I 21E3E= Earn... Harrisburg 7}r_ fimlinioly nl‘tor tlm mljnur ~ Demorntic Convention. that i too which frnmod‘thc rosolul was madman-Id mmly cu: mended the peérle to reject; wet; by chn‘ quiammom ; credit. Tim odirm- of the ‘ County TWmt, Mr. Tum: I Was a member of the‘ commit (Manhood to (he counterjn 1 words: jl‘ 9‘ We were one of [ln- comm lutions and we know that. avg lh'x'rly-ihrco members of tha wil'l pronoun'ce the nbnvo fro to and. to b 0 1 malicioua,. 'unm infamous lie! No~such n rm“ 1 made, pmpmcd. vnlortaihéd r talked of or heard of in the dclibcratlnn or meétings of that committee. ‘lt is fal every word of it. {mm'lmginning to and. as every memg berol‘tlm committee will tusfily, and yet. ”the mllmr lms the audacity (okay, that ‘ it was lost on the ground of expediency} ” -- ww—— —‘——-+—.—-' ‘ * ”(arm Almlélfanistf—"l‘he R'r'u‘slnn Pndfinyy. ‘nn last. Wednesday Wendell llnillips. one of the notorious’nlmlition load}rs, used the following trvagm ahlo lungungg in thntvity: ‘,‘Tho (inverts em wants three humlrad‘ tlmumnd men ;3’we must any to him ‘You cannot llnvo a [film or a dollar until you [my dmma pnlit‘y.’ i'Thnl, willfipnn the eyes of the President and the Cabinet lo‘the true sentiment of the Barth. Fremont has boon dogmdud by the border Swim; but let m harm that like (Jlmrlesfthe Second, he may din on his rightfulgthmne." . That's the mrt (3f support Prouidont Lin mln nnthe country gms frnm Emancipa linnists! And yet General Smut), u-nuLle aflicnr. rr‘mnins in Fort hufuyctm, and this bran‘ling Quito!- ofa Phillipa-gorse at large mu! thus (IL-“us the Govof'nmc'?‘t.”—l'.§w2ou IS'I'ILAIMCL x i c A The Ji‘rrruilivfi I!mlm‘3.e.—The rm‘ruiting irusim‘“. it is said. in cal-rim] nn with qpiiit in thin State. and tlie quota ix likl-iy m be Tim-:1 up without tlu- ni-rmity ni'dmfting. In 50mm 101va and c-ilim ”my ”man .'levph (I “in mothml ul mihing fund» and advancing thn fir‘t innyuthk pay to the rc-vru‘it. and tho \\'lzn‘u m‘ :1 yum-lion (.l’tlu- lmunly mom-y Hm mtmion! lu- r-nhulfi. taking hi< :hsignmnnt nl ”in union!!!” wink-h it i~ oxw-clml thp unwnmu m \\'gl I‘t-I-uy‘.‘ .’l‘hiugm-m ofvzuii lu‘lVlllI'lli" in :ylmm'v is i'nunil' In Wm k mimi ralviv. Whmr'rE-I ii llflfl ln-on 3160””! HIV") is no dimcid'tv exl crivhccri in procuring; Mu IL—l'lul. Luv/3;”. ‘ 3, ‘ 44-» -- "~— 364'}:th New Jvrq'v rdfimnne Imt, iL i~ Malta}. in (In‘ wvvk'u-‘fizhd ll llm I'o -- mhmvl. Rtuh‘nnnt ‘I lam-I. m'a jtl-r my] :uljnl'mt, Nix n! Hx «min-4 “Cur?- ulan leml, 11ml out n! 64') molt, “it'll whirl: il‘uwnl in‘n tho [Helmyv M «::m'l-n mm- Ivrwl: ‘ \\'v [lauht il' 11 .m\' rt-L'hxll-{l'h (“111 gm .cn g'mim.» ;| [9'o4an of dctv-rmim-gl ‘l4nmryns‘llm. ,’ j V ’ ' fl ‘l’. W“ ""’ REE-Intvvlliumm-furry:lio-nmunfvmvllnn's ‘I!':llhilllll’1:'l" up h- :l‘lmrulny (‘\(-111.n‘.! Mus h on mmivvtl in \\':«ahingtnn. ‘Nnmillhry muveuwnb‘ n‘ inn-nut :u‘n mentioned.— .K‘uiuixk-nm «uppliv‘ ism-w arriving, and tho lumps \\'t-rv hnprnvixt; in lu-nllh. .. .., ¥ w ~ W'l‘lm (‘mfli-‘r‘:\t#n{!iill: whinh (mum! ”l9'sl‘ll.’l!(‘ on .\‘alurrjgy \v(¥¢-I<,£«ii(l nut ro- N :\'r- Hm vntrn of ma of {hp Im} nfflm Ro l-uldionn Knuth-w. (Eh-mu nF T‘émwvlvama. gm.) Ilrnu'ning‘nf Illnf-LL—n’n’d. !‘l¥—rn{'llx,ts tt-rfl dlnlm-r. n! \‘c-rmnnLA ennaphln. Hmhuh mllmr scvt‘ro lh-pnl-Hmul'.uh-t turd Ilium-HI 'l‘lu- l-nrdvr Nah: ~Hulmn mmi. who, one \\'mnM Huh-k. \\nllMlfi-ol lfuraluwt ”2::th Nolvl>lfc~i2Mnrvrs \‘l‘fll-d 'ng.lin~ ,_ the hi”.— ’l'lw'v (Higk infill ind-ewe, notdiminiah ru lwlhlm. ‘ " . I’ ~ w : «.9» ~ » -—-—-_ - £22: Gun. ('urlL'Jukav i: Mfr. . 813001411 :thlécs. Pul‘if‘v fh!‘ BlOOH_»—\'nl n few» of tho wuul illmlllvrul‘v ' nlfiht mankind urm‘ imn qu‘ rnrrnp'iml ‘lgt HTH'IIIILIW’; in ”1‘: 'Muu-L “I :l" ”v.O diwdn-rir; (in! I|J\‘l‘ M“ u fiumh‘ Ln . purge it nut. mmr- hmv‘hm-‘n Ihuml} \\hh II (‘nulli v-qvml in l‘”!‘({ .\\‘ru'il'ovx-ul \ll”:‘fll&"1‘ nr s.u:u\'r'.-.l:n.x L It vii-:fiN-c :m-l rl'nmnu-s the h‘IwMJ 3mm: [‘lo \i:urll>f hvtlth iilhr‘th' ~_v-- ""ILHIHI pur'rn; (mt (hv- Inunnw'whhh nuke diam-I'7 IL cgmuhh-qf Hu- lu-uhhy rllnl‘liCAl‘H nl‘lhv hm!) fl'ml (.\‘lu-k‘l‘m ylis'unlrrfi that grow mu] mnklv in lhfi ‘nhflfi‘u‘l. [H‘nlrnnrllimlry \"lhuw .er {mo xv! \\'ley knuwn: but “he" Hwy urn-fit, ui” rm lamp-r In» :1 «I'm-[inn \\’hn! n-muh '(u (wupln) '?u 111: mm: \ :Lriuiy of gum. ‘inq di mus": Hm] roqni 2 :m z'licg‘nlis’v remedy. S-uvh n .rr‘mmh'. Hut i'mllvlho. rUEtl] on, 1::‘5 lun: L’l'n nuwm rtnr. {lm} noifi‘fid' 11:0 _firt (imn‘ 11H- [mi-fir \um- mm on 'uhivh Hwy mun dx-m-ud. ”In“ cpm-rhri‘o doc: nut mlmil ('«ra llfiv:kl(‘= OE slmw it~ i-lTx-‘dsl But the UM uf'n liu'glt; huljjo \\ilLshnw‘m the ~ir~k fimtfit has \inncs Sunni-fling :nu‘thinz Hwy haw- (in-r -'.l Ik"l|. SulTvrl-r: trnnfi .\‘t-rnfu‘h‘ St'rufillnus E‘u‘vllinz: :iml Sun-4. 11“' it Mr! can: Hu- rapidi h \\ ifln'uha: II il-Hirns ‘fiLin Dim-3:05, Pimplm, l'uslnlvs, lHutdu-<. )Crnfntiuns. Jun, ‘urc suon “(aim-d 0‘”le Hm =3>n+xL - , - 81. \nthnny“ Firl‘. lime or Eryripnlua. Tr!- [nr nr 84H. “Jum'm. Smm‘lh-ml. liinguur‘nl. (ma, ghoul! up: IJI‘:)I(H'I)0 While-(lug- (wm be 50 "Mummy run"! by .\\‘vnfn .\‘mxuumm A, ‘ SHIIUWS or Vow-rm! ”iamlkc ié4l'2'fi‘nt‘l‘l Imm Ilep'xh-m h" “5(- prolnmzml 11;: «(this Surfin ,...rma. nnd Ilu- panic-" 1,911 as healthy us it lwlnl-l m-H‘r hull lhh (li. me. ’i‘umzlle l)iat‘.ls(‘3 urfi‘onusod by St‘rnfills in tho Mum], nm] are genrrutly sonn run d h;- this Extract of Suranfinrilln. Price $1 pl-r Buulofor G [mules (affirm. A . ‘Fur all thé lerp,a_~o: ofn family phyzic, tnko "Ayg-r‘s Cain-mil: I’illé, which nu- H‘erynhvre known (09w ”no but purgu'tivo‘lhu'l is t’rllvn-d to the .\r'm-“imnPoqmleL P—uicc, 25 coma px-r Donor hymn-s for 8!. u |. myréqmel h,- Dr. J: r‘. AYER & 00., [mm-11, Shut. PRICE 25 (3mm Hm Box.— ‘i-‘n's lhxgg rm: $l. , . . ‘ flag-Sui?! pr. I). Bvsnuzn,'nnd dealers ifcrywhcrc. _‘ ' . [Jnne9,‘62. 2m ma.u.l'n .\X.I‘I'RE BLOOD snn Ell-1 SEPARABLfi—Rccpllrct tint .nll 'sickncss ‘nrises from-impurity oi the‘ hlnod, nnd§tlmyu Judson‘s .\lounlnin lloi‘h Pulls null 50 sort-iv: {incl nut nml cleanse those impuritilrs (tuni’thé : systi‘mg-thjtt disease ttlnuut exist. So simplcl snd innocent are the herbs and plants that] coupon mom, that it is not necessary to have; thun'uglr coated in order that the stomach can hog“ tth.‘ in most cases. Pills urc sugar cpntalxbecunse themateriuls of which’they are made’ ore so' griping and matignnnt. that other- Msc a delicateastomnch cruld'not- bi-ar.the:n. Those I’illa deal with disease as it is, mnl will .nnt (oily cure by romm‘ing the rifle, but will rtmirldnp and restore the broken constitution..— S’l'here 'are mxmy lgho hove so txitled with their , constitutions that they think mediéine cannot help thcmx let not even these despair ;'insrc’- dulity and sceptil ism is orerthrowrl by a. muss of testimony which is _truly lrresistihie. At fir'stjha virtues ascribed to the MOUNTAIN “8&3 PILLS were deemed fnht lens. The "pa ic had been so often 'deceii'c that they cduid’nbt believe the simple truth advanced by thbir giscovcrer. Yet {arts until nimble, nt tcstefi by witnesses of the highe's charnctcr 9nd rgspectability, hive proved. mt are prov~ Ingjflch day, the \irtilrs of thi “mighty “may." They mnrk lgy tlwir mimEnlous cfli ‘mu-y 3nd power‘o “offs-twin modiéine. ' Sold ’by nll’Ne'dicino Dealers. ' [Junk 30. lm fismnna & Bcnuum'n Storeris we" wor ghyumilitjnst M this‘time. We doubt whether, even in our lgrgesx cities. so fine ..‘ display of Bmm, can'be found. Their large room is fun of Stoves of every pattern: slam every va riety of Hollow Ware, Sheet/Iron Ware, Tin Wm, Plsuished Ware, Japnq Wang—embrac ing, indeed, everything in the boufiel furnishing line. dcéo, Sausage Cutters, Smah‘ge Stuffers, Lard Presses, &Vc., kc. They are grepared to sex! wholesale and retail, Tin Ware 9nd Sheet- Lmn Warn: of their own manufacmre~keeping s snfficien, number of hands to supply any de mind- Their assortment of Lumber in very up; also Coal orerery kind. ' 525 I 1 EMPLOYMENT | > [s7s 1 Z AGENTS WANTED l—We will pay from $25 .510 $7.5 gar mouth* and an expense», to active Alien“. or 81"! '3 ‘Commiasion. PartiCulafl mine. Address Bu- Szwnm' Mwum' Goblin B. urn-:3, General 33‘ e, Mann, Ohie- [Sepl.2,, 13:51. I" \ F WWW“ A ~ a"? ME : nhlml‘im imam, nf-Ihe the commit- Ins. a motion inn], mom ‘ the notes is ‘ sustain its mlmmbrrkmd ‘ . l’urdy.who‘ , nnih this e following ()itr render» urn “ware that “'9 pohlstbntly fought against. the issue or circululion of notes under the donomiuntibn of live ‘dollnrs‘, inflating thnt they would 4;ch all-Specie out of circulzrtion. What life Been the result!— Scnml'y n gold dollni bu brim: seen for hitmllu pust—silrct‘is extremely Men". to obiain botli am nln‘preminm of [inn [1 m 20 cent: —(which, hfitho-w‘uy, manna only that, paper mom-3" _is flint much helov puny-Imm new ‘ mnny oftlw municipal corporation: of ynn'kce- } dom, New York, New Lit-racy, and oven l’enn lylvania, arr proposing to issue other "small notes” in denominations of frnnt‘lo to 50 cents 3 «23:21.. Individuals will tlxéu poontbe at it too. 1 What blessings Republican nucccss nnd Ropuh- ‘ licnn schemes have brought. and‘ are bringing; upon In,'-—‘olmlon ”funeral. ‘l‘ ‘ ‘ (we on reso- V one of the oémmmw 11 beginning ‘tiguwd xmd ‘ n was eimer. f BURQAHYS—Th9 'proprieu'iu of the West Brnnch Democrat. offclj n rv‘p'nrd of $3OO 'for the dpteclion of tho bur-glut:3 who hmké intu their olfice on (he night of iho 3rd imi..nnd tore up the forms, smlu‘réd and destfi‘zymi n‘ portion of their iype besides commiitin'iolher i dept-cautions. $3OO in" beipnid for t e de leclioh 13nd conviciion nftfio Knights, (1338200 addiiionlgi will he [mid [or innmnmiéé that: will ie'nd lo the urn-st. and conviction oflmy: persons aiding and‘ «hemin‘g the .\‘ilinini [ix-3L committédjhe above ofi‘ence. j Wfldvices fr’om before Vicksburg to the 10th instant represent that the s‘wge woulrf b 0 temporqa'ily‘abundant-d, and that, same of the veescl'fi wguld returnb‘outh, [.m lmbly to New Urban-=5 (fn negodnt of the low water in Uni: rivet-” Rhea proposed new channel will prove a failu‘re. Tail“: MARFETS. GET'l‘YfiHl‘lm-Sn ‘lmp’ EAST. F10wn..z.....................1. 'Hy- Fl-m1r‘,........‘Z.......... \Vllilv \\'hl-.1t,........... .... Rm] \\'1H:.|L.......... Curl] ....................... . . |§§c.............'........'........ Hut-t...........,‘........... ... fluvluvhout..., . Clovchc-u] 'l‘imotny fived.............. Flux 5t‘1'd....,.-....---n-.. I'IMI-r of Pariu ”..."...x ‘PLIMUI ground, per hm: HA[i'l‘LW)RE—F‘mv‘uv‘mfi.‘ ' r. 12 m 5 'l5 1 Zn tn 1 «:3 Flour" \\' IH'M. ll} 0 ...,._.. .. u '1x‘n'n..'..:,.... . (|:\‘5..‘:......... (Hnwr fired Tinmllly St‘tll..n..-... l‘mvl “futile, lu-r hum] Hugs, per hund........ H‘i)‘............;.......r... \\'hiwkr‘y ......... Gun-nu, l’vruvinn, por 10n..~. I . - -ll.\Xl)\'l-ZH—Tm usDAY mar. _ 3 Vinur, from “:nfmn=..w ...... _ 4 7'“ Do.Jmm 8|Ur(‘5.................... t 5: .'III‘ “V1101”......n.....’-.L.."..,..........u. 1 00 to 1 l 5 11)‘e.........~.,... ' '° (‘0rn........’i... (|:1t.<.......:n... ('lovPr ScmL. 'l‘iliwllp‘ Seed “Ltd“! 0n ”10th in-‘I . in Bletimuro. hy Rev, s‘. .\. mum. .\n. .mnv M. mmwy nr mm. Rim-r, MIL. In “3:: “.\TH' {.\\il‘H'l'Ll', dunglb 191‘ cf .\lr. .\nJrvw ('uIJI, of 11-IIS‘1|I:IL(‘. .Usn, .\ ‘lllrrnllgyll nu HH- limimu i- H! Ly In! hut-y, ("onl sum]! {4ch .\lm, A MT ( borough an 1 (3mm DIED- . ~ ’ufl‘Chm’nhor “In-5,: 0n Sunday owning “(1‘). in Chnmhnrchnrg.‘ any 9nd h vs! by Mr. JOHN .\'. LITTLE, fofincrly 01 tliis pliu'c,\,\\i”l {I Dnrtrifflyhi ngwl nlmnt 4'_'_\mrs. 4 [Nrunm ofu'a, tor ru ‘ Un Saturday evening ‘\(‘l‘k' RORERT, nn in—l \\hu. Thlc Int lvruslingsnn nf Juu-ph I::-3~l3,l‘l.:l., qu‘pJn-ifHN'XI), Tum- In rlnml tou'inhip. in 1111- .’hl _vmrnf his ago. .1 frum'ng on he we (in ”nu Tlhjnstq in Tyrunl- “)Wn‘hii. Adam: ‘huumNg :(ullrlm ('bllnfy',(ylepUlt riuV SARAH ELLEN, d unghlt-r .‘hy an :\ \rx‘. and mi ('H'vase and Margaret, Wright, aged army [3 ,‘vyimpruu-«l \ 'i|.h 1| 5 _u-nrs. e , \ ‘ ‘ . ‘hO-‘rllod ”\IUIJ.” ‘ “ith tl (*hn'n pump: hr umh-r \\lm hm'l Smhln. Cum ('1'"! Wmdlnnry nulicrs r-xvm‘ding Fix film: Mill- hereafter be charged at hall: our usun‘ rul- vortising rates for nil me: that. number (of lincs.[G,l ’““ __.__<..._V ‘ “§“‘"""" " 2 Notice. 1‘ ‘—,i WHOMAS A. M.\ RSHAMA‘; ESTATE—Lab: V 1 try-snf'udministrntinn on the oslntc 0! Tires. ‘v A. .\lnnhnll‘. anc of Ihuniltnnhun township. i‘ Adams mun-3y, doruwxl. haciuglwon many-id i 3 to the umh'rsium-d,‘ refilling in atho s‘umov‘ to“ll~‘hip, Hwy herohyuim notice (.0 a“ [zr'r-z' sons huh-Mm! to said Pelnh‘ to make immed‘mlc' P") inent,‘und llmselmviug claims ”against the 1 sum: to erL-nt. them properly nuthcnficatted: lur'sclllcmcm. ' : = JAMFS U. MARSHALL, _ ' JAMES MARSHALL, Jilly 2], 1862. (it ‘ Azlm'ra f GREAT BOOKS IN PIiFSS. , ' Thrilling Incidents / ‘ ‘OP‘ THE GREAT REBELLION; - on. , Tlll'i 111-IltOlSll OF (”11 SOUIDIFIRS AND , ‘ SAILORS. iILLI'STItATxD. l\'oL., tum: 129 w. rump, $1.25. The critics and the public are right in pro— ilLl-ting th :1: this will surpass, in graphir Harm. tire, exciting interest, nnnl Extensive populari tv. all other hi<tories oflhe WM For the Union. | lts tlu-me will he the heroic «hiring. patient ' suffer-inn. nml lmir—hremith escapes of our-sol. I divers nnd sailors, and éits 'ineidcn’ts will form , the theme of cdnrersntl‘on at innumerable fire ‘sides for year» to come. It will contain, in * addition to its stirring details, the philosoplxicul ‘Annlysis of the Causes of the War, by Jon): . Lornnorjlornrr, L1..1)., Author of “The Rise of the Dutch Republic," etc., the (Lites ufnll ‘tlfc iimpnrtnnt events from the John Brown mill. gaml an accurate and, revifid account of, the i principal battles, will) engravings. J | One third tlie~ proceeds of all Subscriptions i/sent direct to us will be given for the neuernr . Disabled Soldiers, and all pcflons who yvish o ; copy of the workrnnd filso to'bEnc-fit tile sol ldiers, should send their name end ndd ess at ane. Also, nny officer or private, or person 1 in any section orthe country, hm‘ing knowledge ; of a heroic act or, stirring ineglent, will oblige ‘us by sending my“: account 0 it. 1 ~ ‘ Booksellers, Pnslnmsters,’ 11nd Cnnvnssing Agents will be furnishec} with n thwrlp‘ion 1 l'rofigectus. on application to the Pliblishcrs. l 'IQ‘A liberal commission given to soldiers desiring to out Its agents in lakiltl‘fiubscriptions THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANUFAC ' TURKS, FROM 1608 TO 1869. gy Dr. J. Lssxnn BISHOP. l 2 volsi, BVDI‘ ha]. I. now ready. Vol. 11. nearly readyu . his is probnbly the lirgesgand most. im pol-tam. work now in the Amerignn press. l ' We have nlsojust published new editions of the following nscl‘ulund populurbno‘ks: ' ' THE BUSINESS HAN’S LEGALADVISER; of, How loSnve Money, by Conducting Business according: to Low, as expounded by the Best. and Latest. Authorities“ 400 pp., snoopy; Price, 51- : , OI’PURTUNITIES'FOR INDUSTRY“; 03, A THOUSAND CIEANCES TO MAKE M NEY. Cloth, $l. This- hus been republisged ln Englsnd. 7 ~ . A ‘ Every business mnn_and clerl: sh’oul ’have these books. They Will pgty the buyer whun. dred fold. Every parent. should get them for theirsons. ' . ‘ All these books are mailed, postpoid, on re ceipt of price. JVe pa; panicullarpuention to mailing books, wrapping them‘c refnlly, and will procure and stand, postpnisl any books énywhere, on receipt. of publisher ’ pricernnd six stamps. Address ‘ - FREEDLEY & (20., - . Tribune Buildings, New Yorkv ‘ Planom—Pers‘ons who wish to buyu Piano of the best mskers will be shown boy they can save] handsome‘sum in the purchase it ”my address Pluto, can! Jot. Col 3 (30., Publisheu’ Agents, .\‘ew York _l’. u July 21,,18b'." ‘ “WW 1" ‘7 ¥ ‘. : "SMALL, NO s." ~...4 ~W to I 75 ..... -2 75 ...l 00 ml If 93 to l 1.0 ...}. 40 V. "n y: 30 . ...1 x 4. .1 .... ilfi to 2 I’M! i , 1 ~10 4 no ...... 70 m 7?: ...1... 4:: m an 3a m 4': 5 mr'm 5 ‘2.“ ...,. 2 (m m 2 25‘ ‘. '5 25 to 2' ("I 34 no u 5'01; gnu (In-IM7 nu 3! lo 34 60 oo: 19211 MARRIED. Dec. 2. ly lf t _ :3} "";' T'it—"":—.:.—fr., l ; Sheriff": Sale. , '- I , Jurors for A h _js' ursn‘nnn Oreunlh‘y nrits of Vem‘lllionl I GRAND I ’E pomwitsued out of the Court of Com-I Ber-{ck hunk-Wm. mu. Imnn ll’lem; of Adams county, Pa.,nr.d'to me ’ Strnban—lecrlck Holt: rdirected, Will be exposed,” Public Sale, u the ( llnmlltonollqn‘t‘y L. Milli 'Count “puncfiu liettyshurg, on Saturday. the‘llennnen—chry Epplrml WA day of Am! next, (186241“. to o’clock, A. Germany—Amos Dutteru‘l IL, tho follouing described . cal Baum, Vin: .; Rudlng—Adngn S. Myeri No. L A MAN “ELAND, brlng the Inn-1 Butler-Jute}! 1!- 7'91“”, :elon Tran}, sitnutt: in franlrtlin township, Ad- _Qxford—J hf'fl'l‘m z’l'f- i _inhis county, Pnimdjoining land: of John and , ""I'D'Shurfl—"w'TC (”II George Colo, Peter Dillon, John Ml'Keutl‘ék, I C"""_“"‘g°-‘J"h_",mh“- I Ifnrtin Mi‘ltrnhergor, and others, containing]l!““""l¥'°“_m"'el lent? 220 Acres,morc orlcsa,orwhichahont lcoacneu h"P"””“’"“”I’ Lower. ‘ no good timber and nhnut 12 acres are good 1 I‘""‘““”.—D“‘m S. "WhII ‘ meadow, with u hrnnch of Conowago Creek I M‘"‘",‘I""“5"“'-‘FJ.“I‘","u'IJ {running through the tract and good springséor “"“T'k ‘l'~“‘ 19"“ “'3'!" 'mticr upon it; improved with two two-story I!“!""‘""""""?~"’“Ph (wlhnchi loam wentht-rhonrilcd DWELLING nousss, '9l°n~—Am°s»fln§ehw- { twith husrmunt and cellar,Bmolte House, Dnu-, I;"‘°"Y"J“"‘('P (10"?)3 , i-hlc'lmg Barn, Wu on Shed nnd Corn Crih. Hog (""‘hf'l?"d_,l§h" 5"91‘2} fpcn, Blacksnlith‘fl‘hop, HAW MILL and fixtures, M"““l‘J°."_-“°4¢s llnnmnj. ' *t‘u-o (ti-chard of choice rum trees, and thawing| F”“°’“""“"°!‘ ”WW": I"h ol‘ \\’:ltl‘r near tho doors of the dwellings. ‘ x QESERAL VII 1 ‘ No» 2. A TRACT OF LAND, in said town- Ilunlingtondohns John's, Dn‘ géhip mu! flaunt], adjoining lands of AbgihnmJ C(‘Hnimy_7hfl,lldf'lls Illoctwr 'I )01l and otheu, domaining‘. 6 Acres, more or MO"DIPIP-‘Efllll-i-HIIJIIPS I)" 117'” “has: improved with a one-story log DWELUllumiltanhan—ltnuc Robihso, [LING HOUSE; unpring ofynter near the (loot-U Imm. _ ,5 . ' ‘l') Int the dwelling. Attd a main of r‘unning water gnllekrF-Bll;hngl Tyrant-l? 3 thrmwh the trnrtw , , ‘ m" ' l“? "5‘ ""3 1'“ r “ ’ N 0.33. A‘ TRACEP 0F MOUNTAIN LAND,sit.I Berwick hon—Samuel Hate. mate in said towdthip and; county, adjoining! Sfrfibflll—DHVl‘l 3- “Whit. J i lands ol‘John and GonrgeC le, Levi Irwin, and‘ Llhorty—anhhgton Slio tr. ;othera, ropmining 450 Aura, more or less, of Oxford—Dani] Lnurrenoed ‘ wine, clit‘inutuhitkrry ant]. cult timtigr. ’1 illntullton,—Dm:[¢i_lfr<wn.l‘L 1 er. A THAOT OF LAND, situate in stud ; Gettysburg—.\\ allmm butt rn.‘ ’tnwn: lip nnmunty, adjoining land: of Thom- f TyronP—Dlfl'ld iYohe, JflcfilL ( a] Fuller, L-cvi HMHL \Enlgnline Reamer, and‘ 90b March" - ‘ [othom containing 600 Iqresr more or Icus; Reudmga-vLcnnifll Shybn shy about 2 “virus urolclear, and Itheresiduo in pine, dorfl". . . ~ chcsn-tt, hickory {and oak Itimhcr; imprur‘led C'NHIWTI"“'I—Chi‘r!“ ‘9“ W with a. two-story log DWELLING numb}, , hefdmu—mel gums. part wenth‘vrbnnnged, with fit one and a half: lifll‘nnoreme-‘oh bum-I. itntjy froth? thuh-lnliilding nttuchcd, Spring! nmn—\\ "USHER: Jflll ‘I‘I. Swim-l. Iluiiw, n Hiring of \\':m-r flex-r the floor of the ‘ A-lIC‘HflIINI—JW‘TII’VI “ “II- J I” lI“'3“I|I"“..‘lIIHl n rum-t}; of {chow-e fruit lrfes ; :A‘l’Wlfk 'l’ 4}) ‘r‘il'f his“ , J h Pnérh‘mwh nlx u tru‘lplv-gvhi-orl SAW; .\IILL, Lulh Sn\¢,.‘-I"'I"'J".V—J"‘VI," -M f u ""0 z ‘ a , nod; finuqrs, n I‘lll Conogocheuguu running QOH'IWflkn—JJI‘flJ “MHISIIL hm"! 1 0”" through shill tm‘at. ; I July 21,1562” ' ‘ ‘, No. 5. L 1 TRACT OF LLAND, situate pnrt_ % ' in Frnnl‘ltn nngllpnrt in M, nnllen townships.‘ ’ Alluma county. ”1;, adjoining lnnds of‘Amlren 'Kriil. RUIN!“ "WINK-y, Dantiol Wingt-N, (.'hna.‘ “S otvurt, .llnlin I‘lvhmvr,‘nn& blht‘rs, containing ' 1204 Aorta . Inor‘twtrlesc, nhdut 100 acres being ; clmr furmlng lidn'yl‘, about 2|) ncrcs rod meu— : dowr. nntl uhe rosijutlue in pine, chcmfi, hit-km}~ * mill oak Ii nlu-r: unproven \\tilh two two-story lag Imin .mxm Nomi-:54 min with 11 (men, sloyiy Hm; Jinn-Uri}: attach d. Smokr Ilume,‘ \\':ish ”mt u, SWIM" House and nwoll ol' hut-l lrr m-nr tlu- 1100 p" of the lncllingi, Douhlo‘ Srnui- ninth Ilnru' _Wugon SI I‘ll and (anu l'rih alum-lied. wn llrl-lumis of, 'hn'r'cc fruit IJ'H'S; filfiun gunfirblll‘i ILH S.\\V MILL, with all ll< fi‘ilun-e, \\’ l‘l 21 Iran-h OI" Conuwugb Urn-It“ 'rltniunglhkougll hid tract: No. (5. 'l‘ilu- Intq r't-st in n. 'l 'I‘MX 1..\ ‘1), si ..‘)ue. in ti .\(‘lnnu (‘UI “[5, I': ~ tulininim \yin,‘ :utn'l n lu-rs, tnnltuninm 1055.0! yol‘otl pit ‘ chesuut timllu-I‘. I _ JCT Swim] . [wrt'g' m .\ l dn in em ‘CKI‘XRW‘ i ALSO, H’Nl}, situ. :n‘ms couni. t"!nmhvrs'h timnckor 01 «.v, and w xivrmwl \\'i 2 13013916 «used win: {,{ellnguit .!l Shop. ‘ ';(H:U['.\' I lii-d on um“ [ol‘ the I ‘nllvy. on. H C. \\'. l‘ lbg \\o'nlx‘ :LLKLL‘Iu-d, .nd tn luuxw A] m'r T mu 0? (it-n 3 ch! r 2, A‘ flu- ,nrlh «Mo,- 0!? ind Int “(‘6l: 5. S 1 ed north I» nn :1 vm-tork's hI Slllr." ‘h\\'+ buurdud in. mtmrl- 'd. ‘ buurle-l I“: -Ir:=. i :HJN Hronl ‘Aorn. u-kqui .U'K‘ U . hunn 4 25 l 15 6 2") .\lso, A nml bmum' iydmrg Ii 11-mm by a ‘ _\ ll". 1‘ r 101) ‘si.’c.l maul, south Ici - WV,t I \\‘iHl_xl lunl mm, mm] “in!” I..\.\‘ Ij‘, l-nnudm luy Int bf 1-‘ H Humxmn ‘Lf Arm's, m: lhrnu'.’_ j Gum) 31,1rgmliug qrcet, huu q: of John rye wall to ping *lhfo ms: in n 1 H Sum hma side of \ mm of Jam: ~ V ~ L ill by lot anohn H. Culpl 2m. _ 'lwo-stury frmnc weather-Hm . EU HOUSE. “0” of \\':uvr Flaw in it nonr Hn- dwelling, cvl-J ‘ W‘ I" trame, “muherbozudcd‘ “ _l \ ' ‘ FFIIiL TrL-qs. kr. .46ch DR- \‘ R \('. (mu , “(5! H‘. \ ininr: Till” h'tiyml fmd‘luk‘éli in pxec Marty of C, W. HUFFMAN. i = ‘ALSD, ; .4. mm or him, si flowilship. Adams Linumy, ' Jlown of A rmultsrilflc, ln‘uds’ 0 :(kufgc Tlmnms,J:iéoh .\linlcr “minim: 5 Acroa, méée or lesgl, lane and a half Query 10}; DWELLING ”or he, 4. one irnnu‘ wcuthcrlmar ltd hut-h ' with“ punt“ in it. 1 ar (he'd ling, double (mine 'eathorho story lop; Tnnntr . ‘mp, Bark 4 Vntfl and 1 [’o6] ii lthe Tannl outsidlv'. 12 of whi h are midi “(if wncer pipl‘d t‘n‘lj e:_'J‘_;mn¢-rx bFZ'FEfiFe fl‘lli‘fijil‘fl” :0!) said tri hrcosiary out-lmih iugfi. Seized and tn'ke Lin excq petty pf Perm Ers I 111 nm: LOTS 0 field, :Hamiltunlmn i’a..‘qn the' north ‘ bouml‘ed out, west 'bd “iith n two-nor} .«md partly pinsto with u one-story Sinblc, Hog Pen, Mink. 44 Vnts, 6 Slxinghlvr House, w pumps in them, kc ‘ Seized and taken ty at Sun)” Sun 1 ilcou Diem, gen-e te ALSO, ih cxecuti p nathe prom-h ‘Fnan, wit inoticc to "am mm. ' _ ALSO, Ik . ‘ ’ Ixo, sunk“: in Franklin 0 'umy, Pn.,| adjoining lands _ ..,. - . A TRACT. OF townshié, Adams of (inert; Dnywnl , Widow iMcGnughy, and when, conmining Acres, mqre oriess, about souncs clear and the bnlnn in timber. im proved with 3 6m 3 half 5 pry log DWEL LING UOI'SE, wit an nnfin shed twotstory log Building I|].th d. Douhl {Log Burn, Log Shop, Spring Hons , Corn Cr‘ i, and all other necessgt‘ry out-build rigs, with a spring of wa t'c'r mar the door t‘ the awaiting, and an 01'- clmrd of choice frui- Seized and mkm in new i9n as the pro perty of 111 ch“ 115 mm. ‘ I,' u ‘A LOT OF Gnoqsn, sitna ~ lin theßol’Oflgh of} Getty;sburg,Ada :5 county, I IL. bounded on the south by the acuysbnrg And Chamhers. burg Turnpike, can” by lot uf Dlvid McCoy nnuglly, nort by an alley, 'nn Luca“): lo‘ on ‘Joseph Wcihie, imp éved with “. one Add II but” 'sm'ry partly“ brirk Jud Im|=llyzipuue wculhcr-l bon’raea DWELLL p nous; ,wmz unscmem; ‘n'id 0911 «r, \\'und Sged,‘fru‘me‘ vegthcrlumrded __glfihir, {Wen-m, wu ’ ,otlrer Oukbllildlflgi, nndl Twit. lrcbs. 1 g i F Suited and taken; in executidn as the pro< 'm art of omm u: Maus.‘ 4 ‘ _p p 3" Amman Wer, Sim-117‘. ‘ ,‘ Sheriff's office, Gettysburg, July 21, '62. .‘ Jig-Ten per cent... of the fiurchue money] upon‘hll sale by théSherifl’ m'uirn be paid over imdedinbely ifler thd pr opertyi is struck down , or upon failure to comply thereyith the proper. ‘ :1 will be Iglin pntéqp for sale, . . ‘ Wood; Meeting. ~ {SPHERE wil; be a Woons Mfim‘mo htld‘by lilaUnSKQd Brethren in Christ, on the old nmpground,bne-fonrtli milebelowLittle-town, commcncing on the 26a: of tblqmouth. Rev. W. B. Rnber, Presiding Elder, and otherminis~ tern will be present. _ y ‘ ‘ E‘Scminci andßlar pleuqdopy. July 21,1862. i 5 ‘ ..‘", _,___., __4,_____,__l~________ . ADIES, (all an ace the ' heaput lot of ‘ SILKS ”2.01!" had in Gettysburg, which are‘unw open and Bully lor snlpnl ‘ April 21. I 4 FAHQIED'TOGK’S. RANT a? mum'— nnklin township, Hands of Levi [r -10 Arm-s, more or 1 hitkor) and oak ution as the pro- t' in tho Rnrnug‘h ,l‘:l.. fruntjn': nu r‘; sin-oc, :ingin- thu vast, huu‘ml- it. by Int 01' Fuh ‘l n dulfluln tun. . fmfixe ‘u'cnlhrr b‘r'u k, 00ml Nuul I a frame “ call u- in said borough urlh hv tlw Hell L-hn.~'_\‘l_\'nn|u Imm] ,T PRIVATE; it My \\'rflt, sm- f‘ A r." Illsl'riu unmflll. in'xlzmxfl or} "pit-A =il§mtvfi§ rlmnxdml S'I‘IIA .\1 ..x. the um! Pam-Ts: "IL-um -\l'll-|F:lllls,' I-nntnim 7 MPH“I ' thud. imlndinr: , aitzmln in said “unfit". 'l'hv in‘l 'U on the "ninth l.)— n-m and n Iv HT :10 '||ml'~l.nrk'~‘lu'irs, lllll‘Sl-I. \\ ilh ‘1 ‘ and sunlh by nu mh-nl rl'h.|ir..| ‘1 are or Ics~—:L (1' llw Im~t =01"!l _ will tract. glix-unury. ("urn l‘l , sinmu-Jn mid 'F:~lzl;Trm*n T-l -(m flu: nurlh side l"ll~i\'(‘ IHZH‘K Y 410 d north by {m prime (lay, und 3: Slcmz. imfirurml int-34.. ‘ -; ‘ n ‘housc—u mull TM: pruprrlypA 11:11 <zxiul Lot. .115 nrl- nut nllrn 1% ”AH“ lAI'I‘ 0F sport Inn»! dv-siruh ugh nnd-cn nut—l"! .ne rrnlue‘lofl in nsllinglnn st‘x‘t. iug ”mm“: '1'!" "vs Hun‘ ’ "k ' ‘ EMEI v‘\\ DENTA REIitEDIES; IA ill-I THE ill-Z. T H; TII'iWVORLD“ - . I\Sl‘lll.\li ‘ E “"“"‘.".F."‘"""" rm: rneru.‘xn .\ miner nmskrm r.,‘ndlolnlug the‘ 4 r‘l A“) 1 ‘ ntfleffi'cfierillv ('l'nlxn monument: Am) .\‘ltrmimu improved “jilh :1: Bunyan whit to to Home l itvilh nml :Iflmirml I'ezltlverhourded fur~l'yAnl.\' Wart: nml Sunni Teelhg? ['so and um” kW)” mswm. B. rd’e U’n ivalled root): s‘; toilet water POWdel‘, \\'.irrdn mi tru- frqrm ncul, nl I all, or ‘u' of the sh\‘el-""‘"" injurious sol‘stnuco. Li'rlce 251: 115 per dei , 1x _. ML, . i i ’ . . glmll 81:3,; ‘2?! 1 WBR’wm-e M'lthc m-‘livlmry chm] ' n. Shop 3;. Yuts’i Powders,“ hit-h “'l?th but «{eslroy. if " she'd sPl‘iuw' bayou \\'iill m ’uermin tAmt your“ ’ with a'vnriet; is pure, .urcot. aw ugremhlc tn. hnel‘ ict, oligallother' wile, 'o‘," or frfen ” 4r” Ii)!” Hurd ‘ebrated Mont Wash. Priqc 37 c ‘ 'hmtlc. ; i - This nstrinaeu't wish in side the has! in the “mill for I) nk'er, llmli Brenth, B Gums, Sore Mouth etc. It in’: eureilhu 1‘ Do 50u or your hihlren sum-r fcnrjn'l‘ mum l-et Dr. Hurd’s {Magic 30118 Drops. l’ ire 15 cents. per lmtt Are You ullliclx- with NEIQRALGEAI Dr. W. B. Hur ’3 Non lgia. P 1 The most ell'eqti e and mightful ' known. i l , 'l‘ncydo nnt‘nfl re nor l) islet, but and clmrm Imin} “my. Try them.“ 1’ and 37 con") Nu ed on receipt of prix Do you wishisy complete set of ‘1) REMEDIES ane p Treatic_ on Pro Teeth? Get Dr. -'W. B. - urd’s Treasury, the {mm-n u dl'most v; present that one t‘r and can hire to o PriceSl. ‘Sent hy'rl-prrcsso receipto For snle ut the heat stor through country. - i § I .’, . - .Cmnox.—-.lsith¢re are de [en wh t \‘hntagc of our udt‘prliee'men s to imF'os their customers infirior prepprnfionr, it cessary to insist 'ponhnririg what y for, and you willTo‘n rm: ; [rs-r, thor tested, and prepared by nnLexperienc scientific Dentist, armor-er f the Ne Suite Dentist‘s Ass cintion, n l d Vice l’r of the New York City Dental gociety. Address , l ' i WM. 8. EUR!) & CPL" New July 21, 1862.iL i . Dec. 2. THE I USEKE PER'S- New 143 th Polls REPAEED from air impiroved Rec P the proprietor; of the “ #rother 3:) Polish,” is certified by all therlendin‘ ank Furniture (killers and l flinnvPoru erg tn he the beet it: the would ~l‘or Rm 1 Sl'rfllt‘llPS, Mark’s nd Dirnjnnd rextn high and Instingipo ish to all kinds of Va ed work, from" Fudnilnre to: Leather. cheaper nml betterithnn Vant'sh. «Me: I diatekymnd is easil ' nppliedii With a p (‘nnton Flnnncl lmfn bottle or twoof th Furniture Polish; anousekeeper can we gic in the furniture lpt’a homeland keep i ing like new, prlis the time to “shin your tables, chairs, desks, ‘ pianos, fumes, carriages, etc, and mike them i percent. better. This is true economy sale by FurnitureJDealen and Swrekd generally. Price 25 nn‘d 50 cents A bottle pot s'o. 1 Spruce Street, New York. S! AGENTS Warm. Amuse, ‘Box 1972‘ You P. 0. ‘ 7 July 21.1862.’ : ion as the pro: [uon as the pro- :GROIYSJ nnwnshijfi side of Y 1 and northi vlog partly qd DWEI -hne Buck TANNER o! whirh svo wclisi gaitnntc in Fair : 'Adnms county, I k street; lhd 3y nllics,improv rf'enthcrlmurded I [.\‘G HOUSE, [puilangLfmme snot, 2 Bark yre n (1121' roof, of water ‘\vith I' I'l Prpclamzilion. , HERE \S'lho llnn. lliuuynr lil’mnm, ‘V l'rc~iJl-nfinf lhq sen-ml Uuurlsinfl'mn— mun [‘lcml in Ihelflunnlivs }rmupuxiugllhu Huh Ili~tri4't, nml Juliji'c (if the (fourth of {lyCr mul‘ 'l‘t-rii.in('r null (lent-rill J:I l Delivery for the tr‘ml ol‘.-ll rupim'l “ml all «r olfi-mlv .“111 the A Idistru-l mulilhvll} Z: (:LEK‘And elAAl' l-2,_ \\‘nznu \\‘Y l~2<4|.,‘lélmlg.va n! he (Jnnm f (‘umf mnn l'lmu‘, iuul’rlnzlh-vx u the (‘ourt ’01‘0) t-r nnnl‘l‘rrmiul-r n 'Il Gram-Al Ji‘lll llf‘ll 'ry, fur‘ the lri-Il of all {inviml um} nth} r ol‘l‘vl «lvrs in tho ('mnivv Offilglnuk—hn Pl~§llflll [lum- pr»- m-pl, Imlrjn-g (liqu- ihc 23h thly ul' pril ‘in, lln- _rmr In our l'pplm nnv tljnll-‘uml i-i- hi hun -1l|'("l uni] \i\!\-§§\\ (I. and 0 me «lirv (ml, for lmlnlin-g n (‘nurt‘ifl‘omlumi‘ l’lezis, :Ilul (lnmrxll anrlyr SPF<llH§ in' tho Trill'f', mu] (Emu-ml Jzul h<~livory um Villuurt pf'Uye‘r "ml Tirmim'rf :It (h-uplmrg, (in ,llémluyfltlu 118/}. day 0/ Au yucl urll— f: l i ' swim IS Liv-Imin .max win" lhe Jusiircx (13 tln- ”mm; the C ront‘r nnd_('un~t.i- Mm within tlu-i‘lsniil Homily VF [\ulnyw, that 'llwy 4m 'lu-n nlnlhllflrv in l u-ir‘unlwr "‘l’sllll=‘ lwiih lJu-ir linilm'gllel‘nnlfi. uqujsiliunu. l'lx'nn imvtmiu. :In-l nth ‘r l'a‘nr-ml mill-m. tn lln thaw filing: whii h m \lirlr hilll'l‘ :in-l in “Hit lwlmll nppnrlqil’ tu he‘llom-fl nnal +lsn, they ‘ lm will pruwcuu- nminslr iiu- priTuwrs that! are, or then shall he in him Juil 0| ‘llu' Mid ('ilumy of Alum, iro tn hé‘ihvvi :In-l ‘tlw'n: to prnSL-cuu nguimt thwy as slim“ ’w jusL. . , ‘ S.\.\ll'l§l. \\'(H.l“,Bfieri[7./ (ii-tlvslmrg. )_ l (I .:-_=. - w ' / ' lble/ Piopertyl / i ‘s \l.l’..—l]‘hoi unfit/lmw of im- Snlv tlu- llrnlmn. hn nnw in th‘v- llnr'lughnflyiii} :hurg, i'flf llm k k‘ré'kv/ Tl I‘ 'l‘rm'l [B, "mm 0] liNSl'Gl-C ""llfin! \(‘l.'.\ [Jr-1:0 iiml lirnliutiru ruwmnnx am :1 ‘ r «lilululv 111 l ‘Tl'K‘ ‘ 1'lllf“.l|ll 'n H‘— ' ['\l'l’i-ffllllfl L' \u-ll‘hx. val: rY :/ 'rlmv ll: I»: ”‘1 gill'vr, kufllhu ra- i5/run t It: prl'miq lil); lunillg xfny qu ixy}; in ll lrwttd lor / . i-I: mrp finnluct~mnnla such lhc furl. ll! i: in «fury ru lo. l't'r‘tins wichingnmivw lulll on l'ul'xuliat'rilni, l’L'ill‘l‘ u-ilni will luf "mult- Slu~rifl"< ”mug“ . fy 21, I, Desir ; Junx L'I‘TZ. 3‘» LL; §‘t-’_ i._“.__. f. n. 1, mm LYCERINE Add CAMPHOR SOA‘ preventing and curing the bit“ ol quitoel and othe'p idsecu, at = l ___ DR; 3: 301 mm: Drug su ADlns'Dßxss§rnmu ‘ s in-‘fm riety, u 2' 1 ‘ kcuycl ”QKELXCHW cnmzs b Liclc, now to_ bq; lm'd u ' . ,H‘ H" “I‘o Bridge B l HALE!) pro'p‘oufn w! ' S oflicv‘ol.‘ me Co 1 county, «1.4.119;qu ’ building '1 WOODS wago‘ creek, a: Re '1 heading fn'ml Pete 1 Bridge in go be bu' r Patent," tyd spa , pier. The! amne {I free of Me n 1 to he ,cnuslruc i nay-mm v CHI, be' set V dayht h- w tel-10hr ’ 'mmt Tum.“ Inn. a finger, Forellflfl". g. Thom“: 8.84210“. er. ‘ he rN-‘eiwul at the I - ~r‘x 7.,;_:;;,_;;_1:.k Atlaflioncf of Adams “’46: 3-”.5 ’ If," 'I" u_‘ 1"" 254/: Jun; July nalJur / h 7.1 Q .- ' BRIDGE nt-ropl Conn-l Railroad at Plll3llO Sale. 7,! Jordmg. n the NM! ‘; .\‘pnnunnre of ntlmrity given by an Act nr urg In Ablmt town. The" I the lmgislmtu 1 of the t'umntonwmlth or “In" lht‘ ll)‘ ofiyl‘ll-urr’sl l'enunlmnin, tln- subscriber, Trnstt‘r lnr tht’ 4: 3“.“ 5‘5 ‘0“ DIN. “I”! ljllondboldcrs of he “ l‘ittlestown Railroad for ”N‘ lllt‘orfl'yl can be “lid irontpnut ." will ulfl-r at Public Hula, “Crown's If (he Pr" '9; f 1": “Wilt? ‘3 :‘lhi‘lrow‘l "Mel, in Litllcstnwn, .\«lnmi cotuntt‘. :5! er thy Mat “we?“ We Pmc- UXTHL‘RSDAY, Thu: 2am DAY or .\UG UST .ud gpectficuuons {0 lb? Bridge [l ‘ ' SEXT. / 0: persons Wining]: 10-w- on 3'12 "the Ltrrmsmwx n.\tt.no.m, frnm tn: ‘2’?! 0' l'!:l‘l"'¢!‘"°" 1“? J- M- “ “I? [Junction with the ‘f llnnnvor Brmwh Rnilnm/d." , ~ommtl |_oM|‘S. |§in lltutnrer ank onnly to its lorml’n st hi Jéwflb ”‘- M-"ES ALL. ‘thlleslon n’, Adn a cunnlr. lnrludi 'lltr. ‘} "l 1“ “MEN H , . I ngM 0‘! Way lltor fnr, the Rom! llrd lu-rgnf, r lul- 11-IIAIM MY“ v the Snprrstructure of all sorts {ht-trait, all the Commfismuc'rs 0! Ad“ COMU- Zlytgnd and (Hounds ‘ronnqcted with end belong lUU'SI—J. hl- WAhfl‘ll:t 'l'l’li. TI , film: to mid llnilroml (‘nmmnyx ta/Irlt, n L”? Jflfl3362._ld__ “..-—i ”_‘F {3:} "ROUND, in Link-Hm” 0/n which thr . l ' ',. . ’ol' is creétt :k ENGINE Western .gOtel‘ ‘ ‘lllUl'SlZ \\ ith num ' the; sntne n qlTl'ATm’ in Henderswlle. 1‘“ "‘3 90"“‘53 “Irm- Brink FREIt’ F‘mme l‘-\'S k. 1’)». on the road lending from (lrttybnrg; mmnm llEl’llT SIZE—"It: IN tn Catfish-”aha": ll miles from thl tbrmfnflml ' fronting 15" foot (1!! and extend: l 7 mileafmm walnut-x name-l IWO, (Jpn-N‘B- lug hack‘fif/O toot (mount) in ”urn”, Prawn-ton) ‘is imw Ollel'xllur the Ire- "mm-"v fronting 13M cohfim «option at Visitors on business, Travellers, .or “I“ 41 nq'uarc prrrl ‘ u": WOOD nny that. tufly‘ desire I pleasant plum ol' nutuflf'u‘xn (fmnwrl‘. 1, “M! 5 “cm, during the summer season. oral Mil o"l9T’ime- ' inor‘e 5:- less. in \\'t “whip, York' The ”Manila” “’0" M “W"! “fill" Idvnn- countv, aitnute onl/the public road from "an. “E". ”'3'- "lls l'lnf‘e PossH3°3§j°wr "1""! { brat-. 10 \\'estmlnster. together with all and olhvrs, {or an establishment of thus kind: has; “"201“,, the rights, “hem“. lmughiscst privi lnng been lpnken of by_mnn:\. nn mnclt 'lle- ' he?!“ improvcrhcnts and appurtenances what. “Nd-3 and ll 18 locatqd m n trmlg 'allc)’. {HEW poorer belonging to the mid Llompunv. All tanned b." ““3 bl‘lm.’ “'f 0f ""3” “ l Inonnuunf Swim-hes, llx'nd Cars, Truck Cars, Piéks:(‘rnw <c‘ttncrt-‘surronmlt-d wutlx fiuc Url s, Indontml ' luv-rs, nml mher [oolsmm inwlmnpnis‘ "53.1 {‘u mth nhmly grow-s. lrngrnnt Emma‘s, and well the {..me of said roud'and belonging to the watered hypuu' nml never l'nrling; renms, that. ‘ éalmt- “ lt/ercwr situu'e. : gu‘li freely forth at nearly ewrjl'JlurmlmlfL-h ' W/Sule m comment-e at l 05ka in the “"d EMU." """'"“” by: “'9 "".‘ "K ‘ l hernému nf fillll dny. Attirudflnvu kin-n mid Another advantage Is, that Agrtqltlltxre." r-- icrm/s made known b\' y. . ’ lirulture. and Ihernisim.r Ofl‘rllil,?’=llllfitvl 05 . / JOSEPH L. SHORE and Sltrnhhery, tnfguthvr~ willt' tle pl]"§iltll,| 7/ Trul/r: fight/N ”Md/mug”. ‘ n‘tnnt-ul. fl’lll’ nutrnl culture alga-t 1!“ cngnfios U] Littlestown,lnne 15, “mg; 1.3 t euholt-ntN-ntmn aftlu- Inlmblhu alumna-I+l , , A-7 t. nl tlxirtv {trim-rs in “‘5l- immmliuu \‘itinlty. in ' - ' til-Hunts to Agrlvulture, have d _‘otcll' tluylr‘ ‘ ' 4 Fqlzwarq', Mqvement. ‘ , time mu] nttt-Itlluu to the rai-ling frult find Tlll‘f,sl'h(-E on“? 9? . m .’ frutl [roommum uf thl‘m for It [w ul ul'zlmre! ' , 'l)”ka ‘1“ 0‘“ “‘\D‘ len Lu't‘ulyyvnrh;t|u:irc:lrneshlrv ttintt} n'hol ""‘Z'nz ‘romovgl the l'e'ldqlmflp‘s "r' ".'y husineu, (jllllt'n\~(p.|’ill‘2 to \it- with“ :u-gt ntlter, 51(r:'|.312§‘:;:§0rtlntnt if??? }g,:iytit:(|\‘tlus:t:ll-l:-dt “t: ls m tho host Vanrlmi. :uul't'lw IHt [‘\‘hpvr, 3“, "l ‘ ' ls "eD n ‘& 7. 'l‘; {ofk mmlvy oft-Itlluro, together “1 n[M L'nmtlcdgc- ‘ “ ""“2‘ nor! 'of . “m 1” "9" {r 5‘ I" e Wllit‘h they hiuc ulvmml lrum thv' 200% and Pl'lflfurc m nnnounnntz to my lru‘ntmnn-l the ourmfls published by tho but ("i l grnuers ‘ Pun": .gt-nernlly‘ ”I” I nm Mu?‘~.'"’.""fl"“‘l tlnruuzltout tho l'ttitt-ul: thtt-z nnd'fip rig" cmtn- ”"3" a)" '? nocommotlate them bwnh ctcry lrit-a‘. Int: qtmlnlml ”will In oll't-y t(‘ he [lultlit'l “kiln”: mm} In“, My Mum] h'!“ 90" pantt‘onl :luch n (‘huil‘l‘ of lrtlijs, rrllll, uml '{Tlmllu'nltll J"; ';:ll)1:3:v(l,:ll(lll$;3::l,r’tl:;:ltl.orl'nd “l“ rocenlnrrhn] Trt‘t-s‘, l'lxmls, Vinn: tunl Sltgitlrltr of Ilill'vr- , , , ' , . , .' . t-nt _t‘.l|‘i(gll("i'. n 3 is libwlnfi'u ”Vigil”! in any “MSHHM' Altl) bI"“'“ER fIAITIIIBQmM ollmr 50"...." of countryvko Lllut 'l.”th ltt'l- ‘. ’f IN “I" .1.A'n...:11‘ (”"2“ mm FI" in“: [NH-(..lull in :I” H4O 4! tpln lurtT "Him” uf flunk“! 11. umphullt'fll‘l‘ ' l.“ (1 ll'l‘m and u; l lllu l':|l'lll llmt n're y4|ll=llvfl _lutl mulw life. 1 lunuh-loflmhlllg hturo l'll'iliilllj. nnll tlt'in'iml’k- Itnuuuvlw ili i'l‘Pninll-tl I l "I (.t-Hyslnlrg. r, - Willimi 11. Cnlp . ‘ . I' pmnn. A : é But!,j{. ‘ Y. m walla. ‘ I ,Josephflhwker. ’, erflh Klunk. I Jacob Mussel ‘ B ( 'i‘ul \\'alfler upb Muflx. asiua Kcvil II ". 'l'ittcrimrf, Ju- Snmue! J. Dear- ‘ .’J“ y. .. u ‘ .-",- -* ‘ in (lulu cl-clion in sHKing 10 gflin ll axe 'nupor- ~ ‘imrmfl‘ntnfi‘;:qizfrlrl‘lfzgrgfl “m .Be fouml n taut ends. L’ / t -,1 ‘ ‘ ' “ _ 1 ‘ “ii ":3! will be/fnrnithl \ ith til e-lmst Ll-‘i Tl.-\"g‘;f:":njl‘ ("21‘73‘5 , qlmrs nl‘ nll kilyls, fi'ld his 'Puhlc‘ ll'llliflllly'l _ l'}’”';‘f‘§hl(4”-Hh,n ' f . , ‘ Ilm-kml with a? tlu- lluxurivailwi-v. "hid: the! ._ - ‘ k‘btplglitiilhifil'gq‘wu WP“! (‘nunlry so lw file-rant y nl-nun’. :4, l . l " ' - -’ A - ‘-_- . ... - A 4 :1 [rue “cull-ennui, no p link w. ht‘ spnrml‘ “332(93):;.ngntgw.“ 'i‘fin:l'_":‘l'l‘lsc§“;l“;ffi‘(:; In render gnmts pleufitntun-lrodll Hhfluuml 11M?! :4 f): ti” mum." .011: I [I ~l n! ”w Fume linu- n Vigilant rye \\‘ llperrzule- ‘ ‘F [f {inw‘k' '“'”::\j"“‘l‘ “)e'gW ”6'3“ , 4 men xq-firhm-nl, an as not 10 :|ll'uw"‘.ln_\‘xh'lll;: \ol . ‘ ‘ SH . ‘ ('.: ( U '3: y intrude/fist“ lluu. may bc ofl‘cnsiw‘ u dgccm-y; 3 gllle‘l “‘ll “3 C .'.» all? ny’njnlily. gr 1111 l 1 2,: .1"fi , s 1361‘ UN § . ‘ ‘ nhe fade n. n 1090 m mntn ..i nu - l » ' " ,‘ ', > "‘ Etimf/I‘n the .\gllcnllnrhl fair, mu] [by .\lxmufnc—J ‘ “A“ [)hFanLEFS, ‘- , ln oof pnrd (‘,uL-mln} and lsnbcll: - Wide, by'l . I‘I‘LRTH'M ; v , 'J urkhnlJvr nnd \\'ilsyu. it may run mnbly l:u.‘_ V. (11.0)??? 'IPRY & f I ('xl‘cc‘c'l' ”‘3“ ""f ”flung-"mp. “. l hlnfnm'o “faolnvtwl will: 'lhe [ll-MIMI; (own-“and. 9013’“! ”‘13:; 3‘5337311,33;”{13'},v"33.. 2:12:32: thflmw-strnsh prices. We deem it unnecomuy I m hrllinois, nhd in hii‘lalmrs to rub r pg-rmns 22:15::1na-Eff?”rcx’fir'gflgfi3o:l?"3:ll3:l2: "(mint-.211“ “fig. plfiiz'nlfflem 8“" I Pagnmll .gn‘mls are just. what we recon-Inéudjhénv to he '1 o ml' J “I" ‘, .llfill‘l A “All“ l-wlwoll mull!" of [mm] mmor‘uil. nnII chmpvr (.“dmmk. July H [503.“ ' - ‘. ' :thm ’thc sameqxlalil‘v'bfgnndg cdnifclmnuht ___'___=_’__ ‘ ’ ‘_‘ . l , 'il‘A-lums rfsuntj'. This math I will “LINN!“ ~ XEW YORK . ‘liwillgnnmntve to all who ")5!" fnxor filo “illh « ‘ l -, t 1 -ir almungo, entire satisfaction. us In I 0:1 - 1“,“le Journal Of CO aerCe. ; h}. fitnnnll pricv. r. u. 9191(1le l CONSERVATIVE FMHLY‘A njuxx'Ll l 1A1)!“ 29. 1862. - . .- l A NESS I'.\l‘l-IR.——'l'ho cln-an-s find but, -} *- ’-->< - - A < .‘.. ' m__.-,..-, 4.. \\’..puy in “P""tim' f‘umnin-I m-w {fru‘m n'lll f ‘ Harflwaro '- V 4 . ' pnrl- nf ”ml \\'...rlul. lhr- ln'j-‘l tum 4»: >r-r lllp, l xn CRO’JEIHE‘Sfi— , . ' ~ . . 'l'!““'.'"H' (ll: ”N “"‘l (' \TTLH"'T“-\m‘:ul I Thesnhsninrra‘hnclam. rot-um»! from fl)lt\'(:lu)lb>1:nn-l \WNHY ‘1 \RKWLQE'. 31.9 (llll‘! with an immense ulpply wol' HARD ‘ T 1”; WWW Uli‘»"’:“-\V'ZE"S- ’ ‘ 1: \Ev um .m) ulu)¢'HluHs,=*which “103":er l ‘ 50W“. A") KfIhVTII. , «illlvring m {ht-il- nld ”mind in‘ llullinznn- Ht‘rm‘l, ‘THF‘ Sl'l‘l‘nll'l‘lin 0“ THE "SH’XJ n‘l ‘prit-n-i tofillil the {inn-H. Udr 8100 K céhsism‘ 'l'llH(‘l!l.\‘Sl'lTl'l‘lt)N .\Nlfl 'l'll ‘ LAWS. in 11mm, ~f . ~ ‘ _ ' I. ‘ _ , 1:311)“; run 0%! \Txfli: ‘ _ ILUILDING MATERIALS. 1 .‘ ! Typnty rnpwibr upwzmls. I out} .« T’llf-. 1 l - Crull’EVTl-iII'SJNNJS. 1’ ' ‘lcon cny-i«~s,ls|s. High). mum, S] n Fm" ’ j » l BLAQRSXHTH'S TOOLS. ’t‘nllit'i, Sn. ,Tlm-e mfijrs. S.’ Full-r thm-l ; 1 '_ COACH leuxxus" mph-a, $3 om-ll.' (‘ldhv or v. irwcxi hr more ‘ ' ll“ ill he Inuilml in nu: mldrosa. ? ll ‘ RE ‘ _\ v, wnll :I In! of 1 an ex- l-li'y of he has- _Au extru copy to any' one sending 20. with the money. . , _ Tlll‘ daily Jvmrhul qf Cerium-My. Junl‘x fur the country, 53:: :1 year, in mlmnr‘. Sim-mun Mpl}: grit/I'3. ‘ PRIME, STOKE; HALF. & “.\fihflCß' Editnn nnd l' 'lpri‘etors‘ m Wall Street. Newi’orh City. L .. l July 14,1561. ‘ 1‘ . .l The Rebels Defeat , t ' 'l‘ lll(‘ll.\l0XD.—-GE.\‘HRAL Mr , l-ILY..\.\" A .\mc \nfl'rumn: RUI'SIXG .tmnns.l ~‘l‘he undersigned calls the nttent till 9f the people of Gettysburg and its vieinlly in his \\pll selertetl tum-k of gmuh. consis ‘ng of the lollnwing named nrtil'les in part: ‘ To the Ladies: You “till lilul "131 the un dersigned has nl'moet every thing that; you can ad: for, except Dry Goods, Bonnets and Show. IlehM all this funcy fixing": which bro mnde use of now u my; in the linerof Pe fu-lneries, Sonp=, (:nunfloti, (Hares, Stat- ingr, Lend Col lars. Belts. Combs, stud mnuy zther myth-lo; in their line, tnn‘ numerous to mention, viz : Hoop Skirts. 21 springs improved st le, tor SI, and lteed lit-(ills from, 2 to 3 cents $ piefeljho lute style of Palml Lent Finn. Chin se make, for 15 cents, Lntlk-s'lmul é\lin'st-zt' line glurk . iflk Mitts; l‘lnrrison's "(tun-hold Snap, thg greatest wash: ing snnp (‘\'(‘l' discovered in America», He has the genuine, bought direct from the Tanufnc turer, 10 cents per lb. C9me and go a piece frye of t'hurge“ and try it. ~ , Gentlemen, the undersig ed hn almost everything!l lnlynur line which?! keptfh a‘fir‘st clans Variety Store. ’ - 1' 't’ : For the Funnier: he has Fo’rks for nyt'antl Manure, Slxlovels'nnd Hoes. Hark any Show-l Handles, mull a line. usaortmdnt :nf carries and Liquors, of nll‘kinds, and llwlrii' he will sell luw for task or countr Iprpdt'té . ‘Give him a cult. Mac; at. business. No. “31211“ Yolk street, right opposite thgllnuk. . . l 'll. G. ARR, tgept. . I‘ . - ..41 L“- Nottce. ; **l l , BRATLUI lill-IllL‘S 'Et ATHALLettérs A-of administration, dc nix nan cum tentnmento annexe, on the Ginltq‘ M Abra ham ‘lsiehl, late at‘ Uniun tdwnshj Adams county, d‘eccnscd,'lim'ing Lee.” gmht tqthe undersigned, residin in the stfiuc his hip, be hereby gives notice go all periuna itn bted to mid estate to make jmmcdintg pnyn'gnt‘ and those having claims against the snmd tomresent them properly'nuthenticnted f r sellldfmt. AMOS 1.1-2? Null, ’r. July 7,-1862, 6t 1 'l Lost Shoe . i-: 1 , C) REWARD.—’l‘he subse ber,re’rlv¥ugln - _l Mountplegsnnt towm ip, ofler ‘ the suave rum“! for the recovery ”(IW3 EVES and TWO nuns which either stray d away or were stolen tlu éntur’day, thetqlst ofiJnue.—r Thr» nlmn- rewind Will he paid for their rcturé or iulurmutiuu that may leml to" their rpeoregy. , JUHN GULDBN ' Ju1y7,1862. 3t ‘ ' Tooth BATH nd nr : Cel nls per cmndy cgfing L‘ drink. I )U'l‘H -00t- 1' Gay tera. emcdy ‘ oothc ice is NTA L rving ntal luabla other. 1 price. | t. the Juné no, 1862 0 ad:- .npou n n - u rail ughly d and York idcnhf School Tax. , BATEIIEST.-r—An abatement ' FIVE A PER CENT. will be Allowed on Al School Ind Building Tniel unused for Ge tynbnrg Schoql Dimm for the current yen l which may be paid to the Collector. Hamil ,AL‘IBR, or to the Treasurer, Dr. E. G. Fullnfook, on or before the first dty of Sept;- lmr nah. By ord" of mogul-d, , 'l'. D. CAPUN, N'cl't. Allen—D. .Bumbsn, Sec’y. l ; June 30, 862. 3: 5 ~..-.-.__ ~ -J—..._..._—_... _,____._ 0 con. my. MERCH.&N'F€—M‘hes under ]: llgnod PM“ Essences and ’ferfumgfica of a kinda, :3 Wholesale mad retail, :11 which he is selling véry cheap for cub.“ Gnll 9M ex amine them And make your :9! Hang. g! * June 30, 1861. H. H. R 1153“; HEBHERD Fluids, Spring c Lni 5. ka, S just épenm} at ‘5 A. 800 l S N‘S. ‘TATIONERY, of All kinds, t Dr. R,‘ "03- b .\‘lfll‘n‘ New: Family Drug ngd l’rmchlion more. “ mn- up" cture ok 50 For opera 1 Dg mun. ‘ Ngw Dec. 2 l, {or Mn:- ‘7!- E. amy ‘ ' . o‘. CAR, ed!- 5. • • i • a EEC " ' H?" =MIMI HOE FINDINGS. ‘. ' * CABINET \MKER'S TOOLS. , - ! HOUSBKEEI'ER’S FIXTI’RES. 3 1 ALL mp 3 or Hum, Mt, } ‘ GRGCERIES OF ALL KISDS,‘ Ma Pam". km; kw There Is, no nnlclo in lmlod in the several departmknu mcnfioned win: but u-lmt run he had at thig smm. ‘ 'rry rlnss of Mechanicg can hr nocommminted to with tools and findings, "ml llnusekrop— s can find may nrtivlc in their lilym Gin n cull, mam are prepared th sell us low for I ah.” any other house 0mg)! the city. JOEI" I}. BANKER, DAVID ZIEGLEIL Club of I , ‘ 1 I r , 1:331:01] : ; I . n Jun‘e 9, 1:16? National Hotel, u'r'i‘Lssmwx; i y .'A’lmu County, Pa. (IE nubscrlhcr having- slain-n mm above commodinusjloml. ls prepflroll to receive n 4! entertain the trm‘eling‘puhlic, in the most. salirovml style. His charges will bvmmlemtc m 4! his anention unremitting to all who may fni'or him‘wim thcinpntronngc, , w "is table will a! all limca‘be supplied with (hp delicacies ol the Mason, and Ma but be furnished with the cholera! liquors. ',' ‘ :l'lne stublinz is extensive and of ghe'br‘st character, and competent and Mlcntii‘e ‘ltosl— lens conatnndy in attendance. . ' ; ‘ April 21,152. if M. H. CROIYSE. HE following is n list oflhe de-enm {mm ‘ Cupmin James .\duir’s Company, (F) 87th Regiment, Penn. Vol. Any person Ali-listing an , om- of them And dchnriug ‘hil‘u to the mgrcst Military Station or Post. Will receive N rcwnrh offered by the Guyctnmuut’fu; dc aer'lcrs. - - A 7’ , 1 nssvnwnox. w 7 I Height. compln- . ll» will“!!! In ‘23" I: {:3 at?" 5:3: Euiikfi‘ ‘ . marl; D “5'0"". I 8 5' 99 ru hm “515: is "New Spring MillinerY. 13:13:53?" 3, 3 “a" (41': 533 [an 4362. ’ puss mommy! mm ’Ml'l'u'mck' >33 6 I‘ ‘l' u » 11H ' AS'jusl rl'lurnml fmmtllE ('in nndilll‘b' l . ‘4 5‘ l > . :Lm'gmmr. 2 2 3 . dut— u‘ ,4:::. H opouingaan unusually large and burgh- Blah-IW7: 39 0 7 M? I"! bhigfulnnmrlnmnl ol } ' ‘ ‘ 1 ' JAMES [\DAlll. anmhi. . BUSH-2T Mid - '~ r j _ Comvilnndiug Co. r, em liog’l, I'. V. l ; anxm: Thnmrms, : 111-1 y”. 1862- - of (he Lune: mm. Mm, mums mums; "‘ ~'" " "“w-‘fl-‘”"fl~"’“ I um] Drags Trln‘pmlngi, film-IN. )llmlmuj slid l Notice. : . I Funr “WV" :11 r'n-ry dosvrififim, all ofwhiah ,m: nndcrsllmed, [lining a large amount ‘ lmvi-ia hoau p ‘rclmaed for cash willbe upm‘u‘ i ‘sumding on hiq Books for a considerable 'pfin— to suit (he u'mex. ‘ 1 length of lime, principally made up of snmll: ”All” .\lfignovsproparep to blend» nag! ‘nccpuqu, takes this method ornolilying those, do up RUNS I; S in‘ the best manner, and fl lmle‘nted to hid, that he needs money, find if: rmsmmhle pri on. ' l l - L' his‘friendl will grail and settle their [mammal April 28, N 562. Zm‘ ‘ he brill feel um!" many obliggllgqu them. J -l- —« ‘ L'l .ngu ept. _23, 18 t‘. IYSONS’ my cent pictutea flue ‘seéurely' x “.3196. ’ ~ " ‘ Tyn‘ons‘ fifty cent pictures are water proof. ' Tylnns' fifty rem pimnrcs are enlidly darnhl . Ty'hnns' fifty rem llil'hlh‘s an» unnnrpuuped. ‘ 133:"? fifty u-nt pirturl‘fi am \vnrrunmi. 1 Ty ns' fin.) cent pictures me put up in but: 0,? small canes. [(JI-l. 2!, “81. URNE‘I‘T'S CUCOAINE. Wood'u‘fluig Row, B awralive, Shilling Hnit Tonic and fer prej'mrfltionl, fut ulo u Dr. a. ho M. 11's ‘ Df 3 Store. n , AGO, Arrow Root, Corn Butch, Rice-Bo r.‘ S and Gelatin, {9! [file a Dr. BONNER! 4 Drug $3Oll. ' ‘ ' , L. SCHICK hns Just received tllot of (I, clump Lookl'ulnuu‘ \ RS. WIXSLO S SOOTIHNG SYRUP, for 31 children, gt Dr. R. HURNER'S Drug ‘tore. " KW SPEIXNG GOODS—Jun opgnéd M thq New Store of I‘. BPANGLKR. BESS TRIMIINGS, In great. unety. at D - scmcx's. OAL OIL—M , ‘ .V C DR. R. HORNER’S Drug Store. E attention of the Didi" I! respectfully ‘ invited to n largo mullplendid u'wnmen: of Mi‘es' fine Kid Ind 310 ch BOOTS and SLlM’EHS—Lnating Gaiters, mu, km. a: A‘pril n. R. F. uclblwn's. ,1 _ V‘ ..,..M A x’ 1! Hj" , , ‘ . 'II “'3‘ ' ,V» ' " , :1 ‘x v ,b ‘ I 1 iw "1 ‘ _ ..3 .\\ Deserters. J. L. SGIflC-K ' rm wavy" , , ~ . .’ . ‘ ‘ g" t. K ,i; . [. ' 1 , . z: , , v '. ! \ 1\ 5 'r~' mm? ‘ 74’ l \ x . H ~ A ’ ‘ ' ‘ , w. ' Bra/flolnnrt gm ~ new ‘lv'.y\m,\' mu «:2 a: l 1: * l-Imsjm STORE, i cmw/nmmwml smui}, _ mam: 1 liming re-lirvtl lrum lhc nrtive prnfllqe of ,my prul‘m-ion, l lulu.- plenum in nnnmulriug Mn [hf/('itizf'ul of (lollytlm‘rg null vicluilyfiumt 'l by": opened n l . : i ' / ‘NEW DRI'G fiTflRB, 3; ‘ M tha ronni l'nrnwvly necmllvd lay Drs. I. I 0. ,lkmun. u an "ml-r. whole I will canal-duly 1 kevp on hand a large supply ofnll kindl up“; “:55" DRUGS, f ; I; MEDll‘lNl-IS, » , h ' = CllEle‘AiLß.‘ 1 l’EllFUl a 11W DRY PAl‘fl‘g. um! I J mum‘s mimd In it } OILS, rxprl'u i fi'l‘A'lTlll Inks, Pena. Poncilg. l‘gxperJ 1 I'”!ch um» All the pdpulnr Pnlont . with a sell-(Minn nl'pure \\’l and WlllSKll-IY, for moullui‘ nlmlyn nn mind. In a \\‘ordj evnrylhing finally lolmd ii of this description. , » 7 - A large nlpply of fresh "hugs has been! ll?- coircd, and others nrenrrivjng. which I mp 01'- {wing to Ah public on “my tu't-ommml‘ "1r terms. .\ly 't‘dll'illl's have all Irv-cu pin-ch under my p 0 solml inipucfilin nnvl sullen-VI; on from tlu- moi: roliul-lu hpusqm, [can lhcrq N‘ not. only reqommend them as pure and (MI). hut. can au-ll hem clu-np. 1 H N. u._v.\hl'lolm.\ R A'mrnxnox ginlxl to the trmnmenil ol'ull chronlo- idiscnsu. {i ' ass-m n v I (‘. n G W.l T I-Snfifi Ma,- 12. 14th:. gr ' _. L , 7‘ . .3 ‘ ' W T . ; Dlssolutlbn ‘ L RmRTxI-zusmlx—TM pmiimmn hm. O luforc (thting hnlmwn the umlrrsiyzv+L in tho prnmifl! ut' .\lt‘dit'illfl,;lm< lllii Ilhy ll“ dismlrcd. 'lhw hanks n! Ilm‘tirm will he [infirm in the pnssmpinn of Dr. (‘Mxrh-s:Hurner,fivtlm will runljnuq lhl' put-lire. } ‘ I REE‘WHNHUHG dmu‘ nlmrd the~ Drug slot; of‘ Dr. R. Hermit. (‘HAIULEH lIURVERH - ‘ » mnmfl HUIINHIL r? Aprjl 1,1932. ’ Li - l i ‘ . “mu—L....-«r‘ Important to,tlio.Ladles.{ { Amiu 5 \\'lm _ i :W‘, I} \\'}Asnrvn $1 Avnlxm— T we Ilndcrzignml i= How huilding and We in': .5”- sum. 0.. -w. Tonnunmm Hiram; :n WASHER, a (h-tlv¢l.nrg.'nu'tl intends to rfll p ply ”mm to Ulusu‘ pun-Anna; Hlrnughmn ‘hq rmmtv who u mirn n labor-.mhing llmehim‘.” Tim- mud-film i~ gum-n up hn nn onlin-lyhrw prim-Elfin. unnfl is f'ltllfiilli'rl'tll‘jl" than! who IMVGJ soon it in “to. tho hm! Huh lms Her WTPH‘ 'hynughl. Inc-fl o lho pnhfin. l V , ‘ ‘ Amnng thinmuy mhunlngnfl of Hull mncwno j,ovornll utlu-Ia mu.) hcmg-mh> Nth mllow' nu: ‘ ht. 11.: pi plirity nfunhamtvlinn. nmkingii nhnnnlmpnskihlc lo afltlonl hf nrdem ‘l, 24. [l5 pp operator unal ml, “ml-ht ustbniullcs Mike q‘ho Hu- lonlu-r nn. ‘. . , Ility uilh whhf'h it ndqpts "a“! qmmtily ofc}¢tlxos¢lL\slrt~cl to‘bo : “BIL Tho m ‘!o the bulk 0‘ “washed. ‘ hos equally “’l'" c, or the (nary-4‘ IlilL-I.l'onxxfln'ls,| h]: - mnnngL-d by 11 ch 'O. ‘ 41h. It. wn' lightest fum such as hml-c -' mh’. ()mu hi 1'! yt-nrc of“! mu. Conan yncsfi less tannin "mu an, inhu ihing. ' ‘ 1 ' ' {H In! us lung'ua‘nhy qlher lab \flth prnrcss nf \\' 7th WilHl same cure. 1 Jim. Snvoo‘ ‘» May 12, 18 mlf the lnbg‘r. i I. CefiifiQé‘ie. ADAMS ( signed, ‘l [mu] urt- u 3le: Winning .\lw l is just the Thl] he, mfil sup!" haw ever u gront spam] \' its'uork in 1 WP, (In-wh‘}! 1n the rnunl'u g “L‘Ol’gl‘ He ‘ (‘.nlnuinn ! l'pmn T. 1' . (.‘hriutinn R __ John (‘immf ‘ And! 12, l: Rummy, Pit-two. the unau ‘lwn-hy t-t‘rtify ‘; N, we have ulbgi, 'now, H. WuTitflhurst‘i Imprdml lininn. nml‘nrn‘E {idly satisfied thin“ I} Mr. S. Sherry reprncnts into action unyllrinq of the kin-LVN: n us yet; k'dmiyining, {la it dO9B, "Hh mm- Inbnr,—nn_d ptrfurni‘ug 0 mm! snt'wf‘nrlnry mnnflor. ’ rr, nw-mmnvtul it to every full“! 1 with great! plousum. ' vr‘ .\l‘n‘r'm chcr, . h-nls, ‘ Sin-nll Shnrh,‘ = ‘ 1 ' "0:41., .Hhrnfh E. Format: ‘ 1 madman, (‘ntlm‘e 0. Mint-kiln, Igwlin, errtlm Chambernn. ‘cz. ‘ J ; I _ercan‘tllérhrm r ‘ r -_ New! 1:: mumsl BI'RG y NEW GOODS amig— . - , ‘ ; : Low rum-ism— -5” 4mm ~t ismmn respectfully ricnds and the publi; galleria]. cjuu, rcmrncd from the rifle. d ussortmcm. of Gouda; confin- The now firm; inform their ‘ that they 11 x; with n'sph-mi‘ ing of Ladies [Ess.anons, 3 . Do [hm-w. (Ihhullien, annl. Or 's at all kinds,,Alpchns. Bill“, , (‘lm-k mu] Cmnbric Muilinl, in good "Hartman! of Lndiei’ yea and Muslims; Mold pricu.‘ I) R such us Print. “audios, Rob HWI‘SS’JHU‘OH‘P Rihlmnn, nnll ICollars. Caliu GLUTHS mssnlEm-zé t :vssnxcs, ;. for men's .wenh DY-“ADE QLqmtm, {Ol2B, Jums; kr., kr mu BOOTS, 51 "AT «200 d ‘stmk x all nrk-r-u. ' ll AKUW ,\.l' ‘ . ‘ Qt BENSWA‘RE. 1 paces a, good stock Fix:i ”Hummus. ! QT work, such mry store. I]: ,Kffnrd tn so" "a ‘rhotlu iH—‘fQ mm «H unda| fnnm] In a ('m (huh. we x-nn, pricns. ()nr ‘ Small Profits. and; Mt rm” ' very bannfifll‘. it distinctly :Ide-rstqod that U. "cry cheap far (hash, or to palt at six nmnthM l’lonw cullnnd >l2 purrhhsih}:low-where. WI lihxlly n-lmrn‘q'ur thunkm-tofilr flihl-rul piilrnnhfzo extend"! to I respectfully nhk n cor-lining}! r S)! T" 8 Slim; .1, 31-1 , April 2 ,gmz. 1y ris-Thea» .5 and we want i will sell them lunl customer exnminc lief-w woul'! rosyxcrt‘} ffiflll‘i fnr HIP] 11:11: Mr, and ‘ thorcof. , Emmitsbnrd. . - Mercantile .axes. ‘ f “E Rruilgh of l-‘uuoign Mon-Imam“, kin} T I'm mkeinoli e. that ‘gfll :heir Handel mam be lined before lhl" In p] Mir. 0: t“!- dMe the time ifor paying Nu; «have, Ta 0:}- plrci, and the County Treasurer is ohligql 11 law to'rntcr sn‘il immediately. ‘ , u m n. BANNER. :7 Jnnu 23, 186?. at Co. Tatum ‘ , Sale Crying; ‘ '_. w. Fmema auntinqus the bani-opt A. arm”: (.‘RYING. nmtmlielu mom'- uuuod patronage o! the public» It ll hint“!- unut cudcmonlo giro mush ~lipn. Gm fl modernm.’ Residence in Brena Midge um, euysburg. 1 < [June [6, 1861?“ . .—r~--—>——--- n { «+— Gettysburg Marble Yard. , ‘ BALS 5; mm" m EAST YORK 31338;. “'K'fTYSBIJRG. I’A.——Where_'thoy an ‘to furuiuh nll kiLds bf n'urk in, air n! zlom'mmm, ruuns, nan .\u. ’I‘LHS, 5:11., at the shot-«iii :3». {up as the chat-fiat. Skew”. prepnm line, and STUN ES, “to, and an call. ken in excbkhge for work. * 2, 15152. H . mPr-oduce‘ ‘ Gettysburg. J u of I. climb and full»;- ' can be “comm FIWQILHENY’S. I ERSONS hi mml Mule RATLM‘GA by calling as j mar-Bert Eight-dm Alarm lohkl, chgnp “F 4 A. 4/ l/ of“ - I, "JrN mm: { i TIH’OWDKR . DH; 5112 rs, Li}. I d and dim"?! _ ‘INERY of!" 113,. nmha. Hrfilhtfl‘c- ‘ 'iNES. 7;. . , rdiriues, Inn! er 'INHS, ‘lillANl ES . in! panama: (3 IV. ,imy xlock embétxfrl O in I first-cine?! flora 'l ’ : the finest ‘lbd ‘t and hem‘hpt. lunkols, flu,‘ lilul foin'lfl'lo i s. _smmn : AND CAPS. f *Cotton 'Yafn, MEDICINES; c. In; are canard” rinaTbnugM fm’ nu- vt-ry low!“ lxick Sale! Ind flirty-halt“ 1,105!ng
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers