KB. PILLIOBE OR THE WAR. IL: Adda", at the admin C-nuu’uioa Ccnlral 12.», in 134310. ' At the opening of-the preu Cantu! Fir. inuiguntegi by the‘ Christian Comminaiim it 8:. 311116: "nu. BumulorMnndfy evening. 1" abruuy m, Ephefidepl Ffilmore upoke u follows : . ‘ . ' Three years of civil war have dmyla‘ted __vlln flimt portion of our land. loaded the eounuy with «monotonous debt that the - Client of milliom 'y't-t unbmn mmt he taxed '0 Ely : Irrayed brother Agninut brother. and fast or unimt ton in mortal oomlut; «lel ' aged our country with fratgrnnl blood. whi-' ienml our battle flvltlu w—itll the bones of . the 111-in, and, dnrkéuprl the sky with the pull of mourning. le'. these appalling . (”intuition—which In yet Imw- tnuchell our city more lightly than any other in the land L—lutve impose-d upon us new duties which ‘mu-t be promptly mrt aml generously «lin clnirg‘ed ; and new huulez'tu whtch muut be r-tiently nnd cheerfully home. We cannot. An our humble capacity, control the pvt-"tn of this delighting '3". We hear it: thun der: and mark the truck of tlmolation , and we must meet tho t-morge-ncy m- best we can, ‘hut [H‘VPI‘ despair ol‘ the rt-publiu. ll is' no ;_time now to inq'lirP whetlwr It. might h-we SIM-en avoided. Lvt H: m- who "wk light mt , thil bulvjm-t rentl Washington’s l‘hrvwnll Addre-s. Noryur}! \vo nw- lo l-ruimao the . conduct of those who (Emmi i', nwmuliug . pmi-e here and bonlowingwnsure thew.— The impartial lliPlllrilln mfl du Ulla “In-n ' the [nimnns bnigemlrrml hy the ulnll- haw cook-(Land partisan prrjunhvo, ["7le jun!- ‘muwi. malignant ei‘ri'y. um] mtngumgz. "lrlfish umhilmn‘ ‘hnll hc’ hut] in the «Ina. and It in hoped; huriml in nbhvmn. ’.\m| much lensnre m: cullml Hymn to pin-Incl kwht-n or huw lhiq wur mil-mu). Lutithum :Aj'hn m-k light. on ”w xuhjucl‘rmd Uhu-ml Jackson’s inrewell ml'er-s. But. iv! “'4 Lhnpe 'llml. an gill-wise and n'n-rcil'ul l‘ruvi-lt‘nro . will indline the hearts 01'le people. .\"urm El 4 Snulh, to [n-ur‘u—ln u hump pom-e, ~.‘WI'II n roulmml L'umn. cumunle-l by fr um.- ‘ nnl utf'uclinn: umh-r aur wall-lrwl :unl pio rinu li-Jmlilulnm. . Nor is lllii IhP tnm- nr 45an torn-rem xm npininn H" In thn [-Iniicy HIM Ilmulnl be pun-mm! ln roan-h m «Immu- Lle- nn ond. Ital our (lung 1.: Han, l/m! mar/t MW bifurgiwrr' 5" my! :tluyutlzu, (m but}. iu/u, big/bu _tkia Uuum rm aw be rm/uu'ul: nun! llu-refore it i: \m be Impwl lh-Itnll unnecr-x nuy In“ of (-rm-Ily, or minlnn destructinn of ['orlimle plop-Hy. nr 111-.ul’. Hr. in<ulvm~c in tn'umphmg ln’t‘l u huh-n h-e slmuhl he "voided; hi" I” ~lll'in :u-h‘ nuly fim Hm ln-nrl of our mlww try with 1': wmmum and newt-"1:9. and [hm fir-uruvt Hu- Wnr. Inert-m 0 its harm”. and 11-uvo- n «In; Winn-h WM \rlindo-r rl‘nniun mura- dxxlinull, 1| hut llflli'lx rihlr. Hut it "Ith im ..'-[urvnl In all Hut thr- find-'1”. uncut! bringing HIH war In a MUM! i! in mmquvr [in n-ln-l .uun. Any tlrgolinlinm lur [lt-.n‘c l-uum- mm h dum vyuulul lblln'n‘ :l'mlhu‘; .Hu" nn)’ [Huh-“rd rlnmvm-y lo Hum: m mum Mm 4015 our li.m\.-r, would 1..- :\ [mu-kvry \vinuh uuulnl I-u .lu-Mvd whh rulwulu- and contempt. I'm! 9. hop .wo hzlvn ounqu-‘rml ”H'll' nrmw-I. m'ul un-[mwd nl llwir It-mlt'r“. ‘hl-n Icl u‘ ~luiw ,(lurnmgnnlnmiu :mnl gmlv'rn-ll)‘ 0v “Inning hm'k‘lho- dvlu'lml mulmuvlv wlm lun- lum n st-«lllt'wl’ur cm-rm-ul Inm [hm n-ln-l linu. In; (Haydn-5710 tlmn awry ur! :Jv’rm‘rur‘y am] [w #— 1‘71‘51." uur llllll‘l‘r. .nu/ I._l/ ru'urlmfi lldm '0 ~/[ that rig/my u .J/r Mr Vanni/Wm". 7/113 1 mm. (PH'P/(ll I” l IlfMluln [ht/nunwx‘s nut/Ihr Inw' ,In/rl'll, (Lu-1w (Inna/yum“ (chm/m MAM} Iva/w? (I'm! I'uwu. ~ v o 0- ‘~ . wile-row“ u~ ~:|_\‘-‘: -"‘V w I'L-VI-1’~(-< Un ,m'-lx-r ul u nlurv: In [hut-r ul 1’“ m- ~ nu bury 1h ‘ir lulln-w, but In lnuc 01 War Lulu-h lnu ly llu-ir SUII‘." 7? THE MARKETS. lil'l'l"l‘YSlH'liU——.“, \ll'unn' 1. ur F1nur........... {Jiv- Flnnr..... - \\ hile “he.” “ml “'ln'ul... :l‘urn H “gt. lluli Evurkwhrut 1.. .............. Jlosrrb‘vecl Tinmlny Set-41......q...” . an Sty-‘_."...“un )‘huer of I'm-u Hutu “mun-3, per lmz. BALTI\IUIH-I——Fu.lu.n' I. an {10ur........‘ 'hmt .....i .urn Uuls ........... ....'....... Clan-r 5eed.......... .. ‘ Timulhy See-1.......... 71rd (Junie, ,n-r hum! Hugs, per hund........ H:|y........................ . \\',lxisLey........ <7 Guano, n ‘ruvi..n, po-r Inn Special Notices. The Singer Sewmg Muchiues.—our ‘_ LETTER A F.\\l||,\' .\l.\\'l.\(l “.\.(‘klllXE i: M hing! {mining n wurM-wnle rolgutuliun. ll is lw vnndflu'lbt the "0:1 and vhwln-x‘l .uul mus! h‘gnlnilul 0P3!“ Fun”; Scninz .\lnrhinu" ycl ‘t‘xfiered 10/ III» public. No other anil) Sl-w -in): Machine has so mun} unrul applianrf- fur. Hennning, B "sling, I-‘I-lling. TurkiLg, (lather- ’ lug, Guugixw, “mi-ling. limbroidering. (‘urd "mg, mud go turth. .\‘u other {4l-lin sowing mn clfine h:\! so much cuq-an-ily for 1 grrnt vuriety If work. h wiH new nu kinds of clmh. and “with All kinds uHhreml. Grmt uurl r: cent inn-I J-r'uvemontn millidonr Family Sewing .\lurhme “finial. relinhlmnnd must dumhhtmnd must on r 'l.lin in “now“: nll Inn"; of sin-e :. It makes Jilhe interim-lied ‘lilvll, which is the but stitch knqwh. Any one, even nl'thr mu“. urdumry [‘npncity, ran sec. lILJI glzlnvo, hmv In lids- the ‘LcllorA Family Sewing anhiue. Uur Fumily ficwing )lnohincs are finished ichhusle and u quinilr 5h le. _ The fol-ling Cnsc nflhe Family Machine is i—p piece of running wurkumuship U! the limit ism-r..: kind. 11. protects lhe. miichiiie when ' .10.: in usa. and when :lhuul. to he opi-nlle-l may be opened ‘ as It ”mun-us and substantial [able (0 Midnin the work. While suim- or the Cay-s, ,umde on! of the clinic-est woods. are finished in the simplest nntl‘clmslcu lnnnner )Iilv4~il)lPl pthers are adorned and embellished in the must. gully and superb manner. ‘ It is ahsnlulely nevi-wary to see the Family Nacblqe in opt-rifle“, so as mjudge 0! its grunt mpaciiy and beauty. 11. is hut hn-umingna 5 iopnlnr for fum‘l'y sewing 3: our §lunnl2wluring gut-lune: are for manufacturiug'lmrpm-rs" , Th! [hymen Office: am well supplied with ; pilk twist, thread, needlrs, oil. (an, of the very \ befiqunli'y- Send for n l’uu'uu'r. {JI‘HE SINGER BIAXL‘I-‘AC‘I‘I'RJNG(‘ONPANY, ;'- 458 lironw;|y,-.\'ew York. ' S'PHILADELPHIA, 8H) Chuluut St. i ‘6. JACOBS t 15110., Lycnl Agent! M. l-Gellypburfl. [Aug. 17, 12133. ‘, Import‘snt Dmcovery., ‘- Rim" ”'1 Tu Dimer“. 7 mum Puwoxw wuhas are unmnr ‘ing in d;- cure of Coughs, Cult", Asthmn, ”whitish Sore Throat, Houscm‘ss, Difficult ‘ 'Buiuhlng, Incipient Consumption, and Dis ptut ol' the Luugt; They have no taste of We. luul nny tliild will take them.— mlds hve bren restored to health lhu Jud W {lupin-ed. Testimony given in , paw” as”. A single dose relin’u in ~Tcu=lillm. l k Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers—the origi mm); genuine it au’mpell “Brynn."— fipufimflfiindl Arc ofl'ered for we. Tummy. five trail I qu. Sold by denier: genenlly. . ' JOB XOSES, Sole Proprietor, ‘ -: . ~ 27 Gorilnudt 9!... SJ'. roi- all! by A. D. Bnlnun. Gettysburgand All (“with [July 27. feb. ”(63. ly 525)} . Employment. [3251 ; AQKSTS‘ wAglerm—We _wiu p“, from . ‘25 :9 $l3 pg; gomh, Ind sll_expeuu,‘ m Ac-‘i me Agents, or tire : communion. Parties-'3 ‘6” you bu.‘ 131 m“; Ems fsg'uo "gulls! ‘OIr * . A man gem, in: ”him”??? I .2 3” [my Is, Im. 1y"! “sum! :3 nun." ion-reputed nner‘inn oftht- ndminidrnlion I press that "slavery is dud." am; the "back [bone of the rebellion broken,” very .truly obso'rvn: ' . “The abolition ienders have proclaimed that the Ill“ should be prosecuted until ;nlnvery was destro‘yml. I! that. remit. has been accomplished. why is it prolonged? in the name strain that. the Above nn nouncvment. in ,mnde, we are told thnt the Flackboue oi' the rebellion in broken.’ tight , ’thousandn ofthe people of the rebel Staten iare returning to the Union,’ and grout, ' number: of their armies are ready to desert. to our line: 111 noon m- the nppnrtnnity oc icursfnndyat the President hiujuqlt issued ‘a i-r‘nclnu‘ntion hr 3 draft. for five hundred ' thnusnml more men ! Ii 'slnvery is' dead,’ nnd thPlbock‘lanthe rebellion in bro: knn.’ in: is asserted by ‘all the Union pnpen iin’the lnynl Slales,’ “lieu-e is the Decca-Inn) fnr thi- extraordinary ,demanxgl for men I— ,ls it. to? ile up the nnionnl .debt. nmather = thousand: million of doilurs to enrich ‘a nod- I'dy contractor! and accommodate prince hunters. or is it to perpetunte the preuem. l imbecnle and corrupt. administration I” Wfi'l‘hnnumn Armor. the olden {unive ;»)rl)l(-iliLen of leiéle, Pm, duxl on the m u L. ”Them in mid to he a sfr'nna 'leoling in Conan»! w conlvr a leading command ulmu (jvn. Geo. Cadwuluider. MARRIED. (In the 21;! 111t.,nl .\ndrmr “rough“. by Re!“ Sunuol I.‘J:lL"‘n"(‘krr. Mr. I) F I..\”.“AN, hf Illinois, 10 Min ._\.\.\'.\. E. BIUH'UU, of Rud im; lunlu‘hlp, .\-l.|u|< cuumy Unlhl: lllhuh..ullhc I‘lmngelicnl Lutheran P-rmvnyv. [filth-um", by Ru. 8. Henry, .\Xr. WILL! \\l [WHEN—tn MARY ELLEN STLISE SEWER. ull nf .\dzuné rouuty. \ ‘ ' 0n “mam-mm; morning. "rush. 3d, 1864, n: t‘u- Sludl‘lluusr. CurM'un, W. st IndiH; by l’. Hnuju'm Fu|.. (.‘ulnnml Senorary, Dr. W”.- 1.1.\.\l \l. HARPER. formerly of Gettysburg, to Min: \l.\|ll.\ I‘ll?!) NW. of the former flats. (in II”- owning of [hr 181‘: MIL, h; the Btu". J. .\.“Hnnlm. .\lr. DAVID ZITUK, {mun-Hy of LHHr-lnn’u. .\JMns‘ vuunly‘ t,” ~\lzsi MARGA. ”H F A. l{,\\lsi'l'lß. u! Wmhingmn city, . - Ur. {he 13!!! "IL. by Rev. Dr. H'lll-V'l'. .\lr. (‘lHrh’l‘HN “ Kl-illlt to .\lhs p‘L‘HAN PUR IH'. both or York cuunly. - ' neg-“Mm”; notice: 3 cm" par lim- for all mcr luur l:nea-—"u.~.h_to accompany notice. “a “.\hyn‘hy Int. -\lr. DAVIEL I‘OPLY, n! (‘umlnulnml anlh‘lip. aged 7313 mm. ”ll [be mm ufl-‘uh,, In \leuullen townfllip, \lr. MIC)!“ K. HEX, aged 4|; years mu] 9 mnnlllk. - (M thevlmh uh , m St. Louis, .\ln . Dl‘t-on-I ~uln;.Lmu,| LLI'Z HAt'UV, In Ihc zmh ymtr of hi~ nur. "Dc :Ilh lu\t~ u‘ahininu mark." 11 In lhllimurc. on the 2411: "IL, utter mlung and [lunhll Him-3:. IH'IZI'IKL \H, \ounzl-«L sun .‘ u! Ucnrgl: and l‘lllzaht-lh kupp. :I.ng l? _\e:\rsa ‘IIF‘. nnnhrdq’hpd. Executor! ofthe estate 91’ '1 John Fluknfgorulecezued, hm- ( f Horwiék tummhlp. Adam: rounl}. I'm. will SP“ m. Pulvlir 5.110, uu \\FIIL\'ESU.\Y.IIIO [id dny of .\1 \IH‘IL 1252.4. M the Lite rvndcuce 0! said du'x‘vlil‘d. in mid umnship nnd county, uhoul one mile :nmh nf‘Abhollstowu. ml the turn- Lnko- In Hun-n 01: ”It: follnwuug ,pmwrlr. Viv: '. l lIURFH, 'J gnoll('uW~, 35110. H a line In! I‘lnivlusnfi. Une—hur‘e Wagon. Ha) [puldrluy Slurrh and hrlh. Horse Gear-l, (‘arringv nn-l llu mus, Si-lo Smidlc, (‘ow ”wins, H tllrr Waging. "urn. Una and I’m-Hues. h; wflw lubhf', Win-It And [he h) :11» hu—lul. ll.r_-: h) (In; Mn. 3 Sr ~p< “i h Ila-s nhul Hana}, Fm“- (”I Saw, .\u-a, Crow-Mr. \ll-lmck, Bun-s, lblkoe‘und Parke, \lxmnu‘ lluuki. Tuillc-l Igugt, film-fir: nud Show-la ”um and Slmnldrrs hv 1m- ‘puund. [.ur-i and T-Huw by ”u! lummj. Whrcllurrrw, Irun Krilles, Cuppcr Kevllrs, l".-T.|<~ Ruth-s, Ten Kellles. lrun I’als, Wool “.1001, Spinning Wheel, J.uk lit-cl, Burt-ls, Tum,- .\‘lmnls. i('hurui, Ihskcts, Benchi‘s, (‘urn Brooms,~ ('l)rucr (‘upbounl' Dn-sk. SO-Enmr Hock. .\‘ilrrr Watch, 51m! Hun; ‘.‘ Slows and l‘xpr. Kitchen ”rl‘r'flsl‘, mgczhcr nilh [huh and “l"l‘lt‘fldx. Tahlls, Uh tins. Rmkmg Chairs, l.nu\iu.: GLAS I-~, :l quulin of Carpeting, Qum-xu-“ulrr, Tm-wwre, (‘xolkery-“2srv; «1:0 (Kr .in in the grnuml. “ill! :5 grout huh-[y of ("In r x|rli('lL-=. tun uuunnrnus lu imerl. r. u: an I‘. Im illial l 4‘ ,m 1 3H) 75 v: 5010? (I 0 .2 ‘.m m 3 .‘n : “Qua 2 40 _ )1 on Ah”. .\I the Hillll‘ lillN‘ and place, (In- Rl'lli Hsl l’(‘ of mill nim‘msml, “ill he ufl‘creJ all l'uus" lic Snip, (‘l)ll~l~‘infi of}: .\L'n's‘ ul’goo-l land. at 'l‘wu-unry “KICK HOUSE, lluru,-' “'.hh llunw. ‘pring House, 'ermuedgfi' then-MLWHII 4 goud “'rll of “mu-“Wu lln: door. Bearer «rut-k runs lllrough the: lrwl. ‘ A-gnut \.|x'i:-13' of mm treei on the premium. .\rljoining land: or S umnel “.|ll_rh- I‘l. J in-b llm-k, JJI-ob “'erfi. Divini H. liner, and .lung [ln- turnpike from Berlin to‘Hmmn-r; .\lm. A LOT (IF (‘IIESVI‘T TIMBER LAND, in Ilv-iuli-lhurg‘ lOWIIEIHP. York, cunnly, nxljuin ing lmnls ul i'vlt‘l’ Shimlmngli. S. Knher, and o In re. containing 5 acres, more or 19:4“ l'u cum «Imiruus nl‘ wring lhq wuod land will Cull Ou l'clcr Smmbangh, clos‘e by the wine. ' should [be property not. be sold. it. irill be renlml I‘m' one ymr. . ~ . 6 S? m T “U 2 0:0 :62 0‘! 140 (u 1.4: l 1': u) 1 IR _7‘: '.u 1"} :4 2; '0 H 56 MEM h‘ Im'ulc In , i M “3- ul.‘ lm ‘Jx I'. to.” an EEO =II gmw‘b‘fllc m commence It 10 o'clock, A. \l., 1311 mid day. when ullundum-i: will be given trinLL lcrms “de known by ‘ ‘ (:EURGB FLICK‘ISGER, (Ll-lUIKGE LOUUH, .\hrch 7. 19:”. [3* , Pubhc Sale. _r} \' TI'RSXHY, the 15:11 iii; of Mill ll tinn" the sulnsvrilM-X will .wll at Public .\.lc.“ his resitl‘enrr, in (lushtnwn, .\dups ruunlykthe I'ulluwiug personal propt-r'y, viz: 1‘ “()RM‘}, 1 lhill, 2 Fresh Cuws, 3 £OOl Slump Spring “'.lgon. llny Carriages, Wood Li‘ddA‘rs, l'lnul'zll-l and Hurrnwr. Horse Rake, (Inning Box, Sleigh, Wheel-barrow, Grini‘l stone. Thrnv-lmrse Tree. Double and Single Trws, with a lut uf old Iron, and alvnriety qt o'lu‘r nrtirlei. 100 numrroun to Ingmion. W‘sule lo rummrnce u 12 o'clock, M.. on' in“ «my, when attendance will be given and u-nns ninde known ‘ry \ . , . ‘ JXO. W. LOTT. Jacob \lickl'x-y, .~necr Man-h 7, {all}. Is, Coma to York Street ! HE uudl-rsiuned has boughtonl thelfim‘cery T and Provision Store or W. E. Biuie, in \ urk street, n few doors east. of St. James Lutheran Church, and will continue the busi ng“ m. the mum.- place. He hvs increased the slack, nnd‘ is now prepared to ofl‘cr I most ex cellent! Assurunem. of goods in his line, such as C(IFFEI-ZS. SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS. 3.1". Fish, Brooms, Buckets, Brushed, Wash ing .\l.\chim-s, Blncking, Candles, Needles, Pius, Combs. &c.. with a large lot (if a SEGMIS -A'.\'D TOBACCOS. Also, Coal Oil and Coll Oil Lamps. e Cntlnml see for yourselves. flu unortmont is not only full, but. he lells u chd‘np n the chx-npoit. ' ' The highest price pnid for old Lud. DAVID TRUXEL, JR. 'Gettyal-urg. March 7, 1864. OHS FLICKIHOEKS ESTATE—Letter- J testamentary on 'the ante of John flick iuger, late of Herrick town-hip, Adam: 'co., de oe’au‘d, having been granted to the undo?- eigned, the first ”and "siding in the name twp., and the lat nnmed in Hamilton twp“ they hareby give notice to In person indebt ed to said on“: to make immedilta pay ment, and those huing claim. against the lame to present them pruned; Inmanucated for settlement. ' GEO. FLXCKINGEB, GEORGE LODGE, Feb. 8, 1864. 6“" > 7 Excenton. Amman” Ne’edod. THE undersigned having hwy ”manta coming due an the m of Aprfl. would most respectfully uk than who 1:: Mebud to him wall boron flu: fine and nuke pu llenL E. B. PICKING. , um I, 1864. . ' - ..‘ - _ _ - HM OAL 0:1,,“ ‘ ‘ . ; on. x. Hanna's mug Sm. DX -MD. Public Sale. Executor: Em 2 ‘ Timber Land ; I . ." Public Sela ‘ 1' ”WHO SAUL—4M SATURD \Y, the F VALUABDE FURNITURR.—On WED. ‘4 16th dey 0! MARCH next, the suhlrriber, O NESDAY. n.. an. an, 01 MARCH "an, Administrator of the ettate of John llemrmennthe enhscribere, intending to remove from " 'deceeeed will ole-r at Public Sele, et Cnsh- 1. 0911,91,“! .nd discontinue honnheeping.will PECI‘LIAR. tnwn, Aheme county, the following Bell oiler et Pnhltc Sale, at their re'idence, in Epee Sergeat'e greet Novel, concerning Brute of eeid decedent, til: ' Cheuhereberfi street, ell their l-‘nmitnre end which there hen been more telk, end rpecnln- ho. l. A TRACT OF LAND, containing Houtehold‘ Goody. comprieing one elegent lion, perhnpl,then ehont nay other book inned 13 Aaron end 74 Percher, eituete in Franklin Mood Sere- iOcteve (bickering PIANO, for yeere. The thrilling end extnordiuery ‘mweeilip, Ademe county. adjoining lnnde 0' in nu.- but: ehort time. I peir flehngeny Pier fecteyith which the enthor bee become ec- Jecob Ledy, Semuel Bocher. end Henry 'Tnhlee, i large Heir-cloth llehogeny Booking qunin ; have been thrown inloe plot end Knoeee. The trect in well catered with heevy Chair. l lebogeey Woxh-etend, Perlor Ceoev story Igetenlingly bold, end yet no truthful, Rock Oek end Chesnut timber, end lie’n neer. bottom Chair! Aud Rocking Chair, 3 Venltlee no tend end no gentle, that every render who the public roed lending from the Berlin roed . Blind], 3 Three—ply him-fin Cerpeu, Steir begin- ittnuet he fuclneted with iu nnfle ging to )liltenherger'e Mill. in Buchenen Velley. l CIPI‘V‘r flex Cerpet end letting, I Sand, 1 intereet. ltiuellingllkewild-fire. Priceglfio. No. 1. A TRACT OF LAhD. tontnining “.505“, Bureau, 2 Double Welnnt Werd ' 16 A 0"! end 4-5 PercheeJltnnte in “id.“"D-a robe, I new Sole Bedsteed, : enperior new lhiy, edjoinlng leude of Henry Steinonr, Sem- _ nigh-top Bedsteed. 1 French end other Bed net Fergnlon, end the Home Plece of unit! db , needs, 1 Feether Bed, ! Welnnt Herbie-top cedent. Thin trect in covered with ,youe‘tZ Wuh-etnnd end other th-etende. I new thrifty Cheennt end Rock Oak timber. ' v. 1..." Dining Tnble, 1 Corner end 1 other N 0.3. A TRACT OF LAND. confliflink 60 Cupbonrd. l doe. . Chnin, Petent Quilting Acm end 80 Perches, end ellownnce, eitnete an‘,’ Looking clung, Queenie-were, Jen, in Hemiltonhnn township, Ademe county,.on’ ) Pnrlor Store, 1 Parlor Cook, 1 Air-tight “'0 r’oetl lending “0'“ ”19"" Mill ‘0 Celedonie ‘ eeetoiron and l letge Noble 60030!» Porce- Sprint“. ”joining lend: 0’ ’9'" P- T°PP"- llnin’ and Bren Kettln,Tin-wnre. e,lmooth 'l‘. Stevens. nnd otherr: It is well covered with 'my 1“,“, ghoulgnnd Tonge. Sausage Cutter, P3O" Che-nut “d “00" Oak. V J'l‘nbe. end other nrticlex of Househola end “‘PHWM film"! W 'ie' ""9 1“" ere Kitchen Furnitnre,’ too unmet-one to mention. requented to cell on the Inbecriber, on Seturfi ”Sela to commence et lo o'clock, A. 31., duye, residing neer Trnet No. l. ' on held any, when ettendence will be given fi‘Sele? to commence at l 2 o‘clock, IL, on end tenne mnde known by I laid dey, when nttendnnce will be given end , . MAR-Y MYERS, terms mede’ known by - ‘, ’ M. V. MYERS. “E. “1‘31“” KNOCSE: Adm'r. IA. W. Flemming. Auctioneer. Feb- 291.1864- “ Feb. 22, 1564. ‘u . . ‘ . Splendid New Books Jun Intro I! l CARLETON, PUBLISHER, NEW YORK KIHBALL'S WORKS Embracing his capital new novel, "Wu he Snccculul." one of If: he". fiction. of the season. juice $1.60. I - Wu H: Scccuuc L, ISun LIOII, L'wnccnlna. * 211 nu Tunes, Swain Eu; Anon». REXANS LIFE OF 'JESUS A tinn-lnu'on '0! 11. Erneu Renln'p rem-rh hlc n" rk, jun issued in Paris, where the ex citement and sens-lion no so gnu concern ing its nuJujet-u'nd author. that Already thou unds ol co‘plu ol the conlly French‘edilion hl'e been sold. It hp been exujnngnntly praised, nnd extrangqnlly ccnnured ; but in molt. uvere critics do not. deny the wohderful power, bril linnt-y. nnd ability displayed upon etery page of the book. Price $1.50. nn. cmnusa‘s' WORKS . Embracing his new work “The Glen Con nummnlinn," which Is Muscling so much 3:. (vuliun in England. Price SLOO. Tu: Gku'r Tainan-"ox. Tm: Gnu-r Pul zunwu. Tn: Gun Cancun-nos. LIGHT 0N SHAIIOWED‘ PATHS By T. S. Anhur.- Theapopularily and in terest phnul this drlightl‘ul new work, by Mr. Arthur. am steadily increasing. It is nine of the pleatnnu-u of recent publications. and will fiml its way into thousands and lhousmds 0! families. wheré dorhealic stories ofn pure and unexceptionuhle influence are I’relcom‘edp— Price $1.25. ' ‘ - .NOVELS BY AI‘THI'R ‘;RUTI.EDGE.'. Emhrmfing the splmxdid nr-w novel “Frank Wurringlon," which is selling so rapidly.— l’rice $1.50. _ I-‘nnx “'mmxa'ro‘x, anmum: Tu; SLrunnLn‘ns, Locus. .. F m. YN‘TOR HUGO—A LIFE. k Om o! the Inonch'nrming and entrancing volumes Hm! has ever issued from.'.hc French Press. French. d_nm:uic, gruplnimhnd liveiy, 'it «hounds ml!) .\lhe 21mm: deiighlful interest that 9m xde “Les Mist-rubles" so wondv-rfully nt l‘mutive.‘.‘\‘o xeudrrot that marvellous romance mn renm‘n smi~fird without. ils cbmpuninn, “ The Story of Victor Hugo's Life.” One lmhdao‘xue 8vo.; cloth hound. Price $1.25. nun}, ‘ MRS. HOLMES NOVELS Enlbr.l_cing her charming ngw nm'el “ .\hria'n Ifin-y." whu-h is so popular lbruughuul the country. Price $1.25 ) Mum (inn, Ln“ Rlvtus, .\lnnow Unuux, . THE MERCHANTS OF ‘NEW‘ YORK. L A Secon.) .\‘rrieq uln very inl'brestiflg and curious bm-K’, by Walter lhrrgtt, (‘l rk. lie; ‘lninisu'encéi. anal dam“. wit. humor. lively per sonal Ekctrhes, pra'nle and pulilin- gosflpnlmut lln- Md and great mvrclmnu of New York (‘m —n lillfe hit. of everything; nnd not too much 13f._nh'm;z. Tm- first \oliuue lmd an imméni'e pile his! _u-nr, and the Sx-mnd Series is nnw rmnly. Una «lcgn-nt cloth buuqul volume.— l'ricc $1.50. ‘ ( A; 9. mm Hxvaumir .\‘nvms. Emhrncin ‘ .Isl capital Work “ lulu: am] ”W #95125, E _\ Lint: Lam: .\nIHD. v 1 13‘»: Run TIII\K|\I., ‘ Tun: m 1m: LAST, ‘ I Tm: Snn A.\'l| nu: (Earn, :3 ht“; ('UI'LII Ill}: nxu- rr, . . 1.30: AV!) Hunts. ! .To Lox-r: .un Tu Bi: Lonzn, |- Tmrnu Tum. THE ART OF (‘ONVfiRSATION “'ithdirertions forSclf-(‘ulune. fl," A book offluformxuiou, Amusement. and instruction.— Tem'hing the run. "I conversing with case nnd pnoprietyfand setting. ioflh the literary know ledge requisite to appear to advantage in good, 5 otiely. P‘icc’Slié. . ‘ ' TALES FROM THE OPERAS.) A fascinating little volume ,of Novelottea ham-d upon the most celebrated and familiar (jperns—giyiug the plot of each opera in the ng'rct-able form nl'an interesting and nttrActive story. l’riceSl.oo. " ' . xm. . THE ".\BITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. A Hund-Bnuk for Ladies and Genilemen; with hints and nnccdoles concerning nice ‘pm'ms 0T luste. gqod m mnéra, and the an of mikiug oneself ngrevuble. Reprinted from the-.Luudnn edition, which in the best and most entertaining hook on the suhjrct ever publish cd. 12mm, cloth hound. Price $1.50. 51v. BE L‘ LA'H By “in! Augusta Evan's. ~one o! the Very best 'Americnn novels ever published. It! sale incrousm (by by day, and note-d, 30‘000copiel hzn'e been sold. Price $1.50. 1 v. ‘ VERDIAXT GREEN. 1 The popular; rollicking, humoroul story of College Life in Oxford University, England, with nearly 200 comic illustrations. Reprint led from the Londgn edifion. A book over 'flowing with wit, nngcdoté, and ludicroul ul vcnlure. Price $1.25. ‘ *g -Tb.eoe books Are And by all fine «In: booksellers. and will be carefully lent by will, postage prepaid; on receipt‘of price, by ‘ GEO. w'. CARLETON, Publisher, No. 413 Broadway, New York. March 7, 1364. ,- p Eyre a Linden, FOURTH & ARCH STREETS, HILADEL‘PHIA, P All ornlso POI Irma, 1864, 100 pcn.sl Fine} Silh. 60 pa. lndia Silks, $l. 190 “ good bluck ” 200 “ Ordered Pl-in SILKS. 4-4 LYONS Black Silk VELVET. Brown Sill“, $6, 5,4, 3,2, l, per jugd. Buck u $6. 5,4, a, 2, 1. ~" 1 _ ‘ Moire Aptiquu, all colon. lmlflcent Gunndies. - _ Imificupt Orpndiu. Richest Chintz" nnd‘ Percllu. Sprin‘Shtwll. Kev Household Suple Goods. 'N. B. Genenl unortment of Men‘- We". Much 'l, 186%. 3a: 8225. ‘ snvzx ocuvn ’ 8225. . Rosewood Piano rotten. ~ BOVES'I‘IUN k 60., ’ . 499 BROADWAY, X. Y. New, Enhrged Sea-Ila Piano Form, with d 1 hm: improve-lean. . Thlfly ynn’ exper'mnze, with greet-If in. cmud facilities for menufucturiug, and)“ u to all fur CASH M. the ebove unnlunlly low price. Our Instruments received the highest end M the Woxld'n F-ir, end for five adden live ye”: u. the American Institute. Wur rented fin yearn. Tun In Gun. Call or undJnr descriptive circular: lunch 'I, 1364. Sun ; LL 111:;le Punt Medicines cu he had ‘ It. the-now Family Drug In! Prmfipliol Lora a! ' Dr. 8. 1103.158. .\' WEDNESDAY, the lclh day of MARCH 0 hen, the subscribef‘vill sell «1 Public Sale,“ llil residence, inlCllhgmhersqu-g sine}, Gettysburgflhe following personal properfyz 2 TABLES, l Btdsteud; 1 Book Cuie and Desk, Stand: Clock, Senee, Churn, Con] Stove: 6 Slnnding-lnp ’l‘umhling-seal CARRIAGE BODIES. painted, 2 sets of Wheels, a lot of fin ialml'Spokes, a fine lot of Runnjng Parts, about 400 weig‘h‘l of Caledonia Iron, 2 Work Benches and Vices, a lot of Wood Workers'. and Palinters’ Tools, and a grant many qther articleg.‘ too numerous to mention. , firVSnle to commence m 10,0'cloqk,‘A. 31., on said dnj, when atleudnnc: will ‘be.gi\'eu and terms nud‘uown by A. W. Flemming, Auctioneer m). 29, 1864. :s* NOTICE is hog-ellygiven to all Lynn-ea and other luerfxona ronrerned. that the Ad nnnifitratinn At‘couula hrrcinnl‘trr memioned “ill bc‘dwrcsqlcd M, the Urphan'n ~(‘uurt ol Ad-Ims r'eunzngg confirm Ilil)’. nrfi allowance, on MONDAY, ll: 28th day at A ARCH, 15154, n! H) o' ‘lock, A.'M., \‘ll: . . , 15. Tile first and lilml‘nccounl (if Tlmo— dore I’fliogvr,, Admmislrulor of Jolm l‘flle ger. deceasPd. - 16. The first and final amount nf‘Miclmal Svlnultz und llmlry Schwmlz, Executor: Ol Jacob Sl-lnwarlz, docousml‘ 17. The fist :Int final account of Jacob Hollinger, ’l cstumemury 'l‘ruxlve of the be quest. to Sum): He'nl-I‘, unrlc-r 'the ml] of \'nlen_tine llollinger, late u! Reading lqw‘n ship. deg-med, ' ‘ .18. lbs firs} and final account of Henry “'ulf, (‘nmnlian of l-lnm Fx imlt, deronxml. 19. The first and final m‘cnlml of Jacob Brenenmn. Admini-qrnlnr of the estate of leliam F. Amer. (kn-mod. , 20. The account ol'fllnunnel Feoser. Ad minisgmlor of the estate oHlarn‘et l-‘cescr, deceased. - Haunts-rub. Dunn Dunn, _ (Tums Mu‘ul ‘2l.:The 'sernntl arcnun't of Junes n. ‘bfarxllull and Julin .\lu-seimnn, [J‘lminis ‘ lrnlms of Muxm-H Slniehk. «haunted. ‘(I ‘ .. 22.71119 account of Nancy Luug‘hmzm. ( Adluinialrzglrlx 01 .Incol» Laughman, dvc’d. L 23. The first and final account of Enum 'lm| llm-uer. Administrator of Jon-pll Bdw~ -ers, deceased. . ‘ . ; . SAMUEL LILLY, Righter. Register: Office, (:engshurgJ) Ru. :9. mm. “1* ; Audltor‘s,Notlce. , U“. undersignu-d. Auditor uppniittgd hyllhe Court to illslrihule the balance in the hands of R. .\lc('urd_\ . EM; . Sequeslrntor ofthe (h-llyslmrg llailroml Cmnpnny, on his third amount, “ill sit in hié uni-I‘, in Gettyshurg, for "llim. purl-050.001 TUESDAY. the ‘l2.]. day .\IMH'H m-u.‘ .\ii poi-sum. holding Bonds of suinl Grlfiahnrg Iliulrund (‘ompnn'n “ho have nut pfewnlcd Il'wm lo tlw Auditor at any of his Iniegioua sillxngc, “ill do i!) inum-liinlely. _ ‘ ~J. C. .\EELY, Audnur. Feb. 29,1564. :4 ‘ - ‘ . HE. first nvcouu! anndl-Hv Lohr, (‘ommit- T (to of Henry Lohr (lunatic) has new tiled in the (‘uurl o! C'ummun Plus of Adams ‘céuuly, and Will be euufirmcd by the ‘suid (,‘uxnt; on the 23:11 duy OF MARCH next, unlcsa caLylse be :huwn to tho.- contrary. ; JACOB ISSUE); I‘l'olh'y. - ab. 29, 1304; w* ' (as .\mn‘ .\l. mzn‘mm would mm! H . spectl'ully infornl.lhe Lmlies nl Al’t‘lldli.- vine, and vicml'ly, lbul. she has commenced the Milfingry business in that plnce, M Mr._U. B. Hanes', where (Inning just relurned iron) the cig) she will keep ‘ou hand, for rule, at the lowest. profits, BON'NETS. Fancy Ribbons, Flowers, 8."!!! Boxes, Straw, l.e,:horn and ofher Mullinery Go'ods of the unrest and best styles. Ready-trimmé-d Bonnets an: ‘nt. all times to be bud. ’ ‘ Bonnet-making and trill'ufing attended to with diipa'lch nnd chenpnefisn Laws: fashions receiwd for Spring and Summer Bonnets. Feb’. 29, 1364. 3|. - ALL persons in Gettysburg owing State, vCounly, Relid‘or Military Taxes and Qun. Rents lor 1861, are hereby uolified that they will be required to pay _the same on o: béforo the lath day of Llarph next. : If not paid, Inits will immediately bq' broughlwithout regfird to persona. ‘ V ' .. JOHN L. HQLTZWORTH, Feb. 29, 1864. ‘ Collector for‘lB6l. vf,’ PanAnsl.z§R!A 1 1864. (Paper Fangmgs. ’ .4881 HOWELL kéBO mm, j ' Murncrtnns or , W A L L P A P E R S ‘ no 'Wlxnog? CURTAIN PAPERS, COP. tth & Nuke! Sine”, PHILADELPHXA. N'. B. A fine stock of LINEN SHADES constantlyovhund. ) [Feb.22,’6§. 3m —~~— ) ——- _ »--r-~ Fruit and Ornamental TREES FOR SPRING XB64.—We respect ~ fully invite unenlion to our unperior stock of “3U” AND ORNAMENTAL 'EREES AND SHBUBS, for the coming season. Our assortment is large and fine; find trees remark ably thrihy and well grown Catalogue: can he had on applica'lion by mil, or at the cilia. of “The Compiler." . . I ' ’EDW. J. EVANS & 00., ‘Feb. 8, 1364. 3m ; York, Penn's. . 0m: BLACK’S EiTA'fE.—Lecten of «Ed miniltntio‘n, wit the will “flexed, on t. 0 auto of John Blnck, :12: of Nyumjoy township, Adam county, ' nod, huing been [mated to the undenigned, raiding in Gottylburg, be hereby give! notice to all per son ihdebud to aid ennte to mike iml'n‘edi nu plyment, and than having claim: ngninn the and to preunt them property uithenti caled for settlement. ‘ Feb. 8, 1864. - 6t VERCOATS I OVERGOATS L—A new lot, just from the city. Gall Ind cxumne, u BBIflKEBHOI-‘F’S, Norman cornu- o! the Din‘mnd. . mun: mum”, whim-bu Ind Alum Clocks, chap 1» PleG‘S. , J L. SCHICK bu just received 0 lo‘ a! . cheap Looking Glmel. n g ‘ OTTON GLOVES, for. 2141: Ind Bop. cu. be Ind cheap It ‘ 3 SOHIUK’S. :t ADIBS’ [mass rammas, 1.. grand. ri'uy, M ' ; scutcx'g. 1 [BIKING bu their-ant guano-I “Spring I ind Sinner Clothing i 9 town. 1 ALL u CHMSIEB’S (on; your Ala, Pol-x let, km, 1:. y Public Sale. JOS. .\I. SHURB Regifiter’s Notice. Notice. New Millinery, Tax Notice. Notice AMOS PLANK. Adm'r Gmgfnbérg Springs 'ND .\IO . TAM. LAND VT PFBLIC A SALE—The undersigned, Assignees of avid Goodyear Ind Wile, will sell a: Public Sale, on SATURDAY. the 12d: day of MARCH, 1864, on the premises, the following Refills tale, aiiuute on the Turnpike, about. half way between Cluunbi'rslmrg and Gettysburg, in Adams taunt)" hwlnu" at 750 ‘crqnf land, divided into Lots as follows: No. l. The Mansion Tract, conjain‘ -150 notes, ‘about 50 of-which is improved lnnxl, well-limed and in I good sluts of cultitnlioa.‘ The balnnvc of the tract is well set Fill) Chest nut, Pihe and OlllPl’ linfber. ' ' The GREFFHSBERQ IIHTEL k SPRINGS. one of the most In nllhy and pleasant Summer resorts in'lllis half! ol the State, is upon this tract.‘ The Hotel is n. whshmtinl Mic-k build ing, 6% fee: by 30, with :- Ito-story Bark buildzng, 43 feet by 20. laid ol'into room-Jar the use of boarders. visitors, kc. Conan-led with i! i3lsmr9 Room and Pod-omen, also a lnrg» and cunvmie’nl‘Euh House, With 20 bed rooms annulled. l-wanxive Smbfing,‘ Black smith Shopwlce Hausa, Tm Pin Alley, [luck-- in}: Swing, and a], other necessary buildings: also :I Tcnnnl House and n young Orchard of clmlre fruit. . . N 6. 2, ndjnining’ the there, contain- 92 urn-<7 and is \\ en run-red will; young timber. No. 10 comnins 201 turns, and is we" set with young Gin-Mp»! and Buck Uak. There are sou-ml good water you era ou the furego‘ ing 10%., 1 _ , Alsofghe undivided one-half of 98 acres, ad joining 'g. Steven and Suhl'u heigs, well so! with young limber. Pgrsons wishin Ho View the premises fr!) can on civhrr of fife substrihrrs. Sale to wanncnke, at line Graffenlmrg "019], nt )0 o‘clock, AWN . on smd day, when the conditions “ill bulmade known h)- ‘ JOHN" DOWSEY. JOHN HARTMAS, Assignees. f Fcb.'22,1854.b ts - ,quhc Sale“ V WEDNESDAY, the 23d day of MARCH 0 nut, ghc subscriber. Intending lu qnn fanning. will sell nv.’ l’ubliv Sale, at llil rcsi dance, in Buclluln+ l'nllry, l-‘mnklin township; Aduus county, the following personal proper. I", \iz: ' i 2 HORSES} '2 flows. 3 head of Young Cut. !le,7lmld pt? Hug-I. Four-hpne Brand-trend Wagon, Dem-1y o.llch. Horse Gray}, [’loughs nnd “arrows, Double- »Shovol Plough, Corh Fork, \\ i‘nnnwing .\un, Cuui'ng Box, Log Wagon, Duuhle nnul Single-trey, (Tow (‘hning "Knock, Rakes. Folks, and other fuming im plements. Also *surk of good Hay. Bed 'stcu‘iS. Iron Kellie. un-l a vnnety of other uni cles, 100 u u "wrong to mention. Sale to wmmvwi'e 'M ‘10! o'clrck, A. )1., on said day. “hen «gift-“dame wil be given and terms _mudgkuow by John [lnnqm .\uc! moor =Feb. 2:.‘lau4. [l3* . Pitbhc Sale . ‘ F 'PERSONA . I'IIOPEITY.—-On SYDN- I 0 DAY, the Hat duty of .\lnßCll next, the :Fnbscribcx, intending to remove to a smaller ifahn. will sell a! Public S;llc._nl his residence in Fnlnklin township. Adams cnuniy, one mil! southwest (I'Arrnldtsville. theJollang per son .1 prawn)" \‘in': : ; 1~ FARM nousrfi, 4 .\lilch Cows, (time of ,lllem fresh nnd (In; oLher springing.) l Heifer ' with Cum-3 haul of ly‘ul. Cattle. 3 hand of ‘ Young (Lulln, Narrow-trend \Vugnn. llny Lsd- I ders. Linw Bell, ‘1 \i'nherow l’longlis, Hurrow, : shah-l Pluugh, Line-horse Plough. (Jam Horks, i Double and Sing'lc-lrces; Slrclchers, Cow it‘ll-tins. WI of gum! Gears, Housings nud=Col- I lnrs, good newM'ilmouinz .\nu, Sged UM: by Hie bushel. and asgrcnl mnuy'ulhcr urlixfles, 100 numerous to Int-mien. ' ' ‘ try-Sale to cummenue at lOo'clock, A. .\l., on said day, when nfitendJnce will ho given and germs made know-i 1 by ELIAS HARTMAN John Hane’s, Auctioneer Feb. 22, 1364. 'w' Puth Bale. N' MONDAY, the 7th day of MARCH next, the sulnacriber. intending to quit farming, wull sell at Public Sale, it his residence, in Strubnn township, Adam: county, about one mile w‘e=t of ”man's Station, the following per lonnl property, vi; : ' _ . l T\\’().Yl-lAR OLD COLT, 2C0w5,2 Heif ers, 2 Shouts, 1 Brood SuuWinnowiug Mill, Rolling Screen, Plough. Shove Plough, Tqrn ing Lathe, (‘ntpenler Took, Croes-cut Saw, good Rifle, Flux Break, Srntchi’ng Hill, with Household ind Kitchen Furniturs, such as Beds nu-l Bedding, Bureau, Tables, Ten-platé Stove, Sink, Tum, Barrels, and a variety of other "tides, too numerous to mention. ”Sale to comment-e at 10 o'clock, A. St, 6n mid any, whm uundance will be given 9nd term: made known by _ __ _ ' ' SAMUEL HERMAN John Stallsmilh, Auctioneer. _» Feb. 22, 1864. u‘ _ 4."- ___. --_._ Noah Walker as 00.. l CLo_l'u x E n s , ‘ , ' . “asmxcrox BUILDING, 165 Asp 167 Burnout STIIIT, koep continua]: on hand I lug. ind wall I:- sorted stock of 311‘ kindle! good! It nodal“ paces They Inppiy olldonf‘for tho finest to ill lowelt-pflged mic!u,,eithn mdy land. or undo . inure; to may put of the country Thej hop duo pn extensivuwck of FURN iSHING GOODSWE‘eubru-Jn‘g‘ gm mic . _._‘ Gannon". Emlyn-var. may, mm (moms ma um mm; of mum, Trin ‘~-. [ ' I wings, I: well u an snorted ud‘ck of READY ; k. my: arm-nit GOODS. go wmgmm,‘ mu. . 1* ‘ _1..-,~ ___..._\.... 4....._—.L._ B'6 cum—A In: Rm uti‘cl. or Tu u 80 an. tround. 3t ' 1 15b. 15. CODOIH t IGILLISPII'S. UPEBIOR lot of CANNED P ACRES n: ‘ K J. ROWES. BAKI'S PLANTATIOX BINEBS, or Old 11mm Tonic, 9‘ Dr. 3. HOMES mmmr CLOTHING !—Plcnty of air 9 good: just opene‘d. Alto 3009:. Shoot til, 36., it, I“ clelp u IRINKEBHOPF’S _, Public Sale . 'ALUABTJ'! PERSOSAL PROPERTY. —on HONDA", the "lb day ofIARCH non, (ha mbncviher, intending lo qnll liming, will sell M. Public Sale, n his residence, in Men-ll“: lolnlhip, Adam; manly one nil. '55: of Arendurinr, the followiné valuable penond property, vii; . 3 FIRST-CLASS MULES, 1 Horn, 4 Cowl. 1 Bull, 2 Heifern, I new Bmdolrud Four ioru Wugon, l Four-pane Knmv-Imd ngon, nearly new, Spring '35", lel’h", York Gnin Drill, Spring-tooth Hny Rik, Threshing Incline, Wimving Mill, 1 Shin. mo Corn Pinter, Bone Gem, 2 Inn 0! Breech-band), nearly M 7, 3 nu o! Fm! Gun, .3 ms Double Human, E Collars, 6 Blind Bfidlu, 2 pair or Check Linn. Su'ddles and Bridles, 3 Bar-then Plougbl, ] Double und 2 Single-shovel Plough, 2 Burrows, Com Fcrh, Double and Single-heel, Log nnd rm Chains, Com_ and Bullet mini, Wheel-bu row, Grindnma, Rakes, Ports, Grain Cradles, Mowing Scylhu, Juckurur, nd any other articles, too human" to. motion. Aha, "buuhold and Kitchen Yunnan, Inch” Corner Cupboard, Clock, Calming, Bnlnl If Vinegar, Barrels, Tuba 3 30 or «Lillhnul kind of‘young Apple and [’9ch Treat, I'd may olher articles. , L 8-8:“: to counenfo It )0 o'clock: A. It, on'uid duy, when nucndnnco will be given mid term: mgdo known by. .__ _ ‘ d _ _ John Hana, Aucdioam Feb. 15, 1564. u EMI F \‘ALUABLE PERSONAL PROPER". . —0- Wl-ZDS EBAY, Ihe lab of MARCH Mil, the subscriber, intending to quit turning, 3 will sell at Public_Bnk~, n: his raidme,"m : Butlcmownship, Adams county, mr Lover's 1 Hill, and one mile east of liddlctmrn, the [Ol4 I lowing ralnnblr personal property, Viz; ‘ 3 HEAD OFWURK HORSES, (lwo oi than , being brood mam, 'llll (0:4,) I 'l‘wo—ymrolvl; find 2 Yearling Colts; Cu" and Young ka,.; l Four-horse 3‘ inch broad-(rem! Wagon nad‘; .Btd, as pool Is new, ] Four-horse DIME-i wheeled Wagon, 1 good One-horse Wagon, l I Spring Wagon, 31911,) Family Carriage, for} one or “to IIDL‘SI‘I, ] Sleigh and Bellg, 2 sets .1 Manura Boards. I May Carri-go nod ‘pnir of Hn’y humus, Wood Lad-ion, l’lleai Spring. ! tooth [My Ranks, ] .\lanny [leaping ind Now- 1 ing Machine, llom: Power Lnd Threshing Nn- i 'chine, York Grain and Gnu Seeder, Winnow.| Wing Mill, Culling Box, Gr‘indsloné, Forh, , Rakes, Grain Shovels, Shovels, .\lnuocks,” Diz- { gin‘g Irons, Wheel-I-nrrow, l .Thrrfihorsckl Waugh, 2 Two-horse ditto, 2 Double Shawl , Plonuhs, 2 Corn Fo‘rlls, 2 lhrrmrs.‘ 1 Roller, Duubic mid Single-Hts. 2 Spriraders, 2 liilth r (‘huinsl‘urrying Clmiv , 3 susof BU‘LCbQEMr 2 pisir Breast Chains,l ,lbugh Lock' In!) in: Curw, 2 Mg cums, 0w and Imm (‘lmi ' l Eu of Hn-i-rlxbmds and 4 sets Front Stalk nll :3 {root} us‘ new, Housings, Planers, Blind , Bridles find Collar“, lac: Cnrri lg: Harness, 4 Leullier Fly ers, I new Wagon Saddle, Creas rnt Saw, 4 Grain Cradles, Mowing Styllles, .lnrk-srrew, a lot. of Rails, and I lot of Bags. Also, llquselioldjumiture, with many other. articles, 100 numernna lo mention.‘ _ "kw-fink to commence at 10 oi’cloclg, A. IL, ‘ on mud day, I"il(‘n Mtemlancg will be given 1 and ierms mzlde‘knnwn by i noun MFFENSPERGER 'John Hams, Auctioneer. . Feb. 15, ”'1“. ‘3‘ ' .\' WEDXESDAY, the 23d day of MARCH next, the subs-rib". intending to dis cuutinuc Llrining. will sell an Public Sale, at his residence, in Struhan township, Alums counly, hall mmile lromXL-w Chester, and nczu the Pines Church, the' follqwmg penannl properly, \‘iz : ‘ 2 HORSES, Tf‘nws, 1 Hull, 4 flvifcrs, Sow with pig, 2 Shoals, l’uur-hnrsc Narrow-trend Wagon. with bed, how: and cover, lluy Lud— dcru, “'innmsiug .\lill, Culling Box; Flax llrnke, Shining Horse, Plough: and llnrrowa, llurse Gears. Saddle and Ilndlcs, Double and Single-trees,~Spré%le.l-n, Fifth Chnin, Log Chain, llnl er and Cow hnins, Gruin Cradles and .\lowing Scythe-s, Forks. Rakes, .\lulmck, Shovels, and a \‘ariély ‘ol‘ Oshcr articles, “to iiulm-ruus to'montion. ‘ ”Sale to common" at 10 o'clock, A. 11., I on said day, whru nnmduuce will be giv and [firms made known by ~‘ . . PETER THOMAS. , M. B. \lillL-r, .\uMionu-r. ... ' . \NDREW SOUL “bus, 15‘“. 13‘ . N WEDNESDAY, the llilh day ufMARCII ‘0 next, the subsciiber wfii nil nl. Public iSule, in Mountpiczuam lowi-hElbxip‘ Addms 00., ‘_m the Election Pull, the Jo] wing Person-1 ,I’ropcrty, viz: . "f 2 EXCELLENT BREEDING .\IARES. one lhem’y with fonl‘, I'. [find at harm-ii Gallic. l breeding Sow. a gem fonr-hbrsc Wagon, will: Stone Bed and Hay LJddOl‘fl, Plough. Harrow, Double Shmel Plough, (turn Fork, twind .\lill, ,(‘ulllnz Box, Hum: Uni-Ira, Bridles, Halters, 3 (‘ow Chains, Log Chain, Jack Screw, Dnyhlo .nnd Singlet-"cu, Stretcheru, with many other articles not,mentinned. Also, Houwholil and Kitchen Furniture, Kitchen Cupboard, Sink. hnliulozrn ClmirL. Rocking Chair, Clothes Cupbourd, Bedstend nnd.Beddmg, Bureau. Desk, Looking Mam“, large Dining Table, Eight-day Clock, 2 Meat Vessels, Wash Tubr, 2 Wash Mnehinrsfl’prk and Beef Lnrd, Grindslon», _%55, Plano Honch, with numerous olliL-r article on enumerate l fi‘Snle t‘o.commence In ‘9 o’clo‘ck, A. .\i., on said any, yhen Mlendunch will be given and terms mad: known by Adam Outer. Anctinneer. . « Jan. 25, )864. 13* F PARTNERSHII‘.—The Co-pnrtncnlzip 0 existing between - the' subscribers. lml bgen dissolved lllli day by mutual cement.— We return (thanks to our friends and the public“ for the liberal support extended to us. On} books will be left at the store; 9nd we'carnesl- I; request those indebted lo us t 8 CA" and make immediate payment) as we are desirous to nettle our business without delay. ‘ ALEXAXDI-Jlt CUBEAN, 7 Jan. 30, 1864. JOHN GULF. ‘ HE lubscriher having diuposed ofhia i'n (crest in (he Smrefif Cobemn .k (Iqu to John 3. Crawford. E-qq respecuully uh the cunlinnnnce of hi: lrwuds and cultomers Io palronite his successor—where Bargain: mny be had. JOHN CULP. . Feb. 8,1864. N THREAT Afil) SHOE BUSINFSS.—A. ’I Cuhm huing nanncintcd with him in buaineu John S. antord, who pu‘rcbnled the inure“. of John Culp, testwcfiully au~ nouncu to the citizens ot‘Getgyalmr and the pdbl'ic‘gencmlly, that the buufnesl £ll be con tinued It the 01d Stand on Chlinbcubnfg Itreet, by A. COBEAN & (70., who Lain coni unruly keep on huts Urge stock»! Goods, In the line of , - r . B‘ALfnu‘onE, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, :RUXKS, . fARPET BAG , UMBRELLAS, kC., nnd they will tho continue the Manufacture g! Shoal. ‘ ' From their long experience in I" the thaw hunches, they flatter themselves lbs! they cut plan the public, And will sell than) for cub. . . A. COBEAZ‘, ' 1 3 J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing business under the “me ‘and am :0! A. cupm 3 co. [l-‘eh. a, 1864. "631*. Ifiiuxn sflezs, ulceud no ground expressly for Dr. ROBERT 803- N R‘S New Drug Stun: ‘ OR LADIES.—An sin. of 331(an Over ' Shoe. {or uh I: the corner of York ltreet Ind the Din-loud by ~ BOW & WOODS. . FRESH ARRIVAL, . , , . A of BOOTS nd SHOES, ‘ HATS Ind CA PS. A Cheapfor cub. Cull and Ice. 1. L. BOLTZWORTE "Jul. 11, 1864. Notice. - ’ ARIEL Mm ESTATfi—Lelten of“: J mininnfio’a Irma «he cm lunuedvl'M can. of Daniel: lye", late 0! law Joan-hip, Mum canny. deemed! but: he: gnnted to flu underiigned, mm“ , , , in th- nme ton nship, h: hen-«by slink ‘IOW-‘O. Spams BALmfiéLs‘j‘... {£3,3fg" in» m penoni indebted to said any: «1 mnke‘ _ ;, All. mum: not. :‘mm'd‘ia'. gyms-t. and t??? hum clnlllu‘ ‘ ”'7 7' ‘ F ' - -. I 111 mo, 0 can q M . Muzwmsmw’fiSOUTHWGRYBUPJM‘ wfiuwed [or utllegent. rm? ’ '3‘ r‘chlldren, 8" Dr. R. Hansen-s omg ADAM g, “3133' Adln’r. E: .=.I m.:a,xau.m ~ .. :- OLLOCK‘S LEV.\IN—-the_ purest Ind be" baking powder h lu—u’m. I -0 NEWS Drug Storm ‘ Em JOSEPII WOLF. Public Sale Public Sale. Public Side. ‘ F. X. SMITH Dissolution A Card. Anbther Change - Poqr Home Accounts. ACOB SHEIDS. liq, Tuninrer. In “3-. J count will the Director! of tho Poor lud' Nu- .Houu of Employment 0! the Count of. Adnmu—holng from the 8!!) d 3, of lung, A. 1)., 1863, to the «b day of. Juan-y, A. .* 1864. ‘ , To on)" op County Treasurer, u ‘ u u Cub received Mam Jouph WA“. on ”JEN“ oflnnd. ‘ - 810 00 Order an 'County Trcnnrer. 500 or Guh of JUthSpnnglor for Ihlflglel, Is 09 Cut: refunds?! by J..!.‘Bol]£n‘gpr, , I 3!} Order on Conpty Treasurer, ‘ ‘ IQO 00 Cuh oi Lav! Livmguwn fur Inppon And mninun-ncu of Song Lir inpton. ‘ , Order on County 'l'rcuum. (‘1!!! on not. of Johl’: Clever, Order on County Treasurer. 35 u tt BaLtsca d.. Treeiarohr, By balance due Trnsnur I'. In! uuknem, Ont-door pauper-3' support. 831 60 Merchandise, groan-in, n.. 2,329 02 Pork, bed. h, 986 2'! Bonn, beef cum:l sheer, hop, 8:, '638 00 Hour, grain and grinding, Clovemotd, A lechunin' wept, km, Smnn ml, “in! and Han", \ Wood tbopyibg and muting rant, Slew-Al's comingcn! u in MM: bindings, m ' Frank “ ' Funeral arenas. Earning implements, Lugbnr, brick, kc” Yoga-bin, ‘. ‘ Clothing, in, of Peter Benn“, ;. 701], V Drugs and hedicinn, Priming, Stamps, costs. km, l‘hyfivinn's'mlnry, “Junk-cl fees, Direnurs’ extra unim, Stewud’s salary, - Cierk’s Mlnry, ‘ Tnunrer'fialn'ry, . We, thc undersigned, Auditor! to ”me and mijus: the Bubhc Arcmlms, do here corflfly _llm: we have on m‘ined the item: sih com.- pose we ncgoum, and lhzkt theyjrq cornu— beiog from the Gib sh} hf ‘Jnmmry, A. D‘, 1863-, 10 me. “b day of January, A. 1).. 18M, inclull't. . PETER DICK.“ . :J. H. S|_lll{lj}\lz\y, JOHN. ‘O. ELM-In, Auditon AOOl5 CULP, «Esq. in account with the Q : Din-ctors 51! ‘he Poor my} the Home of Employment. of the Count; 0! Album—being {mm IE9 (MI~ «by a! January“ A 0., 1883, to lhghuh any of Jun-try. A. 0:, 1564. - _ . _ ‘ DR" ' . To ink-red; . ': " Cash d SolomoriaYo‘nng. downed, Push for beef, caula, cowl, kc., ' 63.5): M! pork sold, - Cash for ulllow, Cash for lard, . Cash for Buy, ‘ 1 Cash {or ‘vood, - ' Cush {or‘ahinglem ' Cash 19: id‘verliaiug utrayl, - By MI. dug-inward II In: "Moment, $8 90 (‘rnsh paid r hbor, hlrvesling, kc” 44 12 Relief and removing pnupcrl,‘ , 19 7,9 Fruit’ _ . ‘s‘ ‘ )3 28 Flour, men}, needy), &c., ' 1'! 80‘ Merrlumdize and‘lumbk, . 63 'l9 Mechanic! work, - o 19 13 Neat, 4 Cows, kt, Poktntoen and cabbage, Su’ndry expenses, Bnlxmuo due, . ,We, the snb'scribers, Audfiors‘ to settle and Adjust. the I’uh!ic. Accounts, do c‘rrdfy that we [lnn's examined the item which compo» tho nbbve’accounti, and do report that the lune In' (correct—the same embrncinz the nccouut of Jacob Culp, the prcant Steward—from the 6th dny of industry, A. 1)., 1803.141 th 41hr“? of January, A. 1)., 1864~bulh .uvs mclusiu'o. r PETER DJGK, 1 - ' J u. SHIIIRVIAN, 1 - . was 0. ELDER, l - \ Audium. [ST OF‘ PKUPER“! remdining in the L Alma Hnfise of Adams mung-mu the first. day of January, 1804: . , ' ‘ Malt-s, ' ' Femnles; Chum-en, Colored, Total, , . r'. 8 Trunsien!{aufierl, 815 PROD 'CE 02’ FARM ,‘FOR 1833. ‘ Wheat, bushpli, 1. . -_3¢_o (IKJCD ' H 'l' ' (Inca, Com. " in ears, Beau, ~“ -, . l’umtoe',' “ - 16.0 Lundn of Cornfmhkt, fill Ton: of Hay. \ 80" Hendsof C‘ubbngo,‘ - ‘ ABND Pound: of Park, , '32“ & JACOB CL'LP, Smmd. ‘Feb. 29, 1864. 4L ‘ ' on n,al's.,.\n(:n. nmcnns, ANTS, BED F’ BUGS, .\IHTHS L\' l’l’llS, WOULENS. kC. INSECTS 0X I’LAVTN', FOWLS, Al“. mks. u-Pm up in 25c. 50c. and' 31 00 Bow, Boules Ind Flasks. S 3 and :5 lim for Honu. PLILIC Inn-rum", kc. , “Unix Infnllihla remedial known." _ “ Free from Poisons." -“ Nol duu‘geroua m the Human hmily.” ' “Rats Eomc out of their hold: Indie." SSOM Wholelnle in II! lnrga chi”. ' t fivsozd 1.; all Drugg'ut; and Remitén every- where. ‘ $1! I Bur/um!!! oral] worthless imitation.- fi-See um ”Costn's" nameia on M 1401; Bottle and Flnlk. before ybu buy. - ”Add“!!! HENRY E‘COSTLR- . Whine)!“ Dgror 482 Bnomnr, xiv. " #80“ by null Wholeule Ind Ileufil Drugb gin: in Gettysburg, Pa. ' Feb. 29, 1864. . . . . 1 mm (m mamn's. ESTATB.—Letten m, J mcnbry on the estate of John Hall}; law 0'! Butler townlhlp, All-ml ea,- hrini been grgmed to the undead no“: in; in the 09m. “town-hip, be hem, '6'. notice to 511‘ punonl Mbted‘to Mid um. 14) who lmmedinte payment,\nnul Lbou h". in; claim mind, Ibo tune to {none-I ,‘hm properly snwnticntw for neumnt. , SAMUEL “EVENT, Ix'r. . Feb. 15, 1564. a: Y 81,000 on no 00 40 00 son on 29 as 1,000 on 100 on 1,000 on coo 09 m ‘M are as $7.970 3;) sue vs 965 35 21 00 900 68 209 81 6'! 71 15 81 230'“ 208 00 BI 00 32 00 4| 1. 8 _lO )0 00 9 .59 .79, 3c. 35 50 ll 83 MW 00 10 00 ‘35 no 250 oo 40 ca. 40 oo $7.976 so $9 97 :5 oo 19‘: m s 40 20 72 n .20 25 on w as 34 M l :5 $343 19 m 5‘ 30 37 10 M 94 2%!!! 4534 - 3 IS 44 ' IT 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers