The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 22, 1864, Image 3

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m “Anna-rs.
9L : M¥SBURu—~9nnnn mgr. '
oin‘e 15:06 ’5
we F10ur...,......_..................... ‘ 600
whit-n.....uuu .................1 40 m I 50
Bird What...m..,.......................l 35~w1 4:.
g?“ ............ ..........._: ....
n.....m... ...................
0 u.........§..................
Brckvhé-L...m... ......... ....
C out Sud .
T momy 5eed.....’............
ll‘ u Seed
' user 9! l‘uril
1' MIA; ground, per hug...
BALTXMUIIB—Fumv Lur.‘ . ‘
b R 7 la? 00
. I fin to 2 00'
. I 40 w 1 AB'
‘ l 12 ml M
. 73 to 90
, 8 7h :0 9 003
3 75m 3 B'."
9 50 “.015 .I 0
1025“!) 25]
31 an 1034 00‘
:12 an 93‘
an no;
0ur.........-. u...
them. ......... ......
0 we: 5eed..........
lath; 8eed.........,...
- -! Cattle, per lumd_....
-gl, per hund1............
no, r"‘ruvitm. per lnn
Graeffenberg Springs .
'.Vn .\lole'rAlx LAM) AT mmuu‘
SALE—TL!- unlh-rsigmd, .\s-ignees of
vid (10ml) enramd \V-lr. W|H sell at PnHw
. e, on‘S.‘\l‘UßU.\Y,the‘i m. «My ..r “Am”.
'4, on the prelnisvi. the iuHUWIn“ lh-nl hb-‘
' “minus on the fl‘urnpiko, nbmu lmlf uny,
teen (llMmbv-rnhurg and Untysburg. in
I ma county, n tract or 7.30 Horus uf land,
tidpd inln I‘oti an fullmu: i .
. o. 1. Thin .\hnlion Tract contain: 150
a, About. 50 of,nhich ii iu,prmc.l 'zuM.‘
:1 limed um] in «fund s'utv of cuhim'mr ‘
\ bulnm-e of lhe (ran 1. n we]! 39'. mth llhl it
, Pine nn 1 (uhv-r lumber. ’ (S: l
' he GIL‘I'IPH-lUH'JH; lIUTEI.-& SH!“ 18,}
of tlu: nmstfln-nrthy nud I‘IU‘PJM summer ’
l rl3 in this pan 0! the 15mm, is uptm lhis»
\ L The Hotel in n sulistnutigl b:it‘k build—
I 62 feat by 30, with n. “VG-story Huck
i d‘ng, 4.1 for by 2:“. lnid ofl' IuCO rounm fur
ruse ufhomrduh. \‘mmrn, kw. 4‘n'nrprrLeJ
l “is,“ Slum Iltmm md l'mL-ofliw, ulm gt
sgp nnnf'cuuvcnivul I! uh House, \lvllhv‘i-fi bud
III! numbed. Exlg-xliivr Swirling, “Lu-k
-+h Shop. Ice Home, 'l‘v-n [l'm .\lh:\, ltm'ulv.
ing Swmg‘ ’zu'd nil ulhrr uu'ofidr'y Imilul'lngq
Ma; a I‘m-Imm. “nus: nu'ul :1 young Urchnnl of
, I
us. 2, mljoinhm thn album», (:hutnins 1V: urn-a,
is “en (‘lH‘l-rwl wuh _umng lllnlll‘r.
‘5 . 149 tantrums Zul'mn-s. :uhl ix he" not.
it I _umng Cln'j'nul unl llm-k Hak.’ 'l‘lure
Mu :m‘cul good nultl 1'10“ L'lo u.. the lung-:-
ingl-IU“ ' -
m the undw‘idr-i ux‘o-hzllf ml :34 urn-s. ud
ug T. Mon-m zurbhl All a hgilu. mrH M‘L
ynuog li'nhrr. ‘ ' '
rum; wimiu; Io vii-w Ihr p mnist-q w“
(m o'“th 01 NW ~u|n~u~n|w,x e. “ _
Ir ll:('1flltlhl«"1'. at [no (irmLT-uhvr; [lnt-*l,
J‘n'tlark, A. \I.. on wu-l 1113‘, who-n l‘he
ilicus “1“ hr Inmlu I<llll\\'ll ‘_\ ‘
Juln‘ hqu‘EY.
JIM) u u:T\i.\\’.
22, IBM. ts
Public Sale - ,
* VALU.‘ BLH Fl'll‘»ll‘['!lH.—Un “"RIL‘
‘XHSDAY, Ile ml: Ihy'ul \LHH‘H ntwt.’
Fubvcnhur“. inleudiu Lu n-umvv frum‘
'«lynryl|an:Vlin'untinuelxunuvkveynngfwiH '
.ll l’ubhc Sale. .u liuu rn'aldr'nct, in!
drnk urg pin-11, nH tln-ir l-‘mnilulc and:
rme lhmvld. .I‘UHIIHHi'I: 0:.11 “...;an
: 'oud Sevgn Uctuc lllvering I’IAN’U.
bur .1 shun mfic 1 1:31" \luhuymy I‘ll'r
‘l', i lnrge—rlnxh \Lxlmgmy Ruvking
v l’\| thug-m) “Huh-HUM, |’.rrl-)rl'an--
Im (‘II lira .uul Rurking (‘.I -ir. 1: \'L-I_lili.m
s. I! Three-ply Engraiu (‘.n‘pch. Sluir
ling {'.lrpL-t Am] .\I umu. l .\llll“. '.'
gully Hui-Nu“, I [inning “ul'llll “Eml
l nmr SH'J ”MINI-ml ' xupor-ur new
'o]: lh-dx'hnd. I From h and “Ll-er “(‘ll-‘
5, 1 Putin-r :lh-«l. 1 Walnut Mnrhlr-lnp
I-llnnll MM M‘mr “Huh-dam“. 1 now"
u! {Dining TuI'IIeJ (‘urucr and! u hvr:
buurd, l dur l'hailu. Pmeul Quil illg'
c», Lonkujg ‘:l.|‘\l'\‘. Quyle-WJI‘I‘. J 113‘
rlor saw-e. ! I'.lrlnr t'do‘}. 1 Alr‘llgh!
lrnn un-l l Luge \'(?hlu (‘ufik Iron. l‘nrt-u
-ml lirtfi-Kr'Hle-a 'l‘m \vnn- £‘.u:.i..\'muulh-
Irmn. Shun-If and Toni“. h'mn ngv ('ul-er.
mm] ulfirr'nluciu at _Huu-H 0M and »
In; Fur‘nlurr', mu nummau» tn méntl-m. i
. $ll- lu c n "nu-nuc- .|t l 1) u'cluz'k. .\.‘ \|.,L
ii'l dly. when .ilu‘ulduce \nil hr gh‘tul
3; run nude kuuu uh; . t
"Ir I
«He-r 1
Rm 1‘
in u 1
\\: us I
\ \" ull
. 'l‘upl
.. c:ut-'
‘ luiu l
in: l‘
. .
| H-mmmrz, AHL‘UOIH‘UT
A \\
. I":
22, 1 $tA. t
Public Sale.
\IU\'UA Y. Ihr Tlh ul~y nf “.\llf‘ll next,
in- :vmccnh-r. ugu‘u ting l 0 qln' firming,
«II {lt Pu lu- S3M". :n ‘llfl I'I~.—MOIICP, in
flu lms'nzthilv. .\nhlus cnumy, ulumr um:
‘ (-sl uf ”:l:|ll‘~ Sl.uinn..lhv luliuuing per
‘ prolmrllv. \iz:
I \\'U.YH.\ R 101." CULT. ’_‘ {'.m‘a_ '2 "OH.
Shun". l Hr-ml Eu“. \\'inu min-1 \IIII.
!_ Scrm-n. Plough. Show! Plough. Tum
p-«llun (‘nrpvnlrr T «11d. (‘rkuy-vvu 51w,
iRIH; FJJX Hrmk, S Intrhiu; \hl". with
fhulul nud Kifv'n-II Furni'un, such n 9
‘nn-l'lkvd’uiing. Huh-ml. 'l'nhlc‘, Ton-plate
, Sink, Tubs. H-Irn-ls. and :\ \nrirt)‘ (If
Inrl‘n'lw. [my "mm-mus m nit-Minn.
L Sula [n cmnnrunqo :11 [II u'clu k. ,\. \l.—,
d tin}, whrn Ulnhuluuce will be gin-fl
nfis made knuwn h_\'_
, . SAMEL “mums”.
S'allemitll. .\urliuucur.
.22, 15m. 10- . ‘_- fl‘ “
I o- Publ-imSale
will ‘
on .n
and t
I pm; the :m m,- urnmcu mm, xI-o
suhsc‘rihn. intending [uwmon- m a smaller
fuuu,}will 53)“ :11 J‘ubiu- Sale. n. his residnnév,
in f‘rfinklin tou‘ndnpfmluus nullity. one mile
Sunthr’esl of Arrmllsville. the [allowing [lrr
l-un II prupo-rty, \‘iz :
A .1 “UK“ HORSE, 4 “Hell Pawn. (thrt'e of
.them frerh nndftlle other springing.) l Heifer
with 'nlf, 3 hind of lid! (Milk, 3 head of
~Yuun,~N:umw-treud \Vngon. “glad—
_ders.‘ ime BedV 2 “'ithcmw Plunuhs, Harrow,
'Shnv Pluugh. One-horn Plough. Com Forks,
Douhl nnd' Single-ages, Stretchers, Cow
~)jlxpsin , an of good Ge‘nrs, Housing: and Unl
llura, g‘md new Winnowing .\lill, Seed Outs By
équ‘ bu‘hef, and a great. many other articles.
‘.lO ‘ n merous to mention. 7
’ Sula to cpmmeucc at lOn’clock, A. IL, on
x(“xiii d y, whx‘n Miendance will be given angl
part 3; Fade known by ' j
john thugs, Ancunqeer.
133 b,; 2:, 186;}. mi ‘
\ | ‘ l
.1‘ . "a Pubhc Sale. .
l, |
flxlwaomson, the 23d any or MARCH
‘ Tm, the subscriber. mténding lo quit.
{nfimh 3, will sell- at Publit- Snle, at. his regi
_dencc,'in Buchanan Valley, Franklin township,
_Adnuu-coumy, (be following personal] proper
,tyg vim: . 1 '
, 2 HDRSES. 2 Co‘vn, 3 head of Young CM.-
‘ ,tlc, 7 fiend of Hugs, Four-‘horae Brand-trend
' 5“”: ”A”? “up"?! Horse Oean, Plough;
and Ely-rows, Double Shovel, Plough, Corn‘
*ork, I Winnowing Mill. Cutting Box, Logl
gsgon, Double and Single-wees, Cow Chsins,
uuoqk, Rakes, Forks, and olhe; forming lin
”Tm Allo “tuck of good Buy. Bed-‘
nu nmlron Kettle, and a variety of other uni-
Isles, too numeroun to meu‘lon. ‘ ’
Solo to commence o: lo o'clock, A. .\l., on
_nid thy, when‘atteudunco will be‘given Ind
urml Innis known by _ ,
fobn Hones, Auctioneer
Feb. 22, gs“. m
'_. LL the heap Patent Medicines Mn be Ind
, A “tip”! Emily Drug and Pro-eripfiol
. m’d . Dr. R. BURNER.
" M 'dhildren, a Dr. -R. HORNEB'S Drug
tore. E
s’me ad Summer (nothing jun received
0 to Dr. 3‘ HORNEE‘S Drug Stone and get
R.,TOBIAS' cglebntod 1313!): Condition
D Pb'defl, (qr Horns and Ipm, for uk
m. Dr. HQWS Drug Store.
‘ m ‘1». a. mantra Tonic and mm
,- tive Povqe I, for HORSES um; CATTQE.
Prepay“! And laid only at yin qug Stogg.
Juan, 35, 186‘. ‘ ,
165 Rm- 167 BALTIIOII Syn",
1 20
keep con-unlly on hand I Ina-‘9 ud well II-
....8 00 u: a (10
....l Men 1 ac
-2 00 m a 40
12 oo
r be
loned stock or I“ kind: of good: a} modente
The] supply orders for the an": {o the
low-est priced "tides, either ready yfiide'ar
mud: {0 measure, to nny part of the country
Thcy keep 3150 on “lg-naive neck of FURN-
I'SHISG GOODS, embracing every {Hide of
Grntlem'en'l Budd-vent. Also, MILITARY
CLOTILS nnd every variety‘rfi'flihlary Tlim-
mingc. as we” an an nasorletf sl‘ock‘of READY
Bullimore, Feb. 22, 1864
y mnmmmu‘m }
1864‘ oPaper Hangingsa “4881
Cu". 41h 5L Market. h‘xrneta. PHILADELPHIA!
N. [L A hue ilqgk 0f LINEN Sllfiflus
constantly on lmnd. [Ft‘b- 213, 64- .3111
‘ , Public Sale
O -—()n MONDAY, the Hill dny of .\IA'RCII
n- :t, the yubscrihgrfihllcnding to quh lnrming.
will sell’nl l'll‘illc Sadr, at his residence, in
.\lq-nullen townahip, Adams county, one mile
m 4! of Arendlsvillr, Ihe folluwing “dun-ble
pg'aonnl pnlgwrly. viz: ‘ "’ ‘
3 FIRST-“I..\SS lull-13.: llorsr. 4 Cows,
l ‘llull,’l [L-ifora. ‘. new ll an-uend'l‘hur—
lunue “'ngun, l Four-hone Narrow-[road
“'.xgnn, nmrly nt-w’. Spring “'ngou, (‘arriagq
Yolk Gram Drill, Spring-loom Hny' link-n,
'l Int-shiny .\l'u'llino‘. \“iunou‘inu Mill, 1 Shire-
Innn (Urn l’blmor, llt‘nrse- ()rnrfi. 2 sets 0!
llr'm-a-11-lmurL, maul)" nI-w, 3 sets of Front
Helrs. 2 :9!) Double lLlrncs-‘s. 6 (‘ulll\rs, f?
“11111 l IFHHP“. ‘1 pair a" (‘IH-rk Lin“. Si'dfnl‘fl
nn'] |srixl|e<, I! Bar-mm” Mouth“. 1 Humble
:In-l 2 Snub--‘hxwvl l'lnllglxa,'2 Hurrouxj‘, l'nru
l-‘rrlu. limhlr un-l'S:nglv‘-lr:~es,Jma :Inll I-‘il'lll
('lminl. (‘nrn ughl ll '.lu-r (Ill:|ln=.\\’hvel-h:nr
mw. Hr ml'lnne, llakvfi, Furlvi, Grain (‘r:hlle~,
‘4an 1.: Syyllu-d. Jukwrow. “ml mmy uther
er'ltll's. tum nnnwruus ‘.(I mention. .\lio,
Ilnusn-lu-ld n'ml Kill-lg-n Furn‘ilurr. mrh u,-
l'ururlr ("q-hunrd, I‘lm k. (‘.lrpe'zing, ll ”ml u!
Vim-gar, “.H‘H‘l-, Tu); ; 30 or 4') (hm-rent kiln!
ul young; Apple null l'ruch TrPL“, and many
u:lu~r nrlu lti. .
Mrfiglo to rummcnrr at ~10 o'clock. A. .\L
on mud (Lu, win-n .nxenJ-mce WI” he giwu
“not h'rmi made- k'nnwn hy " .
.Inh n Hunt's. Antlionoer
rel». x.‘-. 18151. gé
OF PARTNERSIIII',——I'Iu- ('n-pnrhu‘rskip
Hiding hvlwrcn the suhsctihers, lms
I’m-n nil-'suln-d lhii d‘ly by mutual (must-lII.
4W» n-qu‘n thank: In our lriem's and the public
tor. the liberal support amended to us. Our
bank: will he lc-ll u: the store; nnd u e «mm-sl
ly :mlucst I‘anse inulrhu‘d to us top.“ and
"Ink" nmvncdiate p’ufncntd- us we nre‘desirqu
m <clllu our business wit-hon! dvlay.
Jan. 30, 18-)4
7 ‘lll-S‘suhwri‘hor‘hxuim! Iliepmed nfhis in
l wreit in Ihc Smre of l‘uhcl‘n & (‘ulp m
.lulun S. (‘ruwfiunL E4l” reipcrllully nfik‘ lhe
muuinuuwo nf his frit-nvls mul «Hammers to
pain-mu- 11H suuessor—Mhere lh‘rcuim "my
be llmi. . JUHX CCLI’.
. Frh. 8. 19494
I (‘.lleuu Imflu: nssnciMe-l wi‘lh him in
[ML-"nun“ John S. (mehvrd, who plhchnévjd
the illit'l'cil u! Jnhn Pulp, rt'spm‘lhllly an
ummm-a lo ilw cuimns uI thlyihurg mu! the
puhlir gem mlh, lllLll the huzi'nhs will‘he cun
linued M the 01d Slam! on Cllumbrnburg
strool luv A. ('HHHAN-& (30.,- “ho \vifl cw..-
~tmtl} ken-p on hand a Luge stuck of ”mule,
in [he luw nf
.\IHH' \H'FJLH',
.\I. Y. .\lHllin'.
nnd‘lhL-y will ulsu cuuliuue the .\hnufucture 01
Shoes. ‘ ‘
from their long: exporipncr in all the nhm‘e
hr m-hes, they tuner themu-lves Ilml thry um
pit-use the: public, and WI“ unll (-he Ip=for cush.
. A. (“URI-H)"
Duing business under‘ the mune'nu-l firm of
.\. Cuhcuu k. (10. 7‘ [l-‘eh. B, [864.
Fnult and Ornamental
‘VI‘RHI-IS Fm: SI‘IHNG 1864.—We 4'9sde
_ lully invite attention to our superior
Elm-k of Flll'lT .\VI) ORNAWENTAL T'ltl-ZES
.\SI! Slllll'llh', fur-the coming srumn. Uur
n~surlnn~nl is lnrgc and fine, and trees remark»
“My thrifty and well grown. Cflhlloguos urn
1m Inn! on application Lvy mail, or m. the otfice
11f " The Compiler." ’
- lEDW. J. EVANS}: (30.,
Feb. 8, “64. Km York, Peuu‘a
>‘\I.ES, kc. Rmidonce, in Strzlban township,
on Ilu‘ road lending from Geupshnr; to Hun
“ Talon“, [“0 miies from the former plnge.
Clmrgva m'oderule and snlistuclion guaranteed.
Feb‘ 1, 1864. ‘61): -
.811; Conn: Reward.
AN flWfly (mm (M subscriber, raiding in‘
R young-lei“: townslup, Adamo county,
nn mummy week, a black girl named Lanbellu
(‘.meun, aged about 18 yams, of heavy, short
he! figure, uho was bound by the Directors of
the l’odr of Adams county, to serve uniil she
arrived at Hm much! 15 yfura. The above re
wurd, but no thanks, Wlll he givu-u to any yer
son who may arrest and ram: :1 her to the un
derp‘hned. JUUN LILLY.
Feb. 15, 188
J mcntury on the estate of-John Hewitt,
late of Butler lownship, Adams co., decened.
having been grsnted to the undersigned, resid
ing in the same township. bu hereby give!
non-e to all persons indebted to mid Hm:
to'muke immediate payment, and thosfhum
in: claims against th‘e nine to prelenv. than:
properly nuth nticmed for settlement.
Feb. 15,1864. s:
ANIEL NYERS' ESTATE—Letters of ed-
D rumination with the will ennexed-ou the
csute of Denial Myen, lute of Ending
township, Ademn county, deceased, having
been ‘gnngeg (.0 ‘h' undersigned, residing
in the name gownahip, be hereby give- notice
to ell per-cine indebted to Ilid nine to mnke
immediate peyment, Ind those hsving claim!
again". the tune .to prennl them firoperly eu
thenlicazed for nememeut.
‘ 4mm 5. anus, Adm-
Feb. 15,1864. at . >
‘ CENTS—A first rate article of TEA u,
80 80 cum 3 pound. It ,
Feb. 15. 000081 8 GILLBSPIE'S. ,
~ J. x. nowx's.
amps “unison 31mm, or 01¢
Homumd lonic, u Dt. R, HOBNER’§
rug Store. . I’
LOTBINGI ammo l—Plenly oénew
good: jun oponod. Also Booth, Shoe.
Hula, n.. tel, I" chap u BEWEBRHDFF’S
ADIBS’ DRESS mamas ‘in fro-t. n.-
tioty, u SCH CK'S.
Noah Walker & 06.;
‘ AV"
Al.l€.\'.-\.\‘!‘l£ll CUM-lAN,
JUH_.\' l‘l'lJ’. ‘
A Card
H. A. Picking
' A 3rd at SARCH next, in purmnnca or 111
order of the rphnn'l Court of Adams connzy.
Ihe subscribers, Gunrdiuu ol the minor chil
i dren of Philip J. Omit, demurd, will ofler It
, Public Sule. at Bendeunlle, the following
property. (it:
‘ A TRACT orwoonuxn, cumming an
' Acres, more or less, rim-kc in Hen-lien tawn
‘ chip, Adam county, about. 09¢ mile northeast
.' of Bendmville, adjoining nude of Philip
anohue, Widow Group, Ind otherl, well cov
ered with Cheer-u! Mu] ka Timber. The met
: will be oflqred enilre or in lots of iron: 5 to
i [0 Acres, n runny In}: purchueu. -
: Pcraonn wishinz to View the properly are
rv-qucsled to call on Edvard Sula}, raiding
nour‘ Centre Mills.
~Q’Snle to commence A! )0 o'clock, A. IL,
on nid dai, when glundance will be given
and germs made known_by , ¢
By the Court—{incl J. Fink, Clerk. ~
Feb. 8, 1804. zs' ; .
Public Sale.
\' WEBNI‘LSDAY, the 23d dny of MARCH
0 next, \he subscriber, intending :0 din
coulinue lurmiug, will sell at. Public Sale, It
hiq residen‘ce,’ in Slmbnn township. Adams
coumy, hall a mile from New Cheater, and neu
tl-e Pines Church, the following personnl
properly, vizv: "
2 NURSES, 7 Cow , l Bull, 4 Heifers, Sow
with pig, 2 Shonu', Film-horse Narrow-tread
Wagon. with bed, he?! and cover, Hay [Ald
dfl’F, “'innnwing 31;”, .Culting Box, HIM
Brake, Shavifi Hot-89', Plough: and Hurrqws.
Horse Gmrs.‘ nddh- imd Brulles, Double find
Single-Hera Sprendérs, Fifth Chain, LugEhfiin,
Hal er and Cow Chains, Grain Cradles and
.\lnumg {ivy-his. Forks, Rakes, Mntlcyk,‘
511 m 01.4, and a. variety of ochefi articles, 'lOO
numerous to mention. ' ‘ 3
”Sale to commence IL! 10 o’clock, A‘. ;.\[.,
on. mxd d 5), when' utlendnnce mll be given
and terms made known by ‘
M. B. Miller. Auctioneer
1 Feb. 3, 1864. t..*
Public Sale
0 —:‘Un \\'l‘2l).\'l-ZSUAY, the 16”: of MARCH
new. we auharrilv-r, imcnding to quit fuming,
will sell vi l’uhlic Snlofnr. his resxdence, in
Bullu tnwnahip. .\Llulus rnunry, nenr Lower‘s
Mlll. and nut- mil: unit of .\lidélélown. the fol-‘
lowing valuuhie personal pruneny, Viz: ;
TUBA!) OF WORK HORSES, (lwo oflhcm~
being luroml um‘res, with foul.) l Two—’yénr old
nnd '2'Yeurliniz Colts; Cows n'nd Young (Buick
1 Four—hursc 35 inch broad-trend “'ngun and
llrd. us gnnl us now,l Four-horse- narrow
wluoclml \l'ngoni 1 com] Ono-hone Wagon, I
Spring anun, Slcd, 1 Family Carriage. for
one or two horses, I Sleigh and Bella, 2 51-15
Manure. lionrdml Hay Carriage and puir:of
”my l, width, Wand Lndders, Patent Spring
lmnli-iln'y llulm, l .\hgnny limping und llln‘w
ingz \iuchino. ‘lhrs‘c l’nwt-r ind Threshing Ml
i-hine. ank omm und Grass Seeder, Winnuw
ing .\lill, ('nliug llux, Grmdstone, Furks,
lulu-fa, (irnin Shun-1:, Shovels, .\lutlocka, Dig
ging , Irons. ~\Vlwol-l-arruw, l Three-horse
l’luugh, 2 Two-horse ditto, ‘3 Double Shovel
l'luugha‘ '.' (‘orn Furké, ‘3 ”arms“, I linllcr,
lluuhlo and Single-tiers, 2 Spin-side‘s. 2 Fifth
('nniunJ'nrryln-g ”wins. 2 set: of Wm! Chains,
'3 pair Brent! (mums, Rough Luvk mnl ha
Fuller, 2 Lug Chaim, Cuw mul Halter (21mins,
l set of llrm-rhl. unds'nud 4 sets l-‘rnn! (ii-are,
nll ns g-md nu unv. Housings, ll«|}l(‘fs'];]iflil
Bridle: and Full Ir~‘, lset Cartilage llxgruess.‘4
lmnhor Fl) .\‘olc, 1 new “’ngon Saddle. Cross
"lll‘SlW, 4 (imin (Tallies, \lowing chlhm,
Jilck-si-n-w. :1 hit of R’nils, run! it lot of ll.\;_-;s.
Also.vl<lqu-Qlu>l:l Furniturmmith many other
airtix 24. mo numerous in nimllon. ' ’
’ Sale m dunnlcm‘t" at 10 u’rlm‘k, A. M ,
on 5 nl d.!_\'. “|an nllmulnnce will b? given
mu! lerlllz' made knnwn by 1
John "mop, Ant-Imneer. ' f
Feb. 15, mm. m ’ 4
Public Sale. -1
\' Tlll'R-‘HQA Y.ll|e 11‘. h day of Hank new,
() (Le sulnrrjlmr. lnlcmlurg m rumnve mm
smalls-r humV “it! :oil M. Pulniy "SJIP, :n his
IgsillenN, in .\luuntpluuznut~ township. .hldms
ruuut.‘ , one and n lmll’mile“ em! (f lluuaugll
i‘ouuf'lho following: [wrsmul prupmty, viz: j
2 llnries, l Ymrlln-g (‘nlLll I'o“s,'l Bull.
l llrilL-r, l‘oln-hume .\"urmu -lru-.ul \Vngnn. ll my
{'illrlllgt‘i, Grain lmll, (‘nrn l’l‘uuer.‘ llnr<c
(loan, l‘luugh, new 'l'hrt-P-lmrcv ll.uruw. limi
l.’e .md Sluglv-lrcm, ”alter and (‘nw (mains,
u l .t of lhu rcls, nn'l It \‘nrievyvl other articles.
Snlc m cmmm-nm‘ at l‘l u“ luck, )l , 9n snill
day. when attendant -.- will he gin-u tun-l terms
nmdr luum‘n by . ' d ‘
John FMlls-m‘tll, Auctioneer.
Mb. 1, 13-14. ts. ..
Metropolitan Fair‘
AV 1“ lTA‘l'lO“ —'l'lu- Lmlins of me .\lclropoli
tan FJll’ in nill.of tho I'. S. Sunilmy Commis
simi. nddroxs lhemwlves with peculiar autis
f.u-lidn to the Furmors of our Country.
“'9 Emmy that \re n'ppenl to generous na
rurw—stoul, warm hearts, ever r'emly to bestow
ol'lhe gills a good Providence has so munifi
remly showered upon you. since the com
mencement of this deplomble war. Yuuvlmve
given nobly of your hearts blood. Your SLurdy
aons'»lnd brothers are the glory of our Army
and Navy; and those Mm remnin m till the
soil mll cheerfully .‘épaud to our invitation,
tous=ist in fluniahing means for m-uuining.
running—comforting such as are :ufl'cring In:
from their homes. . ‘
Come then, we pray you, bring to us of the
producls which God has given you, whmuqr
you can : oxen. cows, horses, (such have been
air dy c_oulribuh-d.) or beef,.mult.on, pork’,
mfi‘try. buy, outs, buttrr. cheese, eggs. grain
or‘. our. apples, crunhgrriea‘f nuts—Anything
‘thm you in spare ofypur abundance. j
‘The Fair will open on the 28th of March.—
As it will probably continuc'l'or two weeks,
contributors can sendlfrom tigne m 4 LimJ u
may but suit their convenience. ‘ -
Address all nrticlu to Receivinz'(‘ommi¢tee,
Wen 14m Street, between 6th and 7th A‘venne‘l.
Forward by auyfixpreus or Tramporllliop
Please send mine and Address. that ye may
acknowledgo. MRS. JOHN PAINE. E
~ Committee for soliciting from Farina". ,
New York, Feb. 15, 1864
a _ I
‘ Blanksmlthmg. ‘
HE underaignad would most respectful”v
inform the public that he km commenced
at Dunner k Ziegler’a shop, in Ens: Middle
street, Gettysburg. where he will at nil time
be prepnrcd to do Blacklmithing work'to Car
ringes, Buggies, Wagons, he. In: he knows
how to do all jnhspf lll‘e kind will no! be quai
tioned by those who bore n knowledge of his
long experience at the business. Come on.
will: your work, and you will be satisfied when
you hke it away—Land for which he will ro
cein Cash or Country Erodnce. -
Jan. 4, 1864: t:_ ‘ '
om: 3191 mm ES‘llATE.—Lemrl at «14
mlnigtrufiolghvlth {the will unnexed, 013
t e um oi John Blick. like of lonnljoy
township, A‘duu enmity, doeeued, Inning
been gnnlod‘ (h the ndderaigned, ruidlng ln
Geunburg, lip hereby ‘vel notice to all per:
son: indrbuq to Mid an I“ to nuke lmmedle
no peymenn'nndlhoso‘hul' claim! satin-t
the um to present. them properly “mantl
cned for settlement. 4.
_' AllOB PLANE. Adm’r.
15:23.8, 1834. 6‘ 1V ‘
vzncous: OYEBCOATBI-Ar -
jut h‘hm the city. Cdl and examine, u
' _ Ngnhpu: comer ol the Diamond.
FIRST-RATE Eight-dl], Thirty-hour and
Alarm Clocks, nlienp It PICKING'S.
BRING bu fine lines}; anal-uncut of Spring
nd Sumac; Clothqnx in to". ‘
‘ , ALL It CHRISIEB'S for 10"!" AlO, Por
ter, n.. to. '
JUST yeceived ht‘PICKINGYS Spring and
Sumnier'Clothing. Cong o a Ind 911.
”.03 GLOVES, ‘0: Ilsa at! 3.031. can
‘be Ind chap u . SCHICK‘S. ;
SATURDAY, the Ink tad mu din of
MARCH next. the lubsrriber, inlendlng tn quit
Store-keeping, will ofl'er at Public Sale, in
louncpleuam, towntbip. Adnml county, on
the mud from Bonnughtown to Littleuown.
mi'dw-y between the ['o pine“, the following
Infidel, viz : -
Sue-l, Files, Horne Rum, Tumbucklu for
fr-me Ind brick, Sclnon. Knives. Gimleu,
Table end Ten Spoons. about. 10 key of Nullr,
gnu .im. ornasswmn, or .11 «man, u
- lerge lot. ; A large lot of SHOES, of the very
'best, urn-ll and large sizes. DRY GOODS,
much u Couon Punt: Stnfl', fine Cnnimereg,
“black Ind figured, Clnlon Flannel, Wool
3 Flnnnel, red, white And yrllow, fine piece pf
‘, Linsey, el wool. e lug; lot of Cnlicoer Ind
Delunén, huge, Alpe , Lawnl, Glnghnm‘l,
nleiched end unbluched Mullins, Cunbrice,
Drilling, Stockings, Glove], n large lot of
HATS t CAPS, Brushes, Smoking and Chair
‘lnz Tobaccoa, nlmul 2,000 Cigarl, Earencemof
I” kinda, Paints, such ,ns Venetian Red, Red
Lend, Green, in 1 lb. runs, Whiting. Lithnrge,
Yellow Ochre, tc.,Glnss by the boxfilolnuel,
Crockery-ware, and a great many nrliclcs not.
mentioned. Copper Kettle, n first-rate COW.
fi‘Snle to commence It. l 0 o'clock, A. l,
on each day. when attendance yill be ‘IVIII
and terms made known by
chob Klnnk. Auctioneer.
Feb. 15, 1864. u"
O‘-—Will be offered M. Publir Sale, on MON
DAY, thgmh day of FEBRUARY nut. at the
resident: of the suhsrriber,‘ .iu Couowago
township. Adams county, PIL, the following
highly valuahle personnl proy erty, viz:
NINE "HAD 0? WORK “0351-35. 10 Colts,
4 .\iili-h Cows, A lot of very superio Sheep,
Farm Wugon,C.iri inge, Rocknway BuggyJiorse
(I‘m-1n and Hnrncss, Grain Drill, Reaper. Corn
Sheller, Fodder Cutter, Corn Plantar. 2 Thresh
ing Machines with horse powers‘, 2 Winnowing
Mills, 3 four-horse anons, 1 Spring Wagon,
I Unmhorsg—anon, 2 ”my Carriages, Ploughs,
"arrows, Corn Forks. Shovel Plt)ughsl,.lloller,
Rolling Screw, Horse Rakes, ‘3 Sleighs, Grind-
Itones, Cradles, Scylhcs, WhePl-barrows, and
every other article belonging to farming. To
gethnr with a large variety of Household and
Kitchen '_Furnituro, such as Tables. Clmirq.
Bedstends and Bedding, Looking Glasses. Pur
lor and Cook Stoves, China and other ware,
.lzc. kc. Alan 3 quantity of Potatoes 'by the
bushel. ’.
At the sumo time will be offered :1 lot. of
Wheelsbplonging to mill gearing, very good;
Shafts, Bolling Frmnc,’ nnd many other arti
cles which might be useful to mill-Wrights.
‘ Sale to commence- at 8 o’clm‘k, A. .\l., on
snid day, wlwn uucndnnce will be giien and
terms made known Ivy '
' 11. .\lcC. DELUXE.
AclriTn Oman-r, Aurlioneer. .
Junu try 25, lSti-l. l:
( Pubhc Sale. .
\' THURSDAY. the 3M day of \lnrch next,
0 the stillscriher, intending 10 quil (firming,
u'ill'sell at Public S lIPI at his residence, in
.\lonntp‘lonsant township. .\ilnrns county, one
and n hall miles east nl Guldcn's Station, the
following persmml property, \‘ILZ ~
1 llnrw, .'l (‘mvs, l llvil‘N‘. '2 Shoats. Two
hnme Narrow-Irma “'nuun, Mann lied. Horse
Gears. “'mnuwnngMill, (‘nning Box, l'lnnghs
and Hurrows. bhmel l’longhs and (‘orn Fork}.
lluuhle and Sixugle-uoes, Lug ('hnin, Hallér
nnd l'uw (‘hnius. Furl“, Rakes, kc : Rocknwny
Buggy and llnruess, “'huolburruw, Gnudslme;
Bed and liedsteml, Cooking Sun: and Pipe,
Kilclmn (,‘upbmud, Copper Kettle, Tubs, “le
rvlu, kc. . .
Slh- lo commrnce nt ll o'clnl'k, A. 11., on
snil day, “hen nlundunge \\ ill be giwn and
term: mnde known by
John Slallsmilh, Auctioneer
Frb. l, 18:”. u"
" Public Sale.
.\' TI‘ESDA Y. the lat day of MARCH ql‘xt,
0 NW Blll'.’ls.‘:ih(‘l‘~‘. intending (u qnit farm
in‘g.-\\II! s”]! n 1 l’uhhc Salk. :11 hi“ residence,
in Slmlmu tuwnship. Adm-u rhnnly. near:
Guhlrn's \‘mlio'n, the following» prrsouwj
pmprrh , viz: “
4 NURSES. ‘1 Fake, 6 “Eh-h (‘nws 6 head 0
Young (Emir. l-‘aunhmw Wagon, Lime Hedi
Dung Plank, HurseJionrs, Sfih‘ Sndle, Col
hrs, Bridh-é, Plough and ‘IJfrUWS, Shovel
[’lnugh, l‘urn Fork. l‘ullivnmr. l‘urn (‘uveren
“'inmming .\l'l}, Cutting Box, “Merl-lmrrow,
Grindalont, Doubh- und Shah-true, Spread
ers. Lug l‘hain, [lulu-r and Cow (‘hninm Hrnm
“wile. Rakes. Fork, [lO. Hay by the ton,
and b‘lmw \by the bundle. 59d: and Bed.-
stpmds, 'l‘nhles, Cook Stovemml Pipr, Meal:
Vessels, Tubs, Bands, and a. variety of other
nrm-les. ' ‘
@5319, to commence at 10 o‘clock, A”. BL,
on sud dny, when ntlomlduce “ill be given
.mnd terms made known hy » ,
M. B. Miller. Auctioneer
Feb. 8, 1804. ts
Assigfieb’é - N 365;
HR undersigned having been nppnintod
T Assignee, under a deed of trust for the
bg-nefit or (-redrtors, of Lzrl Sum! nn-l )i'l’rt.
QfGe many township, Admns county, noiicc ii
hen- giren to Ml~ persons knowing hem
selves indebted to said Assiunors to Inga e im
medinlg payment to Ihe undersigned, re iding
in .\loumjuy township, and those liming laiml
nu insllbesnme tn prewnl them proper ' au
thznliculed (or settlement. ‘ r
i smwrm HHMXLLER, Assignee.
January 25, £864. 6!.
$9 Sheads & Buehler,
“was m I
D COAL AND wumm,
‘ s 1' o I' E s . .
“mung, -HULLOW-WARE, 10. fl .
—ALRO— .
Corner of Cnrliéle and Railroad Streets, opfio
site Railroad Depot, GETTYSBURG,'PA.
Sept. 28, 1863. Lt .
’l' an Orphan'n Court, held It Gettysburg;
for Adams county, PAL, on the 18th day
of smug, A. D., 1364, bebre the Hon. Bob
erl. J. Fi er, P;esident,und Isaac E. Wierman
Ind Dnid Ziegler, Esqa., Associfle Judson,
of said Conn : '
On motion of 31. t W. McClean, Emu, the
Court grant a bill on the heirs find legal repre
sentatives of GEORGE HECK, deceued, to
appear at the orphan's Court, to he held et
Gettysburg, for said county, on the Twenty
third day of FEBRUARY, §864, to lake or
refuse to take the Real Estat 0'! Mid decen
ed M. the velua‘tion end eppniaement thereof,
or show came why the lame Ihonld not be
sold noeor"ng tmlnw. ' ‘
In testilfibny whereof, I hnve hereunto let
my bend. end “fixed the seal of the nid.
Court, at Gettysburg, thin 18th day of Jenna»
ry, 1864. v
, JAMES J. FINK, Clerk.
Feb. 1,1964. 3!. _ ,
HI third uccount of Robert Hch-dy, So
qnutrntor of the Gettyan Rilirond
ompany, bu beta filedsin q. Court 0! Con:
mon Pleu of Adam Cou‘nly, ind will be con
firmed by the said Conn, on the 2343” of
FEBRUARY next, ante-l once in shown to
the century. ,
Jan. 18,_ 1864. tc'
EOBGE ARNOLD bu jun received mm
Phlhdel hu, 3 huge flock of CLOTHS
C SIMERFA, Over-costings, Unlinetl,Veu
ingu, Flannell, Muslin; Joann, he" All at whwh
will be sold chap for cub. Cull Ind see them.
_ Sept. 28, 1863.
xcaLsxom ' A .
. sxcsnsto m
The Excelsior Wuhing Inching in the but
in the World. Cull find enmine it It. once,—
Oflce M. the Excelsior Sky-fight Gnllery.
autumn: of Fs]! and Winter Goodl u
cfinp u the chupeu at A 300" t BDN'B
WI Inn just received: now mom:
of Qudenuun, to which we invite the
“union of bum. A. SCOTT k SON.
Large Sale
New Goods.
Public Sale.
N THURSDAY, the 3d day a! HANG“
next, the nub-crib", intending to remove,
In" «all It Public .Sale, 1: hi: residence, In
{Butler township. Adams co., nan Hnnzell'l
'lill, the followlng perunnl propE! Iy, viz :
‘ 4 head of WORK HORSESJ Colt, Ohm
yup old, 1 Sucking Mule, 6 Co", 1 Bull, 3
Reflerl, 13 bend of Sheep. Sow Ind Pigs, 1‘
Gotta, l broad-wheeled Wagon. l lour-horu
brow-wheeled Wuon, Englilb Bed with
bowl, Lime Bed, Bow Ladders. Winnowing
Hill, plum Cutting Box, Ploughl t Burrows,
double Ihovel ploughl, corn forks, hay rakv,
double nqd single-trial, fit!!! chin. 10g chninl,
strlmheu, horn.- gelrl, w’ngon uddle, bridlu, ‘
'coll‘n, lune! an? cuw chfigt. pitch fox-h,
dung forh, ginln cmdlu, mowing scytheu,
tnd lolher fuming implemenm‘ .
Also 1 Inge Cue of anen, 2 set- of
Obnin, Kitchen Table. mu! "lull. cidbr bu
rell, I long ladder, and a variety Mother uti
clel we numerous» mention.
Side to commence it 10 o’clpck, A. M., on
Mid day, thn unendndce will bogiren and
temp; nude known by ;
John Hausa. Anciiomer
Junuary 25, 1864. u
5 Public Sale,
PROPERTY.-—The subscriber, retiring
iron: farming, will ofler It Ping Sfle, It his
residence, nenr Néw Oxford, sins connl'y,
,on TUESDAY, the/Bth day of “ARCH next,
(the ole to continue from day {dd-y till i” is
'sold,i his rnluahle I?an Stock ‘and Farming
lmpl menu, all being in good order, consist
int as follows : _ , .
3 being brood mares, 18 bend a! first rule
(‘owslnud Heifers, Sow, with pigs, 2 Plant»,
lion Wagons, with Rubbers. (on, it a. broad
,treudl.) l One-horse “’ug ,1 Spring Wagon,
. l Family Carriage, (for o . or two horses) I
’_thckéwny Buggy, l‘Sleigan’d dolls, 1‘ Stone ,
Bed, Mth side boards, 2 setsof Manure Boards,
with holsters, l Hay Cnrringefl ,psir ol Hay
‘Lndders, 2 Climbing Ladders, 1 new steel-1
spring Horse-llnke, erci'Ol-Vlng Horse Balm;
1 Reaper, llussey’s l’ntent, 1 Horse Power and;
Thredning Machine, 1 York Grain find Timothy ‘
Seeder, l Winnowing Mill, 2 Bo} ing Screens,’
(one is for cloverseed ngd rip le,) 1 Corn,
Shoileilz, 250 mm Bugs, 1 Culling ox. l Grind
stoue,:6 Pitch Forks, 6 H i_v Forks, 4 Shakingl
Forks,‘ 6 Manure Fork, 2 Grnin‘, Shovels, 15
Grain and. ilny Rakes, also Sho‘i‘els, finalist}
“attacks, (‘rmr ihrs; Digging quns, 4 Whom-hi
burrmi's, (2 for lime,) l Three-hone Plough,
2 Two-horse Plofighs, 2 Shovei'Ploughs, 2|
youbie Shore! Ploughs. 2 Corn Florks, 2 Har
dws, 1l Two-horse Holler. l Three-horse!
Doubl‘c-lree, 2 Two-horse Douhte-trres, nml'
Singles-trees, 2 Spreaders, 1 Fit h Cbflin, l
Carryi‘ing 01min, 2 pair of Him Chains, 2 pair
of Bred-s: Chains, 1 Rough Lock Tad Ice Cut
ter, 3 Log Chains, 2 Lock Chains, 25 Cow and:
Bth Uhnins, 6 Hum-r Chains, sis ‘lot of Iron,‘
6 sci: bf “11*Goars, 4 sets of lfiough Gears
and l’lpugh Ll es, ‘2 sets of Ciirri ge Hnrness,\
5 Leather I-‘lv Ken, 1 new \\'ngon‘,Sndd!e‘und'
Whip, ! Riding Saddle, l Sidefnddlo. rindl
Bridle, 1 large Sledge, 1 Mini nd Wedges,‘
Axes, ”niche“, Hammers, 1 Crosdl-cut Saw, I !
Hand-saw, I Wood-saw, l Pruning Suw, 2’]
(iruiu ,Cladlrs, (Him-'3 Scylhu, 'l lL‘orn Chop-p
pars, and lines; 1 Dining I‘ahld,l Kitrhsn‘
Dresser, l Palpnl. Churn. Meat Vofiels, Hogs
hends,’ Cider Burn-ls, and Regs, an numerous
other articles, mu tedious to men: on. '
Wih‘nle to rnnimL-ncn: on sainl’dny, It 10
o'clucki, precise‘li, when condixi M will be
made Hyuowu, on rcusinmble termi. by
' ’ 1 - JUIIN . NOEL.
FrailkwKOPthF, Auctioneer. I
Jan. 1», HOl4. is 3
1 Public Sale. K ,‘
\' WEDVI-"s'hn', the mm mm of 31mm
0 nine, lhu suhsuiher will sum «1 Public
Slur. hi Mountp‘vnmm townchlp, Adam: cm.
m the Eluuiun 1‘0”, the fulloui g Personal
l’mpvrtv, viz: .. ‘
hmvy with foal. 5 head of _rn d Cultle, l
hreedinu Sow. u goon] [bur-ban Wagon, wixh
Sumo [led and lhy Insiders, Non h. [Lu-row,
DouhkiShovo] I‘luugh, Corn Fork Wind Mill:
(‘lmim Jinx; Hum- Uenrs, Brid s. “My-re,
Cow (‘Tmhm Log (Imin, Jack Sc -w. Do‘uhle
null Smgle-lrees‘. Slrrlchers, with my other
nrli-j-lea not nwutioned. In,
Aim, Honephold and Kitchen! Furniture,
Kiulwu Cupboard, Smk, half-ddzen Chnirs,
Rocking Chuir, ('luthcs (mphuhrh, Bcd~tend
and Bedding. Bun-nu. Desk. Looking (5135585.
Inrgo Dining Tnhle, EighL—duy Clinic, 2 Men!
Vessels, Wash Tuba, 2 Wash “:4 hinen. Pork
and lleel‘ Lard, Urindstnne, Ax“ alnne Bench,
with munemus‘other articles not uumernle-l'
anlc to “commence at 'lO o'cgock. A. .\l.,
on amid, d-Iy, whvn nth-ndance will be given
ind u-rmu‘nude known by -
. ‘ F. X.; SMITH.
Adam'Onstor .\nclinneer
Jan. 25, ism. ts*~
‘2A , ’ .
xnznxnxbxlu. crmx 0F ' l
Established in the. following cities?
S. E. Corner of Se\ emh And Che um. SEE,
New York, Drooklw, Albany, T3Ol, Provi
denve, l'nrtlnuduflnnford, B rlinglon,
Sew-ark, Rochester, Bnfi‘nlo, Térnnto,
Cleveland, Detroit. Cnicago,lMil
' 'wnukce and St. Louis:
Thbrnugh theoretical and practical instruc
tion in all brunchcs perk-inning to}: finished
Business Educntlon. ‘
The Philadelphia College stands first in the.
State, both in point of reputation: and locall
ndvanugm. The point aimed nt ill; to piece
Commercial Eilncnlion where it belongs—in
the front rank of useful instruction. To this \
end. a most‘thorough codrse of business trnin~ ‘
ing is. adopted and cerefuiiy enforced, under
the personal eupervinion of competent Pro- 1
Tenors in the various departments.i The most ‘
perfect syrtem oi practical traininf erer de-‘
vised bll been put in operation, nd il Inc
ceuinlly clrried‘ont. affording t 3 stpdenm ed.
untugel such I: hove hitherto been consider
ed pe'uihlo only in connection with the count
ing-*houae.’ After becoming proficient/in the
Science of Accounts. Penmanship, Common ’
cinl Cnicnlntions Ind Commercial Law, the.
student il ndvnneed to the Practical Depnrt
ment, where he becomes an sctvml Book
er and Merchant; panes through the di 1
Houses; ecu in turn on Teller. Cashier, tc.;
inrng the duties and renponnbilitien of each.
omce, and becomes thoroughly informed, not‘
only in the forms which are in unit’ernl use, i
but in nnnnging the‘ chin of bunineu with ‘
lyltem end deepatch. ' ,
scholnrships iuhed at one pointi are good, I
tor In unlimited period, in the eighteen Col-‘
loge: comprising the “" ‘ « i
Diploma are unrded to thouiionly who
fulfill. the presuibed centre 0! Itndm, end pen 1
thn'rcqnilite exilminotion. ; O
For further informntion lend for 1 eircnler.
Addreu: .
Feb. 8, 1864, 13' Phileflelphin.
, Notice.
ter: of ldmininlmtion on the chute ofGec.
J. aberhofl', late of Mounljoy tp.,Admn| coun
ty, deco-"d, huing been gnnled to th‘eunder
li'gnud, ulidingjn the nine towmhip, he hereby
give notice to I" persons indebted to aid
can: tot-kc immdintc pnynent, Ind thou
hfiing claim: gain}: the [and to preunt
thcmlproperly luthnfirnud {or nemement.
, February 1.1864. 6% , L
' Notice. * ‘3
P ndminiunlion on the estate of Peter Hob—
ol, late of Stub“ twp, Adlnn co., deumd
hnving been granted m the undersigned, ro
aiding in the same towmhlp, he hetepy give:
no'ice to m person'l indebted to mid nuts
to mike imploding ‘p‘ymcnt, md thou hav
ing chin“ spin“ the sum- to prelont them
prowl, “mentioned (or settlement.
In. 13, [864. s:
L. SCHIGK him; just received a lot of
. cheap Looking Glasses.
PRING BALIORALS jnu receive: a
OLLOCK’S mum—w. pun» mad
but baking powdr‘r in Inc—qt Dr. R
BR'S Drug Store. ‘
Receipt; nod Expenditure:
Commissioned Ofiee, Adina co., Pn.
p Agree-bl, tom Act of Ana-bl}, enmled
‘ “An Act to raise County Run lld Levin.”
1 requiring the Conuiuionerl of the [cupcake
lConnllu lo pnblilb ISL-lemon: of the Rocdpu
I Ind Expenditure! yutly, We. |ho Gemini-clon—
[an of Tun of unit! county, Report u follow,
to win—from the 8!!! tin, of Jnnunry, 1843, to
[file 7th day or Jannuy, last—boll: do)! in—
‘ clnnire. = ‘
‘H. B. DANNEB, Exp, Trennm
Commiuioocn, in Account Illh:
of Adnm, u follow-2 .
DR. . ~ 1
To cub in land: of 'l'nmmr u Int;
"Meme“, 1
Ont-landing Com-n, Yuan and Quit
Rent: in land of Galina", ,
Mum; Lm‘u mad/or 1883‘,
Borough of Gennhnrg, $1,183 56‘
‘-‘ “ inl nun, I'ls 00
Cumberland lownlhip, 1,205 8.1
Gummy “ . » 978 91
Oxford . “ . 1,102 88
Huntington “ 1:289 50
Lntimoro " ,775 13
Hamiltonbu “ . 1,057 21
Libeny u 085 61
Franklin ' , " 1,313 24
Stub-n “ 1.441
'Mennflen “ 1 91‘
Mountplunm -“ 1,279
lounljo! “ 950 06
Reading “ 1,141 08
Humillon " 969 81
Butler ~ . “ 810 21
Union “ 1,205 79
Conotngo “ 988 38
Tyrone “ 7'20 11
Freedom “ ' 912 79
Berwick ‘ ‘ “ 303 80
Boa-wick borough, 212 89
Loan: from bank and Inndry renal-Ir,
Ahatemem on State Quota tor 1863,
Cash from "on. D. Ziegler, Adm'r of
Cash lrom Hon. 8. R. Baud], Trea
surer of \Vnwr Comp-I},
Cash from R. G. McCreu’y, Esq , for
strhck 'ury. .
Cashtfrotgl Samuel "Wolf, 811.17, fog
jul'y fem]. '
Cash from E. B. Enabler, Esq., for
Cub from Moses Hartman, Esq., (or
Addnioual tax from lundry‘poriom,
The Outstanding Coun'y Ta; ‘and 'I a
. nppnur mbe in the hands of the
.Colleclors, lo wit; . . ‘
Yuri: Column. flank’l‘wpn. a!
1854. '
Jolw E. Heikes, Huntington, $§ 58
Sum-lei Sadler, Tyrone,
1857: ‘
Henry G.‘Cnrr, Gettysburg, 87 75
u \ V n Quit. Rents, 154 12
km. A . "
E. W. Stflhh‘. Franklin. 2’28 66
Jaroh Cnthun, M'tplcnlnnt, 22 77
Emanuel Zloglerflenpbnrg, 4]! 'IR_
“ ‘ Quit Rents, I'lB 50
William Slifer, l'nion. 71 93
Phineas .\lnndau,fll‘tplennnt, ‘23 9?‘
1860. 1
B. D. Armor, Geuynhmg, 340‘ 25
“ “ Quit Rents. 40 50
lelinm (h'erdver, \gendlen, 26 88
Samuel Dclap. Tyrone, 59 35
Emanuel Neidich. Reading, 81 22
Anrnn Wialer, Butler, 4 78
180’]. ,
J. L. Holl‘zwnrlh. Get'yshnrg, 145 76
" ”' Quit Rents, £149 04
J ÜBnumgnrdnor.Hamull‘bgn 53 76
Samuel llarrisx,l Butler. £ll7 27
Joseph Kepuer, Berwick bar.” 7 14
Clear-2e Sheen-. - Germnny, rlBO 66
David W. "l”fl'ff lluniingtori, 5| 50
Robert McCl'cM', Humilt'bln, 444 30
E. A. IL Moore, Liberty. 28 08
J. Wesley 14011.1 Franklin, 276 10
George 'lhomns,+ Straban. - 80'98
Thomas Bloch". .\lenullcn, b'! 49
Hi-nry Beillvrd’ Monnljoy, 179 97
Thomas N. Dicks. Reudmg, 60 9L
Jncnb B. Learnt Butler; 173 H
Samuel Btu“ n, Hex-wick tp., 31 08
1863. .
John Slintz,f"G;Nylbprg, .199 55
“ “ Quit Ram, 175 04
Jns.McCollougll,Cumberlgmd,sos 83
Simon L. Bishop. Grlmnng, 476 ill
George Shnnexl Oxford, 169 88
Leu'd McElwee.+ Huntingfbn, 876 .6!
Samuel AJlillerd' Lati‘morr, “5 l 3
.l.ll.llnumgnrdner. Hnmill‘bnnl'ls ll
Lewis S. Wnru.f Liberty, 377 87
H.J.Brink‘erllofl'. Franklin, mm;
John Cnhman,+ Strnbnn, 9-37 39
Willinm BICPJ‘ .\le'mllrn. ‘ all 71
Sam'l A. Smillxxf- M'lpleuant,B47 68‘
Wm. Cownoverj .\launljoy, HS 44
Samuel J. Deardorfl', llemlingflda 14
Anthony Felix: Hamilton, 191 31
William Sluybuugh, Butler, 393 48
Jesse K;chtz, Union, 605 7-9
Em'l D. Kellenf Conmugo, 786 38 y
Pe'er chns, Tyrone, 48 ‘4l
John McClpary, Freedom, {O9 76
Jacob Sou'rbeer, Berwick tp., 58 80
Mich'lStrubiugerfiflerwick b_or22 99
$12034 73
n‘Bel-fiick tp. and Mennllen In 18
Monnvjoy, ‘ Freedom and Hamilton, f-l
hue paid in' full since uulameu},
mnrked mm 1 have pnld in purl. - g
i on. ‘1
By orderl pnid out n follow: 2
By auditing and settling public sc-
J. C. Neely, Esq., Auditor Ippointrd
by the Court to nuditpublic shin,
Priyting, blnnh, $O.,
Sherifl'l bills of Court com,
Clerk’s pay,
Abnemont‘w collector: of 5 per cent, 1
Fox‘qm'L wild ,cnucnlpn, ‘
General jury and tip Invel’ pay,
Alaulorl’ pay,
Jailot’. fees for keeping when."
Ind turnkey.
Wood and ; none coal {or public
Repairs :1. public building,
Grand jury and tip luru‘ pay,
hymn, Prothonoury’l nd Clark
of Seuiop’l feel. , .82 44'
Tu relnnded to sundry venom, 49 26
Court. Cryer’l pm}. 65 50
Corziflcntel of Coutubln' runm, 75 28
Coumel teea,
Treasurer ofAllnl Bonn, ~
Postage And nutionery for Comm:- ’
lioner'l ofice. -
Rom 3nd lam-cu psid bank at!
sundry penons, .
Quiz Bonn pAId Harem Suntan, =
William A. Dunn, Buy, Diurioj '
Anomay’l fm, ' ’
Willi“: B. Gudnu, tum, Cannin-
. lioner’l pay,
Ephnim‘ lyou, 3011., Commission-
' '3'" P",
Juob’ Eppollnnn, 3541., Count:-
Iloner's pay; 1?. 50
Kcepingprilonmnt Em. Pcniun’y, a 71
Samuel Wolf. Sheriff, conveying . 5
winner: to But Ponicenthry, ' If” 33
Jyticu’ Ind ‘Conlublu’ bu b: ‘
committing vngruu, _ pg 7:
Commiuionen'mveling oxpouu, 3 27
Geo. Pnlmer, pump for Conn-boon, 4 15
Cloning and "pun to Gout-hon";
(ho-pin” 35
J. P. Baugher, tin roof on privy n.
Conn-house, 5 oo‘
Donner t Zioglor, hr hadron, no
Bedding Ind clothing for prilon, ’9 fl
Fobnutock l Bro: for final, it, I 10“
Elation hwy, ~ 0 25‘
John L. Tut, llq.,Gov’¢ mm. 1 59‘
Adnm Co. Agricolunnl Society, I 06
Dr. J. W. C. Q’Neol, medic“ nuan- a ' ‘
due. on rinse", it 00
Elia Roth ‘sq., conmt to: Sum ‘.
Run Bridge, ' M 2 on
GM company, ' ~ » li, “
Michal Rupp, Conn-bola km, W
Sumntl Wolf, Sheril, pd, for (“5. .
in; for prison“, , . ’ u“
Oflcen’ pay ut spring 0100“”, u
“ “ ,fdl election, a;
incwn of the Poor ’o’, ‘ go
Bun-cl Wolf. Shell, for um
In: jnrorl. - ‘ N
Road Dun-[n Ind Damn “o'o. ..' u
Rep-in n Bridgu, ' I“ H
Collorlon' fen, LO“ ‘l,
Exourntmm to Cont-em m I.
Outstanding Tn Ind Qui‘ Butt ll
blind: of Colloctan, ”,1“ VI
'humnr'n “my, 8' M
Dal-nu In hind. of TM, .13” 0'
, and the
:ho Count}
a. a. 9mm. , hum... «a n.. 0...
minimum. in «about with It. Donny of
, Adm. PI. ; '
‘ 1 DR. ,
149mb in hands of Tun-um at In: ,
uluemt. “I. u
Onruundin‘ lull-q 1'“ for Min!
anal, ' »
Ohuuadlng Belief Tu for I“!
c and 1882,
Human: d! Kuhn-’11:“ nut-nod
hr. ma,
$1,802 03
13,901. as
cm . |
By Dnlnhdin. Rgliof'ru for 1w "' ‘
‘ Ind IIGI,' $1,!“ “
Argon! of You allowed Collectors
for 1861 Ind 1062;
Amount 0! lxouontlonn 111 on
‘Ooliectah {or “6] ltd 1862.
Outlianaing. lilinry 1'“ for Balk!
to: 1362 mid 1863,
Amount of Peel snow“! Collect"!
to; "02 nd 1863, \
Amount of Exononfiou lIIWM
«Collectors for 1362 and 1963,
Amqunl {Add Allanorl‘ fur no
soiling. .
Dishuaamemn Bell? Orden for
.1863, 1
Trmurer’l icomninféu,
Blllnce in handed Tunurer,
1,779 79
2.500 on
. 750 36
700 . 00
IN testimony mm the foregoing Stntemonf
,A. of “tho Reculpls and Blpendilurol ex
uu.}hibiped at the nflice or the‘ renum
w—l of laid Count: is n cure‘dJmo'
copy :3 tnken frqm nr-l cqmpuu m: the
onginah remnuuuk In vhc books inJhil office,
“9 lune hereunto set our sex-I: and and the
seal of said theKM Gettysburg. tho sevemh
d‘W ofJnnunry, One Thousand. Eight. Huudfl'd
and Si ly-four ' ~
, ‘ Fommiflloucn of Adams county.
AtLul-_—J. I. WALHl,(.'lerk. . '
A —_> ‘_--7*‘_V>7‘ ‘ ”V\
93 60
30 96
,16 OC
10 no
‘lB 12
[.480 87
I Rents
Auditors' Report.
no fun.
’0 County“
f O the llcnorabie the Judges of the Court
r of‘Comhmn ,Pleu of Adaml county:
We, this undersigned. duly olécud Audlwn
(a rattle and idjnu the Public Aceotinu of tho
Treasurer and Comqfiasioneru of uid‘Oonnty,
having been sworn or Jilin-med 'lgroenbly to
lnw; do .Repoh. the following to be the [one]?!
muemenl of Mid accounts {mm tho-B,oll]
ofJununry, A. D. 1803, to m? m: day a Juno
uury, A. I). 1864, both day inclusive: ' ‘
$4O 50'
18 09
8 83
34 08
s 4 91
15 18
U 248. D NEH, Enq.. Treuurelj,‘lnd 00l
miu‘mn a; in amount ii”: the Counlyol
Minn .: ,
l'lT 88~
/17 84
To Enhance in hudnof’l‘reunrer II
In: settlement, ‘ -
Outstanding Tu andfllnit Reg“ hi
hand: of Collectors, k ' ‘
Amount of‘ Count; s‘" and Quit.
Roma uséssvfl for 1883, v21,'119- 1.
Loans‘ from Bank and sundry p'ersons, 2,500 00
Abatement 09 the Sum Quom for _
60 58
137 32
21 29
4'l 70
I 26 28
‘ 166:, ‘ .
Cuh frpm flam'Dnvhl-Zieflor, Atl- ‘-
miuialmlor of Wanright Zieg~
ler, lute Trenwr. ,
Cash from "on. S. ‘R. ar-ull, Trell
uwr of Water Compn n],
Cast! from R. G. McCi-uuy, Esq., for
uruck Jury, _‘ v .
ash from Samuel Wolf‘Sherifi', for _
Jury fees. ~
Cash Iron: 3., B. Bnehler, [’.an fot
65 ~
In 76
so 25
35 6|
1:36 51.
as ‘3‘
101 n
a 75
73 as
costs, .
Cub from Mosel Hutmnn,.Elq.,
for unyn. , , 10 60
Additional Tu (rpm lundry person“, 18 ll
' uundin Tum for um; N
3;, ,ouu Z a 1355’ ‘1 ..3
u n 1357' 3‘l .1
" " 1858. 151 4!
“ - " 1859, 005 65
u ' u ' 1960, 4M 98
fl ; ‘ u ‘s6], ‘33 a,
'“ - “ 1862, ).b“ 'H.
‘ H . ‘ “ 1685,, 85399 09
114 69
Fees for
'I a
u r.. . . 1361. 225 u
u‘ ~ " 1861, as 3‘
Diibngleue‘nu on County Orders, -\23',181 99
Treuqrer’l Commiuion, , 393 M
13:13an in hunk of Tun-urn, 1,333 on
‘ -5 4s
m 10
an as
51 as
H. B. BANNER. Elq.,' Trauma, ad an Gou
minionerl, in ucunnt In“: the (Joanna!
Adams, Pm. : ‘ .
;,108 25
.. was,
I Thou'
To Cub Sn ‘hnnds of Treuuu u
In: unlqment, V 85“ 10
Omnmdlngliliury Tu {at Relic!
Funds, .
Outstanding Relief Tu for 1861
Ind 1862, .'. ‘ 3,514 ’9
Amount. of Military final anon“! , ‘
for 1863, ‘ 86'! 50
15 00
$406 so
:08 92
use 3g
44 15
784 45
593 so
By Unjlundlng Relic! Tn for 188! \
andlB6l, ' _ ”,135 0‘
Among} of fees allowed Collect)" . '
{0:138} and 1862) \
Amount of Exonentionn to Collec
‘on far 138 x ind lust.
Oufiundiug )lil'uny Ts: for Belle!
10:198.; ind 1862, ‘
Amount. of Fees moved Collectors
{or 1882 Ind 1863,
Amount of Exoneutlonl mowed
Colleylou for 1862 Ind 1883,
Asonm plill Aim-on foluuulng,
Dilburumeul on mm Urdtfl for
1863, '
Trensnrer’l Congluion,
3:llch kn hundrot Tuna-lit,
28 78
46 _l7
01 BB
50 00
7, 00 00
38 lb
We, the undmlgned, Auditor: of m Ocu
ty of Ada-I, Ponn'yflvnnh, elected and um
{ln purrumce of Inwhdo Report the! we not,
did audit, settle out! udjuu "cording to In"
the menu: ol'the Treasurer and Cont-inlan
ore of Mid County, commencing on the W
n..,- o! Jllulry, 18,63, w‘the 'll. dl, 0! In.
‘ulry, 1884, both deyrinclnlive; ‘.an told us
count u named above Ind entered of noon!
inLSeulement Book in the Commluioneu'
Uflce of Adam; county, in correct; Ind the I.
and n bdsuce due to the County of Adam, 5’
H. B. Dunner, 35¢, Tundra of said M
0! One Thousand Three Hundred end Tun,- ,
eight Donn" And Bight Cenu ($1,335 on} ..'
n bnhnce in bands of "id Treasurer of did
Fund: due the County of One Thong. 1".
Hundred and Twenty-mu Don-II Ind 81"”.
lbree Cent! (31,222 83), 3114.111) outfit-db.
County Tues Twelve Thunnd on. flu.
and and Thirty-four Dollar: and Seventy.
upm Cent: ($12,136 73,) and in ouuundi
Belief Tue: TIo Thouuud 'l-‘m Hundred I:
and forty Dollars and Twenty-eight cm:
($2,540 28.}
" mm: c. ELDER, ‘-
‘ ' Ammo,
8,961 65
1 00
, lab. 1. taut 4t
A of BOOTS and SHOES, ‘
, HATS and UAPS.
Chi-p far cub. Culling. 13.1.72
~ . 0 '0“ °
In. fl, '33“. ‘ . I.
Al. 011,—“ ~. ‘ ‘
C? 98.1 name my.“
I .
J. 4”“, i
4% i) ,3 s
“ii i Z';:..r.— \ .Jf.
1,114 Et
1,114 M
sly 60
1,3113 34
240 BO
1,231 U
$6,133 30
$1,592 as
13,861 83
T5O Se
'lOO 00
30 96
14 00
S 4 1-,4110. 17
.‘ Im, , oz :3
mo, II M
mu..- 425 u
- um, mu
... gm, 1: 13
u. mo, as u
1,1414 U
...-133 30
194 OS
1,356 Jib
•111 TO
H 50
1,775 so
35 5|
1,333 03