Terms_ ‘ The Cayman is published every Monday morning, by Hun J. Shun, at $1 75 per Annum if paid strictly in AbVAfi’i42 00 per annum if not paid in advance. N 0 subscription discontinued. unless at the option of the phblisher, until all arreargea are paid. ‘ i - Annmxsaxnxrs inserted at the usual rates: Jon Paints-o done with neatneu wd dizpntch. ‘ OFFICE in South B-xltimQre ntt‘et't‘, directly Qpposite Wamplers' 'l'inning Establishment. —-“Cbxmnm Pxnnsu Urnct" 0n the fin. PBD?E§S2OI3AL $52333» J. CNNeer, TTORNEY AT LXw. u. in mm“: m com-C‘- & Lions and a]! other buuinc-s intrualed to Ki core with promplnew. omm in the S. E. ‘corner of the Dixuunnnl, (formerly Occupied by Wm. B. licClellnn. Edy) Gettysburg. April H, 1859. if ‘ Wm. B. MéClellan, TTORNEY AT LAW.—-Oflig‘e in Wcszllid dlc street,‘~onc door wcs't. 01 the new our" House. ‘ ' _ Gettyshurg. Nov. H, 1859.’ _' V“ - - I 7_" ~-’ ”—"' Wm. A. Duncan, TTORXRY \T L.\ “',j—Oflice in the North “mt wrncr ofchgtrc thnre, Gettysburg, ’u. _ [Ol2l. 3,1339. {f A. - J. Cover, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mll promptly attend to ('ollt-ctinnu run] all other hutine." en trusted to him. ‘ ()lfice llotqun l-‘nhneatncki’ ‘ .'nnd Dunner L: Zieglcr’s Shores. Baltimorv street Gr-ttyslmrg. Pu. ‘ i.. [Sch 5, 1859. D. McConaughy, , TTORVBY AT LA\VL(OMCE one door we! ‘ A of Bul‘hlcr'q drug 9‘14! ‘bnnk sturv,C|mm hamburg atrent.) Anna. H" mm Roma-mu Von PATENTS Axn I’LNSH).\S.l"ounly Lund “'nr rants, Ruck-[my qlupr‘n. rd Clnimsj null all other cluiminguind the Governmnnt uqush ing'on‘. D. (J.. ulm.\morivhnllluimfi in England. Land Wurmntclorntcd mid sohlmrhuughtmnd highest price: given. Agents enungml in lo oming wnrmnts in lawn, lllinuia nml other ’ weatorll Slates shy-Apply to him persouully or by lvtll-r. x lel'vsburg, Nov. 21. ’53. \ Fdwfid BFBuehler, TTURNEY .\T LAW, \gill faithfully and A pmmmly attend to all husinoas entrusted to him. pile spanks the Human language.— Ulliua M-flxe snum- place; in South Blullimore street. ncxpr Flynn’s «lrllg store. and ncurly omuodte D.|nnvr MZis-gln‘fr's sl‘ure. ‘ Guuyslmrg, .\lurcll 20.1 _ ' J. Lawrence 111111, M. D. I I AS his" office unc .‘. door wen ofllae“ fi%:—r_ ‘ Lulhemn church in ‘ ‘ Chmnhershnrg strut-t and ommsitc Pitking's étoru, where lhuq‘ wi-hin’g’m hnu- Mu) hem“! Opernlinn ‘pejl Mrmr'nl :urc- iwperllnlh im in d m Cull. ‘RH‘ERHM‘H: Dr=L IhCrnvr. R: v: (‘. P. Knuth; I). I). Rm; ”7 Lgfluulu'r. l). D., Rev. Prqf. .\L Jn'cohc, I’rnl. “3;!“ Szmvrr. _ Gettysburg; .\prll H, 'u3. _ Bastress Ell Peters 1) \\' tho higheq‘cush‘ prices for all kinds of UR‘A‘IX; ' , x . mwln, ‘ . _u ‘ SEEDR. ken, M the Bra-'1; \\'nrt-lrmnt‘n iv New Uxfnrll'. L l‘nnannflv nu ham! 'nllnrm- auurlmont of GRIfl‘HHHCNX at \\h 'll'ml" and rm-lil—nlso, LI'WHHR. (MAL. (H' \N ), [’J:.\S-TI~ZII, kc. April 23, 151152. 13"" ' ’ ‘ _V Adams 1 EIUTVALFHHHXSFI Incnr; sum-II “an IH‘Fl(‘}l Pruin'nM—(‘morze Swn' "l'ire I'rlfilrnf—h. R. R Sr-rre'uru—fl. .\. Buohh Trm-urrr—Dnvic‘. \l'i‘r L'Jrfiu‘n'r L’umuu'Hrr—Hn Rina, Amhow Ht-iuerm .'{lluWl/N'RLGFIII‘LN' Su‘r‘ M’c‘nnly. Jucnh Kin'z. .\ (‘rennu S. R. Ruswllu Ihlrhnrlw, E. (‘.. FAhnm H. A: I’ll-king. \\'m. IL mml. R.’ (‘.. \h'Ph-urV. Wright, J. hu Cu min-_vl damn: 1L .\lHlNhfl”. \l. I} firms (‘,umpmn- is limited in Its "poin tinns to the roumyot .\ .mw. M 1m: ‘qu in emu-hm! npm‘ltinu f 0 more Hmn <i\‘ yt‘nrs. and ih lh'lt'pm'in'! has 11 lid nll Inut-s nhd ("(- Donaqs. million/Hm" nan-um uh'hzn‘ing "1:0 :1 {:Vrge surplus cnpir-d in' Hm n-nanry. le Pom p-mv omplov: nn Agvx\r,~—jull hnsinou'hoing finne hymn .\1 urwpré. \\‘lm Agra nnnn-IHv ole-rt ed hv the Stlm-k‘ml-IM‘E ‘ Am' porn-n 111->irinu rm lumruwo mm upuhjln :mfianf the above Hum-I! \lunmvnn inr hxrtju-rhfnrmufinn.' . LEE-Elle Emu-mix"! (‘dmnfinm- "11"“: At Ihe ofiice of I‘m l‘mnmwv 9*! the last. Wednesday in nn-rv mrmlh. M 2, I’. M. ‘ ‘ Sept.‘.s7, 13.38. A ' ' Still at Work! (WACJYMAKING .\XI) HLJCKSWITIHNGJ C ——-'The qnxlcrflguml respcululb infbrms‘ his fricuds mnl the public UNI he cnnunuusg .he Couclxmaking‘nnd Blur-kemillllng business in ewry branch at his catublislmwnt in (ifinm- l hershnrg street. lle lms-on hnml nn-l \r’lll. mmfuhcturc to order all kinds nt‘CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. Spring anous, Inn; of the best material. and [mule by superior “05k men. WRBPMMNG and Bmcxeuirmxu of all kinds dorm M ”flammable ram”, promptly and m'tlle sntishwtion ol customers. .00chle l’unntr: taken in exchange fog work up market-prices. ~, Q‘Bersouns desiring; articlws or work in the Cowhmnking or Blacksmilhing line, are re-‘ upertfnlly‘inutefl to can (in ~ ‘ , “ JOHN‘ L.- HOLTZWORTH. Gettygburg. Jam. 24. ’59. ‘ . < Sometmng New NGETTYSBUBG.—-The umlorsign'edinforrfis I the citizens of the town and 001114leth he has cbmmcnced the BAKING .buSlnL‘Ss, on a 'lurge scale‘, in York street, Gl‘ll}‘<l)llTL’. nearly opposite “'nttles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve, and hopes to receive. :1 lihernl’pntron 'age. BREAD, ROLLS, fIIKES, CRACKRRS, ‘PRETZEE’S: &C., 3m“ bulked every day, (Sun days‘exceptedj all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all Its branches is lnrgelypnn‘ipd on, and ordets ta any amount, from this and adjoining coun tie‘ij‘eupfilied at the shortest notice. Having erected Marge and enmmbxlious bake-house and locumdjhe 'best workimm and the most up ‘pfoved fmachinery, be 56‘ prepared to do n 'heavy'buginess. , I ~ VALENTINE SAUPEE. July 25,1859. ~ 1 A. 'Mathiot 8: Son’s OFA AND FURNITURE \VAREROOMS,N93. 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (nexu myette st.,) extending from Guy to Frederick IL—the largest estefilislxmenl of the kind in the Union. Always on hand :1 large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedstoads, Washsmnds, Ward robes, MntlresseSL of Hush, Cotton and Hair- Spring Beds, 8‘“, T‘ete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chair-9‘ I‘ltngeres7 .\larble Tables, Set lees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs. AS SORTED COLORS 0F COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, 'Bnrbcr Chairs, Cribs nnd Qrudles, Hat Racks, llall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side. boards, Exbension Tables, of every length. Persona disposed to purchase are united to call 9nd give our stock an examination, which for Truly nnd quality of workmanship is not oqun led by my establishment in the country. , ‘ LMATHIOT 3: SUN, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Anya 1860. , . Queensware. ‘ pll want any‘hiug in the QUEENSWABE {an (all n AwSCQTT & SON'Q, whereyon wfllfiqd the best monuem. in town 159:1: an, 1862. now _orm '3, 30mm mug stoic Br 11. J. STaHLE 45111]. Year. A TALK 0? TH! TOIBECKBI—Bx WI. WARD, JB Oh! I would ask no lmppierlhod Tlmn Ihe chill wme my low lies unden' Sweetest tn rest.hgether dead, Far sw’ecter than to live asunder. . Hoar: .1 The council fires are burning bright. 0n Lu'xpelilnh'fl bunks munch“. And alvxu-tb, but nbbfe forms are there, Yet statue-still, as if the nit . )lig'ht hear u message they would rut: To _snmc dark nmhush ncs'lhng nigh; Hati- death with silence auglft‘to do, In that stern meeting’s mysujry ? Snfl as the melting hues of dawn Thnt stream and this}: fhm’ snluhorn skies, .W‘“ the deep beauty of 'l‘lm_ann; , ‘ A ‘ The dove-like lustre of her eyeg; ' "Her Inn: dark hair lny floating o‘er The bended mnhlle that she “are, _ \\'ilh plumnge in its tresses “fire . . - 0f mock-hind. [mmqnet nn‘l dove; ‘ Her modtl‘tl limbs were clmlurnt ' » “'lth grace and lmmxgy sweetly bloat; A hol‘t dnfk hand. lhnt every blrl ' \\'ith mnre than Gugliuh in controlled, L And {iny fool lmll‘ lmlllen in -.v 115 shellaennmell’mxypccnsin. V I A‘ Inuk‘qf‘ :mlgzjing tendrrnosu On one i2ll] uhi»fl.-.in's imn brow, ‘ . A s‘uddun shudder of uhslrbss, ' I‘msod like 11 ‘lmdow, xunLthe slow. . .And rigid‘tlmught tlmt '\it-Idodlll'fen, ‘ Resntncd 1N 'ndding cnlm ”grain. ~ ’ “(D.luglm-r," hq-gnn Ilm jngc nngl sire, g “ “'r‘u- 11ch nroumi nur (ouucfl fixe, ' Thou._rcctcnnt to thy ancient pride, 3-, Wq‘uld he :1 hug"! cow xrd's brido, A And welcome lo‘rhy slmm‘d embrace \- Ono of Helhuln‘s crave“ rrvc. ' ‘ Ennn‘gh ! Why waste this idYe breath! ‘- \Vr’w met, um} om de( rec is Death l". 3 ,Olmtv: , . .\xm-z ('I)\IP.\NY.- . :5. His]. ~ ME She t-rossed her hands upor. her breast; 1 She loved, was loved; and knew tbs rest ; l for xnnekly beautiful she stood, ’ > fl Will: all the pride of womanhood. l And she must die; at nmruiugs'dnwn 1 Must peri~ll Luxpeliluh‘s Fawn. / l 'nH'. v‘ . wort McCurdy, Jucob n. pf: n. A; Inn-Mar. n.‘ ! ll'iianflmnn. D. 31' - I. R. :h'rdl. Sgsnuel nrk. “'1". IL \\'ilenn, ’l'!on laid her on her fragrant conch } 0r uttergkim and sunmgh bunghs, E 'l‘m-u m. JulnL‘an lnlln WFHIIJ. ‘K‘Ju'l T. \m. Ahdirl F‘. Uilt, lichr-ergrur. ' ‘ To drcum ‘ol hgve's nnwllied touch: ‘ f 1 And nuke, [be dark destroyer‘s sponsh.\ , e e * ~ a» I» ~ The bird hull: ilmrn! ller‘wugc’hful ui‘ute , llulli lured the (‘hocmw’s sullen lune; ' i Yet rose upon theig fated Wail ' L A yell of disnnpoiuled wrath, ; Sn fiercely shrill nntl keenly clear, 1 i ‘1! might foreyor haunt} the em ,5 ' , And ulien its lust wild echo fled, , That silence seom'd more dealhly dread. Yet on!_ Ah, what. can save them nbw I' For on their soon-discorer’d truck 1 ”The red punuing latches plow, ' And wilder looks are‘gh‘mcing backl‘ v * l- ‘ .-1- § § They slooul and guzml, upon the bank— Far rolled below Tombeckpo‘l tide— ‘7 l, Here prone and half exhnuéted liink ‘ . The wnnior and his Chtirmw bride. i “ And thou, my lovely Fawn. if how. ~ i Irud 'the thought. that. veils thy brow, , Thou 100 hast dnud to meet the fate" A i Fu- sweel er than thy kinsmun's hnte ; Ay, welcome then lliis' 'dizzy height, And we will be in heaven to‘nighu" \V {V e . .x- .at at a. 5 1 They're perished, from their forest hnunts, ’ A lost ang‘i half-forgotfien race; , And'herc the Gud of Freedom plants Ilia bunner‘o’er their‘lnst and trace. V Where you gaunt pine spri ngs o’er the tide, ‘ .A lone dnrli‘monureh at its sine, ~ i . The gient motshpfiirn'd and hire, Like twiniugeerpents in the air, There fohnd, beneath the fur-seen five, The warrior find his Fawn p gmve. ‘ i Columbus, Mile. “=Go'd, give us men! The time demands SIT-Img minds, great. heartq, true faith and will- tug hands 2 ’ ' Men, whom the lust of office wanna: kill; Men, whom the spoils of office will not buy; Men, who have opinion and a with; , _ Men, who have honor—men who will not. he—v Men, who can stand betel-e A demagogue And flamn his trencheruua flutteries without winking. : ‘ ‘ True men, sun-crowned; who lift above the fog In public duty and in private thinking; For while Abolitibuists,with their thumb-screw ‘ creeds, ‘ ' Mingle ”m the selfish-strife, In! freedom weeps, Wrong‘ rules the land, and whiting justice sleeps !" Artgficial Ic‘e.—A citizen of Boston, now resident in Bombay, writes to a friend at home that'tbe attempt to manufacture ice in ,Bombay has been entirely successful; that the machine is turning out daily twen ty-five tons of beautiful ice, which is as pure and tasteless as American ice, and that. it is sold at a rate 40 per cent. cheaper thgn the article is furnished for in our Americ :1 cities. ~ S‘The name‘ of Ql6 last great battlefield should be pronOunced Ana-tam—the 9.0- cent on the last syllable.