The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 10, 1863, Image 2

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El): (Edmnilirr.
1." 1. until, zmmu Arm ~rm?
GETTY nnl‘luz. I'A
110 mm? 1.31 m rug-AIM
pilopnmc am]; mi
‘ ‘ For (lover-o",
Immune: w. wow)
9" Luznun mum'tv.
. F 01" Judge of Ihl',~lp"llf
‘ - dilATllclthY cm .\"u
'. After nnothey two ,wepks’ l‘vig
McHepry, me m‘litéi oflhe am.
_oTl_"home again” sttm-dayi.l ’
’_ lfitlgorflges Evidently 50k lipon‘
. unbdut. “playmlnut.”
" Wg'wga V'wcll treated—+oll
hedlh, and flu: buoyancy of: a
mud. nlwnys uccompnny a con
—~Jnnocence, ~ :
qu lain. (#ll, like the first,
poth'mg. , But we nynlg ndiapo
fialup, 99d rhéeh wed‘infu tow
jog gs in our imprisonment—ll‘
‘ that our fifst afronl was most
fife fieroml moat. ('zummu', t
gho base n'nd impatient ink-Sgt}
' Matted parsonu! and political‘
iMcCOSMVG Im’. ‘We’luu'b inf
pipn‘, in black and- whiw, LIV.) 1'
1.191100 of his guiilt, .
' ' More {mm}. "
{’M‘ may not. be unintprvs
[qien'ds o’fjustiL-e to be infor'm
min" McConuughy is nnw 94
military circfes my “mum ad!
“on. Couch! J ,
fi'l‘he ’.mmpilcr 115$! for
weeks teen under: ghe manu
E. Daub; lle pAerfdx-med hisw
had In trust‘ tlmt not one o
he“! been dissatisfied. Certain
1951 nothing, so fin" as—me pap
ed', by ournbs’enco. < " ‘
‘ QThe nttention of the p ;
94 .lo_ a senies of splendid =
.Vicwa ofnll the promiu‘ép'l; poi
upon the‘BatLle-field of Getty
pourse of preparation by Ty
I'hotogrnplaeru, of this place. ,
made on platm; 8 by 10 inche
"Judy for Exhibition. and Sn
fime, ihefi- t‘gur citizens am
[ma an oppqrtunily no judg
' ”w findélé'anoa,‘ l
ca 9' ”J--- _ .
fizdeo. F. Knlhfleisc'h HM
Ital-é, nL’Liu’bld stand. on the I
New gmds-rgood goods—n
then-{4ss oldzpricesl Cull. .
usi-The dr‘afled x'ne‘u or 1;
9rd9tql torendezvoys at Pins,
and: Philadelphin. From the
4:lan 'ditegflgJ‘o the army 0
to fill up ghéh old regiments.
.to be 'venxhut “(110 time; a
IQ mega“ foi- lenviyg hom ‘
whether to: my the $3OO chi
Thus fag, however, the numbl
”polarities spams to be comm:
{pf shout. and half get off by
pr‘ furnishing\aubstitutea,
fourth no exempt on cheap;
in ilil . '
d. “R Via—4o'»
fi'l’hé‘smte Treasurer; ‘
has completed the armn'gc
pyhxent of the inlcrcst on 1 1
in coin M: the Furmers’ Bank, 1
_7 . I
.Ilnd also for. the redempho
.'[nilliou 0d dollxrs of the p:‘
)ybjic defit. y The. principal
:‘egxilitenpler notes: The n 1110 .
99 lan psidjis was-359,000. 1]
‘ MEG firni of A. J. Gloss
flykblishers and ediloxs of The ‘
.dissolvpd by thg withdmwdl
Grund._ Thg paper will be p
after by Means. .A. ‘J. Glr
fiYm. H. Welsh. Th_e Ago I'
‘ppdpught to be liberally su
H'b disturbnizce occurre
01mg. 611‘ Tuebday last, in
Hip (suing 33053711 by some i
pfl flag on which were inscril
Yullaudiglmm and Pugh. , I
l haste}: by glib crowd assgmb
' wing ghp mt. find all (he’sr .
FY Fags attested and path] t
m pygvem further dislurbun
or p? the flag was presenbgd
_fiy ~the citizep’a. i
‘ an my beehriétjamr
79nd (Shin-ch members to 0:
joy: P‘popfifirhepds," “mi
yum," “52025.11,” &c., and" -
Abungban‘ished.‘ m “born?
if», we congess to having
misuken input: View: of w‘
~ MGhrisfiienu .
fiA'telpgnm from San "
(.h'o American minister an i fwiili'u, hastily left.‘ i
about the 418th of June, up
businition. They first too 1
Unjted‘Butel Iteaxiaer Wy ~‘
poqu-ently removedfto Yok :
While Md“. Hopki I
4‘ $l., an; n. Get-tysbur
ygqugd sMpr,his neigh
”d 9! 13min“; shpc}: ” eigb
MEWS 9° 135.“- . ‘ W
. Run-d Budw.—'}‘hg ‘
)Bank mined bp‘sinoes op
Igp-‘nqtrsufl‘ered any I‘.-'
)Im Iriv-a’ioynll‘ns money
”fighgw ables. having}
”Nadia 'plm oh: i
xii-um xwppi 1;
Min op‘for trade, hpving
Pmbjp with .Gep. Eran]. .
A who 9151Mioixeu m
”‘9 “Vb“! Mk? in” g;
’0’?” E'fu i‘\“ gobbling “‘o'
Theenem .hu inznded the sovereign State,
of Peunsylriniev-furmn tun-e~ becn «Insulated,
litmus pilhiged‘, growing cropl destroyed,
hone: stolen and lndignitin endured. . Alham
tlo of three dlya': duration has been fought, the';
‘rqemy has tigen‘expclh-ul, and we no relenséd‘
frail thg‘alm-m ind t‘enr of'nxninvuding.trm_r.,
To the Army or the Volume for Lhwming the
purpose and stopping the onlnrd march of the"
enemy the people of Pennsylvania nre'sincerelyj
thankful. itnt'the question arlau to whom:
llmll We Much the blame ‘ipr all we have 'on:
'dured Ind lust? N‘otté’thnt army, for they
‘ can-e to the Metro of the State in forced
‘ mun-hen ping! saved the flute n-grenter harmil
inl'nm and the citizens greu'ter lots. Not to
‘ the citizens of this goont‘old Commonwealth, ‘
fofutjte’y rappon'detl (o the call of thu Suite
;Exoculi\‘c at thé‘fi-let‘erith' hour. Not to the
; State'ef Pennsylvania, for nhe-hnq give}: $200,»
i7OO mm in austrer to the reqhisitions 9f thc‘
‘ 'l’rcaident. ~Whn then is’itu blimp? First, we ‘
condemn the enemy, who has been the im
medinte eummiu-tiou agent; and secundly; we
i hlnme thorie “how dutLit \vhs to protect the
Iguuntry {run the run-gas oi the cnentyéaur
inhuman uy,‘uta—-thu ndnnininlratt‘i‘tfh pt \Vnsh
ington. l'iiitruflml'hy the people with the it'd
niiuiatmtiuu ut' the gut-er"lttbnt-I‘Clyin'g upon ‘
their Ellpptédcd Wisdom tut-i the rtrength which
hits been granted to nnd assumed by thunk;
‘thu .l'ra.3iuk‘ttt ufml his cabinet have failed in
nll'nrtlinp; ixattJiq protection 'needegi, null lune,
pernntted in? Slate of Penna) Lvun-iu to be dis:—
gmcetl hy Ithc (it-selnting intnsion 0‘ the’relnil
army. lt is indeed hut njust complaint, 'anh‘
i lnnwntnhle truth, that alter gr? to the
“ powers that be" all they ash‘ed finer: and
mom-y: in credit and material, in cm tiring"
prtvntmns; foregoing the enmfot‘ts of lite, [un_\'-‘
ing high p‘ricce iot- nrtirles éfnll‘ kinds, heavy;
taxes, pet mining without resistantc uncut’istih
tutiunul emu-minus, obliterati‘nit‘ tilanSt. Q 1".
! htnte lines, inl'rtngrixmntt input: the rights and;
l hilt-mos oi the cilia-n “mum-fluted hy‘law and}
‘ ”magnum.“ to rorrret rr-puhlieh‘n gorermheht,‘l
many in ytilld i-ountx and in the adjoining:
counties. 'lmie [0.3. ninxflfl their all, um] that?
; thrnuph the itmhility‘fimi miaiual‘mgeiiu‘nt‘ofx
the nth-rd ut‘er us. They "will our g‘nsurhi
nml shotihl-recoiie it how :thiujurt-d and out-I
mgnl people. 5 V’ ‘
' ARD,
on", .
I wnm,
n" to [you
' er Vrelump
6 military
nygd good
ioumess of
testified in
‘ds écmfort
{l|} lhat‘wx‘xs,
likely. and
a result of
I s of a cold
our poflwk
umniug gvi-
WTo‘Vbe hiyui to the Government. or lhc‘
‘ i'nilud Slide: is tiw dhiy of ever); citizen, lblld‘
‘ to preserve thti Nonstimiinn which Qua: \‘r—‘
tnllty m tiieiinwrjnmcnt in nllits l)rb§:ialon9, is 1
the s“drii ()biipntiiin oi“ the public éoflanis'
who may administer thesame. The acts bftthe;
political jpaity in- power may be treasén‘ “Hi
the United Statics Gorernmcnthmid «thg Gum:r
crumcm (iiiicinlércven from the 16ft} :_‘C_hi.ef‘
ercutivg dow‘n to the mcrcstyhibquey or him;
may, in the furthcrun‘cc ol' rpoficy unwiselfl
udoptcd, ‘g'n’e aid and ccmiorl. to the enemy in '
an cmrrficncy like the present- .‘ . I I
Thut the proclamation .ofz'l'reedgm to the.
shu'es— the qugctmeutpi the coirfiscntivn hill—J
the auspemion of the writ. minim}: cumin-ri
suppresiion of th. program! 01 speéch‘qn'isg‘
ion of the SluiL‘ nl' Virginia—llnd; we wet-rel;
Encxu-l) adding, may act willie lust i‘ungrr-ss—a'
wrrl- not in uwfurmuy mm thc'lT-iustilimmt,'s
but in grass \iumtiun thqri'oi’. nyeurls im ingu- I
mun.’ IL is minimal 1.1 m" friends ufilhbo tiff-3“
{crunt 'i/iils in their spuéehvs: And yet tlint‘
sacred instrumaaiit which mnkes :Presidcht§,i
Cuufirosscs, Supijma '.Cburtshnnd: the ‘y/h’olie:
machinery of gufi-rnfiue‘nt, which is [*o igrimti
organic Lu}? of tile pauutry, diiru si‘urcdiy he;
heighup inits xuah‘uii‘jnrm» by its»con:.s_titu-,i
tium’d {rigs-I’l3, us th_e éuido fu:r our “ddsé‘fl‘n
rrolog‘lmu fur its fricuiis, “ichbat th'e immis
tion of dlalOyLliij'. ' _‘ “ \~ " ‘‘l
The Union of the States as they werg iicf'ni'ey
this cruel war, undcr the Constitution if: fir. iw'
'with pczxce restored, burs respected; liberties“
preservgd, press free, éfievqcli free, and um
“.hole' United Siam re-unitcd in the bonds '9l:]
prosperity and happiness, ought tb‘be‘ihi'kt-i}
\eut pm) er ofei'ery loyal citiZen. ‘ ' n;
ing to the
l'thnl. “Cup
.nk§n of in
"£ch aid" to
I In last five
‘-m‘enl of M‘.
rk faithfully:
\ our phtroné
‘y they have
r is concorn~
die is direct
' hotographic
ls of interest.
burg, now in
)n Brotheré,
, and “ill b'e
e in 35111"!
, of {hair w-
I gnjn opened
lublic Square.
jd plank] of
:nis Stnto mo
, urg, Curliule
Ice they {me
the Potomac
Thay seem
ler the draft,
or consider
'l‘he‘Abolition _State_ Conrention', which;
assembled on Wednmdai M Pittsburg. re«‘
nominated Governor Curtin on the fll‘sfltl,k
ballot. by a‘ decided vote. This result wed ‘
long since a foregone conclusion, en'd‘w'afl
accomplished in spite of plie efi‘ort‘siof thel
Administration “organ” in thisci'ty £sBqu
cnre his defeat. The Dcmoéracy (legion
want u \Raker opponent than Goierhbti
Curtin. _llis official c’omluéb du‘riyg fii‘s;
term ofollice is marked wiéh nothin‘g <bu‘tl
ixWecility‘ and complete Isubéervien‘cy 3,0!
the apdwers at} Washington. ,Never 1451113 I
to the dignity of a Chief Magistrgs‘te" bl“
Pennsylvjnnia, he permitted the grossest
outrages npon the personal rights of the
citizens oh the State to be pérpetrated with-J
out r_aiising his prm in thei} defence, pr lis- i
tening for one moment to their earnest aim-l
peels for protection. ,Ilis record will fury
uish mple matter for serious complexityl
nn'd i will become the duty ofa free nn‘d:
fearless press to thoroughly examine all his 3
official acts, and show how‘ utterlx. {aimless}.
he has been!» the great Compnontfjlfih.
over which in an eyilhonrhheiw‘as lfiéd,»
to preside. “5 thank the glidition 03m:
vention for giving us sunha can‘didateépl
I’lu'la. Age. ‘ f 1 f, I
I r going into
inlivcly amnll.‘
‘ paying $2lOO
Im] anglhm:
I $.91 physical
’ Ir. McGrnth,
[ ants ‘lor the
Stale debt
3! hiladelphia,.
- of nearly a
gcipnl of the
ix?~ payable in
11!. of interest.
l-Ireunor & Co.,
Age. has been
of Francis J.
hushed herb.-
ll brpnmfiand,
: g. good paper
in Coluzngns,
nsequcuce of
valid soldiers
- Lhenamesof
ne soldier was
ed. ‘for appro
igra in the ci-.
~s. The Dwn
m: :1 new one
fl Democrats, who have beoi: entmppéd
into the Abolition not. by the cry-of" no
,pgu-ly,” whai do you think of the "Nop‘an
ty”‘illias Abolition Con’vention, held pit,
l’attsbur37-and what of the delegates?
When; are the Democratic. delegates l-f
Echo answers, “ no where." -_ As Senatorial
delegate of this dialrict, we see _Dr. Dafijgldr,
-tho defeated mndzdate for Senate-g“ thq
Republican parly.‘ The Reprqsenlla.‘ves of
the counties composing the said district
were: For Adams, .mWard McPherson,
defeatod candidate for Congress, now‘lin
lily acsWuhinglopT(pfly there Were 90
citizens of tho oount'y fit to acute); for
Franklin, A. K. 4 mature,“ the Tpomiul
trickster ~, for Fulmn, ch. Selle" :wull
of the Mail; school of ‘politics—brokle'
down politicians; No one ‘freeh macho;
people, free iron: taint, was selected” No
”pic-pony Union Democnu"—they
laid by. They have served the purposeoo
their Abolition friends find no now left: ‘
p'ine away—forgotten. We repeat-J who
do you think of the comyloxion o! the del
gatel from this Senatorial dxstrictf ». - I
efor prea'chers
11 their neigh
ors," “buttér—
wish they were
: punished.but
been seriously
up consfitubéd
Francisco bags
‘ eonpul. Irish
‘ edda, anfln.
wehendmz as:
- refuge on the
!.- ing. mid sub
!mm. _
s, of £836 coun.
. att’emling a
11 got wgether
acres of when
3-H it be true that to opposa the Na}
pion‘sl Adminisgmfioq ~in ,t’temn’pin it. go‘
'al-o treqsonable to denouncenhe Adminisl
uapon of a. State? 'os‘ in other words? if
41'. Lincoln'u Administration be the F e 1
rll Govemm'em, is not. Gov. éeymour’u _ ‘
Qoyernlnent of 513 w York? ”We ask t z
huggion. becausé we notice thn those 3
peyalp jSew York—llka the Tnbu‘ue, Tmpi
PM and Bamako 'lirpreu—which den) ‘
the mos}. sluvinh Inhsexwegce $0 thcucm ‘
Mr. Lincoln. pf) the ground that. to app 8
his Adminisuinon 18 t 9 ”ammo the Gm~
eminent, are Ihe foremosmn abused)! 1h
Goren nor null bthvr Democmtic officej‘
pom. !- .n lbw! mm Sinpmvfllif Obmvm. g 1
yopdpy week.
yyhatpyer by
notes, heads,
been removed
‘ again opéned
|_ -_na into 1911.:
hf Huggins”
,w- 21‘er .119."
£99.." .‘
o Is To BLAKE?
' The pol‘ ical campaign otthe pgesent
year in Pnsylv'nnia is, «beyond I“ quea
tion.§the . ,l. important. that. ever ”fluted
the Miami: of ma people, The hispory of?
the nut t -o yearn tnd five mombs gently
prev the Abolition rule has en'm lelely
desktindfi be high chm-uc'ter once gowns-i
edb‘ Penfixykranimnnd‘lhe proqd ‘ ition
she upfrd under Dem'oer-Aio A miniw
trati s. ‘ ny one who compares 11e pmlt‘
With the present, will see that v. 5. fi blend
the ment‘ have been totally né ectod,j
“‘36 mice 3 mumptien of power by the}
Natiirmnl duer‘flié State aqthorilim, in] the
3133 f inidq' ql' Harrisbuy; to Wash ngton.‘
h Eénde ed our State nuthnritics power
less 9 P 55 orrémthe dunes/expected‘ ”1191111
by the p‘_ pl 9. 1‘: is no oxoufie (mi
t" ‘
‘ maul
'uciull .
I ~ war sun-Ounded the. reach ,
{with djtficulgféé which Wei-enuni
i .such a. .crisil, and under sat}:
'.c‘ea, strongér e‘florts ahou I! bavé
-. to steer (hp ship to n‘saf harbo
IsunHy employedjn Lhed' )lan
i notions. Butinsleadnfat opgth,
”MIMI at the Helm, and 1 artisan]
_nled tho hour. Penn
ill\'&dé§l.l)y 111-0 rebel 'fondes, nnd'
her borders were'defen'c [eggs and
‘e unprotected. She clnerfully
owr two hundred, thodsand 0
‘fight in the army of thelßq-üb
ill-ingly-gavo a large shun} of her
vd treasure to the sacred ¢ause 9
. Yet, notwitlmtgnniing! nil hér
Rho found no help iri her need
. to her cries Ofdlih‘edß..
bee t
ofo '
r poop
:sons 1
Land \
1‘ warn
ed by‘
ilulo -‘
to witness ht-r mil nv‘
' \
g_~foe. and her good u
-9 . l
the weakness and unbe
‘ her!
I‘ 'r
1110 have, taken nil {hash
Im new; They Feel gr".
ted in [he exyrcLadons llh
nit-u they placed in ‘p
Lose who aided must in (-
tt faction to office are .
in dbterminminn t 6 ten
fure thoy help-£l.lO bu’il
irilrigut-s and «Neg-ace? ‘
H. 106 bf (ho Curious clitiiiq
‘pguly‘ am viewed with 5‘
y the con‘selvrslivo men inchim
:1) who .mllho longer‘bedc'ceived‘
semble “no-party? cry raised by‘l
:ionists to delude the 5C ‘ses'nndi
in ofii’ce n'new lease of’ro\\'l‘l'.
fixer bnit little who niny be selected?
sobins ns theirgtandiird-bearcr in‘
i coptcst. _Whoever hemay'b’e,
feat; awaits him. 'l‘hel‘Eepresen
c Abolitiqn paw. atthis time,
rlvania, can” never receii'c a ma
re eufl‘mge‘s of gbe people, bépnuse
ples‘he‘ wxli _be compellpd to 31d
1 make him ddious in file sight
ereign nnpscs, who have: alread
igh iromvlho misrulonml itngoxir
may ‘p' the (luminpnt pz‘irlym Ihf thi '
{lllgt‘hL‘ ', the nonmnjfie oilthc‘ Democrat?
qmm u for Uovurnor Willjraily whi
114 nm. any time (rigndi '0" “herd “Dd 3“
n'_ he lompmmheulth. 11l =‘Gcliklfl W}
qudxmri they Will find all the noble «3113.114
itipJ “th . freemen prize uiost.‘ illeLis
puré Ml4ll Inlucless in pxivate lim. He is;
able, hox'xgw and resoihlc. Us! has niway ‘
beenmxi‘vqted frieqd of tho‘Unioir med
Constitufi'n. lie harmed hiuuelf from
Lhek‘gulq‘sf film people to his prusfint pron
p 0» iOll , tho i‘orco (it'hisown acknowledg'
ed ahi‘lit ud unliqidg energy. With 1111
in'thq: é ernutoriul chair, every citize 1
IW9uld~U protected if: his ponsulutionu ‘
: rights, a d tho fun" fame oPl‘Q'nnsylvam ‘
! Wmihl be tesgued from the obloqily wbic ;‘
‘has been-3.1m. gupon her by the had me: 1
who ar‘g: ow cp‘rilrolling her destiifies. 'l‘
ucpompli h this‘A purpow, the Damocmti’
épnrly mu é‘lafle care to thoroughly 01.13 am ‘
.iz Ihéir forces. No fair and honorubi
minus m'stflm left untried to secure (h
{resuhL {5130319 must he no lukewarmness ¢
gno fall‘ék'i‘ag in the ranks. The Vic-gory i i
“within ._ "reach; and if every Democra i
'does his ' Iy,“ his 131}an will be'crowne j
[with ait (mph 'onthe second Tuesany u 1
Efiéx} Dagmar that. will cheer and gindde 1‘
'xheh-ue { ‘epds of the Unién and‘tho Cé_ -‘
'Etithtiou‘ hrqghoup theyogmuyfi—P/erJ
11ng ‘ l i ' .01 ‘i
he pa"
I usl .
- Y
If “(I
y 0”
nest, l‘
chad i
'fbr o
ugt. ,1 E
he xixi
he 3:]
Lb, ‘
\in d
{e of
‘y of t.
{e w?
Ems: 124101? mam."- ‘ i
‘ ‘ the loyal balfof: boxes; thunder
g lvania and Ohio, the lumeipiring
v ens?“ wdl pensth—Reflmatory. {
the letter) Fiftylhous ‘mLDem?
‘njmily in PennsylVaniaq“ mi}! (lie
21110, at the coming. elgctionsA-Bft‘y
‘l' \Vhe'
in Penn
hope of n
bci'lutic o.
same in g
th'ousam pgjority in fnvor of ihe‘ConstiLfi
iiou as iii is andl~h9 Unipn a; it W 115,» and pf
the-rigid} duel-vanes and strict. eufbrcement
of law ail'd order—fifty thousand; innjority
in’ favorf f the ina‘lienable right: pf civil
liberty—4 r lhé tights of'individunl freedom.
peréonal} hecurity and priéate property—J 2
all the 1 onstituLiongl guarantees to 't ‘
State} ad the citizens against ékecut; .
usurpulJ h, the insolence‘pf office, thew' (
tepcfiin of fanaticism nndlhe‘tevibler ‘
of: 2mm: y, so constanty i‘nvgkqd by t ‘
in‘cobin ress and orator: of" the diy, “M 1 1
the loyn‘ ballot-boxes thunder!” will ‘
.1113, boyo d thqpower of- resurrection,"‘t
] t expi ing hope oftreasémfiwl’liereve
may? be find and whatev'nr guisg it In
assume? When the tiiunuhar begins
I ong the 0111 Alleghapies, ' ad
Illifig down from the gtéat Lnk :,
an the Delaware and th Ohio, 0
! friuudsof the 12¢)»;me “sw. i 1
let.” The consuming fire aft 6
l i‘gmeo‘us indignagién will full
1H.121 of moi: deceived, all did phe
u Heaven upon the altar: and
I the heathen divinity ;. and ‘.th
at voice shall be héard cryink,
I on» 3: Can any; Hui u B 451?!"
'1: nm!"'——Spiril¢§ ham. ‘
Comes 4‘
9nd in ‘
adyise .
'from un
on the' .
fire {l'ol
1 images b
day a g
" Ir w:
Pm" as {
out." in
there is‘
bmsts -
{he ‘l,
3e Loyal. Imagine is about “ playgd
Ihio, the laden havixig found 'thm
n innate sense‘ of batred~ in t 6’
the people ngaié‘at secret polilikil
lns. The Cincinnati Comma-clam:
I-public‘an. p'aper, but opposed ‘o
' eilbus mildly magnum the fact:
i nion men in the ditheni para-if
: hav'ep‘hs a xenon! thing, beoo e
'. that the Union Leuguo‘ ban a‘ _
'ed all the mission it pver hpd in
'm, so um its dimmion will Ha
I satisfactory—lnd it. is, Weider?
my! , : / I» I
°‘ The:
the sun
comm '1
”184. qu
puising ,
- oflicial order, fixes the total
pay of the Fro as; Marshals, undi
pliant act, 9A).” 50,ra§1d that. a
you sud Commhgiopex at $ll2 : .‘
a? A?
the Sun
a soldiem on the Pgfic phat poi}
11mg}:- pay in (spin. . ; ‘
The progress ot'the government in break
ing the military power of the rebellion hns'
beén fiery great. during a few vu-ekl pint.—
‘ The capture of Vicksburg and Port mat-on}
opens the Mlhllnsippi river and cuts oil from }
co-bpqrntion vnth the oonfedemcy the ter-‘i
‘ ritory west of it. The (latent: ol Lee has“;
bmkeh the prestige ofhin army und‘hurlcd'i
it‘buck to I defensive attitude in Virgmit."
Bring}: n-tires before victorious Roeeurhnsil
and Tennessee with its large. loyal and int-g
fering potlulatfim is liberntcd. The cnpo'
‘ ture of Charleston, winch we are confident:
twill be accomplished by Gilmore. will notj
} only flint up the most. important. ruebellport, E
. but enable our army to solar and bold th '
'railrond line of tlio Atlantic coast: \Vitz
] (i Hunt's, Rosecrnnu' Ind Mende'p nrtliq, wé
isluzll .be uhle to press the rebel‘ion on up
‘ aide; 98ml constantly contrac its unmi“
i The prestige of Dnviq‘m-I his“ government
; (-:m li‘artlly fail to be broken, :and tlid'prc;
‘lmble'. if not certain} coils he “the seces:
i eion movement must be DMD}; convin
; tion in tho’mindsot the-peopled theh‘ou‘t .
l'l‘hu {Me which awuitt‘if‘their cause nnd &
their material interests must speedily
come with them 3 sulfiéct o_t anxious delili.
emtion. What door of ‘hopu is open tab
“in!!! ‘2. How on théy return to their fotf
,iner position of citizens: of the Ufliul‘l
1519.103? How can their n-spcctive Stat ‘
resumt- th‘eir plnt‘Ps us stitrs in tho Unin 1 '
, Constellation? Thoughts like thcsn. ark:
i “we, to pips; upon .the ‘attention of th
iSout iern pt‘oplt' ntthis time. ‘ . Ii
i how should the administration at. with -;
‘_ irigtmi meet thpse circunistnncm tum! th 3‘
fstute of feeling? Shufld ull yi-arnings e :
;tlie part of the rehehi or \n return to tl‘ 1
l Uinion he spurnmlt tilmulil those inclin i
1 to bringt huck their.Stnt(-.~i be encourage ,5
. by coftlinl‘ sentiment; and measures onrthl i
i Ivgrt‘ofthe government, and thus emiblq !
3m build upn Union party in their respo‘cpl
hv‘e localities, and win over, to loyalty ii (3‘
iMEUI’“. hénrt‘! Or should they Only lim .
xht- 1. out tulhem the; {lite ofin conquere l‘
E péo ‘l9, orufnrrestodtcriminnlq, exported _ '
‘ the it 'rorsot' cotifitct‘ition of property an
tlic I|(‘l‘OKlttl inflictions ot' the penalty f}
try-titan? t ‘
[Those ‘ e grave Equostiona of polio . i
1 which. we “sumo. ate at llll‘ monu'nt r i
I («giving the o. 'nmt attention oi the Prestia
(font and his] .\hinoté' l':is~ion Com] vpzn' ‘i
mitnhlllp. lurt ot'powiznnnd plunder, or hli l
t'thmticismhtnily dictate absolute» militul
; sfitjugationo—t-ruslliirig the peoplehnil tl e I
In Pl'lC‘lS of tho who ts'tzues nndm’ tlm he 1‘
oi the compim'er—nnll“runningtho plnug t—'
thurc or tlusti'uiitinti ‘ot'pr the i'uinml ‘t' '-
‘ hint-a ol‘ln ,misguilleq’l populace. Lint ct-
Ijikhtgnod stutunninnaitip, drawing its mn. - 1
l in“ ct policy from tho punt liistory of _tl. l
htlnmn X'UCP: prmnpta n more gone-r 0 s ‘
ichurac—L‘Ryrm‘lamntibn of :I"anst at p ‘
tcisely this crigkiin thé tortunes‘ol' the min i
l'liiJn—n mrtlial‘ invittition to return to ti ei
| liiiion protr-ctgtl in the hiture in all tliel
rights aeuuwd by‘ thé Constitution—:l pQ i.»
icy,.in a word, which‘ will yin back the (‘3‘
frictions ot'the Southern pfopie and mu 3.
thorn nnd thv-ir communitich lnysil'citizu s‘i
l’and faithful States ot,the Union. fmteml t‘i
hhstileiinhubitunts Qf-u conqueroiltbl'rit - 1
l‘ . ‘-. ; V . t t
I isdch, we repent, are the prbmifitinm hf
etilighlcticd stutenmanislnp: ls the from
3 illi-tit equal to the Llutiesul‘ t-his'emi-rgent‘ ?
‘ Ur' will he listen to tin: cvil uouits'ol'ol‘tho e i
I who win upon shutting thp dourut' roco -
idlintion 1n the Rim of the South until h -r
{several ritutps nlu‘ilish Harm-_\’? , \ l
Hmt us. illustrnttu'ih‘uitli (”f-ninth may.
isiiécdtly. through hei‘ _i9;.:tlldt‘ fiém‘ uovm‘i-‘
l mgm: lillt'lgi’ti‘: to simply tall h; ~l; into t el
.lfnion ugn State nndirvaumt- heist plane a d
‘tliiadzurgtl her (“”103 irwisciy [IS haircut-. 11 e
insurrcction. bhult 'i/ic (w [wrinkled film; to
“ii/urn? 1 i 4 l I ‘I
'T’t‘hu Sumners nndulio Wilsom. the 1
"film’- anti l‘he unlit-alt} 52%. am the WI: 8‘:
Abolition wing of tho fipuhlic ngpuriy u -'
me, my They say Mic shall [not n-tur ,i
unle» .110 will that tiltel: hrr (i‘umtfluti n;
'9O as tonholisli :‘tt‘l‘ 54%?de 1|“? l”'“l"‘ 0"
to Jul. .'uug'fln u‘ur until tnsy \‘rui t‘fllupcl h g
to do this. ‘i‘t is not enough that we 1“ I
I 0395 to Jay ’don‘n‘ lidr :mna, t ‘suhmit 9,
the Constitution mid the lu\ a, but. s‘l 64
Must 311061 the\ iedvrul gov rnment 0‘
Qinipe hqi' damn-slit: institution ' 111 a In L.
tri- ururwhich the L nstitutiofi'givos it o’
' ntrol’l; .- ‘fl \. ‘ _ l
kiowmv will be the douroeof the Preside t
'onvthint suhject? Iti is a question \t'lii i
qannot ho dodged or‘postpon d. It is p -.
gently t he the gi‘cgt quwflifi of thq (la .
The breaking of the 'military power of ti o‘
u'ohellim' \Vlll lint-e ii upon the athgisu'ist -i
tiion. The President, "tuft decide i j ll '11:.
’tt’ Jwit/g‘vzo caulwue (It! war sold/y :10 min (ll
North Carolina (01 any other Southern 3m ) 1
l abolish slavery! ! . ‘ I V
The radicals damn d this at his hands.
The conservative l publicims will (wi i
the Demoerats)‘opp so this. The Repuh i
’¢nn pdrfij will spitti the middle 'on this;
question: But it vaqt majority ofuthé pdb‘
ple of this country rill—shortly )Vlil—tiefl
hmntl 31an mil! have a‘ endut'the war, icheja-‘g
71’ng the ‘n-oel Sula! contra! to res-mar l/ir'ir papi- '
on as Shut-myths lewll, llfljltfl' Ilia Child/t u-‘l
gon—it'ithcut exacting of them the con‘ i-i
3km prgcodent of uholiahing ’slau’ery W 1 -1
n their'i'éspective liluits, ‘
i It in not. a nionbeq'tJoo early to, dig 551
this great, subject. :It is alremly 'upon 5
and in it 1i; involveltl thei- question ot‘ t, a
length of contniunuqe of thig terrible wur
‘ t' the conscription lot husbands. sons, and
Erothers, and their silaughter upon the hut.-
le'field. i “'3 invitb‘the Republican fit-#55
£Olll9 discussion of this mattcr.‘ Lc-t'thqmi
uve the boldness to‘ declare their v:cw:&_.‘—l
In no other way canithey better'sm-ve their!
hountry‘, ~and aid in the: solution ’ot the;
treat problem—l4oloslo7ls; :11“! for who! oLjeTLs,
tit/t6 imr to 5.3- Earlliuuffd.— {buoy Away- {'
nd wna'
‘ run by
-I}in of!
.A ‘ ‘i
y form-
I W9l2
our the
. The
r .._—W? .' ‘
I Negraals 11.: Substiéulés.—A mong me: maiéfi
blaming to the Condcription héfi whiéhj’i-a
huire new light is the question dbeihgrhoa
Ere substitutes offered by vghile (drafted
him will be accep‘tg‘d by' the "wombat-ml?-
‘shnls. ft is u'ndenst‘god‘that the d‘gqision in
:Philadelphi'a has bgefi that ‘ue‘gro substi
puteé could not. be] consider/ail to be tine
military equivalentq' of whi/19 conscrjplsz—s-
FUutinnsm 611 as thé Slate/of )lassaclxuqettq
find fiber whigh paw/bent _negr’o regi
ments to t e war afiegopedited' by (I'm Wm-
! t in mufdwauch regimedts. ih‘us
- hat the fiégro renny in a agility.
nt of the white nun, we qanhot
prec'gp’é (ground ‘hé Philadelphié
!. n 1? made to stand. The ad
ch ha radical ’ ‘l4 11:"
-y equwali
ee 6:) win?
ér,‘ of 3.119 despequ]
en us,,M)
Jed dimipliqg o'flthe
uld agent to huge“
tion is to bomnde‘ou t
verage white subatitut
gnrd uno équivalont fr
lthe unviy
hoops" I"
color/nu LI
be e;
should jka
lciates ih
75:73.76‘Jrér‘wyaf'0ér, peo‘rle
qr that we U. S. cmncy de ‘re
due whch- pifcu ne‘lorn from
a or small, _ifi proportion t 6 tjhe
boteg; lar ,
size of th: piece tom off. For instant», I
[ten cent ate with half tom 01!". is woyth
five cents and to on. _ Thh is banner! at
ivill be 9 interest ‘in a short time, “the
noted in c roulation gm Tut wearing whi
4.4 M «7513;053:5301115 mbnth‘g “400.
the government append“! 1119 “flag
Frau." 3:41-39:9an Md” Ind mt 893 d, ‘
{he editor, into “Dixie." Ha‘ retqmed
with Lee’ army, Ind on his arrivql It hid
{under ;_ idence, wok possession of the
pflice at be 113366:an “Hamid.” ‘pd
issued 3‘ eyv oditipnrof the “Free Freon."
”432%? ‘1
3' i i E
. l ,
i l i
gun’s nid inio Ohib vi“ $39
ml!- miflion. .E L , ' ,
THE Anzac]: or? cnuLzs'ron.
anro'x, Aug.3.—A letter in tha Traver'lcn
from the vicinity of Chnrlenton. 'ccntmnsl
lolne inform-tion of interest u the preterm
time. We quote: ‘ e ‘> 1
"Since heaving Ch'nrleetnn baryon! Ila-ml
thit. a number ofthe officers { the.iron‘
cl‘dn have been obliged to rgtiiilin nonse-
Tune; of lhp exhausting chm .r of their
ull9Bou"b(£l'd, slid their 1:154?! are nup
plml by otl rs. ‘ ‘ . . I
"There but been another sari?!» Incident
on .board I w iron~¢lnd Nab nt. They
were condensing wnter, and 35‘ th'e Water
had b'eett rather brackish. mach pnin’s wins
lake'ni to remedy the evil. The (diet-r 0T
thepdecla requested the captain pf the hold
to an 3 ’.him a little to dry. A's theta-n};
m unshrewul,‘the “cam and ,‘b‘oilirlg wa
ter rushed gut, icnldiug soverullof the men
terribly. ‘in some’ instances cnusiln'g'the skin
wpoel all? They were skillful‘y Intended
by Dr. SLedman. and are all on nrd} of the
Vermbnt aL‘l‘orL Royal, and lkely to re.
cover. I '
-- f'lJurihg ‘tho recent attack I
Wigner; the Nahum. had’ two.
Crate hex} «lacks while the‘ alenl
sel'wu élreued three inches b
the fort."
‘ rnsmnknoss TO ATTAPK '0!
Ah artillery oflivor writes t ‘
Truu‘llcr, under [auto 0! Morn-i 4
29th :' “Unr farm 1s warking d ‘
erecting new batteries and m‘
inch nmrt'flm and gum. \Vn h
poimdfiml mm- Elm—pound!
mount ; one! 2(MJ-pound‘ l’arro
mournu‘d. and ircgtenhw UH“.
fire-«l4m. FOrt Suml'mt. jml to g-t tho rnnzv'.
Um: {shot hi: the corner of the- mrafugt and
made; the briéks fly. Uur pick ls am’ With
in [our hundrwl yards bf Fort. Ragnar. But
they have‘to look out for the Talia] sham}-
shooLe-ws. The water wso bad Jhatwhial‘y
is ,sefied out. to the troops 1h lem Lime: 4:
day." - , ‘
. ' . DENT.
1 Wmhzmnurs'r;Al-.Jm.
' ‘ Urru s. \VAMUNQTQN. ‘
General (Itch/21“ .\..J. fil—Tl
order of ‘he President. is pulpli‘
_informnlion and government
cancel; .
lixvrcnvn }
WASHINGTON. l). 0.. Jul
' -It is the duty of every gown] neut to give
protection to its citszvns’, of w! ulovvl' 0131“.
(‘nlbr ur condition; mid esuvci‘ Hy to thaw
who fire duly organized uusol hers in the
public s'ex'vico-f The law 0:31;", nus and the
Dsnjuas‘nml customs 01 “"413st un-ienl on by
I ivihzed pom-rd: permit. no'dis motion as {u
olifr'in the treatment 0! pris news of w.“-
.a public mwmiesL-to‘sell or emhwe any
bbnpturcd pen-sun, on account f his color,
find for no MIL-use against the laws waay,
is u relnpsn into haiburism‘ Ind‘ aférimu
rguiusc the clyi‘ximti‘nn of!b_01l '9. 1
The government. of the U uLetletntes
{wm give the sum: prulectiun no a“ iu‘ bul
ldlers; and if the-enemy fllm’l selfior on
blave any QI‘B because of [us elm, Ihe of
fe‘nse §l|all~be unished by rem iauoliiupon
the enemy’s prn‘onors in our p weSSiuhn.
11. is there )ré érdored H. L fur
ydldjer, of the pita} States M lpd i 1
lionebf [he law‘sfifwur 2} gel/c] 0le:-
bu executed ; and fur PVgry o’n‘ anal;
the cuemy‘m snld ium Mun-1*“. tel
(hu‘ .\lmH Iw 1114\1‘d ul hard yubxuu
)nulnllc mnkm uffihmminuml :t'aue-l
unul the nth“: 41’3”qu rah-180‘ mull
the tx'outmcu'. mm {on pximnefz M x,
- ‘ Amu‘tLu ILL“?
By order of the Socrntvury nitwui-z
~ 1;. D. To «an;
, Assistant .\djutuq‘c (jgii
The Drarl‘l'n 111nkcc’uml.— : mm,
min learn iher‘e will he hut fvw ’nnk‘
scripts" in flm mnks orurdm, )U a}
‘he raised. 'l‘heiAholition cle amt 1‘
mm-h in fswor of war as lung . fin
shxps nn- rl‘uhn-ed and [he lmu w fut
Dx-mm'mls—hut lhvy have a; nm-re
{mu-{or their ow‘n pux‘mrix..\\‘lfimu i
them to :wcid volunteering ‘
and to rg_lfa»ny frmlg'cninst-ri‘
nish suhstilujes.‘ » A Cantu-cm
m'erts that iu'fhut smm nut Inn
(91111: ol‘the “Help will be {on}.
150 mm. one thousmd ”loyal”
honiéls In? dnuhl) abacomhu'!
day, and tlxoumnda'hnvc left .‘
in the same way. They bra
peace, hut. they have no atm’
“ht. ~'l‘hé lbslnn Hem/«I says
‘o{ the 54 morph-om Ix‘aum
Vineyard who have ptesontet
to the Board of linrdllmenc in
51 have r‘éccived exemption
hnvfe paid $.iUO. and one! has pl
Out. of 54 Conscriplgmfil exq
\ij. Dmvir‘ LibVflW.—~A ebnf-sponrlent of.
thai‘ro'vidouc'e Journal. wdti u fwim Mix»
sissippi, givesfihe folluwinfi: mf-uouuL-of’lhqs
disdnvury of Jeff. hm in! Library: ‘ '
“Thu quks wvre (llsybverefll only hyac
cident.‘ The , were pm updn Ln'gPl strcng
Uhxen‘, homulywilh Ina/fps uf'nu'n. 'dhe con
tents of the-fie bergy Wn'le $0: u hrotgln. to
light, and hunm‘ufls of grep ies u cured.‘
whiie'volumhswlyiund In eve y ‘vairiet of:
lich Mmhguf—p évtry. history ,sciexiée.{}:e
gil'm 6ffl'lelldh/KI‘UIH,QVPI'Y [M t. of tile Uni" '[
ted,StuLc-s, Uflngnessimml do uments null‘
statistics, p‘lj/vna and polllioJ iott'm's nmll
le_lier-boo|?, into which wer copiied the:
corral-om ence‘ of years: w: Men {in [the
semwhng band of their form r posseszyor;
in fact/everything that. exist on wiper of
gnaw-It private value to I]: rebe’ I’resi-r
glen“ lay heaped'hmu the flmFin ope hugel
pilé. over which the soldiexs walk 4! with:
‘dn‘rfiy tbeh‘or‘which they tosséd Littler and
thither, as tlfey appeared to x: of mqne or
less vah’xe us’trophies of thpir ”1&4 owner.
’l‘helxbrary 'Wss aecreted‘jn th hbuseolliy.
(fioxuw‘ho was foxmérly a. blswardj of Mr.
Dung." J 3 ‘
" A'dnlc Deed (3f 41 011/me Prid! Riwrfrdéd.—
During lbs reéent riots in N+2w Y rk, the
Rev. Matthew Nicol. 3. Rd an Catholic
priest. in :tbat. city, by his term} dfl'om
saved from dcsgrucliou at thq him ‘3 oi the
mob an entire block of buildi gs on Thin]
avenue. béMeen ~lsle and. 1h Ina-eggs”—
'J‘haoccupants ofthe dwelli gs tlgus‘pre
served met qn Mnnday we inglqat, aqd
presented [Father Nicot Wit )9 ‘.huidsome
came. a beautiful writing dealtl and Flying»,
and n luxurious my chair: he. p menta
tion address on the owssionjfiVhlvipfi‘beon
made by the Rev. Hepry Brantley, q ptiu
minister, who ‘occupies one éf the. héusbs
saved from : violence of th. mob. ‘, .
- A New Instrumentqf Dutmtiunu-s‘l-In the
nkirmishmg which preceded L‘Le eqcuatiou
of Jucksqh by Johnston, thq Confederates
used an 9Xploai‘ve musket. bay of the moat
déécructive character. The” balJ‘A'ue of
the Minie pattern, sixtymiu:h calibr'o,’ hol
lo‘w. and tilled with‘fulmin ‘iug 'powdar,
oovered at the bane thh I. can). Qn utrik
ing any objeqv. they explode with mtetrible
efl’ect. .Oue of these terribladmlileh struck
one of the Federal soldlers in‘the Mg, shstr
tering the bone Into nineteen‘ pigcep. The
efl'ect of the wound‘ of a simple Mi’nie ball
is always oonsidpred ofa. dgnfi‘erous chime
te‘r, but ghe new ball sbbve described is
‘tively barbarous. The new balls aim of
Amlisb ialbrication._and have been recently
furniifled w Johnston's army; = j
mve gm.-
ml if nnyj
0 [Saint of ‘
oughq to
3 .
\t a a 9;
; -_ —--—A—.-.——~r;—-§‘ ,
Thu”: W. the Mm!—Tbe_hghn Ga
uue pertinent], asks, if Demécratic papers
u-e fun of treason. and or enmity to the sol<
diam, why don't. the B 1303: Rapuhlfie’ab nu
thoq’ties let. the Inkliers 336 than)? The
brave fellows wouldfiarely vote Against the
gnu-Ly whose journ s inculcate inch. doc—
rinu. In fact, It is because Democratic
apex-a arqtrue to the Constitution and the
{imam and friendly to the sgldzgr, that; thgy
urn kept. out. of‘ the lines ofhmp army...
Truffle! ‘ ; ’
7 #6Oll. an.S‘;dl§lea huluaarl‘ meow.
and from his woundl. wd‘on tu'rdny
geek guvoadinneryu-tyin New or‘k.‘ '
mu: mun—"m lollowin’g Tnl-leexhibils 1‘
“no number of mm enrolled in thin Coast“.
Sioux! Dinrict, gm: we excepl'ron of Franklin
cunnty,tba Roll in that county ngghhqipg
Boon completed: . _ ‘
‘l‘ounl'ws. lot 013". 2d Class. Total.
Fulton, 149 ‘ 34‘.’ 1091;
Hedlord,, , 2493 ' 1038 35;“;
Somerset, ‘ 2°59 . 1951' ‘ 3113
A dams, ‘ .343 . 1095 ' 3338
Franklin (0.1,) $OOO ’ 1800 . 4300
f . ~.... ,—— ___
. 10249 ' ~ 15.175
'Tuking‘ line-ale: county, (a‘Congr-essional
mfiricinjni' which 10,409 lat class mm: were
enrolled and: 3,129 drafted, M n b'uis, the gum.
béf to be drhhed in this Districtlwill be about
3.1140, ofl Which mimber _Jhis count; wil! ”be
cz‘illl'd npofiifo; {them 00;? men: , ‘ i .
iThc acturql‘l qudm nf Pelnnsylinnia is’ 523300; :
ciclnsiye of tho fifty per cgntum to belpnfledf‘
'and the uctiml Bummer inen to he futni‘sbefi
by encli Gongrcssi District, in’ n (mg-duh
0:):21'. 2000, or on: 3000 la be dmhefijucludiag
1h: Imy pp: cenlumflmficd to make hp ‘fur
ithuse {:xempted; , ‘ ~ 1
ufion‘ Fort
hols ‘peué—
of the’ ves
shot: fr'om
‘he “'ostnn
_v and} night
mntilig W
vo liq}: 100'-
Farm!!! to
is already
shots‘, were
' “rm: wprnED.—Ty.e runaway; hmir‘in‘l np
, p‘roxinmtcs gof; lho_~nunfl3cr.- of noundgd mun
2.xfho have Men sent 011' from the hqsfiilnls‘fn
knpd around tb§s- plnccuisjfly'nis'hcd by-Uul.
i;§llunmn,'ooqlnmndnnt ofVLhe Pun: f '3 .
1 Union wdunded,...................._.....‘.......:1‘E.',061
Imm W , ~u,197
‘ [ln on cofivhescenu and slr:\gglera,...2g. 1,437
{ j;'X‘l.e.§l|lalgl'yer.of Vopnded slill remaining m,
| tlné‘Gcknc-mlllospimlknear town, is: ' f _ ' .
niun woundeq,
lobe] “‘ ‘
i There nru’ s'lill many wounded in tbé differ;
07?“ hospiruh} in the heiglxhorhqod not i‘ucluded
if; the übm g estimates, most of whom an: rebels.
1 THE nA'r'TLE new (11“ Gmwstsijnn._
A project hrs been started 14) Gum-mg}: Gut-tin
Fur the purufhuse (of some len_ or twenty Licrgs;
(if the gloribus hnnlc fi‘eld of Gettyshqrg “a
q'omutery ’er the )wroes who ‘t‘here laid down}
‘thuir livc3_}hnt the nation might. live. Thisg
licumiful isles. we hupe will he fuliy t-ur'ripdi;
dut, including". spec'ml dhision of thq field to:
{he sol'd'u-rs: ‘ufl euch Stu}? C‘UJAHCL'M'I! \vilh iln’n
u:rm_v of'thé Uuign, 13ml 3 xm'liunul o‘hulisk, .
\i'ilh Hm mum-s engrave-«l «mini it. 01' o'oer
rI-gl‘uient, nhd with h bunk inside cbuluiuihg‘
the mime, ISlut», ,rcgililcut und cmnpuuy at"
Exqr'y soldier in (has; thm‘g- xl-Iys' battles nnd'
in the 'outigido inbidemhl opamlluus. Thcru,
\k‘ould he up diificully‘iu ruiningfluxnplu fuxids‘.
fur the Hung'use. Eight girlicr smm _hM‘c M- I
{may uuiled with Pennsylvania in {Lia lwixjtc‘... -'
, fll~~———.~+~.~g~. L
ulylfl. }
e 1 fullqwxn:
lmd I'm tha
of all con-
an, Lilli:
SELEUTv‘SICUOULi—Uu 11.21711: ('1! August
Mr. R. .\. Lyttle will open a lack-ct. SL‘h‘OU-l
thd brick sqhool room on High 515001, in'
place. lThe: public schouls hug“ DBL-q
purxtfrily‘t quSPendcd in coun-quencc
suhuol builéling being occupied as 2:5
This ’at'nte ‘dFalfJirs umy cuntinue s
n vial:-
‘l‘ \ilfl”
'ngd by
lu-l .\n}-
uu Hm
)I lilbnl'
and Mr. Lyule has finnHy guns'eulu to open It
lsfllu‘ul (If this ’chmacxur. “is l m; willh'u
1’ (fun:; $3.00 :10 5100' pgr quarter I‘or‘ further
jJnmiculgrs see his Cirt‘lllflrro ”a ,l‘".,i§ tru'
I “cll’knmui us" n‘Tg-nuhcr to ighfmffil‘uwm
mundmiou.“ bur hands. , “ ‘ L i
A InsizéiwzcraxTF‘ ten-I|:(‘npiit-EM dis-u
sohui in was” is 311 i c ciallruLgvémiuer-r u'ud:
Adisimethr, and' will clfi'Q-txnwy clnwvlitrme
nnd' dcslroiy the 1' Meat 3mm: H '{lLu‘P-l
uuder'n‘bud in hosl imls and Sicijh‘qxla ifwilL
"reader ‘ phere true_ nud Junrs\ one~
i pbifmloi éulipp mi in bwu gnlfuns'ol “"1111;ij
uhou: Khyber; prpporliun. ‘
’ ch ‘ -‘erve ,hy Hem-ml 0111 ch No. Q,
i that during the iimhlhs of Mug-11 .uid §lpl¢m
lber, u-o /grpse \rili In; mum-m 1 (üblm‘v Jig”)-
I hired frqm any of the burial«grounds/{tenuo-’
tcriea/or lvnltlo ground 01"Rc1t35hurg. Thy
hunyh ‘of (he wbuhdml soidlic‘Fsflit}? .Lilc citi
flztiyfs of lhis' community rvqui/gy” llih‘\;;\riugcut
i/uufprcenageut of this grdqy. / 4, _ ‘L_\
1 wflassnchnaeiu cluhbs that heli‘it‘l‘ngi‘l
1 mid Swain hymhrml other sol‘hcgi' wx-ro slain in.
[he hunk of Gettysburgfinud prupusugsfin min;
hil enduring‘n‘mnuhlcnt m their memory iii Clio.-
pumelcrj’, \ihich furzhcd n p. 51". ol the bMIIu; 1
fluid. ‘3 «A l ,('1 f;
I ”‘
all wn
e con
nut to
5 very
‘ 111ml
gill by
‘ au‘m.
1 , t111:1,
(i9ll [6r fur~
u\ pmmr us—
re H“ M 0:19.-
~rimil {.I. In
nen '(Almli-
if) n' single
rw F 'l3 Id
I "N’ 5651 .
luck ”75¢
a 1
'k‘btanl file
1' lhpn elves
I'cw edibrd
litiy’el'a. two
. WWII-name to’huur wh erliaing’qngnfimé
'it will he bhséh'cdv thin. Fran}: High, 1557].,
hm ioldflxig Jnrgc “'.chhuusc in New ”Jun!
10 Mei-m. )fyvrs & \\'iurmun, whu “mun-nt—
tL-r condufl. th.: budiuezs on nn culargcd svuic.
far-Tho Emln‘Rl-ghuant, (orncrgmcx mm.)
éwerg "gush-red duL “43:11.1“! ‘uflinl llafrislgurg
qn Snmfnjnf “”1"; The College L‘Ulflwulf was
in_ this roginmut. _ ' -_ ' " '
’ wwégfc-um um )CHR. Juup “carom, gr
Cm B, {3Bo* P. \'., has bye“ mmlo .‘h-jOl" ofilhu
Regiment, mu bicut. Géorge £ll2;th is oiv
Captain: quK. B. -‘ ‘CS I
{E‘Thc drnfi‘ml men from this digtrict nhcr
'repdnipg‘for dun); M“ be spat lg 1111: rkznduzwus
Jni CAL-fish. ‘ \ - ' = ~ '
: Ben-e golongl‘u! a. Trxns‘fiqgiment,.wha
‘wnéfmrrmll'y wounhed at. Gettysburg, etnied.
‘in his, Just ‘molm-ntsj‘go Major Grois, of the
‘Nlew umptbire Einhfix lhgt theirvregimenls
were fippo'srd lo (em-Mother, nud'iflut he‘
recogfiiqed in Cbl.‘ CrossLlof the XEW‘Humpi
Ishire rekimmt, an old fri‘qnd and compnqion
iinAchicnninud Tenn m 6, nnd" ordered» his
mien not. 165110033: him ;.buv.yb\olhwere wound
;ed at abouli the same tiaipc! Axed 541324 on tile
,bnulc-fiddu . - \V
, Exaggeratid Greenback:.—-Ten\dolinr Uni
tedSLates Treasury notgs, nMred‘firpm ones,
arenow in circulatign. Ifexnmiiled dous
ly-lhey betray [he daubinlg o'tigxze'vn paint
about. the figure work. Wutclg them‘ig‘logeb.
—-‘; 49‘. o-—_“J--- l
E‘Sendor Sprague has Eider-ed a $l,OOO
ring for Mik Chiba, bin intended brag.—
It has a single diglmond. Senator Spmgue
is young, good looking, smart, and is won-£1)
about three millions. Host: of Rhod’e Is~
land girls have ln vaiqfriecl to trap him.
”The Democratic [>Bng ia‘for pacema—
IG will hail' with satisfaction £139 ending of
the In, whenever $113! be dono'upon
the basis of a réuoration o! the Uiflon.—
But it will not: ooqsent. to a ”punion '0!
the States. ‘ Upon mi; platform it stands, ‘
'prgpared ton-cant every’ 3855111th toadro- ‘
mlepewa with a restored Uhfon. "‘ 1
fit’l‘bo Richmond, Va.., Enquirer says
that. the Confederate governmeqa will not
bé deterred'from the execution ofvthejtwo
Yankee gfi‘mfcers, Flynn and Sawyer. by the
aynounoemént that Gen. Lee and Captain
Winder ‘srefto be held In baggage- for them,
S6IIM iaj wotking man. Year! 880
ha myriad in St. Louis. resigned his situa
tion 111 the umy.ctumed~fnmgt. and drove
‘ h‘: own team into St. Louis with wpod.
#BO It}, more P” has beemuit
from the mimics in Lhe‘field to gun? can
scrifiu chain; the whole number of ofnncripu
obt‘sined. ‘ ' ’ « A..~ . -
' ‘fi-It in ‘.pleuanQ lo lgyar 00 liomotliing
wlgiph in frog from tu—gxpmpgiw cogniti
citpq fqr coinrfipu fire in thqtouegory.
" rug‘nmrr. .. _
omsym. m lahup I'o lKIll‘l’losl.)
The lollowjn opinioris in regxrd to 6x.
omptiona hue u promdgnm by Gulf
Joseph Holt,.J-dgo Adchuo Gamer
the "my: ‘
The Only Son of AF”! or'fnfinn Para; or Pa.
‘ rrants Eremptmru.
Opinion‘.—~'l‘he only sop of aged or infirm
parent. or parents is not ex’omptmnleu hi
parem. or parents nre dwpond‘nnt on M} ll
bor for their uupport. [the is in n condi—
tion‘ t 9 support and doesmppon them with
out his personal lubor l‘pr‘tlmt purpooefho
is subject to draft, became he is in a condi
tion“) perform ( military service. without
depriving bio-pnmvol'fim mpmn. am
Inw-deaigns to sesunjhem. Tin parents‘
need not be whol’ly dependent on the labor
01 their son for support. , If they urewso «10-s
punk-m. To’r the principal [unit of their uuyL ,
port. the right to o'xemplion arisen. .‘ I
‘a In case qfa Widow Imving Four Sons; ‘
o iniom— In the him at, a; widow. having‘t
{our ns, three of whom are already in the
mill ry aérvico, the fourth is exempt, pro
fit his moth?!- ia dependent on his labor
fu'r. support. ’ ~.
In we :5,” ofa 1m...” lim'nq m,5‘....,v,;,..-Qf
”whom is Elihu/fin (7w ~{I(l!llry Service.
“‘ln the or" illv Iv
..:...1. an»
""‘t' 883
4%.. nwy ..y x, p. n 1m! hlmr
mr their summrt, -c.mnnt. finr-rnlpro. oluim.’
exmnplion “347 m 1210 dun-fl. 'l‘hc- czmn'ua
lmrd mm, and ix‘uuhl pnflumly‘luwe ban-n
l)l‘6\'illt'J. Mr. lan it I’m-n Inn-wen. I! ll».
‘hmwu-r. the. hyw an it x‘s and nut as it any ‘
be mlrpnned it uugm p be, that. is to“! use
enfnrrml. ‘- ‘ ’ , 3;
.1' Fm/u'r [Ln-(7L7 qu‘ NWT}; Turn qf "7mm- ’
_ 11mm [lfwl In;l[.r AIII/ulun/ .S'z‘n'fn'; «llau‘g/ '
‘. .L/n/ up In/irnl' I'mmli Iflrciluy wine/I 15/ TIM
- 'B4er may Ir: Iztm‘mpt. ‘ ‘
V sprm.
u'ip lime,
()y‘iniun.—Jn' Hm rum of,“ (Minor huving ,5
frmrmn» mm M whom hm‘c I'm-<1 in’Lbu ..
miiilafiy “PHHI-n? H 'm-um/‘(vlmr lint llu- lo
mmnmg [nu m-v lip! erl-mlvl hum draft.—
H'fnro -:w.‘P,l-xmnp}-fihx cam lm («Hum-1H; ‘
[mm [in ~l|n\\'u 111:“ Mm falht-‘r has nul» lunl ‘
(“m w”: In ‘l’lu-nmilunry m'rviro. I" (ha iinw'
1~ wnm n. Oahu-as [nigh-L we“ luv» gc- ‘
"PW" Hm (hmmf two mm in lfho lin'il M.-
rquivnlvnl/(n [ln-i: continuance in “Mink“
Vict‘, mni’lhurz-fifrc aucuring Um uhm pnh
jlvg’m t 6 their fJuIILy; but. ‘lhis lmu no} hum ..
dong}. Tu htfl‘l otherwuot woul‘l [not kg
\i‘ixtétph-{nliom but legislation. 3,
'1!" 1110 um; qf ngt-d untll infirm [up-uh.
'lmimg (um Nina suiju (a mxlitmy duty, ‘
(in: fu'i‘hc-r. or If lm:bh «loud. the mall!"
mu): o‘locl “"‘Wh H! “mm >imil h» vxc-mpt
‘l'Jw'nght ufl‘qmu l~.\r‘ln]-(h.~mduv-< nul w-L
H’mn ”h- IV.”R‘Hl‘h"u\'lu‘ll‘ll‘n'l'l‘ (11l Luv lulmr
ul' Hn-ir saw flu‘ ~prp-Irt. Thu Luv doc;
In"! wmt-mflub any such :lppuwh-m-o.
o 51'. Lm 1:, August. (Au—Mnjgr. 'l'.-|,[,g.-r_ Y
_chivf u!" (nu P-jf Department uflhn Dmiru'l. ‘
Gt the Mw.~~u-pl. In” {Lust‘n-muvwl n «In. ‘g
lurmh‘slnlmg that the su-nnivr {full}, v'vhiuhu‘ i
lrl’l lubre 'lur V'lt‘knl-wg un‘Momluy mlcn- i
jug. n.» bunwd n tar-x mxlrs below Cum)- f
1;»! n‘gint. 'l'ln In) A hull cal'g'm'urc rullrc- ;
1y C()n~fllxlI-3l,'anll M ‘j. Urn-amp“, pnynpiu E
[em a'm‘d three aciouk‘s. were lost. Spur-l ;
other payln.m(om’vhroum In) brunt/g ’urmy’, !
t-.~«:api-d only With llm clolllua on Um” ,
[l‘m Ls. '2'wu3nilliunnnd ,n flu“ dnllurs m. ,3
gnyornmum ’lumla \veru copumunl. It u; 1
llming‘ul that many lives who last, 'hpt tho;
übuvu ury the only partlgulars rucciwd.
>y Alia Yuk, .Iqyusl's.—-.'l‘horinlcnws cnmw
lu-lure cup” lu-«lny. :ulll bmuu [ilk-cu \vrrrw
puiflpunud..iuciuduu; 11ml, of tin: munlur
t‘l‘a oh; uc-c-i‘a, Ihmugh dilalory Immuns ml 1
the put, «A counsel. Two at the nulrru ‘
m-re belllvllugd for rubbvry-oub to five ‘
and- le gym ‘to [on jam» in mm» ..‘
l‘uaon. A ’ . . ~ ' ‘
lf'vn'lziugldv. Aug/wt 3.-—~Paym Lsteri; will:
19!}VB Wmhingwn_to-morrow to pay‘ the
Army Ofrl'llc Vibtpnmc Lu cm: 13!. ofJu‘ly. ,
. ___—”4-» "‘......” .. .. ,
" J'lwJL‘lpowl qf llm/cerE-fl‘hg Washington.
'porréspondllfl of LhékahAlnys n. in now '
'kgowix hunt. lho‘ delay in die removal of
him). Hooker ‘from the Potomac was 0090;.
‘ sioned‘by the desire that Gun. limkuhould. _‘ K
Luke his placé. £With thin View Genenl ‘
t’fghklinwuden to Loni-5:11:40 relieve F "
Geherul Bank, but‘ the‘movcmcnt of the ‘.
army intb Mulrylnn wgu too sudden for
the consummapion o [the project prekug Io ‘"
the uflnir m (#euys nrgfiince which it inf:
understood than £ll idenpf p‘laqéngllauk’a ‘
in command 9! tho Army of £11629me
has been‘ nhaddohe . '
1 ¢
1 ‘
- x
i 1
’ 1
~, I
sessment of. three 1;
made upox} filmy
Iljarford counjty, k
for two barns 4nd 0!
were by [ml-sob: whi
to the outrngolu a '
fedenl offigerJ} frpm.
‘\X,fi’pnpt§ini}§riason big 'll“er rewind ‘
the present a; 5n gold "Monitor,” twentys"
fofi; ipchel in : ength, outing seven thou» ‘
and datum. ,1: bu - minnturo callibpo .‘.}
uchment whiéh plum {o'_ur 'tuneo, 060 ON
them i nationil air of Switurlhndffifieu t
3011': nsfive place. ‘
“In Washington. the other day, thih‘
teen pickpogkels Ind uneven wen marched
through ~Pen'nnyhanis Avenue, expound/00.x
public View, and finally plloed (hr the can
b'oand may. All ‘to the ma. of tho ;
“Rogues’ March.” » . _-‘ a k,
" “A Washington disrtclnyl flu‘ th. ~
con-cripta Ira to 'bS pp: into tho field fl *
once to fill up the old regiments. ‘
. “*There in mufih liokneu in Wuhi-h
ton, resulting, it. is supposed. {mm tho
banging of dead animals.
, , <———«-..—-~—-~
‘B'Maiot General Sch’enck up! unlit
members of his family are now‘spendi‘hi}
the season at Cape my. _ ‘ , ‘s 1
' www.—
. _Tn: “Gnu-wu."—-The amount of ‘
“If, not» nor in circuit-€ 69 in within a In;
lion «£66: hundxed mung” of (hung - -
.ck his ordered An uh
nousand dollars to ho
ii disloynl citizens pf
‘.uxyln‘nd, it; payment
aer’ property destroyed
D, h is alleged. reborlod
9am of prenming dis
mforciug the draft.