gmjfigfimmeatfi, yaamfiifizfifififii J Q. Neely; ~ 1' LAW, will ntlcnd to (one;- all ofher bugineu intrnuled to ofnptnea'a. ' (Mice [lithe S. K .mpnd, (fumed; occupied in; n.sEnq ) ' ' ’ ’ ' app. lest}. tf ‘ B.- McClellan, _ '~ Tronxnv .tinna Ind . Ii carp _with p ‘cornor of‘dn: Di 'Wm. B. McClcm Gettylburg. ‘ _..“.uu ‘ _‘ ‘ Wm noun?" die «um, INN“ House. ‘iwzfi’x'w .. TLA“’.—Ofi’iceju “’e'sLMia one doc; west 6! the. new 7 , «In: 33.38,; A. Dufican,‘ 'l' LA “twain in Lhe North ul‘ Centre Square, Petty-ibnrg, ~ Lust. 3,9;9. tf .. - w Tronxrzy weslcoruc ‘uV .J. Cover, ; ' T LAW, mll prompt]; attend M and a}; QUIU bminuew an, - Office Lylbcen F‘ngslxwkn’ gleriu smm. Baltimore strecfi, [s'l3]sz 5, 1x59. TTORN'EY A WCoHecfi uq to Mm. 'nnd Daunerh Zi '(ienyu‘burg‘ Pu. Edw TTOBSKY A promptly * to him: He 3” pxflce It, chi. nu ”root. Mar F 0 oppmile [Mane Gettysburg, .‘ D. I ‘ TTO‘I'IVHY ‘ A‘of Bunhler herillg'g strpol. I’Arlxi'n u’m P :: lnti, lhrk-p other chin” n 2 1 lug'ouJ). 0.; ul “ 'Tymd Wurgns I: islgheal prim-q {1; outhng w‘trmnl. vautemflhnes. 3 "or My tutti-r. ' Grttyahurg, \j ra— Bffiliehl or, ‘ TDLAWhyiH fiilthfully and lend to AU huslneis entrusted wk! the Germnn'lungunge.— e plire, in South' Baltimore M”! drug More, find nearly A: ZiaL‘lh-r's store. { ~ rxh 20. ' ‘ . cCofiifighy} T LAW, (office on! doorwest 9 firm: andfi'muk liurefilmm; 1 ATTmfslcY filuSuthn-on lon xsxlms. Bounty land “fir ‘ wept-“dad Claims, and a 1! iuax the Governmeht at Wuh- AmoricnnCluimsr-n England. n:Mednndsnld.or onght.nnd 'L-u. .\gcnts enzly‘gett In lo i}: Imm, H‘linois nnvl other WApply m hilr" ‘rsonally 1. 21,'53 J, Herron, VII COUNSEL“ Bullimnrc «rm-t, "guy-p blulc‘.’ , 1.1.1360. fl : ence Hlll, M. D. e (Hie yf'lhc‘“ g hin ‘ , ' ATTORVEY A .:mm on (silty Lglnnqllqgk ‘Ueuyaburgru J. La." .1 l AS llii 0m ‘ dour was! Jun lfl‘l‘flfi ohm" ‘(llmmbcré‘nurg' storeuvhcr 1h: Ivy-ration firm mull. [inrrznnw Knuth. D I) . h :sjuf. \I. J'Lrulu donyiburg. A lx-énl. and uppdsih :c \\ ixhing to 113'ch med are rewuctfiil; :4: Dr» Homer; v. H. L. Hungher, Prnl. ‘l, L. Shm’e' yr“ ““33. Ems §County E (Vsmum; m‘ “a \l.uréh 15', .1351 . _U'L‘UU. l? Xunurpm 1=1! I'rrvi/I‘IIIJC We! ‘l’r' villrn Kffl'rrhrry—l) 11¢- Swaps. ' h. R. lluiscll.’ ,‘ .l:m-hlur. .4 id \l'Qrmry: . llrr—J’nlwrt “CC ,Trtmurrr—«l ,_ fiat-it‘ll]? ”1." Kim}, Andrew I 'illlll'llll.ln. rge Su‘ope, l). A. ‘ :utzolumn, It. \l'(‘ tinuutnuk. “'m. I .Eic‘u-chrgcr, A . A. Fucking, .\ha (‘l. \l ’Crezu‘v. B.l‘ \v l’ulley,«Jonu I’ .Ilulilyrre—(h mph, king. .\. {I ‘6‘ 3;.lest \ll. 3. m3}. \Vllsod, John \Vull‘ln‘nl. John lhrm-r, l "('Crwry, .\le lersll.‘ . p-my ii limited I: [y of mining. hi [inn for mo e'tha .1 has paidinll lo '/ anus/unit, hnvin - in the Treasury. I .\‘zt‘nts—nll bu wet-s, whonre nu olders. Any per] II Apply to an)‘ o for further intern! alive Commuters . \lmnv on the‘luil {lt 2, I’. M: '~ W‘l‘his‘ Cm flons to the con jiggwnuful ulnar. wd in {hut peri lrcnsca, lbithoul « surplus animl {nny employ? I‘ “one by lhe‘Mn ‘ed’ by the Sunk ‘in lusumnte c 'x_.nmed Mmmzer ’> SEN“! Exe nfl'wc oflhe (‘o 'in'eu-ry hwnlh, ‘ SPpL 27. 1971‘ ', finll‘at Work! ' omnum N 6 AND BLAC ——‘The nm'-r.—igncd respectful his friends nmlhe puhlic that l:l the CouuHm-tki ,5 and Rlzcksmilhi in 9vqry hhuch .t his csl‘ablishmc .'bersblirg strue H‘e ban on hm 'mfin'ufmlnrn to rder nl'l kinds QHJJ muoums. SL (ms, Spring wm' 1“” best m-m-ri: I. and mmie by'su; men. Wkaumma {lnd BLACK 'IIII kinds done at, renaonnhlo’mtg 3an to the sulia‘hccion ot chstomq ‘ pnuxrnf l’uonuou take» in (:1 -‘work at market. pv’lcés. _ WPersous desiring articles or Coafhhmnléiug or Blackamighin‘g‘ l ,slvectfuny iuuted to cnll on _ 3 " JOHN I..’~HOLT ‘ flettyshnrg. Jun. 24.3)9. » , Hardware 8a Groc' ”HIRE—The subscribers 511:“ km] SaszonmenmfflAßDWA 5.516 M. flick old esmblisheq zitaud '- 'alreet. ‘ « . Tllc‘th‘t) just returned from the fin immense stock "of Goods—c film. of“ ' 0! BUILDING MATERIALS, Iluc Screws, Hinges; Bolts, Locks, Glns ‘ .’I‘OOLS, ifncluding Edge Tools wefipvioh, Snws.’ Plumes. Chisels. Got rad Bilé,‘Angcrs, Squqrcs, Gungei . etc., «to. ' ‘3 ‘ BLACK‘flIITHS will fly 1.» An gasps‘ Filei. Horse-shoes, Horse 1 ~’etc. with them, very cheap. ' 00,1011 FINDINGS. ’such as Clo ‘£;maak, Pringes. Oofl'un, . .\loss . ”ring; Axlei, gobs, Spokes, PM foles, Bmm, 9th are,“ ‘ .sqqn PINDINGS-Tampico, ' {r9 ah llarouco,l.iningp, llinding’sfll {dog-trees, Ham‘wma a‘ genezal n : Shoemaker's°'l'ools. K . ‘ i . CABINBLRIAKER'3ITOOLS— aprtment; also. Varnish; Knobs, el ‘ HOUSEKEEQERS‘ will also find 4 ‘ [gerllhcm offinl‘fes and Forki, Brim éndfiiher Plated Table and Ten. p slssticks, M'miters, Shovels mad may. Enameled and Brass Kettles, Buckets, Chums, Carpeting. etc . e ‘ Alia, a geneml issonment of EolledJßOX. ofnll sizes and'kipds. rmd§slkigqig Steel, which‘ “my will MS": a—- . , magi-sr} direct. conn‘cctim :un tion for. FSémfixgfim full and guard AssdrtmenJ u“rfiis‘%“:g' Philndvflp‘hii and a} W?" ‘snch is Crushed, Pulverized, Cmrified, Indt .SM’UM) TRAINJenx _Hnno era Z’P" 33mm Saints, New Uflnanu, Wes , Indies. and want: Puseugers “rim-WIN” In _mtenned: Sngwr—honsé Molasaos'nnd Syrlpu, Cofl':e,3?°,;.'fi"‘ h '1" k ts\ 1 d to' Spices, thcqlnte, 6119‘, coarseftn4 dairy Saltflcol rang 'xc '3 ”9 *uourk nseed, lush Ind bpenn 011, sTurpentine," “.‘“ ' ’ a a?!) etc. i ‘gzdumxxze, 'nx [£l3l ' Afnfl assortment ofLeld md 211 m, dry Ind . 1“” on 'in“ 'l9 3?. habit, Mao Fire-proof Psfinu; in (act. almost, 1" 7') ‘ » v ' "er; urtigle in nu Hurdwnfc, cfich l-‘iudinz,l ___“M‘ » Ff Sign Finding, ,Hopse—Keeping, Black‘smith,f 1‘ All Ufibfmtkmnkers, Punter-s, and Gréqery line—9 ~ , all‘ of flick thr-y are determined 1.13911 :1 low ' CLQCK A} [REX Tm {in}! us any house ou;&gilha CIR‘QQPR ' doofihgml 01:2? I ‘— A . .. . l , ’ . ' - ' DAVID 21%wa always be lan..- . mad '0 fl ‘ 835tz513§r39g6441 1860. g! i ‘cusmmen. Hg is thukfdfifor p: hopeg‘to recene m continued H 91- .--“??“FEEE'E’S ' ‘ John W: glipton, ' ASHYONABLE‘BAR ER, Nbrth-east her of file Diamond, (nix; door to ‘lekflnn‘s llbtel,) fiettysliurg, PL, whero‘ can at all tithes be ound ‘rendy 40 nttend «4 business in his line, He #55 slab «cello!!! {l&an And will ‘eusurdy smisfintion. him 3 $5111., 1 i L cc. i, 17 Second Fri—€sl HIS FALL—Jamar Stock than Elm-.'— ; ' “cons 1.380. ime just réceived their ‘ pugchaaolof-Full and Wibter Goods, v ‘ they ohr nheaper than “at, lzqyin - Bought 1: the moat. favorable Ines} ”they ask the nbfic to cnll in and see their large assort 13u£ don'rinccd‘chnt every Matt‘s?) be grati r;_.. Their CLOTH. CASS”! ‘ES, VEST. 'f 33, gadgets, Cords, J‘enns, hci, cannot. be ”any for “Hay, And then the I‘m! prices at W“ 11:9} he gfi'ored are really astonishing. Goods made up u the shortest notice, hi the “en styles, and at, as reasonable rates as an g). expected. Their_establi§l}me!x;§l ir. Chun ‘ersburg urea, a fey ,do‘on; Wmlqw Bnebkr': gilt Starts; [00" 15, 1860. ‘_‘;‘__—l w ‘ .'— ADIBS' ”3358 TEDHILYGfi in grgnt n. L rinr; l'. 7‘ " ' ' SPXHUK'S- J.. "-0 r '7, "'~ . > . D ‘l ! figmmggfié 1 - ”mums * 1 L'HlSG‘thc psul )‘car we have 'ynrod ‘ced iD to flu- notice 0“ the medial pflfgu of this éounlry the 1' c Cryualktil C cof ‘l’ropfldmme, n. a REKFEDY n'pu mm" A NS.“ ; «dd having ivcd {tom many 9011‘ n; both from physicians of the hi eh nun in: and from ”dental ”£151; LA'ETER VG TESTIIUNIALS OF ITS RE VALU \in Lidulmqwuinatc l- lune lrestnmu unhil cue, we lye induced I in a form READY which we hépe will who are au'fici‘iug with and loVlhe mcnlir-ul p dispoged 10 Int. the tiegnedy suxm PROP'YLA ppoken ohm: rem-nu Emmiql‘cd yith h; the “1%, Iffd\yjlh HA ‘ lppe'nr from tlThpub medicnl journals.) Wit 'ul mirerufly p I! up 11:34 dink; me, will: Ml dirctiuns, nni @in’od from nll the dr pgisfi's n} bottle-f, unit”. \hhnlplal of ~ iath'x.g.?t'K t ‘CREX; Drvxggim my!) .mu during 1 July 1, IMF. 1y \ 'QPI . » 821 mg; fiafisapar’l m: magma? mm; mu a T H‘RfiIWVG mu 3 lliL'oui This’ff‘w thé ‘fbflfgi'nsh‘ ” nn‘d gm‘rflmofitic‘lkwmv I! by in w’undfié’n! cur -‘ hns ultux(-x_h(9§_fiw_ x run-1x105! pfiu-o in [11151:] uslimmic‘mzit has now/h . rnme innlian-Iwnlflu iIA funiilicu hr. the mn-l dul inn. xc'melv, fluid. ,th‘ \ unngvitl-h-irlil "my tuk it n: It“ times with pg for! snlrt)’. ‘1! not on] cures Scrvfula {UNI ul‘ din-aw» an'Mng frqm q \‘itiML-«I n'ld inflamed uhni‘ dninn oftlle blood, mm timrly urn-fl will mrry on in a pell‘ectly “Mural nylnncr ull unlw Iltln' so inmH, MM woven“ the Inculu'ng nut’ 01‘ [hum Im< siulnly hlnp'hus. son-i and p‘mmlea. l 0 whivh pyrmm nlrst-mfulnui tr-n dmu‘y are all more 01‘ hr Huhjcrt. ‘ hire #1 per bittUc. m .\skJur‘Sanls'Sjrflwri T HAW. Ly- appo- h Picking'! Jany hunhll v im’iu-d tc {lien I‘. I'. ,1). D., llav. :rI. . [PAN\'.— Wl’rv-part 4 My A, ’I IS”. 100 l‘nlhm NL. 00 Fur min by .\. D? Hun July 1, l3fi'il. hil rrly, Jacob - The Ne} w' JOURNAL 015 com . TH ficy‘Tho I“ h“~lll‘r~' 0‘ N\L ur- (.‘mw urn. m. d: {rmntla Ir? Lhi‘ p.npcr. hul [with fur Wri‘r .\Vucklvl the mic: so nfi‘to mect' wunm weakly pn‘vor for I ' ‘ ()N‘l", HULI‘A ‘ In morhunlcnl cxm-uti I With an nhlcttnrlm hr 1 llupxlrtnwuu, vlnlmlcing ‘ foreiupmvwifi puliliunl (I‘ Stale "omit-y. ‘prmlurli. movements, city ul‘hirs.s intz‘llizrn'ce, ‘Nul w‘u‘h 1* dents in all [mus of on countries. thc'prohciclu “ penning lo u jnunml oft To companiek puking 20 copies or uptw;nrd.~...,.' 3c )iui.....,..}............ 18 Ctflfiv5uu..."......._,,....| 1‘ .H‘hlt‘f. Jn ”ll-v, Thns . \l‘c-(‘lelhm nHL-l l’.(‘rilt ‘l‘. Wright R'llst‘”. I) slung, J. R ita opern- as been in nil yenri, H‘s nnnt‘ex glenalnrge l Thg Co‘m i'ness being I ally elect on desiring the above .ntion. en's at. the Wednesday 4 cn'.iu5............;....,... 3 cri‘n1u5....'.............. .. lJanrr 3 vn)piv<............. The papers will be . persons M the s-unc Pm! cam in the r-nse ofrlubs which will be majlbd to . mrul fur C-Wh club must advance. _ _ [)4in Journal of Comme Daily Junior ‘ Do. Two cop'n-s .hnfior to on. HALLUUK, "A . ‘ 1 Edi“ ’ 531 Wnfl i‘trevt, Xew Y 'sm'rmxc Ilv informs continues g business It in (21mm -1 and will . ”WAGES, ua,’kv., o! 1 rior work- XITRHQ of ‘, promptly change 4or vork in the ne, are re- Tinning ! HE lundcrsigned re _ cn'izens ot‘Hcllyabu _ emlly, than he lms opcm \_ '“_ ” ' tnblishmcnt. in Chambe "ry foppusile Chrigt Church. } ensplendi mm [set-f: constant!) on ‘ OCEM‘. , Txxnmm-g l’mzssm) Baltimore and will always‘ be rand I! mom“; and srbm 'bcst hnnuer. Prir‘esi In I sparvam rélxdur fitment! i the public's patronage is WORTH. " L - ‘ Cities with Aisling, in ns Niilsn em. etc. I Gettysburg, Jung 18, fevery (12-! . gt-sflimces ‘ , H.lmmers, —: GETTYSBITRG RAH; _ .. Wednesday, May 13 “5' ‘ “:99: Train will leave Gehysbu shoe NMI-‘Jw‘ passengers for ill fihe cc s.Bmm, on me Sortheru h, punmsojrehurn nbom I' R“ M.’ I 011-cloth, will leave Gettysburg 1 1005, HOW!» [Su‘sscngers by this Traun' ullnnuver the sn'mel ever “”5" “U‘L'rench Gettysburg about. 5 Peg'iLM“' gers from H'slrrisbl’fg, I anem °’- this arrangement [iersog ‘ ' lgeurxbe line of (In! Rain In traisact in Gettjslgnrl i Train up Ind have nearly § burg, anti rctum inl‘the .1 - 11. ”41 l general as ., etc. ~ a large 3.3- nid, Album i cons, Can: 1 ongs, Sul- Pans, Tubs, c. ~ Forged 3nd C-lil, Shear, {cums chap May 27, 4860. + Hanover Bra [fluiEß ARRANG S Trains run as ffllow § FIRST TRAIN leaves Hiking d 3 ‘ct stir [Luxms .114 may; will ' D/I nortmeut of Ribbony, Flo ltuchcs, in, st thegchelp'ptorc I A; 60d ; G. CARR air gun tech: - . city of Philhdelphii a v.‘ 'mnt of fancy lad sthd Gen l'riel. which he is «filling chenpe ; .. . I _ ‘ WILL BE PAH.) F 0 .ASY SIEIHCIX'SI TILVI‘ mm. It ‘ L Cnuwlrra,‘ [Li/J! IN lIILDAD.'- Ann nu Hurt nm To rm: Son 439 DA mu or Anne. was ll—l-‘or the quick'cunb Hmdache,’l’oolho zch--.§Rh.nmnti~m, Heinz] thin in Ibo side,; bark ‘or atom-ch, Phil: 3 Colic on Cramp Frost“ Peel qr Esp, y In. Frrsh Cum, “ 'pa. Bruise-n, Dinrrhmg, Sore Throat, and hi!" complaints. ' 'rthnche cured in ten {in fivrmiuulea. H: lei. Burns zured frc lon. Neurulgin pain] ' (‘ulic pun-d in m 'd'i‘i‘ trn minutes minute: .\‘pmi all 52 .To' curt-d: min" 111/lull uki‘i rcliev in {H ‘ l 0 s Sin; so. i 25 an Th. your - presenti. to flip. pu' on mung“: cl dlnmend i .elf to !h Mn in rlili ‘el’ g compla true « Lions ho may Imo' wars of DI. EAL over ' l MEE CZ naively been e curod Balm, Head nose ; I tnm 'ANgA [I 3588 (a: Eaxxsrb ;RRDSUC . ‘ I”shed Inc I \ ants is For (bu-t) ‘ ed w liindd Nauru y for“ ifn can he 75 I cegfls Balm F 0 two 0 the In ten . buwe Mil hcmjsls, ilndelphig. :13, .'“r 3330?)? 'i- - “:5” the s fl’rfiv plane Ii Col befl's Unis ' , The not '1 LI Age IScrpfu l~|' an lii. ! ‘ [lso+ an Stubbor- the Cl 'J‘pl' l'impltg Clare, R" mi 130 IS Eruptio Colic, k. Cittstneo l -i 0311212 Benin a] m'l‘ bufnr -1 inrn, I:rystpe =I l Disenses ErMEE k‘inds ; “bled tho m clxll~‘ in ev lenentt Dcliilily r‘s _for $5 Le no mli .\‘DH. Dr un. N. Y." ysburgm)? six hot In find t 9 s: u. 8 vii Will. mm, (I‘iu surh I." ) tlieir-rnnhle. Every nrvirlc ifirsz r' :1.“ cmmtry slur:- will ' “i We m 1: (juwrmtnéd My'l‘ 'l‘il ’anwaE-re ornside nf lho Pit ‘~ Qllil‘ Sale: nud’Small l’n IJw ~lm ' goods. ‘ kfi'tW'e 11130 take lhifior‘c “I. thank fnrJhPVerygvnrrml: l‘_ ‘ heron Ybrt‘ ruched. um) ind “y . by sgr ct ulti'utiun In l-uzme of“ gar-M )r the intorosu nf hol 011‘ nurwl‘ us. to nwrjl n wmhr 1w fihurs‘ Yor 'RCE \\‘ R‘l‘Y-T the Nb: soliriul ‘c raisl mlilibn L‘ View HERLY. ”RD YE. r “)I:th tion of m. d the “it xmd redu of those 1 A YE jn it. is .‘ dumrs i Imnme; rand to n I 11km: acv cane fina natiqnnl : onomy. 'e indn itcralu ntflllgo _own )1 3' claim we Very ltry and '9 and non .Al 1 r]: ‘ {it corrosg d in fore mil. and •st rau4,. (M: n’ .HFTB —' .TEN | [)LLAR e in nouns HURT w....d| Cribs 1 Gil]. at UT} ”3,2" (‘flll :| for m equal ‘ FIVE ifTwu ‘ldresse ‘lHfice, ‘flfl d ‘ oadcl ‘ cmude - to amt desin-d, more 00;» is. The I} I: one in v: .'a...59 5 adflrt‘i .E 1 ll rs ond rk, Am; \LILOCK. ' ropriaton 1 22, '6l. 1' innl' { mmn' I,}, mud t ‘ { informs; [e public :44 ‘ Tinning treat, dire manufact i-ry variet : I’AXJVA IREPAIPJ . done in i and no u‘ _ A Muir-l i a um shurg 1 §uewu and, d and J" ' to du‘ ILVG all >‘derute. {.ructiyp solicits: i A. P. ‘ 60:1“ Cures Circa ME I! Cures Cures 0A1) BOY 'l' I On and mi v, the Morn' u A.’M., i 5. quth Railwny, I ernoon 'l' 1 P. Mr“ I ‘0 fanherl “turning | , wiihpus hin,'&c. l the coun: iug luisi kn lhu‘ uI -rs in Gth - Train. i Presiden SE: Pro .De Gmth—De \r Sir - ad ‘ fool. -l- d!) cut and swollen f( ud . into i, and \yas totally ul‘mb _ in is up ch, when,‘ by one ap but Elec' c Oil, he was imme-i um I able walk without his cr K ‘ ‘ ‘ \'ed from being lam I 1301', rg at Ll nueclio; Central The a! 12.13, I.“ go “11'? ' .13 PER! hilsdel s froml muth. : can i gvyo hol ft'ernoo 01mm] was .r .-vlll Doing h._ commend your Oil to all aflli . : Yours. truly. ‘ l ‘ JOHN Al Rheumatism, Neumlzin, an at nnc'p. by this grant Oil‘ Th Cures made 31;] Profit “ELE TRIO OIL,” nre nlmps so w uderful.and insmnume tory, nd mitigating of hun‘L _ upon public functionnries, q chnrg ofpublic instilutionsl . sufl'crghg. to look m-ll into ‘rlmerl the simple efficacy 0 ‘ IOil," ruthe cure of‘rlisensel ‘I GR AT DTSCOVERYL—A “[l3] I. e practitioners and ch have emonatrated the great L, Gmths beautiful combinnt We on H'S“EELE()TIIJC OIL,” , vlcnre man: dbenix. Butt "t l Ive: an range-ring their for ’"fli‘hth nmistakenble find an: “1N an llve hundred thonsnln l b ' sold i? e m‘, short time—"n " 10 tho 1: who heard there rec had "Fed it. That. it: ii n lpl jis anywhere acknowledged, "i it was ever before prepared. Vedl The’ only Cenuiné “Electri f9}? -De (mum’s, which is to be h {ll span le Druggists'in the L' h“, M whfilesale and retail. at . Dd prions of the Agent. Price 23 ‘FhG [and £1 per lioule.‘ ll? M 8! l deiphih, Priu‘cipax nepuu . Mayfz7,lB6l. 3m oh ENT'S !lEEE _! Hanov‘ at. J .'r at 9, A. ,tion for Y 4 ’plinnaexp: Wiliiams. ‘ points on 8,. 1 :—: um f 11an ‘ street, a where he ‘0 calls ‘0 I ‘ :t favors, custom dfil pril 8, 186 [Mc-x ‘ILU’E constantly (in Imm he! Imm BuckwhAcu MEALS, 1 “'1 Beans‘ Driui Fruit. and Pick '39- ' GOPFEES, Tens, Syrups, N. 0. Five crop, u .19 cents per gallon, th! L'Tor baking» English Cheese, 1 41mm usually *ep! in A. Hel “5‘ Storm] Give me a call. W3l2] ués,‘ a GetUabnx-g Dcc. 3! 1860 I - - t» V - I .y I LLSWORTU'S zon Al] “‘1 IE HARDEE'S RIFLE'DRH‘. ‘ "f. . (EEARR’S, opposite she BIL ”H x LISH DAIRY cling , I.‘l'flfi le, now to be had at H} ad I goo cps, I’lu TT 4 80 ived haul .ry fine I “on'. ‘ .‘ turner! 81000 Re (fuel In" been Cul gle Day! EVERY ll In! nl 11'"er p. 30 cents' per Béttle.‘ ‘ thiigl we prove o yes, 0111; bring on y? A liberal dm-ounu rited in every tow ‘ n: Agents» All onl' bouli be addres-‘rq C. S. C 123 South 4": str ECTIONS FOR U l.\' (“LEAH—For e tncc and gums o ' g the band upon tb ‘ In extreme cases , and cover the tun clue, bathe the :cmpl and hkq from ten to ler of~wnter, awe-Hm ‘Croup and Safe Thn Xdropx internally, on s rm wnur: bathe-1h in a flannel. For llea figln, Lame Buck or 53 n»(iilcnd; and gener Burns mix om- part water and flour, tn :1 'with the same. I" forty drops in hot 1 nud Apply wet flnn Talk-r dol-Ie is furyhild \lts; fifty according ert’s Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead gum ' 9 (who lune fined}: .without it. - “.5 Wanted. For "-3- _ G. S, Cu -. 123 SuFuunh St“ . Urders 9511! by E ‘ ind Spikes at the sh 1 23,1361. urn FAIRFI . Stlll‘ m the EHART kfi‘ULLIVA m mtc‘minp of Llu-ir l' crullv tn the fuel 11m from the ciL'u-s of an. with a. NEW \.\' new up norms, . ‘mfrn-d in the cnumy lINE Ilibuught th‘pir gum nmfima time “hon uf‘ fabrics is unprcct'fl o nlft-r such BAR“ AI wt cre lulmn.‘ lf~nu ‘ exn ine our slut k. I'}: dflflrmgcnt, “‘0 M duvemi‘n'lins wull m ' RINHHAHT k Coincr Main um] I a, 135}. K A. Matlnot .' \ .\XD FI'RNITI'Ri-H ‘nud 27 VS. Guy sh'm =e SLAM-"ending inn 9 large‘l cstnh’liahmc Alqu on hand :\ EMULD A.\'l)‘()l-'Fl(‘l g Bureaus, Herhtcml‘, ‘ .\lan‘rcwos of “ink. Belle, 80f”, Tote-c -g (‘lmirs, Et Igm-M. . en‘emion am! l'phul iDC-ULUIIS (I_l~‘('U'l".l Chairs. Omcc L‘hui; and Cradles, Hat Rm !“ \Vulnut Fran-191.0 , Exténsiun Tables, 0 was diaposud lo pun ‘1 give our stock (In Foxy and quality of x H! by any establichm 4.2 mm Nos. 23‘:qu 1 6 1860. ~ ay rath’s Great HE MARVEL 0F Tl lowing. (not everythi Rheumatism often in Neumlgin, Toothache Cramp in Sfmnuh. fi Bx'i‘rns. Wounds, nrnie Headache, fiflovn min B xr-ache, Stiff Neck, Piles, Swellodfilunds Felons. Broken Bre two to'six days; Hemanrlmge, Scrofu ten da‘m: - , Frostu‘d Feetnnd Chil days; , Azue and chvr, om- - nil m-rvmn nud arr-m Dz-nfneis in one to (0 all Quins in me Back, dnys'. .( . z! of? ms canvass Flour, Grooeri 1861. Latest News. ~ l 1861.] UST uwn Were going m n" we'rereireil J n deapalth that K F. )lc’l’LllEVYihas just opened I complete assortment of [Hits AND GAPS, including Ihe [nu-all full uvle ‘Silk, Bearer, Slouch, Onsimere filll Woulgllnu— HATS for Spring and Summer, of ”mind styles, embncing Stray. Leghbrn and Annmn Boys' and Infants' Main and funcy' at: and Cups, Willt'h for gimme." of finish an quality Igrpus anything ofthe kind Her ofler' d in this pllce—all of which WI” in: sold at nslrrnuhinc 1v low prices for cash. Alm. HUOYI‘S AND SHOES. iiu-ludma I tim- M~oritment o‘ Lndics' .\iorrocvo Hunts, ll mkxnuGuittra nndflippun (HAITI-Ill." .\XI) SLll’Pl-lILS A 175 CE. TS PER PAIR. All in want of good: in my‘ linal are netiwclfuliy invited to give main call Come one] Come all i i ~ And give me a friendly- call,‘ For all goods will be sold at ui To overcome the unlocked it} 'Lpril 22,386] l ard! . inukli Baruch! ‘ L'u'hlt fined in ten I smnftluguu tfro _nred in the min inulva. timing re thrust nliu ed I? bione Agent in ITL WARRANT- I IYLI‘I'H!‘ Price e spot and before MED . Marble YBJTIIRO ‘ HE subscribn lign'ing‘ rem' business to RI!“ Yurk n lance belaw St. Jumes"(?lmrch. to the public that he i‘ still pr ‘nll kind: at work in his lim‘ ‘ ‘lmenlsg Headstones. (in, how 0‘ ‘style and finish, with and wi sor lists, to’ suit purclmsersfind‘ “the times: Person desiringu‘ will find it I! decitfzd advan‘mg ‘ltock and prices befqre pun-chin -lde to Agents; 9150.: A Jew good Land comufiuniuu 11mg: 00.: s. Philmgelphia ‘ NU UULUEBT’S ! ptha‘he apply it: he toblh ufl'cclsd. Ice; repent! if not. ' t‘cotflnn with (he ‘I and mums. For , nud kpn‘ly to the ‘ nirty flropsju Ind! l‘ Gettysburg, March 21, 1859 ,mke {rant lob to nr oi'in‘sxy‘w-otmlm throat“ Igecfly and‘ the. tllujnimism,‘ ’- lme‘u- f ‘crb’ will: y tnkpl ldrnnlly.l , lm in (SI3M (Ind lake nipuheg cover (Solib, tak. from 'rflcr‘ h‘mlie the, In. ’in liminbmc -n1 mild the; larger 4 n‘geiand CPL-cum- . Removals llEllrxdersiénr¢.!¢ing the = I _ ' to make romnh'pxls into li'l tar)" hopes that mob ya conlm nl ofthe rninains of defined ml 1 will mail :hemselved ofthis m. have It done. Remqvuhmmlg I r—termx luw, n’ml nul cfl'urt Spnl _ . 4 1 PE I‘ll M‘nrch 1?,‘60. lerper of] Somethmg N INGETTYSHI'RGQ—Theumw the citizens ofthjr town If"! fling! cominoucud H 132; “.\KINU hinge Mule. in You]; Murat. (Jul 5 oplnusitc Wm'tles'sJHbWL WIN” “serve, and hopeaitr rccciwu Inge. nni‘: m, Roy‘s, mm ; PHETZELS, kg. #3., lmkcd c days ch't-pwnl )MI 301' [ho been at: the luwtkt In'ing bruins. U , nll its ranches ii ludgl-iy cnrriq to any umouuf, frulq‘ this "“4, 3 “Hz. hypplicd at Ile shorted J érvclud xyvlaruc and (‘qmuilmlimu ‘ aevurrd Ungfikeit erfnqu nu ‘pruvcd uuéultixrcry,_.he is ‘pn huvy Lusifms‘s. f ‘ g gmmmr ‘ lmrmlnss. Col luaffll‘l ium: m iu‘ Gile+d will - nddFees " mrrtu c .. - lilzlfiflphin Pa. law, If» any mm of has! flotice.‘ r ' ‘n! 1 5‘ . llcav; o cnfi ml 1h pub» we)" at 11'?- ldphi)‘ and July 25,1839. 1 i -:\' up .\S-‘{ 1.1:; ever: n'shi nI panic ‘ iuefiu' many luck :Qre eu-w ‘ a P'HmexIIIALA Benel ‘ tion established by Ispec fin“ the Rullefufthb flick .I‘ud l I (id “ill: Viruh-nt xm‘d Epidemi Special” for the Cub: d! Uism Urgnnw. ‘; . MEDU‘AL .\D‘KIQH gh‘rn gr inp; Surgeon, to nll \fllu Azlpl) l firsvripuun‘of 'hvir? ru‘nuhum tiun, lmhiz; oleifv, Hon} um! in Poverty:.\lvdicim-~ fixrwiwlu-d‘ f 1 1 VALUABLI", REI’URTS an I find other ‘I)1.~«-:u~e< of the Sm on the mm “55116151 ch “up“ thury. sq’nt tn {lthlulllwl'vd I'll} ulnpl's.f'o(‘ uh 11.1 mm 'l‘w. fm‘, pmmgv \\ 11l bl' ajm't ptuhlr. ;' ‘~\ddu-~’\. ‘Mt J. DRILLZNJH ing'Surgl-on, Ihm .v:‘iv.l-;\~snv~iutl :Mnflx flux-«I, I‘hihthlbhm, I" E+hcfilirulorm . g - I j E EZRA D. HEART Z (31:0.F.unruxLu,¢'y. “ .’Juu4 7,1861. lii" -’ \ Prof. 3LI 11111 M .\mlX\'l(:un¥,\Tnu._.\‘ H and Evuumuimfl (‘umpml , FUR RHSTIHHNU GRAY H iml polar withcut dyéihg, nud ILIiI' from turnlnd flaky. FUR PRHVHXJ'LYG BALDN it: when tlwre is the] Lem! pnrli yrccupl-r‘ltivu cnvrgyyrenmluin:i FUR REMOVING Sl'l'Xll-‘A.J snd‘nll rut menu»: :xm-vlinns Ml “urnmnm‘ ds !ujll but 'is fognpletu ' we‘cau‘nfifi‘vi’l' +ly them fur} 1y kept In 51, {nd inh h-mrH {\‘D .lESULDL nr mnuo isdh I X E‘jl'ouble? l ' ‘) J ‘o mtv‘ir‘n our nu‘kwt‘ have IL:- {him th I 1 In high ro pn+nn< and .?’1 wk kmd l\'.\,\',‘ «inn arr’dn 1:0 (I uflnn our 1- our) Fi. Irfietti ' rft ! SO ’8 ,1 Mme! ()O\IS.NO¢. I Haiti {on-1., (near Guy : l-‘rbulerick of .111? kim‘l‘iu (he rg‘e u snhl’nent’of "S RN Tl'flH.em :tah‘s' And" “'uhl .‘u’tm xdxlé‘Hnirl AM. Im Ulmiksi rhlb .Ilnlé:, 8&1 ‘red ‘lxélifl'. AS— GH 1"! 'I’JNITURE.‘ Ember Ulmirs, - Ha I Futilixme; .‘“}: (l nssck‘ Side very lcfiglix‘. nq'e n invited 10 tion, Which nship'is not he country. SUN, a3l’aiquet. l 1 FUR m:.u'l'ln'[.\‘u {l‘llch “toil 111nncquallcllglu~i= and br’ git anltunnl ~lllsyiu Its t-_-_\tun- - curl 11-mllly. ’ l l 1 l ‘ The grozlt r-clehrlty and thl gmnnd for this unequpllwl prupu nthe pruprirtor that one trml '3 "tin satisfy a. discerning puhlij ‘lquulitica over an} olhvr prnpnrl “in neon lt clcnuhenl the lu-.ul l Itdannlrllfl'nnd other l‘umncuus l [Aha lmir tu grnv luxurinrit‘lylj rich, 50ft, glossy and flunk]:- lu‘llso where the lmiriis luowen' ‘it will give slreug‘h Hm} vig land reslorc the groyrth lo thn ‘hava Uevome bald, amusing it Coiering of hair. : _ i : ll‘here are hundrngls of 134“” and gentlcmén ; ih New York'whn hhvs hu'd thgir‘hnir mstured thy the~use of this l'hvigurutor. when all other lprepnrhtlons had fulled.‘ L. Ml hzss it: lll‘ pus ‘ Session lettqrs irnmnerhblc tt-sllt'ying to the 'ahore fiu-tfl, frmn parsqns of ltlle highestr re l Rpecmbility. It \\ ill vll'mdlmllg,‘l prevent the ‘ilptir from turning ghny until thu Lllc‘stpcrjo'd :of life; and In vases lxhere the lluir has already. lqhnngcd its color, the um» (lf he Inviguratur‘ {will with certninty nestorc it to lts original h'ur, Egiving ital darkugl’uhsyappenr not» A; n. 11er lfiumc for the toilet ztml a llnirllntornme it is particularlyrommmended, h n' ngxm agreeable Jrngmnre; and the great faciliq'insyit ufi‘llrds in illrcssing the lmir, “‘hich. “'hxni‘moisf wjlh the glnvignrutor can be dressed in nny‘rrquirml form iso as to preserve itsiplnce, whelthag plaiyf or 1.. :curln—heuco the groutldemap‘d {or it by the ladh-«us a stnndurq toilet art lo; which hone adulyht to he withopt, as (h price filaces it iwithxu the rcnch of fill. being . 4 ‘ ONLY 'l'Wl‘lN'l'Y-I‘WVE'CENTS ' Iper bottle, to be hilld at all rclapectahle drug ’glsts and perfume”; ‘ § - > L. MILLER would call the littention bf Pa rents nnd Gnurdinnq to the, use Mhis lxivigor. Jutor, in cases whereltheChildré 'sflmil' i‘nclmes to be tweak. The ale of it lunyth'e foundation tfor a good head of ligir, ns‘it rtmovea nlny lm. Ipurities that may hai‘e become“ onnectea with :the scalp, the remdval of whiéh' is needs-sat" bdth for the health 6! the‘ childl, sud the future nppearanoé 0““ li 'i‘. . , ‘ t ; CAlTTlON.—§on: genuine filthout the the almile or LOUIS MILLER being on the Outer wrapper “5130, L. mum's mam xwiu. HATUR. N. Y., blpwn in the glhia. . Whubaule Depot, 56 Dey Swami sold by .11 the principal Merchants Ind Dnlggists thi-ough out the world. ‘ ’ , l min rkm: It in. I 01; .4 .\'.: I 10 Oil, ' —Fur Hie EZB WOl 'nutsen; ‘ mim tbs; .' .onét lwndnys; - cs; 1 , 11min hight; en «la '3;.‘ ‘ .s, 5.5!". Rheum, \ AbsOess, six to .‘ 1 . nins,’dno do three . I r ' 3 -o tw‘idafs, and turn ctipns. H duysfi ; ‘. Feast, Lia, In two njzxfinnung! lexandfin‘, Va. My 1| had his ”now: 11‘; u nnil 't. Wq'lkw‘yithout ‘- icatiop» of your nely pared and I h.; .l believehe ' ther y. 3 In- Lted. .‘ 'om! all pi Hgtter. ink cured with his GM um 1211:31=111 ngillnnn 1 to call d thqse having r the *nick and e welt attested thls; “ Electric mammd beast. ple iesu, both mical analysis, «he of Prof. De .n, 'ca‘llcd DE or the reliefand Libemldiscountmpnrchaserabflhequnmitfi Earl also gleam go present t‘b the Ameriéan public my an nu“ [IPIOVID ylxinxuxpom LIQUID HAIR DYB;whiob after ymri of scien tific experimenting I Inn brongt‘ to perfection. ”It dyes Black or Brown “lan 1y without in jury to the Hair or ‘Skin—uuianted the best unicle oltho kind i‘n‘existencc. ‘ PBICI'LO‘SLY 50 CENTS. Depot" 56 Dry Sweet, New‘YorE. Oct. 29, 1860. 1y i ' people them-i C! in I manner: factory. More tles have been rent proportlon } mmcud it, who pd'd discorery,] ,an d nothing “Reg 4 v ' Oil?' in Pro!“ . lit :11 me n-i ,ted fimtrs, Ind o Propriflor‘l' I "114.60 cents, ' {4 str'pql, Philw‘ N~ALL ITS BKANQIfl-ZS, eiecuted in‘ the I best style known in the ‘lrt.’ M. C.‘ G. CRANE'S GALLERY, 532 Archi Street, Ens't of sum, I’hilndelphin. LIFE sin: in on and Patel, StereoscopicPol-tnlu, Ambrotypel. DA. gumeotypel,&c., for Cues, Kédanionl, Pins, Rings,&c. ' [Non 12,183}. 1y T I The Boduggtr; . ' 1 g HIS fionderfu] ‘nrticLe, just patented, in ~' i. $O. ‘I something entirely new, and never before . FLOUR, Corn 'o‘ ered to agents, whom‘e wnnhed everywhen. .irmmbny, Soup Fnu purticulnrs set" free. Address , ' . ll; SUGARS. ' SHAW & CLARK, Biddktord, mine. M‘Molnssel, fur} :11”th 4, 1861. ly V x 1 , ,_ I very: but ipd *— ~ ~ - - -"——*7—-‘,-r-‘—-- ' d exu- omen-‘3 LADIES, or 11. 0.. Our. is qho phgoe to get § find (1'00", Gloves and Gtunfleu ofj‘nu‘kmdn very BILLESPIE. rclenp. CnlLand cumin them. No "gum. ‘m‘ Itfi show goods. ‘ ’[Msy )3. . ; V. . _-- ___-FW -_- “‘7 ‘ ounsncs Tickingn, Check! Fltnnell gang-1:1; Br.,[-'nhnea£ocks'f. we' huh um 11- QSLIX‘ bgnnded ytfh ouriovn up", to 1A I*, ~ V 7 ~ -..... nun-w _ :———;! which we invite upecinl “Marion. u’it «'l'ch I '6?! linen-i by far, any eve: attired in this; market. for tho '6. 0433'5. Lime... ~ , g _ bong-d bf prices, r "crisis. u 979%: red his‘plnte of I ct. I! short. dis— lwml'ld finnoum-e pnnid m furnish I lm‘h n} Simm erery find ty of ‘hout bucs‘ and M pri to suit. :thiflgéf: his line . to exnmiue‘ hi: Eng elsewhere. ‘I 11. MEALS. ' Atborized portfon or {been Ceme lute the} romm nl Livcs’or frmuds on ofthcyeur to imh promptncss ed. “'1 plea «c. R THQRN, . llhe Cen‘aegcry OW' r‘signg‘dinforms commit that he business. on‘ a; u_s‘sburg. umrly ”he null try to I libernlpnu'un s. (‘RA(‘KEILS, i'cry Addy. raun uujitv. um mm u'kor-bnkmg‘f in ‘on, and o:3lan a Iljuiuing wim otiua.’ liming buke—lmuwand the was! up. paxmd 10,910 a E SAL'I’EE Howard: Ass Loci =tipn, . i ‘ . . 1 1:1an Instrtu- ‘ :1! Eur ome-nt, l ism-as d, u. [cl-i ‘ 'l.)ch: 9s, n_nd ‘ L-s‘ufll c Sexual tis, 'hy the My; 3‘ ,lcgler, with. 3.: 1 (use! ou'ljp'l—i 1 use» of mm incl “0 of l I‘m-Kc, l ‘pcl‘mxlhn'rllu~~l, ‘ml Organs. and .\ed In th‘p D,“- Pn‘ .Kl-ztlcd ‘lcu. r of tin-u; Slump," umnbx, .m -m. {(032 Smith . Ill" lßrder o! '. Y 'ELL, 'iPru'L MI ‘Bfl'ect ve,S.lf¢ nu]. :3 m to’igs origi prcteullin'g we ISS, hn‘d curing lo oi‘vilu‘lilbjor in mmnvrr. 1 he. Srulp. __ ‘ .\lll. imparting; lliu'ncynnnking m). canning iuu hicrc-nsim: ‘lO - unmincc onty nw‘csmry uf in superior lion m. present nd sunlp from hismses, muse! 'nnd gives ira’ ppenr:(m*e, mnl g 531 d thinning, } r ya the mots, se‘ parts which I o wield a fresh I Photogréphy Carfilon 8:, _Adair’s I Old Muskets 3; 1311193.: NEW uARBhE \V'Ullks, mm" bf mm. LL ”In,” “rough“ “W‘- co“. . more and l'utgultddlo streets.dirct-lly op-‘ A hivlng in their possession United Bmg 1’0"." the new fi‘f'm ”mm" .‘“”H‘NTEF“ arms. either .\inaketr or Rifleé, In ha: ym. “‘“{"‘E "“5"”; ’1 ”,"M "9'“ Ph'lflddphifi, ""1 5836‘?!” to ‘rrtnrn them initnedintelyvto 1?: nn. {rt-hug fully compmunt to ucrulr «1“ Work in ~dernlgnod. M. thshlr‘rg, 1! mid 7mm are not, the finest. style of the mm W} \t‘uuld‘lrt‘npectfnl- 3 returned in a ron'sonahhi ti'ne inch mmnrn ‘3 “M" ‘h' “WW?" ”.‘"“ PM“ wishing to M the miliutry laws of thali‘tihi’fnonwcfilh pro. procure c-ytllmz lngourltne, to {“0" "I with N : vido will be taken to get them in. of.conno it»?piigmfinfifmhmfiilk‘i{Sifiglz'lxinr'lil“if; ' this doc: not apply to arms in the puso'ulon . ' l ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ of or nniud com .inles. ", imi .:.“. ”2’" a t 1 W 0! - .. ~ appertaining to_or§rhusinesa._nt the luwestpos. ‘ $3235 ”:22; they "I“ be r “3'“ “u. silile prices. “e do not hesitate M) {gunrunug ‘ Cnxhfitan—Hr 15".}... Af'é‘nd‘svfnq um! our work sh: I§br put up in autumn ”1)-. Hanea- Mlddlctolirn'L-lCn '. 2” .B' “ t ' ' Mile 6 ual to h . ’ ,mpl ‘ ore, "a." 3mm“) and ". . “F q t '1 be” 3° he'vxlle—C. Mvern' Petersburg—Slr. Becker nd Yen in the 'Cllll‘ , iwlxere ererynmwowmpm 4“". "lrdt‘hrignd .' Hum ton—Mr. Dick!) Emu “ir‘id' ”finance hi" "Res-“'1 " “"‘ned “f’A‘Lchlin—D'nniel ’mnnipll‘ “bounce-wily} “nd‘cspwiflly‘da * guarnnltee ”In our Chm": z'bobler'and Fr‘nnris Wilisoin 3th OxforHa‘: “"1““ an“ 1 3 $O3; m" be “1 “fir“?! ‘f’Qb Martin; llcShcrryirtowin—Jolm Bhnbiyg 2:? “rim '23:: :mctiexioi‘mtiazfi “.’““N Littlentown—Jlisqili“Barker - .\iountjoyé-Beb tn o\ye igtven» -~ .. .‘. .~' . it the cohipletionia n jolt. and so necessary tb ‘ :fgrit;‘PrF(-ir}li:lr§:;\ru.3ll}: Tram—s33ll3: dluntinued'fingcef‘ 53 and symmetry. _ ' ETSrnityh. ' ' e3i - C t ; ““5251“ Q 5»). it A ' ' _, _ , Wll‘lhnye positive orders to'collect 3i. ‘ ‘* " ’ .j “ . firms. iose concerned Will ,1 n A I NOW 812 Martin ‘.. N» and not Accordingly. Jii‘ligngagtl‘t'i'ounl M'Ejust r H 123 me theeity thelnrgcut , Juno 24.186 L lln‘gcde Imm; ‘ stock (If ( GERIES they hgvu‘ pref *«~——~—————~--———-_r__:-_ , __‘fi ;‘ ered to the pub i —Sllg‘:lra. Syrutis, Cbii'ocflf : Ayer’s Smaparjua’ . I W" “'cezcbm’?’“sl"”“m3limsi*‘i-y*(‘n on Pump-rim rm: n‘Luop -—-And to, merucingnli varlptitrs‘wtt all [mt-esytho lowest} F the a red “I" will“ lub'binod imam . the marketwiilnflo d. ral‘milroomsrllr‘nshcsr dragging? , y ' ‘1 1" , ' Gettysburg Foundry. Hm! Sutton“ T-flmu "‘"Nw “w “Emmi ,scuorntA Axosonoru- 2"? .‘1 [IE' lubbcribcr.) h‘fiing purchased th ewrr‘glnpg '08:”! _‘o lid in \fint “l“§"(’i'°c°'yifJWSAFFECTlOXS,uucnu urn ’r'. TJ-‘oundry of Messrs.Zorbnugh,filo§t&Co., fag! ”it?" 0:1" "d hnn‘x a _ '_ ng'SIORS, t‘mnns, SUIH‘IS, V ...!” (formerly “'{trrens' Foundry.) 1m mmmenced- ‘ , .‘8 ‘3“; “f ~, 9 Tl‘“ ‘. 1? "mummd’iEßUPTlOXS,l‘l\li’i.ES,]'i'S. (. hurirwsmand in now prepared tnufipr to tho l'”.l1 91}; yd‘t'ifrimal-IMI ‘9 1‘ ("wt thurkcg Tl'lJ‘lS, Bl.()'i‘t‘lll§.\',li(liLS, T, ‘3' futhlit- . lnrfier nisurtmt‘nt of .\larh'inery than, “W.“ P'“ .‘”. an“ ~ ‘ I‘F" "MW TM! Bums. AM) ALL smx 4.3-5 hm: herrtulnnl been olfered. sur‘h is THREHH- "“’““:T“"“”“ i;- "§;‘l.".l§l‘kc‘}‘lll\fizd sit-e tux Dib‘EASES. . --‘ ' lNll .\TM‘HilXESfi‘lover [lulu-rs, Fodder: C-ut- ’“cmuc‘h' rof . arti'murc ahii ”4' TU“! . ‘ . Oaklsmdflnd ‘ m]. Juno, ism», tt-rit, Corn Sheliors, nml .\lnrguu‘a lute imprcxt'uii A M ‘(fmlgfio 9‘ I . '2' ° “F"- J. C. .\yer .lt (‘ul ‘ (lenti- l ferl it mv duty "or“ ‘Ruke. Hutu, STUVES, shill ,3»? Cook? Ll" I I ‘ _' H ‘l‘ .:.; _ , a»_ to acknowledge whitt‘you; Harsupnrilln hni Slil‘cfi, three different kinds; n’nd “‘Wlfm‘mntfi . Grocer e Notions .&c* \ donefbr me. “swim: 'inhcrin-d 11. Scrofnlonl mile! of Tun-PM“? SWWS~ I‘“‘““‘“ “K” “"1. HF d - an,” nm -d (a ‘i. . nfl'cctiou. tl hat-o suffered t‘rnm'it inwarinu'n ;Suw-min.casungs, and unkind: ol'Tdmmg in TV: “.“_ “g; ,_ .Balfi :Lnnq-rlmery nil-SK Wys fur yous. So’mé-rimu it hum out, in honor Wood. _ ' 5 .3 i ium!“ C0r¥1?10u§“ '23.“ ~|rLEL ."f’lrl. ‘l'i‘ rs on my hnnds nlnd arms: unmofim‘cs it ”REPAIRING of'nll l i id~t on _‘Mitchincry‘ 1‘33“)“:‘1’. } '5“ :1 A < lllll‘;xh”fi‘3§fi.’“rl{}“er“!m-reiimmwmd“unmanned mo ntthe stomach, and Gusting-t will ho; dnnr to ordt-rvnn short. ‘fl‘o “:I’4“ “' S‘U ' RS 8““ 1 “VII!“ 'Flllfr‘h‘l qu yeurn ago it l)rnk\e out on my, lit-Ila anti notice. l'nttcrhs nude to unit-If; i’lblittb 01:“- {lf ggnpeuiti': fl‘i .e‘ '5. 2‘: ‘ 1.”;“39”? éoured’my stinh’; anthems with one surmwhitih‘ mg; m..” unvle ; PLLJL‘t‘xIIS,}IIIeI# Seyizjz. Sly-1k *f'l” ““9: l‘ a“, “(fig-”‘0‘! “I, fwd": iy'nn painful rind lunthuomo beyond drm-ription._ .~“'i'~h9"°“:y I'll’d‘fl- WOOdL'O‘tkv “'"i‘ "WW: F L in; 't ' uni; "’i ( m {1&1}. Rim?" i tried many mm“! itlt‘srnlltl nevi-m] physicianii, imht‘l's HUUM‘III-imlt‘d “P": “l" right‘dith-n Ill! ‘15"? lfl- in .6? Mr: 1 ’.T,i' v} “11-04.01, fisenw’ but wiflmut nun-h relief flout-nny thing. in 'k‘mh "f ‘l“th FEXGINH’ f‘" Grinelcl’lu} %EU .fq :30: Elg‘lfin it‘ll?“ :s' ltolllhirSM"; llivt. the disorder “IT“ \uirsr: .Atiltength l will Ll’orA-hei ort Ynnla. ’ l » f at? if“? ‘Sg‘lu’ " I e'iimn “ ‘RICT" ““‘kmdfl Iquimnl tn rt-nd 'in ihv (impel Messenger that i Also, .\lprtiqing Mnehint-é, .one of the, heel (ir- ytkul” vi?“ if “rum“: 16'2""; n""“"f_'iiti h-ui propnrnd mi nl'tl-rntiu- .(S:lranpnirilln,) ‘nmrin use, ,This nmchiné wnrki w‘itli' ti lu'n-r gm" if? h- ? g G 3“ \l 'in" ‘25.. for "”‘L for I hut-n" from fliltgr rI-lgunttton thn; nny thing 'by hnndyriny link- My can innimgo ild 12'9” 315‘ sw“: 2’ if]; "I 1”,: iii fly???" :-¥|lllintlli" mns't ht- mamtf: Lscnt ttiftfin’finnnti i" a,” null examine ohr Slot‘k‘f. nnuiwlhl'hnlt 29“"."J‘H‘R'P. aél<il\!l]?-‘(llt:‘lelt;‘.t' “ It“.l’jl"“'r51; nntl gout it, nntl’ usmf it iifli ii't urid me. Honk lolnft we u" pig-rise. 'prrqpmplmght to see it . 'r “’PL“.5”\‘. 5'16", 15.1“ if” “:0 ”_l‘i l ”‘7" I. In" it. fix you tuhiac. in mild} time: ofn teenpunq‘. lthi-ir admitting” to bILV mnvlfimgv U“ 301‘ VHF!” “01:? w} 'l E o m if” ‘r‘n :13 'm,‘ ’lilfej‘;l,u‘9l l'nl ort-rvmumnlh. and uwcd uln’tustfiro‘r'holtqu. i“: ])i.n}e,'\\-l.t*rr it is‘nmuutnctun.:i. m hut-thing. P“ ‘"‘s P“ “m“v ‘i 1?, LtY'lJ‘l‘k ”L'- \siilll‘lliiti' . a New nml’ honlihy skin seq lug-gnu tSiurm tindtfir ’c:.n \euyeihiiygctnnypnrt ri‘plotlctl'il‘J‘l‘l‘M‘Tfi'Li iN, 1° 1860 itf ‘ ''; ' ‘l h' the scab, whit-h nth-Fa \v‘iiile {eii 01"., Mr skin ‘l, Vl ‘ « ' DAVE} STI‘IiKNIHI}: _+ ‘ ‘l3:“;qu M: _A; m_ ’;‘_§ .L- ‘l5 nowclcu. «mi 1 kno‘wg’hy myf filings thiit. }' Gettysburg,Feb.i3,‘l'Bu‘o. I ~ ' . .1 ‘moval ; T ‘ Hie dinénui ht“ game from my Hutvm. Yop‘ i 1" - . . ""J "‘l9 ". ‘ i ‘ ‘ Q_‘., 2 . , l, mu wuil hollt-u: thnt INH whittl uni saying ‘ ‘5 Town‘ Property ' 1 EW 53.1100 ;T('l‘:‘»’- " hf'F-Ez‘RofiF‘l‘M ivht‘n l tt-ll {onsthatfhjuilil you to he one Q! 'l‘ I‘i‘iV\TE sit n-rm unm-rimned of- ‘ ”.‘"“med‘h'i‘ ”iv-m: 'flti‘hhf‘h"'°.'“—§° .”’°' x “”9903!” "Wu we. and mm“ o‘er arm- Af- :1 i‘ri Ite‘ Sill; the Prom-rm inwhtth'} .pleudtd new: bnlpot m “'00” & Bro 5' ”midi: (“1.13" 3. YU-“rs’ . -“'-'P"‘E“~ Tuning": "1 ml“ h' L i F- t‘st ding mm 1 mg‘” ‘h"."‘°”'i“i’f‘°‘ U"”"l’"‘l'”r!“""Pt’ifi’i‘. .\‘Vfittnw's'rttm.'luw: sit nuisn-n‘. { u.- now reatdcaz sittmu“ It "ls (- l l , “hm-._- he will at p’l lIUN‘S be promréd lolse’rve :‘ ,‘ . , . 4-. , ,>. . . [LI '(it‘lh’ibllrw, mlwlntng h. R. 11},“,., m) \UH‘ “~93; II ) ille‘ be“. of at) SiTERS‘ in CH.” 41‘ EV Ms, '1 121 111 R .\\l)h“l4!‘ lllil‘tlu“. b( .'L, fund 'Mrs. Kléi‘nwy go the Nt‘t;sxlh “if; kirping a. good lljl“it§.ll‘.ll;r‘(‘:\llecistoxin-ii"? ;‘ "EXDuliiMl“Kim“,suli-l? EYES, fillof’sg. f'nllpy in ‘the ‘rt-nr. i THE HUI ,"‘: ig h 5! “mm; 311 an "r; [mum pmmnmé. “gin-“‘ls Yprflitumifl \l. fi-il‘hlfmmfl l‘rotn 5111011]...‘. i “'p-storr l’rtvme, \\‘.e.ttlierlu‘)iirllhti. “‘4' SHIV], (HIJCKPN. BEEF 'l‘Oxfll‘l’ ’ltl'fi . .. 1.. l t Stpl.: l n.l, t Int. he'hiu‘tutml un Illf 'lluuk—buihiittg; a well 01-vmleréuiih nynmp in ‘ r‘"l§T,Tl{”'i" B ) lilil' “nu FRIFU “fiat H‘i" i K‘otr-rnlt- (7:50 of “r,“i'fy. “Inch thn-nlcntul to l. at the (lab); «mil-n mrirty ul‘ trui‘ter-h as (”iii-Ih.“ BliléSan-i.’ in ”I“, “I'm”; ' '3‘!“th lyrtniinntt} izttnll'imy Hm pel‘nlfll‘hil’g nae of our “ill"c‘h pears. liL‘M'hH,’nprtuet.s, cherrlor, and ‘ was; uf'AlJ‘Ltir Loldiliii (mu “mu“ he “I‘47;llfllrftlllllrl‘ntl,‘.Hvilll «150 n' dnngv ruun ntlnr‘k of grapes,all the must. choit'e. ; L ("attic mm In" th r {:i. l", i'IL'KI'IAIIUIH‘I. illiliigiillll. V‘hl-I-llh‘lzlil h) ling-e- nuns of‘tlm ‘ i ' , ZMJJMIIIMI MhiißS. . ‘ \‘u-il z 1800 i i . , Fume ,a:lr.~ he «gm-s the common Li'ulilimn I.)- iaao.‘ if - ~r rw F' ‘ '*‘ 31' A'—7M u , ~ l a [ iimitfliintbitt rr ITH stirnrt \ “ ‘ ‘ ' f“ A' ‘ . ‘ ‘ ”'"i “ mm .‘(L 01‘ :‘ c. .» Hons m..;i.‘ Ht. “ only 0H: anarEECh !! l‘ Zellnlon Sluim; of l’rnipvt't, Toxn‘s, WEI“: ; (‘) '(‘()() .Inl'Tii‘i'L STRE}. l’l .\TE "Tin-m: lmttlH obmnr S‘nrx'uymrilln cured um i ‘ . .i\'(ll€.\‘(l.\'(ih'(ir Tlu LQRD'S 'frotn u l‘iuill'c—n lliiit‘tlth\)f!lillg on the netrkj, ' “PRAYER FUR "kl.i‘2.—-—\'Atit'\nt’t-: l'tmrrnn' whirl] llmul unlit-roll trunl rift-r magmas." 3 mm A“AY9—-iriml M?“ “iv I‘errr'ficnlilig-flutaLl-IL't‘utth'ttlA nit “’lll'l‘l-IS.l)y.\lti_\NTU} anl's Pram i) 'Jmi warming. uud of iunm-‘L .\mn. i' I‘l-ZRINE t'l.c+:lt.\'riux, FEMALE matting and kll'l‘lil giug it in éut'h n lelltht‘l' its", “HR'\‘\ES‘ ‘ . ln prmlnve nt critic." model of' nullnch and f llr. J, H. S. ('lmnnittmmf ‘Xow York rig!- influx was \ utft-o‘viul n’i,tii“r-urrit~jd out in) DMIH- 'i‘writw; H| ’ Inns-l I'lll‘t‘i‘i‘fl“V’l'Ullllll)‘ wilh II”: in . tho rolt-lnutqdiiiitnk N’ntt- Eiigrtu'rr. 1 {New inn-aquvd. of your: ngqnt in thg‘ing 1. Have {tum-11 WW,“ ”LV- ,“ r 'mmvm '3 “Li”! t'xt]lti.~ittl\ “K' u,‘lv‘u‘ut S than H‘IHHJI n.u~l l’\'l t'llvtli :Ilil‘rnti‘w tu ifflllt‘d‘“ Md" of ‘phr Fi‘lhi‘T-"v “While“ ollmfl'fi" tho tthtftcruus '(‘mnplnintb for “hilll he run-4 in sucression tic: thor ptlrts of thc lrnyurJg‘mgy sul'h .1 ruany' h"; y=pvfiilily in lit-_I-‘wln ‘iw'ery phrase of “111 ill is engrdwti in th xnostf‘énisyan ()filld,‘fit‘ruf'nlnu§ diuihvniz. rhino n-lvga-ut and HF! "1131]! ”In". NH" ll": WANG!" mnretljmny ittrctmttu rifles of lmncnrrhu-n hy 1‘“. ””3 Pifl'lr“ is i‘ Li""“.rbi." _“‘E“‘llo‘l’sv“l“‘j 01'; t. and simu- whrve the complaint wnsn‘nurml i 013“ SAYIOR, a oi ourfipling the “s:;th [HUM _v ult‘etzllilill «the uterus. The flirt-tuition ll idflilb engim‘in Ff ion “IN—"‘3‘. (“It“) hi‘ill'iflfl‘ elf mu snun' t'urM. ‘ Nothing ivtthiti my [mu- o'f‘the TEN ( ()..\I\IANU.\II-‘.‘€'l'S. Tl l: vn- "BipmViC'lge munls it for _liugac {entitle dcrxin’gy, grnvinzfltns rel-v réd‘filu' mm! umlu liifioil firi'ise‘ m-znbh” . . ‘ 5 ‘l'rniu tho religio Isichmmunity‘. n: thorn isinmh- H Edward S. \i,nrm_w, of .\‘cnhury, Ala.,w it”, ihg of}! SN‘MI’R ni tjhnrttcter :thant ' if. Hfli‘im: 1"“.\ Jwgvrmu omnnu Itnnor owoue 0! NE:- W ‘ihranct‘ou‘mcu (id! by (‘lcrm‘mon of till "Niimflil'siil my fnmily, which hrtd‘ drfiuli til the Innininntionu.‘ Asmln urnnnwnt it ii onl‘ pfthe ihcmvliin we cuulil umphiy. hm nt icnrzthzhut-ii mustrplenvlid r r [HI liuhveri in thin country, [_(‘nn'lpll‘ll’iyl cured hy _mur Extract of Summit r'nnll is destined t inks tho' place of n onrvr jinn. i)tlr.~phpitinn dumzht nothing but t-x -iL-lm‘i of rngrnvi g .: It‘ll» ~i7c of the" pint is ‘2O [VF-”pinion torrid nfl'md rolmi‘, bm. he aih‘ist‘ti Im, ‘ fihv 28 inchi‘s. an s mnqncstion'hhly the 0 “mp! ri II ul'jnn'r Sllrrflpfll‘iul‘ ut- the hint resort ho hen rngrn‘inq ego dfi‘r‘r‘e‘i inthis countr_. ' limb culling, and it prl-u-il Girl‘ghlllll. Aftnr’ ‘; \"hufihut lnvo nrt-i—“huthatflolightqtostmly. :Ikin'z your rt-mt-(ly right weeks uo spuptum of in line‘engravingi—iulr'n t‘utt. “onid nt-I't‘hierllté I ah:- disi-nse remains." , e ‘5l“ G 11; as a Remedlal Agent. x 5 “THIS DELHIIOI'S TONIC STIML‘LQNT, eA-‘ pecinlly designrd for the une loe .Vnly-x cut I'rofnnon and thr Funnly. hm iug Fulfl‘l’ted edlhe anwnllkd “Hun.” “.\romulic,~ "Cotilliul/W “‘Mcdicated," .“Schuuppf,” etc., is [_mw cn wdursed by All of the prominent physicinns. “chemists and connoisseurs, as possessing t" of About-antid- medicinal qullities (tunic u‘ml diuretic) which belong to an OLD find PURF Gin. Put up in quart bottles and 5014 by all! dtuggists, grocers, etc. _ i‘ . . A. M. nmxnm k (10., (Established in 1778.) ' Sole l’ropriewrs, ‘ l ' ‘ Km 19 Broad street, N. Y. For sale by Flu-axon, monums a 00,...) W. W. a 11. SMITH. Ind all of'lho pruminent Wholesale Druggiats in Philadelphia. 1 oa. 15, mm, ,‘ly‘ . ‘ ‘ Nov. 12, Gettysburg QTEA‘T IVE \IILL. (‘UIIYHR HF “'VS'I‘: $ .\hl) .\ILRU.\I) STREH'l‘Syxfihk THE FUL'NDRY —Th‘l~ *ubufir-lh'th hm nu: 11:14-41 (he ‘ Afifium \XiH bf \ir‘ fi'. \\'. ”M‘HM . 1n th plum. Ins Imd n thnruughly rvpdirhlghy Jnlm in; in il Il‘v “Mo-H H)“ mm hinvry tor Hndiwg Lamb-l gstllllc. 'J'h‘e nnll i~ nnwin opurilmu :51"! I am rv-nJ} to supnlv any «jennuull fur Ihr" n-cfnl FvuiliM-r. GRUI'SI) LIMI‘I-Sft'l')‘{l:lgi4 n'uw j m‘mcedud by than: who hm‘c main-Wit; m. be u’ ‘ \nu ’lrbuterJ-‘erli I: -r than Hu’ryx Lim‘e. ur “"x ‘ nice} nny of. the nth r Fcrlilimra zenrgnlly up ? plied to Lind. 'l‘hcfolluwmg drrmicuh- from I's” 1015111313” eucniivu farmurmgud hhghly re: ‘ aha-labia citizen of Adams naughty, will uncst the truth of chi; assertion: 1 I . l WI have been tningz \lmfGr.)mh=L Lime [stone on, my‘lami for‘lhc Ila! hylr Hun-4 “u l ‘ film] it, m 50 n helm} fcélilxzer “LL” the Burnt Lime, and campus. In; hu~ uievn «Tr-scn’uu lih the first 011“}.- : PETER DIJIHI.." '. | A Numgrgm ofh'or rorxifimuu ut‘lliku q‘lmrurtcr ‘ lfupld ,)F']l!’l)'\llh'l'd‘ but “IN iu ~fiflnil~lit I K,- xmj‘l-‘nrmcrs are requvdvd L 0 rat-ml in lhoir‘ iom‘h-rs and to gin} iv. a [HAL "_ «k 7' g f 3m. 4, use}. 1: JOHN HOOVER. .j l”"‘ .‘" If,” _ ' - “V" ‘ ..1 Tyson Brotners, i . fl , nm’mmma‘s of :1.» fireman Sh’l'J‘ ; P -I,n;m'. (iélfllih'lfl', Ga'rflsuuya, mg, ’ Luke plemnro'ipfixmunring to Eli: pu‘hli‘v thnt ‘thny have n'mnw'd tu‘tln-irh‘uw AM) lik-Tuwn‘L "SKY-mun? iiJLl.*l:\' lumth-(l on Rh» Snuth side i {of York siren. Opposite lh‘e‘U‘mk‘, and hue duurl“. :bI'JiHV their mid Hl-11111. ‘ ; » h l . Thc’ huildinz hns_heen érm'tetl unfit-r their" immediate supervision. and ulgi‘ilH-r-lpains or, -expeuie has been Lqmred' in rfndn-rihg their [apartments both eomfurtnhle um? cunwuieut. i All the mpdci‘u improve-men“ h. H: 1 Tu misled .‘ Jto the workiné depnrlment, N) h.t filmy now 2,], poséess every facility fur the pru lnation offirst. l‘ lcleus piutilres. ,7 ’ w l .‘The first promium wa- awarded illie'm by the i ; .\len‘nllpn Agriculmrnl Fnlr fol-thiansl .\mbro-.; ltyp'mi and l’hnmgraphs. 1 j? i l‘ ; l’iel’ures 0! all the various “l 2“, (melndin: ismwfiwoflnynmdu vns hereto re: All work executed in “in: has! manner unfilfiu-umutieul to give entire autisl'm tion. ’l‘lmy hquu thei‘r tl‘ionrls and the p‘ublip will remember, when they wish inctn‘res taken, that. the Excelsior Sky-light | inllej‘y is ne‘nr them, anthth‘al llietllizes mnde‘ therefnre uln'ms é‘qunl and-often surcrlbr to than! mmle inlarge cities. In no inennoe do llfiéy insi-t unnn in sale “hen they mil L‘s) pledge;i ~Thc “Excelsior" is always [rev tu Illll‘ public, 'n‘nd drery one is cordially imited‘io' pay it": I visit,‘“hcn_they will have an nppdrliniity 'to decide of Lhejustnesg oftho patronugn and in " crensing reputation which itenjnyn. ;‘ ' ‘ film-lies will find ewry eonpeni‘ence fox the Arrangement of their tom-L. ‘ ‘ . . ISAAC 6. n'sow. * ems. 1. “sex, l ‘ PHOTOGRAPHERS Jan. 21, 1861 Handsome Women} . 0 Tim I;.\DlRS._pizxn¢ “moon or T fiUSEi‘j‘ A rich and elegant nlor for the iheeks or! lips. 11‘ WILL .\‘UT “'l5” OR ‘RITB 01-‘F, nhd when one applied, )rbiiminnf durable for years.- The tiiffia so rirh‘nnd nu? turul, thauhe closest scrutiny fnila- tndeto’ct its use. Can be removed by lemon 'juicc and will not injure theskin. This is niiew lirepar:uion,' need by the uelchmted ’Court BEII/ifliezllovaoll‘ ‘don and Pain. Mailed freu, in bottleshwith A ' directions for me, for Si 00. , l _ ' RE’ . ““1 - Hmws ucoum TOILET POWDER," m.-; We invite mn M parts a dazzling whiteness to the couipltixion,l “gamma“, 2‘ 11. ‘ , and is‘linliko anything else used for this pur- im.n.y,c.yr.‘ M.‘no¢hr or alt. 10w. not... pose, Mail?! free for socialite. . 1 , t ‘ ‘ M'ZP‘ . {fihumbiP'E-I’ZI- “ HENT'S g BRITISH BALM," regions in, Met-If} All-u . oi, [3MI -—£ “8"”!an freckles, sunburn and all eruptions 6! the skin. of ‘h' Loni: ("Wk “IMCh hi “q‘t offered. Mailed free‘for so Cents. ‘ r .i, ['o' 9%“ I?! aim". Plump t Wehrb of this vi HUNT’S u ill‘ElllAh Poyfivbg’" lfor the Borough n . got up I’lih ngii taste anti “i'v strengthens "351 improve! its. §gromh, ‘beauty, and ought toirecgmm'cflil kmdf to.pu_bg eepa it Tmir‘i'itlling of, and is v‘vnrrtntea To "'5 altontwnfmigtln g: "" .'” "P that 0?- un ml lA]! quit. Mailed free for $1 (70. '1 tile W'““°’"‘°," 9“ “e “""d “‘1 90mm!" HUXTis i. PEARL BEAUTII-‘IER,”] fo‘r‘l the likely to do 300%. ;'i“ic_work seem: to meonly eth and gums} cleanseiz and whiten: the teeth, ' to requim ’“mmn‘q” '“ order "0 be ndrmred, andens the gums, purifies the breath effectual- “"1 If“ ”b“! not"! fill“. “It gentlemen who' lv, PIBSIIYII I'll! turn list: alum-e rooru- m" '“ ‘hnnd “Pldm‘l‘bn‘wn 8‘ 80 moderate .15 l - . ‘ J rate, Will be than ntly rucmssfnl in their lcnn. Mnied freewfor Si 00. l . ‘ l 1 fl ' A . VI o i . , L A , mm s BiIIDAL WRLATH PPRFUSXE, :ndmgflgf ’ Fn ‘ LP W 'FNOMPQOVI Ldouble extract of orange; blossom: find an "m " bhnmfleorkmr °r ‘h‘ ”m“ ogng. ‘hlniled free for $1 00. This exquisite; ‘i , '- i hark?“ Feb. 20' 1861. ,’ "fume WM 6m Fwd by the Prince-*5” 11°an i‘ Messrs. Austin h Wehrlly :—Hming log! the f B-‘Kl‘l‘dv 0“ h" “”7338"- )gcssrsfliiuut ‘3" pleasure “inspecting, Ileana. Austin & Wehr- CO. PMM‘d 'th Princess with .5“ elegant ly’a rplcndid engraving of the Lord': l’raytr. 1 .me of l’erfilmw. (in wuich 311. 0f the “you would cordially ‘reéammend it to the fiworable nrticlelyen included) in handmme out glasl' Intention of tlwil‘friends at York and else- Irith gothPPeflivalued M slid-'0» pnrticulnrs i where. It is not 0;:le a beautiful ornnment for ofwhich war!“ in the qulicirrinl‘s. I. the dwelling of amiabrmmn family, bun-1w : . All the nbm‘e articles sent Fate, by’e‘xpress, guseful and edifylng acquisition for Sundny, for $5 00. Cash can either Accompany ”I°,lchoolslndlimilut‘benevolcnt ingiitucions, i order, or be pnid to the expresl agent on de- ‘ ’ _ ’ ‘ F. F. HAGEX. ‘ livery 01209.15. HUM & 00., l .e-Edium a: Publishers ofpllpers giving ' Perfumers to the Queen. I this .dvariigemnt‘s insertions, will be entitled' RegentSL, London, lid 77 Sansom St" Philn- to .n Engrnvin ‘ .fid wicket, by forwardingihei ““9th P“ , ' 1 pope: for that fink to our address. or by in-, . For Skin 10' all militants and Perfumers. sci-ting 1; until weltime Ippoinlell for the dis-l ”.'““ Trade Supplied. {o‘3- ‘5n)60~ 1)‘ trill-tion, with null-Editorial notice once in 4 " " ‘-"",’ ‘“ "“ —"* ’“ —-."' iwegku, they 'in. i-qcei’ve the engraving finned HE attention of the Indies in especially in- with a fine gold ‘gin mine to suit its size and a vited to n “if. nnd beautiful assortment Tian ,1 . ‘AUSTIN & WEHBLY. ! of Lodiu' .nd iua‘ HATS, runs 430 rm; 3“. 24, mi. ’ : SHAKER “0093. 01' hto‘st Ipring uylés, em- __L____L___.._———-——- blazing Boulevards and Vernon, which we are ngsu LINEX‘,I Bleached and Brown Mnglina, alluring” greatly reduced pnc‘ It , . ' ‘ illow Cuel ntu'lin Ind Wide Sheeting, April 22. ~ 1:. r. LBENY'S. animated n! l l - SCHICK’S. ,>_, . l . ‘ \ clip sl‘u-h 0. work in mlcl‘llmed ,1 ‘1 ifnil In Revure n mpfi'jwlu-n i .'“YULVF‘I DOLLAR, wit) the i nk fur the sun). in add]! nn. 1! 1 n or'kumfn-r uhml-lq gif ? H hrt' hitvulunlnlc mui hcuhmul )hh ore than the Dollar l-skm mi“; hr :u‘knnwlcdgcd in an .blutiihc subwnbrrs‘imn‘ld to ,Iribinion‘to pur'clmsérq dl‘ thel 'nlhn xh- p'reu-nu, up follofi'a': ‘ iii 'nrk‘Borungh» 1 nil: u]mer'fmakemarmfited.) r , ' 5 Ln; {Lark Barough,« \ ' Pow . ‘ wLn- :um‘d.) V a r v'l iimpresaions wh [to impart, woul ltlye price in U. ivlmnce of scour Eln-rlunnent hum , As a work ofl rnm'n‘ving is \vol far it. as will r inspection uf it make a Gift UL Reparnvihgs. of v IL House and Lo ‘2‘B:lg:i‘cs.(Qui *1 Rm'lmway, ‘2 Building Lots 31.000 Vzfllmble z 50 bhk. Flour. - s 1 ms to unit. qumri+g of wings Birth 017011115", ! ,‘ Glasses, , 'l‘ I clues, , ‘ ‘ Iry. embracing Cavinnqsfl 'Gnld Slan'e. M 341!- ! 1,000 Goitl Gilt “the Lord]: Pr 500 Slee‘ Plate 'V Mnguifit‘cm LO4? Gnld nnd‘Sih‘er IA-ll kinds of ‘ Flowntine, Ml Fl yer“ PM“; [kin ‘ Wag qu maic. I', a few . ..--...... ... r .- . . . .. A ~ f’u “ms?” 3(00 OJS‘W‘HI l gnfynujn not hmlfi'ihud enough", . " { m, m n“ mm a m mug , ‘('lllßlZL'S, Gwyn". ttxtontz. ENLARGE; 113,0 mum “Wm,“ 3mm .\IEST‘ I'Lt'HRA-TIHN. mums AM) EX; n 5 the’liifii nmm- hove“ ; FOLLH‘IUN 0|" THE llllh’ES.‘ . P such mnhm-r ._‘ t par-I'9 A grent mriety 0| rum-1 hnw- been rt-porud inc-. 1 TI!“ purchasers 30- l to us where ruins of those l'unmitlnhle mm. [of diiiulumdv-l P 9 .ona lpln'mts Imu- resultul from‘the usbul this "We. ‘in such manner affine} fly, but our tumu- here will nit Inl'fii" lhi-m.—‘- : V J g :‘Bulne Of them may be fongd in ori- Ameru'ntl nm ”10“”th mhnnor "Almnnac, which. the agent)x below natneg‘nro Lerprim h,“ h?“ [origin-d, lrllcucd to [umlsh' gun}: to all who cnllfur rn ran-in x n rind 'o . W n-m. ' H - “vi the Emulm 43413-512! lmsx-EPSM. huh-r msmm, mmzm. . susuillg.‘ had when all‘l ”“75“MELANVHULY:SEERALGH‘ ltit‘ythe purdmpenllgndl! Many remarknhlq cures or the" affection: 0‘ 11.150 Gifts proégedud . have been mudt- by the tlternthe power at this , ‘ I‘ ‘modicim‘. lt stimulates the vim] t‘nm-u‘ons ln. ' In vmorous ogtjon, and thus otbr‘coinesmsora flora nhirh would be suppoécd beyond it!“ rtach, Such a remedy hm lung'bcen required hy the nerésaitieo of the Peoplefhnd we are [confident that this will do‘ t‘or-them‘ull thh predicinc uh do. ‘ { AYEE’B CHERRY PECTOBAL, ‘ ' f , to: run nrw cm: or Coughs, Colds, lnfiuenzi llunrnncu, Proup, l Bronchitis, Incipient éouxumption, and for the ‘Rclicf of (‘oubumptivc fl :- Putieots in adunch Stages ‘_- , ' of'the Disease. - x ‘ 4 This is h roml-dy so nukes-l? known to Inrpass any other for the can 0 three} Ind 11mg complaints, that it it nlcleu hard to pub lish the ”mt-me ot It: virtues. lu unrivalled cht‘llrncc for coughs 'aml’colds, and its truly wonderful ctt'res of-pulmonnrydiseau, .han; made 11. lamina throughout the ‘clvilizcd nn tions of the earth. Put In the communities, or even hmih’a, ‘unohg them who have not name personal experiehco’of m_efl'ects-xome living trophy In their 111th of~ltl victory our. the oubtle and dangerous dimming of. tha throat and lungs.’ ~Atull know tha‘dre‘ad fa tality of these disorders. And “they {wok ' the efl‘r-cts of this remetlpwe need not do “Ith than to assure them that it has now 1111 file Vin tun that it. did hnve when making the cores, which have won so strongly hpon the confidence ofmnnklud. Prepared by Dr. I. 0. “ER 5: (0., Lows”, Mm. ”Sold by A. D. Buéhler, Gettysburg; P. Boblitz, Arcodtsvilln; Futon A: )lctln-ury, Fol;- field; P. A. Mym, New Chute-r; )1. Sumter, New Oxford; E. Hitcshew, York Springs: and dealers generally. [sB]“. 10,1§§0._lzeow , . Pay Up! , HE partnership heretofore existing between : - the subscribers. nnflcl‘ "'0 film none at «in: k Zrmun, Jag/having been gliuolved, lli‘ey hereby give notic to all persona indebt— ed to them, by Sgt: orlßook Account, to cull ' Ind settle the same be re the firtt‘dnyzo! Jan:- | any next, It whlohtime their mounts 'in he , placed in the handful n 0M! {62 collation. ' ; HENRY- B. DAHXEB,‘ I ‘- WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLEB." Nor 2,1860. , V A (lit; wqrm‘ each rngmvlng ‘ a When the en ‘ of the pu‘rclmsr flail, York, Pm! ujll‘be distrihu chasm my; d Seating a oomuu ‘to make the nw‘ mf‘.‘ deaiguate. _ The proprieto‘ in which this Gi‘ mad the numbmf S n I Wh cd i ich me His qr i hope to be\ 5112‘ of by the m of Jnre sold. they'w have the distrih with. . I ‘04:: ll 1 n uflu I "fiche-l the commjendn- Clergy. our sth ci 'zena, on, who chler intoi Mt}: .213 9!: > ' This engravin' tfon of—tho Reve' ‘n‘nd'indeedflofufl spirit. ', !I a; WEHRLY. ’E 3, Groncx Winnw Al.‘ J. M. Ausnn. Exnamxs. - w some of the reco‘m; H!Il,l-Il‘\l.\'l‘lSM.tG(WT,LIVER COMPLAINT. y ‘lmfepondéncc, i’n-slnm'o., \'n., Gth J 41); 7513.: ; Urn}. (‘. .Hen Sir—ii hun- bech gmh‘led ,Eviih n panned rhruniq- . Hhouhmltiuu forkimik ium. whit-11, hnfliul .thf- .\‘kill of plus’in’mns, mud Lynn-k m 1313! in who ul’nll Lhr rclued'um I t-nuld‘ lin'd, mm“) I lricd3uur Sursnimnlluk Une “I’ll“ ale L-urml 11th in_ uyo \x‘cvke, find rest-"w! my gem-ml hanh so much ihul‘l am fnr bvtlv-r‘ ‘ihnu {wrun- l wns «lurch-d. I think it h “\nuL dcrful meduiuc. 1‘ “J. FIIHL * i .luh-s Y. (h-tehc", of fit. Louis. nrilcf: "jl Pure hgen unlined for years with an nirvi‘lion‘ pf 15¢ hirer, which dcstloym‘l my hg-zulih. I tried cvc’rx.thjxrg.‘nnd every thinpfinlod to 50;. in‘emo; fi’ud I have hmn n hrukLn-«hmn mun ur .wuu: 3&3}:- n'mn nu blhcf‘ ('nlm tlmn‘drj- 1 lrnngcmcnt of the Livqr.‘ 'ily helmul ”mart, 11mm. Mr. Espy. n’d\isrd mcv go tr} mugs”.- F‘npnrilln. hm-anw be mild he knew 3'23".an nny‘ thing'you made was worth flying. By sh?- ‘hlcssing M‘ God it. hm: cured me,lmd lmHo p'u ‘ifiml my blood M lb make A new man ohm-{J fevl young aging: -The best that. can {rel sail} ’, , x. .. .4 . ‘ 1 M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers