37130ng fiance‘s. _. _--:5. A _ 7 Tm: (man I:¢l‘:l.Y~'u Rmnam' _sm Jnnzs (imxxx's CrLsnzzxrgn l-‘Lhu; I'm“,— X’n-pnrml from :1 {-rvicriplian 0! Sir J. [('lurkc, M. D., Physirmn Enrum‘rhnmy w (h? Qua-u.— ‘This inmlnnhlc mwlkiuz 'in nul‘ufling in [he cure ofnll llmw painful and dAngannu lliwuse; to which Hn- h-nmlv < unfilqniun‘i‘s «uhjmt. I! mudunLu-S 11H L-xt'l-~~ Inul (Munro-S (mm, and n npeedy rurvanmy I»; r‘ Mnrricd Lauhu M ii pwd‘tmrl} sui hr n shun. 13mg, bring on the mo with regularin, , ‘ Em-h botd¢-,prir‘c mm 0011:3an ”Inn-)4: Stamp of Grunt Hfituix calMerfriu. j CAcmN.—-These Pill; ~dmuld ‘ by {cmuyeg during'thc first thrl I'm-gummy, as ‘hey nn- :ure [0": unrrmgv. but at any olhl‘r filnelh‘p In .\TI « flap: of .\m runs and Spin: ["xh.’ the li.u.k uml Lillnl)§>l":t!ij, L-vrti‘u. I'.Aiph:llion n! the “ed ”a Whith mm- mm will cm-cl ,4“ «ALL: unsung hm‘c {MIL-:1; an; powerful n'gwdy, do not “mini“! antimony, or any thing hurlfulto“ Mun. , Full din-citions in the lmmphlot‘ Indulge, whirl: should] In: rim-I'll Sole Agata! furlht- l‘nilcd Sum-l J 01; nusrzs, (mu- l. (‘. 1:..1.| : Ruch K. B.—sl' 00 and G pnetnge st (:1 any nulthriu-d .\gt-nl, nil] in [containing f 0 l’illfi, by return my June 11, SCU. ljcow __ ‘ .\Tl'll) IHT’I‘F.RS.——.I OXYGE. mu yau sq pa'ehgnsiye n hich afl'e wholu hul ('orerednw Auras at fnu J ‘lcs: efforts] tic need Bul fllwu” pni’l er? I‘yspopsm is nU] term for the """ICXJH the stomach, liver. :11] an cyan-m. rum 1):: nygenatcul Bitters, m 8 and haul airman-Al 1;) o cure thin diamsc er nu lungur “ill: u. M ful, nllll_t'rm‘xw||ll_v n (‘4 He and l‘.“ uIL-r cumll me the ghaumflh the n] this power, hllK‘h H‘Qi not be gum; in it‘ fur m'srm'Tu s,_ “E; \H - mu uni certainly L Had it nul low: woul; \Mn'nu'l, F‘dwy.» .k (‘u : Maui‘s Xingu-"rs ugu Imus n-nglh n~ to he [l”.th n duties of my lmnwl) Gem. : dun-d in n the comm fvrcd from n-unlerud H physician” relief, a II ilfhsihilfl" use of die did I mum physicinu' ‘ to the mi! of )enrs, l 1 bmlth, an] {filing a: “hit-h ari 1 lmve xi my iricn results. cqmplimmuu of dneu I-fln‘blndfin. J rwnm (1! nckug‘wlellgeul skill} my mue WM ("mink-11‘ pt cur‘c; but M this jlll Uxflgcnalrd Biltcre, u‘ lml the effect wu: w disgust of the mudiril :37: runfith-m‘e if: it. ut‘v rmuuiu in the «3&oth l;!l»|‘4‘4l\‘crl'ullnnul the IL‘ lidule for the \urim :1. fium umflitmimml l 1 cu rt-t-np/n‘memlqd {ht-m s, with ‘mlit'urm mu] (JATHAIUNE If mm mzv. x N. In; tin! “pd bighiv rupee lately I: rermk‘nl ur ISM 3 HA'l‘H', .\. Y., 1):; Tu W. Found: Cut, 1 1‘ ago last. summer xll mch nfllictcd gill: Dy mud complete yfilu‘Ll d Him-rs. 1):ch e‘mi a sure remedy fur that Yours. with much . S. [UH-2K5, Pablol‘ .\l. An influc mug] DEMME ‘ Une _ve wua’rcry whirh'l nygvuul in them :1 complain! , 3 ’ Lamr pared by SETH W. Ft d [or sale by A. I). lhu ffljumhew, York Spring wpr Boston. u. burg ; E. jin; Snlnmun Clxrouiate' K.t.q. Bet li Jm-uh Euliwdiltfr, .\lumnmslmrg; l); Ahbmlsubwnray, Slnjtur, New Illlli-r, [‘ifitletswwn; and bydcnlur .\lny £74 #861.‘ 4w - Gin-I.x, DISCOVERY!—.meIg byqbfc mactiliuncus and Almm‘ haw: di-ufiunumlcd the great \‘nh. '(iruth's h'cauuful‘comhiuafiuu, (a TIHU OIL" fur the reliet'nml cu But. tlu- iuenplc themselves .lrc ru' \(fralir't in a manner Imm nmnil smisfhrtdry. More than lun n'l 'llfl\‘(';!fl‘(‘il will in u \‘L'rysluurl firnpurlithl m thn~c who In-:|l'd\ul ‘mcmi it,~’\\ho h.ul trig! it. 'l‘hu'fi .diwo\'vr_ is'every \fl‘w‘r’e ncknu nulhing kc it. was over lw’nrc In: ine* Elm-trio Hi} i: I’m! 0 be but! Mull tl.c rvqu “My 'gou “hid! is re cities, and m. Mink-m gi’sts'in primorg’ prices mm: Hg ment. } ' » ' 2! ”IF pr ndverfls- j x-.-” . _ Sltnr'rn'gaififihc Adi in) m natured m fun-EMT?" u l'vfw Weeks" h_\- n i'mmL-dx alt-1y blft't‘l‘ the [ll‘flpl‘l‘ljy is stru-dk flown}! Ve n'nwdy, nth-I‘- having: Slhlbrod ~‘m‘crnl urJlpun t'xilurc to complyllxer.>,re.\\'ithth’opropcr-I’ severe Innr: :ifll-vtiuu, hhd thutfixcml :3 “ill In: again put up tut Isqle. } .1, ‘ ing lrém \‘cryslim wars n‘i (‘bnsumplime-is :nnifius to "mike“ dismiso, knmvnl his fi-llulr-shll‘cn-rs the _mmns ol‘cnfi'. l . : NotiCe' » ‘ ’ Tn all 'Tflm «lwire it‘ he will Isl-ml u copy of , .w < . .~|,~ . ‘ ' _ tho pres rxptiun [He‘ll (free of tllul‘ul‘.) mth the Ull.\ “.\‘R‘ H b .lam'll'l‘fL—Letlm? "Tm . . . . ,w , mvntnn on th ('~I:1tl‘- of John, .\lmch, duh-chm cl for premn'mg nml u~uw tln- :umc, l . . - . _ l. . _ ' . . .5 . Me of \lnuulplcummmv“ns‘hlp. Alhnns runn ulmth th -\ \nll hml u sure (.urp lnrl onsnmp- . ‘ ‘. . - - . . i . w . .h. (lemma-ll lnumlr u-cn grmmd to the umlcr-. tum. .\«tlnnn. Broth-mm. kr.» 'lln- unlv night : ‘ .’. . 5 ~ .w . .. , . . . . .‘ . Mgnml. rcmllng mt c sumo.- tumwllp :he hen-- oth ml‘vorusvr 11l sending the. prcsanuun IS 1 . . . ‘ v . : 'I l 7- . . . V . _ . . )_\ gl\('< nu’H-u to M l yu-rwna Indebted to find 10 bench} the :Ifllxeted, uml spunul Lnformmum ‘ , . . _ ' ~ ‘ . .~ / , - t'sllllu tn nmlu: Imm Ilmle pmmcnt, mid tho>e4 Wlllfll he conceive: to be mmlmble. mu] h . . x . - . - . » ~ l l 3 . ‘lun mu- chums swunzlt the same to prgsunt them ,hopos evlensuflerer \nll tn lns rant-«111:6 x " 5. ‘ \ ; will castltfifln nothinv m [l* law :i‘uVe'w blcse'l properly authenticated tor betlloment.‘ l mg 'i g a: A‘~ 3 '-f» ~ DANIEL MAKpHv, Eir. l lmrtieé wiéhing the prescripcil‘rtx will plan B #613123, léfl.“6t+“~— ‘ __ i mam i EV. EDWARD A. 'lLsux g ‘ , "”2" ‘. 7‘ l _l‘ \mlm‘bm,Ram-01,43» . -De Grath s Great Electnc 011, ll 06!. 1,8601 1y xew Yin-k. [I S THE MARY“; OF THE AG —‘7For the‘ l l , ‘ ‘ 4 l‘nllm\"lng. (not dvery’lhingzl _L- 7'7 A'l‘ l (‘nres Rheumatiflu «lfilcn‘ln a d.ly; t l _Curcs quralgin. Topllmche, two minutes; I (.‘nresrUrnmp In Sunny-h, five minntci; \ ; (‘urea Burns, Wounds, llrui a 60 Wh'fl» ......ufi..m..m..1........ J. 15 to l 25 Rye....CJ...a.....‘.;......u..;.........‘... so G0ng..fi..........'.‘.......:.'.....’........ 5 ¢ 60 0.a...:.‘.‘......................4......... : 27 (Hour “ed...a................+ “......L 4 00 Tiny“!50d.................1......... f 1 30 M.§......;.......................... us 50 .A u . ~ A j”. ; Hay Rake. “Abs t BUEHLEB have on hand .two SIM-rut: HAY and GRAIN MILES. which \nll beéold at low rmcs. This: is a fine op .portilflyfofl‘armers to secure a wuluable llbor m?dp§'ssfing implemenk Us}! and look at mum: I- _ . [May 33, 1861.. tf . m mm CARDS, anélopéi,i true; new new» Paper, 5m mam summon 14;;- “11141 Gov.‘ Sprngur‘" rt‘giml'ilt. from Rhodix Hamil, left .\mmlmlin for ‘ \\"x|~llin;_rtrvn, throw m-pro men lmlnnging to “ thr» Ilnn. ”Purge W. llgghes,‘rcaiding mme p‘mi {on mxlon frum Annnlvolii. nxtcmpl’e‘! tn tho {allow and mum. A: soon as the Guvcr- hm nor, who nah in mmmzmd, was al‘Triicd 0" Hm fart. 1w had than arrested at; conquf“ F- l ted to thr‘ir man-[:l3 I ‘ “:1: \Ve trust am this is the u'pirit which will 3. Lf mimnte all bf the officers and man in this Juhr war. The defense of our flag requires "0‘ :“9; . J I ‘ lUI an ”m m"- rtébborg of p'rwate Wolwfitxgmlul no culul'Pßf ‘Ceul I, m ”We” 0 con uct mu Iqonpr satisfy t n? peop'e 0 , .\inn the South of tlJoHnojnTsty ofnur Intentmm, j _l‘. than nm which Ina; bot-en initiated by Gov. if"; Sprauuc! ' , 7 7 H, S. _. , ‘ A _ . . R I". ‘ n“ nlnlrnc lt‘liPl‘Ou. To iu-d. Infill, )nlllly period nOl ‘he taken! #0 months Inf ‘ring on Mis vy are safe. ‘ , =l*—\fl‘cr!io[xs.- MARRIED. \ guc on ah s‘” On the lgthinslflul St. Joseph’s (,‘bur ch. ler “i’flem'” llunhughwwh, by the luv. 15. A. Shorh. Mr. ,“curHfim JHHN 1:1.m-2 to His}. .uxu; LASSINUER, W 1 ahhm‘gh n bolh ofLilUcHan. '3l ‘ » sm!" "“X‘”.""l’ Un Thurida’, the H-Llljjnsl., by lh't- Rev. R. :m “mm“: s. Grier, Mann-:5 +I.-.\'l.l.x.sw;n, beurru“ 3 ; wuul)’, ALL, Lu Mus JAKE“, BARR, ,uf lhib ‘ around much plum“ . _ , u 1 3' P""“"3n""l'l ()n' he. 7m inst, m thc‘rcsidenlw of (hi: “.'““fi'mmt”; I her'it'nfher, near .fi'niuumwu, by L”. Uuyle‘, “"" " 9“") . JUSEH} LIJNILLNI-JCKEH, of Adam}; county, ‘11"! ‘\' " P 4” to MARY. \‘ccuml dnughtcriof {ILCUIEYDIL ”‘1”! “"‘hm‘d ul' ('urroll cunnh’. .\ld.‘ 1 "If ‘1 WWI, ou'me 23:11 'or April, at ;the m dance or {L , , Sumnrl Andérfion, Elfiqu in Penomy-lowa, hy i , lhc [it-v. JJI.‘ Connxd,‘.‘lr. DASH-1L “’uDIEHIH j 'fimm-rly of ibis county, to Miss REBEL‘CA {Mfr/- Why ANDERSON; «.r the fqrmer phlcu. ' "My“ “”1"" (In the halt “in, n: Lhe Lutheran Parsonage, 4mm” disems in l‘eteniburg; by the Rev. .P. Ruby, Mr. sm— lfld {HIM-’1‘)”: l'l-11. J. I’LF‘MMINH. m’ York ‘éonniy‘ to Him n. fawn} dh- .SUI’UIA HISUUI', 01' Franklin munty. . Ipd§cu!s"lclLLe nu the 21.4 um, h) lhr- mac, Mr. JACUB 41-81! m fru'n- 11.;(‘311FM.\:§, of gamma”, us was Luusn [The “mug- .\m'rzcna; or “know. meme $lM} 1" film the suite thy, by the same, at (h!- hon-:0 Lm ufllwmg. (:flhc hri-lu 3mm”, m». “Ipm.” 1:. now ms ‘oqu ml} us In .\im MARTHA .\xx grimulunx, lmth or “5‘3"“: "“‘h- 11'! U Ir‘nll‘g, .\Jdunn cmufty. ‘ “"0"! “,3 1”“ (In the in] “141., l._\- (in; Rev. H. L. Bnughor’, \lr J.\(.'I(HI CASHHAX to files SAY-.\H‘Al‘. (".\SSAT. » ’ " , a E . t' ... - z » 13131643. I, , E” nm‘uh rc- (lfh‘uthrfluy hut. Mir. J‘QM‘II’” ”EXILE“, 01F 19.1 mm! “f .\lmlutpltumnt “muddy, “4 11‘" “L'Lp{3'°"r'of‘ ”111, nllll sub Hid “If“ ‘.I ‘. , .5 : '1 5” ”ml truly ' (Tu '.‘§mul:wfi mornin'y Lgst'fm this lillr€filiiil|w'i N ‘0 W‘U‘” 'mufimx 5.,1.‘~m'.~\1.-. Lufm u. mung”), dc } but. \nllmut waived, :v,,-ml about 12: _\'oles. ~’ I ‘ l I‘] 1...-)011411110 u" the [with inpl., HI.I7.A_HI‘I'I‘I[, wufu‘uflsducv “'l”er "WI” B..Tr~ustio, of llunliriglpn townhip, ggc-xl 35, f“:"-‘;1f1“"“{:-“ yeérs 8 xnunlhk and ‘l9 dug s. 1.~ I; h """ -' '3" ’9. new ' hut, in ins wrung H [0 MW Place (‘MIIJRfimNy-uor Wm. K. mflb‘fisun; Pluu "“1"“ “We \iallnghcr. age-d ‘1 WM“. ' ' ' ‘ . 1 Israel {IIH'UL (:fgrmd Hull"; 22-! gin-m, in (‘Lm'lneirlu’nd nguxlsl.l;., . Jnlll ' "N”? 5‘ “““r‘ Mk)! RACHEL .\IgGRIflW, lluuglnwr ofAJf-xgm-j {Ht 4, s *3lnl’l""‘s (lcr Ml-(hcu , dculzugcq; :xgwl l7)uu'~! 3 muptthlHK-lul ‘vrnnzrmgmn._ and 1? (LAN. _l‘ . I. -‘ 1 I,‘ i! ..u l W "“"m' "' mun-14m hm, . ‘xxm 1-‘LM:I~..\(,L 1133- .1"! an >:lli~r-|f‘|“1." 5:”, mm] 1 war? 3 m ml); and 9 xlup.‘ J3l"- -" "MU-“1L . with} 2nLlliusL., (: .x m munxu; (I.l»ng \v. \ ' tor of Jnlm .\hhfscr. q! Uumhérluud logmphll’. {1 Jr“? b“; \ ngcd 2 Mars Emunlhq and M dgllnx. l‘‘l H I“?! “"1””"33‘ Uu uh- mm mm, ‘.1.u1,1x MIHHLY, .\r‘, m" 1 "X. Y' _ .\qulllplc.l.~:ml tuwaJl-p, .\dums cuumyfiflllh“ f {“9” . 215,;1559. 31‘! war oil‘his age. ‘ f A 12;“1 «ton : ' ‘ . “ m. d :lulumu..l _ W l “It‘llsiil, trum ' ~. ‘ The Adams Rlfleg‘ .'” ”My" “'0 Y ‘HICHE \_v|fl be :1 writing ofi Lhc ‘V We‘ronhilcnw 1 Cunuuuy umv fanning In‘lhc B‘i ,dmxgrccz-hle Huhflmlu. {-_rr ‘dlilll and fig? lulu r.e°’:(.‘:l" I iulp‘Zrl‘unl Inn-Mr“. KIM: [Hun-133 ) H F“ (,h.urrh.’ i ‘27“: in I": «mklin { TU! ' & Hpgnugler, . Shank, . 1 .\ln le-y, ‘ l Fnuh‘sr, , ‘I A .\lirklvy of D., ‘ x L.’ Miller, (flfzunlmrluiu, 1 un [{uhlnmn, ' . “'ihnoru, . I I Marks, ~ - liublitz. i Ilvlnlu'ugtob T 'A. Gardner, _ i “shew, ‘3 L .\legurgz, £ , Hardin-r, 3 i . Grit>t,: ‘7': I |\,\'.‘l:.-.m~1?, ' Hm I I Burk .\[ll‘l’l (icur Jmn n. H‘ H. I" I’. L. v u 1}“. i '1 r '1 I ‘3 .l/uzmlplwarml I. \lillt-r, “ , ‘0 Ned], (insémzln, § mun-l Smith, In Shecly, !- uh. {JCNCI .\. >5 (1 faber7 MI , Oxford To l). a; A. S'. Himes, 63:! x Peters, ‘ '. 111-rsh, {I Hung) , lultcr, igle. , iinn-r. h bmilll, ' krarlz‘ng To lor “1 Brother, .hiplcy, “'ulf, on Lerew, Span 1. IL .Izu'u!‘ Solo : llmmljny To You, molwrt, [ Brim-r, l 'hccly, 30h! .1011! Hon . Job ' Butler To .\I i l 1 or. g ;l'll Smiley, : Nrml Ellw E. k ”.\[ill Jaw. . Vamp, & Sun. - S. HullirzPr, ' , ('unowago lhuh'cy, & .\‘neeriuger, , .anler‘, {1 [filmillo'rl T 1 Ller & “miller, \rnif, ' ‘ ‘ L. \lillor, brund .'i Slough, ‘ rim-k Hridk-r, u .\luudorfl‘, . (Nine, Joln Ileil Juhx Sp”. 11l Wm. “mu." mull I-‘rcdni (ienr Jo Jm' .\liss l‘utoliue Kmutter, l-IlijAh Spauu'ler, ' ‘ b BencicET D._o.‘ Hollinger, Wm. Davis”, Law‘s Binth‘nl, J ospph “after; David C. Martin, ( - noon To .'Noticei “I I JfliefifaPLEMAN'S EsTAT ..-—Lcitu;iite II EOiCF \UIIIIHOI? Inn. km; of \1 ry an the mm: of ofm EPIIeI III! G 011%):61 I LORWELLI or the “no“! cu‘ed ‘ flgglcgmwnyfip, Ada “S wuppmflnfl‘lo ‘of i ‘Z :mmborslmrg Turnpikr n 0n»: aiming meg-32 been granted to than g$C-' ofgnfortganTllhrnolllllllllll takes lIIIISIIIchIIIIIIIIIgI ‘a‘- ‘ mg in,” . r“. us fiends . a IT Initial?! Elves notice tom“??? anshxm ler Its Piepa €d t 9 necomnxointlzefilfi I;}:lxulsbflmt MI F NOtllce‘ I and esmtewmmke- -. aons indckted mm" Han thebest D WIPE-I lORGE SIIRYOCKIS Image lining Chi ‘ ”3““de piymeut’aud “1e CM "cs '0 (f mnnner, and utmodenl testamentary ‘. . ESTATE—Laue" | unun properly namingfiiilngztltker“um to prefient Satishctizn: 11;: 1:155:31!“ spared I“ give I 3?“ late (II We BBIWOIIIflg‘IM: “Gum“ SI”). ._ H\‘r . ‘0 “filament :WOUpm‘ide 1, .. a :nr wtllbe found crasedmnr' I. ys “WI .511:th “II Y My 131.1861? 3‘ EPPLMIA), menu}. I Large saubfinlémiglrßEldF‘"g”“W'i'r'fiommc-le‘l’ "35”” lII'IIII‘I‘IEII mutedm 1111 111111111111111111 A ‘I J ‘ bum}. ; y on”. HF only hm “gives notice to a“ film: place, he herch.‘ New Sp 'T- ‘7‘? v 7 ‘ ’4; 5 - [may by 1861. am game m make in"! am ‘ons Indebtcd to said Chan A SCOTT & SOY g Goods !4 I gNIBW Liquor St II_“”~-—.having claimugain: 1339 payment, and ”10% - ‘ A H P . '-. .e um I G ETTYSBL'RGgBexfitiI; :I'llme. . In} a - ({my-sburgnvizi 355.31% Eagle 80.91,! ACUEI STUCK would inf ore. lIIIUIIIIII} lIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIII Wednesday \l. ‘ LAD—On and after: I] ledCslmblc stock of ‘scuso‘ 1' ”I “one“? I uIIInIIIe h’” °P“"ed“l‘l 01111111 the: pubIICI A MOSES “COLE III; LII Tmin will 19.” 1’? ~ay 1?: 1861, the Morning. 149 d 5 and Gentlemen wiLl 1111111111 {400415.501 “flung?“ SIIIceIII (II II 'lqum more In scum __pIIII 221 ISGII 6‘ I 1111 “I panama“! fore 1110“) Shaw M 7‘40 A. M" With 0‘ Domeams, 51c" &c IW l a full ncsonm'cmt now on ‘ and, uuvi “.1: t) ablfrg, whore" he has: 1"“. I~v—+../_._ . Southfon the i; We connections. North and cnll attention to our .:nocke “fin“! r. I Cffilly “le' BRAXDUII‘I (lIIVCIOMIIIIIII I 0 kecpl (”111 Tmnlng! Tinnin I —_l return about 1 gnharn'cemml lmilwav'm‘i M the lowest possum! “w; w '13!) m.“ be sold otner WIHSKU-Zzi 'of‘ bzg‘Muuunmhuln and THE undersignzdtrea co“ [1 2" ‘ . will leave Gen 1) . . ETIIGIIInerflOOn'Tx-ginl .WCnlleoon Indexamine MI II 3 Prices. EB)- omm: o‘, {run} brands audl (lIIIZI‘IM “”41“me “;I y "“0",“ ”I. Passengers by thiVsIITIi-ig M 2.15, P. 11.; but 3‘o trouble to show goods ryouuelved.—, mugs, be hope: no 533:? “TV“? 3'» .ChCnp Eris-"NM he has cpengdgnmnelrill'nllllll gm’l H man 0110 I '. i 'tron a: _. ,‘ .m's mre 2' ‘-I ’I 'shn 1111 I I llmln ”- rei'SZVEZJESbuSrILniZ 9:?33113.‘ “s.lmm; April 8, 1861. A. SCOTT & 5,03. ikey 3%;.§f§£§fés§£§l“WWWlv‘fii"°pp°ll'°ll’lhllllll CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIEIIIIIIIII lIIIIIIII’ .. on J.ISP.M.' -' , ‘ : .i' pure. ’ ‘ L’ - 311 L 4! ‘I“-' I I‘IIIIIII kw 111 I mam!“ II 3:31.333»... 2......1...‘;::..;::5e;g Dividend . ;, _ ,;_,.-.;._ _..... “it: ng I” '**"l"3ls* near the line of thfelfiflfi) 51:0}? .1116 country,f BA!‘ 0’ Gl‘ I. l Ngw GOOdS & LUZ!) I‘m” l ““1103?! “Itm'vi be "“1! (0 d 6 RES-\‘lhl’figi‘; 3? “mm m Gmmburg “cguinfgttfiufiuess; .HF B ' Ma;;’3§:'i“?i} II)ETn~ mum; at Arenrlt \‘ll elr, .bm mi; ““111 SWU'FING Also 4ch 1:, if; mmu _ -_vwe e .in Hw ‘ . rem v . :19 am" 111 II I 6 burg, aEqunglqulxanflilnnfgrly two bonus in Geltltlivoslfi T dared I: 3233;??35 bus this an de. {Felect stéiiegrfffi? 8:): £521, “'“h *1 llmgcJullusé, Sf‘md ‘9 {WW ‘ISXIII’SEZI’I‘SEE’E’; an: n 0 630” REESETEB? graif‘é . »::,gnpit.xl StocklPayuble or? 2:15;“ QhNTq 3:51 Hhrdware” BootQISuJSSIISSL GILMIIIII 111 1111111111111 lIIIIIOIIIIIID 111 SOIIIIIIIIIII 111111111 111 , res; ent. 1 #1131311. .T. .. . " Mfi'vnf n '5, gm, (kc. ‘cie: *I II II 111 lIIIIS I _..... I lAI 111 . . § May 13,1861. DI “for" “'3". 53.3%2’31.u§on‘nh.i..5"ii$?t‘é£33m RUI 111 GeIIysbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEI IBM ”HAMMER . H/! ¢ 2 . UL s (r. . -‘ I‘ S #—----“‘—*—=-~-"-"- ,_. 21mgoa'ésf‘llfifiié‘wlnrxMbhe’i lE' °°°" 8‘ 3"“ "I (:we him acufl.‘ Hezfiiflal mug moths—é. AVE CSIIIIIIISIIQII I D May 13,18” 31.: , mys,trymplme: gcorr'sunChm 6 III” 111 1111111 JOIIII ‘ADIi . T - _ 1. . burg. Ema thrifty Ffi'u trsburg street. Gettis‘“ _ I S’ D ' S’I'BmMINGS ._ ‘r *3: and Pia u Icalrequ' and Urm‘meflm’ TV“! I 4 my. at ,i 'sIcII “PM w’ n‘cmi m 1 D'IIIBIIIPIIIII‘IIIIIIIImIIIIIImI I '‘, . . HILK’S. tinted“ I “fiftiem-v'fikwflfi‘i” My: ' ‘ § ! [50"; mg 1800351!“ 0 \ my 27, 1860 Wfi‘f‘ f dip. . lit 1131 7‘oo 7 00 I’ n 7 00 14 7 00! l 4 7 00) I 4 ‘ 7 00. u 15 oo 11 I 15 ac} 1")» . , I u _‘ 14 7 oo‘ 0“; ‘ l 4 .‘ 7 00' uhfi. i all? T 3 MI 14 4 14 .t i =2 12‘ 1;: 14 H p 4 » ‘l‘“ "‘M’Th 7 no 7 uo _ 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 on '1 00 IZI =II 10 00 20 (N) 20 00 7‘oo 10 im 7 no 7 00 T (m 7 ('u ‘ 10 00 M 7 00 7 no 7 00 UM l 4 14 H 14 ’1 00 7 no 7 (m 7 m) 7 00 =! 700 700 700 =I AM 14‘ =1 OE 33! Notice. w ;‘ osrzm Esnfimux’s ESTA 00 ladluiuistmt‘ion on the cs 00 Esh‘plmanfilmejof Franklin to 00 can?”Z deceasezdfi nanng been 00' un ermgned, residing m Bull ‘ beréby gives notice to all pers said estate to make immedint xhoée lmvmg china nguimxt the‘ them properly uuthentimfied f 0 ._ JACOB “'l4 April 259, 1861. m n . 2‘ omit}; ' l 3 ' X 13 ‘ l 14 ‘ 23 00. ‘33! _ Notlce. 1‘ )iQOJS‘uu'EL BEAR‘S ESTATli—Lcuers fit!- I! 00 mmeumry on the estate 0 Samuel Bear; 5100 late of Framkliq township. dams county, 7100. d}"—’e“s‘~‘dy “Ming been granted; to the under : | “KIWI, resifling in the same tovrnshipflxe here -7i (,0 by gn‘es uoxicc to all persons 1‘ debtcd to said mots“. i lestafe to make immediate pnyxtcm, nnd muse 0tp.,),,38 15109 ,hm'mg claims {lg-linsl the sync to present p 2,) 1‘ As ‘ 15100 them Properlyauthcnucnwdm scttlemenl. rug-lon. " I ' FR!IDERICK£)IEHL,E:’r. yingilusmucionscéoo May 13.}861. .m I. L , ‘_ ' 1‘ l 4 Public Sale. _\' Saturday, {ln 111 40v 6} June mlh‘he O nubnriher. Exeg ntnr (IFSAM‘vaeLude cch-d, mll u-ll nt l'lllfilll' SMO. at ”It‘ hm: resideme of ‘fllll ‘lmcdont. in Franklin I um ship, Allnma crmntv, near New Salem, (ll? ful lowing Personal Property. Vin: l THIS}; I Cow, 4 Shouts, 2 Ewes, with Luntvs,7‘l"our horse Wagon nnd Wood Lndlh-rz, anllmrsc Wagon nnd Bed, Carriage and; llnrnyflsfl'l.’ let of‘Genrs, Jack Screw, sfrmull'rx, ng Cluin, 'orks, £13.; Flour by the llnm‘ly 'llablea, Chain, Beds A: Bedding. CanH-lingflCllnking Stalk-4 and Fixtures. 2 Ten-plate Strives Ind Pipe, ('luck and ('n-‘v. (‘urm-r Guphminll, Cop. per Kettle, Iron Koxtlc, l‘hnrn, .QnL n'pwnru, Bacon, Slant Yrs-eels, llnrrrlsr, Tum: 3n Elol of new Bugs, Riding Saddle, Sidq Mink-JIM of Gehnun Books, and a variety 0! otlxcciuglticles', luq nnmm-oua to mention. ‘ ‘ ' ~ FA! the same lime nml plncc‘ will fer-d A TIHGT 0F MOUNTAIN LAN“ milling 23 Acrez‘aud 75 l’erchef‘ neat q». aiténu: in Franklin lownshilhéflngusic ‘adj‘uiuing lands of Wm \\ “‘l‘le f Knpuseflncoh Lady unduLlu-n. I’étsq 1: ing to View Lhc'iuud “ill «uh uh [lu- L @8312 Lu comment-u M 12 'ia‘ulotk I laid dug", when attendance will“ he 3‘ , 'LL-nus mudc known by 1“ ‘ - FREDERICK 1)[1-1}1L,Ez.. May 13,115“. ls ' i Clove Anodyfe ‘OOTHACHE DltUPb'.——(lm plain no mo’ré‘ ? of Achfag Teeth.-—-'l‘hese l rum lmfie been exqensively used by thousand-l iwhose 2‘gxperi- l uncle has- proved that the Ann yne ‘l‘" gi‘vu? immediate and pennlnrnl relief ‘fter tlndxflxilurel of évexy other remedy. It is .lmnhtto the I male and sum-11, and n l'qw appli :M'luns gill un- l “rely reml‘nethu 'pnin min] sore less “-qu a de- .’ on e_d tooth, so that it nun he filled n 1d l-cua defied as useful Is ever. “'lncl‘ the p: I; pro ceel’d! from the face, or from tl ' gums rmlml ‘ a tooth apparently sound. ~tl|is Auudy 0 will givb speedy rcligf by rubbing 'l‘ew drpps‘ on the] pun nfi'emvd. _ll In“ only t lmcam‘l: gen: erallly kmiwn to be us highly ”'preci ed by the} imhlic.:u it i 4 by demisw. : , ‘1 cad tho {allowing}: letter f t distinguislled-prnéfical dc 'vw York : Mes'srs; Sandi: lknfiemyn of fin] practice I have exter'uh Ulqva Anodyne with much sun lietfm the Todtlmche, and 513 I commend it to my pul‘ux'm. l d to hufi:rm.yun of the high upim ov r otherTL-mudics. [hm your may, 3 .\l‘. LE“) PRICE 25 CENTS mm i’relerwl hy- .\. EL‘ 5‘ U. . gls Is, 100 Fulton St,, min nlr\\'l hmrsuh- by A. D. “ÜBfith-lel' G 11uy.‘.:7, lo'ul. Ill] 3-. “ 3‘ 'Beechersville ‘1 ‘ "LE“ 3% SUN ro=lu~utfu ..D pt-nple ‘Hmt il'tlwy want/k Goods, the Stnrcut Becchérsvul! t 3: 's' the plncv to call at. The ed mm the city with :1’ large n I of (iomls,—sdch n<‘(‘lu‘tln, l‘ug m-t, Vestiugs: Silka Dchum, ' linv Shootings; (hm-cries. llur ’3, Boots .5; Shoca—in chm-t, y kl ptjiu Au. we'll st‘oclu-d u y im he llw tulle ol'llpe puhli I please. They ar‘c dt-tcrmiu [unable pmcm, mm! by clu liuqss, to gin: snlisl'nu'lwu. uy li;,_lsljl. 3!. Cu. nnl Th mu | . Now is the 1:: NE undersigned, inning l ringe-nmkiiut '(‘rmmishmc . n 25, on the corner of linhim idgo strut-r 4, (imithurq. hdr the than he will pm up m ur k—(' .\ HRI.\ H HS , lil'lfl (lONS, kc. Ho “ill "150 ’AIRING time u‘tenlion he very best ‘mnum-rhml ut‘ h or country prudn’wo tukvfi lm‘TL mm W. K. g; W 0" inri lllllb “'0 l Notice to Tax-p} UTTL‘IZ i: l:cr:-|._v Fiwn X3l ‘ ('l:|llllli~<‘l')nv|‘a “{H m: k: I IVE l’lil: HINT. “I“i” n“ h‘x x : unvi‘rd fur the yuurQNU‘ i to (‘nllrclnri QH nr lu-Ilm'l .l/ o/‘July. ('ullcr'nmyill be ux-pny-rs oil or hefnro the .l I L- sun-1r :Ihulrment 1.0 all pl- - mf'un- s‘nid (1333511111 [my 1.11 II My 'l'reusurfr, mlpvr“ iw [11) made. By unh-r oftln- (‘om , J. .\l. WA .\ny 13,1861. M i t» y u Asslgnee’s No HE underiiguud, hmjing lube ‘ signce. under a. dead hf (H of creditors, of: Jqux‘B ‘llumihon mwnship, Adu' is hereby given m u]! p ‘u » ohms-indebted to said As edimc [mymmlt to the u tie. the im .1 «zill'l “g“ the 'ng in (Rextyshurg, and tlmc Ina: the same 1}» present, 111 Ink-Merl for settlement: EDI pm 29, 1861. Gt. ~ Notlce. I \(‘o3 .A. VJDDLEHUSE l i Letters of :linlmianlrmiml v: )3; A. llid‘lh-inoso ~ Into MM 1115' co.. dew-used, having . l ‘lmdcrsigned, u-sidin I in Cu w, he herebyzgivvs no‘h‘éc 10' ed to said astute to make: ‘t, and thaw hm’ingtlnims - resent themprupcfly 11“ th :mnt. ‘ . ’ AMU ‘Ypril 29, 1861. Gt‘ 1 deb' met! to 1) flex} ”3,“..2 A. .=, ‘rll r;....1 133] , . } pansy FL'LI. mnurm’mas Iron nu: ‘houls of the Soldier agd‘SquAd, given in the must Simylc SL3IO, ; » he informmon necessary for the funn~ . , - 4 “ W 1 .- ..-.-- 3P3 OF: HOME GUARDS. p A I,}; drwith avian. ‘ ! Still in ltw "’0 “GR-WWW, ‘; IRINEUAHT hm - ,‘ . . . > the Mwutmu ul’tl nu}... 13.1 m Dlfi'tfl'eut (Positions u! the :1“: gcucm‘ly to the fit 'BB 3114 Mangal pf Aims, . turned {ruin tho chic. . . ‘ , . ~ ‘ ‘l‘, n )l:t , I} , l" ‘ ._‘ - .. , :hulunmlc, “uh :L.\l;.\ °' ‘ n“ r“ ‘s’" r.‘ ’ ”Mr," .! [murmur or uuluu .\ I) I.\ G A .‘" DFI R I NiG . 31)cl'xlrc omm! in leu #Ol ‘ ,M » Hm‘ing lmnghnhuh g “Hula“, Acct"??? To I l primes, uud :u n Hau- MII RYHEV 0F [ss“me TA TICK, skimls of fibrin in ”NW" d . . . . i , fuhlwl lo (um-r such “.\IU n m cdnforumlmniwllh ““1 lthe must credulous.’ ll quuirn‘u'nlx for tlu l'i‘csml I'nr, (cnll and culminv our 5L ' “In every lICII "um-qt“ «- [er‘h indul: ny-ntt n]: pl! {lllt‘ll’ tmulrir‘. Pin-r3l .1 Hr“ chm country" strin le: nre ulclglmincd .\IU'I‘ anywhere nulsi‘ln u". Rh {“Qll‘it'k Sfll9~ and Sub“ In: Show goody g { 3:9" We Aim Lnkt- QM 1 thanks for thr \‘ery gqm herek’f'orv; rm-L-ivinl, :ln-l .by strict "mentiunjnghu figurdxfor ‘hc inlrn «101‘ "unhlvos, to men: :1 ~01 Mums. mxmin' j ‘ (‘nrvwr Hahn 3 April 9, IBM. ’ hi the S And all x the 0f" ing of I. (~«s'n-' . 0‘ Mine, ‘ Lmnly, , Illustrnl flfcury wim. l utor. 3L, bu u and Sho Fae I'Tl then-1:0. w. U. BAUER? [ ‘y ,olr gut )1 i mu'li'mAg. cumin). 1 .. IW. - ...;__'_.-_._.___Z._ _ f ‘5 Bank as Dmtinlry Apbmvéd pl. - —"——-"rr-“-—-“' t—— I'. , ptrut‘tinns given are d" {be rcatost cc. (0‘ themew \‘nluntv‘rr, audfis‘hould ghly understood, {‘in}! indiaHenanblc lruolioh of a company. i in one Volume, Hamil}: pngr‘r, Pulmr we 25$ céntsu momm- Cloth, 1m com. ‘fi—i—‘zbé‘. ; I THE; SAME WORKL ! - t; H Al.” { . i ‘ ' ssh 111 1b: @rrmun‘ [quungn im’portgu lw {horn {he ”'3’ ~~ tu ”gt; ‘i ‘ den ts In the I); use} as for _ 0% Vi F 'l|r=e uul: :lrc-I 3 1.11551, - _ L 2 ' 151111115 I , A runslm 1 cm im [1 n‘ hm 1 |,\'vr.yr ~| "[3, “Unix ’ \’l.\l.. A ; ‘.\'!\’lm‘. r Hum, N \ Upbux , the éajuu privy, mid i<;tlu- only :1 litmk If]: .lnum-nu‘J/Agdury thhr‘r ‘~l, . . , . übliTIH-d in the l'niu-xliSlzm-d; VIIE " 'll7-“‘“_ , uts €nd Cpnvas‘aers Wanted e in ‘thé‘ Sale of .tlnisllhwk, in (nary :I'rnymws .nnr! VILLAGE: 9 In thcrlfuumrv. ED ‘ - Thuén (“epic-5.1"...”............ Pity. “ I Ihqdred‘“ icrs 3m )mpan-«H ith (21004511 win tuhmixi mcdhlclfiulhcr l y [pod qr " 1 arm-{rl «My post, Sgnmps mutt be on yu£ oslugu. I_ by Expr+ss, the In In: lm'iu! un dcl|\‘lsry.: Ni lEEE tore. l_\‘ my map an ..\d:mn '11:1\'0 ?dlrn- Prim-1m d rhnic .5 wk imvrq-s, l‘tqsio 'fllil‘ol-q' )Xuc ‘waro, .lts k mouth I}! us- of thel |~nod' ; i IE“ I= All i) he disp mprcss "'qu S sure 1h (I'o. Ii they ‘ngul “on to k 3 (IQ-ml Height. l, by in! 4, mm: 1 1| —~~§~---—A-‘ -‘~~—" ff’f i so ‘as to THE vonymmhn. ' ’ l I \ V _ “Fun! I} x I‘ll-h ' , 3 ”my: CAMP-fl I: (soulnANlLloN. ‘5 “I"; .A Xe" andl Ur giual (‘OHCCIEMII uF‘rJHmry I 8:12,? find l'utlxmir'fimigi, mhlftr‘rl efiu-I i I'll}? fur the RING .prrsrnt F“l",l"_‘ig.; Um: \'-;I. 1:41:16. M unfl riago lu~xtrzni 15. PquP L'owr, 13 Fun. Flcilble 'ork‘. Uloth,‘_’?cts. i A 4 ‘ .: ‘ ates. £ “ -'”_: -___ t l “i smms t'qwms m:'1‘111-:,,.sl:()\"r: punks 3‘ L! 7. I' mum-2 I-‘REE UF’ Pushy“; m .uiygaddrrss ; l ‘in tth'. Smlx‘s, upon rm rip! ul' rho [-riiw7 hy 1 . . y > _1 bunt}! v Kl.(if.lL-\ll‘.l|,l'.riuLL-rs:lqu z'uxpwnm, ‘ at. ' “'33:,” c:7 susuw sl2. PHILUH-ILI’FHA. : ii] be , Tu‘who aIIIUrdIn-rs lupum he “Mu-EFL; ’ 7‘" 1‘" 3m 2 ,l‘mu.‘ m i ; qcnll -__ '___i _, ‘ .-.. ', and I « ’ It; on‘ » the! “i" insvd flu ll of A! re 3111de I by inhr'n L'l' u” M w ms, 8 1 five (J r‘ uing :II mdcrnt’a ih [lnym I, LLAGI Esyers. .:\1 1M ! an :I'lw ii Ic¢xnwl 1 ‘ llml =1 [Ma/.01”. cquilcd Inn? (‘2l “Ulla; pfl” ‘( puma - I g 3 ‘ |minntca. llnrn: ('nr Valliable Personal Property llllllllllcs. Xl-umlgin] T Ulylll‘v SALEn—Uu -Thurxr!'n_l/.41M (ill/[l‘ “‘99- Colic cured A ‘du. o , Mm] huh. thesnhsvrlber, Hxnruwr Ft'li""f‘d'i" 10“ minn mJous 11-rélinlgs,«law-used,- n ill evil at Public in five mlnutcs. Stile, M , he, lxltc residuum ol 6.111 l duue'uscll, in \ “’0 CITES have he lle’pderaville, Adams county, the fdllowmg nSinglc D-‘Y! EVE vnlunhl l'ersnmll l'rupqrty,\i.z: l ' 1H).- Tm‘ l'r! Tn}! 4 Fl spulhxss Alphas, well-lnlokcn, 1 25 MM 5011011“ PM“ Cow, T olShonts‘,' l Three-lumu \V gun, ll ' These “HM?" we.” Two-ho se ! Wagon, l .\pring \anofit I.lme'3your eyes, only lmn de. 2 pally fill.“ Lanldt‘h‘, Wand mld(-rs,l firi ““3“?“ dx ,M'Corm" kißi-leor, 'l‘hi'cfllfng Malciiur, “'irc "“0 wnnlml ‘" ”9"." Horse Knkr, l‘nuing Bax, .\\'lnno\\i 'g )lill, lful'CllngAKPH“ 'AI l'longhs :uxld Harrowe. Shovel mung Is,_(}urn , “(ins thnli he “dd“? Forks, log: L‘Jh.|in~‘, Single and Double-trees, [ (3., l‘iflh l.‘ dill]: nnvl Sprmdrrs, 6 an: (, llorsui 4 ”3 South 4, Gurs, ‘ a “Inf Harm-u, Gullnra. 5.1110105 mnl 1 DlllEl‘TlUN’S Fill mink-s, 1315*”: “alter and Cuwl‘hniu‘:,(lmin ; BALM l.\' HIM-2m) uud Fl: '0 rod l‘rndlfl, Wheelbuqmé, Crmv- over the film: and gm lur, Ma taillul‘ick. Shovels, Poet-Honing .\l’n- ‘ prmsing thclmnd up m rhim- \r ll) Angvn. lllnélinz Tuuls, Gyms-cut cured. In cfin-mc {lat Saw, A e. Mnuls and “Hines. lit-q‘lilu-s, llalln, un‘l un‘r-r [11" ll Fork, 1 .11“ ‘Shovcls, &c., 111:. Whl‘pt. ”ah llcmhx'lm. lmllw the 'l-nl and Dam, gi'the bushel; l’usls amt lela: nrh‘c: nn-ltlkr- hum I-n} Tabl'es, 1b lrflflltuh‘z Building, Culpct ug, Hui nlmnblkrot \mlcr, : ("-1 rerun, (' pbpuhl, Stove null Ripe, Cup] or k0t~! Furcroup nml .\‘n l‘ lle, and a huge vurwt) of other “nil lpa, Loo ' lhigty drops inm‘mnll' nl muero s w inn-u. ‘ . ; ctharm water: hm v ql “gy- lq _to cmnnlcnpcint. 9 o‘clnv‘li. .\. .\l., I him] on n flannel. l‘ukr on said day, w’hén utendmncu “ill u giluniNenmlgin, LGno line and temps mad; known by , { Balm in Gilead; nud Eli . . Husny memuxgur. I For Hum mi). one my 2 (1.861. '3 1 .lwb of )Hllur and Hr: *~” ‘ "'5 y ‘ ".'—' fl“ ' fl '7‘ l lhclngu'n with the sun iNQW‘prmg Goods. 1.“, to my am 1 PICK XU‘llns 0n hnml a new luv. 0, Spring; bowels und apply ml ‘0 'ERUUA'PS u! \vnr prices, .. A ‘ the slnnllcr du>c is till I? ()YERFUATS at. war prices, for adults; \‘nry ncu ' DIL4SS COATS, . ‘. stances. . r'SS SOATS, ’‘ _ ‘ Colbert‘s Balm in [SPRING PANTA LOOKS. ‘ [Jen's ILIlm 'in Gilen: l lI‘I’ANTAIA'NHS at panic fvricm, l Those who have i 1," lsrmxa VESTS. l * .110! he without it. ’ »I . > VESTS,VESTS,VESTS, l Agents wuuu-«l. El Lingbrnwcrs,Sto«~king<,sm~ke,llloycs. I C. L :ical‘ lustrnxuunts. Acwrdqonsg. Flule~‘. l No. 123 5. Fourth “'1 )tinhh, Ma. Ma. km, min}; $01!! very N. ll‘. Orders standby L‘ull ’in and look and yuu‘ calf! help , the L'niLcdSLnu-s at lhc ' V 1313): 59311;; hApril 39! ml. all: ' ‘ Old Muske .1 I lto.lllC liminhcrs :rm}, ('l, = HO 11:- “ IIC- Vnrl,‘ appoint l lur HIL- I. and 1 \ cuum was 1:1,1 gnors to dersigne having - ;n prupc , iI I wing Imake “ m . m § mm. Au“: 'S‘ ESTAfl‘l-I.— v-u the 9.4:th ol' Sit-fly 30““Iihip, en grunlcd ”x hh-crlzuldfiown- ‘ all yeréo s in-' immediate; pay. '¥.lifl§tt}ll}sBme. flawed ft r cc).- S MAS}, ‘ .4 m’r. ‘ {TR—Lethe“ of :m of J'Pscph nshipkfigdnmi lgnm‘tcd tfo the u townshi‘r, he I a indebtpd to . pnymen‘t, Lang] muc tq prQe em. ,' settlement. : LER, Adry‘r. spmx ‘uu UnderS Also, .\i 1 Fires, \1 bii ing E übsaiber lms lonsed one of the LIME K I N 8 of'Mr. SamuclSm-eriuger. LnCono— wage to 'mbipyaud will lwre.xflcr carat on said businas ut said KilnLimiiing' :1 pnrtiop of the pnlrmm '9 ohm 1m blic. HiS'prit <~< an; 9 cents per bust] cash, and 0} cents on credit. First rate L'm Stone qud firatffltc Limo. ‘ ‘ 3 , JUIIN BBHRMAN. April 2,1861. (it ~ A :the‘ ‘ ‘34.?! '~] {3' fine ‘ {Jenna's : than 1:" ii 1 1W Attention ! . ‘ i . ‘ . _ " , C en mum 34h cvu- P-MI-hrd. ,sow READY. ‘ . Baxter’s ; .UNTEEB’S MANUAL. mmu'm', - - - ---~ IeME Lime! Lime ! ME l Privaéo Sale ' 13a; urnore Adjf’llgfi. l" A FURL—Tim hularnhl-r, Aniguou‘of "' W V m ’ ‘ fl '7}. ‘f-‘. 0 Juan l-Zrnzlmmi nml Wm, "Wt-r 4 :1 Howard Straet .‘l —' ‘Mvm ”Maw”: mm; m ml mama”, G.\nl-m_ smug—.\. u muffin, J: Hitualle pm-tly‘in Frzlhklln and fun-Hy m (lum- Nfi- 5!“ 37}. “'OWIIM SL, 5 “a («omm berlnml “wushjpg, (“Luna ”Jumbo" '1”. mml ul Homml .t .\larmn Nru-H, Bullmmrc. beading hum Getlphlxrg to Mummnslumg,: WNHW .\NIJ CHEAP (‘ARF‘E'I’ “NYSE. ‘nhout one mile hum [he lulu-r place. mm‘ In) W" “um mM” ,\ Hm”, "”11"” ‘ , 'Fnrm contains Hi! WEN-ZS nml 4 PERPRES.4 ' 11H.“ m, H, m“ Howard Sufi-UM! .‘fln'rr, m-nt measure. impnm'ud with n Tun—Hmry (‘.\l{l'l§’l‘b_ ”lb (‘l.UTll.\', MATTUSEE’ kt, [Double LOG HOUSE, Log llnrn, g” ’- .kr—Wu would Imm unen'iéfi‘m 31w lwith Sheds ntmcheflfllnrae Stn- x‘ : _ hh'fik nl'(‘.|rprung:, Ui'l Cloths. Mmfingm-Rg Men, m-w Spring 'Huuiiv, W?” of .7. .’ ~ Unnwle, ,Tnlrle Uil ('Mhu, .10., kc; all M Wflh‘r nt'tho'dnor, 3mg 11 You" » - -" "{s}. \\’lm h we are determined 10 null nL'Ju-‘wl-y Orrin-rd. ‘The lluxd ’is l"- goml qunlily, lit-lug lawn-t Hull yrlrvl. l ‘ . ‘ 4 the yellow wand. ‘ ; M“.\ny “idling 4.0 buy 150 ml: in uau' liltl Pvnon! Wilhirrg‘d ViQW the prnpony are re- mu hug] it to ghrk ndvnningo w u‘mfififlmfir qucnlod 10 call on Jpwjv Erkeurmlr, rrlillingH~tmk luluru pun'lms‘ing ulnrwlu-r'mhfllouéi (hereon, or an tlu- A# 1} shurg. Z.\l . April 8, 1861. If I ‘ , A Ready 5 M ' ’ ‘ r'l', IeOJNU m I Zeus; Ink!) m vup m h. ' _l‘q., with n ulrtrrm nu ilhurkct pri: rs for all in Him! u; suppliml “itn' 'ull kimh. HINM‘EIHH“. iLL'mnan, cu \L.mn “i ,Inu- {of llll‘ill“>~" >hll \ ‘Llh‘fiiorv'lfih. (".1113 m 1 'pricusl bclurv pun hugiug ‘ ‘ nu:tll.,;ml l .K{)ril23,lt£b'l.' til I . Merchan" (‘1 EURIH-I .-x mm; , J Lhocily wuhu It ,w hll’h ImS‘c uli prov (- v comidm‘tiblc incl-mm 'cum'luqivqlb, that; w ‘nmnher. “In: stark ‘ [msrl‘rl in qlmlily mull We in: coul'xdcm. we ._ R m) L..l;‘) (m 1‘ Aprills, 15:1. tf‘ I -__...,.~.-#_,. _ . i slooo] {LL m; 9.th I‘V, THAT WII. 'lillJJf I.\' (11/[IL] ‘NESS T 0 TIH'. .\‘ux‘s u"; ITH !~l‘or thy quiLki nchv, Hhflunmfi-m, Kr buck or stmn‘uch. l' i'rnsml FH'I Ur lI'I Shrui'n, liruiww, Di nil ~timilnr complaint Tontlwrhc curod li} curt-d ip Ime luinuuul 3 ALL persons thrmxgl ,I ‘havmg in theirjpufiy .unua, either Husker; or; Hmcn‘u to return them il‘ Idersigned, uCUeltynhurg. ireturned in a reasonablf {M the military luwgfif Kl. 1 vide win be taken tu geg ithiu days not apply to a. I of organized wmpnuics.‘ mix 22, 1301 MI _mmu vtwlnlmg in (fig- pm kw! Mr country trade and dLlucru{ Tm: of .\RLH'I .\n'wm. a» t-Imrgo. A. u. umvm'l‘ll .1: wx. __' , “Jaipur, .\I my n.l- Ci, (hmrrn'n, G. Sufi-mum! Gmrmn ‘ ‘ ' ' Nu. 37 .\. ‘Hugnfil 51., S. W. (fur. ufllhwmd ‘ z '& Manon Stu-cm. ‘ J - ‘ ' ‘ April 8, 1661. hw s ‘ F ; _ ‘ . —. ’ ——v: ‘ ~{‘. E I K I. D [a Union! \'.}.\' bus lcmc Ln QEIHI 186 L ’ 186 L 1361. ; 111-‘11.:lltlit‘::1::lxl\tr¢ml:tl“w:: ‘ \IU’IITS, OH. CLUTHS‘ .\Nn )TAII'TISGfi, of l'lniuécl-ulinx‘ finl ' Cr] “”3? NEW “{IHK AU'rl".‘\:‘l'_7““rl“m \\l) Sl'l.h\!hll) .‘S‘ [mm L". min-l up. (D2l ('lutllsl'rlnn 1.”) ”Inhjllp; I‘. Adm-Lynx” .Hmu év‘cr' Whm- nnd (‘hrvkml Muymg, nH \Vldlhflelu’Lch “I. ”I“, ,' I - I In“ Ilh vi; ("7: Old annz'ng: "r‘n":"""1lg3'l‘lllhii ”a; m th M nuilii'lw”,humuhrrh.Rlt.>,l)g.()..:\|.\lnfn!‘q ... Juana-1.1.0}. fwd"? S'I‘HH mm :11 x‘nlnrl-d [uh-$5; mu gnu;— 'e‘lcutccl Um nru’ 9“" I‘I‘ITS ohfur uwu Illqul'nE\\llA'l]l-?)ll:'llli‘;l {Nullq \lxsniwin‘mnmén “ “‘l' 5"T“"“"" I r'm‘F‘H' W “Hf" ( ‘ ‘ our tln‘nlL will I‘m! ' ‘ ‘ lb Louugufn 5:11:42!" A, 1 l Lk. whzlh i.~ cuupo-Io 4:1??? “Irr'tfixt Huwilrd M | .ngmro. ‘ :H‘E‘ sun-we (.\u nm-r‘; “‘1” ‘‘l ‘ '2 , ‘ .L ll_i I 1' 31313; lgjggr'k'gjfygj-j. , lA. Ma-‘Lhwi a; («Imm 3.. 'l‘ I .‘” Minn)“ m; hm‘ld “QM-Imm; : mm m:'\\.\l:ll.lct,~(~\!s \‘ns‘. 'l'“ 1".) I‘XIHiRHUHI L“ 23.1‘ul '_'T 5} (‘r.l_\" klllrvl. li'lkvimuw, hurt (Wu-{s3‘ our mm“; H I"? cue TL" mu-nrhugwrnm (nu m l‘lmeril k [:1 “its." \'u \lruulEAr sq.‘-.—lhv Lll‘xOSt outnhlishmvm 01 1110, “PI!!! iIIMM ' : Pain”. Alwu; suh hand a bugle nwnnrheni M. .4 g ‘l' HIM SI'ZHUIJ) .\‘NU HFFIt'EFIJINH'UIIS,OI”. f": I‘mzzzfgurfin‘rfigfz ‘l'hl‘m iug Bung" |~.l-h'tgilvu'uln“Hulls-m|*l3s?l\"nxiul-JII indulm-ttln;[iupu lli ”_x rokuu, .“JIH'QFM’S ol iiual..”|_):»gtuu In]: 11-nn-T illP!)ll"l. .‘.|~og;ln‘g-§a , (‘rumls an I Mun l'fivux.nn:_r-,.<‘...A \l,a,,)iunl;.llf,u,,f ‘xl ("am-3. “ans ol' (“nor-V ’leL'hpld‘gjulll‘ga”, .LI- h'u‘mg ‘nnnx puru n c! “.mehq filling}, 4.!!!411 " “lip" .-~. .= I'. 'u!‘ in .. ,'.l.i~|.'.'.&.+zehuxrulAu HA WEI; dull up Hound; In the lfo'sl 'umunu: {and 1m “lug Lnblt: pl‘u I‘~. » [ll5lll 1.1. Raul. :L «E 61. Latest News. 1831; ' [ST n: w:- m‘ré going to [lrv-14 “é rL-w-n'r-I n dl'fipxflllll [hut R. F. )lcllllllfl Y wlmg ' curd“; cgmpleto nuoruuem. qt‘ HATS! .LVI PS, ”winding the latest. fullJljlm Sill“, ve:,'bloltch, Custimere and. WOOl Hub};— T 5 for Spring and Summer, of hunnflnl 'lv‘a, embnu'ing ermv, Legluprn nnxl l'nnzmm. ya’ and lnfnnu’ plain and 'lrma' “.I“an p«, which lot hulking” (thing!) .Ijl‘sllqm'lflf KPH?! nn) thing: 01 {Helrxiud ever “Hm vlinthis «e—nll of which y'all be sold at nut-nuwidg tlow priw‘s for uhh. Alli), MHUTS»(ASI; {UM-ZS] im Incliug a fine asmrtznunt of “miles" brrocco Bouts, ltmkins. (huh-u and n‘li'pp ~rt. “TENS AND fiLll'l’luflS AT YQGEN'ILS PH]! #lll. All in Want 0! goons in my hho 9’ll pectfnlly invited to “he we u call. _ . I.Come one! Come all! . _' mud give me a friendly cnll, ‘ . -;~ _ 4 War :11 goods will b: sold m. unheard. nipping, 3TO overcome Inqunloukcd lur Grail. ; x ', mprn 22,1801 ' ‘()fl .\.\'=‘)' ,MEDN‘INH XXVI'II. CIJIIIHC/{TT‘S ’ Hum” A\D ”Al‘l‘l ‘ Al humus nr ‘Art‘mv l'L' ul ”smug-he, Tun!!!- »EJIA: l’niniu t'lrsitgn, ' {alic'nr (Emmy; um. Frh'sh Furs, aux, .\‘oré 'l‘hrmu; Illhl rr - > \ Il'nn (DLHERT k (10.; . fl trm t, :l’hilmlvlphivr rUSING flymsmn‘fi Li'Tquhnrlir amnh it i of ,lhn mnth .'HYm lml‘, ‘m- fJ‘t-I‘ ; mpg-:1! lit Hm ~ “0! (“utmn “ml .410 NIH) and ‘gjxmt I 70; jph-i :mdxfi'ffifih' In 1110 hughirw xlrnp: in hufl' V (Ht-11. . ' rnuthtnke frnm ,3” (0y I ingur or in mm “-11- ‘he thrbnt Yin-l) “my “MM-1“}. lHlvlthuhm. ‘Szlh‘b. hurt-Hl} wnh, un 'x‘nlly‘lnke intyrn :il;..'\|“ ‘ ‘1 I‘ullln‘m Uihm‘l .mn! ‘: M u mako a part", mun! For mm, take mm’ m int wager; bathe the.” lnxmlv. . In Hu- allure, Huh-cu, :unl't‘lc LII-gun 1 fig to ngg 21nd ciu-um- ' Ii I ’ifllf E- .2 in Mrmloza. 1:01.. m snth‘fiu-zion. ~ ' , .sed Balm‘la Gilead will I- mm a dreés ‘ .‘ 'uLHES‘!‘ #5 1‘0” "8‘ p. I’hiLulelpfiin, m. :3 h‘pre» to imy part of. <' hum-at uoiice. « :1 :1: Bpm . P; rout Adams county }; pessiou Cum-d sum-s, p fliiflés, are I'LL-ruby may )- nucdiaLL-X)’ to the lih- 7' 1f said arms are not 1; time, bugh mmsqreé he Gounuumnnllh pro _t them in. 91' cuurhc \rma'in the passessiun J OHN SCOTT, ‘ film/ad: [mpg-czar. i • ' i . . "M'wfiT‘ \ ‘ Pubho Nance. T— TAKK this method to inform the hall" ‘ that I have received from the cityofm - fllphin a FRESH STOCK o}}: 6001135“?- mining all at me tram-4n. stglcs of . ; :3, ‘1 . 5 LSDIES' DRESS GOODS. i SHAWLS, ‘ I GLUAKING ULOTHS, GLOVES, ( HUSIER","= BOSflETS, 5 ; ~ - munuxs, _a .. ' ‘ \ lI.\NDK'EB,I 341 w” nsufineuwrlmehtnl ‘ L ‘y. I’EIIFUMERY AND l-‘ASCY SOAPS, ;,~~1 id Tact. everything mm is usually fuundLh‘ d st'ock of Dry and¢ Funcy Hoods; ~ ... _ ! FUR Tm: ÜBNTLEMEN. a. g ._ arm as complete a Hturk of ULfl’l‘HS, CASS!- MRI-IS, Gum»; Sl'l'l‘AmA‘l FM} Home: WEAR. :15 wen us mums, STOCK/MB9 HAMIKERCIIIEFS, Nari 11533“ng DERS, Snafu was ever brought. to Geltvuhugg .-Apnllfl, 19m.- J. L. 501 mm- Removal. WATCH 1; PLUM REPAIRING.-LOUIS I ZHITLER has rcmmcd his Wl32i "3' Clock linking Eatxxhlhhmmrt to South Bfl- ’ limnre street, two doors’ north of‘ 959“ th prglcr'i More, where he will he 6M ”49. Lulvc a continuance of the paLwnnge of 310‘ public. By; close attention to husifiue, loud \wirk, and model-Me charges“, he hopes to s7} gengrnl ezttistnctirn, ns heretofore. ‘ ‘‘4 » Qeztysbutg, 4pm 8, l§6L ~‘, ~ 1 W":- i s: ‘ _ - . .1-.u'- ~.’ 1..! - ~ axe-mu mum-mom unaphz' 3 Mommas" of—Gafls‘w ml ~ 00 ; hint! niiimthm.» - i [any ■ ■ liEl a 2i.