ia.t.* anntra l. ratitel% r ‘ ‘ Ina Andamn Troop. , [NATIONAL COMMERCIAL comers, I The folio-ins order from Guuenl Rose- 5 P-Hl'iWH'D 1’ i can, in reference Kb the Anderson Troop, 3 q. E. um "fiffiififli‘" cu‘ >l' x “d tutifying ,0 the ”um”:- ohm,” who Se“; Yotifify,Brooklyn...ubnnyfirrny.Bun‘nlofi ' 'oqu his order: in the minute on Mur- ‘ aillrkmi'oflfjfil'"E‘e::.‘f:fh°l:"di‘-L',"W”: f? _ ‘l _ '_ ' -_ - . a nnercu‘ fiaboro’, '1" be read with mien»): by AwhW'lmCnm’mewi'l LAW- Form. Coma-1 ‘heir friendc‘ in this State: ’ P°¥gfffinfiew£|€ft”lf“ '1‘???“ m i ‘ ‘v . ‘ ‘ .‘_._ .:g .0: lemoonl-m ! Dumnrunr or rm: Hmnrnz.\\‘n.. [ln-1: tum Inn-u ‘gr‘nem. mud “1.31 m: in 15w)» the , L, 1-‘ {1342751} :nron'i \m'mri m; TQMWHIIW' Irvium‘ny): of .u11..ntf..-r gre‘iter fnrllilie: fur , . SPEf‘i 12153“):le <23“th law. ‘ fins:- Ilrl'gu; I_n;l!r]uhtwu Unn any olhgr szmilnr‘ ‘ , . . . -. . x l'l musln Ac I‘DIIHU'V. ‘ ‘ . . C I: a: 2r t I y figclmhnhi 's‘ T. L - '- ' ‘ l ‘ ‘ Z . . . p LSUId h; nu} one I 00-] m! 1 | XVIII. The (in-nun! Nmrfinn-fihz :m- f” 3" "““mmd “me‘ ’3 I ‘1" ”on” his high ”Afi’flcfiuu with lhnu: £3lm 111 mm l;;|;iu.Cullt“gs hn: born TEI'QWH’YJ“ n ~ firflOlnd determined mon oflhe Andmnn . I r-W' “.1 r? ”mmmdwm yum-nor manna” ! i G rd [1 d um) 1:3 ”nu vhelmgest au-l mustlurespemuq 1' 31: Ha, w.O pruu'pfly anhr , uudq the t'mnmmidl unminn in the sum. - 4! | ailing; Mljo'ruilfitmenganen and Ward, to _l'¢ry‘xn\ N Sumton‘: series oflfl‘ext Ronkq‘ - ,: Old In!!! W H” advance h”: ’lqrrrtQNhoru'.lcmu'llbLALK Bock-keying, Commr’rcinl Arixly 1 Thméyoang soldiers and thcw’Exave com- . 3:23;?“ .commcm‘J L‘m'» t‘" '“k' “"d “any ‘ 1 under vied with our most veteran 01m”? ' - 'f' ' ‘E . . . ‘ ' . . o f : "' . ‘ ~11: their stadiums umL-r fire. and the iui‘ t?2ofl§%fiple;.fl 1“” mid {or a “”3"er ‘ -. ‘ l ... I ' '. - .—|_.._. 4—. 7.7 . . . irepldlty of their advance on the enemy.- -—-4-*-——-—«———~ , . 1: ‘ ~ Ind nobly gaming] the hnnnrnlremh Won The Old and Rehable., E‘. . ivy lhé 7th l‘en‘mylvnniu Cavalry fur the VLW SPRHuj 90905, ‘K Q q 11l ‘ zxt‘yslone Stale. “'llllo llc dthOTM tlw i "M \Jl'l‘ ffilLX'lr:(§ Illrlll‘ Kl Ana-. 11 ‘ - '- . . fr , .. ' ' _ . w . 1 early death "f the hmu 5"";‘5 1W?” {4}" lwould wept-ctfnllylsny to the cum n! of Gupl ‘ ten, the SOHO! he feclfl at hIS loss 15 mm- 1; Jung and \‘ivinilu. “En. he ii now receiving alt-d (vith a‘ soldier's nrido. to kn‘JW that he an III: ~t -r«'flfl»l¢-u:lid .3 ‘ , .. . la 'full like : hufm. and for (hp moml o."ch of I" 51-“;‘1 0’“ N'WV- {lo’92‘- . 11l ’ - 5- . ,l _ ‘ \ 1‘: ~ 1 1w sm- runnzu‘ In par 0 gnryfim J‘ _lmtlonnlu;. 11., frul (hut ..l I) nr \\ arJ', 5:.14" “my GUUDS. (H. mm dcscrxyln-n. T't .rocovermg from lm Uc-rlrzdt: blltylnlllufll— aims. ‘ ._ 1‘ ' ‘ ,ble wéunds, will ling [l,;Jillu lusn lilufulfi‘ SIuZA “LN-‘31:! _ -- y ‘ I'm many afi'll in l‘U-l (- Auu'r): a .xcfucc. ~ CH.\cl.LlL.~‘._ q . _ ll .’ w .Ith general cmnunmrlm: 1.4 gnu-vwl lo; 1 - . ”EL-1:33; UHF“ % ‘ ll ’ ‘ loam that abyut} :uvcln hundred 9!: flxnyre. ‘ ‘ Adm-1'33 11 l j.“ gtumble:l('}u:ql.l,~~—:z:ud to bclung :u lmmlxc-t ul'. . Luvyg' I] ~ :‘ prod sundi‘ngat lwmc—huveclamell,nndoari ~ , \’ - CHRICfi‘ESig ',_ :3“an larc‘lext or other. but to fullo'w their . 0331‘] nudlh‘os and rhoicg‘st mm. {Mir-jg m}! A rumpdnlbnsjn-armn tu lll(‘ fivlvl. to iharelbe “mm $31,115?:3???)3‘9??th”05-1: ‘ . “V r. I". ~ ' - 5 _ ‘,‘J_l )3 I ‘7] .:¥ "m ”‘9'” mg d‘m'm“ "I'd d“ alum); 0‘ l‘n‘l all kinda in~~lu ling Silk. Lin'm nn'rl Cotton”. ‘ “In 14th Army'corl'f“ I " . lllnn'lkvrvhlel‘z. (llnrm Sjnt'kings, {VP} 1 1 ~ “0" cannot ”maxim-uh“: rmrld Lang: ”Min 11 Rhll-nalivl nimrlluenl of “13803.23 “.I~n|~'\'o& men in whom llcl mlgut-l. lunpcs 1., lln- c._un-I Edging. l'mhrtfllA; um] Pur.l~nls.- 1' in coul‘hc so law: and s(-lii~li. lln calmnt M“ 1"" R M “'HH‘F. (mops “in: 3w Irmud full ‘ ;’ conceiilc how tlwv r'unll l-ll'lllH,‘ llu-ir awn Mlllwuu'l'lpl" :Ln‘l t'uyvnnu-Ia "111-V ”‘3' "1"”! \ . ; . *-'l . . h f 1 . _ ‘.ll\\ll'\‘§ g: lung gum! ppds M. the lowest. pus<l— uqd mun tw c o.” onufvn [10” pa- 3,“. pm“. . k tin: Style by cnntluut nut Inn-my umuuuug (:rn-lcnxq-n will find it to th‘vir adyan‘tuge tr A linsc nhd cuwunll}. but i" eliminal as ‘tn "all 2‘ll”] l'lyllln‘liue m." clock at ‘ dzsnn'é (he penalt)’ ul'dvmly. ; “J ‘ V ‘\‘C _ fl ll ‘ llefdrg'prnprcvjlin; my; what lils rinfyl “~21-‘m‘h “QIETNGS l; .n—qu'mls. apd baring {hm-n dqult \nlh tluit of 5511 (1.. 4”.“ Mill :lmlceat 591‘“- . I - dcgervéd lnl'nn‘fy Much mll Mus} tlwm lur- Aplil 2:. 1:42. _‘ J. L. .SCHIPK. . ' vvér infidxc esumn of tllc'r {filmy—the “~7‘“ ~~.r“- ~v-..~i—_—-—l——~—l— ' ' Gcncrujl rnmmnnxling “Mum this uulvr read Vmegar—Vmegar. H "to theu'): nml'. to all who me not to” Let tn THE undanigicq h:\<<_‘onm‘lem-vod tlu-rmqnn-l‘ ...! sensd of lmnbr. tu slop furth and r-nnfpw f\fn-l'tunu'ul \ :nrtg‘n‘renn ll‘alslll'lntlmntfll‘letlll . . y. \ C - “ ““ Hmr=‘nnnl(, («1‘ ll‘ t'srlu‘. .e-l‘ lhnt whatever-ms!) lmu luon .llulrynune ”an”: "'1 h“ lm-n mnnufncmring‘lln’sVine wanls innd ant-ls. ’thu- hour at lhcl’r cuun- gur'm, nomlymw".9”,. “m 1 it h” Hing) 29min, . tty‘s necgl nml peril yum uni Ille’ tmw '0 :-tl~l4ltmn, n"- =..,,pr;mm 0; mg Vine“),- Jidmnl Buck and Ether, nr (lano llwir lpru- 0"?" all other mnnnfu‘tnrofl. Vinfan, ‘mqijlzu. * ‘th‘r-ra in‘ arms (,0 dungvr and lli‘ulll willinut 2‘“ “s9l“:an ”'"W’lyf’l gmnfi‘rtx’og%zd 9?; #l'lt‘l . 1 M the!" “:50qu OH N-lIH' rn'purullun l “n" ““1- ”‘an "fed .m- it? cnmpnq‘l'm ' {ad} ‘2 ’ P '. . . :frl-v- frmn mrrythmg Injllrlulh'. It 1-1 “rung.- .~ “he“ ww‘u' 2‘“! 'lmn: 1") nm'm'lulmy l" and M the sumertllfio plegaant tn the magmflf-«l I save them firom nupcndlug‘ uxrgracc and has all the preservative qnnlitivs loundinpurc *Lllin. l ' " > . '(‘idf'l’ Vinegar. IQ- is yin-lured tfi wholesale. ' . ‘ ‘ \. . l' . ’..<ror. n 5. 111-s \ uwgzrr‘ in an) quajt'fly, ("all and oxnm. “3 gpmmand Of ‘lzil (13",3;\Rh1 V lin: fur yuurwlvrs. \ ' ADA.“ DIEHL. A : -. ' - . . ’ A. A. Gcncml nnd'ClnglMiSmfl‘ ‘ II MI 7, 3:5, in; 1: . "L In.) I'.» . ‘l. -1 ,1. ..5, g; H 1! u; ‘v- EH’AD arrival‘at New York f'rt'hu ”a- . I’f‘.‘ Zir vnna brfings more huiting and inn-rout": ‘ news. L’l'he Frenchémnlnurxh-atinn butwm-h ‘7 Ziprizubzfi and New Cruz ha: been cutnfl by film ““san gumillut. ,Wlmglre uxcwdingly ictirewfind wqrryltbn Trent-I. unn-minzly. 'll._wn§élsn reported that the Fn‘nch had qun rdpulscd bcfure l‘uauln, and driven _ Lack Vi“! same lass. The mlvnnCc guard lmd alsrr been uttncknd ‘m-i «Inflated. . Al ’turvthefi their pl'Q‘pmtts inwlu‘d (xi‘mlinuly ' had“ ,Tghe small pnx it! a mélignaut {um} ‘bhad broken out at Y, m (In a”: 3“ A .L.‘ ~ .——»- . ...... , -.. _ 35'0”). Hurxn~i4lv “a: ‘u Washingk-nnn ~§3turdagjmnd had interviuxswith the Pumi ‘uc’nt: Sacrcmryfilumun, arid Gen. Ilallcck. gfimrfifimumm Modicél Card. o(‘l‘3ons 03;me & S'»\Ol‘_Ehlrn nun- V _ ‘c‘mlcd themselvm fur tho PILU'TICI'I 01-" NPIIm.§E In HCIVVSMIr; fl'ld Hilvi‘inilj'r— ‘ *om- e in “Wills" ["hlvlmt. uppusrte Hie Ilimk. r "V ~~ ~ . _ hmhlenflsi-MHJM lllt-‘prvwnl.{lo"de a: flu: :iresidanro hgl’r. s\\up<-, in [2451 Y-nrk s'rw‘t. Dec. 22. 136:1 l‘um . " 4 ' _. Spectacles, Spectacles. . - ” osana man‘s. «ign oruu- Wm}. mi ' ‘ ‘QlpredmL-lcs, in Ihr dmmnmi. has nnw on Q 5' hnnrkn. Hume “sort-mm of Hun'd. Slher and 8:90! Spo‘ctacles, and ii prepare-‘1 w suit all who ‘ \\ wHHuvor hiin with a mu. . ’ 3.3. 'Cash paid for old gold and silver. I; i Juno 2, 1862. ’ ~ ’ The Great Dlscovery . F Tl-iE AGE—inflammunry and (‘lirnnic . Rhe‘umniism run he rurvd h‘y using H. L. . M L'LER‘S CELEBRATED RUEUMATIG MIX , TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, uml ‘3 the ndjoifning counties, lune testified to ils ‘ ‘ great. milky. h: chroma in Rheumatic afl‘ec ‘ (iqns. ha. been liillu-rtlo unparalleled by any L ‘apécific, jmrndncod to the public. Price 50 ‘ _ can?! per ibottle. For sale by all druggists and Itorekeep'ers. Prepared nnly by 11. L. MILLER, » » Wholesplg, and Retail llruggist, East Berlin, Adamh‘copnty._l’n., aenlor in Drugs, Clrcmirnls, is.“ Bi!q,’Vnrxiiah, Spirits, Paints. Dye-slull's, bot ' 'tlerl '0ill,: Essences and Tinctures, Window ‘ ’ G‘lagl. Heffnmery, Patent lleclicincg, &c.. «kc. ‘ ‘ "AND. Buehlvr is thi- Agcnt‘in Gettys f fair: for ‘HI. L. Miller’s Cirl:brntwl Rheumntic )lixturefl . [June 3. 1361. U 7 . - ~—-,—~——-——- 7.»- -._“ » iA’Ready Market; ‘ ’ 'BI’SHELS GIL-UN WANT— IOQ.OOO Ell—We Have ’mken the use nuly‘ oecude by Klinefelzer. Bélfinge! «5:00.. with idcterminnfion to [my the highest ,firkel prices for 11l kinds ofGreln. Yuu will find us' sipplied wnh PL.~\STrIR,’GUANO of .u Hmwcnocmms. Wholeszfle gnu! fimn RISER. COALJAM every other article in our line of bhsinus mid at the lowes‘. pos=ible ratesfor (last. (‘nll nml’gemmine our stock and 2‘ print: Lefme purrhnsing okewhere. ‘ _ i; ' . ‘ I)!EHL.BRISKERHOI’F & GO. , Apfil22,XBql. tf , _ ’ Natrona Coal Oil. - _“. ARBANTED xo}; - EXRLOSIVE and A W equal to any KEROSENE. ‘ 2 < .WHY, by] an explmive Oil, when a few cents « “ r L more Pit £llO9 «in furnish you whh a perfect ‘l' Oil? il‘ only by PA. SALT MANUFAC- L - ‘ TUBING BUMP.\SY,,.\‘O. 127 \Vuxc‘r Sun", 1;. , a ymanamxu. [rm 24,1862. 1, 25"“ Bafiomfier! Saponifler! ) 1 A ézéfllLY SOAP MAKER—AII Kitchen 1 ' , J'flSC can be made ium good SOAP, by . '5 ug SAPOXIFIER! - _ _ A ‘ , ._- pmloxs ACCOMPANYING EACH BOIEJ‘SQAP is as easily made with it 9‘ making Acup of cofl'ee. Manufactured only by an Puentees. PA. SALT MANUFACTURING C(NPANY, No. [27 Was“ Si.,.PIIILAD'A. 33 ..er um. 1y .' “ :1 «.For Sale. "”‘25110‘1133 POWERENGISE with a non- Ag‘nfim : large copper Worm. madq for n I ‘Ey’mubing 400 bushels corn daily.— Whhb’e'lalll at low price. Applyto - ' fi ‘ I CLARKE, ALBAUGH 5: 00.. M 29 use. 7w Frederick city, Md. John W. Tipton, . ABLE BARBER, North-east cor r 9” gm Diamond, (nut door to Me “ 111,1 0:01,). Gettysburg. PL, where he ‘ an 3.: unim- be found ready to attend to all _‘ bmhfi’hifi line. HQ ha: also ex’cellentMJ _ a!!!” "Ad will ensure ”ti-faction. Gin % hllpgema- _, a, , “#41902: M! ‘ , 03'3“! P'U fli #3:“!th _ _ Du... 03’ m LWAISOS'S. =ME : ‘ ‘ Certificate. 1 “‘7E. thr- nnnieruigm4l.:hvrebv certif} thn't we have new] m uur fumilufi. [or vari uus pugumos. tfir- Vinegar: hanufutuiod‘nnd =OH hv Ann: lhnm.,nud find iv. to bu ull_thnt hv rl‘prvsvnrs it m hv‘. “'ll have flfirly ‘testcd it uld bulim‘e it no he supnriur in l'\'€l'_V ream-4t. ;In any ntl-rr nmnu'm‘turr‘d Yinr‘gm we Inn-.- mcr use-1, nut] “mm; recommend it to all [ol'] tom. .1 ‘ ‘ . ~nw FAMILY [mm m» L ’ I'nnsqmme)’ smug, ”Min: refin-vl from th“. nctive practice of my prqt‘esiinp. I take plmmrc in announcing In L'xe'vxtizen: of Gettysburg and vicinity, that I [mn- npmml « , . _ , NEW DRI'G §TORE. ? I in Un- rnom formmly occupied by Drs.‘R. k C'. llonxsn. Ah an office. where IwIII constnmly krkp on hand A huge snp'ply ofnll kinds of FRESH DRUGS, ‘ ' . MEDICINES, ‘ 3 ‘ ' ' ICIII-ZMICAIS. ‘ - PEIKFI'UERY,‘ * ' ~. . TOOTH POWDERS. ‘ . ‘ DYE STCFFS, DTIY PANTS. and .- . PAINTS ground in Oil. ’ ‘ OILS, fiVnrt-ssed nnd distilled, STATIONERY ofnll kinds, Inks, Pens, Prnrlla, Pant-r. (‘n'mht Brushes. 6m. PATENT MBDII‘IXES‘ . All the populnr Patent Medicines.~to‘cn(her with a sclwlion, of pure WINESERASDIES and WiIISKEY. for medicinal pm 0503 only, always m} hand. In a word, my stoc embraces everything usually found in a first-class store of‘this description. . A large pilpply of frcah Drugs has been re ceived, and others are arriving, which I am of n-ring to the .public on very Accommodating terms. My Medicines have Hill been purchmed under my perfionnl inspection nnd su'perviaion from the most reliable houses. ‘ {can therefore not only recommend them' as pure and fresh, but can sell them cheap. ‘ l S. B.—PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to the treatment‘of all chronic'diseuea. , WADVICE GRATIS.‘6§ Mn; )2, 1862. ti ‘- HE undersigned invite attention to their T .lar e and well grown stock of FRI?” AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs” &c., embracing a. large and comrlete nssorlmént of APPLES,‘PEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS, CBERRXES, APRICOTS, nnd NEC TARINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwarf for the Girden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANXSH CHESNXYTS, HAZLENUTS, km, :RASPBERRIES, Srmwummgs, CUR RANTS 3nd GOUSEBERRIES, in grant variety. GRAPES of choicest kinds, ASPARAGUS, RUUB‘A‘RB,&¢., kc. Also. a fine svock’of well formed, bushy EVERGREESS, euitublc for the Cemetery and Lawn, DECIDCOUS TREE, for street planting, Ind a general assortment of‘ . OMAXNnL Tn“: AND Fwwsmxa Smwas. noses, ofrchoice varigfies, daksum, BMPING PLANTS, kc. Our stockvis remnrany thrihy and]: fine, and ““6 offer it at price: £0 suit. the timeg.. wCaulognes mnilegi to all ap'plicanu. ‘ 1 Address EDWARD J. EVANS, & 00:, ~ 1’ ‘ " Central Nurseries, York, Pa. 4‘ *’ March 24, 1861. tf - ‘ “Carte 6.6 the” g ‘ HOTOGRAPHS I—We' havejnsi intiodnced! _ a splendid massive coldmn in our Gallerys and are now prepared to furnish the new style' "Cane do Visile" Photographs—four for I dollair. , - TYSON BROTHERS, i_ ‘ Notice. | WE desire all person: indebted b 6 us 101 call and make settlement, Inning madei I’ change in our manner ufd‘oing huuineu. i Oct. 28, 1861. FAHN ESTOCK 3303. v: ARPETS, CARPETS.--—A spiendid'loc 0‘ Carpeting—good and champ—just opened' at the New Store of M. SPANGLER. j l" ‘L. SCHICK In! ‘just received A lot of g .‘ cheap Lobkinz Glasses. ‘ J'IE attention of the Ladies is respegtfuuy' Invhed to a large and splendid nsaomm-ntg 0 Adios’ fine Kid 3nd Morocco BOOTS and! SLIPI’ERS—LutiIg Gaiters, km, km, at ‘ April 21. . ‘ ,3. F. McILHENY’S. TRUNKS tad Carpet Sick. ulna]. It ' PICKING‘S ,1 »ymua “30“ watt: All“) 1:131:an1 m ... ' i ”memos! um» 'ewD tnreof ’ _‘ 3;. B.- HOBNERT‘ Whirl’myork Son; Gettyzbnrg, J'lcph Norm-pk & “3., “ '~ (‘wlnri A: (il‘llnipifi. “ Jn-hh (‘h un'-erlm, ”Franklin twp, Levi l'it7lr. ; ‘“ 4 A F. Gllhlnvahl. . Imm. l}* ‘ Mc 12 'Dr; Robert Homer’s F'IMMHRnfinFIKG STREET, GTTTYS‘BCRG‘ Trees! Trees! Trees! Excelsior Sky-fight Gallery, Gellysbdrgw. finch 10, 1862‘: ._ . l"4a x " a. V; ‘‘“ “ '~"‘—“-r- A~—:~*"-“-—‘-r —-‘ ~-~ ~~» - ‘ ~ ~ ' New Store '- i 'lmportaht tb the Ladiés. ‘ . '-‘ WV" “‘ “ ‘ ' l * 1 ~ ~ . '. . EWTSOODS AND GREAT BARGAIN“! Mum su'n'a ‘ - ' 1 Pf‘p?ffig&’l§i§§§q& i * - ° undcr-Isned Would ,e. cumm- ‘ w.\s l m .u Acn"x E _ ‘ lounce to the citilens of Getlysl):rg and lgg‘vmdenignrd i: no \‘(imiln'ing “axon-"3M3 Edward B. Buehlem l unonndlng country that he has opened a for; mlv, G. W. TOLEIL'RFT'S HH’ROVFD “ 'TTOBNEY AT LAW, will lzxithfully and} EW STORE in Gel‘r‘bnern 'he ioom inn-1y WASHER M Gt’lrsluurr and intends 10 mm? A promptly nneud lo all'lmsinrssintrnsted. upied by J. c. Gulnn .t am, on the North pl, nmm'm mos; palm (hung-ham. m'w Mm- He «speaks we G°m“"1fl"“““.“°~" cab corner ot'tlu- Diamond, whjn he “in coiinzy who dojire n ldinr-cnving nl'lchinn, {Olfiue at the- m!" place, in South Bulimia?!l 9P “"2? '9O “'9” ‘elecu-d ‘3o"in 09' , Thin machine is gntrp'n up on :In ouliH-ly new 'slrcgt, uenr Form-l“: drug ”unwind near I. )M’ coups: (:mu‘lillll-ZS. QUE. :IsWARE' ‘ pritclpk, ad is conei.|.‘,.red ll)" thou who have . opposite Dunm-r .v Zu‘zltr a Moral 1 ,1 V ll.\llPETl_\'l},&C._ T Lee l]! in n-ehthe hm lhhl has ever been" Gcnylburg,.\larrh 2"- ' , --4. l “NGU‘ dm'fipflun. among whi h will be brougul beforelhepmwic, * ' I“ » - . ' -——-——~ 7 Hind the hum. a!) In of Shrine tiiiwds. The Amnna the many ndqlnvnfug‘pfihie machine J.'\ C. Neely, A milieu p mi: .lrrly ”are requestml in; run and ‘ov ur all uLhrH "my lu- nlnnlionedlheinllmving':l' TIORXEY AT LAW. w‘ill ntleqd '0 follfi‘rv X'lmmt‘ my-slmk. M I “<1 unlitfied it hu‘ l“- h‘.’i’"l'll('ll" uf’cbnsmwlinn'. kaiqgiti A lion! Mu] nll other huainus intruqt‘d :er cyc-r been Inqulwud in this plum-d for me Alvnml-xupns.llrle m xvi run at ordrr. A ‘ hm I‘Jre will: [)anlplnCAS. (mice in “19>. .. nd chm llt'fi.‘ Gentlemen lusu‘ lirl- request-I 3‘l‘ “8 ”whi. which astoniahes alike the cornrr nfllu: Diamond. lformcrly ocgupled b" with +§lil. nu llhre i-Ihu lrliclc iuilllé lingl uf "I'QT'TM “nd ”1" 10“ 410"- s l ' Wm. llqut‘lellau, EV'l-l ‘‘ ‘ l HSTLBMEX’S; WEAR ”mum“. "M hcnc- flIL {hf hmliiy “'ill‘ which ,it .163 th lac-1f; Gettysburg. April 11. “59. If ’ ~, ohmodncdm 11:. all nrices Huh FF” Mlonish ‘lo I m uk or u mtilylol'cluthu duirod to be ~—-—*-r‘- j " ' """’" #7.— 'dm. 11" ‘.‘ i ‘ 1 “sum. q l I ~ Wm. B. McClellan,‘ . I Will sly» k‘ ep on hpml n lnu lupply d lh. ll washes equally well ‘tln- finect and . TTORXBY AT L_\\V,——Uflir9in West MN!- I liOl‘EluEr}. {which uill I-e mld pry vllenp 13! "951 r‘lbl'ic: or lhejconraedt audhcmiost, : A dle Efrem, one door west. él ,tha MK .13, soqckm ‘QI El‘xswma, v.-., \ ill am. he will i” lmd-quilu. wujlom. hlmkcu. tp. loom llanse. - \ ; qml .hunllsunk. durable and ch np, w’him :i‘hr (‘3'! b 0 manna-ti by a) cliihl from 1010,; ucm- Imm Sov.’lJ. lens. )I‘l.Vl{l'li'l‘l.\l,; rnnnothesurgmss (l. » I'l ”"5"" Urflu". -: .‘ ’ i,__'_,L..A ‘ h N my inanliifil 16 ktep .| fir“ rlnts Store ”"1- ‘:°“"|"‘H i I". 103 P (Inn On! other‘ kcfplnz 0d hunxl nolhimz hug no d gouth— l" “‘s‘“ “’-'|=hi||l.'- i ‘ “ "4 talgy“ (“willphningndmned u. mms__ 1h“ Will last a: long as any other tub with ‘ firmx’ suits AND.S.\L\L|. norm." “"iWWI’. , g +qu! rdqieetfnlly solicit n s are at” the g”? s:,"""',',:“(w“'lb°s" “Ll I‘ pnlll'ullnge. us [hope bylslri tum-Minn the" 1" ”h" 3 - mini-ion. xlnfl by healing hnnoet y-wilh my [ l . T“ ugto en's, lq‘gh‘c Butidm-ti- nton l. , ‘ . , Certlficate. _ ‘ ”I! ‘ 1.. MICHAEL 51’. NGLER. DAMS (‘Ul'NTY.§l’.\.—\\'o. the Imdcr ' l Ll. lmb ‘ ‘ , 4 signal. lwwln l'cfiufy that ‘wo haue n‘wgl, I - unflmxc nun-1 mm. H. W. Tulhurst's Improve-l 7 \\'.g~lniuu .\l u lllm'. nndnre fully sulisfird lhati; . ‘ is-jllxl llu: Tub Mr. S. iS'uerfy rvprv-‘qnls it, 10 irno-l rm." Imimlnl unwrap-hi .lnilhlug uf the kind Kw iol’ ”All“: lnl‘e l‘H‘l‘ st-uu :h‘ 30!:3 combining. us i'l dues,‘ thu- :ue gréat‘ alumni with llllil':l-llltlr, null pulujuuii'rg :ure Qtu-vzl. iggxwmk m the mm! s.tli~xt‘:wlory "unmet-E ,v ck consist: “'O, tIH-rvluro, ”common ln m evmy family . iii the cunMy with greu plexuuw. ‘ , il ‘ | George 69'. er. ‘ .\l:iri;1(l.-vr;r, ' ' C'nblmrin’o Mails, Svah Flmrh, TOOLS. i I’wlnn T. Forum. ;Sq:nlnl§x l-‘nrrc<t. 131,150; ' Clrmsxian llmsclnmni l‘nlllm'nP. “Inst-Imm " Juhlu Uh.lml.erlin, {Maithmchnnlherhm l Allin! 125.1862. 3 g - «Hardware . > (:RQ':gr:lm;.-4:.__ Tu? M'lJqu-mnri h w jvl<t rem v- With 'nn immmm- supply .wmmwcrznms. mm _, "I! “lit” old shunt m BAlLir 2.. «ta: 1! the times. Oursrc .fi r; 7 Ixo \; \rrnm \! F. ' CARI‘FJNTER‘SJOOLP. } BLACKSMITH'S ‘ _ ‘- - A .CU.\CII I rmxnfxps. zuslxfizt M‘KER'S»TOOLF~‘, 1 [II‘ITSEKEI-ZI'IER‘S m.\=~ ! 9 ALL lens (‘F I @oaner up ALL ms aim-3. l‘k '., NP.- ‘Thl r": 3! my in‘lhq‘ m‘crn! flnparlmrmk' II HMI 'x’m-l {Yeah I [gzicl ~ mr UH. now I 315. ”1101 up (- ‘6’." c ( I'Q‘ w Ind “#121? mu he [and at th 'va n ‘ \le chnnir< (a n h:- m c! ”Monk? and lmdip :, nnxL I ! fund éy‘ry‘ article i their. 11. :13 \h 'nro'pmpzlre m SH] :my Jtficr house out nflhp 3 JUN B. I. DAVID ZI n- I ‘ fl (1 “ugh.“ UM MEM I) ,A‘m‘k EE. I ., , VAL! SECUAD .‘ a ercanfiflo Fi 7R’T. - ' NEW GOODS nnd ‘ i 3W! mm'n i 1 Low _ RHYME! & SHORE r buds and the [public jnat rr-mrned drum tassorkmenz of 1000! "firmfm their J‘rig 0y huh: phmlgid‘ ztdil‘x’! V 0 NH; 3 S G 0.0 DSt IPtint ‘. ‘n- Bum-5 Clmllixu, l 1 .' Roh}s'of all kinds, Alpmwl no any flunk ‘und (‘amhrk - h-l; n 1 gum! Meuhmnnt ( (‘nlicbnt and \lu-lius. at old ITIISJ ‘_ , ‘ {SASSIWERES‘ A I . . vnsr‘ c.‘ fir}. fixr mon': wear: ’ REAIHIJIADK CLOTHIX‘ he he .‘ form t. at I will n (1 giof' r‘h .‘ 'n‘din ME C AL“: I. n L 1300115, 5110 as, - . * , ‘ HATS mm 1 ric‘Lfid >1 and slogk pf Cut, Ix mpmnfl 2 ) ’ I “ QLflL S'S‘VARE. H ‘1 ‘ -: ‘ DRUGS 11ndl : l 1 a mm 'll and fitock Mixrime _ , r ‘ = . hmrmufis M... {a d M! "indameg‘mndsz-h as nrn Kr lnyl i acmint__~ smrb. H wing h L‘. #1:“:4 tuanlT-rrl to ac“ it tin- v p: riw. (lur lmlmo is—"Quijck b‘ A” I’Lyhlsq' 1 . I i 1 These #oolda nra rnn'Hy ve;r_\- ‘ f. d we *‘aml ik diSfilH'fl)’ muh-rymm \V II 281LYIIEM fer}- rhé-u'p fur Cash. 0! mll (-nstrmers misix months. Plea-w n mmol before fimrchnsing olscw-h w nH respectlully return uur tlmu] fri -n'd= Mir {hp libé-rnl putroimgc exlcn If]! 13 tarpand .‘leqlecttuny Mk 1). cm q) reef. J , : sumr $2 -.~_' ; ‘gnmiglhnrg; \1 . April 21. 18112. hrs/re, ‘ . 'ar‘gainsf} a | . ‘ N Am; nxtralnmws Axp 97m ATV. ~ .. . fl :TRUNKs Am) TRAVELLING .Hm'ing'jnsn rc'qph‘bd :\ vr-r)~ lurge'sup aboi‘p gnolds, we 3&0 prepared 10 5: ll Ih} ”2“,“ everfsold in this [glam My am" cnmplt-h,‘embhwmg every style 0| 55 [Ma mndé. : ‘ I K , ‘ 13.x,fis‘rxn CA 93., c 9 sidifiq of 5111* c‘lzltest stylus f"? §pring an Summer. 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ strum-MN!) snom. ~ for Gem! men,:LnEies anrl Clril'r'lren. i itylm ’dé nhd ,‘nstern work [ram 125 coma up 'PRLiN‘KS iof very descriptmn MT! kmd. Ca 1 nntfi extamineM-e hwg-lirzi at ) 1‘ prilz’, 186:2. g R. F. uchnHle'S. moval.--Tm War . 3 dersified hm: removed his Tinningg Ilish en; nearer the [)in ond, in' burg sweet, adjoining A. D. Buelu' . Stone—h \‘orv cenlrulfiocation. He in) munquxwmx-e. and keep; donstact l,.every Tjuriety 9f 3 1 ' Luna. : . . AA] ' HE 11 9‘81" mher , Dru tinue< n hm) “X;- .1: hr CDI ly- , PNESSCD AND 4 1 : JA'I’ANED w. m, l hm.“ p‘e ready to do REPXIIUXG. Ivoomxza and SPOUTING 1 -in (h? Hut. manner. Price: moder o‘ alfgrq spared to render {x4ll satin The pumic's continued patronage is I ‘ i ‘A. P. BAUQIIER.‘ Ivurg, Apt-i! 7, 1862. 1 CEI 1. am. ‘ and Vign'd (3| 9 . € ('Jtys owarfiy Assoclatlpn; ,Dng‘HnA.—Fm the Relief of the and Djstrotqed. unlit-ted with Viru “Chronic” Diseases, and cspecklly for of’xDiseufes of the Sexual Guiana. AL ADYXCE given gratis, by {he Act on. ' 1 ~ i 1111.. ‘Sic and Qure I E'chl ISM-g RELE REPORTS on Sprrmqorrhcnn II 'W'enkncss, and other Dis pséa of LOrgnns, andmn the NEWTREVE flayed in? the I)ispen<nry, sent to the in Aealed letler enveiopeaflftee of Two or three Stamps for posfiage will “able. ' ‘ : 4 '_ ALU or .nemi’ the Sexu- D 1 1 8' am 4&1 cged 01] KC. be creg -ddre ingssnrg Ninth St ‘ Junel '5, Dr. J. SKILLIX HOUGHTOY, Art lon,'Howbnl:rd Association, N 0.12 South eel, Philadelphia, Pa. 1," 1862. ' 1y [Come to the Fair”l g ON'TFORGETTO vxsrr PLHASANT GE NURSERIES‘.—Penons [wishing I‘ tees will find the stock in thigrqgmd uly fine, and ofi'ered a‘f reduce prices. e numbers 100 varieties, enibrncing proved sorts. i ND RI to lant ‘I remarks: The App nll‘the a“ N. i}. { Pout offi. :- Sepl. 2‘. ee the index hoard nem- flTi-n Due T. E. COOK a: SgNS, I’roph'elorl. 1861 . “‘ “ “—“fi'E’ Five just received and are now (9 eningele e Frames. ‘e j l and choice assortment of‘SPß‘lNg 6000ng $1) FRAMES I—TYSOX BRQ'I'HERS‘ which they invite the “anion of the pnbli'r. ejnst received from Philadelphia and. Ha‘ving been purchased with c'ara at reduced to the .public the largest and best! prices. we are prepared to give our customers tof Gilded Frames ever br ‘ught to bargains. Our atockhu h‘een lnrgelyincreaaed mat astonishingly-low prices' Please l by the nddition‘oi‘a choic‘eva'riety of the latest Examine ehem. Excelsior SLy-light;atylea of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, material York street, opposite the Benlk, diet- for 1558' WEAR. CARPKTING, QUEENS— [PL ; [March 10,31862. ‘WARE. MILLINERY GOOIDS, he" comprisifig f—"m‘“ ’ ' ml"- -~ 3 complete assortment o everything usua ‘ Removals. j I wanted. Call curly and: select bargain: {oi flHEundei-aiznedmeingthe authorized person I““”§""- PAW-“ 531.00; ”30'3- t; to make removals into E\er Gree'lki'uCeme-I AP?” 7’ 1362- m- ,hopusthetauchucémnmpletethe mom: "*""‘ "“'—-‘_"‘“——“‘—‘ of tlhe‘ tannins a! éecedlad relatives orjfriendn ’ Cheap Grbceries willnvnmthemnelyesonhiueuon oftheyenrm! FRESH arrival of Groceries it reduced have it dbneé Bemovalsmmle with prognptueu f A prices—splendid SUEGARS at B'. 9 and la ..tprfna low, and no effort spared to pl use. cont: Iper pon' ’ “"""‘ U 4 1 \ pma mix, ‘and at Her am I‘ll-“ 11 12, ’6O. Keeper of the Ce tery. end judge for . ; ~— i I BESSNS in went of 3 cheap and Minn-l, .13, 'l’ 55.011 bl ‘EAT or CAP an be eecom lid-pd RUNKBJ lin‘ n ’ B. F. ”clbflEgY'S. 11‘ cheap at ‘ ILD‘ q bu N 01m 1 rtme typbn and levy. ‘ ”’9"! nm as: Ge cal (I'll ysl =I r'nrs. ‘l—§—~— -'~7-- ~ :tlfi , um, My? ‘2, 4 Some-thy 2:;New, "S. ‘ ”Enndoraignot!rcsn‘octyul- " , T 1)’ ’nf‘urm: lllv‘ nwdunls quxg‘EQ offiou} Ahurgmnl \ Ir'i'nl)’.lh:n “93% hM l:.I~ npoucd n. WATCH .\\'|) JIFWICLRY STk'RI‘L in flu- runm innncdiMr'ry in‘lhc roar of \lr} .h L. thh k" Signs. and {muting ll)“ :qum‘y. “hen- hv immjd: keppiilg :m n~<n_rt-- mnhv (If \\‘.\l‘(‘llli>'. JI‘.\\'I~II.I'Y. MINI-ll! Imd jSH.\'l-Zl! PLATED WARE, SPECTACLHS, ’C‘MMKS. km. Am. » ’ ~ i"ll.\\fiug hren mnnr-Jtc'l \i'ith nEfirsl-rlucs -' Mm, and Jcm-lry Sim: in Hangman. rm ! scucrfl your: pan. he I! propnn-J lln ‘urgifl; ‘ ‘nrt‘l-le in the lim. "[1211? [om-=3 rily and :11! punhhsr, will ‘bc gllqralltieul us culml.‘ E 1 n u long otnorh‘fli‘r in Watch-rr‘p‘lirinz. [lllynffinw “Zuni-«£4, hl- i 1; prop Irwl tn do ‘rL‘ of \\':tlvh~u'nrl€'promptly. in Ihv heat £2: nn-l‘mnmnty lint pnrfirrmxmm‘ “fit. full lit-ml «in 71):; (an hund‘nhnrkv u~~nrl 9".I‘HVTAVLHS. nniS:n(-r~;F—-. I ‘llz‘uwfl :tnd‘h firm: muting-1% 'nro ii: :uluwing; Ihvm m the lightx is ml in fit all “ho liH-d thhm, . n .n-zxvleun' "Mo :2. urllvr in file hm unl n grmhvnfn-h, ni’ pfl‘fnrnfi (In hulldv ELKY ”pain-'17:? lhw "o'lth! nmnnnnu ‘ - ; JUSEI'II BRYAN. uh :w. 001‘. 2:1, 11%]. tl~ ‘A ,7 .1 . N_._;____w ‘ New Flt-m. , . :k: in H‘ERH‘S rnnvrfzmw. rurrTs,cnx ,(l " I‘EGTIHXS.‘,\")TIO\'_S, x 4». ( ! 'l‘flw under-ignerthrlu"gape into plum-Whip 'in lihv ‘Crnm-ry .In'l Prngiaiun bikini-N, :nl ‘lhc 'OMFMWI of \V. (iillcfill s‘. in~ Ymk “Niel. plw dm 1' 1~l of \\ 1H : “mil. Banyan-Im. Mum-e inn-E 11in runslrlmh‘ keep: on ham] h nsnlo, r. | [gt-ni rn mn’rly nl goods fix! their line, Fit; -:'. (; co TEES. - 'z : ' 131.8; 3 f SL'GARQ. :1 E g ; I MUMFQR. .1 "onernnfl I ‘r s"}??ng . night for E i ‘ > ! TEAS” nnich 'in mt-nlinpml 1‘ Store.— lunmdnled iwhi-live,»- inc. Give his low far 'ih'. ASH-IR. MEM fin ‘, (-‘wfry z pri; (- n lire ; t ‘li'rn.[ RIPE‘! '- ”‘1'"? sporfluny :lnlluv‘l lzo‘nernlly, m'; Ii"! ,Hne rities : I“. ‘ R.“- nit-1h! h,xonnL t-t'!‘ ‘ I I u-\; bri 1;\\"n;. nr- Imam. Inc: Slum. “,1“ . Mndins. \ l’f Ltuiin-a‘v J’lA‘ lprnma, d!“ i- PM“, u Yam, Irv lowed ale; and 'll.llls. . l 1 3 EIIUFI.DI‘.RS, i . l ‘ SIDES. ‘ g FISH. { '—‘ WHT \TOY-‘R . , ,- 53 '1 mane. km. F L~O l' R AKYLD ‘F E E D, ‘ WHH nnr qn until} qr ‘.r , V ’. ICOM‘M‘TIQXS. j. g 1 ‘ ? FR‘L'ITVX.’ ‘ ~ r I» 1 Surrmxs. fen»... kn" ; Thy I‘VDN‘I n‘m tn {:4l large yin C(ul. On): any (MAL on. I, \ “ s—promisfn‘g n gm; ,nrtil'lo ‘uf the former unga finehs’snrtmcng of I'tlw llatfor. . , l ,w ' l ' Having enlwr'chl ll” Flore nnrl Wart.- Rooms: ; flu-5f are prépnrvd to keep :\ lax-fie smvk. all of 1‘39-. fwhi‘Hl will he Hi:po=(-d all Mmi Inn-m mm. “V's— -'l‘lwé\‘ nll'er mrh laarzninmu hava'm-vor lien-m -12"” ”‘9 far? been hiul in mi: [314%. l . “3‘ WW": Give us n trial. No-# or: spnrod m plense‘. “3 "h“‘l \ mm. A. (whom. 005 find; 3 , Josrarn s. GILLESPIB; . :MMiful, f a [hut \\ 01 to punt-U m” and m‘o. “'o' S In our ifii In "S ipli Inn llllil‘y. ." Barg ES Apvi). 25, 1852. i ' x‘ _ _ ‘ ‘- I d 3 Coal! Coal! CO’al. ‘ QHFJDS & BIIEIILERrrre nnw pvt-purer] m L supryCOAL. nf‘sn crior qu'ulity, in any qumntit}; desired. Tarmi, Cash. 2 ConaOnc! Como M”; J. “ . Q‘Thev n‘so r'equoit {haze indebted )0 thorh to ml] and pny up} 11: funds an» mnt‘h me‘flcd. Who will be tht first to cull? Office oneh from 7m 7. " m. 24, 1862. u: jSTABLISIIWENT.“ F2O. F. EPKENRODE, J FASHIONAI IE TAILOR. , nlluplfi llfis method of infdrming his friend: and the pnhlic genamlly. "lint [l9 has opened a Tailoring establishmentliu Baltimore ill-"vet. Gettysburg, (lam- Pout (Mk-e.) near llw Dia monvi. where he is prcpnl‘ed‘to do all work in his line‘ in the best mnnher‘ and to the sufi's-I‘ factjon of cu’stomers. Ila emplogs none but“ first clnrs hnnzli, and recéivim! ‘ THE FASHIUNS REGULARLY. ' hi- rnn warrant fashionable fits and neat and substantial sewing. Heznsks a“ shnre of the‘ public’s'pntromgc. prom sin 5: to 'spam no ef fort to deserve it. His c ”Les will alu‘ays be found a.- mudernte as th tifnos will allow. Cutting and Repairingidone at the shortest nollce. [Gettysburg April 7, 185”). —+————-—— --—-- , ‘ Fresh Rem—{s rcements.‘ TRENGMENING ova Posniwxp-xn S are constantly addinfi new su’pp irs to our already large and fashionable stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS ASP) SHOES. We ‘h‘ace every style 0% Spring ind Summer Hugs, which in quality and price cannot fail‘ to Net“. Boy’s and Men’t Hats and Cupsro’f every descriptionyaud of @he latest”) lea. Our stock of? * ‘g 3 BOOTS, 5 4 . . K ~ SHOES” '3 ' 1 GAITERS. 810., &c., was never more complete} Ladies Gentlemen and Chggrelg on be eccqmmodeted with any. thing in this‘line, no we] are better prepared 'now to give fits Ind greater bargains than 9 er befére. If you want bai'glins, good fits and {nagoqnble gdis, call u. the sign of me BIG B T, in Chambenbnrg fired. f . ' :JOHN CULP. L . ‘ ALEXCOBEAN. { "If“—"“:+“'T‘f"'——T‘ June 9, 1862 New Goods; 7= 5 ram; GOODS r—cnolcn Goons: I?” . -_ uaxsmoax agom .Rs S. SIIERFY SAT T, New Tailoring A. Duncatt, TTORXEY A 1" L.-\ W.—Ofli<'e in t‘hl- Nor“ - was! corner.dfCt;xilrc Sqmre. ”nuisbxm '[Uct. 3. 1859! If { AsJ. Cover, _ . TTORXET .fl‘ LAW. mu promrflly’ftflvn‘y A \lnfl'nlll'cxiund find all vilwr bu incss mt lru~lml to lhilll.’ (mire lulxu-Pn Ful ncsmck? nml Dunner & 7.1615“) Stun-a. thin realm-111 Gm) allurg. l‘.|. [St-m. , 1.839- 1 - s v - -= ~‘r ‘ D. :Mc‘Conaughy, ' - : ' TTIHINI'IY AT LAW; .uffivé one anr we? [X nt‘ ”Whig-E"; drug and ‘bwul, slu‘rnJ'hnc‘l bhrshurg “room ATTORNEY no Soup-mu wit RATPNTH M‘n l'm'imH. Byumy hum] Wu“- rJnls. H.u~k-p.ny mnpvnllml Claims: Had “Tl other vl-limé :‘thhLlllQ Gpvormnen :Il “Hal‘- ing'on. n‘. (I. :lll'uAnn'ricnuUluim; qunLrlnnc. Land \Vnrrnulslwmtpd nn‘vlsohlmrhi'ng|.t,.mll hizlxcstprices given. Agrnb any]; -1 m Iq- VrLuliux: \\’.lrr:|nl.~ in lnwnf. [Hit-oi; ml Mini}: weuto'mSmles' WANII‘) to him Wynn“? nr ly low-r. .- ‘ , , Ge-nyslwrg. $10". 2!, ".3. R 3, J. Lawrenc: Y .\S M: nlfiye une ‘ H duo‘r “-«tmflhe‘ ,ngllmrz'm‘ rhx'n'rh in Chumlmrnhur-g fu‘l-l‘l. Astoru. \vlu-rc- lliqw \\ i 1 Qpemtinn pcrlnhned n cinjl. lhnznxnms: >1 ' “hunt“. I). I) , I‘mv. I]. L. Run-1h“. Di 0., Re llfrnf. .\l. Jm-oh=. Prof. H. L. Sunvcr. [- i . Cetushug} A‘pril-11, ’5l. i ‘ ' Bisti‘es’s 8c Petersi , .\Y HIP llik’h93t‘ol‘ty’l pru-csfil u!‘ kinds 0 mum, , ‘ ' , , . morn; ' § ' '- , smensgm in! Ill» “Ht-k Wan-“mum in Sen U.\l-‘ .11. ~ l -Cnn~'hnvl\' un lmu-i u hrgn lusx‘nlmenl o ,nmrcrzimx. 3.. “mm-1.: mm man—um ‘Ll'\H§H|L “HAL. (H-‘NU. PLADTEX‘. kc. , Apul 1“. law}. ly" . I , ' . Adams County, 5 , l'Tl‘.\l.X-‘II{I‘.IXSI'IKASY‘IHWHIW DI Incorlornh-d'\l.-rrlx U, 12:51. i M NH» un.‘ f. I ‘l‘iwntlmr—Hr-orze Suopt‘n . l'n-r l’rmrlmr—h. Rulllh‘sl-11. Srrrrhlrl/LX). ~\. lllwllll-r. i. “Trmsnrnr—llm'ivl \lilirrnry. 3 . i Hum/"gr flmwmllwr-lhihrrl )l‘cCurg‘f. Jacm ,King, Anilrnw lli-iujzrlmnn. . i€ ‘. f _|[l/IH[a'rx—iirni'm- Swopc. D. A. M“ lilqr. R ii'i:ur:l_\-.Jncoi. King. .\. lipantzniqmlrl. b \i» ,Crt-‘hrr, H. Ti. R'nuvll; J.-11. Jenni? finin ‘Durlmriw. E. (l. inlim-H-m'k. Wm. ll “'ilmn ill. A.'l’ic'(ilxv_'. Wml 11, .\lu Well-m. .ll :1 “'0! mm]. 11. (2. \l.«:n-..rv.J.uhn Picking Amn‘ Wright. .lulm l‘u‘nninzlrini, Alulir-l F, Gilt .izunm 11. \iJl‘Sill”: \L l‘lii‘lwlluwzer. I ‘J‘H?This ('pinpmii i< limited in i open! ui‘nnam the (-ui-iiui- of Allains. it {in iii-on i lsncm-«st‘ul opvraiiun lor mqr‘o tlm x :‘v‘oursl :i'nd in {h-I! imriml lnu pz-itl nll lac?” and M liensmfintlmul .uu/ uurmnunl, b.|ving‘l.lslo’ Hilari: furl-iii)» \‘iiiiiinl in Hie 'i'rinitnr}. Mfr-Von] nnny i-mplou in; .~\ui-nl~—.:U limin' H'hein glnne by the \lun:l:or<. \vliuuro nnntfm 1y elm-l (-11 Ly the Slum-khnldrri .\nL\' pcrami lli-kiri‘m i‘nl‘i lmurnnre win ninply in any of}! P alnov Imimétl .\l.vn.l':vr< {or further informal) vn.‘ I flyZSTTIm Hun utivz “nmmilH-o mrr‘ = 3.! Hi oflin-e of the (‘umpilw vn the lust \\' ue-da 4in (‘vnrv inn-I‘ll]. ill'l, I". .‘l. i i . i ' Soph'll. HER.‘ ‘ g - g 1; Something New 1’ , :1 [N CETTYSIH'I‘JL—TIm umlcrsmnnrainfnrm ! ilio ci‘lizcns of IIIQ‘NHYII and comitfiilmx l. ‘hu: Clhllllll(’lll‘t‘d.lilt‘ BAKING hu‘l'll‘!‘ . on‘ ‘} large .sr.ilr..in York ‘lri‘l'l.(:l‘ll_\~'lnll‘ . umrly xoppnsilu “‘aiiliu's lluh‘i. “lll‘rn ho w ,l U." ml ‘ din-urn“, and lmpiu u rn‘voi‘e. :\ liluerq [Huron—i 'uge. \Jllll-Hl). llnl LS. PARKS. (‘IL ‘KHKSW -Pi:i;Tzz~:Ls. («his ..‘lmlu-d fiery daiP.‘(Suil-l idn‘y‘ cxmlpu-ILI :ill « f llu‘ lit-kl quality. filnipuld‘ i2ll 'ln- lmwwl ln'ifig lruliN. (‘rnvkcr-l‘: ‘kinr: in:l iull l“ l-mni-lyw id“ try-l) mrriml on. nus} m-jorsi. lln uuyannnum. fmm this and adjoining toxin-ll llim. supplied in [ho..nlmruet’nolirc. ”ruling, i (“rectcd‘u largo ‘ln'd (:(nnnmdious hnko-‘l,gu‘p mnl~ i‘spcnrcrl ll“: lulu! wml‘m’nu and the ‘ifiust 3zip. lprovml, Imu'l int-r}, he is‘ ‘lugepnred 159 do a“ .bcnv'izhusiuoas. l- ‘ J , E _ l ‘ VALENTINE S.\%FEE. July 115, 1859. l ‘ . l A. r 3165: & Son’s hm my Fl"ll.\’l‘l‘l'lll€ \VARI-IRO‘O'FJYM. S 25 and 27 N. Hay pin-cl, llnllimn J‘hicnr} Fayette $1..) (‘xN‘l-ltiinfi.’ from Gny to il’l‘edorick! ] SL—‘ile lnrgni c:~i.ihli>hmtnt m the Mud iii ih‘ei Unioh. Aliwlys u‘n lmm'l a large ntsortmont ulI IIIUUSI-Slltll.“ AND OFFICE l‘Ulin'l‘Ulil-Z, cm liuuzing Bun-am, llcrlqomls, “'nslrstnmls, Wini irnbes, \lamr-ssezapf Husk, Cotton pull llmr l'blliring Bods, Swim, Tiexcl-oé-Teles, Arm Chairs, | Roéking Chairs, Magi-res. Marble 'l‘ lilés, Set lees. ‘Rvnfpliun nnnl ‘L'phnlstered (lqairs, AS SORTED CULURSUFCOTTAGEFL'RNITUIU‘I, Wood Chairs. Olfice Chairs, llarlle‘r ‘lmin, l Cribs nnd Cmdli-z, Hm. Pun-kl, llnll l-‘u nimro, [Gilt A 56 Walnut Pram» Looking (.‘lzuu ,S‘ide bOITdSyEXUPnSIUH Tablas. of every len h.. Persons diaposcd 'w.purqhuse are in itadrtol callmnd give our Stack an examinmio ‘ uliichi ; for variety-mud qu‘nlicy of workman: i' is not I equalled b - nny c§tablishment in th \a qfitry. ‘ f - A.MATHIOT J; ' , n ' ‘ ‘ Nos. 25 and 27 .N'. Ga stfiet. l 1 Aug. 8 “‘6“. _ # l ' ”Shrubs h nczmaJlZalSLore is glim thy n-‘visitjusz M xiii: ”me. We doubt w ther, even in our lurgest "cities. so fine A 4isply‘ of Stoveé ‘cun vbe fouud. Their lurget mom is rfull of Stoves ofcvrry pnttem; also. v y va riety of Hollow Wax-cl Shea-iron “fain'l‘in Ware, Plnuishx-d Wire, Japan \\'ure-—embrnc ing, iudccdmwrythiug in the house fu ishing ’line.- duo, Sausage Cutters, Sausage gum-r 5, Lard I’m-sees, he" kc. They are preme to sell whojewle and hail, Tin ,Ware undSfigctd iron Wnrre of their own hanufuctnte'—keaping : suflicien'. number of hands to supply my de mand. Their anal-men: of Lumber in fiery .lurge; also Con] at every kind.‘ . ~ Restaurant. HE Chnmhenbbm Street'Resunmnt, (rec I dently Eckenr’bde'm in now conducted by t e undersigned. I‘OYSTERS It: done up in .11 nylon; FRIED CHICKEN. BEEF {oxen}; TRIPE, BOILED EGGS, tad I ‘nic‘ glue of ALE, can at all times be had. _ ‘ ‘ CALI. IN. Tim‘s-icon hag been Ire-painted and fitted‘up ii: fine style. ' ' BOLLINGER k BAUGHER. Gettyapur‘gm Nov. 8, 1:362. ' J _ :‘Dmsolutlon.x P ”Buckskin—The partnership in 0 wfure existing between the undersigned, in the practice ofifledicine, bu thin dly bcén dissolved. The books a! the firm will belouud in the possession of Dr. Charles Hornet, who will ronynne the practice. {" 4 . fioflice due door above the Dru‘g Store of Dr. 8. Homer. ‘ CHARLES BURNER, 1 ‘ ~ ROBERT HORNER. April I‘, 862. ' g , (‘1 UM COATS chap It ' - J T ' 'PXGKING’S. [BET-RATE Eight-day, Thirty-hold Ifid‘ F Alarm Cloch,chnp It PICKING'S‘. 7: E hne just received: no! lisortment c 5 onueeullnre, to which we invite the stuntion ol bD’Mu A. 8001“! it 808, TON GLOVES; 'O, "on Ilisdolfo I, cg“ ‘ : be hnd chap n 1331;, 44-4- 5 ( DR. SWEET’S INFAILXBLE _ L l .V ' GREAT REMEDY; mn mmmu'rmt, GOK'T, xsgmmn ”'“nAGO. STH-‘F wax AND 01x75, aspmms. .mmsvzs. (-r'rs' AND _ J wurxvs. I‘ILEH.—{IEAI).UILIH~§, a ANDALLILHEVBATIPASD . : xmu urs msulmans. For all of which iv. h :5 spcrdy’hnd cer'tnin rumcdy. nnd new-r fuiln. This Lini aunt is pre “arid (tom the "rig-q at Dr. Slephiu Smog-r, 01 Connecticut, tlI'P inmnuu hone nu r, and In“ been used in his prnrlir‘o for more hlhnn twenty yen-s uilh the mun}, nsluniéhipg au 1:40». s an Alleviator of Pain, it i’n unrirnlqd bytny prrpnrniinn lwfnreqln. P'l'lli'cqfl which the must Ikepticnlmu": he Cunfincdd by a un ghagml. J ; ' ‘ W ‘ 1m; Linimem MHw-uro rapidly and mdiml- Iy. Rheumatic Disorders'or eiw‘ry kind, and in llmnsnmh ul mim- “here It" has never bernkuuwn lql'ml. ' l 1 , ‘ ‘‘',r w ‘ . 1 i I _ \ m For ‘Neuralgia. it =wm ulTonH‘mémedmte’ It u: manufactured and {mt ' ' ‘hi w’cr ' ('u L' howm'cr di “lrchuig. I , .l”mI“ " ’ ‘ ’ ) } § , ‘ om- hundred feet longl find 1I: will relin'o- Ihe worst cases hf geqdache ‘ f . lin [lure mmulc: :qul I: wnngulcd L‘u d}: u. ‘rgtlujripg only to be unfullm ‘ , , . i ‘ , ~‘ . V'Toothwhe also will it ‘vurc insnlmtly. ‘ { the xjoof. ‘ ,1, R ' 4 For Nervous Debility nx.dG}*n!’r.ll LMJ In (his c‘bnvcnicm and fin sitmlc- nrisiug Imm inx'prudt-nge or +Yl‘cfii. this Li‘nimont is a nmzt Imp”. mu] urfnilip: “may; A- liuz'llZreclly lllu u ‘lhe nervoua’l'linsulw, i: HFE'IL’! harsh-m! rnh Iht-S thr =_\.ufin, Ind re,- Slur“ it to flunk it: and vigor For Piles—As nn ultrlinl rfnwdy. we plain] that it i‘ [lll-7wa knnwm, and We Run]. k-um- lhv \vmlui Iu prudure an o “in! Even ' viulmi of this Ififitrrsaing l-umpqlufiivt alumld out In "up“ ”'9 I‘W‘IN‘N of gin» it A trial; [or i: “I" no? fuil lulnfl'urrl im mt'uiulv relic-f. mu! m u unjurity ut‘cm‘es will cITL-L't u mu’n‘ul burn. l Quinsy and'Sore Throat unlmmofimos uqvmel; ml 13mm and ulnnm-rt u- Mn 3! timely npplimnmurflhr: Linimcul I‘M’ilX non-r {nil‘m cure. ' 1 , i Sprains :irr sumo’timn wry nbcfinnh-. and unh‘argemcm of Kim juints i<li|lxloqoncvlnr i" fingh-(‘lorL Thu worn: nu:- mau hr- "mulllon-d h) 111 i; Linimvm in tun or tlm-e dn 3. ,‘ Bru'ifiés. Cuts. Wounds. - icers, Burnannd Scalds. new 'lhd \umdt-rl'ul h-Jlinu‘ mum-nif “SWEET“ >Y.\‘F~\LH‘JLE Ll\l\H‘3 uced llrwnrnfing 'r- dirt-Minna: A; BLJHVS. FIHNTI‘I' I‘Ellfl'. A.“ MEI-ZS AXU 5H uh‘. , ’ 133.7 STEPHEN SWEET, thr- Groal .\.Arur.u Huxldfiflteh Mil Dr. Steplul-n Sweev‘n‘ptl omm. Kim! a” own the l‘nm-d >HKI§~. ‘ Ur. Slqnhon >“Pch 13f ("muumiq nuvl'wr o? Dr. Nut-I's lntn llble LE Dr. Nae: I'H lulu‘nilhlv- Liuuncn! cu, mnui-im um] um I“! huh. ‘ Dr. 'Mvvet :1 Tnfallibln Linimeu't is rt‘Hu-d) tor VNIIFHIB‘LC A . Ur. Sum-IE [gullfihlr I.inimrnt cu aml‘Smlrh imu‘ui-linuly. , Dr Swn '~ lnMlhblP Lininnmi knd‘u‘lg remedy fur \"yrnins :nu] [illui l)if.\.\'\\‘eol~ luhllthie len H)! ('l4 l‘nché lumwdmll-h :m-iluaz nurr Eu.- ' 1) . SWu-t c Ilkf‘t” Me Linilurm x: mtfilEMv reliu I In: Piwfiund n-l-lumtll ‘. 'l) sSwrrl'sinfill-Hm I.i|..m(~ul Izu ache in mm mimnr.‘ _ ‘ I);.Sneel's lumHii-[e Liniumnt :- w-HWalu-ch ”nun-uh trly .Ind‘lgau- Di', ch-rl‘w ‘lntallrlnle Liuilnonri runiri} fur wa in Ihv known. w. r Dr. Swen’l'» Inffllihlw Liuimwm used 1:) muro than n mnlii-u pr‘ujnl pfhi§fil. ’ DI, Swat-Vi Infilllilnlo Lin‘nwuk rernnlly, tun-s mum, Flmlerm \i ChnH". ‘ ' I)“. Swvol'sflnfqliihlo Liuivi‘on: fin wily, \ “lrnznd in nm-J.’ 3-11 cur) 1...“ in Ihyui-i lune it at luml. g 'Dr. SW'M': [Lfallihlé LEI inmu I~ 'l' all Drug-gigs. l'rice 23mm! 5!: NM A FRIEND IN NEE I TmY Flt—Jun mmm‘s m-‘I LINIHEXT. :up‘nn'nvrrnwl ”uni-h. i? n rind. and will nllvvinr‘ pmn mun} [lzuu‘ any mhvr prypn‘afinuA hr :1 nmliv and V. rnuu Disnr'i' r< it i 4 u-n‘ 'Mo. and .|~ n (‘III‘EHH'O fur Sm-T-hfi 'h‘ynminfi. "ruin i. Al 2. iH summing. hri pqurtq! ‘nnngrh- Hi: If prl'lwrheu. 1-1 le-t qudvr :unl a~wni~hnmn m rm l even given it a (rinl. Uvo‘r mu- lhnn lifimles of rI-markul‘lo mum. porfvrzl within the In»; tw‘n years, Mb 51 the ! TO HORSE OWNERS DR' S“'HET'H I.\I".\LLIHLE LI’XIMENT] FUR iIOHSIiS is unrivaled bynny, “M in all' cae‘eg of L Hummus. Arising from iFpmina llrniq's'or‘\\'rcnrhing. its offer! is nm in! until cbrt.l’n. [Linn-n oLSaddle Gnllg. S rnlcl‘iow! Mung . kn, il “ill aha cure flit-Mil}: Spnrin‘ and ingbnm‘ mn‘ hmomily pron-inn! and cure in llu-ir inriuiont Magi“. hnt mitfirnied cases are beyond the po<ilhiliiy Mfg rmliml éurc. No cwe of tho kind, inns-uh, is sol dmp fit: or hum-less but. it may be u levintrd‘ bv th'u Linimcnt. nnd‘iN faithful up ulimliun will alwa‘xs rcmoxe the [mull-nus. nut enable, the hbrseslto travel witlf‘cnmpa‘mziye use. " EVERY HORSE OWSER shag“! have this remedy at hnn ‘, for ly l u the fir}! appearance 0! Lame ed‘ecx filly prevent lhnse formidable - L 0 w ch all homes 1"": liable. nnd wl der so many otherwise {nimble h‘urs' worthlest. ‘ - DR. SWEETS i xx'rALanLi-z “km-tr”, *« 501.01m's3pnmx'n. § And {bounnds have found n it'd]: A FRIEND I! x’gx'px CAUTION. Tb avoid imposition. observe the 5‘ atnre Ins] Likenus of Dr. Slephen Sweet oratory 'lnhelnnnd also “Slcph‘en Sweet’n Infalltble Liniment” bluwn in the glass of mfi hauls; y'nhopt which none no genuine" 2“ RICHARDSON & CO:,,‘ . Sole Proprietors, Norwich, (Jana, ufonmx a: ALLEN. Gene'nx Ageing. , ‘ 46 Clifl‘ StreeyNew for! . i ‘ ‘ > V : $80” by all deden eyerywhero. ; , Dea. s, 1862. 1y , ‘ 2 f . ‘ 8316» m. i A . W. FLEMHING ‘contiauu :11. 11min” .; of SALE CRYING. ud solicit! 1119 con tinuect patronage of the public» It is his con,- nnnt enduvor to give latidntion. Charged modente. Belidenco in Breckinridge alto", Gennburg.‘ ' . ‘ ‘ I". B,—He is a licensed Auctions”, hqder the Tux L”- 01‘ch Uniud Sum. j . . 10:49ng A "w ‘ .... ngxnr'r's COCOAINE, Wood'l Hil: Ra lloudn, Shilling Huir Tonic, and lather {)nparuiom, for ulo at Dr. B. EORSEB‘B ”(storm . ‘ * j "43 I M E N 7' 'run res, Ul - c-uhlv m I 4'1," I‘ll. ‘T. mhrn 10. "HIL , INSECT f Conn., id known ZENO REM I~ I mnnin 9' Burns the hied res Hud wan {941. ”nrJhuim- Mum. -a Ting“:— ""1 ('le (bosfiri'nt infill’l‘ it. [1 'id ‘p'u'tilmhuh ‘mhmhln . , .‘uuydril-tfihmnr {ln fino’lil - l'i ['hfli rut; nnMjhgu “‘ht'rl Ihu "firth im ' "-n" “' \vgfiw pl mnidmrv. “his-l» rapid} fik;n 1." (Ir inside, :lle and manly" ' v . 1 ‘ 1Tb“! “"“ mn firmumur puma nn than“. “.9 lie-J! r sale by nun”: J \\ iuhéut | ‘ .upa-v-llllv fl; “In-u -‘v lnfitlli: memdn Mink and warm- fhc I» ha “:H‘t‘ ‘ and ur- u-d I»; '1! Incl. (Mime i n! will iseasrs, irh ren !g nearly nu ma READY 800 VO. 7: “was LANE, L . Thin mm. is mad. 0 thick Ind nrong waven fab: mlnnflctured expreuly for is gen-rd time: thickgr thll ing c‘pmljaonly uJed‘inXll 1 raufibg. and consequentlyxfn \ x From the superior thicknea ‘9! this clqth, it recon-ea, in saturation, n far greater anoint o! lhAe winter-proof composition, 3nd whéq finish- m] with the fire-proof coating on the fluffy-o, ‘ I \\ present: the most completely finished—and‘ we are confident, mos! inrub|9_}o°flnz‘m' Imm". ll’uee‘d: no fixugvcuuuppfiud on th? roof,“ till uthL-r kinds dc; 1T [s' “READY" To x especially nonhy the attenliu "A RP!“. .\R E Ml-ZRGHA SIS, mm: and It“ wlm buy to so“ again immgdmtcly. hut In ochr n_r| Me nyirlghin demand everw DEM “'l2 (MM. ;.\T"rl:.\'nu.\‘.'m ‘ )qL h aft. opr nhouljxnlrrs mum-h as lié, and fis'lvgicp ns dumhle. ‘ ~ . . ‘ . . 1 ‘2«l._h ii mhptmi‘ 10 'nl‘ kinds u! rool’T, ‘hclhrr hlljl‘p UK: flnt. ' . _ V ‘x M.‘ It. is not “if: cu-d injuric‘ms-Iy .hy but I»?- 0.411,! 1~. ' ‘ l ? ; .. N 41H. Anyi nr‘ligmry \ruvkamfi 5.11222. 'lt isjno: the! “cheap“: 1 : -. ‘ 6312'. I! Is! the’i-cet mufin: ;-w 1 ( TH: R,» lfi'ygr haw hot-n uuul‘ of climate, Trum I‘unadn In l‘u‘ c m "L 55! Mshin-ly Ie- ommrn ly‘ pH‘fif ngiJuht Hu- Hlfll-gt'b [hut Tn- au destructive to man L'oufi \g. i ‘ x n' \vglu. XOT-snwm AV! ' ‘ ‘ ,3\'r..\'rm;u. It“ “I‘LL \‘DT mum: u 1-; A rm: 1:. a g h iL a VA‘HN‘ m‘u‘nd'nm n; I'm- fllmugivindvm and fI-Iglul in: lufnil-HuLvH ndjuimn»: 'h'li H a! a}! i? =1: tawny and shun; tl‘ L -7 g Mimsmxc or nva ‘ L r % L. ri , ‘ mu! 1%! rum-1L: "2an far “”Ile «nan-{n far. he ll r Hun any m “a! i‘l‘ur—iuch num- nithou hr filling. ‘ ‘ l. 11 vuil)‘ applied uwr OL] s-nmtu'. Roars s\‘»lrlnl‘l“r'me’m;'r ARJ v... j. . .. GL'TTKRS gjn I? h rwiwl nfihi- mnterin prnie £llm \L mm \ The“: 0-! ofimmi. zit in nu n'rdimlh roqf an be finished in M I=lE ‘,} radsninquoxrn 1F YOI‘R 'nx “our Li n- YdL‘R 1:13: npor an 1 , SMALL lu'sr .11: rain: 'm' moor-f xxx-ms .L I, LIQUID 1 , \ ’GTTTA-PERCHA CE] , _ . will eficctu. Ily done up all the HOLES. and (arm n he"; eln' the wflole firms. um will ‘ and last Lynn: yearn longer_ pnint. ”‘ , I u- YOUR same”: '3OO If YOUR GUTTERS It ran Joxxrs Ammo Y 0 . . LEAK, x: mt'm sum: noor' our.' g ' coxrouxo GUTTA-PERCBA c 3 fill cqmpkiely fill up .u u». . lhinplep, covgr over the brake!) J: and ulna. {om permanently Id contin arouhdmhimncymaky-Ii in nlljhene hituuions will; on! article for this purpose now in } tie). is’ : thick, tenncioul compo Gunmrsncm sud ingrédients need extensive] ' the protein of Kyunizingpr pr in nib-01d structures exposed to deny. This very useful propert. 1y Io "rest. and prevent decayi Ind will often save the mecca; you: of putting on A new rO4l worthy of I trial. ”All cm above ROOFING will be'furn ed to cmmcnas up can ti i. redqéfion o? 'rwnm-rxvt. 'Pnn cm; ' mmuun .u-r . LIBERAL ARRANGII’ENTS ‘IADB WITH‘R‘ISNNSI n-qmcuuxsma 5;; by lsil.‘ fiddr'u'luf .: , ~ f. min? SOOIM. ." .! sxo. 7: “30%: .Thos. -01:000: 'V IMMI CM NEW‘YORK an eitreniell C, invattCd iud ur own no, uni he eotton sheet- her ronipositiou more durable m. nowx |up in roll: abafil’ _ o .ia nailed an heil state, it is S, uqumzas, W: dowp? 1.91.1 nurmuu‘ prgfiu Ally merchunhu Ilere, and at till sz Poms! van Rpll it. 1 roofing ) every “unimy 'ulfni‘l. nnd u'a il (n he Q'l'lv't‘.‘ him! and 1m” ulhrr km-i. n!" m 15 myr \ coLt, HM! firn frv-m‘ bu lrumfi'nml fifliug. . it fine ' ‘ MI lnn PJFtfiV‘h-l. I.lrlie.~,n~ui.-'l ‘rt-gu mn‘ nhh ‘ rurrodo, (rum H V H‘ «, mar/w, 1.1 M! nr'i‘ 1; I] blur—h i! trucking or SIIIVGLH‘X sing thr et- iah'. and any 4: 03ml! d-y. ROOF!!! AK:3, ours I! n', -mxsnxu, 139E1 mailer RI'ST- Inc had! our Invent.» Rl'bT. bun ordiury mes, !ILI R CHIMNEYS mes, revives in Ih. innin the I‘m esive, tlnilic gins, etc..nnd :3“ any other no. This 1:- nd oi in Europo in serving wood moisture Ind . tends direct.- gbeJhinzlu, 'z’rgfor uvenl, f. it in 'ol] lATIUALI . _ Y!!! most on: , AEINNTS. AO free eri* tiro raj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers