101 El): (Edmnilirr. OUR FLACI, 1." 1. until, zmmu Arm ~rm? GETTY nnl‘luz. I'A 110 mm? 1.31 m rug-AIM pilopnmc am]; mi ‘ ‘ For (lover-o", Immune: w. wow) 9" Luznun mum'tv. . F 01" Judge of Ihl',~lp"llf anN. WALTER IL L( ‘ - dilATllclthY cm .\"u . : 5 WHEN OF THE EDI '. After nnothey two ,wepks’ l‘vig McHepry, me m‘litéi oflhe am. _oTl_"home again” sttm-dayi.l ’ ’_ lfitlgorflges Evidently 50k lipon‘ . unbdut. “playmlnut.” " Wg'wga V'wcll treated—+oll hedlh, and flu: buoyancy of: a mud. nlwnys uccompnny a con —~Jnnocence, ~ : qu lain. (#ll, like the first, poth'mg. , But we nynlg ndiapo fialup, 99d rhéeh wed‘infu tow jog gs in our imprisonment—ll‘ ‘ that our fifst afronl was most fife fieroml moat. ('zummu', t gho base n'nd impatient ink-Sgt} ' Matted parsonu! and political‘ iMcCOSMVG Im’. ‘We’luu'b inf pipn‘, in black and- whiw, LIV.) 1' 1.191100 of his guiilt, . ' ' More {mm}. " 11M11=151:11C1 SIGNIFICANT! {’M‘ may not. be unintprvs [qien'ds o’fjustiL-e to be infor'm min" McConuughy is nnw 94 military circfes my “mum ad! “on. Couch! J , fi'l‘he ’.mmpilcr 115$! for weeks teen under: ghe manu E. Daub; lle pAerfdx-med hisw had In trust‘ tlmt not one o he“! been dissatisfied. Certain 1951 nothing, so fin" as—me pap ed', by ournbs’enco. < " ‘ ‘ QThe nttention of the p ; 94 .lo_ a senies of splendid = .Vicwa ofnll the promiu‘ép'l; poi upon the‘BatLle-field of Getty pourse of preparation by Ty I'hotogrnplaeru, of this place. , made on platm; 8 by 10 inche "Judy for Exhibition. and Sn fime, ihefi- t‘gur citizens am [ma an oppqrtunily no judg ' ”w findélé'anoa,‘ l ca 9' ”J--- _ . fizdeo. F. Knlhfleisc'h HM Ital-é, nL’Liu’bld stand. on the I New gmds-rgood goods—n then-{4ss oldzpricesl Cull. . usi-The dr‘afled x'ne‘u or 1; 9rd9tql torendezvoys at Pins, and: Philadelphin. From the 4:lan 'ditegflgJ‘o the army 0 to fill up ghéh old regiments. .to be 'venxhut “(110 time; a IQ mega“ foi- lenviyg hom ‘ whether to: my the $3OO chi Thus fag, however, the numbl ”polarities spams to be comm: {pf shout. and half get off by pr‘ furnishing\aubstitutea, fourth no exempt on cheap; in ilil . ' d. “R Via—4o'» fi'l’hé‘smte Treasurer; ‘ has completed the armn'gc pyhxent of the inlcrcst on 1 1 in coin M: the Furmers’ Bank, 1 _7 . I .Ilnd also for. the redempho .'[nilliou 0d dollxrs of the p:‘ )ybjic defit. y The. principal :‘egxilitenpler notes: The n 1110 . 99 lan psidjis was-359,000. 1] ‘ MEG firni of A. J. Gloss flykblishers and ediloxs of The ‘ .dissolvpd by thg withdmwdl Grund._ Thg paper will be p after by Means. .A. ‘J. Glr fiYm. H. Welsh. Th_e Ago I' ‘ppdpught to be liberally su H'b disturbnizce occurre 01mg. 611‘ Tuebday last, in Hip (suing 33053711 by some i pfl flag on which were inscril Yullaudiglmm and Pugh. , I l haste}: by glib crowd assgmb ' wing ghp mt. find all (he’sr . FY Fags attested and path] t m pygvem further dislurbun or p? the flag was presenbgd _fiy ~the citizep’a. i =lll ‘ an my beehriétjamr 79nd (Shin-ch members to 0: joy: P‘popfifirhepds," “mi yum," “52025.11,” &c., and" - Abungban‘ished.‘ m “born? if», we congess to having misuken input: View: of w‘ ~ MGhrisfiienu . fiA'telpgnm from San " (.h'o American minister an i 3.th fwiili'u, hastily left.‘ i about the 418th of June, up businition. They first too 1 Unjted‘Butel Iteaxiaer Wy ~‘ poqu-ently removedfto Yok : While Md“. Hopki I 4‘ $l., an; n. Get-tysbur ygqugd sMpr,his neigh ”d 9! 13min“; shpc}: ” eigb MEWS 9° 135.“- . ‘ W . Run-d Budw.—'}‘hg ‘ )Bank mined bp‘sinoes op Igp-‘nqtrsufl‘ered any I‘.-' )Im Iriv-a’ioynll‘ns money ”fighgw ables. having} ”Nadia 'plm oh: i xii-um xwppi 1; Min op‘for trade, hpving Pmbjp with .Gep. Eran]. . A who 9151Mioixeu m ”‘9 “Vb“! Mk? in” g; ’0’?” E'fu i‘\“ gobbling “‘o' Theenem .hu inznded the sovereign State, of Peunsylriniev-furmn tun-e~ becn «Insulated, litmus pilhiged‘, growing cropl destroyed, hone: stolen and lndignitin endured. . Alham tlo of three dlya': duration has been fought, the'; ‘rqemy has tigen‘expclh-ul, and we no relenséd‘ frail thg‘alm-m ind t‘enr of'nxninvuding.trm_r., To the Army or the Volume for Lhwming the purpose and stopping the onlnrd march of the" enemy the people of Pennsylvania nre'sincerelyj thankful. itnt'the question arlau to whom: llmll We Much the blame ‘ipr all we have 'on: 'dured Ind lust? N‘otté’thnt army, for they ‘ can-e to the Metro of the State in forced ‘ mun-hen ping! saved the flute n-grenter harmil inl'nm and the citizens greu'ter lots. Not to ‘ the citizens of this goont‘old Commonwealth, ‘ fofutjte’y rappon'detl (o the call of thu Suite ;Exoculi\‘c at thé‘fi-let‘erith' hour. Not to the ; State'ef Pennsylvania, for nhe-hnq give}: $200,» i7OO mm in austrer to the reqhisitions 9f thc‘ ‘ 'l’rcaident. ~Whn then is’itu blimp? First, we ‘ condemn the enemy, who has been the im medinte eummiu-tiou agent; and secundly; we i hlnme thorie “how dutLit \vhs to protect the Iguuntry {run the run-gas oi the cnentyéaur inhuman uy,‘uta—-thu ndnnininlratt‘i‘tfh pt \Vnsh ington. l'iiitruflml'hy the people with the it'd niiuiatmtiuu ut' the gut-er"lttbnt-I‘Clyin'g upon ‘ their Ellpptédcd Wisdom tut-i the rtrength which hits been granted to nnd assumed by thunk; ‘thu .l'ra.3iuk‘ttt ufml his cabinet have failed in nll'nrtlinp; ixattJiq protection 'needegi, null lune, pernntted in? Slate of Penna) Lvun-iu to be dis:— gmcetl hy Ithc (it-selnting intnsion 0‘ the’relnil army. lt is indeed hut njust complaint, 'anh‘ i lnnwntnhle truth, that alter gr? to the “ powers that be" all they ash‘ed finer: and mom-y: in credit and material, in cm tiring" prtvntmns; foregoing the enmfot‘ts of lite, [un_\'-‘ ing high p‘ricce iot- nrtirles éfnll‘ kinds, heavy; taxes, pet mining without resistantc uncut’istih tutiunul emu-minus, obliterati‘nit‘ tilanSt. Q 1". ! htnte lines, inl'rtngrixmntt input: the rights and; l hilt-mos oi the cilia-n “mum-fluted hy‘law and} ‘ ”magnum.“ to rorrret rr-puhlieh‘n gorermheht,‘l many in ytilld i-ountx and in the adjoining: counties. 'lmie [0.3. ninxflfl their all, um] that? ; thrnuph the itmhility‘fimi miaiual‘mgeiiu‘nt‘ofx the nth-rd ut‘er us. They "will our g‘nsurhi nml shotihl-recoiie it how :thiujurt-d and out-I mgnl people. 5 V’ ‘ /CEICI3 _ m ' ARD, on", . I wnm, 11l n" to [you ' er Vrelump 6 military his“‘farce" nygd good i'rjhrwhich ioumess of testified in erytofmmg ‘ds écmfort {l|} lhat‘wx‘xs, likely. and a result of I s of a cold enemy—h. our poflwk umniug gvi- WTo‘Vbe hiyui to the Government. or lhc‘ ‘ i'nilud Slide: is tiw dhiy of ever); citizen, lblld‘ ‘ to preserve thti Nonstimiinn which Qua: \‘r—‘ tnllty m tiieiinwrjnmcnt in nllits l)rb§:ialon9, is 1 the s“drii ()biipntiiin oi“ the public éoflanis' who may administer thesame. The acts bftthe; political jpaity in- power may be treasén‘ “Hi the United Statics Gorernmcnthmid «thg Gum:r crumcm (iiiicinlércven from the 16ft} :_‘C_hi.ef‘ ercutivg dow‘n to the mcrcstyhibquey or him; may, in the furthcrun‘cc ol' rpoficy unwiselfl udoptcd, ‘g'n’e aid and ccmiorl. to the enemy in ' an cmrrficncy like the present- .‘ . I I Thut the proclamation .ofz'l'reedgm to the. shu'es— the qugctmeutpi the coirfiscntivn hill—J the auspemion of the writ. minim}: cumin-ri suppresiion of th. program! 01 speéch‘qn'isg‘ ion of the SluiL‘ nl' Virginia—llnd; we wet-rel; Encxu-l) adding, may act willie lust i‘ungrr-ss—a' wrrl- not in uwfurmuy mm thc'lT-iustilimmt,'s but in grass \iumtiun thqri'oi’. nyeurls im ingu- I mun.’ IL is minimal 1.1 m" friends ufilhbo tiff-3“ {crunt 'i/iils in their spuéehvs: And yet tlint‘ sacred instrumaaiit which mnkes :Presidcht§,i Cuufirosscs, Supijma '.Cburtshnnd: the ‘y/h’olie: machinery of gufi-rnfiue‘nt, which is [*o igrimti organic Lu}? of tile pauutry, diiru si‘urcdiy he; heighup inits xuah‘uii‘jnrm» by its»con:.s_titu-,i tium’d {rigs-I’l3, us th_e éuido fu:r our “ddsé‘fl‘n rrolog‘lmu fur its fricuiis, “ichbat th'e immis tion of dlalOyLliij'. ' _‘ “ \~ " ‘‘l The Union of the States as they werg iicf'ni'ey this cruel war, undcr the Constitution if: fir. iw' 'with pczxce restored, burs respected; liberties“ preservgd, press free, éfievqcli free, and um “.hole' United Siam re-unitcd in the bonds '9l:] prosperity and happiness, ought tb‘be‘ihi'kt-i} \eut pm) er ofei'ery loyal citiZen. ‘ ' n; ing to the l'thnl. “Cup .nk§n of in "£ch aid" to I In last five ‘-m‘enl of M‘. rk faithfully: \ our phtroné ‘y they have r is concorn~ die is direct ' hotographic ls of interest. burg, now in )n Brotheré, ‘haviewsam , and “ill b'e e in 35111"! othern'will , of {hair w- I gnjn opened lublic Square. jd plank] of :nis Stnto mo , urg, Curliule Ice they {me the Potomac Thay seem ler the draft, or consider J GOVERNOR CURTIN RE-N QMIN ATE-12;) 'l‘he‘Abolition _State_ Conrention', which; assembled on Wednmdai M Pittsburg. re«‘ nominated Governor Curtin on the fll‘sfltl,k ballot. by a‘ decided vote. This result wed ‘ long since a foregone conclusion, en'd‘w'afl accomplished in spite of plie efi‘ort‘siof thel Administration “organ” in thisci'ty £sBqu cnre his defeat. The Dcmoéracy (legion want u \Raker opponent than Goierhbti Curtin. _llis official c’omluéb du‘riyg fii‘s; term ofollice is marked wiéh nothin‘g 1 "Since heaving Ch'nrleetnn baryon! Ila-ml thit. a number ofthe officers { the.iron‘ cl‘dn have been obliged to rgtiiilin nonse- Tune; of lhp exhausting chm .r of their ull9Bou"b(£l'd, slid their 1:154?! are nup plml by otl rs. ‘ ‘ . . I "There but been another sari?!» Incident on .board I w iron~¢lnd Nab nt. They were condensing wnter, and 35‘ th'e Water had b'eett rather brackish. mach pnin’s wins lake'ni to remedy the evil. The (diet-r 0T thepdecla requested the captain pf the hold to an 3 ’.him a little to dry. A's theta-n}; m unshrewul,‘the “cam and ,‘b‘oilirlg wa ter rushed gut, icnldiug soverullof the men terribly. ‘in some’ instances cnusiln'g'the skin wpoel all? They were skillful‘y Intended by Dr. SLedman. and are all on nrd} of the Vermbnt aL‘l‘orL Royal, and lkely to re. cover. I ' -- f'lJurihg ‘tho recent attack I Wigner; the Nahum. had’ two. Crate hex} «lacks while the‘ alenl sel'wu élreued three inches b the fort." ‘ rnsmnknoss TO ATTAPK '0! Ah artillery oflivor writes t ‘ Truu‘llcr, under [auto 0! Morn-i 4 29th :' “Unr farm 1s warking d ‘ erecting new batteries and m‘ inch nmrt'flm and gum. \Vn h poimdfiml mm- Elm—pound! mount ; one! 2(MJ-pound‘ l’arro mournu‘d. and ircgtenhw UH“. fire-«l4m. FOrt Suml'mt. jml to g-t tho rnnzv'. Um: {shot hi: the corner of the- mrafugt and made; the briéks fly. Uur pick ls am’ With in [our hundrwl yards bf Fort. Ragnar. But they have‘to look out for the Talia] sham}- shooLe-ws. The water wso bad Jhatwhial‘y is ,sefied out. to the troops 1h lem Lime: 4: day." - , ‘ IMPORTANT ORDER OF T: . ' . DENT. 1 Wmhzmnurs'r;Al-.Jm. ' ‘ Urru s. \VAMUNQTQN. ‘ General (Itch/21“ .\..J. fil—Tl order of ‘he President. is pulpli‘ _informnlion and government cancel; . lixvrcnvn } WASHINGTON. l). 0.. Jul ' -It is the duty of every gown] neut to give protection to its citszvns’, of w! ulovvl' 0131“. (‘nlbr ur condition; mid esuvci‘ Hy to thaw who fire duly organized uusol hers in the public s'ex'vico-f The law 0:31;", nus and the Dsnjuas‘nml customs 01 “"413st un-ienl on by I ivihzed pom-rd: permit. no'dis motion as {u olifr'in the treatment 0! pris news of w.“- .a public mwmiesL-to‘sell or emhwe any bbnpturcd pen-sun, on account f his color, find for no MIL-use against the laws waay, is u relnpsn into haiburism‘ Ind‘ aférimu rguiusc the clyi‘ximti‘nn of!b_01l '9. 1 The government. of the U uLetletntes {wm give the sum: prulectiun no a“ iu‘ bul ldlers; and if the-enemy fllm’l selfior on blave any QI‘B because of [us elm, Ihe of fe‘nse §l|all~be unished by rem iauoliiupon the enemy’s prn‘onors in our p weSSiuhn. 11. is there )ré érdored H. L fur ydldjer, of the pita} States M lpd i 1 lionebf [he law‘sfifwur 2} gel/c] 0le:- bu executed ; and fur PVgry o’n‘ anal; the cuemy‘m snld ium Mun-1*“. tel (hu‘ .\lmH Iw 1114\1‘d ul hard yubxuu )nulnllc mnkm uffihmminuml :t'aue-l unul the nth“: 41’3”qu rah-180‘ mull the tx'outmcu'. mm {on pximnefz M x, - ‘ Amu‘tLu ILL“? By order of the Socrntvury nitwui-z ~ 1;. D. To «an; , Assistant .\djutuq‘c (jgii The Drarl‘l'n 111nkcc’uml.— : mm, min learn iher‘e will he hut fvw ’nnk‘ scripts" in flm mnks orurdm, )U a} ‘he raised. 'l‘heiAholition cle amt 1‘ mm-h in fswor of war as lung . fin shxps nn- rl‘uhn-ed and [he lmu w fut Dx-mm'mls—hut lhvy have a; nm-re {mu-{or their ow‘n pux‘mrix..\\‘lfimu i them to :wcid volunteering ‘ and to rg_lfa»ny frmlg'cninst-ri‘ nish suhstilujes.‘ » A Cantu-cm m'erts that iu'fhut smm nut Inn (91111: ol‘the “Help will be {on}. 150 mm. one thousmd ”loyal” honiéls In? dnuhl) abacomhu'! day, and tlxoumnda'hnvc left .‘ in the same way. They bra peace, hut. they have no atm’ “ht. ~'l‘hé lbslnn Hem/«I says ‘o{ the 54 morph-om Ix‘aum Vineyard who have ptesontet to the Board of linrdllmenc in 51 have r‘éccived exemption hnvfe paid $.iUO. and one! has pl Out. of 54 Conscriplgmfil exq \ij. Dmvir‘ LibVflW.—~A ebnf-sponrlent of. thai‘ro'vidouc'e Journal. wdti u fwim Mix» sissippi, givesfihe folluwinfi: mf-uouuL-of’lhqs disdnvury of Jeff. hm in! Library: ‘ ' “Thu quks wvre (llsybverefll only hyac cident.‘ The , were pm updn Ln'gPl strcng Uhxen‘, homulywilh Ina/fps uf'nu'n. 'dhe con tents of the-fie bergy Wn'le $0: u hrotgln. to light, and hunm‘ufls of grep ies u cured.‘ whiie'volumhswlyiund In eve y ‘vairiet of: lich Mmhguf—p évtry. history ,sciexiée.{}:e gil'm 6ffl'lelldh/KI‘UIH,QVPI'Y [M t. of tile Uni" '[ ted,StuLc-s, Uflngnessimml do uments null‘ statistics, p‘lj/vna and polllioJ iott'm's nmll le_lier-boo|?, into which wer copiied the: corral-om ence‘ of years: w: Men {in [the semwhng band of their form r posseszyor; in fact/everything that. exist on wiper of gnaw-It private value to I]: rebe’ I’resi-r glen“ lay heaped'hmu the flmFin ope hugel pilé. over which the soldiexs walk 4! with: ‘dn‘rfiy tbeh‘or‘which they tosséd Littler and thither, as tlfey appeared to x: of mqne or less vah’xe us’trophies of thpir ”1&4 owner. ’l‘helxbrary 'Wss aecreted‘jn th hbuseolliy. (fioxuw‘ho was foxmérly a. blswardj of Mr. Dung." J 3 ‘ " A'dnlc Deed (3f 41 011/me Prid! Riwrfrdéd.— During lbs reéent riots in N+2w Y rk, the Rev. Matthew Nicol. 3. Rd an Catholic priest. in :tbat. city, by his term} dfl'om saved from dcsgrucliou at thq him ‘3 oi the mob an entire block of buildi gs on Thin] avenue. béMeen ~lsle and. 1h Ina-eggs”— 'J‘haoccupants ofthe dwelli gs tlgus‘pre served met qn Mnnday we inglqat, aqd presented [Father Nicot Wit )9 ‘.huidsome came. a beautiful writing dealtl and Flying», and n luxurious my chair: he. p menta tion address on the owssionjfiVhlvipfi‘beon made by the Rev. Hepry Brantley, q ptiu minister, who ‘occupies one éf the. héusbs saved from : violence of th. mob. ‘, . - A New Instrumentqf Dutmtiunu-s‘l-In the nkirmishmg which preceded L‘Le eqcuatiou of Jucksqh by Johnston, thq Confederates used an 9Xploai‘ve musket. bay of the moat déécructive character. The” balJ‘A'ue of the Minie pattern, sixtymiu:h calibr'o,’ hol lo‘w. and tilled with‘fulmin ‘iug 'powdar, oovered at the bane thh I. can). Qn utrik ing any objeqv. they explode with mtetrible efl’ect. .Oue of these terribladmlileh struck one of the Federal soldlers in‘the Mg, shstr tering the bone Into nineteen‘ pigcep. The efl'ect of the wound‘ of a simple Mi’nie ball is always oonsidpred ofa. dgnfi‘erous chime te‘r, but ghe new ball sbbve described is ‘tively barbarous. The new balls aim of Amlisb ialbrication._and have been recently furniifled w Johnston's army; = j mve gm.- valoumd “Afriéaix ml if nnyj 0 [Saint of ‘ oughq to t). it’d 3 . \t a a 9; ; -_ —--—A—.-.——~r;—-§‘ , Thu”: W. the Mm!—Tbe_hghn Ga uue pertinent], asks, if Demécratic papers u-e fun of treason. and or enmity to the sol< diam, why don't. the B 1303: Rapuhlfie’ab nu thoq’ties let. the Inkliers 336 than)? The brave fellows wouldfiarely vote Against the gnu-Ly whose journ s inculcate inch. doc— rinu. In fact, It is because Democratic apex-a arqtrue to the Constitution and the {imam and friendly to the sgldzgr, that; thgy urn kept. out. of‘ the lines ofhmp army... Truffle! ‘ ; ’ 7 #6Oll. an.S‘;dl§lea huluaarl‘ meow. and from his woundl. wd‘on tu'rdny geek guvoadinneryu-tyin New or‘k.‘ ' LOCAL DEPARTMENT. mu: mun—"m lollowin’g Tnl-leexhibils 1‘ “no number of mm enrolled in thin Coast“. Sioux! Dinrict, gm: we excepl'ron of Franklin cunnty,tba Roll in that county ngghhqipg Boon completed: . _ ‘ ‘l‘ounl'ws. lot 013". 2d Class. Total. Fulton, 149 ‘ 34‘.’ 1091; Hedlord,, , 2493 ' 1038 35;“; Somerset, ‘ 2°59 . 1951' ‘ 3113 A dams, ‘ .343 . 1095 ' 3338 Franklin (0.1,) $OOO ’ 1800 . 4300 f . ~.... ,—— ___ . 10249 ' ~ 15.175 Total, 'Tuking‘ line-ale: county, (a‘Congr-essional mfiricinjni' which 10,409 lat class mm: were enrolled and: 3,129 drafted, M n b'uis, the gum. béf to be drhhed in this Districtlwill be about 3.1140, ofl Which mimber _Jhis count; wil! ”be cz‘illl'd npofiifo; {them 00;? men: , ‘ i . iThc acturql‘l qudm nf Pelnnsylinnia is’ 523300; : ciclnsiye of tho fifty per cgntum to belpnfledf‘ 'and the uctiml Bummer inen to he futni‘sbefi by encli Gongrcssi District, in’ n (mg-duh 0:):21'. 2000, or on: 3000 la be dmhefijucludiag 1h: Imy pp: cenlumflmficd to make hp ‘fur ithuse {:xempted; , ‘ ~ 1 ufion‘ Fort hols ‘peué— of the’ ves shot: fr'om sum'zlz. ‘he “'ostnn damlL‘July _v and} night mntilig W vo liq}: 100'- Farm!!! to is already shots‘, were ' “rm: wprnED.—Ty.e runaway; hmir‘in‘l np , p‘roxinmtcs gof; lho_~nunfl3cr.- of noundgd mun 2.xfho have Men sent 011' from the hqsfiilnls‘fn knpd around tb§s- plnccuisjfly'nis'hcd by-Uul. i;§llunmn,'ooqlnmndnnt ofVLhe Pun: f '3 . 1 Union wdunded,...................._.....‘.......:1‘E.',061 Imm W , ~u,197 ‘ [ln on cofivhescenu and slr:\gglera,...2g. 1,437 { j;'X‘l.e.§l|lalgl'yer.of Vopnded slill remaining m, | tlné‘Gcknc-mlllospimlknear town, is: ' f _ ' . niun woundeq, lobe] “‘ ‘ i There nru’ s'lill many wounded in tbé differ; 07?“ hospiruh} in the heiglxhorhqod not i‘ucluded if; the übm g estimates, most of whom an: rebels. 1 THE nA'r'TLE new (11“ Gmwstsijnn._ A project hrs been started 14) Gum-mg}: Gut-tin Fur the purufhuse (of some len_ or twenty Licrgs; (if the gloribus hnnlc fi‘eld of Gettyshqrg “a q'omutery ’er the )wroes who ‘t‘here laid down} ‘thuir livc3_}hnt the nation might. live. Thisg licumiful isles. we hupe will he fuliy t-ur'ripdi; dut, including". spec'ml dhision of thq field to: {he sol'd'u-rs: ‘ufl euch Stu}? C‘UJAHCL'M'I! \vilh iln’n u:rm_v of'thé Uuign, 13ml 3 xm'liunul o‘hulisk, . \i'ilh Hm mum-s engrave-«l «mini it. 01' o'oer rI-gl‘uient, nhd with h bunk inside cbuluiuihg‘ the mime, ISlut», ,rcgililcut und cmnpuuy at" Exqr'y soldier in (has; thm‘g- xl-Iys' battles nnd' in the 'outigido inbidemhl opamlluus. Thcru, \k‘ould he up diificully‘iu ruiningfluxnplu fuxids‘. fur the Hung'use. Eight girlicr smm _hM‘c M- I {may uuiled with Pennsylvania in {Lia lwixjtc‘... -' , fll~~———.~+~.~g~. L IE PRESI- E'NERMIS ‘ ulylfl. } e 1 fullqwxn: lmd I'm tha of all con- ANSION. an, Lilli: SELEUTv‘SICUOULi—Uu 11.21711: ('1! August Mr. R. .\. Lyttle will open a lack-ct. SL‘h‘OU-l thd brick sqhool room on High 515001, in' place. lThe: public schouls hug“ DBL-q purxtfrily‘t quSPendcd in coun-quencc suhuol builéling being occupied as 2:5 This ’at'nte ‘dFalfJirs umy cuntinue s every n vial:- ‘l‘ \ilfl” 'ngd by lu-l .\n}- uu Hm )I lilbnl' ‘cvoiw and Mr. Lyule has finnHy guns'eulu to open It lsfllu‘ul (If this ’chmacxur. “is l m; willh'u 1’ (fun:; $3.00 :10 5100' pgr quarter I‘or‘ further jJnmiculgrs see his Cirt‘lllflrro ”a ,l‘".,i§ tru' I “cll’knmui us" n‘Tg-nuhcr to ighfmffil‘uwm mundmiou.“ bur hands. , “ ‘ L i A InsizéiwzcraxTF‘ ten-I|:(‘npiit-EM dis-u sohui in was” is 311 i c ciallruLgvémiuer-r u'ud: Adisimethr, and' will clfi'Q-txnwy clnwvlitrme nnd' dcslroiy the 1' Meat 3mm: H '{lLu‘P-l uuder'n‘bud in hosl imls and Sicijh‘qxla ifwilL "reader ‘lh9.mm phere true_ nud Junrs\ one~ i pbifmloi éulipp mi in bwu gnlfuns'ol “"1111;ij uhou: Khyber; prpporliun. ‘ ’ ch ‘ -‘erve ,hy Hem-ml 0111 ch No. Q, i that during the iimhlhs of Mug-11 .uid §lpl¢m lber, u-o /grpse \rili In; mum-m 1 (üblm‘v Jig”)- I hired frqm any of the burial«grounds/{tenuo-’ tcriea/or lvnltlo ground 01"Rc1t35hurg. Thy hunyh ‘of (he wbuhdml soidlic‘Fsflit}? .Lilc citi flztiyfs of lhis' community rvqui/gy” llih‘\;;\riugcut i/uufprcenageut of this grdqy. / 4, _ ‘L_\ 1 wflassnchnaeiu cluhbs that heli‘it‘l‘ngi‘l 1 mid Swain hymhrml other sol‘hcgi' wx-ro slain in. [he hunk of Gettysburgfinud prupusugsfin min; hil enduring‘n‘mnuhlcnt m their memory iii Clio.- pumelcrj’, \ihich furzhcd n p. 51". ol the bMIIu; 1 fluid. ‘3 «A l ,('1 f; I ”‘ lend all wn e con nut to 5 very ‘ 111ml gill by ‘ au‘m. ulucm 1 , t111:1, ll= (i9ll [6r fur~ u\ pmmr us— re H“ M 0:19.- ~rimil {.I. In nen '(Almli- if) n' single rw F 'l3 Id I "N’ 5651 . luck ”75¢ a 1 'k‘btanl file 1' lhpn elves I'cw edibrd litiy’el'a. two I:7de mptsi . WWII-name to’huur wh erliaing’qngnfimé 'it will he bhséh'cdv thin. Fran}: High, 1557]., hm ioldflxig Jnrgc “'.chhuusc in New ”Jun! 10 Mei-m. )fyvrs & \\'iurmun, whu “mun-nt— tL-r condufl. th.: budiuezs on nn culargcd svuic. far-Tho Emln‘Rl-ghuant, (orncrgmcx mm.) éwerg "gush-red duL “43:11.1“! ‘uflinl llafrislgurg qn Snmfnjnf “”1"; The College L‘Ulflwulf was in_ this roginmut. _ ' -_ ' " ' ’ wwégfc-um um )CHR. Juup “carom, gr Cm B, {3Bo* P. \'., has bye“ mmlo .‘h-jOl" ofilhu Regiment, mu bicut. Géorge £ll2;th is oiv Captain: quK. B. -‘ ‘CS I {E‘Thc drnfi‘ml men from this digtrict nhcr 'repdnipg‘for dun); M“ be spat lg 1111: rkznduzwus Jni CAL-fish. ‘ \ - ' = ~ ' : Ben-e golongl‘u! a. Trxns‘fiqgiment,.wha ‘wnéfmrrmll'y wounhed at. Gettysburg, etnied. ‘in his, Just ‘molm-ntsj‘go Major Grois, of the ‘Nlew umptbire Einhfix lhgt theirvregimenls were fippo'srd lo (em-Mother, nud'iflut he‘ recogfiiqed in Cbl.‘ CrossLlof the XEW‘Humpi Ishire rekimmt, an old fri‘qnd and compnqion iinAchicnninud Tenn m 6, nnd" ordered» his mien not. 165110033: him ;.buv.yb\olhwere wound ;ed at abouli the same tiaipc! Axed 541324 on tile ,bnulc-fiddu . - \V , Exaggeratid Greenback:.—-Ten\dolinr Uni tedSLates Treasury notgs, nMred‘firpm ones, arenow in circulatign. Ifexnmiiled dous ly-lhey betray [he daubinlg o'tigxze'vn paint about. the figure work. Wutclg them‘ig‘logeb. —-‘; 49‘. o-—_“J--- l E‘Sendor Sprague has Eider-ed a $l,OOO ring for Mik Chiba, bin intended brag.— It has a single diglmond. Senator Spmgue is young, good looking, smart, and is won-£1) about three millions. Host: of Rhod’e Is~ land girls have ln vaiqfriecl to trap him. ”The Democratic [>Bng ia‘for pacema— IG will hail' with satisfaction £139 ending of the In, whenever $113!..ch be dono'upon the basis of a réuoration o! the Uiflon.— But it will not: ooqsent. to a ”punion '0! the States. ‘ Upon mi; platform it stands, ‘ 'prgpared ton-cant every’ 3855111th toadro- ‘ mlepewa with a restored Uhfon. "‘ 1 fit’l‘bo Richmond, Va.., Enquirer says that. the Confederate governmeqa will not bé deterred'from the execution ofvthejtwo Yankee gfi‘mfcers, Flynn and Sawyer. by the aynounoemént that Gen. Lee and Captain Winder ‘srefto be held In baggage- for them, S6IIM iaj wotking man. Year! 880 ha myriad in St. Louis. resigned his situa tion 111 the umy.ctumed~fnmgt. and drove ‘ h‘: own team into St. Louis with wpod. #BO It}, more P” has beemuit from the mimics in Lhe‘field to gun? can scrifiu chain; the whole number of ofnncripu obt‘sined. ‘ ' ’ « A..~ . - ' ‘fi-It in ‘.pleuanQ lo lgyar 00 liomotliing wlgiph in frog from tu—gxpmpgiw cogniti citpq fqr coinrfipu fire in thqtouegory. " rug‘nmrr. .. _ omsym. m lahup I'o lKIll‘l’losl.) The lollowjn opinioris in regxrd to 6x. omptiona hue u promdgnm by Gulf Joseph Holt,.J-dgo Adchuo Gamer the "my: ‘ The Only Son of AF”! or'fnfinn Para; or Pa. ‘ rrants Eremptmru. Opinion‘.—~'l‘he only sop of aged or infirm parent. or parents is not ex’omptmnleu hi parem. or parents nre dwpond‘nnt on M} ll bor for their uupport. [the is in n condi— tion‘ t 9 support and doesmppon them with out his personal lubor l‘pr‘tlmt purpooefho is subject to draft, became he is in a condi tion“) perform ( military service. without depriving bio-pnmvol'fim mpmn. am Inw-deaigns to sesunjhem. Tin parents‘ need not be whol’ly dependent on the labor 01 their son for support. , If they urewso «10-s punk-m. To’r the principal [unit of their uuyL , port. the right to o'xemplion arisen. .‘ I ‘a In case qfa Widow Imving Four Sons; ‘ o iniom— In the him at, a; widow. having‘t {our ns, three of whom are already in the mill ry aérvico, the fourth is exempt, pro fit his moth?!- ia dependent on his labor fu'r. support. ’ ~. ME In we :5,” ofa 1m...” lim'nq m,5‘....,v,;,..-Qf ”whom is Elihu/fin (7w ~{I(l!llry Service. “‘ln the or" illv Iv Opinion ..:...1. an» ""‘t' 883 4%.. nwy ..y x, p. n 1m! hlmr mr their summrt, -c.mnnt. finr-rnlpro. oluim.’ exmnplion “347 m 1210 dun-fl. 'l‘hc- czmn'ua lmrd mm, and ix‘uuhl pnflumly‘luwe ban-n l)l‘6\'illt'J. Mr. lan it I’m-n Inn-wen. I! ll». ‘hmwu-r. the. hyw an it x‘s and nut as it any ‘ be mlrpnned it uugm p be, that. is to“! use enfnrrml. ‘- ‘ ’ , 3; .1' Fm/u'r [Ln-(7L7 qu‘ NWT}; Turn qf "7mm- ’ _ 11mm [lfwl In;l[.r AIII/ulun/ .S'z‘n'fn'; «llau‘g/ ' ‘. .L/n/ up In/irnl' I'mmli Iflrciluy wine/I 15/ TIM - 'B4er may Ir: Iztm‘mpt. ‘ ‘ V sprm. u'ip lime, ()y‘iniun.—Jn' Hm rum of,“ (Minor huving ,5 frmrmn» mm M whom hm‘c I'm-<1 in’Lbu .. miiilafiy “PHHI-n? H 'm-um/‘(vlmr lint llu- lo mmnmg [nu m-v lip! erl-mlvl hum draft.— H'fnro -:w.‘P,l-xmnp}-fihx cam lm («Hum-1H; ‘ [mm [in ~l|n\\'u 111:“ Mm falht-‘r has nul» lunl ‘ (“m w”: In ‘l’lu-nmilunry m'rviro. I" (ha iinw' 1~ wnm n. Oahu-as [nigh-L we“ luv» gc- ‘ "PW" Hm (hmmf two mm in lfho lin'il M.- rquivnlvnl/(n [ln-i: continuance in “Mink“ Vict‘, mni’lhurz-fifrc aucuring Um uhm pnh jlvg’m t 6 their fJuIILy; but. ‘lhis lmu no} hum .. dong}. Tu htfl‘l otherwuot woul‘l [not kg \i‘ixtétph-{nliom but legislation. 3, '1!" 1110 um; qf ngt-d untll infirm [up-uh. 'lmimg (um Nina suiju (a mxlitmy duty, ‘ (in: fu'i‘hc-r. or If lm:bh «loud. the mall!" mu): o‘locl “"‘Wh H! “mm >imil h» vxc-mpt ‘l'Jw'nght ufl‘qmu l~.\r‘ln]-(h.~mduv-< nul w-L H’mn ”h- IV.”R‘Hl‘h"u\'lu‘ll‘ll‘n'l'l‘ (11l Luv lulmr ul' Hn-ir saw flu‘ ~prp-Irt. Thu Luv doc; In"! wmt-mflub any such :lppuwh-m-o. AN’ACCIQEHT ON THE MISSISSIPPI." o 51'. Lm 1:, August. (Au—Mnjgr. 'l'.-|,[,g.-r_ Y _chivf u!" (nu P-jf Department uflhn Dmiru'l. ‘ Gt the Mw.~~u-pl. In” {Lust‘n-muvwl n «In. ‘g lurmh‘slnlmg that the su-nnivr {full}, v'vhiuhu‘ i lrl’l lubre 'lur V'lt‘knl-wg un‘Momluy mlcn- i jug. n.» bunwd n tar-x mxlrs below Cum)- f 1;»! n‘gint. 'l'ln In) A hull cal'g'm'urc rullrc- ; 1y C()n~fllxlI-3l,'anll M ‘j. Urn-amp“, pnynpiu E [em a'm‘d three aciouk‘s. were lost. Spur-l ; other payln.m(om’vhroum In) brunt/g ’urmy’, ! t-.~«:api-d only With llm clolllua on Um” , [l‘m Ls. '2'wu3nilliunnnd ,n flu“ dnllurs m. ,3 gnyornmum ’lumla \veru copumunl. It u; 1 llming‘ul that many lives who last, 'hpt tho; übuvu ury the only partlgulars rucciwd. >y Alia Yuk, .Iqyusl's.—-.'l‘horinlcnws cnmw lu-lure cup” lu-«lny. :ulll bmuu [ilk-cu \vrrrw puiflpunud..iuciuduu; 11ml, of tin: munlur t‘l‘a oh; uc-c-i‘a, Ihmugh dilalory Immuns ml 1 the put, «A counsel. Two at the nulrru ‘ m-re belllvllugd for rubbvry-oub to five ‘ and- le gym ‘to [on jam» in mm» ..‘ l‘uaon. A ’ . . ~ ' ‘ lf'vn'lziugldv. Aug/wt 3.-—~Paym Lsteri; will: 19!}VB Wmhingwn_to-morrow to pay‘ the Army Ofrl'llc Vibtpnmc Lu cm: 13!. ofJu‘ly. , . ___—”4-» "‘......” .. .. , " J'lwJL‘lpowl qf llm/cerE-fl‘hg Washington. 'porréspondllfl of LhékahAlnys n. in now ' 'kgowix hunt. lho‘ delay in die removal of him). Hooker ‘from the Potomac was 0090;. ‘ sioned‘by the desire that Gun. limkuhould. _‘ K Luke his placé. £With thin View Genenl ‘ t’fghklinwuden to Loni-5:11:40 relieve F " Geherul Bank, but‘ the‘movcmcnt of the ‘. army intb Mulrylnn wgu too sudden for the consummapion o [the project prekug Io ‘" the uflnir m (#euys nrgfiince which it inf: understood than £ll idenpf p‘laqéngllauk’a ‘ in command 9! tho Army of £11629me has been‘ nhaddohe . ' 1 ¢ 1 ‘ - x l i 1 ’ 1 | ~, I [S‘G’encraHSchex sessment of. three 1; made upox} filmy Iljarford counjty, k for two barns 4nd 0! were by [ml-sob: whi to the outrngolu a ' fedenl offigerJ} frpm. ‘\X,fi’pnpt§ini}§riason big 'll“er rewind ‘ the present a; 5n gold "Monitor,” twentys" fofi; ipchel in : ength, outing seven thou» ‘ and datum. ,1: bu - minnturo callibpo .‘.} uchment whiéh plum {o'_ur 'tuneo, 060 ON them i nationil air of Switurlhndffifieu t 3011': nsfive place. ‘ “In Washington. the other day, thih‘ teen pickpogkels Ind uneven wen marched through ~Pen'nnyhanis Avenue, expound/00.x public View, and finally plloed (hr the can b'oand may. All ‘to the ma. of tho ; “Rogues’ March.” » . _-‘ a k, " “A Washington disrtclnyl flu‘ th. ~ con-cripta Ira to 'bS pp: into tho field fl * once to fill up the old regiments. ‘ . “*There in mufih liokneu in Wuhi-h ton, resulting, it. is supposed. {mm tho banging of dead animals. , , <———«-..—-~—-~ ‘B'Maiot General Sch’enck up! unlit members of his family are now‘spendi‘hi} the season at Cape my. _ ‘ , ‘s 1 ' www.— . _Tn: “Gnu-wu."—-The amount of ‘ “If, not» nor in circuit-€ 69 in within a In; lion «£66: hundxed mung” of (hung - - 8 .ck his ordered An uh nousand dollars to ho ii disloynl citizens pf ‘.uxyln‘nd, it; payment aer’ property destroyed D, h is alleged. reborlod 9am of prenming dis mforciug the draft.