12 .-mtziit ‘ ‘3. $1 . 1":""' """"°'“§ V l, ‘ , n ‘ .'dml," tum, ‘_‘Schnnpps,” (1.6., is now en “... b? I.“ of me prominent physicians. Wt! Ind connmsuars. As possessing R” of mm'u‘c me-licinal qunliues (home And ‘ 'c) which belong to an 0L1) And PURE '0“. Put up in qunn bottle. and .0” b) all 'dnahu, stoma, etc. ~ . gu. 1551 mm & cO, ‘MW In 7725.} Sale Prupneturs, .~ ' ‘ X 0 11’ Bron-l rurea, N. Y. pg web; chxlpu. RICHARDS .5: cu,— . .l B. SMITH, and all 951119 premium dude Draggiau in Pmladelphia. pct. 15, 1350. ,1y ' ”“01: Sales& Small Profits.” . AVLVQ purchased A large and varied as soruncmorFALLAND“lXTl-Illuoulm, "g m prepnreA lo om: burgums to ull who to: us mm a (‘3l:. We ‘in not nuemp: Mufirlle. us our su'n k u mprlw- For l Ind Domestic Dry Gouds. Fancy Arman, firming] Cu” &C.. tugL'JJcr will) In large A:- .lorunouy '0! Groceries and Quccmwuc. to ;chj we would respectfully a:,'. nu Lumina mgfore purclmxin.g'us we a‘rß «lélcrnl’uud _ is cheap M 1111- clmpuz. Tlmnkful lot ' 0 liberal cncuumgcmcut hcnlofurc extended I we would rupulfully ask A continuance to! flu nine. {l. :L‘UTT 1; 15.95. 9461. 9.7. $B6O. Bush. to Schick's I . 3W OOODSI—J. ll Sl'lll‘JK. S. W. romer of the Diamond. (h-nyub'a,rg. 'rcspecllully a tilt “antler. 01 pnrrlmseruulniv new and Wid lflflk ol F 55 LL AND WINTER GUUUSI - I flock in ID large and so well arranged lo “1: ton and country Ludo, thu n I: impos ' bhto oven make mention at his most desira ‘oodl. All he Ml.» "I for person: to call In] canine his couxplme Mm k. They nll 30 3'9] [ell pleased and won remrn for man. a I (ll! flock of “111-135 GOODS, ofucry _ 9n: Phin and figured Merino“ Ind _I "a.” ' po‘ rum. IL“ wool Del-incl, Flnidl, glad: Ind figured. 'Ynlencln, flab But", Arabian Stripes, \‘elours‘,Lm;l'- Gnevellu and Klaus de Lam, 11l prices. A use stock of Tnn‘cllng Dreu Goods. pln'm .tld‘ figured Silks, Fluuucu. A full Ind com ‘plfl lto'clt of L'riuu constantly on hand..— CIAOTHS, Cuflmerrs. Duster Cloths, Suinetu, “#4l, Jenna; French, English Ind America: Blurb, Plaid and Knitted Sluwls for Chi]- ‘nn—dl‘tyles and prices. House-furnishing of eVel’)’ dcsvnpninn. A full Ind com no stock of Notions, Perfumery, Jewelry, or}, Gloves, (lcnu' nnd Ladies' Gunnucb, . 00l Cnpea And Hood-1, of the very late“ «flu. Thread And Cotton Edginp, Luau, tc., “as, £7lm. u. Mii .mu E: t. 29, 1800 Rat. . ORE NEW GOODS AT TITS SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT.—-Thc undenigned have I“ reached a {rub supply of Hun, Cups, ’_ u, Shoes, Trunk], Carpet. Bugs, to. Also, _ '0 I good supply of Saddles And lhmcu, u, Collars, kc. ‘Bhou Ind Boots of all kind: nude to order #1 Int-me workmen, and on ghort notice.— omg-mdo work Always on hand. Prices low prawn. ' ' COBEAN & CL'LI’. Ko'v’fm, 1860. Norbeck 8: Martin AWL“! received from-the city lhelngcfl ‘Wb of GRUCERIES they have are: . to the public—Sugars, Syrups, Cofl'ces, ' , Klee, Cheese, Fish, Salt, Spices. kn, km, mbncimg d 1 nrietiea. at. nll prices, the lowest '0 mrketwill nflord Also ”rooms, Brushes, Ind Nofionn; an, Oils, Candles, &C., h: then. Wining to be found in A first clan Grocery ”#1; Ariety Store. ’ } Flour Ind Feed bwigess is continued iujiltendy increase. The highest market ' u p¢id “Ide smallest profits ukcd. The '11)“: an invitcd to give us a call and sec (q: mung. ' ' KURBECK & MARTIN, Corner ofßaltimore and High street; £3 :1, 1860 Handsome Women. ' 0 THE LADIES —HC.\'T'S “BLOOM OF ROSES.“ A rich and elegant color for 0 check: or lips. 11‘ WILL NOT WASH 0R U‘B Ul-‘F‘. and when ome applied. remains lible for ycnn. The tint is so rich and us- Inl, fimt the closest scrutiny {nils to delta 115 I)”. Can be removed in! lemon juice and will if: [njnre Lhc skin. This is a new preparation, ’:4l by the celebrated (‘uurt Bcnuties of Lon don and Paris. Mule-i frt‘t, in bozllus,wilh directions for me. for 51 M. ' mum's h COURT TUALET POWDER," im pun t duzling w hlteubs to the complexion, end is unlike Anything; else used for this pur ‘fou. Mmled free for s‘) Cents. ' HE'NT‘S “BRITISH BALM," removes tan, cklea, sunburn and all truplzonl ofthe skin. giant free {or .50 Cents PETS “ XMPERIAL POXIADE," for the h: r, strengthens nnl improves its growth, up! it from falling off. and IS warranted To All 1-1:: aux cur. .\lnilcd free for 31 00. {J'XT'S “PEARL BEAFTXFIER,” for the end guru's, cleanse: and whiten; the teeth, mien: the gums, purifies the_hrealh elfectnal- Jéuinrss nu rum-n A\D PREVEBTLTOOTH- A I.' “filed free for $1 w; £2BlB “BRXDAL WREATH PERFUME." t Me extract of orsugo Mosmme and co ogne. Mailed free for $1 00. Thxs‘ exquisite influx: was first med by the Princess Royal aqulnd. on her marriage. Messrs. Hunt l . presented the Pnncess wah an elegnnt me of Perfumery. [in m ich an of the above uticlea were Included) in handmme cut glans kith gold stoppers, mlued A: 51300. particulars bfvghieh appeared in the publlc pnms. ‘ ‘ll the above nmclos rent Free, by express, {or $5 00. Cash can either ucompany the order, or be paid to the express agent on de- Jivery olgoods. HUNT & 00.. Perf era to the Queen. was, London, mdfiflusom SL, Pbxle del 11.1%. form R‘s“ Dragging Ind Perfume“. ‘me do Supplied. [(kt.15,'60. 1y Dr. Esenwem’s - 9. um Woofikamm “ P 36708414, y e best. lediciue in the 'oth for the Can of Cough: tnd Colds, Group, fimnchitis, ‘ Aubmn. Dificulty in Bmlfiiug, Palpiutiou of the Heart; Daplherin, ”I for the relief of patient: in the dung“ 0r . mpgion, together with L]! Dianna of g. hm! 3nd Chen. Ind which pm ' dispose Lo (‘J‘O‘nsnmptiom #4 “M Ma: radical am 11113. "lying profit!“ by n prudefl Phylicisn and .‘ u ' eof gnu. experiuiuo in an W 3” "1192 M discus es to which the tan. fine il liublq. ‘ h “MlO :11:an yids nu patent in e. , ”#91:“! ba convinced m: it is 111111 an P firm 0! Bronchidfigctions. Price so " £1190“! 01:11:23 -. ’ _.7 .. . BEL “3&2, ‘ 0 ‘ , ~ ;‘ i ~ "Q -He.f;§— ~11“. .. 3." ‘w: lagi T, es- Midi «reed- No trouble to show 606 d: Shoe. Boot. .r‘ i . , an . w» -'” "i 2 .‘“" ‘ . .‘ .. firs-“Wynn? .. -. aw w‘a‘r fl ”'3 T “1% W . T Bal more Ad 9‘g p QLACKSNITHING It: you sick he» “ on» I'm luvtfi’ and th. """" ' ""‘“ ‘E in?“ it normally inform A!“ oomplslning? . Foundry dflmn.hrhnlah,fllontkflo..‘ .Ifim D' Diets’ ther with 800 bite at he tony-111 An you out or order, on i unncrly Wsrreus’ You-4.17,) hos commenced 01108 flOCSE. girl.“ suit, I) lintksinlthing businul your system dammed,“ l usineso. and is now prepond to olrr to the A YANG YGOO D S, Bunkers. I,“ . tshlishutent in Chnn- your feelings uncomturu public A larger snort-cut ol Moor thnn , ' ”031137: Y. ‘TRLVXLVGS, proved in: celebnud Cott's Revolunwitynll iterating “root. lie he; on but! end will _ hie? The“ symptom s ;h-ll heretoturo been chad, such u Tiifil-ZSH- AND TOYS, | a. ”"9“? fixtures to n. Bel-lo flab- s“ l misuursto ordequli kinds oiCABIUAGRS, on" theprelude to uric iNG MACillhl-Ts, Clover Hullers, lodders Cul- Wholunio Ind Bah-11, 'uChesp in my ploce in , Uvsr Shoes, indis Rubber Ova Cents ad [4] 3069138. BLElGiitjl, Sg-rib‘ Wagon}, kin, ol , illness. Some fit of ti: iters, Corn Shellers, sndlorgi's into improve-iii Billlmore. inp’, Hosiery, to. Gonna, Fiddler. Flutes tho best Interisi. and M 6 by superior work- , use is creeping upon w lUme Rake. Also, STOV , such It: Cookl 151 Plant! Srsssr, BALTIMORE . . my“. Junirynd weighs, together with In. . filly-timid sud umuuuuo of Int! should he over-ted ‘ Stnru. thru- ditlcrent kinds; sud In different; 30rd"! romp“! mended to mnny other useful "new, on of which with!“ kinds done st reason-hie rntes, promptlylotimsly one of the rii ‘sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise lill nnd, June in, 1960. ly sold VERY CHEAP. You ult who"? Whfietug to the satisfaction 0! customers. remedy. TuLeAyer's Pit ‘ Saw-mill Castings, nnd Allklitds of Turning in‘ st SAISUS’S, where every mu cu buy goodl ncxrsr Pmuccs tsksu in exchange {or , sud clesnse out the dll( , iron or Wood. v and cheap goods. Thal'l Ills spot. The old i work At huh! prices. ‘dcrcd humors—purit‘y I ”REPAIRING ornu kinds on Hscbincry County Building. 31'. E. Corner tithe Diamond} ”Persons desiring srticlrs or work in the blood, sud let the flu snd L‘nslings villain done to order on short uctiisburg,oct. 15, 1860. . -Coochmnking or Bisciisiuitiiing line, on rev more an unobstructed notiic Puttrrns made to order; Plough Cust ~~—~— Itpet-tliiliyinntiedto call on’ 'henlthngsin. Thnyitin lugs rowdy nude ; PLUL'GHS, such I: SCle'T, l Juux 1.. snowman: , iii. the functions of mini-m, Pincher, WOOdLOCk, and many Gettvsburg. Jsu 24, '59. .'"‘ , _ bud] into rigorous Icli iothcrs not mentioned hereznnd eight dim-rent l _W‘ " ‘ -- "__ ’“—~—7'L_‘ , ty, purify the system {rt ‘kiudn of ”105' FENCING, {or Cemeteries, GlObe Inn, 2; ‘| the obstructions which make disease. A cold‘ l’urchm ur Ysrds. ' i l SPHAXlCSTOWX.i‘rcdrrwkcountyjldfi settles somewhere in the hmly, sod Obiil’ille Also. liortlsing Machines, one of the best [M llnving been renorsteil sud rc~i‘urnish , its natural functions. These, if not relieved, nowiu une. This machine works with is lever .lic proprietor tenures the publlt‘ (list I will is reset upon then-suite; sud the surrounding ur- b) lmnd; any little boy on manage it. 5 Ion]; needed, as it: guarantees full sntisfutiun in gun: producing genbrnlaggrnntion, sullcriiig,l (‘nil and examine our stock; no doubt but ‘cu-rycuo. Chsr es moderatv. ,nnil disease. While in this condition, fipprtas- “hut M: can plastic. Persons ought to are it l fiENitt’ iii-21in, Proprietor. :cd by the demngeincnzs. tiike Ayer's l’ilis, rind their nilmntnge to buy machinery of my kind Feb. 14, 1859. t! ,sce hol’ directly the)" rcntore the naturitlnction ln' home, where it is mnnnfncturcd,lo thnt they l J A~ ~ -- <~— —~———-~~——- of the system. and Will] it the hunynnt feeling c.n veryeuilygetanypart replaced or repaired. g RemOVAL of health nguin. “'bnt is true .nd so npparuut‘ DAVID 5733. RR. I ‘ ill-3 subscriber line r'noteii his Plough nud in this trivial and common romphint. is also, Gettysburg; Feb. 13, 1860. . 1T )lnihine shop from the Foundry building true in many uftheiierp-seatrd null dungerous ” "‘ ’ "“‘M‘ lto Ruilroad street. opposite 'l'zitc‘s iliuclismith - distcmrcrs. The nine purgntive cfi'cct cxpcln, Great Work on the Horse. l ,shop. Lntk orthc Eiglc Hotel, where he is het- ' them. Caused by simiinr obstruction: and de. “1.; IiUItSE AND 1113 DISEASES: hy . (M prepared tlisn ever to nitciid to customers. aungemenu of the natural functions of the , T ltonsu‘r ngxigog' V, 3., Professor of 1).- i’loughs siwnys on hand nnd male to order st body. they are rapidly, and many of thfln lurf- iiology sud OperaiireSnrgcry-in the Veterinary the shortest notice, 1111 l Ni‘tlllllt‘fl. Ri-npcrs, tc., ly. cured by the some means: None whoknow College of phlhdplphu' etc., eu_ ,r--pnired. Also he Will nut-ml to clcnniug npd the virtues of these i‘ilis, will neglect to employ, wm Tell You of the Origin, History nod di.-i rell‘ilrlng Clocks. DA Vii) WARREN. , them when snifering from the disorders they “um" mm, or the “no“. breeds of ‘ May 10 l cul’c- u f Idl h i ‘ l Eiirupenu,.\sintic,Africsn sud Amerinn i “*W Smtemen mm to 'nirp ,r-iv I!" Hmm ilorscs with the is steel (amnion nod i T. E- COOK & Sons of the principitl cities, sud from other welll ”at“? of thc’uinsi, not! how to‘ ‘ AYE estnhlished n Dr‘pot zit )iuj. Jon! known public persons. math-in I. In by the number nod: Scorn. in Chunhmbmr mm. Ucnya- 1.... "With: “we" °' “ '4'”! M- ‘- 1'“ condition or bi. moi; illustnted with burg. Fine thrifty Fruitnnil Urn-mental Trecn D" A 3"? X 0“! Pd.“ "‘ the "”13?" °f '"i numuotu cxplnnnlnry engnvingl. ‘ ”d mum‘cnnfuii, ‘nuspl‘lllfll tllt‘rt‘ {Orr-ale. thstis graft. medicine. They him curod| Till". HORSE AND HiB DISEASES 1 ”Call and u: tlicm~siiiinriinxion wiir- 1"! 1"”! high"? 0' nit-trons ’0?" "PO3 ’"F Will I'.“ you Ufflrccding, Bmkiug,Stnbling,‘ ”nu“. [Nova 1:, 1960. tf bonds and leer the! had proved incurable forl Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing. nod the. "7 ‘~”W .' 1"". ‘- ‘ m"" "V “Mb" h“ *9,“ 'o‘! 3"."m'l-v; genrrni management of the horse, with cannon & Adan. 3 l nflictod "m b,l°uh“ “‘1 PW?" 1‘" 'k'" C the best modes of ndmin'utering medi- Tsw MARBLE wouxs, corner of mm Ind In her hm. M)" ..., “1 “'le cine, nun, how to trontliiting, Kicking, h more and East Middle street-.dircctiy op- “’9 “‘0 "'5l Y‘N" Pu": and th . cured. Homing, Sliying,Btumbling,orih Biting. ponite the new Court Houso. (in!) nburz.- her. A“ "W" Butlessness, sud flier vices to which Lining recently Arrived from Pllllldtllrlill,.ld' AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. be is subject; with numerous explnun feelin; fully competent to execute all Work in: ’ Fro-_- Du; 'J-mffilfih Im.- _ em,- enm'iflll ths finest style of the on. we in uuld rupcctl’ul-l 3 0‘" mm "1. “I. P"“°° 0' ”'3"- _Th‘". Tl”: HOBBS A'XD m DISEASES ly iurite the attention of the public wishing to "fluent 19‘1“!" "film '0! “95"“. " Wiu Tell You Mtlio anus, eynptoms, sud procure snything in unrlinc, to {not us withn POHCH- “'91.!" In”: b" "‘7 "m {“1 7mm of SW“, Sore Thront, roll and examine specimi-ns of our work. We Vell'rctunl ’5 ”'9" nctlon on it" bo" htcl DMwym'llflueuMmacbltis, m prefinreii to {mini misruizxifix. Tpiims milk? :1»;- anluubie *0 I" “I “N “"1".“- Pnnninnnin, Plourisy, Broken Wind, AND BADHTUNES. MARBLE AN .35. "‘"l ° . ~ Chronic Con h Bouri l“ Whistlin SLABS an Cabinet-makers, mi .u other work Human. sgqx HEADACHE. ram. mp... no}. admin mm, ...‘s’ nppcrtainhsg to our business. at the lowest poe- l ‘2 .. n, 510VACE- w“ Decayed’l'senh,with other disuse- oftho sible prices. We do not hesitate to nursntee ".'" érF‘T'mfl’; “.'Ttn’" wint Mouth rind Muir-"to Organs. tho: our work shit he put up in n manner "thaw“ tn l‘h’i-n' ' d with our my". better Till! HORSE AND 1113 DNEASES stuntinl nod tasteful equal to the best to tie-“n to a nil mixing", "g“m. u _‘, Will Tell You of the cons”, symptoms, Ind seen in the cities, where every improvement tl " di’i e l I“: udo IdiiJofinl ' run...“ “won", Bots,Colic,Strsn which experience has suggested is suited 01, fl" incl“. :thnrti: . " gr: dnil ”contrast 'l‘hl gut-tion, Stony Generations, Ruptum, snd espocldlly do we gnu-“tee thst our Ceme- 3,” ‘“ sod bell .'n my Ido {but '6" Pills Palsy, Disnhteghundloe, Hepatirrhm, tery and Gnu-e You! work stall be so cnrefully {"3“ “m b 2"”! Ir" lof cod". "1“ Bloody Urine, sun... in the Kidneyund sens nottohe nlfected by frost,hnt shsllmnln- :h" hi“, ° °‘ ‘" “ ’ mum", “gunman, “a on." din uin for years that erectm of position when em 3" y. F" b l" M" 1 1855 uses of the Stout-ch, Bowels, Liver and at the completion of: job, and so necessary col 1') JC A '9‘. Pnl‘hiiv” bee-n r'e u" l'risury Urgnas. continued grnrct'ulness and symmetry.’ I. " d 'v‘g'" "is do h: m M 5" “- THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES For. as, was. t! by °“" ° °"m " " . ’ ’ wui Tell You or the «uses, symptoms. sud .no hyn dose or two ofyour Pills. it some 1‘ ‘ ‘o! 8 Blood And Bo to nrlso iron nloulstornnrh,whii-h the] cicnnss Spitililimnkinpbosze’flwmio Stmiuf ' i I u once. Yours with‘g'rent "wed'p Broken, Knees, Wind Gulls, Founder. En. W.,Psssi.s, Ll kof Stet-pm larion. « Sole BM“ nod Gnvel Gmked "0°”, ano’i's IgSSlel-Iei—IIJYEI fini‘iliél'ptlfi'rs. Sci-niches, Canker, 1.1;"! nod Corns; ' I'M . W 0 0' of s . s . .\‘ot‘ouly an )0“? Pllld‘adnllrflbl] édu’pted to. ‘l’°'°:ud°‘"::"‘:fifflriafilzfi‘ their purpose Is In uperient. but i tind tholri re"; “'1 I]. u!" ' beneficlsi rflccts upon the Liver very innrhd’ Till-ililll'KSEeAéD HIS DIQB \QFS indeed. They have in mylprisctireprovod nor. “'il ,1 It You 0! “I; . "‘m ‘ ‘4' and eflectunl for “'9 ( uro of hi ml" co‘myiilniutslthnl El‘rtrttlnu-ntol' Pinging" 'Evimlsiiders any one remedy lcnn mention. I nun y rc- . . ‘ ' . ' joicc that we have st length n purgntivo whit: lzi’h’e'd §:‘&e::m:%:m:gfill:' 7-_‘_ __ : is worthy the confidence of the profession n D' ('h dvll rt. 31’- kc 'j the maple. iseueno t 0 Eye u on ~ ~ Adms County l Department of m lute-ion} .‘",‘f '¥;‘,‘,’.:',‘:"‘£;'sf°“',l‘,',’i:d . UTUALFIItii‘.INSURANCECUMPANY.- WalliingtnnJ). c.,mi Feb. inst. iil'r'ni. AP ' 145;“ 1.. in mud 0,1,5; M Incorporated iimh in, um. Sirz. l lltu’l used .\our Pills in my geusi'nl' “or icn'l omen-«titans! PP " o,7;an and horpitiii pruriircsver sincoyou Irisiiestisla.x Till" gliUltS‘é AVD ""3 DISSASFS l President—George Swopc. and cannot hail-to to say they Ire tho but W'll Trll You of fifty} lethod of taming y,“ I'rnidrnl—b, R. Raine". cnthnrtic we employ. Thi-ir regulating sctiun‘ ' florscs _ how. to'A roach "alter or Secretary—l). A. Buehicf. on the lini- in quick and decided. rotisequsntiy' Qishie ; Colt' how apnccuslom n hI’JI’GQ Trauma—David X‘Orl . they ere sn siluimhle remedy tor dernnyemente :0 “ml r ‘m'md, shd si hts ..“d h". Eta-Mire muwflfihcnm’, Jocoh oftlmt orfln. indeed, l lune selduiu fiiiind n' to Hit, ELM!“ itide‘ and‘Bre'olt him m King, Andrew Helntzcimnfi.’ . cm of biiious discus so obstinate that it dldi "‘mrfi‘, Al“; the, (or!!! “d in! of lumen—George Swope, U. A. Barium-,1“. 'o'- mdily yield W “W". Fnu'm‘n." .‘“": i M’s-unit 13“: whole being the result cob King, A. lieiutuiu-n, R. I'Curdy, Thos. . . wazo "fun 15- Up. , oflnore ”‘3'” fifteen rnrl’ "M“, study A: Months", 8. Feline-tack. Wm. B. )icCleiinn. Phr-Icl-noflhollxm ”omni- g om“ WW. Paul-mm", "m, m. nm.n.witnon,n. Illichilbrrger,AhdiclF.6itt, nvssx'rnm'. DuItRINEA. :I..\x,wuus.~ "numb, of N, no“, “a u .1 John Wuiford, li. A.‘Picking, Abol‘l'. Wright, Yro- be. I 0 Gnu-(Ultimo. l lul'l‘tll. & iJohn Horn", R. G. Mchry. 8. it. Russell, 1). Y 0" PIUI lee h"J l 109 i! ”"l in my Pn“ l'hc hook “mum 334 ”I!" .ppmpfifle'l, ii'Crenry, Andrew Pulley, John Picking, J. B. iice, and I hold them in ester-m I“ one of tho iiln-tr-trd by “a,” One ”.mdéd Engraving“. "9""- hul nperieuts l lune sit-r louud. The sltsrn- it is ha,“ in ‘ cigar and 0P" type I“! Will‘ ”This Compnny 1. limited in m 09".. the efl'ect upon the lira-r makes the!» In uvol- be “Lannie-l m I," mun,“ "mum; W“ on tions to the county at Aalsms. it lute been in k" “Nd". “h“ 3““ i“ "‘“n d°'” f” reccl inr nice hiii bound 'si 00 or in cloth “mm"! Operation for more than six sw!- ““0" drum?! ‘3'] di""'""- Their "12"“ “n" e, in, ' ' ' ' ' ' end in the! period has paid all lanes und ex icontiug makes them very uccsptnhie Ind cor . ” $1.600"; m 3 can be made Me enter-l lwnnemfil‘oulwmml,hnvingnboultrg! reiiient lor the useul’women and i'llilllren. i rm“ men “Hume” in sellin'r the .ho" surplus cu nitsl in the Treasury. The Coin . nvsrsrsr.\,iupi-iiiri' or my: itiumll fun "'3‘." mm“; “m.“ 0“". “WM“; P“! mi" no "Dub“, bumm- Mn: 'N. 1"“ ’'-mm M' " “""f'm‘," n‘“" tt,a”su -l "e "1...", l mm.“ ] doughy tilt “singers, who sre immunity elect- Dr. A)": lhne used )our liiis nitli 01- In?!" 3' 3 "l I ' it! - .dh th Shekholdc A are desirin ‘ l-ur niuele copii-s otthe book, or for tcrmelo e .V 9 . ’l- “I P on K tnordinnry success in my {-111in and Among ‘ , , l l t f h obo' - ~ . - 1- _ n tits, with other infonnuuunnpply to or sd- “1 nflfuu “3 “DP! 0"I 0 i ‘ ‘9 lthose i sin called to Visit in distress. 0 roll in , , i-LR i’ bl' it named have" for further information. ,into the org-n3 of digestion sud purify ll tiff" ' :59“) 15- l'i-[TT ill ll o'. Th 1::- _ , C . . ‘th . .\O. on Sauna at. fliiisdclpflls Pa. 3‘ 0 Hum" OMEN“ ne'- 1 3 9 blood, the are the ter) but round} I I 'o’ ‘, ‘ i i -oilico oftho Company on the 1‘" Wednesday ever know-h. sud i can confident? recount, d 3‘"- ‘i” ”‘w' 631% _______..__. iin every manth M: p )1. them tomy friends. Yours. .V.lltnu.\ l'7‘ "J— , I qe t«7 185;; ' ' wnmn, Wyoming co.,N. Y.. Oct. unanw fie Peoples Cook Book. l .p-- . ~ n... sari 1.... min; your ennui-n: riu- . minty (‘UOK RY in ALL man Romovaln. in my pmtice, nud find them An excellent hf ln.\.\’CHES.- ill» Run Acron.—’r HEundr-rslsned.beingthe nuthoriudperson put-gall" ‘° an”. the system “d purify the \‘urciully “"5““ l'! “villi-k- l r to malt: removuls into liver Green Ceme fountains 0‘ the “00‘- it Tells You "0“ to 8‘00" It“ “"43 0’ “CM-5- tery,hopesthist such ll contemplate the removal fi JOE! 6- ““0“": l- 9- Poultry, nnd Game. \‘iii in “10 "“01", ofthe remains of decenncil relatives or friends ~COXSTIP.\TIO¥,COSTIVKNRSS. SUPPREB- and most spprored modes offldreulnl will oval! themelres oftiiis scuon ofthexesr to . SlUN.[Hans-5113!.GOl'TiNErnALGl-‘i Mid 600“” 5“" "d PM"; “9° $59 . hove itdooo. Removals nmdeuithprouiptucu i DilllPSY. P 1 RALVSIS. FITS. ETO- best “d simplest VI! Olmllngil’,‘cumg —tlms low, ind no eii'ort spared to please. . In. Dr. J. P. Yuan, XML Cl.“- urid curing the same. l PETER THORN, Too m «mow-Jud of Iv" PI“! 70' lt'l'eli .i'ou All the vsriouslnd non-pproved umh 12,10. Keeper of the Cemetery. ths curs ofcostivenens. "others of our frs-' modes ordrsuing, eooltini, "d boning] _4 , . V - teruity have found them on clinicians Is it Hutton, hub. Val, Poultry, sud ("MO/k Alexander Frazer, lure. the: Ibonldioin If" in Prod-Mn: i' '"I of all kinds, with the diluent Dressings, ' W“D “(A-1.0L“ “mm,“ "mm, the benefit at the multitudes who sufler from (Sr-vies, “a Stufinfl opproprinte to 0 his “mp ,0 the house lntely occupied h, ihnt complaint, wliii-h, although bad enough inl etch. l Widow Hubst IN? the we“ end ofChnmbers “"“Vi' the progenitor of olhrn that on world. H Tells “m ”9' to choc“, clean, "Id pro. but street, nohth side where he will nitviivs I Mu"! cantivcncu to originate in the “'"ll ’9". "b of all “a” “d h°' to be liznppv to Attend to tlic calls of his ciistomers' 33" 30'" Pills “fact an "3‘“ ““1 euro tho: l'eflfllr 'in“ “flux; “1:11:13: He is thankful for past hrors, Ind hopes to ”HIM. ' no I o - . . . . - .. . - hm In I. hum mud” M In.“ m l 32:12:“ 3:22:25: Dressings. 8“". rector the Luuttuucd pnuo-sgs o m pshii. i find one or two huge doses oil.) our l'llll.’ , nd’ “"o,in npproprintouuqh. ’l 3“!“- -Ll3'J°- “_.. -_ w.. - “... _— tnkrn at the proper time. are and exit promo-I . . row. —— - _.—~ . »_— tires of the niitnrul secretion when wholly or: it Td’letl‘rzzdtzlolh;r:;lri:; :Sr:::d:::Niitl Cancer Institute. . purliniiy suppresud, nud slso very elfectusl to,‘ kinds of lent Fish Fowl (in-Ir. Ind nu ‘51:” y'e‘ll'l. of sucucSnfui pmctice, clcnme the stomarh Mid expel worms. Thry‘ Ve uhie Sohps iiroths ‘nnd Steus Oil. KLLLiht: still deniru to do good to m‘o “W“ ‘h" be" PM“ "M"m“ ' "‘T wigthe Retinnea'nndseu'onincx upprol i N‘flifiggdfl}k;p:fl\l{s?§§°3:lf,‘j‘,lLlSLneigrr (n 4) ironiv atirnt‘ . ‘...‘.., ~ r...,.; . ~ RESET".fitiignnoiirmmuuzpi. Chi-ircn.‘ ”2‘“ “if?“ .S m, mo!“ mm, ‘ xmu‘s EVIL, suiiias. kc, ir t'unllllc, wiiiinnt Yul-HM Home. A‘Mflnlmhi “"n J““- °~ ‘OO- .":de toll A‘ e “no“ pp , cutting or puiSOll. lie due: out confine hun iliiiiorud Sir: I hhmild be ungrateful for hodcs 0.! °°°kmB Vegetables °fle°r3 sol! merely to the cure of the uhot‘e dis the relief run-r .kill hm brought me if i did not: humpuona‘lm how w flrckP‘llC Pll’c "ll Glued, but Will trc.it nil othr-rs with success.— rrpcrt my'tase to ion. A will ”mod In my} (‘ntsop- pndtzrriesuof; m; 1 one -Pndeuts “'llle iinitcd if desirwl. it rcunuusble limbs Mid hmushl "'1 '3“ ”WWW? “('“f'dlt” lfw' {llfhl’c “cons“:ndrgith Crowd distnnce. Persons desiring to tinit Dr. K. twill pains, which ended in chronic rlieiininlis.n.- it Tell! on .f t It: VI.“ d okin ' 3pm“, plus: stops: the ihilrond ilutcl m Mechanics- Nutuithsmnding lhnd lllt iii-st of ph) Bltilnl,‘ "Nd"? purging“! Poo," ii; ridin s burg, 's‘" ll“! ‘1” be directed ‘0 hi‘ rest the discnsc grew wort-c and worse, until in; the, of mm" ‘“d_ nncg knsCl‘ {:1 oof ' deuce. For all particulars writer—stat. dis- Idt ice ofyuur excellentngent in llllllinoi’t‘,l)i’.. ‘lmelfik'ifii‘l‘l'jenvgdegv‘vzgglhzl & eases plainly. Enclose a postage stamp to “uhmlci I tried s°“ P 1"! The” effects: Presen as, .e .lu’ ' prepay answer. Address Dr. C. L. KELLXNG, were slow, but sure. By pcrscvcring in the on. 13;"! diliclhpuonltioul nod most n rov- lechnuicshurz, Cumberland co., Pm of them, Inm now t'ntireli'l well. i 5 D 55 Eit Tel sad (:26.- “and“, Bread Ru'k‘i’i‘uurfl Oct. 15,1860. 6:11 H ‘_u st ‘ nmber,lsaton ou e, .n., rc.‘ _i ' ' , n {_W _. _. . SOC: jycelr’: l have been eEtirciy cured, by: Sne,nnd Btgcmzsghe be: :hfiogeiffitd: Howard Assocmtton, vour Pills, of Rheumatic Goul—‘ 9‘53““ dWi poring Co cc, poems '0 my“! ’ n iIiLADELI‘iIIA —A Benevolent institu- Euc thnt hsd ntfiicted me {or rears. W?;u%{?::i:usshi:§:'- ° 1 v Rd . P tion gimmisheg' by ”$3311: Endawmfntt. it Tc“. Y“ H°" ‘0 '" out “d. ornnment . ctdrdifhnl'lilreufighlhfndlcl'l‘liitllemicm 6:13:18: lid .'l'nhie, h°" to Cmb' nil km“ 0‘ Fub’ especinlir for the Cure “Diseases of the Sunni Fluh or Fowl, nod in short. how to so Or one '\ Itnplify the whole Art of Cooking in to, gwiclm DVICE given gratis, by the Aw bfln‘ a“ “we“, hum“ of the tnble: lug Surz ,fi; all who apply by letter, with I. “aim ""wa ' meb' inscription 0 their condition, (age, occupy The book contains 418 PM!“ "“1 “Wm“ tion habits entire kc )sndln cues orexmmn oftwslvs hundred Recipes, nll'of which on the "é,“ Mediéinc; fur’nished free of ”um ""1““ "Mi "Pm”“v 5““5 s°“ W" . P “flouting REPORTS on Spemnzonn'm, “d enofnlly ma undo: the Pom-“l "P". I nnd other Disenses of the Sunni Orzons “and intendcuce or thorn-nuns. it is pruned as s i: VEW REXEDIE‘! em ‘0 edi th ,Di ’ dwithnprm ante. ...py n ° ' “W “'4 ””3“" “.‘"m“ P peumy, sent to the tainted in sealed letter Mm «when. “a "u I” ("'"d'd "° my envelopes rm ofchnrge. he or three Bumps mare", new: remind rows“ I"icL °° for pang. will be occepubie. - r'o'cpapt of tho pm. 319°: °t “ “W" ”m, i Address, on. I.BKILLIN HOUGBTONJH; ‘ ’ in Bar eon Howard Association, .\'o. ”Sent \ 31-000 A m an!» me by "t"- Ni‘nih gtreel, Philldeiphln, Po. By order of nosing”- everywhere, in selling the above the Directors. workup-2‘ inducements to nil such being very‘ EZRA D. BARTWELL, I’nr‘l ,9” copies of tho Book. or for terms; 9.2.thltgptua, 8“" with «in: informal“. Apply w 0" ’ ' ’ n in“ .31. JOHN R. POT?” Publisher. . Hod“? Bunsen %Ph' pith, Po. , ammo. on . , ‘ W» E FOURTH 873.2% 4 ~ PHILAD ETA. . bbh 8 lon, Mr!“ smm m Prot L. Miller's AIR waconunn.'——m Shangsm I I find Economiml Compound. ‘ FUR RSSTUIHNG GRAY HAIR m in origi fill colorwnbont dyeing, Ind preventing the HM? from (urninx may. FOR. PREVENTING BALDXESS. Ind curing it. when fine" is (be least panlrb'olfluhty or rccupcmtirc envrgy remaining. ‘ FUR REMOVING SCL’RP AND DANDRCFP, And 1.11 ‘tg‘uneonl afl'ccliom of the Scalp? v FUR BEAUTIEYISG THE “AIR, Engaging, to it an unequalled 910‘s and Millage}, ml ‘lngi lt soft Ind sill.) in it; texture “14536115153 it to curl readily. 1 The great celebrity and the iurrrnsing de-q mad for this unequalled prcpnnuion, connnceg the proprietor tlmt one trml is only necesury to satisfy I discerning public of its Sllpmof qunlttflu over any other preparation It present in use. it clean-cs the bcml and scalp from damlrufl' and other cutaneous diseases, chase! the hair to grow luxurmntly, Ind gnu it u‘ rich, wit, glossy and flexible appearance, and also when} the huir is loosening and thinnig, it “ill give strength and rigor to the roots, ntul rr=ture the growth to those parts I hid: lmx'e bcuam; bild, Ctuiiug it to yield a fresh con-ring,r afhulr. "5 There nrt» hlln-ll’LJl of lmlira and gentlemen in New York who line Llnd their lmir ruturml by the use of this lnrigumtor. “lien I” other prep‘amtionl luul {um-d. L. Ll. in: la hi: pos session letter: innumerable testifying to the nbmc farts, from Pvt-mus of the highest ra rpe'otatbilltf. ll vnll etl'cctunlly prevent the inr from turning grny nntll thr latest period of lifr; .tud in «mu wharo the hmr has nlrcmly changed its color. the use of the lnvigrorntor will with teruinty restore it to it: origin-1M", girirg it a dark. glotsy nppcarufl'ce. As: per fume fut-the toilet and t flair Butcntin it is phi‘ficullnfly recommended. baring nu agreeable trngrucc; And the grout facilities it “ford: in dressing the hair, which, when_moi§t with the lavigontor can be dressed in any required hum so u to preserv'c its pllce, vhcthu pllln orlu curls—hence the great demand‘fiu it)»; we 1 1113:. u I Itaudxrd toilet snide which: none ought to be without. in tha prim places it within the reach or all, being ONLY ‘I‘WSXTY-I'H'R CENTS per bottle, to be hm] u m respectable drug gléu and perfume”. L. IJLLER would cell the nttentionof Pu. rents and Gnu-ill.” to the nu ofhi- Invigor not, it} cues where the children'l h-ir inclines to be weak. The use or I: lnyl the foundation for A good head of halt, u it removes In] im purities ‘hnt any have become connected with the kelp, the removal of which in neteunry both for the health ofithe child, “(I the future up arth'ce of its hair. Starrwx._xune genuine without the he Ilmile of LOFIS MILLER being on the outer wr- pcr; elm, L. MILLER’S BA!!! ”“60- BA’FUR, N. Y.. blown in the glass. Wholmlo Depo:, so Dey 51... Ind lold by: all the principal )lercluuu Ind Dmgghu through out the world. Libel-Aldiuounflopurciuersbythequautlty. “7‘! the duin to pmuntto the Austin -nbl'm my NIH no “noun batman” 10!!!!) HAIR DYE which Ann yam of uln uflcuperimeutlngl have brought to pedoption. h dyes Buck or Brown inseam without in jury to the Hnlr or Skin—‘mmd the but "tide at the kind In existent. PRICEONLI 50 CENTS. Dupe», 33 Day Sweet», New York. pg. 29, 1860. Iy‘ ~\_ -- -.,__.- .—.——«—————q-.._ Dr. Mott’s .\LYBEATK RESTORATITE ‘ : PILLS 0" [ROM An npl-fient uni Stomachic prepantion of IRON purified of Oxygen and Cubuu by com. bastion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the high ctt Medici! Authorities, both in Europe and the United Sum, Ind pmcrlbod In their pm:- tice. The experience of thonnndl daily proves that no prepnrntion of Iron can be ("mud with it. l’mpnritlel of the blood. depression of rial energy, pills Ind otherwise sickly com. plexiou indicate its necessity in nlmout every coneeivnble cue. Innoxidul in All maladies ln which it hu bdin tried,“ bu proved nbeolutcly cmllro in each of‘tbeMOWing complalnu, vii: In W, Kama Afi'ediw. Elm-fa. tion, DW, Coutipaliou. Diarrhea. Dy» enlery. Incipient Cnmmqmon, Scrqfulou Tulxrrulosix. Sal: Rheum. .Vizumlrltalion. Whit", Chloron‘s, Lit-er Complain“. Ohmic Hradaches, Rheumatism. Internident Feat", Pimple: on the Fate, (it. . ln-cuee of GIXIKAI. Drum", whether the result of nuts disease, or of the continued dimnnition of nervous Ind muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trill of this m torative bits proved successful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. invalid: no long bed ridden as to him become forgotten in their oun neighborhoods, have suddenly re-nppeu ed in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in n dixmnt land. Some very signal instances of this kind Ire nttcsted of fe male Sufferers, emnciated victims of apparent mnrnsmus. Mnnineons exhnuetion, criticnl changes, and th it complication ofnerrong nnd dyspeptic m‘ersxon to air and exercise for which the pliysn‘inn it“ no name. in NERVOI‘h AYFZL‘TIOVS nfnll kind], Ind {or rentmu filmilim' to mc‘liml men. ihe operation ofiliis preparation ofirou must necessarily be snlutnry. for, unlike the old oxwlvs. it i! rigor ously tonic, Wilh'uli being cxmiing and over heating; and gently, rcgnluly nperieut, men in the most ohttinnle (‘nww of i nstirenesa with out ever hang it gitsiric purgaine, or infligling a dis ignenhlc rensailon. e l: is thi! lalicr property. nmon: otheerlilch nukes it so remurknbly efi'ectual and permanent ; remedy for I’llu, upon which it also Appeys to e ert n d'utinct and specific Action. by dis pei‘ngthe locnl tendency which form: them. In Dmrusu. iuuumcmhlc As an. ixs causc‘, a smglc box offline (‘bnlybeale Pllls has ofxen sufficed for the most hnbnul uses, inclndmg the utendnnl Couircuesx. . In unchecked Dunna;.errnvhen ndnnred to Drunnr. confirmed. “weather. Ind ap parently malignant. the emu-u have been equal ]; deciuive‘nd uwnitbiug. In at. but pains, ion of flesh And Itruunh, dohiliuting cough. nd remittent hectic, I Lich generdly indie-3e hum" COIBCIPTIOI, thus remedy nu tuned-tho Alum of friendl uni physician, in "veal very gnufying Ind in kmu‘ng insuncet. In Senorcwcu Tatumxs, this medicated iron ha kid {3l' more than me good cm: of (he must uuuqnsly bun-med pupa-tion: or lodine, without my 0! their to.“ known lia biliticl. ‘ The “union of facade: cannot be too con fldeuuy invited to this remedy md restorative, in the cues peculinrly un‘ecting them. In Rucunu. both chronic and inflammat ion-57h flu hug, how-var.» man decided):— in but Iron innrinuy roll reputed, bed: :5 din-int u ”in ad reducing an 3'9l“an when n! mtjqinu 3nd and». In unumnr Pun: it must nocoum'ly be. nut and; nd aux-gout. renounce, And in m in the new undone“: o! the West, will prom], be on, 9! high renown and mfnlnnu. No remedy bane: been dheovgred in an who]. hhtoty of modicine, which Q“;- Inch firompt, hppy, ud fully mun-nu“ c ecu.— Good awed“, applets digestion, n 1“: u:— q-iufion numb, via a nun.) ’ la gun for naive and sheath) who, M 9191e01e it: me.‘ WM npin an: 13: men] by. cum ammwuwfim; for $3 ~= Lfi‘ifi'fi'fi'fl’w ‘65:“ ‘ ‘7’! - 9n new at“ ”mu-him git” 3g 9 '1 nrfh a”, . . : i533}. .e I 243-“ :1; by» 1800 Fall and Winter Goods. THE subscribxr, having jnu ntnrnod from lhe l’mst'rm Olden whit I Inge and splen did naorunent of HATS and CAPS. would N .pectfully all the “undone! purchaser: to tho um. Hit noel of II an In full and com plete, consisting in pond len‘l fuhlonnble and handsome .\‘o. l Sllt Hutu, Dreu "nu. Sun Han. high; low and medium depth of crown, Cloth and Glued Cur, ['lth and l’lmh trimmed Caps. for me:- am bop. Funky [lnn and Cupl for Children, lmlher I ith a good lu lort'mentof Wool mu, all oflhich will be luld at very low price: (wrench. Aloo, a fine u lomncnt of Ladies' and Iliun' Block And Brown Vernon Mun, Felt "us, to. Oct. 22,1860 T PRIVATE SAUL—Tho nndmlgnod of- A in: It Print: Sula the Property in which 9 now resides, nilulu ll Rut llddle "not, Gettyshurr. uljninlng 8. R. Timon on m. wen Ind In. Mcllllroy on tho cut, 'ilh In _.u. Alley in the mu. Tm: Horas in two-gory Fume, Wutbcrbo-rdad. wit Bubbuilding; 5 well of Inter. I 1“: I pump in 11, u the door; nd A variety of fruit. Ind: u apples, pars. pen-bu, apricou, cherriu, Ind gnpu, sll the no“ choice. Nov. 12. 1860. t! WI Pnctioal Calculator, A Book of plnin Rule. Ind Calculation: for Buineu (gut-tion, by Hum I. Roi-n, Pneflcd uneyor and Conreyunm. New Edition 0.., Phflndelphis. ' 18 Work coninlnn 204 pm. Ind upw-rdn arsoo Rules And Bnmplu. entinly Ind \ oronglnly rncncn, rich as Irln every day in the copmon pursuits of Busineu. It bu nlrudy passed llirough 3 number of Edition: in rapid succession. and il pronounced by All cluaes of business mm to be [he Hum-n we: or Isgznncx, pertaining to anlcnlnuom, unit has ever hem llnbll‘hed. Every Exnmplc in the book I! fourth on m ICLL, And stand in : plain manner. so thnt when n puallvl case nriscs llime referring lo the work Will find no nlixfirnlly in readily wiv inz i'; in I ward, the gem-ml arrangement of the CALrL'LnnI is so simple, Hint nny oncwho knows how to ADD. srnncr. ICL‘HPLY, nr hmoz. cnn easily snlrc any ordinary example that nriwrs in husinns. or urrivc at me true result of any estimate rrquirml. The chit-{Mm of mo Author has been to es chew theory nnd phiimuphy in fiflures, aiming (Hi) In farm and ~imphrity. believing that bus:- nc-s men can huh- abuut spending time in diwuuin; Ihr phllu~ophf of rules, or the scum: of figures. dcmmng it summon: for their purpme to he IMe A? A mun“. by reform. o, lo ”the Al the nu nut”. The Lurrm'run differs in this napec‘ from I” Arithml-uu of the Ill} and kindred Works—it is a kry to put.- ticnl business calculations—il is, m the hand: of the busincn mam what the key 10 mnthe. mnticnl work! is in the Imm!- oflhe tenchu‘in the achool-roorh—lt fncxlxralcs lime and cor rcctncsfi. The Work {rt-1M oflhe .\lensnrtmcnt oannd. of Lumba‘. u! Rack and Brick Work, of Stone 8 Stone Work, ofGrain and Grain Bins, of Coll 3 Con! BinLct Wood, of Solids. of Circu llr. Squnrc. or lrregnlu Vessels. of (‘islerns lad has, of Roofing, of Planners", Plinun', Ginien'. Paren', lenbers'v Pup" ngcrl', And Upholstereru' Work. It. tmu ofCurnnry And of Foreign md Domenic Exchnnge, of the Demand System, of Reduction nnd its extend ui nppliuuon lo Businen. of Sunplc Ind Com pound Inlereu, had their entire application to Business mnuctions, with the lnn And usage! governing nnd regal-ting the same, together with numerous commerc'ul Forml.—of Legnl Tendcr, of Fania] Payments on Notes, ofßank ing And Bnnk Discount, 01' Equntion of Ply monu “do! Putnuship Accomlu. of Aneu— ment of Tues, of Weight-I nnd Mount", of Squtfl ad Cubic Haunt-o. o! m Squn 800‘ and in Appucntion to Bulineu, ofSurfsca, or Exuulion, Ind ofmlny other imponun pru ucnl matter: not within the Rope aha ulter uuumn to mention. It. it Just an Book‘for the Further, the It; chute, ma Arum, or the Profeuionu nun. It bu prove: I run-bk mama] to Lhc Lur yer, the Janice of the Pom, the Convepncer, And Bad Emu Broker, to Lha Aucuor, the Baker, lb. mm, to m Civil Engineer and {be Sutnyor, to tho Cupcake: Ind Bricklnyar, so" Mal-m Mu“ Hut-rune Hie 2 m: and Uphohtercr, to the Punt " _ ,tc.,&c.;uchudnflwmfld k .hppd H 00‘: various In“ both! than ”book ed. , ~ pB3 to “i put of the h]. 'Stuul gum pt of lag-sou].— ‘gf. “ ' g‘h' doth, 00 «nu, or M. Bouid ingckohbook J , l O - r ”3341 mm; avfi’W‘W" * ‘ .65?“ magma Ell B. D'. lclLllEN Y Town Property ZACHARIAH IIYEflS nonnxn's noxmsn's mama's nonnan's ~ aonnsn's PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTIJAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. \ r, PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. Publiihcd b; J. B. Llrrucon 8 7 u. 1860 ‘ Yncn‘r SuonL. files: of the Pill: ionnrke! contain Hep; cury, which. Illbough a nlunlfle remedy in. skilful h:nds.~il dungerona in I public pill, from the dreudful consequencen tho: freqncnb- I; follow its incamioususe. Then conulu no mercury or mlnenl substance whatever. Price, 26 cents per Bar, or i Bum for 81. .31 hatred bl Dr. J. C. “RI b Co.y Lowcll, Inn, ”Sol byfi. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; . Bobmz, Aron ville; Futon a )XcCru , Foirfield , P. A. Myers, New Chester; H. Sun: New Oxford; l-I. Uneahcw, York Springa; drum guumlly. ‘- Sept. 3.1860. lyeow Hanover Branch Railroad. ‘ , Man ARRANGEMENT.——Puunpr, ‘3 Tuba run 1.- follows: y ‘ 3.8 T TRAIN luvu Elmore: at 8.45, A. I”. will: Pmengen for Baltimore. York, Euth burg. Columbio tnd Pbilndelphia. ." - ‘ r sscoxo mm luvu Hum: n 2, WA: with Pmengerl {or Balurnoro tad inter-mafia polnu. - EXTRA TRAYS cur, Tuuchy Lndemdo ; leaves Huiover u 4, P. )1., with Ppengerl for York Ennisbuxg, kc, returning with Fluen gcr: from Baltimore. ' Through fiche.- m mud to Phflodelplu, 3 Columns, Rurbbnrg.’ Willi-Lama, Rum, denoro, York, Wrighuvnh Ind :11 other prindptl wly point: on flu llno of the Northern Control Bunny. ' ”D. 3. non, new Agent. Jun. 14, 1361. , .xnl Sarsaparilla' $ ' ’ I You! 0 Yes! “dank-oi old-I his ”Meet to the '1; ”“100“ Aunt-ou- and Me Crier, nu pollen! tulhlfl'of-MI'O m Mi maniac-gum Waning}; mud, ml the JAB. MU mama: EMI “'2'“ 3‘ Vi George M. Bokee, I IMPORTER "a Dealer in I cums, GLASS & thzxswmx ' No. 4] Norm Howard Street, between Lexing: ton and Fuyom Streeu, BALTIMORE. g STONKWABE “up on hand. 3: Factory‘ prices. June 18,1860. 1y ' OPA AND FURNITURE WAREROOVS,NOI S 25 and 2'! N. Gay street. Baltimore, (near Fayette ILA extending from Gay to Frederick st.—the lurgut establishment ofthe kiud inthe Union. Alwuyu on bond n lurvze nasmtnu-nt of HOUSEHOLD ASD OFFICE FURNITURE. cm bricing Bureaus, Bodsteuds, Wmhrmmls. Ward robes, Maureen. of Bush. Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofia, Tate-e-Tetu. Arm Chairs, Booking Choirs, Eugen», Marble Tnblu, Sch tees, Rccc Lion and Upholstered L‘huira. .\S SURTED CPOLORSOFCUTTAGEFFRXITL’RE, Wood Chain, 031 cc Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hut Racks, “all Furniture, Gilt Ind Wduot Fume Looking Glusscs, Sid:- bmrds, Extennion Tnblcl, of cvery’leugth. Pernonl dlnpoud to purchase are invited to edl and give our stock an examinntion, which for variety and quality of workmnmbjp is not Cqulllod by my uublilhment in the 'conutry. A. XA'I‘HIOT & SUN. lot. 15 Ind 17 N. Guy street. Aug. 8 1860. 1y EWELRY, SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT- J ED WARE, tea-A. E. WARNER Gold .nd ilvenmilh, Ko. 10 Non-n: (In Stun, BAL TIIORK, “D., bu in store l bountiful assorh mom of style: find putter!“ of RICH lEW ELRY, suiublc for pmentafilubncing I great variety of Phil: GUN and em Branches, Mosaics,Cnr bunklu, It, Eda-Rim, Bra-glen, Finger Ring! net with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Upul, Emerald, ten Lsdies' Gold Chaim. Veil. & Gulfd Chaim, Mini-tun Lockcu, Gold Thlmblu, (Jull’ Pins; Signet, Chad and Phin Gold Ringu; Pencil: And Penn, Sleeve Button Ind Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bun-leg, Pins t Bu Rings, kc. A nriety ofSilver located I Plated Outcry Cake Balkan, Waiters. Clndleslicks, Bauer and Salt Slunds,l‘url Handle DenertKniru,Spoonl, Forks, ladies, li'nucy Articles, kc.,11l ofwhich in rolpectfnlly ofored on the lowest terms. “’1‘!" Country Trade and Dede” gem-rul ly In invited to give me u call, Ind examine‘ Good- and Prices, being nil-Gad thu my le-‘ YER WARP. cnnuot be lurpnued either for, Imam or quxllty, or the latex! and moat. hem» i uful panama. [1705.21 1,660. 1y r l Burr Mlll Stones l WARRANTED—B. r. A,“ l STARR s CO., Cor. .3. l of Kort/A and Calm Strum, “1W; ' opposite N. C. R. [L Station, f' ’, Dunno“, In. Munufac- v;&‘ ’S uren of FRENCH BURKS, 1; :~ » lmportcn and Dcfllfl'l In .23» I's Burr Bloch, Bolling Clothnf 2 k. .47 .A I: Luther and Hum lieltmgi, ' " ‘ “ ' ' l (‘llcired l’lnyler. um] 1111 l lrnns, of Wurmn'ed) Quality. Alxo, l'olunc, Comlivo. and Ewphc: ; Mill Stonel ol nil lines. [l"cb. .'7, 'OO. 1y 1 Pay Up! HE Whip [amnion existing bow-an we “buying: and“ the 6171:: me of urn t M in, having been diuolved, the! Why am nod». to all pom" new ‘5 '0 (ha, by Note or Book Account, to ed! In! utth the 0‘... before the 5m dual-u -nary next, Build: math-i: mum-in be plwod ll tho had. ohn one-r for eolléction. HENRY B. DANE“ ‘ WAIBRIBE‘! ZIEGLKB. Nor 3,1550. .- ‘3' -‘z r-wv ‘ ~ m‘...u~| Hmmotyfilhia‘oohig ' ’ Kmart-£9013 . _, , J- a ‘ En= A. Mathiot Br. Son’s New, & Rich ALSO, 'JE dthoml :1 com- .um ho Anccd the MAKING ' on, or. lug. mle,.in York urect, Gettylburg,nurly ”polite Wlulen Hotel, where ho will try to dawn, ud hopel w recciic, a libudgflron -1T). BREAD BULLS, CAKES, ORA W, P mums. £9,th mud every dpya‘SSlm dnyl exccpledQ All of the best quality, | hold a: the love“ living profits. Crqu-Mu‘ In :11 iu branch" is largrly carried omm otdll’l fix any nmount, from this and adjoining conn ties, supplied M. the short? notion. Hui. erected I large and commodi Iu Mahatma» nus neared the be" workmnn sud thy no“ Ip provod muchincq, be is prepared :0 dc] heavy buoineu. VALENTINE SAUPEE. July 25,1859. W S.\LOON.—(IEO. F. ECKENRODEhM rammed his (lyster establishment (u (h, splendid new Saloon In Jncobs a Bm’s. Build. lag, ’qn thy: North side of (.‘lumbenburg strut, where he will at nll time! be prepared to let" up the besrof 0\ STERS, in every nyle. By keeping u good article, he expects to mehje g liberal allure nfenbhc patronage. TURTLg SOUP, CHICKI-h . BEEF TONGUE, PIG’ FEET. TRll’E, BUILED and FRIED EGGS, [HI CREAM, BIRDS, km, In their season. A uicu glass of ALI-l or LAGETC can always be lmd.—-_ Come uni try me. G. RBCKENRODE. April '2, 1:560. .- Grocenes, Notions, Bw. HE undersigned hus opened I|. Grocery and Nofion Store, in Baltimore street, nearly opposite the Court House, Gcnysburg, when the public will constantly flnd,xellingcbcup as m dampen. SUGARS, Syrups, Nolan", Cor. fees, Tm, Rice. Chee§e, Epic" of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms and llruxl-fe; Fresh Butter and Eggs, Ground Coffee, Enénco ofCofl're, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soups, Salt; -‘l‘ob:c_co, Sega", Snufi'; Confections, all kinds]. of Null, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins. Broad, Cnckers, Cakes of different kinda; Shoe Ind Stove Polilh; l-‘nncy Goods, Muslina, Gingham], Cotton BI", Wsdding. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Sulpenden. Pins, Needles, Clothe! l’ins, Iliu— tons, with Notions of all kinds. A than ol'tlae. public'l puronugu is respectfully solicited. , XO7. 19, 1860. if The Only Discovery WURTHY OF ANY CONPXDENCE Fol]. ‘ RESTOIUNG THE BALD AND GBA Y. —)lany, lince the great discovery of Prat. Wood, have ottetnpted not only to imitate hiu mtorutiy‘o, i-ut profess to have diwoiered somethinflhnt would produce results identicnl; hut they \'e all come and gone, being curr‘u 11 away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood'- prepurntion, Ind inn-e been forced to lenve tho field tolu resistleu uwny. Read the following: _ ‘ ’ Bath, Sinine,April lath. 1359. Prof. o. J. Wood in Co.': Gents. :_'rn. lot— ‘ terl wrote you in 1856 concerning your "lun , hie Hnlr Restorative, and which you hnve pnh i lished in this vicinity and eleewhcre, hnn piien , rile to numerous enquiries touching the fuel in the case. The enquiricenre, lint, in- it n fnct of my hohit-uiou and name, I. stated in the communication : tat-00nd, iil it true of nil therein contained; third, does my hair ltill continue to 56 in good order and of natural color? To nil Pei- and do answer invariably yes. Sly hair in even hetter than in my stage of. my life lor 40 years post, more jolt, thrihy, and l-elter colored ; the some is true of my whiskern. nod the only enune why it is not generally true. in tlmt the enhstnnee is mulled off by frequent nhlutiou of the fnce, when if care were nerd Ly wiping the race in close connection with the whiskers, the same result will follow nn'tlne hair. i have been in the receipt of n‘péynt number ofletten k 6)! distorts ofhew England, ‘ asking me if my hm“ e'onlinuu to be good; i u there in so muelfifmud in the mauufurturu 3 sad tale of voriotu- x'mupuunds as well M thi-, it it“, no doubt been bust-1y tmituled nml hm. need, not only without eny-good elm-t. but to absolute injury. I have not need any of your Restorative of any account for lonic months, nod yet my hair is us good at ever, ond'huu drede have examined it with surprise, n: i All! now 61 yenrq old nnd not A grny hair in my head or on my face; and to prove thin int-t. l lend'yon I. lot-k of my hair token ofl'the past week. I received your favor of two quart hot tlel int lower, lot which 1 out very grateful: Inn it to my friend: and therehy induced then: to tr it, many were skeptirni until tum-r trial, and ’inen pnrchueed nnd u-ed it u llil nui veml oneten. I will mic a lutul’. tlmt you send me I tut -hy which 1 can diut‘ou'l' i'rnud inflle lteetorntire, told by many, 1 fear, with otfl‘ nothority from you. A pure nriieie uili insure menu, and I ioeiiere where good effect! do not follow, the failure in round by the im pure article, which rursea the imentur of the good. l deem it my duty as hen-torore', to keep you apprised of the continued ell'eci on my hair, on I entire all uho enquire oi me of my unlhuken opinion ofita mlunhie results. i re main, dear sir, yours,“ A, C. RAYHUND. ‘ flaunt.“ ltuu, Ky.. Sov. 30.1858; Prof. 01' . Wood: Deur Birz—l would eer toiuly be doing you a great injustice not to mike known to the world, the wonderful. as well u the unexpected ruult l hove experienced fmm‘noiug on bottle of your linir Renter-tire. Anet- mung every kind of Itestontit'es extant, but without Ineeeu, and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I wn» flunily induced to try A bottle of your lluir Restorative. Nun, .cnndor and justice compel nus to unuoume to whoever moy mil thin, that 1 now powers 3 new and bountiful growth of hair, which I pronounce rirhernnd hundmmer thin the origi- Itd WM. 1 will therefore take occasion to re commend this invaluable remedy to AM. who noydeel the neceoeity ofit. Reapeetfully yourt, . _ ill-IV. S. ALLEN BROCK‘ 'P. S.—Tbia tentimnninl of my npprohluon for your Valuable medicine (in you are olm' 00 is unnolicitcd 2-hut if you tnink it worthy a piece among the rest, innert ii: you wish; if not destroy and say nothing; Yours, teq- The Rcltontive is put up in homes of three lilel, viz: large, medium, nud small; Lineman holds Q n pint, sud read: for one dollar per bottle; the medium hold: M. lens: twenty per cent. more in proportion thin the null, retails for two dollars per bottle; the lArgo holdd 5 quart, 40 per cogt. mom in proponion, ad to uila for7§3. O. J. W9OO & (30.. Proprietorn. 444 Broad way, New’éfi'ork, and 114 Math! Street, St. Louis, 316': . And sold by :11 good Druggists and Fancy Goodf Dale". [Dec. 17,1360.fl1m_ \ John W. Tipton, SEIOHABLE BARBER, North-cut can; an of the Diamond, (next- door to lie: Ulellsn‘l Hotel,) Gem'sburg, PL, whcn he cu: t: :1] fine: be found ready to “tend will basins» in his line. He bu nlno unnatu than” Ind will ensure utiuflclioa. Gin hi. I cull. (Dec. 3, 1380. Economy is Wealth, AID one of our learned men, Ind I bilien it, for the folk: u! my they sue mono; by calling 1: H. G. CARB’S, to buy their Grocerin, Queenswnre, Notions, kc. (Jul. 21, 1861. ETTYSBURG BAILROAD.—On lad DIM G Monday, Nov. 2d, 1860, the flaming Trdn will leg" Gmysbunz u 7.40 A. IL, with pesoengen for all the connectinu. 3'oth Ind South, on the Northern Cenml Bully-y..ud return ebont 1.20 P. I. . The Moon' Tnin will lenve Gettylbnrg‘ At 345. P. '41)“ punngm by this ‘l‘nln can go no farther then’ Hwover the same evening. W 3 will, retell Geapbnrg nbohl 6.15 P.X..whhpluen-_ get. from Barnum, I'sinss, it. By thin amazement person: horn the country, men age lhe of the Damned, having buinuf to mnuct in Gettysburg, an an the nooq Train up And hue Early two hour: in Gen)!- bntg, Ind retuux la the Afternoon hell. . "I ‘ R. IcCUBDY, President. Nov. :6, 1880. "" ‘ you rum to buy the aunt mad but!“ Mad Gain", Mu lot. Boots. Gab. all Show, Ink-w ad Yout’ Shun, an, n - lon-Isn't. 01881168, Minn. ghecki,‘ munch; kc.,cheap n hhgutqc n'. We bin m A 81.18 banded ‘gmi our _oinfjmhto which we inviujml nueanYg n bs,uy 6"on , malt-‘Wfif' p 'r A_- - ‘ —‘ RAH...” ';.u ”A. . A‘ .... . . ‘l‘ ‘ > . 7;; fi ( Removal. LYDIA C.NOhBE(‘K REVIS. A. B. Change of Time. ,x . o _w .K ~, :11Ltr.:Jackr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers