11 . r“! t 98.1.10; .cglgxoqmn {hpfititu‘m A pri‘ygmfi can-uponglgn of thug?” ank Hiya/mg“- c pun-um:- nepounl 01m “unit cdangilted on we bhckgunydflhnn ,dler}. who, in part. represent. Michigni on :th flnor o“th U. S. Seqnlg. He it tho nun - . I who and Ike munn g.¢-e¢.;a!.lml-1-mngno jl-rin‘ n, to u prnper ,conditiqnfi; and calm. uccumu; 1.0 n 3 vw‘mm, uvwrinmp‘mnl. nhu-r rive Al-anpni-l. It nfifmarithut Hm’cnusefl of {hit mmu‘ ‘ y-onlew.l§.hi~ (h noting-{fig} D-mocm's Curp-xlme. We g'va thel ’l': Ebunc'a version o! the mm, which, of ruurwgiu Oll‘t'rltlt d: . A ‘ \Vuhh‘crnv,“’.-clnMlfny, lfuy’lfi ~Kt'lhe guppo-rmMP «I (m- N mpnui Hum). 10-u’ghh' bem'nr Clmndlcr. in mnvvnatihE with n X’r. Unm‘". wzu' u-xprvwrm: Imm finee‘,_\v' uénjn:fi\'ahamfighum untllfowm'hmdnpau: rmHy. Mr. Varhbtw. "I Indiana: hou‘mw his rvmnrki. (mulmnlml hm). m 1 mke’d lfi 3151-! he m'nl wan imtndn-d {or him. Mfr.‘ Clmn'll-‘I r-Ifliwl (ha! ha hm! sunl‘wlmt he. had said, and if Mr. V. mm M to [ukc n. to :hinm'lr. hg “an at lil-P'fly {:1 do 56. i “8 Huh appliwl some [mrwnai npitlytg‘ (’i’tC'ly I" M”, Vorhves and other o*”er bran); yrt‘vrnt and ”nun-Img, Wuecruluml on» Harry's-gun. m.) ut’ the Lute Smmlux' at; Um! mnw,‘ arm-d n Waie‘x‘ pno'un- 'rnm llnul mum and Hun-w it at Mr L'lmuvflur. “Hunk-l in: i: Inn-r h-a bond, wounding hnn st-vvrMyq rnnl‘pmggfirinu him so thin he cuum nuL' dulrnd‘ lulu-«4l'. V l - ‘ This WM failnm-d In}? :m'ntamnt Mhrouk u‘ chair urn-r hl< hm l, mlhpr-hv .‘Jr. ‘ldllfi'é‘l ‘gmu m- Vurhmw, it is not cr-rhimwincfl. , The nfliur u as flopped h'; [hr mlonfirpnce «Hum-Rona pru‘unxvl, my] the h-iemb 4)! Hr. .Cllundlvr rm- m (-nmuliannnru Lo Awhuv. Sauna. to pursue in the mutter. The wmuizution of Mr. _ Chandlrr’i fueudSWC amped, amounted to vr-ry Xiule. The brnwlzng clu§s nf Abohtlunbts are all rcnwardly .13.:an who think/[hwy m'c- mfn in insulting gvnthm-m of the llcnifiir‘rzmc liarly. ELI-t liuailulu a.“ mum:- :.- tl.) nut-m. an F”."”‘“' whicidthcir nbme I;:{s'provnl(etl. ‘Sufimor is‘ I: man of (hint. stain]: us well u Chundlrr. X‘u'e‘ me of tin- «3p mun Ith the coun'try Wonk] have L9sl] bonofilul if the pitcher ur'tlm chair MIL hwki‘n thé .Hl‘ackguurd's head—and Wu 5.1;; :0 our D -m‘ acr'uiu frim:‘+.<,pormifno luui-tongual Alm hunuin: to' call you traitor, Aympathizei'. m cnpporlwml. .withniit Bmitumu the tummy!» of Mr. Maxine-gun. IL is am =M'il thin: to Violate law—but. hm, as at present. adminis u-n-d. yields nojmtice to Democrats—.leev must (met to their own heart“ and him i) {or n‘lh'ou uf injuries; Img} hr-«xdflq. Fu'jur tificmiun, we have lhn high oxampln'of rl:nfiid\‘nt Lincoln, Wh").fls «lona hdlle 91w than vinlnto thn {Tulhmr‘nml am] stando ‘lnws‘ forrthe lnsL.two yearss—l'uliigt «1' “Union. . ' -—q_-—-——— «c»——————- WMCCiellnn'n ropqrt in intending rend !ng just. now. The inquiry wijl {OLclbly {prose-nl, itcclf 1.0 the reader’s nlixul.‘ how Gram would gen aim): in hid pxlecnnbn‘nersfi tlongr if hn “Wei-o hnmwcd, as MonE‘Han wan, wilh‘cqmmunué orders. inquirL’R and suggestion: from Wmfiington; and wlmt would have Iroon thayefiuh of bin last two .Weeks' operation if, pending them. Burn n-de'a troops had been withdrawn from him, an Mobuwoln's were 00m. ){LCI'Z‘HIUL The 3m!!! is. that .\lr'Clc-llun would have rapturedll‘iichmnml (rm yours ngo‘ had he been supportud :mrl hush-d :H'Grnm I» now. and hundnc'ls 91' thousands-of lice; and hundred» of millions. of dollars Would have been séved by it. It 1s tome wrctaix. «I incmnpetency. and wnn‘e (han'incompo tency.of the mlministmtinn’that 11m pro lnngntion of the war. and all us countless 'costs, is dues-Furl Wm»: .S'c-lel. Till Pub/n: Dink—Thu x-übiir‘ tit-ht of ”W Unilv‘d Slutvs on (b!- 10in of Til-Iy. as has been asm-rnixmd fvbm 3m hfi‘wul snur-‘e. stood at fonss: Dim 1-mring:n(ere:t~ in coin. $312.93fi 162. Hi‘ imr‘rosl lhqrenn he: ing-549,~17‘.’.TH I): h! iwlrin': imcww in Vlawfnl mmwv. 54HJ9L655: nun-mt. 9‘32.- 109.429. Debt hear Pu nrv inn-r 0". 3530.: «095,203. 'l‘n'tni fill-M. 51.726.248L410; micr est.~s7jl,ss2.l l4.'—’Ex.‘.‘«arl._7a. . Th}; af‘m‘n, we presume. exhibits that portion ‘nf thlohgwhich huh barn nr‘cnun ted for, qnd is shown on the boa-ks of the Treasury Department. But, how many ‘ cluimnlslm remain outstanding and unwr fled? How many pensions and b'nuntics men) he [l:ls:qu which no accounts have yet been obtniy/cd? _lt, is the common im pr‘ession‘ nugon‘; We“ informed mc-n that, these variou's itemgif added to the list. Mould increase it. to half a: much mure. - -——-———r— - ”What it‘. uu.——People who lend the: .war news m 5!. hp struck mm the egg? p:es:ions_used by writers in giiin; uncounwl) of conflicts. This or the other hattmy ia! Epoken of nsvhaving done-“splendxd ser vice 1" Think of the splendur of‘ .r'ippsng ,and Atearing to pieces thdusands of qurm being, and then you have an idea of the "splendid service!” Cheering néws means ‘ that. the enengy has'been badly defeated, leaving the field covqredwit}: horribiy mu- ‘ liluled remains of‘ men and horses—men dying of thirst caused by wounds and nth crs crawling away minus a leg or an arm! Thisincheering‘news. Then we have "brill-- 119 m. minim”; in which the slgughger Aiu poi quite so terrible, but still it takasmamy victims to make up the "brilXinnco": of fin. .And no on thlough the eutjro vocabu guy. I‘rbm,thn I‘rr: Wayne Sontiavfl.‘ Key Lost—sl.ooo Renew-(U—L m, mar €Oll Dkrl’ . "lhe key to ' Ru‘hvnond," which“ Itifnnnounced by the Repubhcan papers, wag pumped to the keeping n! the muscriber. ft is supposed to havé. been ‘ “then by a follow named Bfinuregard. who yiolenuy fissuulted. battered, and thnuhml the s‘ubscrihcr. causing him to skoduddle in such hutc’tl»:slxo dmpped tha|key. The ybqvo reward ‘ll be [mid in lincoln-gkins 10 my one who .will redore it. ~ Bax. BUTLER. 'quramliwzol Muck—The Buffalo Courier ' nukes a plalemem‘that IS paralleled in the experienpa nf every town and any in .the ‘ munlry. It my: that. more than thirty Rp pliu‘ionslzav‘e been mude to the chit-{of police in 'Bulfmlp by parents wha want m situncg in finding (hp _s'vhereabouts of rng may Jnughtérs. Most of the gn-ls sought Inga-m between the ngH nf llurteeu and eighteen. and xheyc can b}: “caught mm by .far (he grertam proportion of them ha've been bntxced from their home: for un- viiun I-‘WPO‘E' , _, _' - TIM. Raasqn Wield—Tho New Haven R 473- 1 in gives the reason why the lute bogus uls patch. which suppreued the World and the Jab-Ml g] pmtll‘u, qua no; credited m Lhat qty. luays: . I " .i ‘lt was so much brtter wriuen' than My; Pinodn’n documents usually axe. tint. mlny promupeed it. a honx log- lh'a: teaamalone." - “gougiimenu-Iy 9.0 the “goveynmeulfifi #8" ‘usngmip'i‘irulnot pav’pos‘ I, 9.1 m Pfifin'Mwm mug/r in Injuhoo’ Eff-69‘3“”??SJ‘ a" ~I ‘ ATY‘ERT’S. Coma to York Street! munundusizned 'uu Uduth'l' zhvfimrew i uni Prmisi‘r-u Marc 0' W‘ E. Billie. u. York “reel. 3 w" dnt-ri "at of St. James Lutheran Churn 'n. bun! wxll cumiuue the hm;- 1.9.5 M me «me place. lb. his increased the smut. mu: :s um.- prqmrud lo olf- r a most u u-Heux n~snrlmeumr goods in h: lme. sun h M CUFFEj‘ZS. stems. SYRL'I’S, T‘nm, a'nlt,¢‘mn, l‘uwma, iiuckets. Bnuhu, Won-h. ing Machines, Bucking. Gimme, .\'cwuu, l’m. Combs. km, with 13 large 11.1 yr “CHAR.“ AV!) TUflAfTCI H Mao, (‘.m'ou and can! o.x Lamp» Call .md am- for _r nurgcizvs Ha usurlmom. is [ml o..:_\ :ull,‘Lrul. In. m 2; us chcnp n.‘ the clu- u-rst. T e nigbeu price pni l for uld LPHL ' ) DAV”) TROXEL, Jll Ge'yai-urg. M‘l‘r- h '.j, lad-l. ' New Warehouse. ' ~lsl'.‘HELS (IF (HUN ]()0.(){)() W \STE’LM 11w newGrmu ..ud Prpuuce Un 139. inujulhlt- smm. :Mj un~ iug hhguds & But-high} Eeslnldishmenl. 'lhc lnghcxjumrket prue um Alan)- hc pui'j in £4lll lér - 4 bILAIN, of all Linda, , FLOUR. SEEDS. .l'c. .‘dywuyi on haul und wr nth-m: the smallest SZE :5 kLI‘, Hm ’ \EHIJL‘ERIES. kn ~ | ' ‘ H hull‘fldfi nn'l rum-I!- Tit‘x’ T'\‘? We shalt do out but w gi've summuuu in «El Lunvu. t 31:7(‘Y'HZJY J: DIL'HL. _‘ _(:c”'\3l)||[b’. Hay/)1, Una. 1y ‘ Grain and Produce. A '.‘l\'(‘v lnkrn I)": lnrge nml rumwM‘nua “ avebouauqecuml} o‘cumcd' b) i'ruu‘k CFq , 1:: Nfiw oxrnnv, wn are prr-imrt‘d In ply t P highest prime (q MI )oan “H’RUI‘I‘L‘E .\lsu. iv” M NH- lu'v. C\t Inna->3, LK'UHER. CQAL nnd‘GROULIUtS. m cucry \lt'scriphhn. . A. I'. “YER." a; \VIIJRM.‘£N. _ .\'xwe‘hfurd, A 1551», lduJ. If , 7 Come with a Rush. HY: undvrwgned \vum‘ul mm! rv-pl‘}‘lfll‘l.\' T wrunn 111,: nun: hmmls, and the- yunilc pnvxlels. 11ml 1m 1m: {rune into {m- VL-Lhmg ’n'lSiUL‘SuJIfiS smwn" uul sum-Lin llu' Dlmnmul. Hel'\shu‘; I’4. “15ShH'IHLITI‘Hd)’Iu”,\\:§l I.» nuuh M14201]: M rmluuce‘ (\cn snic u! r: u z Ixe :, mum's. sum:<,’lm'rs I‘qu. l'a'unhfi, VJhcld, Llhufi. \\-nl.lm~,.hw r’n‘ (‘.v.|.<.'i"~lul». un‘l in SEII'I'LI, en-r-‘H-iug u'kv . I. ought m’mtouud ulu “la! £ij 95.1 mm; and \'nrxcl_\"ih-u=e. . ' I‘nnwuin§‘ inn-. 151”. In I] I.- mmntime he iln‘itt'q cn-rybulyym gn‘e him a. call. U" in ll‘nl§~ 1') Laps; [wv'w‘l :l Huwk )lh Ln :u'cmn mm! Ith ..H—‘rvni. vy'xh [he have m'lnryt- sale-R, l'P huncs L] nL’c .l hung :At amJH prams. _\'., truulalu tn sun" guodsknnd ueumfl‘utl mud: Lo 3.1 m- buycrs.‘ ‘ Jgi‘CUß BRIXKEIZIIOFF. June 15, 13w. [1“ J ‘ , 011’s ‘and All,- ‘"‘IAKF: SO'E‘HTH—LTIH‘ unrlsjraignod wauM i 1 my to the puhhc Hmtfi-Lr is receiving a Hurry: :m'l levnll‘zl Sim-k ul' (HUHJERIES. Mimixjm w'ill 8c“ ‘:\3 Lm‘ as My other house ‘Zn tuwu—(‘u‘fya ’annra. f-1u1..3~t~°. Syrups, I Ten-1, b-lr. Hall, 318.. 'wxih Potatoes. Bums, and RN" : '\\'nodun'Wurmjmz up In the best mam lncr : Tnlfizvms. Sugars. .‘cv , 3.:'. I (3.1:); HE‘S. TAJC'? ‘HH‘I('E'—H you want ‘u- 11y in vanr luxuu-rq fur, ll!|r\'l"\‘[. mix ii {hp 14112.6. Ih we mn'n- bmmlxnf “'”':sLmH. limp. I «ink, “'mvs. and "'1 ulhl‘. l'qun"=. wuié‘h 1 am ‘. .li-gmging (11' uL-é'unrl prufifl.‘ “we mo :\ 4- v” i I "Ly/QNJ" t) 13‘:-._-P---.~.::d I‘Mvac l Yer; of. x ten um um}. Ifm'mnin-r the m \«‘c—s6u'.hm:.. IL"U[H'.FUiII-‘3 lummmd, Heuyz‘xmvg, , E ‘ _' 1.526). F.’ HALL‘PLEXSCII. | 11") 21,};33. ’ > ‘ , . 8133613 6: Buehier, DH \LEllh‘ 1X con. AND LUMBER. 5: I',o ru.‘ s'. TIN-WARE, HULLUWM'ARE, av“ ~ ~— Mm SHUTTERS, BLIXDS. FASH. BTU. Cmmr ofLLuil<Tc and ii.‘|r 'n‘i h'rN-ts, Oppo- Fiic Hulruu D'imt, kHLfTY-tfl'_'llb,l'.\. -M.L_\' ‘J, ldbL ' " John ,W. Tipton, WASHNWMKLH BARBER, .\'ort‘n-c-xst CM -1! he; of Lima Diunnnvl; (Ha-.\'. door to Mr- Un'llrlu'i ”0!»er fh~n_~.~lmrg, I'u., “he-r:- he mm m n“ timés be found ranlv m anew] In all hll=ugms in his line. ”4- ha: nlsn excellent as sidflncu and .wul ensure saListucunn. Gin hm: n call. ‘ {De-L 3,2366.‘ gemovals. f NEundvnimed.bcingxhr :uuhori/rd pol-mu F V 1 make removals mm Ewr (in-on L'emo: wry. hopes that =m‘h M vuntvmgnlzuq t'm rmnuvnl 01 UN; renmm: of den-. 1504 rr-Lniw: ur {rmuds "311111221! themselves 0! thlsseason ufllm war In have it .lnnn. Removal: unrie with prumpmoss —terms low, nnd'uo cifon spdrml m ple- I=c., ‘ " PETER THOR)". March 12, ’6O. Ket'pcrot the CcmeLery. Cannon 8% Adair’s YEW MARBLE \\'URK-“,Corucr of Balti i’ 3N” and En! Bhdifle strems, opposi'e Hm'llgfilrt limnz‘. Gurpbu‘rr, Pu —We are 1m par} d t mruiah Monuments. Tumbi. Bead «mm, \1 Irble \lnmlct, sums ior C-ahiixei Sink? ' nil all nlhcr worli appertaining in (nu bufim‘ess. We wiH guaranteesatid’uciinn hmb us In eu-culion and price. 0.111 and see on: designs and spreeirueus ux‘ work. 1341.2, 1363. 'n , _ .~ Young Men \ .\‘D OLD MEN. do nut allow your mothers A and your n was to We” cut. LLeu‘ precious lIVES over the old Wash-tub lbnger, but hue true men and beneficvora present. them with ur—EXCELSIMC WASHER, and instmd '0! frpwns and Crfisi mm}: on wash days, depend uppn 1:. click”!!! faces will greet. you. TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, Pa. Dsc, 14, 1863. PHILADELPHIA Wall Papers. HOWEL‘kt BOURKE, ' N. 1!. Cor. Fouxlh and Market Slrc'eh, , . l Manufacturers of PAPER. U’AXGIAZGS Window (‘urhin_l"nper,e,, Linen Shades and Unllnnds, . Solid Green and Bnfl‘. I Chocnlme Hroundl. Figured and Plain Shades, To which we invi'e the attention of STORE KEEI‘EIL‘S. ' Pain-. 28, 1564. Gm‘fi Cabinet Furniture. T r. 511152130 an a soy. -' . reamsm WARE ROOMS, .\'o. 22.9 s. Serpnd Sh, Felow‘hock,Wélt lide, . mumpswuu, ' Thu-e mnhtnmly on hand A very 11111; n;- nortmen: uf Rosgwoud. Walnut, (MR and M 1.. 110 mm: l-‘urnimremflmrsf dPsigns. and quperior ‘yorhuflnehihwhwh Hwy nfl‘ur for talc M rea sonshhqyrites. Bods nag Mauressps mam-JD (mu-r. ». _ (amass, 1:31;. , Gin" | Sale Crying} W. FLEBIMIN-G continues the business. A. of SALE CRYING. ‘ud “mom the cm nuaed patronage of $llB public. It is his ”a. stun: endeavor to give ‘suisfactipn. Charges; modemto. Residues in Brechnridge urge“! Gettysburg. ‘ . - ‘ - ‘ -?. S.——Ue ia n lirénled A’qqgioneex, under 11m Tax Law ol‘the Unigcg Stain. '. mi 24,1362. ,3 . . 3 , __.._._ __L. H... ‘ ‘ ‘ flux}: GROUND spicag; :elerud my _flfiamdzupmdy {or Dr. ROBERT- HOE? EFS xerbrug Sluto‘ I -' ' ‘ (. t 1391., Everybody VXQW 112'... . 1‘ mnmmsumg STIRLET Aumm In muffin r-‘Lu'ncd frog, w: my mgu u apieudi- anortmieuz or HAYS; CAPS- QUOTS & SHHES, wilhoul any di-uurunvmenllomy neighbnsyr my other panic» o! thewum of (:rtu)s.lu;,g, l have lb? plusun- ot nunOuucln’ dun. (Shay hem-urgnrul u ahead and [but the piare‘Jo buy Human“, noon nuJ shyg'cheup, u *m m_\ new mun}, “my opposite the Luxhuuu Church. 7‘ \ The silentiun of the.Luflu is particnhuly innted l 0 Hue splmdid assortment of Guile". Suppers. \lumcco Lac. Boo", km. inland“! Mr LaJEI-a' wt-ar. ,Ahu. "hunks, Carpet Such l'mhrelh‘u. To: Linn u. UIL'AI'V .md \oliuni, in en-ilus vilrmty. Herc il lhe. place in huv g‘md: .qu , .u I Mu idewrmiucd nm to be unuhgrsnid h} an other e-L.-h‘ruhment in lawn ‘l‘hnuLlul tor past in surs,«l_a_un your: entirely. ‘ . u ' JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. Mnrch 25, 18H. '9 ‘ ' Dissolutio/n F PARTNERSHIR—The Ctr-partnership () ending Luzwrcn the euhscribrn. has m-iu uhixolwul .1112: dlly by mulml calm-m.— W! return thunk; luonf Iriendfifiuhhe public for ”l': h‘n-ml mppnrt exlunde-l nu us. Our hwka w I” he [ch an the sun-:lamqun-urnesl ly request those indrhwd [u us‘ to r-II and mulb- unmedhte pumem. as we in: desirou '.u sum-.- our [1 Him-s: with-mt 414:“: ALE); mum was”, JUUN CL‘L'r‘. 30, qe4 A Card. Y IMP. aah~cribur “Ming Ilium-H1 arm; in [ lrn-d m the Nu“ r 1" (VIM-in (v “nip «0 Jubu r, Cranium. E~q.. {Ovid}! u-xlly asks ‘xlm rouxim..m-o- m hu l'rxwms MN .I ”xhflllr'rj la lJflllhhlLC‘ lure luu mun—”hen- lhrgnm "my M: hull. ' JUNK L'LL". - Fun. 4‘ mm. ' ‘. Another Change .\' Tm: “.\T AX“ snn'a nusLVESi—A. _ C'zh‘an'v l.a§in_:‘l:enz-i.fled with him in };'l‘i'lt“\ Jain S {'ruwtn'rri, “ho"purflnxicd up: ”nu-wt nf Juhn Pulp. roam-(Hull): :m -x. » w»: I!) 'hr ulixmu M. ‘“‘":‘l-llr; :n‘v! {Le . :I|.'X.lr.!H\,l!A:|X'll"')fl~l'lt~'s “:11 hr con tinuum-:1 :1: me HM Shuul nu (‘lniniluribuxrg Hunt. I». .\. 1 """IJX k (‘U.. “'lO Jvill cun— Hm 12y Low on hand a Luge lLuCk 13f'liulid*, in [bohm- ul . , ME allué‘lfi. H \Th‘. ('AI'S. THINKS, , “.\lh'f-ZT MAGS. l'\lh‘llllLL.‘.q. k(‘.. and ”my wm :‘ll5O culmnucwa,\l.uxu!.wm:u or .‘huh3.3_’ ' ' 1‘ 1' rul‘.l_t!mir mm: Pxnerionrc in MI the nbm’e» E-r-n- . 0:, lip-x I‘l.L:»rlhum<lhe.~:lhutlx'e-y ruu ['.lh::‘ Ihr pu‘uhc, and “:12: n-ll M": n 'm‘ Laugh _ 1!. “HISI‘; \\'A V“ . »J. s. L‘z:._\\\‘mnn. Dminfi l‘vmiueds unit-r Lue nmnt- mm firm of A. l ulwnn S Co. I) . LPN). 8, IH‘H. Established 1850. ITOT‘lCu'. (I? I:‘.‘\l<‘»\'AL. ~ A ' LHI'IIHNCE D‘ DIETZAA' (‘O, ;.-;‘y..-rtf'ul',_\- In I; ion\’--‘ in notify Ihl'lr hirnrlJ. ryivum-ws :un-l ihr- puUHc m-vnonfllv, [ll.ll [My Law h'mo‘fiL! turn: .\O. 13:1Frugklmslrcelfiu lac cummndm I: 4nur slnxj;\\':lr\lmu:n, .\U. 303 BALTIMORE STREET, - immre‘u Hfivuxd :xnr‘l Lfiwny. where they will fur Hm futuri- umdud \Lu \\'uuhs.flu Busi nes’anich‘ in ’ lumen frirfimir‘ca. Furznzning Goo-I'. , P- Lumcry. .\'minni Stuuyut‘r), L uilw‘v. Tum, Eu. .1: tn whir‘n "hey Invite the n'tt‘miwn 01‘ NH and cnumry lmrrlmscrs. t rim; runfi :rm nl tlu yr :lhihLy' In mm iuduwxmms m privrs nml qu Ifirr rx’Wiamlz. Urdel=§rv mu'il will recpivc prnmpt uncu ‘m. 1.149%: LA WREVCU D. FICTZ 51‘ ("in‘ .:1 ~< {minimuc’pu'i'l-i. LLnilnnurr .\m/rch an: .1 ME SKY [V ”(‘l' WE Bosewood Piano Fortes. HtLW'EinFJZfiX .t; ("1). ‘ (I 4 H H‘IOXDWXY, .\T. Y. 59w, ErJ-‘lr‘gl‘d 512.12,- L'mnn Fortes, with rd} - . 1M1»! nupmxomt-uts. A .I'lnrty rmra' variom-n, \r‘it‘l [rrmtlr in ('l': and {.u'” Viv-c 'f-n: nvfuufitmuri:l:.?n uhle m ';u sr“ fur P \.\!l' It the nhmo nnumnl'xy ivm prim. Uur L-etruxm-qu rowiu‘d Hu- hmhm! award .1! tho “Huh: n Parr: an! ." r firv sum lw 5T}? \‘ 1""- m Hui-,A'n'rman lnslit'nr. War ‘ m'flP-i ”_"I: )‘4' |r=. Tarn ‘u-r usu. C.“ or .= '.l l‘ur fl.»- ' ril li\l‘ cxccul.r._ ‘ .«H n .A BIZ Blacksmithih’g. r “In nndprsium-cl wnul-l m .51: rn=pf'-'f'vx2lv luluru; the p :hlu: Um: he has L‘unmnvuuu-l TH. U‘K4‘HTHISG PJ‘SINES\‘ M ".\nner on Zn-zlvr‘u shop‘ in 123:: )FvH't‘ rift-Pl: Cathslulrr. whore ho “"‘." u «I'- [inn-3 be [chum-1104.11, BLXf‘kEmilhln‘: work in 4'":- rifllt". I’ll-_zw:<. Wmunfi, .‘w. Thai ..-' Mum-n 'now U) do all Join" M £3l» .\zml “'l2! "n! he ques tluneJ by tlm"~ wnn have .n knowlcdz» uf hifi Ignq PIIJN'iu-"h'l‘ at vin- hncinr-ss. (‘nmt- nu “ill: you: wnrk.nml _‘mu will hefimishml “ht-n you him It. away—fun] l‘nr which bu Mn to. can; C uh or Country Produce. - » , . ADA“ HULTZWORTIL JJn. 4, H 361. tf ‘ - ~ To Disabled Soldiers, IqEAWIW AV!) MARINES. AV!) WHN‘IWS, :K- 41: UTIHCR nmus “[7 THOSE WHO HAVE DIED oft BEEN RULE!) IN THE Sill:- IvI“,VE:.-—CH‘§'. V. Tc gm. .\zturnvy for (‘Mu - mum. Bounty Laml and I’culinm Agent, Wm}:- liurzffin Guy. 1). \‘.—-I'Lnsions procured [ox-.501- diri“, Seaman "mi Murine-1 of the prawn! \mr, Mm are disabled by reason of “unnds rvcen‘ed wr (Eh-159 canlrncled Mme in sonicmnnd Pen sions, “manly -.\luhl:} and Arrears of Pay ob. mined for wxulnw+ or (mu-r heirs of those who hnvn vlicd'or bran killed ,while in service. 1 Bounty Land prozurod for vrviv’cs in “"Y. 91 U’W uthcr '.mrs. CHAS. U. TL’GKER ‘ Wnehingmn, 976'. J, C. .\'tu’i, Agent, Gellycburg Nov. Id, 156. , ‘ I ‘ ‘ u; V; 9;, "*l'fl"'""‘ Vary.-lly £8737 ( (a .3' 9‘33“": 339.31%;‘1 ‘93;- -u, nu qu-_uu Change of Time. (‘1 mn'sucns AYLROA D.—On and mu T the first. nt'Janunr; nut, Trains our the Gellystqurg Bailrnnd will run as folknws: First Train will lean, Gellydmrzn! 6.30. A. .\l.,.wixh pznu-‘cngers‘Jm Baltimore, and ollmr p‘oiula VSoulhwnrd. ' [Kw-turn at 1.30. P. .\l., with passengers from Baltimore. alto fmm York, Harrisburg. Philadelphia, and other points North 39d Enaumrd. Sm-ond Train will have Gettysburg n! 8, A. .\l , with passengers for York, Harrilburg. Philadelphia, kr. liemrn at. '3, P. 11., with puscngers fmm Mme pain“. Pauengers (‘nn also reach Baltimore me same day by this train. - R. EcCUBDY. President. Dec. 28, um Isaac K.. Stauffer, ‘ “TATC-l; MAKER 55D J EWELDR, NANCPAF‘IURIR a: , SILVER WA ma. a I\l.-omm 0F WATCHES, No. 148 Hum: Second 51., Corner Quarry, [PHILADELPBMJ PA. We hug con‘smnfiy qn huhd nu nssomnont of Gold and Silver Patent Llevpr. Lrpine and Main ‘ Watches; Fins Gold Chains, Swls and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear Rings. Fingt-r Rings, Bruce iets, Minimum (Jugs, Helidliom; Lnrkru‘, Pencils; Tbnnbles, Spectacles, Szl'rer Table, Drsert. TM. Salt and Mustard Spoons; Sugar Spnnmi (Jun-s. Napkin Rings, huh. and Bumm- Knin-s.’a‘hirld=,(fumb‘v, Dmniond Pointed l‘o-ns, emu-val“ of ‘.ri'ich will be sold low {6l- cnah. ~ )1. !. TOBHS & CO.‘S'bes£ quality full jew— eled ”I’nneut Lover Movements conslunuy an ‘ hand; a‘xgo‘mher Makers ol’ nuprrfhr quality. , 5. BAT-Old 60M npd Sih‘crbought for ush. ' Sept}. 18133. 1:2 ' , Another Car Load. i RYNKERHDFF keeps 'up wi'h the {1553-be B géi‘ing new goods almost Every wag};— He spurns no A-fl‘urt. to accommodate his numer. fins. cpstomcrst “ Quhk sales And amp]! fluent-3’13 fiis in'u'uo.‘ , ‘ 1 1‘ Dec. 7. 1863. ‘ 7 ' 7-7816: theflu’anflidflfimt 6f £9512: m‘u Summer Clothing-in gnu, ‘"‘ ~ 7f ' ’th ‘ "Q 7 1 , r 1311" s ' Lamp Heating Apparatus. ‘ ttILICI'L-NiYXVG—S'I‘I-ZWl‘\l(‘v—S'!‘El’-‘.l'_’.l DC “'1 Th TUE FLAME THAT LIGHTS i Till“. Rm)». . .l ‘I 5313:”)- the flame of A common Innip, at the: 00:1. 0 a. can! 5 worth at on! a ver comforup' .’ . b 1: hrmlkhu can he rocked—X. I”. Tnblm‘e. 3ls TEE VITtiL X’thrégrfug FIVE TREE ; fiSimy-lv in constructiOn; exaily kept, in ‘ . ’ . order, ready for use in n moment, convcnlcnl' ‘ ‘ ,' '0 ‘““' ‘_’" 9"”‘L—PWgyu/"I ('"'f'dl'f- . obtained by a peculiar process in the duti'lu WES“ i L Imp '5 0"? 0‘ “"‘ m 0“ W'P‘l'flf hon of the tnrfby which I“ highest medxuiual novellied of the My. The ,umizy of it in nn-r‘ properties ... reuincd‘ quhtinnnhle. n arm! saving iJmnde in honing" ‘F ' ' ulul wokinummll unit-lea. and can he made ml Iwok mould vuru great nmriy pcrsdns,wl.irh is‘ 1 “(unify dam: on the ambulance our: whicb‘ ‘cuny tlm .Zif‘k an!diers.-—Sciennfir Amer-wan. ‘ ‘ fia‘FxH't.nm‘ily me. hospital ILnt. barracks, ! picnic-1. lishinz. nuracry. or iirk room, I! is anl innifle of 'rumlnrz beyond all proportion to in 3 i cnsl -Ildlt’l Jowmrl nf Ilmhh. - , ; 593'! have (rind the «ppm-Nun, and my wifei inn-l I proc‘nixu the some t; mmmlmfl-lc and: llniiineysrfltle nrflc‘u, and we wonder how. we could hgne so long done without. its—Edi: 1 Cuul I)" Ciliulm'. . WA" emnomjvnl ronlrivnnce for 2min: lup he'nl av shun glutice for nursery and gem-ml ‘hnunelmhl purpmiu. One impnrmnt pmnt is {[u- swim; in val uvcr coal (item—N. Y. Even |lng I'uat. ; ' 1‘ ‘ PRICES FRO“ TWU TO 51x DOLLARS. CAPHJITY Plum OV3 TQ lUL‘R QI.ARTB. THREE ALEULLEQ rouan AT USE THIS WITH Olul ‘ Arranzml hr Kermenn nr Con! Oil, 01- Gas. .\ Dewnpuw Pamphlet of thirty page: furn ‘hhed smm. .\ls‘n. - , THE 1 .\"UN "ATTACHMENT, 5 Print. 50 Cents. ' - ' ITo be ntmrhvd 'O,“ common Know-rue anp f or th: Hnrlwr. by which: Water may bu 3 Blvilml. nnr! Fondl‘«puk¢ d; nlto M v vrzu gal to support :| shade. I EVERY FAMHA' [\EEDS USE. E wAgL-thi “xx-11ml.“ . -' ! wxumw n.l‘zr'ssrzL.nzent, I ".\0 2f»; Rearl s:4,Xew York. {\giri—l 11, 1.3"“; fawn‘ess/ézzeye) ELM l N E. C'unlr ’Zth and ChesnutiSlreeta, L . ' l'lllLAxuzhl’lil\. l'\l)h': TIIF ”AX-HILUEST (IF .1.. r.\ll:l:‘.\ x gs. A]. .\l.,_ I'm the 1»: mm '.1.1r~ Funny-M mm film-Hm slnus'mmugaer or “5-YANT"; anunux‘s Cum meuixl I'uHlFw'. : , t A \lUl'lluL IIL'SIXEQS COLLEH‘E‘ (‘dmlin tell nu u_i.cw fish-m nth-uni lhlsinoss’. 'l'minn._, (ill‘ungil ilm ¢.'x~'t,ml:si.iileul of ii'giU-i Dr. “'IShAH—DGRI' Sir—l had u very dread mule (Illicvn um! Counting-Houses, rcpre-cnt- i ful cough-31nd =orc '.hrrmt for oan .n-nr. mid mv inc: niil'u rvm Bay-armienls 0t Trudu n‘nd Com- i, wlmlefitislcm was hm giving wnv, :Lnd'l “up; llltr'f9.:ulll‘i a reguhr Brink ui hrpmu mul lw/mtrn'o'l on my had Wilih but 1)!th 11014- M‘ s‘if, 'ifl'ill: Ihc sin-ion: nll the lull'illldgvfi u rnqoru'rngz. My disease hafilnd Ihr! pmrrr of m lug! (uncut-g, :u-d qunhlyim,r him in the ’ all medicines. nnd in n thrl lilm-l mu~t hue s! ()flt‘al p!i>all,i' linw Mul‘musl-gcfi‘mtivv an- ‘ your [mmy gru’t‘; hut than]. Hm], m} vlnngh— m-r fur the “”331” duties uud empioyzuems of («r-in-I:iw‘wmihl’ not resl until she. Mail In hum‘ufl WP. ‘ ' lyour slorg, No. 10 N. Srcnnd s‘lrm-g. vuivl rp- Tim (Jonrse u Zna'rurl‘ion in the Theorelirnl Inled my rup to ynn. pnrcimm-d our hmllo u! ln-iml nan: mum in s “Ullk‘kfl‘lullflq Cnlnml-r- your Pine TI’PC' 'l'nr Cur’di‘ll and l 1 umnn-m-ml rial llilvul mum. [_in tnrr: nu R'mim-‘H .\ll ura‘, In use it, and in one \VPf-k l was nun-h lw-Itvm i'ulilndwiiip.L'finiuuulflhm‘, l'unu-s, Couch» aw] Mic; using Lhrue lmtl‘n-i l mu [u-ulectlv pnlni m», 5; ~. ' ~' fwell. 1| wonder to nil my {penila fir ihx-y all In In: . ‘ lpnmuunrvd uie past cure. l’uhlxsh my case x! N 77 .\ull think pmperi lil'Sl‘JlN“ I‘ET’ KRTHZIVT H'v stmlcn‘ FIJI-l ~ 'l.---".‘. Uh (huh! min: Fawn}, ulvhh Euxl'ljuw .\ .nminunme m Um “In-\i- til-1r livl‘HF. [iv \".LI I'lmmn- Ill} llm [max un‘ fit'Aw mm: m: mp} I'ynpricmr in I‘m vnrlvhxs H). p: \. meuN 4.! \\'hulu-gul«- wll Lcmll 'l'rmlr, 'i‘:rw.n-Ix-.:_ Ju‘..lu-|;: mu} (.‘nrnni:~§:m| “UH ‘MHS. lLul‘kuuhfi nmnmturing, Mining. mm.“- “mum-z. tux. mm fi-nih wuil m 3, us t:-<hwr.: : 1i mk-ki’rg-vr :- m '2 t-alvr in It. UJLk. m t‘d‘ .. [‘2' u lbfil-pnmthm‘i '.‘ig pruiuas known-age! “:EI he '.u‘. to me lmlr:t'prnl"llc:ll‘ IMI. . n This i‘nrmutnm ufiin [o3lml]: 111‘pr mum-r -amfi mum {‘l_r< ml. Iw~scssml by an}? m‘mnv [\nmvm-{cill I'x:”"]‘.i,‘l the Stat“. [L is cum ‘l-lv": In ml} ii: :q-puuwm-nts 'Il i~ -the_ un'y_ .Ivhzumitm in I'm \‘iucn (-nmhwl- :1 ou’ mtuah :V‘Wl‘mv-KS Triumphs. 'l'm w'lrs‘" vf' ”I‘IN‘HC-i Hm: i~ u'nlxrlmsao-E, 31.11 mm ht Comph‘lod m :vh ml u-zc h Hf [ha Hum: usualh’ 4.0.11 in aimsl 'lnshtul'nz . l.‘ :fi-nlil'.ll|('l“P of an tllh‘n-lv nmv, ].u~|~n-1-;vnl .J. um] me «Inpliuu of 1110' neu‘l [plan In | w) eH‘vn. ' ' e m‘ \-_l' Nahum; A.‘ vr-iml upon vhm cuunihtinn of i‘n‘W'vumh-rr‘ ‘1 '_' , w-I. “huhl (‘"’lhr'fl‘v.‘ all mat-m H-a Ixig mrfvu uf Khanmg, .\LauuLu Ihr n-g, 1: Hiram! u; ..' '. » f if :‘v I. i fur u I 11‘ x. r lt").1.l“ 5. lva -. . 4/0 , Cy? 9 fig. [\ T H I:.\' An} m (\ I“. J 13191 If! Sir: P?LLI:C‘9. hrm‘niidn‘l in r‘ n.- iu ‘..-\~iu;_r ring-s ‘ " 1’ :1 x I. .\ I» E I. HHA S E..('-um r of Emuhh and f‘hL-snnl. Sm. .\'rw Yolk. Bmukiyn. Allmhy, H‘Fo". l'rmi dvm-p, I'ml‘mml. llnr'fnrd, Burlington, _\»-\ vrk. llnnhrctor. lefl‘nlu, 'l'umnm, (i_vvl‘ln‘l. hem-It. Unicapn, .\lil wmkc! In"! St. Louifi. Tharnnzh [neurotic-ll and pramiml instruc- Oinn In all hrnncl es ‘pcrlainixg to n Eniahed Busmc“ I‘lducnu-m. The Philadelphia College “and: firkt in the Fmto. bnvh in point 'nf rqint-vlou and lnrnl ndrnnurm. Tll» puint aimed at ix Kolpidce r‘Plllln-Jll‘lll Funcuion where it brlonga—in the front rnnk of uzet'nl instruction. To this end. a most-tln_~rom_h tours-v of husinos: [min in; is minim-:1 and curtain"; enlunml, under I‘.”- personal snyonilion of competent Pm. insmrs in 111:» hr ion: (11 parting-nu. The mail. perfcfl systcm‘ot practical training over dq 'Vx~e-l, has barn put in operntion, and is sud 'ce~slull_v carried out. nfl‘urding to students ad vantages sm-h as h-n'e hitherto been coriander evl pesaihlc only in connection with tho conni ing-honst‘. Alter becoming pruficienti'n the h'cieme of Accounts. kenmanship, ('ommol cml Calculations lud Commurciil Law. tho student is advanced tn the Practical. Depart ment, where he becomes an actual Book-kelp er and Mcrcbnntipuse: through the dill'crent llduses; .lcts in turn u Teller. Cuhier. to. lvvlrua’ the dlllivs Am! relponsibilities or nah ofiice. and becmnes thoroughly informed, not only iu,the forms 'u hig'h am in universal use, hut in lnfll’lflglngclhl‘ nfi'nirs of businesswlth rystv-m nnd deqpncli. ag'mlaranips issued at one point. are good, im- an unlimllcd'peribl, in the eighteen Col leges comprising the " chain." . lhplmnas are awarded to those only who fulfill the prearrihod charge 0! study, Ind pan the regulate ernninntion.‘ Fur further information send for it circular. Address: ‘ . 2. BRYANT, STRATTON' 8 00., rh. 8, 1564. ly ' Phllndelpbis. Portable Puntmg Ofices. - - OR the us‘e «f ' ' I Merchants. Drug ? mall. and all business ‘ ’s‘ _‘j‘ and professional mm -., :J @132?“ who wish to do their “’- ~" ’ ..‘ n own priming. nentlyx " ‘ x nnd cheaply. Adap " ‘l‘ If ted to Ibo printing of . N lmndbillar. billhanda, cirmlnrz, laheh, cards and lumll newsp-peru Fun instrucunnl m~comjnnying each 08cc on ublmg a boy an: years old to ‘work thgm ma co~sfully. Circulnu sent. free. Specimen sheet: ofT\ 1)». Cats, Bm, 6 conta.‘ Address: ADAMS’ PRESS 00., 31 Park (law, 3. Y.,‘ and ”Lincoln mug, . ‘ ’ Boston, Man. Jantmry 25, 18643 ‘ly ‘ , Still a," Work, HE underaignbd‘vonlinues the CARRIAGE-RAKE“; BUSTN'ESS, lnjll It: bmnclxcs,_M his oldvsund, in 3;» Middle Sfl't'el. Gel'tytbuyg. ‘ ' ' , NEW WUR’K mudo'w order. and ‘ ‘ . , , R E F L I R I N G done pron?!" aflukm [lii-fl. " 4_ H ‘ 1r iguana §PRING WAGON‘S and SL IGHfur,§nXl. IJAOO-B TBOXEL. ;- “3." 111,163, h ~ : '_. ' 'smmwwitkggsfiszfig‘ag, EMI! 5.0 . I.‘ DR. WISEART’S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, HA". YOU A Cory“? Hlfi' he Sam: Tunon? Haw you nuyof “an pramonitory symptoms of [but no" (its! dummy, Cos chr'nos'.’ . . ' 'Fhose who shpuld bé turned by these =ymp. toms generally think ,lighlly 0| ~them uuul n {I plunge. Pram this fine-t. perhaps more than any olhlor, arise.- the and prenlencc and [Mal ily of disease which sweeps to the gun at least. “one link" of death“: victims. Corisqvnp‘iion bn destroye‘d more of iho’lm. man Tamil}: Run any other dist-me. and [be best physicians lor many years b .\‘b (hundred of m-cure, or a relngdy lhak Would heal the l‘ungs, but. for more than two hundred war; [he \\ hole uiedi: nl world has been i:n{ll’4's.‘cd that there wash m) ;h‘riull> power and um. xen (-y in the Pin‘é 'lrcu Tar to heal the lung": therefore tin-3- hav'o: recommended the use ul' .I‘nr Water, which in many cast-3 had a: good effect ; but how to cumhine Int-dim] pmprrm-s lor us to heal lhe‘lungg. has over hecu u my- Harv until it was disp'qn-rvd hy Dr. L Q C. WISHART, of l’nij.ldelnhia. Pu, Ihv proprie tog of“Wl3burl.'l Pine Tree Tar C0nh..1." Many. not only of the people. hut-physivipns of every léhobl mid practice, nge c‘miy asking me, “ Wham; lhe prim iple nr cull-e 0f yoni nut-c9“! m the ‘trmnr'm‘ut'o! l’uhuuunry Cull; lumpkion "" .\ly arisz-r is this :_ - .‘ The invigorajkm of the digestive ending— the >tr4-nglhehing of the dehnlimledmystem~ lhe purifirlniun, and enriv‘hmvng 0‘ the hlhm}. must (-xfml from the awn-"Hm rnrruptinn whirh‘nfi-Muln breeds. “'hlh- [his is efi'vrlt d by. the powerful nlvératiu: (Mum-4mg n-nm Mums:- to health) progwrncs ot‘the Tar Cardin}, ha ln-nlinc: and renomriug pdnciple i'nhn ,ncling upon the irriLut-d surrnu ~ u! Ihr hum; and Ihruul. ncnurntmz m v-n h dueused put. relieving Imin, subduH-z infl.\mnmtluxr, nn'i TP<loring nheahhful lezdenr'v. Lot llns mur fuld Mun-r, :Iw howling nnd Iho- alrenglhenlnu‘, cmmnue m nu! m cunjunction wi[lx Na‘un-‘s l-nnatq't rm‘upvmlive tendency, am! the m tin-nl is :.|\'('ll, pf he hus not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. ‘ . _ f-Mk all to rend the knowing certifirntcu. 'lijln'y‘ure from men and women of unquestion nble worth and reputation :- _ REHECCA HAMILTON Na. 1321 “'_vlle Sun-H, Phil ulclplnn Dr. W'mlmn" Inn» Tree Tu- f‘drrlinl {-1211 :u’ullmh- rum fur "mm-hilie. [HM-luv: rn' tha- Lungs, nor! Tlumt and Brent, [mi unmaxiiun ol the Lupgs. \ 3.! r. “'.u-d My: Dr,’\\“x¥!xnrt——Sir z—l h-Id hrnnrlnivit, h. n :mmuliou nf HII‘ Lunzfi. Nmflnvsi m HD3III. mul Pu'.plL-uiun nf the Hmrl in their \rnnq furmw; [ had, been Iro'tvrwl lwkmfiq‘ql m' xiv mml r-xnim-nt pm si-i.uw in Phil-uL-lpifi v, 1m: H 1"; “meg, not 5153;) lhcfupi'l (‘lel'xl' o.‘ my dm-mw, :\ n I imlfufiwnirr- I nl‘m‘ar hvim: N- H-mem hydhh.’ I mu lrvdy on 02.0 \vlgu nf t‘m :X‘l\r‘., 'x'unr [’mc Trev 'l‘.url‘(.rdx.xl w”: hiL'MV rt'cnmnwnllod m Inc by a t'rit-ml: Ifr'ml n. and lam limnMul to my th ut nHI-r min; fv' r 1 My», .rn-I nun cm LU lm'flp‘ X x\-,: run-Ir. 5-! cu XM'fl-M hmllh. Yuu mm [_viu‘ rr‘fxrwnv u- n.y Luna, .\'o. 965 .\'. Swunvl strr-o", \ r M Iva nfijrr‘ «If 111-roi‘w-r ofTJfrs. 1‘12!" ‘J L ‘l m 2 I’. .\i , \wrhcr unChcsnut Au" Sx\'h_=nw-I-'.t. . '-' " max “AK“. Bad the following from Imm Dr. Withnri—Dem: Sirz—l mkn [lll-3'"?! in in(nrminz you thmugh l'liS‘ s-‘vurcv: Nut yunr I’i IQ Tree Tar Cardin], \\ kich was rmmmmeml ed for my «langhtey by Dr. J‘ A'. Hall, uf this ('l[\',h‘l:l «urn-d her. of n equgh of more rlu -n fivé movvthal'fimndimz. ] had thought. her Iw ym'nl 'cnre, and hm! employed thu- in»! no‘ medical nhl without hny benefit. Imm t-hm r fnlh' recommend it to the public an mfo .wd surv- remMy fm MI [hostsinyluly ufihuo I, .w I know u! nnmy o'her case; bmidns (ha: -;[ my dauzlner that itluss entire}; cured 0! 10:1,; standing coughs. ~ Yours rupoctfuny, JOHN V. PARKER. ' , , Daguerreun Armt, 126 Genesue street, Kim‘s. ' ' ’ * :-—I have med Dr. Wishnrt‘vl‘ino Trre Tm- Cardin!) 'm'my lamilyl and can con. d‘nlly recommend it as I. valuable and mfe mcdicing for colds, coughs, and to than pru disyouJ to consumption. ‘ ‘ DR. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Geneaee street. Th 9 above in a few Rmong the thousands which um, gran remedy has saved from an qntimely gnu. »" We have thong-Ml: of letters from physi pi'lna and druzeimn who have prescribed Ind 5014 Ihr Tar Cardial, saying thlc they have never med or sold a medicme which gnye such universal utilfnclion. ‘ The Pint'l'ree Tar Cordial when taken in connection win: Dr. Wbilhm‘l Dyspep-ii, Pills, is an infallible cure for Dyapepgia The Pine Tree Tar Cordial will cure Coughs, Sore Thm I and Brent, Bronchitil. Asthma, Whnoping quzh, Diptheris. .nd iuha :41 ex celleut re ed, (M diuuu of the kidneyygnd rennin co phinu. ' '. ‘ " BEWARE OF COUNTBRTEITS. The gunnino he the mm 0! (lie propliuor and g pine mo Month: the bank. Allotlen‘ are rpm-ions mlmions; _ Pfucla Fug!" duh $l3 ‘01: Donna pen 503 th. Pup!“ only by lhl Proprietor, nn. 1.. Q. a. msmnjr, ; ‘ . 10. noxonh Second Street, 3.633.!‘W‘fi‘fl “mm-n, ' .1, N x. ;, ~ 4 I ‘ . e 5 ' ’ , x ‘ - . :v ,' amalgam- :; . ‘ List of- Merchants “TITHI_.\' the County of Adunl, rr-turned and rhnsiflv‘d bv the undenignrd. Al"— pr-iiu r of Mercantile 'l‘ue’i. in *ccurdnncc wuh m. w-vrnl A-Ls or Ahemb'y. for the year lw»'r-u:'a, omelel, Wart"; and Merchandiu: lluuocmr 0! Gnnslum. Chu- Wlll. Cu 9 23 HO 13 10 00 LI , 1?) (IO .13 '1!) 0:1 * ‘3 “1” "0 nu nus. “mt. mmcnns, ANTS, BED 1‘ ~705 F BCV-S- \HETHS I}; FI‘KS, \VUULENS, “ 7 0“ kc. nsm-‘rs ()NAI’LANTS, FOWLS, ANI ” ~10 ‘”’ \MLS, {ha—Put up inflii'u“. 50c. and :1 no N ‘ 7 0') Hana, Hunk-1 nnd Flaaks. $3 ind $5 In.» H. - z ('O. for Horus. l’rmhc [VSTITI'TIUXS..&C' ' N. ‘ ' ‘o'- » "onlv infnllime remwiies known." ‘ ‘H 7(m - “ I’m}: Iron: Poisons " . ' . H h “”3 “ Not d mgcmus It) the Human Family'fi H I ”0 “ Run come out of their tank-9'lo 11141.". i; ‘3' 3?’Kfi“snld Wuolvsule in all lnrgo cities! 1'! \ 1:, 0!: 535.1.) 11) all hruggisls lunl Reujlun every . ‘ ~ 1 . “In-re. ‘ K. i: .‘, 33 RIF-E”! ‘. I 'lhnuur' '! ofull \vur‘thleasiminuinnl. 2 - ,'. . ,w‘t‘ec llnu ‘- (Run-“1's" name i-4 on nu‘b Bax, :‘ ,1 1):: "Mlle nnul l'fmk. lw‘url- you buy. ,1: . ; 0’“, . ‘K'S‘J'Augin-u HENRY R. cos'rAß. M"|'kuunn Dunn 4a: Hauwwu. X. Y. . H 7 0" my” Sold by “H Whole-«la and ikchl'Drug :: g 33, ’.\ yiili m liellyuburg, Pa. ._ . 14 a 7 00; Feb: -0, 18b". ‘ 14 'I N). 'l4. ' 7 00‘ H 'I no. N _ 7 or), 14 x‘7 am; H‘ 7 (:01 N 7 no, 14 7 no] N. . 7 (o'. 14 '1 no ‘Fnhm-stock Brothers, . [humor 1 Zieglar, :‘J. L. Schick, ' ! (icu. .\rnold. .hwnh Brinknhofl‘, ‘ Ruw‘k Woods. ‘ lGun. Knihflviuch, F. B. Packing, 1. _ . 6E. Mihniuh,‘ Hfiss Jessi" E. Gilbert, _ I Mrs. .\lnryylhuxiti. , ‘ Siricrklmuaer & Wisolz’key, ! \ll"]l.‘\(‘l Suun‘flt‘r. ' l 1 Mn: Harriet .\kaenry, S‘ S. \lc('ronry, '.\. D Buehicr. 7 ' (.‘uhcnn .S' ('”“-ford, lJm-üb»: & Brother, lJuhn L. Huhzwnrlh. 1 .“lk‘i Mary \chHiswr,_‘ Dr. Robertflurner, ' . Julm GrueL ' A. .\'mn & Son. ' 1 Juscnh Gilledpio, liqyor 3: Son, - ‘Jniep‘h Bfl'mn. ‘J \I. Howv. Mrs. .h'vhn Warner, ‘ ‘Jolm Hrlmbull. ' 'Tlmn’las eren, A I A. L. P \an.;tli,* ‘ l‘o'v-r Winn-rs: . | ' ‘ , Louis SirllllfiQ,“ " v Mfg. (‘.llrlfimfl'. - *Nnrheo'k &‘\l'nrlin, 1:. F. Kouner, ‘ ' Mine & Young: ‘ Joseph \Vihlo, ID n'id Tune}. ‘ ! \\'m\E niule, tJ-uhu 81.111121 5 \h-(fnrdy k Divhl. Sin-ad: it Burhler, .\lu-x. $1.1m)”, Samur-I Hex-ML li. P. Biglmm, Y-‘mm. .l: Cnlehonw, .\{r—. \I liv‘minfzvr, (‘rmm- k Bruthvr, L.“ H. Pt-vrko‘, >l'xsh .7: S:~ne=i'w:r, \KxHI-nJ-l Emmi, (‘l. \\'. Rum-9, n. nf-mt. S-nmpt-i Imrle, H. .\‘v Imznrzz. . E. .F‘ S‘wr‘u .S: (10., H. :1. Kiri“. . ‘ .\. Ho-imnn; “a. “. HUI-uh!“ - i H. Forrv} ‘ W C. \[erril'h “Hiker! k St 415; 1.33 m M, ere, f . \anxuoy 1'!" ,‘l!r~‘. “hrv Yl. Baker. , ‘Juu‘m Shlf‘lv, .I-i'vn “PIN-l". ' .I I'll!" (313111“, J.“ u'l: RH'T. ‘ ~ _ V Miwunuun 'vr .Yruenph Fboo'r. (‘h "I.“ ”vomit-er. J. E. .‘n‘im. J 6; I) .\hHr-F, ‘ .L “mama". . _ . Jwa .J., Imm. ~ ‘ I‘Mllv 'k ‘nnrringrr Jufin Fuwh-r I‘..r}.:|r-( ID-ctnr' . (‘AUHH‘HN‘ llomnnu Imam-Y Ti lA'Wk A Ourl‘chrvr. .\‘gmne‘ ‘Y -rlin, , Jurhn .\lxllvr'. _ . . .. Lrwifi Jnr Iv. Wm, hum; T. H “a.” . r) l'. \l'xl'n. .\I-e. F. \i-lur, Mar) Ste-Lynn; K Oxmnn n Cy n. P. errl‘ntl, Tn \\ .lrd \‘.'-xi :10 '3u:'r(‘~‘< 5' l’ 4"”. “Iw. .' “'iwmzlu. \h‘: H. T. .\I ...3- r, PI X. fimnln .1-2‘m fii‘vvr; . .\"ilm .\‘ Ywung, . (‘, ‘\\'. DJII,‘ _ Immu‘l x lirc-Ihr-r DJnn-‘r [\- Shiolu s li. Sva‘limn. Pmnn k \lcCroary, Jul-n .\‘lfum-r, _ . Fun‘sux .1;- “MIN 7'. \li‘l‘hr, Mn. .\nn Hm'imci), H. W. “'1 mor, P. f'mhllr'h Jnmh \gurk. I Hunk .k Sp'lvvzlor, J J Bicscc‘ur. Pi-fer Yrmta J: Um , John ‘TN-‘mr. . Jahn'i’. “muck. ‘ . .\'i 'm Len w. ’l'. .\X. L'xen umm Abraham W- yhrighl. * ‘ . Mutants h [‘.(‘o Xinn‘gh, .(‘h rifi< PIX-Jon. \. T. nght, J |“uh [’”“-r, ‘ [:4 n 1.: v. mop“) H. S. I’ruroac, C. WxSpnnuler, Ehhh hwanzlm', F. \‘. Hvl Igrnrunj' -' J. J ‘Kloim‘, ~ ‘Vm. \\ “if. ’ ”XL. \lnilr-r, (Evurge .\lxnhlurn', C. Kmutter, ' Me) at them, . J. 0. Albert, J. Wolf. Eppruim Howard Daniel Golden, Plnlip Hun, Jacob King, . Hugh King. Mrs. Ann Myer: hnac Group, H. SI ann, E. Hue-bur, J. A. Gardner, Amos Grieit, J P. Gclwit'k, ‘ J. B. Houser, ‘ . John Gardner, John T. Lhfl'ennperger, (LMyeu, ‘ :4 7 00 John Bohlitx, , ‘ H ‘ '7 00 Alex. Sell, 14 7 Q 0 8‘1.“ 7!. .. ’ ‘.‘L Nonh Miller, N « ‘ .00 Edward Saucy, ...; ' , 14 7' 00 Wimmn Miller, ‘ 14 . 700 Shhuk & mother, 14 '1 00 John‘WirtL ‘l4 , 'I 00 Dmflnun. ’ ' David Rhodes, Freedom xp., 8 12 50 Maj. H. Wolf, Hmnijtou Ip., 8 12 50 Adagn Diohl, Gettysburg, 9 6 00 Join} fienyig, “ 9 bOO Notice is hereby ginn to fill personslntmsfl- ‘ ed in the-bore return of clarification; lhnlJ ‘ ii" fund tn Amt], at the Commiuione‘n’ Office, ilxflettylhnm, on SATURDAY, the U!!! ‘ dry of NINE next, bow-en the hem of 9 A. M. und 869. I", when and whnro all person: Hut my coulidcr themselvu uggriond by slid dupificnion my “mind. A ,‘ . .5. M. WALTER, - '"‘ Appraiser o! Merqsntile Tue. for Adams 00. Ma, 16, 1864. 4: ' . _. . 7., _‘ >£ ‘ ' " 1.01-an r :chtofifiz fJPxe‘my‘or my pods jun opener jAlm'Booi; Shdei, , h; cum! drug's! mmgxnsgoms \; U il5l fl PIWQ' Spring mi Jsflu‘a’finmm Come on. and .u. Philfiditibis, Ps Crunxnuxn 1" G uuxaxr Tl'.‘ ' 7 um“ ‘lO my .7 _ .~ ~ . ~ 2-“ (m 10.1 n.» lib. ‘.unmuug {rm gr, ~14 'l4 11: H t‘nwmncn 1". H H H 14. DM anmcx non‘ Huuu‘np‘r TP H p 14 n -H . 1.1 H ' Trrini'm Tr. IsATIMORE TP anmu 1? TIAMILTOX TP Rnnila Tl' Sfluul 'rr Hunxxarox 1r ll . 15 on 10 ~ 2U 00 14 7 00 H ' 7 0" 16 'l 00 x 4 7 no 14 7 0') I.llllloa TIP “51 P H; A 1 L - - 8:. La $4lO Deal], . , é form-n I: .\hcn smsmsj ‘ . a _ ~ 7"0 Inl..\Dm.mn \, _ 10 ML‘P ‘ Am ..ymsvis‘r. ron swam. 18$”, 7 (111 1,”) pen SI Fancy-.\ilks. LIV‘WI. ladivh\i!kfi.sl. ‘.7 (:0 11." a grand Mm; -' _ ’_m Unit-ml [Plum {flu blin'S. 4-: ymxs Bht'k‘ Silk VELVET. 2‘; "0 Brimn Sil‘fi.i Ia”. 5. 4, 3' Z. I‘. {my yum. . 15 "0: . [:imk h rm. 3». . u ‘ 20 U”! ' 3-“ an .\nfiqm null cult-rs. _ ‘ '4') ’00: “Ingmlul'n Hu-umlnw. . _ .I 1 \Ltufiihu-nl Huamldiw. ' 7 'OO “in MR! ('hiuJ.‘ ‘vm-l l'n~|v.';u-~. .\‘pJufShflv‘q', i \'..-.1:...=.-.-‘.ui~r..m I: ....1. :7 ""’ .\'. U.‘ Hru' II! .I-mxum ul of ‘it-u 5 14;.“- ‘ 7 0”. .\L-n b 7. [NH .4” ’ 7 “Ir! ‘_.!‘4 . . p -7 U‘) " I‘2 s'» . m‘) . . .‘ . er-mGL‘”, 1w Noah Walker" 8; Co;. l A} )I‘.\>'J[[.\l:T.u.\' m'nmxu, 7 o'o 7 00‘ 7 mi: , , . . 7 m keep, (-nnunmm on hum] a large nnd IWQ‘FIIIH . ' I ' 4.. " 4H). . ‘ A r 1.; 5” ..’rlml .Kh 'k hf n“ h'ml‘ I“ V 10113 M r) ~ ‘ . r I I 111 r [I I! M... j~rN•et h r r- ~ ~ ‘_ IU ' ‘ ' ~ ' 7 0,", They “PM”? '”'-hrs fur‘ [‘3' flux-d m (Vi- T‘IW '. . ~ - '.' 7 ‘."IAIU‘a-ra' 1'71““ army-5 “I'm: n-my Inlanh' [\r : ‘ "w made 1n ngnuu'n. If) nmfimnguf tho éungtm .l ‘ ‘ ‘ 1’ - . HIE I= '1 !:"_\"k-'-op aim nn oncmive plm L of [’(i =I . 1 -' - ,_ . , U-H ‘ ¥ )1 mi IMILVH 33mm. rln'urnynz‘vt.‘\cr_v nrli‘le of 7 na‘ ‘x ‘ ‘ Tv‘nn Urnfllvnn'n") I 171‘ ri‘egl. . ~ 9’ ‘ ‘ \ .l ‘ 5 iv! run-v T‘IIII‘H’ n 1 \hlsfiiv "Fruv I“ '“‘ l‘h‘le‘jfi MO 7 'II ‘ :niuy“. I|~ “1:1 1~ m 'uwvl .l Hmk 131111,“)? 'JIMHZAHLH‘ \Kx' (.(MFN. ‘ BM 0I . li. i ', 1: my: 5”“fo . - ~ ‘ lztm'l‘s f m, ‘ . 7 W: ' Boot: «EL: Shoes! 7 (,7 "H; F“) I‘ \. L‘jllfil’.“ 1' ll W." 4..“ 4-1: _ €ll'\ urn nm- niu \nh m». in' min l':1~ In -- 7' (:0; PM TllUlh4lHl‘NnniL. “h “um um‘ll‘l.rmur.,n vs 3 4m. duuub - 5-3: I} A . ' 9 ->£‘l.‘. [My] 3";¢:.» 'llfH:" ' .1: ‘ V ' 'I ~.\'\Hn' mums} 7 1 t l • \ t El hi' • ; Tl'r' ; 70.] h‘w ,‘Wr "H'LY‘JHIM .Jml MEE ECM 1 .1 10 (,1, I"; _‘nn’h m a 19”,}; nlw! .1 _«ud luurxnf ~hm r .hwn-r 'ln- it: 71.1 s" L". l’um n‘ 31‘ h- n-H'un “ill; 1:] 7 L”? in'”! [0 “1|“ :val'Hx, " , I . [lv-n Mun-J Im- ..! Ivy—‘fHHK S'l‘gfinl' Hr"! '7 m. I" nppvh. _- up; XLMJL. ‘ an}; .n .1 {3' m: Yl'ul 37in!) E“:'~"~ ’ ' ‘ . :7 ‘.J I“v- ? u-d and aha: -:=:'xl:in_r Luv‘uma is cur-- :7 u"; fin] nu .\.» h-rrnrw‘urr. u. ‘ - U‘ 7 my‘ ' \‘."l.!J\‘d .‘JIHLH‘IMM )1) u-u V > V 7 60 Gr 9 .‘ flux I r I ; l ~ 3 1*! CW Tailor; n q z‘nn N ‘EHT-AH.’ I.jll\lli\'l'.-‘-I.'2".FJJI‘KHNRUHE, 7. 00 J. r . Jnugm min; TAHAHL 7‘ O! (..'.px: (H: nuzlh-u! :vl iznl‘rl xntuu‘ ' gnaw", I‘.l‘.} I~l.lmi.n.hh-HL i.” H: - [.\H- . 7 00' '[nliulihu 7 ("I 644513th .‘hle- E’er (uh v. 3 m...r Um illn .r-m'm. \\ ”w in; 1“ l'“ 121.:- l 1.0 {ln all \«l'!;;; in hH 121:" 21‘ 1h» h'l-~'_'lnu'w«-I. m-l'lu [Lu idLlu. :11u":un uf Hummus. H» 2‘l‘lillo_3 mgm- l'dl' [fii'at rlll~~ I:'\m§<, .md rgwfl'h‘vu: g l 'HHI Lumms Iz'..;l‘_l..\ri.\'. .50 wm “:I”th fuhuuathh‘ Mn .1 u! m H null wrln‘mnznl 'lcvfi'gg Hr .n- .s :| .-i'..-'c u: We 'jvv'h97c': pAIImLIgru r.- m'nin; 2.. ‘“‘:V‘: no v’. Luz-r :u 'v~: rx'u'vt. ilé‘ ‘"”-up, mil} ..lwn.» ho :ume I'4 HM '.r-r-llv- :u: '.Yu: vim - \U'xl .\lhm (Wining-11.1111-pun”; li-mc‘nL li'" " ”It“! [fit {hsbhrg' .\lni! 7.!41'1. ME ECM '_' (If 7 m) T m 7 ‘11; 10 0") 10- 0') 1.: Alf: MEI g . ’ l S'prmg Geods ~ I 1‘ A. Sl‘uT'r .k-‘snrc's ——Wr inviw‘ mun- ' I Ivnhqn M huwr" 12 our M'm K m .h'prmz - 60845, n) h h u H! be 10H £ lu-ny. uunqéung m— g ._ mums mum's uuulm‘. a“ . i_é‘htwls. Uuukm,‘ (Elmira, ._~vu,, etc. For “an s_. - and 3145' v ear ue have ( luLllr, Clninuru, me'lings, “Wang, will. « huh-:y ul Cumm udes. Fun. .Lu. (.‘ull and Cw». ‘ “Mn, m, was. ‘ ‘ A. .\1001‘!‘ a: 3px 7 I"! 7 m, 7 '0 'i 00 1' 00 1 on 10 00 7 m) 7 on , New Bakery! '_‘ TEWT’ORT «V ZIEHLHH, Hrn-lmnirdl flak. 20 co 30 00 7 no 7 (IO 7 cu 5 er“. 55m1: Wus’hinglnn BUN“, IMH Iqunro fluni ‘ill’ Hugh; Huh-l, HHT'I \hlslfnfi, Pu.— Hlonflnnllv an imud tlv hm! at BREAD. (.‘RACI-Zlilifi.‘CAKE-IS, ['l . ’ELS. kc. ’l‘ch ’mnu wishing {n-qh lire-HQ vq'il he sum-d "or! ' murninzbv h-avmg Ina-ix name-snnxl’rhmm’r”; t at the Hum-nu bury exfort mluue lo PW“. I. Give m n cull'l » - [April 20, ’us. 11' 700 Battle-field, Vjews. 'FULL wt of baffl’lfdtograymic ViQM'E of A the name-field of Guts-mum. form~ : «plendid giftfor the‘ Holidays. The finest yet published énn be «can a! Ilm Excelsior Gunny. [_ TYSON EROTHEKS, Getty-burg. ‘ ~' ‘.' ' Queensware. 1 F 30!; want anything in_ thE QUEEISWARE line call In A. SCOTT A: SON“, whercyuu 1‘ will find the heel mam-meat in town. 318er 24. 18h!” Fagmers’fi mmmcs’ AVINGS INSTITUTION 0F ADAMS (70., S having increased in} capital, has enlarged its busixrgss and‘ extended its accommodutmns Loan difqfiedn‘psdqy“ {AI-1"“ 6, 1863. If =M=2==al 7 3' mum-mi uoijns, nénnb‘u', Ribbons, «‘ - Flowers, Shaken god Bénnetv Frames ; lust repuived from Key .ynrk,’cheap at Palm eswcks’. Ibe sfgn of‘ ‘ \. '.- _RED FRONT. ' ~ “LL the best Patent Medi‘cinei can be had a at. the new F‘mflf- Drng'nnd I’reurfpljl-ol 3 ' rum: of‘ ‘ Dr. B. HORSER. ‘ ’ AGO, Altowllo‘ol, Com Sun-ch. Rice-fie . I Ind 69min, for Illa It Dr. HOMER N ‘ Drug Store. V . A .2; I on Lungs—93ll‘ gm M Human: smarter “15 at (ho-comm anon-h und the Diamond by ROW & weaning-“ 1.; NUMBER PICKLEB, mug”; bun: . wind from th- eithérpn-om . I l ‘ —.~ . ' .1 ARIN-” 3035.31“, "1m LT x .\I «in B. .\Ln, \III.JT.U:Y MI '1" - '{m‘imr-igvu ylll*“1)v:'-luilri :1 ' o 'u. % 117144 .h r.~_ “L. ".1 .‘ In. 'I In -[\‘ r‘ h ’ 2 A! .mullml.‘ .~ . Mani .us In .. i~.i.~ 5m frn‘ndsynwl |- -a'u)vrt,i‘i n [full •.. ' 'Ol Lot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers