1 m “Anna-rs. 11 9L : M¥SBURu—~9nnnn mgr. ' oin‘e 15:06 ’5 we F10ur...,......_..................... ‘ 600 whit-n.....uuu .................1 40 m I 50 Bird What...m..,.......................l 35~w1 4:. g?“ ............ ..........._: .... n.....m... ................... 0 u.........§.................. Brckvhé-L...m... ......... .... C out Sud . T momy 5eed.....’............ ll‘ u Seed ' user 9! l‘uril 1' MIA; ground, per hug... BALTXMUIIB—Fumv Lur.‘ . ‘ b R 7 la? 00 . I fin to 2 00' . I 40 w 1 AB' ‘ l 12 ml M . 73 to 90 , 8 7h :0 9 003 3 75m 3 B'." 9 50 “.015 .I 0 1025“!) 25] 31 an 1034 00‘ :12 an 93‘ an no; 0ur.........-. u... them. ......... ...... 3:1M!!!!1!!!!1!!! 0 we: 5eed.......... lath; 8eed.........,... - -! Cattle, per lumd_.... -gl, per hund1............ i1key......... no, r"‘ruvitm. per lnn Graeffenberg Springs . '.Vn .\lole'rAlx LAM) AT mmuu‘ SALE—TL!- unlh-rsigmd, .\s-ignees of vid (10ml) enramd \V-lr. W|H sell at PnHw . e, on‘S.‘\l‘UßU.\Y,the‘i m. «My ..r “Am”. '4, on the prelnisvi. the iuHUWIn“ lh-nl hb-‘ ' “minus on the fl‘urnpiko, nbmu lmlf uny, teen (llMmbv-rnhurg and Untysburg. in I ma county, n tract or 7.30 Horus uf land, tidpd inln I‘oti an fullmu: i . . o. 1. Thin .\hnlion Tract contain: 150 a, About. 50 of,nhich ii iu,prmc.l 'zuM.‘ :1 limed um] in «fund s'utv of cuhim'mr ‘ \ bulnm-e of lhe (ran 1. n we]! 39'. mth llhl it , Pine nn 1 (uhv-r lumber. ’ (S: l ' he GIL‘I'IPH-lUH'JH; lIUTEI.-& SH!“ 18,} of tlu: nmstfln-nrthy nud I‘IU‘PJM summer ’ l rl3 in this pan 0! the 15mm, is uptm lhis» \ L The Hotel in n sulistnutigl b:it‘k build— I 62 feat by 30, with n. “VG-story Huck i d‘ng, 4.1 for by 2:“. lnid ofl' IuCO rounm fur ruse ufhomrduh. \‘mmrn, kw. 4‘n'nrprrLeJ l “is,“ Slum Iltmm md l'mL-ofliw, ulm gt sgp nnnf'cuuvcnivul I! uh House, \lvllhv‘i-fi bud III! numbed. Exlg-xliivr Swirling, “Lu-k -+h Shop. Ice Home, 'l‘v-n [l'm .\lh:\, ltm'ulv. ing Swmg‘ ’zu'd nil ulhrr uu'ofidr'y Imilul'lngq Ma; a I‘m-Imm. “nus: nu'ul :1 young Urchnnl of ('hdioe‘fruit. , I fill} DIE 3 us. 2, mljoinhm thn album», (:hutnins 1V: urn-a, is “en (‘lH‘l-rwl wuh _umng lllnlll‘r. ‘5 . 149 tantrums Zul'mn-s. :uhl ix he" not. it I _umng Cln'j'nul unl llm-k Hak.’ 'l‘lure Mu :m‘cul good nultl 1'10“ L'lo u.. the lung-:- ingl-IU“ ' - m the undw‘idr-i ux‘o-hzllf ml :34 urn-s. ud ug T. Mon-m zurbhl All a hgilu. mrH M‘L ynuog li'nhrr. ‘ ' ' rum; wimiu; Io vii-w Ihr p mnist-q w“ (m o'“th 01 NW ~u|n~u~n|w,x e. “ _ Ir ll:('1flltlhl«"1'. at [no (irmLT-uhvr; [lnt-*l, J‘n'tlark, A. \I.. on wu-l 1113‘, who-n l‘he ilicus “1“ hr Inmlu I‘\I.ES, kc. Rmidonce, in Strzlban township, on Ilu‘ road lending from Geupshnr; to Hun “ Talon“, [“0 miies from the former plnge. Clmrgva m'oderule and snlistuclion guaranteed. Feb‘ 1, 1864. ‘61): - .811; Conn: Reward. AN flWfly (mm (M subscriber, raiding in‘ R young-lei“: townslup, Adamo county, nn mummy week, a black girl named Lanbellu (‘.meun, aged about 18 yams, of heavy, short he! figure, uho was bound by the Directors of the l’odr of Adams county, to serve uniil she arrived at Hm much! 15 yfura. The above re wurd, but no thanks, Wlll he givu-u to any yer son who may arrest and ram: :1 her to the un derp‘hned. JUUN LILLY. Feb. 15, 188 OHY HEWITT'S ESTATE—Letter] tea- J mcntury on the estate of-John Hewitt, late of Butler lownship, Adams co., decened. having been grsnted to the undersigned, resid ing in the same township. bu hereby give! non-e to all persons indebted to mid Hm: to'muke immediate payment, and thosfhum in: claims against th‘e nine to prelenv. than: properly nuth nticmed for settlement. 1 SAMUEL HEWITT, Ex’r. Feb. 15,1864. s: ANIEL NYERS' ESTATE—Letters of ed- D rumination with the will ennexed-ou the csute of Denial Myen, lute of Ending township, Ademn county, deceased, having been ‘gnngeg (.0 ‘h' undersigned, residing in the name gownahip, be hereby give- notice to ell per-cine indebted to Ilid nine to mnke immediate peyment, Ind those hsving claim! again". the tune .to prennl them firoperly eu thenlicazed for nememeut. ‘ 4mm 5. anus, Adm- Feb. 15,1864. at . > ‘ CENTS—A first rate article of TEA u, 80 80 cum 3 pound. It , Feb. 15. 000081 8 GILLBSPIE'S. , UPERIOB lot of CANNED PEACHES A: ~ J. x. nowx's. amps “unison 31mm, or 01¢ Homumd lonic, u Dt. R, HOBNER’§ rug Store. . I’ LOTBINGI ammo l—Plenly oénew good: jun oponod. Also Booth, Shoe. Hula, n.. tel, I" chap u BEWEBRHDFF’S ADIBS’ DRESS mamas ‘in fro-t. n.- tioty, u SCH CK'S. Noah Walker & 06.; WASHINGTON BUILDING, tau/Hunks. W'ALLI'APHILB ‘ AV" \VINDHW (‘IYIU‘AIN PAPERS JUSEI‘H WULF Dissolution Al.l€.\'.-\.\‘!‘l£ll CUM-lAN, JUH_.\' l‘l'lJ’. ‘ A Card Another'Chanae H. A. Picking Notice. mm ‘i .lh F7 I KTM 5 1' PFBLIC SALE -—on THURSDAY, (he ' A 3rd at SARCH next, in purmnnca or 111 order of the rphnn'l Court of Adams connzy. Ihe subscribers, Gunrdiuu ol the minor chil i dren of Philip J. Omit, demurd, will ofler It , Public Sule. at Bendeunlle, the following property. (it: ‘ A TRACT orwoonuxn, cumming an ' Acres, more or less, rim-kc in Hen-lien tawn ‘ chip, Adam county, about. 09¢ mile northeast .' of Bendmville, adjoining nude of Philip anohue, Widow Group, Ind otherl, well cov ered with Cheer-u! Mu] ka Timber. The met : will be oflqred enilre or in lots of iron: 5 to i [0 Acres, n runny In}: purchueu. - : Pcraonn wishinz to View the properly are rv-qucsled to call on Edvard Sula}, raiding nour‘ Centre Mills. ~Q’Snle to commence A! )0 o'clock, A. IL, on nid dai, when glundance will be given and germs made known_by , ¢ ._ » . PHILIP DONOHUE, { :~EDWARD STALEYJ Guudinnl. By the Court—{incl J. Fink, Clerk. ~ Feb. 8, 1804. zs' ; . Public Sale. \' WEBNI‘LSDAY, the 23d dny of MARCH 0 next, \he subscriber, intending :0 din coulinue lurmiug, will sell at. Public Sale, It hiq residen‘ce,’ in Slmbnn township. Adams coumy, hall a mile from New Cheater, and neu tl-e Pines Church, the following personnl properly, vizv: " 2 NURSES, 7 Cow , l Bull, 4 Heifers, Sow with pig, 2 Shonu', Film-horse Narrow-tread Wagon. with bed, he?! and cover, Hay [Ald dfl’F, “'innnwing 31;”, .Culting Box, HIM Brake, Shavifi Hot-89', Plough: and Hurrqws. Horse Gmrs.‘ nddh- imd Brulles, Double find Single-Hera Sprendérs, Fifth Chain, LugEhfiin, Hal er and Cow Chains, Grain Cradles and .\lnumg {ivy-his. Forks, Rakes, Mntlcyk,‘ 511 m 01.4, and a. variety of ochefi articles, 'lOO numerous to mention. ' ‘ 3 ”Sale to commence IL! 10 o’clock, A‘. ;.\[., on. mxd d 5), when' utlendnnce mll be given and terms made known by ‘ PETER THOMAS M. B. Miller. Auctioneer 1 Feb. 3, 1864. t..* Public Sale F VALIYABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 0 —:‘Un \\'l‘2l).\'l-ZSUAY, the 16”: of MARCH new. we auharrilv-r, imcnding to quit fuming, will sell vi l’uhlic Snlofnr. his resxdence, in Bullu tnwnahip. .\Llulus rnunry, nenr Lower‘s Mlll. and nut- mil: unit of .\lidélélown. the fol-‘ lowing valuuhie personal pruneny, Viz: ; TUBA!) OF WORK HORSES, (lwo oflhcm~ being luroml um‘res, with foul.) l Two—’yénr old nnd '2'Yeurliniz Colts; Cows n'nd Young (Buick 1 Four—hursc 35 inch broad-trend “'ngun and llrd. us gnnl us now,l Four-horse- narrow wluoclml \l'ngoni 1 com] Ono-hone Wagon, I Spring anun, Slcd, 1 Family Carriage. for one or two horses, I Sleigh and Bella, 2 51-15 Manure. lionrdml Hay Carriage and puir:of ”my l, width, Wand Lndders, Patent Spring lmnli-iln'y llulm, l .\hgnny limping und llln‘w ingz \iuchino. ‘lhrs‘c l’nwt-r ind Threshing Ml i-hine. ank omm und Grass Seeder, Winnuw ing .\lill, ('nliug llux, Grmdstone, Furks, lulu-fa, (irnin Shun-1:, Shovels, .\lutlocka, Dig ging , Irons. ~\Vlwol-l-arruw, l Three-horse l’luugh, 2 Two-horse ditto, ‘3 Double Shovel l'luugha‘ '.' (‘orn Furké, ‘3 ”arms“, I linllcr, lluuhlo and Single-tiers, 2 Spin-side‘s. 2 Fifth ('nniunJ'nrryln-g ”wins. 2 set: of Wm! Chains, '3 pair Brent! (mums, Rough Luvk mnl ha Fuller, 2 Lug Chaim, Cuw mul Halter (21mins, l set of llrm-rhl. unds'nud 4 sets l-‘rnn! (ii-are, nll ns g-md nu unv. Housings, ll«|}l(‘fs'];]iflil Bridle: and Full Ir~‘, lset Cartilage llxgruess.‘4 lmnhor Fl) .\‘olc, 1 new “’ngon Saddle. Cross "lll‘SlW, 4 (imin (Tallies, \lowing chlhm, Jilck-si-n-w. :1 hit of R’nils, run! it lot of ll.\;_-;s. Also.vll:l Furniturmmith many other airtix 24. mo numerous in nimllon. ' ’ ’ Sale m dunnlcm‘t" at 10 u’rlm‘k, A. M , on 5 nl d.!_\'. “|an nllmulnnce will b? given mu! lerlllz' made knnwn by 1 JACOB RAFFENSPERGERJ John "mop, Ant-Imneer. ' f Feb. 15, mm. m ’ 4 Public Sale. -1 \' Tlll'R-‘HQA Y.ll|e 11‘. h day of Hank new, () (Le sulnrrjlmr. lnlcmlurg m rumnve mm smalls-r humV “it! :oil M. Pulniy "SJIP, :n his IgsillenN, in .\luuntpluuznut~ township. .hldms ruuut.‘ , one and n lmll’mile“ em! (f lluuaugll i‘ouuf'lho following: [wrsmul prupmty, viz: j 2 llnries, l Ymrlln-g (‘nlLll I'o“s,'l Bull. l llrilL-r, l‘oln-hume .\"urmu -lru-.ul \Vngnn. ll my {'illrlllgt‘i, Grain lmll, (‘nrn l’l‘uuer.‘ llnr ‘_--7*‘_V>7‘ ‘ ”V\ 93 60 30 96 ,16 OC F 10 no ‘lB 12 [.480 87 I Rents licss:pg Auditors' Report. no fun. ’0 County“ f O the llcnorabie the Judges of the Court r of‘Comhmn ,Pleu of Adaml county: We, this undersigned. duly olécud Audlwn (a rattle and idjnu the Public Aceotinu of tho Treasurer and Comqfiasioneru of uid‘Oonnty, having been sworn or Jilin-med 'lgroenbly to lnw; do .Repoh. the following to be the [one]?! muemenl of Mid accounts {mm tho-B,oll] ofJununry, A. D. 1803, to m? m: day a Juno uury, A. I). 1864, both day inclusive: ' ‘ $4O 50' 18 09 8 83 34 08 s 4 91 15 18 U 248. D NEH, Enq.. Treuurelj,‘lnd 00l miu‘mn a; in amount ii”: the Counlyol Minn .: , l'lT 88~ /17 84 To Enhance in hudnof’l‘reunrer II In: settlement, ‘ - Outstanding Tu andfllnit Reg“ hi hand: of Collectors, k ' ‘ Amount of‘ Count; s‘" and Quit. Roma uséssvfl for 1883, v21,'119- 1. Loans‘ from Bank and sundry p'ersons, 2,500 00 Abatement 09 the Sum Quom for _ 60 58 137 32 21 29 4'l 70 I 26 28 ‘ 166:, ‘ . Cuh frpm flam'Dnvhl-Zieflor, Atl- ‘- miuialmlor of Wanright Zieg~ ler, lute Trenwr. , Cash from "on. S. ‘R. ar-ull, Trell uwr of Water Compn n], Cast! from R. G. McCi-uuy, Esq., for uruck Jury, _‘ v . ash from Samuel Wolf‘Sherifi', for _ Jury fees. ~ Cash Iron: 3., B. Bnehler, [’.an fot IMES CEED El= 65 ~ In 76 so 25 35 6| 1:36 51. as ‘3‘ 101 n a 75 oz 73 as 91'51 costs, . Cub from Mosel Hutmnn,.Elq., for unyn. , , 10 60 Additional Tu (rpm lundry person“, 18 ll ' uundin Tum for um; N 3;, ,ouu Z a 1355’ ‘1 ..3 u n 1357' 3‘l .1 " " 1858. 151 4! “ - " 1859, 005 65 u ' u ' 1960, 4M 98 fl ; ‘ u ‘s6], ‘33 a, '“ - “ 1862, ).b“ 'H. ‘ H . ‘ “ 1685,, 85399 09 114 69 Fees for 'I a u r.. . . 1361. 225 u u‘ ~ " 1861, as 3‘ Diibngleue‘nu on County Orders, -\23',181 99 Treuqrer’l Commiuion, , 393 M 13:13an in hunk of Tun-urn, 1,333 on ‘ -5 4s m 10 (was an as 51 as H. B. BANNER. Elq.,' Trauma, ad an Gou minionerl, in ucunnt In“: the (Joanna! Adams, Pm. : ‘ . ;,108 25 II .. was, I Thou' To Cub Sn ‘hnnds of Treuuu u In: unlqment, V 85“ 10 Omnmdlngliliury Tu {at Relic! Funds, . Outstanding Relief Tu for 1861 Ind 1862, .'. ‘ 3,514 ’9 Amount. of Military final anon“! , ‘ for 1863, ‘ 86'! 50 50.00 15 00 $406 so :08 92 ‘no use 3g 44 15 784 45 593 so By Unjlundlng Relic! Tn for 188! \ andlB6l, ' _ ”,135 0‘ Among} of fees allowed Collect)" . ' {0:138} and 1862) \ Amount of Exonentionn to Collec ‘on far 138 x ind lust. Oufiundiug )lil'uny Ts: for Belle! 10:198.; ind 1862, ‘ Amount. of Fees moved Collectors {or 1882 Ind 1863, Amount of Exoneutlonl mowed Colleylou for 1862 Ind 1883, Asonm plill Aim-on foluuulng, Dilburumeul on mm Urdtfl for 1863, ' Trensnrer’l Congluion, 3:llch kn hundrot Tuna-lit, l- 28 78 46 _l7 01 BB 50 00 7, 00 00 38 lb We, the undmlgned, Auditor: of m Ocu ty of Ada-I, Ponn'yflvnnh, elected and um {ln purrumce of Inwhdo Report the! we not, did audit, settle out! udjuu "cording to In" the menu: ol'the Treasurer and Cont-inlan ore of Mid County, commencing on the W n..,- o! Jllulry, 18,63, w‘the 'll. dl, 0! In. ‘ulry, 1884, both deyrinclnlive; ‘.an told us count u named above Ind entered of noon! inLSeulement Book in the Commluioneu' Uflce of Adam; county, in correct; Ind the I. and n bdsuce due to the County of Adam, 5’ H. B. Dunner, 35¢, Tundra of said M 0! One Thousand Three Hundred end Tun,- , eight Donn" And Bight Cenu ($1,335 on} ..' n bnhnce in bands of "id Treasurer of did Fund: due the County of One Thong. 1". Hundred and Twenty-mu Don-II Ind 81"”. lbree Cent! (31,222 83), 3114.111) outfit-db. County Tues Twelve Thunnd on. flu. and and Thirty-four Dollar: and Seventy. upm Cent: ($12,136 73,) and in ouuundi Belief Tue: TIo Thouuud 'l-‘m Hundred I: and forty Dollars and Twenty-eight cm: ($2,540 28.} PETER DICK. .. J. H. SHIRBIANt " mm: c. ELDER, ‘- ‘ ' Ammo, 8,961 65 1 00 I- I- *m . , lab. 1. taut 4t ‘ 'Bsu ARRIVAL A of BOOTS and SHOES, ‘ , HATS and UAPS. Chi-p far cub. Culling. 13.1.72 ~ . 0 '0“ ° In. fl, '33“. ‘ . I. Al. 011,—“ ~. ‘ ‘ C? 98.1 name my.“ I . J. 4”“, i 4% i) ,3 s “ii i Z';:..r.— \ .Jf. mm m 1,114 Et 1,114 M sly 60 mm m EZIO 1,3113 34 EMI 240 BO nr3 ENll] 3661 1,231 U $6,133 30 $1,592 as 13,861 83 T5O Se 'lOO 00 9360 30 96 14 00 rn S 4 1-,4110. 17 .‘ Im, , oz :3 mo, II M mu..- 425 u - um, mu ... gm, 1: 13 u. mo, as u ma RELIEF FUNDS 1,1414 U ...-133 30 194 OS INN 1,356 Jib •111 TO 24030 H 50 1,775 so 35 5| 1,333 03 mm lIMME