——Balt. Sun. Quite erroneous. Pronounce as if com mending your uncle’s wife to n dbh of ripe smnbmlea. and saying. Aunc, oat’cmu- Uunberldnd Telegraph, _ 4 (tin uu. THE LOVEB'! LEAP Another form hnth join'd them how, Thu' not a stir or breath revealed Her near appronchbnndpol n brow But. kept its fixgd ‘xpressiOn storied; And not nn eye that aoltened, s'hone O'er the slight form it. gnzed upon; Yet-she was all that o’er them wrought. Thnt del-p intensity of thought—- Nor seemed she striving to impiure The mercy not a visage wore. " *Luxpelilnh—n brunch of the Topreckbo flimfianmnfi. o::' CA. 1 A ©EM©©RAW© FAMHLV wwmwm Bob Brown ms 3, nice young mnn. gener—i ailyé biit he had his faults, ind who has; not? When whiskey waé in circulationn Bobgiever refused to take a giassvand some— ‘ timw'whiukey got‘lhe better of him; but to do Bob justice, it. din take an awful quantity ofwhiskey to tum him into a fool.‘ He got mhrried iatiely. finid started a ltttie homeof his own. It, used to be Mrs. Bob's wactice 60 have a [plate (if something nico‘ waiting on the table when he got home ihte at. night.l One} nightihe got home just bhle enough to tryi to o n the door with a five-cent piece. and pul ofl'his boots with a tooth-pick ;.but.' till h was hungry, and not so very drunk ‘qfcer ai. He found the the table and seawd hi self. “What. an aid brute I am (hie !) any ay. to go and get Shic!) drunk. and my w fe home 535! fix- Ing me (hie 3) such a nice date of cab ge." He pulled the plate up, 3th after seasoning it to gait. hishuter began with knie and fork.‘to cut the “cabbage ;f’ but "nary gush" could he make! He sawied and aware, and sa‘i‘ved and swore pgnin. He took in his blinds and tried to heal-it; but. ii was in vain. He began to! saw q'nd swear again.— Ho took it in his hpndls‘, "(Lat last. either cut, or shore n piegée off. He put. it, in his mouth and tried tog che : but that was no go. He laid down the ‘cabbage” and be. pan to aweay, which pooh brought his wife from her d: amen d inlo the room. “What’s tile mn tar. I ob ?” ‘ "Mutter enough; (hici Sally, I can't éat this} cabbage? , j ‘ ' “What rabbsge, |Bol tithing there as I can see, but. my the caps soaking in a pinto of starch 1'” ‘iOb,(hic)‘Jerus~niisml Jet's go to bed!” They went to beihut )ke'wus too good to keep arid it 5103:) -d out. He had 11min nearly half-j ' ;rying to em. two of his (vife’s night a; Lshe hug! put to soak in' ii. [Jute %[ before going to bed. . . J‘ouml Hi 3 Crowdfi‘ .;npz,man, clad in homespungwas stfimlin v in Court street, a few days since, demwrin v Mloughnur, when h? was accented by one fnhaH' dozen gen teely themed idlers Wlth . “Just come down 2” “ Yes. gue§< r ha‘vé. 3 it; yx-Qu ?”‘snid the" . h "ii: 50. huh. ho: the city buck, bentj . “We“. 9113's pret lu-rn rm hlleaness." “Shé did 2 w you on ‘3 , ' A “ “Why. she wnpt d ‘ Boston. and to 100 'rm‘ dozen bf the. biggest. fix and I rather: guru-sil'ye J now," sniml the strangelyt crowd at, a glance. ‘ ‘ The next momentjhe‘ ‘in himsp‘lf, where zhé u goughnut. g ‘ ' l ‘ Pref/y.Gno(l‘—Thfie fol owing mnverfiation tmk place at a public dinner table one day lmt wee’k, Between a Lady and u Gentle man : __¢ 5 I ' ' Ladv._—-It isi “(whisking that with an immemaUnion mjm‘y lying in Marvland, these rtbelscannnt b 9 kept out of Pann sylvanin. Is therßEno vény to prevent these mfrls‘into our territd‘ry '3 ' Gent—Certainly theta in. . , Lndy.—-Well, pray. tgll me how. Germ—WM; let old {Abe icsue a procla. {nation forbidding the Rebels from entbring the State. ~ - I ‘ livrrcaxe qf BALL—“I' e Far-mt”: Gaul/a (Englisthserls and p oves by figures that, one pair of rats will ha. ‘9 progeny and do. scnndents amounting tel no loss than 651,- 050 in three years. jfiow unless thin im mense family can be kept down. they would then consume ,mor‘e blind than would sum tnin 65.000 ‘lmm‘an bei gs. It will be far wiser in‘the.farmer to t m his attention to the destruction of 1- ts than of small lt'dS. 1 Certainly it will. hocvet engages in shooting small birds is a cruel mnn ; who ever aids in exter‘minxlting rats is a bene factor. “’9 should‘ lik some of our corres~ pondents to give us th benefit of their ex perience- in successful] driving out. these posts. AWe need gome hing besides dogs, cattandjraps for this business. 7 “Contraband!" in WenvLyylvanizu—Thg Hat'- risburg ‘Patrinl, in bntiding the kfiocking down and robbing if a Eoldier, at night, in that place, by two . 9ng men. snys :, “Scenes of this kind ioccur almost every night, and it is unshfe Tbi- citizens or etrnn~ gers to venture after dark into localities frequented by the eolorled roivdieq who in~ fest'our city, unlessiprovided with proteo~ tire weapons. No buy of the same size in the North isvcuraedl with a. more numerous 01; worthlexls negro pop lation than Harris» burg. ondjtis nowwduifir being swelled by swarms of filthy eontfiabands. who must either subsist themselqes ‘by robbery and gander, or 'become pauper: upon the u'nty of our white tax-paying citizens.— Scenes of violencel‘and outrage such u it has been our unpleasant duty to report re cently, we fear will be ‘of frequent; occur rence during the coming winter.” ’ ('ows’ Hair fonCldMing—ln some parts of the South cows’ hair is in use for the manu facsfireofclothing.lin plants of wooluvhich has become exceedingly scarce. The hair is‘ washed perfectly clean, and pulled or hearse-as to have no bunches. After it 'l3 well dried, it is ready for use. Like w'ool for ordinary clotbg it is used only for “ fil ling,” and mixed only With about. one«lhird cotton. , . , Death Qf a SworH—Swallnw'er and a Stone- Ealer.—John Speckmier: who for some years past by: been travdiug around the country entertaining audiences by his power to plunge the blade ofa sword at full length down his mosophagus, and by his capacity (?)- to eat and— digefit any number of stones his only food‘ except. lager-beer—died sud deniy at. Buffalo on Saturday week. I: the Administratz'nn the Governmentf—Will those who conwnd that the administration is the government, contend. also. when braham Lincoln is turned out and anothor President elected and installed, that. the government has been overthro‘wn or Chang. ed? To be consifleat they must—and this shoivs the utter absurdity of the pretension. Advance in the Price of Blankefl.—BlBnkelB are becoming an important. article in the market. Last February they could have been bought for forty-{ow cents a pound, and now (ontr‘acloru dépqnd eighty cents Apound for than}. .. ...; , GTETTYSBURG, PA,I\IONDAY, Nov- 3, 15862. _., , i COLD CABBAGE. out plane this. ain’t try mam. 4 ‘ ur mnrm!” Mkml art, with 'the green- Emu I I “’3 vl cam: 1, she sent me gown IE2 lind- of business are lg. to m' 6 down Yn ’rfd nndflizind a half les to Miami 'em. at my «(van on 'eln. inking in the whole had Hm lecstnnvs 'uietly finished his =1 “TRUTH Is lion-r 3; AND WILL PREVAIL.” LATE FROM ENGLAND Liqcrpool, odaber9.—Mr. Gladstoné’s state ment, in a sneech‘ at Newcastle. that Jeff. Davis had made he South a nation', and that. he consider?! snpuration cprtain. at tract: great. attention, mid causes fla‘tness in cotmn‘, 3 , Mr. Gladstone, ' the addresa alluded to. made use of the fofiowing remarks in refer ence to the war in; America: ' “The slaves woltld be better ofi‘ if the States were se'pa ted, as on mmbasis of union the law against slaves was enforced by the whole‘powd‘r of the Federal Govern ment. Our nehttality had been more against the Soutl than the North. We ought to judge fie derly of the {North . It had nev'ler drunk 1 6 cup of bitterness, and it exaggerated ire. feelings. Let us bear with them. Lot up not forget the receptio‘n they gain» the Price of \anesu It was a Err-00f of the éetllé good-will of America to .nuhm’i. There could be no doubt that Jeff. Davii hnd lmnde a natioa of the South.” Mr. 618 stone treated ‘i‘ha South as a successful can a. (The annisuncemem caused great sensation.) 3 - ' The Losses at t Innisville con-es; Tribune writes as ollqvm: ‘ Official rPturua roro'all the‘ divis‘sions en gaged at Porn-vil’ show nn 8;: regate lows of 820 killed. 2,58. wounded amine'arlyéOO missing 9nd pri‘ news. The nomy crip turqi 11 guns durifrg the battle. 1 The rebels abandoned them in a disabled condition upon their rémmt on Thursday morning. excepting two Ndpolepn guns.»;in placa of which ihey loft twb smooth borefi-pounders. After a careful ‘nvestigalion‘fil have be come sntiéfied tha the rebei in s does not exceed two-third of ours. ‘B tween 600 and 700 of their +oad were b rieil by us, and about 1,300 wounded remalaned on our hands. We tookgno prisoners iduring, the battle ' —A ___.g «...- M+ WOn Friday. |Colonel Morgfnn’s forces at Mnrunntown. ’\'y.y were atthcked by a detachment of Fe 19ml trqops. And sixteen ofthem en rntured.§ Twenty-sever} of another hand of )lorpnn’s§hren were captured near Handel-eon. 'l‘hero‘ is no‘ further intelli penr‘e from the m‘ain bodies of, the Fedéml' or Confederate ari‘niks. A fiflenoral‘ (‘drlis ritportq n” battle at Mayn"i|lo._ m-nr tm north west corner of Arknmns. on th 2'll um, in which tho Confpderntns. frn five to (Aw-n thpuehnd strong. wermdefmfit‘od, find all theirfirhllély and a huge .pxfi'tifm (pf thnir ammlinition and camp oquipng cnhtnred, The Federal nrmy was under isle‘cnmmnnd of Gonerzfl Svhnfield, and thug. of the Confederates un der General llimlpun.’ " . --.. W.._ A .Van 117/]va In the Elephant Hannibal.»— The Monster Dim ed.—The notorious ele phant, .“ll’nnnihn J’ belonging to Van Am burgh & Co’s. Meringcrio. whme numerous exploits. when ‘9 raged, liavo‘mrnmhed so many newspnpmfimrugraphs‘. has we learn been shnrn, M e gotnnlly M was Sampson, of his pnwpr fnr nrther mischief. A few wnaks since. at :«ldwell. in this State. he killed an unfortu ate man who was partial ly (lpmnged and who, in ' (he mnmr‘nlary almence of Ilann hnl’s keeper, Wu: foolish (mough to irriute be; huge beast, M he was slundmg upon lh show‘lot, previnns' to his departure for Ih. next town. No blame‘ was attached to {he keeper, as the get 'of the victim was is suicidal us if he had thrown himself u der thg wheels of a loco mofive; but in n der to prevent the Luise chiel'of any oil; - ncciulentsfrom the dun pemus temper o the elephant. Mr. Vim Amlmrgh Jim] hi; enormousvtusks sawn off, a few inches fx'oni his j‘lW, thus reducing Jhim tn—the pasiti‘m nfa noq-combatant in the lutim'e.—C£ucipnati Cum. An Evpzimavlr Ri/Lman.—As we were in ‘ ,t‘he opt‘n countryj‘nnd there was no_ tangi ble n'hjoct lo‘shoq‘t at, he made a circle in i the snow of_ about two feet in diameter, . then‘ stepping inlthe centre, raised his gun i perpendicular fro rthe shoulder, and firPd I in the aim After firing he stfipp‘cd cent of“ the ring, and in aifew seconds. to my aston- « i=hment, thp bul t, came down within the circle he had ma 9. Ho coolyi'emnrked, “ we want nn targntq to fire'ut;" am! if at man can hold hisimucxket with that preci- i sion as to cause tl ball to returnjunt where he slan(l=. what nred has be oh bung? Butl the principal rqahon -why they thug test”; their shooting is ah .econoinic one. Not al ways being able fto get. bulleti.‘ tiiey are chm-y of firing till-2m away. and I Have no doubt. it. is for theisame reason thatsbmany savage people have the “boomernhg,” or retdrn missileé-Ifccollectiomqf LabradorLi/e. E‘A corresnaindent of the Baltimore Cllpmrr says: Wis: chanced this morning tobein the rec tion room ofSecretary Stanton, 'when ”if: functignary, in a most dry and humorous manger. us is his wont, “took down”a pail“: ofnhoulder straps,wh’ioh article abounds finunificentlyjust now in‘ the Federal capiéal. This aforesaid straps was saying some hing about. his desire to command the bodyguard of some general. “Body-guard," qiwth Secretary Stanton.’ “Why, sir, Geneml-in-Chief Halieck tells me that the only? bodyguard he ever had was s bull-terrier Ipupj’ Straps said nix. Mrs. Lincoln’: B'ulers.—Un Monday Inst we observed three beautiful ladies prom6~ nading‘Whitehailfstreet, and were informed that two of them ‘Were sisters of Mrs. Presi dent. Abe Lincolq. The ladies we saw, we are pleased to knbvg, are second to none in pntrmtic devotion to the South. They re—‘ side in Selma, Alkbama. If old Abe's wife is half as handsoms as her fair sisters of the sunny South, it; is not strange that she is so much admired‘by'the Yankeeß.—-Allanm (66.) (hufeda'acyu ‘ John ”#1651, £144 Irish Exile, is in Rmhmond. —He has two spns now Cumming in the Rebel army, oliel of them wounded. The Richmond Egguirer hopes soon to see John at the henci'ofa brigade ”to meet Corcomn or Meagher.” They, too, the New York .IVorld ventures to say, would be happy to see John Mitchel. - S‘Last Sunday my lihtle boy Ike. three and half years old. went. to church for the filst time. His mother gave him a penny to put into the contribution box, which he did, and sat quiet for a few’ moments,,and then wanted to know how soon the man was coming with file candy. @Snow hss already fallen on bofih banks of the Bt.,hhrenoe, in the vicinity of Quebec. : fl-Hnn. ' Everett. deol‘méa to bé I undid"; {limpet-4.. 7 ‘ C=22 e Raul: of Pérnmi’lA—A ndenc of the‘Ne‘w Yark MOM )t’ V , <§ i EXTRACT FROM A SPEEgh ‘ ‘ BI:CLAY, i 4 ‘ 'De/iwererl in the Smith of the il’nimi States. I Feb. 7111. 1839, on “Abolition fetitions." and Published Ina Horace (treekyfiat the Tribune office. Nrw York, in 1844. in‘? The Life and Sjmchrsqf Henry Clay.” l , ' On pages 398 and 399. Mr. fly, in speak ing of Abolitionists and Aho ’ 'oniqm, id : “ With them the right i propeizly— is inotbing: the} deficiency of ‘ he powers of lthe general fiovernment is nothing; the Iflpkno‘wledged and incontes le p wars of the States are} nothing; 3 Ci waria disco. Tlution of the {Union. and th over, hrow of '5 Government in which a. one ntrsted Ithe fondest hopes of the ilii+ world,, are nothing. , i “A single idea has taken oar ‘their ‘minds. and onward tlfey pi ‘ overlooking all barriers, and egni l all comequmices. , E I “With this blow the imm ‘intes iof slavery in the District of lum f in the territory of Florida. t 9 pro of tho rgmovll of slaves from Stat lnnd‘the refusal to admit,’ y ne 1 comprising within its limits )9 in i of'domestic sliwery, are but nm Iconduring to the nognmpli ”mi-n i’t’iltimnte butjperilous endfignd 5 they aircwedly and boldly ni' : nr j. miiny short stages in the l ' g ant‘ Iroad to the' distant goal, wh’. iwmim finally arrive. ' 5 "‘Tnmn I’I'RPO“E is Anon ‘ ,v‘, i: writs“. i Annurnm, rzicnvux ii 'ru 3' an, oncnsm‘ it run ll's'l'.['- =A l ‘ “Their object is no longdriconrq'nlwl by the thinnestiveil; it is av? ed and pro claimnet‘l. } Y \ ’ “Utterly destitute of colistitutional or lot-her rightful power, livin in totally dis ‘ tinct communities, as alien the commun ities In which| the subject _ n which they ,wnu‘hl op'ern resides, so f as concerns‘ ' political pow {over ‘that sub ct, as if‘they.‘ llivedin Airi . or AsiaJh'o nevertheless? lpromulgate t lthe world tl’ ir purpose to: :he to mannin‘ii forthwith I"! withoutcom- ' pensution. and without mo 1 preparation,” E three million ‘nf negrok slav , under iuris-i : dictinm altogether separate. om those un: i-der which they live. 4 1 - _ k . I “‘l have so d. that immedi te abolition ofi slnvery in tli I)i=trict of Col mhis. [ml the“ territory of lorida, and th V extefisinn ofE i new States. ere :only mania: tow\ rd: the L iatlalnment 0‘ a much more ' port nt ond. ll Unfortunatelynhey are not l’e onl means. ?7 it “Another. Hand much mi? In entable lane, is that illhich the class and voring to employ. oLarmying One brtiu ngajust another portion of the Univ) . ‘ =_ I “With thdt yiew. in all their lendingli prints and pttbllcations. the lloged horrors ‘i of slavery are: depicted in th moat lowingx; and exaggerqtied colors. to Qxcute fihe im-«i lnginntions ind stimulate t o rag )of the" .l peo‘file in thi free Suites ago st thejpeoplelr lin t esluve. totes. . A __ o 3_ i holder is held up and repre-l .mont atrocious of beings, ‘3 merits of fugitive slaves. and - sold, are cur fully cbfiocted ‘ forth. _to insane a spirit of mi hatred agar st _one emit-q “The Slav sented n H) “ Adverlis of slnvoé to and blazone delwtation’ and the largst sectlon of th Uniofi. And; like a. note inus agitator ~ perry {another theatre, thu would hunt own 11 pm ,scribefrnm the pale of civilied a iety the inhabitants dfdhat section. “But the means to \vhic " haw lready adverted are lint {he only osfiv it'll-[this th'ml Ch!“ of: ultm-abolilioni'té are, mp‘loy ihg to effect llleir filtimate ehd. ,' ’ “They began their 0 erntfiryns by'pml'eeh' in}: to employ only pefiunsi - monhe in np-' penling to thehumnnity. an ‘ enlightening the untleljsturding of the alwcholding por: tion of the l nion. ',‘ ' , “lfthere'wbre some kindm ed‘ motive, it must be ackni there was 'rather a presum] also ofan assumed superiox it? and kndwledge. ~ a “For some! time they contfnued make those appeals to our duty 9. our térest: hut impatiettt with the sl iufl ence of their. logic ufion our minds,.tliey ll’econtly resolved to c .nnge their at)" mof potion. “To the agency of their} owerh of per suasion, the}: now profidse substitute the Bowers '9“ e ballot box; Ll he must be lind 10 what is passinghef em, wlmdoos not perceive that-the inevi ble tendency of their proceeding is, if tlfiese shbnld he found insufficient, to invo , finqlly, the more potent powers of the h yonett” 3 . ' —-—-‘—-——<o.w —--- D l a ‘ ‘ABOLITIONI n . J ‘ We thinkl‘ We have alreadipuhlilth Ru fus Choate'sl opinionof Abol‘L‘ ionism ; but it is terse, sound, and, coming lgoin so eminent a man, will bear _repetition In 1835‘ this great atatestrmn, the friemi and successo‘ of Webstervhpenking ofA fiitinniinmaidl “ The bnsls of organizat n is r', iprocal sectional hate. To fomenta Elielglgten this‘ to fortify 3nd justify it. til how hut it i moral and‘ necessary and give. tie who! vast energy ‘of party tactics: is to 6 put in requisitionmlf the inge’n fly of ll were tmked for udevice to alie 'te and rend as unller our immature and rtificia nation ’ality, it could devise nothi ’ so 9 ctualJ’ _ M——}L—- _ ‘ l “Swan 10:: ml Bumi‘él—That quainl lTenneséee politician. Panel; Browt'ilow, in on}; of his late speeches in §he West, mi. of the President’s Proclnm (ion: - I. think the measure usel :9. an I doqnuc of the le‘gislmion of the l _". Congress, bu " it will quiet the conscieng :s of that class of radical men amon you by") are afllictegi with that incurable (fiseasa‘ call “nigger at; the brain." 1 g x—-- : Egyptian Antiquities and We Bib/e.—There have been funny attemptsx disprove the account of the creation of e world as gin en by Moses. but the inspir'edl record still remains impregnable. The‘eminent Chew alier Bunsen, following the: interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphicg. but back E gyptian history to a date bfl'ore the Bible chronology. Sir \G.‘ C. Li‘wis, a promi‘ nent English statesman. has recently pub lished a. “Historical Survey of the Astrom} my of the Ancients.” in which he shows; that Egyptian records are mt only unrelia ble. but that theyrcgnnot evien he'read, and demolishes the structure than, Chdmpolion raised on the hieroglyphiee. He declares that there is no Egyptian antiquity which can be dated back beyond S< lomon's temple Ind shows that the ulculiitions On which Bunsen assigns an intiquitg to the human race beyond the Bible recoed. armther ab } snrd fictions or misinterpreted f . . g mm “National, Unibzix" parfyju ”1, mocha up» for Abolitiofilpm. . ; LETTER FROM PARSON BROWNLOW. 01" HEN- 0:; Government War Management anLTmummt ‘ \ Q]- Soldiers. : ermxrsfi. October 1431.11,.1862 To Ike Efiror qf the Prrsa: ‘3 i Sm :'--’l‘he entire command of Gen. Mor gan, save a few who were sickiut Cumber- I, ilnn-JJ Gap. have reached the Oliio‘rivcr and i are now encnmpegl fliero, my about 140 miles above this city. I lmvehow been in l this city several days. I barge seen and ~converscd with generals, colon_;ls. coptnins, antlhrivntee belonging to thnjt command, and ho are hurriedly coming ‘and going to _antlprom their "present cumin-DIME on Eminent. {am therefore pre'ptimi “give 1 ytrur readersnstutcment upon which‘they maylrely: Thiecomnmnd.‘ahotlt ten.thous- ‘ nnd strong. has marched 50 hiiles in 31.1:- (mm dug/s, in-Tnany instances ninking their road as they progressed. Vdry few acci; dents occurred on the way. iUno ‘of the wagons wm upset, cumin: an Explosion of some shell», which wounded sieveral men.- and several of them fatally. Jun ge’nqrnl' thing: the troopalcqmo through in better health ‘nni condition tlmn'theyl were at the Gap. Sore feet, _without‘rshoein, ,blceding, tired. and stifl‘e‘ned limha, hung rand think. on the wav, Were their lot. iro which they are now recovering. ‘ i - No such marche‘z and finfl'crinfiq have been experienced by any portion oathe United States nrmy since this wnr omiimencedw— ‘ Morgan. the guerillu chief, with two thous and cavalry, how-red around 9W army. and i ‘ in its ddvunce, do‘y and night, dutti’ng trees 1 iover the road, destroving grnirf, and burn-. ‘ iing tmlls. so u: to prevent theirgettingsup— Flies. The. Union army clear-Pd out the blockade as they went. drove the rebels be ;fore‘them. and reconstructed ithe hridges I the rebelq had hurncd. From wenty-four to forty-eight hours on n ztrcte I they Were ‘ I without Water, and on most oft route they ‘ hud only scattering pools of mi ,r to resort to.andtheue werewarm and muiitly.’ ‘ thn j they were fortunate enonah to nd a. smnll ' running strcam.ltliey hnd todaE: it up and lo‘hstruct it zit varioua points a as to get water for men and horses! 1 The army had been}? on halfwatiom 'for. more than a. month before thcyi‘left, .lnd on the march they were put on qudrter rixtiona of beans and rice, without it portii'le of bread or meat; and during the sixteen dayq’ ?murnh had no bread except what they made .Of new~ corn, each—man cm'ryin'g with him a tin plate punched full ol'holesi~ with a nail“ to make it serve M a grater, and in this way ‘ they grntcd‘mew corn for bread and mush. Bare-headed and hare-fimted, without tent-' clothes, their sufll-rings were terrible i To this must; be added a degree of'hnnger that idron thc'm to kill sheep. and old sows with 4pm. and cut the'meat, in some instances. lpcrfet‘tiy, raw! I hoperno troops in the 'iUnited States son-ice will ever be called hupnn to make a's long, as laborious, and as much of a continuous march in :this division l 11:“ (lone during this war. Mlv heart sickens i when {X think of their [urivat‘ions and utter vdi‘stitution. No division'of the nrmy'hw; as much and as good artillery. fall of which they brought out safe. But on‘l the night of the 3:]. ol October, rat Greenufisburg, Ky., thov otc their firet bread for «inflow days! 1 Now. the papers taik about instituting a court of inquiry, to look intothe subject of . (hie retreat. l pronounce this iretreat right { xn i piopnr; nnr} [ ‘nsscrt they“, was con : «lnctczl with it"skill and during which entitle ' Gen. Morgan and the men under hisr com : mnnd t 0 the higtht honors: ftiil, I hold 1 that the court (night to be on lot], find if! i were a lncnihcr‘dl Congress Iwioulul urge its icull, not tq’look into Gen. Morgan's con fduct, but to inflict, try. endf punish the onvernmont of the United States and the i army huthoritieaji‘or mzilsing the] retreat ne ceswry, and for leaving so salient ’an‘nrmy for so many months surrounded, destitute of clothe-e, provision; and money. when the facts were made known to the euthorities at ‘ Washingtonmml‘thcy were implored to send this army relief.’ Let.the court he cplled. 5 hut let it he‘to sit in‘judgrdeht upon the Government. to correct its mismanagement , and culpable remieunesa. ‘hl ' sion of: rsue it. less of oligion )in, and nibitinn toStnte - State, titution means of the which ‘ bgt so bloody h they 55 in this now -WlBd ‘ d that. ituoufiilisplay [in intlglligence I may be reg'triledfas talking plainly. but. Ifido it over my own‘ signature, and I am responsible for it and ready to ‘ntone‘ior'nll I‘m)". privately or throuch the press. Ifeel for the six regiments of Bust Tenn? “see in lenll‘V. and the two ofcavnlrv. in th: rmy, and ‘for the destitute and suffering (in. 13‘ behind. Besides, ih we a son'wuo i: lie tenant colonel of the 4th Tetineasep Regi merit. and who has been herelon furiough tor twenty-four hours. naked, ibnre footed. and bare headed; hirhiother hu‘ving furnish ed hm. I did not'seo him. but heard that he Ie I here for his com mnnd in good health, peri' ‘ ,tly cheerful, and without uttering one wnrd’Ofcolanaiht, speaking in the highest terms ofihis superior omcers. But I must tell another disgraceful truth. These E tst Tennessee troops, who have been five tnnine monlluin the service. drilling, and doing pickerfiuty, and ‘otherfi' labors. have never recoi one dollar of their wag". are now destitute 0! money, and hiya so naked as not to be in a condition to beseen by (19 cent society.’ Whose fault ,is this? ‘Some body is to biame,and I hold that the blame should rest upon the authorities at \Vnsh ington.. In this naked, starved out, and destitute condition. without' shoes, hats. clothes, or tents. they are ordered into ANorthwewtern ‘Virginia. 2 The two Kentucky, and one Indiana reg iment, have hadfriendstojnterfere on their‘ belmlf, and they are allowed. to‘ home back home wfizht for their fire-sides. But the' poor East Tennessean have no friends who can be heard or respected in their behalf” They are now ordered into theseice—bound mountains of Virginia, to be starved out, frozen to death. and butcheted by superior forces, without money, clothes, or tents.— i predict a generin rebellion and revolt, and hope it may come, if they are forced into Virginia. If they have the pluck I think they have. they will eufTer themselves to be shot before they W 1” obey the order! lam, J;c., W. G. BROWNLOW. A Good Mona—Eight thousahd signatures have been appended to an appenl fr‘om the women of the loyal States, pinying for the removal of all negligent, incompetent. drunken, or knnvish men‘, who in the first hurry of selection obtained for themselves posts of responsibility; and that the Presi dent will retain in the army only capable, honest, and trustworthy soldiers. Number of Hospitalc.—An ofiicisl list ‘of ‘ hos itals in Washington. just. made out. mares the number seventy-three. Neq ones are being erected. ‘ ...—...“- ”..‘—._. fiGen. Difideclines being nfcmdtchu for Governor 0 New York. ‘ “. \ - \ > s.v ‘ , TWO DOLLARS 1mm“: I\TO. e_ In the mac sad 3! £llO am y ‘ ' ‘ o! w 5 CONHOXWKALTH 0F VPEXNSYLVLXIA, ANDREW G. 038 m. 1 Gmmwr of the mid Commwealth» A PBOCLAIATIOH. Wnnuu. It is a good thing to render thinks unto God for all His mercy and lou.‘ in; kindness; therefore. I. Anpxaw G. Cl’flTlN. Governor of the’ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. do recoup. fiend um THURSD.\Y,the 27th day-015 November next, be set upnrt by the peoplbl of this Commonwealth as I day of solemn; ”gray" and Thankrgiving to the Almighty Agiving Him humble thunksihnt Ha ha been grnciounly pleased to protect our, free institntions and Government, Ind to keep us from sickneu and pestilenee—nnd to cause the earth to bring forth her increase, so that our garners are choked with the _harvost—nhd to look u‘o favorably on tho‘ tail of His‘clnldren. that industry has thriven amonk us nmllubor hm its rcward; and film that lie has delivered us from the" hands of our enemies, and filled our officers; and men in the fihld with a loyal and in ‘ trepirl npir—it, and given them victory—and thut He has poured out upon us (albeit un “‘ol thy) other great and manifold blessingn. . Beseechinz Him to help and govern us in lii: stondfxmt fear rind love. and to put into our minds good desires. so that by his centinunl help we may have n rightjndm men't in all thing-i; and onpeciolly praying him to give to Christian chm-Chen grace to llmte tho thing which is evil, and to utterl .lhe teachings of' tmthgargd righteoumeufi j d'coluring openly [he wholg‘counsel of God g 'and most heartily pntreatl 1 him to bestow, lupon our civil rulers wiuiopt a'nd earnest-t ness in council. [and upon our militaryl le’adorp zeul and vigor in fiction. that thq lfiros of ronelliofi may he quenched—«that , being armed with His defence, may :Feservod from oil perils, and that herenfkt our people, living in pence and quietnesfi may. from generation togenerntion, roan ‘th übumlnnt fruits of Ilia mercy. and with; joy: and _tlmnkfulnesa pmise and mngnit Illie holy name. ' 1] Given under my lmncl and the great sell of the‘Stnte. at Hurriahurg, thin twentieth = .dny oi ()ctoher, in the your of our Lord one thousand ‘eight hundred and sixty two, and of the Commonwealth “i"? ‘ eighty-seventh. ; A,\'DREW G. CURTIN” l Br m: Gorsnson. ; \\ \\ \ ' ' ELI sr‘uFER; Secretary of tthommunwealtb ‘ mix: '2‘ a Darling—lt in the dour, lim ‘ benminggirl who meets one‘on the doontay who fling: lwr fair arms arqund ono’a n and kisses one with her whoie soul of love“ ‘ who saizos one-’5 hnt.who relieves nne ofonp‘fs ‘ coat, and hands the m; and boast an prem- Jy: who places 11 x 0163!: form at tho: plan . and fvurbles fo‘rtfx, unsolicited. sup]: (Req cious 'son m ; who casts herself at one’n {O9 - stool. amiflnsps one'slmndmng asks eageil', Bnh'efl‘rdnf quuutions, mm such brighLov‘h‘g ‘ and flushing face; and" on whose lightfliw ! sy curls one plum-I one s lmnd and limiting! ' " Goflfbless her," as the fairy form depmg. If’ingworma.-—Tbe North British Agrimfl wrist, enys mat thé diseuse locally know? as'ringyvorm or tetwn, Which shows itso‘ l about the head and nack of young cattle. in the form of vilfitjsh, dry scurvey a _u, can be remmfe‘d’By rubbing th'e pom mtg-lii ed wimh iodine» oinfiment. The diaem m‘ also fie combuwdf by the use 01 2“!qu and oil. lmiipe ointment i 3, however, .19 be praferred. in this skin disease is evil cammunivdted to the huma'n syste‘m. tho person dregrsing the mttle should wash hl hands with soap and hot water char m appliuuu’onil ‘ . ' W :1" —< mmo-‘w'? : Political Air/'3! and wil'for :Falae Impriapfi manta—Some time sinm An account was pub lighod of the nrreucof William G. Whiteleyh member of Congress. of Delaware, for 3116‘ ed trensonahfe language used in the nib-alk cars nem- Will‘fiingwn. The indiyidunlnl whose initance‘ Mr.‘Wbiteley wu created Messy-h. lh)ker,‘Chul-chman snd Grief. reli dents of Pennsylvania. have been sued 1. the court. M'New Cutie county. Dela!" : by Mr. thteley, {or falls imprisonment and Assault and battery. The trill win take place on the 17th of November. 1 ”Last, summer, writes a cori'elpondodt to Harper's Ilfllgazinz. in the height of m‘-' quibo time, this little rascals practiced Qhe song'é‘ nightly, to the annoyance of eveir‘y one. While our little girl, Ellie, then abqtl five years old, WEB being put to bed, llQr mother said to her: “little, you: mqhs‘ always be a good girl. and then at night when you are asleep; the angels will «mic and watt-h around your bad.” “Oh.,~yes. Ina/{said Enio. “I know that. I heqnl themlsmging around.my head, audcm q/ (46m [at my (001" A l ‘ Good Ground for Exam Ham—A June! in Surgebn' IIallcr’: qfice.-—“ 15091013 if the 13$ won’t answer, 1 have another all-suflici M reason-acne that you‘cannot refuse the ‘ex emptinn fort" ‘ ‘ “ WhaH’s it 7”- asked tho doctor "Why. the» fact in, doctor, I have not got good sense—l am an idiot," soßerly repheid the applicant. ‘ 3 “Ah !” said the doctor. “what prooflnvn you of that? What. evidence 'can you bring 2'” " “Proof conclusive," said the applicant. "Why, air. I voted for Abe Lincoln ; and if that isn’t proof of a man’s being a. d——-d idiot, I don’t knoév how idiocy could be" proven.”— l'anduliq Democrat. : 1 ' Iquvirala at Frederick~There ate- nnir ~ enty-two hospitals at Frederick, MR3” w hich are in charge “Surgeon, Weir. Bi 1, Thurston, Hem”, Lewis, Wnlmn, Nolqufn and Reede. -Dr. John J. Milllnn is Medi cal Directm' at. Frederick. The hoapit‘nh are reported to be in excellent conditién. and the number of patients largely on the decrease. 5 f , 'B/arlr vs. ll'hile-Imbor.—The Cincinnati Enquirer states that a. letter written by}: Ggerman girl of aneroy,ohio, to liar 51300:. who is M service in Cincinnati, styles tlmc white girls would won all be out. of lace: {ht-re, as all who wanted help hrs Kiting blacks at fifty can“ 8 week, so numerobn are they. , 1 , .W‘Judge Rice. of Illinois. has decided ,tlmt colored persons are not privileged, to teach school in that State, and that. the public money» cannot be appropriakd:so pay their salaries. § ‘ [lone Comrades—On Fridny contrgou Y 9! hams for the government were awuddd gt. Puilndelphin, at a rate varying from $ll4 94 tosll6. \ ‘; ‘ Probable Duel.—lt I: respond in Shlohil that a cnallen 49 has pused betwebn Maid! McKinstry, who in now on trial before! court martial in (Infinity, and Hon. Frank I’. Blair, Jr., member 01 Congress. ”The New York stock board hu voted out American gold from its stock list—Hut is, as a private letter from a banker there says, “the board determined not to main public operations in gold." ' ‘ 3’ It ngpears from the Associated PM] correspon ence, that all the machinist. ul Portsmouth; Va... the great nan] down! have suddenly gone witluu the Confoduue] lines, taking their tools with them. ; ; fiddle men and swine are equdlynl‘f ueless in We, but. the latter, unlit. "lg former. have a nine after denth. x wMoney find time luvs both M VIN us. He who make; I had ““9991“! never make a good use of tho “It”. ’ } ~————-—-«-———-—-—fi-L 3.. . '~ 873 cm 3" ma. ni'no‘vi‘r . ‘ when fumbgz‘ ' . 92”?“ .r ~ I, ‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers