N "r'rt“* 51' ”‘3‘ "'7‘ :1" ’7‘- ‘ ,1. .WE WARg In". mi," dropped from at i: imam.» n 5 '_ , , stood-a moment looking Mil e n-trr-atin-g . ~ .... I itnus’r. mine ol ”Willi”, lstill to minutely fir ' ins. and ml one 0’ is mutt-t mo; coming ‘. @AM PM“ HARPER 8 FERRY. itlown lrom‘tlu- front of theihitttery to ml; ' :I’usaengqrshy t,“’—“’“"“'“ Mopdaypre’nmg :ulru‘e ”hum the Wounded r "am. helnin confirm tlu‘ l’rfll'm" Willi? ”luflif’lt- ”3m“ Dd suddenly toward him. f. ‘3 the batten. ’9‘] evacuated "Ml":r F “"l'Y- "J“! ““"“l"jl I an” the-name iintzmt J Hum! * ullctpiereéil om ‘0 “I“ Maryland lit-lellfl- ”fl" ”gh'lih hrm‘t. llLl‘rllWitimnt roan. arm Weill. tanner-3r, “l“ Fun ‘M “”"l‘v’" ‘lo”er his fall tho rout Leanne com lete. . ready to loose at the. early-5t ammo-ht. I - * ' _.. _. t i ‘ fig?” B‘m-l“ l”‘I‘I""““° “M 4? l 1”? “Ii“ . Retreat of Gov. Wise 'l‘o'wards Lewis- I unrtvi‘i. tun lii connnand wa~ uni yI ‘ ' , ' . engaged in planting cannon and otherwlae; burg, Pursued by the 11l lted Stu” ifffirtil’ring raga- Jack. on the Marylnudf Forces under 0811- 001- 1 . , ”Gig“- ‘ , I Ui,mK-¢m:nq,July’ ISL—Au watch from V .5 ut 130 men of the first New llanu» (ion. Fox on the 15:3”: inst. toilleneralIllos » uhire Regiment vein atMioned at the Point; enemut. reports his an nal a (iuuley Bridge, at: and“. .Conhulerate’ ivkets could hr-i Fayette eounty, at. the fall It!" the Great mien new the le\ er.l,.n)t fir From Harper's Katum ha riu-r, wlneh hml‘ en entirely Ferry. but growing 3‘“ positively known of . destroyedhv Eat-don Wont. ill owns retreat/- the W'M ofthc Southern army. ling! on Lewixhurg, some thl r Hle miles The strength ol' General llunlw’ army r-iwtwarrl, whieh point. net-In ing tojnter— was placed at too high a figure on Monday. iceptod letter-e, iv to lthis rttll ing point. as large nuntlwg‘ of Alu‘w [nonths' regi-l lien: (:‘ox tram- It Will) reqrurv tht‘lvl.‘ days * nugtsJun '9l; sen ed put their term oft-n. to corntrtlct a floating; hrillgo ucr‘ofis the Wt. lune returned home within a. fearlriver. “'in, he Raye, fill: tram actoa‘s the day-... ‘ll‘is full 'rtrongttr now does nah-rout and datmym ullrtheita-idgeslonJm probably, .03:ch twenty thousand men. r 00!“ lle reports cruaun'ing LINN) flint-lock . . . ' '7' ~--- ’ ‘ musket; and :1 str qtity- ot‘powder . RIGIDDISGIPLINE or GEN. KcCLEL— left. hermit by the I . I, . .. ‘ . . ‘ Lol'lquuz, Aug. [din untehig from ‘ ft” “Him-til .luly ”lgtjri'fi entrancPl anlri'iltv to tin-(Jilin ier mylvtlnit ”mi, 2‘ ‘ “'l' ‘ .(I'un upon "K it I” M 0”: ' ("HUM-trot the Southern lhtlf‘m, has [5 minder all (fine Hilhtmy Department. hast, -d -l . . l M" .- k‘ll' . 900 .jmpired the troops in and around Wauhkig-g c Ni" . m I?“ "if“ Tl”? li'l' . '. m 5” #mwvith renewed Juilimr-y mthusiamn.‘ llc ‘ ".’"l km"; N (,"wi." . ti” P 0” is '39. .'e. hm olrcwly vi-utoil the curious enlmch- “raw“ 3'}. 31'" :mi'li‘l-l “.hf‘p' Hi 29 l ‘lt than“ on the Virginia aide, thoroughly ex; "I:"' ""1"? .’ln‘lml" *n“ wheel: n ‘ running biotin-tr eondition ullll'lHH‘t'flzlul, ”‘55 “I I‘"‘I"‘-}.“"Il'-; “mm“? ”‘3 s,’c“l" ......u has instituted the; strictestdiqiphne n- We” 0 I w MI U 113”- , i mung the soldiers unit in“ all the «h- iarti . _l' ‘ T ”’4l—’ mentu ol' the service within lu'njm iinel ion.’ Fm” ”if "am wry. Limo! ii, men of ,ledny. Brigadier, [(‘gimrnlal, and civil ofiieeru The Returned Volgnteers. ‘ . flt‘e‘tnmlte to unilei-«tzmdtliat' lounging and; 77er [tr/urn"! tfil'ir !’-n/-'I-—A [Miriam-r :fifiilihg around tlu-I'eampq are not to lml Hm»; ”W 1 "WM in fjllin/r‘T/ic T: In 4' permitted. The rrlueh nhn-ned pawport ' (inn/t (:iofln Gilli-r! 111-if. . l 1 “ lmhfin hthei-n preiltly r9fvol"-l:llnn'el' “ill”. oxhzu ~i~d ‘0 have taken forty-two piercs tll'oul';artil- the money he had laid up tlo pay hidreht‘in ery.--I . . . , -l eupplvinz l'nmlJot‘ the voluhteérc. 'l'he iiu 'l'he (”outwit-rates say that from 1.900 to. thori‘ties on the hill tinalli' grit tl‘elr eves {3,-oth wero killed ol‘ our men. "'l'uo rt‘gi-inpollml. and in order minim-(Iv {mirth-q, merits had been detailed to bury the dead. ‘.al‘trr the m‘efi hurl uxlatod’ uitluiut mtinm 'i‘ln-y would not. however. h'ury tlw dead of i for tln-or- or t'nlu'il:|l\'~‘. mrveil out hard eraek tho ch New York Regimen t—Ztiuave‘é— er: and raw heel—~rhm heefl, wlil'm they‘ Hall 150 in numher.‘ ' I neither firn or cooking utensilal. 'l‘hEy my on the other sidothattheyhavei While this, state of lltll gs “in: going on a tome. of {rum at Fairfax. with :(urvalry i'n l—l—while the men were relu tautly lining on large force, at lieeihm-g one. regiment, and 3 the charity of the eitizem l‘ llarrisl‘tn-éfiit the mine at llallk Mill» lwnq given‘out that :everal l’avm‘aattirs hid They talk about an advance on WaZélé- :_arrivud from Wmhingtmi with ll‘lrlnpy_¥_ ton. and my they intend to ero>-l\vl fiage. Ar: one regiment—‘J‘Elhink thelirook-; the linzzac ol' the soldie‘nx.{ \\ hile re eon-i “140'" illi‘ ERIE“ “" \‘t .lyn huh—was advancing Io the eerge; a' flagration was: going on I re] th r giment‘ “mm“: El), . $133546 shot from alrilled eannme‘lrought down flu. lof fawn-N marched in fr m lamp Uurtin ( “13.). "lb 0“, t» ~ flag. color guard and all. Ilt was seized in-l nnd elmrged down Secont 'tr et. he re- i . 'llbe 80mm?! 0“ ““5“”! I’strmtly by other hands. anfUiorn rapidly on. turned volunteers being “lililio‘lrt ar F. gave , ration and sedition hill- Whenever men would lie down under the 1 way. The cry was then raised—‘ l‘o._the| ‘r, Curlilc, of Virginia alone of a hill to screen them -from thel Arsenal for your armal’l an the farewell sd'c' nof the bill “hm, withering tire of the batteries, the gunneml roman-need mattingin that (ii ectio . Thei l . , ' would {get their range so accurately that: 12th went unfl‘hiril street at nubli quick] ‘2 ’"l h ” f'ir'h” 3mm" ballsand shells wrhildcome skimmingovert time. and succeeded in [sun und lg the I°° "mic." “fol"“dfi% the hill-aide, notsix incheSlfrom the ground, l Ar ( ”3’ ' Mr. Wood, of New Yotkgofl‘qul a New, , lution that this (‘nngrm‘mflmnfi 111 to the Gv‘wernnm of the Fovr-R'LSMNH to con ‘tene their Logidnturm tug. tlgi- pigrw of milling an election 61‘ (“d (lith'fléfll‘a from .éac-lu 90 ressionnl (ll‘i‘l’lt‘t. tn, nit-24' in gn-n -vornl «fixation It lnu'hvillv. on the first iMomlny in Soptemhc-{noxt—the purinw of said OOnVention beingto devim mezwuro" ’for the restoration of peao'e to our country -Lbut oljéction wags made him). the Re ' pulilican side, and ' : ‘ Mr. Wnsllburne. of Illinois} mov‘Nl to lay it on the table, which was :Ing (to—yeas -492. nays 51. ‘ 1 Yns—‘Mossrm 'Ahlrirh. Alloy. Appleton. : Arnold. Athley. Babbllk Btlkor, Baxter. Batman. Binghnm. Blair (Mn..) lithir ([‘a.,) lßlakmßifiipglolanamLerlin ‘lafkfiqltiipz. .Fredoric' A. (‘zmkling lice K‘ Kl'nnklihg. Conwav. Curm. Cutler, Duvizl. Dimes, lie lano. Diver), Duvll. lvuim, Rdgé-‘ilton. lid ; gmrds. Eliot. Ely. Fontnn, ch‘jt‘lldé‘n, Pram cl:ot.,“oocll‘,Gomt\\in,(humgvr.(iurlvyllam, vllnnchett, Hayrian llix-Ll‘gmn. llm-t‘un. 4 lluwhins;Juliau.Kvlly, Kt'll gg([ll..) Kol- IJngg (Mich..) Lansing. Ltmlnis, .lqujhy, i McKeml. McKnight. Mol’m‘nmsf Mitchell, l lflgrohmd,3fni'rill (V 1.2) Ni-xnn. Olin. l'at vlnn: Pike, I‘m-tor, Rico (11-n.) thldlo. llnl } lins {‘3l. ll.) Sedgmnck. Slmnka. Shot‘l‘u-H. LShillaln- velr, Shrunan, Sloan. Spnuhting, 'HtoveonltonJ Thonms (.\l:N~‘.‘..) 'l‘rnw bridge, Upton, ‘anlqvor, \‘nn 'lljm'n, Vnn g Valkonlmrg. Vim “bu-k. Vern-'9, Wall, . “'nllncv.“'alhll (\AKF") “'n'ltnn ( Vt..) Wash ,burnc, \Vlym-h-r. \V rite (1m1..) \Vlfmlmm . . Nn's—Mosiyrs. A,llen‘,‘Anmmi. Hailey t Ha.) l Brown. Burnett, “£|l\'(‘l‘l.\‘:lltlt'lhll‘l]. (‘ul;ln. Cooper, ('m’ning. t‘ox, CraW‘ns. “Naplnillf', Dunlap, English. l-‘isilu-r. P‘&Jko._ Gl'lllt‘l‘. , llaight. Harding; llnlhmn; .lm-ll'son. .lulm ;S<\n. lflW._,-Lazmr. Lngnn. Mr-L‘li-rnm ‘ I rr_\'. Nn‘n-js. Nollie. Xor-11. Norton. when. l’vmlli-tml. “Pill. liivlndrtlmh 'son, ltnlhtw film.) Smith. film-1905 3‘ lgtm'le (XL: J 2.) Vallflmlialnhm, \rilillill'll.‘ :Vudrhms, “’zukwnrth: .\l'urd, White (0..) flViclilitlhhfiVood, \vmdr‘un‘. 1 ; thifir h‘pd (Inc-eh ot {Buddy-both Is cup sion was 'qu sliofi «n 5 +1 niiucr how in? a of 1!"! gm: . ey'ondit'.’ i(|l Ip.)rmovéd 'onjwhich the 0w 1 _ id \ckllrighr, n f'l‘t-unes- h.’ “chaugal, pull Thomson HEM airlenl 92ml rmlmn‘gred (- Furl: v0:- r. ,1” al— of Dl'pull-, 1 which the I , , ,Who Are Secess’ionistsz , . Tim Now; Ymk Tulwnr is HAM-r 3?“ of Hm : Republican part) _lho I’uiijle Ly ngil‘h “If‘y . Hum-uh, The other Idny “'0 xlmhm-ll‘by :u-ci fdont to ohkm-vu a rr-qulfk' in ilfi‘rdiinliu! columns which looks it 1,19 mniidm-ably :mnqm-undifl than mlisidolf’nmg. It} “as (his: I 5“ I! i. by 71.9 "akin; l/u" .3]u‘(‘;/l‘(‘.l/H/11/ ium/l“ .\lu - ’jl‘lfl/ inh'n‘elfllf It’lylllll’lL'llMA’JH illltl-J‘IIH'H (In: l‘lnl’llh.” . " And the rvdmnl givc-n‘fm- this: frigh’ful g'npm'ixnon of indifl'oronfo in rnga'rd to NW :integrity ol' the Ifnlion by :xjmmiul lhit i.~ daily branding: .Jnlnvlunb’ or other!» a “trai ,wr” who i}: llluljt‘ lmhibti'c Hugh! iv! in ilu-lf, h'cn by men ; un‘llvflfl ul lli('ll “NS? (2: Imps: this My of we base tht-re, \‘hiph', {villi ‘. pur \ipL 1 \vlmin i 110' {Mung amp ml hlhiuo'pa. ‘ For “ hut were _thl-y knliw some it." a Lia than oxflressul: ‘ V‘ 4 ~ u my]. 11.} ..Lm- Smhw in :1"- '17»;.m.u..~ I»me rmlx il'g‘l/‘jlrfilwbly ru’l‘ 11/rn' [I'M/l» all I:/‘_flfll;’ : I; ("I .nrm‘xw'm: :Wromr «firm, Int-f, ll!11/Illll’il‘ ( Imp/'1 .0 If ("rem/aha}, v 5” In: mull-final] It'xm'lm-I'!” ‘ We do xlot nvt‘ept. th'o: (lactrinuufl llu- 7714 ‘ (Imm for tllps‘e ol'. tlw ('Vltll'o kt-pulflh-au [nar— ‘ ly, lmtnvolrmlly behave tlmt theillllru nml ' zealous Min: of it, p‘lnich ie'hy fair lhu- Inn:- ’94-, na-eptmwh lmimy. “'lml “shockingly ‘ EI-lfisll mull narrow onm-vptiun‘nf ham-st I'm ; triotism the llnlividlml- mus ' ll‘llU-l'fijlll who's? alkyd-tion for hi~imrty mlfimssm his : lav-A for his country l—f‘ufliult l :Vluulm'r.‘ V 77' H... ‘2'”“‘-"“ 7+ ' ' [Q'Thmlart Yprk Pratt onutuili: flip fol-V llnwlng Well-finial mutinn:—“ l‘: nolioml‘ [a hand hill postal about totvmf falling on .‘ 111 l votorc, wirlmntl .lictinrtinn (If litlrhl. to at -1 tmnl «meeting for (llnpurpma offinitiuting Ilnrm-oealjngs to‘rnll :t Unipp} (‘utmty Cum .\Tntjnn. 3WO. hqpntlmt no “Point-mt will [so fur forget himsnlfns Lobe lhurl bntmppml lryour‘ politiml dammim. .lt i'fifn mu- to catch gullhmnélg Lot ovary llvmnim‘nt «tnml ‘l by hix prificiplm. mul sop that he is not (It:- Icoyed into thouo mafia-(l lmttorloe of tho i apparition} Tho Domqm'ntshnv‘g ovm- hem-n the true nml mm! simull'aat'l'xloml: ol' tho ,llpinn nnll the ('omlitutl'hn, uml :1 lurgc tub pays!l nox o m-inler, I , nTi unsfihlodhz for f'spcciul midi-e ri/ze, 1m lie had !lot I he 41k1 y ,l-gisluljnn h) Isllk-ll such bills ”My Wished to h‘rhufih' up ‘Hu micutiug quuhrs, .ovhl. to in nf ‘L‘ongross “'ul h] urcopt the Luff I I|:Frli;~l‘il:lri— ‘e. in Bill pagan]. éulu‘j', the House Fr’hluy, August 1n We table. ‘gl‘m'na ofl‘ored the '33 Hbjl-cted I}; by repeat the fact. that on ;thc 811: day of February“ 1858,.” will be .\enn by rcfcrnnce to the angressinunl Globe. he presented a Apgtitsion from Abolitionists for the dissolu tion of the Union, and took occaeion to niake the infnmnus boast that he had proL viéusly presented eight pctilioxisbf a simi lar chmcter! I I II the comm“- . 9 biummchl ,000 for pro~,l the defehse of 3. $0,000,000; rdnanc‘e stores ! SHIN" S. )lAUEAWL E~q.,iof Lane”- ter, Anson; Huuw, li-rq.. of Wamlningmn, and a Mr. Bum, who want oirer in Virginia on Tuesday week, for the plirpoi-ie of recov ering the body of Col. Gunny, were cap: t_ure|d at. Fairfax Court House, a'nd are now held as prisoners of war. They are said to be at Leesbua'g. 5 00,000 for the an! the 113%. A gentleman from Wuhlngton city informs the ‘l’itbsburg Post Hntéthe party of which Mr. Mxtgmw was one, who went. to Virginia to recover the body=of Colonel ‘Cn’r'ncron, did not. take a flag of truce with them, but *elied upon theifie'rsonnl ao qunintnnce with ‘Gen. Lee and Gen. Beaure glad for their safety, and were consequent ly taken prisoners of war. fi-CA musician in Co]. Townsend's regi ment, recently brought up from Old Point, states the loss in killeq of that regime t in the Grant Bethol fifiht was tv’ro huniresl and eleven. The ful otficia‘l report bu not yet been-published. \ ‘ hundred m . t, regi. e seat of =I \ rho Democracy of Ohio. : ’ M a meetingo'f the I’t'lnlg'num xm‘. can. h-ul Committm‘, held in Cnlumlrus, on the 5m day of July. 1851, n Wm ’ L’rmlu'd, That it is t-x wvd'mh Dn-nux‘mfic Smte Convt-n’hon :nlt(E:l:l;:|l‘.Lf~ on Wednesday, Anglia! 7th, Mil, to numinl am a Democnfic ‘ (Me 'l'ickvt. to ho ‘su |-‘ portal at "a! 06ml»! Ola-tion. ,I l Brae/tn], furlln'r, Thu! Ml llm Mootnrd .01' the Slate ol'Uhin. who nro in fin‘nr of‘ xer- Imluntiug the principlm upon whirH lm/n -.llnion was foumlcd,nml uromnvinoed ‘Hmt Iho present Rifle and Nzltinn‘nl Administra tinm are wholly incpmlwtont to mnmuzb the government in m present vlilimflt-undition nu woll asall wildfire nplmsvul to [he 'rou; extravagance and qorruptinu now so Kiln“; ingly prevalent ‘in pulliic all’nirc, 1m mr’ndsl- Dy‘ invited to mfliwwith nu» Demon-uh lan this lmur of our oqnmtry'k paril. and {him redeem thé'Shflg. and nhwc it.» administra tinn in mmpdept lmm‘s. ? . > ‘_-r-§—~d-‘» —.__ r The Demoenfits M‘lowa on 'the War. .'lrbe Denmwstate Convention 6"fl own met at Dos M inos or; the’flhh uh); um] nominated' (‘l3!!th _Macon for Gnve‘rnnr: Bewiuti‘ons’wcb‘ nflflptml declaritig’ the “irreprqsqible bnnHivt” the onus? n} the war, Minglirixugi thb .\‘outh fur rost'srtihg to arms to rah-rs?! “will: griprnv,v~t-«. dpql’mni lmtipg sewsiqin‘n 4‘lmljtiral Imrmy' add a}- $0 remuring 1 191 'El'f-sidvm fur :Lcsll‘nillfz um] oxm-ciaing! iniliftm'y lfi-wor, hnl_ plé.)giué the support nf trm‘ilemnorucv of law tin fin goverrnnpl'nt in ’thlh‘viwrcine nfitu Ingilhnguta functions In a ‘Kmushtnlinnul munnerJ and 11,130 favoring n lnabipmd convention in,t agei flc lhe I:_en§linnlfiiflig-nllim. ' . 1. z": Greéley ago. The New; Y'n‘ against} the Adl the 1:).(1. "11., i on and (39m- r same. in this wico: i ‘ “\Ve arr-mm 4 lint Hli'lll‘iMHl at “no rdporiu which I'm"! ”"3“!“ "1V I'l‘dt'lH-d uw ”mt mn ’ “‘ls‘ I‘llli'uf dc‘lvrinrnlml iu MIL-imp: uwlgifld Wu0 I'v.-|v«nl.~il:l(-Tn pREI-Liuuj. ll l 3 not Haw-«my In}: luv to refer ill (Mfr urlil-lo’ln llm sew-ml ofi'lragl‘s pc-rla-lrulvll 11pm),- filo. lumnsl I3V-llil)‘l'l'$ ol' llw Slnlo W llml nglhlnlurw, :h lln- puLlle rvcoill; will show the Hmrmitlw. mnl mining. lung will :lnukv qu I'm-l and 500 [ha ll'lllll ul‘wlnlv. “'4‘ xfiwrl. '~'l‘ll¢-l'l-lln'o. lc-L 11111 l Wlm lnxllll eyes (0 um, and ours lu lwar, (unwillm'h‘l-ll ulml ~lmll lu- llu; (‘Ullhllllt'xlflfl nf our m-xll; lfihlnluw‘. Lul Int-my In chow pl-rrunl‘ \\ hu :m‘ talking of :1 “illuou " (417'?1e lh'pullc licauHiqknL llnul, my «ugw-wlinn ‘0 ”mi: would lns, uml it is “no fraught with hum-3m in u} all. to elm-I I‘M) mun In nlliw» ulm ls not an Mom-ht :‘nul unflinching: Bomm'ml. ,'l‘llis "'uininnS' l vnufws. whiH il “uulrl lv‘n :m-epmlfln lg) llll‘,‘\\fllllll lw llm‘fiurl-nt \\.Ly\ fn I‘osch llw >lu:l|'p.lnnl'm ‘nfi' nl", .\mly 4!. t'm-lln, and art-m: llw iniquilit-mvllit‘h hill fail-Jo destroy tho «fa-fillgnmfixuul m-mllt nil' uur‘l'ommomvr-nllln.‘ . _ g Al.ybilu-r “ uninh "‘ “Inn [Mn wnn'ld h?» of II!) bvuvfit L) the [.onplvnl Unis lilnv. an“ I Fm! cormin'thnt in nur:-'nrl.uftlu-mnnh‘v, up DNHOOI‘M can he I'uuml who will \‘utufur any ulhé‘r. l ’ 7 f ' Thu h’vfim’flivnn Iva-lore. I mn tuhl,nrn trying I 6 gvl up a mnngh-l tit-km. tn gnu lhoii' l‘larly a shnm- of tho spoils. But the lhihL' won'tflnlw. We M“ 1%“! (hp wholo :xfi’uir no high in tn'ghtz nr’lrnsJo law-hula the Inrgst, rmnuh philmhiliiy of its r-vvr'rem-hil‘rg lhc- ,mlilh-ul LII-(fund nf Admm mung again. The hm“ writing in nu tlhwfi'nll, Hm! éuuh almixllu'u cuénnt he mlminim-rml In tho’ pool-10. 'l‘lw pm wuuhl not In)" a suflirimb lrnglh pf tinfm u'pnn Ilm “tmnngh to hpsmlm , What! National In-mnorm? unite ium nukes wilh sortinnul nepuhnmmz 'n‘m idén i-x pn-pnswrnuc ‘ Il U 'FlilJlfl