mlrinii, monumg. Many ; grow a 83""- 9top‘this3‘ic“ $115113“!!! hand-suite 1.“? Sedrctiny .of the Navy in his forth“ These me Sign: 01 the tinies,hml (lie peo- ‘thrr-nloiit-d tu . IBJH‘Ffioll nnd tin-hi ru'. lmi the” it. Hill :30 Ilia-rt: imliuml willi lhiu it‘l‘hng of - scarce and command veryhigh wages‘. lie/ us coming re 01'! Will'uive the following 3“,qu will note the Si"lllfiCanCelhereuf Judge feurlusl Mum-sled [lint hin illi-‘i l puni-‘imh-um juhdiilimi, in I‘ll‘ \thfldl'lful wont ’glfwna‘;:;e 13:91:”; braid-{fit uP ofdc‘éaotr‘n: tintics: i naringlliol there were sonio six: —— -5...» .. k- - ' “0" WW” “0"! "minim 10 do ““Hlliflullkt‘fin th‘ hi~iurv ni' thin poplin Ho: uhnuhl _“n pi u ee m 9'15 n 339! an let e\'- t vessels tléde‘t‘h . . n ' . i-uiivitennntiiign uh. . v,_ . - , , . 9!? 0:30 so to work where his; inborn 'most airy-rounpomiuds nzv‘vni‘hvl'he 123;“ 5:3 THE HOUR. or VICTORY. m mob mo p «in-«ind .0 .imlye‘irmre'ai :3}:fo 3.3313111”? Liliifi‘i-iiu1'n3335.513": Vinedem I! thggohe fiftygnfltfiousanfi'ne‘groes 82x: hundr Ll-and eighty-three vesselfl a, a“ The demohsirnliun’s of gliidness Willi Hid om- of the so irrn for. ihlv tlllt'lt‘ll hi: I" "(Infra run! will: {trim/...},J..'r;.,m,,.“..rn-l u {in-,‘tudarouud Washington who wngyt work for- kinds. save“ V 983“; were destlo ed in which Le va, 1.. . .. 7 d ll house throughihe window and went up Itnir-i “la, ,- ['l' In I(I‘ ' ." l' I a E” wages l." the Turbo duly adflerliaed and tor iedoes‘ 1i i 864 d l 3 5 es urn-mi u was reoeive a “m 1 [ml mu 1‘ “I“: ‘he, “cm In \lr Eltnu" i i ”.3 Inlb‘ In rto “'s’“ ”an ..‘umri up. 9 gray ,ope'n'ndJo. obtain-theirflervices, and b lthe Co 1‘ d r {an seven were capture over. the North indicate more clearly than "\i'rlwli'i and to eru Illl'l'ol'llllrll'tllun‘rih-‘Pull "Jim“. H ”(II)". ”m." ("HE-1"" ”W" ""“' m”- will {'ll soon be planting “On-1 “a EOK- 1A Fade raisins. ex d't‘ h 1) words how the mud“ of the penple‘ \‘enrn h. Vin-“m ,0, ml. i"||'l uPof ‘ mum-Hing ”m" \ 7/‘/'" mm"; [ln Ila [Ig—ILI.’LI«HIM~ my. l/.N‘li|l/ll m" {rom-hoz‘folk 9° Bhngor. (,thisia the "“e scnt‘ ' a! Cl:- y _pe I ion was. een for the-end ofll ”s bl d ' l d l ' slu hut up ting? ; nhu \\llll\ lie iinli~i~rimiiiuliuu _ w In» .013, I" 1.2 m ”ml' ql’rrjgruf ”MN”, MW! way to imprGXe,theirfiueedy/oondiiion ;” and, "l‘ H)!" e owl)" rlv'er to m.hin aixa ” °° y an: "0 “mg clmriii-ierisiic ofu moh, 9y \l‘ill'l) <riPrul 2"”, 'l"""“"'. wM" ("”W" 6"",‘1'0 ”"7" u" it me Freedmen‘t Association mam help to 131:; o dieldapi 'l'ha Lonfederutea weregatruggle. God grant that pt‘lce nnd pros- house, [engined 1.). “up,” pm.“ “um“, and mum law/.4 :1 (or: may Imd umueum this: (My 5!“! _them employment, '9 urn}: hand- to no - 011 m ‘lln any. force, and after destroy-.pemy may soon fDHGW ”n heroic achieve- children only. The mo-tiri-q which prumpmi Marry/nus. A . gm—m _- . > Imgt e_ egalitiard and Roanoke reilrpiid, f G . an tliisnfl'uir were of the. bus I. kimi... ollli- If the dominant van mnuilestan such _ l . thee: di war I. edt S “01k V ments 0 rant and bhcrman and th . P l 3' Y One of the blelsin‘ a oipoa‘cowill be .to Bengallßutlzrqwas if) lirVashln 2251:1231: whom they command . :"MI retain: and personnl hutre —wiih no pur- . li'nllW‘l‘ toward the South in. here Pxprflfit‘d, ~ - , , , . _ - . |~ ' ‘ . ‘ . ‘ “l“ 0’“ "quest?" “‘98?" eman‘J‘PP‘mn Tuesday. donsulting with Preaidefit ~Liu- It now remains for the powers at Wuh- ‘llghoa! rfifistut‘ii‘iisniif’liiefhll dimer. mi. ”"imflk 0' "conmucm" m“ "“l be ‘My out “in” realm offanoy and dreams,nnd 09hr. Bufilu’q Norfolk newspaper. “13 ington to exercise statesmnnship in fininh- pardoqable is the incl. thutilmu, o them-nu" «litlimilt. Mr. Beecher did his more in place way,“ those. praqtibalissue‘s wh‘ich New _Rewm. has bee-nlfiuppreswd f 0? (1.5. ing up the work required to mm” the upon whom they: outrages were omnlilhll, rtiinuluting the youiom which brought on _, t. 59/ t' ,_ ' Ii _ onghy, “up Butler Milton to have “a Pub‘ _ . have heretofore ninnifesied ngreat enl ufin- 1' d- - ' ' ' ' mus \_‘]3° ha " pmtics. Fair s°;in lioafio" iemmed. i . Union, and put the nation again on the. tercst iorthe weh'nre ofibe‘siikiit the nonvit his "mm” “.r' 1"" “ mil be forgiven .1.“ “3°???“ “mm“"l‘n'u “‘1 Fhwrl‘gv 40$ Monyay a severe contest was fought.‘ high road to prosperity. Will they do it t “1 ",“d °°"","{"‘°‘l ““0“”! ““1 "rc‘l'lkfli'!’ ‘0 It ho ”on us "mm“ w “my,” mum“! and politicidns, have managed this mutter 'Wlth guerrillas.‘ {out-teen miles from Wuh- u ever there is a. period more than an “1°” "9""“‘“~‘~ é“ in 0"? il"”‘""°i\b€l-m ”9‘5”“ ‘" he 1'“ heretofore he“ in exci w suit. thémselval'. ‘The hub declared match; in: Virginia, The uerrillas were . . . ‘ ' ' . y me” “We “I‘m-‘9'”! N't'vvulmudflim‘ he". tin' the ‘ ~ that the ii ' " {le . beaten ;' .~ . . g ~’» Father, requirrng Wisdom and all the Virtum. Judge Fi:her had a nirk imldirr who :Xs an E m.‘ ~~~ ...... . em , .‘ —--——/ .. i. . . , . . . "7‘ " '. . .._ . 8 "“30 "I ,u y pghal to the _Stroug“eb‘orts nrerbeing made to ”cure “is the hom‘ of tory. Let, therefore, entire stranger, Likento bl: houuuuu mu ulér @san ‘imn lg” Slidell,’ the/rehol While in all. those ‘htiw hich ii the rei’ G - - 1; nursul for six weeks. ‘ tori g p to G? \ s ident. ...u'c seen 0., Prefix-3c}; were both uncuuscioué Emmi )I. Jun-ox, Secrelmjy at Wan -——--————~<‘o¢» g: ___,_,._._. LATHE—BY TELEGRAPH. ‘7; Death 9f EPresidentf ' 3Vica'4Pchidqnt'thrison was ox Saturday s'worn in ns‘PrcsidenL'of: tln United‘ States by Chief Justice Chase. Agcdlfinel. nicqgi-ng was." bgld in ghe af ternoon at LhmTrcasury Department, in’ the ro'om of Sucreta’ry Mcfcullough.‘ It is said Emu theflnow' Puegidontpe‘e; n 5) moms 7 for an; e§tra; sp’ssimx bf‘ Congress,: , a ’i. ' row—N fisze. ‘ , In‘ obedience. to apall-of the Burgess of the Borough, aEnblic meeting was held in the Court one on Satuidny . afternoon fast, to give public expression of our sorrow in ”view of the recent blufional calamity wieh whichwe have been visitegjin the assassination of our Pr‘esidéuthbrziham Lincoln. The meeting was organized hy‘ the selection of the t'ollowxnv ofiic‘ers; ‘ .e ‘ ‘ ‘ J President, 1?, G. McCronrry, Esq; Vice Preaidentaxl R. ‘G, Harper, Esq.~, ' 7.1. Duncan, Esq., George Boyer, Esq.,. and ,Georgo Wolnysq; Sec'm taries, Edw. G. uhneatock 'and HJA. Piqking, E 63. ' A ‘ ‘ . R. G. Mobreary,‘Esq., Burgess ofthe Borough, ailnpnncod' the object. of the mootiyg ima short but, feeling address. Hon. Edw. McPherson paid a deserved tribute to the memory of th degassed, and closed by ofl‘ering t.l following resolutions, which were conded with some afiprofiriate rem rks by D. Mc- Conang y, M}, and nanimously a dopted: , . * ‘ > ‘ Be it reported byfln citizens of Gettysburg in Town Meeuug crumbled: ' [That the insunt dull: of an Executive of our. Nation, by the hand: of un’ uanssin,‘ in I cummito a tad unexampleg event which just ly arrgstzgeneral lurntionfnd excitu general sorrow. ; , That. in'ghe very prisonce of thin pen. amic tion we cannot. “of Anempxto monuu it, thus coming with fl e-lold greater farmh than when, before, I death removed choun Chi'cfs of the Republt’. - . That anpendded , 11l the more ordintry onsiderszionl attaching to thiq mysteriou chastening, is the pdculiu; circumlianco that the inflexj‘ale integrfity, unsglfiah pnriotism, and hifih moral qualfitiea which have marked uxechamqler of Angina: Lxscom as extmor. dinary, have impreuqd him indelibly upon this age and country, aid has made 11!: career among me moi: coniplcuoul ‘ofpublic rule", 3V6,ldded Value tb his life, in mi; gm. Constructive Crisilfin which, inert prolonged period oflWtr, tho' grunt pmbleml of Re-or gnuintion and Re—U ion sre’ uutiug‘tnd tax ing the strange-n pofizerl of 111. That in bowing 731839“? to thin inlcruu ble Providence.we preu nae prayerful hope that it may be over-ruled to the lasting good of the whole geople—d‘or whose life our Choxgefl, nonl have c eerfully' shed their hema' bluod, and over whose usured satay All loyaltheans have'ao recently been glad. - Th t “‘3 mark of respect to the Ofice and ma lien, 2th meeting remmenql ”is: the business places 'qf the town rennin closeflufor the residue of the gay, and than. every citizen ,be requenod :0 wen crap: upon his left Am fur the gua'ofthirty dayl. ' ‘ ' ~“ “that e cum/mp: aims meeting appoint. sCommittee of ninl IS sGommitlee 131' Minn .. en: to'wh m the downer: mg- for more I‘m-ml 59d qmfim sexton, in Ib‘o’finyre. The chairing!) thon' appofpted. tho rollowmg Comnuttoe, to whogg‘uro en ltwisted tho ‘tmngafinu for more g 1!! mm ms. formal action in the future, In conum- i m- m “.33.," mm, plated in the lust resolution: . l ‘- lion. Edw. McPherson, David Finch. It {lAgenera’lly unoleplood that the num‘ flu". ‘NN' 9"" "I ‘ 5" "riflberohroops Géuorul Lee had m his tinny V:Esq., Il'ldw. G' Fnhnostoti‘ic, th A'f'f’i‘a‘when be surrendered 51.: from twenty-five 3""..m I“ up.” “be Can-nod “181 DQI9OI- 0- H- “9 9"? ; ' tothiny thoqsnhd. We hue receigegro 1., - _Q ‘ {Dunnon hay, J' H‘fley Wbm” qu" POYB from various sources that such I gun-ivy Buulctlo-I on true I. by It- Geo. Boyer. Esq., Dr. Chamdgornca. gem: the number. Who: genenl gill: """"' On'mouon the‘ moetin 1 Journe . gun the movement: wic mull i 9 _ . 7" . . ‘ ' ’ '8 * ishwwurem Richmond. haw weronw- N33mf*s:a.‘s::nti;:2.-‘:::;..G::;..’:: ‘lngggfixnz's caval 9000 considelation nnd consultation with the Second cor ry, 23'000 Lieutenant Geller“ upon the results ohhe Al-‘lnhicor 'll. fi'mo‘recent campaigns. has comle to the (012 mm " p ’ "5“”) ‘determinnlion, which 51111 by (inn-fed in-; E‘Tho Committee oonvéned imme diately after, when it. was resolved that! _thc pygpeiaulpofluel be yequgstcd t?) Communicated. 'for nelfgovern ’ “mum“ “him .46 men ' ' .. , ‘ ‘nlept ' an‘d ‘~ . the re‘léus ‘ - u . lplace» '4‘l3“-“”‘ e"“"clpmion "man 1:? 5}?““1 EV?“ andta. \{lhec ”onfed°"”°7““3°°d n'nen wh‘ -. . finegrO’J- lbs wholevbody of ldult Ml 7: Ehuijsdayli .1 o ‘ - Lee-—A9‘lfiding; of Tee"; ah Ifeilmcxng in the g'ud ' l ‘ -e«fie.-.. ’ . . . 'rr ' In“? ”unit, the Southern States be Idded to debt gunk: man. n being made b Pr -E““esmanship mq en. er.‘ pray that true} _ It, populglwn Oflhe'U . . Vii- . . nmpd General Gr Y €Bl'ieculi _.y govern m the .‘ )3 thelf theofy Bt“ -_ mon. .T‘hls d. 311)!!! bck "110 the U , anti“) bflng V 6 muuoflg. ‘ ex dinipawd b ' ll ~theor|elhly° bee "Ct'hflngbeen Emnted mon, safe con- T ”“" —o-..__ , . Y ”cent even: - e n be" ofthelV‘ . - ,to all the me 1“ Income 2:, _ .1“?- Damon must“ . . , I, end now the his b - I lrgxmg ”B'dn‘ture “d . 01-. “mt-The _ 1 A» L.quudion by ”MA naked mu epinwthefuwfialed bv bald in'mcefiréagm" f°”hé.meeung (inhu‘bfiuélws will.b°ms:“l"°'°“ue blanks ’ro‘,‘ Th Tribu x‘ ,9 _',A ' come~xind xd'on'A‘Bm 25' Permissio y f°'m'- The “a,” 0'" "9°“ “1 amended the 31' 1 "Imam m‘epfaoticsl‘ iseu ' msivemcgfififuhw' molawyonnh: "“fi‘ol’wing ““33““ “Wired to 83k m 0 ‘ eln- . a e m e . : L insist; murlfgrl" Quoted. That‘journal anggygugshedevirginfiful’sfrzi’t‘o: tohms, 1335332“ any income last "a”. ed to lupport the tick nee shall be wipe“- or Smith wl'fiaqqz‘efnor Lelcher,‘éove:: all", I”! ”Mgr cbxld of yours receive any became; mm“ by IIbo? and nt, artand Wm- ” ' 3'2”. A. 11.11 stu.’ “"0 you includ d - . m“ °rWP€nt b. ’ ° bell 1““ L- Gosgm. Jd : came of - e "1""! return u. - and shone ed ' ° 59d. clothed :0‘ Alabama ,e uso Lamp.~ - 3.9“” Wife. and w] . sm becbaug 5:1 aims. If their “an“ a; ment. ‘ - commend, this move. Imam- cbxldrenz ary received by .e ' “0! mun 3On W "'° You an stock . "uh ‘l3 “‘9 duties “ago.“ m." ch‘nfl" began :3i“°’s’“"' the bu“! of Gnun’. arm is ’°“"“°P°I"; madeloannilhwlm-a'e they 5' hringa with it. If inamdfiTnubmfie‘ it Home wwxfinét;r¥’m‘ Atppg‘mmu Cour); Pfégfiyyfu bought, °‘" ”Id 312:]: ofgoti? tenwhom “in u . Plies cauud - °"‘ . lilure 5. _ Or at e temmmaww .0 “bevegty'fii'i‘gf‘zfi' mm, bazaar“ ea“ , men, then they must. :3: :me? be free 1:15:22];va ‘hf outrécaaoniuydiegfgged IF?!“ interegtl [3; [15:51:23. 2:? on 30“ git! heritance . _ N man’si _ At. ‘3“ P?! from the'F “Y ave yo“ I: * les seam-iii ~_ 1" men loe 2:22: :51 tell: The vol-k 3,; negxhzflfi’éfgllefiy wrpedoegi’ggsm jog-’13:; Smog): :flmbx’aafiiankt? (K ‘ not. eat mond '. e raxlroad r - f 'en from es to supper; f 0 5' ° Paytax. .- ‘0 Fredenckahur ‘ 'o'“ Rwh- Hue n t : men in idlenmuzggd it half mime“ Mtg-:33] byu'l laborers‘ "hog :3: “1:621:32? re: deduction: meeéwazm’ a, claimed a be detached ' “the q ““00 shall u on 99¢ “19 ”Emil” has ,1. the «mount "parted y en taken out 0" th home'to from POYitiu, nd bran h g SMSAQ‘H: Creek. ”ad" be- Did you mumfiepmfitnl e . - . -‘. I ' huaipece 46.33:: ‘31,: mag “imply ff 1: h‘qunognggalsz'dfigyl 9%Sherman’s army ”:3: 1:"??ng 300331531133- fgfiggur lhlpeig Which " _° Tribune sees the waBo2m train! were an m ’omsbotm The "'s‘. ihinc ,or.l°“ "Cited u wortb' Indi- maths?“ fllplm‘hi' mum, :23; “fid‘mnce “Eidfii'é'il'xin and ““3 mum;e pan" “"3“ iMinded 1.5:. pin ‘thé "ind-’4.” “dimmemmech‘np handolnecll he "you" ”1M Johnna: fix- B'l ' ‘ “'""———— . .__—4-” will move Ralexgh are “Mme. Sher ..5 such 39‘ I! well occasionally to .‘ 38"?!" ter ’_'“ Ward. R l Forthwasg, along the Ve - ”1"“ ‘0 Rh “fluent: u the followi prubluh “d accepted Tr: Dam-by 69mm“ Grant ‘9“ ‘4‘ séfi'éé'affifi" is OPPODivißntggxé: in "1:3: :11“: ”0““ “id whezgfb'en 0:19 nré honorable. g (“’l‘ by Gavel-311.1995“ Cross the Neus’e 3:” ”,1” army Will hue "Coercigx: 0?:“1 _ y"9 . . . such uwill be . twestof 01d : eP‘i'five miles the ~ - . ”“0 u the e' ' “titling, Proper Id ‘ recogmmd Confed 0 Eboro; On April 7 bDOrth- m VIENPHDHPMOfIH re bl-‘nnm’wn 0 Encawilh altth.’ a m °9mvleua ”80rd- nineteeegal‘fc‘VfllrylpPESredOH t: {fly or" fifth -Edwardl:‘vera¢, F“ '“nsonm. He does not leekutfezdclsilizw '"fue' 10m. pedgfiefxgggerbsm, “uffiuigi‘gpb'ing :bonllxt‘tifl FINN-tion 0! “mu“! “7'“ humiliate ‘CO 881': 6 01' even ‘0 Ttha i; ‘ 5 ORV—ed with Slates "ificen' adO 9“ y fluid" "It“ can be 1 Wine?“ on K. A ' llnmmflnce 1r - ' ' n l“swag—Jana b°' 1e --.- , emy- The ,Pm 4. A‘ - 0131 Mob] ..‘ -__,- ‘ 9- Adam, P coudmop Wm hu 0" '0 d . “um been con; i» that um Spanish Fania 33 B‘l 1w «-.4."_ Wear mud . l' 5- Eu]; . Pblaly 3,; ha P are part f home: in“; m ““1“!” feturntollwir :00?” ““d‘comméngggfd by Fedcn. my ladieo ind gentylo one I’“de and "w to cMm 5 ‘ "m“ at? sm‘ with mob-1 N Y “MP in Brook , "Mari ,ui ' 3’ ‘1“ WWW dune ' - “him: "and. 1A” .' ,'v 11379 chained if. Im. m “f: Wu Mwmwmh “6111;31:23" at 15".“? PP!» e‘i fay!“ QR excursfon 5° mine: to make, ”1 Mm “9 Yr - .31} 319:: eI. PPQdesto p . »§_____.mnfmmlm.n -' _ ,Geuem 'is re 1- roe. go. .. .P» _orlreuq Q 1931. air-The 5.0 in f-h m nichmonff} T varied to hm ma- —~ ‘ ti ' ' cl"310m! " ‘ a Head. 1.“ ~ _ Ve nmuhd‘nnm "I no; ex- ”“Ika on 1-I ~ each". < . Wuhan '. believed “° “Mamie ' s‘.‘ hundred band; 1 we}; 3,, th: tan dhi . “6.lmm“! \ = - “8' m med; »" '- Sam 1* 22...?” m“ {3331’ "i" so .04 zu m ‘_uhingtoa.—4g‘ "9"; s2oolll] Six 1.; cor. s, o ' wing--- ._ _ 7, mutt? 001%,, 52%!” effectby appropriate order: to be imme- Twenty-fourth corp!(twodiviaiami)lB.oo(l#‘3l""f'ly “lined: ~ . ' .. l Tm: «(5.4mm corps. (",0 divisions.) 16,000 . First—lo stop all drafting and recruiting l Thelgotal number of Federnl troops was In the loyal States. ' {about we hundred and forty seven thous- Secon'df'l'o curtail parentage-a f" nuns. land. anld u no repon places the 105:9. in ammunition. qumtermnaler a and commis ‘tbe burlea on the Southaide railroad high- “'7 snrplies, ““‘l reduce thge'xpenses of‘ perfihan ten thousand, General Grant had the nu itary establishment in its several igzhout. Elveltimes as many trmps as Lee, braPQhes' Ewhen I e Confederates surrendered. '1 bird—To reduce _the numb" °f general ' The gonfederate geneul Officers “mm, and staff officers to the actual necessities o .dered o captured duringthelateopemtions “3e ’"V‘ce- ‘ _ In”, Ritbmond were: General Robert E. _ Fourth—To remove all military rostrum! :Lee: LJeutenantGenernls R. H. Anderson, trons upon trade “‘9’ commercg 3° l” 3‘ Illicharr S. Ewell. and James B. Longstreet; may be consistent With the public safety.“ {Major Generals C. A. ,Baltle. A. J. Elsey, A 5 590“.” lb?” measures can be put l." ‘Naumnl G. Evans, Charles W. Field. John operation it Will be madexknown by public vGordon‘, Grymea. Henry Heth. Bushrad R. orders. - Johnson, J. L. Kemper, J. B. Kerihnw, ' _Fitz Hggh Leg: 11' 11.111125“. William Ma-r hfiiiéiei’r‘eifi'>Pi°§egfh°infih ““5“" A 316N311 ms Witns- m ' h h -_ . “its as, an a mu: ~ Wilcox . : RAD- "H. W o are not ~91 r, orted '1 _ , , ~-u , A I . Brigadier General: B. H. Chilton. A. L: mu. Pomxcmis vs GENERAL ea a. dim. ’ p- ’ ”Imm" "“3 1,237 ”'M'" l! "m "“9 “M" "‘ Long. Thom“ Anderson, Bulkhead Barkl- GRKNT CAP Y "_ > _ _ > Sign“) Ind} 11:: cztgiin ties amounted tq 941—- dale. Rufus Barren-ter, Seth Barton Henr F . ' .TLRB UF .\IAJOR BELI..—We chum: . g more-t an to l?-lllll'd5. lt “WB9“ ind. L. Banning. Bryaner. Geode Bryan 'Ellisony [ I'Om "19 Mb“! (5. Y-) AI!“ OrTnesdaL] in the Washington Chronicle orthe lllh an no kn“ 0-! Arm‘s!“ ‘3 “his” ‘Y‘! “WWW“? 2‘1””: T- LI. “"9". Phillip ka'e, Jame; mßesoltutigna yerelntaoduced into the 8"” “0“" "f "'0 Operation} of our (‘nvnlr‘y earlv Inglilllztl 81:23:: Eliza‘sillcdmhléligwigr' “P J 1 eser - e ‘ , . ‘ ‘ . ‘ . Wioon un— R‘.’i§‘f§:f‘3§:;§2°’%tlfi,:‘élf’f'ieevh whitish: ”it; $533232: [A on as pm” in. t 5: San. W. M. Gardn'er Gary Go: 32"}: fine. definite in their alluuion “to the comman. the sth 0'" porno“ of [‘“gmul'” “d “m" 111,903,“ coampmmg‘n' yin: the 5‘0““ 28"" a‘hl tor, Thomas Jordon: Lanje, AFR, Llawtgz dfr in chief ;” and bitter in their‘denuncin- Corp: ”“1"" ““1 L 99” het‘d‘l'unfl' “1300!, was Liiuqiigtghggmfl33°33; 33‘1" 3?“? ‘ r ' r r ' . ' _. . g'u‘v‘ Lu‘uls I“?! RObel'l D. Lilly, John Mc- signs of [he rebels. “my called out some m till “’0!" {our "“1“ long. A large portion Colonel Allen, of the El'lth. Wis klltltdf'golo'enu gangland? Mcwmb, McGowan, D. K. Mc- origins“?! ,lfnélem reply t? Senator Flclda ol'xhe trmn was captured, with guns Ind pri. Gnmt. of the l9th, "rarely wou'nde‘ll inutho ea, AWC. Myers. L. B. Northrop, W. H. l‘he" 9r '. gator Bali. one of leaders songra. Col..lnncwny, oflst New Jim" and at“ i Ligun-mint Colonel Carrlugtbn, cumin-n- Payne. Georges. Patten, w. R. Perk. Wm. °‘ ° “1°“ ty. "WWW" “m for his Pm Col. Richards of mi. New Yo k '3 "“"K ”1° lam-““Bl"”Woundedantl‘tukgn pm; lN' Pendxeton, John A. Preston. M. W. h was notcontent With the course of Gen- Major Thou I - ‘ , r v "”8 killed. ant-r ut the enemy's I‘ul‘kl. col. Elli" uuyi. fiiansom, (‘i M. Sorrel], George 11' Stuart, : :thrnnt: aridthe terms, he had ext_ended L‘ul Km"; Plonwol 1.21.19" an woun.’ed,nnd "49.0“!" an}, (no? flrlgudler General) “h" sanc Bust. Johzr. D. A. Weisigner, I}. C. b 9, “Pituhhn‘g ar‘uiy of Lee. “ll I had ‘ 9' ”"1 MU” ““"v 0’ 31“ Penna" ptinful'l, '°““d°"- A brlgndu which lml hull BWhar'lon Wm. C. Wjékhnm. and He ry 3" Present (said bequtor 8.). to dictate captured. We suppose it probable thev hnrc WW I“ Brigadier and two Colonels out at ‘é.wl%€. Besides these eleven inferioreof. ‘ 'mu of peace they might not have been since been released, ' live, "3° mm" ”"1“! 'O'llult'l and on! In bg‘cersmo mnnding brigades,werecapturetl.. 1": t llafonfederato army should obey ”“3 gig-[n a' - 'tr 7 ' ' il‘ceang’ryho-n" M [be frnuny's “Pf“! might. M he iota number of gene”, oflicers an ’z o_ eir respgclwe States only, but en. .a umon lo .heigstor wounded which 15 ' "‘“' bf". “"31!le lighted m the his {brigade cpmmanders in eighty-two. John l Homing the opinions i do. I would have was publ|:hed in our lust, we mu add the .ori'l ”.3“ "mam" ‘9 “13'”! 4h! [li-writ”: sC.Pemh arming late Li ulennutGeneml qmralthemto nbev the proclamations of names of iienrv Buehleflof Ut-ltxshur n 1 Jul "gl‘upr-ommnu' "unionism“ M" and Colo el John S Mieby were am ,he Prendent of the United States a'nd the Adam F d .l' .‘.K, m u ingude which bud lost morolhim mom-in}: the office 5 surrendered ' ong 11%? of Congress." ‘7 “n lm. H- 3‘“ll", of“ llninilioulmn ‘i’ “I's unlnmd filmjml also inn ilu t-ummuu n . . - 1 . _ ' l‘ , ‘ u . ‘ . . . C'tl llf’gufrl’ll‘ljlsal‘eln gl'eat number around theil‘fugrofiurlnatiap :f the li’resident limits tOWDSh'PL‘E'lilgP‘l-l immn'kd‘ l] , Es3l.sss”:ififiilif‘lxecgmmlf"infilg'i'm" ‘_V out. n Saturdu' 13.; the c . 95 yoo 1c .rs um er the rank of VALE. . - ...‘ " ' ' ‘ .. , '““,“’ _y !' WW {ed tit/OgFll’derul soldiersf'iust ouaidaep‘t‘lire com l; and ""3 Felsorcongrp“ o""fi‘cale rosiainn'wt-[J-E afiMEM-.‘Roliql(u Armor menoufiibiihidlhgim hm‘m'u‘ camp lm‘ils; carried themafew miles off. pm!” ty. 8:0. [base are the conilitinns't _ " m ‘m‘ “we ““°°"("J"-“b“"‘"““5 INCUMBTXX.—l'n'lt‘rlllelhl- ~r| l rogbed them and then released them. ghlflllifignntor Bell would have substituted {Whemml us wuh a hull]: or-ni.—A:l.iiii.iutiue w 310911.191] M lllc me C Iv rt ltum.- «w runt’u army is stillin rain near Ao- '8 wflgnammous terms of the Lieutw. 'emO-nl. for whith 'he this our mung, 1.", I _ , - ‘ "“3"“: "'3 it” 0" mattox Churt Rouge, “myths; mneslg“ “"frfienenil. - ‘ ankle is a mu‘fl valuable on”. H“: LM I" “3‘ '“I “lan I=h\'t‘ll3l‘rcli!. on unusmcr six liur." gglfiynfcit’urg. The confederate“ me in ed llll‘fnlntll “EXPLIOfJSSnBIOI' Andrews difl'm- 1""! in tllcae PM” “'r ure- nul In; (it It 'ix’drhd and nnd’er 213‘" ‘huu'lm'd ,dnilnu, 3” HI 1' 0 em r ' - ,H‘. g I notim-' 1‘ ‘ ' ~‘ = ; v ~ .. . ‘ isun‘eut‘le . ' P epnnng for the “Iplllnted at the head foururmiesin Illglne Hqu "I“ mend "ll an old” (internment huh-u, hutym‘l MM“ P" “n" 0“ “Nome. bchN-n lno I 1 7 . ‘ . Older to {uh-l“ . llnll lr'n thuuulnll doll F d ‘ LGenem Sherman's army was quiet. at nate imaginnqhedicts of prescription. Ilia “filling in the ““9 “f hrolwri til-"W-Wun',‘m ’ ' ur, an ltfl ”tr mm. i'GOldslmrri’ on Anril 6, last Thursday. “Language was t \nt of mngnanimily and far. china, (in, it is sure to pill mogul.” ... “with '. Imorixgl‘ot over tt-n lbouafllid doll, rs n that! Just received the new: “the lull oféu Malice. “He ad .30 hesitation,” he said, ‘ns before “mam“ ed. ”mmknwer: xhu'nxifywr' TI" I turn.- must be mudi- tuilu- mm. 'Rlchqton ~ ,'. " . . "5) tlouht ”3 ‘0 18 ‘hlnesfi of the mugnan- -try it. The price is only ”gm,“ ’. ‘ tr” ['3' ”It: first Hilly nut under it penult'l'. ! .[t I! r ported that Helms. Hunter and ilmxty of the Gene I’B terms to. the army he . » rA i. I _ i: D ‘ “"’ '‘' M ' s§fipbeume to com_e to Wallington from “it: croeggluered. t\did not rise to discos: . DlSGl'tACl-IPL‘L CUNI-I'FT A'l‘ IOIIK._- ' .“- cu \TIC Txurunn n’ Tomzna, gum; yléfdmm§ to negotiate .fl‘ Pena-Age cl”}l)l'e‘slllit)n 1:13:22? fiublffy (lest 8 ‘_Vrongolnp The York Dimncratic l'rn: 0! Hi 1.01 m“. “0 ll‘llrll‘ from ”5". T‘fl‘ld" ”"u'd' "L" ‘l‘" I LAC.s - .. - - alga! abroua) ”ll:lael:;el;l "g ofSp' 7r: mlfih‘ During the East work hut nno thin: nr'rulrr-l l'rmucruuc 9""‘li'l'fl's I“ “m 3 0' “‘"J "‘“r'lwl: Twill“ urg, Vlirgmm. surrenderéd Oll‘lms come when we an it: time :f’ IN"? the uiuuranl grnlifltnllm. "n-i Kw“: 0! thin ri') “ere cleric-l on Mona“,- I“: by ,{i rig smu Federal scoutxpg "f‘"3":,9ise 91?}th practice. lest3l:3l:l3"git-ofgn‘ilamqt by [hp full .3; if “mum.“ in?” nlxlj'lrlllrr. Mayor huir had 1;”: m..- ‘ ~ ‘ p _ H". ul tln- prim-um! l“lI-'l yum} .nrr the rogultu'ly noniixmml lit-pull“. monum- Anonmm n! ." sscuunr sumom' L bum-pm lint-MI. in 11. Loy-I lam Io be lapped. EDWIN M. Sum-ox, Secretary of War —m ——.~——— , “-Dr. Quin oxpécfta t 9 {emu} to Soup }: accompdniod by Mush! Ruins Ind French ”9911;. by the Pidflh orifq. —-—-—-—~.—vq.~ ....__._. “'Slngle toyiu 0!. Lb) Chi-W, grit}; of uithouc wrappeu, in cenu. ‘ ‘ I'oin 8‘ 601 W!!! ARSASSINATIUX or we P11351131!“- The new of th th ofPretident Lincoln}, by auasainution, ”mined hen oh Sunni-y morning, human 3 and 9 o'clock. That it shocked, appllhd all—such u :19 piice o intqlligence ever before did—is but using 5 weak expression an m’ its efl'ect. Every fncé game evidence of the occurrence of long terri ble general calamity. The he“: were at once tulle-l, Ind ghee! 0 business eluted. Thaw inlhe diambnd wnlibnt ran... , Mu; a“? v . ~. lb. nised at half-mu“. and throughput the town 1h! 3‘sl“}: h‘zd’ihgzz (22°31'99“ W . ’1 the flags weredmped immournindr. A meetinj #5" u out wen y- dEQ. EYs-mg' ol citizens was called to lake writable ucfion, 03m, 3 Pro. “bl-{1615‘ 93-9: 'hfif"°°““*“"Bs °‘ "W" "“ W?“ 3" ”"W‘" Tnv hifi'vsnt REEX’I‘TYE.—A coém column. The chum-ho! yeaterJny were 1n ’1 , ' ' ' - - - pendent ofthe Rmhmond Wing "he: :0 1h“. mourning Mme, and u: all the pulpit: the . . " death 0'! the Presidunl mu a] uded to paper from "The Tronchhll" on a“ l.“ “(f _-_-- A-_ - -.-- L.__ x L _ Max-ch, lomo striotum on tho mow l 1“! DEE-The R". Sir. McßirMy ml} Pmch "f by the xebelhimmnmonnrd, onha lamb“: the United PrenLyunfinh Churcbli‘u ibisplm‘q,. cliysburg. The col-munimjo! I! I 351“! next SJ-ljbfifll morning, at 10} o‘clock. -c, 1., Company B, 18:11 Virginia." The pom! W'Depmy?romat Marshal Rouzer has re. "Pd? “1 “I“ Fug?!“ 1'“ ”“9“ to menuon‘ ceived orders from Capt. Eystu, lo nolity all one of “1° b'ifld“ offl‘keu" givlalon, "'4 drufled persona Who paid commutafinu in ”3" WWW”! ‘9‘""m'3 Imminent h ”M" , Friar‘drafls. und who have reported and been b “Pi“kf‘v! cia‘xsignyglreproi-ented“:l9"!!- f . nrg. cough}: 0 1 rec hr (Aden—l a two urizughed, lhfl'flmey need not. report 83mm memio’ned by Mr. Polhrd,and Gnrnolt'l (now un I {hrth‘rr nouce. Any of this class, how- “Wang”, Tbi} bfikflde Y"?! lnlo ‘2. PIE"... BAD BOYS—Precocious rowdy'lsm is cnn ed by striplings being permitted to absent them-Y selves from thepnrentalroofatnight. Thongh‘ our town is not worseofl‘, perhaps, in this per-4 titfvylnr then m‘hlt commuoltTes, yet there is‘ ‘j enough room forimproreutent among ourboysl of all conditional. Not an evening pusses but‘ they may be seen lounging nt s'rcet corners,l smoking, chewing, and in too many insuccesl Illsephgtning. ‘The habits incurred st euchl ‘ times are most pernicious; for youths of ten: . der nge acquire the vices. of those ofntore sd > vanced years, sud they soon hecome’tmystieut '- ot parental unthorityplenrn to equivoeete, drink, visit pieces where they shonhl he taught to shun, and finnlly become pests, when they might be the ornsments of soeiety. Pu. rents should \"igllsntly wstch the movements of their children, and .see that the compsn they keep‘is unexceptionnble. If, instead 0 . dissipating their vnlunble time, while the mind is so capable of receiving lasting impressions, our sons were only to apply themselves to study, how difl'ereut wool! be their standing in the social scsle forever sfter? We nevet see I crowd of boys st street cor ners during the evening, that we do not feel the culpability of those to whom Hesven sent them, and how little they reellze the awful re sponsibility resting upon them. lfpnrents will do nothing to check this widespreed tendenc to evil, society 0"" it to itself to interfere. - Thus those who ere to succeed as may be made wiser snd .hetter, sud thus reformation be ‘ radicall efl'ecbed.—Sht}pembum Sentinel. 811$ DUTIES,—The following decisions of the Commissioner of lnternsl Revenue hsve been received st the Protbonotnry's othce : An assignment of s judggent requires I 6'o ccntl sump as an sgreetucnt. Tit? “IRWIN“ of pegotishla insuuwmtl il exempt ‘3'“!!wa duty; but the minimpnt 9! My other instru ment is suhy'sct to supp duty as In Mgigmpen', Eucept assignments of tnongsges, lenses sud 'policies of insursucu, which sr'e subject to the some stamp duty ultho originals; Au .plpghls not Inn's: to revive n judgment re quires s ststnp’ duty of In] cents, it the judg ment. is to: one hundred dollers or over. ‘mo‘npin aim man why- “Our rudely win, in 3mm «M m, In: Ippnlnco of as, W m. morning, when we tell nut“ that 3‘: u tamed by 8m- dea'n-o to give them tho pur gioulm of the min-Lion of Pmidont,’ .incoin in this issue CHAMBERSBURG, April to, ma, Jun‘M. Bonn, Esq., Deputy Pr0.1.r.. Gettysburg :—-You will end-aver to In»: thf uunnin o! Secrenry Seward. Height six (6) {on one (1) inch; Mir bllck, full and "night; ‘eyer largo, color not known; {no not hrpl but rather round; ‘no heard; cqmpjgxlon hul- :epreu-m em on. r'nriu, gave: mong‘nge . in French banker for mu, thousand dollar: upnn his property in Xew Ojrlenm. The Ranker now claim the property under the 1 WI 0! Louisieat, and iuiv. in to help-litu- Pl; in the United Slam! Court, mom will ‘he mle A team”. Interesting nd‘l im porta I. leg-l point-Jill be nimder ithe Eruption eel, the declsion 4 iel: will goiern similar cane-hereon". ”Ogle soldiers stationed at Chilton“ - go held {political meeting lint weekun which Lieutenenl ‘Colonel Grouvenor ex pressed decided diaselifaction will) the mode of mum‘siug political min in Ohio. He said the mm; could no longer be toler sited. Well,'iiUliiu politic» can no longer be tolerated by Ohio soldiers, we would like to know whnf‘ebolition State will be able to pen mutter"! There is evidently eomelhing rotten in Denmark, end we are {gled the soldier. hue he: wind of it. t Amalgamation in Bucky County—A News Man and White Woman LW‘YW TWWTA‘ House Tarn Down.-—Somo ”9° ago, a Buck ingham negro, John Ennis, wu committed to county jail for stealing 00>? (tom moth. ‘ or durkio named Benson, who‘ia somewhat popular in the poligical world.\\ During his confinement lm mfe died, when moths:- negro. Jim Mania. took poueu‘ion o! t 0 house, Ind at. the some time. took to his "haunting: whine won-n with whom he lived. T ename of the woman wa‘beliero is Silvey. This conduct to much ctr-god the peoglo of the neighborhood my ‘3 par ty of t em, two leekl :30. went to, the house at night. and pulled it down; buwigll up everything that. was of A copbunli lo chmqter. Jim and his white oompaniofi, of course, were; turned out of dam. Th. In an: onyenrriin no t Madam \ of mind? ”analog-£13011». ”'3 In op y won or t pro in not, W ”in m; that machine. About time m madam: napalm only“) d his bonsai: ruin. jam»! 0 m‘ the course of . hi! prolonged {Heidi-W %Wn Democrat. _' ckinghun in A QM tonal». M of nouns “loyal.” ‘ , who-idem Lincoln has no?“ “‘0 I’m-pom Bm. Banana“ 0! V ‘it‘inu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers