a Wfimfla ;117,11 ?Z4Ol t. J. nun. mm an nonxnox. GETTYsmma, PA. MOXDAY MOR‘HNG. DE}. 28. 1864 32.1% [is said lhnt Attorney Genet-Elli Meredith bus 'filtfd his dpi'niop with the; Governor advene ('0 this lvgnlityhf both lhe’ ’relprm ,[i'om (his Congrolsio'nnl dinning! land that neither Gen.‘ Cofi'rolh ‘or ML! jioontzivill be proclaimed elected by that 'Governor. The effect of l‘hll will‘bo. til: 'chnrige the Cle_xk of the Home, under the. ‘in"ruclion} o.’ the flouse, will: l'he'cnse} iprimrny; and if the law be lived up to nnd justice done._Gen.iCofi'roth‘ will be; a’edtued electedf We mhsbnwh’lx the u-I bembling of‘kthe neiv Congreu for a de c‘m’on 6f tlie'matler. ( ‘ H : - ~ - J A... I» L.‘ «cw—.— fi’Th'e U. S. Sonhte, on Wednesday, 'pauod the ball l'rom'tlfe Iflouse unending 'lhe internal rrvmiie lnw in us to make the 3.; of two dollars per gallon 'on whiskey Luke ell'ect on {he first oManuity Cmuiu‘g izgxead otjlhe first of Februtry. ' I '21:: the 'l‘loiise. a bill was inlrodnged‘lo ifivy aflqtf’gdhilflcco and its manufactures. ,The c'é'liiiuiuee' of'Wn'y"; ‘nml Means were requested to inquire into tiie' pxpediency of reducing or lhir'pending lie imfiofl duty on fprinling paper; u'nd the iiiiimry'commmee 'were indiiukfiéd lo induhie as to the propri ‘egy of’ao iménding the; eiarollme'nt act. u to "“107 in)" drafted pe'rnpfi; m put in a saluti -Imm “kin/y plain; wh‘é‘r‘g‘a‘mtis‘tering 015 cc in inflamed, and be credite‘cflo any pm, of: '_Congrouional district in ‘wliich the person i '3‘eqi’siel in the time the fgbstiluto is weep-i MM 1,,“ i 1’ VOn Thundag. both Ugan- ndjoumed over to the 6th bf January}.- . - ' / Impariait Order Ind in Ramadan-+Ol3 the 14th, Gen; pix, at New Yoyk, iuuefl an or 'der dire'ctihhg military co’inmandm to shoot 'down- reliel mara‘udersf'from [Canada “if lpotllible whilé in the corppin‘lofi of their Imimics. ahd, if heceiairy. v’yith a View totheir 'olpturé; lo‘ crop Ute boundary between gr: Uni fud Seam am; Canada}; jgn' the 'l7m, Gen. '.Uix "backed down}? and revoked thnt 'pnrt, ‘0! the order in‘ regard to pin-shit into Cudfi’ 'du, ‘the?resldent not approving of it. o» 1‘ \ .._L_........_____ all: outer will bdjuued directing that. cxcept immigrant pansengem directly ‘entering an A‘mericqn 50kt b'y sen. no trav- Ijler anal] hereafter be; allowed go enter 'the United St’atei’from 5 foreign country ‘unnom'a' pinyin. This regulatiofi' is in. ‘tenda't‘l'to 3;;pr _especi-Ally to person: pgo 2mining to come I 6 .the United States frdm hhemigh‘boring 13mm“ Provinces. ~ "' '“' (‘ ‘—:—'—-«b»1‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ew e}ectnoneering tcbeme‘\ {fw’henever they {would spank oftnother draft-i to be ‘mndeu What do those whp were so‘ kmuly deceived by Item Abolitiqn editors, l ’thin'k of them now? Is Presidegt,‘ Lincoln’sJ {all for "300:000 more" a "copptthead lie," '.tyo? ‘ ' ’ ‘ l h‘ ‘ , "T‘T‘.’—‘ .. .‘é—‘f -_ I ‘11: hit communication to (bejHouse " on'Mondiy in reply to a resolution requir-E ‘f 'mg the cori‘elpbn'dence in relation to the ' - troubles‘on'tfie ficith‘ern'border, Secretary ‘Seiur'gi uys thoie difficulties are not. merely : flocd', M‘rhivp‘urisen out of the attitude of , ‘bmt Brian towards un at. the beginning . ‘of misgivi} war. This in yery ominoiu. \_. ~.. ‘ , . :B'Some‘of the Administration joumaiz, jhrough editorials and in cdmmunienlions, 7do not: exactly like Secretary Fessenden’a 'nfifir‘. They ixfia'gine that he does not up illl-omm the question of taxation with au'ffi ‘cient courage and nerve. We are told tint. ‘tbe people want more vigorous‘taxatien;— Of course, that’s whet they voted (op. The 'u‘xa'ii-‘efio iight'now,‘ and besides it is such 'alu‘xury to pay hues, that the people may. ’becomo discontented if they are not largely Engre‘zmegi. ' ‘ ' ‘ Applfiatiana for oflc¢c.—-If seem! um the ms of the Abohno'n pariy do n’ol couaider ’Liuwrn“! roEelecbion u assuring to the pres ’e|iz office-110mm fa—‘uppointmonu‘to their 'pooiti‘ops 31nd, consequently, appliénnls are 'beobgnifig quite numerou ihroiaghout. the country «or he paying Poul. Otfiou and ‘omerdelirable situations. . ‘ o; \ . . M.-_._-. ‘ Sings removal of Senator Hale from {to ghaifinans‘hib’ ofthe Nani Committe‘e, ' ‘ «:1 m 5 ihhémmion of Sensti’n' Grimex, are ‘Q‘oi'd'to hue been owing to the chhrgei nude ‘pnd reheated by the forme‘r'tpiml the Wavy aeparunenl. It. is ‘n’m intended that iw ems Admini-tniion Ihull be exposed ‘ ‘bjeilhufnend mjo‘sp ‘ ‘ ' ~ ‘ :31!» Kama-k Journal says—The Mid ‘llk sate: treated 31:. Lincoln rather coolly s*. tbs latehleéti‘on. The extreme Bait "And war 3143‘ mm the‘ 131525“ Influx-Rigs. WWI “Tech bi'm; Nu}! 'Jers'ey to. '.jeou him i Peungylvhuia ‘o‘?er elects him; '3"! York ‘merely aelec'tlhim. and Dcla'ware 119351“ Em} to v 5; bun. ‘fl‘heifon. lenam 1;. Dayton, the ,United 811 m Mini-jar _w Eran-me, d;e_d in What the 2d inst" of hmplexy. ' #“hyal”Pmo-b Mérshal oftho museum come to glief. and has tau ”routed. charged with doiugn big Embed in‘ bounty bperutiogs. ' ”a SoofrafiapfinatorGr-cu Brown uu'd poi. Nova; editors of {he Missoui'i Rgdioal, in“ some on} in favor of fiegzp suffrage... ’Ofim‘ Abomion leaders and [upon- an. ex- W'xo chime in in a few days. _ .- W , ‘“‘-£121: vX’fiQfifoge of the FOll Mil lit)": ' "0:3. as been xéleoied v'vith‘om and. the: an. hundred and three men»: Wang, um pi} of filth. Hgveu’b-we ngrf“ “ ‘ I‘ 5 A _ Won’t candor three hundred figv "' v :. ~\ m??? gé‘n: Pays! Leaguuy, to I I" J?“ ' " . $95 _in-chum? Now tins; \ ‘ mm% gimfl. ..’ " five W P i a ‘ My .' . -'= 1.; -. ' ;s \I ‘ ' V \ . ‘ the election the Abolition “[6 “wild denougce the 'as being guilty offi'ing 013 . A DRAKEEV ‘ ‘ THEZWAB NEWS. I aim-n numbed Ly the qufedmln. Thel ‘“le,:‘ilil much twthJQm-rkt‘ ‘ ‘u lln 9w: mun mum. ' : fight: ‘Jfimnmmm'd '”‘ h‘fnd'd' “d . ' '-- ' . E . .’ ‘ v ' that ‘ ‘W‘f'h'm "” 9°?” 0"” ”“’ Ab' l Fran! flievniuutflicid despatchet writ . There is nothing from SuvaF-ngfy m‘nimmqß lines the election. They hue ,us by goon-fury fit-shin. and [mm nu," a". g. Tum”, - ' i quit culling DQmoch-l hard “1139's The'bm‘m'v “ ”'""" “990“” of the ‘""‘”;- Soflha val: intorflti'ludvtnils of Gm"!!! ‘illobred boys. who for month: bud Men,g°§d”;i:i‘fyf“yes 351123} :3 Tzegwhumh) lung; was: Uvorg‘n am am. ' ‘ ' .’ ’ “ ’ - “ be u mil ‘ b )o . pickewd on ”3° ‘”"‘ cox-hen mtpltmgn at. 0066 um in General Thomas by (’“"'iSth-gun gutting: age mflnrgn on npoczlble people, have been mthtjnwn. iGfln‘“ and 3.1” by Secretalfilsumon. “nah 1 his march, princimfly‘uraszglcrs. Twelve. probably to receive training I’on limila: tack the, Cogrndenm. ouimfrephrd;wufl '3, ",9 Average digs“, marched Iphete orusefulnesa. when t[B occasion re-f ““'- h‘s ”9!!“ “0‘ so93!me 9A; ieach duy. Ind once: week the army halted . . . _ once permission “48 given '“' P 20 .nentir iv’ t. Si .rnrn tur quires 1" Men. 100' who‘hnvethown them availabio man from ‘”‘ ‘ ”'“"" “In"! K 9” ledr tum-ire 1131:1395 infested nfgttle‘nngigven ”he. but, very ”My boy. of . Im‘gertluckl’ilm”""B.oh‘oflm~’“H"Oifmmi‘hed thousand lwgrnos. AL lust. accounts he growth.” have exhibited the gratifying fact many rogimnntn which had r’lef'm'usb 1399" 1‘”; grndun‘fiy (4053 M “mum Savannah on thnt their abolition insdnity has lucid in- 0" homzj duty. From ”'.9 BliSn'ifil'PPl‘T‘VPV- the southern side. He had ruptured the {gum}, “70 even heard several political ”“‘»lfifinmons a}: Memphfis and “35:12:35 Charleiinn and Savannah railroad bridge ' . » . . . I?" POOH. 903138 0350”!“ " ’acrou the Savannah river. twelve miles “3’39“”, Since {he elfction, in which. to forward men from Musouri as fast 59 z.‘ “W" “have the city, and his northern flmk rest the host ofour rgcollecuon, the word “COp-Ithought he might have dons. he was X'C‘.ed about three Djiif‘l west. of the city. on perm-ad" did not once oorur, but which DION“ fmm wtumand.‘ Sim-Im. in Arkvn- I 3.1, south bank at the I‘IVPR‘. The Confed ‘ abounded with fuleome 611691?!“th Dem- E “‘_’? ’"" “Maj?" " “mm?" ”3”,"; 1?” ': Grab" prefppted ""Y ”‘""“ ‘7‘”“o3- It . . '"'"; 11 these means 'l'homus gathered-at Nash. ocralr. During the campaign this was not :ille B vr-r . Im.” nrniv. , the case. DemOcrate were denounCed Ml 0n Thu’tisllny; rimming he bean in': at “Copperheods.” "Traitors," "Rebel Sytnpa- tack. 'l'he gunbonta on the river drove the thine-re," be” and Were looked upon as goriéedrratc weetern flank bar-k from tho ‘ . _ an . thu: allowing the land lorces to get acarcely fit subjects ‘o' lb? leniency o'. between the river and the enemy. The Abrahiim Lincoln. - But awonderlul change think was turned, and. after stubborn tight has come over the spirit of their dreams.l"‘lt§- borne bRCk “b 0“ 3‘75 mlles- ““9 The “Gown"- swd” °‘ “"‘! "'0 “‘"'.ifé‘lifiii’l‘if‘liii"i7£i‘llii’ififffl‘fii‘mi’it‘l hem of Democratic votes in the North lias‘ the (“lurk wus hut foehly Wiggly]. “ml the no .doubt opened their eyes and softened Confederates retreated to it new position two 'their wrath amazingly. "I‘hey have quit millet: my"? TBRl'thW'P flzt‘yh'estwlfgrl ”‘9 - - 1' ‘ In t . uring to mg i tey m r rew denouncing and have taken to caJoltng and“ thin eastern flunk iron) the Cumin-timid gulfrliitli‘mllimg 1:“: Denise’s? are {Pad-V . river. atovceh'aahville. to a position on it to it‘ e um . a smn er em. ey' ine Wit 1 tr cenlre. will find ”1,313,391", mi’uken' ‘ I On Finlay morning the nttnclf‘ was renew led by Thomas. nlter three unmet-undid “sauna he. sucoerded in drivi the Con lfederutes from the new pttfiilttfillley had taken on 'lhursdny night. i'l‘hey retrmtc-d to a range of. hills, one of which. on the Franklin turnpike. is called the llreiitmnml Hill. Various attempts were made toili-ive t‘liem from-this pmition, but all were un succesalul. and on Friday night the Confed eruteq still held llrentwood Ilill. Brent wood Hill is FIX miles muth of Nashville. Genet-art 'lihoinnl reports having lost three thousand men .in the battle. The number of guni captured from the Confederates is stated at fuity-nine, and the number of priaoners, forty-six hundred. Three Con tederitte generals were captured. 'l'honiiia' centre was five miles south of Nashville, and as the lines of the opposing form-a run diagonally trout northeast to southwest, Thomas' eastern flank was three miles southern; ot' Niwli‘wlle. and his western think eight miles southwest. . On Saturday morning General Thomas had everything prepared toatutck the Con ledt‘lute position on Brentwood llill. Du ring'tlie night, however, the enemy had re treated, and the Fedcial nsasult in the morning found only a weak picket guard. which easily gave way Heforeit. The Fede ral troops at once took up the line of march in pursuit ol the Conlederatea, and the Kuw alry wererent ahead. Numerousekirmish as were had with their rear guard. and in the ulternoon they passed through Franklin. and made the llarpeth river their line of defense. They held thin buta ghort time and again retreated. Just. before dark 3 sevéro skirmish was fought six miles south of Friuiklin land the armies rested there {or the night. Thomas spent the tinie‘in hur rying his troops forward. We have. no re‘ ports ol'yvhnt happened yea‘terday.-bqt pre sume that (to I continued his rktrestt southward. That: has been no aeveiu‘fight mg and thel-e are no certain ie'po'rts ot' the lanes 01 the Conlederatea on the retreat. . Baikal, the mouth of the Savannah river, on t Gepl'gia cont, there are two sounds. Wiirsm 5 nml it about filteen miles below the rivg‘flind O~swlmw round about lhirty miles lllbttlul. The Ogeechefi river falls in~ to Uta-abaul Round; and Fort McAllister, the capture ol hrlnch, by Gen. Sllel'lntlll, was un~ nounced on Siturday morning, is on the Ogoecliee, fineen miles southwest (fiSnvsm nah. Sherman by this cnptureJias opened the sound. and is now able to make commu nication With the fleet. and can draw Hlp~ plies. Sh‘erman has established his heiid~ quarters at Fort McAllister,‘ and on WNL nesday last httd an interview there with General Foster, who came ashore from the fleet. From the southwest Sherman's army approacheu Savannah, and General Foster announces that Savannah was to be sum-g moned to surrfi'nder on Frida . last, and it't it did not yield the Federal gombnrdment i n’as to lwgin. The railroad between Charles-l ton and Savannah. though ’not cut, is at] length controlled by the Federal troops.—- 1 No mails have been received in Charleston . or Richmond from Savannah for somedays, l and the reason is now explained. Nenr‘ Cooeawatchie the Federal troops. though unable to out the railroad, or renal: it, have planted batteries, which preterit trains from 1 running. ' 1 An otficial despatch has at length been receit'ed from Gen. Sherman. .It' reports his- march across Georgia, from Atlanta, and states that a large amount of commis sary stores, and many niulear‘horses and negroes were secured. Sherman’s army. on Tuesday last. extended across the ninsu‘ In between the Savannah and the 'lfeechee rivers; the northern flank being on»the Savannah river. three miles above the City, and the southern flank near Fort McAlltster, ’on the Ogeecliee. Savannah mis in‘ process of investineht on the southern Side, but all the country north of the Savannah river was Ill“ Open. There was no evtdence that Sherman had been able to cross my troops over the river or make aland junction with Foster. Sherman eatimnted the garrison of Savannah at tilteen thousand. command-' 'ed by Hardee. No fighting near the city is reported. nor does it appear that. the opera tioWe siege had at that time begun. 9 battle fought, hetWeen General Thomas and Hood at. Franklin. on Novem ber 30th, Hood has made his Jtficial report. He states that. he captured .one thousand Federal prisoners. Six Confederate gene rals Were killed, six wounded, and one cap tured. Since crossing the Tennessee river. flood, according to .yarious statements, cop tured‘five thousand Fedeial prisoners. it has already been reported that. the Federal cunboat Oswego was destroyed by a torpedo, on the Roanoke river, North Curohns. The gunboat Ba lay and esteem launch were also destroyed. Three Fade ;al vessels wet'e’thue blown up by torpe» oei. - ‘ - ”This Presideul.;‘in hilMensage,seeml to be pmsMSFd with the notion that“ the war has added to the population and wealth of thenafion.‘ He says we are "not in pro gnu .of exhaustion," but “are guining in alrength, and may, if need be, maintain the conlnst. indefiniteiy." 'l‘fia Cm'nplrnll er of {he Ti'eawry. slr McCchcn. seems to think. difl'e‘rt’ntlynaud we believe he is Pighf’. 1110 says: ~ _ “'hodl money in pltnry. and fortune: are [wing rnkidly acqui d. @ll9 country it n!- gays in d feverish and unhealthy slate. his is especially true at lho present time.— The enormnu-L expenditures of the govern ment. and the great advance in xprlces since the commencement of tha war, have made many persons suddenly rich, nnlllup; on lorlunes suddenly acquired, have follow ed reckless Pxpenditures; extravagance. was". Spvculnlinn has taken the rlxce of lober and permvoring indus‘try, unlltlmumnfl's arc ddua’rd with the nolion that M: Ina/111 off/t2 mafia]: is baby lnCrngld by the incréau (5/31: I'm dablcdneu. . fiMoney is cheap and abundant. A Tape}- dollar in depreciated ,to loriy-four kenl'g‘, gold value. Currency is plenty, and grcwing plentier. Come may, go easy, in the prevailing leeling. Butaooner, or later. the present nbnr‘mal condition of things will thrminate—{perhaps gradually, perhaps suddénly. Thewnlues ofall commodilies, including money,nre fearfully “wan-ed,” but when crash comes the water will he bailed out‘leaving only what is represented by the gold standni-d. Men are walking on high stilts. and are making long. but inse cure strides. But all must dismount, one of these days. and some down until their feet touch the earth. Many will be precip itated head-Inn; who imW~towzcr aloft.— Wise and prudent men will prepare!!! time _for me inevimble change! ' i . , ml: is not true thatSia'vei-y ‘wu in any proper sense oijhe word, the' cause of the rebellion, an in allegfd. On the contrary‘ it was clued by the mpertinehtintermed— dling nnd beciionnl agitation oi; the Aboli tion party. Ind their fanatical cbadjumtoh in 1.510 North. This same Abolition party, in their Chiéago platform, now only four with old, dethibed the prosperity ofilhe U\ ion in these words: “TH“ 10 the Union of the States this nation owes ii: unprece dented increase in population ; its surprisz ing development of material relouijgé; its happineu at home. and ii: honor fired,” yet/all thiaAi‘vhile slavery existed in many of the Slates of the Union. X 0 rebellion, no treason, or other national‘crime or 'cal unity resulted from it. , > w’l‘fie Richmond paper- print Presi dent. Lin’eoln’s message if: full! end with peffea prudence. There is not a line in flux; document. but. tends to unite" the South in deadiy hostility to the-North. Had i‘ been the message of a Democratic Presi dent. piercing lhejoiute of the soqthem er moi- u the southern journals bnvlé dyeuded that they would be pierced, then the jour nals published under Mr. Davis's eaves would not have printed Mr. Linooln’s mes ysage in {ulL— World. 77m} Mung—Vice President: Stephens, in a Ith letter to Senator Semmes, of the Con lederate States, says: ! ,1 km'm there are many persons Aamong p! when opinions are enmled to high con sideration, who do nnt agree with the on the q lentiom of McClellun's election.— They prefer Lancoln to McClellan. Per haps—the President. belongs to that clnsa. Judging from his acts, I should think mat he did. ‘ anshington gossip hula it that the Comptroller of the Curtain? give: nolice that no x‘noremew nation banks will ‘be authorizqrd, but. that old State banks can still be loougerled into natiqnal banks. The Secrotury of 0.119 Treuury will not be aatiufled until everything having come x~ ion mm 5“.“ righw—onher fiianoial or polliioqk—is swallowed up in film: feder dim: or dupotism. ‘ -fi-We now find it recorded that 3 01¢:- gyrmm of Middleton. CL, at a recent toréhvlighl display, exhibited n transparen cy oi'ér his door, with a. quotation lion: Genesis}; xxii., 15 : "The angel of the Lord culled unto Abraham out of heaven a sec ‘ond lime.” Truly was it. remmked by a ‘ Republiéan 11 a other day.- “Our politics 1 have killed our religion." Egan-. 43. in aid that Andy Curtin hul rndy beginning to Image the wires to elect himself to the United States Senate on the expiration ot‘Hou. Edgar Coiiu's term, which wil! bein 1866. Andy feels tint. he could bear‘t‘few more f‘bluahing honoravthick upon him,” wngyoul sinking under the 193 d. But what a success” would he be to Mr. Cowan!v.loiu:9wn Dnnocral. '5 - . - ‘fi‘ngHng of politics! revel-ends, In exchlné Days “a clerical wanton is the most. reckless of all cut-ways." . Into-ruling Rembnismua —Tbn into-elec tron declarationsmfshoddy or In mmr Mr. Lincoln should be elected 51's“ would be no draft—the rebels. would I: once lay aomtheir arms, at . etc. ~ A fl-The Bantu-y of n.. my“, Com ogiiu s-ukry of an thymus! delta. 1 Ilail Hereafter General Dana will command at Memphis. and ngerul Washhurn at Vicks burg. Both are under the control of Gone ml Can by.—-Age of ,Wanday. There is very little news from Gen. Tho mns’ army. The indications are that the Confederates have been able to hold- their own,‘ and that the purauit is almost given up. The Confederate rear guard halted at Spring Hill, twelve miles south 0: Franklin. and all day on Sunday succesei'ully resisted the‘ attacks of the Federal troops. On yas terduy mus began, the streams reuse, and the Federal troops could do nothing. There is a re ort, wiuéh comes to us from n Riohngonfuewspnper of December 15m. that 8 My day; previous the Federal troops evacuated Chattanoogg Bridgeport, Stevenson and all the neighbor-in hosts.— Th'é garrison: withdrew towards fi'aghville, urn] no doubt formed part of the army with which General Thomas fought the recent battle ugeinst Hood. It is grated that no Federal troops were south of Murireoa‘boro’ sud Tulluhome. ' Firing upon Mississippi steamers near chkabur‘g has been resumdmml it II report er: iron) New Orleans that the guerrillas hove been making raids upon the Federal pinntamunn near Milliken’s Bend, and have carried 011 much plunder. : v ‘The float which left Fortress Monroevlut week, the probable destination of which is Wilmington. North Carolina, continual utility-four vessels. wrying fivohuudied and ninety-seven sum. :41; iron clad: accom panied it. I _gThere is m afield ":0” flat I Fetter“ 1 attack upon Kmton, 4L 05th Caution, has 3g “tpoufid that on l’vcember 12th, Sunn nah w“ _ggvumoned to surrenderihut the gummonq was mired. Sherman was try ing to "2),; part 6' his army to the north side of the Savannah in order to surround the city. ‘ General Bonuregnrd w.“ on December 13th m command of the tut-c;g ”131 050 W“ Foster's column at mesnwhatcllee. -‘ 111-h Carolina. Fnstvr'u tronps have plaCEd b 3“ terios about a mile and hull‘ from the road, nml lmvr- cut lnng Inn-‘5 through the woo’ls tn give tlm artillerymen a View of the road.l By thruwmg shells, tlw [manage ol‘the trains: hud been stopped. but the Federal llOOpl‘ cannot get. at the road. the Cuul‘ederutes b‘eiug too strongly intrenched. ‘ 'l'hc- Contvderntes In 'l‘ennmue have re— treated to the south Bull- of Dark river. at Columbia. This )5 fort) two miles south of Nashville. Grneml Thomas has ulvnnced‘ to the I'm-r. uud is gradually bringing his (mop: lnrwnrrl. The river in [0 high, how ever. that the Federal pursuit. has been ntopped.-—Ag¢‘af lt'tduaday. . 'l‘he Unnledvrato Grim-r 1 Lynn; with the expeditinn that invadeld *(entuclcy a abort time sincv. hgns withdruwn. Lyon in march ing as rapidly as possible across Western Tennessee and Will pass down through Car itttn inlo Mlsngsippx. lhu; eluding the’ Fed eral troop. on ,both “(195 of him. 7 From Sunnmh we lum- Intelligence that 'l3. late as Sundny laxt (ivneml Sherman had made no< drmnnd for the surrender of the city. .\'o)fi;:hting had taken place. At Pelerthuug the Confederates mule an hum-k on Grant's extreme Southern flunk on Sundatymight and captured eight Fede3 ral [1.30119r14. . . Arlmiml Furragu‘ has bePn giwn three “tombs leave of absence.—-Age 21' Thursday. There is‘vory little .war new: of intereat this morning. thinz Tram Gen. Sher man's army or of an official character from any other quarter has been received. \ The Intent advice: from Tennessee nice that “God's form‘s. estimated at 12.000 in fantry and 8.000 euvnlry, have crossed lhe Duck- river and in moving southmrd. His 1089 since he erupted the Sums is put down It. 20,000. Gen. Thonrm’a headquarters were near Columbia. and his army was still preufnz furwurtL A hgny snow was full ing—Sun or Friday. -' ANOTHER nwr. A Call in Thu-on Ilia-Inc! Thai-nml Mel. Wgsnixornx. Dvc. 20tlh, RCA—By the Prcmlcn! 4/ (It: Unwed Sada, A runwuuwx “'uflus, by the an. liq-proved July 4th, 1804. entitled “An not further to regulute undiprm'nle for the enrolling and callin! out of the national l'urcvs. and for other pulpoans'." it is' providm’ that. the Prui ih-nt ol'lhn 'L'iiiiell States may!" hIS (lis rn—tion. nt my time hurenl'ter. D'tll for any nnmlvr of men on volunteers for the re npnohvo lermu nfnne, two and three yang, for military service, nml that in case the quota of. or any part thereof, any town. township. {curd of 11 city. precinct. or elf-r- Lion district. or ol‘a county not subdivided, shall not lxti‘fillml within the spn'ce of fif— (y Jay»: :ifu-r ‘xuch call, than the Presi‘ dent shall immediately order a draft lor one year 10 fill such quoia. or any part. thereofggtichymy [m unfilled; and whereas, by the 'edits allnwed, in accordance Willi the not of Congrm-s. on 'lhe call for five hunclrcd thousand men. made July 1611). 1864, the number of mcn to be obtained under that cull was rnduced to two hun dred and eighty thousand; and whm. the operations of the enemy in pertain Sales have rendpred .it impracticable to procure from them \hnir full quotas of troops under suid call; and whrmn. from the foregoing pauses, but'two hundred nml fifty thousand men have been put into tho army, navy and marina corps under the {mid call of-lu ly 18th, 1864. leaving a deficiency on th at call oft-‘0 hundred nnd‘xixtv thousand. NuW. therefore. I. Abraham Lipcoln, Prestdenl uf the United States of America, in order to supply the arnresaid deficiancy and tn prnvide fur cnsmlhes in the miliu ry and naval xervi‘ee of the Unite.) States. do insue this my call for thrpe hundred thousand volunteegs, to serve for one, two or three years. ‘ The quotuajaf (ha Slalom-districts. and eub—dislncls. 'u'nde-r this call. will be nuifim ed by the War Departuwnl,llnrnugh the bu rvnu of the Provost. Mnrshnl General“)! the United Slutvs. and in «we the quota, or any part. thereof. of any town. township. ward of acily. precigcl. or election district. or of a county not subdividpd. shall not. be filled before the 15m day of I’vhruary. 1865, then a draft shall be made to fill such quo la. ornny part. lhemf, under this callnvhich may be unfilled on said fifteenth day of February, 1865. In toitimony whereof I have hereunno set. my hand nbd named the soul of tho Unitad Slates to be affixed. * Dune sl’ the city of Washing- L. a. ton this low day of December. -- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ind sixty-four ml] of the independence of the United States of America the eighty-ninth. Aumuu Lxxcow By the President Wu. H. Szwnn, Sec'xof State. THE NAVY YARD FRAUDS: STEALING A STBAI EfiGINE-TBI PLOT THICKESB. The Lhievea in line Navy Yard are lining a sorry time or' il. Several more of them. during the past week, have come to grief, and are now safe-2y landed in the UN Capl- Lulj.ul in Washington. The plan thickvns. A number of our promin‘em Unim Leaguers are supposed $0 be concerned in the outside speculations.— We cannot. say much at the present. time. as some of the oflicera engaged in fen-9‘- ling om this gigantic fraud have requested us, in order um theendsofjuslice may not. be defeated. to suppress some imporlam and stgruing facts. it. appears. among other things stolen from tho Yard. there was: a steam engine of thirty horse pOWer. It must have been earned 03‘ by piece-meal. and afterwards pm. together. This engine was. wound"- stand. purchased by a gentleman in Ken ningwn. who was not aware that be In: buying stolen property. Two .howilners were niso stoien. How the thieves succeeded in Cdl rymgtheae bul ky articles out of the Yard n A mystery. The only wonder to us in that the rogues did not ueuLtbe big ship house. The whole thing mli cuimmule within the next few days. _ All the parties arrested belnng' to (he Aboliuon-Republicm party. They should be immediately drafted and sang down un der Butler. to uni Rxcbmond. [it mn’t the Democrats this time, Mnu meow."— I’Ju'h. Meierry. . , _ 39-1119 Pruidmt'e can for 3012000111010 men swells Nu com number culled into the «my. «into the commencement of the war, w3,253,8~16. - ‘ - - ' All! LETTER. Cur lShn P. \’.. nun I'll Wm 2 R. 8.; VA" Dre. 191-, 18“.; ‘ 5 ‘ Friend Sable :--As W? have got M 0 'jf- ) [pr qunru-rs now. “e uke Huh 0 ipnrtupily flinlnrming our. lrit-nds. [lirnngln your inl mug paper. the ('mnpl/(I‘. "'10)? (his gallant Penmxlvanin Regina-m can be {owning Co. K 13 cumpnswi :lilhflhtlmr odeu‘ut eoumy boys. We lie nbom 1} mil” mg; west nfwlml i~ knnwn‘fl the Yu-lloq Emile; on the “Hal-inn R. H. \Ve lpil Ulc‘to'nt bf Pi-tersburg two wet—kn since, and :“me to this neighborhood : lmd orders to put up Winter quurlms; bud «curt-ely comgleled them when we warp routed up cum! I very cnml‘drtable sleep. will: union: to pack up‘ and be rendy to march at n ummom'a no lice. A: the Inn rme m- were filing out of rump—marched üboul one mile, to the front. and relio‘vwl a lmr' of llu‘ sth (‘o!‘pn, Wllll‘l it Won: rm nnnllmr raid lo Hutches" run—lay in (he lrom n fmv days, in very good quurlors. Lin m unlorlunnlely the quarters werghmll tun nmr to the breast-l works, had to be taken doumgne n’gln, us Where was n prosppct of an htmck in llm!‘ llocnlity, and lhe- arulleiy had no room to’ play; all pmsed oil mlbout nn‘engagement, ' but we had to sprPall our blankets on terra‘ firms, and get what. sleep yo Gaul-i lili' lmorning. We wrro relieved in a few days by a part of the thi Army Culps, and re turned to tha rear, but. nnt to nnrold camp. We have our quarten fixml up very com lfinrtably now-nre prepamd lo accommo {data any of our himlls who may chance to cnll flu; way. and we are pYPl'ill‘f‘fl also we Irecoive In," donations our friends may see fit to find us, .3 the way of good things, from 'lmmp, 1 mean nimble-s, the substantialx. mmelliing llialwyn'l spoil “'it should be lilel..yedn f\'W day: nn the way. A little ‘ flbur or corn meal. crimys very nice once in in while, with ollier fixup. Any I‘OX 19M lywr expre-F. nmrkrd Well (51. K. 134“: Pu. ‘ Vul.. L—l Brigade. 24 Div.. 2d buys. cure of Capt. Adam“. Vlfl Clly Pd’uit, VL. will DD ! cloubtmily be received lay l u: party to whom ' it in cr‘gmiunetl. 1 i 1 Co. K IHUhN‘I‘S 66 men for (lulv; ”absent, ‘mck. Our fl‘ifhll Lieut. Jnn. .\'. lin-yer has returned to the company, quiw recovered Imm lm wound-will glad 1.0 see lull). Veiy reupeciiully yourr, 11. I ‘ [tfqmmnnicatvi i U. 8. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. I Mu. Snuuz: l preuume you would not ; intentiouatlly- "hear t'nln- witneu alngninut. C’ m . let! your. neighbor;" nml‘ therefurv, his}: your' , . . _ , "Di Hm” . ' inttvntign to a paragraph quoted lrnm thel ( F Dad, s°" 1:1,.1864, lili‘gm‘“ “"3" ”of N. Y. era/ti. in your last. ISIIIIP. in which,l , "flux" ';::‘.:";’l"’”:d:)”” ' "’9'”; 3:. 'speu‘king ofthoSnnitlnrynml ChristinuCom- . V " ' ' ‘ ii. ' '""’ 'o'. an ’miu‘aim! the Herald “y. “it is said” the‘ have ever rceotded.—nnd lddl another to the dnit’ghtrr mmo their loss. ' v I. . ~ . . . 1 ’ _ ‘ 't. , . ‘“”')"ng of these ehwrprue- are‘mnkmg nanny dmultul vurmugs in regard to the rue-i uric??? greed Sf‘lfil’n”: 3:31.; I“a good-thing" ‘““ ol' ”'““' ‘mtl-tittit “”“’: I: . hug "t 5" Imm. \ Hil runsomedloulhas roan-l than: {zrfifl'tgg‘mffggi giggggfincgg‘ffilffti mcunn You: DEE.DS.—The ntloution To "“1 Gud's mm in mum Me i Now, so hf)“ we“ ren‘iarksnpplpv to‘ e parties holding unit-corded Dt-rds la dirrc'cdi 3“!" 1""?! Mamba-’"" ‘"“’ ‘"“'”! "9"! ‘ LChriinnn Commission. the-y ure grnsslt‘ and tto the pmviuiuniot thrAt-t at Anscmbty. {thichl c"9 m 7‘" ‘"" '3'“ ’“”'." ‘f’ '”“'” x ‘ a ”II , t I ll th 't . . . ‘ . I ~ The friend vtonryouth :4 "kn. willow, ‘““ 0 I.:‘J;::....‘;"r;:' I “““‘ a 1,. “m , ~ . ‘ - . . 3 , _ l ‘ “All deeds an cnnrepncu fur rut) estate 3 t h,l Id" .- ,pttnh. nnd with the VIII'IOUI armur In the |in this I mumomtuhtt, rhnil Le. rttufllrd im' é): Jig“); Jr: ourrsxnzneoiztnlygy »m, field. 9'"!""le-' Ifie‘leral hundreds of dele- i the uflice tor Recording” pee-lg in the county“ u.” we met 'm, “gnaw it 3', in), bi! :gnteg. there nre uut‘ statue half dozen who: where the lands lie, mt/lm "’2 month. nttu r that guilt-. . v . receive {my cotinllz-ullott: its f “Menu! execution OI’EIICh dctdnnud c: “Quint-r; nmll u, 1,“ «.utcrud thejuyn ofhii Loni. ~A. I. mating-n» and duh-gates, give their ltll)e,it\'fir) Hllil‘ut'tti nud toll'fjnntf‘ nut ri’ruvflt-d; , ‘ . on” "“'. nml l_ubor, nnd‘mnm have given tilt‘ll’ hwy, ias amt-gum, all“ ht: managed gut illi."..\Tl V ( .._ ~ ‘ V to tbts cause for the turpow of trlieving A)” \U”) flxulust um aubwqucfif pmfl-mcr Lwd' on ”"' "'l' “h" M" 3" ”“"'” of withing and. titling unml, wuhonit any pt»,for’atmlinilt-rotuidemtiun. unless such tin-In d‘i’mc'i‘h ‘ALWB “KBEUCA' “’"‘ °' “'”' cunt-Irv recmn .en‘u lmtever - «nut in midi. be Not Hitd bcftlle tln lttul'dllm m the difdnr" “'”‘” ““"'“ ““"' 20 ’”“” "' ""”’N" "“' I mnlt‘o' this ”L I”)? mntril tin-d “b" ll icouwvant-e under- “Haw”, luhlequt'nt [“"'-I 21' dgys; and on the 9tlriu.-t., at the rt‘ritkflt‘. ,3! ''y ‘ «I I nP. ‘h ' , ll - n , .of ht'r father, EiillAutgt-Il l 5 wart [tumult IHome of tin-m thnuunmh 0! dollars. at then; " “5" ‘”' muttungce 'l‘“ “'“"“ " iinud 23 an)”. my], dm,.,m,,"'of .lu in Itiehl ihrivnte funds. in rupp‘ort at it: opergtiohn.’ This ii I very impurtuut notic», and thou:l u'thlgwountf. Thur. 1;” brief "...“. “1..." lli’li‘e‘icthuriiisllgt :1: Ltzimltrznr‘znzrl Eng! holding "““me dwil “m "a “.._. “HWY-ii lute-_uting sistm Kt‘rt‘ removed Irom‘ the rim. 5 ‘ “ n ' . u 4] e "I . .- - . C, K|d- menu at their howl-I in the urin tun" choose ‘0 look M them, and they exh ‘ guru: at lumugtlnm recorded without turn”: life, m 11“, Imm! ur the, 1119." inithegtwrld this rfintnrk'flilg fact,_ that the tally/e expel: e “3" _ . _ __ ‘kuL. '“' Ilimte. The; now r‘rjoicetogrtlu-tlnHut-en. ' none! In operations. Invimhng‘tfilght. Irav- ‘ALES (IF REAL ESTATE—J... Dalnncnlmr :“Tg :‘lfiafivny'Trfit fgirnlE-‘fginhlggi I 9nd 'lmrlu 11. l‘ollry. u- cxucuturr, lint: bot-1% Aon,n4ull u ‘ . . I . ~: agents “1h" lf‘t'FlV-e pay. (11' not amount to two i 2:: $1.813?” 130‘" "’h‘)‘ D“ l Path-Lt!“ ”4““ dj .am! a law pa cent,- In other words. yuan (hunt ) ' “‘- ""“ ‘f ”“‘ 0‘ 3w" P" '“‘-"1 J nimtygflm and u Ila/fault (m! of may dollar‘ I urt‘ha ' ' “‘“”" 1‘5“?“ I ‘crmmbu’al is actually received by the sol-l J. B, Dnuurr and John Homer, ns executor .fiierafii :legrtfe ul eommmy which} think,‘ and aglminietrutor, haw-old a“. 1""!“0‘ 0' I iiziiiilirltftgfiuififz new. almmwhflhyl n. G. Scott. and )obn :minn, dcc'd , to: $3.300 i ,1: is shown by the testimony of medichl i -l.emg “hm“ 5a,, 1'" "”‘ I’m-‘"“" E” ‘and otlwr nflicen of the army. that than» ”‘"“‘."- ' 2nndn of lives have been lured hy the (‘flht‘lSL The; have who golds part of Round Tup. hp -1 of this Commiasiqu; and besides this, an , longmgto the mine, in hm, '"Si‘ls mm 5:20 ;au:ount of gncd has been uccmuphshml by I w 524 50“" um the labors of its delegate: in hospitals nnili ', ' ‘camps, that cannot be Prttmutml. Tbélel- ‘Sherm‘ Hebert recently sold the prutmty ut‘ ifacts, which none willnttetnpt Io contrtuyert, J- A- "”’P”. '"- tint-n Muuhl, lo l'utuu Big ‘and which ought: to Le‘lnmiliar to e‘u-ry lium,ntBl,9w. . ioonductnr ot' n‘ruhlic jounpil In this coun- , ltry. futnish nn nntiliotg to the mnlornlvnt Ineers at what has not itmpprolu lately ‘be: 3 itenned the ".\.“.ttgnic Pun." and should secure for the Lomt‘hissinn thfihrurty (90m. ‘ mendutton nml support of those whuig n.- l finance in so gn-at In the fut-umlwq Land direction oft public sentimenL , i: i I ha. referred only to the Ckrhlian‘fi‘om mission. beams» lmvmg tit-nt- been: I: jut-c -‘lt’d with the fianitary. l ptet‘er to lea c it: vindication to those better ucquaintedtfinth its operations. ~ '3‘ R G 1 BIPCRSZL I Chairman. of tits local commitlte Uii .S. ,Chriatian Commission. ' ‘53 i Dec. 20. 186-}. 31f Conny rou nu Nu! YnC—Godcy‘s 1;": Book, for January, 1863, it I Prémiuln Xd _=-er ~nnriraflvd and unnppronflinblo. J: is e ‘j -l \lished with two splendid Slcel‘ Plate-n, a 1;!!!- rior colored' Fuhioq Hutu, Ind Founeenl‘.‘ 11 Page Engraving. The Henry depurlmq“ “is no 19:: varied and inning to the mug" *- _- rendor. Now is the mm to begin with the ”JV volume of Tlu'Book. Terms for 1665: f 3‘ Qppy, one yur, $3.00; no copies,one yam-[54;- 50; three copioz, on. year, $7.50 ; [out any a, one yeur, $lO.OO. Address L. A. Gown”: nor Sixth and Chestnut umu, Philadelyhg‘.‘ Pm Guava—Tbg Pine Grove Iron Wog‘y, Wanted in Penn towanip, Cumberland c r::— ty. have been mid to the: “South Hounmingm Company," for a willie; and a half of dafla J: The same property was sold 1255 mm [K ago to JugCouke & 60., («5225,00 n It igén extensive and valuable estate. wall wooded ‘ d watered, and contains inuhanlliblesuppl’xgof the purest iron ore. H ‘s} We learn thin 'u. is .tbe intention of the u w firm to nnko extenure xmpmvemeuu It :32: Works, and to construct I rmh’utd froth prc Grove lo the Cumberland VsHey railroad;— Thia wdi give employ ment to a lime numb" oHuborers, Ind be the mean: of putting in _cir culnuon a gran deal of money. , 39-)“. .\'icholna Purse, on old 3nd much estevmgd citizen of Chumbenburz, died on Sunday morning week, at tbeflrnnctd age of 83 years. Mr. P. held the position 0! Post Muncx of Chnnxhenbnrfinndcr the Administra tions of Presidents Tu ‘0! ud Fillmore. Hr. P. was the comment for the Thwlogic‘l Sum inar; in this p'iace. 1 RISIOXATION.—Wo learn that the new. John G. Fruchoy, pastor of the German Reformed Church, Tug,” wwn,hu resigns! his ’cbnrgego his area: mof April,lB6s. Ho mire: from themiuia’try, Ind mouno hues-“r. Pm, tak ing will: him the respect End good wishes of those smong whom he lsbored so long and so Multan}. when Junuluy m to January Bih II the_ week appointed by thl Eungelical Alliance, all 0; week of speck] Ind united prayer. ‘ To Sun Swuduf—Ke d 401 M, In". 1 Ib.. pepper 3 03.. up § pink—pulverized, um um luus I tmnpfuu. fiTho Hanover China up Jim East, An “American cifiun 0! Africa damn," I“ nrruud than. I {o' am 40.10! netting Jaw!) Your: chicken, I“ trudged in Yorkjwii. Iob)il & _ H ammonia-3mm m... ,7 . firm ““‘—'_'—""~ ‘ flour ...»..pu ..........f.,... ‘"“?»“N W “101% mmt ‘ro svsscnlazns.—smo‘uy. Hair“ 3 the 14 o? Klimt, 1564, out term: of "bun-sp. ‘ {ziws'rhn'nmummwlmnfl‘ :“t0 3: . nonhm m T-ovmifP-mn “m cam;...:ff:::::::::::22:21:12“: "" “1‘ ‘ .ud twilomu v 43: Ymr cents it no! '0 Rye............... 1 a paid. Thou whmll and pay us between thin U-11....£......... ....................,... 1 a” ' . . ‘ u Bucgw eat......... ..... < » F“ ‘“‘ 2‘" “13””“L‘f” hi" 3“ "MW Clmer 5eed.......................‘.....x0 00 can,» m. our Ann-’53 town. A {er I.“ “ma °urlTimolhy Srcd... ......w... 35.X0 ‘ M publishedraus will be RIGIDLX ADHERED Flu Seed 2 35,“: 1 M TU. ‘Pluler of Pari5"..................... ll 00. CORRECT THE ENROLLMENT—We pub. lid: me following wixbout pay, bonus. of in; grux imporunce to the public gamer-11y : The Board of Enrollment 01 the Sixleenth District of l‘cnnsthifl, will ho Id speciul nos simxs ncu monlh. fut me Carnation of (In: En n.’lmrnt 1.41:“ as follows: ‘ , .\l Redford, for Hedford county, on Thurs day, Friday and Saturdny, Janna] 12m, 131]: and ch. AL M‘Connellgburg, for Fulton county,“ Mondny and Tiesdny, January 16m und l‘n'lh. A! (IF/[Th Bl'lm, for Adams county. on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Jununry 20m mm 215‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ Ar Semen“, for Somvrscl county, on Wednesday, Thurs-in) and Friday, hum"; 25th. mm and 271 h. At Chum! enburg, for Fruuinn county, on Monday and 'l‘ursdny lulu-Hy In)”: and 3191. AH prrsuns claiming ‘uon-linldlity on IC count of .\lunifi-n l‘rrmuncul Physical l’inbil.‘ m ; hufihg bren Two Yean iu Sank-e; being Under or (her Age; Alienugo, on yer any othn autfiJrnl renou, are yoliciled to unend will!” their proofs. l Comminers lhpnld b 0 energetic in bringing ant the fun-going uluues, and in prrseming ploper endvnre in Ihe cues of Porsoul'n‘ow m Svnire, Non-Re«idenlu, and olhers. All should tndenror lo present themulvel upon the Jim at line «hays above in: ntjunodmnd not dt-luy until Ihr second or lhird. The ¢l|-| gagelm-mn ol Ibo.- Band will not admit of any' that buiug km. GEO. EYSTER, . Cam. I Pror. liar. . JOHN CULPJZunm'r. “ “'3‘. 0. LANE. Six-Econ. Q Clufinhcnburg, Pm, Dec. '.‘l, 1864. 2 FATAL ACCIDENT WITH A BISTUL.-A molt. nel-nabcly accident occurred with a pin to], in T’nmo lowmhip, yulerdnj' mousing week. It new- that whilaucvenl 0! We chil dren ol'lr. Michael Berk were in the lining room 10mm", on: of them, I boy nbom I‘m.- yenrs old, [at hold’mn pine], and whim phy— ing with {l,nccidrnully ..‘lol himself, lhrough the hurt. cunning "his dean. inltanlly. This is one of the mad": casnnlligl of the Irina In HOT ASHESn—We cannot, nl this union, too unwell}; w-rn cur made" :3: us: we eureka-a disposition of hut when. \\‘2 have re- (ently heurd 1.»! who llnl‘l‘uw erg-hp: Iron din-ugh tion of sen-ml \nlulblg buildings, hum [his uuso. Aghu, npeciully that. undo from hilt“! wood, will keep “din” 3 long while, nnd to place It In n wooden Ludrl in limp}: lo imitc n cufifl ‘gruibn. The pruuiw can". be mu SQ\Qrfb‘ ,condxmned.. g NEW, (‘0 [‘.VTERFEITSr-Tlfe fuliun in}: new . 'L ‘ z roan? rfuls upon humping“ [tanksghmF made Hui: «manhunt-e lince we 13!. inn}: ‘ [hunk of (humbershnrg—lffit, aha-redz from 15; vig. cu liglu mun Ind (~hild;,huu or Wuhgnglnu; left end Fr-nlhn ; well done. - Bunk uH’cnn Township, I'hiln.—-sl,!purihm; rig. eagle, tinsel, builmug ind cu; in duv tum-e; mull: buy. and 5 on each end. Gou-numnl 'lhmk, l’ouuilu—wa, LIE-red from ls; wig. slug; “ell dune. . ‘ . Med-unicu' Hank, Hula—lla, tpurious: rig. steamship; figure 3 on each unit in green; cuglc uu cuch end; also run: Inn! “3." . HO 1 PD]: Till-l HOLIDA\‘S!—Our enter prising nichd, 3.1 L Hinnlzh. is p'pnring for the Uulidayt. m. “on Already prewms a"y appearance. \Viqhout “king time Io enumer ate the unit“, he debitel us lo “mun: never bofure has he been able to present to the pub lic such a cowplete assortment 0." To)», Toy Books. Confcclious, and Funcy Articles, whinh :ow nlready grace his shelves, uuimble for Hulid.-y pruning. lie the has the belt brands 01' Cigars and Tobacco. I! in well worth a \ iuit to hi:- Moxe. The sugar! you cull the better. Dec. 5. U." ' [fig-“Tn: Eucroun Cums: an dereu flelirezed i.) lho United l’rubyleriun Church, Gettysburg. Pm. Tuendny, October 25, 1864, by Jnlm s s. Wbodburn, anwr ofsaid Church." Neatly priated. in pamphlet form, and'for sale at A. D. Buehlcr’au Price, 10 emu—me pro ceeds la b demwi to tho Chrisfiun Commiso stun. A chfiohhiafiddnu has been placed upon our übiqusd we bnve read it with much tum-cal. ' ' “'“'e lurn xhu mentor: of Mean. Smith a Manure, in Emmiuburg, was robbcd of about $l5O in moucymn Thursdny night week. I About 3120 belonged to the firm—«bout 530 wt: stage mom-y, and $2 church mono]. The ‘ non ans came}! through us unoccupied part. of the building. S‘Chrinmu this your falling on Sunday, tu-dly will be observe! u a Bond-y. The “are: will' be cloud. The Poll ofice will be open from b' to 7 o’clock, P. il., and cloud the bnlnucc of the tiny. ti: nid lhu smug ‘ho Fedend prin onefi who recently did It Sauna-h, Georgis, was flu J. Cuban, one of the bugle" ko Bun. ter‘n Cuv-lry Company, fohnerly of this plus. Shh Pmident Lincoln has iuned I ed] for 300,000 mom men, uni correction 0! din cnrullliuuu ahauld' I'm-Highly“ uon $O.?- Snb-d‘uuicu shouu not deny. dl]. [on Snow—on Tuesdly morning, It than: 5 o’clock, mu tonne-cod Inning and contin ued to (In until no”. then it had nub-d the deplhohbont fun: Sacha) mkis; (cod sleigh ing. 4 Coggin. Plum- ground, par bag Flonr.._.. Wheat Rye.... Corn.. Uuu .............. Barf Cmfie, par hund... Hogs. per hund‘ Huy.............‘ Clover-add... Flax-seed. m Timothy deed Whiskey 0n the 13th inn” by Rev. )InZeEher, Hr. JACOB GEIHSH. of McClnine county. “1., to Miss MARIA CREMER, of New Oxford, Adllnl count} . On We Nth inal.. in Geuvlburg, by Rev. J. R Warner, Mr. DAVID E. DRESS, 01' Snub-n township, lo MARY 5., daughter of Willa» Yougng. Esq., of Mon-(joy lawn-hip, Adnlnl county, l'n. ‘ fiOhituu} nutmeg 3 cent: per line (bl All our {our lillli—l'Mh lo accompany and“. 0n th. 9th inn , um» York, York county. FR ANUSSfICKRS, in the 5711: {en- othll age. !The interim-m. of his maxim look place It Hampton on ”T ch. ‘ ~ ‘ 0n the 13th nsl‘, LEAH, daughter of Abu— lum Amer. age}! 6 years 7 months and I 9 day. On the Nth imL,JACOB ANNANIAS, infags ban or Jeremish .1. and Anna B. Biuechrmf ] New Salem, ngtd 1 month and 4 days. * Un ll:- Hm mIL. after u brie! illnen, in g Dickinson Femnlc Seminar), W‘lniums’ofl, ll’u” S. CLARA, daughter in Rev. 11. U. Ind .\lrs. S-u‘nh DBL-med” year. mu! 8 month]. ‘ Uu lhe ml: "mat, in the Emory Hosphnl, Wuuhiugmu, 04' inlerminem mu, ULW‘R S. 1!. HARI‘ZELLLIgcd 30 yun l "mum and 20 days. Deceased mm a member of Comm», B, 11“ PI. Cavalry. Tn Nrnvovs Sty”) Hun—A Gc uflpmnl, run-d of In nous “civility, lnrumpblrnr}, Premature Decu'vmhd Yunlhml Erlurmmulr‘g by n denire to hrnefit «nil-rs. uill‘m- F‘N’! n furnish 16 all who need it, (tree ufchargmhhc recipe nnd direction. tor uukln: this “and: rFifii-dy used in hi: can. '.Sufloren wishing In profit by the ndrerliacr'l had uqlgrirq'u'c, nml mun-«u suvé nn'l Yul-inhu- eru y, r‘pn du In by ladle-sing him M om-f. ul hile-inflnm mus. ’l he lh vim-And Tull irturmntiuM—ul vilnl importance—nix! be chc-orlul‘ly um hy n-luro Illa“. Address JOHN H. UGIHN,’ .\'u. 010 .\'nvn‘u .\lrect, Nun'flflflk. KP. S.—-.\'uruua Sum-nun of to h "I“ will flml lllil inhvrnmtinu iurnlu’u‘ale/ j Deni, 18!“. 3m i ‘ ' 'rmc cunt Esuusu ENEDY. . . Sm Jun (‘Lun‘i G/lEJAI‘HII: Fun! PILLI. Pro-paved {rum a pteu-riptmn 61 Sir J. (hula, .\L IL. I'h) zirinn Extruonlimry Io flu qu-en. Thin inulunlde uudmne in un tailing in th. cure M nll thou puihfifl Ind dangerous dilemn to which the [trunk ”I. ninnion in pubjccl. II modern!" igll etc-cu Ind renumcl nllx‘obuructiuua, and * speedy cure may be relied on. i 1 To Muu’ied Ladies it is peculiarly mind.— “ I ill. in A short limn, bring on ma monthly pniad with reg-ninth]. . 'Ench bottle, frice One Doll r, ban the Goyernment Stamp of (item 13mm, “’l'"- rent counterfei l. 4 ‘ ; Cwnox.—-Then l’illl sliduld not be ml“ Lhy l’. lulu during the Hun 'runzx nun“ o! flPru-gunucy, us they are sure to bring on Nil lic-rringq, but at nny other time they Ire safe. '1 In nllcnses ofNen‘om nml Spinal Alec-tier. dl‘nin‘s in the Bank and Linibl, Fatigue on flight. {laexcnium l’nlpimxlon o! the “can, Hysteric-I, nml Whit", these l‘llls will cfl'ecln cure wheli 1“ ll ollu-l‘ moans lum- rniled; nml nlllxough I ;owerlul rcmedy. do not conlnin iron, cnloniol, “minim”; or anything hurtful to :11. conflluh tion. 1 Full direction: in the pamphlet nround elrh park-gé, which should be ”new", preached. ‘ Said by ail Dxuggists. Sole Agent for the United State: and Canada. . JOB MOSES, 2} Cortland! 81.,K. Y. .\'. B.—-—sl,oo and 6 postage Humps encloud to my authorized Agrut, will insure a. bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail. Sotd by A. D. Buehlcr. ' [Nov-z 14, 1864. I] DR. HARSIIALL'S CATARRB SNUFP. This Saul! hnl thoroughly proted itself to be the best article known for curing the Clunh, Cold in the Head and lludnche. It bu been fnund an gxcellent remedy in many cuel of Sore Eyee. Deafness has been removed by it| Ind flaming has often been greatly impxoxed by its nee. ' It in fragrant Ind ngreelble, Ind am: m urmur nu" to the dull heavy pnim eluted by dlll’flscl of the bend. The sensation they using it are delightful and “Rigor-that. n open: and purges out all ohstrnct'rone,etrelgth~‘ ene the glunde, Ind give: a healthy “(lotto the pert: elected. More lhan Thirty Yenn’ 0! Isle end an of "Dr. Manhull'l Ceturh and Headecho Saul,“ he: proved ' greet nlne {or all the con-on digeug. o! the held, end It thie lumen stande higher than erer before. It {a recommended by nun} of th. but ply. niciana, and il‘nsed with great success 'ud‘ utisfnction everywhere. ' ‘ _ Rand the Cutificuel of Wholmh Drip gim in 1854: The nudmigned, hgluw nun; pun begn Icqusinted with “ . shall'a Cumrh‘nnd liesduho Sufi,” “at? it. in our wholualctnde. elm rfully mu, 3 we believe it. to be equal, in every no t. lo the recnmmeudnioul given of it. to} 1E” of Cunrrhll Al’ectéona. and um k il W. I] the but article mi hue em in“ In an. common diuun of the Bend. Barr t Perry, Bolton; Reed, Anton 8 00., Boston; Brown Luuon & 00., Bolton: lad, Cutler & 00., Bolton; Seth W. chle, Bone-g Wilson. Flirbwk & 00., Bolton; Hm)... Edmond & 00., Batten; H. H. Bay, PM, Im; Borne: & Pork, flew York; A. fig?) . Stock, New York; Stags": Paul I 00., York; In“! Illndr t ~ New Yotkf aux... no t Bobbin, New York; A. L. Scovm £OO., Noyj'ork; 3!. Word, (now i 00., Nov York 3 Bush t Goie, Now York. ~ ‘9‘ ’ For ule by I“ Danica. Try is, Nov. 14,1864. 1} ‘ cw. m mum to and um afou lilliou Put] unaulcéd for tho 29:11, it fun m’l bout, in Unknown, bu beam-91:09.11 unllho 12d- olMutx. . . ~ 3.5g} m2}: BALTIMORE—3mm! u" ............u 00 (on a. Inoto 1 , Ho 15‘1“: l n to ma . 87 'w “06 ............ a 00 mm M ...............n 00 ml to: ................23 00 ma: 0 ................15 oo msjo ............. 3 so to 3 In a so :0 I 'l5 z 30 w a 35 . -, 73.14L.X1U , 1, XXII,. .srtc-LI I, A'drlcts. 1 IN FOR.“ ATII t)” FREE LID
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers