girtrfiztmmts, _4 Adams ponnty _. m. upmfivus’cxnouut- ‘ ludrpomod Mmh 18, 1351. ' ' ’ ,qnxcln. ' W—Oeorge Syn“. ‘ Via Moist-11. B. Ruucll. “110,—. . Bnchler. Mum—David M’Cregry. M Galina—Robert XeCurdy,Juob Flu, Andrei I‘lg'nu'd'u'sdn. D ‘ largo-« Boom Siam, .A. Hidden};- Jc“ ‘ ng, A. Hefinuolznnn, R. I'Curdy, Thou. A. hnhnll, S. Fume-lock, Wm. B. )h Clellan. in. B.W.illou, l. Eicbclbcrger. Abdial lam, 011 Wolford, H. A. £igkhg;¢bdl‘. ergh‘t, 1o“ Horn", i; GSMbCrhry. S. E. Rnuell. D. ‘g‘Omry; An or Policy, John Picking, J. R. .th ”Thl: Cmpnny is limited in h! open. ,Nou to Liz, want} ‘of Adams. It In: Mt! in "Tia“ opcnliou for more Hun six yeun, m In that period bu paid all louu Ind ex ‘pcuelmiuoul any auunml, buiag ulna n Inge jut-pin upiud in the Treuxury. The Com ‘pany employ: no Aggnu~nn bunineu being done (33th Xanagdn, Madam udnmflly fleet,- ‘od li] 0 ‘tock‘JonL-n. Any per-on deliring _n Manges can apply to my 0! the Ahoy. binned gauge" for further hforanbn. OFT!" Executive Commute: mean at the 5g of“. Companv on the In: Wednesday "In'chry mouth, IL 2, P. M. ‘ Beth'l, 1858. Something New XGRTTYSHURG.—Thcundcniguedinforms the citizen: of the town’and ha commenced me BAKING bunineu, on 5 Me sale, in York ltrect, Heap-bur ,gé‘rfi’ ‘oppollu Wattles] Hotel. where he wifl try to ‘flgfl'e, Ind hopes to recoiul A [hm-d patron- V&' ’anw, 410 an, (tugs, cmcxmq, RZTZELEIkcq kc" baked uery (1”, (Sun _dsyl excep‘ ,) all of the bestquulity,'snd sold It the lowest. living profiu. (lurker-baking in ‘ [u bunches in huge]; carried on. And orders Fay Lmount, (mm this and Idjoining conn iel, supplied :1. Ih. chum-st notice. lining erected Huge and commudiou! bake-house Ind :Wfl'ed‘lhébnt workman And the mast. Ip ‘ raved mncbinery, be in prepared t 0 do 3 in"; business. jug; 39.1559. VALENTINE SAL’PEE '- Removal. 4- ' . 2w SALonx.—m:o. P. Et'RENRODRhu 1 "moved hu Oyster umblishifmng tn the fiplendld new Snlonn in Jacobi & Bro's. Build 'Jn'g. on the North alde- ol Ulmmln-rshurg “not, when: he will n' all times be prepared to urn up the bent of OYSTERS, in excl-y nyle. By keeping A good nrln'lc. he cxpecu to recaivo liberal shine m’ public patronage. TURTLQ OUP, CHICKEN, BEEP TUNGI’K, PIG'S BET. 'rmm-z. muLHI) and Hum; EGGSJCE ‘REAN, BIRDS, kc., in their season. A nice glut MALE or LASER can alt-ya be hid.— Come Ind try me. G. F. ECKBNRUDE. ‘ {(prfl't, lsuu. ‘ Grocenes, Notxons, Bw. THE agdfirgignedfin OPFIICJ 3 Grocery and 'Ko on More. In Balmuure week, nearly opposite the Court House. Gettysburg. when )1" public w.“ constant!) finnl,sclling cheap M the cheapest. SL'LHRS. 53 mpg, .\lolnnes, Cof fm, Teu, Me. ('hce-e. figures of all kind], Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms nnd Brushse; fr‘fi‘nnucr'nnd Eggs. Ground Coffee, fluent-e “Coffee. Sr-uch Herring. ('undles, Soaps. Salt; ,‘Tubncco, Sag-m. Snun': ('onftvlmns, I“ kinds 0! Nuts, Ornngn, Lemons, Punim. Brend, i‘nckers. Cakes 0! dlfferl-nt kind]; Shoe nnd 8&0“ [’anh; Fancy Goods, Muslinmflinghlml, gamut Bats, Wndding. Hu-icry. Handkerchiefa, upenden, l‘inr, .\‘L—cd‘u, moth“ Pins. BM }ou, with Suliuns 0? n 1; kinds.' A nhlre ofthe inbpel p‘youage is rmpmlfully sulinilrd. ' ‘ ' LYDIA C. NUILDECK. )1". 19, mm. 1! The Only Discovery ORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR . « RBSTQIHNG THE BALD AND GRAY. —1 ‘ y,‘ since \ho groin uncover, of Prof. 3900;, have sucm ted not only to immate his _mtoratiro, hm prion“ m lune discovered 'aomething that would produce resuiu identical' 'but they [mu All come and gone. being Carrie-ti away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's brcpnxfalion, and have been forced to leave the ’31:” ft; in rcaistlesd sway. Read the following: ‘ Bath. Maine, Apnl lath, 1859. Prof. O. J. Wood & (10.: Gents. z—Tbc let erl wrote you in X 85!) concerning your mina éfle EPA“- Bcsfumlivc, and which you have put» fished in this VECinity nnd elsewhere, bu given 'rile to numerous enquiries touching the (non in the cm. The enquiries are, fir", i: i& a fact of my inhibition an". name, as stated in the 'cqmmuniuuion: second. is it true of All tin-rein ‘conh‘lléd; third. dues my lmir still continue to En In good order and of namml color? To All can and do nmwor invuriuhly-ycs. My hn’ir is even better than in Aug stng'e of my life for '4O e 4" put. more so , thrifty. Ind better )oljnd; the mm? is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why it ii not generally true, is that the substance is wnahed off by frequent figkm of the {ICC‘ when if care were used by p 31,!” nice in clone connection with the Vvhinke . we‘sune result will follow u the heir.‘ 1' hn're been in the receipt of a great £s"th ofletters from all p trts ofNew England, sktng me if my hair all“ continues to be good; u there is so much fr.|ud in the nnunf-tcture nd ule of various compou Ll: as well as this, has, no doubt been hnsclfinitnted and been re , n 6: only without nuLgßod ed'cct. but to Ibsnlute injury. I have not used any of your ~Rest/omtit'e of any ncv‘uuut for some monthl, hull yet my. lmir in M cool as eter, and hun- Ekél‘h‘ne enmincd it “uh surprise, on I Mn 0" 6} feap'ola nusl not a gray hair in my ’let‘d or on my face! ant} to prune thin tact, l um! and it link of my hair taken 03' the put M"! Retired your favor of two quart bot he: hstaummer, for which I run very gnuful: Inuit to my friends and thereby iuduced cm to try it, many were skeptical until After rid, Ind then purchased and ufled it with uni- Ifltl success. i will Mk n fzuur, that you nd me I test by which I can discover fraud pug; illstontive, sold by many, I fear. with -6%! iuthority from you. _\ pure article will insure access, and l hclieve where good effects do not follow, the failure is caused by the in:- ' m ”title, which curses the imentor of the £05..“ 1' deem it my duty in heretofore, to keep {on nppriaed of the continued efi'ect on my ' sir, I: I more :1! who enquire of me of my Innke- opinion of it: valuable results. I re -3&lde sir, yours, A. C. RAYMOND. “? ‘ Aaron: Bun, Ky" Nov. 30, 1858. M. Q. J. Wood: Dear Sir :—I would eer ‘tunly be doing you n greet injustice not to mks known to the world, the wonderful, u hall I: the unexpected result th’e experienced from Ming on bottle big-our Hair Restontire. Altig lying ohr: kind 0 Rest‘ontihe‘e extant, flu: without ‘luccesa, Ind finding my head ‘nesrly destitute of hair, I m Emily induced Puy 3 beetle of your Hair Reuontive. Now, condor sud justice compel me to announce to yhoever my read this, mu 1 now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, whiah I an!” richer And hundsomer thn the otigi no. I will therefore take occasion to re cmeld this invelnehle remedy to ALL who my led the necessity otit. *r . Rupocu‘ully yours, " ' REV. S. ALLEN BPOCK. P.B.—'fhix_ testimonial of my lpprobntion (at vfln‘shfg 519$;ng {u 'on no nine 00 fl match-am! if yon‘émlk it worth] pug. mag 0.. ml, insert if you with; if so: dam; and My nothing. Yours, an, REV. S. A. B. fin Monti" is put up kn bottles of \hree glut, 1h: lute,fiél_linm, in mull ; thumnn 01b 1 . phi, And Egan: for one dollu per 3 a. medium old- u lean :mty per macwmn ann um maul, nun: doll-n per bottle; a. Itm hold: 1 «"2. pa «manor. in ”open-ion, tad ro ‘ 0.1. :30!) t 00-. Exam «_4 Broad. pay, In but. u‘d lfi Street, 8;. ‘ m . lav-11nd”... ud hut: psa- , . , 17.3 w g. ‘ 1 angina. no 31-: p. ’ ”3" . MI cor- V: . V Mp“; door to 2:.- ,‘w :m . "QM 13’1““? -’ .h-uauuomuom :v-“f'? “9“ I'll! ”m Gm grim”, .. V -:, 193 w» m Work on tho fin. 33a ltimore Advm 11‘ none: um ms ms 23- b m ' ! Ion” lulpané V. 3.. Proteuot ((915 0111611155181? D. Data}- nldOpu-‘uye "("in uu Vueriu‘ry , N . . Crllm {Hailsddphh (unit. 1 .'ANCY GOODS. W You of :5. (mm. Hum, .94 as... - 1105123): rgluuxas, ' tinéflv‘e mm of the uric" brads of. A“) “”3. Europun.AuisUc.Africnu and America . Whale“): ud Retail. 110th u my pm. I Horus, with tho ph'ylicd formula: Ind: Hill'more. Feynman 0! “NW?“ ‘54 how :0: _1517 turn." stun, BALTIMORE. ilcéndn hi: up by the number Ind! cofilfition of bin teeth ; illusfmdcd with numerous “plan-wry "gr-Vina. 11318 HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will I You ()(Brnding, Ere-king. Blaming, feeding, Grooming, Shoeing. Ind the, xenon! mungemeut of the born, with the be". modes of Idmini'uring mull-i due, dto. how to "get Bifing. Ric-king! nearing, Shyinzfitumblingfirib lining, Bulleunun, and other nm to which he in lubjccl; with numerous expllnn tor; engru‘inzt. rm: HOP-SE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You (’l' the units. lymptoms. tnd Treltmcnt of Shingles, Sore Throat, Dilumperflaurrb,lnflucnznflrunchitil, Pneumonin, Pleurisy. Broken Wind, Chronic Cough. Buaring and Whistling, Lump-l. Son N'outh Ind Ulcers, tad Dec-yed‘l'eeth, with othcf diseases ofthll Mouth And llupirutory Omani. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will le You 0! we nuns. symptoms. ind Trutment of Worn“, Bou, Coho. Strin gnlntion, Stony Concretionn. Buplurcs, Pally. DhrrhanaunJir-c. Hepatirrham, Blood‘il’rine, Stone: In the Kidney; And Blndu r, Inflnmmmiun. And other du cnsgs of the 810 mm 1:, Uowcll. Lhcr Ind Urlnuj' Urgnnl. THE "0853 A 311) ”IS DISEASES Will Tell You 0! the nuns. symptoms, And grelnixenl of Don't. Bluod nn'a Hog pmin, Ring-bone. b‘weenic, Bimini, Broken Kueu, Wind Gulls, Founder; Sole Bruin And Gran-l, (‘nrked Hook, Sentchn, Cnnker. Thrush. and ('ornl; Also.of.\icgriml,\'ertign. Epilcln-y.Bmg gen, Ind other discucn of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND ms DISEASES Will Tell You O! the can"), symptomn, and Treatmeniof P'intnlL Pulls\xl,(}lnndcn. Furry, Stnrlel Fen-r, Mange. Sunk-1:. ‘ Locked Jur. Rheumatism. Cnmp. GIHI, Dianne: of the Eye Ind chrt, to, M 2, find how to manage (Inflation, Bleed ing, Trepbinning, Ron cling, Firing, Hernia. Ampuuliag, Tapping, And other surgical npemtioul. ‘ THE HORSE 'KNB HIS DISEASES \fi'ill Tell You 0! Rare]. Method of tuning llama; Inn to Approu‘h; “alter, or Stable n Cult; how to ncwstnm A home to nrnnze sound: and nigh“, and how to Bil, Saddk, Ride, tnd Brent him to 5 Harness; ulso, the tom and law of p Wnnnv. The whole beingthe result of mom than fifteen years‘ careful study of the lmbiu. peculiuilics, Inna md vukncua of this noble Ind uulul nnlmnl. . The book contain: 384 pagan, lppmprhkly Illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engrnvingn. 1: ii printed In t. clear and open type, And will be forwarded to my Ndreu, pontage paid, on receipt of price, In" bound, 81,00, or, In cloth, extm. 31.15. $l.OOO A YEAR an be made by anter prisngnen exec-where, in selling the than, 1 and other popular works ofoura. Ourlnduco— menu to all such Arc excndingly libenl. , For single copies of the Book, or {or term-(0‘ agents, with other informtlion, lpply to or Id drese JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. .\‘o. 617 Samoa SL,J’hil-delphin, Pl. Nor. 26, 15160. .6!!! The People's Cook Book. ODEBN COOKER? IN ALL "'8 M BR.&.\'CHE.S.—By mu Bun Acton.— umruuy Beviud by In. 5.1. Huh. [I Tell: You How to choooe I“ kind: 0! lens, ' Poultry, nd Gume, with all tho various and moat spprovod mod" of (Inning Ind cooking Beef Ind Pork; also the best And simplest VII] of Idlingmlckling Ind curing tho name. 1: Tall ”on All the various nnd Inns: approved mode. ofdres-ing. cooking, and boning Hutton, lamb, Van}, Poultry. and Game of All kinds, with the difl'cml. Dressings, Grgriu, and Stufliugn sppropritu to end. . I: Tells You How to choose. clan, and pre - nerve Fuh of 111 kludu, and how to lwecleu it. when minted; nlso I" the 11- rioul and man npprorcd nodal ofcook log, with the dilfercnt Dreuinp. Sine”, Ind “flaring: appropriate to cub. len You All the nriou. Ind nod Appror. ed mode. of prcpnring over any different kindn of Heat, Filh, Fowl, Game. and Vegeuble Soupa, Broth, find Ste", with the Reliohu And Seuoning! uppro prism to cub. It Tell: You All the various and most Ipprorcd modes of cooking Vegetables of every delcziplion, also how to prepare Picklu, Cnunpa nnd Curries of all kinds. Potted lie-u, Fish, Gnme, Hulhrooms, kc. It Tell: You A—ll the various and mu". Approved modes ofprcpnringnud cooking all kinds of Plain and him-y Pastry, Puddings, (lmclclu-s,Fritters,Cukesfionfcctlogery. Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dilhél or .very description. It Tell: You All tho union: and most approv td modes of making Bread. Rush, luf fins. And Biscuit, the best method ofpre- Eating Coffee, Chocolate. And Ten, and ow m make Syrups, Cordinls, lud Wine: of various kinds. It Tell: You How to set out nnd urn-men! I Tnble, how to Carve- nIl kinds of Fish, Flub or Fowl. tnd in short, bow to I 0 limpiify the whole Art. of Cooking :3 to bring the choice“ luxuries of the table within even-bod) 's reach. The book conunns 418 payes, and upwards of twelve hundred Recipes. all of which are the results of M‘tuul experience. having been fully and carefully tested under the persona) unper intendcnce of the writnn. l: is printed in t clear and open Kype. is illnurned with appro- Irmle engravings, 3nd will be forwarded Lonny Address, ncntly bound, and posuge paid. on green“ of the price, $l.OO, or in cloth, curs, .1325. $l.OOO A YEAR can be undo by enter pnsmg mcu everywhere. in «Lung tue than work. our inducement: to :11 Inch being very liberal. For single copiu o! the Book, or for mm to Agents, with other infornnuon, tpply to o: lddrcu JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St... Philndelphin, Pl. Nov. 26, 1860. 6111 , Gettysburg Foundry. HE subscriber, having purchued lb Foundry of Messrs. Zorbnugh, 810:! 8 Co., ( omerly WArrem' Foundry,) has commenced business, Ind in now prepared v.O offer to the public a Inger usortmeut of thinery thin hu heretoforc been oflered, Inch u THRESH TEG HAGKINES, Clover Huuen, Fodder: Cm ten, Corn Shelltrs, Indlorgan‘s lute improved Hone Rake. Also, STUVES, Inch :3 Cook Sun-es, three different kind]; tnd fire dlflerent sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise In] Ind Saw-mill Cufmgs, And Lllkindn of‘l‘urning in iron or Wood. “-BEPAIRING of 111 kind] on luhinery 3nd Castings will be done to order on short notice. Patterns nude to order; Piougb Cast— inxl ready made; PLOCGHS, ouch u Seyh-r, Witherow, Plocber, Woodcock, find many other: not cautioned hers; and eight different kind: of XRUN FENCING, for (Dementia, Ratchet or ands. ' Also, lonizing Muhinu, on: of the best nowin uné‘. This machine work: vith I lever by hud;lny lim- boy can mun-g: 30. Cd! Ind enmhgo gut flock; no doubt but win: I" cu: plan. "quqn ought to see it their ndvuuze to buy muhinery of my kind a home. when it is manufactured. Io {but they 9.11 Very mi}; get my pm rephrod or npdnd. DAVID STERNBR. ‘ Gettysburg, Fob. 13, 1860. Herchanta’ Hotel. NOB‘I’H FOURTH STREET. 46 PHILADELPHIA. 0. mm & Son, Pmpdeton. Agni; :, quo. 1,- O Yes! 0 Yes! El um 01.: his urflouto u» g pabilc'pg Autbuer tad Salt Crier, Idiom u is" Q! pooh-p hon u. M 03:30:41.“; Rubbed-High Man a . pw'o‘utlw, .4. A‘ li. FOrdcn pmmpxl, :uouded to no 18,1860. 1y George H. Bokee, IPORTER Ind Dealer in " CHINA, GLASS 1 QCEEXS’WARE, . o. ‘1 North Howard Sued, between Lexing- ton and Fan-(u Streets. BALTIMORE. A STUNEWAIZE nlwnyl on hand, u Factory prices. June 18,1860. 1] A; Mathiot a: Son’s OFA AND H'RNITL'RE WARERUUMS, Not. S 23 end ‘.’7 )5. Gay street. Baltimore, (nenr Flyeue IL,) extending [rum Gay to Frederick IL—Lho [Argent enublishmcul oflhe Liuul in the Union. Alwnyl on hand I large Mlortmont of HUL'SEHULD AND UFFH'H FI'IINITL'IKH. cm bn. mg llurcaul. Bedawadl, qulutnnds,Wurd robes, lulu-“es of Husk, L‘ullon Ind llur, Spring Bells, Sofu, Tete-c-Texu, Arm Chain, Rocking Clmirs, Kluge-res, Nnrble Tables, Sot ku. Recopuon Ind l'plmldlcred Chain. AS SURTED COLORS Ul-‘ COTTAGE Fl'llNlTL'RH, Wood Chairs, Office Chain, Barber (‘lminrY Cribs Incl (‘rmlleg lhl llnclu, llull Furniture, (hlt and Wulnut Frame Looking muse-3,51“- bozmll, Extension Tubles, of every length. I’ertunl disposed to purch-u-e are infiled to cull uni give our stock an examination, which (at nriely and qunlit} or workmanship in no: equalch by any enublinhmcnt in the country. A. MATHIUT k. SUN, Nou. 25 and 27 N. Guy IL‘fiot. Aug. 5 1860. 1, New & Rich EWELRY, SILVER WARE, 34' LY“! PLAT- J El) WARE. tc.—.\. E. WARNER Gold and hllversmilh.No.-10 Noun (In Suns, SAL. “MORE. 111, bu in uwrc I bcnuuful usuri menlof Mylu and pnurrni of MC” JEWELRY, luxublo (ur prawn”, L-mlmu ing A great vane-l} of I'lliu Gum Ind SM! Hrmuhu. “omit-3,?"- bunklu, kn. Ear-llums, “mu-1011, Finger Ring! not with Diamond. Ruby. I‘. Irl. Opal, Emcrnld, kc., Lndica' (Bold Chains. Yul & (hurl! ”Minn, Mini-Lure Lockets, (ml-J Tlanen, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chm-ed and l'lnin Gold Rings; l‘uncih Ind I'cnll Slocv: Buuunl nnd Studs, Gold and Jo; Crouel, Jcl Burch-u, Pins t Bu Ringgit. ALS 0, ' A uricty ofSilrcr Mounted k PhtodPuton. (‘nke Buskctl,Wnitz-rs. (‘lndleuickl, Butter Ind SI" Standn, Purl Unndle Dclert Knivuflpoonl, Forks, Ladies, Put; Articles, tc.,nll ofwhicb il rupectfully ofl'ered on the lowest trnm. fi‘l’he Country Trude Md Dealt-n genomi ly Ir. invited to give me A cull, and cumin: Goodl and Print, being utisficd (but my HIL VER WARE cannot be lurpuued either for fineness or qnnlily, or the latest Ind mou beau. urn: pltwrul. [Feb. 27 £B6O. 1; ’ Burr Mlll Stones . .\RRANTED—R. P. . r ‘ STARR t 00., Car. . '-.-‘ ‘- m“ of .'orth and Wu Strata, n‘,’ opposite N. C. R. R. Station, 1 \ Jl5 - Bun-on. In. .\lauufuc- .'t‘“ <{ _ (Inn of FRENCH BI'RRS. " ->, "f V, 5. Import": and Deniers in *x‘ é ‘ Burr BlochJSolling Cloths, .'" _ (,3 ‘ Luther And Gum ltcltings, " “" (Kicked Plant-r, Ind Mill lrom, of Warrantcd Quality. Also, Colone, Conflict], nnd Hsuphcs Mill Stone.- ol I" uitcn. [Fcb. 211:0. 1y _...‘t . 2: H. i €73“; 3; ‘33:}? .135; _:---__;.l l: ‘DF-T'r' " ‘Lv—rw-a at ‘ x! PL Kaine: Bros.’ VERSTRL’NG GRAVD ACTION PIANO Q FORTE“. celebrated for snpcnnr quality 0 TUNE Ind elegnnce Ind beauly of (infill.— Thesc Piano. Inn nlwuyu uken the FIRST I’Rlfllll'fl when plated ll comwlllion with other linkers. chalky: all writing. A splendid mom: of LOUIS XIV nnd plliner style. thy-y: on land. Also Second-hand Pianos Ind PRINCE'S IMPROVED MELOD EONS from $45 to $350. River] Instrument annud. 630. L. WALKI-IR'S Plano and Idaho- Depot, 8. 11. Cor. 7n: 8 Arch Bu.,l'hilnd's. lug. 8, 1860. an Howard Association, YHLADHLPHIA —A Beaeroh-nt hailin- P tion esublishcd by [poem] Endowment, for the Reliefofthc Sick and Diureued. I ici ed with Virulent and Epnlemle Dims“, and especially for the Cure of Disc-nu of tho Sexual Org-nu. , MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Act ing Surgeon, to A“ who upply by lettrr, with 3 description of their condilinn. (Age, occupa tion, habiu of life, kc.,) mud in tun of extrema poverty. Mediciuu furnished free of chat". \'Al.l'.\iiLh‘. REPORTS on Spermttorrhmn, and other "lieflflcl of tin- Sunni Urglnu, Ind on the NEW REMEDIES cmployrd in the bin pens-3y, lent to the “Emu-d in sealed letter cnrciopu. free ofchargc. Two or three sum]: for polugc I'ln he nrvrpmhie. Address, DR. J. SKILLIX HOI'GHTOX. Att ing Surgeon, iiownrd Aseoci-liun. No. 250 a“: Ninth Stu-ct. Philadelphm, I'm. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. REA RTWELL, I’m’L GIO. Funcmm, Srr’y. Jan. 7,1881. 1" Lime Factory N GRUYSBL'RG!——AI’I‘I-INTION, PAR)!- I HRS Y—Tlic undersigned would mun rc npeclfnlly inform the puhlif in gcncral. find the arming community in pnrucnlnr, that they Inn 0 ended lwolpncioul Ll \th KILNS,“ the corner oflmman “not And the Railroul, Ind are now bn-lin :. lull will continue to burn, large qusluue‘n ..r the BEST LIVE, which they will dispou on: the lowestlivmg mm. Fume" And otharl are invited to give them a call. By “applying I good urticle, which they expocl than to do, khey cannot {mil :0 give ntisfsc tion. XcCCILDY t GRASS. Aug. 20, 1860. d Cancer Institute. ma many yearn oflucceufnl practice, A DR. KELLING lull dean-u to do good to 11. ufilicted. Uc continue: to cure nll kinds of CANCKI‘LS, TFMORS, WENS, BCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL, SUB-KS, 341., if curlbh, withon coming or poison. HI does not. confino him ulf merely to th- cure of tho Abcve din ema, but will treat dl other: with mecca.— Puionu will be vulud, if desirfinmonublc distance. Pernom dairing to visit Dr. K. will plow stop 1: the Railroad Hotel in )(ecbulcs— burg, when they will be directed to hi: resi douco. For I“ pnrlicullrl wriw—umu din— euel plainly. Enclose I pomp lump m preply Answer. Addnu Dr. C. L. KELLI NU, Mechnnicaburg. Cumberhnd co., PI-,lb‘bo. 6m Globe Inn, ‘ , ECHANlCSTOWN,Frederickcounty,Md. LI “Ming been! renouted sud mfuninhcd, the proprietor mum the public um I call is only needed, u be gtumteel full misfsction in evrry cue. Churges moderate. HENRY KERR, Propdc‘tor. Feb. 14. 859, d Alexander Frazer, LOCK AND WATCH-MAKER, hu removed C his chop to me home Incl; occupied by “ad-av Herb“, nut lb. west end ofChunben- In“ IWL, loam side, when he will Alway he Happy ‘0 “and to the all- of his custom- Hc i: thankful for pm (non, and hopes to mm the coétinnod patron” 0 ti. public Nov. 2, 1860. a ILLINIRS And other: rill find a good u- M lon-nut of Ribbons, Flown", luau, c u. 3;, u tho cheap store of A. SCOTT & BOX. Economy in Wedth. §fi?r.°‘:.:'.°.':.':‘n"" 3:," “a x ”“3 r o a, an may «AW? Tam??? Prof. L m AIR INVIGORATOK—A- Il’ufiu, BJO ; ud Economlcd Con Ind. i ‘01! BESTUBINO GRA’EAIR to It: 0115-: all color without dyain‘, nu! preventing a: Halt fro- tunin my. I FOB PREV 331';1e BALDNBSS. Ind curing It. whom then LI 0., lent paucb of Hum, or recupenuu new retaining. PUB ECHO“. G 30128? AXD DANDBCFF, ud All cuuneonl Iflcclionl of the Scalp. FOB BBAUTIFYING 'l'fll HMR, imp-rung to it “I unequalled glou ud Milli-nay. making it left Ind lilky in in uxlun und clqdng it to‘ curl readily. I The great celebrity end the increuing de ninnd for this unequalled prepsrutlon. confine the proprietor that one trial is only neceunry to satisfy n discerning public of its superior qunlillCl over any other preparstion at present in use. it cleanse: the head end Icalp from dendrxitf rind other cutaneous diseases, couser the hair to grow luxiirinntly, And give: it 5’ rich, loft, glossy and flexible appear-nee, and elm where the hair is loosening And thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the roots, and restore ilie grunth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield 5 fresh Coiering of hair. There In hundreds of Indies and gentlemen in New York who h";- hul their hnir restored by the use of this lnvigontor, when all other preparations had failed. L. M. has in his poa sension letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest re spectnbility. it will efiectunlly prevent the hnlr from turning grey until the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair bl! already ehnnged its color, the use of the anrutor will “fill certmnty reltore it to its original hue. [Lying it u dnrk, glossy nppenrnnre. A 1 5 pr-r -{ume for the toilet and A Hair iteatorntne it is pu'tit‘ulorly recommended, lizn ing In ngremible trngnnce; Ind the great facilitiM it affords in dresliug the hair, which, when moist with the imixorntor can be dressed in any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or ln curlt—henre the great demand for it by the Indies in a luindnrd'tnilet article which none ought to be without. us the price places it within the rench (if itll. being U.\LY T\\’E.\'TY-FIVH CENTS per homo, to be had In all respectable drug gu-u and perfume”. , _ L. MILLER would call the ntuntlnn of P 3. rent: and Guardinn- to the me ofhiu lnvtgor-u ntor, in cun there the children's hnlr lat-hues. to he \fetlk. The use of It lays the foundation for A good held of hair. as it remove: tny in: pa rities th-t mu; hum become connected with » the gulp. the rcmb'v‘nl of which In necemry I both for the health of the child, and tho futun‘ appear-ace of in hnir. { C.\liTlt).\'.~—Nune panic. without the he, Itmile of mots MILLER bet-g on the outer wrnppcr; mo, 1.. mum’s mun INVIGU-l RATUR. s'. Y., blown In the glut. I Wholgule Depot, 56 De} BL, Ind told by I" the principnt lcnhnuuud Druwluwmqhd out the world. Libcnldiuouuuopnrchuerlbythoqunntlty. fir] .lto desire to presenuo the America ‘ rublic my St: “I; 111-noun [manna-nus; .IQUIUHAIR DY? which 1M you: 0! nelen—' lilic experimenting have brought to perfection. I: dyes lilac-k or Brown Inst-In, wilhon‘ In jury to the "air or Skin—n arr-med the hen arm-lo ol the kind in existence. l'nICR.(l.\'LY. so ”HHS. Dcpm, M; Dry Sweet, New York. Oct. 29, 1860. I, Dr. Mott‘s [IALYBEATE RHSTURATIVE C PILLS OF IRON. An spericnt nut] Stomnchic prop-ntinn of ”UN purified of Oxygen and Carbon by emu bun‘mn in II) dragon. Sancunned h, the high est Mean-Al Authoriliu, hall: in Europa and flu: l'niwl Sutc:,nnd prescribed in their prac lice. . The experience of thouundn dilly prove that no prepnrmion 9! Iron can be cumgmred with it. Impurities of th; Mood. drpreuionfif vital energy. pile and olhorwue nlckly rom plcxinns indicate its necessity In limo" every couccivnhlo cute. Inuoxioul in all Mal-"Nu in whlrh it Mu been trio-1.1: has pmvcd absolutely cnnuln in etch of the foiluwlng rnmplninu, viz; In Debildy, A'rrmue .{ff‘erlinna Elimin h'nn, Dyiquu'd. Courlimliun. Diarrhea, Dye enlny. lnn‘pient (‘muumplmm Srrqfimm ”themdmin. Sal! Jl'h'mn, .Vi.vmm.lrunlion, Whom. ('Nflrmis. Litrr Cumflninlt. ('lvmme llradarlan. llfiwma’ixu. [Mammal Farm, [fin-pl" on Me Hi". (it. in cues of Gun“. Dunn-v. whether the result of acute disc-me. or of the continued dimnnition nt‘ nerrous nn-l inn-hut" entrgv from chroniclcompluinu. one trial of this re:- tornrtre bu proved successful to an extent which no deseript‘on nor written nttestntii'm would render rredihle. int nlids no long bed ridden u to hare become forgotten in their own neighborhoods. have suddenly reappear e'd in the hnly world In if just returned from protmted true] In a distant hind; Some very signal instances of thin kind are attested orth mnlo Suffers“, emaciated \ictims of opp-went hummus, sanguine-one exhnugtlon, .erlticnl changes, and thnt‘eompltcetinn of nervous and dylpeptic aversion to air end exercise for which the physician has no name. In Neuron AIPtOflOXI of All kinda, not! for moons funnier to medlenl men, the operation a! this preptntion of inn mutt neeeuni'ily be ulntnry, for, unlike the old oxides, it in vigor onlly tonic, without helm: exciting and over heating; nLI gently, regulnrly nperient, even in the most obstinate cue: of continue:- with out ever being I gastric pumtive, or inflicting n disagreeable senntion. it in thielntter propertymrnong other-I, which nuke. it In remnrhhly efl'eetunl end prim-uncut n remedy for l’tln, upon which it Also nppenrl to exert n distinct and specific action. by die perning the lot-Monty which forms them. in DYIPII‘MA. innhmemhlc in are its causes, A single ho: of lht'se Gh.ll'\i)(‘fli(‘ l‘illl has often lame-ed for the mostfmlutunl easel, including the nttendnnt (‘mtivwerm In nnrhevked lliAnniimA.evcnwht-n ndvnnccd to Dull-”nan continued, emncmting, and up pnrently malignant. the efl‘ectl here been equnl l)" decieiie nud xuton'ishiug. In the locnl pains. loss offleah and strength, debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, Irhich generally imlncute l‘lLll'll‘T CtisoUIIYIOI, this remedy has All-gal the Alnrm of friends and phyurmus, in seiernl very ratifying end in teresting instances. in ScaortLocs Tunrrweu, thin medicated iron bu had far more than the good effect of the must rentiously balanced preplrntiona of iodine, without my 0! their well knonn lie bilitien. The attention of fem-lea «not be too can fidently invited to thin 'remody And tutor-tho, in the cues peculinrly nfl‘ecting them. In RHIUIATIII. both chronic Ind influinnn tory—in the utter, however, more decidedly—- it ha been lnnrlahly well reported, both as Illevinting pt'm and reducing the swelling: Ind Itiflneu of the joints Ind muscles. in lnnmnur FIVIIH it must necuurily be I grett remedy and energetic restorative, Ind its progress 1n the new lettlemenu ot the Welt. will probably be one of high renown and noctulneu. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history ofmcdicinc, which exert: luch prompt, hnppy, nnd fully rcuornlive effects..— Good~ nppcule, complete digestion. npid ac quisuia‘n of ureagxh, with :2: nndsunl dispari uon tor naive Ind cheerful exercise, immedi nlely follow in nu. Put up in non: flu. meal boxes containing 60 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by druggi-u nnd dealers. Will be tent free to any nddreu on receip‘ of the price. All lent“, order-1, um, lhould be Iddreucd to B. B. LOCKS k 00., General Agents. Oct. 15,1860. 1] 20 Cedar St, N. Y. New Fall and Winter LOTHING, for Ken end Boys, with every Article of weering epperel in that line. to— gether with Boote, Shoee, lieu, Cepe, Trunks, Carpet Becki, Double Berral Gnu end Pistols, Revolvers, end e splendid erticlo of the im proved and celebrated Colt'e Revolver, with All the neceeury fixtures to it. Bufl'elo Robe.- end Over Shoes, Iw. Rubber Over Out; end Leg in‘a, Boeiery, km, Guitars, Fiddles. Flute: end Flfu, Jewelry end Wetchee, together with any other useful erticlee, ell of which will eold VERY CHEAP. You uk where? Why et SAISOS'S, where every one can buy 300‘ end‘cheep goods. Ma 60;“. The old County Building, N. 3. Corner the Die-one, Gettyebnr‘,oct. in, mm. , UI'PALO Babel, SMgI 30115, Buhlo Socks, IE Gun ShoaUuhnlhaGlu mu 4 ' ”3m? Gin as a Remedial Agent. lllS DELICIOUS TUSXC STXHCLANT, «- pecinlly duigued for lho an of tho Medi cal I’m/anon And tho Fundy, lining luporcod ed the an-cflled “Ginl.” “Arum-tic,"”(‘ordinl," " Medicated," “ Schnlppl," um, in new en dorsed by all of the prominent phylidnnn, :bcnmu und connoiucun, u ponesaiug All ol lhuu- ullruuu medicinll quslilics (Male and diunnc) which belong to In 0L!) and PURE Um. Put up in quln bottle: and sold by all druggisu, grocen, etc. A. N. BIXINGER & CO., (Elublilbed in 1778.) Solo Propriewn, No. 19 Broad “net, 1". Y. For ule by FRENCH, RICHARDS k (‘U.,— W. W. t H. SMITH, Ind I“ o.’ the prominent Wholesale Dmggilu In Phil‘dclphin. Uu. 15,1860. 1; “ Quick Sales& Small Profits.” 1 lAVING purch-sed A large end varied u wrtmenlofFALL AND WINTER GOODS, we are prepared to other bargains to all who nmy (IIVOY us with a call. We will not Attempt tn pumculnrizc, as our Mock ccmpriscs Fur— engn and Domenic Dry Goode, Fancy Anxclcl, Trimmings, to, in, together with A large 3.5- rortment of Groceries and Queenswnre, Lo which we would respectfully lßk an examina tion before purcbaamg, u we Are determined to sell as clump u the cheepeu. Tlmnklul for the libeml encouragement heretofore extended m u: re would revpectfully uk : ronlinunnco of th- lame. Oct. 15. 1860 Rush to Schick's I NEW 6000814. L. SCIIICK, B. W. corner of the Dinmond, Gettysburg, respectfully call: the- nttentior. of pnrcbnnern to his now and Iplt-ndid Itock of FALL AND WINTEIICOUDFI Ills ltock is no large and so well nrrnngod to [Hit town and country trnde, that It in impou nhlo to even make mention at his most. delin- Me goods. All he nsku is for pernonn to call and exnmlne his complete stack. They willgo "my well placed And soon return for moro. He hna a full stock ot'DIIHSS GOODS, ofevery description: Plain and figured Mennoel end Cranmer", all wool l’lnids, I" wool Del-incl, cotton i‘lztids, plnin and figured. Valencia, French Reefs, Arnhinn Stripes, Velouru,anel lu. (lrnereluu nnd Bloul do lmim, nli prieel. A lam stock of Traveling Dress Goods, plnin nnd figured Silks, Flouncu. A full and com plete stuck of'l’rinu constantly on bud.— (thlTilS, Cuaimeren, Dulter Clotlu, Sntinetu, T'erdl, Jenni; French, English and American Eli-Ila. Fluid and Knitted Shnwls for Chil dren—all atyln nnd prices. Home-furnishing Good) of nor) description. A full and com rieto stock of Notions, Perfumery, Jewelry, louiery, Gloves, Genu’ nud Ladiel‘ Gnnntleu, Wool Cnprl Ind Moods, of the very intent etylel. Thread And Cotton Edging, Lac“, 3;, to, ha, ha, to. ALL COME! No troublo to Ihow Good: UN. :9, 1860. Hat. Boot. _ Shoe. OR! .\‘RW GOODS AT THE SIGN 0! PI THE mu BOOTS—The undersigned ht" un melved a hell: supply of mu, Capt, Boob. Shun, Trunks, Cape: Bugs, to. Also, have; pod apply of Saddle- md lumen, Eridln, Collars, kc. Shm-n nnd Roots of all kinds made up order by lira-rate workmen. Ind on short under.— llome-mndc lork d'l’l on hand. l‘r'wcs low fvr cstAh Nov. 19, 1350. Norbock a: Mgrtin .\YKJnM received ham the city (helm-gen I stock of (lßUCl‘ißll-ls they huve ever oflerevl to the public—Sugars, Syrups. Coffees, Tenn, nnee, f‘lleese. Fl~h, Silt, Spices, kc. Mn, emhhcing all varieties, at all rim, the loweu the market will Afl'urd. Also flmomu, Brush", and Notions; Tar, Ulla. Camila. M 5, in nhnrt, everything to he found in I first clau Grocery and \‘nrifly Store. The Flour and Feed business ll continued with n study increase. The highest market prices paid mvl the umnlleu profits :ukml. . The plllnlir are im‘itml to give us a call and nee for themselves. NURRBCK & MAIKTIN. (‘mner of Belumam end High urocu. )lny 11, 1800. Handsome Women. T 0 THE LADIES —IIUXT'S “BLOOM 0|" BUSES." A rich Ind elegant color for tho cheeh or lipl. IT WILL NOT WASH OR RX'B UH“. Ind when once npplicd, remains dull-lo for ’99". The tint in no rirh and un turnl, that. the closest acruliny full: to deucl it. no. ('nn be removed by lemop juice And will not lnjnu {he skin. This is I view prcpanfion. used by the celebrated Court Benutien of Lon don and I’lril. Hailed free, in botllcl, I‘flh directionl lot me. for SI 00. HUNT‘S “ CUI‘RT TUILET POWDER," lin pnrts a dnuling whimneu to the complexion, end is unlike Inytlling else need for this pu pone. Mailed (see for 5'.) Cenls. 111-'N'l‘l‘l “BRITISH BALM," removel Ma, freckles, ennhurn And all eruption: of the Ikin. Mmled free for 50 Cents. HUNT‘S “ illPl-ERIAL POMADK," for the lmir, nmngthenl Ind improve: its growth, keep: ll from falling OE. and is unrelated To nun 1n: rum CURL. Nailed free for $1 00. IIIYNT‘S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whiten: the teeth, harden: the guml. purifies the hruth elleclunl ly, rnenvu nu Tlll’fl All) ruvuri TOOTH- Acul. Nailed free for $1 00. IIUNT'S “ BRIDAL WHEAT” PERFI’HB," I double extract. of charge blounml Ind co logne. Mailed free for SI 00. Thu exquiaile perfume was first used by \he Princess Royal 0! Englandmn her marriage. Noam. Hum. & Co. preaenled the Princess will: an elegant cue of Perfumery, (in which 11l ofthe übon tnicleu were Included) Pu handsome cut glnsl with gold Itopperl. Vllued at $l5OO. puticulnrl ofwhicb nppured in lho public prinu. All the above uruclel lent Free, by express, for $5 00. Cash an eilher accompany llle order, or be plid to the expresa Igent on do llvery of goods. HUNT & CU., Perfumen w the Queen. RegentSL, London, and 77 Season: SL, Phila delphia» Pt. For Sde by All Drunk“ end Perfume". fi-Tbe Trude Supplied. [oa. lb, '6O. 1, Dr. Esenwein's AR AN D WOOD NAP‘I‘HA PEC'TORA L, is the but Medicine in the world for the Cuno! Cough- nnd Ooldl, Group, Bronchial, Al'thmg, Dchuhy in Bra-thing, Pdpi ' nof the Hun, “mama, And for the relief 0! paints in the ndnnceu “Ages of Conlumptibn, togcther with 11l Diusm of tho Throbbind Chalk and which pre dispo‘la to Conlumption. IthflMflfirMMD/Wfl, Being prepu-od by: pncuul Phyliclnn Ind Druggiu, ud one of gm: experience in the cure of the urionl disenc- Lo which the hu mu fume in liable. h it (stored to the nflicted with an grate” confidence. Try it. bad be convinced um I: {a invaluabh In the cure of Btonchhl medical. Print 50 mflhpred 9.11 b fl” 0 DB. A. 3g“!!! & 00., - Drug“- And Ghouls“, KW. “rift?“ 8 Pop Ba., 1:111.“me ‘ fiSo ovary m s W Ind Dulu in lod’idnu Mouton flu Sun. April a. 1350. 1y Pay Up! an Whip Wanton exisfln‘bn'oeu I the “harbor? udcr tho firm-sue of an: t hunt, It, having banal-solved, any hub, n node. to 11l potion indebt od hath... No“ or Book Account, to all “inch tho use bdon tho film “you“- ury next, “which WM menu ‘7me phat In tho hand- ola dear for collection. may I. Dunn, ~ . _ ~ 'Ammm _l'fl. 3. M ~ . OACBXIKINO AX") BLACKSMITIHNG, G —‘l‘h¢ «donut-04 "Drum", Informl' h l friend! nd ‘Bl ”but ‘ 1L blflfiflnucl‘ tho Gout-mung Ild Bllcklmllthg business! {a every branch n hh cal-blilbmem in Chum-i bmb-rg «to». Be bug on tuna and will ulnar-nun“ odor 11l klgadl or (‘ARRJAGI-IS,i 8000188, 31.31038. Spring Wagons, ta, 0:! tho but mum-l, nd undo by nnperior work- f nan. willful“. nnd Bucnlnuxm o! I“ kind: done fl "Hon-bio um, promptly nnd to the utllfmlon o! cunomerl. Court" Plow" ulna 1:: work at market pfirel. cub-“z. for flPenonl desiring Iniclu orwo Coachmaking or Bllctsmilhiug linorkll: :3 upecttully iuuted to cAII on ' JOHN L. HOLTZWORT Getty-burg, Jtn. :N, '59. E EW MARBLE WORKS, cornor of Balti- N moro and EMUliddlo,ly op ponito the new Court Home, Gettysburg.— llu’ing recently nrrired from Philndolphin, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest Itylo of the art. we would respectful ly imite the attention ofthe puhlic wishing to procuro nnything in ourlino, to favor tn with n cull and examine spec-muons of our work. We or. prepared to furnish MONUMENTS. TUMBS ANI) IIHADSTUNES, “.\RIKLB MANTLEN, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work nppertniuing to our business. at the lowest pO5- üble prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee thnt our work shall he put up in n mnnnor suh slnntinl and tasteful equal to the heat to be seen in the cities, where every improvement which experience has Suggested is nrnilcd of, and cspccmlly do we gunrnntee that our Cemc tery and Grave Yard work shall be so carefully set Is not to be ntl‘ccted by frost,but ah." and“. min {or years thlt erectnese of position given at the completion of a job, and so neresury to continued gracefulneu Ind symmetry. Her. 25, 1359. u 1860. - 1860. Fall and Winter Goods. HE “bu-fiber, having jun returned from the Beaten: cum with u lure And splen did Assortment. of HATS sud CAPS, would re spectfully call the “nation of pnnhuen to the gum. Hit flock of flu. is {all end com plete, consisting in part of len’l fashionable and handsome No. 1 Silk Han, Dru; Hnu. Soft unu. high. low md medlum depth of crown, Cloth and Glazed ,Capa, Plush end Plush trimmed Cars. for men and bnyl, Pam-y Hat nnd Cups for Children, togetherarith a good u lonmenl of Wool Hut-.41] ofwhich will be sold an very low price! for cash. Alto, | fine as. aorlmeut of Lndiu' Ind Nisseu’ Black snd Brown Vernon Unu, Felt "MI, Bc. ‘7— ~ R. F. HcILIIENY. Oct. 1:, IBM. A. SCOTT a SON T PRIVATE SALE—The undersigned of- A fern an Prim!» Salt-11m Properlyln which I: now resides, litnnu in East Middle "reel, Getty-bunt, adjoining 8. R. Tiplon on the we". Ind Mn. .\lcElroy on the cut, will! an - ' alloy in “to rear. THE HUFSE ia :- lwo-ntory Frame, Wcuthcrbmardcd, with Buck-building; I well of water, with a pump in it, at the door; and I Yurix-ty of fruit, Inch u applet, ponn, peaches, Apricots, cherrin, and gnpu, all the moat thoice. ZACHAIIIAII IYERS. XOI. 11. ‘B6O. t! v CUBEAN & (.'l‘lJ’ A Book of plain Rnlcl Ind Calculation: for Busincn (mentions, hy .\Lurnx I. Roan", Pmcurnl Surveyor nml Comeynncer. New \‘Edifion. Published by J. B. Llrnxco‘n & 00., Philadelphia. ms Work contain! 204 pages, and npwnrdl of 500 Rules and Exnmpics. entirely Ind I ornnghly rncncu. such as nri‘u 't-rery day in the mmmnn purmitg of Embed; it in: already [lclfllPd through a number of Editions in rupul snrcrnion, and is pronounced by all clause: of husineu men to be the ntxnmr mo: or nnnxcn, pertaining to ulcul-tions, thnt has ever been published. ' A Ellery Enmple la the book [I wanna our!) "LL, and stated in a plain manner. I 0 that when k parallel cue arieen_ those referring to the work will find no dimcuity in retdil, wiv ing it: in I word, the prom] Arrangement of the Cucuuro: in so limple. that any one who known how to ADD. accrue-r. lump-u, or mum. can euily solve any ordinary example that urine in business, or Irrive at the true remit of any ultimate required. The chief aim of the nuthor has been to u chow theory and philosophy in figures, liming only It facts and limpllcity, believing that. busi ncu men can little about. spending time in_ dint-nursing "IO philowphy of rules, or tho nine. of figures, deeming it luflicienl for flielr purpose to be this A 1 A lolzn, by réferenco, to arrive n the nu: "sun. The (‘ucnnon dill'crs in this respect from all Arithmetic. of the dny Ind kindred works—it in they topmo ticnl busincu calculniono—it is. in the hand: 0! the Madman run. that the kry to mathe. matical Wurkl in in the hands oftl-e tc herin the school room—ll facilitated lime lfi cor redness. The Work treats ofthe Measurement aflnnd, of an‘nr, of Brick and Brick Work, of Stone & Stone Work, ofGrnln Ind Gratin Rim. of Coal 8 Coal Bin-,0! Wood, of Solids, of Circu lar. annre. or Irregular Veueln, of (‘iMQ-rnl and You. of Roofing. of l‘luteren’. Pointers’, Glaxieru'. l’nvrn’, Plumber-9’, Paper Hangerl’, uu'l ['plmlstL-rcrs' Work. It trenuofCu‘rrency and of Foreign'und Domestic Exrhnnzc. of the Decmml System, of Reduction and its extend cci npplit‘MTDn to lluninnn. 0! Simple nnd Com pound Interest, and their cntin‘ application to‘ Business trnnsnctioua. With the Inn and HEAKCS‘ gmoruing and regulating the name, tom-the! with numerous runnnorrinl Forum—of lie-gal Tender, of Partial Payments on Nun-I,ofllnnk lng Ind Bank Discount. of Equation of Pay menu anclof Partnership Accounts, of Assess mcnt of Taxes. of Weight: and Measures, of Square and Cubic .\ieusure,of the Square Root and its Applirnlion to llurincss, ul'burl'nce, or l'lxcnmtiun, and of runny other important puc ticnl mam-rs not within the Icope ofun adver tisement to mention. It is just the Book for the Farmer, the le chnnlc, the Artifin, or the Profeuionel men. It has proven a yhlnahle auxiliary to the Law yer, the Janice of the Peace, the Conveyancer, and Real Brute Brokento the Assessor, tg Bunker, the Clerk, to the Chil Engineer I the Surveyor, to the Carpenter and Bricklayer, to the Stone Much And the Pluterer, to the Peper Hunger and tholsterer, to the aner end the Tiler, to, to; each and all will find it adopted to their various want: better then eny book published. fi'lniled.(poat pnld) to any part of the United States upon receipt of the money.— Price of a. single copy. in cloth, 60 cents, or two copiu {or $1 00. Bound ln pocketpbook form, Norma, $1 00 per copy. Addreu, 11. )1. BOURKE. Box 1911, Philadelphia P. 0., Po. Dec. 3, 1860. 6:1: AVE ambushed s Depot It In}. Jon! E Sean’s, in Chunbersbmg Itnet, Gen”. urg. Fine thriny Fruit and Omnmenul Trees and Flu“, unfuily "Implanted there for-Ale. mu ad m them—utiuncuon’a‘zvn ruled. [Now 12, 1860. t! 0 STOCKHOLDEBE.—Pnymenc of the Hm: hauling“ u n Inbscriptiou to e Ospiul flock of thc 63mm“ Ga Com pany, due on dc In of January, 1881, in re quired to be undo without dehyto J 0" 3- Dunl, the Trmm, “'3! the A“ olAuome routing to GM Commits, If not!“ hr the pqmem 9! sub acripdou of mock be not complied mm, the Company “I require one per cenmm perineum law on an amount due and unpdd. ’ ‘ u. JACOBS, m z. D. IcConum, Soc'y. Dec. N, 1660. NW v—a-I. Cannon & Adair-’3 Town Property mnnnn's \ nmmmrs . mmmm's Rounnn's mmnxn's PRACTIPAL CAMYULATOR. PRACTMAL CALCULATDR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. Rohmr'a Practiml Calculator, T. E. Cook & Sons Notioé—Gu Stock. ileeliCium Foams Ayer'u ammo RE you lick {£0514 Ind comm-Inlay?- n you out 9! order, wu your system donngsdpm your feelings uncomforua bio? Thou Iympboms ll" oMn tho prelude to “rim Hlneu. Scan fit of dc) nes- ll crecplng upon ym and should be "cued X l timely an 0! th- rig} remedy. TukeAyer'stl I_nd data» out be dine) dared human—purify t blood, and let. an flul MOTO on unobstructed hulthngtin. Thy-ti Into the function: of: body into vigorous octlfi. ty, purify tho Iyltem from x the ohnructionu which make dinette.L A cold IBHIEIJOmeWhEI‘O in the body, nnd obstruct. its untuml function]. These, if not "lined, react upon themselves mad the "including on gang, producing general lygnution, “Fulfil. and din-Ase. While in this condition, oppteu. ed by the derangemcuu, take Ayer’l Pflll, Ind see how directly they restore the natural action of the system. andeith it the hooytnt fouling of health ngnin. Whnt is true and lo oppuem in this trivial and common complaint, a ring true in may of the deep-scaled And dangeroug distemrers. The lame pnrgntlve effect expel: them. Caused by limilnr o'utrnctiom and do, mngemcnts ol' the natural function: of the body, they are rapidly, and many of them lure ly, cured by the snme means. None whoknov the virtues of those Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from the diwrdln they cure. Statement: from leading physician: in some of the princile cities, and from other well known guhlic personl. Iron: l omrdllg lorehut 0! BL Lenin, lob. 4,13“. Dr. Ayer: Your Pillrare the par-[on of nil that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulccrous lort'l upon her hund- nnd feet that had noted incurable for yearn. Her mother he: been long grievounly amicted with hiotchu and pimple: on her this: and in her hair. After our child mu cured, Ihe nllo tried your Pills, and they have cured her. .\u Mona-won. AS A FAMILY PHI‘SiC. Fro- Dr. I. W. Oart'rlxht. Kw 0r!“ Your i'iiis are the prince of puma. Their excellent qualities lurpnu any cull-rile v. posse". They on mild, but very cert-ll Ind efl'ectull in their action on the bowoll, ‘hlcll makes them innlxnbie to an in theddly trut ment of disease. HEADACHE”; , Slf‘K EADACHE, FOUL L 9 BTO. C". from Dr. Univ-rd ‘ yd, lull-Ito. Dear iiro. Ajcr: i cannot Inuit-r you who. compininta i have cured with your Pills better thin to my all thut we our trout with n purge tivo medicine. 1 pint-o great dependence on In eflectunl cathartic in my dnily couteu with disease, Ind believing u 1 do that your l'iiil ntfurd u: the best we have, i of caurn vain them highly. - Pitubnrg, Pl., Mayd, "53. Dr. J. C. Ayn—Sir: I’m“ been repeated 1y cured of the want bee ache any fiody can have by e. dose or me 0! your Hill. I: new a: Rise from e foul Itomnch,wh{ch they clean" a once. Your: with great respect, En. W. Penna, CH: of Ste-men Clefloe. BILIOUS DISORDERS—LIVER COMPLAINTS. Inn Dr. Move Bo“, of New York City. Not only ere your Pilleudminbly minded to their pnrpoee es en uperieut, but I find their bencflciel rfl'em upon the Liver very marked indeed. They hue in my [mum-e yroved uure efl'ecwel for the cure of billoue comph'mu the eny one remedy lcnu mention. I sincerely re joice that we have at length A pnrpelive Ihlell is worthy the eonfldenqfi! the profuefioe'eed the people. , ‘ . Drpsnmont of the Interior, Washington, D. 0., 71h Feb. 1338. } Sir: I huvo and your Pill! in my gram-n] and hnspitnl pnlctice ever lint. you made them, and cannot hesitatn to uy they are thnln-n‘t cathartic we empluy. Their regulating action i on the liver in quick and decided, consequently 4hcy are an admirable remedy for derangement ‘ ofthlt orgtn. Indeed, I have leldom found a use of Milan: dlseuse so obstimte that it 6M not nudilyyichl to them. Pnurnnlly you", Amno BALL. 11. 1).. Physicinn of thaN-rino lloupitll. DYBBNTI-IRY. DIARHHGJA, RELAXM'URMS. hum D: 1.0 (Immdchlcqu. Your Pill: luv: had u. long trial in my pm‘ lice, um! I huld them in esteem u on. of 111. belt Iperientx l have over tound. Tho slun tive efl’cct upon the ljvrr make: them In urol lent remedy, when 'glvcn in small dosu for bilioun dysentery and dlnrrhen. Thai! mul coating nukes them very loco-pubic and con venient lor the use ofwomen Ind children. DYSPEPSIA. IMI’I'RITY 0|” Tl”? MAN)". 'l.- In. J. V. Ilka“. Put-r of Man Chum, 1... Dr. Ayer: [have used )uur Pills Ilfll "- tnordinnry success in my tnmily 3nd snow those I uncalled to visit in distreu. To tog!- latc the organ: or digestion and purity 15. blood, they are the very best rcmedyl in. ever known. find I can confidently recommend them to my fricudl. Yours, J. V. Hun. Warsaw. Wynming co , N. Y.. Oct. 34. ’155. Dear Sir: lam using your Cnthnrtic l‘ilil in my practice, and find them In excellent pumtin to cl-‘tmse the system and purify lb. fountain! of the blood. Jon! (3. Mucmr, X. D. CUSSTIPATION', (‘osnvnxusa SI'PPIWS SIGN. RBI-It'llATlSM. GUI'T, NEURALUIA, DIWI’SY. PUHIA'SIS, FITS. ETC. From Dr. I P: Vaughn, Mmtnsl, 01-dt. I'oo murh cminut be mid of your Pill! for the cure of costirrncu. "when of our Ir:- teruity hum i‘nund them .5 “hum-inn: u l hue, they shouldjoin mo in proclaiming it tor the benefit at the multitude: who unflcr from that complaint, “hich. although had enough in itself,“ the progenitor of olhcrt that are worn. 1 hellth cmmuwes to originate in the liver, bunour Pills “fact that organ Ind cur. tho divcnlo. From Mn 2 Stuart, Phylldn AU. lid-in. bl. l bud one or tno litigc dose: of )uur Pills, taken at the proper time, are excellent promo iivoi of the nnlurnl accretion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very cfl’ectuel to cleanse the “oth and expel worml. They are so much the best plueic we have thll I re commend nu other to my pntiente. From the Rev. Dr. “Aim. of the IMMM. Chlrel l’ulnski Uouxc, Savannah, 65., Jun. 6, '56. Honored Sir: I ehould be nngntefnl {or the relief your skill has brought me lf l dldnot report my use to you. A cold uttled In my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgia pain, which ended in chronic rheumatinn.— Notwithstanding I bed the best of physician!x the disease grew worn and worn, nntll by the edvice oj'J’our excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pilll. Their effect! were slow, but lure. By perseveringin the no of them, [am now entirely well. Senate Chamber, Bn‘on Rouge, L... 6 Dec.’ss. Dr. Ayer: l have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout-4 pdnful din csue ant hsd ufliicud me for yearn. ”Most of the Pin: in market contain lor cury, vhich, although a Tnlunblo remedy In ukilfn} hands, is dqngeroua In I public pill, {tom the drendful consequence: thu ("quanta 1y (allow its incautions use. The“ contain no mercury or mineral sub-tame whnurer. Price, :5 ml: per Box, or 6 Boxes tor :1. Prcpmd by Dr. J. C. “ER 8 (0., Lowell, lm. ”Sold by A. D. Buchler, Getty-burg; P. Bobliu, Arendtlviflo; Paxton t Ichry,’ Fairfield; P. A. Myers, New Cheater; I. Stunr‘ New Oxford; E. Himnhaw, York Sprifip; n 3 dealer: genenlly. ‘ ' ‘ Sept. 3,1860. lyoow Change of Time. ETTYSBUBG RAILROADp-On “d If“: G Hominy, Nov. 26, 1880 the Horn“: Tnin will lesve (hay-burg u a.“ A. I. wi pumgul for :11 the connections. lord: end . South, on ‘he Northern Centre! RAIN-y, and return thou: LIO P. 11. The Moon Tnin will leave Gaunt)"; gt 1.45, P. 1.; but puaengen by this Train can go no {Manna Hnnover the lane evening. Retnnln‘ will nub Getty-burg than: 5.15 P. 3., with pellet:-A gen {mm Bari-bu , Phihdalphln, Q. B}, this amazement iguana hon the country, near fine line 0! the Railroad, hum hudncu tone-net Wylburg, an much. new Tn!- np end hen nearly two have in 608 p: bug, at! new: in the Afternoon Trek. V B. IeCURDY, m For. 26, 1880. ‘ -_‘ ‘ . you want to Myth. Magnum-J W Gfiun. Mu ”MM!“ . «HMWMYMNMe-fl *9 ~ ma Ynez" SUDILL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers