gmmmm C: 'pR. WM. B. mugs _ 1 DENTAL REMEDIES. 3 ‘RR THE BEST IN THE WORLD, ‘ ‘ ’ marmxc I E TEETH; no A SWEET alumni, CURING TOOTHACHH AND savmmu Do you w‘ishxm‘he Mcsuvl will! nndndmirod for Pun“ Win-r: nnd S9‘m'lggl‘OUl-7 Fae Dr. Wm. Emma's Unriv‘ ed Tooth Po‘dml, wurmnled free (nun m‘id, alkali, or In,_ Injuriouu substance. l’ncoi‘zg c‘ems per box. , 1V #Bflnre of the unlinary‘ ritup'Toolh Bowders.which whiten hut destroy. \ . ‘ Doxon wish to be ccrmin um: your BREATH h pure, "met, nnd agreeable to husband or wife, lover or friend? I'sgDrHl-lurd’s Ce]- chanted Mouth Wash. Price 31 centspsr b 0” 9. w ' . 13k astringent Wnsb‘lsdalso tlul hes! remedy Jul. :3 world for (Linker. Bad Breath. Bleeding ’Gumafiore Moulhmlc. It has rurcd humlrods. 'Do you or your children sufi't-r from TQO’I‘H ACBE? (let. Dr. Hurd’a Magic Tooth. “fie Drops, Price 15 coma pvr bottle. 4 SAre'you unlit-ted “ith NICURALGIA? - (let Dr. W. B. Hurd’s Neuralgia Plaster-a. The most clllclive and delightful remcdy known. - * They do not ndhcr" nor hl‘w'rr‘ but soothe. and charm pulmnwny. Try than. Price £8: “1 kn?) 37 Coats. Mui'cd an rm-oipLuf 1)“me ‘ THE HOUSI‘IKEE 3’3 0 you wish a 'omph-zc who! DIZX .\L - —‘ 112111-11)er nnul :\ Tn-uucc (m l‘rv=(-rv‘mg' Paligfgfnnififi’" £l32}, Tomi? Get Dr. W. B.‘Hurd’s Dental" ' “ '.-"‘ . ~.- ‘ Troasury, lln- "mull-st :uul n'w-v. \ulunhlol J 11”? prawn-for lof‘llu- ii“ other JP“ .'prr‘sent that (me lril‘ml can rhulw tn numhcr. Y 0 :11". lifting?! '3’ “d P e ”gm": 'J'rire $l. S‘s-m by l2xprt~~~ u'l rot-rip! nf price. “mi Infill] “112:9 02:11!) lll‘fo. film For sale m. the but sfunw throughout “10.33": In? 3:13;“ 1"“! "big? “Li. .43; rnlintr'. ‘ . '. , ‘-‘ .‘ ". .' .‘ ‘ > . ‘ .CAU‘l'lo:_.—As thon- nrn glenll'gfilnvlnn take ad- v I'ligh‘.:\"‘:} lrlmgklmh‘il: to ":1 ktlxurls? "m vnnfngg‘ofpur mlrcrl‘iu-mims to ImpDGP upon 3W". )0: 1mg": "Till; may 0 . 1“???“ Iher‘r customers inferior. preparations;i‘tlis ne-E [liAtellv “m; . ”no.l . “a“ “it?“ \y.‘}:"‘s .‘_ 'M’ and you “’in ("21‘ THE BEBT"l]lor(’llgl'ly‘Furniture‘l’oliih n. Uousekce. rwnn \\')rk iLsted, and prepared- hynn cworxonf‘l-dnml "i“ ”(If ‘. ‘ f h 1 Ik- l. l rcienlific Dentirl, Trczuurvr of the New York " l “l; " u‘rmu'rre '4 "' ouge " tap.“ Hlumlbcmisl'fi Auurhlinn, nml \‘wv l’rhidtut will“. ‘nmx. ‘\m.” 13§hevtun .0 _sluno ufllmNcw'furk ()lh’lJexnalh‘uciuty. 15.9“" tnylesi “PM”! desks, n "“3 P" Address ' . , lrarnr-mtuirrnzgcs, '31:” n'udtmn e Flu-‘11) lu . . . . , pcrvcu . n— or. ‘ Hi n: rue e'mmrny ‘ July “Walk? 1“ [ED k r()"D?:,l'.i‘;¢'fl" lmle by Furniture Dealers nu Swrekoc ’ "' ' ' ' ‘.m , genr'rully. ‘l’rice 23mm 50 L'Ul it bottle. “mt Sn. 1 Sprm'c Errol-L, Nrw Y yrk. FM {.\uuvrs Wurxu. AuDuLss, s x 1972; Yan I’. O. A July 21.1802. ,Valuable Real Estate, ’T PRIVATE S:\H‘J.~ IA No. 1. GREEN-\IUI'XT‘ PAIN, najoin. ngthe Barnugh u! fie-ll;~l.-1rg,cnm lining 124 acres. Lunll flow] and building-x m-U'. w No. 2. QUMBISIILAXD FAIL“. f'uur wilt-s south of Gettysburg, on the Tuncgtqu road: conm‘iuing’llmxlcrcs. Laud rod nail and life buildings gnnd. N 6. 3. A (BUOD GRXST MILL, with (:8 acres of Landin Gcnfiuny lownkhip. IA Ulill's' from Littlestown. All In good order nut! “in be sold cheap. \ . No. 4. A CORDIHDIOUS BRIFKDWELLING HOUSE, in the laorough of Gettysburg, in complete order. All ofwhicb “in Be‘sold on nvt‘rx‘mn‘oduting tvrms. - ‘ (um. AmbLU. ‘ Gettislmrg, Sept. 1, 1911?. , , ‘Dr. James Cress, _ CLECTJC PllYSl~Cl.\.\', “rli-rs his pm"- 4 oionnl serviccslo tlze citizens‘ of Gettys lmrg nnd— \icinily. llm‘ing hour nswnizned 7 wnh I'rol. Pninc two yon rs. and a grmlnntc of theEclectic_Mcdical (lollvgcmf l'llilurlulleMLl tun prepnfir‘ffipmrticc llxfi xelnrmoll Syrtt m df medicine. “Eclectic " mean: In x-lloumor 50- led. Hem-é we select the hr .1. ‘snfl-smnnl mm: reliable renunhcs frum all other. sectarian medicnlsclmnls, which have hogn [ccunnncwl cd lrom my. expericnu .1 n 4 tfinljimwd l._\ mu. tine ul thé hhlcsy Eel Hl‘TlU l'l'AQllTlflVl-Alr“, :Lll'l discard mas; morelnj-uious,:lmhnsnnlmmny, ntaenic, mercury, blue pxll, lylnad'lruing, kip Office in Baltimore =El‘ol‘l. nppnsim .\ll'CroExry'3s ‘Stdlé‘Shop. wanton-5‘ anlivs nm-ndml free of enamel} . 2 '[UcL 27,1:«32. Sale Noteé. HE Notes given the undersigm-d. for prnp- T erty ph.chnsed at his sale, in Febriury last“, will come due hil the 12th of November next, at which time pnjzmom‘will he expuzlud. ”not paid promptly” intrrest from 1139 date of the Notes willgbe rlmrgcd. .Tho Notes nre in the kinds of ISAAC Bonuses. Esq., Fairlicld, to whom 1m) inem. is to be midg. . Oct. 27, 1862. 1:: 1862, Eall Millincry. 1863. [SS MCCREARY has just returned {mm M the city :m'd is now opening: :1 large and hen iful nssorlmcnt of NHLLL‘JEIEY it FANHY GOODS, of the 11mm stylcc. \\h‘nh she in vites the Ladies to call and mamiue, confid’cnt thM day will be pleased \\ llll‘llcr selections. Oct. 20,1862: 1m Cheap Groceries. . FRESH arrival of (Iron-fies at Itednmrd 2A prices—splendid SEGA RS at 8. 9 and IO ccnls‘ per pound—host. COFFEE at 22 cents” and other things in proportion. Cull and see‘ and judge tur yourself. May 5, ’62. l-‘AHNESTOCK BRO‘S ’ Removals “lERndcrsiyzncd. beingfhc authorized person 1 tonnke reruuv'als inm‘Ewr Green Come; fieryfllopés that such as man mphue the rt-moval o'fthe rcmliins of decenhed relzilivespr friends will avail themselves 01 Unis inusou oftheyear to have it done. ‘ Removals made with promptness —.—terms low, and no cfl‘on spared to [118.152. . PETER. THURN, March 12, ’6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. - Cannon 8: Adzur’s ‘ 'EW MARBLE \\'Q‘RKS, cp'rner of Balti— ' more and East Middle stre(~Ls,dircgtly op posile the new; Court. House. Gettysburg.— Hn’ing recently‘nrrived from Philadelphia, and feeling rally cunifwtcnrto execute all work in the-finest. style 61' the art,',we wohld respectful ly invite tlieznqcution of the public ivishjng to procure anyxliing in our line, to favor us with a call/ind examine specmpn: of our work. ‘We . are prepnrcfiiw furnish MUXI'MENTS, TOMBS \AXD HEAHSTQXES, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet—makers, and all other work appertaining to our busjncsa. at thé lowest pos sible prices. - We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work slnrll be put up in a manner sub smntiul and tasteful cquul la the has! ‘to be aeqn in the cilicsY , where every improvement 'which experiencé has suggesfed is availed of, , and especially do we gimrmlxtee that. our Qeme tery and Gnu—e Ynnl work shall be so carefully let upot to be afl‘ecz‘efl by frost,but shall minin min for ygars that erectness of position given ' M die completiofi of ajob. and so necessnry to continued gratefulness and symmetry. 7 Nov. 28, 859. wt : Gram & Grocery Warehouse. R.\.\'lTE STATION.—The undersigned has leased King's Waréhouse, at Granite sm flbn‘, on the Gettysburg Railroad, where he is -now engaged in the GRAIN, PRODUCE and GROCERY buiiness on a large scale. He ‘pays théhighest mark}! prices for Wheat, Rye, Com, Oats, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, arm, "and‘sells Grocer-ks DE all. kinds, at the lowest living profits. h' ‘Gin him a call. 30 cfl’ort spared to rend'cr' Gasthfaction. PHILIP HANK. Sept. 1, 1862. m ‘K Latest from New Orleans. )- T rrcg-‘lved and for sale at CODOBI & 4! GILLESPIE'S alum and excellent. supply of Orleans Sugar and Molasses, with a great quantity and variety oflSugn'rs, Wbidj» we are 131 mg )ow—rithcr wholesale or remifi‘. Syrups .ofcll kinds from 35 to 65 cents per amen. f fiQ1e,1862. o - , NotiCe. a. AOO3 GARDNER'S ESTATE—Letters 'Ol J “pinismtion on the estate ofJacob Gard 'mr, 151.9. of Huntington township, Adams «o‘, Md, having been granted to the @ller- Mren‘dingin the same township,they hen. kfiy give notice to ‘11.“ persons indebted m nid 6.589 to make immediate payment, nnd Lho’se Infiag claim. azalinsit Vina gamer t‘o preéem . :0 er) nut emcate or um fluent. in“ pp I JOHN GARDNER, ' ISAAC E. “'XERMAN, Oct. 20,1862. 6t ‘ Admit-shrew". .mw -' Removal-Tin Ware. 1 Fancy Furs! m: undersigned hu removed hi; Timing. OH‘K FAREIRA. g‘ catnblishmrnt neuter thé‘ DinmondL in} No. 718 Arch 8! nmbersburg urea. adjoining A. D. Bnah- below Eighth. louw h-r’s Drug Store—g very cenlral lorntion. He aide, Philadelphia.“ truminue‘ to manufxwlnrr, and keep- was :t- porter and manum IL)’ on hand. every Vuriet; n! f - 'tnru n! and dual»! . TIN-WARE. - . V ‘un kinds of F.\.\'(7 PRESSED AND ‘ ”ERR, for Lndieu‘ m \ J‘AI'ANRD WARE. >Children’gwenr. I and will always be ready to an} FEPAIR G. 121‘“, to my to x . mmrlxu And SPOUMNG‘ gfi'ionds of ”mi m finlsn dnne in the but manner. lPFiru mo er- "I" qumup-fmgcou‘ Ale. and no ull'un span-d tu render full I I'M-tion. The pultlic'a cuulinuc‘d [mlrmm lOJN'LH’IL A. Pd BAUGHE (htlyslmrg, April 7, 1862. }lt Howard Associaftlon, HILADHLPHIA.-—‘Fur ”no! Relief“ of P Sick and Disgrcssud, Aflliqied with '1 lent and Chronic Diseases, and e‘xpecinlL the Unto of Disease] of the Sex‘pal Organ: MEDICAL ADVICE given’gratis, by the in: Snrgzun. 4 }_ _ J \'.\LU- um: REPORTS on Spcmmor or Seminal \\'mkncsfi, and otbér Din-050‘ the vauul Organs. and on th {SEW RF DH‘ZS mnplnyr-d in the Dispel" r‘ , sent 1 ulfiictcd 1n .seulcd Ictlvr emcfnpcs, {re charge. Tm or three Stamps drposmge be acceptable. 1 - A'IMI‘I-=s, Dr. J. SKILLIN HO lIITON, ing Su‘geun, Unwud Aasncinti ,So. 2 S Ninth Slrt‘tt, Philadelphia, Rn.‘ E June 16,1862. 1y macaw ARRIVAL! skcu 5x , . New Mercantile N EMMITSBURG. “ NEW GOODS ‘ ‘ ... - . I.“ The'new firm ofSHITHk 3H! inform their friends fln'i Ihe p that they hn'L-jxwt returned with n =[vicndid nswrlment uf iug of‘Luglics’ I DRESS GOO I: Mich n 9 Prints, De Buges. Chan I [Hindu-c, Rubi-‘5 of all kinds, . I S‘x‘ES? JucunL-t (‘bqgk und Q: I Rihbnm. nnd a good nssortn Collars, (‘niicoos Ind Muslim,l 1 ~ CLUTUS,_ L f CASSIMERES. V'l \ 5 Jenna, km. kc , for men’i wear; . REAIIY-MADE CLO'I moms, sum-2:5, . _ , ' HATS nll prfi-oa. A good stack 0_ . HARDWARE, " a good stock of prime “ , (:Imumms, s: and all kinds of goods. such " found in at country snore. 'Hm (‘nsluwc ’mnntfurd tn sell at pliers. ()nr motto is—“ Qu ‘san Profits." - 3313111950 panda are rnnlly‘ find we want it. distinctly unnlu‘ Wilf sell them \ -ry cheap for C. mnl rustmnonllt six months. l examine ~bcfore purchasing :‘ wonll respectfully rcthrn our friend: for [hp lilu-ml patronug 1121:: Mr, and rospcctiully ask nmmr. ’ ‘ SMIT meonur-z TATE EIIHU'IL_~hIn';:I 1"! th April 21, ' New G‘ood EO‘HGE ARNOLD G Has jnsrrebeived from In 11:9 sumk of . ' ()LOTHS. CASSI black, plain and fancy; Silk Cloths, for Summer Dre=s Co: nr!icle,)l‘wch=,ltalian Cloths, Mvrinn (‘.‘mcimcrrs. Velvet Co and Vostings. nll very hundsom stock of Goods there are many tif'ul styles. Also-3t large stock of CA RP CARPET BAGS, ignd Domestic .Also a large stock of RE.\DY.' ING, ofour own manlxtncturing' 133111! sizes, pricesinnd cheap. I Mr. W. ’l‘. King is in con‘ne eztnhlj‘shment us usual to‘cu CloLhinan short. order. ‘ April 28, 1862. 3m 7 c Important to the ABOR SAVING . “CASH ING M.- The undersigned in now buildi| rm 'snlo, G. W. TULHURST' WASHER, at Gettysburg, and I ply them to those prrspns ti count who desire a lubor-snvi ‘ Thg machined: gotten up on ' principle, and is considered by 1 seen_it in we, the host that I brongh} before the public. I Among (he many advantage 1 over all others may be mentin a l lsthts simplicity ofconstrn-l almostimposdblc to-get out of . 341. Its speed, which {ston operator and the locker on. 3.1. The fncxliiy with which to the bulk or quantity of cloth yashed. x_ ; 4th. I! washes equally well’ lightest fabric. on: file course: such as bed-quilts. ('Ollgflirli, bi . 5111. Can be managed ‘by a c 12 years of age. ‘ 6th. Consnmufi less” soap . procéu of washing. 1 7th. Will last. as long as any mine cue. Bth. Saves half the labor - May 12, 1862. . 4 Ceruficate ADAMS ~COUNTY, PA.—-‘ signed, hereby certify this and are using now, G. W. Tolh Wishing Machine, and are full is just the Tuh Mr. S. Sherfy be, and lpupal-sedan anything have ever segn an yet; oombi{ great speed with little labor, its work in the most smismcmi ~ We, therefore, recommend it} in the county with great pleas . George Geyer. Maria Gathyine 319313, ' Sarah Upton T. Forrest, Sam Christian Musselmun, Cath John Chambeflin, _ Hm? April 12, 1362. . Natmnal Hoteuj LITTLESTOWN, “, ‘ g' ' _ Adam Caunty, :I’a. "I - E subscriber having taken the commodious Hotel, is prépal'ed to 1 and entertain the traveling public, in th] gpprqvcd sxyle. His charges will b'e mo and his attention unremitting'to all wh mm: him with their patronage. Hi! table will M; all times be snpplim (he delicacies of the season, and his ‘ furnished with the choicest liquors. The stabling is extensive: ancLol‘ t 1 chamber, and compelent unkdfntenum lets tionstnntly in attendanced ' April 21, ’62. 0.! -- AX‘SI—EAMSI—A 1m mummy!“ received am 9; 1982. "CODE!!! ' Dec., 2 , 'ARRIV firm v 'pmcn J 5 rcspcct| rl lic gener' :Ez ods, con ~ annml 11cr:\s,S" hric Mus 1!. Qt Lu old price STINGS, .\‘n CA " ‘btton Y’ QL'I-zuxswmn, ‘ ’ DRUGS rm I . JEPICIS'E [3,15% gene ling boughv mi; '7m‘ lo [6l“ Sales I Iv try henu gr too‘fi tlu s , or to p' Ilpme cull lcwhcre. thanks to @xtendod gfi ('unlinll we sum 5'2. ']_v fibnadelp .\I E R E‘ fizkrp, F fits, (a hem euns,Dril‘- (ls, Gnmb ! . In the -‘ new and I msfig‘nv tfiDE CL , in went) all and s a tion ‘witl ‘Mrd Im}: tadie I {m I xi gimd o ; ‘ smm: htéuds to'; Eoughonfl gmachin 'n entire] hose who} has ciqr 'u I this um I; we tone: Lion, muk I. rder. l i- it. adapt: s fle‘sired ’ the fines Lind hc-l Innkels, &' uild fromi an any other to ‘s. SEER I'e, the J we havé Hrst’st ‘ satisfied represen i -f the k' ing, as it] ml per! .‘. :munue I «7' every :u e, . Geyer,‘ ‘ Short), 3‘. Fox-res d C. Muss Chambe m: fie; thnt I have m e in in store, one of u 1, .lnrgPslund mosi bcnu~ gliful austirtmeuts ofnll kinds am! militia: 0! ‘FASCY FURB, for Ladies' and Fhildrt-n': \\'-om, thnnfill be warn during: this FAlLnnd Winter. the‘ My Fan: werefpnrch‘m'd in Eurnpexprrvinus iru- {to the rise in Srcriing Exchange. and the New for Duly imposed on all Furs, imported since the 1 ; I first ofAugust. dl- i Iwouid also state. that u long umy stock r 34 .nstsx. I will oIR-r it at pricm proportionate to ,n u in". the goods cost me: but it will be impuni { blc for me to’ hnpdrt and‘ .\lnnnfucfiure any 'mnre Flirs, nnd sell them al.‘ the sa‘ma price-s.‘ lowing ta‘ the unsettled stair 01 ILe nfl’nirs ofl the Country. ; i‘ ‘, . i Wflemember thi name, num er and street. 3 ‘ JULIN me-Iflls. ‘7"? Arch StrumlL Philud'u. qut.‘ 15, 1862. 5m ‘ 'SIE- I the CIIII New Finn. ROCERIES, PIAOVJSIONC“. FRI'ITS,CON~ G I’ECTI NS, NOTIOXS, kc. ' The undersigned have gone into Imrtnershif: i): the (‘.,rnu‘ry n’nl} Prmiaion bu=inoss, M. the nld stand of W. (Hljwpie, in York street, one dunr (fan'uf “:ill's Hotrl, Henyzhnsg. where they vi’ill conémnflykcrp on h-md for sale, 1; pout-m] [untidy o! gugdg in *hcir line, \‘iz; ‘ comma, ‘ L - . SQIIGARS, ' ; - ‘ MULAQQES. 9 ~ ~ SYRL’PS. rrEAs, SALT, ie by han New uk- I 'ing ‘9: 9 iqh g! is’ L m‘e- 4m" n" \ ma-‘ nk-‘ ‘up" lure JIAPXS. ‘ ‘ SHOULDERS, ‘ 1 8101-13,; .>; ‘ 5 g ; yFISfl, .i‘ .~ , 1 ' I » ‘ PO'HATOER, . ,: "BEANS, 2%., FL‘ U 1“. bN 'B' [s‘s D, With’ y qgmnlity 0‘ l “ * CO.\’FEC OHS, ( V ‘ ' !_ 4 m'm'rs. 1 J _ , ' NOIIONS, kc..v .... kn. They'cwect-Wo to dag] largely in. COAL OIL nhd GOAL 0 4 LAMIK ——pr'omi'sinr_rnenml article of the form and a fine nssurtment of thy hitter. ~ g ' \ Having enl‘nrgm! the Qtore and Wnre Rnnmu, tht‘y are pre‘pnn-d to ke a large stock, all of whinh will>be disposed o L the lowest rates. Thijy offer such bargains us. are never hervxo fore mac-h hndfln thia‘place. - Give up a trial. Nu z-fl’ort sp. A ‘ r ‘ (”m., A. (.‘n 1 JOSEPH 5.3% 6002000 Male or Femhi: GENTS TU SELL LLOYD'S NEW S REL A PLATE C(H'XTY Cowman MAR OF THE UNITED STATES, C.\¥Al).\h‘, AND NEW BRUXS\\'ICI{.—-Frmn zit-tent surveys: to npletyd .\u-g. 10, 1862: cost $20,000 to en kae itfnnd one ycnr's time: ‘ Superior t?) any sxn map ever made by COl - or Mitchell; and sclls at Hié low price of fifty cents; 370,000 names are cngnu «(d onuthis map. ‘ ' _ ‘ E ‘ his fiofio'fly n. (‘mmty‘ “up. hut it is nign’n ('(HTNT‘Y AND RAILROAD HAP of the t'nitrd Sunni and (‘llnvldflS-(‘Onlllint‘d in one. [fixing EVERY BAILRUA‘B S'l‘A'l‘lUN-.mul‘dismnucs~ but“ 9011;. ‘ A ' - K'l'S no :IAL 'tw ) ully Awards, 1362.. 0r- Hm, irps, ies’ (hmfmfoe unylwmnnn or mm S’. to 3') par d.l_\‘, and win sake hack nll maps that cnmmt be sold and refund the‘ money. ’ \ Send ifor SKn-mth w my. ‘ . I’riuwl instructions how to cnnmss well, furniihed 1110!]? flaunts. , _\\"nn+d—Wholes:fle Agenh fbr onr Maps in every State, Culifornm. Cmildn, England, Frnnce knd‘ Culm A foytnnc'mwy hn mude with a Heir hundred dullnrfi mm: \L _\,‘o Cagn- (Lily ”for. vest and I 1 ifpl, We winc and We our (His -‘ L ‘ ‘J. T‘. mmzr), No. 16-1 nrnndwhy. N-wv York petition: Tlle‘VK'rir DCIIthIIIPIIt nae ollr .\lnp an‘Vir ginin, )larflnnd, :Ind Bonn~yl\'um,l, (0:19AM om), on whiéh ls marked .\miu-{nm (‘.retk, 'Shurpshurg, .\lnrylmnl Heights, \\’lllmquritt Far)",- ‘thrursvillo, .\‘ol‘uml’s Ford, and all others 6n the l‘olnnmc, “dd every other place in Maryland, Virgiuid, nlnl Pennsylvania, or money rofnndml.‘ f -. LIMYDIS 'I‘UI‘OGIIAPIIII‘A L .\IA‘POF KEN TUCKX}, OIII(),-‘I.\‘DIA.\'A, and ILLINOIS, is the only aunlmriry for UNI. Bucll :lan the \\’.u' Ilepnrlmeut. Money: rvfunded to any. one findingnu rrror in “..1 Pr‘icc 50 cvhts. . f' nee B. L 33 : me the Tril'm‘no. .\ ml. 2 ' “LLOYD'S MAP OF ,‘VIHGIXIA, M U!"— LAND ‘ASD PENNSYL\T.\NIA.—The Map is very l‘ai'gc; its cost. is'b—vit ‘25 gems, and it ”III! ‘60:! zr/nrl: Mil Iw ‘purclmserll' ltjful I-ngs; loons }‘ uve eun- ‘LIEOYD’S ('ißl-lAT .\l.\.T’ OF THE MISSIS SIPPI RlVER—~lrmu Actual Surveys by-(‘nplzL Burt nn‘d Wm. iiou-en, Missisfippi R 1 'er hints. of St. Louis, .\io., shou‘s e\'er_\' mmrphmtminn and-owner’s name from St. Lduis 'to Gulf of Mexico—l.3so miles—levery sand-bar, Hand, town, Binding, and all places 20 miles back ,fromhiio river—colored in counties and States.‘ Price. $1 in sheets. $3. [iocket i'olm, and 553 50 On, linen, with remit-5.1 Ready Sept. 20'. , NM"? [gm-Anew“, ’ ~ Washington, rpm. 17, 1862. } ’ I. T. LLM’D—a-Sur Sexid me your “up of the Mississippi] ',River, with iprice per hundred mopies. Wear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, r-om :mau\iing.}he Mississippi sgnndijon, IS authoriz ed wo‘purchdse as mun; as lire required for use of that‘squadron. E ‘ GIUEOX _-\\'ELLES,,Sec'f.of the Navy. od. :10, 1862. ' KR,, TH nie- e ‘l5. the - up F "2 VED :suv ‘. We ‘ 'n‘exv? fhln’e béen Stratton, Byant & Co.’s, ATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES, i 3'l worm-:0 x! ‘ ' . 3" PHILADELPHIA, S. E. con. 7m up Gunsm- S-rs. - me ing: ngit New York City, Brooklyn. Ajbany, Troy, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis. Book-keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmctlchommercial Lay, Forms, Corres pondence, &C.. practically taught. _ These Colleges being under the some general and localjmnnagemant, and uniting in each the advantages of all, oil‘ur greater facilities for importing instruction thnn'any other similar insgitutionsiiyhe country. » l A Scholnisuip issued byznny one is good in all for nn'pnlimited time. The Philadelphia College has him ‘recently enlqrged and rofuruished in asuperior manner, and is now the largest. and most prosperous Commercial Instilmion in the Slate. . ' Bryant at Stratton's series of Text Books, ‘ embracing Bock-keeping“ Commercial Arith ‘ metic,nufl Coumercial Law, for sale, and sent by mail.“ 38.1?” ml] particulars send for n circulnr. \ on. 20, 1862. 1y 1591 f d be and inst, It) to =1 OM -ndtr lused. rroved I unit I: it (0 Id‘ We Irmxng - Towpsley Ahead. “IE undersigned respectfully informs the 1 public tbs! he continues the bARRIAGE MAKING AND REEAIRL‘IG business in nll its difl'enent forms, cheaper than my shop in the county. All work wnrmnted to give satisfac tion to customers. Country produce taken in exchange for work at. market prices. A. M. TUWNSLEY. Gettysburg, June 24, ISGL V EMI an l lin. ’l' Great Attraction 1' SCHICK‘S.—I have just ‘.openod the‘ most' complete uspnmem of SPRING ‘OODS ever received in mm pladef. In style, unlit; and price they cannot be shamani— Vithout stopping to particularité) I say unto all, come and see. 1. L. SCBICK. April 14,1862: } }above eceiw Come to the Fair 1 ‘- moan 0 crate ;. m.,» ND DON’T FORGETTO VISIT PLEASANT A [HUGE NURSERIESr-Persona wishidg to Plant Trees will find the stack in the ground remarkably fine. and ofi'ercd at reduced prices. The Apple numbers 100 varieties, embracing All the approved sorts. _ N. B.—See the index board near ”or: Dale Post ofice. _ T. E. COOK & SONS, Sept. 3, 1861. ‘ Imm. with u: be w a but -_ host.- LL kinds of STRAW' GOODS, embracing , A Heu'l add Béyl’ Haul, Miasu’ 3nd Chil ‘dreu'l flats, Sinker “Hoods, skm, ML, :3 5 April 21 ~ 1 3‘. F. HdLHINY’S. , , a , l. g ‘ w...—— « . ’m-w—«r-j I“ 'f‘ '2; Godey’s Laura Book New ' oods l—Large Stock! ‘ OR 18G3.—-Ull ' .\‘l‘ LITERARY AND PIC-i ERC ' AST TAILORI‘NG. " TORIA L Yl-iA R.—Tl)o publisher 01:91 JACOBS k BRO. iodry'l Lady’s Emil, thankful to that public: are just received from the cities a large stock which has rnnhlcrl :hlm to publish '1 magazine of 20m}! fur Ucntlemeu‘a wear, emhrudng I for the but, thirtptltrce years ofnllnrgrr circa-i Varictv nf ‘ lation than any inf.\merica, has mmlc an nr-i C'LUTIIS. » " ‘ ' nngement with the most popular nulhoreu in i . I CASSIMEEES, t this country—MA mos manna. anthems t' - VESTINGS, of “Alone." “Hill-lea Path,” “Moi: Side." ‘Cnsslnets. Jenna. km. with run] other good! " ‘NEVIESiIy’: Ind “ Mirinmflf who will furnish n: for Ipring and summer wear. 5 ‘ story for "97.7 number‘of the Lady 3 Book for: They inept-charm]~ to make up fin'rmenta‘nt 1963. this alone null plflcr the Lady’s Bbok' the shortest notice. and in the very but man in n literary point'ol‘ tiew fnr nheud o! 303 i ‘ m-r. The Fashions nrc rrgulnrlyreceivedinnd otl‘rr mnnnzinc. Simian Hnrlamj‘trites for no , clothing manic in any deiired style. 'l'th al- O'lW‘ 1"! th I 110". EOnr other favorite writers ways make ‘nent fits, whilsttheir sewing is sure will all continue tojiurrtiah articles throughout to he sulntantinlu ”1031"“ l T ' t i They ask A continuance of the pnhlic’l pa ;THE BEST LADY’S MAGAZINE IN THE tronsge. resolved by good work and moderate W ORLD, AND 'rn .cnmx'nsr. ; ichargea to earn it. ’ ‘ ‘ THE “TERA? RE “,0" thMg “ltd that on :1 Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. read Iloudiu th family clrcle,undth’e cle¥gy' —‘- .., -. - "___..— immenae numbfirs‘nre subscribers for the! ~ Fresh Reinforcement; STRENGTHENING OI‘R POSITIOX—We ‘ are constantly ndtlinhr new supplies to our , alreutly’lttrgo and finhionnble alock of ' HATS, GAPS, BIJOTS AVE SHOES. l We have every stylc of Spring and Summ/or’ Huts, which in quality and price cannot f ' to please. Boy’s And Men’s llnta and 94:! of ‘ ercrv description, and of the latest stflcs.‘ Our stuck of‘ S ‘ v / ; ,BOOT , . snot: ./ i . GAITERS, km, km, was never more rn etc. Lagies, Gentlemen and Children cu re accommo Med witlr‘ any thing in tyne, us we ‘nre b‘cttcryrepured new to gig ‘rllfl and greater bargains that: ever before 1‘ yen “uni lrurgnins, good 5 and (“Wilf goods, call ngthe sign‘of th‘F BIG " OT, inUhnmbt-l'sburg street. I ' ‘ . JUHX ('t‘Ll", ' ,ALE)‘. Com-lAN. Something New. , ' llEnntlt-rvtignt'tlrcipet-tful- .‘. , " ‘ T ly inform: Iht: residentsm ol'Gcttyslnlrgnnd \ icinity.tlmt ."""\ r 521 hu ltns opt-mad a \\'.\»’l‘(‘ll AND JEWELRY STORE, in thc room immediately in the rear of .\lr. J. L. Schick's Starr, ‘nn fronting the Square. who .hc intend: keep 11L! ‘in assort ment of \V:\¥CHES, .ll‘lll'l‘lllil' SILVER and SILVER ‘l’htt'l‘klb \\'AILE, ECTACLES, CLOCKS, kn, &c. i - Having Men .t-oizneclt-dnwitg a {int-class, \\’moh hm] Jewelry Store in lttltinmre, for scl’oml yum past, he ls prl'purt‘ll to furnish awry prticl» in the linc'. ntl‘tllc lo'wrst city prices, :tndglll’ purchases will be glmmnticd its rqlrcwnicnl: ‘ , - From a lung cxnoriencc in “'ntr'lmrtwniring, ewecinllyul fint‘ “Hut-hrs. h(- is preplrhl to do all klnllw uf “Hitch-work [it-umptly, in'tlte best munncr. nnd‘guztmnty‘ithc tu-ribrmnnce ofit. He will liccp alum ‘ uu lmml :I. lnrge assort mcntor‘fll’E(‘T.\('lll-ZS.null Stlirc— ‘ lut-lc Ginger“; anvl'lmring [mu-hm cq-vricult-c in mlnpting them In the sight, is prr {rm-ti to fitiull‘u hn "('(‘Il tlxctn._ ‘ “fin .n~:wl~zl,m “mt- to oi-tlcr in the best =t_\h~.-rml :l glen! ‘mr‘v t 1 ol'Jpnltcr-ns on hnnd JEWELRY 11111”er in the utmost manner. ~ ~ ‘ _ J'tbl'lt'll BEVAN. Gettysburg. Dec. 23, 15:51. tr ‘ | I k 1 i " ‘ i The Music is nllloriginnl. and wiohld'rost 25 c m (the we if we: Bunk) in the music a res,hut most off is copywrightrd, and can n the obtained ex opt in “Gulle.” 3 Our Steel Engrn§ings.—,—All efforts to rirn} an i this have ceasetd; nndmrp now stand nlone i this department‘giving, uwe d'o,|mny more a d infinitely belt r engnn'ingi than are pub li bed in any othe work. Godey’s immen e DOUBLE SHEET FASH- I X-I’LATES, co aininx from five to, seven t'n ll length Color‘e Fashions on ouch plate:— hermagnzines we only two. , Fur nhend of a _v Fnshions in El rope ‘or America. (lodey’s i the only work i the world that Fives these i men‘se plntns, {Jul they are such as to hnve e cited the wonde ofpuplishvrs and the pphlic. 1e publication! (it tI-ese plates cast $lO,OOO are Ihun Fashior; ntcs ot‘ the old rifle. fllll‘l/ n thing but our u n'dcrfully largo *circuln‘ e :Ibles us to giF -_thom. Other. mug; (- nnot nflord~it. "Ve never spare m t 9 public can be 1 envfited. ‘ These fashions lnmy hclrvli fly be made Mir: them, n t subject lwrsellto ridir e so if she visiu-d'hlg 'l e style at the B] c llcd rushing Our “'5 t 'ice 9 n .1: 7far superior to ‘ NZTM‘IUNS. ‘le Lhe Lad)": H: M llleqlltinilbt‘3t. I. other mnguzin L ornmnculul it 'ony. ' THmrQ, ‘ One copy (me 1 nr,ss. Three : pit": one year 3‘ extm copy to } >0 Eight cop}!- Iht‘ pr-rson sczz' rm) tn please. )Rl. LESPIE. ‘upiei one yenr, '\ [n srndmg {Lu cl ‘And the nulymn to (“‘6 above ~ mk L4l Arthur} 3 SPECIAL ('M'nm ‘ (:udu‘ys L..dy‘s ng‘winv Imlh n 'ufy‘s Hank and I .\r Ihr S 4 54). ill\nH thlee'm: . I 00. r“ - ‘menryXutcs ken M lur. Be curl-{9] and .\dde . 3‘13 Chesn Nov. 3, 186:. GREAT IF THE GR b HEROXSU Lrunnmu. 1w ‘Thz ( ritu = am ctinr: th It this \‘ ’O. exciting inn . all olhor hi~to , thump \\'iH bl, ‘m-rinu’. and 1121} cr: nnd “Jars. }l‘ the-Inc ofcom lie: fur yous t' vlil‘lonlun: SH : mly~is 0" the \ THROP 31071.19? fire U 11!“ 1) lh-yn luu‘urmul (‘\Pms d nn nt'cur'lto in’t-ipnl lwnitlm‘, 0m- lhird the M dir(‘?[lo"‘ Szlblcd Snldier py of the work rs, should 5011 he. Atsn,.nn :nny smtinn of! ‘ a: hornimnct o by sending’m Booksellers. P ‘ ems will be r. (anofln. nn "I ‘WA lihurnl sinng to act. as I: E msmm' ‘ TURKS. ,' By Dr. JALEAA‘ Vol. I. now rm ‘TbiS‘ i 3 probnh urtnnt work no I‘VPhflVE ulsojul l~ following us“ IE BUSINESS How to Save}! according to _ and Latest A Price. $l. 5 ’PORTI’NITIE THOUSAND (' Cloth, $1.71 Englnnd. I very business nese books. Td :04! fold. Ever I. ir sons. lAH these book ; ptotprice. W iling books, W l 1 procure ano‘ ywbere, on re I mm. Ad Tri' Pianos:——Pe : I the best make ve a‘ handsome ldreas Puxo, ca ‘ Lents, New Yor‘ July 21,1862, ‘ 1 LL the best a ;. {at the new - ore of ' I AGO, 'Arrow [*o p and Gelatin,” ug Store. i .0)! COATS $1: PICKING'S.‘ MERICAN 13F ELSIOR Good COFFEE.— _ u Jun an _c cap as. rye, for sale at _ 10 DORI h GILLESPIE’S. EW spmxoi GOODS—jun opened at the q. New Store of 1 ' M. SI’ANGLER. ‘ OURNING qODS.—-The finest unsort— fl‘ men of M urnihg Goods ever offered, m_ now, be seengufl bought at lower prices am they hate as er‘ beén [old loafers. Call at. me at the sign 01th Red Front. _ . April 21. i FAHNESTOCK BROS. ‘1 )URE BRANDY, WINE AND WHTSKEY, for L medicinnl p once only, nuke New Drug Lore of -' - Dr. R. BURNER. LL colors of phyr Worsted and Sheilnnd X Wool can b, had at , SCHICK’S. NALICOES, asggood yes ever, n from 6} to J 13} as. per ygrd, can be b‘d a: SCHICK’S. "10TTON GLO ES, for Men and 13031. on J be had chess? n. SCHICK’S. OUNG Men'g PM] ruler of Hate Ind Y Cups 20 percent. lower than naunl price: , .‘ R. F.IMcILHENY’S. "1 LYGERINE ind CAMPHOR SOAP, for J preventing ind curing the bites of lus uitoee and othenilnsects. It ' - DR. 311. aoaxms Drug sun. RS. wmsndw’s soomxxc swam, for children, 5 Dr. B. HORNER'S Dug tore. . ‘ . n. scmcx‘ In: just remind . log or ‘.cbuplookln'G-hufihl 1' I 1 on. Dréssen the wearer will cule. as would he the ’ {\ng cities drusscti’uiter ,rs goiter: in some 6! on; so nzin . ‘ rm'in‘s, of which wg give 5 as many as my oiixer mug ismkl-u fur sue]. They and ny‘ othora. ‘ ~ Beware ofthom. Remember IR is the original] publication Ifyon‘t‘nkc (huh-y, you wunt . Everything mm is useful A house cun be found in H'CC tim ssn‘m mince} “ K 'onr, $3.. ’Dvo _cbpies one ~9pir~a one gram; $6? I‘uur f; Five cnpiei onc- yonr,,(lnd hé person scfillingvthc rluh, - dneymr, and an éxtm mpy iii": the club, $1.3. E‘OVl‘ll nil an extra cofiy lo lthe per m, 320. 1 ‘ r Him that cn'H-o intrp-lu’ucd uln in place of the lmdy‘; Hume Magazine. q “’11" OTHER “.\fll7l'fllti. I Book :mdr .\rllxur‘s Home n \’("U‘ fur F' :- 103 (hull-fly ‘ , ’llu'rpor‘s .\hrwww hath on '3 ‘ ‘ NCXV GPOdS' (huh-3:, U-Irpe.‘ and _\rtlmr,QPßL\'(; (:nuhsr—c'lnm‘lf. GOODS! $01”. on; _w-‘u'l‘ on rel'clpt of} k { -. I'.\H.\'FhTh(,‘K BRU'IHIERS I V- g r ‘ Ilu‘u: ju:t Tt'L'(‘7Y""A fmd Mo nmy )le‘YlJlflfl large mlNotes-ofnnlsuh'om tanks and :‘imi-‘L- .rvmhnvnt nf‘ SPRING (:HUDS. to - - 1" ‘ . “1251 e NM imifi- Ihr! :It'onfi-m of the finhliclj y l‘hc po=Mcq nn l—vur letter. . H uing hum pmH‘ \\'-.I \\ ixh mtrw A! rmlucud‘ I ' L .\‘l (lUIIEY. xJ‘Y'iL'o‘. “e :m- Inn-p u‘ol lo giro uurrufiomcra ‘I Street, 1’11“:[ (11 [phi—A. 151. i V» "T‘j‘tlih. llllr Hunkhusiwcuhrn‘b‘i'l(‘;ensudl ' ‘ ,by Ike .yidllim‘ U! :r | huivn \Micty of the Inn-st ‘——— ——- ~-——~—-—»'~{ml«-< ut‘ l.\!‘lif.s“ bums mums, muteriul MOKS I.\r 131:1st llt‘u .‘.l!£\'<‘l\!\'i€\ll, ((LUHI’HZXNG" IQL’EII‘INS - ‘ ' V.\l‘.ll.‘\H . 11' ‘EHY .00 )h‘. (wax-(1m ’rising‘ Hg Ineldentfs ‘ .'.“ mm‘l'llva xhj‘ux'm'rm of m L-ryllxinz “wally -\T REHELLHLV ‘ ' \\‘:luluL ;1‘,.|1l Lulrl). my] “4““! burg-nip; for r "n.“ \ { “y'nx:’.~o4sv~'. ,mm ESIUCK URU'D‘. in!“ {WI} 801.0]! RS ,ASD; April 7, 134p}. ' , _ SAILH'N.‘ . I. . _ . . a-_M.___.__x' L, Luau: flu": mum". r 311125.? I‘qu Tailorin2_ ’ ' 3"" """If" 3”: "3'35 '3‘:"”"" <l“\r.',l.<u\nzx-r.--m-,u.RHQKEXRODE, I“ curpmij. m Lrglymw‘ nlfrn- ‘F. . F’\\‘HlH\‘ “,1 L, TUI HR ./ er‘zt.)|H‘l('\'T‘.'n~‘ii|'t'pl‘p‘XLri-l 1 2‘ : I I.‘ '‘.‘l.‘ ." d d H” "rm” \'.':u drawn- “Mu”. . “'lfi'i‘“? HIHIIIWII' d 3! luifnmmg :I_stne'l‘sa_n thLI lwrnir‘ 'll'iln". yu'iont .'.“. Paw". 32'1“.“ "V' I A} h" h.“ oponeu a Lhrvm'thf-xt‘nvrk J, “m «H I'uh 1:": I'TLH-lphlucl‘tt m Ihlmnurp streft, and EN inm-h-hj will fur," (,v-r‘p‘ngrc. (gnu: l’u-L (H.lm-.)‘:~eur‘ thejhzx {enntion m i'nvmmvri'vh- firnl - "11‘er u ‘1... r: 5‘- I: p ([3 mm] to 14mm! work In ) ('mm'. I! ule mmlnin in 1}“ ,IH‘U' ”3 1"".1’0" "NWT" (""1“) th‘f mm“. .i‘mfifl,.;;<.,;l.. phfimnpluml : Lu-zmn u- ( nil:— nu-p. I/If- mnploys, none but “Na 01" Ih}- “ “r. M. .lan 359 v!“ run... [l}.- ”I‘s. 91:! “Fania?! \{Y 1 I.L.h.._.\um.)r”s47lol”ch ; '1“ ‘ *““.'\'“:"" "“1, “Y” ‘ “”3.ku rho ”MPH“ J i Um i mt“ ran WM 4) 2.l;Yummhk‘ at; mid neat nmf; lrmn [llO John Thaw“ min] l—Sonl'<"|““”l H‘ 2' ”0 .“fd‘b “I‘ }:\re Of “It? lmnl rM‘LM Inc-mm. 01' UN; 1 “I‘M”. ‘ T)"; '"JLW‘ rimmhml In “In". nu M.- "vi”! Pn'rr:n'inz-. ' ‘ 11m! In ‘l' ~(‘lH' -[. -llxs elm-Hz": WI." ullwnyi bu irnl-(w-vls—nli' :rll Suhzcrininnc . {vu‘wl I" Ha'itiur'\'(nl<'lh(‘tun-y \\ 11l 3113)“. v _m be given] 1.”. Iva llSlit-fuf ,( uvt'ug ,‘H‘nl ‘h‘W‘WHV-i' alone an. I‘llehjhortes' 1:1 11:11 ”..I.“,NM", 2!, nntuo. , ; . [(u-t‘yburg, April “181:2. am] 11:11 pv-‘szmwnho \vth a, “and :fl‘so m (‘u-nr-fi! the sci-1 1 their mm}:a uud zur-{reia at; uffim‘r‘nr p:.i\':m-. or pr‘rmm‘ hecnuntrv, h‘nfinz knuwhulgn? 3 stirring int‘jtlu'm. will obligcf n‘nccounc of it. . ‘ .-| t<tm=l=tersphnd (‘,unmisinz. rnishcd wifli n _thwrnitiun ”Hf-Minn to {he Publish-rs: ~ E 3 ~ni-4ElOn given 16 soMicl-s’l g§lts in mkiugsubscriptions E -n. H ’ , 5 IF‘ NMERIW‘N MANUEACN min mus Tn lsuo. , 2’ lnsk “mum-u ‘2 “11.4., B+o. 1 iy. Vol. Us neatly remxy. y therlnrgvst unnl most im- .in file A merimm' 11W“.' 3! pnhlisht’wi pow e-iitions of m 1 and pnpyflar hnnks: JAY'S LEQAL ADVISE“: or, ; m'y. hyf‘dnducting Husi‘ncu w, H's expounda! hy the Best .thor’nies. 400 pp., sheep.— FOR'IXDUSTR‘Y: on. —A HNCEB TO ”ARE .\IUXEY. is hnslmcn republishodjn man a‘nd ckrk should have cy will [my Mthlgyer a Imn— E pxrenl shoyldzgct them for are mam-«1!, postpnid, on yo e pay panicular nttenlidn to upping the'm carefully. and Y send, poflpaid, any book in! of publislzers‘ price Qnd ‘ ess ' - . FREEDQLEY .t ‘OO., \‘ nune Buildings, New York. ‘ . n 5 who wjéh to buy a Piano ' will be shqwn ho'w they can‘ 's'nm in thapurchaae if thex 18:03 003 & 00., Pnblishefs’ Dec. 2-.. 1y ! nt .\leflicines can be ha}! .. ily Drug and Preaqriptiau \ . Dr. R‘. BURNER. t,‘ Corn Starch, RioeJflonr fr sale at: Dr. HORNER’S ap at 11 Jun 99,1862 'y when Trcgzs 1 Ike as ! Trees! ‘ ,111-I uuvllvrsiinwl iuvize Mtvmlion to their“ T largo :unl'm-ll grown stuck 0f ‘ 1 mm .\‘ND URNAMEXTAL TREES, , 'Slu-uhs, km’, e-n‘hmoingn Luge and cnmrl‘cte: -n<snrlmvnl ol .\l’l'l.l~l<, I’EkRS,‘ PEACHES, l‘LliMfi. .CHI’IRIHI‘ZS. APRU'UTS, and NEC ,{TARL\‘E.\. Smnclnnl tor the Orchard, and , llwarl‘ fur die (hrulcn. ENGLISH WALXU’TS, E/SPAVISH (‘Lll-ZSXI‘TS, “.\ZLEXUS, am; 'RASI‘IH‘IHHH‘I’4. -S'I'RK“’BI‘3RRIES,I CUR:f : R \N'l‘S‘iuul (SUUS'CBERRIES, in great vnriety. EGIKAI’ES 0t thoice‘st kinds. ASI’AHAGUS. ERHI‘BARB &c.,‘&c.v Also. 11 line stock of well Tut-mod, Lushy HYERGREEXS, suitable lonl the (‘omelvrv and Lawn. A ‘ ‘ w-zunn'oi‘s 'J‘R'EES,'for street‘plvnmiug find' :1 gonoml usmrtfilent of l . Ons'lmwn‘n Tums AND Fnownmxu Smuns ‘ BUSES. nf vhoice Writ-ties, QAMELIAS BEDDING PLANTS, kc. '- '- Our stack is rem-trany thrifty and fine niul we ofl'fir it :1: pniees to suiuhg times; . . mtintulngues mniled 16 all applicants. ~ Ad’dreas bDWARDJ. finxs, & 90., ' ' Central Surgeries, York, Pu. ‘March 24, 1861. tf -i Nat'rona’t Coal Oil. 4 . ARRANTED SOX - EXPHUSIVE nnd S; = eqmflAto nny KEIIL)§ENE. ~ . wxn' bug/jut umosive on, when a fair cents. mére per gallon will turnish you with mperfcpv. on? .\Mde only by PA. SALT MANUFAC TUBING COMPANY, No. 1!” Wmm Sun", BUILADELL’HIA. [Fcb. F4,18‘6’2. 1y - ~. ‘ I . Sapomfier! Sapo er! ‘ HE FAMILY SOAP .\IAKE I All Kitchen T Grenammn be made idea 011 SO‘AP, by using SAI’UNIFIERI . 7 , . ‘ DIRECTIONS ACCOMPAKYIXG .EACH BOX! SOAP is as easily nude with it as making a clip of coffee.‘ Manufictured-nnly by thePatcntees. PA. SALT upmmctvmx . COMPANY. .\‘o. 127 Wnuqr St, 'PHILAD'A.‘ Feb. 24, 18“. 1] . ' ‘ Spectacles, Spectacles, ' 095 m BEVAN, sign of‘flle Wnéh nu: Spéctaples, in the diamond, has nova hand a large agnortment of Gold, Silver and :eel Spectacles, and is pregared to suit all whd in favbr hiui with a ctl]. i * ’ 1 N. I}. Cash paid for old gold and silver. “‘ June 2, 1862 ' . .b. _ r J Sale Crgmg. '1 A W. FLEEMING continues the businesg . of SALE CRYING, Lnd soliClta the con; unued patronage ’of the public. It is his con stant endeavor to give satisfaction. ’Oh‘arg‘ea moderate: Residence in Bmkinridge‘street, chysburg. \ [June 16, 1862. Coal! Coal! Coal. ‘ ' HB.—\DS»& BUEHLEB nr‘e nofi prepmed to supply COAL, of superior quality, in any quantity deified. Temn,Cnph. ? , .‘ConeOnel Come AB! . , rig-They also request those indebted $0 th‘cmto on.“ and pay up, A! funds are much needed. Who will be the _im to cdl? ‘Ufiica ppen from 710 'I. ' - ’ Feb. 24 1862. ' .N » ‘4 , ;__.,..-o—--—-—~———-——zv--—-‘—l PERSONS In mat of n «h' .p and fuhiong Able HAT or CAP can t; mommodnmd by calling a B. PJIcILHENY'S. LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS nude tram spa" pictures It greatly redugod rates,“ the vl-Lxcalnlor Sky-light Gallery. _‘ ' FIRST-BATE Elghf-dq , Thirty—hour and ’, miltmfilgfffichup I PICKINQ‘S.H COTTQNADES, and s 7 fly errand Sm, . chap,“ A. F 001“! & sox‘s.-- ‘ • I , ~. an ‘ ~4_ ‘h."ll‘-."m- onw v -v'.lt~. L The Old and Reliable. EW SPRING GOODS. N SMALL PROFITS a: QUICK SALES;— J . L . Soll l G K , would respectfully any to the citizens oijel lysllurg and vicinityptbnl be Is now receiving at his store a spltndid . ‘ ' STOCK 0! SPRING GOODS, "‘ Tb. flock consists in part of Fancy; And ‘Bulple DRY GOODS, of every denyript’ufln SILRS. ‘ MOZAHBIQUE, ‘ CHALLH‘IS. . M DELAINES, ~ " ‘ noMnAszs. /‘ ° . ' ALPAngB. _ . _ ‘ L ‘ NS, ‘ . l l oAl.xcpn_s, of 3'] qualities and choi styles, whig, will be sold at PRICES T )EI’Y QUMPET lON. FERN! ING GOODS' »' (It all kinduin ding Silk. Li'nenland Couch Handkercbie ,GlOVoa, Stockings, kc. ‘ ' Also,‘ a, plendld “sorhment of RIBBOYS', ‘ Laces Edgings. Umbrellas and Pflmblß.- My ck’of WHITE GUODS will be found full yr complete. and custodxon‘ any rely upon‘ ‘ always getting good. goods‘at the lowest. paisl blt‘ prices. . ‘ : g , Gentlemen will find it to their Advanmgurto ‘ call and examine my‘stockiof - * -‘- 1 ' CLOTHS, ! a 7 ' ' r , - CASSIMERES n‘nrli ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ : VESTINGSi ‘ ;of all qualities nnd cholcqst stylda. - l April 21, 1862. J. L 1 SCHIQK. Vinegar—mega. l HE undersigned has commenced the "Jann- T factnre of Vinegar, mi Washington street.‘ a few doors north of Wes; Middle street,j Ge;- tysbnrg. He has been manning-wring this Vin;- gnr for near 1y one ycurl'nnq it has given g nerhl sntisfncnon. The superidrizy oflthis ,Yi mgnr Lover all 'ocher mnnufncturdd Vinegar, co sists in it being made entirely.“ grain, no n id I any kind being uscd‘in its composition, mfd free from everything injurious. :lt is strong, and at the same time pleuq'nntto the Mste,and has all the pgf-servmim qualities found in {who Cider Vinegar. He is prépnrcd to Wholesxfie this Vinegar in any quantity. Cztll and/exam ine for yourseglVes. I AIDA?! DIEHIJ“ \ ‘l ‘ Certific. E, the undérsignedfl 8‘ We hm‘e usml in m 0115 purposes, the Winona sold by .Amu Dmur..nnd ' he represrms it tp be. W? it. and believe i: m be supi to nnyoxher nmnufnctuu: eve; used, and wouh} 1'? persons. ' | Wm. Bnycr 22 So ! Jacob Norhock kl (‘nrlnrhk o?an ~ ~Jnhn (‘uhmhcrhn Levi l'itzci, I A. F!Gilt.u;f6r May 12, 1862. Iy* , . ‘ «a, Something; BEAUTIFUL ILLUS‘ 0N Till“. l’lll‘lSlilth'l‘lQ ()l“ FRUIT .\NI) (JUN/Sf ()PIES are heanWl/lf'i C many mJgnlfiynt ll Trees un'l'VurlmHAllul? 0,! Trees, same of the fiue~t $ mer horn putln‘n i-nper. i set with anl/lltltlnl hurdenl that \\'lllt lynnture present The tree’s/are reprewntellF running through the soil i ‘ and the Engriu‘inifi 0f Tn l gruml. lt his]; contains a? r reprezont; the,innunu-ml ofn rigorous tree rnnnii the soil. The Root «l-Inl ‘ inrhes in dimieter mi [my . rungfiifivent engraving. “ll i prove gratifying to [he I)’ g ‘ hold it. Such an enqnuii piinted on pnp’er before” ‘roots not only prnrm Mm l the eye. ‘mt i: th‘lfllH-«l til i parlance to all who 'lztkl‘ u tiramnmof lrutts find hot i properly. ,“ t i _ . lA, COPY conmins Twenty lire rliflfurentl-h inc! 0! Trees. F nits, often, corn of E 'in-greens, art-st. Apple, I Dwaiifl’} r:-mil l '\r-nntlfllherry" " &:t' lTht- l-‘ruit Zuuravings to l Thupberriuz‘ (iut u lmrrms, “lull 1 ries, t'urrunts. t rapes, i‘lums, ‘ . emu, Pears, l‘eac res. Applm. et nrc nll colored I) lnnrl to rep the natural fruit. nnd are accom; with printed mn'lter of great i tuner. and fornfi‘s u eupyiin size 4!: int-hm, on nu [1 paper, with = " bl\(‘l\’ find thee v rnisherl, ' A COPY. with its .numer us cnfzrurin he gratifying to he e 3 Cl und In admirable ornn nt tor the wall i > parlor, and oil richly} heunti apartmentevith iortitliflttirxtl ofniuchimportn cenhtllhncy. ‘ _ copies are puhli herl nt‘a very expenv Twelitytifit‘elclnllarihm paid to s seit-utiJ e n'rtist for t‘ the plates of single dugrnvi ‘ ' trees, mote, 9h: ‘ ' ‘ I A COPY «'nntains ‘printetl mutter of "mill im -1 pnrtnnce and gr‘tTltvolue It will tell 1 how to treat all kinds of Fruit Trees lg _ to iendcr tltnmfi'ery vigorouq xmld prq-. ‘ ductive, even inJluflu'ol'nble selrsomi. i It will tell ho to prepared e;soil without incbuveriience before pl inting l the trees in : to s‘lrcnjzth‘en tree much i 1 in vigor, and tn ' row the prndi dive ‘ nena of übnndnnferopstei‘en it unfit i \‘orubl’e isensonu‘ or locations, with _ proper and easy often tretttnjent ‘ A COPY will tell how tolprelutre nnd p' ‘ ' kinds of Fruit nhd Evergreen; l so'ns to prove sukee'ssfu‘l, with s l ly"ever prdving’a failure in s i many 'trees whe+ prqperly'ti-eu l dim-ted. it wil tell how ‘ and plant DwarflPear Trees. 1 i ' mine the most iuccéssl'ul treu furthe. culture f the Plurn. I tell tru n and oultit' Grape. . . .‘fl ' . ° . ‘A COPY will tell how til cultivate an i ' Strawberries, Currants, Rnspb l Blackberries, quseberriesLetc l A COPY will tell how toltreat Peach tr es, to l restore their root‘s healthy fr the l dieutrons efl'eet's of worm lnee ts. It ‘ will tell how to puke use ofnn appli , cation overrthe soil surroundi g the g tree to protect Ethel’each and other I tender fruits from the efl'ccts a being winter-killed in ithe bud: The some~ application also {restores Peneh trees . ‘ from taking the yellows. The lappn. cation hes the beneficial emit-u to present the foliage ofthe trees Healthy ‘ and the tree vigorous. and prolves to U ; the prodnctiveness of luscious lfruité. The application to be appliedlie not , > oipensive. All "have sufficient ma. _ terinle on their plantations. A OPY will tell how to Preserve all kinds 0 Fruits with little or no sugar. llt will ; tell how to keep Apples with 'mnch success. It willjtell how to treat and , manage Fears to mature perfectly,und to attain to thehighest flavor. ‘ A CQPY presents its nnrderous pictures all at n glunce, and forms such an ornament r fo’r the wall as will be admired by all I lovers ofnrt,drewn from naturals pro- Adncte. , These copies are published by i l \ RAF. M. PETERS, \ . Near Bendersville, Adams m.,l Pa. Who-Map is finished with Rollers and will be forwarded by EXpress to any place or dered, on receipt of necessary] umouo ”Price $2 per copy. Adrress HJE. M. Pmu, Nursery, Florndnle P. 0., near Ben dersville. Adams co., Pu. ‘ July 21, 1362. [Nov.ll, ’62. Iy] TEP gnto McILHENY’B and aeefiae immenu S quantity of HATS and GAPS that he bu juut received. Colts nothing to look. " SLINS nt low rates, from 6 can't; up, ”I can be built the cheap store of . ' PAHNESTOCK BROS. NGLI‘SH DAIRY CHEESE, . my inur- E ficlamovr to be 1:36 M. By G. OLBR'S. ADIES’ DRESS magmas, in gm! n. day, 3: 1 , . .801! (*3. uma rM-w- rmamlwaxJu-«m 1.; , -- . iancaster Book imam-y. -‘ EORGE wmm‘, . G _ 13 oo x 2 [ND 5' n- up In“ nook uuuncwnn, I ‘ LANCASTER, PA.‘ ‘ Plain and Oman] Binding, of every dc? scriplion, executed in the most substantial in! approved nylon. ‘ 4 n. w. Brown, Esq., Fnrhers Bank or Lune-mgr W. L. Pu or, Egg" Lancaster County Bank. ‘ Samuel gawk, «1., Columbia Bank. ‘ ‘v Samuel Wagner, Esq., York Bank. ,1 ~Willinm Wagner, Esq." York Count} Bunk.» 'l'. D. Clam, Enq., Bank of Gettysburg. ‘ Peter Mag-tin, an., Proth'y of Lancaster co., F 9. Geo. C. "unborn, Esq., Register ” ‘1 Geo. Whiuon, Esq.,Recox-dar ' “ - ,5“ April 15, 1861.‘ , l II ‘ J Town Property 1 T PRIVATE SALE—The undersigned ‘O9 A fers at Private Sale the Properlyin which a now resides, sfituntein East Middle “N“, Gettysburg, Idjoiuing S. B. Tipton‘on thumb“ und Mrs. McElroy on the cost. w‘uh an alloy in me rear. THE HOUSE is sang“ it two-story Frame, Weatherboarded, with ' Back-building; a 17011.0! water, with I pump h; 11., M the door,; and A variety of fruit, suck at apples, pears, ‘ peaches, Apricots, chart-ion, And, gamma“ the most choice. ZACHARIAII MYERS Nov. 12, 1860. t! Gettysburg Marble Yard. EALS I; 8110., IN EAST YORK STREET} BI GETT'XZSBURG, PA.,—Wht~re they In prepared to furnishglll kinds of work in moir' line, such as MUNUAIENTSV TOMBS‘, HEAD STONES, ng‘NTLEs, m., at, me shorten no live, and as cheap as the cheupea'k. Give lid 5' call. ‘ ~ ‘ lay-Produce taken in exchange for won-kl Gettysburg, June 2, 1862. t 1 ‘ .l The Great Dlsoovery . I F THE AGE—lnflammatory and Chronic O Rheumatism can be cured by using H). L. MILLER’S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MLX TURE. Man promirient. citizcna‘o! this‘, find; the .adjoining counties, have teitifiod 10l its great utiliKy. Its snccg‘gs in Rheumatic lube t'ions, has been hitlzercb unparalleled by Pny ‘spccific, introduced toque publ' . l’ricq b 0 cents per bottle. Forfifile by all vrruggisls and stur'ckeopers. ’ PrL-‘pnyéd only by H, L. MILUER, .\\‘holesnlc and 119%“ [DrugglsyéEast flotilla, Adams county, Pm, dealer in Drngfi, Chemicmls, Oils, \'hruisll,\‘s{§irits, Pniuls, Dy -stulfs, ob tlml 0113, F2§enées =nnd Tinctures, Win ow Glngz. [’er'l‘ wry, l’utenLMcLlu-lwes. .lzc.,& . WA. ). lluvhle-r is the Agg‘n: in Guiya hur’fl; lo “U. L: llillcr’a'Crlvlzrutpd llheuml-tio Mixtu e." . [June 13, Idol. l! + "qfl— " T‘"'-‘.”“t""‘ / ._ A Ready 'Marlget. ’ 3 ~ , 00 BL'SIIELS GRAIN WAFE -10 .0 B'D.—-\V(7 NYE mk'ennhi llnlne u-ly ()N'up‘rtl 'le KHDL‘h-fl‘lvr, Holnr‘mu & (‘o., wiTh n (lelenninltxiun to Hny NJ higlmn market pricos for albkimlg (film-1n: Ynu will find us supplied Milli l'L.\}-“_’lrlllTUl'l\X(p of all kinth, GROCEJHES. “'LHLGNBI nn-l llulllil “LUMBER, COAL. mvl‘ o'er); hllmrnrticlo m‘nur law of basin!“ roll] Ml’thg lpuus: [infill-lo run-s for CML Cull null ém’nfiuc our stucklmxd p'l'oM LLfm-e purvhnaing olunwlwrc‘. ' ‘ that var}.— midl tlmt “951 , pe'rt, hm‘g o n.“ thereby (‘ert'fl'fi kr fitmihos, for u 'nmnu‘fu'ctul‘m ”"1 it t 4) he a] P _hnye I fnh‘ly '.II inr in bvor'y ,ro - d '\'int-‘gux ,w‘é ’commpnd it. ; '. Gettysburg, IOU", ' “ '9, . ‘ , a Frankxin twp r u l New ! ,TRATE‘D MAP 5‘ “\\p (‘I‘L [IRE MENTAL TR ES. ‘ . mam,luuxjxl-Jluva-‘k ch, April23,lgxsx. 1! ~ ‘ ch 94, wEich c SEM El 33 "awnings, s ,ETTYSBI’RG IMIHIUM D._-0n and MM? ? Wedm-sdny.‘ Mgr; ’. 136‘), tho :Mnrging JTrnin will lmn- HL-ltfshu g n: 7.15 A. .1, with zpmwongom 1m- ull‘lhe L-dnm-rtions. Nurlhvanll lSouth, on the Northnrn i‘ontml Rfiflwaynuu} ‘rr-tqrn. nhout 1 P. .\I. ‘ThemftH-noon T‘ruin‘ Fwill lczive thty.~hurg m 3, P. \l.; hm. 'pnisvngcru hy this Tnun mugs) no father lhnn Hunovor the skmo awning. lin-mining ‘wiU reuch flettyahurgnhouf 5.15 P. .\l.. \\ ilh pushch ggrs from, Harrisburg. Philmk-Iphin, kc. 3 By this’ nryungamt-nt pn-rcops firm: the mm try, nmxrthc line ofwho Railroad, lun‘ing hysirhcss to transact in Gettysburg, can tuke tho ‘n‘oon Trnifi up and have ucnrly two hours in Guiya hurg‘, and rcuun in the .\Fn-rmmn ’J'rnm. ‘ )3 fi'ne Fruit and “legiméne th‘n {rim Frlml Tn: 114 uthruig, simi {s‘ in, p‘roper - a hfiving their i n hntuml pa 03 me ’lmunih $llO Engraving I le 'tth-mI-likc I through an: vrm’ing cowr Pr. 11ml :3]er fu lit“! {-:mnos 219) ,s of‘nll‘ \Tth m 1i"! huh ncwr Fruit. . luflve 5 are " ar 10 ‘qson. ‘mpls. ifiion. 11 11nd ‘v'h'u‘h 'rnpls over ' ten 111$ 1‘ I but y be [teen p: of ht‘nf The cum-av rn‘Mo hf) thv s May 12, 15.32 Han'ovfejg Branch “Railroad; ‘ INTER ARR.\N(;E.\H‘..‘<TS.—Pnssongu Trains run an" follows: ‘ ; Leave llunmc-r alt in'm AZ .1., and 122.10 1%. u. ano Junrlinn Val [1:120 A. M . mrl 1:40 7. u. EMI nfinlerust in’! Iv 10' um fru’ 13113 imar posed much, I rOO3, lvri ~e kin-r- Apri- The Wl5) .4. w. mun nyokrs mynoutinn .uj’uhg Junction fur the No‘rlh and Sunni}. The fiizfso Lrnin Innkos I‘dnnpvmm t'or‘lho Sfiulh only. "l‘hruugfi Tit kms nrr Hum) I'l I’hilmh-l'uhia, (‘olxlmhiA' ".t‘rriihnru. Wlili umpn-rt. Hen lhng, Hulliumfin, York, anhtm‘lh. :uu! nl! [N'Hu-i -pm wnyi points an the line at t'vanrl‘hcru 3:011- ‘.ul Rniawny.‘ ' ; . ‘ ‘ D. E."l‘RU.\'B, Til kel.Agc-dt. sz. 213,1862. , 1 +5 Fme L‘quors. ‘ H G. (‘.Xlglt 11:13 milk-'1 1911 i. Grnceryimul _ . Notion smm, 11 dvpnrlmcnl lurJlu—‘sule pf L quurx, and luring lam] in n large umqfiuu ass-lumen! .hu inules the :Ilrerrxiun of ’u rcrs then-to. .IL embraces: BILXNIHHS, “"1315, GIXS; WHISKIES. km, of durum-m kimlzgnml I‘n'irui, snnm among the btrl _iu be [Md if! the cxlius. Au his mum; iu, “ quick <ulo~lnnd 4imu|l pynfits,’_' 31- win svll vhmpzren (ht-up. fut-11:0 (“=h. To he cun‘Hm'e I, it in 0.11) “PC-Chair) lo pu‘e him your p'ltrunxlgP. . a Getlyshnranly l, 1861. " :r ~ . To Disabled Saidjers, ? ;. amt ‘ men: 'mxied por ‘ '-' M‘ I ualiu ES E» {-1111, [of the l 1" any mater These heavy i bum) [mung gs 01. ‘. BABIES AND MARINES. .\VD \\‘IDHWS, .S'HR orman Hmns 01" 'nmsr: Wm) § HAVE DIED'OR BEEN KILLED IN—THE SER -1 VICE—Clue. C. TUCKER, Attorney for (“lighti :lnls, Bounty Lam] and Pensién Agom. ng‘h ingloanly. .D. C.—Pensions procured [UNSHI ’ dicrs, SenmPn nnd Marines of the present ‘wnr, 3 why” disabled hy rennon of wounds rcrmved ‘ ur ( sense congnwled while‘in service,nnd Pen iaions, Bo‘lmty Mane) and Arrears of Pay, ob- L'tninod for widbws or otner heirs o." muse ,who have died or been killed while in service. ‘ l- mall flees, ance lot of had I! tmin l gnu ments I t wiH I e the Bounty Land procured for which: in any of the other wars. CHAS. G. TUCKEI:,, ' _ ' 1 Washington, D. C. J.‘C. Nun; Agent, Genysbui-g. . ‘ Ngv. rs, lap-1. THE undersigned, having a hinge nmqnn‘ ‘ntaudmg on his Books for n consideuhlo king“: of time, prfincipnlly made uprof up." accounts, takes thir'mezhodxof uolilying th‘olo indebted to him, that he needs money, am! it his friends {rill call Ind settle théir acconnu, he will feel under many obligation to them. Sept. 23, 186']. J. LJSCHICK. ‘ treat rries, ASBIONABLE BARBER, North-cant cot (F n of the Diamond, (non doc: to He lelk} notch). Gettysburg. Pm, when he can ‘ an times be roux teady to attend to I“ business in his Hun. has also excellent ”- siumnce and will enauro' satisfaction. Gin him a call. ‘ [Dec. 3, EGO. HE undcr‘gigned has o'pened n Rastnur‘nt, at the corner of York and Liberty strebu, ettysburg, where he wm keep everything in the eating fine in season—lake Ale, Lager, any! Cider, Segars, Tobacco, be. He in likefifl fining up a Saloon for Ice Cream at the name place. He hopes, by Intention to business Ind a desire to p 193", tq‘receive a. liberal she" of custom. - HENRY W. CHRISMER. ‘ my 5, m 2 Albums. . W and exquititely beautiful style] of Albums, for “ Cane de Visito" Phoxfi; graphs, just received~aud for snle 5: Erica to snillhe times. érYsow BROTH 33,7 York 9%., opposite the Bank, Gettysburghl . March 10, 1882. j _ l ‘ Frmt Cans, ‘~ ' F :11 sizes, wholesale and any“, ‘ O SHEADS & BUEHLEB‘S Store sud ffi Bimbliahment, corner ofOnrlx'sle first“; a. Railroad. ' [Se L 8:18“. URNETT’S COCOAINE, Wood'q H 3123“, B swrntive, Shillifig Hair Tonic, sud my” preparations, for 9:10 ct Dr. I. 8033” Drug Store. ' _ in ADIES, call and 10. is cheafiélt l . _SILKS e‘verdofier‘eid :11 fiumflmm'n“ in own nap rel yr 0 out ’ dim J.. . {Annsmqfifg SIFICRINCES Change of Time. R. .\IcUURI) Y, I‘rraideqt Notice. John W. Tipton', New Restaurant.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers