E 33mm. A wow mm mm Hosanna. [rr‘qm the ghamaog- Genuine] Some time last fall, a. soldier belonging to 1h; 3% Wilcomin tummy, doing. dmy in the; prrinon, iMhis 01;”, married n iron-Inn living % p f" mile} from uiwn, who nlrendy had abus bmd living, hegheing a rehet mud a prisoner at CHIP Chm. Ohio. The soldier «en: la is comiu during the month «October, yen, us lered out of the Her-vice, de immedigrel re~ finned here Ind vent to hit wjfe’n 16 If". ‘A jaw dip ego the;ebe\hnsbaiifl, who had 1.» ken the out: of allegiance, returned to this [ll3“;an on 39mg lowhat he believed :o be hit on bond, was ‘surpriied to' mid. a Ynnkeejn pollei'fionjwth‘ of his wife on! property. "as ”demand to out the Yankee had :93: his 0'" once more, but. was u‘nuble w eflecc any; rum, :3 mi ,u. mo’k .megwim 1m Yankee bilabial, «hirer-med to leave him. I The Ifl'nlr Eulminnled HI 5 unit ‘hefore Jus tice Al'iuu, hrou’ghz h, ‘lhe v.l go "core? ' ,the ‘nlue 9! u qiw whiéh be claimeGLhe had Jen at home, yrhea he wen: into the rebel nr iny. The Justice 't‘rizd to make- but under nund that her first hmhnnd uni her legal; lponu, but. she didn’t. ane {or théhfi To eve ry Irgument of hi: she returned, 9320‘5, hm‘l like the Ynnkev the hqst!" Finding that it mp. of no nail to try to ingace his win: to return to his bed and home, the rchel husband deter mlned to save something from the wreck of his jortnnrn, arid Enid to‘ the Yankee. "Well, you may keep the ‘yomhnf‘ify’ou pain twang-Jive doll-r: for the kamj’ ‘ “1:" pa_ I?” rezponded } the other, and the bargain was onclnded on the Ipo;.- After the” phyment main-i 0 (li-plut ed from the Juglici‘s nfficc,e:\ch nppnrrhfly we“ ntiafied with the result. " . , Flux: haunt—Tho following story ls told to illustrate ”1° remarkable instinct oflhe feline tribe : Mr. Sliphelmer, the famous Saxon dentin, had a 't'nlunble togtoise shell out that for {on did nothing but moan: Guessing the cause, he looked into its fluth, and seeingn dmyod walk be won rglleved it ofita palm-L The following day there were at leost ten cot: pt hll door, the do, after twenty; and they went on Increasing M. Inch 0. that he was ollli~ godsto keep a bull dog to drjve them away.— gltinolhing could help him. A cut. that had the tooth-Che woul‘l home nuy'numgr of miles to m'blm’.‘ Howei‘ér, being one inorning vo. I'] normal, he occliknmlly brokethcjnw’ol‘zln om tabby. The ni‘w. 6r alga spread like w‘nd. fire, and not a single cat (for came to him af~ ten-NI. = ‘ ‘l, ‘ ~ A Gun“ Plnunfi-fés n indy'ofgroat per. shut] beauty WI: walking. nihhg some“; lune lfi, perceived, just behind, her a. hawker of ntthen-ivqre, driving nnma with two {mania-s iodened with his Itock in trade. To give the nimgi and his mum mom tn pass; theindy luddcniy stepped aside, which so frightenod the donkey that he ran nwdy, and hm} not pro tended hr when he fell, and anneal [-nrt «the cracker? “I brpkeng The Ipdy, in her turn, pecme alarmed, lest the man should load her with nbu‘ie, if not omi- to insult her; but he he merely exclaimed,» “Never mind, ma’nm; Bnlum'l as: was frightened by an angel.” ‘ 1865. ' l ‘ - 186;. ‘ ' ' Rpwr 8i Woods, , V G mv’swm. \ ’ ‘WAR AGAINST 111611 PRICES! Wheqwq any .we will ‘55" géods at. , . REDUCED PRICES x. _A we mean‘whnt wé say and will do it. . l « We keep constantly on hand a large mason men: of \ -‘ . . a HATsno‘F ALL STYLES, ’ . . which will be sold cgeflper than' they can be bought elsewhere. . . Our assortment of, l; . 3 Boom AND SHOES " fou‘ men, women and éhildzen, is made up 0! thé best. qualities and styles, and {sold cheap: Our? stock consists in pun oi . HATS, SEGARS, ‘ CABS, TOBACCO. ‘ Bolus, r , HANDKERCRIEFS, SHOES. l STOCKINGS,» 7TRUNKS. ' GLOVES, ‘ BRET SACKS, ' WfNDgW PAPER, GUM _ ‘ WHIP , g BUFFALO SIIOESr~ CURSETS, 3. ' UNDERSHIRTS, POCKET Boozs,‘ . VIOLINS, , ‘ PURSES, ' i VIOLIN BOWS, _ RAZORS, ” u ’_STfiINGS, smfirs‘ ACCORDEUA'S, PO3O, 81‘ KNIVES, ‘ DOLLARS, v SU PENDERS. , NECK-TIES, ' . CORK SULES, UMQRELL‘AS, haiku, mafia, kc ’ROW & WDODS. Jan. 2, 1885. b , . ‘ ‘ Globe Inn. ‘ YORK 81., Run m: buxom), ETTYS BERG, {Aw—The undersigned G would mojt resp tl'ull‘y inform his pu merons iriends and lhgpublic generally; the! he lye: purchased thsl long established and wel known Hotel, the "‘Globe inn," in York street, Gettysburg, end will spare no eflort to coral-ct it. in e menuerh that will not detract, {rdm its former high reputation. His (able Will have the best the market can afford—his chambers are spacious and comfortable-Lend be he: laid In for his bar it full stock of wines and liquors. {here is large stealing attéched to the Hotel, which will be attended by Atten tive hustlers. It will be his constant endeavor so render the-lullest setisfactibn to his guestl, making his house as near a home to them as possible. Hussite n-shnre of the publie’s) pa.- tronege,’ determined as his so deservee lhrge pix-t of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in York street, but near the Dinm'ond,or Public Square. . l SAMUEL WOLF April 4,1“' " " ri , go Humbug. a N ‘ HAKBE BURG ST. ALWAYS AHEAD. 1 -—THIS WAY FOB BARGAINS—JOHN \ L. BOLTZWORTH hasjust returned frpm {he ‘ City with she largest and most complete ussort- 1 mom of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS 1 AND snons, am has been hrough' to, w this (own since she vvsr. His stock is notably completé, but is GOOD and CHEAP embracing every variety of Boots and Shoes for Inn and Bonfwhilst the Lidies will find engaging in their line, from she finest Gnitsr to the heaviest. Shoe. Children‘s-Sh?" of every description, in great variety. Also, Ls dies'Hsts, fine quality, and Childrsu’s Hus, ofsll styles and prices. ,Also, Trunks, Car pe: Bags, anises, Umbrellas, Gloves, Stock- ‘ lugs, Toliacco, Sigma, and Notions of 13va descriptio . ‘, ,‘ ‘ , ‘ eDoét forget the place. Chambersbnrg smog opposite the Lutheran Church, Gettys; i Img, Pa. . ' JOHN L. HOLTzwoRTH. , 11". 21, 1364. u - I, . Noyce. .\ i R. w. L. HonßAcn's Es'rnfi 4m"; umuenmy on the emu of Dr._W. L‘ Vamh, In: of McShen-ysmwn,‘ Comm-go w», Adams county, deceased, having finned to; Who undersigned, residing in “a mo place, they hereby gin notice to illpersons indebted to said estue to mg'te “3&de payment, and those havingcm g Wt the same to pres-at them propernlly authenticated for senlement. ’ 41841.8. 1". HOMBACH,’ Exec'ntor, « ANNA E. BOMBACH, Execuuix. {m.9,1565. (it ‘~ «., .000 CIDER—Just meshed at. Dr. ‘ Ham's Drug Store, the pause}: ... “Fe-n brvwxgwg ' IGOR!“ bu Muakud A m o! :0 cheap but“! Gm ‘ J 100.000 bush; Grain Wante . 'TEW 'FHHI AT THE E OLD WAREHOUSE. , WM. E. BIDDLE 3 CO. would intonn t 1 public that they :2" leased the Warehon (in like corner of . anon street and Ike, [in mud, in'GeLty-burg, where 111?} will 01mg .‘ tho GRAIN AND PRUDUCE BUSINES , ‘ all Ha brnnchns. Ibo flights: price: will ‘I wuyn‘be p. 36 1m ' I _ WHEAT, BYE, . ' CORN. OATS, . . GLOVE}: 8 TIMOTHY SEED. , ‘ ‘smxsmzu, sumo, I ' HAY & STRAW; Drift] Pro!" Nata, Soap, llama, Shoulders “i Sides, Polnlqes, with everything die in ‘ country produce Hair. 1% ! : 0N HAND, P 0 ALE, I Qofl'ees, Sugn’rs, .\loluues, Syr‘upsfl‘m-t, Spi . Salt, Changer, Vii-gar, Sod», Mustard, Slrng‘ Broom Bucke ,Jflnckihg, Brughel, $01: up Al’ao cum. 011., Fish on, Tar. kcl FISH of all kinds: NAILS AND SPIKE Smukingnnd Chewing Tobaccos. ‘ Tehey'are n‘lwn s nhle'w supply A first I'. article gr Emmi: with the din'mnt kinds FEED. ' ; » . ‘ Also, GROUND MASTER, with GVUAN and other {utilize}; fiCOAL, by v huah'el, lon, or car lqmd. ’l‘hcir Cari-run tn‘Ballimnre and back tw n wfék, and the; wit] bl- happy to carry g 1‘ either wny at while (B chlrgos. Markrtm country nien-lmhtsfpml others, will find I their anlage to punch)” this lim. The'y ask a char:- ofthe public's custom._ Irlll VFW"? I‘l9 elltrrt to reudur satisfactio'l éllLsel'JL‘rywuyprw. \: ‘ ‘. . WM. E. RIDDLE & l: Aw2;1864. LY ViHardware and érocempg. lIME 'subsrriiicrn have just rmurned = ‘ the cilii-s with an immensn supp] HARDWARE 4k (iIIUCERUfiS, which the offering at thou- old «mull ”m Bultlnxore‘lst It priées to suit the ‘mwa. Our stock ton in pan. ol . ‘ BUILDING MATERIALS, ‘ . U‘ARI’EfiTI-ZR'S TOOLS, - 4 ' BLACKSMITH'S TOOL ‘ ‘ COACH FIXDIN SHOE FINDINGS, . CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, ‘ HOUSEKEEPER‘S FIe‘URES . . ‘ ' AL‘L KINDS OF mos, e. GROCERIES OF ALL KIND -, OILS, PAIN-TS, &C., kc. There is no uni Ie included in the several depurtments mentio rd above but what can be had at this Store Etc—try class of Mechunics can be rccommodu d here with tools and findings,nnd Housekeep rs cgnfind every article in their line. Give u a cell, as we~are prepared to sell as low t;or 0 sh as ally house out of the city. ‘ JOhL B. DANNER, . E ~ \ _ DAVID ZIEGEEIL Gettysburgk May 16, 1864. , '3 - m""'” '\ ' ' ‘ ‘T‘_"“ s . .. fireathttractlon . , 1' filthß'Eßl, FPS crimp CLOTH! a A A. D FUItNI§IIING STORE, At the Notth East Corner of the Diamond. ’lihe'sabscri or is constnntly in receipt of fresh goods from the Eastern cities. His {tack of (.3 READi’-.\[.-,\DE CRJTHING ~ is one of the largest and most‘nttractive, as we'll as the cheapest establishment of the kind in'the country. You will there find COATS, ‘ PAMS AND VESTSLi-nnde up in the most fashionable styles, and of'the best materials,‘ of all sizes and ~prim-a. for men ’nnd boys—‘- Gc’ttlémen'a turnishing goods of every des rip- Hion,, Win] Shirts, Muslin: Shirts, Hic ury Shirts andélerino Shirts, Merino, Wool nd Cotton Drawers, Hosiery at every descrip ion, ‘ Emir-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves,,H nd kenchiets, Neck Tics, Cmvatg, Linen and P p 0! Collars, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. "in-l hrellas Trunks, Valiees, Carpet Bags, Clothes ' and Séoe Brushes. Hnir and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Bucking, Pocket and Dressing Comps, Ivory Combs,‘Wutches, Clogirs and Jewelry, Guns; Pistols, Violins nnd ”Violin Strings, Soups and Perfumriea, Stationery of all kli'nds, l Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing To ac: co, P‘ipcs, 2m extrs quality of Segors. :ln act, his stock embraces everytlfing usually found in It first clxlss furnishing store. I invite the ntlentionof‘nll to come und séet‘or‘themselves. no 1 (undetermined to sell goods lower thaw ony‘other‘cstoblishmentin the country. Don't forget the place. Cprner of York streeh and the Diamond. . JACOB BRINKEBHOEF. July 4, Y 864. i . < , 7 A. - —n.—~a_._—,._.\ New Sprmg Goods. . ~ .\IALL PROFITS t QUICK’SALES; J. L. SUifiFCK w‘unld respectfully 'sny to the citizens of Get tysburg and vicinity, that his now receiving at his store a splendid ~ 3 STOCK OF SPRING‘GOUUS. I - The stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple DRY‘ GOODS, of every description. ‘ SILKS,‘ - , ' ' x , MOZAMBIQUE, , CHALLIES, l ‘ r A “DELAINES, 1 i ‘” BOMBAZINES, . , « tALI’AOCAS, 1 t . ' LAWNS, ' ~ -* mucous, ‘ of all qualities and choicest styles, which will be sold at PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. : Funmsmso GOODS J l of all‘kinds,‘including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves,'Stoclrings, kc. 1 Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, ‘Laceemd Edgings, Umbrellas and Parallels: - My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full and complete, and customers mny rely’upon always getting good goods at the lowest possi ble prices. " l i ' Gentlemen will find it to their ndvantdge to call and examine my stock of * 1 CLOTHS, ‘ F CASSIMBRES and r ‘ . .VESTINGS, 01 all qualities and choicest styles. 1‘ , May 24, 1864. ' J. L. scm‘eK. E. 8; H: T. Anthony 8: 06., ANUFACTURERS 0F meme}: ’Pmc ‘MATERIALS, wudusuz tum sl.sm, 60R BROADWAY, Na Y.—ln Addition If) our mafyflbuaineag of Photographic Materin's, we are» eadquarters for the follofiring, viz :1 _ STEREOSCUPES (z STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. “Of thesedve Human inimense assortment, in'cluding War Scenes, American an_d F§reign Cities and bandscapes, Groups, Stntua , ha, ha. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, {atrzubtic or private exhibition. Our Catalogue Vin be sent tummy address on receipt of’Stamfi. PHOTOGRAPHIG ALBUMS—We were the first. to introduce thele hue the United States. and we manufacture immense quantities in great varielyymnging in price from 50: cents to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have the thin“- tion of being gnperlor in beauty and durabili ty to any otheys. They will be sent by mail, free, on reclaim of price. ! [Q‘Fine‘ Albumé made to ardenfl . ~‘T- \ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. l . Our Catalogue now embraces overWWM THOUSAND different subjects (to whidh nd- ‘ ditions are continually being nude) of Por- \ triits of Eminent Americanl,tc.,viz: hbbut ‘ 100 MajorJGenmls, 550 Smut-mend ‘ 200 Brig.-Genernlg‘, 130 Divines, ‘ ‘ 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, l 109 [dean-Colonels, 40 Artists, 1 l 250 Other Officers, 1 l 125 Stage,. A J 75 Navy Officers, a 60 Prominent Women: 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits} , 3.000 copies of Works of Art, including re- 1 productions of the‘most celebrated Engruiugs, ‘ Paintings, Statues, ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for OneiDozen Picturea from our Catalogue will be filled on ‘ the receipt of $.BO, and sent. by mail, Free. l Photogrnpfi‘qrs and others ordering goods 6. 0. D. will please remit iwenly-five per cent. of the amount. with their order. ‘ n. z; u. T. ANTHONY a (10., Mnnuftctux‘era of {’nyfgmphié Mpterials, 501 BFoafiwgy, New Yo'rk. H‘The apricea and quality-of our; goods “not. fail to unify. (gov. 14, 1831. 6:: ’ - , Sale Grymg. [ , W. FLEHMING continue: the byusinesa A. of SALE CRYING, and solicit! “be con tinued patronage of the public. hin '35 con. unlit endéavor to give satisfaction. ’ barges modente. Residence in Ereckmridgg} street, Gattyiburg. , ' P. 8.-——He in n licensed Auctioneer, :1 Tu Law of the United Staten. ' Nov. 24, 1862. I ADIES’ DRESS ‘I‘RLKWGS, in t u :33]. a ‘ 80H! 'B. laneastei' Book Bifi‘dery. EORGE mum, k ‘ G .300!“ Izm'onzz, LID ILAII 300‘ lAICPAG‘I‘UIII, Plain and Oma'uwntnl Ending, of ever} de scription, Executed in the molt substantial and approved styles. irrEERNCIS E. W. Brown, 3,341., Farmers Bank of Lyme-star W. L. Pauper, an., Lnnwtor Countyfiank‘ Samuel Shock, Each Columbia Bnnk.’ Samuel Wagner, ENL, York Bank. William annor, 15qu York County Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq., Bunk ofGellyshnrg. Peler Martin, Esq., Proth‘y oanncuster co., PA 18:0. 0. Hawthorn, Esq., Register ” “ l . o. Whitaon), 21:3,, Recorder “ “ 1 f April 15, 186 l _ - Universalfllothes ernger. ELF-ADJUSTING AND ADJUSTABLE. S: wn'u COG-WHEEL REQHLATOB. , to: an: 31 ‘ “ SHEADS x BUEHLER, 0 ITTYSIICIRG, PA From innumerable recommendations, n znlber the following: ' Letter from Mrs. Henry Wnrd Beecher, iniSM. _’ lmu most. happy to speak in the very high est terms of the “ Universal Clothes Wringer." The “Ideal part of “washing-day” work Is, in my opinion, thi- wringing; and the inventor of this machine may lune :he 9'|l|~«[u'lion of feeling that he ha; 1 hungmt one of N, most milsome pans of woman‘s work into n. wry attractive nmusenp-nt._*’l‘lm Immdrwx looks upon 1! use. gru-gyylbsing. I loqk upon il. as among the movlfh'zrful nrlidés in the house. Brunkbn, Ortuln-r, 1801. g ' PizqusY 00. '[Mny 2, 1864. ’25 103‘ x ‘l n I; F ‘ . an, my” 7 , &C., INSECTS 0N PLANTS, FOWLS, ANI KXALS, Sim—Put up in 25c. 50c. mu! 5) 00 Ban-s, Boulea and Flnsks. $3 and $5 sizes for Horns. I’unuc Issnrunous, kc. “Only iufnnihle remedies known."_ 1 “ Free frtjm Poisons." “ Not dangerous to the Hummfl’nmily." '“ Rats come out of their holns to die.” ”Sold Wholemle in all large cities. @8011! by all Dwggists and Retailers every where. ‘6"! l l BIIWARI ! l! of all yvorthless imimtioni. ES“: that. “Connn’s” name is on each Box, Bottle and Flnsk, before you buy. WAddress HENRY R. COSTAR. Wanner?“ szor 432 BROADWAY, N. Y. Jay-Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Drug gist: in Gettysburg, Pa. Feb. 29, 1864. . ’ . New Goods !--Large Stock! ERCHANT TAILOPJNG. . DI ' JACOBS k BRO. ‘ have just received from‘ the cities a. large sto'ck ‘ of goods for’ Gentleman’s weir, embracing 5‘ variety of : CLOTHS, CASSIMERES; ~ . VESTINGS, ; Cnssipcts, Jeans, &c., with many other good: ‘ (gr spring and summer wear. - ‘ They are prepay-ed, to make up garments at. the shortest notice. and in the very best mnn- 1 net. .The Fashions are regularly received, and ‘ clothing made in any desired style. They «L i ways mske neat fits, whilsltheir sewing is sure i to be subatnnsidl. ‘ ‘ They ask a. continuance of the public’a fra tx-ounge, resolved by good work and moderate charges to earn it. ' Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. Noah Walker 87. 00., C L 0 T H I‘}: R s , 65 up 167 Burmonll Snsnr, keep constmtly on hand a large and well as sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate DEM They supply orders for the fipest to the lowest priced articles, either ready _made or I made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an cxtenfiive flock of rum. fSHING GOODS, embracing over-y artic)e_of Gentlemén’s Unaenvear. Also, MILITAQ CLOTHS and every variety of Military Trim- mi'ngs, u well as an assortéd stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS Bahiinore, Feb. 22, 1334. Piano Fortes. HABLES M. STIEFF, _ nxuncmnn o ‘ GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Mnunlactory 103‘ 105 k-lC'l Franklin atreEt. Wareroom,zNo. 7 North Liberty street. ' Constantly a large'nnmber of PIANOS of my own Manufacture on hand, with the Full lron' Frame and ove_r_-atrung. Every In’stru ment warranted for five years, with the privi- ‘ lege of ucbangev-within twelve months if not entirely satiafaciorx. ’ , wSecond-hnnd Pianos always on ham! at. prices from $5O to $2OO. ‘ ‘ _ Baltimore, Sept. 5, 1864. Iy, 3111* 1 - Blacksmithing. ' ' HE undersigned would moét respectfully inform the public that. he has commenced t a ‘- V BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, ’ It Donner, k Ziegler’s shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg. where he will a: all times he prepared to do Blacksmithing workAo Car riages, Buggies, Wagons, Bc. Thu he knows how to do all john of the kind will not be ques fioned by those who have n knowledge of his long experience at the busineu. Come on with your woik, and you will be sntlefied when you take it nwfly-d-and for which he will re ceive Cash or Country Produce. ADAM HOLTZWORTH. Jul. 4, 1864. 11‘ . . I. K.‘ Staufl’er, ATCHMAKER 8 JEWKLER, .Ro.’ 149 North SECOND Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADEL-fl PHIA. An assortment o WATCHES: JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, company on hand, SUITABLE FOIL HOLIDAY PRESENTS!‘ 'g-Repairing of Watches and Jewell; promptly Intended to. > Dec. 12, 1864. 1y New Warehouse. BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 100.000 WANTfiD,“ the new Grain and Prodn‘cehonse, in Culisle street, adjoin ing Shends & Bnenler’s establishment. The highesv. market. price will nlweys be pnld ln cash for GRAIN, of All kinds, . FLOUR, SEEDS, to. ~. Always ”on bend and lot ale,“ the Imfllesl profits, , GUANOS, - ‘ . SALT, FISH. GROCERIES, km, , Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our best. to give summation in all uses. , ‘ ‘ XcGURDY & DIEM..- Genyshnrg, stay 11, 1863. «‘qu ’ 7 YDI'. It; BORNER'S Tonic and Alters . tlve Powders, for HORSES Il'd CATTLE. "Md "‘4 mm“: at his Drug Store. ' . Jugs”, 25 186 . . ‘ v I \ der , the LANCASTER, 13A WASHINGTON BUILDING BALTIMORE Ladies’ Fancy Furs! ‘; 'l‘ JOHN FARE!- A BA’S old estab is zed FUR lANU~ ‘ \GTORY, No. 218 {CH Street, above , PIIILAD'JL—I '9 now in store of own Importation td Manufacture, ope the LARGEST and )5! BE.\ ['TIFUL se winm of FANCY 'RB, for Ladiea’nnd e 452- mldren's wenrflnthe City. A-ls'o, a fine assonmem of ‘Gent'! Fur Gloves and Collars. . 7 .As my Fnrs wore a“ pnrchlasfin when Gold was In. a mu‘ch lower premium thnnJl present, lam enabled to dispose of {hem at very rea— sonable prices, and I would l§erefore solicit u call from my friends of Adam‘sjounly pad vi— ciuity. l/ . . fi-Remember the lagginymber an? street! ‘ JOHN FAA-R1313}, _ 718 ARCH Street, hbovejth, somh side, .' PHILADELPHIA. 3-1 have no partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. ’ Sept. 12, 1864. sm. . . New Tailoring STA’BLISH‘M EN‘Pn-‘GEO. F. ECKENRODE E FASHIOEABLR TAILUR. Adopts {his method of'inlbrming his frignds and the public generally, that. he has upened a Tailoring establishmfi‘nt in Baltimore street Grttynburg, (luteJ’ost Ulfivu,) near the Dia mond, where he is prcpnrml Lo do all work in his line,in the beat. manner, and to the “(is.. faction of customers. He employs nuue but first class hands, and receiving ’ THE FASHIONS REGULAIZLY, be can warrant fashionable fits and neaund substantial sewing. He asks a share of the public’s patronage, promising to spare no efé fort to deserve it. His charges will always be found as moderate as the times will allow. Cutting and Repniring done at t_he shortest notice. [Gegtysburm Aprfl 7‘ ”'32. New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD has just. received from the city a huge supply of CLOTHING, Men‘s and Boys’ wear, consisting of all kinds of COATS, PANTS, TESTS, ‘ smmsmmvgs, CRAxTS, NECK mas, atoms, magnum —al 8 0 A large stock of CLOTHS,CASS=I.\IERES, msslxms, JEANS, DRILLINGS. «m. am, all of which wi. bu sold BS'Cheflp as can be had elsewhere. Give us A call, audit” we can not pleas: you in a suit ready made ‘we will take your measure and make you up one in short notice. [Why 30. mew}. Everhart's RANKLIN HOUSE, CORNER OF HOWARD} FnAKKLIH STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. This House is on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore and Ohio Rail-l road Depots. It has been refilled and com-‘ fortably arrange‘d for the convenience and the entertainment of guests. ' 06L 31,1564. tf Sun at Work. HE undersigned continues the T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his old stand, in East Middle street, Gettysburg. ' NEW M'ORK made to ord‘ervnnd .RHPAI R I N G done promptly and at lowest, prices. Two first-rate SPRING \VAGONS and a. SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TROXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. ' ‘ ‘ ' .Somethmg fonEverybody ’3 BUY AT DR. R. HORNER'S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Jnst opened a fine assortment of Drugs and Medicines, . Patent. Medicines, , Stnliunory, ‘ Fancy Dry'Goods, ' ' Confections, , > Grocerie‘, / Notions, « ‘ TOBACCO, SEGARS, M). Jan. 18, 1864. ' , FOUT z. ’ S CELEBRATE!) A gum and 03mm gnwdm. ~ V These Powders” will strength , _ . entheStomach , ' \ and Intestines, ' cleanse them ”m from ofl‘ensive mnm-r, and I ~_,__,.__,,.. _,. bring them to _:f:.j;'~::,j_7~.;.; ‘_';EA-g; ahenlthysmte. " " ' ‘ ' They are a sure preventive of Lung Fever. and 11 remain remedy for all Disc-05w inc-ulna! w the Horse, such as Glan ders, Yellow Water. Dis t e m p c r, Foun d e r , H e a v a s, Slavering, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener gy. to. In poor, low-Spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use ofthem improves the wind. strength ens the Appetite, and gins ‘0 the Home a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv :33) the appear-nave, vigor and spirit of mil )9 animal. The property this Powder pow-see in h)- creuing the quantity of Milk in Cows, give: it an. impel-mace and Value which should place it in the hands of even-3.lmm“ keeping nCow. By actual experimen‘t fl bus proven that it will increasp the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, 9nd make the Butler firm and sweet: In thuenipg Cattle, it gives them an appetite, 10059115 their hide and makes them thrive much as)”. ‘HOG B . ‘ In all Disease? of , 130' In as ‘ : 1%: “a ‘ Cough, officers in 49:25:33: ’ - we Lungs, Liver, '—"'t.-2-§_"<f‘_ ‘ Bc. By putting Q" "- ~‘ ( Rom hall's paper ' ‘ gI! 10:13am of these 7,. ..-’<T' v. ,f Pow era in a ban- ,\ —,.slia; fi‘ rel of Swill, the N" "‘l5; \ s shove Diseases can be cured or entire y fire vemed. By using these Powders the 0g Cholera can be preemed. ' Price 25m. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. Pnzmmzn BY , 8. A. FOUTZ & BBQ, » H mm WROLESALE‘DRUG AND MEDIC‘NE DEPOT. 10. 118 Franklin St, Balance, m For Sale by Dmggists und Stonkaepen throughout the United States. For ule by A. D. Bnehler, Gettysburg; Lsughlin & Bushfidd, Wheeling, Va; C. C. Benderk 00., Piuaburg; Johnson, Holloway & Oowdon, Philadeipbin. ’ . 11M. 28, 186$. 1y Profision Store. BE undersiznddhhnl opened {PROVISION STORE a! Geotge Li‘tglc's. old “and, in en liddle street, Gettysburg, when ha will shay: keep on ‘hmn‘lfi for nl9: BEEF. MUTTON. V AL, PORK,- POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND IRISH POTATOES. CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, with everythi‘ngkelu in Ihe proyision line. ‘ He gill lollyat and}: profits, Ind .lpm no alert. to phase. . ‘ 7 Fat (hula, Hogs, Sheep, Cllr'u, km, “mod, for which the higheu prices will be psid'. . ‘ JOHN NOBECK. ‘ Oct. 17, 1864. a". ”NV disorder and decay. The acrofulous contamination is va riously caused by le'Clll'll‘Ll disease; low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food. impure sir. filth and filthy habits, the depressing vieeshtmd, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin; it is hereditary in the constitution, descending “from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who suys, “ I will‘ visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children]! The diseases it originates trike rnrious names, nccording to‘the organs‘ it attacks. In the lnngs,,Serofiilo produees tubercles, and-finally Consumption; in the glands, mellings which suppurnte and bc~ come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion,yspepsiu, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous atfcctions. These, all having the same origin, require the some remedy, viz., purification end invigora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. 'With fecblo, foul, or coi'rupted blood. you cannot 1 have health; with that “life ot the flesh" 1 healthy, you cannot have ccrot‘nlous disease. i Agelr’s Bmoponll 'a. , is ‘coinponn from the most. efiectual unti dntes that medical science has discovered for i this nfilicfing distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe- l rior to any other remedy yet devised, is l known by all who hangiVen it n trial. That it does (Combine virtues truly extraordinary in theixtefl‘e‘ct upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude ‘ of publiCly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following digestion: King’s Evil, ‘9l- Glandular Swelhngs, Tuition, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, £33221”, Rose or St, Anthony's Eire, t cum, Seald Head, Cough: from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swelling}, Debflity, Dropsy, Neuralgia, l Dyspflpna or Indigestion, Syphilis and ‘ Syp ‘ticlnfections, Mercurial Diseases, 1 Few Weaknesses and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Arm's AMERICA/N ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists l for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be 'lcnmctl the directions for its use, nnd some i of themcmurkable cures which it has made 1 when all other remedies had failed topatlord relief. Those cases are purposely taken {ron'i all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the ‘ \itul energies, on thus leaves its \‘lt‘llnll far more subject to q‘zcsse‘snd its fatal results than are he'sltby const'mitions. Hence it tends to shorten,xond does greatly shorten, , the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a renudy which is adequate to its 'eure. This we n'uw offer to the public under the home of Area‘s SAIKSAI'ARILLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarinparilla in nlterative power. - By its aid you may protect yourself from the sufl‘er— Q ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptibns that rot and {ester in the blood, purge out the causes ot‘discnse, and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu linr virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within ,the system or burst out: on any part of it. ' , We know the public have been. deceived 3 by many compounds of Sm-samfilla, that , promised much and did nothing; but they ‘ will neitherbe deceived nor disappointed in .this. Its virtues have been prqvon; by, abun dant trial, and there remnins no question of its surpassing excellence for the Cill‘t‘ of the , afilict‘mg diseases it is intended 3m reach. Although under the “fine, name, it i'.“ very . different medicine from'nny other thich has i been beforq the people. and is fut“ more of— fectual than any other which has jgver been , available to them. ’ ,‘ AYER’S l; CHERRY PECTORAL, The World’s Great _Bem’édy for Coughs, Colds, Incxgliehgi:Con ‘ sumgtion, and fort eraief 'of_ onsmnptive patién’ja m o,dech stays; of the dlsease. , a This has been so long and mid so uni u-rsnlly known, that we need (163 m) more than assure (be public that its quiullty i.~ kcp‘ up to the bcst i: ever has béenj gm that it umj‘ be relied on to do all it has our done. Prepared by DR. J. C. Afgh 8; 00., Practical and Analytiufi (mam, - Lon-l; Mass. Sold by all druggista every whcté. _ [S‘For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, and dealers generally. Aug. 8, 1884. eowly Good Things from the City! E are receiving twice a week from the city a variety of articles suited to the wants of this cammunity, viz: -Fresh and Salt FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sideg, Hominy, Beans, Salt, A ppies, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tobaccos, Segnn, with many other articles in this line—all received in the best order, and sdld at the knives: profits. Give us a. call, in Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fahnestocks‘ store. _ ' WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Lnrd, and all other country produce—for which the highest cash price Wlll be'pnid. . SWEET POTATOES—best. quality, at low-v est living profits—always‘ on hand. Also, OYSTERS, 'fine and fresh—in the shell or shocked. Reftnumnts and families supplied. STR CKHOUSER k WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg, May 18, 1863. - Sh‘ada Br. Bnehler, mums IN ' ' COAL AND LUMBER, S~ 2' 0 V E S , TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, £O. ~ - “so —- fiHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ETC. Corner of Garlisle and Railroad Streets, oppo site Rnilrdnd Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. My 9, 1864. . New *Goods. AHN’ESTOCK BROTHERS _ F Are conatnntly receiving choice and de sirable goods, from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and are prepared to offer ‘ GREAT INDUCEMENTS to the?! about yutchuing. Having saluted with great care, from the three lendingmnrkets, the public will look to their own interests by examining our atock’beforc buying elsewhere. FAENESTOCKS’ Red Front Call at ‘ May 9, 1864 810 a Day! GENTS WANTED.—To sell the “ 25 CENT LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK- A ‘." Etch Packnge contains 35 Songs, 2 plgel of Music, 18 sheets of Paper, 13 Enve lopes, 1 Ruler, lPen, 1 Pen Holder-,1 Lend Pencil, 1 Damn {or Untfersleeves, l for Child’l Apron, l for Embroidered Collar, l for Chain tening Robe, 2 for mnrking Letters, 13 Secrets never before published worth mnny Dollars; find other inlormation. Also, on'e benuliful article of szun. Liberal inducements to Agenu. Send Stamp {or Circulnr. . SAMUEL Bo‘rfr, ‘ 43 South Third St, Philndglpbia, PI. June 13,1864. ly‘k ' . John W. Tipton. ASHIONABLI BARBER, North-ens! cor ner of the Diamond, (nut door to Me lollln': 30:91,) Gettysburg, Pm, where he {that all timu be found readytb n’tteqd to ll] ulna! in hil line. He p- ullo excellent “- giuunca my! will onein-0‘ utiafacuon. Gm him I call. ' [Doc. 3, 1960. rmxa ”moans 1m recelud u S uuxns'rocx uncs'. An Interesting History :nfinr tfint or | winch \VB :orvx l lurk nsmmiom uf w: nf rm n. Lt uducm ur in‘ by an on. .iliutL-d state nod, wherein Becomes in xt ui muslin forces‘ in their action, and F.l J ‘ 0 DR. BCHEFCK'S OWN CASE, wmu uioxlm unamcouuurflon, And luau lii: [MW Syrup, SKll‘ftd Tonic, and Muhdrnka Pill: m up the Systan in During that Dianne, and the GREAT SUCCESS AT'ENDING IT I H V?!‘ 1. . P7 = The above is a. correctlikeness ofDr. Schenck taken many yenrs ago, after he had recovered from Consumption; by a course f' nil “ Scnnxcx's Punxosio Svnrr." The lizeness, although it does no; represent him anything like as bad as he was at the worst, yet it in in strong contrast with the halo and vigorous looks of the Portrait below, which is the true likeness of him at the present time. The con trast between these two portraits in so great that many would not believe them to he the some person. Yet there are hundreds of per sons, in and around Phiir‘nioiphin, who wiil recognize both portraits to be true represente— tions. When the first wns' taken he weighed 107 pounds; st the present time his weight is 220 pounds. NEW Yonx, Wedne»:d:iy, March 30, ’B4. ' TO THE PUBLIC. Thirty years ngo I was in the Last stages of Pulmonary Consumption, and given up to die. I resided 1n Philndeiphin, and Dr. Joseph‘l’nr rish, then of this city, ordered me to Mares tdwn, N. J., a distance of nine miles, which took me two days to get there. On my arrival I was put to Rod, and there laid (or many weeks. This was my native place, where all my family lived‘ and had died of Consumption. Dr. Thornton, who attended my father in his Inst Hiness, was cglled, andgnve me one week to fix up my afi'nira. He had seen all my fam ily go that way. and thought! was to go, mo. Then! heard of the remedies I now offer to the public, which cured me. It, seemed to mé that I could feel them penetrating'my whole hystem. They soon ripened the matter on my lungs, ’and I would spit 03‘ more than a pint of ofi'en sive yellow matter every morning. As'soon as that began tosnbside, mycough, (ct-tr, pain, night sweats—all began to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it w:.s with dif ficulty I could keep from eating too much. I~ soon gainedfny strength and! have been grow ing in flesh ever since. Fyr many years I have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, ke‘eping the liver and stomach healthy with the Sea» weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, as I am of a bilious temperament. My weight is two hun dred and twenty pounds. On my recovery people would send for me, far and near, to see if their cases Were like mine. For this pur pose I pay pmiessionnl visits in the large ci ties. The consumptires wish to see the one that makes these medicines, and who was cured ofconsumptiorx by them.» To make new lungs, is impossible; but rarities in the lungs and chronic ulcerations of the bronchinl tubes can he healed. Such cases are dying honrl’y under the ordifiry treatment of physicians, and just such are cured by the proper use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed ironic, and .\lnndmke Pills. l iam now a healthy man, with a large canty i in the middle lobe of the right lung, the lower lobe very much hebatized and complete ad hesion of the.plenra. The left lung is sound, and the upper lobe of the right lung is in s tolerably healthy condition. The great rea son why physicians do not cure c.onsumptioa ‘ is they try toldo too much; they give medi ‘cine to stop the cough, to stop chill, to stop luighi sweats, hectic fever, and, by so doing, they’derange the whole digestive power, lock , ing up the secretions and eventually the pa ‘ tient sinks and dies. Alter I make a careful l examination of the patient with the Respirom i cter,_and find lungs enough left to cure, 1 di l root the patient how to use the three remedies. Remove the cause and they will hll stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of , consumption, liver complaint, dyspepsia, ca.- tarrh, canke‘? ulcerated throat, unless the 1 liver and ate ach are made healthy. in New l England'this canker, chronic catarrh, ulcerat— ed throat, elongation of uvula, is more preva lent than in any other section of the country. ‘ This is frequently caused by a foul'stomacho— You may burn it out with caustic time and again, and all they will get is temporary relief. Correct the stomach and liver, and they will , heal up themselves. ' _ Good nutrition is the remedy. ”you have any disease in any part of the body, it will remain there and decay more and more until you can get the stomach in the condition to digest food and make new blood to take the ; place of diseased matter. "This is the only way to heal cavities in the lungs and ulcerated bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach and liver, and nature will do the healing. Many persons have an- idea that certain medicines are great purifiers of the blood. When bloodi once diseased it cannbt be purified; it is dis eased the same as the diseased matter in the system; but get the‘ apparatus in order, the liver and stomach, and give it plenty of nonr lshing food it will make new blood, which will take the place of that which is diseased. Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup is one of the best preparations or iron in use, it is a powerful tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic dissolves the mucus in the stomach, and it is! carried at! by the aid of the ’ Mandrake Pills,‘ the Pulmonic Syrup is made into blood. This. is the only way to cure consumption. if i' cannot get agood appetite, and food does not digest, I cannot cm- the patient. Never mind the cough; remove the cause and it will stop of itself. This is the most trouble 1 have with 111} patients at my rooms. They lay, “000- The Popular 7—30 Loan. tor, I feel stronger; Icnn eat; my nighteweatl HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or on. Ire beuorkand I feel better every way; but T TYSBURG bu been dulgneted I, new“. my cough ie :0 bed yen” end they no uton- tery end Financial Agent of in. United Sgt”, iebed to 'l'” me any m“ does "9‘ ”n"! no will furnieh the popoler 1-30 Coupon "WW" “N “‘1” “d "“3 ““3” "11 "0P 0' Notes, five from all tun, end convertible et itself. Schenck’eSeeweed create! In good ep- metority into 5-20 six per cent. gold interest petite in about nine days, when there it no Bondl. Will‘ also lhrnleh 5-20 and 10-40 lung diseue, unless the liver I: no conga“ Bonds, one year Certlflutee end 11l other Goth thn the llwdmke Pi”! mun! “lock ornmentucuritiee. wan buy Gold ma Silver, ductl 0‘ the 8‘" bladder in ”N“ film 1W“ ' cash Coupong, und'mnke collections promptly of time, in order to allow the emle hile to pan on .11 accessible points. 03‘. Keep the liver and stomach hl-allhy an“ 030. ARNOLD,Ceahicr. there ii less dunger of consumption or an, I Dec. 35’ is“. t! other. dlseaee. It is hard to um: cold whe‘n; ......__._________,,___,_‘___ thoee organs are healthy. Those that are blll-l ~ ”hm ! oul, low epirited, drelry,feeling flupldi COM"! L B U ‘Il 3 ll , ~ tongue, poor eppetite, nervous. filmy“?! “I“: A A L B U )1 S l l | oi'wind, everything that is man hea burp, Jun received I lerge end beautiful Mlort. 10" 0* men“?!- 'l'! 0M ”0““ °r SCHENQK'S ment of Photographic Albume, which we ofler suwsan TONIC mung box orscunnox 3 below city prlcal. TYSON BROTHERS. MANDBAKE PILLS. u u only}: ctr-”( 0118, Dec‘. n, ma. : ‘ don“ and meaty—five cents, with lull dU'BC-g -7 . , . M tione. This in lutficicot. m many cee‘es, to , ILLIHERY GOODS, 30“.“, Ribbon, eetisly whfl “‘9 ”WWW” “'e' FW‘IWN'IY Flown-I, Shekel-e end Bum Fremo one bottle 'makn 4* 2""! Chang? m “'9 ”5- out received from New York, cheep‘ et Pulm tenz. Any person that enjqu crdlnnr) health. utoch’, a", “8““ RED ’30)”; f by wing the Seaweed ’i‘onlc'nnd.)lankreke‘~ -—-——~ - _ w‘f ‘ pin-occulmmlly,muatgdlhcdlgeeuve arga’u JUST received et “(3sz Spring In‘ in sand: u health, condition um: they become ‘ Sumac: Clothing. 09mm Md ell. , fleshy. i can produce a number,“ my old consumptive patients now enjoyinnood health, weighing nearly 200 pounds. I will coastede by relating three cores 1 have made in Nari York, and which Are all ditlcren't. and wish any one who lecls any interest in the mettee’ to visit them. First is slrs. Fariow, residl ~ then at No. 107 lionston strcet. Her busing. called upon mo‘at my rooms, 32 Bond' um and wished me to call and see her. lie I“? i could do no good; that he had bad all the best medical attendance, and all said‘she was. too far gone with Consumption is. be cured; but she had heard at some great cares I bod mode, and he desired to gratify her wishes.— i called, and round her lying confined to her bed in the last stage of bronchial consump tion, and without doubt must have died soon. i enmined her lunxs, found both bronchial tubes very much ad'ected, but no cavities had formed, her cough was very severe, the spit-\ box was half full of thick pus. Pulse 140‘ legs swollen very much ; and worse than nil,‘ she had chronic dinrrhum. Her bowels hndi been moved elnt’en times that day. l.told her that she had lungs enough to be cured, but' that this dim-rhino had been of long standing, and her stomach wasin such on ulccrhted con dition thntl was afraid nowng could be done. She insisted I should try and do what} could for her observing that she could not last. long. in th ndition she was in, and I could not melt any’ worse. lgnve her first 3 dose of my Mandrake Pills, and the Tonic, and , Syrup freely. That» was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the diurrhtnn was carried oli', her appetite had returned and she could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She is now well, and gave me a long certificate, certified to by the Rev. Dr. Dowling. _ Mrs Bartholomew,B3 West Forty-filth street, came to my rooms with a tumor on” her liver. She was low-spirlied, skin sallow, tongue coat ed, bowels costive, no appetite,~ end last sink ing into the grave. The said tumor had been' running over fourteen years. I‘ gave bes- Syrnp, Tonic end Pills. and toidber to take thermjost as the directions-were printed. ' She came back to my rooms, 32 Itond street,in two wreks, somewhat better; her tongue had be. gun to clone a little around the‘ndges her skin whiter: and her eyes brighter, and the tumor dischnrging very ofl‘ensive matter, much faster than it had ever done before. She kept gradually improving, and in about twb months she came to my rooms very much frightened, saying that the tumor had nearly stdpped nu;- ning, and whs healing up, and that every doe,- tor had told her thnt it' it. ever healed it would cause her death. I told her that the disease had all left her system, and nature Would heal the ulcer up. They are now healed, and have been for about. a year, and she is as hearty and robust A woman as you will find in a day's ‘ walk. She is glad for any one to call on her, and takes great pains to visit on one that she . hours has anything like her case, and tries to i get them to come and see me. ‘ ‘ The next case is .\iiss Sooliold, from Stem. ford, Conn. Mrs. Bartholomew 30*her down 'to see me, and she has been ever ei cc at her house. When she first came to my rooms,she was much enmcitrted with a distressing oougb, spitting large quuntitiés of blood. 'I examined her lungs with the respiromrter, and in all my practice never found one with one lung so far gone and the other lung so sound. 1 could not 'givc much encouragement. I thought she would die; but to my astonishment the Pul i monic Syrup, Selim-ed Tonic, and Mandrake 1 Pills all seemed to go right‘to work, the long i is all beslcd over, leaving a cavity as large as a goose egg; good appetite, line apirits.nnd has gained some thirty-five pounds in woigiit. She has some cough yet, which i do not think will leave her before June. i should think it would be ol‘ greetinterest to some unpmudiu-d physician to visit these cases, particularly Ml 5. 1 Scofieid, or any of them who have been curéd ‘.by my medicines. They are numerous in New York; but the above three all ditfcr from Ouch other; and if my medicines are doing what I represent they are, they should hate. the credit no! the ufliicted know where and ilow‘iilh’ may be cured. J. H. SUiiEhCK, M. D:} . Dr. J.‘ H‘. Schcnck can be found at his prin. cipal oiiice, No. 39 North 61h Street, Philadel phia, every Saturdnyrirom 9 A. Myuntil dip. it, to give advice, free of charge; but to , a thorough exnmination he charges three dol lars. Price of tho Pulmoni: Syrup and Son.- .weed Tonic each Sins:- per bottle, or $6 the his” dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents per box, nlid . are for sale by oil Druggists and Deniers. - June 6, 1864. in: - ‘ ' . Disticiliiilon Y 'F PARTNERSHIP.—Thc Ca-pnrtnnahip 0 existing between ghe aubschbsrs, has been dissolved this day by mutual consent—- We return thanks to our Iriendn and the public fo‘r the liberal support extended to us. Our books will befefl M the aim; and we earnest ly request those indebted 10 us to call and make immediate payment, as we Aye dolirous to settle our busiuese withom dchty. » ALEXANDER COBEAS', JOHN CULR f Jan. 30, 1954 A Card. HE substriber hnv'mx disposed of his in terest in the Store of- Conenn & (3qu to ohn S; Crawford, 35:1,, respecllully Mk 3 thg continuance of his friends nnd customers to patronize his succeroi—whcre Bargains may be had. , ’ \JOHN CULP. Feb. 8, 1864. . - Another Change A N THE HAT AND SHOE, B’USINESS.-—A. Cobean luring associated with him in business John S; Crnwford, who purchased the interest of John‘Cnlp, respectfully qu nounces tothe citizen: ufGeuysbm-g and the public generally, that the'buslneu will be con tinued at. the Old Stand on Ohnmbusbnrg meet, by A. CUBE-AN t 00., whb will con- Imntly keep ‘on hlnd I large stock of Goods, in the line of , SHOES, BATS, CAPS. mums, ‘ - CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAR, t 9, and they will also continue me Innufuctureiox Shoes. . , 'Prom their long experience in all the above branches, they flutter themselves that they pan plequ the public, and will self cheap for cash. . .A. COBEAN, )- . J. B. CRAWFORD. , Dolng bnsineu under the um» and firm of A. Cobcnn & Cg. . _[Feb. 8, 1864. Established 185 0. OTICE 0F REMOVAL. LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 00., respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customer: and the pnbli‘c genenllyrtbnt they have removed from No. 151 Pmnklio street, to the commodions four-nor Warthouse, - NO. 808 BALTIMgBE STREET, _ between Howard and Liberty, whgro they will for theufutnre conduct the thlesn}o Bui. nesa, said: in Hoiieq.’£rimmings, ' Furnishing Goods. Perfumery, Notions. ' ‘ Stationery, Cutlery, ' Toy], km, to. to which they invite the “union of city Ind country purchauu, feeling confident. of mu nbllity to ofl‘cr inducement: in price. In! quality of Goods. \ Orders by mail till receim prompt. mu tion. Address LAWRfiNCE 1). 011 m 3 60.. ’3OB Bnltinore Itnet, Bllumore- March H, 1861!. . . a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers