.'l l . v ' V w , a z , THE . WAR ' litnl luv ‘lhg fin! tort-{fir'yrdvgw' who ‘3‘.”th qtul-x hall prnvioudy t'l'e . . , y t‘7_‘, , q , ml the m,’ fill,“ the :‘f‘fip ißt' the conflnrt my?! tlu‘t‘tfivdll‘_‘~yu;un-£-t'.‘ __ ‘ z'Tunnrl fr“ if :I _v WIN-Von}? ‘ remit-ring mug-“w ).0 ._ 31,0ng BATTLE AT HUI/L's RUN. u" 'l‘hr- u-,u.,tmi duh-at wnfi‘. hmvmw-r, fully qnql m-g'e guns of the m. '. I). ’. , :.' v_ ’. I, = ’ yutfirmml Mime nlnvlmht.‘nntl 111 ml p: htul ly‘mm Bull Run tr} (3m '1 Villa. atrl own . 1"“ g 1’" {it’d-"l 1"”?? ‘7 14’7".” 1‘" ‘ [min the upward «li-taut”; (ht-v “Mp dnu- Mpml. iti said thoc ml -y 51‘ the Cnnfnl ' my: to l “4"“ . ”W" "(‘l‘ ‘51“"5/I‘"T- bly tm'tymtiml in thont mjtll in their tragic 5::-31”.“; hut" 'ml 11,9 rM f the taunting Fttnnx ffqrm llm s 3. July 2].~—'l‘hq {13:3 rosuln hy the crnwlh‘of {t flit-Wltlit-rs “WU“ Thea,- frequén? c «rm-s Were. how— laWDfi'fiignstt-h'hu ‘lyomnoN-ived: “ . ltd oivilmmi—wh flooke wosv. thd Long emf. very gallahtly mot. (Hid unth- 10:; i. I ms?"“‘“"'iv July 2]. A- M 1 lisl‘i'lfl'3 about 7 I""?Vfi'k- ‘ ‘ l ’ fiufied tohayebevn mé‘id: mhlv: out (mm-e We hflfl‘ SUCCQfs'I'UUE Outfianked the 'en-l Showv MW! 54 o’clock thalrc-mnpntflf 001'»th of {l,slqu n.J ..V. it said to have am]. A" 11“" pnst‘t‘éo 9’Cl°°k this morn- Ell‘w"“}l“' HE,“ Z‘NHI-W'H. £l5O mmx. , beziln (lw'trbyod balm-1: 11.- fire of‘thc 10- ‘it‘krtho varlntm rogiml-nta about Centreville enterml the city. and "fllfllh han ful of 1, tin): gout-...“ ! } werg'zqt‘tnlgd Tow. march. At. three o'clock tmvélsmined ind «lg-. 300”? but yet _gullant 'f‘)“. rm, of the mm} “a?! they £555: in_ mutiun in the directwn of hum! mnrrhnd rlmyly dpw j'thl- gut-mm the m] L) (J'._m.ml 31‘1““. 11' “ l’errynlle. l;_rty'il-g lhfll': Run to the left.— mr-lunchnlly coutnut auggtrtwl hv thvfirup— refine 01' columq LN 'Atyix o’clojrli film/first gun was heard trod pmrnm'e nimn‘tlieirlotpr from thel scene lsefiprnr frelh tn-gimcntu lny the 32 pound ngm cannon rc‘nt a Lead of tlrrir gm lamflmt unm lw’mful sttugglm m, NOl,,- Jprqp}; “'lIiClI “a {manila}!!! the maskt-d high-tier: thu}, nmd-L and that prvsflntvd upon their depth-tumya u, I'IVL’I‘ during the W ‘vbe «unitérud on the road; .Kbe) emf/m no‘ttmid the encouraging plt! din; of udtniring tonal force of about- [u Wmfmm: the vnemy. anrl'Lhe . ”35:58 thtopgimnsiq-gitsolftggtri 51125-0" . nfnry ‘tected the retreut fi ,uovedpn. Atliqm-m} M_t-l)uwel_l’g h - plmn‘wcflfllml' reuhtlea rthtsjdgqgmhle £2}, the-nee u, ‘in-131 (Wuum, ”“90 "1“” l"'.‘”|"11‘31"—1"9Vi”0v WM? 3 l ' ‘tth rcmnautnftheur 1 the (I'squ part of the army moved to the; The “QHWM'WCTG qui I! followml _hv ’ 1;, usnnfi additional} ' tight to (waif: '3 bridge some distance be- the remnnyts nf otherr ‘ gnmt-nt‘s, which we e despalphetl at: 30nd. laid {n’hnmhcw undermined. , Intruzlml [yninftxlly throu h the av ue.-—— to fly, to reinforce t ~ ’L‘hay fivi I [56.44 cyler apt»; pout nipm"2\'umlmr~hf the nwn war Hun-Pfqoté- I. :anl u. ”£lll5, During the med by Captain Alexn'uder. of (agengin- all of them tmv l-wnrn frn the mpl ity 9f loxlg ”saggy” kept. «it mpB. and Who hf” ln‘t'fi‘ted the mum, their n-mut. n't rl stained 'lithlmm tr and .913 forbidden to mm .111 whim in previmic reconnniuunne'mg; l with day. A l rge pro 1 flo‘ f. 913"?" int naming all mm, and uh \in great meiuuxe the plan of, ware withnut kimpmks l.) Inna-i, wln ‘h Iqu “h t C“? and wmm the campaign in due. ‘ ' . - {chu mutt alongtherrond n lthmr fllg t. nnd_- M 0 mars ware 21150 k 4 " Niimmrmx, July 2). 9P. M._—'l‘lne 800* - prettmu'd tn thoir uulle timd‘g‘loo' ng np-~ “f 19 former city, to [remy bf “’nr hflfi received a. Ilispyr‘h nn-‘ peanmce ' sfi¢ct4ycle wh ~h tewfiu 3115:. Tc tire. . ‘ ' A ' ' ‘ ‘ V ‘ motoucli t,» Igv .10”. 1(3)! I 1 05;. e n bnenqnigth' 2 ’nt ‘5l 1n "t, _ 141“ ‘B} ‘v- ‘O, fi W “b seqlth "SEQ"- n "I ‘. 8‘ "1" II 2 for“ h 9') “nJ Ll 4". V 1 '. é‘l'ti‘ efl 'w- l T" Own.” eh’ .1 n r ] "ff l ' W 0”. 'l--‘| '1“. ’O, n 'l't I", _ "‘§so‘ll;3l§}s§;§l“fs grill-“1:11:93 ,Iu ‘o..h;’*; Q‘ ~ (.- 3] seal: on 5" 1 l ' 4'o' 8 5 1t flu. 0 si]. 1:, B nngyzcatgéhfgii;l:'}ll;‘;l:l?:fgll"g;l “‘0 l-I‘i't .311 ”a "6 “\'€""th ‘l, ‘e 'i' _so 5* ,‘v w.’m‘~l‘ " 1' ”I .Ev'K‘fl ..I'll'.’ '~ ”11!“! ‘lO 11 ”ngnw {ill‘ 1 "02‘1 I 1 :‘me" rJ't‘r .\ 11,] 5'1“.“ {1 . ' fir. 1,1 s o, 4.! mg’cl'rt'tflflln 1:1u In Itilllp] .u'cunquroo, 01kx , 1,11 11451 .~'--“ “,I.ri' 8-,lT' ‘ (1: 0 .- ‘fllllmlll 11111191“ “111:1? 211'111-I‘3l‘ll’l2'll7‘lll v‘roP'lJll'u: 'l’." Ir‘)llcctni'o Ww]._ "sly-he f“ "I ”5 hnlzmrd "i 0 ut inwn‘ tn“i:ls(lll'3l2“arrflplgl‘welrhe lblé‘v 311212131" (5191,15 {11,205qu 111”»1'1 11°11 11151;; 1I:1" 1 iI " ,(If‘Vfl 1. o‘B|,'e m 51". 'r. n 1 0O r ()1 of —. 'thn ' 11W “"1," II tomb! i "'o' Pvtqau'g JJA‘n I‘] q n‘l, ‘ n no “I th 'ol' ”'1 .. ~ .. -I'n ~ 14-, 1:121:15? 31' 121114? 1;;11'11125111111211171:11:11;,1,1"1;;1111‘11; 1‘3’1111‘111"?zf1fi11 111.. -~ ‘l‘}er 'll ll“ lull." . I lso'mqgel. § H “big," “1' “I.“ ‘rp‘rfl (I'o i 18 ti K ‘ . N .'\,l l' 1 11, ‘ngb 1! “6 {l’ q th'k 111 I 4:“: .rt nv [a ' "’3'" “COMM ,O‘lr’f w“ ,‘v- "u''3 -' "' "1‘ ‘ll "'0 [."l'l’l'l u‘l “115%. they '1 0" ‘Y -‘v '- 5‘13“ «liffih‘ifu’l‘?”ll-mi; “r ‘5)".14 (“sham ‘l9:?le3"!‘llo‘3fl‘32l9vo Ig r 3'91," 110‘”! 1,; 91:4” , 19”“). I‘iu’q In“‘ll,“!}’:T‘lll"‘)g,_elhnl bet}l r?! 1 Mr.)- "If" u Va)“; 1, “0f I'o 100t\‘.enho ‘ehlfl‘ b]. ixthl‘ov ‘ {s“} r{‘(3l“ltr{‘:“lsll:””l””:lfrti’stbn ' 21:19:}, 1‘1“ 3'3l"‘|l~:;‘_‘ 1:3: “0' “:11 3f {l‘ :1; 1;: gr; Fiat? 3211223,. 'ucl‘fi'd‘sb' lIIPGJ 3' ' 5361. ( I ‘1)! ”HI" A \"A‘l Mil" f “(I"F'l'!nf;' 9" '0’”! l 9": 3‘9 ' i To ’n "a ‘l' “'1 ‘ ’ ii 119 -"r 11¢v_1"1.'.w ; 'll 'lO 1 ‘l‘ r)“t ‘I; “1 it: 5011 11' (I, r“\ or 1 'll. n Vera" I . ..C‘fn.‘sl“£|n' ‘lymt'l l';"‘lr"é.lt°z- ofl‘llfiy‘H‘lle‘xk gvflf) mlrofhghl‘, I jrdel“ u, a“? ie— all 11:11; inc“: [lra P I ‘9'"ng Wl] “”1913” cllO r1..111,f 11.0 5.1. x (1.111. ”"16 “fawn,” N ['o n‘ 1,,” 11 I . l-°lrl“'i,. 1y 3 . (”I F , “kh‘iphh‘v' "t2;:i’l.'£oti' 19‘1": 'l‘"l.“l,il‘9sf Plagifilfgul‘“ 3:11.91]: Ihr]. 11,:le “1- t')— ‘1: ‘32l':‘l“l|elf’lec” .:‘N- 103;},1 . ,flf‘gvi g “2‘"! I‘lcll‘nctpg-'gifi.os\.; in “11):? I 3“!“ i 4 3%;. (lf(_.fifilx‘§§;ci[)l‘ 4&1?” st'i 100';0'°(1n ‘g ly f}; a?! :11 bl “({N} isgonllnlr 1 -,1 9.1:”.."111 n“. 11‘ .‘ll '1; 12"?” L. gt“ - .llg (‘0 111.0[3411'Ll u o|] I i “qt-" 1 (I'o _~l !h n, "r, "h 1 ‘ll] 0' l l) .c ”X‘Cd‘ ' 1t '1‘?“ ‘9 '3’rl"ll:‘V o "“91” '1‘9)L°I“"1:":°"ot°n 3“I;"‘II‘I§“"" 11W": 1‘11“"? J‘l?‘ “I ”ti" 131' r? 1135'"? 2131' 11,2111“'I1,:f1,,0r -‘ '- 1. 11‘-- . "I. I - 1 .." ‘l‘s2l‘P'KE‘l'l!lnd(lgfi{?ltl‘3' 11 )1 1:11:23 grille 1::‘(1,’:3,31u,;11n‘ Ig‘zfefu {ls‘ 121.1,. 111‘? 1 31*11:11:111'I'§§11“%t'5;;t1 eqx"°"1'.“1:1q?l1 5‘44“? :1?“ a ""é-n‘,‘ 1 'll. - o 'l‘ “'11.: 1' .‘co “fit-'ll ’III’ 1' 1‘1? 11 "111 (I -"- .111 0‘ - s 1" 1] ""1 ’l. ‘"t m"“- I'l ‘o']! U’ I» 'ar t 11 * 11:: I‘l. 11111111111111 1 ”4.31111 N 11: 'l5 5:1?‘1211‘111 1131: 1111’11121‘1111‘Ie1 ..‘vus 0! ',-:" ',J"Lr “N 3 "-‘l 1I‘)~ ,"c ) ILL 51 . s (It 3' '4 it] '0 ‘1'!“ “‘n g“W 1‘“; li_ 0' (‘ (j f-q 1"; 1:5 I‘] 11' q “I?ng 1 1%; 23.321‘3‘1'1'21":F3§*523i110 1"“?‘01'31: 111. 135113311 t.l'.:§-13;I«I";4:" '11" 1 311311;, “wil-1:“: ‘,s11‘]‘;;11";11$1111} 23;}, 11123111112; 111303;: 355111;; 515511;?261 ’;a. ki ril‘uq .:lIE'IW‘IM] n,l r 0: iv“. “SEMI“! 3‘ (1,111“; "39:10,“! “'l. nnvw in e’ 1" '3’) )lipfla 11:0", ‘1 1 ql,,l'o."lofe "e , {3111,11}. (I" - “'11“! .011 » '3l-‘11“ 1 1:11.91“ ’ 2111531 101:an $ll3l 1‘: 111W11 1:111:1sz 11-1 1 11121 1153?;‘11311‘21 :1; '1" 1, :5“Ilr°';1:”£-«°':;Lré:°‘liimlIQ'stt‘ic‘Hn 'lo'frhxh‘ 191:: 113“"'1§"“.'1‘f "i." “c:'jn:ll9h"til"“‘h§ 551341103: “If ‘ :"iibl I“j'l,l:ncn<-I£gn’ fo‘fmlhfl i‘o’fiv‘ il3'lé_vlf"ill,“es 11319732311“; “xlll3 1 . 1111-211 :;I11’1“;I,‘r‘1i:‘£31111111. 12:51:11? 1:111" :11 'rlillll‘fi‘l’l2nllf 11112831111151 11?? 1; $lll3 2,151,111 113101;;111‘112' 11 I.}‘lallxs _ 831181 “‘l' - 1‘0”}:1‘01’ \lpfa :l'F‘l'kvfow‘.‘ “.1 I H 'n' n 1,?) 110 (,- 54» a 1!) 1” 'F I“ lp‘ih [(h .v E: ‘1“ I"!t ‘l‘? Lib'fi, 3‘11“ tr“ 9]] ‘ .3 ‘l‘; 0 ,l I": th rq 1 ‘~: I: -‘I:r1. ~- e 1 In~ .-<.( '."‘_‘v-I.» 11¢ 10.111‘13151PII'IJ-(‘re- 11,. 11112111111111.312211111, “ 11311-11111121311- 13113::1.111111% 1:11 11101111:gy11g11m1o~1bg111:1: 11111 ~. '~ 31‘z-' 1: “‘ .' ml «,' "1 ": ‘~."r‘ ‘ " “I" -‘ ‘ , ' 1, ~! r 55 ’. ‘is‘ '_ ,1 , ‘ 1113126119131?“ :i‘ljtfig’j‘étggc 0 {1101; ‘in", “n“?! “ht-“'10"; I) ‘:.11110I.1ll‘_‘l.1:_1 11:12 (I ESE??? ‘33:" '1 List (l; ft “221110111 wri'h" s3l!]? 0:0" “I 32“: " “11:33”: l'11)):‘9: lggignlgf tz‘klrilmn"; Ol'k “fig: ' noréil‘flu 13111111131 {l*‘l, 2111.0 dagpif : 11311;311:1133?1:31 1161:1131 11'1’ r 1 £2 113131.111"4:11:3111121’111'19311111 ‘° i1n°*«3:‘~12;‘1“«1131213113531i‘: ‘l3l'lll‘llll2ll‘ll 1, " .3' .'“1'1 uI 'itl’hé‘l' 9i If ‘ It.’:l'l’r"ul t - ‘h’s 31"1. . '3‘l‘3‘ “1’ g‘ ( " 'll, "v 1' "’il “I 'll ‘ r ‘ t‘H'm- '“I ‘1 - ’e.‘C“ l"i3‘ Y (I-Je 1 1111 151117101351;51111111111: 1 15:11.11 1111111111 1:111 ~11: 12:1: 1111111111111 11112:: 1:111: s11211'"111‘:1::§s: “- -"-‘-'”‘ ' ”(I‘o ‘v' INF! ''l ~ 'pl'‘l n ‘ 'l'li.“ \v‘ r- .'—' ‘ '1"‘I-'¢—’h 'fl .Ino'li 1v "s‘ ic I; :‘e- \' I .‘l-I' ‘r 1. led“! '(lw ‘lg 4,1, 1): ‘10“ Q” I .11 t 11.10 I 11! 1” n.) . \vt fins (‘ll It! 0 “)0 m- n . II- 0o . I», kt. l 1:1 11- 0 91010 .~ , th Inf—"‘4‘ 61] .q ’0” 1 ‘chEVO 1 1011’] ”(11111101 “.2 I}. ‘1 (”‘ll I,] u, 11"“ ("e 0 1-_ ‘l. 1“ 't Il ll 1%,] rm“ 'L- "1e 1-19nyll"\’hr‘0 1 1’1)“. wtq “"1 . “‘1 ‘0 (”I‘l 11". “q {l,O, 2 k'fiLfiflp‘fl NW“ m H." W’] tnekbg- lauh” wt" 4‘”), "'"(tlph‘hgho 1 ‘III “‘1 (111 ”6’ ”1 I‘, 'J‘lv’lnhlil ng \“ln/l ‘1 5 .k. fly 1}... ‘k t'2 ' 8 still!) an 1:1 11'2”; D 10c“; \\-Al'e “rt '5 "{4} eXé s “55 '6. I ‘ "‘O5? $1.31 ‘5 (a; I",l')c] 0 ['l‘Cc' .‘I-y! I’M .4'|l.uh~."l .J‘lq‘ ‘\‘.“l l‘ 1 nl] 0), :It‘t. o"; trbl'lc I‘, f" Y; ('1 yf'fiu" f 1!- hq; 1 If"), m~°—\e::ftlh t" 1'11” F. ‘l' fly‘ "”0. 1 RI"! , ’l') do I: 'n" .' (tburx .‘lcli. . 1.. . ulcf't‘v'whxfil‘yrs-"r S] _ carninnj,‘ £121“ pw’ttn' g."( (1300.. h} 21"] .00.!) _ly 1111‘ 11.1 (H .C‘v‘h-hy “I- 3! ‘, C'oafigw-l'i lel‘Hl‘ 91- he ‘l\.flac‘l"l‘lfilur\ftl (,nii 4" rl. '1 en'etczklerh L‘-(~o lflol, ,_ 'th'c‘lh‘xv‘ n'nancroldkhri: mgnqmq r), ‘s' "‘|'I('\““i""“l l."k ”Iln‘llf'xll‘ Ic‘ortlylfibl ’n I" ’l.“ Iqtscf‘"ol'";]"l!9 ““1“.“ '1 gne (i It]: ' "ah-"LP!!!“n l.ogfim" if“: gunfight flfbir . il’iC’],°.le ‘n‘E'e' ; Wl-J'Hl)“ filog'lnk 1 Iv‘lun [lvfil‘loum It} '1 hoqt. 1111 11.1.3111 1111 sh lg'nYl'Hl‘llvl- 11l nhn‘ggfll‘guq t] 'll’u 112g13:111r«111 U 11; 11.3113111111221311 111»—171111111‘:~1-1.11-11; 1:111: 111.111-d 1:"; 21121111 117111191111 1111, 1131-Ifl-Il2ll‘l‘lll‘l 11111111r1‘01::t«1113:121‘g‘fr1:921-1”: 11:3“ 11 ' all,“ (15‘ 7 "’9l ““1311?“ ”1 lO’L' tnu"? “2' 2‘1"?” "‘1 '3 In "ANA“:- lq ‘ .'E‘P “11““; M eta t~o qt 'l‘ o"‘lréwt'l‘c‘ ‘\'i‘] "'1 "11 ('f '5l) ("- ]I( } 211‘: 111.9111; .1) [71190 .o‘r“elv {Lao} (1'13; 3. ‘1" (( "'- ‘hnlh'a 31‘. ~'_v {film 1‘“ is Keg?!" gu ”VI“? 111,111}? Blunt] c 1; fl}.- 'h ‘ll]9l‘stJ-ih i .0! “WI 3 1.11,] 1.“ 'l‘. 11“ {5,11 ”$11,110!“ “110‘ 1 in ri, thth, ‘llslllfl‘lmkt (I 1:“ 0,. 1_ “14mm“ aka ..I_ e‘ n O "In?” 1,3 (3.“ 1 .111.“ “'0 n nee £11152 “I, 111‘ ‘l3 "e 111's1‘1’1._ {ml-I‘, 9,1 '9”; "vi 0 i ‘ll '9 “'1‘“: ““0 ("I 1 11°nqh 1.1“ I hI "6 "11} ‘ll “-1 61""1-5‘11'f114‘5'v ‘1 11, “Ii °Ol “ie'ms'k ck ”n "h “ig’e I! “'4 Ft‘ldlr't? 1”” T "V“ 111‘? I?" -“t .111 11- I: “n [lOlOl 11 ‘Ol. -; 11-_ “I 1 110 9,] ‘l. ”$55 :3} I 134” 1. I, ’1 10' .- ‘ll‘ :1” IP '1 1611.11 .11 111q‘lnnt.1k_c: uwg "v. éac' , 1,1 yg (1 Ole" I” “i 'r L 1.... e_ on n Prfl- ‘I ~511- ‘l'” “P" 111' I‘o "I 't ""1" ”i "r- "* ‘ I '"rfl‘l 6 I'IL *‘ 11. ‘1 ’li‘h I 011“! “IJI. “31‘ 1;:1 1411 1"“ ‘s 1! L'| "I.x I."'t .1, uf'll 1"» 01 \‘l R- If I~‘l I 1 . ‘lll 11. ca 12.. r“ g" s n "'° fro." ‘"11'“1§"t-"'u ‘0 ' 'll3 (‘d iufl‘l f' 1': ‘} ('“llh'vf'th'fi O 1 SW tb y ”.10“: -I'1“I‘ ’3 “n"“W ' 1 I 'l'mpv 'o‘ l[l S"Bi but?" (1 inlq ""1’: th'fi- “LII3“S ‘que'N- ~ua‘vh‘: ‘(1 "It‘h‘h‘f 3 noqu 301' \k'nfon‘ipin “f ‘mf‘tdl 4‘ "the '1 "1""Ih“! l"I"‘t “lhq- 11.." f e 11" fl)" , ‘-' 1. ("13‘ 1“"! ""11.“ ”‘I'V'I‘I «ref ""11 1 ‘ll'l' I"I~ tI“I1.""‘-1"'> {192; ,u “11‘“ "I“‘o‘cwp'fl(”1““11” b '3' 1,2111- ”-1 fw'n e c .odn. h" (I ti E" h“ "=L‘t' “.'“ IH, 11'1“ rll2l I‘‘l “Y ‘1,”lI1,-'t ”0n: 1' “ll Jév" htllhhn 10 IL Inl 111‘“qu ”11’1”“ lI’I, W "'11"! (é 10 r "I" "I flit); 'n 1 11150, '1 “<3. thq’ '¢.V‘l C‘lh'm IL, ‘l‘. y 1g q 11‘. t' l! “h‘ 1 .'“-1% 12° th'o le 11;. b«a 11," "bn aft 01.11.31] ”45:1 Ix,‘ pg <9 cq Flu/I 111 m, e,, l-t ”to v] 131.. <. 1 111101,; IM. 'l3 1118 rl_ ‘1 nc‘h'nl-‘d‘ i 1 _l-‘ll, 12“" h, "I h “t" 11.’ In. "I "o ur‘w' :1 1°11,» ll‘—' he rn To ' ‘5“! ('9 ofo 0711"! 1'” .'“me ‘'i no”! labq‘ 10" (I! bl) "fol! 1' “Y /“ '11)" ~‘ S’o "Iv "IS :‘lP'o L“ I“ 13"“ [ll 171, f‘ ‘Jllt lIL‘ ' "‘l'N] “I‘. may (3 ell 11l ’l‘ r" l‘heiiillif‘ 11' Tl’ “r-g 3| g! ‘fimd‘ti'n‘s Conrm ch '11:". 0 ”led" 11¢ "fligb ]0 3,0 Mn” l-( -} , teto fl) Mn il “‘l. ‘I Wu 5110 4] _lll go “1102“. . 1"“ 111 I,o‘ "I’ve In“ k—i—j‘l ~11 wt “in“: "1'41" t“r A “a?“ bah” . ‘ I‘. ‘k- m. "o- 1' u: "001‘" 1g“. 1.1:"'1.>.".13m t ‘ o‘y "-‘ét 1’ ‘ ‘3l ‘6" “t “"I ](:"1. xI ‘s‘ ‘l9 "11 (I‘l l - "1 ‘0 111 11 't 9 I\l ‘m‘ " 1“!) ‘1 ”c 1 I 1‘ 111.- l,_ 1‘ '“l‘v “I 'll ‘ll] ’11; l \\.-‘k‘ I‘3l |I1"|l'8} (- r g-~ M *u Ing‘ , . Dire f' (11 ”a ’I 1h 11])” 1(I rO.» tle‘fix 3'l "I '1 ’l‘ "I, » j} :1 ;\'l__‘\- “fi‘se e " ('1 rn‘“w 1“ '.“'( I'Io"’1l("1 '4 I’I'JFT {Ol.l. 0'“ ‘1 "N‘l 1‘1)” "V“ t] '9 gto‘H 0 ‘do 1]“ n, 10v n I". halxd “t ”1' 111,0 f ain .1 lat": ,1; b‘fu‘q ll] ”\‘hr‘fhn {. 0' {\ti‘ .0 "t 11,11 1,7 L - “I,“ “‘0 0. 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It 41-. ‘.l~ ‘ .l'lu‘xthe F- 9' 1.11 cat m ‘ 1- «INS cu pll e, u! f , 1:1 eq :- Il9on Pry t 1 hr lc‘ 111.0" 1“.“ y- II“ a .01 flat mge 1; 1 11$1‘6‘1Q us I- \I-p‘nrcg 'II‘ 1111 “ark?“ 11, rh ‘ll 'll] I”. be '1)“ .111 1.” .I, at; ”t as. 1.._ . ‘pglge\ EVE“) al‘qu- 111 I“ n Bhn 0 " 'l‘dfike MHI‘QU e‘xdlte.) '9 l'o no .«Ofl Cilu . ‘lO “yr; 'i‘ ‘1 ‘ ‘dhh ’—f (In Us \1- 0[ 'fl-‘ ‘l'“(]- 1 elk. (I. ‘l. ““4” 116 c ‘l, ’l‘x e - "B'lh' ‘I (H I. .’ tI 15s” 'h. "“J'ib N 3 ":1 ‘I, 1 r 4, '3\ S. ' V 1'“ efez‘ e‘n ‘VJfo h'0I;I" “f id‘s 8; ave n ”111% ~ 510 'lu ci‘e \h3 1, 4‘l- "i Too i‘oht o 9:, lat I; I‘ ol‘hr 1.115 f‘l "miutm Ix, s, c; hfm 1 «:1. "If w. I” g; Ir_ (I 1.1 '1 turn.“ (“9.119%“me .1). “iff 0 Acnc "d ld“r cc . 1'9“!” ‘33 1 l e‘9 n i ; "t; WA. 1] 1‘) L), ' _‘l; I.] 1r!“ 0‘4113“ ms I]] 1. l'el'é luv nah ”.11," l bvm Dr ‘ll ”who“, "adj-1? 11"“ I‘ll|._- nI” “"7"“ 'n' n,I "il'3 1 I)“ q nyp ' qr Eufl‘ '0 “a com .I e '01!“ . 011151 tn 1 I’B m"i ‘ll “ugh ' ‘11? b' 7’l “‘l‘ "I 1"“ ''l II 11. *1: ’n l‘ 'e're mt ‘l'“t'9'lv hl‘l- 961,011"! "I "I‘ll “1511‘ ‘1 I‘l I'3 I l‘l ”‘ll ““I’u ‘ Ix,“ 1' no.“ oinl am“ f-Y'wrnl lsN _ dig r‘3 ‘1 'r pte e 151‘ or A 1 ‘1 "11411:! nI 1111‘, “I‘lo # (”n ,u :0 1 er‘efi‘ [.o], ,~n(. ”I I 1“) '3 ,_y Ah'b‘ 1‘ ”.:.,“- .3 ‘ ‘t-P‘n ll ad 11 l u) erogd the 3 (li 8" [l‘ y C‘OC‘ 0 ' "'l‘ 1 85‘ ist~ to e( ‘ \' V 1C! y I] ll ' ““9 wig; {ll‘l‘!l (I h. 1‘ 91V #1 1", ILO pa 1 "‘3 1 [‘l] I'] v I"? l, sl‘,“,."{ “a ’ll "11l bc Lil rV‘ I)“ 1} 9 l}. '[l In 1] 'z. ’l‘ °\"‘l t 133511; -0 e' i l‘v'ed'chem kf - “aloof “-g t’ u Ith 'll S rOl 11' '“y 1.31 1h '1 a‘) f 1 “ad‘ll- ‘I I'll .9 TI“ ‘ll “p or “t 0r 0.1“] if)? h 1‘32, “I, 'II‘ “t )1 t] c ' b'n ,\~ 114‘ 1... 01 1:11 "c 'v rl] 9ell-e 1‘ 1 u thU c'h I.‘v 'c.l.n n h \ o ‘o- 41. x ‘lml3llnt,ll, 011‘} ~l 'QI 01W“! .1 ~10 I‘._slg-_,,t}-lull, Fn‘ ‘(lacho 1 Jc I“ 1.,11 a, S‘lf‘L 911319 fig," cd “k‘e uebee-u UJ' 3‘v a “I’l ”11 I loft 10“» 1, .n'" ‘n‘ n. '1"! ‘lmlo '1 1..; o-It} ‘ll h a It. 9 1:1 ‘3 1-1’ Ln .q '3 I] :1 .DO 1"” (1 t(« 11% hmk‘ 1. .1- "t‘ 1.0 1C ‘ c 'l‘ en 1.-“ In c - 'll r3h Inpo ‘0 SI“ he «I 11‘. 10 .\.-11 ‘1 {ha 60 at m I'l, ’b 111111.411 “ I I'lo 1111 1-(‘4 111 Incolanch “t“ 1;] 1n 1111;11. tc. oso 1110 r. 1 11.101, i-t 1,11 (,l .2 I“ ".1 . I‘, (10.1 r, a, ll be“! h' on he te it 1R1." twig] 10 re - m gfnrty h gin a). ‘. ibchno f_ {-0-} (‘1 Ceg f s “1,311. I‘6 qnl'fieg'l -. - a I)" \0 1.1- )0 c h o‘3o "t I.4.‘lnlll‘llll‘fi I.” n"x "(I’ll "I “f “.1" o . \JL \cll | ; 01"1‘1‘5‘ 'q In .p‘l 14. W(V ‘l' -" r ‘s' i-‘v ‘ll d gi-l *0 011181.11 1’ tl W ’ lu'vlr’n 11’“ “'1 8"“ 9" “)r'f ” ’m‘ "l ‘k' [ 1"o "1' ‘1"! ‘l3 ‘I 41"”: he [I ‘le "l! "r'r"‘\-) 'a'h "I ‘1 “N '9B‘ 01- ‘II. r*eV ‘g ’ I 1 ‘ll-‘0 .‘"; ' Wuhyu ‘1 er“. i 1"? 'e gags an 1 “(I nk) Fayon ‘e'hs ; fp'ns e ”For, t 1 11’: "(line I‘, . . 1' 9I) *i‘e F rel Iy. ‘l‘] a, (,1 I. ‘1 111 ‘ll‘F‘H y I‘k1‘()'~1r(11"l1/". td'h I,_l t“I R. 001'?!“ ex: 1.“ ~11! 1n ‘.'r ‘-- "g 1he“1 er “.38 '9. ATS c dor 91- b ‘l' rel t ([2O r“ 10m! l'n l‘l " ‘B"! r"o 0r"1'“ xln “t‘ 4' "F for: * mac-1' "l' l" ’lO I" "- ‘5 ""1 “n“ ‘II "v ’l' ‘V/ l.‘ é‘t" I" 91" '1 I°o "' -1“ 11-“! @ll9];qu e 1,5 to 33' tak'sl an qub 35‘] ed eVi 11‘» I a -30b2 g "h “k“ "l- f‘ }-"> I c a ”‘11"; 1‘ 1;, “(L "It"! l“I1 a‘n 'o 1“]. 011va well on "11 ti 3.11 "(pr 1-‘1 11‘ 1 '34 \‘h 'I; ~<- ‘H, 11, "'l' ll] ‘w. -e' .0 wo“ 3‘“ 1” Ir!" 1t b ‘nlO‘ ab“ (‘1 ‘ [H.311 “t k‘Ve 1;, J. ‘lq'lt 1‘; I l"b“(-ha , 17.1111,” "ltqv f-y_ (1 o(1a, 1t l(Sn1 i“ \ “1‘“ h“ J«h (1‘ fl- '0“ lat. ‘ r '[C. ’ 'f" 0“ -u'l oc. p() Sch 3 ‘~'°t‘dc '“l'6o "I"Vny 115] B‘l led ' 1‘01“! ar‘ f 91‘ “:3 -'—'¢ y' c -’l "‘1: 10% Je lid ‘ Pl} "I ‘I "‘ url -“ 1+1“ Fln W I": xII]“'11_"““<,~"1Il ("’ll’“ ‘l 3" “P "' t‘l "' " {if ‘1 's' {'o‘ n,’ _f whit (led m'l‘h l”: bBh (‘Ol. lwm uzu man In y “(3991.3 1 I 1:11“ m 1!” rt, ’ll ‘n | 0111's. 1h“ 1") (u d 0 [,l ”F 111111 (.’”-“i "l "f ‘r , 't (.l' 1k I‘. \l, ‘1 lhl-Vn ’94,, l‘:l.1. 1.0. t) wok “t 4)! 0‘ m 11.0 ‘9o"9n3ol‘n'Bl as» 1101““ “71:1 fi liiort 3.; me "d 'c’i if of“ die ”59‘9an O‘mckyg'“ ' 0 W9l. "I 1“? mtf i“t9 0n 'lg‘“ III!" ‘ll‘j‘ll ‘k 'f 1"} t 11.0,. ”11°11 "o “'1 “II cm “c g’": a(v‘s “ '0 lL"i ‘1) “(I 0f ru ‘' ‘ - I" ‘ - ‘‘‘' ‘ ' ' ' teénkls 9-n‘“"fot" co I} 12 l "13]- (I, n'‘l . l- (‘t ,re C] ra‘lc' " ‘ni ‘II‘ in Do ”I (‘ r. “s (I I“ (I . .‘“-Th ""41 H‘ds‘ver w s ‘lru‘Pgéslhtn‘nbm‘hlnctsfigcgna Jterb bés\nt‘:'mn a!“ lli ‘muan‘ I‘3 ("M rii 0f 0. ”s .1“ 1.” hi“ "timid ‘1 ”I" ‘iqu ”11”.“ 1 thpeA “‘1” J 1 tel a" ,1 "11. .ht'l- of "l I]] (1 K 49“; Ki ‘ \l, it _b 10 VVVmflge fl "ewe 1‘“ ‘ e or "3 h“ “L be ‘r'eilbk a n 1;? sti ted 11"“ i‘o 84 hl‘tush Iy "rl6 'g’e “11> : ‘l' c .:llze 0113 a 04*, ‘n‘lu, I 1 I. 1 “"11 “r‘ 1' ."1 l‘l'o 11.0? "‘ll “fat “I- l'.‘\“qhil'_l..:l' S'y ‘t 1,1 (61‘ '11: "g fill" at ~ I_ £ll,. ”“1 slll};er 5.5513351? I‘l'lll “1:12:311:11“1::1211111131131:51:11d131111d113-1312; fll°ne°rgliliflsllrl§f¥gr 111,111“;ch11111111111131.1111” I’ll '11; .1':;1 ; 1313131154: {1:311:11 11? :1011'111‘1511‘1".1112111,. :011131111311'a1 11511111111351.1‘31 3: 1131,11 ' '1 11_1 ‘l, 1_ 11.1: ~ ‘.‘.‘ 1 .’r' ‘l'.» ‘1- 1.. I; I11~1« fa. tint i2o3}: g'g'x Ba, J‘i‘.) (1:21?“ k g‘feilfyofiucgjfifligzé 3:1??de iifiyfigufu jztkififtlliplgfinq 111-£3121“? 11:11?" glimealkh'slitfi‘? tria‘i‘l'eéllc 3,1131%] 19“} ::"lll"‘:l‘|"::1:‘Ian‘lllfilihj, I:;f:§11E"1-?"Tgt (Ci?! “1;“ Emir“: [3111:5111 ' "firth: I}? ‘ll:.“t' lows on. 1104063515,, ase'lft 09y th “11"“ f-m €1,115 m gsmflfi Yer -, In We mud. 11; If,» H '.l in; e fay Haiti» 551,: 11, '9‘. c. L 11"‘3r‘11"“:r",‘ ‘l. 11m 11.0.1i'14‘11 "13 111-'5»! ‘, la. iI. -n “.01“. ‘l‘ '(1 mu? _rl" r 2325" t .‘t’ohveé‘; 013150113 d [ex-“l2] yoefi 02.9 nt'edl‘fqo 11'! goathoveenelqv eme‘fi) Ye A 0!» gig“ {"g e‘. s9l.sl*,"u,“hew,‘luv‘oflLei-1,511, tin (‘Vel 1 tjo‘iQ-rnqu‘m‘ 11:1‘IIUWI’ alnnas "1111‘5'1'1" .10} "ei'e t] neqlqw .1 I'l6] ’y 'lflfl‘ c, p" il, - N“: ed‘ tuvd ’l' "Wk“! ‘ll 119,1 e nru tlmré’lc'u.e «'t eagmp: cm‘tlg“ 0111m-1~ IwT‘c- ’n’c‘r‘ ~ll.‘|~ll'l’c’~l=‘l-ILII vrll'r lle'l II~I1LI;:1L {l'l tg'v'e'abifi' :«ex ariongen‘t‘elyozwd slnl‘en‘vl,?r;,‘)lluéllerm‘n fiohm‘; ‘ll29ullen‘l 1° ff”, gekegletl,’lr;fln 01:05:13 111. 'tflilr'ml' 13“I-r:€'a;"ll}bee:o Clio]?! :03 {To . “.1.- kl‘lfi“l?l gal-" 12""? ii'lh'l‘hlg at"? T3Ol till'hé'hnlpc “51,". 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W“ 1,.c e.“ o).tll. l‘.'t) epic. b 1“ 011'}, ,4, 4 ‘01“ Ur‘l.a I,‘ I. .1111 Im§§?§'§3l9¥lsl3?‘33l 111‘11‘913111‘1‘1115121‘113'111?1I:1115511111111 15:111‘111315511111 ‘I’I‘Isefin‘w11111511111" 1111 I 33151112°1 1 ‘" - ee‘ c“l e'lo 1, bfifm'u ‘llOBl3 »1‘ 1‘ ’idIII o 11‘ 9 ‘pb ’ cc. 1 i}; m tgfst'w a e omm". 5a c I‘L )‘u. '5 ,th ’nr"‘s‘ 4' 1 II“. II" 013'11'“ 'le ‘ge'? ; 4|,“ "‘4 I, rll on ‘ 6.5211513 do wx-.“II qe 9 111.1 :0 Si "t 1 Rst'k' 1"" 1); l] Pd '3l 50 M, 111,118 e ‘11“ harps t-rs 01,1“ 0,1 ”gum? ‘l._“c e, (”“qu talon “1;.“ 'l, q . ¢_.l' RH. -\ ‘1“ Wu Dry m 1,) “I _l r". 8.1311 “vhf-lay ufiL “DEB. ‘ w‘qu I‘lmntlf“ tl'vly tloi lip 11“!“ 111M:I a' fi T‘yl‘qtenl “n me ‘\7 ”It. ed ‘ m‘of up ”or “blnhltl‘fi’hluthin‘l d-"zarn "c " biflr’ 41n0hoknlnqlpn }."'rl 01"" 9’ 1‘ ‘l‘ " '"I‘J ... ”11, a, 3‘ (l 1144““! 'l'! 1] 'li.‘ ‘ll,, k:‘l ' "' ,‘. U“ '. > 1’ ‘ -1 .‘ .' - ‘k.'‘ ‘ ,' ‘.. '1 ‘ " I.'t D I " I ‘een‘gf endangout of of re L La" 5' m‘ l>u111‘)")‘°In‘ ‘ped n'chtle’e n}, 13‘“ ‘11"51 6"! " (with;l “1114511181 '“ ml"? :11 d"ils°°l‘ge-2‘°f"°l ‘lllw'nr'al “10811”: n, ’lllhd‘4‘X‘)"lln‘lu'o 'll‘prhg it] \ ”I "t ”lg-«"0 ‘ tOl at, 11850 éai’yilk‘cl \[L P..~'."“;"l‘jq“( flt Cti 1:0 8' loovllee-_: flbe Lin ‘3 fly pl 5 ociunx the ‘1 1 e [1 ha 1‘ ‘sa‘th Pr 1 "Wm "i?" I“? R 11) I“]an In ”‘3‘ ‘\’-|(‘ “ngri :lk-Jn‘q‘ () "V In." I‘.‘ I‘l ‘n. ”I? V“ .1 C 1| I“ .‘" I'll] ~ee u's In” ”5‘1"“ 1,911? 111% tl,-"o, “tc‘n un x-0 1511 or 1e I. - 110 n, 11 c 1101.? 1 “did ve op ne :1, 96.11 nag an _] 1 cunt] t) 9‘. 11;.» 1 1"" I,‘- Vila"? "I 1111.] ICC!“ k ‘a‘ 1,. 1..-l I“, I). I], tithhex‘f'g “'6‘ giwglnl‘fi'k ‘5 ”a db?!) t 9- a‘dr" 'w‘p" ‘hy Shts M"R I‘ 0,0‘3 ‘ mé‘el‘selas’we ‘l3” t’ e .0111“ \' “I nn"'|| [I ”"1121” ‘9'"4 ‘l‘l "In ‘4l "f l k "‘1 '- ‘l' ' “'l ' Ofat Del.“ t} A“! If» 1 (11-131’ ”-311 pojnd y “I'o 2 mcp' lo 315 91.1410 inundao 1J " ‘ "I, men up . k #91); .b 0 qrffie ‘11; Ar“ Pp "" ‘o‘ ,(u ‘9 '~ \\ 111151.11 I- ‘pr 1‘ “4” ‘2‘” “f ’l}. | hill-(‘l‘ " 3.) A‘ ‘u I". ‘ ‘u“h~'t teas dE-fu'l‘ JUN“ “1“111 “2 "HQI eenc d 1'n“1 "‘ll 'l ' f ’t“ '1 mece'h‘" "u" 1n “h"lk‘llg‘N ‘q “f 11‘“o'f1"'1"q"n"I ’6 W “11% “n ' Hl’ ”I We qr ,-h-'1 “I “.. “y. e 1,- r b‘»","~"i“lx “1.1100, b = :1. ya) 111; 113 ev- (11‘s .q: 111’? 111 Y% v.‘e a 11- 1 Ce. ~31 1a 11' e 11,; 0111.1.» 'lO J“ ".1.- 11 up”. (fiLI ‘1 I) 0 1.1 11,- 111,1“ 11.} 'ln and o°ll myol‘x‘ifi) [flu-‘ll ll} I- \\~ v9no,‘c 8; I\.llcl3tuc’lh c ‘ .’r’ Ip. 1.; p be‘n II “a“; I'rl .00“I]‘91c5e rn {9n u "p“! B b ‘uk'h 0! -$ nr‘ll “t "r “o‘ ‘6‘ 'h l 1 l} ’ll In I! ‘1 a], “all“, fétg‘éEewsb’ 111 1 tIG-gi It;I n. do lg‘bti‘“ I"th “chm! ”no 1 ledfl Kr’ I‘h 10;“ :5" ’in-[51,501 cm or o“ 1‘": sn'1(;o tar ”5111,”, “rt 0‘”: >11”. 5i "I ”i 1 n; :tl ux 1.l “s ,N 111‘ or ft. 11 -. 1L!!! 5 "‘x“ tWJ‘q 5’13 0'43 [“0 a \ggu“ übali‘Po 11. ‘(1 °II 13.1»; “‘1 1y ‘Vt‘htitlepa opus; “y "d ‘v ‘3' G‘lgahfln "71 “w" n “on‘-LC!) of Iléun ‘an ‘IJ‘IF‘IMC ‘11" ("I '"u M (111.11" "(I "if 1. I“ ‘9 at‘tlccl Jll '3‘ €LU''non "t * ifuLOT-[ofhe‘ti ‘1 6f» Inxewe‘ne‘} “o'o erlk. It'“! t' n] 08‘ I‘l 811.111) ‘ltd- “L’e' ' L '0” m n “I'l' (I.ont‘l'l -l!1' c 1 l“ ' ‘‘t. K“ 'lf‘ if!" W l -"" {'l 4 "n 111,111 1111;11 Mdfidugsw a :11111'3351111q1211‘11 133111 1., 1.11; “2131191513 11511511351 11111311111 1511': 11121;: 111111" 3;;v::,1’1“;'11‘:,;1’1.~111'51.11111 "I: 11311511111 :11 1. “hiya: €323i.':33;11:‘1te iurtme: {ll‘3“3lfrtfihefn‘it‘s“: t'Uc-t‘prfm gog‘fifitthe ; 891:5): 033mg”;l'in‘glllgnh'ilo'IIfiléfi‘ci ‘ll, A ssll3“;'l2:?"l'3l‘l?'s'f'n‘g'lf";l:'ll2"'l'~."'v “‘11:. £sl.]: 1111;:‘rt_;:”~1:f WA"). -"t ".11. ‘. "131$ 5: -11‘ 9:3 lfiri L”; a"e 1111 “I. 'PI Lli‘ 'a ‘1“: 'rq'yi- 11 rrélP ‘l’lxe“ll‘nr-'!;1'lr “'0: 3+3“ ‘1" ”‘lf r., “'0“ oftk“ (L‘ a )It tzl‘zllht'luhoe' 1' be Io3ll‘va A}? 011 sll' 18 n ’l3 Ow u H ll‘ 11 nof 11] ‘ U ~n'l~ b at" Sroqi3"‘l\‘ ‘t n I I[CI k 0' re 1. .1331 t, 1. TllO 01 ses *1 \l~,|c‘f 51 re p OWILY. t '5O f Divan ade 68 ’th ‘0 11.1 “.0 ‘lfflld I, 1,. o‘lh>ll 4‘ I‘s 1k , oyII‘V *- sl‘l’n ;;;'sn,";a:;§.=l’ld°giggol‘:; 1333 1:121: gist. 13:53 1'; j: 131.”; 31321531“ fly 311:1:1‘331‘31113 3;13:?2133-3111;11:11ng‘031‘1’: 1113;111:151 .“ 1”. 111‘: '' 'e “(I 51"“ "0" '‘l "£36 1’“. °v1“I ‘1 '-b."e(""'m'l'l t'tl‘ "0 'l'" “1;" ‘n "'r 'f’ill'm IN" 511‘ 153313 Ca 6114 den 0' an ‘1"‘11-‘h'1gl'lj '3 tl‘olls-1 h 1 10d“ "‘ “-th l'11;"0t' an" 0 ‘ ne'l I’ e 1“ ‘V'O 'l' t " \‘r ‘0 II ' f 9:"! ”J 1‘ ‘jhe dPr 'q'e "e c'o ‘p .0- tz‘oux‘li "Io“t ri t'lli dt '«P c‘lnPr’ar"l I"e "W's!” ="I1'1. “ “II "he gmuveh 0518 p ”:11 ('a hn‘va nn"n ica‘l' "k 11 'n‘ (l ‘ll ‘6l 0000r‘y 1 or "1. WM '0 Fe II 0c "r Pt-‘xl 1!) “I fill mt-‘g ’0- In 1 1a '.O n' :I l' 3 0 {Jo ’ll-‘01"u n t IL-“I 011 w, Out- I 15!, b 0 ‘ ‘19.", urn, .31 [1"0‘ I 00(13le 110109.?!“ usy ‘fh' llyd hi “:1" Dronlxrnl 7i. 9‘, q] beffit laflt‘lsizsq "llflilmhlc s rill-“: 14. (hapertils .1 “giggling” gqp _“calyi‘fq not) "21f D n I; '1 ._‘ I_‘ ‘-_ : 1“”... 1t”... ~. : I ‘ ninth-I ,f‘fifiné, {fl-”1:39 Java"? $53,152 gmgvr::,:mylg§‘l:l3:llEl-fgzgllxith‘ie ; Sghlul?gln.,*nl§’;‘:«fit‘ $21,311 (2};20‘:3t1831{1 ure'am-Yls ‘l' n ”iV:uat 1' Ol‘:¢ tl's- ,Jer H“ 9'13“! i” at" ‘e r 1 “1111351128 o‘limnt: ent‘ere 131“ 3r? “a: ‘llc 11‘, Instwben “cJ‘fl 'tionlflk'htflf H‘s‘nsupemah )‘lfu‘l'isfql‘“-_‘Z ”a". 11E" Ib‘l' . ‘3'lnmgle’m.x?vmor"‘nnex. c'nns COL l‘me’ hulls]; (x: t) 11 highrnll‘ognvelUf t‘hinntOcl'lizlogl'e‘hUu a: n 1 ( 91qu ‘l, l‘uof ctbél 'o4} titi 3' ‘5! t ‘1" o‘s- edj o m Inn 9 k kiln?“ 0 l ct)sa 5, "" (II; 3it 'Ofit "r“ .11 I 1 th Atln hummus e 163 II “I 1 1" a‘flpen 11. 'I “I '1 “1‘ 19. 011]” "d “-""11“*I-‘Tn'" '"I "a ‘ ya?"£o mwdtio dd vi ‘h we, h" Ju‘l iter (,ed e 8‘” e'nyi‘” N '6 tI- “Co j”I 0910 3‘s 1.410" ‘ "13‘ “(l-n 88 ,5) n"1 99' 10?: "am?“ sn'\r 'e wl‘u‘lle V‘fi‘ine‘vf'fiarage nrfi‘n b ‘énibact- 1“:- 1 1 In “affine, nwifp’J'e "s on'sc' J _lC—ucanombub“ I‘o ‘l'.‘ teim [in q] ”Iml'.c {HIII3 lon)ré0“:. ;d In edtbh, 0 11a“ “ham t_ re 1 cha re 11 11' f 1”! “weAI “r 4“I o "n' ; 01c firenoe- I] add “dc!“ be)“ aem'irgel*e'rd ‘ll] halfivl‘ld fit stg'e ta". ‘9 Gar: 61131] «file-'3 rs 11-Ihlbnd 1] 'ngv- .I hoe 2,; I“ ..' “anfl’d 91-51 mhe liJnV'hge;l£lo"-'M athg’s(X'i(‘()-,TTI “udg'v'lem: “II? fang A 5011,3126” 0":541') “‘ii’um-I 1 8f in t ‘wJOI‘ I‘ul 3m “(are q, 11'}, or d-rs; Flcm ,1 [l'o] H ‘p'h _ "11'; 1 lhelu y‘ no} 1 “fin‘nwlhuat e‘bfl 'beeennlregnll I-InnIII. o'rll Ilmbnso \* d'fige I ‘ocds "$01,910 __plffl 0‘“ ,a‘ 11 my 1 “In 3 graph] :W ‘9 us up}, I‘, \ln’l 'l'] e 'nl “.000; t! l. 8 I'd Band C'l‘ 1 as abs)" ‘ll lo flu“, (L's. le :1 ' nkB ndoo 1' plmtlp (In 14 z aatn 1; cpl“, t. G id ' ' “loom 121 mm K‘ nl‘arov. R “1,3 d L,- lh 0 but ct 0 t 1; ref Tem) n 11“ r11]... Phed m_l ’ll,, i 15‘" 11°d edllolmm '4l f 0 (,urex ry‘ I; ‘11; “5 a nepednf [11.1014 da‘ 1919150»an ornnotn 11 [l‘4o loc’fmofc ”N‘s,“ “b' 1 o :‘n d s Cc ”c 9d on t 51‘,“ n uledk «1.100 of‘litfbb'b'k nl.hl mbewc‘” I°nm ‘v b "‘of ”10:; ho"l=l°rl3’ Ifnssg‘on‘L‘urecere (1 g rOF'lqe'gesunincy G‘ I got; dthe Crel'tt :XC :5 (T’ltby‘rlntw‘rfm-p 1 p- 'Codgllé‘én ‘he 0‘11”]: 91: h5“m“110;, “(ctr-'- “I ' rl5O liB nfy' 9,l;er 1y 530811 an ”I 0 hat “ac P ‘34 (‘lhl‘f‘l‘la'tlrce)r ‘ ”enuid— up I ofsi‘nglqllnf andf 3901 “nut-p 35 'Oll‘Hih “’o' 1 1"“? cc neryk I. 331 M,“ “bgbn’fii ‘ Mo 8550 ncnh.) 11 0 I"! on}? " 3" io do 0 Owen" 1’1"“ a“ "‘n ‘rt '“I § . be “Ll—[lb 11an 30‘}. a “is llt t) ‘ 3ylan 3! wuti~dvb t 1 [lO4O l, 191 dme .9 c, “t 01 he )1, "e 0,. 1 glib m-pen 1-y\\v(l-PI db,“ ta fic‘” ”1 cy as 111 151‘11‘9q l e. on ed’sedcrt ‘l' d ’l“t 10‘; n .‘ 1-.-I}th w-l. 653:,8he4a ~{/—— 0- ga‘llel‘h k' ’M‘llyou ' th’l, ‘es "e,', 1n Ib3 od g‘s Pea?m T'Wntllk‘llo. 'l_GFM’.:d“§3,. ‘1 j (and; ‘1“ r}: t, a, Wh: adi g fink 311‘" ‘ll ,L__ i h' I!“ . 1) Jo » becsnu. r p « d‘l . 1! hi] 4_« 1 um ‘ led i {w mou'PO-o we —~ ed.“ ‘ i‘ P'n * , Ito ‘xnteyio iWi‘: 13:8 MfNe' ‘ hin'gadfi' Y 31¢] 'e ‘6! 0' ron 'k . “fix, ' ’ ’ 71.»;fi—,‘r._a'_—__—W.__—?M l“ ...yg..-w~.?-.__....__.:...__4..._g.._~_...-._.l_§vb_ “7" .-\vr"-' shatter; ' ink led into Man» by umlisviplinml. ium». m.. Cunmhwnfl 5., wt (Mum .... LHJ. 5",: he luttvr ‘rupture pvnvnoml vumnmmlcru. um {mid of runfi- .lwlinu one "Hunt," of angry”. .\[r My. all the au'ullury dcm‘é ur spirit. __ <1 I of N. Y. Tln-I‘L- were 42 rial-m nt' m.uu ' An incident. of n Ivamfiul mhurdcler was upturn]f 15,00!) gxnull “if"; and uwrvlw . rolatmltnmo. Whil.~ttheluutluw‘mmeiny‘ ungnum . ‘ _ . ‘ . a bull from .1 rifled cannon pnmcd! tlmmgh Tho .\‘nuth Carolina/HAN Wm foremost two noble horns of Wthc- {rt-it‘sulm-a cavalry. in the “glint“. nnd snif‘rrod itho art-nus: lms. ' ‘Gisembowvlhig «hem. Una (If ”‘0 rider" COL Wade ”.llnlfllnl‘* legion (I? (alvflly-‘Y ":11 win~ instantlv killed. fulllngjnto thunk with hem-l (In Q 0 “mm... m..] 0,7,), Bumpy." “as his home. 'l‘hc other haul l‘ leg mtnpletcly kings while (flinging the-l Frileial troops.l shattered. 110 m: um} rivl‘et‘ full ogather, ‘ Ths umrydemumstnoo no thnehmloyvrl the former On the top pfi the Inter, and in 12,000 trom» in :u'tinn. bu )lan "a menu! the terrible nmfuy-imn aml necmslly of 10- Imm of 60,000 men. fromlxvhich the hurl-I tn-ut he vm.‘ t1.u,~ left to r-qfi’n’r aml 1110 “2th went: in action Wt‘hr 0.1.“ mm?” mliflmll no eye to wecp'aml up hand t 4 extuml Among the prisoner, lutloll mu (fol. (for. rullf‘l'. l i ‘ cnmn. ol'Xew York, who il‘ slightly mmud l Th"; mmtflurzl‘orhmlatc lfenturj of this efl.‘: “gig at Munxusns Jurmtmp. ‘ ‘ ‘dre. ful can iv was! nq preci lit 29 Mo E/ 3 - _— ‘ ' . V; __ . 'aml-rvtrcut, nlldwing nt-iglnrr tlini mgfiopr’l ”.\RPFI’S Finn.luly24.+-Gnn,;Jnlmsnn‘u'» T";,“;“L‘:"§flj£§iflwillfullfi'zlhllfg 13:3. l portunity to can: fol: that woumllml, dam/l forth at Winchbster is uowlwtiumted utl‘lifi The “mo“ 0' lluaf'la—lhv mm." ofh‘lndsL and dying. 2’ ‘ : ' 1 ’/ tunabefore his much southward to )lupus—i And me “M“ W, Lu..." Mow” ' l Col. Hunter, lam glad lto'loanh if! no! sash 4‘ ‘ l" g r ‘s__.,” ,"I _ V, __7_¢_;__ __ _-. _0 salami woundpd. A muhket. ha. ask The“ inCMalvy. Int-£OOl. 3 ft.‘ '”-'TT.’-."“gll ' . _ ,'. l him inutyhe awhile-.m- the‘lel‘t'(ear/“Vifn‘llsing2 wontwlmville woken-lg, hmunvmllS-‘ms ‘l' " ”Tr‘nn' ‘ ”Buff” ‘ “0' ““53,- only a ebb "W‘P - _ Eii / ' ‘ ofGe-n. I‘atterson’s’ Folumn "l'he route {the ‘j- ’ " l " i ‘ «- l 3 17/L i; lcnvntry went with 02111. “111111;?"- ll ‘ DEE? gyms, tn: ';_ THE .acn'u. "outrun: 01' m; M' x 1) SC war They hadfit \ inc mate t". [OlPCe‘ o ar-l . ":1 l _ , . ’ ' ' ‘ m" 33:: swanky-g. ' : ltilleryiu bosifim: in the in ifimniunsmlknn M 0511“ Mbllll‘lN'W‘ULY 39- WM To road of lgattln. with)?!» poet Mlle-i h-n 42-poundcrs, spmc ut‘fwhich won-Mr. W miumdn uvery fine thing. AA.“ men pphnd I lumbuids, were. left, but 111 remainder «gen» .‘ ’ WI the bold fello \‘Juml aleOnfi'n th ow lam-Auk“) with Johnson. l' - ‘ z ‘ ”f 2. Tels on the gallfint soldinrtwho is muly to; Adotachmentnt‘theWn: ingtn'n Artillery‘ "Th“ new» 0 .1“, throw downhis life fyithis ‘oéuntry ' lLlg..—-\fmm Now (Means, h'hd vi ht heavy puns. him. very natutah If one sees it. 3139 thing is lfm- difl'gl'ent._ I.of which {nu} tfgr'e 32-pévyntlfra. ’l‘l‘m’fl throughout the } :kiH'qu cover ’lo, Hill-3% by the H. Mi PS and '0") Nu" Yurk 1. hurried across [lg of Sunday. a 5 it is estimated, :11"! @‘ulirlax.lnxnd 01g It ,' W 15-11: trench»;~~ Ten , it is regmrléd. lu- I’otomar yes br-s on .\rlington ,lne dmwjof the and Quantum- Hexandrip, thus cauirm Mtween . "Flu; Federal rhin enxjuangq übccssity‘mig n M ¥ w '- 1 fl ‘ , \ un '- gtoll pt W t I ‘l GU” ([nmpilrr. OUR FLAc}; l: ITEMS. ‘ flcpul~e nt Bull's Run ‘V. hull a doprexsill: ell'act 'orth. But nfl‘uim now Ic-rfuf "sport. Arlivq ef- Eass to get. the urtfly on a . Additional trnhpa m‘ "Vulningtnn. , Siné‘c slth 00 have lun'll 'tvmh'rn-d 1:0 'j‘hére is no 'npp‘Fohen- Ihefimlhty 6f the rujfilzfl. will hukv “on. .\lul’bwcll's , (:nn. ILmk~ su‘comwly‘ 'IH} (St-n. Dix likg-s‘jhe ‘ksvat Ammpuliq rp , ‘ 'l \ § and ('«lhmlmlt-r have m -le 111 M luurgu. liming tux-m tuihgykpirml. ; mt Hun. Lee did 110‘! mm .ifedemlr- army fit ‘liull‘q mu’nul nu 'l'lunwlni.’ prw ‘9 :n-mv; for I.} udnlnufir, ‘rn Virginia. to ihtj‘lrf‘pfv forth-4, flow undcri (ion. .‘l x 3 dispalrhmldh Iflag ufh‘uro 10.4 on 'l'utmluy. lognmko (‘L‘l‘llinil the limit! and hm fiulnl. ‘ 'l‘lm \\':L§hing- I l a; reply lnis j,(.t’.'"'m. 4 thutwh‘ilv llwy will not t‘bns zuxul amhnhhwos to lilim-s, ”my “'in mliv ins ! Federal wauududizfi of 'rj, hm Minn awn". 8&1]: a (mg-4'o] li‘mn-ilflsfnvn '\\‘n lmuurim l'ml I‘njln the niomlm, mil: mum stray - npprnlmmi'rmk are FM" 'l”llun. .\H'rml lihflnrm-i 1 New Y'gnkuwlm “rm [:u a qutntur. :lll'l “i”! - nub tn xlw mnunh-rl iu xiymngn-wiu-Imldistrh-t'. ‘u: g‘llhcr'x‘llhul or "_l'ri‘ _.....“ TV 1....._ , ,__...... .ifiy'or Grimm] .1]rl"/cl/un.-—Thik officer, who ‘commmudvd tho; feudal fnrcos in )Vg-flm'n :Virgiuia, is a saw of (hp gu-ut rurgcmi, Gi-o. ‘Me‘L'lullnn, of Bliilndolphia. who (Hi-d nfl‘w »_\'c-m‘< ngn. The gent-ml is a Wost Pointer, Wong!!! in Maxie, wlc-n‘l tn Edmpc On um“- bitary cmnmimion a ffiw years ignite ”amine into the science vf war in “w raxpymof' the -grcu pawn; in t :o‘Crimcn :‘al‘torwurilg rO signed _go bemm wiré pmhkm of me am. nois Central Rn lrnmh and tlmn anceptod the presidency} o the Ohidmad ‘lfiss'h‘i'pl‘i road, fromswhich ham mulled by Governor Dennison, of()hi -, in major gamers] of fthe Dhio .irolunleers afid from», this into fine regular army, by; the President. tohac’qept the position lge howjlolda. He is thin}: {our yélm of age, {nil presents a very youth ful appearance. ISc: says the 3Yaahiua‘ton sunday Clxmhicfi. . . ' ' I « ,_—---‘~ 4:..______.; <‘ ‘ Rita-mam I‘m“, not long sinoe‘fithe Chief Engineer éf the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, fins been appointed ASH?- !kmt Smretary of War. This office has been Graded during tlile prawn: extra session 0f Congress, and th'elsal’hry fixed M three $110“- snnd doflnrs. Ift. Haupt is a patina“ of ‘ Wat'lfoint of the 43193. or 1839. m was. placed [berg by General kason in 1835, at an egxly age. ‘ 1 @The Herald says that th’e Republi cansin New York want. a new Cabinet, as follows: Nathaniel ‘r. Banks, of Illinois, Secretary of State;,John C. Fyemont,of California, Secret'nry of Wu: Cox-neliua Vanderbilt, of New York, Secretary of the N 1"! ; Joseph Holt, ofKenlucky, Attorney General. , ' 4MUMMI, ‘ The Smalcrun.londly, amended flu coma." zdntion bill, on modun of ler'rrumhuu, “um 1:31;} slave. emptus'rd in aiding me {950113136 Higuinat the guvermm-nt, whq'n ‘cnylnred, sln‘ :be fo‘rfcile‘lj” Yeas 32, nnysjfi. -The Haul fl t‘rom“ Wentfi'n Viru‘mh did éot vote. , In H"- [foium .\lr. Cr'nllcns‘h-n ofl'o'red I rum lutigfldedgnfinfl that tho pmhnt war had beta {urn-d ”Pufietlm yountry by the dhnniollgls ‘of 1!“: Southern Sums 3 “mt His nut “aged in‘ a spirit of opprelsiuu or luhjugauion. nor‘ with 1; View to ghrthrdw ,Ifly instituljon. hnl “'in nullnluin .que prim-3pm or the emit-mun. and the actgnmmn of the United Suit-I; ‘d Ikyn .uch obsecti shuns“! been inhuman“, tho wur shun «gum». Un them.- resolrg‘nionl he du‘ nmudedr thel previous question, and-[hey passed «lyeus .1 I] i nnys, “cam. fund of Wilconnin, and awn» oqmo. , . I " Messrs: Hickman; Lowjoy, and Thaddeul Stew-us Clix! uul \ol’. .. , A " ' .\lr. H‘ul‘ml'lt 01' Ohio, introdnred I tam to in dt-mnil'y the gnveml Hmmx fur expense.- in curred in {lt-refilling “IE L'. Skunk Afilnplud.+ ln :he Smutc, on' Tutiadny. Mr. Wi‘aon mm ed ‘9 who up A bill ‘in mlgilion lo an get lu muhmizc We empln'ymonl of volunteers to Kid in onforcjxng the luwijnnd protegting public properly. ‘ . ‘ , - « ur. \Vllson moved to'am‘ena the bin, by n... serling in lhflnlter ohmic offllo 18'. section: “ Provixlml jlmt the numbl-r or troops anthol izvd th’ll nbl «won! the hundred shoumhd." Agreed (:1). ‘ Tim M" was lhen pawed. “ 3 . In the Huju‘u‘, Mr; Thndduus Su-uns rcqul-: N] frum the: cunfinlittvel (.n n'nj's hnd nwune‘a hill to jnrmjdc mld‘niulmlrrovemm to defray \he expl-nsfia unlu- govt-lumen“, I.) the «lush mvutngnd rulit-Hion of _dil't-él‘yueu. ”fund m H)» conm'fitltg ofthc’filmjefv ' , \ ' Mr.‘ Pay-(fr rumfled a ’11“! dividing: ‘KQW lucky imn 1;“ njmlicinl Mslricls nnd nbolmking llu- .prownt: “13!qu (3mm fund, “I amwfiid on mnlinn 0} Mr. Muir. nf.\|il., nbulishi‘ng “fit: mu Dualriifl'nnrlx of \lissunn and «renting om‘ di~lrirt h: their “mid. ‘ , In (In- rnhrw of «lélmlc \fr. (‘fitleudcp 0"" puuml tlu' hill, swing fl‘ \uls nn_nhuso of Mm 110“ or of Coilurrss nus.) nu invasion of “17me slihnidgnl mmlo of the removal M n juflgé go l-fl‘vvl‘am-h Mrjm'ldiy the nlmlilinn of the court as mm- pmpdnml. The {Jill passed. Yeas 79, naps (:0. ‘ I v - ‘ ‘ In [lu- ‘Sonnlo'. nn \fi-nlnendaj, Mr. “'ilmlm's hill ta mmhléf lln- Pfl'3idfll‘ to discharge ‘oflicerg , Ln Nu.- an") Tar invmmwlrm-y, _kl'., was lnktJn . up. Mr. Wilson Sui-I ”NH-‘0 un-n' mun ho wm‘d ‘cnl nut‘uf the nrmy. Mr. imulinlu opium-cl tli‘e \lri'iqqz il imnhml n (”H'lliun ufx‘unslilulimm ‘ il‘y. :.\lr. Grimes! unrlnl; uplnoaml ”Held". 3 ' I'va hil! nppmpriufing Ndmmo In my the Imli: (- pl [Lullimhrosflwx IH.~m"{. u - Th!“ Ilmnw push“! n IHJI nppmpriuling Sf;- jmnwl’m lur lln: ( {)lmlnu'liuu’ufu steam “(fining mud-y. , . , ‘ TIM Srnnlqjhm ximlmn'xiug the frenmrnl In urn-p 1 5.00.000 \ollunlurrs “M pawn-l. ’ Th». Ht'mu‘ nlm [ma-mt] ‘JJIC‘ bill In [my the yolk“: Hr liuh‘unq‘rr. ' - A mam“ disru»inn ' wrung up hohvbrh" ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . .\l‘wn. Rh lmrdum nml lilrrnetl, aml‘n pot-ou ul l-nllisinn “Ila alpine-ht“ h‘gl. ‘ 3H. “ifhflfl‘slyl “:11va lilnlfiillrhlglthu inn-n; \it'w Hu- -':|_\ pruinmmli “Huh he was-prvs‘i-ufl‘, )atuwn (Im. St'nlt nu llnuync ‘b‘ulc. hp" lhlglv I'HNilll'Hf; Hm Stern-Inn) al' “Eur um] M‘H'l |l 'im-mlnirg‘ufVaughn-s. lhl- lnrnu-r rclnhrkml In rljlavlfllu't‘ : ‘1 .\I r. l'l'vs‘iilc'lk. I ’III Hm gunk-«ll «ML-In] in And-rim. l have fought 'llul lulll’n inguinal n 3) judgficu‘, MM 1 think )0" may!“ N.) r{~mu\ r my:m:duy i'urhfln'lnzr it {I‘VN'IWP' rr‘. muwl Tur 11-Hing in} arm) light ‘hvu I‘m-[3? kgu'“ i 1 “"5 "(A n-mlg'ln lipid.” ' ' A 1 ‘ “Your rmn’wzuliun il‘lll“(‘i‘;,”‘lll'.|d |l|c I'm-it'- ilh-nl In (El-n. Scott. “mull form-d yuu to but“- Ur."~ Tu “hick (hm. ,p‘l-un ll',“l‘1l, “I Ilil‘jll’ m-\ 6:? (u-nkgd u'liuXc-r n [.'“-iidvm “1") th Inn-h“ k‘jn‘dl-r lu‘mc than jou'viifiuxbu-n." lint “Lin". Svull. did not. ftlim'c' thr l'rusi-lEH! fauq ”:15 fart of the. lulu-r Inning {urn-m lukm'tn light .111- mm: .\lr. llirhummn said M byprwduw l'rc-aidcnl 1o lw_xu: hymn-tum», hut “urn n'fruixl by had‘n't sufliqimlt strength ofmiml to Mill]? slum] tile inflgn-nu-s 0'" me \vi‘ly .politivmnb I—irmuul him. ' A i Th 2 din-{l tnir _hill wpg taken up. I‘\'lel m‘l nuiynih-d l“~l'll\.~i"ll, thr Inillpmu r‘rrnmmilumll‘, l I Tin; .\‘vnutv :tduph'd a rem-binning!" imlnhq ‘ i'lllu llw Ih‘lfill'lllfliuli of properly I“;- l'uum'pln‘y {'Xurl‘ulk xu‘ul Jluruér's Fen-3g h, (iuwrmuc-ut Rollin-n. , . ‘ ‘ » , I i‘r [_n Ihl‘ Hume, “.I’Klntfjlfll’llr'fln, rising to II lépcrwunl (‘Xplllllilfi-un, fluid théJmnnrks lu nimlogcalL-nhty \u-rc mt I‘l-ly u iiiuml pnfluruhi ration. H' in th-L heat of flu- A‘l'hflu‘ In: hm! “allude“ the feelings of nny myth-nun: he n--‘ gun-[MI it; and il he imd \‘iululml lhp mum-<3? of III!- House he much his humhl; m‘l‘mmlc-dg-A menu. This emu-mull was nal’prompxgd by; any 0"}, Imme punch initiative to M: o:3ij Lh-vlfngs. Yralrrclny wax thr only ot-cusion lml ‘lihml 1'04“" led in“; n perrmml t-mllrmt-rsy, x’ncl.l he‘luul qssurml his mom! that} lat-_“cx'u lur'lln-r} thn In; inkutled. . ‘ Mr. natural. was not In his: son during Ham? evplawttion millmw debated the diryctlux bill unm glue hon} of udjunrnnn-ut, ‘ ' . WA]: null-ulnar, éruuulc woulll‘he ‘nhfl horn-m to -l.he' Northern people. vAll that, Ihry deslr‘c is flu- pl-rpotuity of the ’l'nllun. To} su-runré this 31f ismeccsmry that. all irrilnligg; puliciw ulmlfbc lit-pl. oi)! ol‘thc' war. This‘is‘ rssenlinl to hat-(‘69:. For onljseln-l, when no; lmlieugthe war ii ’wnged with almlilioa Vil'VH',‘ wg ‘slmll oppose it, lit-muse abolition in mlt muggh rélwll'um. nggtihst the ('oualilyllon as ; ioéeiilun, Md “.heurvcr/ men You}, as the Be- ‘ Kruhllcgn Repfiscmnlives Bf lllhmh are rep?- sgmcd 1.6 lune done. fur.rcinlutlons so wicked ln import M l,o\‘c§9)"s,\mslmll mark {these men us enemies urlhe country, and ho'ld'fihcir as}: up to pupulnr_imligualiou.—C7liwyo Tuna. - ==11:1 . MIMI-IN! Weed condemns the mum of the Abolitionist, 'Lovqioy. for attempting} to drag-fine slavery qucsfioa into Congress, > ‘He says—“ The coumry will him that the ha“: of ngresa-m n» the pioper plus just ino'w to trot on} theimegm." .‘ 1 Me Ail-inmralim Laden—Hon. 'l‘hui-‘ ,dens Suvcmfilhe Representative in 0011- . igress from ibis district-i 5 the Cluirmnh of :the Committee of'Waya and Menu in tho 'HouseVof Representatives. Thin ponition it i one of gene Emmi-tame, second only to that of Speaker. Wth of the-same party with the Administration, as in the case now, the Chairman of this Committée becomec“ the month-pieced the Government, and is 'da pended upon to carry through all its finanL ' cial measures. Mr. Sic-Eons was ulw the leader of the Anti-ma'abhic party in the Home of Representatives, at ilarrisbnié. .. during the Legislative .\e‘siun of 1838-9, 1 _nnd minted in initiating the Buckglmg I Way's-Lancaster, lutr/ligmcrr. V ’ _ * _.....1 0...” ~~---- flTho Democratic Slate Conventibq of Vermont, on \Vednesdayt nnmiaawdipgul ‘ Dillinglmm for (imarn’offifllephen’ W for Liam. Governor, and James I‘dfimi’itéj '5 ”Tug-aura. - 1:. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers