The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 27, 1861, Image 3

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    37130ng fiance‘s.
_. _--:5. A _
7 Tm: (man I:¢l‘:l.Y~'u Rmnam' _sm
Jnnzs (imxxx's CrLsnzzxrgn l-‘Lhu; I'm“,—
X’n-pnrml from :1 {-rvicriplian 0! Sir J. [('lurkc,
M. D., Physirmn Enrum‘rhnmy w (h? Qua-u.—
‘This inmlnnhlc mwlkiuz 'in nul‘ufling in [he
cure ofnll llmw painful and dAngannu lliwuse;
to which Hn- h-nmlv < unfilqniun‘i‘s «uhjmt. I!
mudunLu-S 11H L-xt'l-~~ Inul (Munro-S
(mm, and n npeedy rurvanmy I»; r‘
Mnrricd Lauhu M ii pwd‘tmrl} sui
hr n shun. 13mg, bring on the mo
with regularin, , ‘
Em-h botd¢-,prir‘c mm 0011:3an
”Inn-)4: Stamp of Grunt Hfituix
calMerfriu. j
CAcmN.—-These Pill; ~dmuld ‘
by {cmuyeg during'thc first thrl
I'm-gummy, as ‘hey nn- :ure [0":
unrrmgv. but at any olhl‘r filnelh‘p
In .\TI « flap: of .\m runs and Spin:
["xh.’ the li.u.k uml Lillnl)§>l":t!ij,
L-vrti‘u. I'.Aiph:llion n! the “ed
”a Whith mm- mm will cm-cl
,4“ «ALL: unsung hm‘c {MIL-:1; an;
powerful n'gwdy, do not “mini“!
antimony, or any thing hurlfulto“
Mun. ,
Full din-citions in the lmmphlot‘
Indulge, whirl: should] In: rim-I'll
Sole Agata! furlht- l‘nilcd Sum-l
J 01; nusrzs, (mu- l. (‘. 1:..1.|
: Ruch
K. B.—sl' 00 and G pnetnge st
(:1 any nulthriu-d .\gt-nl, nil] in
[containing f 0 l’illfi, by return my
June 11, SCU. ljcow __ ‘
.\Tl'll) IHT’I‘F.RS.——.I
mu yau sq
n hich afl'e
wholu hul
Auras at fnu J
‘lcs: efforts]
tic need Bul
fllwu” pni’l
er? I‘yspopsm is nU]
term for the """ICXJH
the stomach, liver. :11]
an cyan-m. rum 1)::
nygenatcul Bitters, m 8
and haul airman-Al 1;)
o cure thin diamsc
er nu lungur “ill: u. M
ful, nllll_t'rm‘xw||ll_v n (‘4
He and l‘.“ uIL-r cumll
me the ghaumflh the n]
this power, hllK‘h H‘Qi
not be gum; in it‘ fur
m'srm'Tu s,_ “E; \H
- mu uni
certainly L
Had it nul
low: woul;
F‘dwy.» .k (‘u :
Xingu-"rs ugu Imus
n-nglh n~ to he [l”.th
n duties of my lmnwl)
Gem. :
dun-d in n
the comm
fvrcd from
n-unlerud H
relief, a II
use of die
did I mum
physicinu' ‘
to the mi!
of )enrs, l 1
bmlth, an]
{filing a:
“hit-h ari
1 lmve xi
my iricn
cqmplimmuu of dneu
I-fln‘blndfin. J rwnm
(1! nckug‘wlellgeul skill}
my mue WM ("mink-11‘
pt cur‘c; but M this jlll
Uxflgcnalrd Biltcre, u‘
lml the effect wu: w
disgust of the mudiril
:37: runfith-m‘e if: it.
ut‘v rmuuiu in the «3&oth
l;!l»|‘4‘4l\‘crl'ullnnul the IL‘
lidule for the \urim
:1. fium umflitmimml l 1
cu rt-t-np/n‘memlqd {ht-m
s, with ‘mlit'urm mu]
mm mzv. x N. In;
tin! “pd bighiv rupee
lately I: rermk‘nl ur ISM
3 HA'l‘H', .\. Y., 1):;
Tu W. Found: Cut, 1
1‘ ago last. summer xll
mch nfllictcd gill: Dy
mud complete yfilu‘Ll
d Him-rs. 1):ch e‘mi
a sure remedy fur that
Yours. with much
. S. [UH-2K5, Pablol‘ .\l.
An influc
‘ Une _ve
in them :1
, 3 ’ Lamr
pared by SETH W. Ft
d [or sale by A. I). lhu
ffljumhew, York Spring
Boston. u.
burg ; E.
jin; Snlnmun Clxrouiate'
K.t.q. Bet li
Jm-uh Euliwdiltfr, .\lumnmslmrg; l);
Ahbmlsubwnray, Slnjtur, New
Illlli-r, [‘ifitletswwn; and bydcnlur
.\lny £74 #861.‘ 4w -
Gin-I.x, DISCOVERY!—.meIg
byqbfc mactiliuncus and Almm‘
haw: di-ufiunumlcd the great \‘nh.
'(iruth's h'cauuful‘comhiuafiuu, (a
TIHU OIL" fur the reliet'nml cu
But. tlu- iuenplc themselves .lrc ru'
\(fralir't in a manner Imm nmnil
smisfhrtdry. More than lun n'l
'llfl\‘(';!fl‘(‘il will in u \‘L'rysluurl
firnpurlithl m thn~c who In-:|l'd\ul
‘mcmi it,~’\\ho h.ul trig! it. 'l‘hu'fi
.diwo\'vr_ is'every \fl‘w‘r’e ncknu
nulhing kc it. was over lw’nrc In:
ine* Elm-trio Hi} i: I’m!
0 be but! Mull tl.c rvqu
“My 'gou
“hid! is
re cities, and m. Mink-m
primorg’ prices mm: Hg
ment. } ' » '
2! ”IF pr
j x-.-” . _
Sltnr'rn'gaififihc Adi
in) m
natured m fun-EMT?" u l'vfw Weeks" h_\- n i'mmL-dx alt-1y blft't‘l‘ the [ll‘flpl‘l‘ljy is stru-dk flown}!
Ve n'nwdy, nth-I‘- having: Slhlbrod ~‘m‘crnl urJlpun t'xilurc to complyllxer.>,re.\\'ithth’opropcr-I’
severe Innr: :ifll-vtiuu, hhd thutfixcml :3 “ill In: again put up tut Isqle. } .1, ‘
ing lrém
wars n‘i
(‘bnsumplime-is :nnifius to "mike“
knmvnl his fi-llulr-shll‘cn-rs the _mmns ol‘cnfi'. l . : NotiCe' » ‘ ’
Tn all 'Tflm «lwire it‘ he will Isl-ml u copy of , .w < . .~|,~ . ‘ ' _
tho pres rxptiun [He‘ll (free of tllul‘ul‘.) mth the Ull.\ “.\‘R‘ H b .lam'll'l‘fL—Letlm? "Tm
. . . . ,w , mvntnn on th ('~I:1tl‘- of John, .\lmch,
duh-chm cl for premn'mg nml u~uw tln- :umc, l . . - . _ l.
. _ ' . . .5 . Me of \lnuulplcummmv“ns‘hlp. Alhnns runn
ulmth th -\ \nll hml u sure (.urp lnrl onsnmp- . ‘ ‘.
. - - . . i . w . .h. (lemma-ll lnumlr u-cn grmmd to the umlcr-.
tum. .\«tlnnn. Broth-mm. kr.» 'lln- unlv night : ‘ .’. . 5 ~ .w . .. ,
. . . . .‘ . Mgnml. rcmllng mt c sumo.- tumwllp :he hen--
oth ml‘vorusvr 11l sending the. prcsanuun IS 1 . . . ‘ v . : 'I l
7- . . . V . _ . . )_\ gl\('< nu’H-u to M l yu-rwna Indebted to find
10 bench} the :Ifllxeted, uml spunul Lnformmum ‘ , . . _ ' ~ ‘
. .~ / , - t'sllllu tn nmlu: Imm Ilmle pmmcnt, mid tho>e4
Wlllfll he conceive: to be mmlmble. mu] h . . x . -
. - . » ~ l l 3 . ‘lun mu- chums swunzlt the same to prgsunt them
,hopos evlensuflerer \nll tn lns rant-«111:6 x " 5. ‘ \ ;
will castltfifln nothinv m [l* law :i‘uVe'w blcse'l properly authenticated tor betlloment.‘ l
mg 'i g a: A‘~ 3 '-f» ~ DANIEL MAKpHv, Eir. l
lmrtieé wiéhing the prescripcil‘rtx will plan B #613123, léfl.“6t+“~— ‘ __ i
mam i EV. EDWARD A. 'lLsux g ‘ , "”2" ‘.
7‘ l _l‘ \mlm‘bm,Ram-01,43» . -De Grath s Great Electnc 011, ll
06!. 1,8601 1y xew Yin-k. [I S THE MARY“; OF THE AG —‘7For the‘
l l , ‘ ‘ 4 l‘nllm\"lng. (not dvery’lhingzl _L- 7'7 A'l‘ l
(‘nres Rheumatiflu «lfilcn‘ln a; t l
_Curcs quralgin. Topllmche, two minutes; I
(.‘nresrUrnmp In Sunny-h, five minntci; \ ;
(‘urea Burns, Wounds, llrui<e<,enc to [yo days;
(‘urcs ll'mdache, fifteen nliuutcs; 1 l
('urcs Eur-ache, Stifl‘hreuk, Aguf: on'elnight;~ I:
«lures l’iles. chlleq (ll:Luds,-ten (lays; 1‘ l
Cures Felons, Brok‘ n Breasts, Salt. ,Rbcum,‘
twogo six dais; ‘ l ' '‘:
Cures llvmorrhnmib‘crofuln, Absqesb six to‘
e , 5 ‘1 l
ten days; ‘. l‘ . ‘ , u
Cures Frosted Feet find C-lulblams, and t 9 thfee‘.
duvs ' j ’ ‘
Cures .\guelnnd Fever. one to two dim-5,3121!
all nervous and scrofulons afflictions. l
(‘ures Deafnessjn ope to four days; r‘ ; A
Cures all Pains in the Buick, Breast,&cl, in two
(1113‘s. 3
_ WTkedly-firo m sixw dollars and u
pcuses pér m th will lye-paid b} the lirlc Suw
"ing .\lxu-l ine gxuynny to their Agent's,- for sell»
ting the_ rie \vmg .\luchiue. Thifi 53_n'ne\r
.\lnchincl had so simple in it: construction tlmt.
' a child cam lcnrn to open-lute it by lm‘lfuu hour's
instructipg.‘ If is cqunl to_ any l-‘Egui'ily Sewing
Muchinkz; in uge, and they take the llrcminm m‘cr
the Filly and- One llumlretl dollar '“nmchines.-
T 311: pride isbut Fincen Uplluru The (‘ouipuny
,wish w employ Agents in every c'uu-nty in the
I'uited smtei. Address, for purlkculflrs, I'st
Suwnm Shams: Cu. 1!. JAMES. General
Agu't, ¥ilau, Ohio. " ‘ [Shun 1:1, '6l. Um
; GETTvsnußu-‘Sncumfim, ‘
Super-fins Float-..........................g4 7;, to 5 ()0
Bye Flam-”.'"............................:.: 3 2:,
WM Wheat............................,1 15 to,l 25.
Bed WhentJ 10 up"! 1;;
Corn ..L,..1.....'..z..-....'. . ......... ‘ m
03,19 "ML...“......n.............-...
Buckwhbu ....L.... ......... ..-...
Clover Set d -..;......................
Timon; 5eed;.............'.........
la‘hx 5ud.....J'.....'.......“....z...
Plasm- df Ifnrip ..
Hunter mind; [an bum...”
v ‘ erALaIHORE—Fumfv gm.
Flam-"4;”....}...................,... 15 37 to 5 50
Wh01t..,..,......‘..’.............. ....u. 2 23 ;'o 1 65
Rye‘. ..i... 6510‘ 70
C0rn...;7.... ..r ;52 to 56
Gun... .[‘.....‘........................... 29 ‘0 33
Grover dt.. ‘4 60 to 4 7;
Timot Saed .:." 32 50 to 2-75
Beef, “hm hung............. . m 00 mn so
303‘, p r hund.....’...... [6 00 ”:8 50
Hg......¥..113 00 um no
Whilke "...”... i 17 so ' 19
Gaga, eruflan,per t0n......... ; - 62 00
; HANOVER—Tannin uni. .
Flo-r, I am wagons...” ....1....... , 4 8?
80. t 9:: npm.........»...i........ > a 60
Wh'fl» ......ufi..m..m..1........ J. 15 to l 25
Rye....CJ...a.....‘.;......u..;.........‘... so'.‘.......:.'.....’........ 5 ¢ 60
0.a...:.‘.‘......................4......... : 27
(Hour “ed...a................+ “......L 4 00
Tiny“!50d.................1......... f 1 30
M.§......;.......................... us 50
.A u .
~ A j”. ; Hay Rake.
“Abs t BUEHLEB have on hand .two
SIM-rut: HAY and GRAIN MILES. which
\nll beéold at low rmcs. This: is a fine op
.portilflyfofl‘armers to secure a wuluable llbor
m?dp§'ssfing implemenk Us}! and look at
mum: I- _ . [May 33, 1861.. tf
. m mm CARDS, anélopéi,i true; new
new» Paper, 5m mam summon
14;;- “11141 Gov.‘ Sprngur‘" rt‘giml'ilt.
from Rhodix Hamil, left .\mmlmlin for ‘
\\"x|~llin;_rtrvn, throw m-pro men lmlnnging to “
thr» Ilnn. ”Purge W. llgghes,‘rcaiding mme p‘mi
{on mxlon frum Annnlvolii. nxtcmpl’e‘! tn tho
{allow and mum. A: soon as the Guvcr- hm
nor, who nah in mmmzmd, was al‘Triicd 0"
Hm fart. 1w had than arrested at; conquf“ F- l
ted to thr‘ir man-[:l3 I ‘ “:1:
\Ve trust am this is the u'pirit which will 3. Lf
mimnte all bf the officers and man in this Juhr
war. The defense of our flag requires "0‘ :“9;
. J I ‘ lUI
an ”m m"- rtébborg of p'rwate Wolwfitxgmlul no culul'Pßf ‘Ceul
I, m ”We” 0 con uct mu Iqonpr satisfy t n? peop'e 0 , .\inn
the South of tlJoHnojnTsty ofnur Intentmm, j _l‘.
than nm which Ina; bot-en initiated by Gov. if";
Sprauuc! ' , 7 7 H, S.
_. , ‘ A _ . . R I".
‘ n“ nlnlrnc
lt‘liPl‘Ou. To
iu-d. Infill,
)nlllly period
nOl ‘he taken!
#0 months Inf
‘ring on Mis
vy are safe. ‘ ,
=l*—\fl‘cr!io[xs.- MARRIED. \
guc on ah s‘” On the lgthinslflul St. Joseph’s (,‘bur ch.
ler “i’flem'” llunhughwwh, by the luv. 15. A. Shorh. Mr.
,“curHfim JHHN 1:1.m-2 to His}. .uxu; LASSINUER,
W 1 ahhm‘gh n bolh ofLilUcHan. '3l ‘ »
sm!" "“X‘”.""l’ Un Thurida’, the H-Llljjnsl., by lh't- Rev. R.
:m “mm“: s. Grier, Mann-:5 +I.-.\'l.l.x.sw;n, beurru“
3 ; wuul)’, ALL, Lu Mus JAKE“, BARR, ,uf lhib
‘ around much plum“ . _ , u 1
3' P""“"3n""l'l ()n' he. 7m inst, m thc‘rcsidenlw of (hi:
“.'““fi'mmt”; I her'it'nfher, near .fi'niuumwu, by L”. Uuyle‘,
“"" " 9“") . JUSEH} LIJNILLNI-JCKEH, of Adam}; county,
‘11"! ‘\' " P 4” to MARY. \‘ccuml dnughtcriof {ILCUIEYDIL
”‘1”! “"‘hm‘d ul' ('urroll cunnh’. .\ld.‘ 1
"If ‘1 WWI, ou'me 23:11 'or April, at ;the m dance or
{L , , Sumnrl Andérfion, Elfiqu in Penomy-lowa, hy
i , lhc [it-v. JJI.‘ Connxd,‘.‘lr. DASH-1L “’uDIEHIH
j 'fimm-rly of ibis county, to Miss REBEL‘CA
{Mfr/- Why ANDERSON; «.r the fqrmer phlcu. '
"My“ “”1"" (In the halt “in, n: Lhe Lutheran Parsonage,
4mm” disems in l‘eteniburg; by the Rev. .P. Ruby, Mr. sm—
lfld {HIM-’1‘)”: l'l-11. J. I’LF‘MMINH. m’ York ‘éonniy‘ to Him
n. fawn} dh- .SUI’UIA HISUUI', 01' Franklin munty. .
Ipd§cu!s"lclLLe nu the 21.4 um, h) lhr- mac, Mr. JACUB
41-81! m fru'n- 11.;(‘311FM.\:§, of gamma”, us was Luusn
[The “mug- .\m'rzcna; or “know.
meme $lM} 1" film the suite thy, by the same, at (h!- hon-:0
Lm ufllwmg. (:flhc hri-lu 3mm”, m». “Ipm.” 1:. now ms
‘oqu ml} us In .\im MARTHA .\xx grimulunx, lmth or
“5‘3"“: "“‘h- 11'! U Ir‘nll‘g, .\Jdunn cmufty. ‘
“"0"! “,3 1”“ (In the in] “141., l._\- (in; Rev. H. L. Bnughor’,
\lr J.\(.'I(HI CASHHAX to files SAY-.\H‘Al‘.
(".\SSAT. » ’ "
, a E
. t' ... -
z » 13131643. I, ,
E” nm‘uh rc- (lfh‘uthrfluy hut. Mir. J‘QM‘II’” ”EXILE“, 01F
19.1 mm! “f .\lmlutpltumnt “muddy, “4 11‘" “L'Lp{3'°"r'of‘
”111, nllll sub Hid “If“ ‘.I ‘. , .5 : '1
5” ”ml truly ' (Tu '.‘§mul:wfi mornin'y Lgst'fm this lillr€filiiil|w'i
N ‘0 W‘U‘” 'mufimx 5.,1.‘~m'.~\1.-. Lufm u. mung”), dc
} but. \nllmut waived, :v,,-ml about 12: _\'oles. ~’ I ‘ l
I‘] 1...-)011411110 u" the [with inpl., HI.I7.A_HI‘I'I‘I[, wufu‘uflsducv
“'l”er "WI” B..Tr~ustio, of llunliriglpn townhip, ggc-xl 35,
f“:"-‘;1f1“"“{:-“ yeérs 8 xnunlhk and ‘l9 dug s. 1.~ I; h
""" -' '3" ’9. new ' hut, in ins wrung H
[0 MW Place (‘MIIJRfimNy-uor Wm. K. mflb‘fisun; Pluu
"“1"“ “We \iallnghcr. age-d ‘1 WM“. ' ' ' ‘ . 1 Israel
{IIH'UL (:fgrmd Hull"; 22-! gin-m, in (‘Lm'lneirlu’nd nguxlsl.l;., . Jnlll '
"N”? 5‘ “““r‘ Mk)! RACHEL .\IgGRIflW, lluuglnwr ofAJf-xgm-j {Ht 4,
s *3lnl’l""‘s (lcr Ml-(hcu , dculzugcq; :xgwl l7)uu'~! 3 muptthlHK-lul
‘vrnnzrmgmn._ and 1? (LAN. _l‘ . I. -‘ 1 I,‘ i! ..u l
W "“"m' "' mun-14m hm, . ‘xxm 1-‘LM:I~..\(,L 1133- .1"! an
>:lli~r-|f‘|“1." 5:”, mm] 1 war? 3 m ml); and 9 xlup.‘ J3l"-
-" "MU-“1L . with} 2nLlliusL., (: .x m munxu; (I.l»ng \v. \
' tor of Jnlm .\hhfscr. q! Uumhérluud logmphll’. {1 Jr“?
b“; \ ngcd 2 Mars Emunlhq and M dgllnx. l‘‘l H I“?!
“"1””"33‘ Uu uh- mm mm, ‘.1.u1,1x MIHHLY, .\r‘, m" 1
"X. Y' _ .\qulllplc.l.~:ml tuwaJl-p, .\dums cuumyfiflllh“ f {“9”
. 215,;1559. 31‘! war oil‘his age. ‘ f A 12;“1
«ton : ' ‘ . “ m.
d :lulumu..l _ W
“It‘llsiil, trum ' ~. ‘ The Adams Rlfleg‘
.'” ”My" “'0 Y ‘HICHE \_v|fl be :1 writing ofi Lhc ‘V
We‘ronhilcnw 1 Cunuuuy umv fanning In‘lhc B‘i
,dmxgrccz-hle Huhflmlu. {-_rr ‘dlilll and fig? lulu
r.e°’:(.‘:l" I iulp‘Zrl‘unl Inn-Mr“. KIM: [Hun-133 ) H
F“ (,h.urrh.’ i ‘27“: in<t., at 7 o'clm‘l ,nL l‘ue (.'uurt I
#“FP‘ZHE‘ '1 I, l Ail \vhu hue ‘lelli‘ll (yr (It'sirc tn
1‘“ hh ‘? “U" Compunr‘will he in pfimupl nttcuduh 3
Wm”? “My”. 1 .l). .\lt'Q‘uuuugln', Wm. 51‘. 'ing,
1; “m' “011% Joscph'JAn-uus,. (EL-o. .\. )hduri,
“‘. llzunjuou: . .- H. Louis lhngh'cr, IL F. .\luflhcny,
‘l‘“.H““‘mg"' ’l'hmuns J. Shorb, .\dmu Hiker,
Nor"; “M":L )1m- :7 1361. ‘ ' , um] 60 uthcm
ewrprlwrmi - ' ’ ‘ ‘
5’ nu“. 1302!: '[X Imrx‘lmmiv of a writ pf Fieri Farina, is
‘cnl analysis. _ sum! nun! I,ij (‘mut ()f‘l‘ummnu [’lmlf of
c nt‘l’mr. he A-Lmh nmntv. And In mp :Lxuctell. “ill ln- ex
‘chl “HM-11‘- INN-«l to Publiu 5.110, n! the (Tum-limbo. in
1' of p.\.iu.—- (30H) ~hur;:. 6n .\‘ulurrluy. [ln 15/]: «My 15/ .llmr
nit-ring 'hv'lr Hut, M l n'chrkJ’. 11., the{bllpwingklcscrilwd
tukrm‘w n’ml Hull Eslmv. m: 5% \ . ‘ g ‘
lizu {llmmm .\ TRACE 4w LAND, situate in (ML-Borough
imc—. great, of Bomick. i'n (mid i 1 out”); l‘ruuting‘ 'ou the
tLt-rs rm'mn- Ym k and Ucu}'.~blxr;.srtxlrxlpikc, houudu‘d 0,11 lhc‘
'< :1 7ph~mlill “0% by 13.qu ul'licurgr Struhiugur, soulh Elllll:
\yh-dg’vd‘. n'm pm by: hind: ..r .\llcl‘nc] “ufiumu uud Willinm
I'lmrcd. ’Hm liiHill..-Br, Cnnm'ming H Attics, mun-or 1055;]
,he Hrath'sr “31h u number of Fug“ I'l‘rt-us maroon. ' '
‘rzahlc l)ruf_v- Seized uml taken hp éxccutiu'n .\s the proper-H
lo and n-lmlY ly otJnnsuuu Wow. ' ‘ ; 1!
ml here. Sue; ’ SAMUEL] “'OLF, Slu'rijr. I:
}1 Sheriff's ohiuq, Gettyal)urg,y\l.lf 27, 1:1. 1!
_ , WTequr cent. «if llgel‘yuwlmsf mono”
Tfliapr, lung Ifmn nH .mlcs by'tho Slwrifl'lpua! be plaid m‘crxj
Peter Long,
Ahrnlmm Sell.
Samuel Crag-ford,
Sullivan b Rinehart,
Paxton a MeUreery,
John G. Shntzer. ,
Donner A: Shields, ‘
Germany T:
tndy & Stonesit‘er, t,
J Ar Shurb, . 1
. W. ltowe, 1
John. Miller, , 1‘
MyerSnsbaum, . ,‘
Henry Dysert, “
L. Brant,
. Myers a Shorh, - '
l .. J Syope it Landil, F
nor runs on ms cnrrcnss 1x 'rwxxn'snxnrssl ) 10h“ Duttcra, ," .
, 1 Alexandria, Va. ~ ache: inner,
ProfilDe Grub—beer Sir :I—lly son‘had his} freedom 'l'
foot badly eut'und swollen than: stickiilig a naiill Abrahnm Waybr‘xght,
into it, and was totilly unableto walkwithout? ‘nxgrinuns’
a crittch, when, by one figuration iot‘ your’ Wm. S. Jenkinl, (Cunow
Electric Ui'l, he waits imme iately cured and“ Dnriiflhooda, (Freedom
able to welt without his crutch: I believe hel , “use 138
we: 'saved from being lame thereby. I re- .‘Enrmers’ bMechnnics'Su
commend your Oil to all afflicted. ‘4 | ; ‘
Yours, truly, l .3 'A P P E_A L . I,
JOHN ARNOLD: HEM"- . - Notice is hereby given to all personlinferelzt-
Rheumatism, Nflualzifli 311“ 5-" pains cured 'ed in thembove return classification; that I
tat once, by this grant. Uil. . will, hold an Appeal, 3 the Commitsione'rs’
The Cure: made by Prof. Dc Garth with his Office, in Gettvshurg, MIMI-d 331,“; “u. 4”,
“ELECTRIC 91L," are almost miraculoumud ofJunr my, iséween magnum ofs A. u. ahd
so wonderful inyd instantaneous; 3” satiafnc- 1 3 P. 51., when nnd where: ill person the: may
. tory; and mitigating ot‘~hnmnn ill, as to cell. consider themselves aggrieved by said classifi
upon puhlic fnnettoua‘ries, end'those having ' catioli mnv attend. 9 J. M. WALTER?
charge of public institutions for the sick and ‘ippmiscrofnemnmige True! forAdnms co.
suffering, to look well into the well attestcd‘ May 20,1331. 4'. ~ ' .
merits, the simple efficacy of this “ Electric ‘
, Oil," for the cure of diseases on man and beast.
1 GREAT DlSCl’lV’l-lltYi—Ainple tests, {9oth
by shle practitioners and chemical analysis,
have demonstrated the great value of Prof. De
I Grath's bbeutiful combination, called DE
! GRATH'S “ELECTRIC OIL,” for the reliefnnd
' cure of man and beast. But the people them
selves are renderingtheir \‘ei‘tllL'J. ll] a. manner
both unmistakenble And satisfactory. More
then five hundred thousand bottles have been
sold in a. very short time—4i great proportion
to those who heard others recommend it, who
, had tried it. 55h.“ it is a splendid discovery,
is everywhere acknowledged, and nothing like
it was ever before prepared. _
The only Genuine “Electric Oil” is Prot'.
, De Gruth’s. which is to be had at all'she re
? specmble Druggisi‘s in the United States, and
at wholesnle and retail, at the Proprietors
prices, of the Agent. Price 25 cents, 50 cents
rind 51pm bottle. «in, s. Bth street, Phil}:
delpbia, Principal Depot, 4
, May 27, 1861». 3111 ’
.. 4 00 to 4 25
...1’75 to 2 00
.. g ' l 15
a. 6 50
' 1 oo‘
3 —~———~-—,—+——-—--—"—.‘-j ‘ [SS‘ESV'AXD HT Effie—B7lol2B,?» I G- CARR ““9 51”" "I
. CIEKCEERE‘J‘S 8"”?! ,rsfl‘l’dfi’lpazl‘} 3%? EM large assortment olt'fiiues’md Childrexfs‘ H, city of Philugclphis A ‘
1 m‘rkgrf infamy-n 3n c I HTS! CA'Rm'éhu I oer Black 1114 Colo‘re‘é, n ' ' a innit of fancy iism-1 ‘ymv ,c ..
I°° 0, 1 - 3. Aprik 22. g: r. McILIIfiRY'BM Tiu,w!;ich be “selling chem
‘ \ . ‘ f: .
g ' ‘ E ' \ I : ' i
lara i ‘ ;
; ' 3 :\mm
.Mun con Julm
Pongi 91':
ufiun M“ J. k:
*ningfihm' l'ulm
(hue. - Java!
join the i J. Hl]
Sheriff’s Sale.
. I:
Liit’ot ugh-chants
. 1TH”: 1716 Counlfl of .\dnma, returned
| and ('lnéaififld lry c undt‘rnignod. .\p
or ur \lermxmlv Tug, in uccordunco with
sm‘vzrui Am: 0! .\u mhly, for the your
~92, nquUd~‘, WnnZEmd Merchandise: ‘
‘ Borough of llysburg.
3 Ohm Damon.
9 ’25 00
13 )0 00
1:1 'lO 00
I 3 ‘ 10 00
I 4 7 00
‘l‘ 7 00
. H '7 00
14‘ 7 00
14 'I 00
14 'I 00
I 4 7 00
J 4 ‘ 7 00
M ‘ 7 00
14 ‘ V 00
H ' 'l 00
I 4 ‘ 700
.14 7 Cl)
__ L 4 7 00
11 ' 7 oo‘
' I‘4 ‘ 7. on
- _H 7 00
—l4 'l 00
.u 3 E 7 00‘:
.‘ H ‘7 00
114 * 700
14 ‘ 7 00‘
14 j 7 00}
a“ : ‘ 700
14 ',‘ 7 00‘
12 , 1}»50
9 ; 25 00,
9 ‘ 25 00E
ltwlock & Buckets,
or k lit-glee,
l .\‘diick, .
.\‘von, L"
3 35m, 5
I" k Brotlier, ‘
Ige .\ruuld, a ....
us Snmsuu, “-9
1’“ king,
)5 & Brother,
But-Mer, ‘
Form-y, Agent,
.\lrllheny, _
:m & (,‘ulp, '
|(;ille~pie, - ‘
wk B'. .\lnrlin, .
lrc Little, ‘ ‘1
A: Son, ; ,7 ,
K'nrM-t-k, V
l. \hrfinh‘
,y\\’:nlcr.4,‘ ‘
Gym-H, ‘
E. Bitxlo,
.\linnigh, ‘ ‘
I Bhwc A: Brother,
I a: Slrickhous‘er,
lee l". Kalineish,
Ins k Buchler,
I Hoke,
, Brinh-rlmfl' & Co.
‘ H.
Tyrone T.
_ _ Slrulum Tu
111 mm, l'
.\lyc-H, " V
1 King, ‘
.'King, (wuehouse,)
-lUuuldL-u. “E,
(imyson, F:
cl .\lurun, :
_ ['hili
“)0 “
I Unui
(h A
Sum ;
, Lutimure T
nun Lervw. '
. Jlt‘nullzn f 1!
'cs Huh-u. ‘
lullior J: \Vnaun,
T. \V'rlgilt,
no .\hnnigh, ‘
a Fitter; I
I s'. {-2. lluopvs, , l
\urosv. I
W. Jluut'k. >
I": «mklin { TU!
' & Hpgnugler, .
Shank, .
1 .\ln le-y, ‘
l Fnuh‘sr, , ‘I A
.\lirklvy of D., ‘
x L.’ Miller,
(flfzunlmrluiu, 1
un [{uhlnmn, '
. “'ihnoru, . I
I Marks, ~
- liublitz. i
Ilvlnlu'ugtob T
'A. Gardner, _ i
“shew, ‘3 L
.\legurgz, £ ,
Hardin-r, 3 i
. Grit>t,: ‘7': I
|\,\'.‘l:.-.m~1?, '
Hm I
n. H‘
H. I"
I’. L.
u 1}“.
'1 r
I ‘3 .l/uzmlplwarml
I. \lillt-r, “ ,
‘0 Ned],
(insémzln, §
mun-l Smith,
In Shecly,
!- uh.
.\. >5
(1 faber7
, Oxford To
l). a; A. S'. Himes,
63:! x Peters, ‘
'. 111-rsh,
{I Hung) ,
igle. ,
h bmilll, '
krarlz‘ng To
lor “1 Brother,
on Lerew,
1. IL
Solo :
llmmljny To
[ Brim-r,
l 'hccly,
Hon .
' Butler To
.\I i l 1 or. g
;l'll Smiley, :
E. k
. Vamp,
& Sun. -
S. HullirzPr, '
, ('unowago
& .\‘neeriuger, ,
.anler‘, {1
[filmillo'rl T 1
Ller & “miller,
\rnif, ' ‘
‘ L. \lillor,
brund .'i Slough, ‘
rim-k Hridk-r,
u .\luudorfl‘, .
Sp”. 11l
Jo Jm'
.\liss l‘utoliue Kmutter,
l-IlijAh Spauu'ler, '
‘ b BencicET
D._o.‘ Hollinger,
Wm. Davis”,
Law‘s Binth‘nl,
J ospph “after;
David C. Martin,
( - noon To
.'Noticei “I I
JfliefifaPLEMAN'S EsTAT ..-—Lcitu;iite II EOiCF \UIIIIHOI? Inn.
km; of \1 ry an the mm: of ofm EPIIeI III! G 011%):61 I LORWELLI or the “no“!
cu‘ed ‘ flgglcgmwnyfip, Ada “S wuppmflnfl‘lo ‘of i ‘Z :mmborslmrg Turnpikr n 0n»:
aiming meg-32 been granted to than g$C-' ofgnfortganTllhrnolllllllllll takes lIIIISIIIchIIIIIIIIIgI
‘a‘- ‘ mg in,” . r“. us fiends . a IT
Initial?! Elves notice tom“??? anshxm ler Its Piepa €d t 9 necomnxointlzefilfi I;}:lxulsbflmt MI F NOtllce‘
I and esmtewmmke- -. aons indckted mm" Han thebest D WIPE-I lORGE SIIRYOCKIS
Image lining Chi ‘ ”3““de piymeut’aud “1e CM "cs '0 (f mnnner, and utmodenl testamentary ‘. . ESTATE—Laue"
| unun properly namingfiiilngztltker“um to prefient Satishctizn: 11;: 1:155:31!“ spared I“ give I 3?“ late (II We BBIWOIIIflg‘IM: “Gum“ SI”).
._ H\‘r . ‘0 “filament :WOUpm‘ide 1, .. a :nr wtllbe found crasedmnr' I. ys “WI .511:th “II
Y My 131.1861? 3‘ EPPLMIA), menu}. I Large saubfinlémiglrßEldF‘"g”“W'i'r'fiommc-le‘l’ "35”” lII'IIII‘I‘IEII mutedm 1111 111111111111111111
A ‘I J ‘ bum}. ; y on”. HF only hm “gives notice to a“ film: place, he herch.‘
New Sp 'T- ‘7‘? v 7 ‘ ’4; 5 - [may by 1861. am game m make in"! am ‘ons Indebtcd to said
Chan A SCOTT & SOY g Goods !4 I gNIBW Liquor St II_“”~-—.having claimugain: 1339 payment, and ”10%
- ‘ A H P . '-. .e um I
Wednesday \l. ‘ LAD—On and after: I] ledCslmblc stock of ‘scuso‘ 1' ”I “one“? I uIIInIIIe h’” °P“"ed“l‘l 01111111 the: pubIICI A MOSES “COLE III; LII
Tmin will 19.” 1’? ~ay 1?: 1861, the Morning. 149 d 5 and Gentlemen wiLl 1111111111 {400415.501 “flung?“ SIIIceIII (II II 'lqum more In scum __pIIII 221 ISGII 6‘ I 1111 “I
panama“! fore 1110“) Shaw M 7‘40 A. M" With 0‘ Domeams, 51c" &c IW l a full ncsonm'cmt now on ‘ and, uuvi “.1: t) ablfrg, whore" he has: 1"“. I~v—+../_._ .
Southfon the i; We connections. North and cnll attention to our .:nocke “fin“! r. I Cffilly “le' BRAXDUII‘I (lIIVCIOMIIIIIII I 0 kecpl (”111 Tmnlng! Tinnin I —_l
return about 1 gnharn'cemml lmilwav'm‘i M the lowest possum! “w; w '13!) m.“ be sold otner WIHSKU-Zzi 'of‘ bzg‘Muuunmhuln and THE undersignzdtrea co“ [1 2" ‘ .
will leave Gen 1) . . ETIIGIIInerflOOn'Tx-ginl .WCnlleoon Indexamine MI II 3 Prices. EB)- omm: o‘, {run} brands audl (lIIIZI‘IM “”41“me “;I y "“0",“ ”I.
Passengers by thiVsIITIi-ig M 2.15, P. 11.; but 3‘o trouble to show goods ryouuelved.—, mugs, be hope: no 533:? “TV“? 3'» .ChCnp Eris-"NM he has cpengdgnmnelrill'nllllll gm’l
H man 0110 I '. i 'tron a: _. ,‘ .m's mre 2' ‘-I ’I 'shn 1111 I I llmln ”-
rei'SZVEZJESbuSrILniZ 9:?33113.‘ “s.lmm; April 8, 1861. A. SCOTT & 5,03. ikey 3%;.§f§£§fés§£§l“WWWlv‘fii"°pp°ll'°ll’lhllllll CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIEIIIIIIIII lIIIIIIII’
.. on J.ISP.M.' -' , ‘ : .i' pure. ’ ‘ L’ - 311 L 4! ‘I“-' I I‘IIIIIII kw 111 I mam!“ II
3:31.333»... 2......1...‘;::..;::5e;g Dividend . ;, _ ,;_,.-.;._ _..... “it: ng I” '**"l"3ls*
near the line of thfelfiflfi) 51:0}? .1116 country,f BA!‘ 0’ Gl‘ I. l Ngw GOOdS & LUZ!) I‘m” l ““1103?! “Itm'vi be "“1! (0 d 6 RES-\‘lhl’figi‘;
3? “mm m Gmmburg “cguinfgttfiufiuess; .HF B ' Ma;;’3§:'i“?i} II)ETn~ mum; at Arenrlt \‘ll elr, .bm mi; ““111 SWU'FING Also 4ch 1:, if;
mmu _ -_vwe e .in Hw ‘ . rem v . :19 am" 111 II I 6
burg, aEqunglqulxanflilnnfgrly two bonus in Geltltlivoslfi T dared I: 3233;??35 bus this an de. {Felect stéiiegrfffi? 8:): £521, “'“h *1 llmgcJullusé, Sf‘md ‘9 {WW ‘ISXIII’SEZI’I‘SEE’E’; an: n 0 630”
REESETEB? graif‘é . »::,gnpit.xl StocklPayuble or? 2:15;“ QhNTq 3:51 Hhrdware” BootQISuJSSIISSL GILMIIIII 111 1111111111111 lIIIIIOIIIIIID 111 SOIIIIIIIIIII 111111111 111
, res; ent. 1 #1131311. .T. .. . " Mfi'vnf n '5, gm, (kc. ‘cie: *I II II 111 lIIIIS I _..... I lAI 111
. . § May 13,1861. DI “for" “'3". 53.3%2’31.u§on‘nh.i..5"ii$?t‘é£33m RUI 111 GeIIysbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEI IBM ”HAMMER
. H/! ¢ 2 . UL s (r. . -‘ I‘ S #—----“‘—*—=-~-"-"-
,_. 21mgoa'ésf‘llfifiié‘wlnrxMbhe’i lE' °°°" 8‘ 3"“ "I
(:we him acufl.‘ Hezfiiflal mug moths—é. AVE CSIIIIIIISIIQII I D
May 13,18” 31.: , mys,trymplme: gcorr'sunChm 6 III” 111 1111111 JOIIII
‘ADIi . T - _ 1. . burg. Ema thrifty Ffi'u trsburg street. Gettis‘“
_ I S’ D ' S’I'BmMINGS ._ ‘r *3: and Pia u Icalrequ' and Urm‘meflm’ TV“!
I 4 my. at ,i 'sIcII “PM w’ n‘cmi m 1 D'IIIBIIIPIIIII‘IIIIIIIImIIIIIImI I
'‘, . . HILK’S. tinted“ I “fiftiem-v'fikwflfi‘i” My:
' ‘ § ! [50"; mg 1800351!“
0 \
my 27, 1860
Wfi‘f‘ f
. lit
7 00
n 7 00
14 7 00!
l 4 7 00)
I 4 ‘ 7 00.
u 15 oo
11 I 15 ac}
1")» . , I u
_‘ 14 7 oo‘ 0“;
‘ l 4 .‘ 7 00'
uhfi. i
T 3
14 4
.t i
p 4
» ‘l‘“
7 no
7 uo
_ 7 no
7 00
7 00
7 on
'1 00
10 00
20 (N)
20 00
10 im
7 no
7 00
T (m
7 ('u
10 00
7 00
7 no
7 00
l 4
’1 00
7 no
7 (m
7 m)
7 00
33! Notice. w
;‘ osrzm Esnfimux’s ESTA
00 ladluiuistmt‘ion on the cs
00 Esh‘plmanfilmejof Franklin to
00 can?”Z deceasezdfi nanng been
00' un ermgned, residing m Bull
‘ beréby gives notice to all pers
said estate to make immedint
xhoée lmvmg china nguimxt the‘
them properly uuthentimfied f 0
._ JACOB “'l4
April 259, 1861. m n . 2‘
omit}; '
l 3 ' X
13 ‘ l
14 ‘
‘33! _ Notlce. 1‘
)iQOJS‘uu'EL BEAR‘S ESTATli—Lcuers fit!-
I! 00 mmeumry on the estate 0 Samuel Bear;
5100 late of Framkliq township. dams county,
7100. d}"—’e“s‘~‘dy “Ming been granted; to the under
: | “KIWI, resifling in the same tovrnshipflxe here
-7i (,0 by gn‘es uoxicc to all persons 1‘ debtcd to said
mots“. i lestafe to make immediate pnyxtcm, nnd muse
0tp.,),,38 15109 ,hm'mg claims {lg-linsl the sync to present
p 2,) 1‘ As ‘ 15100 them Properlyauthcnucnwdm scttlemenl.
rug-lon. " I ' FR!IDERICK£)IEHL,E:’r.
yingilusmucionscéoo May 13.}861. .m I. L , ‘_ '
1‘ l 4
Public Sale.
_\' Saturday, {ln 111 40v 6} June mlh‘he
O nubnriher. Exeg ntnr (IFSAM‘vaeLude
cch-d, mll u-ll nt l'lllfilll' SMO. at ”It‘ hm:
resideme of ‘fllll ‘lmcdont. in Franklin I um
ship, Allnma crmntv, near New Salem, (ll? ful
lowing Personal Property. Vin: l THIS}; I
Cow, 4 Shouts, 2 Ewes, with Luntvs,7‘l"our
horse Wagon nnd Wood Lndlh-rz, anllmrsc
Wagon nnd Bed, Carriage and; llnrnyflsfl'l.’ let
of‘Genrs, Jack Screw, sfrmull'rx, ng Cluin,
'orks, £13.; Flour by the llnm‘ly 'llablea,
Chain, Beds A: Bedding. CanH-lingflCllnking
Stalk-4 and Fixtures. 2 Ten-plate Strives Ind
Pipe, ('luck and ('n-‘v. (‘urm-r Guphminll, Cop.
per Kettle, Iron Koxtlc, l‘hnrn, .QnL n'pwnru,
Bacon, Slant Yrs-eels, llnrrrlsr, Tum: 3n Elol of
new Bugs, Riding Saddle, Sidq Mink-JIM of
Gehnun Books, and a variety 0! otlxcciuglticles',
luq nnmm-oua to mention. ‘ ‘ '
~ FA! the same lime nml plncc‘ will
milling 23 Acrez‘aud 75 l’erchef‘ neat q».
aiténu: in Franklin lownshilhéflngusic
‘adj‘uiuing lands of Wm \\ “‘l‘le f
Knpuseflncoh Lady unduLlu-n. I’étsq 1:
ing to View Lhc'iuud “ill «uh uh [lu- L
@8312 Lu comment-u M 12 'ia‘ulotk I
laid dug", when attendance will“ he 3‘ ,
'LL-nus mudc known by 1“ ‘
- FREDERICK 1)[1-1}1L,Ez..
May 13,115“. ls ' i
Clove Anodyfe
‘OOTHACHE DltUPb'.——(lm plain no mo’ré‘
? of Achfag Teeth.-—-'l‘hese l rum lmfie been
exqensively used by thousand-l iwhose 2‘gxperi- l
uncle has- proved that the Ann yne ‘l‘" gi‘vu?
immediate and pennlnrnl relief ‘fter tlndxflxilurel
of évexy other remedy. It is .lmnhtto the I
male and sum-11, and n l'qw appli :M'luns gill un- l
“rely reml‘nethu 'pnin min] sore less “-qu a de- .’
on e_d tooth, so that it nun he filled n 1d l-cua
defied as useful Is ever. “'lncl‘ the p: I; pro
ceel’d! from the face, or from tl ' gums rmlml ‘
a tooth apparently sound. ~tl|is Auudy 0 will
givb speedy rcligf by rubbing 'l‘ew drpps‘ on
the] pun nfi'emvd. _ll In“ only t lmcam‘l: gen:
erallly kmiwn to be us highly ”'preci ed by
the} imhlic.:u it i 4 by demisw. : , ‘1
cad tho {allowing}: letter f
t distinguislled-prnéfical dc
'vw York :
Mes'srs; Sandi: lknfiemyn
of fin] practice I have exter'uh
Ulqva Anodyne with much sun
lietfm the Todtlmche, and 513 I
commend it to my pul‘ux'm. l d
to of the high upim
ov r otherTL-mudics. [hm your
may, 3 .\l‘. LE“)
i’relerwl hy- .\. EL‘ 5‘ U. .
gls Is, 100 Fulton St,, min nlr\\'l
hmrsuh- by A. D. “ÜBfith-lel' G
11uy.‘.:7, lo'ul. Ill] 3-. “
3‘ 'Beechersville ‘1
‘ "LE“ 3% SUN ro=lu~utfu
..D pt-nple ‘Hmt il'tlwy want/k
Goods, the Stnrcut Becchérsvul!
t 3: 's' the plncv to call at. The
ed mm the city with :1’ large n I
of (iomls,—sdch n<‘(‘lu‘tln, l‘ug
m-t, Vestiugs: Silka Dchum, '
linv Shootings; (hm-cries. llur
’3, Boots .5; Shoca—in chm-t,
y kl ptjiu Au. we'll st‘oclu-d u
y im he llw tulle ol'llpe puhli
I please. They ar‘c dt-tcrmiu
[unable pmcm, mm! by clu
liuqss, to gin: snlisl'nu'lwu.
uy li;,_lsljl. 3!.
| . Now is the 1::
NE undersigned, inning l
ringe-nmkiiut '(‘rmmishmc
. n 25, on the corner of linhim
idgo strut-r 4, (imithurq. hdr
the than he will pm up m ur
k—(' .\ HRI.\ H HS , lil'lfl
(lONS, kc. Ho “ill "150
’AIRING time u‘tenlion
he very best ‘mnum-rhml ut‘
h or country prudn’wo tukvfi
lm‘TL mm W. K. g;
W 0"
“'0 l
Notice to Tax-p}
UTTL‘IZ i: l:cr:-|._v Fiwn X3l
‘ ('l:|llllli~<‘l')nv|‘a “{H m: k:
I IVE l’lil: HINT. “I“i” n“ h‘x
x : unvi‘rd fur the yuurQNU‘
i to (‘nllrclnri QH nr lu-Ilm'l
.l/ o/‘July. ('ullcr'nmyill be
ux-pny-rs oil or hefnro the .l
I L- sun-1r :Ihulrment 1.0 all pl- -
mf'un- s‘nid (1333511111 [my 1.11
II My 'l'reusurfr, mlpvr“ iw [11)
made. By unh-r oftln- (‘om
, J. .\l. WA
.\ny 13,1861. M i
t» y u
Asslgnee’s No
HE underiiguud, hmjing lube
‘ signce. under a. dead hf (H
of creditors, of: Jqux‘B
‘llumihon mwnship, Adu'
is hereby given m u]! p
‘u » ohms-indebted to said As
edimc [mymmlt to the u
im .1
'ng in (Rextyshurg, and tlmc
Ina: the same 1}» present, 111
Ink-Merl for settlement:
pm 29, 1861. Gt.
~ Notlce. I
\(‘o3 .A. VJDDLEHUSE l
i Letters of :linlmianlrmiml v:
)3; A. llid‘lh-inoso ~ Into MM
1115' co.. dew-used, having . l
‘lmdcrsigned, u-sidin I in Cu
w, he herebyzgivvs no‘h‘éc 10'
ed to said astute to make:
‘t, and thaw hm’ingtlnims -
resent themprupcfly 11“ th
:mnt. ‘ . ’ AMU
‘Ypril 29, 1861. Gt‘ 1
to 1)
”3,“..2 A.
.=, ‘rll r;....1
. }
pansy FL'LI. mnurm’mas Iron nu:
‘houls of the Soldier agd‘SquAd, given
in the must Simylc SL3IO, ; »
he informmon necessary for the funn~
. , - 4
“ W 1 .- ..-.--
drwith avian. ‘ ! Still in ltw
"’0 “GR-WWW, ‘; IRINEUAHT hm
- ,‘ . . . > the Mwutmu ul’tl
nu}... 13.1 m Dlfi'tfl'eut (Positions u! the :1“: gcucm‘ly to the fit
'BB 3114 Mangal pf Aims, . turned {ruin tho chic.
. . ‘ , . ~ ‘
‘l‘, n )l:t , I} , l" ‘ ._‘ - .. , :hulunmlc, “uh :L.\l;.\
°' ‘ n“ r“ ‘s’" r.‘ ’ ”Mr," .! [murmur or uuluu
.\ I) I.\ G A .‘" DFI R I NiG . 31)cl'xlrc omm! in leu #Ol
‘ ,M » Hm‘ing lmnghnhuh g
“Hula“, Acct"??? To I l primes, uud :u n Hau- MII
RYHEV 0F [ss“me TA TICK, skimls of fibrin in ”NW"
d . . . . i , fuhlwl lo (um-r such “.\IU
n m cdnforumlmniwllh ““1 lthe must credulous.’ ll
quuirn‘u'nlx for tlu l'i‘csml I'nr, (cnll and culminv our 5L
' “In every lICII "um-qt“ «-
[er‘h indul: ny-ntt n]: pl!
{lllt‘ll’ tmulrir‘. Pin-r3l .1
Hr“ chm country" strin
le: nre ulclglmincd .\IU'I‘
anywhere nulsi‘ln u". Rh
{“Qll‘it'k Sfll9~ and Sub“
In: Show goody g
{ 3:9" We Aim Lnkt- QM
1 thanks for thr \‘ery gqm
herek’f'orv; rm-L-ivinl, :ln-l
.by strict "mentiunjnghu
figurdxfor ‘hc inlrn «101‘
"unhlvos, to men: :1 ~01
Mums. mxmin'
j ‘ (‘nrvwr Hahn
3 April 9, IBM. ’
hi the S
And all x
the 0f" ing of
I. (~«s'n-' . 0‘
Mine, ‘
Lmnly, , Illustrnl
l utor.
3L, bu
u and
then-1:0. w. U. BAUER?
[ ‘y ,olr gut )1
i mu'li'mAg. cumin). 1
.. IW. - ...;__'_.-_._.___Z._ _ f
‘5 Bank as Dmtinlry Apbmvéd pl.
- —"——-"rr-“-—-“' t—— I'. ,
ptrut‘tinns given are d" {be rcatost
cc. (0‘ themew \‘nluntv‘rr, audfis‘hould
ghly understood, {‘in}! indiaHenanblc
lruolioh of a company. i
in one Volume, Hamil}: pngr‘r, Pulmr
we 25$ céntsu momm- Cloth, 1m com.
‘fi—i—‘zbé‘. ; I
t; H Al.” { . i ‘ '
ssh 111 1b: @rrmun‘ [quungn
lw {horn
tu ”gt; ‘i
‘ den
In the
I); use}
as for _
0% Vi F
:lrc-I 3
1.11551, - _
L 2 ' 151111115
I , A
runslm 1
cm im [1
n‘ hm 1
|,\'vr.yr ~|
"[3, “Unix
’ \’l.\l.. A ;
‘.\'!\’lm‘. r
Hum, N \
Upbux ,
the éajuu privy, mid i<;tlu- only
:1 litmk If]: .lnum-nu‘J/Agdury thhr‘r
‘~l, . . , .
übliTIH-d in the l'niu-xliSlzm-d;
" 'll7-“‘“_ ,
uts €nd Cpnvas‘aers Wanted
e in ‘thé‘ Sale of .tlnisllhwk, in (nary
:I'rnymws .nnr! VILLAGE:
9 In thcrlfuumrv.
ED ‘ -
Thuén (“epic-5.1"...”............
Pity. “ I
icrs 3m )mpan-«H ith (21004511 win
tuhmixi mcdhlclfiulhcr l y [pod qr
" 1
arm-{rl «My post, Sgnmps mutt be on
yu£ oslugu. I_ by Expr+ss, the
In In: lm'iu! un dcl|\‘lsry.: Ni
l_\‘ my
map an
'11:1\'0 ?dlrn- Prim-1m
d rhnic .5 wk
imvrq-s, l‘tqsio
'fllil‘ol-q' )Xuc
‘waro, .lts k
mouth I}! us-
of thel
|~nod' ; i
All i)
he disp
"'qu S
sure 1h
Ii they
“on to
k 3
l, by in!
4, mm:
1 1| —~~§~---—A-‘ -‘~~—"
ff’f i so ‘as to THE vonymmhn.
' ’ l I \ V _
“Fun! I} x I‘ll-h ' , 3
”my: CAMP-fl I: (soulnANlLloN.
‘5 “I"; .A Xe" andl Ur giual (‘OHCCIEMII uF‘rJHmry
I 8:12,? find l'utlxmir'fimigi, mhlftr‘rl efiu-I i I'll}? fur the
RING .prrsrnt F“l",l"_‘ig.; Um: \'-;I. 1:41:16. M unfl
riago lu~xtrzni 15. PquP L'owr, 13 Fun. Flcilble
'ork‘. Uloth,‘_’?cts. i A 4 ‘ .: ‘
ates. £ “ -'”_: -___ t l
“i smms t'qwms m:'1‘111-:,,.sl:()\"r: punks 3‘
L! 7. I' mum-2 I-‘REE UF’ Pushy“; m .uiygaddrrss ;
l ‘in tth'. Smlx‘s, upon rm rip! ul' rho [-riiw7 hy 1
. . y > _1
bunt}! v Kl.(if.lL-\ll‘.l|,l'.riuLL-rs:lqu z'uxpwnm,
‘ at. '
“'33:,” c:7 susuw sl2. PHILUH-ILI’FHA. :
ii] be , Tu‘who aIIIUrdIn-rs lupum he “Mu-EFL; ’
7‘" 1‘" 3m 2 ,l‘mu.‘ m i ;
qcnll -__ '___i _, ‘ .-..
', and I « ’
It; on‘
» the!
insvd flu
ll of A!
re 3111de
I by inhr'n
L'l' u” M w
ms, 8 1
five (J r‘
uing :II
ih [lnym
.:\1 1M
! an :I'lw
ii Ic¢xnwl 1
‘ llml =1
Inn? (‘2l
“Ulla; pfl”
‘( puma
- I g 3 ‘ |minntca. llnrn: ('nr
Valliable Personal Property llllllllllcs. Xl-umlgin]
T Ulylll‘v SALEn—Uu -Thurxr!'n_l/.41M (ill/[l‘ “‘99- Colic cured
A ‘du. o , Mm] huh. thesnhsvrlber, Hxnruwr Ft'li""f‘d'i" 10“ minn
mJous 11-rélinlgs,«law-used,- n ill evil at Public in five mlnutcs.
Stile, M , he, lxltc residuum ol 6.111 l duue'uscll, in \ “’0 CITES have he
lle’pderaville, Adams county, the fdllowmg nSinglc D-‘Y! EVE
vnlunhl l'ersnmll l'rupqrty,\i.z: l ' 1H).- Tm‘ l'r! Tn}!
4 Fl spulhxss Alphas, well-lnlokcn, 1 25 MM 5011011“ PM“
Cow, T olShonts‘,' l Three-lumu \V gun, ll ' These “HM?" we.”
Two-ho se ! Wagon, l .\pring \anofit I.lme'3your eyes, only lmn
de. 2 pally fill.“ Lanldt‘h‘, Wand mld(-rs,l firi ““3“?“ dx
,M'Corm" kißi-leor, 'l‘hi'cfllfng Malciiur, “'irc "“0 wnnlml ‘" ”9"."
Horse Knkr, l‘nuing Bax, .\\'lnno\\i 'g )lill, lful'CllngAKPH“ 'AI
l'longhs :uxld Harrowe. Shovel mung Is,_(}urn , “(ins thnli he “dd“?
Forks, log: L‘Jh.|in~‘, Single and Double-trees, [ (3.,
l‘iflh l.‘ dill]: nnvl Sprmdrrs, 6 an: (, llorsui 4 ”3 South 4,
Gurs, ‘ a “Inf Harm-u, Gullnra. 5.1110105 mnl 1 DlllEl‘TlUN’S Fill
mink-s, 1315*”: “alter and Cuwl‘hniu‘:,(lmin ; BALM l.\' HIM-2m)
uud Fl: '0 rod l‘rndlfl, Wheelbuqmé, Crmv- over the film: and gm
lur, Ma taillul‘ick. Shovels, Poet-Honing .\l’n- ‘ prmsing thclmnd up m
rhim- \r ll) Angvn. lllnélinz Tuuls, Gyms-cut cured. In cfin-mc {lat
Saw, A e. Mnuls and “Hines. lit-q‘lilu-s, llalln, un‘l un‘r-r [11" ll
Fork, 1 .11“ ‘Shovcls, &c., 111:. Whl‘pt. ”ah llcmhx'lm. lmllw the 'l-nl
and Dam, gi'the bushel; l’usls amt lela: nrh‘c: nn-ltlkr- hum I-n}
Tabl'es, 1b lrflflltuh‘z Building, Culpct ug, Hui nlmnblkrot \mlcr, : ("-1
rerun, (' pbpuhl, Stove null Ripe, Cup] or k0t~! Furcroup nml .\‘n l‘
lle, and a huge vurwt) of other “nil lpa, Loo ' lhigty drops inm‘mnll' nl
muero s w inn-u. ‘ . ; ctharm water: hm v
ql “gy- lq _to cmnnlcnpcint. 9 o‘clnv‘li. .\. .\l., I him] on n flannel. l‘ukr
on said day, w’hén utendmncu “ill u giluniNenmlgin, LGno line
and temps mad; known by , { Balm in Gilead; nud
Eli . . Husny memuxgur. I For Hum mi). one
my 2 (1.861. '3 1 .lwb of )Hllur and Hr:
*~” ‘ "'5 y ‘ ".'—' fl“ ' fl '7‘ l lhclngu'n with the sun
iNQW‘prmg Goods. 1.“, to my am 1
PICK XU‘llns 0n hnml a new luv. 0, Spring; bowels und apply ml
‘0 'ERUUA'PS u! \vnr prices, .. A ‘ the slnnllcr du>c is till
I? ()YERFUATS at. war prices, for adults; \‘nry ncu
' DIL4SS COATS, . ‘. stances. .
r'SS SOATS, ’‘ _ ‘ Colbert‘s Balm in
[SPRING PANTA LOOKS. ‘ [Jen's ILIlm 'in Gilen:
l lI‘I’ANTAIA'NHS at panic fvricm, l Those who have
i 1," lsrmxa VESTS. l * .110! he without it. ’
»I . > VESTS,VESTS,VESTS, l Agents wuuu-«l. El
Lingbrnwcrs,Sto«~king<,sm~ke,llloycs. I C. L
:ical‘ lustrnxuunts. Acwrdqonsg. Flule~‘. l No. 123 5. Fourth “'1
)tinhh, Ma. Ma. km, min}; $01!! very N. ll‘. Orders standby
L‘ull ’in and look and yuu‘ calf! help , the L'niLcdSLnu-s at lhc
' V 1313): 59311;; hApril 39! ml. all:
' ‘ Old Muske
.1 I lto.lllC
:rm}, ('l,
“ IIC-
l lur HIL-
I. and 1
\ cuum
was 1:1,1
gnors to
having -
;n prupc ,
I wing
Imake “
§ mm.
'S‘ ESTAfl‘l-I.—
v-u the 9.4:th ol'
Sit-fly 30““Iihip,
en grunlcd ”x
hh-crlzuldfiown- ‘
all yeréo s in-'
immediate; pay.
flawed ft r cc).-
‘ .4 m’r. ‘
{TR—Lethe“ of
:m of J'Pscph
lgnm‘tcd tfo the
u townshi‘r, he
I a indebtpd to
. pnymen‘t, Lang]
muc tq prQe em.
,' settlement.
: LER, Adry‘r.
Also, .\i 1
Fires, \1
bii ing
E übsaiber lms lonsed one of the LIME
K I N 8 of'Mr. SamuclSm-eriuger. LnCono—
wage to 'mbipyaud will lwre.xflcr carat on said
businas ut said KilnLimiiing' :1 pnrtiop of the
pnlrmm '9 ohm 1m blic. HiS'prit <~< an; 9 cents
per bust] cash, and 0} cents on credit. First
rate L'm Stone qud firatffltc Limo. ‘ ‘ 3
April 2,1861. (it ~ A
‘ ‘34.?!
{3' fine ‘
: than 1:"
ii 1
Attention !
. ‘ i . ‘
. _
" , C
en mum 34h cvu- P-MI-hrd.
,sow READY. ‘ .
Baxter’s ;
- - - ---~
Lime! Lime !
l Privaéo Sale ' 13a; urnore Adjf’llgfi.
l" A FURL—Tim hularnhl-r, Aniguou‘of "' W V m ’ ‘ fl '7}. ‘f-‘.
0 Juan l-Zrnzlmmi nml Wm, "Wt-r 4 :1 Howard Straet .‘l —'
‘Mvm ”Maw”: mm; m ml mama”, G.\nl-m_ smug—.\. u muffin, J:
Hitualle pm-tly‘in Frzlhklln and fun-Hy m (lum- Nfi- 5!“ 37}. “'OWIIM SL, 5 “a («omm
berlnml “wushjpg, (“Luna ”Jumbo" '1”. mml ul Homml .t .\larmn Nru-H, Bullmmrc.
beading hum Getlphlxrg to Mummnslumg,: WNHW .\NIJ CHEAP (‘ARF‘E'I’ “NYSE.
‘nhout one mile hum [he lulu-r place. mm‘ In) W" “um mM” ,\ Hm”, "”11"” ‘ ,
'Fnrm contains Hi! WEN-ZS nml 4 PERPRES.4 ' 11H.“ m, H, m“ Howard Sufi-UM! .‘fln'rr,
m-nt measure. impnm'ud with n Tun—Hmry (‘.\l{l'l§’l‘b_ ”lb (‘l.UTll.\', MATTUSEE’ kt,
[Double LOG HOUSE, Log llnrn, g” ’- .kr—Wu would Imm unen'iéfi‘m 31w
lwith Sheds ntmcheflfllnrae Stn- x‘ : _ hh'fik nl'(‘.|rprung:, Ui'l Cloths. Mmfingm-Rg
Men, m-w Spring 'Huuiiv, W?” of .7. .’ ~ Unnwle, ,Tnlrle Uil ('Mhu, .10., kc; all M
Wflh‘r nt'tho'dnor, 3mg 11 You" » - -" "{s}. \\’lm h we are determined 10 null nL'Ju-‘wl-y
Orrin-rd. ‘The lluxd ’is l"- goml qunlily, lit-lug lawn-t Hull yrlrvl. l ‘ . ‘ 4
the yellow wand. ‘ ; M“.\ny “idling 4.0 buy 150 ml: in uau' liltl
Pvnon! Wilhirrg‘d ViQW the prnpony are re- mu hug] it to ghrk ndvnningo w u‘mfififlmfir
qucnlod 10 call on Jpwjv Erkeurmlr, rrlillingH~tmk luluru pun'lms‘ing ulnrwlu-r'mhfllouéi
(hereon, or an tlu- A#
1} shurg. Z.\l
. April 8, 1861. If
I ‘ , A Ready
5 M ' ’ ‘ r'l',
I Zeus; Ink!) m vup m h.
' _l‘q., with n ulrtrrm nu
ilhurkct pri: rs for all in
Him! u; suppliml “itn'
'ull kimh. HINM‘EIHH“.
iLL'mnan, cu \ “i
,Inu- {of llll‘ill“>~" >hll \
‘Llh‘fiiorv'lfih. (".1113 m 1
'pricusl bclurv pun hugiug
‘ ‘ nu:tll.,;ml
l .K{)ril23,lt£b'l.' til I
. Merchan"
(‘1 EURIH-I .-x mm;
, J Lhocily wuhu It
<i'xwrc.~. (.:IHIIIIIL‘H‘H-‘L
I‘lm‘h, .nul \calillgs .1'
tuccurcd the arm nun-s u
: . i w , 'l‘ .|
In; Forem'm, we are
‘ubmqguhds in 2431
‘nmnufiu'lglring ("lil'll
out Illmdh-ds 01' jub>
,w hll’h ImS‘c uli prov (-
v comidm‘tiblc incl-mm
'cum'luqivqlb, that; w
‘nmnher. “In: stark ‘
[msrl‘rl in qlmlily mull
We in: coul'xdcm. we
R m)
L..l;‘) (m
1‘ Aprills, 15:1. tf‘
I -__...,.~.-#_,. _ .
i slooo]
{LL m;
'lillJJf I.\' (11/[IL]
‘NESS T 0 TIH'. .\‘ux‘s u";
ITH !~l‘or thy quiLki
nchv, Hhflunmfi-m, Kr
buck or stmn‘uch. l'
i'rnsml FH'I Ur lI'I
Shrui'n, liruiww, Di
nil ~timilnr complaint
Tontlwrhc curod li}
curt-d ip Ime luinuuul
3 ALL persons thrmxgl
,I ‘havmg in theirjpufiy
.unua, either Husker; or;
Hmcn‘u to return them il‘
Idersigned, uCUeltynhurg.
ireturned in a reasonablf
{M the military luwgfif Kl.
1 vide win be taken tu geg
ithiu days not apply to a.
I of organized wmpnuics.‘
mix 22, 1301
_mmu vtwlnlmg in (fig- pm kw! Mr country trade and dLlucru{ Tm: of
.\RLH'I .\n'wm. a» t-Imrgo. A. u. umvm'l‘ll .1: wx. __' ,
“Jaipur, .\I my n.l- Ci, (hmrrn'n, G. Sufi-mum! Gmrmn
‘ ‘ ' ' Nu. 37 .\. ‘Hugnfil 51., S. W. (fur. ufllhwmd
‘ z '& Manon Stu-cm. ‘ J - ‘
' ‘ April 8, 1661. hw s ‘ F ;
_ ‘ . —. ’ ——v: ‘ ~{‘.
E I K I. D
[a Union!
\'.}.\' bus lcmc Ln QEIHI 186 L ’ 186 L 1361. ;
111-‘11.:lltlit‘::1::lxl\tr¢ml:tl“w:: ‘ \IU’IITS, OH. CLUTHS‘ .\Nn )TAII'TISGfi,
of l'lniuécl-ulinx‘ finl ' Cr] “”3? NEW “{IHK AU'rl".‘\:‘l'_7““rl“m
\\l) Sl'l.h\!hll) .‘S‘ [mm L". min-l up. (D2l ('lutllsl'rlnn 1.”) ”Inhjllp;
I‘. Adm-Lynx” .Hmu év‘cr' Whm- nnd (‘hrvkml Muymg, nH \Vldlhflelu’Lch “I.
”I“, ,' I - I In“ Ilh vi; ("7: Old annz'ng: "r‘n":"""1lg3'l‘lllhii
”a; m th M nuilii'lw”,humuhrrh.Rlt.>,l)g.()..:\|.\lnfn!‘q
... Juana-1.1.0}. fwd"? S'I‘HH mm :11 x‘nlnrl-d [uh-$5; mu gnu;—
'e‘lcutccl Um nru’ 9“" I‘I‘ITS ohfur uwu Illqul'nE\\llA'l]l-?)ll:'llli‘;l {Nullq
\lxsniwin‘mnmén “ “‘l' 5"T“"“"" I r'm‘F‘H' W “Hf" ( ‘
‘ our tln‘nlL will I‘m! ' ‘ ‘ lb Louugufn 5:11:42!" A, 1 l
Lk. whzlh i.~ cuupo-Io 4:1??? “Irr'tfixt Huwilrd M | .ngmro. ‘
:H‘E‘ sun-we (.\u nm-r‘; “‘1” ‘‘l ‘ '2 , ‘ .L ll_i I 1'
31313; lgjggr'k'gjfygj-j. , lA. Ma-‘Lhwi a; («Imm 3.. 'l‘ I
.‘” Minn)“ m; hm‘ld “QM-Imm; : mm m:'\\.\l:ll.lct,~(~\!s \‘ns‘.
'l'“ 1".) I‘XIHiRHUHI L“ 23.1‘ul '_'T 5} (‘r.l_\" klllrvl. li'lkvimuw, hurt
(Wu-{s3‘ our mm“; H I"? cue TL" mu-nrhugwrnm (nu m l‘lmeril k
[:1 “its." \'u \lruulEAr sq.‘-.—lhv Lll‘xOSt outnhlishmvm 01 1110, “PI!!! iIIMM
' : Pain”. Alwu; suh hand a bugle nwnnrheni M.
f": I‘mzzzfgurfin‘rfigfz ‘l'hl‘m iug Bung" |~.l-h'tgilvu'uln“Hulls-m|*l3s?l\"nxiul-JII
indulm-ttln;[iupu lli ”_x rokuu, .“JIH'QFM’S ol iiual..”|_):»gtuu In]: 11-nn-T
illP<F:l\:LIIl 11-1135“! EU- fi[»l|||glfiui<,.SuLl‘~', Talc—c-léh-n, .\VI 11 Il'hufls‘,
both ml‘r llflll‘dl‘lfi and “”‘l‘miéumqus; hwg’i‘jt“, M‘ka'q“ Hwy :7”:
(inn-m: 1“ Uf!!l"'il"‘).lhr,l Imm. lh-rgphuu mu! 'l [rlI‘:1:l«-l‘t I! ~(VI u'nt'n‘, .Ahf
x 3"I‘F‘W‘N” , smnl-Im-m.m;.<m-cnl'lAg.‘kl~ll,\l_Jl Rh;
”.1 .\lmmmin film E lanl ('lmirc, (HLH- ('lmil J, 11.311)”: E'l'mlla,
Pfiilfil'ld I 3“! (‘liln .Ilnl ( hunt-s, HJLlhußg, Hull Lugmluu-I
.. .:- : (.illlulm \VJIHJI‘. l“|’.hlhl' th'nlllq (ll \v‘vi‘ .\‘nh;v
Market. ‘I Hunk, E\ll'll‘il)ll 'l‘.|l|lv_~,ufc\c-x_v [l‘Hth e
' 1 6 . , .‘V , , 1‘: l «ms ‘2” H»! (l 11‘: .unlnuc .Ir\*¢lx.\,’llc“|l~ hp
lIHE’LhLH ”3 “AV“ ml! .m 1 pin- .lmr Slmk Jun (zunnitmjuqné ulm II
'7 V." M” “11"”? [PM lnl' \ :rwl; 11ml s.qu ut‘hénrlxlimn it”; {a nut
{1:311x935:2.1.5.";f'11je1111LQv: Lnanlx-‘l In; _nny ('ilflilliilllEl‘elll if: Uu l'é'm'h‘)?
Ll~‘..l'<:g:.i'l., \“mT “MI , I I N 64 3;, $3917“? “‘l"”rl\m i
ll‘lgsTEu, <:l’.\\u Illu' Tim: I. WU. "fix”, ‘ ‘x—‘J II - I
j \lmlvsnh‘ um] 111-tall -.r '1 .. . .J I
‘I-r) ntilwrul'tivlv inuur . I Lawrence D. Dietz’s 'I .
r lluzluumt poullIh: ‘I . ‘VIU'I‘IUN ”01:93. I z I
I¢-§:II:‘|:::‘I¢IIIr slmk and h 1' .\ XIIYC (I U D 54» "I :I:
""" V . b’ u'.‘ "‘,. .'l,‘~'-
‘ngcxzuuumr &cml. . ‘ ”U 'l’fil’fiwflfi’f 34 I I
; -,.f L, _ ‘ 1 \ WYlmh-uule and Retail,n~(‘rhenpl}suny:plm-u it?
4 . Y ? II ' ' Baltimore. ‘ !
tailoring ' , ,5; 151 Flinn“ Mum/I § BAL’I‘NUM‘Z. ',.
um just relurm-dfrqm" fig,“ (“dunk promptl) :llU‘lldVd to. i I. I
{stuck ul4‘l_-)llns_, (LIIs- Juno .181 Hun, )y I :' M '
{up «11- EN, thlm-tv, -:. ._ .7- -.-._‘_~.—'._.._ .__.,..,_,1_.___,1. .I . ‘F
.n alylgs; and [mung ‘3 George M. Boerl ll' I w
L . . ‘ 1' 'MI’DRTERMHI Honk-r in -_ E I ’ 5
‘'3‘ h, ' ? . (Imm, (‘rLASqu Qt’hjEXHWARI,
hurt-d m 5"” "P 91”: Na. 11 North HIHHmI Sin-kt; ln-lh't‘cu 1}”?!ng
Mu“) to “I: beat: “3 9‘ Lou and Fayette Streets, I!s[}'l‘k.\£l)lil§.' I.
“,“m‘” “flung mums-f! FI'UNEWXHLE always on hym’pl, I! I‘thun']
13:31:33:23mm w; W: 93.,
um' um!“ go to shun" I V . dé" E'fl :
0 hlldiufiiii in §UJI _ v Lancasmr Book 3m I'wa . {
numb! «\nuuL he <u'r- “ HORNE \VIA‘NT. ‘ ‘1 l 4"
10. (ilvc us a ullh— (] 1;! “*0 ll’ 1) I 1" Dila'fl,
‘1](.I1)l-.\A)ll. - .' um" um,“ Imox mwn‘ru-‘rmmm; ' *
Imam; Alison): I . x LAM; \swu, .PMWI
’ I I Plain and ()rnnmmlul lhmlmg, ‘un’ met-y ”d _
' ' scriptmh, owl-um] in Llw "an uul-Jtalxtbg‘anq ‘
[Approved sly‘lcs. ' - ;' j‘ ‘ ‘I
award !
nrrnnywzs. ’ g I
'l'}. W. Brown, E-“lw Furnmru Hunk uf meusmr,
W. 1..) Fewer, 1651]., Lnnt'nilnrf(,‘ulmty Bulnk‘ I ‘
Snumu-l‘ Shank, F34q.,.(‘nlnlnhifl Drink. ‘1 r L;
Snanuol,M’ngucr,Jisq., ankfinnk" | 1' 'i “
\\ illimn anm‘r, l-lsq., York County linlkfi ; ‘
T. l). ('nrsnn, 15qu llnnk ul'lulk-ll_u~_llju';:.3 3 '1
l‘vlvr \lin'lin. Eh¢l.;1’l'llhll yulllluuuvaélér ch, I'll}
UOO. l‘. llnuxllmrn, Hath lit-ylslul‘ " V 7 i‘ l.
(h~x).,“’lnitsnn, I&th 111-curd" :’ v“ -l 5' l
‘ 2‘ h Aplil I.3mm. ‘ , g 1‘",
n minute-s. l‘larncllc ‘, ' , —- ' 1 A
Hemlnlhc cnrml in H-u' _ New Store at Fairhcldlr l'3
""n l“l”‘.l”"~.'lm ‘5." 3' Illl‘lsnbwrihc'rs lmx’éofieniulunenlig‘cN \l
”3 “1"“ ”' "‘0 "UPI"; l mun-n on" mums A'r FAIJU’JIQLDMQ,
“'1 “"1“""5’ ”1'0”“ “uh [I thvy inv'LLg'Umnncntinn ut’lhmpnhflni
SOFC throat rchmcd ‘ We n H: pTL-pnrc‘d' in sell at 'eurcmuly: LOW ;
_ NH nm- \W-nt l 0 RATES lur ”11/r. _ All “'l‘ nah 1» n «all, rlmlgwo’
warqufi. W \lll‘ “.1; l n 111 prove the truth" of The Mum: xtsfirmihn. , E
l T8;:ITlI" Ll’ri’te ‘ . . DAVM‘H: L .Sllllilll-lh'aw _
‘ "‘ 7“ Aprills,lsfll. 3m ' ‘ . [J I'
mnhc- apot nlullwl‘ul'C" . New: Goodscl' ’7 E ”A ‘ “
.‘“““’““*“-‘- 1., .unxas‘rmm Buummm hun- jnnt we
n! mmlu- w, Airmm"; 1} con-ml :Lml urn now owning :I. I'lk-nq‘p Mu]
l“; "1"" 3‘ 0“ 11.0134 'Zlcsérubh: nhurl’mcnt of Spriuf; ““o“st
l'hlw'md ('l‘flfllnflulluh ulm-h tho nm'ntmn ‘or‘hny-I» m rt-spv‘tllqlly
Hunted. ’l‘hoir stuck mmpmra an Hmhmxt
‘qul mu»! Vummno-drfil) IN .uu! puttrrns m! “can!
((I‘llltl\7to:s'o4llér with their mum! nuurmirnl nj'
.\‘tnpls’: [)unu-iliuZG‘Ung :uch 4:1 ranmu huh pl
plume all “bu umyJ'mar them “in: thqir m;
llunylgu. Unll cnll} and nelu‘tlx'ugu l-lu-Jl'lu 1:”;
mm \uricd aummnuul. , l .13”.
'-. rmxxmocx mmn'l‘mufa. ‘
. Lhuil 1,186”. » 7 :{u 1'
1881.: Sprmg Mlllmery. 1 48m;
; , ms nrqmmn‘ummy”: mmnfEn “w
311,119 city in liar: ulunug uhumq-uuqll"
[[ng Mkornm-nt m l}o\.\'lll‘.‘, Mid 11(553L11'
'FRIMMHUS, oi the lulu.“ >!)ll"l. .‘.|~og;ln‘g-§a ,
(‘rumls an I Mun l'fivux.nn:_r-,.<‘...A \l,a,,)iunl;.llf,u,,f
‘xl ("am-3. “ans ol' (“nor-V ’leL'hpld‘gjulll‘ga”,
.LI- h'u‘mg ‘nnnx puru n c! “.mehq filling},
4.!!!411 " “lip" .-~. .= I'.
'u!‘ in .. ,'.l.i~|.'.'.&.+zehuxrulAu HA WEI; dull
up Hound; In the lfo'sl 'umunu: {and 1m “lug
Lnblt: pl‘u I‘~. » [ll5lll 1.1. Raul. :L «E
61. Latest News. 1831; '
[ST n: w:- m‘ré going to [lrv-14 “é rL-w-n'r-I
n dl'fipxflllll [hut R. F. )lcllllllfl Y wlmg '
curd“; cgmpleto nuoruuem. qt‘ HATS! .LVI
PS, ”winding the latest. fullJljlm Sill“,
ve:,'bloltch, Custimere and. WOOl Hub};—
T 5 for Spring and Summer, of hunnflnl
'lv‘a, embnu'ing ermv, Legluprn nnxl l'nnzmm.
ya’ and lnfnnu’ plain and 'lrma' “.I“an
p«, which lot hulking” (thing!) .Ijl‘sllqm'lflf
KPH?! nn) thing: 01 {Helrxiud ever “Hm vlinthis
«e—nll of which y'all be sold at nut-nuwidg
tlow priw‘s for uhh. Alli), MHUTS»(ASI;
{UM-ZS] im Incliug a fine asmrtznunt of “miles"
brrocco Bouts, ltmkins. (huh-u and n‘li'pp ~rt.
#lll. All in Want 0! goons in my hho 9’ll
pectfnlly invited to “he we u call. _ .
I.Come one! Come all! . _'
mud give me a friendly cnll, ‘ . -;~ _ 4
War :11 goods will b: sold m. unheard. nipping,
3TO overcome Inqunloukcd lur Grail. ; x ',
mprn 22,1801 '
‘()fl .\.\'=‘)' ,MEDN‘INH
’ Hum” A\D ”Al‘l‘l
‘ Al humus nr ‘Art‘mv
l'L' ul ”smug-he, Tun!!!-
»EJIA: l’niniu t'lrsitgn,
' {alic'nr (Emmy;
um. Frh'sh Furs,
aux, .\‘oré 'l‘hrmu; Illhl
rr - >
\ Il'nn
(DLHERT k (10.; .
fl trm t, :l’hilmlvlphivr
rUSING flymsmn‘fi
Li'Tquhnrlir amnh it
i of ,lhn mnth .'HYm lml‘,
‘m- fJ‘t-I‘ ; mpg-:1! lit Hm
~ “0! (“utmn “ml .410
NIH) and ‘gjxmt I 70;
jph-i :mdxfi'ffifih' In 1110
hughirw xlrnp: in hufl'
(Ht-11. . '
rnuthtnke frnm ,3” (0y
I ingur or in mm “-11-
‘he thrbnt Yin-l) “my
“MM-1“}. lHlvlthuhm.
‘Szlh‘b. hurt-Hl} wnh, un
'x‘nlly‘lnke intyrn :il;..'\|“ ‘
‘1 I‘ullln‘m Uihm‘l .mn! ‘: M
u mako a part", mun!
For mm, take mm’ m
int wager; bathe the.”
lnxmlv. . In Hu- allure,
Huh-cu, :unl't‘lc LII-gun 1
fig to ngg 21nd ciu-um- '
I ’ifllf
E- .2 in Mrmloza. 1:01..
m snth‘fiu-zion. ~ ' ,
Balm‘la Gilead will
I- mm a dreés ‘ .‘
'uLHES‘!‘ #5 1‘0” "8‘
p. I’hiLulelpfiin, m. :3
h‘pre» to imy part of. <'
hum-at uoiice. « :1
:1: Bpm . P;
rout Adams county };
pessiou Cum-d sum-s, p
fliiflés, are I'LL-ruby may )-
nucdiaLL-X)’ to the lih- 7'
1f said arms are not
1; time, bugh mmsqreé
he Gounuumnnllh pro
_t them in. 91' cuurhc
\rma'in the passessiun
film/ad: [mpg-czar.
i • ' i
. . "M'wfiT‘ \ ‘
Pubho Nance. T—
TAKK this method to inform the hall"
‘ that I have received from the cityofm -
fllphin a FRESH STOCK o}}: 6001135“?-
mining all at me tram-4n. stglcs of . ; :3, ‘1
( HUSIER","=
5 ; ~ - munuxs, _a ..
' ‘ \ lI.\NDK'EB,I
341 w” nsufineuwrlmehtnl ‘ L ‘y.
id Tact. everything mm is usually fuundLh‘ d
st'ock of Dry and¢ Funcy Hoods; ~ ... _
! FUR Tm: ÜBNTLEMEN. a. g ._
arm as complete a Hturk of ULfl’l‘HS, CASS!-
MRI-IS, Gum»; Sl'l'l‘AmA‘l FM} Home:
WEAR. :15 wen us mums, STOCK/MB9
DERS, Snafu was ever brought. to Geltvuhugg
.-Apnllfl, 19m.- J. L. 501 mm-
I ZHITLER has rcmmcd his Wl32i "3'
Clock linking Eatxxhlhhmmrt to South Bfl- ’
limnre street, two doors’ north of‘ 959“ th
prglcr'i More, where he will he 6M ”49.
Lulvc a continuance of the paLwnnge of 310‘
public. By; close attention to husifiue, loud
\wirk, and model-Me charges“, he hopes to s7}
gengrnl ezttistnctirn, ns heretofore. ‘ ‘‘4 »
Qeztysbutg, 4pm 8, l§6L ~‘, ~ 1 W":- i
s: ‘ _ - . .1-.u'- ~.’ 1..! -
~ axe-mu mum-mom unaphz'
3 Mommas" of—Gafls‘w ml ~
00 ; hint! niiimthm.» - i [any
a 2i.