The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 05, 1861, Image 2

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"r'rt“* 51' ”‘3‘ "'7‘ :1" ’7‘- ‘ ,1.
.WE WARg In". mi," dropped from at i: imam.»
n 5 '_ , , stood-a moment looking Mil e n-trr-atin-g
. ~ .... I itnus’r. mine ol ”Willi”, lstill to minutely fir
' ins. and ml one 0’ is mutt-t mo; coming
‘. @AM PM“ HARPER 8 FERRY. itlown lrom‘tlu- front of theihitttery to ml;
' :I’usaengqrshy t,“’—“’“"“'“ Mopdaypre’nmg :ulru‘e ”hum the Wounded r "am. helnin
confirm tlu‘ l’rfll'm" Willi? ”luflif’lt- ”3m“ Dd suddenly toward him. f. ‘3 the batten.
’9‘] evacuated "Ml":r F “"l'Y- "J“! ““"“l"jl I an” the-name iintzmt J Hum! * ullctpiereéil
om ‘0 “I“ Maryland lit-lellfl- ”fl" ”gh'lih hrm‘t. llLl‘rllWitimnt roan. arm
Weill. tanner-3r, “l“ Fun ‘M “”"l‘v’" ‘lo”er his fall tho rout Leanne com lete. .
ready to loose at the. early-5t ammo-ht. I - * ' _.. _. t i ‘
fig?” B‘m-l“ l”‘I‘I""““° “M 4? l 1”? “Ii“ . Retreat of Gov. Wise 'l‘o'wards Lewis-
I unrtvi‘i. tun lii connnand wa~ uni yI ‘ ' , ' .
engaged in planting cannon and otherwlae; burg, Pursued by the 11l lted Stu”
ifffirtil’ring raga- Jack. on the Marylnudf Forces under 0811- 001- 1 . ,
”Gig“- ‘ , I Ui,mK-¢m:nq,July’ ISL—Au watch from
V .5 ut 130 men of the first New llanu» (ion. Fox on the 15:3”: inst. toilleneralIllos
» uhire Regiment vein atMioned at the Point; enemut. reports his an nal a (iuuley Bridge,
at: and“. .Conhulerate’ ivkets could hr-i Fayette eounty, at. the fall It!" the Great
mien new the le\ er.l,.n)t fir From Harper's Katum ha riu-r, wlneh hml‘ en entirely
Ferry. but growing 3‘“ positively known of . destroyedhv Eat-don Wont. ill owns retreat/-
the W'M ofthc Southern army. ling! on Lewixhurg, some thl r Hle miles
The strength ol' General llunlw’ army r-iwtwarrl, whieh point. net-In ing tojnter—
was placed at too high a figure on Monday. iceptod letter-e, iv to lthis rttll ing point.
as large nuntlwg‘ of Alu‘w [nonths' regi-l lien: (:‘ox tram- It Will) reqrurv tht‘lvl.‘ days
* nugtsJun '9l; sen ed put their term oft-n. to corntrtlct a floating; hrillgo ucr‘ofis the
Wt. lune returned home within a. fearlriver. “'in, he Raye, fill: tram actoa‘s the
day-... ‘ll‘is full 'rtrongttr now does nah-rout and datmym ullrtheita-idgeslonJm
probably, .03:ch twenty thousand men. r 00!“ lle reports cruaun'ing LINN) flint-lock
. . . ' '7' ~--- ’ ‘ musket; and :1 str qtity- ot‘powder
. RIGIDDISGIPLINE or GEN. KcCLEL— left. hermit by the I . I,
. .. ‘ . . ‘ Lol'lquuz, Aug. [din untehig from
‘ ft” “Him-til .luly ”lgtjri'fi entrancPl anlri'iltv to tin-(Jilin ier mylvtlnit ”mi, 2‘
‘ “'l' ‘ .(I'un upon "K it I” M 0”: ' ("HUM-trot the Southern lhtlf‘m, has [5
minder all (fine Hilhtmy Department. hast, -d -l . . l M" .- k‘ll' . 900
.jmpired the troops in and around Wauhkig-g c Ni" . m I?“ "if“ Tl”? li'l' . '. m 5”
#mwvith renewed Juilimr-y mthusiamn.‘ llc ‘ ".’"l km"; N (,"wi." . ti” P 0” is '39. .'e.
hm olrcwly vi-utoil the curious enlmch- “raw“ 3'}. 31'" :mi'li‘l-l “.hf‘p' Hi 29 l ‘lt
than“ on the Virginia aide, thoroughly ex; "I:"' ""1"? .’ln‘lml" *n“ wheel: n ‘
running biotin-tr eondition ullll'lHH‘t'flzlul, ”‘55 “I I‘"‘I"‘-}.“"Il'-; “mm“? ”‘3 s,’c“l"
......u has instituted the; strictestdiqiphne n- We” 0 I w MI U 113”- , i
mung the soldiers unit in“ all the «h- iarti . _l' ‘ T ”’4l—’
mentu ol' the service within lu'njm iinel ion.’ Fm” ”if "am wry. Limo! ii, men of ,ledny.
Brigadier, [(‘gimrnlal, and civil ofiieeru The Returned Volgnteers. ‘
. flt‘e‘tnmlte to unilei-«tzmdtliat' lounging and; 77er [tr/urn"! tfil'ir !’-n/-'I-—A [Miriam-r
:fifiilihg around tlu-I'eampq are not to lml Hm»; ”W 1 "WM in fjllin/r‘T/ic T: In 4'
permitted. The rrlueh nhn-ned pawport ' (inn/t (:iofln Gilli-r! 111-if. . l 1 “
lmhfin hthei-n preiltly r9<trieted. and fifth: haw- earel'nlly rel'ram at from saying
faeilitiew heretofore enjoyed-o frelely ol'eotn’-I anything oi an inflammato r nature in re.
mimiratiun tut-tween Wmhinglop and the yard to the infamous wro I: rmrpnlrated
rehellmn SuiterJiuve lit-en. :14 far 18‘. practi- I upon the returnml mldiers. Eiemuw it only
n‘t‘l', (Ellrllllll‘tl. The tril'er‘t ol' his rigorous ‘. wanted winething ol' tluit knd to xervé as
momma-4 .I_’l'|||‘l"lll)' ['4 (Ivt-rywhere tilt. and I a tori-h to tire and explode llqu mino upon
the arm)' hm lit-run to‘renlim the prev-n: e . which “'o‘ lure lu-t-u xtuiuliiizvliu- tho last
ofzt‘ military pom-r which may be Imt‘t-ly , {r-wd'iw. : Nair that the Ilaimorgs' firm. and
‘.trusted. " . ‘ -—-‘ . ',._ quiet limingain boen‘ restortid, \l'o teal (rep
_ . _rosr-ormcm ORDER. ‘ w lIIw-kI i. _ I 11. 11, fix _ I '
‘ . . _ 2.; .. , "2 . 'n- . r nnnb rl' ten :1 :I nu}: n. ae
“ill“ll‘“m‘”l'fil,”lv‘I 79': llll''“mMD" uell a~ theS'latv I,t'dminidm inn. kiwi} .prm
parstme‘ut hufhfll‘ll—l Epic U ”I‘HHIL’EI ll llW'lV llui tlnv on Wlln-h th ternw of the
l"""”5"l""“fl l I“ "'l’ ”MI"? t M. “I l‘EO'ldltir‘rn-nt ‘ri-«ziments “ouhlimtpire, and if
l“”‘.l‘ it'll‘l‘l‘” <“.‘ .‘"" ”,' “"3 r"”.””‘."t"" , tltev had made the prom-rl nurangaments.
ghost-wine”! the l titted Males. and tluuut- ~ 'l . f IrtWM“ . .. :lil .l . {I lean I.“
[toga-Ii” "ta. point “here tln-ylhavc been i i ‘ll‘. tltean ’ ‘I ' 11““. 3 “T . 'I I-. ‘ l’li
pl . ' .. f,.‘l l :l . . . will and Inn~tri< «1 out ol' tho «gnu-e HX
stationed. m“? lh'l flit“: fl . urn; ,Vfir “Ti" 1 hunru utter it~' arrival in thi eiltv. 3l!r~‘tv-atl
[arable to all“ 0! wt IrulnilJt .‘”] “ ”LII! II“‘.V i ol‘ .lninry thie. however. two ~rtl-glimenttu a‘rri
pr“ »""‘Ii"I Mint" "if tilt" I-‘m mm“ "H "T I red on Sun-lay. the 2l~t. on o ril'_i\'liicli “to;
{Huge t N rm)" or ””3“" ”X 4“. ‘h . , qlunleru-Il in IIIOUHIIIIHI. an I tile u‘itlnir seat:
’ . l . UH} ' \‘li Mil itvred ahout town.‘ (”lug-is l'nllloued' n‘ntil
. ‘ “ml ‘l‘”“mm ' 51' ham.” ' It‘apih-l Illill “as literally fivflh't‘tl. it wm
~ 1‘ ._‘- Il'unml tml tlh-re was hut‘nud Pa)" taster
ADDITIONAL FROM THEII'ATE BA?" I lwre. and _ln- not prepared][ to pay “flit. any
. ‘TLE FIELD- ‘-\ qumi-lei'ahle amount. ’i'lie otlicerk lealled
: We, eopy‘ .the-l'ollmvmg from tho “'IadILiIIm-y thr-Stati- authoritiM, ‘nul they in turn
irigton Stand Monday: ’ ~h-graphed to \\‘a~hinutrin. “hen nalis
“.‘"” “10“ Tim IH'I'TLE-FlliLD. ‘i mtrli un~ rpee'ived lo" John A. eraht. ear
, l'lthward 13, Dohortv, ol'cmnpany .\fievr‘n- i ly on :EIIPSIIflV morning, signed by Paying“,
I)"lll‘;l NV“ Y‘lrk R‘TJHIWM- Willi “HM. Kl-Eter material Larned. statqu that two ‘ay
‘ “11-Ift? Uh”. “1”"th lirflimvnl el' Mafia- ‘ mmteh' w-‘nild he :cnt to lliil‘riil-nru a: ‘oon
rhn<etl°, arriwd here thiy' morning. luwun:l gustlu-rrouhlget thmuoney out of,thgil easi—
auadu theirrwum ‘lmm llull's llun, u‘herel my. :anastor Rallaila. i‘" Weilne «lav.
ill"? Md been held an ‘primjwrs. 'l‘hr-y'iyiaid the Fir<t and Fifth. which exha ste‘d
fl'fikfli all Ull‘ ll'ltt'if-a'"lls'l.‘-'l~‘“l ”IM‘W'DW'N ‘ the amount. he had on hgmtl. ,7 l v ,
Fenlrim by a clever ruse. and then. guided f "In the tnéaut'mie the ‘r ‘turned soldiers
l')‘ the moon at night and ”10 Sun by day, I were without fowl or-holtl-r. put] some of
made rigir way to this city layer eireuitmrl ' them \\'«'l'fl rn/umJ int]..- “.'rmrih/ n/‘quqinq hi
to, s 'kingthe l’otnmne :lx‘ high as l.t~(-~:~31-,-pp from Many/Luv ." \Vhe t'he peonlt; of
filly Tl"? WT“ f‘X‘llHlW't‘l l't‘li'm “It“ llarrixhuru learnt-ll thi< hull. thev (cuneifor
sauitary emumittw- to-day, as torvthe eondi-i “’tll'll with il,\\ill' and (unplgy that “M re<
Ition ol'our wounded at tho llOflillith ol' the ildiiund to their credit for .El limo to'emne,
enemy. They state that tho report of a.and l'r-tl thr- ].nngry and tank fire cielc into
lioipiflrheing .‘hlu Med with our wounded in I their home: and cared in them: lilouqej
at, by the Conli-dnrates, is, erroneous. and I were their thrown open (inchhaskel. after
any that llm Slllli'l'ing :Iro “'r-ll cared for li)‘ . lta\kpt hf proviginnx nu: on ‘l'il‘ll td (lie hill.
fills enemy. Thu-rt- wrre 25:0 wounded sol-I NW “:1u “.15 4."... l“. the 'ieh mm, ',,f the
fliers at the St‘udle‘y Ulllll‘t'll lumpiltlul. The. I plums :ilnno. hurlrnmh-mlq rho “pfi‘irm pp
ln‘lo“l‘(‘(lentl.4‘!olulllth)‘ have. from twelve to . lv ahle to “trawl it in almulnhle detoi'm na
lfifwfi“ l““"l"“‘l l'l’l““'“““- forty-two oft tion that tln-uoldiors manna not wa t. L’IVP.
whom are atticvw. lit-M: line and “all? and I to the lastr-‘Wr mav inritkntallv llu-u ion
tweh‘m.ofmlrumdieid ntafl‘. 'l'ln-yulfiorluim I the (‘nso of ;. ]>fvol"-l:llnn'el' “ill”. oxhzu ~i~d
‘0 have taken forty-two piercs tll'oul';artil- the money he had laid up tlo pay hidreht‘in
ery.--I . . . , -l eupplvinz l'nmlJot‘ the voluhteérc. 'l'he iiu
'l'he (”outwit-rates say that from 1.900 to. thori‘ties on the hill tinalli' grit tl‘elr eves
{3,-oth wero killed ol‘ our men. "'l'uo rt‘gi-inpollml. and in order minim-(Iv {mirth-q,
merits had been detailed to bury the dead. ‘.al‘trr the m‘efi hurl uxlatod’ uitluiut mtinm
'i‘ln-y would not. however. h'ury tlw dead of i for tln-or- or t'nlu'il:|l\'~‘. mrveil out hard eraek
tho ch New York Regimen t—Ztiuave‘é— er: and raw heel—~rhm heefl, wlil'm they‘ Hall
150 in numher.‘ ' I neither firn or cooking utensilal.
'l‘hEy my on the other sidothattheyhavei While this, state of lltll gs “in: going on
a tome. of {rum at Fairfax. with :(urvalry i'n l—l—while the men were relu tautly lining on
large force, at lieeihm-g one. regiment, and 3 the charity of the eitizem l‘ llarrisl‘tn-éfiit
the mine at llallk Mill» lwnq given‘out that :everal l’avm‘aattirs hid
They talk about an advance on WaZélé- :_arrivud from Wmhingtmi with ll‘lrlnpy_¥_
ton. and my they intend to ero<s tl 'o—- 'l‘his' mm on 'l‘hninay mo ninL'. “nil“. lwery .ue following are the a .
'tomae 17 milns‘ahovq Wmhingtnn. lnne thought paying off wnltld he on rhenc- I (.‘”i“ l- , 'l I
Mr. Dohertysays lie saw four cartlomle M” ed at mob: hut the day wore away dnrl no- ,0 i reso "“0“ ' i ..
small arms thrown away by our men inusihodv wa~ paid. neither 0 Ild inndev ac- ""'_‘““<sr:' AdkinuA C M’,.B"'."°~" “i“:h
‘'. .' .. ' _ ' ‘ - ' ' I‘m nett C. Irert 4 ox. tr. I? t Ifihrld trit
l!) l”; plxsonhquarfen piel‘t-d up by the ennnt for the delay, (in rulayn llumla-r- i) ll ll '1 "y Y“E ii 'll 1
.flimfndnwau-«I‘I"l‘hc soldier; of the enemy 'of otlieers eallcd upon one ol’tliese liuivlnmii m“ I”; ' :1“ “WI; in :r, i i | a.“ Jnil' ”0 -
were alto equipping themselvoclargply with l m 1... 411/, mfimmfinm “-1".- some Wi’r‘e an-1 it," . \l-al‘lumi-n’lltiiilrlii-T‘h u , N 533, «323:,
the clothing. l-lunkets, knapsaeks. -&o.. of swore‘d ewuivvly imd othe a wére'in ormcd i \'.l ml million,“ APE“. if“ Ri lhitrdsou’
11“" “Oldie“ Wm.“ MPO“ ”‘9 "a“le‘m'l-‘i ”Wit “G “WI“ WV “’ll'm he WM r adv—i ilii infiin Smith sienna .) rilluia‘uwtmm'
,a‘llb Unlifcdernlcfl liotbtatl that they llml :L ITllt’SG men l|:|tl all their mugt' f To lg Pl'G' l "o rlleesy\\':‘\i'drlll. “R, Isl": Whili) (Ohio).
fig trap _laid for our army if it had got to pared,,and did evgry thin inllheir power ,w; knm-‘Wuod \l'mnln. l ' ’ 7
,he Junction. They had 80,0 th men there ito get their in n Mr. Son 0 propo<€l<l pav- l Jim/.'”;Xlessrs’. Aldrich.
ll“ Sunday. and would ha’velhad 10,000 men l ing otl‘ their liien themh l\‘l-RI and! other: ' lev'fiahbitt. Baker. lizntr
moro from ltielunnntl, but for: an accident. ‘ wanted togive a power ol' tto [rev ~tl‘\ other: Ilia r(\lo.l, Blairtl‘.l.).ltln
to the train. by which they could not. get parties to draw and reeefiit t' r t]: 'm. hut. hel , ('lmmliirrl.iiu,.(‘lark,
app in season. i The engineer of the train‘ the l’uymasters rel’uxed ll pr t-eed‘l'm any" lin . Roscoe Couliliug, (7r
mu; shot as a traitor. theylwlievingthat the,“ other way than the regnlxtr n etlux , u~/rai- ler. Davis, Darin, Delano.
pars Were run otl‘purposuly by him. There my- ”147/ li't'rt‘ rt‘mlv. ' I l ' litmi Edwards, Elliott, l-'
is a scarcity of provisions at. Manasms, es-I {fl‘huu m:v.tter<-stnml until a ut 4 {clock ; lelk- ”001% ”000“";
IpeEially ol' "out; I" . ' on Satui‘lvlay utter-noon. when larg. num- ‘ F’s , ”05‘0", “Hit-'lth‘n'v J
A cou-eqmudentfil‘ tlie,Ne\lv York 'l‘ri4 lmr ol’ tho ‘Voluuteorm enllgr 'atedl in the (.\lilili.),_lwllogg till), l.l|l
hone, (one ol‘ the 79th re;_vinrent.,)= descrlb- Market square. who had elwpe ted t' spend 101 l §l"l‘"-'“I‘y “"l‘m‘ril'h ~‘l
ing the late battle. remarks: . , i the Sahliath at home, her-lime clnm mu:_ .\lmtnll (Mame). “0”?” (\I
First ofall “‘e'oliservedwlmt had been all sommnf them exeeedinzl‘y in triat . An ”111 Pom‘h 90"”.- lim‘ (I
glay'conccdcdr—tho deadly accuracy of thel etliay.~lahelled ,“P‘erast r," ms h mg on< IE" I!“ Roll") (5' "'l' '
Confederate artillery. Retiree a shot failed I the_l.-inip-pn~t‘jn t‘rnn‘t nfllho . ones "nut-‘pl :2" lhl‘ld- Ihllt‘ll=tl"'\‘l't£*'ri Ff
to bring down .its horse. an or gun~ear-' whieh wm not on fire and m <11," 1 amid If" ens.‘:lholmaa ( \f'>>-l\vl
fiage. Ar: one regiment—‘J‘Elhink thelirook-; the linzzac ol' the soldie‘nx.{ \\ hile re eon-i “140'" illi‘ ERIE“ “" \‘t
.lyn huh—was advancing Io the eerge; a' flagration was: going on I re] th r giment‘ “mm“: El), . $133546
shot from alrilled eannme‘lrought down flu. lof fawn-N marched in fr m lamp Uurtin ( “13.). "lb 0“, t» ~
flag. color guard and all. Ilt was seized in-l nnd elmrged down Secont 'tr et. he re- i . 'llbe 80mm?! 0“ ““5“”!
I’strmtly by other hands. anfUiorn rapidly on. turned volunteers being “lililio‘lrt ar F. gave , ration and sedition hill-
Whenever men would lie down under the 1 way. The cry was then raised—‘ l‘o._the| ‘r, Curlilc, of Virginia
alone of a hill to screen them -from thel Arsenal for your armal’l an the farewell sd'c' nof the bill “hm,
withering tire of the batteries, the gunneml roman-need mattingin that (ii ectio . Thei l . , '
would {get their range so accurately that: 12th went unfl‘hiril street at nubli quick] ‘2 ’"l h ” f'ir'h” 3mm"
ballsand shells wrhildcome skimmingovert time. and succeeded in [sun und lg the I°° "mic." “fol"“dfi%
the hill-aide, notsix incheSlfrom the ground, l Ar<onal before the volunttters uld got any of Ie l Inter! bdtxtles, ti
plighting in Ithe‘ hollow,’ amid a nest of , artm out of it-ra fortunate ireu cterrace sc.‘ I'l.""h;“_ri. fl???“
crouching soldiers. Mani and mania poor I which certainl? Prevented bl dsh . l "'l‘ t) m “‘9‘“ 33%“:de
follow Wadkilled “trite lying on his facqor Some ollthe volunteer‘l gt an id dis-I of 'ignvfle'g of digits “I“
in: gully to avoid he shot. " ’ l mounted . ann‘nn, and dr¢w i do“ to the: 1?. to filter] gm“, “l; ht:
. Spéakingot‘a charge made y the Federal - s unre mm dray. with thelaro edit tention ian nu . administer or ‘c
ffi’l‘lfi “ll 3 bMtel‘)‘. the “ti r says: i 0?“bl°“'l“2 “P“l‘e payaiailter. 'l‘ '35 sub-r tel-ell biforc him illi- folio
Numbers of bur men w‘on down as the . sequently taken l‘ack. l . . l «it do solemnly we" .(
gunk-mm of iron swept by wand it. was The threats to tang tilta pa 'mastiu' were ‘so 'pofl protect and d“.
ith no little ditticulty that wife could close very fierce, and the Jones; 110 <9. iii wh'ch . ml goriemmem or the l'
p thewliuo so as to clutrgo V-efl'ectivelyn—m he was stopping, was guard d by toldlers l alllenemies, whether (loin
goon‘this terrible gulf w. « passed, and our lof the 12th regiment. 1' i t ‘ l “1“,, 1 will benr truc‘ fnitl
mén charged up the hill with renewed! Order was finally restdrcdmn a proxiiise milic. any ordinancom re
vigor. The Confedfles waited. until wel to pay yesterday morning; unit the pavmas- wCo woman: or Legislature
{Lappoured above the wof the hill, and i ter was an gomlas lnsl word. [file coininenc- wi hstanding; amt fnrthci
then poured Isuch a. volley upon’us in; dé-l ed Operations on th 2d regiment at the ‘ a ll determination and
pimatted the regiment in an instant. Scoresl United States llotel ¥t 10' o'clpck, and 0011- mclutal reservation or or
pffiggn t'éll l'orwardlon their faces- with oil tinned throughout t. no do}; iand will con~ help!" God'” , it
peculiar supine momma“ a wave falls for—i tinue to- lay'until all are paid. 1 l I And on ”3911' "filial! flake snéh on"! the:
ward on a beach. Capt. Brown being in nil-'I The, no diers throw hout coitduetttd them-' shall be deiftlm‘d “3 Pluzllol‘ “Mil EM ““8""
Vince. andabeing thetbnfederates running selves w: h great fontbearanqe, considering ration of quiet and peace a the locality where
from their guns to the cover of the trees, " the cruel manner in 'hich they were treat-I Such ”1‘03“ mnyklune my: made: Angry
; rushed 'forward. waving his Isword, and ed, and wflcre declzii'e, lit-our convérsatiom pet’son having F“ ii" s:"ng atlr “l"; s,” '
'Slloll-Iti“l " NOW baysaallyf’ genreely iwre' we heard. at it wa. the'kinklnessiand lib- 1 “$91112“ “she‘ll“: “mil nlgnli‘nst it: 302:2:
Mthe words from his lips when a rule bullet: eralitv of‘the citimxii extended to the sol. , ““im‘ ”1232“: iiilliifi az'll-If‘cfm'3hgp'sgéze mm
' pier-cod him through the neck :at the some} (lien that prevented it serious nut-Break, in f‘gllgll'lL rti'ci‘rfiib‘od “I: mine who violate iheir
lmtanf 1‘ “"Ith hallentchdlhis Sidp‘ and “me“ we all would ium SUlT‘el‘ed moreto, littl'lrlilt:J a 5 provided in Ih} 7th section of this
he‘fell‘to the earth, pnmedastt we"! to the 10$“ . . ~. it i,. . . lliill." ’[Death or such tither ‘Punishme'nt. as
8‘0““(1' ‘ l Th“ A‘lml'l"lml‘° at. Y ‘llmgtm‘ m“ court-martial shall directi sentence to be sub
.' Some of hi. men tried to take his watch. have dorm; difliculty neip ailing away the mitted to the couuuundinj lJlllLel' of the mum.
Qiyi'ordor of the lieutenants, but found in oauv'é of ‘tliiq outrugtL Thael nowledge the ’ ry,depnrtmcut.] 3' ,
Wm his, yitals. lle dibd bravely and incnmpeteney of .0 officers appointed: Mr. Cal-lite Pam that lrtaliation would be
as he had Wished, llaYl often Expreswd would strike too n 2: home, hp otherl ‘ . .~- . .
the impe that he migliggnever survive the came cruifbe assignc ,orwe are grwly mis- “‘l’ ”SUN 0" It! ldoptlm, and would injure
defeat of the legiméfift Capt. Shillmgluw man-med. . . ’ ‘ l rather than old the I molr‘muae m the South.
"88 shot through oth knees, and innne~ 2 Many of’ the midi rs. ifi enroll for borril'ort-; Tliat those who were in Jul-ins agaixrst thagov
‘ Mimi; after (Imp of hislinep lifting hdnl up ably. mid lpaid ofi' pifomptly, wouldihnve re- ernmcnt did not regard tllle oath as a moral or
'—. dr 5 was ymg on us ace—foun iim entex-et tre service in: ut leavin the ci— - ' ‘ i 3 ha '
‘ dead,with his beard dabbled with blood tr]. The treatment. illeyhave. recefi'ed will pgaolei OTIIEZSIZ‘imrg, :- ‘th: lfozidwizit:
Iron)! wougd in the head. At this timelnot only prevent tliem :from going back, ”PM ,' ‘ b it C lid 11 Id
thqastorn; of battle redoqlilethe regiment but it will militate ery much against mist: k‘eu prisoner y t e org e cratesf .e wou
univered, then fell back and retreated slow- ing new leriw. Tl}: man that. were here . fella“; take “I 03““ 01 “d, and If "- would
mum firing at every step, having last; will soon be scat}? ed oi-er the State. and‘w his life and 3.9 ‘euefit his family or
Werghofjh; best officers. A general rg- thrill- statements 'illgotbewithout woinht. ed" try, he would 1" into to violate it..—
preat. then commenced. l hay talk at aday of retribution, and, we "I“; loud‘ed the o‘," '" tion: of the bill
Col. Cameron. who had succeeded in rat- thin it will mahnoh‘oniy 0 but I .. P~ ed '
tying the men twice, seemed paralyzed at numfiw. Every election day will a dayl 1N: C°""“‘I “In"! (Re '1) “Ind to "W"!
this new rcversgt-the sword which he had of retribution for years tIo comp. " sgnions ofthc hill—par ularly the is}, 7th,
6E1); "Wu
<9 {—51:21 \IT‘ Ii; ‘LA G -
x'l'h'v an
T ‘4 nu
I Nm- m--» _
CONGR ' € € , 5
Monday. in the Sense, .\lr. Ten Eyck
the qmmuittec on tln- .:. iciuryr’h-fihrtéd
n bill requiring the m t uf allegiance to
Iminislercd In all citi‘ finnMuyed; of [lie
runnent. Pa‘siml. EV} ‘3
. ‘l'fumlmll, from [he
inrfim whom was 11-11
0 Buurd of Police of [II
maria] of the mvur n j
7 to ' UK" smn‘e FuLjN't,
uiltoe (’h-sin-d to be I!
at con-‘idernfinn of the
. Trumb‘ull snid they
iunz‘nl legislation \vus
muvr.‘ .
in llnynrd submitted an
on of Air. Tr mliull, il
ioix, gmntingrtn the m
'--.riuhl«\:. and roquirin
,‘lhcr Ilc‘livcrcd up to .
luchlmrgm] from will
I . Bun“! mill h? used a
I to [ho majixrily of the
Ire r'esoluliun what he
PM}. He said thin u
Inlion m the policé on
tho nmrdml ought to
nutlfim’itie! where u "h I'}
nst him or lue n-imsnd.’
‘ m r
_1 [lnd
f iipn
w' manor was pnutpune
H 1 "nuwpnzcwl the Dir
my: 60. .\h'. Mel‘ntu
J! impoaos 1115: on ca
fly dollar: ; gold “and:
watches, 50 cents; rxri
a, 5 cents per kifllfnn”
s 60 u-nls pI-l' lmrr‘cl, l
.\l‘ 1
ncomos oversfloo pm- u
iugmom-y nl inlcrcat,
e cou'my is also ta.
{lv net incmm' ol' the
‘ \
,Ou ,
1‘ i
'r rurronry or bank c
to: are likewiw ln‘xod
r. Stevens reported In:
a and means a pill app
for the yuiw|-hnsc ofnr
‘ rnmeut; “hick was pn
r. ('in, 0‘; (mm. offered
lhut' nlljmngh curtain
rary “‘(‘lrv violently res
m gmcrnmvnl, yrl. in:
s of chillzvd “:lrfxnre.
ur inslihniuni, the duo
HM: 'pmu'qublo rl'lurn
Ild InnnifcM n dvaire ‘
mute, and linpmhu."
(‘L' (‘nmuxisfiun ofunc
w ‘élll‘h ium mllnpnts‘
mnitmlfimtcs as slibu
; nnd that (‘ongréss u
d Bren-n, Franklin
e. .\inriin Ynn Burl-n,
lieu-rd,- Johnson a co
invino, in September In
[her of cummi<<iéners
Confederate Sum-s; in
u an amicable mljualmc
ul difliculfi‘fi. The r
«1. '
81h, 9m and ilth~Pronountiflg|H to be u.-
ronslilutinnul and unjust to “lose ‘ ho had A
right mg citizuns to claim pruuclion" from fthe
cifil process. ‘; l '
Mnßayud mos‘éd to poslrone {hefurthcr
consideration or the bu! nntilltoanajrrqv.
Hr. Fesseinlen, of Mn, (Mp 4) min-fl to push
pone indefipiteiy. , ! V, ‘_ . .
Mr. Breckinridgc mid the‘ mu nmmmd to
Cumpiue in den-Hut Romain efn-ry filing atm
cious thm has'h‘en perpetratezd upon any fire
people-in the lust five huhdrea‘ yifarfn, “and the
lulrodudion of §E9h a hill i 4 th Synnte was
the must gloomy conunentarylou {Hm degener-
Qe character ofthi: goveniul+nt lint q‘uuld be
'ogrmd. -. J :1
«4 cr ; .
)‘k. Trumbull asked ifinn.
acct-sun ihe hiaéum hm
don‘é by flog Prcridenv?
'm. 13:2thng said If m
cdufinucd, Ind}!!! immcr |u ll
nskéd for. he wonkshnw 111$! n]
unjuut or uncohqlitifl‘iunu! {that
meme": we”: mh'wimn goesf
hil’lglx ,
4m. 5.3361,:
Min-Club, af ng Unmpihi’rle,
that the bill be hill on she (dbl?)
you and guys “fer?! called, "#310!
l'nu—Mcssrs. Bli}Bl'll, Hrc‘ldkin
Clarke, Cmmn, l-‘easendt-n, Johns
secJolußufi ol'fllasnuri, 1.“):qu
Pearce, Polk, Pow! yll, Sunlabfiry l
~15. w z ,
Mun—Messrs. ~‘(rithonyy m gln m, Browning.
Caxlilv. (.'hnndler, album-r." fix In, "column
Font, Faster. Grimes, llnrlu , yln‘rriq, Howe,
King, Lune ol' lmligmn, Lune n Kxfnsus .\lqrnll,
l’ouwruy, Slmrnum, Sumner. cnll-Eyck. Trum
bull, ngc, Wilkinson, W,“ In)? n'hd Wily-on‘
—-27. - l k .
’ctinnimillcd on the?"
r’i-d? the mmnoriplg"
nhnamre, find Mini
’1 ‘c‘fllizens in ”IF?
lr‘phrtcd "Hm! do
[ugllm’gcd from [fie '
Esq-myrinlfii‘ ‘ ’
_dtgvjuwd that 00‘1‘.
xidt; pmctfimble III) 9
5‘ r l
“inflame"! to dial
Illa shupo‘mf a 1+»,
mI Halista pl! their}
“hair“ K-une +O3
1(- ‘ivil ablhuriligs’
"In the Home, Mr. Spaniding, (if S. Y;, ofl‘ur
ed I resolution nximing I%“anle 2}] of Au
gust, for the ndjuqrmuent sin: digit»! thq Senate
and the Huuse, lh¢ Senate cm‘cunhintg. ,‘l'mscd.
Mr. Rim, of A|§lss., from qhe hommittea on
military‘nfl‘aira,'iplroducc«l_ b‘hl‘nppmpriu
lihg $1,1‘00,000 {9‘}- the cons! uchnn ul twelve
side-wheel atenmeérs of light... flllhflfl :un] grlcal
Spl‘g-d, to he cnmmkmdud ‘hy 9", in le' the “My,
to pursue primtrq’rs 'in creel“ mil] '
'Mr. Burnett. urfiecuca. 13.1.: »1m
S'eqrelnry of ~we Ku'vy are nfltcmh‘
:r ' wvidc Ir Inj‘L-hnuc m- oilh-r"
mgungi' of(‘|‘h°<
ll¥llillrprbllt r! d
91 ‘bvcd tb'rlm tr e
“w at “My!“ 1!
It nhe respect ,
c ‘ clivcreh lo 11:
Pg qouldgbe math}
- L 1
ct “Billihyym
ox \‘o‘cd ifor the
-i 'in-s of fru‘m o_m-~
lJunta» dollar; gil-
.0 km, 0" 11h.a ”'l‘“
scls' n: muy be rdlquircd fur: hem
ludhd to the charges ng‘minst slollls]
meals of {mu-l uni“ bechlxuio , r‘Jir‘
country is rife—cihmrges brmfphi .
of their own‘pnflin'nn‘d nnut hh
the; power and firirilego nilh "
very men wnnfid Vic-mint (Map. {
hill is ‘in invilmfion to the 1-(3
Navy to mum- (o {Rhiahfll nan
all Iridium. from tfic files of -
filth-d snils, nre r’llfi'ng‘nt the!
Mr. Burnett ob c-Mml tn lh
in \j'izhieh lhis ”out‘trvsrl MI in
What was the uhjm‘t . (hp
were thew ships {in b milk,
to he efl'lplone'dffl‘wl h j! l.
thihg nlmut my bill in.- are n
An. Wichlifl'e. hht‘uug piriu
up ' rover! the bill} '.
31:. Rice disclaiméd nny h
(ha; mercenary illPlorosH of .
run} exphlined (lml‘lhn Vessel;
Fern‘ico. Ile mofircd llml. we]
huiyieltlulto i’ ' V f
' xlr. Burnett, w) o oxlflnimf
saifl "I'M he “MK-Jud lo lht‘ in;
jm-ilt m the hns'vim‘m alum-11‘
which this (‘in-Arias hnd r+
lhmmgh by g g-flnm Mr I,
know more .du “t, thr- bill. I
. Ths bill-Inns p+s<od. {
Mr. Washlaurnq, of‘llliuui
bill lo prohibit H‘s .xulo M in
3.. gm District ..rjummm.
Mr. ('m‘odf', of! P;llné_\l\'tl
son after “ snldiérs," “ um
-nr nny elnplo_\'vosibt‘gm‘rrnu
Jur. \vnsuunme} or Illinois,
nmendmentifil \irre npplwl
1" go one meml gfiof this “on‘
In the Swarm? on Wedn
jbint reaolution ‘ .‘nljuuru :1]
M. was considerel and laid ‘
in the “oust-V, .\Tr.y\'nlhunli;
fullon 'mg rgsnlutijun, a kick
11 Apirit'UollA
IL-n fcrlumned li-
contain gallon
fl. 3 per elem” i‘n-
c. : Emu-_innterést
d, ind-ludi‘pg :1 mx
RM“, but not an
lllwliou. gLundod
J ‘
m nnmjittee of
inting ._’“),000,
1 ‘he uizn u! the
ré‘iilkllihfi (‘N‘lflf
_hcs M‘ (in- Con-
Flg llu- njmhnrfiy
m-dmn'c with the
fl Willl L‘lm spirit
‘ nuM he 1:?! when
land] .51 4le |flu!
{hump gin-it fil
lupuingmlcnt of a
nu l'nrll: Slule m
L' mnsljéntionfof
ml to serum (but.
Miln- Ninm. Ed
rn, .\liflird Fill
lwing, J,‘ Guthrie
iasinu to meet at
.to mmlian equnl
hq nppn‘nted by
lor m Ih-tvrminc
Hhe-uisting nn
ution was nega-
r 1 .. . . . ‘at t _ .
“cur: 1,031‘“ 3121‘;’\\'“=|,;,;I,n.g ‘ ' inumbcr ol' tlmm nn- nnw Inhstoll m the
‘Wlu-roas Jmilcsi E. llnra‘eyl \li Not to Por- ‘at my bottling for i” porpoit it)" '.
tugnl, «lid. in this month 0!" .\(n ~h‘ nmi A'pril .‘" But (ma slmrt your Bng. when t'lm Doma
lmxtZ conwy confiilonti-nl mu“ lni orlilnt inlor- 'in-ms spoktc of [he‘ln'HEfi lilhl w’krp ”n. 9,“.
Egrslzl‘ll2:7s:.(llllfnfiinl‘ln:a :3.- 9:." :belflggfg: “oning tho‘dissoluiinn nl'nur glorlléllh' l'llinn.
mitts of the gnitielznmvnl offline“: 'nitevl Status in.“ licplllnlimnfl Tidicme‘lem'd I‘llvhnl'mrml
for the suppre-‘sihn of lho ln-l‘ llipn i-n snigl them assomsinnists. “'n'ilmpe.’thmj‘l'nrn.
5“.““5 and “1‘0“?“ the 5““1‘ J“! “3 h.'H:lr\~uy ; that no Denim-raft. will be ixullctil by their
has suhscquanlln. declared, in g puhhc com—lTb ‘l' . ~, _ ,
munic'aliou, that l" thedisprrl-h‘ sby him semi a ”9 Pl" eh’lon‘” v“ '~
tn the rebels in. gnu‘thJ'li-olim «ore first 121"." "‘ l ~
shown to nwmbefl' (:i the lllltilinl , Miou there-l I" I)m(bl.w—Tlmsnydéronu ‘3' pnpl‘rhasllm
of—nmn-fore l ' ‘ l f announcement of some fnrty lulu-ion of tho
Rnult‘cll, That, the l’resillL-ntxlf tho linitnl nppfi‘lflican PAH)“ who explmniiillingness
Stzltexhc rcquwltg‘d to itseortiiu \l’hut'nwmhurs ‘O4 e til . t . ll 13““ "J H"
()flhc mlminiatmtiml “ere ihu‘ilcontl-rnedjn'" 0" I?" mun ry m mu fr?" ‘0 '—
aiding and “betting "mum?“ chmm’mflwbmes. if nominated and elected. lllhopq op
tions with the nhels, and, ill“) iucm .utiblelpms to :ho,mn~idemble dhuM,l lmwvvor.‘
“ith the puhlic ion-nuts, tn’fur Int" n-mm‘c Mto what nail“? the party “.m "in" under
said Inorgann‘frmujunthmin imde ill], and to . ' ' ‘
recall the said James ElHxinieLr I “5 50"” Sim”? ”em-“elves“? mlzlm't 1» “I 0 ‘
Mr. May, of Mnlyland, prele ”yd it prenmbh. nomination. 0f ““5 ‘lloyulilgcanl P‘W'Y H‘“
V ' . h I
and resolution in segnrd tolfih arrest oi thd others, tto “ looples purtf. , ’P‘d 0”““31
Baltimore Police L'ouimissi or which is de- : again the: :‘ Umon, party," -; Bill they ““3“
dared to haw been in Viol? onjnf law. They} “11 Repplillcnns. 4 ' l f l
were first confincqi in For: cillninry, but were .l , wigfil“;ri 1 7”?" '1
lust “eel: taken to one ofthellorfs in"er York ~ 18' reoson ‘ , 1
my ’or ivhich “we" M Ml5O ‘ has V” been Hear what Abruham Lincoln 52ml n 0 lnn- ‘
'.w"' ~ ‘ . i l
mndv public. Tl9l resolution rel-hues “ that. gfl' qgo tl’mytllc 4th of If”! Mflfl' ~ ‘ l
the nrrestnnd im risonment oft: nrlcfillofird,l Angipoge you. go ‘0 "'5" Yorir-‘xl‘lfl "f.”"l
William 11 Guli‘lit'll and‘Ju‘lm‘ ' Ijln'ii nna' ‘W‘Yr"m‘IWIW-‘lfl'm’W‘ ’"""‘i".”'"" “m“
: l l: .. ~ _ 41mm” (LU) 0N El'l‘fililgyot: n-u.n"./I:(//yl-.l
others, without wln'rrnnf and: prawns oflnw, IS] Eng} THE’ [o33l‘ch L_ I.” (l‘ll—Lfl’rlllxsl
flagrantly unconstlhlhonflll an“ illegal, and ‘O, a, my {Wrbofise ARE AGAIN fppx ;
they should, without dclny, ‘rhleascd, or YUUJH -‘ ‘
their case remittéd to the firop r judicial tri-l rfl'The "of; 33"]; “Ir-ll];- of NJ?" ‘
b‘unals to'behlwfpllr heard ‘andidaierminmw ‘ ».. . . '- ' 11" ‘ ‘
.Mr. Binghnm riisu‘l the dam of 01-62} thntl "“"lp‘m'e’ '8 "“3 “mm m“ ”m °l "“‘l
the resolutmn'vlolalted tho é ldiltg rule.—'bammg. :row'who keep .“P the cry Ofl
Sustained. 5 l -g ‘ ~ . l."“°”°n: ngxunat honest-mindedlnen,'who;
1., [he Seriato,dn‘Ttiur=dns,n ongaiscuuion;dP'nO‘fQUOW m the, immfiluq’tel Wake ot‘i‘
took place on thé motion' to "pone the in-E Bepubltcpn lenders. To “h, “1"” 5"” Of‘
surrection arid addition bill in _ the-next lea-j 9- patriot} a“? man_ illnle “1'1““ L_"_c“d_ (ml):
and nnys on Mr
Icy, Arnold.~,\sh
l‘L-nman, l‘illghnm.
' lfax, I'. .\.L‘ank
\ ny, Cm‘inlo, Cut
) \‘cn. Dub", Egor
qenaleu, anchot.
"Ange!“ Hale. ll»:-
KtAllyfl kollogg
Loomis, Love
:ou, Mdorleud,
i Ig.
’ wrs
. ()lin,f‘ike, Pame
l _ss.), Rico (Raina)
‘ilguick; Shunks,
I mun, Spnnldifig,
'l' min, Trmtbridgo,
', “'nll, :“VIIHHC‘Q,
, \'ashburu’e,\\'hitc
_ Wright. .
+00]: up the insnr-
tippmcd t‘lio eighth
o uls as follows:
, That any military
)r‘munding general
ommnnders pf the
‘ L and military dis
a, ed to betinn suite
' ihy muse any per
k) the government
.llruupht before him,
{l5O to he adminis
; zing oath:
L'l‘ atlirm) that I will
id the constitution
1 ed States, ngninst
geitic or foreign, nnd
‘ hnd loyalty to the
dlminn ofany Stale
‘tb the contrary‘ no!-
-,:thntl du this with
5 ledge, without any
Bion ‘IIBLCVCI’. 50
sinn. It was nod postponed. ’
In the Mouse, IL". Shawna:s fl-i
we of ways And gleam, repone
was passed, spphpristing {3l"
viding field forlfificuiona for 1
Washington. . j I
The Senate bfll approprliatj
for purchase of Ofdnu-ce And 6
was then passedfl Z l
Also, I bill‘a‘pbroprialing‘ 5
purchase of ordnfmue for 711;:
Pugscd. . .
)Ir. Fculon qfl'cfrcd the folio ng: 1
Whereas, it dis} cufrently re orted that. the
forces now in {Mil-"ion B‘s-inst the govern
ment, have cumin persona n ( éir hundl, bne '
o! whom is Hon. Alircd Ely, n. ember of mi;[
House; therefore! 4 ' ‘
Resolved, That the President e requested to,
furnish this House with any‘ i rlunmun on she
subject, that may have reache A
VIII]. l'uascd. i
.w «G»— ht...—
QThe New York Time; 351;: “It is:
notorious that” Gen. Scott “consented
with the utmost, relucmhcc 'to.‘ order the,
advance “mu another lbxfinifihy should'
elapse," when Gems. McClek'lnn.‘ Patterson
and Butler would have been; r yto make
a. simulmpeousatmck on thé 535.315. l
flThere “a said to’ b?
schoélmnsters ih the Third ;
ment, which bu just gone :10
l i
The Vote. 3 ' ‘
The voteon the pcmioeitimi 6f Mt. “’ond,
OT.New York. in the "cum of Rbprmr-ntlh
ltives, on the 15”: ML, is‘imwrtantz and do
,serves to be placed on mean]. Thin follow-
I in; ne‘tluz proceedings in connecliqtr their--
'llhz— > ( ”3’ '
Mr. Wood, of New Yotkgofl‘qul a New,
, lution that this (‘nngrm‘mflmnfi 111 to the
Gv‘wernnm of the Fovr-R'LSMNH to con
‘tene their Logidnturm tug. tlgi- pigrw of
milling an election 61‘ (“d (lith'fléfll‘a from
.éac-lu 90 ressionnl (ll‘i‘l’lt‘t. tn, nit-24' in gn-n
-vornl «fixation It lnu'hvillv. on the first
iMomlny in Soptemhc-{noxt—the purinw
of said OOnVention beingto devim mezwuro"
’for the restoration of peao'e to our country
-Lbut oljéction wags made him). the Re
' pulilican side, and ' :
‘ Mr. Wnsllburne. of Illinois} mov‘Nl to lay
it on the table, which was :Ing (to—yeas
-492. nays 51. ‘
1 Yns—‘Mossrm 'Ahlrirh. Alloy. Appleton.
: Arnold. Athley. Babbllk Btlkor, Baxter.
Batman. Binghnm. Blair (Mn..) lithir ([‘a.,)
lßlakmßifiipglolanamLerlin ‘lafkfiqltiipz.
.Fredoric' A. (‘zmkling lice K‘ Kl'nnklihg.
Conwav. Curm. Cutler, Duvizl. Dimes, lie
lano. Diver), Duvll. lvuim, Rdgé-‘ilton. lid
; gmrds. Eliot. Ely. Fontnn, ch‘jt‘lldé‘n, Pram
vllnnchett, Hayrian llix-Ll‘gmn. llm-t‘un.
4 lluwhins;Juliau.Kvlly, Kt'll gg([ll..) Kol-
IJngg (Mich..) Lansing. Ltmlnis, .lqujhy,
i McKeml. McKnight. Mol’m‘nmsf Mitchell,
l lflgrohmd,3fni'rill (V 1.2) Ni-xnn. Olin. l'at
vlnn: Pike, I‘m-tor, Rico (11-n.) thldlo. llnl
} lins {‘3l. ll.) Sedgmnck. Slmnka. Shot‘l‘u-H.
LShillaln- velr, Shrunan, Sloan. Spnuhting,
'HtoveonltonJ Thonms (.\l:N~‘.‘..) 'l‘rnw
bridge, Upton, ‘anlqvor, \‘nn 'lljm'n, Vnn
g Valkonlmrg. Vim “bu-k. Vern-'9, Wall,
. “'nllncv.“'alhll (\AKF") “'n'ltnn ( Vt..) Wash
,burnc, \Vlym-h-r. \V rite (1m1..) \Vlfmlmm .
. Nn's—Mosiyrs. A,llen‘,‘Anmmi. Hailey t Ha.)
l Brown. Burnett, “£|l\'(‘l‘l.\‘:lltlt'lhll‘l]. (‘ul;ln.
Cooper, ('m’ning. t‘ox, CraW‘ns. “Naplnillf',
Dunlap, English. l-‘isilu-r. P‘&Jko._ Gl'lllt‘l‘.
, llaight. Harding; llnlhmn; .lm-ll'son. .lulm
;S<\n. lflW._,-Lazmr. Lngnn. Mr-L‘li-rnm
‘ I rr_\'. Nn‘n-js. Nollie. Xor-11. Norton.
when. l’vmlli-tml. “Pill. liivlndrtlmh
'son, ltnlhtw film.) Smith. film-1905 3‘
lgtm'le (XL: J 2.) Vallflmlialnhm, \rilillill'll.‘
:Vudrhms, “’zukwnrth: .\l'urd, White (0..)
flViclilitlhhfiVood, \vmdr‘un‘. 1 ;
thifir h‘pd (Inc-eh
ot {Buddy-both
Is cup sion was
'qu sliofi «n 5
+1 niiucr how
in? a of 1!"!
gm: . ey'ondit'.’
i(|l Ip.)rmovéd
'onjwhich the
0w 1 _
id \ckllrighr,
n f'l‘t-unes-
h.’ “chaugal,
pull Thomson
airlenl 92ml
(- Furl: v0:-
r. ,1” al—
of Dl'pull-,
1 which the
I , , ,Who Are Secess’ionistsz ,
. Tim Now; Ymk Tulwnr is HAM-r 3?“ of Hm
: Republican part) _lho I’uiijle Ly ngil‘h “If‘y
. Hum-uh, The other Idny “'0 xlmhm-ll‘by :u-ci
fdont to ohkm-vu a rr-qulfk' in ilfi‘rdiinliu!
columns which looks it 1,19 mniidm-ably
:mnqm-undifl than mlisidolf’nmg. It} “as (his:
I 5“ I! i. by 71.9 "akin; l/u" .3]u‘(‘;/l‘(‘.l/H/11/ ium/l“ .\lu -
’jl‘lfl/ inh'n‘elfllf It’lylllll’lL'llMA’JH illltl-J‘IIH'H (In: l‘lnl’llh.”
. " And the rvdmnl givc-n‘fm- this: frigh’ful
g'npm'ixnon of indifl'oronfo in rnga'rd to NW
:integrity ol' the Ifnlion by :xjmmiul lhit i.~
daily branding: .Jnlnvlunb’ or other!» a “trai
,wr” who i}: llluljt‘ lmhibti'c Hugh! iv! in ilu-lf,
h'cn by men
; un‘llvflfl ul
lli('ll “NS?
(2: Imps: this
My of we
base tht-re,
\‘hiph', {villi
‘. pur
\ipL 1
\vlmin i
{Mung amp
ml hlhiuo'pa.
‘ For “ hut
were _thl-y
knliw some
it." a
Lia than oxflressul: ‘ V‘
4 ~ u my]. 11.} ..Lm- Smhw in :1"- '17»;.m.u..~ I»me
rmlx il'g‘l/‘jlrfilwbly ru’l‘ 11/rn' [I'M/l» all I:/‘_flfll;’ :
I; ("I .nrm‘xw'm: :Wromr «firm, Int-f, ll!11/Illll’il‘ ( Imp/'1 .0
If ("rem/aha}, v 5” In: mull-final] It'xm'lm-I'!”
‘ We do xlot nvt‘ept. th'o: (lactrinuufl llu- 7714
‘ (Imm for tllps‘e ol'. tlw ('Vltll'o kt-pulflh-au [nar—
‘ ly, lmtnvolrmlly behave tlmt theillllru nml
' zealous Min: of it, p‘lnich ie'hy fair lhu- Inn:-
’94-, na-eptmwh lmimy. “'lml “shockingly
‘ EI-lfisll mull narrow onm-vptiun‘nf ham-st I'm
; triotism the llnlividlml- mus ' ll‘llU-l'fijlll
who's? alkyd-tion for hi~imrty mlfimssm his
: lav-A for his country l—f‘ufliult l :Vluulm'r.‘ V
77' H... ‘2'”“‘-"“ 7+ '
' [Q'Thmlart Yprk Pratt onutuili: flip fol-V
llnwlng Well-finial mutinn:—“ l‘: nolioml‘
[a hand hill postal about totvmf falling on
.‘ 111 l votorc, wirlmntl .lictinrtinn (If litlrhl. to at
-1 tmnl «meeting for (llnpurpma offinitiuting
Ilnrm-oealjngs to‘rnll :t Unipp} (‘utmty Cum
.\Tntjnn. 3WO. hqpntlmt no “Point-mt will
[so fur forget himsnlfns Lobe lhurl bntmppml
lryour‘ politiml dammim. .lt i'fifn mu- to
catch gullhmnélg Lot ovary llvmnim‘nt «tnml
‘l by hix prificiplm. mul sop that he is not (It:-
Icoyed into thouo mafia-(l lmttorloe of tho
i apparition} Tho Domqm'ntshnv‘g ovm- hem-n
the true nml mm! simull'aat'l'xloml: ol' tho
,llpinn nnll the ('omlitutl'hn, uml :1 lurgc
o m-inler,
I , nTi
for f'spcciul
midi-e ri/ze,
lie had !lot
I he 41k1
y ,l-gisluljnn h)
Isllk-ll such bills
”My Wished to
h‘rhufih' up ‘Hu
micutiug quuhrs,
.ovhl. to in
nf ‘L‘ongross
“'ul h] urcopt the
Luff I I|:Frli;~l‘il:lri—
‘e. in Bill pagan].
éulu‘j', the House
Fr’hluy, August
1n We table.
‘gl‘m'na ofl‘ored the
'33 Hbjl-cted I}; by
repeat the fact. that on ;thc 811: day of
February“ 1858,.” will be .\enn by rcfcrnnce
to the angressinunl Globe. he presented a
Apgtitsion from Abolitionists for the dissolu
tion of the Union, and took occaeion to
niake the infnmnus boast that he had proL
viéusly presented eight pctilioxisbf a simi
lar chmcter! I I
II the comm“-
. 9 biummchl
,000 for pro~,l
the defehse of
3. $0,000,000;
rdnanc‘e stores !
SHIN" S. )lAUEAWL E~q.,iof Lane”-
ter, Anson; Huuw, li-rq.. of Wamlningmn,
and a Mr. Bum, who want oirer in Virginia
on Tuesday week, for the plirpoi-ie of recov
ering the body of Col. Gunny, were cap:
t_ure|d at. Fairfax Court House, a'nd are now
held as prisoners of war. They are said to
be at Leesbua'g. 5
00,000 for the
an! the 113%.
A gentleman from Wuhlngton city
informs the ‘l’itbsburg Post Hntéthe party of
which Mr. Mxtgmw was one, who went. to
Virginia to recover the body=of Colonel
‘Cn’r'ncron, did not. take a flag of truce with
them, but *elied upon theifie'rsonnl ao
qunintnnce with ‘Gen. Lee and Gen. Beaure
glad for their safety, and were consequent
ly taken prisoners of war.
fi-CA musician in Co]. Townsend's regi
ment, recently brought up from Old Point,
states the loss in killeq of that regime t in
the Grant Bethol fifiht was tv’ro huniresl
and eleven. The ful otficia‘l report bu not
yet been-published. \ ‘
m . t, regi.
e seat of
\ rho Democracy of Ohio. : ’
M a meetingo'f the I’t'lnlg'num xm‘. can.
h-ul Committm‘, held in Cnlumlrus, on the
5m day of July. 1851, n Wm ’
L’rmlu'd, That it is t-x wvd'mh
Dn-nux‘mfic Smte Convt-n’hon :nlt(E:l:l;:|l‘.Lf~
on Wednesday, Anglia! 7th, Mil, to numinl
am a Democnfic ‘ (Me 'l'ickvt. to ho ‘su |-‘
portal at "a! 06ml»! Ola-tion. ,I l
Brae/tn], furlln'r, Thu! Ml llm Mootnrd .01'
the Slate ol'Uhin. who nro in fin‘nr of‘ xer-
Imluntiug the principlm upon whirH lm/n
-.llnion was foumlcd,nml uromnvinoed ‘Hmt
Iho present Rifle and Nzltinn‘nl Administra
tinm are wholly incpmlwtont to mnmuzb the
government in m present vlilimflt-undition
nu woll asall wildfire nplmsvul to [he 'rou;
extravagance and qorruptinu now so Kiln“;
ingly prevalent ‘in pulliic all’nirc, 1m mr’ndsl-
Dy‘ invited to mfliwwith nu» Demon-uh lan
this lmur of our oqnmtry'k paril. and {him
redeem thé'Shflg. and nhwc it.» administra
tinn in mmpdept lmm‘s. ? .
‘_-r-§—~d-‘» —.__ r
The Demoenfits M‘lowa on 'the War.
.'lrbe Denmwstate Convention 6"fl own
met at Dos M inos or; the’flhh uh); um]
nominated' (‘l3!!th _Macon for Gnve‘rnnr:
Bewiuti‘ons’wcb‘ nflflptml declaritig’ the
“irreprqsqible bnnHivt” the onus? n} the
war, Minglirixugi thb .\‘outh fur rost'srtihg to
arms to rah-rs?! “will: griprnv,v~t-«. dpql’mni
lmtipg sewsiqin‘n 4‘lmljtiral Imrmy' add a}-
$0 remuring 1 191 'El'f-sidvm fur :Lcsll‘nillfz
um] oxm-ciaing! iniliftm'y lfi-wor, hnl_ plé.)giué
the support nf trm‘ilemnorucv of law tin fin
goverrnnpl'nt in ’thlh‘viwrcine nfitu Ingilhnguta
functions In a ‘Kmushtnlinnul munnerJ and
11,130 favoring n lnabipmd convention in,t agei
flc lhe I:_en§linnlfiiflig-nllim. ' . 1. z":
Greéley ago.
The New; Y'n‘
against} the Adl
the 1:).(1. "11., i
on and (39m-
r same. in this wico: i
‘ “\Ve arr-mm 4 lint Hli'lll‘iMHl at “no rdporiu
which I'm"! ”"3“!“ "1V I'l‘dt'lH-d uw ”mt mn
’ “‘ls‘ I‘llli'uf dc‘lvrinrnlml iu MIL-imp:
uwlgifld Wu<luiuulnm It bran/J
vg Is; n 4. 'l'l‘rl"¢N'l/l:f Wm: ”(4‘l'B: Mull
». '7)!ch 71"!1'r-1‘n 11/: If, or ;\ “Mb of
I.lolqu y .uulm-rsive nl' “Mu-Irin-
Aplm, 3| may exist." - f a
Mad, lhis firinth mhn‘ml in ‘a Dunin‘f-mti‘c
linlmr “'0 ”05+“; it \\‘u_uH have law-x; l'W‘
A e ream n: "
lnunc (1,: fig ‘1“... A_.__‘;_ '.‘ .
‘ . ' coh‘gress Payp . i '
v’ A few )‘anlngitu‘. 'whun limos worp ignml;
hj-mlo mu] Mmlfmrg-o‘flnnriHning, muhimmy
[flbnlyfi ('mlgrqsfi“ ltuiu-Il Uu-ii‘]-ny [0 {Sam}
lk‘r annunn—t‘mi ilum'o:n_r- nf'umrrr'flnhmls¢)
pm- com. Em ““5“, they hm! prn-vioquy r(--
u‘oiml. - I. - . E‘
1' ‘ N 5“: the counlrlv inim‘nlx'c-«l in t-iyii'l war
yt‘imos are lr:td_;‘tl':ul«- :unl r-nmumrré (los
{trnyml ; nwnr‘y flairfr‘: thnufiuntls' nml hun
rlw-«lwof thpmn‘n ls uut' 0f mnpluytfnnnt;
llimornnwnt debt. thing: up Ly ltllfllll'tétls‘ nt'
imillium m. n‘juri ): tum ium-"using; hut
gum Ih‘puhlionn- ( ‘n-grtm. while impnsing
:l‘h'w Lurflt-ns‘ IL] it tho pl‘vflltlu; chrhv nn
:54}in of rmlucinlg thl~ir mm 1153'! .\‘hrl. is
“the putriotimrluf Black uppublit-mn‘nnz
! .Lflhwuu'un. ; ! ‘
._’ . ‘huuu - ~~— .' V '
l Spa-r}. uf In‘fjtT. .:thrmn.—On‘thn gréiml
'6f the 2|“ “will: mnt ul' l'onnsylvmnln wil
: untoom at l'hillul ~lplli:|, on Mnnubylniéht.
f it was mm'qhotllinl fI-vmt n!‘ the rc-siclplm- of
[fin]. l‘ullf-I‘rnllll. l'l‘ho G'l-nmnl klulplmttl out.
; xu-onmlmuied h] (To). Frank l‘nltmnfi. nntl
‘ fumlo a hriot'sp’l-‘ach, from WlJll'h we q’xtlmct,
mm fnllmvingi § 1 7 i
l l hml‘. at Martin ‘hnrg, about: olbvon hnu-t
-inml nwn mnl fi’ix gum. I‘lmiin; rm‘ muni
‘ln-rml (lu- f-nt‘li‘ty‘ I- Town] his furl-cite} he
‘nhnnt 40.0"" mm: mlfifi‘ uuns. l ltjltfvl’alth
-snd for wint‘m-v‘nae-uh~ “luic-h \yr-rc glint tn
fnm, and l 1110qu l'rmn Martinrhurg with
uhout ITJmlmm: ml ‘34" L’JIIF‘: At “'illwlu-H
-,t-i-r the rQ-let‘W r 0 «tong-'l3; x-ntronx-ln‘ul.
with nmm-rnu.’ «artlmm'l‘: nnnl rifly pits.
I‘flttll 1,313 some 313 .im~.~-'uf ham’y nrtlumwv
L mnuntml in witfimiw mnninunling lbflxflllnlls‘,
‘:_tml tln-v haullfl'vllml tin-o‘- nvc-r all M ‘tlml . w» .
‘rmuls. lt'l lll‘tl ‘flttm‘kwl him tlwr, with __.. ‘. _m. . ‘_ :1 . .?
l'm)’ 701130. l wnllllll lirnlmhlyh-uwlw‘n {mum—l fl ”‘9. 5““ l "'k _J“""‘”l 's’ ("”""""'
‘flfN'fful in (li<l‘rl-"iu:‘hiln from his «‘lrn'ng- ling”: 9.5‘1'011’1 all wotmns rift-ha flmnNV
lhnldwnml nmll)‘ gt llm luau: mmi uhn nmv wt}; hon}- r-ti‘ the grou'mg wuflnumt l'nr
' l 7"; [Willi-(l mi} ‘\" "‘1" “mi" l't‘t‘" “"10" .“10 l piano. and every day rm'vvs Minot-Nuczuul
N)‘ um": . . . nauw. .‘ , . . j - i
1 lfilltf‘hrlnul‘t‘llt'll lljlnn ('lnnl'lcxdmi'n.l Un~ ctmngtlu-n n nnmm: H". umwps ”' “‘0 ”if".
ulgritlm circumfltn moi. I (lnl lht-lu‘s't livnllld. 4’1?“ I'. but “”9331! "000“!“ ‘9“ “run: ‘W
inml you, mopfl «l ‘l yr-ur \vhnlc duty. and ' mmmusibu. and if we do nnt mirtake'thm
".‘”.” 7P." “'l‘llsfil \tinn. AER!" 1"""0" "‘o' ‘ I-ggit- of ovt-nts.‘ will 2-00" hex-onto the (run--
tnl)‘|¢l)O—|J_t:_::_lf’:llll£:.-“ -_‘;fl 1 ltnllling‘smitimont of the country." .'
taro." Snlul‘lfiy work. thirty lmline nfl Th" ”1”“? IMP". givm ”W‘I'YMM‘HIW‘ pf
' haihhm'y. Conl v1~)’f‘fl‘l(“l hy the l):|‘nlmry I (Wm: I‘. ".‘"“lf” “f I:o:wo'meotm’gfi ""“""[-V
linljss Band. i‘ .(‘m’rintle drawn by hi. l'pl'l- "‘ Mame. 3"“ l'Wk' 3"“. JAM?"
“an9B. 1’1““)?th through the' which“?! t’gnnxglhmin, hulinun, and _othc-I' State-mi
“MM“ 01' that: villagn‘ follnwml hy ’l “"1”“! W¥l:Ol;lnu:imjl:;ewe innnting mult
t-nnmurse. ol' ratififns, nmpohing tn thr. étir- g pawl g“. fifteen humli-o'd New lcrsey'farl‘ll-i
‘ . ..'~'-..-.... "’f ' ." .‘
* 1 wt.
i. ‘E- ‘*.'s' h . .Rnl ltn‘ 17.
(mlwlnoh they caused tn he r‘aised a large L 2: N: “1:3“; Milli: wcreplulwl: gyfiloat
whltv 'llfllltle-l‘,'§bf'it|l,l'llg tho 'mntto, .1 Imm: 52‘ lum‘t'cltcmmul Thoma} 1);:an Ellglhll.
an out but .\j’m. 1n tlm *mnll Ind tin-1‘ I'qus'~l , l'
hle etl'orl on the part; of'thn Indies hére, for; ‘ —’"’” 7'9” ‘ 1 .‘" ‘
thé promotion of that gnml nlll dnctrilm.l-;.WTilme “.'", havmxnimmgul ”"2 mp
" Penna on ("will VIM" will tow ml; l'w" u whim» at the (mvenmu-nt imam-es must. he
. , .1 . ,‘x ‘ ~ . .
they will et-efl’glsnyq n Dunl-lu'y killer in ma"? that. the li‘romurv) I'm“ gweimllm K
the lEritl-r ppm F'h-nivr “tho lsupport'rof the de 4 01m)! fur Imm mm rat“ ml f;- h
. " i.4.', -_ ' ''. ~ , ”The current oxponsvs ot :0 .next w
5;: I“",de :lzrf‘lmt‘vfitp guod am‘l: royal i months at thn prmnnt rum will smell Ll is
0mm": s o _rll‘lfxflfl ” .9... ‘ ' amount to two humhiml and fifty or pml -
DaegmmL 11. ....J‘m- ('Ol. 1'). 1 M"pt_,who l lily thrc-e hundred million dollars over a II
mmmnndcd t! o h‘it'th Division ofjhel tram], nhpvo tho rn-venue‘t'rom cdstonia, SO r 8 '8
Army at the 11190 of )I:nm.-&Las.—.——l*dnlpos-fthe lollrlml 91' Coninlf-rcé. , 11'
ed of eight 0 lune reghm-nin—hné béen . L’ , -'" “'"‘ i .
' [6' S' " ed I
placed under Err‘st. charged ith cdnduetl Dr. \\ ... hingsntgeonmdcm if"
uubocn i'ng 11h «ifiicor It in aid that. on director of the Untied states army. U;
' ~ i." " ,- I ' ,' o .nuiomo:
the (luYK‘thfil battle-he was $0 much mtox-i 3:: e :19 o??“;,r?3n 21:3: ol’dell ‘Ruh
icutod with liQnor} as to be unfi for the per- m. .1 'm s“a i? . 1 led.
fornunce of his duties ‘ : Henysithe numherol' killed um Ivonm I .
' lo" the: fund, of the Fedvrnl tomes m 7 not. yet
1 otflcintly known; but. he animated it s|.me)
'swuo um. ~ in.
’ H‘Joshun R. Gixldingq, who, under 317‘
I pointment nt' l’rosident Linvolh, yepreée f 3
l the United States in Canada, ij npgmetllfio
lany "relaxation of party dis ipllue. Bl“
‘ (says the Boston POM) has written a leaf:-
urging a strict. ulhcrencé to the ultra» Ab?-
litiqn Republican creed. «These are “no
,arty ” fime‘. “0 they 7 ;
~ -»-<—~‘~o-o-——-|~——-§< »
@The I’midénthudeclinpd fifpmish
Congress thwfimimds of ”land“. of the
Baltimore poncazommwonen, “u Ming in
his opinion inadhpauble with the public
weal. J 3 ‘ .- I ‘
' Grad/3W 1.3 a (Kama/3,...La membér of
Congress want out to the Bull Ruti fight,
as he wanted to gm 9. neat-or View of the re—l’
bola. llé fell lntq thqinhnnds :3. primers. 1
and is now gratifying his Euriosity in a Riel»!
mond jail. ‘ llin observation and experience
will be valuable in his future career.
fi'l'h-e New York "7Hbune‘aysr: “The
__~_._H_ ...” WW7“ election of Jon W. Funny, as S‘ecrem},
nSVgnificant.—Thc Dry floods ”0’0”” “3.5 lof the Rennie, has‘lnken everybody by any
that mourninggoodmrc steadily advancing? prise, and l'uu excned as much indignationfl
in pricef—Beel'is down, pork is down; com. among the lrue friends of tho Adminima
is selling forn mere so“? oak were never tion as aurprisgnnd still more npprehemibn
cheaper; the products oflhednirytmd farm-i that if is a triumph of the‘ professional 009-
yard WH'e never lower; but mourning goods; “30" .lnblfl‘fit” aw»; -
are admitting. The fact of an adf'anoe in} ”CPO. Walker and W, H. Bmlhetton,
mourmng goods is rather suggestive about»: Wuynesboro’, and A. J. Potterfield, of
““3” d“!“- ‘ \ t Clulmbersburg, who were mxga'gedin fin-h
-»W - - . - -
* , l . ' -' Gen. Patterson’s
\fte . . ta! t I “hung prowswns, km, m ' .
. a“; .r .tennng lns lungs ou . mos v | division Were not quit? qmck enough whim
m endemormg to force the march of the 9' . . . .
~ ‘. . . lthe army left Martmsburg, and It In mid
mam army, before u, mu rcadymnd luunngl z ~ 1 b ll Co fedemt
succeeded in his labors Greeley is ndw wily”e “PM“ . y ‘° - .’3 . ° “m“ ‘
of 3 he .‘1 u d ““0 h s and sent to “'mchfitfll" Jail. then- wagotu
nag overt lateueo ,nn ca rt. e‘and contents being seized. It IS alsofe- ‘
retirement. of the Cnhinet, for Its'gflegedl rted um J. Allison Eyster, of Chambgu
inoempetcncy. The Rapnblicans call thee-T Bang, has full?!) Into the hands ol' the Can
-16? Crazy now, bité'when be (dated ju§t as WWW-‘1"? uat \‘lixpchatar. ”11
insfnely- in regard to Demonmtthe was in $OOl. Fnrnhnm. “1,03,,” Woundé a“.
the" opmxonr a model of Virtue and ’stales- phe bangle of Bull Run, has becomoi ‘O, ' ,
mummy—Era 06mm {and has been sent to an innni asylum ‘ i
; n§¢ the'Administl-atiion.
‘ ki Y'rilmm‘ has ln-ukrh grnuml
nip “ration... In itxgiwiuo‘of
j “7 Initclws into" Mr. (limit-I'-
' m m cm...
Are the People My to Maid: the
Question t
, In ihr mum nfn few months. (he pfim
ple of {His ('ommonwonhhwm be calls-d
upan ~tq docile whethnr the preheat Gov.
eruor of I'onmylvnnin Alla" have qmajmi.
tv in the n‘ofl Lapialntmn, m mist him iii
filunging tho Slate lntodoht haynnd thd
wag-h of paymonl, era-opt hy dfrm't taxation
mhlmt particular purpose.
During tho yh‘ort spam of time which ha
hm oc‘cupiml the Executive float. not leak
than have milifons ar- dollll-a hmhoon
added to our debt. and Wm what-we have}
“-‘ilwfio‘hqod an hiq hmllq thm far, we (iant
with cafi-(y pnxnme. that if the people 67»
not riup in‘thoir might. and defeat every
bran of likn filith.~who any he placed in
nominmirm fur the Leg 13mm. ya will in
leéq timi- than mm yen-11mm a public dqlrt
of not Ins: than fifly‘nlimpm ol‘ dollars.
’ 'l‘lu- miwt corrfipt and designing body of
man that ever iswmhled in the capitol M.
Harri-«hurl; \wi‘e .llmvo who contmlh-rl
tlmro lust, wintor, and it is Inn slander
in any that ‘t-vory important art; in
Which lhe, inter-mu ol' the people were in?
vnivcll 1.03% upr‘m its fag-o ntJhe final pm
.uag'e (locopfion and fraud, pmnwllitptml
robbery ol' the tux-pnyura‘ money.
‘ Such A sy.~tr-m ol‘ lng-mll'l'ng. wire-work;
ingJohhy-lmi-lng. null. bribery, RS charm-(llr
iiml film! ‘hmly, “up. run-l)" if nt all. glquullml,
in any nurtxnl' Amnriva‘dnring its whole
liistofywndlto mulm it“) ”Mouldings still
more wlimw, the good liq-“ Him“ nnd l‘“?
trinl, Andy (i. Hurting“: \vlmnn hands rd
sides the veto pope-r, tho only snfu- guard
against mf;~tlpl-logi~lallnn, signed the luillw‘.
nnll \vhetlu-r l!“ mus—richly" paid “If hih
slgmfiur? we will not venture lo ssi_\';‘hulc
if rnfim‘ls he (run in rvgnul ‘to his oxplunu
in {l’lzllly clothing, we might witlf mnrh
.shunglol' pluusllvilily my thn' llvllnlylimniq
mmll- :1 niiwrnhln Ini~mlm in plm'lllglllfll
in llfillllllllllflll for >0 I'v.-|v«nl.~il:l(-Tn pREI-Liuuj.
ll l 3 not Haw-«my In}: luv to refer ill (Mfr
urlil-lo’ln llm sew-ml ofi'lragl‘s pc-rla-lrulvll
11pm),- filo. lumnsl I3V-llil)‘l'l'$ ol' llw Slnlo W
llml nglhlnlurw, :h lln- puLlle rvcoill; will
show the Hmrmitlw. mnl mining. lung
will :lnukv qu I'm-l and 500 [ha ll'lllll ul‘wlnlv.
“'4‘ xfiwrl. '~'l‘ll¢-l'l-lln'o. lc-L 11111 l Wlm lnxllll
eyes (0 um, and ours lu lwar, (unwillm'h‘l-ll
ulml ~lmll lu- llu; (‘Ullhllllt'xlflfl nf our m-xll;
lfihlnluw‘. Lul Int-my In chow pl-rrunl‘
\\ hu :m‘ talking of :1 “illuou " (417'?1e lh'pullc
licauHiqknL llnul, my «ugw-wlinn ‘0 ”mi:
would lns, uml it is “no fraught with hum-3m
in u} all. to elm-I I‘M) mun In nlliw» ulm ls
not an Mom-ht :‘nul unflinching: Bomm'ml.
,'l‘llis "'uininnS' l vnufws. whiH il “uulrl lv‘n
:m-epmlfln lg) llll‘,‘\\fllllll lw llm‘fiurl-nt \\.Ly\
fn I‘osch llw >lu:l|'p.lnnl'm ‘nfi' nl", .\mly 4!.
t'm-lln, and art-m: llw iniquilit-mvllit‘h hill
fail-Jo destroy tho «fa-fillgnmfixuul m-mllt nil'
uur‘l'ommomvr-nllln.‘ . _ g
Al.ybilu-r “ uninh "‘ “Inn [Mn wnn'ld h?»
of II!) bvuvfit L) the [.onplvnl Unis lilnv. an“
I Fm! cormin'thnt in nur:-'nrl.uftlu-mnnh‘v,
up DNHOOI‘M can he I'uuml who will \‘utufur
any ulhé‘r. l ’ 7 f '
Thu h’vfim’flivnn Iva-lore. I mn tuhl,nrn
trying I 6 gvl up a mnngh-l tit-km. tn gnu
lhoii' l‘larly a shnm- of tho spoils. But the
lhihL' won'tflnlw.
We M“ 1%“! (hp wholo :xfi’uir no high in
tn'ghtz nr’lrnsJo law-hula the Inrgst, rmnuh
philmhiliiy of its r-vvr'rem-hil‘rg lhc- ,mlilh-ul
LII-(fund nf Admm mung again. The hm“
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What! National In-mnorm? unite ium
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