.. .: = 'ng11”: ifi’tfim, ' ‘ Pmmgwm exam. . ~ J. J. Hen-on, ,* TTOBNEY AND GOUNsnLlon AT LAW. . ——o@ce on‘Hultimorg sen-Q, nearly oppo- UF myhcsBmlhmlmn§ "Gen shim, Ict. 4,18”. «1:4 ' ‘ < , ~ .9. McCanauglgy, TTORSETAT LAW, ' ‘ ' o! Buohler'l drug .1 / «u bin; atria-L) Anon: . inns up Pun-monk _ nun! thk‘lpny mapéh 99th“ clnijms ngninu the , 'lngton. D'.C.; IlaoAmetk 34 nd Wn‘rmmslocuted ll figflnut price: given. .\. ‘ ‘3.“ng warrants in low: Vastcrn 3mm. ”Aim 3? 1w Inter. - ‘ Gatfibuig, 80v. 21, ” . , .r. c. N: 0 "012 st AT LAW. ' tidns and all ogb}: ii‘qn‘e ,wifl: promfnném nomdr ohlle Diamond,‘(l _‘Wm. B. KIT/Ml n, Esq.) “ Gettysgg'fg, Ipril H, ' Wm. 13. M 4 \ TTORNE); AT LAW. __’Adle street, one.d6< . our! Hour.' A' \. _Gertysburg. Nov. ‘l4, y‘ h‘J-Luf “—1” -‘ i 5 z - A. J. $057913 noun-:2? AT LAW. y'nn pr ~_ A to Collections Indian other] Eruncd to,him. Office ibelwcen ‘ snd Damper & chglcr's Stores, Bu! petty-burg, Pu. A - A J [Se] f TTORNEY AT LA\V,.—f—Oflice A wen cornerofCenfte Squat '4!!- ..4 i, [UCLZ Edward B} 3116 TTOILNEY AT LAW, .will 3' ‘ -prampL‘ly mend tojnll bnain. IQ (inn. fl: speaks the‘ German plflzq at the same pure] in Sout. ,irgei. hen’r Forhey’s drilé store, oppouite Dunner & Zing} rgs stare " LGuNysburg, March 21011 ‘ i J. Lawrence Hlll, u .-:‘D. - . AS his otficc'yone ‘ . $ll door west oflhe ‘% ‘13.." 14b emu church in ‘ ' . ‘ . ”plumbershnrg street, and opposie Picki‘flg‘! gutbre, whcré thase-Mshihg to hnv any Dentg‘ pclgrminn perturmed urerespecfifn i; invited to f:l 1. REFERENCES: Drs. Homer Rev. (2. P. . math, I): D., llcv.‘ 11. Li L'nugher I). D., Rev. ro‘f’. M. Jnmbs,l’rof'.M.“L. Stceve . ‘ Gbczysbnrg, April 11,713. ‘ , - Adam§ Count '5 UTHAL FIRE INSURANQEfl BI Incorporated Mare}: 18', 185 v." " '5 mmc'u. ‘ 5 Praideug—rfleorge Swgpe. g . Vtu PrurdegnL—a'. R. Ryuell. ; fie:rel¢ry—~D.A.Buehlqr. r i -I'mrwrer——Duvid,M‘.Cr9firy.l~s fiz‘eculwe Cumming—Robert .310 I 5: Eng, Andrew lleintzehnnn. 5 Jlana'ycn—Gco‘rgo Swoye, U. L 55 pO6 (King, AlHeivntzrlma , R; .\l' 5 A.‘ Marshall, SJFthnestoci. Wm. I Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelfierge‘r. ' 31 Jahp \Volfogd, u. A. Picking, Ab} Johnfl‘lorncr; R. G. .\lchp’aty. S. L 5 -M'Crenry, Andrew Polle‘ , John ‘3‘ W - 5' 1 ’fi'l‘hiiipompnny i 4 limited 5 liQns’ to the ga'qmy of Adams. I 1 'auccessful operation‘for,more th“i [mi in that period has paid all! ’5: . cm’camil/w‘ut druyfiugumint, h’nvin i fulplum‘cnpiml in the Treasury 1l pm‘uyjrnpluya no AgentQ—nll b 5i fione by an; Managers. who are : s‘. ed’by lhe.'Stockhold rs‘ sA‘ny pa 3! nfilnwrnnce can plyslo any‘ pained .\lanazers for rriler info; ‘i am36"l‘he, Executive-Cowman: ,' 6 re cram-Company“ om thelu fin every month, aIZ, P 3311 2 Suit. 27, 1858. E 1.; , gun a; Work 1‘ ‘ ’ O‘Acnmmm AND BLAC C —-The undgrsigned respect. . his friends And ‘he public that " x the Coachmnkfng and Blacksmith in every brunch ‘at his est' blishm‘ bershnrg nrvet. He ha: on b ‘ntnnfscmre to order allklnds of‘ mamas, SLEIGHS,§n ingfiwn pat pest miterial, and mn’ _e by u p‘ln.‘ 'tfl‘RnAmmo an 13an * Ml kinds dbne “.msondble rn and to the sngi‘sfaction oflcnst‘om 4 .douxmv Pnnuucs 'Lnkon’Lin york‘atrmarkegprice; 4] . fl‘f’crsous desirin Amid-s 1 Conchnhkiug or .Blncfisuiithiug fiperflully hunter] (’0 on]! , n ‘ ‘ W JOHN L‘. HDL‘ Gettysburg. Jan. 24, 's9‘ .3- Mgrble Yard Rem HE subscriber haviflg emovc T bysincst tq,Enst%Yn‘orl§ stree “neg below St? Jamfis‘ Church, wd fajita public that he is still prepn: all inch or work in his fline, sf fimeqm, Headstones, kc", hub! 2‘ style find finish,'=with and ' In! kg to suit purchasers, I'l6 gmcs. lferfi‘ons desirinl wil) fiqg is (decided adva: yogi} uud pficqs béfore pm Genxgburg, finch 21, 1 1 ‘ ‘ . & ~ :Prqclama HEREAS the Hon. , ,‘f President of I.l)e‘sei mon Pigs in the Counties 'a»l‘ldJstibe of th airliner, (ind General Jai‘ pf all capital‘nnd other Idistricbsnd Dnm 21:01." .5 )lA‘,’Esqa., Jng'es of the'Coun Pleui, and ,Justicas of the3ooum Terminer, find General I‘ll Deli pial’of all :3:me and other 0 guilty of A sins—have itsuegl caring data» the, 25th doylof 4J3 firem- 9f our Lord pug thoulgnd finj-ning, ud’ to me direcmd, toph bfgmmnon Flea, and General Qu _ot‘ih‘e Peace, and General Jail Oglhtof Oyer and Terminej, at Film], the Ith: dgy of fril rd. S HEREBY Gamma all the J? Peace. the Coroner qnd CJnstab said County of Adams, chit the; the‘i‘é in ,thuir proper persons,‘ylt SRotzqrds, Inquisitions, Exmziinatig “Sawfly-inc”. to do thone.thing§; 9 Ice; mm in that. béhztlf a ‘perlai mad Ilse, they whq will {nascent lpflsonm that are or then shall lye gho anialycounty of 'Adamsyare cc were ta prgsecupe against them,” '- , ~ slums}, WV [herifi‘q 05cc, Gettysburg} j’lhr: 18, IBM. to . 7: . \‘= r: Photograph : N ITS BRANCHE? ex utediin the I beat style known in he a 2.. mO. 0, p Yfl's GALLERY, 532 Arch ueetfiEut of _ sixth, Ph‘iludolpbii. LIFE SIZ in Oil and Pug}, w;e>scop§c£ortnih,t WWW/MD“ " ’penbth, for Gun, He} mono, Pins, firm.“- [sent mb; 1; . __ . , » ~ ‘u , Tho Boduggezf. : HIS wonderful srtigls, justé pnceqted, is ’ 90“,;chng entirely new, and’nev'er‘ before p red 90 “gnu, who age wanted evarfivhere. Pull pnficulnrs sent freq. éd-l‘r'ss ’ ‘ SHAW & (51.4%, Bxddetna, game: ,fluch 4, $B6l. I)" 7, ‘1 I 1.: ‘ 1 Henry Hughes, ‘ ~ - ALDDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. Gum’- gng, 94., hnvxng just vretgrnid fruni 3 vigit gut: Great Eastern, is nqw nu“ plied with. a ‘ ulqrtmontof Saddlea,a “1,1,3“. ‘ ‘ cg. ‘uinmsull. . ' ’ ‘ £§-13,.10°.°: ' a f-‘ - Ayer’s Gatharttc Pills. RE yon-nick, feeblr A and compiuining'f . re you out a! order, wi your lyuem denuged,n your {en-ling! uncumform ble 1": Then symptoms If o‘flenxlhepreluo to leriol Hlncu. Some fit of-slc] hell i: crecp'm; upon you and Ihould be averted I I timely use of the rig! i’gmedy. TakeAyer'tPill indplelme out the dim: dercd human—purify 1} blood, nnd m the fluil ’move on unobstructed health-gain. Theylu'ml lute‘fihe functions of t] _body into vigorous acti' Ly, purifly fie system ifrol the obstruction: whid‘h I settle: somewhere in tllL if ‘ .1 fl “nub. T’ m natural functinul 'bcse, if not relieved, 4;” the public will rep, 41h“, when they wish ,l‘cip: upon themselves and the aurrounding'or- . “any“ taken, that lthfi Exceuiop Sky-light ”sans. producinz'gmml‘ummion.sulferinz.'Ghueryi: ne-lr them, midtlm picturespude "and disease. “'hlle'vlin this conditiafl’mipprese- [Here gm glwgy! eq 3] find often gupenigr to ed by ”“9 derangeme’hu. 1““! A)?” Hills, ”.“d7 “1050 made in ldrge cti . In no inlmncé d 5 age how directly I|:ch rqntoruhevnnluralnctionl[Hey insist upona '3l w u they fail to pléase. ofrtbe system. am? with it.lhe:huoyunl fecling| ‘The "Excelsior" is ‘ihr ys free to thepublic, ,‘ ”"31”! “Rain. What is trueMnd so :11 arentinad every one in c'orflia y invited to pnniu g'in this lriVißl Ind common ct‘mplujn ,é’. also; vi it. when they willihn e um opportuni? to ’lrue In many of the dew-scaled and din erous 1 d cidn of the justnesxf e patronage an in ‘distemrersz The annlé purgalire efl‘e tfexpels , c asingxeputation ic itenjoys. ‘ zh'em. Cq Bed by si i'lxu- _o‘uetructio 7nd de-I - Ladies will fin leery convenienge fox mngemenlr of the [annual mnction {of theqb arrangement of :11 it uilet. ‘ body,lhey are » ~3dl'pl,‘lnil —-~-- vr thin» l ~ , , A i ...c [l‘m ‘ ..‘they are rapidl' ,‘li many 0L .Iqu sure-. Iy, cured b?- the anmqmeuns. iNone w‘hpknowt the virtucs‘uf these Pi ls, will nhglect to employ: them when aufi'eringx mm thc'gdisordefii they c‘qrc. " z” _ i 3 4 Stntemcpts fromvleiding phy‘sjcitms‘iq some " r of‘ the principal citi‘ , andufroin otfiel: well _t kmm'n rmhliv ver:nnsJ,. 3 ~-" 1‘ ‘1»; lis Mom - poi-cum, Ilerchénto! 5: now. n 54, 2555. . Dr. Agar: flour t’ills are the pamgott Mall! 2 that‘is great. in medicine. Theyxhavézcured' ‘ int-,littlu dunghtvr nfrhlcerous‘tores ufi ’3l her]‘ finbds and {vet that l d proved incurdllle for rank pears. lh-r mothfhts been long grfnl‘onsly k” afflicted with bloiclw‘x {and pimj'alcs on For skip" Cl' and! in her hair. Aft rour Eliild “-as,i:ureil.: she also tried your I’i 5, Mid they have‘lcurcd' her. , 3 ; Ash Hohouibqs. AR .-\ F.i‘\l[ll.Y PHYSIC.‘ II: x ‘ ‘ ggmm Dr. H W Cartwright.“ w Orlgxnl‘ul l 7 Your l’illu arl- [bu priucc’ o;purgs.3'lheir cxécllcnt qunlilies’surpass any cutlmfi‘ic we pfiesflg‘They are mild, but \jery ccrldln‘nnd etficiual in their action on the bnwe a‘yhich mailed: them invnluublc to us inlthe d- lgltreat lnent nt'gliwuse. ~ , V ‘ _ HEADACHE, SICK. HEADACHE, prL ‘ » erratum” ; v; - ’ 'rom Dr. Edi-I’d “03¢, Bulllmoro. L, . Denr llru. Ayer: ljcuntiot nhswer‘you whnt complaints I hme tuned with ybur Pillslhettcr than to say all that. we ew‘r trc ‘l. within purgn. tire medicine. I place great dqpendengeion an cflectnal cathartic, inimyx daily contest with ‘diieaau, nnd bgliyi‘ing.‘ as I dotthnt goth _l’ills Afford us 'fiie'bcst we‘lmre, I f coursélvnlue them highly. _l L l}: ‘ .I’ltteh‘org. Pm. May I, I‘BES.‘ ‘Dr: J. ('9. Ayor—Sfirh' I have bceu'reyiknted ' ly cured oftlm wurdt liendnche any body can hnvelliy a dose or two. {your ills. Itéfifl‘l'lls to arise lrom n (on! stqmgwh, ‘ I Ch they dlennse .uv. onfi'e. Yours with g‘reht res ect, . ‘ ' ' En. W. Paran, f‘lfk of Summer Clarion. ‘ BILIOUS DISUItDERS—LIVER‘K‘O“PLAJNTS. 1 Iron: Dr. Theodore By", a! limit York City‘.‘ «Noi only are your l’lilstldlnltmblfi ndafited to “their purpose B‘3 an ushericnl, hull fintl} their bCQCfiCiulfit-flt‘clfi upomthe Live} very ilnrked indeed. her bare in mmirnctice prov d‘mtire effevtunl fur the min: ufl bilious eom'pluiij‘ than any one remedy 1 can mention. l l‘sincerely re joice that we have at léngth a purgativ IWhich is worthy the coufifinée of the profesuxn and the people. . L -‘ ~ ‘ ' mpfly attend bmipcas en- Li alinestot'ks' f; imure angel, 51.5, 1829. n the NorthL Gelfiyabm‘g, '1859. tf 61:1 r _ lleully‘nnd ss eulfun‘ed lunguaze.—»— ‘ Ballimqra -d nearly “PART.— urdy‘ Jacob " uehler, Ja nrdy, Tho's. . McClellan. die! Ram, 11‘. \Vrighl, . Russell. D. cking, J. R. -7 ‘ Department 0? this! Interiht, ' . Washington. D. ~ 7th de. 1856; ‘} Sir: I hue used y ur Pillgt§n my keneml‘ and hospital practice c ‘cr since you made them, and «not hesitate t any they are the best cathartic w‘e employ. A heir tegnlnting action on the 1‘“ er it qnit-k a d decider; consequently they are an admit-ebb r medy- for; derangement! ofthnt orgnn. Indredfl have seldom found It ease of hilions djsense f 0 obstintfite that it. did not re.tdilyyicld t) thefin. Fraternnlly .w'hrs, ‘ . _ .ELONZO Butte, .\l. D., Physicia'n u the Mat-She I'lnspitnl. . DYSEXTERY. DlAltltltglA REt.\X,VVUIII.\XS. From Dr, J 9.0‘ thlChfiago. « Your Pills have had at. 10 g u‘inl 111 my grac tice, and I huld them it) esteem fps one oti the heat aptrie‘ptq I have eycr tound.‘ 'l§h'e Laban:- tivo elfect Jpon the lime? makeS'them an eitel lent remedy, when ghtcn in 'smnll dpsegi for biliuusflysentcry null d au‘rhozn. »; Théir.‘ sugar conting mnke: them _vet'iS' acceptable mid co - \‘cnient for the meat \_\"omen_nndAéldren.l l 1 DYSPEPNH. lhll’lil‘! T)‘ OF THE BLOOD. Prom lzev. J. Y. Ilium, I" r ofAdve‘nt Chute , Mann ‘nLtr. Ayer: l have us d .5 our Ppls “in: ‘ex trit'onlinary success in my tnmily'inndgnmong those [am called to visi jti distress. ,To regu late the organs of di estion and purity ‘the b_lood,.thcy ne‘tln very best remedyfl have ev'e‘r knbwn. nndl can qonfidently; recommend them to myjfriends. ant-s, ' J V. Iftuné. t its opera luu been in n s'ix years, ses and ex al’so Marge The Com iness being :u‘ally elect- Q}: deii‘ring f; the abovq «lion. ' ' eat; at the Wednesday i smmmg} 111-y infom!‘ :e cnhtinllel ing Musiflea's m. inéClmm-i , If n (I will' ARRFAGESJ ong,L&c.. of: : eriol work-., syxwwn né! \\'nrsn.w,.Wyoming cd., N. Y.. Qct. 24, ’55. Dear Sir: Inm using your cathartic Pills in my pmclice, andfiud them "an excellém purgative‘g clvnnse the system aim puriffi‘the fountains the bland. '‘ . ‘ l ‘ Jon: Gfirzmm, .\l. D. cossrmxflox, COSTIVENE ‘ “ smpnfins sum.mn~:l')m_'rr§m, 6mm EURALQIA, DRHPSR P \RALYSIS‘, FITS, .TC‘.. from Dr. J P. \‘nughn. Monirul,‘Cuud-. Too much cannoi be amt‘lrof ybur Pillstor the'curc ofcostiveness.: ”others of our , n u-rn'ny have found them as ~cljfirmcious a I haue, rheysh‘ouldjoiu m]! in proclaiming Jifor the benefit of the multitudes who siszer In that. complaint, which, although had enoug in itsell,is the progenitor of others thnt at: w; ' se. I believe costlvencss to :origlnale‘in t e Ii Ker, but your Pllls affect. I.IIM. organ and éurg the dimnse. - l i * FromMrl n. sum-t, Phylluin “a mam, t 4 . I final one or two large dosesmfwom AP 11!. taken at the proper time, are excellent prqéTO tires oflhe natural secretion when; whollj‘ or pattitfllf s‘uppresud, and also vary efl'ectunlg to cldnuac the‘ stomach and expel‘rwormp. They Mg aq‘much 11m best physio we have tlg'afi Ire cammnd nu other to my patients. ‘ - r Irdm tie Ber. Dr. lh'wku, or the Methodist Epll. Church. Pulalskl House, Savannah, 653;, Jan. 6, ’56. ; pfiomptly rs. L ;cha‘ ge for 4 war in the ling, re re- zwogm ‘5 his lace 5! i 0. sh rt dis lda nounce , ed' to Varnish ch nglMonug‘ cry yariety' of Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful {for the reliefyourskill hfilbronghtme if I did not repnrt. thy/case tofyolfitnA cold settled in y limbs end brought omfxcruciating neuralgia pains, which ended in chronic rheumatism.—4 Notwithstanding! ha¢‘thc_best of physicleps, the disetsc “73w worse and worse, uhtil by the' advice of your excellept. agenhiu Baliimpre, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Tbir effects were slow, but. sure. B} persevering in the use of th ,In nomenurely well. ~ - l Swag: Chmbcrfiatod Rouge, La... 5 Dec,’Ps. Dr. Ayer: ‘I have been entirely cured, by yt‘mr éillshof Railing; Gout—e pninful dis ease magma a '. ed a for years. . » é 4‘ of Opmmon of 0 er and lery, {'ol- the mderdin the heir» FN‘ECP‘, dam iii the g'ht hundred lding‘a Court net Sessions Delivfiy and extysburg, on ‘ t.——KOTICE stices' of the “dam: the be then and theii’ Rolls, -.l_, any other -hich no their - to be done, against the 12': theflnil of f be than nnd labs}! bejun. EU“; Wi' 1 qunxr SHDIL‘L, flies: of the Ping in markei éontnih Efr cury. which. althoughga \‘Alunhle remégygin awful hands. in' dangerous in sfpublic yin, from the dreadful consequences flint frequen ly l‘éllow it; incauzioul qse. Thes‘p contain no mer’cury or mineral angstnnce whagver. , ‘ ‘ Price. 36 cents per Box. or Him: for :1. Prepared by Dr. J. 6. ”ER h (20., have“, flux. ”Sold by A. D. B‘uehlen Gettysburg; P. Bobmi. Arendtsviue; Paxpop & McCreu-y, Fafrfield; P. A. Myers, New Chester-3&1. Sumter, Sc'flr’Oxford; E. Hileshew, York Springs; md deders generally. '5 ‘ ~ :» Sept. 3, 1360.~ lyeow ‘ V 3.\, " ’ ; 61. PICKING is NOW SShLmG 6 , OVERUOATS at. panic prices. , ({- OVERCOATS a: punk: pripu, ‘ , OWERCOATS l-t pgnic prices. DRESS COATS at paqic prices, A ‘ I DRESS COATS sq panic pricet. _ x: DRESS COATS at. pluic prim. PAN'EALOONS 'nt ps'niq gricel) f» ‘ . PANTALOOSS n pamc prices, it" PANTALOONS at. panic Pn‘ ‘ . VESTS of all kinds ntpanic prices, ‘ VESTS ofall kind. upnniq pficel, ' ' YESTS 0011 kinda übanic prigeg. Under-thins, Drawers; Socks, Gloyea, Com forts Gentlemen} Shawls, 3nd Gpnu' furniplal ing éqodg afei'ery uesuription. Also, Hula} Inim; nts—Accordeorgs, Flugcs, Fifea, 139-; tion}, $5., are" now being sold \‘ery‘ cheap, gad‘ at prlves to suit the time’s. \ 4 i gov 15 THE mu: TQI'BUY—CfLL 80.03;. . gen. 14,1861. ‘ . ‘ I SGLIBU “NF" CHEW-3.4 v‘m flat-{lr grid, Ion)?» In T.” f. 5:3! ”+3” B 4 I as» I ~‘ . . a “—"-———'——- r-r i~TU~—-—-——.——-——-— ! Tyson ‘ . others, I ROPRIF‘r’FORS obi}? I’CELSIOR SKY ” LIGHT GALLE Y, urvucnc. PL., uke pleasure in announcing tow!" public that “9] have removed tntfieirxfirlsn Exrxssiu Sty-Hour Gunny. locned on the South side of York meet. opposite the Bunk, Andpne door below their old stand, ‘ ' The building has beep erected under their immediate supervision, Ind neither puinl or expense has been sphréd in rendering their apartment: both comi'orpable ahd convguient. All we modern improrexpentg ha": been ndded to the working depnrimgnt, l 0 thin they now possess every facility. fomhe qr duétion offim class pictures. . ; l The first premillm‘lfas‘nwnr 6 them by the Mennllon Agricultural Faér forzhe best Ambro lypes and Photographs. . ~ x ’ Pictures of an the various styles, (includiaz Stereoscopic,) made #5 eretofore; all, work cxenute'd in the hon man er and guarnntied ‘lo gii‘bentire'sntisfutiorii heyhape theirfriendl _r,,4“ F . , t. is piYered to the Afflicted with the grentpat c 0 fidefice. 'h ‘ ' i ry i' and be convitv'e thnl‘it is invnlu'nhle in bhe sure-bf Brouciual affections. Price ’5O ch :per balm. , ' Prepared nnlylziy 1 ‘ ' DR. A. SE%WEIN k 00., i A ’ ' Drukgis s and Chi-mints. ‘ NW. Mr. Vinth & Popfur itsqj’munnwnu.‘ Sold bv every cspvct ible Drxigz'ghl and De ieriin .\ledicincs'tizroukhouu thé Stay. rik 2 1860. IV ‘ ’ '1 ‘ ‘ p 71,, ’ , , ' ,_‘{._..‘L_"‘."_._!_.Ll_. ;. «-, Norbecks 8: Martm ‘ ‘\ \AYEjus; receiver? fr the city teieinrgegt slot-k of GRUCER ES‘ they ave ever ‘ red to the public—Sn arn, Syn-hrs Coffee's, 3, Rice, Chegsn, Fish: dtfiSpicflc‘q m, Jmcing all varieties. a ll price. . the lowest. market will nfi'brd. A so Brooms, Bruqho'sy Notions; Tl‘ir. Oila, (LP-lies, kc.,‘in short, rything to he found inga first. class Grimm- Varirtf Store. 3‘ f ' ’ he Flour and Feed b Einess is continnpd h a steady increase. El‘he'highefl mar e: les paid and the figurine; prom: asked. he lic are inviteil to give 18 men“ and see or msclves. ,NURBEEK t MARTIN, . Corner of Bullimor and Iligh‘strceu. ny 21, 1860. 5 WI pri pu th, i ROSES.” A rich nndiclvgant colorifor (he heelu orlips. l'l‘ WI NUT WASHEOR RL" OFF, and when once applied, remhina durble for years. The tin is so rich and ‘nn tur.,thn’lhe clpscst scruti yfuila to deteflits age. .Qanlbe removpd by le on juice and 'will not njure the skin..l Thisis' new: prepnrhtion, use by the celebrated Cnu Bequties of Lion dob vnd‘l’aris. Mailed fre , in bottles, with due tions for mo, fnr 51,0 H NT’S “ COURT TUIL POWDER," im- P“ a. dazzling whiteness the complexian,i andlis unlike anything else used-for this link pom. Mailed free for 50 Ce (9. ‘ I HENT'S “ BRITISH BAl» I," remove-sign, In. (rec les,nunbum and all ext-lions ofthe Mail-d free for 50 Gems]; _ ' f H INT'S “IMPERIAL I" hair strengthens. and ‘imp‘ keen it from falling 03. an in: nu nun. cunt. J .\lnfle E HYNT'S “PEARL BEA i 291, and gangs, cleanses and Indian! thé gums, purifies tb 133, Human: we rum AF Ac". “filed free for 31 0d ; HUNT?S " BRIDAL WRE 1:11 PERFUME," i‘d’cm‘ble‘irexgmp! of ogange ransom: and co lbgue. Hailed free fwfil 0. This' exquisite perfume am: first. use yl. Princess goynl of England, on her marriage Messrs. Hunt 3 Co. presented the Princess with an elegant due of Perfumery, (in wide ql! of the shove ytiqlea‘were inciuded) in handsome cut gins! with gold atoppcra,vnlued at‘ 1500, particular: afwhich appeared in the pu ic prints. AH the above amok? sent. Free, by express. for $5 00. Cash can eitbe ucqmpan, the oirder, or he_ paid to the up ens agent on de livery of goods. - UNT‘t 00., Perfume - to the Queen. gent St, London, and 77 S mom’ BL, Phil-p delphid, Pa. - Q , ’ For Sale by all Drpkgilu upd Perhmen.‘ i ”The Trade SuEphed. {Oct 15, '6O. 1’ V Flour, Groceries, Bm. - HAVE consmntly .on banal, FLOUR, Corn and Buckwheat MEALS,§Bommony, Soup Bkeans, Dried Ffruit, an‘d Pickels; SUGARS, CDFFEES, Teas, Syrups, N. 0. Molasses, (new crpp, at 50 can}: per 3110;. tye very best kind fdr baking) English Cheese; und every other urticlo nanny kept in 3 Phi.“ and Grocery Store. Give me a call. Wl. GILLESPIE. “Gettysbprg Dec. 31 1860 “9111* N prices of plain and‘figéred French Me though-wool D‘elnihes in eatnnd medium nu‘lel, union Gnshmeres and Selaines in git-m, vfirietflsuin Traveys, P‘oil d 6 Shivers, and a. nice' lot’ofnuion Fluids. All the above will be I d.“ LQW PRICES T 0 5 ['l‘ THE TIRES. (‘ II loom: ‘ L. wax, ‘Mzwm: ‘ -‘ ~ ~ ''2 'suc 5.713021. ‘ i can. J. "sol, L ‘ Puoroqmgrunns. ( w . “11,—!ch V, ¢:. ‘ . ‘ , U , Dr. Ese- "gm’s .m AXD’ woon Jxarrm : K , _ j manna, he best Medicine it, théwnrld for flu: Cum: bf , Coughs and Colds, («‘7 bup. Brunchitis, ’ Asthma, Difficlhlt} in Breathing, ‘ Palpitatinn bf he Heart, ‘ ‘ Diphhe in. “ ' ‘d for :he relief ofputiéuts in the ndvpu‘ced get: of '1 l . r ’ulumption, togXth r, 'ith all‘ Diseases 6f I the Throat. an CFO 3 nud-whichpre dispose togCosqmption.‘ ' _ J 1: peculiarly aduplul (b t}: ta‘dz'odl rurrafAuhmri. [wing/prepared by p ctiml Physic? In find v ggfst. and one of grcfi.‘ experiencq in the l e ofgvhe vnrmns died?!” to which the mi -3n frléme is linble.‘ i . ’ l t. . Booti , Shop. ORE NEW GOODS 'l‘ THE SIGN OF ll THE BIG BOOTH—4I‘ e undersigned luive i received a fresh sully of flats, Cabs, Its, Shoes, Trunks. Car at Bugs, kc. Also, ii a gnod supply of S- dles and‘flarndss‘, log, Cnllnrsrkv. . ; hec‘g and Boots of 75 liimls made to order ‘rsz-rnte woxlgmen an on short notice.— me-made workulwup o 1 hand. Prices low lrnsh. C BEAN 5; CCLI‘. .hv.19,1860. - A _ l ‘ Somethmi New GETTYSBL‘RG.—Thc;fndersigned inflomu Mic citiiéns oftho tow .and countyhth‘nflze lcommengcect the BAR '0 business, on 3 5e 504110.11] York street Gettysburg, ne rly site'WaulL-a’s Hotel. here he viill tr. to rvc, and hopes to recci e‘ nvlibeml patron- BgIR‘AD, ROLLS, RES. CRACKERS, TZ IS, ha, kin. baa" pvery dny, (Sun iexf‘cpfiéd.) all of the hst‘qn‘nlity. nnd mold 2 lowest living profits. Cracker-baking; in i 3 branches is largely (w tied on, and orders ‘ y nmount,'from this ‘ d adjoining conn- supplied at the 51101-14 ed a large and commodi red thq'hest workman ed machinery, he is 5' business VALE 1v 25,1859 1 Remov EW'SALOON.—GEO. ': removed his Oyls'ter 9:] did new Saloon i‘u Ja on the North side of Cl abé will at all'fimos b' as best. of OYSTERS, :3 inéh good article, be e I 1 share of public pa IP, CHICKEN, BEEF 3. ECXEXROD’F'nhns tablishxnen; to {the l-'hs a: Bro’s. Build : bgrsbnrg strut, [- grown-ed to fine ‘l. evé'ry style. 13y E pjcgts to receivje a on’ ge. TURTLE ‘ 'NiV’GUE. PIG'S FfIED EGGS. ICE n Lseison. ~A hice I. always be hnd.—: ‘l“ ECKENRODE. IT.’I‘RIPI~2,BOILED and mt. amps, ac” in m ‘. ofALE or LAGER on ‘e and try me. G. mm, 1860. , , Handsome '3 THE LADIES—HE, Great Reduction ' , Gettysburg ‘ ‘ 001' AND SHOE EMPORIIZM,;S. E. Cor. ner of Centre Squar‘p.--The public‘nre re :pectfull’y requested ,tu bear in mind that at thi- Stm'e mhy be found n.‘ large assortment of BOOTS ind SHOES, of the best material. The mbserlber, having just returned from Philademhia, where be selected with care und upon the best terms, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, his stock is no“ full ai‘d com plete and hg'flatters himself that he campleuue the moat fastidious. ’O." and examibe my stqck. Custom made Bojuts and Shoes “way! on hand. ‘ R. FHMCILHEXY. £13.22, 1860. ' , 1 HE undersigned respectfully informs HlO 1 ci‘izens of Gettysburg Ind tfhe public gen erally,¢hu he has opened a. new Tinning M tablishment. in Chambc ‘ burg hreet. directly opbosiu Christ. Church. Tile will manufacture, and keep constantly on wind, 2 ery Variety, of TIN-WARE, PRESSED nd J PANJ A“? Ind will than be readgto do REPAI IN . ROOFING and SPOUT N 0 nllao done n‘lbc beét manner. Prices moderate; and ad efl'ort split-ed to render full salisfactié . A. share of (.114 ynblic’s patronage is solicih d. ‘ : . A. 1?. amalgam .'Gettyslgurg, June 18, 1860. ll ‘ —_.—-;—+-———~-—-————~———~—4 «hr—d;— w 'l'. E;Cook&8 . AVE established a Depo at Maj. Jon! 1 Scott's, in Chambe sbur treat, Gettys burg. Fine thrihy‘F‘ruifi ndO amenml‘Trees and Plnnts,cucfully wins lame the‘refonnle. flCall and see the —suufnction war ranted. *' ' _ [Now 2, 1860.: t! * Hardware .2, TOREF—Thesuhscribe‘ S‘ussnrlment OfH’ARD“ at, their old esublishedl street. ' ' 1 They have just returnedl' an. ‘immense stock of G! par't, of 1 BUILDING MATERIA Scre‘ws, Hing”. Roi-ts. Lo ' - TOOLS, iucxufiing mg seripviou, Saws. I’lnnes, Cl' and Bits, Angers, Squared em“ etq. nucxsmrns will ! Rasps, files, Nurse-choc etc. witki‘tilem, very chen ~ QUAC 1 FINDINGS. au‘ Damask. Fringea, Couo Springs. Axles, Hobs, Sfi Poles. smug, etc. etc. ‘ SHOE y'FIXDISGS—T French .“Ol'OlJCO,Llnlnfl§, ' Rom-trees. etc., will: {l‘ g 4 Slnqenmkor's Toals. ’CIIIIINET—SIAKER‘S TJ Borllmont : nltn. \‘nrnish, 'IUL'SEKEEPEIRS mu. sor mont oTKnivea and F 0 andi Silver Plated Table :1 dlc ticks, Waiteré', Sllov irons. Enameled and Bras Buckets, Churnfi, Chrpelinj Also, :1 general assert! Rolled lßO.\', ofnll sizfl nu and Blister Sléel, whiclml as the cheapo“. l . , GRO<~'EIQES=—a full up genelr lassor'tment, such as Crushed, Pulre zed,[ Llrlficd, , and Brown Suppl-3, New Orleu 15, Wk: 1 Indies,l mid Sugrr-hnuse .\lnlasses :u'ld Syrups, Coffee, Spi es; Chocolate, fine, cours'r. a d dnh‘y Salt, Linficell, Fish and Spenp Oil Turpentine, Fisll. etc. b I , A Cull assortment of Lenld 3mg line, dry and in' oil. also Fxre—pronf Paints; li fact, almost. every Article in the ”unique, (5 he}: lj‘inllinz, Shoe Finding, Honsc-Kfiepinz. Blacksmith, Cnhlnel-mnkerg. Painters,‘nnd (I‘. near)" line—— all 3f which they are determine? 9 sell a“; low for (fail: as any house out bf l‘h' ‘ity. ‘ l . J EL n.» mxmn; - l D. vm- mum. l Grttysburg, Dec. 24, 18 0. ll 1 l Sowen, Barn' DORSEIJJZRS AVD North Third 51., Low ket,‘ *PulL.san.HilA..' im'il Tendhers. Booksellers and to their Very large Stock 0 lishéd in this nnd oth“ ' Misdr-Hnncpm and Amakl Stat qncry’gcnomll‘v. ' S. I ers f'mnu)‘ Pop'ulau War the lollowinrxz . 1 TlllB SERIES OF XORH.‘ (By Edward Brnoks, A. .\X emnqics in Pmmsylmnin S )Vlmyevcr helps the studen banansmto of his Mud)- Tgncl'er. am: as a pdwe him,Lwhi!e H releases the bar 1' making explanalio rfmi cessnry with a more p 3 Tl e series above named I but short time. and yet v: with at advertising or 1- amo nts to almost one hu‘ pieu. , Some of the‘r advan stat ,as follows: , I.lThey cdfitain more he aimi 2r series. ‘ l "t notice. [wing nus bake-hou‘ge and and the most jap prcpared u} do a TfNE‘ sum-i; , They exhibit I‘l numbe' Ilutians.‘ to problems t! ronfinca to Algebra. he Ignace: is nrmng thnn in others, and' rd for instruction. En suljal-ts or phrases, uced in lessons previn re fully explained, m? ong 'wilhout the neces. lesome explanations l 'cr. Vet; {cw clemen . New mades of Teach: ghout the series, nndj n 1 Arithgxetic.""curioa lms arelintrodnced, .dmntage in wakenjn arpeuing the (ocullie he keyiis not only w is Alsop complete tr ngsllenlal Arithmeti useful W the Teleher. everyday practical tic go Every one wh , if“: on y for flu: dull uqlverully admit! lmpérntive upon tew ethod of teaching it ' books are beentlfnll‘ papen and neatly nnc prices are as follows: 1 Primary Arithmetic, .3.....§ ....15, cents. lMenul Arithmetic,” ...........1325 ; 'L 0 Mental Arithmetio..." "...... ~'..25 ‘ _ “ l ery liberal deductio to T ncherq, Ind who buy in qnnntitl s. ‘ gle dbpied Teachen by “all, n recfixpt 0d ones I the above prices to re-pn peat|ge, ANDER'S SERIES 0 ‘ nnzpnns; ting of Primew, )2} centsuSpeller, 13 First Bender. 15 can ; Secohd, 30 cents; 40 cents: Fonnh, 6 cen ; Fiflh, 75 High School, 88 cents}; Yon g Lndlés, 88 nndESnnder‘s New Speake ,§l,00;’ ele— printed, beautifully illnstml‘ad. substan nnd, and sold at lower priées than eny erieu of Resdcrs‘. , ‘ WHITE’S COPY BOOKS; Kirk While, Presidedt or Pennsylvania erelal College. Th'cwlritlngfu beautiful \ple, pmtlcnl and only taught, the'sys ; ting founded on mammal habits and leg. Thejnle has becbme very large and ‘thro “Soc probl| wixb a and s, omen. 's u BLOOMIOF 'SIAD‘E," for he oven its grdmh, j is warranted‘fi'o - free for $1 oo.‘ 1. IFIER," {or‘the white!!! the teeth, |-. breagh effectual. ; Puvnfl room. those sqnt ‘ third Conai cent: ; Third cent: cents gantl ‘ tinny other By T‘ I Comml yet ai . tem b: Pfi9°i '1 us me dealer 'euing. They afl'ord [a liberial profit to I. E: J ‘ ‘ PELTON’S OUTLI§E 3min. Thi leciea of Six Supeyb ups in mowndopt ed in almost. every school} of nbte in the Uniqn where Geography is; ungln,_wd hu no e l. ; . " Pg SICAL GEOGRAPHY has been iptro-' duced pan the Hemispherq‘ Maps, all its d'e mils hpving been so arranged_ gs w_ pregent. A moat orgeoua appearance, while they do not interfe e with enchpthcr or 111: subjects usual ly shofi'n upon Maps, and um :59in nught and understood by Teacher and Pupil. ‘ Price $25 for full set of gix Maps, or $lO for net of Ru ispherq Maps plane. , ‘ 061.92, :860. 6111 3 .ASFIIONABLE BARBER, North-cut cor ? not of the Diamond, (non door to Mc .enm’a Hotei,) Gettysburg, P 3,, ‘where he can at all times be found ready to attend to all busineds in his line. He has also excelLeut u gimme; and mu ensure satisfaction. Give him a call. _ ‘ [Dec. 3, 1360. Ares SarsaparMa r ' Tinning ! Tinning ! Gr - sstill ARE; stand cery nve a splendid GROCER‘ES. in Banquet: ne Citirs wlit‘l consisting, in- lfromt 'oods s, rh as Nails‘ ss, em. etc. . of every de ougea, Brncei es, luminers, Tod] iselnil , Gun [and L ‘nvils. Vites, e-shoe .\Tuils, I HT il, 85‘ i . .3 n l'kcfsflt mpiéé 'uindifl qcm ; lath, Cairns, [-s Oil-cloth, 'elloes, Bgn‘a, } Brllsh Hand a, Pegs, L‘asts. I 4 sortment of ()L.‘ i nohe ; 150 5}.“ H.lll} ‘ Te} 51m 3 Keith: I a general n's tc.,.etc. ' . 7i 'Kllnrge as unuiLAlhata Spaona, Can {Tongs, Sad- I Pnus, Tn‘bs, etc. ' w E .et refit ' d kin lcr W‘ Forged and , Cnsl, Shear, sell as clhenp :s 8'; Pmfl. r Sirge C 0... ,‘ E SHER‘ 7 nhm‘j‘Mnfi- that {amnion ‘of Counky Merchants Sckobi Books,.pnh ‘ilififitpgefilerlyi’lh‘ lHnu 'ev‘, l'upuf' n‘ d . 4: (51:1 arequxfilin. s. suni Eg which age 14 ' I r ‘l. A I .nym: r‘sm , I’nifckborpf [nth 'ue . mnIS hoql. to a'r ono'L'G UN mus. sum 3’ his Im} sti nJunt upén reuche Tron: t 1; lu gs whi h won a fine >rf‘éctj ext. Book. . n 5 bu-n pubiishe’d thin in few In ntbfs, lfiingr’ the d any) fidrcdnousnn c - ages .ny be iicfiy 1:113; any - arit‘lmeti e here fore of 11‘ at hn ; pfiiloq‘oph': eforo bettér d [nor is the I figurésJJp 08c inwhiqh upil ii thus re‘quegt nn‘d part f t 9 -k5 ha this -. sag estéd [he ‘ eof I interfstiu qua. be- us re attehtio , school. f 'tle impottfi, '1 the art of [; filled with 1 “gas!" s-to N ’d the ; airy of" on this ry \vo mg a‘ : jundex‘f‘ ,us udV -hich .‘ ' l] (1‘ i offlx at its latisel ;, be“! i new! Ar .es or; pays ties of lite, -erefofe be- I-rnctige the [lnc a rccei mace ‘i It ‘l‘ en t? r pr' t. -l tgl I ‘ 2| rd on 'lthick Inll'y bpundp John W. ion, Gm as 4 Remedml Agent. HIS DELICIOUS TOXIC S’I‘iML'LANT. el- T pecially designed for the use of 1h; Medi cal Prqfeuion' and the Fundy, having superced ed the so-called “Gina.” ”Aromatic,” “Cordigl,” f‘Hédicnth/l “Schnappag” etc., is now en-i iiorapd by All of the prominent physicians; chemists nnd connoisseurq, u possessing all of those Intriiinc medicinal qualities (ionic and diuretic) which Belong Id In OLD’nnd PURE Gin. Put up in ‘qimnboules and loldiby all drama, graced, etc. , - 1 ”Al al.’-BIN,INGER A: 00.; ; (Entablislhedin 17748.): Sole Proprieloffiv' a _ 150219 Broad street; N: Y. For mm by FRENCH, RICHARDS “)0"... W. Wat B. SMITH, and all 99mg propinont Wholesale Druggistsin'Philndeipbia. , ‘ ' Oct. 15,1860. ‘ly ' ‘ L l Gettysburg Faun HE" subscrik’aer, h'ufing puree 1 " Fohndry of Henri. Zorbnngh, SH “thriller” \“gin: Fouddry.) has ed sbusiueas, and 1 ow'pfle‘pr’tred_to of, publii: a lnrger‘ assortment ‘oflslnclxi irhyls heretofore been ofl'ered, such as , ING ¥ACHINES; Clover Hulk-Fa. Fodg ; ters,.(‘orn Shellers,gnd.\lorgml's Ifiteig J Horse Rake. Also, STUVESF “ch-é iStoTcs three did’erent kindg; and fivfl rsizes '0? Ten-plate Stores. Likewis .Saw-mill Castiufis, and unkind: of iron‘or Wnod. ‘ ‘ nay-REPAIRING ofnll kinds on 31 ilnd Castings will be dou‘e to ordc ynozice. Putternh made 10 order; I’] \ linzs readyjmadq; PLOI'GHS. such Q ‘Witherow, Plodher._\Voodcook, n§ Qothers nnt. mentibnefl hero; and eight :kinds :of max: FENOIN‘Gh for; (:i {Porches or Yards. 1 f ‘ I J Al=o,..\tonisin'g Machines, one goflzum hm tnowin use. This machine works'miih. mlevcr rby‘hnmd; any little hby cunlmdnn‘gk ijJ : - - Call and exmipine our stock; tlmrhf'hut ’whnt we can pit-use.- Person's of: ht to. «or- it their gdvanlnge go buy machinery f pug“; kind In“ home. where it is munulgpturedJo “Ame lhqy cuu veryeusxlygqtauy part teplm N" or r fixiired. I D'AVLD swim}; I Gettysburg, Feb. 13, 1869. 4 _‘ IIE HORSE AND, His DISEASES: by T ROBERT stsmcflpv. 8.. I’rntasmr of PJ thology nndecrntii crlnrgcryiii the \gctui'inary College of Philadelphia. (116., etc. , . Will Tell You of flu? Orlgin, History and ‘dis tinctive traii}s of the 'Viirium breeds of ,EuropcimJAtsiittic. African zindAmerii-iin Horses, with thq pli_\ sin'ill‘ioriniilinn iind ‘ péculinritios of the uuiiiiiil, and how to ascertain his we by the number nnil condition of his Ezeeiii ; illustrated ‘wim nuineroiivx exphinutory eiipriivinfis. fl Till!) nuitS'r: AND His DISEASES - . W'ill Tell You Ufßreeiiing, llrmlting. Stiihlinp‘; - Feeding, Urnoniiiigr, Sliocing, “ntl the general management of the horse, with ‘ the best mmies of administering: inedi ring, also. how to treat Biting. Kicking, Rearing.SliyingJStumhling. Crib Biting, _ Reellcssm‘ss,‘ an]! other \lCt‘S tbrivliich he is suhjvs't; with numerous explium tory engrau'iitgfli ‘ Tlll‘l "WISE ANY lllS DISEASES Will Tell You Hi the 'nu'Sis, symptoms, imil Treatment 0! Simugles, Sure "l‘hrpnt, Distempcrjjntiinh,lniliienzfiJlronoliitix, ' Pneumonia, I‘ll-iiriry',’ Broken \Vinrl. , ,Chrnnic Cmiglnilioziring and Whistling, , 'Liimpns. Sore Atrium nud ‘l'leers, in. Decpyed Teeth, with other diseases of' Mouth and Respiratory Urgxmn‘. Tin: HORSE Mb ins DISEASE} Will Tell You Of‘ the“ "militia. spmptoms, rind 3 Treatment of‘WtilmS. l’mte, (Julie, Str’nnv ’ . gull-tion, StqnylConeri'tiunv’flupiiircs, 'l Palsy. DltlTFilfll3.;Jtlllndli't‘.Ht‘pililfl'lltun, Bloody I'rine Stones in th’r Kidney; :in‘d" Bludder.- lnfl‘pmnmt‘ionV/innl, other dis-7, ‘p .eaéleg/ of the Sitmfinch, Boncls, Liver and l 5 fllriniiry (trgunM / ‘, I ‘ .'rtiii‘l nonsu Mingus DISEASES I Will Tell Yu‘u 0f the; uses, eynipltyiny nnfl‘ Treatment. 0! one, Blndd Bind Hogi Sparin, Ring-ham». su‘tcllie, iStriiins," . Broken Knees, Wind Gulls, Founderfi ‘{, Sole llriiise niid Firms-l. Cmi-kdd—lloots.‘ i" . Scratches, Canker. 'l‘lir'usli, iuid' Corns}; , alimot'llegrims,Vertign'. Epilepsy. Stiig-i gérs, iinil ’otl:er‘diBcnscs of the l~cet,i Legs. and “(‘tld.i 1 'i i Tlll‘l HORSE AND HIS DISEASES I , , Will Tell You (W the (tuning sg'niptuind. and: ‘ » . 7” . _, A"_"‘— Trentn'ientoi'l’is,nln,.l’ulllili'ilfllnndvrs, Change Of iI'UPOs . ' Fnrug‘. Saitrlerl-‘eier, .\hinge, lbiirieit. Slil'm: RAfiiliO§.\D.—tln and after Locked Jim', thumntism, (Imm'utlnlls, 3y, KM. 20;, 18%, the Morning: Digezises ofthe Bye itiiil‘lli-urt, li. thy. _ivu'c Mettysburgfut 1.40 A. .\l., withl and hnw t 6 lllzlllllgei C.i‘<tiiitmn". Bic-cil— fot n‘ll'the,connbetionm Nnrth Midi ing, Trepliiniiin‘ , Roweliiig, H’iring, he Northern Ceiitnil Railway, and-l . Her in. Amputii un~Tuppiiig,aiid'uthi:rj iit 1.20 I‘. M. The iti'ternnonil surgical opornti us. i . l su'e Gettysburg at 2.45. P. \i.;‘hur THE uqiisn AN ) His nisnislits ; yihgis Train cango‘no fi-rllierthnn Will Tell mu m Rnr-y's .\li-ihud otltnniingli e same evening. Returningr will ' Harries; hiyw t,‘ Approach, H; lter, Kori burg About SI9SK 51.. with pnrsen-l Stable a Cglt: hbw to necnstomin horse ‘ nrrisburg. ,liiliideipliin, (er. By, :0 strange ‘sqninrls and sights, niid how" mciit persons firum the'ruiiniryH to Bit, Sml‘llld, ri‘deflind lireiik‘ihiiu to c ofithe llailromi, h‘fu-ing business: Ilnrness: itlsti, he form rind {law of. ' Gettyslzlim, hn‘tuke the uponi ' Wii‘nnnryi Th iyvliole beingtli’e result ‘ve rly twp hours in Gettys-I V of more tlngn fifteen yi-nrs’ curet‘ii‘l Stud"- ifiu 'i theiAt‘texnoon ’l‘riiin.» ' of the habits. pequliurities, wn ts and: R.McCLl{DY,l'rraiilent, ‘ weakneséesf or «ling noble and: useful: 860. ‘ 16'} ~ ‘ ‘ animiil. E t; ‘ i ”—3..~V‘:-“‘,"——‘ ____, The book contmine3 41, pages, a m riately 3rd ASSOQlauon, l illustrated by nearlyUil‘eEHunilredgiigigivings. i ‘I.PIIIA —;i Benevc‘ili-nt inititu-' It in printed in ii. tilcrvr dud o'pen type, rind-will gabljahed l)! spécznl Endowment. be lortrirrded‘té slin ndhress, postage piiid, on; fof‘the Sit‘k and! Difll‘essed- n ict. receipt of price, hall ho, nd, 51,00, or, in Clulll,: ulent and Epiiloiiiic Diseases, and , extra. SLAB. . ,1 ~‘ . l lrtbeCure ofDisnuses oftlie Sexual‘ $l,OOO A YEAR can he made by. enter-i ! i l prising nien m‘ery‘wlieré, in .selling the nbdve; . and other popular Work}: ult' Mir-i.‘ Uur ixid Lice-, ments t 0 all such are exceedingly libvml. i F 6? single copil'o of the Book. or for iérmstot agents, with other info ' fitiun, iipply to or ud-,‘ dress JUHNJE. Pm’lil‘fill. Publisher, ‘ 4 No. 617 Sa pom~st.,,Philadi.-lhhui~, Pa. Nov. 26; 1860. um q ‘ - - Cancer Institute.~ ‘_ FTBR m 1"): yenrquhuccésaful' pr-{wii<‘o.-,§ A rm. KELMXG still quires to do mod to, the afflicted. He continues ti) cure nll kin/lsof CANCERS. TUMUIIS, WEXS. SCROFULA. or" KING'S‘ EVIL, SORES, Sm), if curable, ‘yitllouw cutting or poison. He du’ps pot ‘confine lliim-i self inerely to the on're at: the above)“ dis-1 eases, but will treat all othiers‘wi'itb. mecca—J Patients will be‘visiichf desired, n reasonable ‘ dismncé. Pei-sum desiriquilm \isit Dr. K, Willi please stop at the Railroad“ oth in Mechanics-i burg. where the)" will be (lijectcd to: his resig, deuce. SFor all .parlicularfi write—htute'disr.‘ eases plainly; Encloqe I 3 poqnge Ctzu-n'p to": pr¢pay Answer. ‘Atldrcss II": C. L. KELLISGyj Meclinnicshqriz, ‘Cumberlanzd co., PA. Oct. Ib, 1569. 6111 ; 1 . 3 Town ~Protp arty ' ~T PRIVATE SALE—The undersigned of- A fers at Prifinte Sale thp Properly in xlfllich he now resides, binmle in San Middle strut, Gettysburg, Idjdiuing S. ILLTipton on the west and Mrs. .\lclllrdi on the elfit, wiz'h nn -.J ' alloy in the rear. THE HUI'SE is "i two-s‘tbry l’ramd, Wentherblmrded, with 4 Back-building ; 'P well of “Men. With n pump in it. at [he dogrgud n. vnrirdy of fiuit, such as apples, pears. winches, nprficog, ghcrfi'm, and grapes, all the most chuireq ‘ ” ZACllfAl‘llAll MYERS. Nov. m, 1360}. tr I“! ETTY‘ a “ond. Train \lel 1‘ km§sengér§ Scintfi, on _' return nhu“ Tmiu wil' ‘ passengers Hanover t ‘ reach Gefi; gers from this arran near the l'v‘ tr)‘ transngt Trn’in up.n V burg, {an , - Nov. 26,‘ i Hl'l‘ ‘ HILAD 1 ‘ tion 0‘ for the Reli.‘ ‘ed with'Vi Jeep/ec'inlly f} Oggnns. 7. Anyvcu gim gratis, by the Act '_, to all who apply; by later, with try of thrir’ conditibn, (age, occupa ; 1' life. keg) and if: cases of extr‘eme 1 icing: (Finish-(1 froe of charge. ;‘ E REP RTS on: Spermntorrhma,‘ ! isenses of the Sdnml U‘rgnns, and' " Rl-ZXIEDIES emfijom in the Dis-‘ {t to? theA nfiliclevj ixi hauled letter '- e of‘bhn‘rge. T 10 or three Stamps MEDIC'A . ing Sui-gen _ descriptibn : tion, habits poverly, .\ic VALUA ‘ and othtr ! on the NE pensfry, ae enre opes,f for postage Afldress, ing Surgep Ninth Srre the‘Directo The People’s}: Cools Book. lonian): cousins is, ALI. irs. BRANCHES—Bi Miss mm Amos... (.'melully Refined by Mia. B. J. llnle. [t Tells Youfllow to pl) us‘e all kinds of Meals, Poultry, and Gill c,‘\vith all zth‘ t‘aiious and most n‘ppro ed modes of dressing‘ and cooking 3: 'f and Pork; also_the _ best and simplest my" ofsalling,pickling . andeuringtlie ,sn e. : ‘ It Tells You All the var ons and must approved modes ofdru<ln . choking, and honing , Blutlnn, anhJV l, Poultry. and Home of all kinds, with he different Dressings, Grsries, and St llings appropriate to , each. , i g It Tells You'_llow tojc serve 'Flsh ofla snie‘eton it when i rious and most nip ' log, with the dill‘e snd,l-‘lnvoringsi a It Tells You an the in ' ed modc‘of‘prdp kinds of . mitJF ' Vegetable $0322; , with the Itclis s _ _ prints to each. ; , It Tells {You All the viri us and most approved modes of cookln Vegetables of every description, als ow to prepare Pickles, Cstsups and Cu if! of all kinds. P‘otted Meals, Fish, Gs Mushrooms, kc) lt Tells You All thev rious and iant approved _ modes ofprepurlngand‘eookingnll kinds . 'oi’ Elsin and Plan”: Pastry. Puddings. .Omelettes, Fritthrs‘ Lakesfionfectiohery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dishes of hrery descripti . It Tell: You AH the in us and most approv ed modes ohm ,l 3' Bread, Rush, Muf fins, and Biscui , the best method ofpre. , paripg Cofi'ee, ‘ hhcolste, and Ten, and how to make ISflrups, ‘Gordisls, and Wines of various ‘iuds. « It Tells You How to defiant and ornament a, Table, how to arise all kinds of Fish, J Flt-sh or Fowl. at: in short, how to so‘ simplify thewhols, Art‘of Cpokiug u toi ‘ ', “bring the choimtiiuxuries oi' the table ' ~within everybodh's resch. * The book contains 4318} pages, and upwards of twaive hundred Recipet all of which are the results of actual experlen 2, having been fully and carefully tested nuclei the personsl super intendence of the writers. It is printed in s clear and open type, is illustrated with appro priate engravings, and will be forwarded many address, neatly boutgi, and ”1:1“le paid, on , recei tof the rice 100 or I: oth extra Removals. 131.2: 9 ’‘V ’ I ’ nedlbeingthe authorisedperlon; $l,OOO A m qunhe nude by enter -mo‘nls into Ever Green Cemee prising men everywuone. in selling the above suchas contemplatethe removal work, our inducement! to all such being very of deceased relatives or friends liberal. ~ elves ofthisseuson oftheyesr to For single copies of the Book, or for terms Removals made with promptuesi to agents} with other information, apply to or Q-d no Qfl'ort gutted to please. sddreu . JOBS E. POTTER, Publisher; g ; i P I'P'MBORK. i No, 81'! Samoa By, Phllsdelphisfl’si 14.nop‘oruth-Oammy. . 1107.20,,1850. sin . , w . m be‘accrpmblé. « .. A R. J. SKILLS PIOUGHTON, Act- Hé MB Ass‘ocinltion, No. 2 South , Pmiaa'dclpbia, Pa. By order of: [EZRA n. HEARTWELL, rm'; ~ mu), See’s]. - 111. lylj . ' Geo. FAT Jan.‘ 7418 ray Up !i ' .'enhip lienmformuiuting between “wilt". under the firm‘ name of an , 3m, hnvidg been dls‘aplrcd, five police to nil person if?“- >y Note on. Book EAcco'uul, t call a name before thq first day ofhnl which iime theirmecoum: ij be blinds of nm offic'gsr rm collection. HENRY 3.1 mum, , WAYBRIIUHT ZIEGLER. i HE part [the su - nun fi Z they hereby ed to 11mm, and nettle ! ‘ uuy next, 3 placedjn tb Nor 2, 18 l = 'erain‘! Grain! r' HE Sub fiber" still confinues purchasing 1 all kin- 'of PRODUCE, at his old Imnd m; Clmmbersbu 3 street, viz :—e-FLOUR, WHEAT; fRYE, CUBN UATS, SEEDS, s:., (or which the ,highen‘mnr t prices will be given.‘ l #1 will lso continue‘my GROCERY and :VARIETY, ‘ ORE, and will :keep constantly '{on hand Gro erics, Still, Oil, Fish, Cedarrwua, Dry’Guods, Qunfemiona, Plaster, Guano, kc.— Thc public a ’ifivized to can, as lam dates-min ed to sell ”$1211; in the chenfieat. - . - JUHNfiCOTT. A if: 41.] as b I i , Getty-bur ‘fAug. 8, 1860. 1860 Fall lad Wmter Goods. _ THE’ subsdriber, having just returned'from the East 11: Cities mu: 5 Inge and splen did ”50mm: v. of HATS Ind GAPS, would re spectfully on the attention of purchaser: to the same. 'H_s stock of Huts is full and com plea, conaiujng in put of Men’s fashionable and handsome No. 1 Silk Hats, Dress Hats, Solt Hus. hgglylow and medium depth of crown, Glmh find Glazed Caps Mill and Plush trimmed Capfi, for men and lays, Fancy Hat. and Caps for Ghildren’, logeth "h a good ”- lortmeut of Wpo‘. Hats, .tll ofwhic ill be sold 1!. very low firicea for cash. A 150,: fine u aortmcnt of {Ladiel’ and Miuen’ Black Ind Brown Vernogl Hus, Fall Hats, arc. ' , R. p. McILHENY. Oct. 22,1889. _, THEnnden’: to make : tery,hopeslh . ofthe remains; will avail the up have it done. —l'onnllov, l wt ”,7. g. 1 Grocerles. Notions, Bpc. ‘ _ HE undersigned hM Opened 3 Grocery and £T Notion Store. inanlumorc street, nearly ‘opposlle the Court Home. Gettysburg. when) lune public will constantly find,selling cheap as :he cheapest, SUGAR-‘3. Syruim. Moluses, Col"- ‘l'eea, Tm, Rice. Cheese, Spices of all kinds. } MuckerL'l, Chocolnte. Brooms and Brnshle; ‘ Fresh Bauer And Egggl Ground Corree, Essence ioonfl'ec, Scotch llernngfinmlles, Soaps, Salt; | Tobncco, Sega”, Snuff; Lonfcctinus, all kind lof Nuts, Oranges Lemons, Rub-inn, Bread, l‘jmcken, anes of different kinds; Shoe and i Swva.Poliah3 Fancy Goodsulluslins, Gingham, l Comm Bats, Wadding- "omm llandkerchiefu, Sugpendel’l. Plflly Needles] Clothes Plfll, But. tons, with-Notions or!” kinda. A share ortho public'l patronaggis respectfully wlicited. } ‘ ~ LYDIA C. xolißEcK; 7‘ - Nov. 19, 1860. tl'_ ‘ ' Hummer Brainch- Railroad. WINTER ARRAXQMENTP—Pnuenger _Trnins'rnn u fullon: - FIRST mm: leavca‘ Han‘ow at 5.45, A. u. with Pusengerl for Bfllimore. York, Haiti-is: burg. Columhia and Pbtladelpii . ' SECOND TRAIN lefiyea Hnnov r at 2, P. )1. with Passengers for Baltimore and Le‘rmcdiue' points. i | A \ EXTRA TRAIN ereryTnndn'y hudSnturdny leaves Hanover it 4. P.lHuwith Passengers {or Yark, Hamshurg, am; uet'izruiug with Phasin gers from Baltimore. ~5 , ‘ “\ Through Tickets are'lnsned to Philadelph'; Columbia, Harrisburg. Milliimsport, Readinu. Bnltimore. York, “fzi 'htaville and all other principal wny points will". line pftthux-lhern Central Railway. 4‘ - I): ETTXRONE, Ticket Agent. uni-fl 1h ~ at & Co., V alum-ed "no the cry Hun "RESE ens Cut ‘-;m moved a; Cook , different M“! and rnipg in OMESTICS, ‘Ticki‘ngs, Checks, ,Flnnnels, D km, cheap at Fuhuestocka'. We have also a MUSLIN branded ‘1“!!! .our own ‘nnme, to which we invitegspebinlvntéxention, as in excel! by far, any ever ofl‘cx‘cdjy {his market. for the pri'cek ' t \ ‘ ‘ Great Work on ,the Horse. \chinery ‘f‘cnl [short F: gh Cast ? Scylgr, L. many i dijfl'erfnt f tcncs, 1860 Ham ISI’IGOIMTORw:§n Effective, 331'. And Economical Dom ound. . _ FUR RESTURING GRAYPHAIR toitl of! I. nul color without dyeing, and preventing 5:. Hair from turning gray. * FOR PREVENTING BALDN‘ESS, nndlcnfln' it,‘when’there ig the lelst pnflicle grv‘lulity on. :ecuporativc energy remaining, FOR REMOVING SCUBF AND DANDRU". Ind all cutaneous affections of the Scalp. . ‘ FUR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, input“. to it an unequalled gloss andx‘brillinncy, main. it soft and lilkyin its texture and on‘-in; itu‘ curl readily. ~ The great celebrityrund the inert-ling do. » mud for this unequalled preparation, cénvinco ‘ the proprietor that one trial is only neceliu’ to Intisfy a discerning public-70f it. nuparlop gualities over any other preparation at proton. In use. lt (lemmas the bend and Icnlp freq dandrutr m! other cutnneuus diseases, can!!! «the hair to grow luxuriantly,.nnd givea'it u w ‘ rich, soft, gloss)‘ and flexible nppeuunce, Ind 7: ‘nlso yhere the hair is launching In'd thinning, it.wlll giv Itren-gth and vigor to the roots, ‘ land restore the growth to those part! which have becomerbald, Musing it to yieldll'relh. 1 covering thnir. * .. 1 There are? hundreds of indiesuid gentlnmefl i in New York who have had their hnlr_.restpreq-: by the use of this‘lnrigorutor, when all oihu a preparations had failed. L: M. hm; in his pops, session letters innumerable tobtifying to tho . nhov’e» fnctq, from person: of the highest re. ‘2 rpectability. .lt "will effectually prevnnt thg 1 imif‘from turning gruy until the latestpgriod; J, \{lifcg und in t-nqes where the‘hnir has alrendy i. c dnged itq cold , the use of the lhvigofntot. l wil with certnint‘y rcstorcittoits‘originnlhue, i givi it n durkmlonsynp eurnnce. Asa per- l fume ' r the toilet and a ignir Restorative it i. i punicu rl) rel'ommcnded, hitting an ngrceablo l irngrnnc ; and the great limilitics ithfl'orda in ‘ drés’sing‘t e lmir, which, when moist. with the 3 lnvigoru-mr n’n be dressed in tinysehuired {out 11 so its to pro: re its place, whether plain or in. i curls—hence t 9 great demand for it by thu " ludiosns n‘étnn nrd [pilet article which none ‘ (night to be \\'ill\out, as {he pri'ce place. it yithin the reach 0 mill, being ‘ lONLY 'l‘-Wl-I."l'Y-I"IV'E CENTS pcrholtle, to be had t all respectable drug, _ gisls nhd pel'fumerqu ‘ ' ' - 'i L. MLLI'ZRJmuId on the attention Of-Pflq .I rents and Guardians to ,tl - use of his ilwignr- i ntor, in cn'su: Where thechihiren'gimir inrlinei i tosbe “enk. The uee of it ln‘l's thd foundation ‘ fpl'dl’ Eood head of lmir, its “kwl‘oves any int. i pu‘ritius that. may hm c‘lre mm: c nnyyled 'With' the svnlp. tll‘f n-mm‘nl i'wliich\ia ncccuuy ‘ bath for the‘hcnllh of ie child, an the futuroV ‘ upficnmnce (il‘iu hm . i i (l.—\l"{‘l()N’;——-Xun genuine. nvithou the {ac Binnie of LMIIS JILLER being on th auteur 1 wrxtppor; nls‘n, l‘. .\lllllli‘llllS llAilß I)“ GO- ‘ lufrun, x. Y: ylown in nu- glass. , 2 t 1 Wholesale 01mg 5U hey St... and sold lny 11. themriucip MerchantsandDrfxggiutathrnugli\ i uutlthe w Irld. l ‘ _ . . '.‘ l ,‘I diqcou nt m purchasers hytho quantity._ 1 alsoldosirc th piewentto the Am'eficnn c my .\‘uw Asn lull-nuvn') INHTAFTANIOU! .'ID HHR DYE wh'ich after years of Mimi:- xé experimenting I have brought to lopflcctlon. It “5’68 mung 0? Brown ‘msmully without in jury to ”19111er or ,Skin—minunlod :he be“ * “rm-Icm the kind Mum-nee. J’IHCE,U.\'LY - ’5O GENES. “chl, so buy Street, New )‘urk._ UN. '29, 18151). ' I; ‘. hiber; RSI" ' pnm't' LI .' l‘ n" I t [if ‘ I z” JIALYhI-lATE RESTURATI’VE ~ , Q _ , ' PILL. OF IRON. "11H hperiént and Stouxnchic )rcjnxrutiunulfi [RI V punfiml of 0:} gm uni! ‘C ~rbou ‘in cum hufiiun in llg'drogen. Snnctioned lrylhc high}. as? Elcdu‘ul Aullxugitics, Imm in Europe und {llll Tnited Stutcsmnd [ll‘l‘sclibcd in Ihc'uprnc- ‘ 1“ M ' r, - ' The éxporioflTw—efimgggi dairy prmn thug no prqmrm’iofi of Iron rumba fomiyired w'nj it. Impurities of the hlood.depreqsiunof n: , energytpulc :nd olhcrmsc sickly (:ong pit: 'hu‘ns hull} ulg its uccxéeity in ulmon nary ' cou~ iwhle flue. . _ = ' - .Ikoxioue in all maladies in which“ has bu- died it‘han won-d nhs‘nlulcly cunuh'r m , “It; uf the {diluwina Conlfilniutl-L \iz: . , 1 [AIM/Iy. Nrrtovz.wl.,l'[fcl-iinn.v, Emarl'tk (inn ”1/~‘/"~’l""i”' ('mutipatl'ml,'jh'urrhaa. [lgl rnll y. ‘lunfgmzt ('mommplmu, Srroflllmu Tui rrulusn. Salt la’llqun. Mixmemtruuliuu. "36713.5: ('ylmam'f. Liter (bmlfluinld. C/m-mc I H fur/In, l.'.'u-uumri.vm, Jummgmug Faun, I‘m .las on the Fun. «fie. 1 . ‘ I «use: of (inuuy. Dnnmn'. whether the res: l: nf m-nyio dist-aw. otl‘rol" the continual” fimmnitinn (if non-mm nnd munulnr cuerxv fonf chronic romplninls, ouc'tiriul ‘of lhu-‘rus mmpxc hm prowl! sucressfu _loV-nn extant \shiuh nu dowriplion nor‘ written nttestnhun “on d render (wt-dildo. lnwxlids so iqn} hed— ridd n M (o huve ln-cojne- {nrgotteu Ih'lheir uun nuighhorhoods, hau- suddeuly rc-flppl'uf- ‘ ed i ,thc bury world n~ if just rmurned from prat nut-d u-uy'cl inp Quinn! tam]. 891 - very Sign 1 inblum (a ufthi~ Mud nrg ance’trd bl Ir lmfl .‘fuifcrcrw, mnncmlvd ‘in-ti" "hppérrng mar smug. Ififlngllinvoml -nstion. rhajges. undEthul cmfifiifion Mum dyleplil' merkion :u air nnd rxtrcise fox thé ‘rhpivinn lum'no name. In Mann! 5; Arrnyxogqof’a)! kinds, I] rcnshns fmmfifi‘r‘m‘ mrdiml men. the 01m of tli‘yié‘progmmliqn of iron nun-1 nun-mu} sqfiptury, lur. unlike xhe uh] oxides, it is ou‘slj tonic, rw'uhom bring “filing an? homing; and gcngly, regularly npcrié} MR _wr hung a gastric ){ul’gmiwy or 1‘ a di vg‘rt-imblc sensatipn.- It s‘ this lutitcr propertymmong others, whit h mnk ,s it so ruiu‘nrknbly eflrclgnl nnd'pum-uent D‘l‘Cued} for I'll”. upon which it uho nppurl to (- r-rt a (Human und npecjfxc ncuon; by dil- porsi xglhe local lrndrnrj‘ which form! them. ~ in livarxcsu. innnmvrghle as an iu cgu’lefl, n' sin - Io box 01 lhrfie‘l‘halylmm Pills hnl ol‘u-n sum. 1] for (ho-most habitual «set, including the > madam (‘nxliwnng In m-‘lm Led lnw‘nnmficwn whrn Mum-ed o D six-rt“, ( nnfil'mfll\ qmncinfinp. um'l Ip um- tly mahgmnh the: chug hu‘e born equal- i\d 'xgue 36d nsiouishmg. * - >. In "Ho ‘9( a} whim, loss o’f flab tad Lmn'glh, deb) _lgpng Eqngh. and rnm'tEt-nl hochq uhi‘h gnu-Ea") inflicjic hem“: Conscunomjhul mm y has sun“! the mm of News and phy‘ficiws, in fine“! wry gntifyingsngd gl. lcrco imz im-umru. _ . ‘ . In fisherman: huncuofil. this nodic‘uz‘l iron Has had fut more than m: good «(at G the most cautiously bdnnc‘ed finnmtiomtf Indimc, *ithout auy‘of “mix well known I - hum“. ; ‘ . ' A ooso, clean, ind pre- I kinds, find how lo jnxed; also All Nye n rovcd modes nfcuok em Dressings, Sauces, prnprinte to each. nus and may! approv ing over [my diq’erem h, Fowl, Game, and Broths, and Stews, »‘ nd Seasoning: appro- ‘.Thh nvtention‘rfl' femulu,mnot h: .100 mg figyéu, invilcd ‘sa m. remedy and lawful“; in mi macs pgculintbmm‘cling llll‘m. lnlllnn'nnsu. b’ollu cry-(mic. Minimum“ lory-l—in the Inner, hb'n or, mote‘deéidodly-s it h: been inririallly Fl'ell "pork-d, both]. nllev suing pain undwedl‘cing the swelling! Ind 8"? 5:: pf mjmnu and muscles. vullnzuulnun Ftfinsit must accent-til, “0.331131. temgdy and‘ energetic ‘reslontive. “(1:338 progress in the ncw settlements oi the Wis will probably be'gne of high rcnovnnd '11“? hie". ‘ , 7!“ grmcdy his ever been dilcorered in the WV? ismry of metlicine, which aorta and: pro“ , happy, and mlly renorutlve cféc‘n-A Ho’ appemre, complete digestion, npld u:- qui tion of strength, with an nnunal dilpoli. non lor active and“ cheerful examine, iQnedh olelytfollow it: me. 3 . Put up m men; an metal boxel containing ‘6O pills, price 50 cents per box ; ‘for 5:15 ‘by’ dragging and dealers. Will be lent free to In, addrefis‘ on rnceipt or the price. vAll “teen, oyderl, elc., “mi-EM. be nddreued .to . R. B. LOCh & 00., General Agenll, Oct 15, 1860. 1y 20 Cedar St.,N. Y. LOTHING, for Men and Boyl, with every article of wearing apparel m that line, to gether with Boots, Show», Hutu, Caps, Trunkg, Carpet Sackn, Double Barrel Gun! end Pistol!- Revolvera; and ‘a splendid article of the im proved and celebrated Colt's Revolver, with all the necessary fixtures to it. Bufl‘alo Robe: and Over Shoes, India Rnbbcr Over Coal: and Leg. ings, Hosiery, so, Guitars. Fiddler, Flutel_ , and Flies, Jewelry and Watches, together with mnny other useful articles, all of which will sold VERY CHEAP. You ask where? Why, at SAMSUN'S, where every one can buy good. and cheap goods. That': the :pot. The old County Building, N. E. Corner oftho Diamond, Gettysburg, Oct. 15, 1860. _‘ ILLINERS and owe" will find 5 goodn- Qfi porgmont of. Ribbons, have“, Pinup; no as, le., :1 the chap nor. of ‘ : ‘ A. 5003?". ms . I' Prof. L. Miller’s Dr; Métt’s .LI 4" ‘ 1 “a, ('rli )K‘l‘“ \ usnud ‘ I Whith I d fur ' lion r 1) hi , lucr n’ mer : t, um i “with '\ iclixrg mm! ulnlimm- (Me: ofltmliu‘n New Fall and Winter II 11 J h H II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers