Tel-1115.? ~ The Colmnn is published awry Monday morning. by Him!" J. Sunni” $1 75 per? {IQ-um if paid strictly m AD‘ Axel—s 2 00_ pt: annum if not paid in‘qldvance. No; lgbicription" discontinued, unless _u thel opfiofi of the puhiigllgr, unfil tll'mges m ptid. 1 ‘lnvnflslnxn inserted m teusugl rues. Jon Plunge don with games: Ind W. .’ ‘. , J z ‘ Onto! in So'uth Baltimore treat. nequy ”petite Wumplerfif Tinning Fitablishljlbut -}'Conru.n Panama Ornclf on the sign. County Tress EKNG frequently sollcltedJ Ih} mylell n, a. cnndidnle for the me 10! COUNTY EASUBER, lubjecc to me d+cui3n o: um Dhocrnlic County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge ysbll ‘Lo dis .chtrgo the duties or the olfice ilhl'ully and ‘prom‘ptly. . JACU TRUXEL. ; G'enylburg, April 27, 1863.? If: County Treasul ‘2, .\‘COURAGED by mnpy Afi’xem gel! M a candida? l‘or CUU mm, M. thern‘exr. 'eléctién, subj} 'cillon of the Domot'rnlic Count. ma’ild lbe so fortunate as to l and ’elected, I pledge rig-golf w J ' 110“" o! the office faithfully andl , lnoumu' I ‘ -,Get(ylburg, May 11, 1863. w \ County Trees q NCOUBAGED by many trien self as a candidate for CUL‘ I K 'R, M, the next. election, subjl ciflon of the Democracicl Count Should I he so fortunate nu lo and elected, ['pledge myself to I dulled of thegofiice ranwuny mndl ls, [offer my u'TY TREAS ect to the de , Conveuxibn. 9e nominated ischal’ge the _ Jiiromptly. ' 'JACO .SHEADS. Gettfihurg, May 4, 1863. 14:“ M» \ , I - Register & Reco 0 THE VUTERS (IF A DAM.“ At. the‘urgem solipitalion of myself In I. ctmdldu'te- tnr REG CURDER, suhjccf. to 159' dcdsio cratu' t’qunty (‘unren‘imn -Cuu abilityjo discharge the duties“! need! 0? [he prufiln uf the :uuue, self to fu‘ilhfnlly - dwanrge lh pocß’etXhe profits if me people nr to elect mo. R. FH" Middleloivn, huh» l, 186;. {c ' Reglster & ‘Rsco ‘ T the mlicituuun 'wa nuvm-rr A Agni" 011 - Inn-ell am a (nun. ailmentlCHHSTlilik“l;:mein Ingclccliun. 'subjl-cl m tho declsiul rrnlic County Convention. Sh {nrluuutu us It) be nquuuu-drn wedge myuclt' Lu disdmrga Ihc mike 10 the Inst 9" m) ability: . ‘ : A. w. I“ (Laughing, Hun-cll3O, Jaw: I Reglstor 8L Reco a Tl 5; sniiciluliun cf uumtrl ngzuu uH't‘T mywifpu n It"! ‘"mm-151IH‘:(H>'rTHH& Hlit‘HHm-Il ‘ugclécllull,{UNl-Eff“: the {let Isio mlic 0011;”?IUulevnli'm. SI: lnrlunuc us loflnc muni Med a pledge "luv” (7» din lay-r 1» the oflice lo the has! of my nhUity. ‘- - EDWARD Lihé’w m. \lny 11, 18,66. Lc Regmter 8g 13300 T the \(iht‘ilzl‘iull (afm‘y tr [A‘ mywlf I” It r-m‘xlivlnl-l- for :l-Aiisi‘fiui & MIL‘UIUII-JLmz! .‘ ('h‘iun u! the lluuuululix: ("on .l_\ Sin-lulu] [he hmnlnal‘ulluud (-21-:- m_\zwll‘ In pulurm the dunes (.1 [ll fromylne-s, ‘ A. l’. H -Aym'w,'asqz. u: ‘ ‘ aw—v“ .“ -- - “"“‘”‘_-’l ' Reglstcr & Recdr T the noliuilulibn 0f mum-r 0 A 1111- County-mm in our liq: . mil-r m} 31-“ an n‘ ru‘udiulnh- fur REGIthZR 1 RECORDER. sulvjt Liniunyf (In: Dt-Ihucrulit- Cu'lhl) Should I he so fol-[unnu- m in h dud CI‘CICIII l pic-4):: m_uelfm j dufiu ur the uflicc lo the bust uf S.\.\ICP 165th I’. M 5, "May 25, 1363. [c Reglster 8; Race , ‘XCUUIKAFI‘LU hyquylricnnh . 13 “If [h .1 runalidalchlur (£55: at“ [hit & HHGUHHHH, :u the nun ( jpct lo the du‘i~i'nn of [he bongo. Fauna-Minn. .\huulv‘dl be in: lu In! uumilmlwl Imd cledch pr. charge \he duties (I! the ufl'n'e I my All-i 211). ‘1 WM. XXL-U , ‘ Ge‘uysburg, .\priP'Jl, Imm: lc . Clerk of the Co H u. Cum “in be to. cum! ’_ . Dmnn‘rrntic nomination I? TAM-2 HUI'RTS. Should he in- \ plmlgns himsL-Iftu use awry pr lor eleéziou. «/ ' . [Mny 3 Clerk of the 00 G. WUH“ will hnzhcnndidn H. "F THE CUCRTS, suij ,ciaiou of Ihe Democratic County ‘ Gettysburg, Mny 11, was. . t‘c Clerk -of the Co T the lulicimtion of numero A ofi‘cr m) self as a. candidate «curry-2m: at: THE CUURTS, at' ' elvctym, ughjec tto the decision ‘1 Indie County (finrenlion. Sin. .lérlfique M to be nominated a‘ pledge myselt: to (Enhance the » ofi‘ice to the best 0! my übxl'ny. I . JAunfi Oxford tp;, April 20, [863. u: l Clerk pf the Q 0 5 SCOURAGEIZ by at number 9 E I offer mygelf as n éamlidntel of CLERK 09‘ THE (Dorms, , eloch‘gn, anbjcdt m the decision I cutie ‘Coumy “Convention. Sh ~fort‘unate nun, ihje nomijnated a! pledge myself. t’ojflischurge the attic: faithfullyz- 1 ] : NICHOLAS B. i Stratum um, AprilG, tees. to } . Clerk Of the Co 1 ‘ NCOURA-GEQ by a numb”; 01‘ I again offer pry-self“ a cum Vflice of CLERK 10? THE (lOU comingclection, subject to the de Democratip County Gongenfion. ; so fortunate ni lo‘be elected, I t to dischlrge the dutig‘a of the 0113:; ‘ ‘ . ' noun Iguntpleluant tp., Mar. 23. 18 r , ~Clerk of the Co . s. ; _ . THE VOTERS OF'ADANS OUNTY:—g‘ , - Fellowwitizens :-Belug enc umged by ' “new!" frienda,_l offer myself your con: aidemtfon u I cnndiuate tor a oflice‘ o DLEBK 05? THE COURTS, at th next elecJ‘ . tion, subject. to the decision of 1!: Democntiof \glonnty Convention. TShould I receive the, omimtion and be erected, l shal duly uppre.‘ date your confiderfice,nnd promise disqhugg lbednfiel 0f the once promptly: with fidel. n,,. ADA)! 111M153. . anklintpngile, 1863. me ' 4 A Director of the P: or. . E are requested to announ ANDREW W BHULTZ, of Latimore tO' nship, as n; cuddm for Dir-Ito: 9f the] Poor at. the next ejegfion,lnbject m the deg‘mion o ,Lhe' Demo crslic County Obnvcntion. i . June I, 1863. u: . IOmG HAS RECEIVER H A , ‘SPBING 8 SUMMER. C oto Helium: (or ms -. ' ' G not Clothing? .7 Pl} "Dd 8“” ‘ WES. Gingimn, - ”“1133"; 193”“ Q rues, st FARRESTOCK BB ~ gill; .1 :1: Bed Front. ." E ' B armies" M. 36073.41 we? yd. pl thou nice Hubris; c ‘ 33v 1;. J. sum»; 45121:). Year. ”13,101?" my ' 'TY TREAS cz to the de- Convention. e nmnimued ischurge the . promptly. .' ARMUR. ‘ Shenffalty. 1) NCOURAGED bynummjpua friends, I nlfl‘er myself as a candidate for (he office of suslm-‘F, Subject Lo the de'ciaionyf the ngm. ocrntic 013 nm); Convention. Should Ibe 11 m inuted and elected,j pledge mysell to diach ‘ pm the duties of the dmcé'with pnompmess nd‘ impartiality. ‘ SAMUEL EIKE ‘ Freedom tp., 39y 18, 1863. lo < ‘ Cra s , Bhenfl‘alty. .r 1} NCOURAGED by manyfriends, 1 offer .‘ self ya. a cindidau: for swam? m I next election, subject. to the decision of D'c‘mocralic County Convengiop; Sho’uld l: nominnted lind elected, I promise to ,perf the‘ duties of the office with fidelity nd 1‘ pal-mm. .mux muffin Nountplcneant lp., April d, 1863. 19" “ ~ ; Shel-malty. v l rra NCOURAGEDbynumeroua friendsflagin I .ofi'er glyaelfu'n candit‘lnle fo’r monu- of iSlirlfllP'F, subject: to H 135 decision of the De .- ’ocrnhlc County Cunrenlmn. iShould lbenu - linate'u and elected, I pledge nmselflo disclm 1: i lhei dunes of the ollice wiih prompl‘msém Ml limpnniulny. GEORGE BUSUMAN. 1_ Cumberland tn, March 30, 1863. 1 ‘ E‘anlng ‘been infnrmcd ‘o! n réport n circulnlion to tllq efléct llmLI intent} to r‘ n as unflndrpmdent candidate should {I not I: lnmninu’tml by the- Dcmncrutic ('onnty flum - . (Junl iLJs due to ‘mysqlf th.;t I‘m.‘ oncla hm ‘1! ‘the sail! restart ns utterly false. I [”ch new-r cntenhindd suvh n thought} um} feel my? ‘11" 'in'hunur'bound to n’gule by [he dccisdm M 21:: Uomér‘flmn. ns announced in My mnlmhmeq, l JunpéS, 1863. GEORGE BUSI¥I.\N.E' COUNTY:— nobody, lofl'nr ‘TI-11l & RE lot the Demo; ciqua u! my ln- unite, and r pledm my dntics and 1 Lmdepuugi :GERALU. gM w friends. I him Mr the .nlth-: unsu ot tun: Demu llul l'lm so Id ducted, I mica bl Lhe .' ' ' . ¥ ' I a ; . Shenfl‘alf’y. , g_, f EPDURAGED by a number of fricndsfl 5 E dfl‘cr myu-lfi us a candidate *o} the nfli c {'ol Slflllilk‘r‘, squL-ct to the declsio'n pt t e Dfimcruxlu Cqmlly ()nnr’cnlign. Humid I e ‘nomigzued “"1111chch pledge myself to di - Churgé the duties M the utficc fmhhfulh'. ,; : “mm max-Mm; Xamuljoyltpq April 6, 18153. _in" w Imm § ffil ls hicnda, I F itl.u(- for [lce .M the ruin nt'lnc Drum um I be EU in] deck-11,9” : nib. of If”; , . ' . Shenffalty. ' ; “comment; by‘n nuinbcnof r L “IR-_r méelf‘ n 3 :1 cuudulnlc for L! :0! SHERIFF, subject to 'thc dcc‘isiu 'lk‘mnérmigCounly Convpmion. §hol [nominqted andflecfed, I pledge mysvl chfirgc‘ the duties of [he oflirc fiuithtnll L : ‘ .\x. 1:, MH' , .\lnnntnloasnnt 111., Jurfe 2'2, IHGII. ‘ rINTIIH‘J E- “unis-2' llfl't‘l' “h" ‘l‘ln' (I 111 ‘1 to Y}" do. H'uml'miun. [AT the sniiviluliun (If nu'ncrmw fr:i(~nd<.l' ' - nil‘l-r myM-Ifn‘i {1 (‘undirLfl'r Inr H 9- uflufi ut’ SilEJlll"b‘. m. the ensuing nln<~tiuu,{sxllvjm.l HQ [[2o th-{i'fiuu of the, chuurrntic (vfunn‘h; pur‘ in-ul‘mu. _fiiroul-l I _hc so ‘ ummimficd‘hnd elected, i p! 'clmrgeflhe,_dune€ 9f the: Jay fll-ilily. GEO. ‘1 (ieufisburg,..\(n'rch 30, 184 l pic-lye um;- um: (UIEIL 02 n triad: in t-nL “min, In: uflicc of t w the dr ('mu'omiun. numinului sdmrgo the ‘s' uhilily, 1 L‘ILLY: f ‘I _ Sherlfl‘aA WELLOWECITIZBNS U 1‘ llahigg been importm lmumnd a candidate for the .1 nowl‘pnpuixuce mysulf a ' office. (guhjec' to .tlu- Being . 'Gmnemmu.) Should [ befn tortunute as to be, nqmiuntcd and Blecwd. promise to dis {clmrp‘e ILe dulies of a ‘d oflicc prumpfly and, . with fidelity. YuuryrediL-m sermm. '* ' ‘- _' ..acumusxu MYERS, ‘ Apt-i; 27, 1863. tc . x 3 er. I onor my c-UHH‘lUlS- ecliuu, ~ul). :(liv: County lu'mu- us to wide ta dis tlw ht“! of L.\“.}ll-lil.' .Sheriffalty. . a ‘ XFOFRAGHD by mum-runs friendsl I OWN? j; nun-ll” up a cundidano for the oLh’ée o! .\lanßllv‘F, snlvjet-t (to ”W dccgsiou uflhf‘lkmrl oer-tic (tuunlv (‘nnventinm Slmuh I I pm‘nn in.x:ed,ahnl t‘h‘t‘ll‘d. I pledgmn‘x self hidifi-lmrpe! (In- .lujtias’uf the oflicn “ith promlum‘Ss and! impartiniuy. , JOSEPH A. oumnuiu’b‘. J .Muuuljoy (p., April 27, 181.3. ‘ EMI me far ihc VIA-23K 0F 'vwshll. he or (Axn-rtinn 186.}. U: ‘ Sherlffalty. \ ELBOW CITIZENS :-—At the earnest 50-“: F lici'ntion 32f nmny friends in all p.3rt_s of; the Jammy: ullcr myself as a cmididmul In: the ivfiice gSIIEIHFF. at the next elbclionl‘ subject to the ecisiul: of the Democrpfiqflounl ly Ci re’ntion. Should‘l he nomi‘hnnyl and] 91rcle§,¢l pledge mgselfto diafllfirgcihe duller” of the office faithfully and promptly. , 1 ADAM 3:333:11. _ Franklin fp., April 27, 1833'. w“ ‘ ‘ cforCLEEK I t to the de om‘ention. HI tB. ” ' :5 friend»! for the office 'the ensuing ‘f the vvuno . 11l I he so 41 elected. I ulies of the 5- A~;Small Em'm _ ‘ Axum-rum: sum) A'ljymhrn SALE.‘ -—ll'he auhcriber; desiring to remove to! the Weq‘lmfi‘urs In Private/dare, HIS FARM“ sitl‘mte gin*.\lountpleamn£ township, Adams county, ion the new State road from Getty:- burg to (Hanover, about. 5 miles from the lunar place, nnjoining lands otUPeLer Smith, Peter l{\mlm\lgh,and olhers, containing '4B Antes, more orgleas. of excellent running land— out lOacres hrcfimf-rnte ukudow-lnnd. ' .‘- ‘l‘he lynprovemenurare n large One- 4" s:orymee}loUSE,wiu. Kilch‘en I'3- * ~ attached, pun frame and part. log,;‘u ‘93“ Burn, Wagon Shed and alarm: new Hui; l‘un; fihEVerlLfillllg well pl wnmr 3mm“ the door; a good yolxdg Apple Orchard; with a variety 01 um“- fmh trees on the premises. . ~ whi-sons wishing to View we pro erty will million the subscriber; living thereon? l ; JACOB GUSMAN.~. April @3863. 3:11 J. F_l.\’K ,' my friends, [lol‘ the 'oflice ' this cnming !r the 'D‘muo led l he so :1 elected, 1 utics 01' the HRIVER. Mllllner§b 1n New Oxford. IS ‘E. W 05, formerly of'Banimore h wing loaned in Ngw Oqurd, Adéms cuuuty, 173., in the hpuse occupied lpy Dr. Hall, inHHauovcr street, will carry on the MILLINE‘RY BUSINESS, in all its hunches— will keep on hand BONNETS, HATS. RIB BONS, FHOWERSJUCHES, SILKS,CRAPES, LACESJECW and soliclu' I share: 01' public palronugfi.‘ [April 27, 1863. 3:11 ‘ m 3 friends,— idatc for the TS, at the 1‘ ision of the hould I be “ edge myself e faithfully. ANDERS. ‘ ‘ Rembvals. . THEundersighedfieing the iulhoriged persbn _ to Mk: removals Ainto Eieq‘Gr'ee'n Ceme tery, hope: thiuuch u contempgate the remove] omm rennin: of deceased relatives or friend: will avnil themselves of thiuéuon onheyenr to hnvi it dohe. Removals msde with prompcnela —term| law, And do clan. mated to please: e PETER. THURN, ‘ Intel: 1:, '6O. Keeper of ‘he Cem'etery. . Payment {a Mechanics" SAVINGS LXSTITUTIO‘S OF ADAMS 00., hnv‘miincreaaed its capital, hns enlarged in business and extended its nocommodatimis Loan day, Wednesday. ; [April 6, 1863. ti = chkmgq A AS nxcmvsn ms _ H SPRING .9; SUMMER CLOTHING ‘00“ 0351, COKE ALL. 221’ 13, 1863. w mum. ' ILLiNERY _GOODS, Bonneu; Ribbons. M Fléren, Shnken and Bone: Frames gun received from New Yotk, cheap It Fabu- Mfo‘ckl’flign ofthe A RED FRONT. 31$ plum, wmz AND waxsxnmrm Mains] purpom only,u the New Drug ton bf ' ‘ Dr. B. HORNER. "Vi-176» qnovzs, fur nag-11¢. 5;; m“ bend Mu ‘ _ SCHIUK'fiig whomjid x L! r! "A! finial, WI MEI c (Jilin: i of lip Ild I I: ‘to di ECM Sherififalty mmfimm AND FAMULV ”JOURNAL“ A ; gET'I-YSBURG, PAfi MCB'NZPAY,- AUG”; .10} 1863- iht Xtuot. -‘- .__-__~_:.,.~ ,::‘;:: ETAdTA'I‘I‘OII OF WAR. C2MI blue Potomac watera, ~ e Rappnhannock‘a liner - , unny Southern rlyerl, h the holly and the if .‘ lin ‘the sliock' of hit-alga 1'? ' E dad, in their blolid file, io— \ ith the dnrk mnl’a-ia— ‘ " Er youthful patriofi'djp. ‘ By the : Byl By the ’Nen : Fullim ‘ . deu Pining . \B/00' In the in lh Sit-,th. my. in the village, 7 ‘ L hamlet fnr nwly,_ A mnthera, wntéhing uniting, ucir sofdier boys 30-day” : a coming—chi!" cgiiting: . one, Ind scoreflby we're; :3. laden casipga folded, 1' neut’the fig they bore. hegnotherfweeping, waiting, ‘ mean! all thq day— " . s» regiment fits summ’one‘d', cr soldier wengnway; . ‘ bnflmut a—gleuming, 3 lisd‘hzlpsnck on his back, ‘ ’ m‘nnket strapned and folded— E s Horne-filled haversack. Thinkiu In 'his of the cournge svi-clling, , y‘e‘nnd in his-heart, l ‘ manly tear wins rolling, , by kissed her lb (fepurt; i' . ofiu's preciont letters " 1 l- by the camp-firefly 'gl‘ow, 7 ‘ in“ of home Auk] country, . t her who made him go. Tliough . “ngll Thinkif} Wriu Riéh in And 0 F ___—«notw—w—v —— ‘i ,‘ ‘.l‘lrl’rnnxy/uania Rnflmrntin the At/ttr‘k on Fart lfitynrr.——The 7l'n_tl regime-allot Penn pyhmniu volunleors tool; part in tllia attack on Fort Wagner. nonrhlmrld‘slon. Captain Miller, of Comlnmy Dufrmn the cinity of Hanover. Pm; writes a lvtler l .111 , Spectm (or, of that. place,“uuder'tlulefql be 1111: fill" n 3 follows ;‘ ‘ ;l“ . The following mrmliersi of' fear we‘re left on (he l‘lr‘lll. lllvuli.‘ U. l or; reported tq be woumlpdgin‘l Sprgmufi .lnoob llm-k; ()q‘irpnnfl 'A'ufuml nml ()llrl~toplwr CL llynl ' vzttlexumw ”night-a Charla llelil; - l :w llnmn. Moms llx'veler. Joshua l .v7—':—i:;—:;::"r~t::27:: .lnlm Miller, J ugub Mornmg’sluranu ] . OIILY A REGGAE! l wu'mml- ll ' i l l , _ l'd P :h‘hor 0‘ {wide romll oll’thesid .1 . 1“". 0 owmg wonmm men R 9“”! P l‘ ‘ . *6 ‘1 L" A Q 1 in getting, to (le rmi.untl itrn tlm J W 0“; “'9' ' ”it 3'9?"- rich dress 05"“? 'n cnntucl . Corporal llonry? Mll’lur, wmtfidetl it {he an mt ‘ “"3"""7’g tlmt may m‘" "'5 bounty; k‘lr- privates Franklin Rubens. banded Heel no! tho outatretched hand. mun-1y! in d“, «boulder and “13m. 3350‘, ‘cliner imp orlwg uid.‘ Mark noti tltmtenr that. ' Julin' ‘olnu Wm llcltghe‘nbzwh u “‘01,“: spri gun to her eye, as thntnppenl is unhoml- Lnu'soh ' 1 ' blfl'g is not. acéeptable to the Radicals. and hence the lace-mam fire in the rear tbs; mails General Meade from ltlw Abolition forces: Every efi‘ort‘hu‘ been made no, robllum ol‘lhe glory of the victory at Gettyébhrg. and even the abpurd preien sion has hqnn’ not up that tha'bnnlé was ,fnughl. and won u'pon the lam of 11:10qu, {)t Chanéelloruville. It is Illggmcel'gl to the nation that. a filthful nnd competent gol dwr lgke General Memleshoulq bepemc ~ ted by a. um. 01 miserable' ’chsrlttans‘, d have his usefulneu destroyed h‘y 9 im pertinenfi intexférence of men vi are‘ an Ignorgm of the art of war a ey are deli-- cient in mm *xd‘afitosmmghiy. And yet. fin falls moth} moi's OF M of the presei am it {Trim—The Clevelnnu'laiadedkr ‘ isjngflfinorrified at the réceipt‘of the (ob - o nv: z ' ' w . '2”? EWMIILLERSHImG, Ohio, July 127‘. . “"l‘o: theflmung dlfigi’m of Millersbuzg, the Abolitioniuts ofthis‘pluce Hut-m bonfires to-n'lght over the deny“: ofll'on. thn J. Urittendcn; * ' . ‘ “Yours. W.” .v- vac-‘-fi—fl "a. . G'en. Grid and (he Vacant lfizinr General-V :hi .-.—’l'bc fiecepi ncjmn 'of the. War Depth}; mean, up {timing (fi-neml Wool And othef ' ofli'cdrs upop the retired list. leavpa vacant one majoivrgéneraluhip and one brigndjer. ganeralship; m the regulu army. It in u‘id upon gdod «uthoyity, um. the mcjor generg nlship will ’be cohl'orred okGen. Gram. in recugn'lcion of his selfless in Tenn-mound “ Miamippi. " ~ ‘ ‘ _WlLuma-I‘ox, July 20.-—~One of Dupont’a powder milk, on the (1:529, ylr-l.‘ explo ded at. six orclock mi; morning. Jamal). l‘oples um! IWhlinm Leary, workmefiwero killed. The cum of the explosion in un known..lw_ ”I'. am the Bth Avenue ofiNew York «I. ty, acitigen [named Robert‘BeN, was drum time that: from the me box. He must have been ohe of the ”spotted” individuals talked orso'much by the Abolitionisuuuc year. He could not have been a gnu-ion. Movinga Clu'mney.—A chimney duck in Worcester. $3.95., which is nearly onthun dred feet. high, contains 60,000 bricks and weighs 170 tons, was moved to 3 distance of 150 feet and turned pagzialiy around, with out. disturbing a single brigk. oTham were aboue 6,800 m in Port Hudym when the place wrmdufl. 5,953 enlmad men were [ml-clad, 213 W can were» lent. to the North, and 9860“, cars were sent to New Oriana. ‘. wWendell Philli uylho in "W with hone-l. men." He feeling 5M9»- ug—honest man have {or ”when (lit gmted with him. ‘ ‘ ‘ kepi. up’until fm ificed by the 013'- \d the :mbocility Lion ! --,i4g4