The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 10, 1863, Image 1

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~ The Colmnn is published awry Monday
morning. by Him!" J. Sunni” $1 75 per?
{IQ-um if paid strictly m AD‘ Axel—s 2 00_
pt: annum if not paid in‘qldvance. No;
lgbicription" discontinued, unless _u thel
opfiofi of the puhiigllgr, unfil tll'mges
m ptid. 1
‘lnvnflslnxn inserted m teusugl rues.
Jon Plunge don with games: Ind
W. .’ ‘. , J z
‘ Onto! in So'uth Baltimore treat. nequy
”petite Wumplerfif Tinning Fitablishljlbut
-}'Conru.n Panama Ornclf on the sign.
County Tress
EKNG frequently sollcltedJ Ih} mylell n,
a. cnndidnle for the me 10! COUNTY
EASUBER, lubjecc to me d+cui3n o: um
Dhocrnlic County Convention. Should I be
nominated and elected, I pledge ysbll ‘Lo dis
.chtrgo the duties or the olfice ilhl'ully and
‘prom‘ptly. . JACU TRUXEL.
; G'enylburg, April 27, 1863.? If:
County Treasul
‘2, .\‘COURAGED by mnpy Afi’xem
gel! M a candida? l‘or CUU
mm, M. thern‘exr. 'eléctién, subj}
'cillon of the Domot'rnlic Count.
ma’ild lbe so fortunate as to l
and ’elected, I pledge rig-golf w J
' 110“" o! the office faithfully andl
, lnoumu' I
‘ -,Get(ylburg, May 11, 1863. w
County Trees q
NCOUBAGED by many trien
self as a candidate for CUL‘ I
K 'R, M, the next. election, subjl
ciflon of the Democracicl Count
Should I he so fortunate nu lo
and elected, ['pledge myself to I
dulled of thegofiice ranwuny mndl
ls, [offer my
ect to the de
, Conveuxibn.
9e nominated
ischal’ge the
_ Jiiromptly.
Gettfihurg, May 4, 1863. 14:“
M» \ , I
- Register & Reco
At. the‘urgem solipitalion of
myself In I. ctmdldu'te- tnr REG
CURDER, suhjccf. to 159' dcdsio
cratu' t’qunty (‘unren‘imn -Cuu
abilityjo discharge the duties“!
need! 0? [he prufiln uf the :uuue,
self to fu‘ilhfnlly - dwanrge lh
pocß’etXhe profits if me people nr
to elect mo. R. FH"
Middleloivn, huh» l, 186;. {c
' Reglster & ‘Rsco
‘ T the mlicituuun 'wa nuvm-rr
A Agni" 011 - Inn-ell am a (nun.
Ingclccliun. 'subjl-cl m tho declsiul
rrnlic County Convention. Sh
{nrluuutu us It) be nquuuu-drn
wedge myuclt' Lu disdmrga Ihc
mike 10 the Inst 9" m) ability:
. ‘ : A. w. I“
(Laughing, Hun-cll3O, Jaw: I
Reglstor 8L Reco
a Tl 5; sniiciluliun cf uumtrl
ngzuu uH't‘T mywifpu n It"!
‘"mm-151IH‘:(H>'rTHH& Hlit‘HHm-Il
‘ugclécllull,{UNl-Eff“: the {let Isio
mlic 0011;”?IUulevnli'm. SI:
lnrlunuc us loflnc muni Med a
pledge "luv” (7» din lay-r 1» the
oflice lo the has! of my nhUity.
Lihé’w m. \lny 11, 18,66. Lc
Regmter 8g 13300
T the \(iht‘ilzl‘iull (afm‘y tr
[A‘ mywlf I” It r-m‘xlivlnl-l- for
:l-Aiisi‘fiui & MIL‘UIUII-JLmz! .‘
('h‘iun u! the lluuuululix: ("on .l_\
Sin-lulu] [he hmnlnal‘ulluud (-21-:-
m_\zwll‘ In pulurm the dunes (.1 [ll
fromylne-s, ‘ A. l’. H
-Aym'w,'asqz. u: ‘ ‘
aw—v“ .“ -- - “"“‘”‘_-’l
' Reglstcr & Recdr
T the noliuilulibn 0f mum-r 0
A 1111- County-mm in our liq:
. mil-r m} 31-“ an n‘ ru‘udiulnh- fur
Liniunyf (In: Dt-Ihucrulit- Cu'lhl)
Should I he so fol-[unnu- m in h
dud CI‘CICIII l pic-4):: m_uelfm j
dufiu ur the uflicc lo the bust uf
165th I’. M 5, "May 25, 1363. [c
Reglster 8; Race
, ‘XCUUIKAFI‘LU hyquylricnnh
. 13 “If [h .1 runalidalchlur (£55: at“
[hit & HHGUHHHH, :u the nun (
jpct lo the du‘i~i'nn of [he bongo.
Fauna-Minn. .\huulv‘dl be in: lu
In! uumilmlwl Imd cledch pr.
charge \he duties (I! the ufl'n'e I
my All-i 211). ‘1 WM. XXL-U
, ‘ Ge‘uysburg, .\priP'Jl, Imm: lc
. Clerk of the Co
H u. Cum “in be to. cum!
’_ . Dmnn‘rrntic nomination I?
TAM-2 HUI'RTS. Should he in- \
plmlgns himsL-Iftu use awry pr
lor eleéziou. «/ ' . [Mny
3 Clerk of the 00
G. WUH“ will hnzhcnndidn
H. "F THE CUCRTS, suij
,ciaiou of Ihe Democratic County
‘ Gettysburg, Mny 11, was. . t‘c
Clerk -of the Co
T the lulicimtion of numero
A ofi‘cr m) self as a. candidate
«curry-2m: at: THE CUURTS, at'
' elvctym, ughjec tto the decision ‘1
Indie County (finrenlion. Sin.
.lérlfique M to be nominated a‘
pledge myselt: to (Enhance the »
ofi‘ice to the best 0! my übxl'ny. I
. JAunfi
Oxford tp;, April 20, [863. u: l
Clerk pf the Q 0 5
SCOURAGEIZ by at number 9
E I offer mygelf as n éamlidntel
of CLERK 09‘ THE (Dorms, ,
eloch‘gn, anbjcdt m the decision I
cutie ‘Coumy “Convention. Sh
~fort‘unate nun, ihje nomijnated a!
pledge myself. t’ojflischurge the
attic: faithfullyz- 1 ]
Stratum um, AprilG, tees. to }
. Clerk Of the Co 1
‘ NCOURA-GEQ by a numb”; 01‘
I again offer pry-self“ a cum
Vflice of CLERK 10? THE (lOU
comingclection, subject to the de
Democratip County Gongenfion. ;
so fortunate ni lo‘be elected, I t
to dischlrge the dutig‘a of the 0113:;
‘ ‘ . ' noun
Iguntpleluant tp., Mar. 23. 18
r , ~Clerk of the Co . s. ;
, - Fellowwitizens :-Belug enc umged by
' “new!" frienda,_l offer myself your con:
aidemtfon u I cnndiuate tor a oflice‘ o
DLEBK 05? THE COURTS, at th next elecJ‘
. tion, subject. to the decision of 1!: Democntiof
\glonnty Convention. TShould I receive the,
omimtion and be erected, l shal duly uppre.‘
date your confiderfice,nnd promise disqhugg
lbednfiel 0f the once promptly: with fidel.
n,,. ADA)! 111M153.
. anklintpngile, 1863. me '
4 A Director of the P: or.
. E are requested to announ ANDREW
W BHULTZ, of Latimore tO' nship, as n;
cuddm for Dir-Ito: 9f the] Poor at. the next
ejegfion,lnbject m the deg‘mion o ,Lhe' Demo
crslic County Obnvcntion. i .
June I, 1863. u: .
oto Helium: (or ms -. ' '
G not Clothing? .7 Pl} "Dd 8“”
‘ WES. Gingimn, - ”“1133"; 193”“
Q rues, st FARRESTOCK BB ~ gill; .1
:1: Bed Front. ." E '
B armies" M. 36073.41 we?
yd. pl thou nice Hubris;
c ‘
33v 1;. J. sum»;
45121:). Year.
”13,101?" my
cz to the de-
e nmnimued
ischurge the
. promptly.
‘ Shenffalty. 1)
NCOURAGED bynummjpua friends, I nlfl‘er
myself as a candidate for (he office of
suslm-‘F, Subject Lo the de'ciaionyf the ngm.
ocrntic 013 nm); Convention. Should Ibe 11 m
inuted and elected,j pledge mysell to diach ‘ pm
the duties of the dmcé'with pnompmess nd‘
impartiality. ‘ SAMUEL EIKE ‘
Freedom tp., 39y 18, 1863. lo < ‘
s , Bhenfl‘alty. .r 1}
NCOURAGED by manyfriends, 1 offer .‘
self ya. a cindidau: for swam? m I
next election, subject. to the decision of
D'c‘mocralic County Convengiop; Sho’uld l:
nominnted lind elected, I promise to ,perf
the‘ duties of the office with fidelity nd 1‘
pal-mm. .mux muffin
Nountplcneant lp., April d, 1863. 19" “
~ ; Shel-malty. v l
NCOURAGEDbynumeroua friendsflagin
I .ofi'er glyaelfu'n candit‘lnle fo’r monu- of
iSlirlfllP'F, subject: to H 135 decision of the De .-
’ocrnhlc County Cunrenlmn. iShould lbenu -
linate'u and elected, I pledge nmselflo disclm 1:
i lhei dunes of the ollice wiih prompl‘msém Ml
limpnniulny. GEORGE BUSUMAN.
1_ Cumberland tn, March 30, 1863. 1
‘ E‘anlng ‘been infnrmcd ‘o! n réport n
circulnlion to tllq efléct llmLI intent} to r‘ n
as unflndrpmdent candidate should {I not I:
lnmninu’tml by the- Dcmncrutic ('onnty flum -
. (Junl iLJs due to ‘mysqlf th.;t I‘m.‘ oncla hm ‘1!
‘the sail! restart ns utterly false. I [”ch new-r
cntenhindd suvh n thought} um} feel my? ‘11"
'in'hunur'bound to n’gule by [he dccisdm M 21::
Uomér‘flmn. ns announced in My mnlmhmeq,
l JunpéS, 1863. GEORGE BUSI¥I.\N.E'
nobody, lofl'nr
‘TI-11l & RE
lot the Demo;
ciqua u! my
ln- unite, and
r pledm my
dntics and
1 Lmdepuugi
w friends. I
him Mr the
.nlth-: unsu
ot tun: Demu
llul l'lm so
Id ducted, I
mica bl Lhe
.' ' ' . ¥ ' I
a ; . Shenfl‘alf’y. , g_,
f EPDURAGED by a number of fricndsfl
5 E dfl‘cr myu-lfi us a candidate *o} the nfli c
{'ol Slflllilk‘r‘, squL-ct to the declsio'n pt t e
Dfimcruxlu Cqmlly ()nnr’cnlign. Humid I e
‘nomigzued “"1111chch pledge myself to di -
Churgé the duties M the utficc fmhhfulh'. ,;
: “mm max-Mm;
Xamuljoyltpq April 6, 18153. _in" w
ls hicnda, I
F itl.u(- for [lce
.M the ruin
nt'lnc Drum
um I be EU
in] deck-11,9”
: nib. of If”;
, . ' . Shenffalty. ' ;
“comment; by‘n nuinbcnof r
L “IR-_r méelf‘ n 3 :1 cuudulnlc for L!
:0! SHERIFF, subject to 'thc dcc‘isiu
'lk‘mnérmigCounly Convpmion. §hol
[nominqted andflecfed, I pledge mysvl
chfirgc‘ the duties of [he oflirc fiuithtnll
L : ‘ .\x. 1:, MH'
, .\lnnntnloasnnt 111., Jurfe 2'2, IHGII. ‘
“unis-2' llfl't‘l'
“h" ‘l‘ln' (I 111
‘1 to Y}" do.
[AT the sniiviluliun (If nu'ncrmw fr:i(~nd<.l'
' - nil‘l-r myM-Ifn‘i {1 (‘undirLfl'r Inr H 9- uflufi
ut’ SilEJlll"b‘. m. the ensuing nln<~tiuu,{sxllvjm.l
HQ [[2o th-{i'fiuu of the, chuurrntic (vfunn‘h; pur‘
in-ul‘mu. _fiiroul-l I _hc so ‘
ummimficd‘hnd elected, i p!
'clmrgeflhe,_dune€ 9f the:
Jay fll-ilily. GEO.
‘1 (ieufisburg,..\(n'rch 30, 184
l pic-lye
um;- um:
n triad: in
t-nL “min,
In: uflicc of
t w the dr
sdmrgo the
‘s' uhilily,
f ‘I _ Sherlfl‘aA
1‘ llahigg been importm
lmumnd a candidate for the
.1 nowl‘pnpuixuce mysulf a
' office. (guhjec' to .tlu- Being .
'Gmnemmu.) Should [ befn tortunute as to
be, nqmiuntcd and Blecwd. promise to dis
{clmrp‘e ILe dulies of a ‘d oflicc prumpfly and,
. with fidelity. YuuryrediL-m sermm. '* '
‘- _' ..acumusxu MYERS, ‘
Apt-i; 27, 1863. tc . x
3 er.
I onor my
ecliuu, ~ul).
:(liv: County
lu'mu- us to
wide ta dis
tlw ht“! of
.Sheriffalty. . a ‘
XFOFRAGHD by mum-runs friendsl I OWN?
j; nun-ll” up a cundidano for the oLh’ée o!
.\lanßllv‘F, snlvjet-t (to ”W dccgsiou uflhf‘lkmrl
oer-tic (tuunlv (‘nnventinm Slmuh I I pm‘nn
in.x:ed,ahnl t‘h‘t‘ll‘d. I pledgmn‘x self hidifi-lmrpe!
(In- .lujtias’uf the oflicn “ith promlum‘Ss and!
impartiniuy. , JOSEPH A. oumnuiu’b‘. J
.Muuuljoy (p., April 27, 181.3. ‘
me far ihc
VIA-23K 0F
'vwshll. he
or (Axn-rtinn
186.}. U:
‘ Sherlffalty.
\ ELBOW CITIZENS :-—At the earnest 50-“:
F lici'ntion 32f nmny friends in all p.3rt_s of;
the Jammy: ullcr myself as a cmididmul
In: the ivfiice gSIIEIHFF. at the next elbclionl‘
subject to the ecisiul: of the Democrpfiqflounl
ly Ci re’ntion. Should‘l he nomi‘hnnyl and]
91rcle§,¢l pledge mgselfto diafllfirgcihe duller”
of the office faithfully and promptly. ,
1 ADAM 3:333:11.
_ Franklin fp., April 27, 1833'. w“ ‘ ‘
I t to the de
HI tB. ” '
:5 friend»!
for the office
'the ensuing
‘f the vvuno
. 11l I he so
41 elected. I
ulies of the
5- A~;Small Em'm _ ‘
Axum-rum: sum) A'ljymhrn SALE.‘
-—ll'he auhcriber; desiring to remove to!
the Weq‘lmfi‘urs In Private/dare, HIS FARM“
sitl‘mte gin*.\lountpleamn£ township, Adams
county, ion the new State road from Getty:-
burg to (Hanover, about. 5 miles from the lunar
place, nnjoining lands otUPeLer Smith, Peter
l{\mlm\lgh,and olhers, containing '4B Antes,
more orgleas. of excellent running land— out
lOacres hrcfimf-rnte ukudow-lnnd. ' .‘-
‘l‘he lynprovemenurare n large One- 4"
s:orymee}loUSE,wiu. Kilch‘en I'3- * ~
attached, pun frame and part. log,;‘u ‘93“
Burn, Wagon Shed and alarm: new Hui; l‘un;
fihEVerlLfillllg well pl wnmr 3mm“ the door; a
good yolxdg Apple Orchard; with a variety 01
um“- fmh trees on the premises. . ~
whi-sons wishing to View we pro erty
will million the subscriber; living thereon?
April @3863. 3:11
J. F_l.\’K
,' my friends,
[lol‘ the 'oflice
' this cnming
!r the 'D‘muo
led l he so
:1 elected, 1
utics 01' the
Mllllner§b 1n New Oxford.
IS ‘E. W 05, formerly of'Banimore
h wing loaned in Ngw Oqurd, Adéms
cuuuty, 173., in the hpuse occupied lpy Dr.
Hall, inHHauovcr street, will carry on the
MILLINE‘RY BUSINESS, in all its hunches—
will keep on hand BONNETS, HATS. RIB
LACESJECW and soliclu' I share: 01' public
palronugfi.‘ [April 27, 1863. 3:11
‘ m 3 friends,—
idatc for the
TS, at the
1‘ ision of the
hould I be
“ edge myself
e faithfully.
‘ ‘ Rembvals. .
THEundersighedfieing the iulhoriged persbn
_ to Mk: removals Ainto Eieq‘Gr'ee'n Ceme
tery, hope: thiuuch u contempgate the remove]
omm rennin: of deceased relatives or friend:
will avnil themselves of thiuéuon onheyenr to
hnvi it dohe. Removals msde with prompcnela
—term| law, And do clan. mated to please:
Intel: 1:, '6O. Keeper of ‘he Cem'etery.
. Payment {a Mechanics"
hnv‘miincreaaed its capital, hns enlarged
in business and extended its nocommodatimis
Loan day, Wednesday. ; [April 6, 1863. ti
= chkmgq A
AS nxcmvsn ms _
‘00“ 0351, COKE ALL.
221’ 13, 1863. w
mum. '
ILLiNERY _GOODS, Bonneu; Ribbons.
M Fléren, Shnken and Bone: Frames
gun received from New Yotk, cheap It Fabu-
Mfo‘ckl’flign ofthe A RED FRONT.
31$ plum, wmz AND waxsxnmrm
Mains] purpom only,u the New Drug
ton bf ' ‘ Dr. B. HORNER.
"Vi-176» qnovzs, fur nag-11¢. 5;; m“
bend Mu ‘ _ SCHIUK'fiig
x L! r! "A!
c (Jilin:
i of lip
Ild I I:
‘to di
; gET'I-YSBURG, PAfi MCB'NZPAY,- AUG”; .10} 1863-
iht Xtuot.
-‘- .__-__~_:.,.~ ,::‘;::
blue Potomac watera, ~
e Rappnhannock‘a liner - ,
unny Southern rlyerl,
h the holly and the if .‘
lin ‘the sliock' of hit-alga 1'? '
E dad, in their blolid file, io— \
ith the dnrk mnl’a-ia— ‘ "
Er youthful patriofi'djp. ‘
By the
: Byl
By the
’Nen :
Fullim ‘
. deu
. \B/00'
In the
in lh
my. in the village, 7 ‘ L
hamlet fnr nwly,_ A
mnthera, wntéhing uniting,
ucir sofdier boys 30-day” :
a coming—chi!" cgiiting:
. one, Ind scoreflby we're; :3.
laden casipga folded, 1'
neut’the fig they bore.
hegnotherfweeping, waiting,
‘ mean! all thq day— " .
s» regiment fits summ’one‘d',
cr soldier wengnway; .
‘ bnflmut a—gleuming, 3
lisd‘hzlpsnck on his back, ‘
’ m‘nnket strapned and folded—
E s Horne-filled haversack.
In 'his
of the cournge svi-clling, ,
y‘e‘nnd in his-heart, l
‘ manly tear wins rolling, ,
by kissed her lb (fepurt; i'
. ofiu's preciont letters " 1
l- by the camp-firefly 'gl‘ow, 7 ‘
in“ of home Auk] country, .
t her who made him go.
. “ngll
Riéh in
And 0
F ___—«notw—w—v —— ‘i ,‘
‘.l‘lrl’rnnxy/uania Rnflmrntin the At/ttr‘k on
Fart lfitynrr.——The 7l'n_tl regime-allot Penn
pyhmniu volunleors tool; part in tllia attack
on Fort Wagner. nonrhlmrld‘slon. Captain
Miller, of Comlnmy Dufrmn the cinity of
Hanover. Pm; writes a lvtler l .111 , Spectm
(or, of that. place,“uuder'tlulefql be 1111:
fill" n 3 follows ;‘ ‘ ;l“
. The following mrmliersi of' fear
we‘re left on (he l‘lr‘lll. lllvuli.‘ U. l
or; reported tq be woumlpdgin‘l
Sprgmufi .lnoob llm-k; ()q‘irpnnfl
'A'ufuml nml ()llrl~toplwr CL llynl
' vzttlexumw ”night-a Charla llelil;
- l :w llnmn. Moms llx'veler. Joshua l
.v7—':—i:;—:;::"r~t::27:: .lnlm Miller, J ugub Mornmg’sluranu
] . OIILY A REGGAE! l wu'mml- ll ' i l l , _ l'd
P :h‘hor 0‘ {wide romll oll’thesid .1 . 1“". 0 owmg wonmm men R 9“”! P
l‘ ‘ . *6 ‘1 L" A Q 1 in getting, to (le rmi.untl itrn tlm J W 0“;
“'9' ' ”it 3'9?"- rich dress 05"“? 'n cnntucl . Corporal llonry? Mll’lur, wmtfidetl it {he an
mt ‘ “"3"""7’g tlmt may m‘" "'5 bounty; k‘lr- privates Franklin Rubens. banded
Heel no! tho outatretched hand. mun-1y! in d“, «boulder and “13m. 3350‘, ‘cliner
imp orlwg uid.‘ Mark noti tltmtenr that. ' Julin' ‘olnu Wm llcltghe‘nbzwh u “‘01,“:
spri gun to her eye, as thntnppenl is unhoml- Lnu'soh ' 1 ' <T' '
“1' t 1’5"“ °"' N? f"£‘.""'" “"‘FW the "hill The following omen-1' WN‘O’WODH led In
off luon and he gntety of friends-#0!- lf‘ got oil" the field: Mujor John “#3 m 5
you emembor her in all, tltnk of lion-only K and Cu Juins Charles Knerr nudfilo S.
noun annoyance to you.‘ li'lty should youKLmMLI . .y . ' ‘ . .
“3"“ her? “She“, only " beggar”-—slle's l“; The followinpiwere left 011 the ‘ llz
mod lo neglect. “ “to“ h "l”. 'l'". I"‘.“‘“ . Lleut. Wm. Miller. of confining!
down the crowded street. . helm hurrymg l udj‘utunt suppoéed lulled; W." H 1
just-ma gentleman (?) hm: k Qckwl her blis- 5 mid Firsl mel M Stom/Muxh of
.ket. lrom her arm. and ltg c )lltl‘lflfiara'l‘ilhlr‘ “ l': ml Fm‘ll whi. Charla 1’ iii
rolliltg along the walks and limb the putlvr I ullvco'lufiln D. l J ‘ ' '
mod: to the distress of thel child and the; p - y ' ‘
amu-Lemcmpf ncrowd of jillé buys. ‘llq
turnh ‘quicxly around, bu tlik cuurtimus
aimlhgy does- not escape hi lips—Jon: why
slmqld ll? apologize? ' “Sh 's pnly ll lung
gnrfi’ Well-dfie‘ssed cliildre t hruxh hastily
[unstilien drawing away tlxlir “reason. lo»:
they], come in Contact with lier’in, for "she‘s
outlyla‘ beggar.” |
(mly a beggar! And for] ranson
she to be shunnedgiy every lu [hm
no cafe in this “wi e, wide ‘at/vAI
care other, tho‘nglt ‘5119 ml Igor?
Are not the feelings of]ov_e,l a plq‘u;
mt, no common to child {be mine
'wxh her‘ as with others, 11l igh now ,:il
-11 st smothered by the ster ’ 7
any? "Take her home ' 1‘
kindly. throw hfe's nun ml
hermnth, and‘you wil rid tJ
stifled only for a 3 son, an
kindled, they in" l bum
Counfin .
Fnl' lh
now the lugging moment;
knocking dgtl‘m door ; - ,
Fot the s
lu'fliing and the: tmmping
élrung’ers oh the floog;
tin their pf'ecioxfnihurden,
Fher to grit-{3:111 fears; '
xrrow “11:73 ournfng,
ing all [_h coming years.
. ‘|
I ranging!
‘ ‘ r
ITO 'thé so
041 I ,
“Only a beggar!” Then .
of passflgQ/ier coldly by.‘
do more, ran: her kindly; i]
the vy d is not all made
and' everity‘. Kindness vi
to at heart, and you will i
rt: {are richly repaid: w
"Only a beggar!” Wheu‘
ended, apd you have passelt
judfilpgnt-hr. you may find L‘l
“on y a heggnr" is there, in '
fllurgford Courant.
smmmss or Timpm
-“I cannot. forbear poitingoutto you, my
dear child,” said General Jackson once (0.
a youh‘g lady in whose welfarelhe felt asleep
"mtcrést, “the great. advantages that, v’vill re
sult from utempemte conduct nud sweet
ness M manner to all people on all occa
alpnl, Never forget that yoq are a gentle
wo‘mun: and 9n your word and actiotis
shoulfl make yoh gentle. E never héard
your lmother—lyour dear, good motheh—
§ax~n¥htmh or hasty thing do any person
In mys life. Endeavor'toinn‘tate her. lam
q'uicld and busty in my lempley; but it. in:
misfortune, which not hsvi been snfl'l
cient y restrainqd in my.yout £5 caused
me inexpressi‘ole pain. If h iveu mje
‘ more ‘ trouble to subdue In: im wtuosity
l than hnybhing I ever undgrwb’k." Let
lxbeae yards of the venerated sage be‘take
yto hegn, not only by youn'g ladies, but by
Eeyeryrone. Strive by‘nu mmhswcultivah
lawmtneu of lempgr. ' ‘
all nppeus from a trial lately made
It Bonn-gee that curier pigeons can still
00mins ixgeed with railways. ‘Last week
‘cgne ‘und and forty-five pigeons were
bkrsfiedatßor-gen M 5 o’clock in the norm
mg t 9 decide a wager. The first prize was
gglnedj by; pigeon which unified glam!
‘plgeomhouso at. Verviers at fifty-ton; min.
welve. The las Lax-rival ’was at
we: past one. 'l‘st in less than
fbge bir‘diperfprmcdig distance
lutes past
‘vine hon ~
déefi and fiity leagueii, or three
. undréd a}
which no :1
uiéieventy-fih lanes}: speed
‘r gch railway ban eqqa). -:
' Cam
in my.»
in 1011 i us
than a ut
ful more.’
;eming the sheetening required
pies, a Pitufleld Indy} given tha
nfnl-lible rule: " Throw in augu
your conscience will let you ;
‘ aux-eyes md throw in‘one hind-
-ndon letter 53,. the numb in
En obsolete uncle. lué‘uimxm
ey mrev’ 'pg :6: e'. ;
‘l4: of wearing Had hair-want Liz
ow down over tho flaqgldan. ‘
F n'A -
ible cit-cl :-
Godiva It;
. ‘.3 it .
"'nn'ra 181 ml!" AND mu. innit."
msmomnnn' TO “EAT \IIIKE A
- A traveller in Abyssinia says:—“ Duri'ng
the reput, which”. owing to the fast. a
siated simply of heff'cakes. dillik. Bayou
abundance of fermented hydromel, 1 near
ly last. the esteem and regard I‘hud hither
to enjoyed, and that, too; lbtbugh an uncon
sc'pus ofi'enée‘ggnimt the etiquette of aris
wcratic life. Acoorfling to the Abyssinian
notion, every dun who clninu' to be of pm
trici‘an descent. and noble line'nga‘ Inuit pos
aesan fine uhsma. linedlrwithn deep‘red
border, and bé enabled [lo emulaleldw noise qf
a'certain madam animal alibi eating lii: meals.
This elegant acquirement, whiéhll hml un- ,
fortunately not yet attained. dl'ev upon
me the frowns as We“ as ‘Lhe whispering
censures of thelguestg. Unconsciousof Elle j
causqpftlnis uneXpected "aim-id?) [Mked
Mr. Bell whether there wag uuytl‘mg pecu
liar in my. appeal-hum or‘ deporllnent that
provokedmrilicls’m. ‘Certainly,’.a was the
Arejoinde’r; ‘youi: conduct is; no” \mgenlle
‘munly that all (he gueflis think you mud
be a Very low Mallow. and quité unaccu~lom~ l
led to move in genteel 'sociely.’ 1 ‘And to
wlmt am I indebted for this goodnpin’ion 1”
returned I'.. ‘To tli_e mode in which {you
out: for. if you wot? a gentleman. ‘you‘
would show by the smackng'ol'your llp‘u
tho exalted sta‘tinn to whxpla'you belong;
but. since'you, mastic-ate your Loqd in this l
inaudible marl-her, every 0133:) bellows you
it b 03115". nnd [accustomed gm ea; in that!
nnhstpnmtious'quietnesq which firetended ‘
pow-Hy pmmKts individual-i Ql lhut class
to :ulopt.’ IIL ‘ul‘e'rl them that. my breach ‘
of etiquette oughtjo be attributgd ‘to. the‘
"difference of the customs in my qwn coun-i
try. and not. the 'lpw motive llioyp~<‘|§"e‘l_i
Linn apology which amply Sign llL‘d. the;
mum. accomplished comtler in he royal
lent.’,’ ‘ ‘ l '_
. A f‘u‘h- Wick—L . :lx-mly‘ wn=krocent ywalk
in: under" ”in - radar; of the Rue «l Riva”,
in Plu'ii. be! my inwhix hand 1 gal i-hoiul
,efl (—nna '. polell _wn;kmn!nship. A m'm
any-pm- '( by Hvo crululh-i came I p._ and
ask» or alum i'Kn n piEilul tone: 'l‘ 9 dan
dy, nnvw‘i no pity. wave the beggar a final]
ilver coin. Atlthe same mnment lperson
near him~=ualdnln y exc‘iaimed: ",i 991 on}:
you. sir, niiow thi rouue‘ié deceiw you ‘.’—.-
qutse tn Blond ', a your lame, an' I will
show you that tbfiraccui ruin? hettc than I
mm." The (111 an without. rpfiecti g. lent.
his" arm; th '. bet. 'ur, the uxoment‘ ne per
crivfi-d it. in whirl: ‘ etrnctnr’s hands. threw
41an; his crutches hnd cook to birdie 15:.qu
was’followed _‘by, the man with m cane,
whi‘st the spectd‘mrs. and :{lle dunfiy par
ticuiarly rbmainbd in ennvukiohs o Mingli
ter at thesigm. and exclaimingalter finely,
“Uh. h'e wiff be caughn" "No, He “511 mg
hé caughti” But. both the, raring heroes‘
dimppenred '3: {the next; turning in the
street. and tlmir! victim remained *hiting
fma splendid bane,— which cost. fifie bun
d francs "
I (11qu rpnson in
nu? lutlwr
orl‘d’a'that 1"
‘y be a b 9 I."
Tjfly, flu '
00d )-
‘m V'
, u‘
44ml of I’ugv
you, (rout. her
‘ [or once nhqul
hpne tin-s were
1 that once re
‘ls brightly 11m
‘ity her instopd
f you cannot
how her that
p of colanss
U find its “guy
)1 that. your ef-
'Scane mm Amg.— Adjutant. fo ‘m the‘
rt-gimem. ‘u in diam parade. Novir Area-d
’em.the resolutions the Generic! Td me
drev'v up- last. night.” Adjutant re ds the
puff of the administration and "eats
against this “cbpperheads.” “N my
men, you petdivote on these resoi tions.
All! of yen who oppose‘ diam map [on paces
mthe front. Came out; here, you ‘pper
heady"; No candidate rash ehough a map
forth. “The reboluuions are ummi oupiy
ndopted+fiamdq is dismissed,” an a the
quonel. lit: a few dugs'the Abolitio ijour
nais pubiigv “Aivaiccfromt/wxlrmjl." ‘zNext
month we iread tin the army new: : “Col.
—~——pmmoled tb Lea Brigadier Gmrial for
gallgnlry in;thefie‘{gl." Hunah‘fonm men
in snaps. * i ' + '
life’s MM: is
,l to the final
fihnt the soul bf
spotless purity.
One of 1M Euinptm—A person ‘wiio'was
enrolled and drevm es 5 conscript bin the
Fourth District, qugton, received is ex
emption paper ygsteiday afternoon} undefi
nther peculiar écn‘cumscences. H 6 pre
sented a certificate from the-Warden bf the
State Prison thed he had been a can ' ,t. in
flat institutional: theohnr‘ge of feion , and
had sqved out. his full Term ‘of im isonfi
ment. Of'coursa one: such an expe once,
he is exempt from serving in so hon'ovmbie
I position as that of» soldier of the nion
Army. : i '
o .
i No SAW: Required for Cerhfimm‘ Es:
emption.—‘The Cdmmissioner of! In moi
Revenue has made the following deoi ion :
‘f'l‘he oertificntes of exemption for F 9“
who have been drafted and have progldéd
e substiaute undei‘ the conscription we. lie:
ing expressly required by the low 00 is
sued by the board ofenrollment, are ex mp!
fro'mstemp duties. Any certificate which
may be issued by a magistratelin connec
tion with proceedings under the conscrip
tion set is aubject‘to a stamp duty of 5p per
cent. per mnum.” \ '
eThe following certifiggte of: marfisge
was tound among an old} y‘n writings:
"This is to umfy whom it. may concern,
that Arthur Water: Ind Amy Yurtly were
hwfufly married by me, John Higginlon,
cop the tint. do: of August, 4111204703.
“ 1. Arthur, on Monday, ‘
Toke um, Amy. till Tuesday,
To have and to hold till Wednesday,
‘ For better or for wane till Thunday,
I’ll kin thee on Friday, ‘
gwo don" agree on ‘Salurday, ,
a’ll th again on Sunday!”
puny D
Le silks;
‘ Abner
lks; p‘ri<
. . Thom
! noodle,
l \Vealey
ii ': First
l' nglnzs
,Com p'a
- " THE BABEATH. 7 ’
Ju’dgo \Voodwnrd is‘not only one of our
wisestjmists and nhlesL'nultesuwn. but he
is a man of the. purest] moral character, a
consistent member oft‘ e Episcopnl church
and a model christiah entleumn. In con
versation, a few days 3 nce. with an intelli
gent gentleman of thi pounty, who had
been engaged in some 1 gal transactions in
the county 9f lldutingt‘ioanuring the time
Judge Wmdwnrd Breai ed 0Y0! the courts
of that disqjct. a r latgd' an incident
whicthhows both Lhe’ ood~pmctical sense
and the firmly fixed re igious )rincipla of
our candida“! for the o 3: be of (governor.
[h‘Jluntingdon cou ty it has béen cus
tomary wsnmtnon the 'urors to assemble
at 10 o'clockfion Mont] y‘morning of court
week. As 1 e county iE largq this obliged
many‘of them to travel n tlianblmth day.
Before discharging thel,grand jurx at the
(inst gouri. he held; Judge Woodward nilu
dad to this fiict in filtjnF mms, remarking
on the duty on; strict ol sex-fiance ofthg Sab
buths and giving it gs in opinion that no
public businesg, excopq that. ‘of' the most
urgent churactergdouldyjustil‘y ‘puhlic ‘ofli
ciuls in requiring'ment leave their lmmei
and truvél on the Sub uth; ‘ lle notified
those present and ‘the ourt Loiliciuls that
thereafterthejuror‘swmfidbe summoned to
attend on'l‘uesduy inste of Monday m_orn—
ing, and this r‘ungie e tabliihcd andl ad?
her-ed to in all the;coun ies of? his distriqt.
By a proper arrangbmen of bif’méss {All the
time ot’Molnday'w'ns fu ly ta onup with
.other matters,.and on‘l‘ esdaylmorning the
jurors-were present and itho aqurt ready to
proceed with the‘tr‘l’al lislt withput interrup
‘tion. "Our informant a“ derlllmt the busi
'iiess of'the.¢ourtlnever ' omed to be .car-
Jim! on so smoothly undfo ragdly m-Lwhcn
under the direcuon of his a le christian
Judge. In'the hands of such 11mm: all, the
[bow interosu of thé Cm: monwyealth will be
eminently “fa—[Misty Dem'oc‘fat. ,
no How mu
t! We hear of seieml. instarices that oc
curred ywterdny ofexle . viofience goward
’ unofljengling blacks. ‘ Thp poon #39ng is be
: ginning w tdste pflbe bitter fdod prawn-ed
l for him by Abolition plul‘knthrppy. ~. “'9 ap
'\ pen! to dur Icitizens to be\ more: ind to h'n‘n
than his profesqeq homryfilmve been.
who embrace him but to; sh, He isrnot,
t 6 blame for the misfortu ‘e that has bgfallcn
I u-. He is buy thevictjf'm of fanaticismjnd
{ shpulrl be rather y' M than nslsailerl. 'ilmt
. him not b 0 peyse Lei! fonthe sihqofothers.
3lt is cmvargfly d unjust: to siljfiie him‘out
ias my may/1:11“ nun." Lo-t Mm go
I his wny 'molesled. {on it. 15‘ unwor‘xlw a
freema mnkq war upon an inferior, mm
in thy/girib'of revengel” ’ g",
'fi‘e above paragraph is from thefNew
ork I).;in New. In is‘ an; ”gamut of:
(the philanthropy. Tin; vengcficq that is;
[wreaked uponlthe negfo byinfurikted mobs
has awakened the public mind to I Heep
l‘sense ofdanger whiéh is,hanaing,overjbe.
' colored tube. It should inset with‘n'atern
rebuke from every lub-kbidin'g citizen.—
fi‘he negro is now mare epfifle'gi it; probe
tion from the ,wh‘itél than he éver was :be
fore. He has been niadejtheviplim of pop
ulm- indignation by the; mad' sphemei of
} the Abolitiouiata who a‘re Ibis wqr§t enemies.
:(I‘lmynlone are renponsib a fdr @lll the trjals
i fihicb now surroxind- big; and. in trqthv
“ it is cowurdly and ulfiarst to single “him
I out. as an algject ofpdpul ‘ wra}h.”-Aye.
‘iNSAmTY 0F mhmmrsm
The Doylestown IRMGCITU.‘ Attributes the
following atrocious semi ‘ enltho an Aboli
tionist of Buckingham mfinshi‘p: .
, “I rievrr want. to see peace until :v'ery
negro slate in the South is set ‘l'ree‘. such
as are in't ant-my I w'a'nt flewhuled-by being
placed in ppssession of th‘fir master'h prnpv
erly'. 'Everly "black man in the coun‘atry
should have the right. to vomland if the
people see fit to elect th m',,t.o‘hql,d office:
isle Declaration of Inde’lw nd_en e declared
1 men free" and equgl. ‘ oul prefel .thal
rubber thnn fail in this iiiect‘every main
noMjn-the army should . killed." _
Théi‘Danocmt adds: ‘ A, \ ‘ '
“Thehrute who u‘tte'red this is not in the
service himself, nor any of his family. ‘lle
is in the ‘first clpu," but if hé bedrafled he
has $3OO to Exempt him."“ ‘
So it in mm all the, 51mm Abolition
“loyal-“ 315." They are net in the army.
and they don't imgnd m 180‘ Their patri
otism consists in their willingness to gee
everybody blil. themsblveq‘ge and be killed}
or ‘m‘aimed, or die 0‘ ckffisure iii the cause
—not of the (bmmutiomnqgof'the Unibn
—-but of negro elcrmncjpati‘tifizg radical supi-e
-macy, Kidd a centralized (ieéyolic govchz
meat. } \ l ,
A Lillie Hurt.-—Whén “'Nixo‘n’s" cirq‘u.
was in Sunbury, the bursa which Mr. Haw
on Stone: rode wu not. w I and by his ir
rezular movements brough ‘ Mr. Stone onbe
from his position, wnere pan the Clown
wnnmdto know< why Mantone mu; like
McCl’ellun. The ring In ter gave 1t up.
and the clown replied than was “because
he had lost ,hil position. ‘ I}! never could
lose his reputation." ;Th 'nudience clap
ped and one niggerhead‘géqnned. He was
undoubtedly hurt. . . ‘
An Incident of (he DrafL-H‘he Harmon's
Society. 0‘!“ Pituburg, consists of fifteen
members, who, frevioua to the draft, agreed
10 pay an aqua amount. each {or the pun
pose ofnising the necessary funds to pur
wchm the exemption of such of their mem
~héx'lta mighdn dnfted. The result of we
draft showed Lb“ {qurtee‘n out. o! fineeu haJ
,dxawn prizes. ‘
8.4 grand oounpiLof :11 the Indian
tribe: inhabiting the country was: of the
Mi-iissippi river, will probably be called
some time during ‘he coming Full, 'to in
duce the disloynl tribes to return no gheir
Allegiance ‘to the Governmentinnd re—esmb
lish frien'dly relations Iniong the various
uéhbea. many of whom are at‘war with each
0 or.
flak Air w. Food and Shelton—Prefect):
Andrew nu.“ from experience that “woun—
ded men willxlio in snow, on we! ground,
or and" open Ihedl and do well; whnla in
cloud hospital: they-din with all luxuries
Around-."-Bria'u Md.
nusw tau of gold were movod' on! of
Dayton; Gino, banks laid], in {en- of John
Alon-gun's mud: , .~
, , , MORE, PRAE‘EB. a :
One of the most "metal 1 nt regions givf ‘
en ir‘n’the Chicaéo Platform for n'change in“
the EAdmi’nistmtion was the corruption of ‘
the Democratic party. Thie Republican pg:
persynever ceased to harp upori the subject,
Inditheir indignation was '5O well feigned
thatimany ”believed that After the election
of hit. Lindoln there would neverbemoth- ‘
e 1 dollar of the public manic; ltolen. - flow I
greatly “ w'ere mistaken they will prob- '
ably‘ :1 .know, Tor the simple reason
that‘lin times like these even the pirty in,
opposition is unwilling to properly expoge
the oorruptioms of public oflicialn. There in/
somethiri‘g so odious in the villginy’ of the
men who take advantage oioccasions like
this to plunder and fill, and the rush of
events is IO rnpiij, that; nftef atlittle denun
ciatibn at the time of the exposuremf some
great ‘frnuds, nothing more _is ever said
about theiii. And;»yet. the oorruptions of
thiqfdministrntion should not {to 10st. sight.
ol‘ b I‘ the people], simply beciiuse they are
so seldom denounced. 'lt w‘m: imid, in Con
gresql. by a leading Republican, that filter
having carried' the election .-upon theJu-eh
text pr preventing abusci in dffioe, this: Ad
‘niinilstmtion‘hnd more jobhety to answer
for in the'tirst few months omm term lhnn
.iti; prfedccéssor‘ior the whole four yep-3 it‘
Wins in power. Ilhi statement. was shoi‘t of
the ti'uth. It is sickening to {wade through'
the xjeport‘! of th'e numerous investigating
bummittees, and to see how knavety has
pervéded lover-y depn'rtinent of the Govern- i
went. 'Féo‘m the higheit to the lowest,
there is dcarcely one oilioial (who escapes
hntninted. Not’ to speak at transactions
'very Lwell known, butjwhicli it would he in
decotuus to mention, letthe render recall
the hargea made by. Republicans them-\l
selveg against the T remurfland War be
pi‘nztinent. oltnmpering with'tho new: aqua
to sp‘ccula‘te in stocks ;' ngainstfthe Admin;
burgrso asto benefit. the _Northem‘rhilrons;
against th l\‘zwy Department. of'l'uvorite
km {in clmifig‘hnd‘buihling vesséls;
land ithcn generally hgninsLevory one who
hail had anything to do with spending’the
money or purchasing- tlie’aupplies oi the
Government, and he cann‘o‘bqt be' appalled . l
Thihignngrene i 3 . litei‘illy eating away our
naught] life, anq'ifwe cannot cut. it gut be' l
(are :many ydamhnve pissed. we iire lost.
A wiise thinker like said, “America: will nev—
er suibsido before a despot, yhile her; public
inen‘maiptain the honor find integrity of
thoéé who founded . her, Constitution.
and .hile the ‘peoplg havevirtue enough
to exln'ct‘it from‘their elect‘ed'governoxi."
{That} time ,would seem to have fojever
passed. away, when. ya read such para.-
graphs as the followfin‘g from yesterday!-
Aquifer—the first tion: its Washington cor
responuent,- and the otherg from a flu
risburg letter: l'j A ‘ n
"ThiWar Depnrt-mentai'e about to initi
tute It orough investigation into the im
monse‘ hand: which Wore conmved at .by
the St’ate authorities at Harrisburg during
the reizent.’ mid:— ‘lt is reported that the
Stinel ti'oopyWex-o in niufimt a starving cyn
dillullLinlllG one heavy oyer’utcr i 5 é. sings
weekiulenrud, half a million dollars."
‘lm NEGRO.
J a: . i» .' 2r as I» it I; ' v: .
- Caips’iderahlefxcitemeng has been grep
led here Tllzirmhurgj by leduicovery of
‘enormous irauds upon tithe Government
during thérecent army mchnxent’s in this
region, consequéntlupon. the Rebel raid.—
’l‘he qmoupcs are stated at. millions of dol
lars. A number of prominent. Emmi,
politicians hnvé‘i :- been , placed under
arrest, and the subieé: will necelve the most.
gearchiqg investiguion ‘by 'tho Wnr Dawn-L
-ment. The most, corrupt/practices have
prevailed in horse conitmctmnd in clothing
and snbsiste‘u‘pe supplies.‘. They throw the
“shoddy operators” at'Harx-isburg in the
Inmate: of 1861 entirely! inf}; ‘he shade.—
Many, of the same parties are implicated,
'and the gdngs who have infesped the State
capital in theiwmter ‘lmve reaped a.‘ rich
imminen- hum/em. ‘ ‘ . ' -
_' “It is a. sad commontiu‘y, that whilé lhnu
aands of bruve men rbslzedy) dyl'endJTm
State from invasion, and while the ‘U'ov‘efi
'nor'w‘ s tickhng Lhcm‘with'honiud words,
his Billions gm! folquers ’were permnmcd
like hanpies, to deprnde them of food, and
to compel them no m§ke long and ’wenr
marciies without. even the pour lu'xury/of
crackers und' pqu. IL is a matter/6f rec
ord that, whlle these ntrucbors men-'0 lo
ceivm‘g enormous an s. the Mn: Phila
delphia soldiers were. [aged on an allow
ance 01 a crackcr 15‘ da for sevusral days :0—
gelher, thanks to thereglect and: corrup
tion of the Exequ-lee epartment of the
State of Pennsylvania!
Some people are advanc'n'xg so rhpidly
that. 06 advocate the xiglfl. of (State. to man
agg-itq domestic 413'er is (galled t‘eu'on'g
to flbilt a citizén shall ngt be arresied
n'nd pfiniphed withdm #ll6er of law in
Lreuop {lb uy tliu tylmoivil law shall be
supieme ‘is treason; f 6 defend the lazuli:
carptu hot; is treason; l 3 any ill wham
ner and [low long the pßOplu'x maizzey shall
be used is "anion; lo‘uly that pegroes shall
not. be freed {ad mm “
vacate any any by L!
be saved eigcept the _‘l'i
_one of the ‘Adminiscra
short. wdefgnd lny of 'l‘
which have lain It thé ‘
liberty‘for’ a thousand yl
laws and policy establis
_in .by these swift work
“‘A few days ' ago .; nemboy, in the
sbcence' of exciting new wherewilh to nip
ulate purctgues, went tgrpugh- the streets
or Washington. crying dut, “ Home: mid
by Stonewall Jackson I’l An excited gen
tleman stopped him witbk “ {thought Jack
son was dead r" " Wellq so he is; but his
ghost ilinnking'this ’enmflfl
“be M! misfit-tune of Illil not
to be nblu w‘ bear misfortune. .
, f"
TWO mums A-YEAR-
haul the Philadéiphjs Age.
in tremn; to ad-
II ghe Union- shill
‘ d‘lnd bLundering
ion‘il tr'eason; in
l- -6 great principiea
i: u'fi‘dafion Qfsuori
rug-vl.O defend th.,
-od by our {fibers
Era of wrath called
.... *w'”’T‘_fT~'-fi"_.
mm Upox'wmonnm muf
mous sun-gs 1m an aubur
Itho Wa-lzfngwn fir-odds. which in gen
-2 ally conceded to be the official org-n of
flies Idminiétralinn, ape-ski the sentiment.
of the Pmidenl and hid official Ind unam
cial ulybeu, we njmy not look or hope I’ml
pylon/within two yous. Undur a? Abotli
twn "mice, with m lie I: de ned y
Fol‘noy Ind we prompt?! “:9 pucygononlly
glam can be no pause until every 11111313
unn md boy of the South has been ill
crippled. qr captured.
Fomey tall-an in the Chain]; that the
administration (he call- it ‘fbcnign”) "In
nhtdl‘spmed to throw noodles: impediment:
inzlhe In] of a State that since"!!! uni in
gor'xt faith desires to mum its allegiance."
Wint truth there in in this Inertial: any
be infermd from what follows. '
The Albany Emu'ng Jar-41. I. o!
the name political faith :9: the Mud '
upon most questions quxto as unrunonsblo
‘ and ndical.‘ huvyel the good senso t 9 m
V the rat-easily of [mafia and reunion, and to
l exper 3 dosire that they should be sought
» by the; United Sum; Government _without "
any Attempt mkimposo humiliating let-nu.
The Journal says: ‘ ‘ ‘ , ' .
"Ifthu'se in rebellion layd'own thalamus
and resume their allegiance. pace, under»
the old Constitution, comes as! g. nutter of
course. ‘ Take a single Sula—Tennhufi'
fur instance. Suppose the mbel (my driv-é ,
en from‘ila borrleru. and every citinn‘loyal
to the oldg flug‘. Who would inhsrpr‘no to
prevent them from enj'nying and cierci
ing all their former prinlega Ind Nominal:
ties In citisens of a. novemign Bmm oldie
Union? ’l'hey Igould be welcomed within
‘All lhili' from wary loyal heart; and so ’
would the people of my othér Suite and“
like circumstances. It would require “no“,
erection of no not machineryln p'ul. tho."
old U'niqn cogs in ‘nmlioh."_ ‘
Tim language injual. wing and ""30qu
lb in languuge to which we!" truly Anterin ‘
our new in um loyal State- will respond.
But it does not pleue Penney. md henna,
"in inl‘e‘rfit is dista'stelul to tho Wuhin‘glo'li
‘nut'haritibag who have shown .1 lack of win
dom at all time“ mid are incqnble of any
act ngigtioe or magnmimity. The lily-ml
semi nu of the Journal are, not nppmcit-v"
tedat Washington, and Forum]. as H" or- 9
gain of thbmlministmtmn, repu-lintgm drum.
llis m'mmvnhu forushulnw clearly enough «
n. very'ilill'erent policy on the par! of jknu
rulers. and con trmlict an plainly” langfiago
can his "ravious rrmarlc Vthnt’our “be igu
government are not dia 'od to row
thllOAs imxwlimclnts in tflrhmy" o any
State dupirous to rc-entor the Union. 110
any: i V ‘ ‘
“Sa‘gmfve n‘quvntiqn. and m that to I"
appe‘amni-e will lim'v ore long Lobe "misti
éally§ol\'¢chzairinqt fail to have rem-Wed the
close conlaidcratinn of the let-ral authori
tlox,,l»ut they haveain all pralmbilityllidior
to refrained from defining tlmir polle . 50
any one hutshlo' of the CabinetJ or iuoh
stitcnmcrl u they chmd to ocnml't onlim’n '
p'orm'ut measures. ll'em {rm (0 my, Item“
am, that we doubt 10)“!th luck at [Kt/ed 3365!-
a :11. gr II“ p.,.“ mil/fall» (lac crinia ofhohéc‘ alum
Slum Imus been guilty. The hintory of the
past ought to be the‘ l’l‘ofin of the future; ’
and while, uwe have’s ummtflgu, im- ‘
'x-dimcdtu would be interposed whenever
it secejle‘d State sought reatimiuion into m
Union, somgguarrmta‘ouglu b) be (Jada!
(he crime (y: rcbéllion Mall not be again mil"
And what is the gunmnmf which the All-
Imniélralinn prnpn‘ue to exam Trpm the at
cedml Stutns‘ hefbm they can he rg-ndt‘nit—
ml into the Union? Forney she-” Jen u!
himuelf wlmtit is,and‘.then thepuhlic may
decide whether or not it is a “qeellless lim
perlimmt." a . , ‘ . ‘ '
“The cwwl'geiop.” he mys “is irresistible,
(hat the e'xtinclinn of slavery in theseoe
dad States ‘ nuld be made . conditioix of
their rendmimion into fhe' Union, tint
being the only guernntee they can (in)
that they will not re-en‘act the crimes by
which they have deluged the lend with .
blood; and it seeml to us undenieble the:
”they deliberately aeoedod from the U
niqn we may lewfully dicgtte the terms on
which they shall be reg-admitted, especially
when we aukanothing more then in nocelu—
ry for our-own safety. .
‘ This uuwi-e, fanatics! end uneognltitntiznl
nl policy eraiated in. the in i'c il :-.
n‘ever kno‘; pewe Again. Wit-63nd blood-l
Vshed will continue untif some nun stmngef',
than the rest shall seize the mlnsenkt found. .
despotism. That WI" be the end of Abo
lition polic‘y, if tfiexeople permit it to run
its coul‘ie. [new- of freeing the negro
from 'servitude it will subVert the Gov ru:
ment and bind the white man in “Ital
age.—l’alrial (f: Uniqn.': ?
A‘ Washington dispatch to the New York
News says 11m another change In the 06m
mnml ofthe-Armrol' the Potomac is ”gigs: L
ted' inflopublicnn circles in-the flutionnl
metropolis. General Saduwick is said to
be “the coming man." It. is evidentfll b
4.119 hem nf (}etty>blfl'g is not. acéeptable to
the Radicals. and hence the lace-mam fire
in the rear tbs; mails General Meade from
ltlw Abolition forces: Every efi‘ort‘hu‘ been
made no, robllum ol‘lhe glory of the victory
at Gettyébhrg. and even the abpurd preien
sion has hqnn’ not up that tha'bnnlé was
,fnughl. and won u'pon the lam of 11:10qu,
{)t Chanéelloruville. It is Illggmcel'gl to the
nation that. a filthful nnd competent gol
dwr lgke General Memleshoulq bepemc ~
ted by a. um. 01 miserable' ’chsrlttans‘, d
have his usefulneu destroyed h‘y 9 im
pertinenfi intexférence of men vi are‘ an
Ignorgm of the art of war a ey are deli--
cient in mm *xd‘afitosmmghiy.
And yet. fin
falls moth}
moi's OF M
of the presei
am it {Trim—The Clevelnnu'laiadedkr ‘
isjngflfinorrified at the réceipt‘of the (ob
- o nv: z ' ' w .
'2”? EWMIILLERSHImG, Ohio, July 127‘.
. “"l‘o: theflmung dlfigi’m of Millersbuzg,
the Abolitioniuts ofthis‘pluce Hut-m bonfires
to-n'lght over the deny“: ofll'on. thn J.
Urittendcn; * ' . ‘
“Yours. W.”
.v- vac-‘-fi—fl "a. .
G'en. Grid and (he Vacant lfizinr General-V
:hi .-.—’l'bc fiecepi ncjmn 'of the. War Depth};
mean, up {timing (fi-neml Wool And othef '
ofli'cdrs upop the retired list. leavpa vacant
one majoivrgéneraluhip and one brigndjer.
ganeralship; m the regulu army. It in u‘id
upon gdod «uthoyity, um. the mcjor generg
nlship will ’be cohl'orred okGen. Gram. in
recugn'lcion of his selfless in Tenn-mound “
Miamippi. " ~ ‘
‘ _WlLuma-I‘ox, July 20.-—~One of Dupont’a
powder milk, on the (1:529, ylr-l.‘ explo
ded at. six orclock mi; morning. Jamal).
l‘oples um! IWhlinm Leary, workmefiwero
killed. The cum of the explosion in un
known..lw_ ”I'.
am the Bth Avenue ofiNew York «I.
ty, acitigen [named Robert‘BeN, was drum
time that: from the me box. He must
have been ohe of the ”spotted” individuals
talked orso'much by the Abolitionisuuuc
year. He could not have been a gnu-ion.
Movinga Clu'mney.—A chimney duck in
Worcester. $3.95., which is nearly onthun
dred feet. high, contains 60,000 bricks and
weighs 170 tons, was moved to 3 distance of
150 feet and turned pagzialiy around, with
out. disturbing a single brigk.
oTham were aboue 6,800 m in
Port Hudym when the place wrmdufl.
5,953 enlmad men were [ml-clad, 213 W
can were» lent. to the North, and 9860“,
cars were sent to New Oriana. ‘.
wWendell Philli uylho in "W
with hone-l. men." He feeling 5M9»-
ug—honest man have {or ”when (lit
gmted with him. ‘ ‘ ‘
kepi. up’until fm
ificed by the 013'-
\d the :mbocility
Lion ! --,i4g4