Torras. Thn Cairn.“ in puluhhed every Mnmfily morning. by [l»:an J. Sums, at. 51 75 per annum if paid strictly nL-.\DV.\Ncl—§2 00 per annum if not paid in advance. No subscription dimntiquod, unleu st the option of the publisher, until All arranges no paid. . Anvsnnspnm inserted It thousunl ma. Jon Pausnsc done withfinufipm and dispatch. , 011 ch in South Baltimore street. directly oppoq‘lte Wamplers’ Tinning Ewgablishmeng ~—“Cox PILII PRINTING Ornc: " on the sign. New Goods !—-Large Stock! Mancnur mmpmmu ' - ucnns y’nnn. hun‘. juzl received from the cities n. largo dark 01 noon“ fur Gentlemcn's wear, embmcinn a “win” 0! = —— a CLOTIIS, c,\ssmmns,_ - _ VESTNGR, Fusiinets. Joann, km. with many other goods for "wing and summer wear. . ‘ ’llbe are prepared to mnlu- up garments at the chm-kn nntifll, mud. in the vqry hos! mnn norfi Tho Fnahions nrn rozlllnrlv row-hm]. nn-l Nothing! made in nnv dosirr-d style. 'l‘hry al wan gmke neat fits, whilsltheir sewing is sure to be sulwlnntinl. _, t , ' They Mk n continuance of the‘pnhlic'a Im lmnwe, rmolved by good work and moderhte *clmrgm In «urn if. ' :- Geltyaburg, April 7‘. HM. : { ' TRestaurant. ; , THE PILHIBERSTH’M‘.‘ STREET RESTAI - R \NT. (n-t‘onlly’ licktnrode's.) in the Ju cnhn fluiltlinzr, Chnmhcrahurg street,‘ is now coguhu-n-«l hr tho nmlrrsizm-d. ‘ U'l'fi'l‘EliS {\fl' dom- np in all Full-s: FILIFT) (‘HHZKEKJH’JCF TUNGUE, TRII'E, “mum uncannh ‘ ‘ A NICE GLASS 0F ALE, \ Mn always 1m had. 1')” 3n. Tho Suhnn lms lwvn nup'u'inuul and filtml 41min finr- qylr'. cranium JACOBS. Gottyzlmrg. April 7. 1362. BM Bargains! 1’ . TV I I \T“. f‘ ”‘3 BUOTS \ND MUN-7“. 7. TIUfVKh' .\VI! Tl!.\"l‘lLLl.\"‘- TIMES H:\\in:vju\t rvc'v'uml :\ wry ‘nrgfi muqflyfiffim nhnu- gawk, wwnrr- prvngrl-d 1n cull llwm lmw-r [_hnn vva-r an“! in mi: pluck \lv elm-k is mn=t Numwh-v’o. mnhrncing m‘rry 51:10 UT Mums and “uh mzldp. 7 I Hams Afxn (mps,: ‘ remaining of nll’thc Inn-st slflcs-fo Spring am] Smnmr-r. “ '1 ‘ mmws- .\‘ND SHOES, Inr nrntlmm-n, Indies and f'hiMrrn. } ”in'-um!" um] H Nll‘rn wnrk from 25 N‘nlq up. ’l‘ltl'\'l\'\‘ n-fmu-rv :lmrriplinu and kind. , ; p. 534? .1] run] rxumim- tho brig-tin: HT A‘prilg‘, 131:2. R. F. .\h-Il.l|§2.\'\"S. A Great Bargams! ' - qmmm UI-‘l’ AT mm 'ru c-wsn firm -3 NHSS '—'l'ho Xll!l"‘r‘i'_"ll'l‘. Inu'inu’-!vl«-rnfin9 wl In (“n.n [fin-Fr lm -;...u.~_ \\ ill anl-r Ilu-ir onlirl‘ shark (IF-3n «I: .\T (WWW? FUR ('.‘NH.’ Tht' ulnar-- l'll‘ll'vfiil"? PUT)“ \‘ Lrilv'lv pf good: k ‘lll’ 'rvyn lir=l—l-‘-<zvunntr\' St-\r7-v-l-pl\:?=fing in .. m u my ummx Qrmcxmv mm. [wars 1: Knuth: l‘l'Tl.Hß\'. HARDWARE. Ml nl' whit-h “in hn cuM’ I 2 «um ink-01a, «tr-1093 fur HIJ‘ midi lllfl-Hl \RT'Ek SYLILh'AX . -7 .. . . IVY?“ A “'0‘!” hnrn' gn’c nMu‘WM HIH‘H‘ In d thII t!) 11:, Mun»; hv \' )ll‘ 0' Humk‘nw‘mm', m v.”u_ml=ntxh-Hw Mm» a: n.lrlyucflmuihle. nigh-m 1, .\pril Hr, 1.4.2: New Sfof-e ! l“.\\'.(l()(')D.\‘ ,\\'D Gm". \T PARCAYVQ‘! N ——~Thn un Mr-hmo-i wnuM l-rA;tynm'lfxlll\' mnmunm tn Jhn thin-n: of lh-l‘rJfiurq nml yru-rnuu-"n r v‘qmfiyn Hm! h‘ ha: mmnm‘ ‘3 NEW ‘\THIP-j in Hulh'dulr': i 1 HH‘ rnlunl h'l-Iy run-Iwiml ‘m .l. (‘. lining k l'.rn., on (Illo‘Nnrlh “’ml rumor of Ihn Diamond. “11an III: ’will !\N‘|i :1: hr?!" ~lln| mu wh-Hm] atm'k (If ' TIRY HOURS, (IR'W'WHI‘IS. QI'ICENhWVARE, 4 «'\umz'rmLs-11. 1' nf m‘n-v dun-Huliun. :I'urlnlg Whig-1‘ will he f-unul'llu- luv-«t =hlu-a nf Spri'm'Cn 41¢. Th" Lmlivu |.l—‘rllll‘ll'jir'v guru n-qunflwl t 0n” Hm] M‘m'fim- mv sun-k". :1: I hm] <22H~fiwl itflm‘! non-r hm n tul'phfm] in {his 'I'.l(“‘"(!lll' hmu'v n‘m‘ u-hwmmue. (:I'IIHPHH‘IL Ma). grrb rvqlu'st ml m rnlL n: 1);. ,-i: m) nrlirh‘ in tho Hm: of (:EXTiJHII-IX‘S \\'BAH fly” lhrv r anm lm nr m-mmmlnod \\ith. at price: that will mtouish ”11-m. - _ ~' ' ’ “liuivlL Man kpnp on hand A lur’w npply of WINN‘EIEIES. '\vhivh win “0 mm wrv c-hmp. .\H‘ find: 05 QX'REVSWV \‘nli,'.£’v.. \\’i l ulun ho Dunn-I Immhnmn. duruhlofltin-l t‘hl- p. whilst pu‘ 1‘ \lll’l-ITJXH v-nnnm lu- surnnuo . ' "‘ TLiu my inlvnfinn tn kI-t‘n :I (in! « :\<= Sgnro ——'>o‘nf»in-_v 0n hnfid na'hhw I)!“ can unack— mld (a \Oll «—hzniyz'ulumml tl minun— “Ul‘N‘K SALES \\'l) S“ \LL {UJFITSK' Iwmxhl roqmal‘fullv*énlh-i! n' fill r 0 of the ymrldir putmnugv. n: Hun-o ln- stria tutti-Minn lorlu'nim-u. and «L; «Zvalin': hum-el] with my elutmm-rs, mgivc sari-1 n-ti. n in "NI, .r _ ' MICHAEL fiPAfx‘GLER. Apr“ H, 1341?. ‘ ' ‘ Trees! Tree's! TrB'FS! 1H". llll“l‘|‘<i'_'fl"ll ’rm‘im "Nomi xn to their 1 Lrgo and “’0" g-nwn flock of ' . Putrl'r Mtn (y:.\'.,_\\u-:.\‘T.u. xtmzm. - Slm€bi,_ (an. emhrgu-inv: n lax-:0 mu cnmrloto nysoéemmt’nr _\l’l‘!.l-}S.-I'H \l:S.‘|ll-§.H'IH-‘.S, IZLL'MS. m¥ERHIHS, .\l’lll"(i_TS, :mld— NIT- T.\“INHS, Smmlrrl for the “reward, and “war! TM 1710 Gnrdon. ENGLISH \\'.\ LXI'V‘S, smxxsn PIIFZSXI‘TF. li\zmxi'm, km. R,\SI‘Y»EI‘.RIE.\‘J ’STl‘»\\\'HERHH~}.\'. 10V“ R.\.\"|‘S nml (H)OSEI‘.".I‘.IIIES, in cm“ variovv. CRATE?“ of chuireal Mink. .\SILULHH’S. RIH'ILUIIT kn, kc. .\L‘n. :\ fine stbrk of we” fnrmml, bushy EVERGREENS, ffiimble for thc- Cometvrv and Inn-n. ‘ 4 ,‘DEf‘lDl’fil's Tlllils.Yfilr six-eel planting, tm’d a general z'ssortnnnl 0f Ginny-“ 1:“. Tunas “n“ l-‘mwmnj'. Sunrrrs. R4)~‘E\',- of cl oicfi varietie's, ‘C \MELIAS, nmnnzxa» Pm yrs, m. ’ 'Onr). stock is rvnm'rk \l 13' thr?f(_ and fine, and m- ofier it at prices m suit the limes. ‘fi‘CMalngnM m'l'ih-d to n" 1N) i: nuts. "‘Mddrcss DWARD J. EVANS, ~ 0.0., '. .~$ Cantu] Nurseries, March 24, 14361. cf W— 7 7 u . -. _, Natrpna. Goal ()1 W‘mmmsn so): , EXPLC . equal m an? KERnsfiNE. > WHY ‘llll nn rquoiin‘ oi]. when a few routs mum per million \\‘iH furnish ‘\on with a peril-ct 011?. Nude onl)! h}- I’,\. S.\ LT ‘\XI‘FAH‘- TUI‘JNG COHP‘AXY, N 0.12? “'AI3I'T S'rluur, PHILADELPHIA." [Fcbz ’24, 1862. 1y Bapomfier! Saponifier! HE I'24)!th SOAP'MAKEK—AH Kitchen T Gmuejcnn hg made into gobd SOA‘K’, by using'SAl’flNlFflfill! ‘ ‘ nmscrmxs ACCOMPANYING mm BOX! SOAP is no easily made‘ with it. as linking a. cup of co fl'cc. Manufactured onlv by {he Pntontecs. PA. SALT MANUFACTURING COIBANY, No. 127 ,Wulur Sn, PHIL.\D'A. Feb. 24, 1862. 1y ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Revolvers. NEW lot of REVOLVERS, ‘of different A styles, moms the latestwreceived at. A SONKS, a west c6rner o£ the Diagond. flirting purchase! for onyx, at. the but mteé,‘ M h prepnygd to lell as 16w,“ the Xowen—if‘ i“ hive! yen' Drop in And enmi‘ne than for yourselves, No/goubleto shov ‘ 11.11;, {B6l. s'r Pnsmun awarded to ~. ] bxflla lenallen Agrichltnrsl Sp» 1860, 3nd by the Adams County Agricungh, Society, SepL, 1861, for best Ambrotype; and Photographs, fiver another; on exhibidon‘ . M: the best Palenc Nedicines can be had " '3 “16 low Family Drug and lanai-rim” - 0‘ ' ' ,1». IL} oaxsa. rwiififiiigormefifirflen's heavy WA ‘ “Y-Pmuhßools', Calf Boots, heavy Bro- Nata, 3m received and fa s‘nle cheap, u ‘,094‘? 1?- __ a. r. Icmusn's GMQQATS cheap at .1 . . LBY H. J. STAHLE 4'- ___-_ .-A-4_ Ml5ll Year. lii TIII! VOLUNTEBB’H BUBIAIn 'Tis eve : one brightly beaming star ” Shines from the enslcr'n heavens afar, To light Hie footsteps of line brm’e ~ Slow marching to a cummdé‘s grave. The Nurthe'rn winds hM‘c)u‘nk to sleep; The angel South breathes, as low and d‘eep The mnrtinl clung is henrd. the trend ' ‘ Of “lon who bear‘ the s.ilcnt derid. ' Am] w'hml- the form, a]! stark “"9 cold, Thm rt-mly fur the lboscncd haul-l, And strl-lchml but on so rude gt bier? J Thipac, whim—thine! the Volunteer Pam" Volunzocrf the, shot, the blow, 0r swift di.‘ um- has laid him low ; And 11-w 116' early 10:9 deplore-Ar— .1135 battle finglfi, his journey o'er. MO Bargains ! Mam! no wufe's fond arms carcascil— “ might-0k nu tI-ndvr mnther prcéspd, N 0 pilgihg soul “as by his sido, , ‘ As lonely in his tent hefliod. ll}- diml—thc \iolunleer—at nogn ; L .\JI urcninf; cum.- the small platoon That soon \\'l” have him to his rost, f With inds “non his nmnly hrcngt. (I Hark, to théir fire! lhispnllvkpvll— More solnmn than the. insu'ng boll; For, I|ll-!'fi.ll'”q n. spirii No“ n “ {lnshiwrihg u) th'é dzu-k pnknown. \ g "is duh] and {Mo slmll {it-Io away, ‘l-‘orgultoilfsim'c his: d 3 ing day. Aml nevrr m the rull at Fume Shall be inst-film] his humhlb namo .\lne! like him how mzmy ham 3 Liv vnld upqu l'utmn'wK fihu‘rcl ' [ How Imin) gnu-n unpntv-l graves ; Are Borden-d b) ‘lhme |FL|CII‘I\\'.|YI‘F! Sleep. mldimz, Elm-. 1»! l'r'nm .nm-ruu‘ Rum; And fin :m'll strifv. ’Tis \u-ll‘wiuf lhm- f "Fig well! though not a :inglc tim- » II me-ul lhu h‘nrieul Volume L-r. EKE @imllmzwm. A HBAI'TIHI. lu.x-:\.—lu llm mnumnirii of 'l‘trul it i 4 :1 custom Qt‘ Ihr hmm-n :uul‘ N-ilw' when to (Imm nut-“hm it in lml time nml'sing (their nntinnnl song; until tht‘y hour tln-lr'hus .ln..nll=. futhvtk‘ :Intl‘ hrothvr: answer tht-lu‘l‘mm xthc hill“ on llu-ir rifturnJunue. (tn the 51min; ' uf tho .\d‘l‘lnllt' sm-h a (“5101“ preyalla. _'l'hrrér ‘ the win-s nfthrfizhornu-n come-lawn uhohtsun— so! :Imksing q nwlmly. litter singing tho {it-:t; stanza they lislvn awhile for tho nitswt-fing lm-lmly trom all the \\'ntqr, and cnnlinm- :to sing‘hnd listrn till the well known \‘nivo comes horny on thr- wntors. filling mm tht; loved nut is 'flnmst home. How swu-ct to the weary ‘fiihcrmnn. as the shadow; gather around him; musi he the songs of the loved one: at home, that «ing~ to cheer him‘; and how they mus} strengthen and tighgcn the links that him! to. gutlu r these humhle dwellers ol the fled! Tru- Iy it i: among the lowly in this'jifethal we fiml some of the mn<tlu-mxtifnl’mst9ms in pra'ctice. 39gb”. W. rim-char slyln newflrlpt‘rs, ‘6 nno oflhc mmt potent. clculouts nf our civiliza linn‘. Thorn is," said he, “.1. common, Tulgnr nlu‘mhinn nhmu n-w plpcrs, that they l'u- sh. They 'duu‘t lie fin}; mun-_thnn you do. MM; is natuxnlly fishing xronturm Truth is frun Hem-cu hm! very Yew possecs it hofi-Ircthuy g f Ihrre. No“ spnpors give both facts and m mom and it in fur the rqgvfdor t 9 judge of L rulnprs. The \Ast omnomy should he in rr m m-wspnpors. lh-nor dopriw the body ribbon, ofla jl-wcl, of n gnrméuf." ' To TAKE Tm: Srnx-r on- or Ono-Hum:— Sitting on tho piazza of the Gamma. was It yuung, foppish 'looking gentleman, his, [lnt mcnls'u‘ry highly sccnlc-l “-3” th mingled-mint!- of muck and cologne. A solemn faced 9d"- lnnking man, after pissing by phe dnndysc'vcy n] times with a look_ol'nver§ion which drew gcnvml notice, suddcnly stoppéd and in A cpufl— dentiuLlonc.sui-l: i ' g “Strung", lknow wlmt’ll take thatscent out ofynnr domes; y u—” o 1 “What! what II )Ile mean, nir‘?" said: “it: 1 exquisite, fired .\\-i h indignation, starting from ‘ his Chllil‘. ~ ‘ " l ', 1 [ ‘,‘Oh, get mad now—swear, pitch round, just . because A man warns toiduLx-on kindness!" cool-‘ I; replied _lhe stranger. "Bull tell yon Ido know whn; viiil take that smeil out—'phcwi—r \von just bury ynur clothes—tinny (hemi 11 day or two. Uni-la {O.ll got nfpul ofaskunk, and ‘ he—J’, ‘ ‘ - urk, P L SIVE and I At this moment there wont tip from the crowd 1 simultaneous tori" of meyflmeul, and ‘the dn_ndy very sensibly “cleared the coop,”-a.nd vanished up stairs. ' ‘ ‘- SIZRI Encom—X teamsteri §n~onr army “E"? outrageously rough, and yelled ac his mulés very foolishly, nnnaying all argnnd Mum--~ The General (who'hafipeqed liot to be in Ini fdrm) once heard him, and ord'ered him lofalop such o'utcriel. K - i 1 K "And whg be you 1" said the driver. "4! nm‘thc commander of th‘ Divismn.” , "Well, then command yo§r Divisionl—l'in commndbr of the mules, Aid I’ll holler slid wear at ’21:: at much as he} mind 10.". fifiA rapid repetitibu 9!. lhefollowinglin slid by I provincial inim- to be". sum cum for liming; Hobbs meets Snobbsjnd N‘obbs; Hobbs bobs to Snohbs, and Snobbl nob: with. Hobbs and robs Nohhl' fqbl. Thu 1:, My: Nobbl the worst for Hobb‘s' jbbs, and Snobb‘s fobs. , , ~ [Q'Never look at tho girls. They can't bear it; ”my iygard it us fix inan. They wear their fughers, hrbelo‘ws, ind fnllsmere lyto gntify their mmu- . x yer-mu Ticker“ say: it. ii with old bung: lot: A: it is with old wood; h it hard to get. tho'm started, but when they do take Mme thy; hum prodigious”: * ' ‘ ‘1 ~l< ‘ ' P!CKING'S. @ll2 gfiflufia A ‘DEMQKERATUQ Mia: mmuw mmm MAKING CALCULATION S Dnvoftlucknrreslmndvntéofthcl‘inrinnnti “Times" relates the {gnawing hfspitul inci (l| ‘nz : ‘ _)n my upward trip we bid on board a. in“. g angiaoking vqlunteqr. vihosn appearance in t only indicated that be IWas from a heapi ta. but that it, would perhaps have harm b He‘r for him _to have rem‘nindd there still. {0- hp crrtainly did not. seicm to he in a {it w iniil'wn to trawl. He ins from Emlm‘n .0 I‘iOL‘alHi by home strangewhim of his mm r: hisftoldiers have odd nolinmus t»().’ll:llllI-~i) hé liz‘ul w‘on Hie éoznnmeniof‘iluaiu royal-ll.” H Was full of dry hunlor, and it 11min 1) 01121? an zed. coming iron auch a dilapida in gpécimen ofthe hummi; kind. I asked m: . ; ‘ i i‘fllnmlong were you ini th‘e hospital at 77, -_ ‘ . . ‘ ;_.7 an Just fiwe days; icoudn tstnnd it miy langvr.” 1' - .r "‘any_so? New you not well irony-d?” i“W(-ll ynu sqe, whon g 1 Wont i thorn. ivi'fic'fiix patients 6 The firftduy tin-“buried on in'!’ i ‘ ‘ ~ 1 I‘Wi’oll whiit (Klimt .9” i - , I“.\"Olilingi——oniy, the next day thcfy buried i mrnttwrffl 3 ‘ ~ ' 1 i ""i lmy must have been itevore races, and [ niudi‘ it very unplgzuniit Mr you." ‘ i‘ii—d ‘uppimmnt. lj'km-w mv tum :Whufjifflmf’in timo. Iw_ ‘ tin on bfliniizlv‘, :I d g if] Maid i would lircm-riml out rm S: (uh-Ilziyg Sn ilmmle my imiculutinih. anul ‘n lfri‘lny [packed my k npsm-k and “wit. “In? {H hail put._l’il siirciy lmcu hurim! n .\‘nturciny, six days, oxie man each day. l rouliln't stand, that! ‘i ’ <‘ ..‘ - ~<>lMw+_.:__' 1 f 4 8173 mm: IMPUiDEIjCE. - i Thmrouwns n. féliow in Alrknmm who \mq “i Mir-ii}? uirqu-ljml ofshooix-Nlonling. 'i‘iwru j w 111‘} a gmjnl many cases “f tho mvutm-inu: d «app-:umiwe of choice" Ifslmc-p Iran) the ,1" wl'n «if iln- plzinmm, wliich worn tr‘u'wl ‘ln In} ulonlr: hut brim; n. cry wily and in :z,nimi: chap. ho gmmrniiy «'uocomlx-«l in )o-mfing nrn aiilni. or som nliii‘r durum-o, whiq-h twillebil the ob. rgn tn :1 mun-n slixnioinn,’ Al lzwt. hml'm mica plnnlm‘ rul i’g I‘, ,llu-n‘pgh tine wood; pm'coivu-d the anglipctml‘clwopfihiofsh‘allfrmn llw tliivkvt. n “Ham-r Tarkiugnmunll n im'tlmt no mm “121 i Hmll’iWJlk up in .11 ii 3k of sin-Pp :unl dc-liimnzuqu knock (war the Inmmt. and fined. A! thli mnmmit tlm pinnior ”do ilk, gin-l rhnf'rfin'ting Hm fink-f, oxviuinn-ti: Ig'mv, _nir. I hnve you! 'ou onn't :40! "HI ‘\‘Q‘WIII‘JII‘I‘ mingliffin the net ” “Wlml. Mi 1‘" ‘iwhimmntily inquired 'th thief. “.\‘lu-rq. sti‘uuiinu."i was Eh» canfid nt rnplv. “S r. :yém’ti lu-Mur in'iinl him you ('hui'gt‘ :i ro-_ gnu-cluhh-v ('ili'mn with 516i] :1 ‘m'imr' :w slivqpmtewlling.”rnpiipd thin grmlmnun \\':lh thx- film-hung iii muttnn.f “Now. ml! van (Wily Hm! imw gnu ki' ' ‘,‘" :ixjirgL (11in Manta-r.- “';'n, J lmnmyt, "newer; “I llill‘ki” 'i "In" it. “i‘l‘lin‘ if“ kill nhyht Juli hilt-- njo fins l am going pm to rmul I” 'lihti l'r-llmV's imfnnh suthn that he owe-peril puni . 4‘ ~— __l, ... «I , E 77w Il’nnrl‘g/riioafnm. un.v"u 1117, Q‘Nnnr trnn Aliohtionict i“ n. palriotiv num. M’lonst lm s.p<so hiuN’ll" I‘ivo'n if he «li-l notgvnnnt his “l'tlt'lit ntl'rtotion l'nr hk torn nivl him-«lingcountrynvn should know hnwto ping-e him nmmtg<t hpr mpkt ardent lovers: ,chmulnl know it. frnmlsmnb ronmrk-i of his :prm-ious (‘0 the breaking out of the war 3* \h-ll a}: for hit conduct 'sinon. li\‘(lry «my of his lil'w tip to the rr-lmllivin, wr- wore nt‘ohctonhml to hear from his lip: illP<C Iloloo (“Lip ‘lnlirmes of the loyal citizen: “No ntinn with ~lave holders 1" .“Lot the Union stole 3“ “Down with tho antitution that. sdnrtion: or allows slavery !" At the tap nf' the tlrnm ho l‘ulls‘in with thr- Ilomo Guards M'Nl gi-tqothers to v'oluntoor. lliv lumstml recklessnl‘s‘x of lift? and limb is equalled only by :his (lis‘cror‘t' caution not. to onnlnnuvr thtg'm.‘ All tho property he has. he mil sam‘ifiFo :tn IvroaJr-rve tlnchonatitution nml thrillnionwithq‘ut reference to results. lle tell?- you that a, man who even mentions Um wa‘nl tnxrjis a traitor. 'liif; purse i< yearning to nmrihuto-to the expeme nt‘this destr u:- “N? war“ This is the way he tnlki. lint net nos shank louder than worth. The fol loniing. told us by a. relirthle man. is a fair il3l stration'; One of the. kiml of Abolition hit. we in:|\[nqukoll.of living in the Southern paint of the county: had a haunt-dog he thrlilgbxr o grentthia of" and whieh wnu it grow. favorite in the family. He takes the Noiw York Tribune, and _has been so in the. habit. ot‘trxisting that paper. that he generally guts everything wrong. {Reading over the tax hill, he conceived the idea that the law had pnsflerl taxing «logs a Holler. and accard inglv shim, his dog. This lousy. ranting Alplitionid, who boasted that he would give all {his I))‘opei'ty to'.su=tnin the war. murdered his poor dumb dog, and set. his wii‘o and children crying‘, to cheat the Gov ornmentmut ofa dollar. E lie is the patriot. Ho kills his (lap. to cutdoggn the expenflés of _the‘ wmui Thg Democrat'whr-pays his‘ taxes and '\vanis an mlju'utment. of the difficulties to .‘savo human 'life and Money is a traitor. —(J/u'o (Kai Lisbon) Patriot. : 1 mfg 3rd ‘of :l ' Firm _‘l’é ‘lmbcailigy.—The hmvy losses sustainm On Friday are nnnthnr of the sad cufiwqu net-q of Hm ‘imilnility. igllnram‘g‘ gun] inm mnlinalion of Fremont. NE? I‘m oiéyedl m bositivc orlloés given him. . 1m 50:1 and his army would have been com rletely dut ofl‘; and avian now, up to the ast moments‘of Fromom's Ming in com mz‘md, hie wag still falling back from Jack son. when the latter was actually at. Rich mond with his lrmy.~Eg:chunge. $ll9 is 'understood (sags Vanity Fair)- th'at Ge“, Beauregard. struck by the bril liqncy of Gen. Hunter’s lenmple, ise§bout tog issueén pxoclamntion‘. setting fr and emancilhting "farmer” from I'm-filer servi tuflc. allfi th'o horses, on“. mules, andx other dqmmtic animtds in Massachusetts, Con nqcticut‘nnd ,Vermont. His plea, it is said. will be but the spread (if Abolition is “ iri wfimpnfihe’fl with the servitude of jack asr“! ' ‘ ‘ i=l : 1 An Eaxykmd Speedy Way to End WWl: Ifle "Wu—Party" Mam—The New Haven ! An Eastern exchange I‘an President Lincoln Ilbgiierhits thef‘no-pmy men” rightunder- has it in NH power to bring the war to II the fifth rib. what it éays that a “Mass mndusionfs edily.‘ 110 h sonlym‘ send CénVention” of “noparty 'men” is to be fireman: to Echmond and if! nfew‘nionths héld at Harrisbur , to found a “new payty," line will steal the Southern Cbnfederacyj on a "nb—pafli” ghasil, which shall "come I ' ‘ l ‘ fresh frbm t. e people,”3'_and hive "no political partisans” in it,‘ except those who get‘it up. ' For Foul Bream—Sch” of ppople have foul chatl‘x, yet taken? cure to prevanltho annoyanceL Small doses ofrharcoal' are al ‘ ~ . most acerflhin remedy for this. By filling BW9 wonder if these fuming Ropulnli- the mouth ind cleaning Hm teen ‘with can! who have so much to any against Mc— water well dolorod ‘th eau de co 4:; the Clellann Halleqk, McDowell, Shields, find breath will Keep swmlfor a long Li 9. ' others," of our bravest Generals, ever think] " .L .~_ ~——-- 1113‘: in doing so. they are indirectly de- ' 38"er tiltm Abolitionists (114* the hmiucing Mr. ‘Linmélnt who selected all Constihlti nialmultl be :4:le by; being Lapse olficmja for-thejr'placen. and is him- broken. réntic'e mysl;—-"'l‘h:ul.’n ”no way 5 ‘1! respgnsxble for theinconductl' , . the heads l'sgomeoftlulm shouldbqga’ved." 5(04 4; GETTYSDURG,;PA-, iMONDAY, JULY 21, 1:9 1:=21 “'rmrm Is ilchY pm ijnu. ”mun...” EMMEI ‘ I ‘ ' l -' ‘A smwnf SPECULA'MON ‘ IN cm ' - } BINEBL ‘- TlmUnlt aim! Owen in’véfilfigntinn hm de veloped somg oxtmordi nrv {mu-L which marked the wnriod term A by the commis sinn the “S‘lfiurxmlin of. pnculnmrfi." Ono nf‘llm mmt rim-ally was.LJmt conqumnatml hypno Simon; Sto'vonu, in ‘ (“Hing 5,01“) Hall’s Carbine» to Major Gen. Wroumlit. Stevens mhl the rmhim-sltn Unvqigumul command i‘nizlhr Dumrlmimt ,nt‘ ho W‘c \I, Hy filo gr:pxlll,nla Hm sth of A Izrmtl HUI. at”: much. A! that tune tho - ”LN-hunk wow in‘ ”in United Slgtgcs valfini at New ‘,Ym'k, and whoro (he nropof‘ty drun-Gnvbmini-nl, rr-ic-ctml from JlO sorvicel and ordered to be sold! 0n the 7th of :‘llLilH‘, ,two dnyfi gftor Stevens sold Ime tn Frfmnm, thfy were ’9 w» ' on. buuuhn from £llO Gowrnm and though the cdndili' Fronmnt bought Ilnem w I’N‘ for’mrdod' instantly hut for was not shippc fur/r1 «Irv/.3. The A clmruét in this-Ease is thusfiui‘miucd up by the 113- onto. nndl'rnnl'oss (Burn-Nd; 'cr vcn.i [q port: 2‘ j. I .. ‘ would pmhivvly wnm as thug, unmn of “Thin: {hp pygm‘eng‘achmnyg waivin wnfnur nnixy“ politicians worn Fl iltnn with tn‘thn (inhornmont. J“ #32 tinchhsfififl nfmnc-hh-ml iqunnity.‘ that. they vbstod lhc‘ in mm mm»; ,the jnhohtinn smm, if: the iwhrfle fn‘grlnwor-éh'e 13:11:31]?“ 3:51:33: nm-r \yne nm-vpf’m‘. In lii], n [IF-"4‘ urumby [Mb I (ogjhu m L ‘3‘" 0" I“ ""y ‘f’ ‘f‘l . .é t thaw-(10m flu“ (.rrt‘rrnm It m 11./w .Ig/lurs 4,ll,llr.‘l|(‘h'll momux-o me 0} erqmsmv ,1,“; x .no _m'y, n-nle "IQ/l.“ That ithfiltiQn was carried . git opm :09“ that thov‘cwms :Imfl gt:<:~r:nfixnns out. (lacking four cm-hinqs only) the a“ Hf. !1t mll crch m the .\m-th will: My 1m: out: h‘r (ivn. Fri-manpneovptfd the other. Iris ibnlnnco ”1‘? 300‘! “-"|“,“:"“:: F 0 ‘3." b): ”19 (‘Vilgnt also, that the funds with which this 111?:31 figural: "“.‘-"'“l’:':ht‘:"|' ‘F ‘3' (Jnml i lu'u‘r “no wry clfrclod are boxrowvd on . m “"10!“ “'n" ‘ or gm 3 " lll‘r' l‘uith of ‘fln I}rovinu:§groohmnl to $0“ : 1}“1-5lfli‘aloflrfimimhéfin Lhcrihfifilfllsih”: ‘ ‘ ' . -'~ ‘ \_ u '. 3 Han I -, 2 snzthng‘tl tllf',§l»llrr~}ms¢ Imrlc hv (yon. I'm _l‘2‘: li‘nlxlsml'lzi 1,01“ ”Im, numlhgriof while; inont wtn‘lmireum‘dmlr 11,5 nvnhsl purchmc 3; (I h l 11 ‘‘ ~_ __l _ by the Unuql Nahum-“, 3, (:nvm-nmml My“ Int 91' lhmhfhlmml dnv‘e o! thfi OyalJuv‘p mm 11mm; 1M 517.451}. :hnwgvbi'ch it hmh‘ ulthn of} IxcuLucky, 'lcnnjmi‘t and Mun «'\'.'l“"“l Um (luv lml‘nre ,Lo ro-purchacn fnr ‘KSOUHY ‘“f - , _fl ’ ‘ ‘ KINDJUE—Imékhw (1 )‘nc' tn the United; 3' n" ‘l, H ‘ Sta‘ztvs an the: trmynr-t’ n of ninety-mo I ‘ ‘ TALKING 011 i?! « lewaml fining: hunvlrct ‘ nml [\\'(«nly-eix i‘ The Mhunchuuotls: Alwfliqihnists ‘(lnn’t‘ “"1113“ {\l’3‘f‘3l'J-‘fim‘! “WWII! fl"_"“""_f"‘ f’hmmo nlnhnm. l‘lu-y talk right out.’ The} Eh" "W.“W f,” [my ”5"” ”‘0 “Nth—o “'thh 1 I‘lkrux "nunly Anti->lnvory Smithy th'nj 1!, ppm-wed. 1 ‘v ‘ ‘ 1 . in‘-min}; on the 1:31}; "(Jung ‘1'!“ bgnssc‘d the _“"‘““ “'“J ”’ " ‘ " - I'ollowmg rc-mlulinnsé e i - . , THE CASE OF SENAFOR SIMMONS. .“l. M'AMIWI, That an Almlitfinn st“. devo ' ' - 'n .v~ - ' (MI in the are: twork nfnvorl r 0 inufllnvo . \\ ln.lo t‘lm‘ ymchu lmh. .\n much .In‘g,w “0 rméw hlmh-c wqtm'mnhl‘ “‘\‘.'“ ‘\'6 vn-nn- m ( aura-cw: Qf(«pf-Hln’anmnhors tor-I [.‘. _ .1 . '3l-! , _ll 1- it f' :ullrumi puhumnl (‘l'H|H",|}\' nu glnuhtv’prfiz. I‘4lllolldhl3h' f'ufo no 1 on: ‘b-erulToil 0t! mm \\'?lh tlunm‘r and kuM 1m unly nn ,‘".V ‘1 ml!!!“ Intmn 0" LOYOJ'PI‘T" 'm ‘ (‘leln-mu rpmri, nut -\ 11 wjinflnvntiilljr‘un'huk ‘ l:2““':s‘“lilwarfi _5“ ““Ynmy‘m“: fl‘téiizlcl—iil - -.. [‘3 z” 1.1"“ :‘y can [.l I]! .'I ( \‘2 'u uo. nsJVflr I ma . wI, . 11:12,: it: simihnlf [SLLFIASp [omlllhhlfi‘fli‘l 4 “‘u‘t ””1 to emancipation “3' 051“" of ”"3 I ox-nmdo 01' b 3 n.ltnr Sui .mnm'. in hm.“ of {slol3l “WPQWHW.ol‘tnflt‘llj‘mp‘ltl‘imQHlllGH Mum-lung (ho mmunuus ffrm'uls and“ [umuluw -",'°“v “INF“ must fil'cc ”Y {‘o‘ “of: ‘1 lav Hum gnhmhn i!) the; vonmu‘mt wrvion. ”WP: "T“[H- ' ‘ - ; x' 'I .\‘u {hm-mu haw-j 'rm-n k m nlmLt-q oft amt-p ." ("w/I'm]. L‘xn'r‘ Try-E “’3‘“? z “ITI’ERTO‘ in ”,i‘ "own“ mm m gunning mp IN'volnp. S [whim-mu. I; E" A waunx “qt r. {up {no}. I Im-nh‘ 0! thv {uh h'n‘ ,hwnlhs—anll-Anded. .”Rn-‘3"“Rf-“"1"“cmrH-mw‘3'” "\"W‘m’ hmww-r, hv hm “Forizll (filhrt 10 punish fine ”‘1“ Am"; in" l‘uswn‘xr‘r. "M’jr'in,“lfn‘l:t 1 gulprihfthzit gm :1 littiq: sllf‘l-I'ii‘ was man- -I:R‘r‘:””3 , “:11. ."F‘lil'ml “T? 9 53")" “5" limhul, who] It. lmmm‘ kntm that. the ‘l‘:\~T'Tll‘l“\ “1W" "mlrwl ‘ ”J" ~H”: Snnzslvhmlvh‘lufllylul’ul(exit-HP’\‘hnh-Aquos-l Ffl‘Tl‘n. {Hg “uh”, BY 1‘”: T E $95??? lmxi lry lyh‘ yin: llw (‘:L x ot‘Sih’nmn“ m a. unit-1: .\.‘D nrqul'n'. 5110111,": 12‘! qum cuinmillce. A 5511“: \\'. ’hiuglqll Slur [ru‘y ‘ 1"”'~"57 59““, “I? AT UNP'E AADEWIEHZR p\ my mu: * .- a t: . - , {rnmm'm’x ‘ M g ‘ Ian”; plfll‘i‘fl “will “a!“ ho mntont Wm, ‘ 'l‘l‘nw- m-f- thgmgnlnfiiops arm n who dc windy :Cnm'nr‘lu'l Ll‘c-t‘lnlitzgli‘nn :Iguilht tlmst‘ 3:2"l‘ll2‘;:)ft"“:9s;:‘lt}‘:'si=::';'l:i"~'}v7‘} :l‘xlfcg?‘ \\ m 4;/.'r m m)" Cantu-x ‘n‘o lu-l‘ cvnuun , ‘ ‘u’ v.‘ - ‘_ «_ g ; ; ' rm (‘fmtrm‘l Hat-3 Inuyhhtni.” I'm-thou) gram ‘2'“? fur “19‘“"E“Wt‘h111m“1"~‘~" '5 in”! It'hQ‘ Hm A‘xu 1?: '0 dopmlnn nt<.-whx!n .\‘vnhtnrs 11"”‘m {‘s ”'l‘ “"5- “"“i “ "1‘“ on .\ 301]"? \\lm ndm 3 Irwin}: 1"") ‘q-tml 3m.“ lmnlw‘s whence [anal thoy dqnmmvr‘ ‘ mhllpnhts ("In") H”. m 4... '3l-‘94 ”o“,!an mpflnhqlsm't nfi our-nuns nfflw onmfh‘y. If, muffin!!!- froo won 0 conimro, ‘l‘fllfi-ning' rv‘Phlt;mls m}":‘F—lr9*l"l::‘l”ns.‘Wlmf‘a';-)‘m", llyt‘i'Z‘rf‘zt' l ::k- th-r 111-4|, tzll‘l'rtér “""—““ enpnssm 1”" ‘ " "‘.' " ' ,Snlnx-f.|:.:,l"m hi: 5:11.451 "‘31:: Ty. ’ e 0' I . inn nr fimtvopliqn. ihei y'rqn ulfi for: would Whiln lh milirc rc-‘rmr I‘s nl'lho country WW" 500‘" “(fist [_n Fny‘ll \\'-7"" "‘1 ""t "f 1""? nrp almmmc ml 10,1”de m, 11..) “far, “4‘ nuféhp? I‘nl tlnfi‘mslmtlggtti; (I‘2l “211311233 ~ ; ‘ '- ' . . warms; ovnrrmo: ' .. .l_h(' \ahgh bnmmumtvvy c:1l|:«l_ llypnn If) {M "Mic- :é-l'tnrulurf‘nnh -n mrnthom mhko sovmfn [ml-«uni sgvrlfiow. [flu-re .ls- ‘I” .1“ l > v , u u liltln ‘(liulmfii‘fipn tn pulliu o tho Mill-urea of )“i‘”'WI'I'MWHIOUMI9S°3O¢3S- I‘OFUIG'Wf \\'lmhknll- !'3"“"“""lf‘ qf‘lh’h lull-Hr- tx‘mellry." (IN ’l-) ”"1- , 1 r \ —-nn nultv‘ “that thuiAlmrly nr_sL.fliuu.-* 77—“ 7 7 ht) .\m'oon t‘lio \\'“runL-«Tmfln from '11? must lnfifivropxirml'm oncoum Iy. the lull gslygggth of popular nml ”lUM‘ u] :1 IlcN‘l‘vm‘ t tc-r, sun)“ (I resentment “..Wl r~>v——- , SE¢RIETARY “mom i A with: féniin: thm tility ngniwt Snort; hr)- SLmlm‘h ii: grnwingLup in every section of thv cnndlry, and it [ln Somewhat kiunifi- MM that ”in [vapors wl it'll um mmtiurinus in his nlnnunr‘htinn. nro lhnsr'lvhich prnfe§s in b 0 thé \fmimmt frié his nf flm Adminis: tratinn. It; is chnrgmq against, him, with much sham of jnetioo; [OO. that Im_is rev sp‘mhilflc fnfr r'nost. of m n Into disnstors. If Unis be so. Mr} Stanton“ carom hm. indent]. lmnn n‘omh’lvgexlwrim nt. 'l‘hn snefiwsful MN of .ankion.‘ clownigthe Valley of the .\‘lu-nnl‘ulfljlh. icausml n§ln<s "torlhc‘gnvcrn mom, of milliiuu nf ddlilars, and thousands of livnx. no: t’ spt‘ak of its effort abroad.— 'l'lmt :1! [ii ,hzmml h finrse u down times over. Tlmf rimnglcd‘ Awhm of 4,000 as hrm'e suniri s in ever n’lhroho-l at thn cnil of ”wh' munLF-y,‘ there cry out for vnngoanko agnimuihu: ngnn who interfered with their lmWi (h-noEran' plum, and hy his stuhhorn. injmlicinmnm‘ul Pgotiatical pnlir‘y, [William to struggld V'yith hforée at lémt twofold‘ their .supor‘iorr thtlior or not Mr. Stun lon is guilty QT 11“ that he is accused of, it ie certain to has lost lhe confidence of the nation, nmi {é retain him nny'longqr in the fabinet w 11;! be :1. crihe against the 'pub— ic will; Von hopq {ha}. if lu; i< removed, his suécos. r; win :ho m ninn of sufficient, good sense to: attend (oi his nwn dufljos, and let our Gu .rils in $llO field attend cc theirs. __l‘lrit Ulm nvlr. ‘ 1 . , " ‘ 1,” *m+--—-— i Mn. Hawker—Mrs. IS. A. [fr-1121M is a cnnsmnt visitior at the haspiml at Washing:- mn. whichtbd'ars the njume of IN‘r deceased husband. formed from: the' Mack of thrm houses orobtqd by‘ himé, Breckimidge and Rice, of Minnesota. 3 . _ ~ ~ i w~< .‘.—”__- l fiTheEPtesident Ms nominated to the Senate, G'pnerals Heiguelmzma. Snimnew Koyes and? Ffitz John otter to‘be brevet< l’yrigadier-féiaernls in the regulai- army and Major G 9 emls of Volunteers, for gnllunt‘ conduct ini the field. . ; - ‘ -~-~~---~«i fi‘fllefmbe'ls have "fxermelic.ll[y;ealc(l” tlm James, rivet-.‘hy‘ainking no less than thirty-six Veésels in its;clmnnel. Amend}! cnm‘pewnh‘ to‘ sp’eak- says it will take years! to remove this obstructsons. u -. ‘SENSIBLE VIEWS. ' The fifllawing idem: ulunn Hm 7'l nhmrh ins: negro queation. from the I' (xllirlt',of Pithbutg, my: sound, pointed. ‘nm we” ox: preswll,‘ They win command Hmfithn‘i ll] of ovary thinking man, not. Mmdad lyylprrr judicc or ‘lmrtiam‘hip: q} " As for our ('mpln) mvnt of the Y fighter, ii’ is (Im- uf 1110 mm“ ing and Vi practicablo H‘lwnN‘S _ (mg-led in a)“: brnim nfdrmuuint' zmul viduunrivs, and umvurlhv nl'l :IHvlltiun (Il'uny ('ullllluun .wnw n It i~ al-ml Italy (“nun-hug than!“ fry to sci: :20 much nf‘ the gnhk lllonntionfs COIIIJI'HIOI‘S .squumk ternfinaldo cq‘uabhlvs and “rah whether u[ fnw negrQos shall be ‘H I; M lwmtv 'illion“ ‘f .rnnpsV ”.'y mh ms ‘ ,1 with oxhfi‘uatlvsc rmnm'cr-s‘ of a}? ‘ not ovm-cdmo 5,01%!!!” of mu‘ than, if ludlfso brnvv ns‘ lhonrsul n the aid (in {Mr regimmm‘ {11:11 thorfim‘o (I‘3an hoth-r MW .1“) th . , a anZIL'QK Jllbnr‘h; m on which‘G‘on.‘ a: that they should‘ “by prros'u'," the , till 'tho lpjwoof r (If tho purchase . .... —‘;- no.» .- A“ CATAs'rkom ‘t'ro Pofimcmus . 'l. APPROACHING. I x 1 ‘ The Mvv nhd onnnéh'nn of t w Wit tax (can Hm Nan York [mt/5141', a. nouLtrnl vbpcr.) wnll prmhucr such‘n ra‘mlntion i pnlilivs' .13 this connltry novm‘ wimvsswl. Ivory; mnn_ 11.-N pm. m pay‘ in pi-ulmrtinn to hi< mmm. rouwllv nml largvly; and to pn 11rd cash. Tim r-fl‘vct nftlns will Im'tn 'rcn cr‘ the in~ wrest in politics general and un "ONT, and winlrns‘i'fy ‘lit In a dew-005:1“ goth ,1- un provcfinivd‘ 'l‘hondminietrnti uof jalbfic nfl'uir in l» «3an One study of 11. my] will lmscrutinizul and criticiwd m h n kenn floss uhrllsmcrity“hithr-rto link own. Not only will “1‘ so Cal-inc! 011100 . \vhq hawé lu-mmqnhm (wing-the publijc n neyjyy al most; cuunl vés millions Ind hfirlodg front: V . Imwyelrlny {I but all tho. ollicd will ‘ 11li the ex Blitnling. I fnrrs-ix rpm) 'ferncitv ‘nln hm hm! h s al‘nund \mu ll‘i'nzz .Hwflml nfont, tn'kv back all it ‘ now prnnnu cog him (hp i~x from in‘ its mndmiumlin the War I)? mrtmem. For ' hisdrighpal I‘llgm‘ of the cam tt‘wfijnm, Ipr field of 4101 corrospohdo‘ht dorlarcs lh: which slmu d be given L who diwpamge-tho Maijor ' a blow 12' ‘ l 77:1- Tvm fitrliMn-‘l‘hc I's in favjor of prov-outfit reptomtihn of (he Unfinn I Confititutinn as it is,'s_o Lin 1111 tlm sttes mny ho whnl tho qebdflion broke out. I ‘ 'l‘he Albqlilipn party is cufing qhe war. untlto row it Wm nfid the Constitutio , ,‘ t. c emancipzuio‘n of the 10gb“: t pkce them on alevel w tbthd ; W-———-‘¢O.OD- ‘ —.——l ; An Ad Wart/1v of gym—true T 1 the Sum: bf Pennsylvania 114 trin‘\qnou_;ymnus letter, post, ma! York." {which read: as gillnm endow! [OIM crcllit‘tJyvmr MI, [x "Ii: her dun}? This letter nmix United Stacie: Treunry mate, « tender issue. ' ‘ ‘74 . , Working a War .--A Emm ing been 31311de advised. the cogs. [or we‘re“. Me .n true of ‘ 0111b:e "I gun go into work oz)! 3 mgr éharncter in than lan get in loburt home} year-n ‘ the list of ddlinqurht u coudty,‘ lHipoip—ifl whi I‘rmu is situated-Lfills db'vcnl tfuur the Chicago Jquhm‘l. ‘ \ ' "- -‘~_«—¢-o~ ~«- W’Ehe Vermont De ‘ ratiA vention, on the 2d inst" 'omim min A.:Smxflloy {or Gpvc‘nnor. Y K {-0 —-&'», :vw-PFVTW . ”Ht "Win tnlfwcou sold in {l' In $76 py’r 100; I (*ch nfi a. nprdmii . ver imm [UH-dr'hlx r 0 fivi'inll: ”It! Ra‘mn. plv linux- I tin}:- of ed by in m rur- to Tolhhl as fx-oofilon imls'mn n bv'nvor . without ksl why, mutual at, cc of the pophuu' i who? have susgnin cur Hie diaflrugt, «lign’ntiml. (1 11mm in 10 hatred, ration of the pg); l __ ”.., u _M . . Théfiow York Tr ”mawhirii. ths, nmfih-d MéClr lan wnh 'a imt‘unymmllehfil.’ }- s, sinco it (ficinll eorroqgodtlo upon the .r:ll'»"vvry;‘nnv ; > slnnerq, n‘nd t. Em lfmon. m «l h nf tho action of (:3 inttgrl'cronw n )dign. In one] L up flLe Tn'lum ': at] ”'5. nly "ropiy m lh‘cgscmmdr s l'cnerzfl should 0 r ‘: ~ I+-4? l iivmn {I tho 's‘ it, n 19”! they ail: fav l c].- l 335'! ' ntir party wfir for 2d q and the 4: rights of mm before r of prm=o- - Union as is, but. for moo, so as white race. ensurer of I ireceivcd ked “Now i “ Paul/1c l rirtTmele: 5 ed a $l,OOO if the legal '«mi‘h hav ih apply to . shop and .ix months 'n a. whole es in Cook ty Chicago lumus or the Con-1 leg Benn-{ll \fly E n- 7901' übuuds. INI TWO ”mum A-[X' EM: II i i ' M . Ir v .l . THE EVIL BEGINNING'TO at: FEM, ‘ Severnl month‘i acovwe took org-Minn }to condemn the emancipation ol'lhep lavas i in‘ the Dietrlot nfColnmhia and the protection ofContmbnudzzin our camps, for (like purring ofi giving them their freedom an securing their esefipn to the Nortlm We ohjeetedl to this uholition legNntinn ofllm lii‘puhlitiun Congress. and tlievunanlhm-ized mid unwise netimr of .liepulniit'an ('ulhimulldel'fi, lfeczipse it would give the harden. uf‘liu' rvhvlliunum ] :irv'mnent THE "t‘l‘l-I:\‘('l'..llll‘1l: ul l‘l'dehm :g'l oi l'lhu Huntll in tln-iru-uxn- and th jwmil‘t II tln- “lin'vn (‘.utw. livlrvi‘uu" thg “c lulw nothing: to do \\itll' Slam-12y. tlm peoplti Hi 0. ch State hnvifu: exelusivejuris‘ ietionl of it domestic institutionsgwc (haired the (' n‘stitutionnl rights of the loyal oplej oi, tl e Southdo be protected as the stmiiulest argument 'for the good intentio 3 of the Government. in conducting th ~wnr ll‘or “rm: Uvmv AS 11' WAS ”Ax“ rut: (16x "'pi'rr'riow AS IT IS.” These firent interests he in: seu’ur ed, the question of Slam-ry'hould then tset tle itgell' under the, legislation of to Bmm interested. We feared that the n itutimi of Slavery at this time and csifiecia'll its nb‘pli tion in the District, together wit l‘ the 15m tochpn of escnped shu’resi in gun .militpry l Mme, would huve the otl‘vlet: of inim'ing the I liniorr mum in the South}; that i' stead: of i iiierensinizthe numbers ofthellni n mmi in J the rchellio'us States and thus hast ning the ‘r .turn' of those States to} their é legiauce, ‘5 eh i: cour<e as has unfortunn ly been pursued by thepurty in power. w uld, in n nFenqirefidestroy the growing Uni in feeling 0 the Southern people, add stren ih to , he rebel entree 'and prolong the war; We i-inh " niit the c uestion to an honest jfit 'men of the peepio whether our fairs havd not 1) en realizasl. and whether the author}; a.’ these Ali-timed, unwise~ and’lé upennsttitutiunat measures are ‘not responsihle for {nueh evil , wihieh he's tlown {1:01P their partiiin alien'- i tion action? - g i' « t ‘ ' I ;We deprecated these nhnlitipnimcnstiresi for another roman". eXpreSCing time up "‘0: Itensinn \yhich filled the mindfi of, ll em lid and comervntire mon na‘mely} t at these e‘hl‘mncliised negro t'reemen would find their way into’l‘ennsylvnnia anti other? 'orthhrn ' States, only to be a curse to the ‘peoplef—J 1 three here they must work torn I ivin‘gjhor (the people mud. keep them without mil-k; i oitt of taxes paid out ot'tlrhir hard warnings. ',lf they work they take from the muthgvnt' I the white laborer and histfnmily t heir; (lii'ly ‘. breml—ifthey do not woric they‘w ll hflvbho l‘ hp. supported by our people, inxit'llené‘iis.“ "lilac party in‘ power deti-rmined to eerry . out theirpet schemes at e‘very suctilice, pngi i turned a deaf ear to the? remomtrmieg of the comervntive nn‘d l'nion men of ‘the ; loyal States. The net mtg committed hml 'the ennsequences are-showing themselves. . daily before ut. 'l‘hOusnrids ofSlqves 'esenp I ihg from tinl South npd free ncgr s leaving the District, are, (‘O'millg among: m, hml the evils we predicted <er ugqinning to 66:11”. i Now the Republican ptrti is responsible l im- all them eviisx 3lt Mrs t 9 in bringing l them into existence again‘st the remomtrmi . eea of Demoemts'nml triujc L'ninh men.— 3 How can such :1. party expect the uppdft of i‘ the intelligent laboring ntenof th§ enunktr‘j'? .They will assuredly bet) the se lot" tieir i. cnndemnnti‘on upon thelleadm‘s Mireille ! publicnn party at the coming elect ens: fliet 1 {til opposed tothe‘sc Abolition‘ homes of the llepuldicau party, anil their e'onseqpen ' ces. rnllyunder the old llemocr tie it -_'.—~ Always the friend of the laboring mass-3:, ‘it will not desert'lthem' no‘jv, nndi triumph at the coming electiohsfliil be h ileld by all ,Tlnion rimn as their deliviemnee om aboli l‘tion. rind the overrnnning ot' the North by ',Snutheru slaves and free negmcfi. Iliilly, 1 friends of the Union-Tour only hope is in I the success at” the Democratic party—l'M]; l tn'ugt'llc. ‘ - i l‘ 1 “DOUGLAS DEMOCRATS." Tho enemies of the Democraticimrtylwlm inrophosiml and prnyoll for" a divis‘lion in tho llemoi‘rmit‘; Stale gonvontion, worn Ilmlly diqilppointod. “'orsn than that; they wore éxaepomlml at tho lmrmohinusl fictioh of that body. The Pl}ll:ld(‘lplll:t.l1':’r'.9.':.‘(l0- hmmcbs it rm nhmly of g“.l'.r6cltimifl_gt\ So: } cossionists" and rebel lsympatlfizon. ' and lithe _l‘ou‘rnnls which :onjnwjn its, wakal :mvl ' Mfume eyery time‘ Fornoy takm snutl', fhnvn. ftnkm up the lmo nml My. Thaiv fi‘nl to in form thnir tmmlnrs, [lowi-var; thug. NUl‘ll 'g-m -[‘ipont lrit‘mlsx nmlstxppni'lcrshlr.ltialgzo Dong- Elm: ns Richard V'uux. (loin; A: ll.fltoumfort. ,(7. L. \\'?ml. C. L. Lmnhérlo‘n, thn Appel. “A. l). llnilc-au, W. J. Hour, 'A. 11. Cnilhdh, JUN). \V. (law. R. 11. Kort: .lmhlv Zioglor, .Jolm Fr-nlon, ..l. Slim-W1 Africa": .l. Ai Mu.— :coo, J. Y. James, null muny‘ other: whom ,nnmoq do ‘not occur to us at juritmnhzwvm .'(lologfllffl to thr- Gnnvonfion, tool: nu octivr“ l win in its dvlilmrntlon‘s, and l m'my nl‘ lthc resolutions were w’_(h'zu\‘n up By the ;pr-ntlomnn whim: name heads the list. :Nr-i lhn- do the llrond-npd-butte: pmrims— ltha rocipionts of the patmnhge tofthcéflov l'ornmt-nt—lmva the hnpornr lmnysty to in ‘ form their render.» thuh n largo (portion, If ’1 not a majority. of the Stutt- Comm: Commit» 11m: iscpmposml of'menwho \vorél. I 0 friends land supporters of the late Jutlgo Dough”. l- We do not refer to thin question of the po klilicnl antecedents of delegate! because it ‘i< rl-w'llllml “4 a matter {lf the ll'flhl winner rqurnon among Dc-mrwrnh. but, wily to r-x« {po3o tlm fulsohon-l Lg-whlchfi liepuldi— . cans r'ognrt in est-dut-2 to mn‘ it: up year that the Slate f‘nnvenlion‘ “3m. compmmlex pluaivoly of “ llrockinyldgo Dcnlncmts."—— So cordmlly are Democrats ugrcod‘upon the great principles now at. stake. that‘ they ncvg-r care to inquire who supported Doug lxu and who Breckinridge. 'l‘he fooling growing out. of tho contest 01'1860 tum been buried and forgotten in‘tho presence of the momentouq issum before the country. and Democrats are 5 unit in dcfcllu-e of thou; constitutional principles upomlwhich they never dill'erfli ’ . l , The Dauglns dodge ii played out. so far , as Fomey’s ability is concerncgl to turn it l to any practical account. He tried'tn defeat. 1 Biddle and Stiles, and carry inst fall's cloc tion on this lame, and nignnlly foiled ; yet with a‘persiatency amounting to little less than intimation, he has again comméuced lit, for the coming chnmpnign,’ by hemm ' mending Douglas men totnkem‘l fiction part . in the Abolition-Republican Convention to be held in this plant next weok; himself leadingpfi' by having-John W.‘ fofney apo E pointed}; delegate from l’hilmlolphin.—Pa [ tn’otd‘ Union. . _- ‘ , , . ‘ writ“ wére worth a dollnrja paper in WA Fm?“ timesin'ce, 1812, amd poor at that}; .'l‘hen it'lmky (”nip nmthooafy. at' Wincheste teen wrowsam (cum 9 u in; may on y" . ' ’ . .\. 4*" one, bl?» a machine which fingsbes nnd‘sticks lxty 0’ antimony. _wm‘ofln thcnf nto the paper. Saving pins, njhalfa was ROIdIO the Methad'xst century 1120. was.” im'pommt 'ns snvin It was quarterly mgetmg confi.‘ and hence the habit chusj férmcfi . taken, and the effect. w.“ stick! to, many giderly gentlemen whose -, ___”- ....s . emu. 499193 _nre arnnmentqdflvigh up“ of mAbolilirfn office h themdrescuéd from loss. ‘ “ ' ; bling in‘tlwir bnols. ‘ MU " ‘ t "A? "7‘31“??? i immeA'flQN BTIaRPA’m. . in the U. 9. Snmttn. nu .‘fnfitriifiy viiik. Mr. Clark. from thn mmmjttm or contor once'mj Ilu- diungro‘ning ‘votm of tha‘tg'vg Houses on tho mnfiscntion an", mmid a report. Mr. C. explainr-d thin an untim standing Imd buvn come to sin droppjn' certain sections of the 'Senqlo hill, pi. substituting i-n iieu thereof cigar antic 'of the Houuo bill, by which tho iflicully to forfeiting the rent estate oFrobcia was ‘obv‘mml. and fines aulmtitutci. 1 1i - Mr. McDougnll moved math-1e romfiflio laid uver‘hnd printodfln ordar that main hem may I» ablc'to untloxstq‘nfl its WI. changes. ; _ t‘l . MLvSnubhgrx mid the repel-£2O" kilo committm was not in nomrdindo with him custom in pinch mm. whibh was simpiyli'm thin or “number House to ircccdo pm this or that nmnmhnont, witch-n: be m the transfer "tui’inonrpomtioxi of socti s. Tim-e “ms nu introduction of new m r, also, “horn it" 1: provided Hint. seixu or capturn mm 10 mmL of firopcrty, ren ml pcrspnnL und in primcet ‘ {implied forti ‘ .o gummy-t qi'thc :.: my. - ( .i 5 , The motion to"! In I\TO. , .uy nvm‘ and Eprint willy-a _joclc«l, yam I‘2. nuya 28v—nnd tho rcp‘n‘rt “Ni: concurred in—~yca§ 27, uhys 13, abilol. ln“ : ‘ F ii l, le:——Mmflrs. Anllfl-nyflhhmllornm k, l Doolittlu. Fossvmlon, Foot. l“ Mar, (hi on, illnle. Harlan. Hart-i 4. Ilozwuri‘ls King. I‘ no“ ,of lmlimm, lnne nl.K:ma.}s. Merrill, Poinc- I my, Sherman. Slmmnna,Sunnu-r.'l‘un li\l'pk. l'l‘rliml‘ull, Wmlu. \Vilhinlmn, inlumc, W‘ll son of Man mnl \\’righl-'."Z,' 1 l u l Nuyx ~Mvs=r~u lluganl, lennluing. l'an' “'O. H‘uuuh. I).n'i<,. llf‘ll'l‘W'SUu, Kivnm-Ily. in ’ l'nue'ull, I'm“ 11. Maul .lnirv‘ sl.2m, \\‘ill‘h-‘y V.|Ll<lfiL\Vll-Hll nl Mlyuuri» ‘I'J. '[ 'l, [l l‘ .\.-l Vu'm: .lli ~L—|~. [lnllumnr nlul ! For. ,‘ \I. .m- \l~- .~ l'. .~... Hull“, ml mn.. l Nvumflu. Plum u and 'l‘lmmmh, _ i l' 'l’hu tithg nl'llw lull u: unulmlml ‘is Mn 4 ‘ wt for the supprcs'sinn 01' the? in_«urroclilpn. land thé punislmrflnt ‘flnd Qzuro offithu l property of rehab, and for ollqm- purpqqpa.” nntl the prnyiainns 3m: Haj-fullqws: l: livery person who shall lwrénrtor cnnllmit‘ the crimo of tr«-:mxfnq:xinsh the llnitml, Status. and shall heruljudgeul gujllv thl-Q‘eol‘, shall sull'cr lloutll, and all 'lllfifilaVN‘. lifi 'hn lzhttmy, .\lmll Lo lll}(‘l.ll‘(“l :uul mmle ('O9. lnr he shall lm imprimnerl fur‘mot lgss lmu Hive yam, nntl-linml not I'm; thnnfiltqn [thousand dollars: and all hill r-~tuts~‘.l'cnl§ and pm‘snnnl. oxclmling his slnvoa, shall be i levied upon. anv mile or conv‘pyanqo tdi'tllo contrary imtwlthslmnllng. I, ‘ l ' 1 "any pormn shall hummer inciml act on foot, assist, or magupt‘ in nnly rolwlli‘ or linsmroclion nguimt. the nutlmrity Mm l llnilcil Slates or the laws thrml‘, Nubia" Igivo aid or comfort to any such” twisting f robollinn or insurrection, uml be congll‘l‘tml :‘therool'. such pormn shall; lug pnniahwll by»! l thh forfeiture of all his per" nul profiéfly ‘ol'cverykiutl whatsoever, nrrslmll bu 1i}!!!- ljkhml by an imprisonment ofiten yt-argx ,Ml’d lfinml nnt oxen-oiling inn thol mull (lmllnrs, innzl all' hid Hlnvm. if ho Sllnhlll hm'é .i'tny, lmu be him-mm at Ihr; animation qllghp court, and ull such properly.,exclullllnz lslnves, 'shull bu lurl'citcd u} the Ullitud IStutos. . A __ :_ ‘_l_ _ ll Evf‘ry pqrmn guilty (if thp om‘ncofil'xln— scribed in this‘mchlmll 1m fnmvorjncafihbln um; aimqaun‘ml to hold any oflicc ultder'. the Unhndl smm. ‘ :3 .'2 ‘ 'l‘hla act in nnttolm cnmlrllnd in nnslywny . tn elf-mt or nltor tho prowcutinn. cufivic tinn m‘ jnmishmcn L ol'nny peflmn or paflpns guilty of Crmmn agninnt-lhe United SIFW. 'l‘o insurf: Um spa-«1y torngiuuti'nn ofilm L préuont rolmllihn. tlm Pl‘l’hlth‘nt in nu ‘hnr- .- izrtl to cnns‘e the seizure of all the pro “fly. rml and pbrsognl, of all smell: pommylomr. apply un'd use the proceeds (fl the In 6 {m the support of llw'nrmy of the Uflitcd Stnth. ’ - I: 1 ‘ Five cln==n<,O/l', pormns nh'o afi'ectoll by} this bill. ’l‘hoa‘o who shall hwl‘ter‘ thlrl ‘4 ' tho nllim .OE' l‘fvsulénlf, Vic. l‘rmillwlt. ', Invmhg~rstnngross, l'm olgn aninile-rtil‘pth ‘ ‘mnlcr, thn‘ snvcwllml (‘onl'cdnimtu Stdufis.— . ’J‘h‘o. B'x‘c’fidlont ii nullmrizéd to iwho- n proclaumtibn, and if. after thy dnyffl, fl“ parsons ill ‘l'vlvmllinn do not j-Murn (1') ”their“ ‘ allegiance, their property shill be Torfi:|tsld,. ‘ «to. All slavm nl‘lmrermw hlwrmflnr vl‘lgng ed in the robnllinn, mnwhh slnll Minty “_‘zxy give alitl null manrL thbn-tn. 95.6 1 '7“: to multakin: refuge within the lim‘s glour m-my. :m‘al all slaw; don-rte! by Lllciflmm tors and Mining: undur Lhn loontrol "of tho ,gnvernmonf oHlm United L‘ltntenpu (lull slaves found at plums occhtietl by ebel forces and nl'h-rwnrvls by thd Mullah laws 1 lronyw, shall he hold'tn be captives of war - ‘nml l'hrm’l‘r free from [hair lmrvihule,‘ nml lnn longer hehl a: :lflVOl-l.‘ N}: sla'vr‘ («aligning 'from ones-late tn finolhor sh‘nll hmlnli'weretl I up. ekeom for crimé m”- somd nm-ncc against 'tho law, unlo‘m the claimgifit ifirut make loath mstqlfis lawful qwnr‘mhip.‘mnl h'ujnnt ! borne nrm<in the prmontrv-lv‘llinn origivml & laid and comfort Lht-rutn. éNo personlon ngaged in tho nmlnl nmniliml'y sorvicbf'slmll *dcehla olf tho validity 01' ”3:4: claim, qr sur render suqh's'lavm onipniu of being digmisng Km from the wrvice. : ‘''Q E . l The President ii nuth‘nfizml to nm Joy my lmnny pox-mm nl‘ Afr-ram Janet-fit. l‘r "the supprwsion of Um n-hnlhnri and ugh “gen; gin such m‘lnnor (u lm mny‘ d‘pr-m brim): ‘the puhlih “T'lfin'rs, nn-l tlté l'u'os'lgll n 1 Lm {aim nulhnrizr-nl to make! prnvixinll far. colonizing lhn hlgrks buymid the limits of - Hhv Unilml Slab-é. j l l__ . l 'l‘hc‘l’x-tiwllvnt ‘is aullmriik‘tl l 0 («Mud In I hmrxul‘r in} rt-lmllilm p n ”In! llml mnnu- 1:19“ ‘ l purl: cannlitirmq a; ha may (IL'UHI exl them. ‘ 101.10 pubhc wolfilrg. ; f , li-‘F'The INN/L'anv‘rl li. nut-gm! snyw‘h‘lQuite n 'largo numb.» of “vrmlratlmmlsfl.” a are told, am mm in Bonuk'm. '"Ill some of the penulinr {mt-ml: of Lhé '|}ls(‘k« lmviq boen urging flunk-rs to [li\r‘hnrwflhoir whit? faru|_ lmmls nn-l,r-x:l{»‘n\"lhn:him-Lalwcmim Hwy mm hilt-p flit-m {ol' :13 can” a day till fall, null lhnh rliuchnrgm ”14-an ‘AHN‘ Wbrkifig‘ for 2’» coqh a day ull fillluhlL-n wnr,’ —is no longer lodm luv], (ha natmfnl Einfe’ . co i 4, Hit-w. ponfr hjmckfi m Iyr we}; nhnlto n lhn l‘mr’dl-mw for (Ho. wmlvn. Vv-rily his ii a r‘m‘m 193,14!k._I'philmithmy}v—lfirst m of? (he whib n‘mn and 'impdvorixh Mm for want of Labor, and than rich the negro of what Innis ju‘lly entitlv'i to. h-cmrm ho duos nut know the tvxln- mine QT himfiibor, and must him upon charity“ Minn ngchill in}; wind; of winter (mind [Won him.‘ . ' Q.“ «..1. an 0-»; .... l “ "7m! In an: a (blnirljfl3”—-Und¢t "Ii! onl-lion, ihe Landon, Mmlizon an" 01, Dam m'm! argue 521. 13“., hasnn nt-ticio rront‘ whicli wn‘clip the fullowing: IL 1 We. are informed thnt m'fl‘w’ dnyakim‘en certain Turmm‘, nnt many ‘Hes diam]; had discharged 3“ his whit» fawn hmylsnl d hznl employed oigmwn of tho nligroés 80m hiUmz-wnrd by Co}. Mopdyfut I‘2! Cebu per day l ‘ = : i E , [SP-Gt“. (Yul-tin, of Pad. has fulfilishud two Union Repealing Gun}: to all the ragi men’ts of that State» They cgrry " cum-o bulk [ltd are capable ul‘ dishlmrgingf émm ‘3O lo 100 all: poor ininute. 'l]boy&re fimunlvq on whonls; mu] are said 102 m vary dgcstruco tive engiug-s of warhra— rchunch; E ~-“.--a. . +--—-——° 5; WA‘ correspond?“ of the Cnnpeaut Relvrrler having asked thel best wny :Wpre vent. me nails from growi .., into the flab. the editor replies by Wig}: Iliamhg‘ sums: methodfid ever hoax-fl of, to cut 15¢ up]. i~"""’..,’ 7 ‘ ¥ filly a recent marriage, the imailm becnmag sister. and the grandmotiiei the mother of the bride. tmd 12m; sister became the manic of mp'brwegroom'. How did this happen? ‘; > 3 i ‘ A mu n 1 111 v miatale,6f p Illi'qois,9 quan pnweffnl :emetic) ~ (09 cfimnilmion. ggny Mien; kft. was rightful; i ‘ -..- . 4. ntcrs 4MB. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers