D rbDtLICIOCS TONIC STIMULANT, es ' godslly designed for the use of the Mat . eifseeion and the Asa*, b aria g 'opened .44lft4,4l:d "Gins." "Animistic; "Cordial," 4t .. §Chlllippll," etc., is now en- Amnia by ' ell of the prominent physicians, sbeatiste and connoisseurs, se possessing all of 'thole ifearieurie medicinal qualities (tunic and disrsode) which belong to an OLD and PORE itc4g tk 12 i t tovi k qtcgs 514 sold by all 110 8 ; 1 1; fr):4els, etc. A. Y. BININGER k CO., 1111100blisbitt In 1778.) Sole Proprietors, No. 19 Broad street, N. Y. per Subs by FRENCH, RICHARDS k CU.,— .W. W. At H,SAMTM ' and all of the prominent rehash, Dila f iats In Rni{.44viphia 94. 15, 1840. ly .1 Quick Sales & Small Profits." iIAYLNIG purchased a large and varied as eortmant of PALL AND W INTER GOODS, rite preperi4 to offer bargains ;,q aIJ who Sarilavar us wtth • call. We will not attempt to pacgcitrije,'sif our stock crmprites For -4.. • Domeitic Dry hoods, Fai lc y 4rticies, k r , • lief, km., kc., together with a large at • .t . of groceries and Queeusware, to we would respectfully ask an examina ift bigot . ' purchasing, as we are determined .ib — sell as cheap as the cheapcst. Ttlanklul fRr tie liberal encouragement heretofore extended .b u we would respectfully ask a continuance got*, Pule. A. SCOTT lc SON. Oct. 14, 1540. 71 1 1 .ndsome Woman, 7CIOTSB LADIES—HUNT'S "BLOOM OF 11086.9." A rich and elegant color for obeeks or lips. IT WILL NUT WArill OR B OP P, and when once applied, remains =• row years. The tint is so rich and ria that the closest scrutiny fails to detect its paa. Can be removed by lemon juice and will pOt injure the skin. This is a new preparation, pied by the celebrated Court Beauties of Lon ;ion sad Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with Ainietkona tor use, for $1 00. Burrs " COURT TOILET POWDER," im • pans* die:ling whiteness to the complexion, ligad Ls unlike anything else used fur this pur pose. Mailed free for 50 Cents. . MONT'S " BRITISH BALM," remoras tan, =sunburn and all eruptions of the skin. free for 50 Cents. gullir 8 "IMPERIAL POMADE," for the imir, strengthen and improves its growth, lust's it from falling off; and is warranted TO iEs ?Hi tuts cum.. Mailed free for $1 00. .ffiniT'S "PEARL BF.ACTIFIER," for the 11metb and gpMs,'n' t eanses and whitens the teeth, bardeas the pops, purifies the breath effectual ly' reasitris TR* TISTU •ND PIITLITI TOOTS acsa. Nailed free for $1 00. perarrs "BRIDAL WREATH PERFCMZ," it ilo•ble extrect of orange blossoms and co 18fi, *ailed free fur $1 00. This exquisite lime we. first need by the Princess royal egland, on her marriage. Messrs. Hunt I Co. presented the Princess with an elegant cans of Perfumery, (in wi.icti all of the ahoi e Articles were included) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued et $l3OO, particuLirs of which &ppm , -ed Ns the pnbltc priuts. All the above arti , :es sent Free, by express, i lror $b 00. Cash can either accompany the peter, or be paid to the express agent on de- Fvezi of foods., HCST 1 CO-. Perfumers to the Queen. iteiint St., London, and 77 Sansom St., Phila delphia, Pa. or Sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. be Trade Supplied. [Oct. 15,'60. ly Sower, Barnes & Co., •PCIOkSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, 37 North Third at., Lower Side, above Mae- PlllLaDeLrffts. invite the attention of where, Booksellers and Country Merchants, f 9. Aide very large Stock of School Books, pun liaised in this and other cities, together with Illeelllll2ooUS and Blank Books, Paper and Stationery generally. S. B. k Co. are publish nessi" many Popular Works, among which are the hollowing: (as SERIES OF NORMAL ARITIIMETICS, 'llyldward Brooks, A. fit., Professor of Math =ln Peonsylvania State Normal School. es helps the student to a Trioitoeoti ~.,.. r /SDING of his study, cxamusrzto by his It 4 , ll 4.lle ac l ts t releases easaesthe powerful Teachersllin.:l ola: s timulant the uponla sor of making explanations which would be risseuessary with a more perfect Text Book. 'the series above namer has been published rut a short time, and :,. et within a few mouths, *thou% advertising or puffing, the demand Memants to almost one hundred thousand co =st.Sonie of their advantages may be baffy as follows: 1. They contain more new matter than any pbsilar series. 2. They exhibit a number of new arithmeti pe;ootetiotis to problems that. have heretofore *ewe rosined to Algebra. h. The matter is arranged more philosophi pray than In others, and is therefore nether Sorted for instruction. 4. No subjects or phrases, signs or figures, are Allatrodueed in Itssons previous to those in% hich Ean fully explained, cud the pupil is thus along without the neceasity of frequent and leeome explanations or the part of the Offher : Ye 7 few elementary worts hare this r i " . 5. Mew usodes of Teaching are suggested sroag R a it ri t t it h e ine s ti er c i t s, c a u n r d iou u s od a e n r d th i e nt u er a e m st e in a g t are Introduced, which may be used th advantage in wakening op chc attention, sad sharpening the factiltiec of the school. IL The key is not only chat its title imports, bee 1$ is also a complete treatise on the art of Assii• Lag Mental Arithmetic; being filled with Islets useful to the Teacher. The everyday practical value of Mental Ar ithmetic to every one who receives or pays money, if only for the daily necessaries of lite. is now universally admitted. It therefore be tween imperative upon teachers to practice the pest method of teaching it. books are beautifully printed on thick , and sheatly and uistefully bound. ees are as follows : - itinary Ari thmetic, i.. ...... 3 Arithmetic,_.......... c, ..... .......15 5 , cents. eatal t c wi rmr itrto )(Vidal Arithmetic,........— ....... 25 is A miry liberal deduction to Teachers, and floes wits boy in quantities. Single copies seat Is Teachers by Mail, on receipt of one- Ntlyi of the *hose prices to Pr.- pay Postage. SANDERS SERIES OF READERS, coluirliag .of Primer, 121 cents; Speller, 15 pests; riot Reader, 15 cents ; Second, 30 cents; Tltird, 44 oats; Fourth, 46 emits ; Fiftb, Is Aso; Seboo, 48 cents; Young Ladies, 88 Pea l 4l l i yd 4144-4er's New Speaker, si,oo ; Cgirstated, beaskratally illustrated, Oman boaa4, and *old at :Amer prices than any Mier Series de Ilastiors. - • - WHITE'S COPY BOOKS, =rt 10, Riasislotit of - Pennsylvania la Oage.. The writing is boatman', realmyet al la. practical and easily taught, the aye pal . iostadod oa aatursl habits and The salt Les become very large and laeresallsg. They afford a liberal profit to tieaall: f• • Es OFTLINE YAPS. ~..1 _ ,r 44 ~. r.k. Mai eal ; is now adapt i' tbs liimoce Geography. taut 9 tr' t ail has ji4 aMli4L GIigKii•ARITT has been latro - tboollmass,..ll1 , 11g amphora naps, all Its de failla.ba4as koala a wagged at to present a . ate. giallalmh • . • midis they do not , . . • or thoiahja• -tot ainal rt.A , ~4 ~ Awl a. olutilyUßOt aad ""--`"- _II. ". s ' aid PRA FliCji Vie a , . 3 ' l "` • . .or slO for Da of asst 740. 7 • • e l • llui '. "... ..L"..1.' 1:• , ..— :- ' #1171 4 3 YAV , e . .. _. ~ _ Al Good :.„ . Abi 4 1 t a I VlTiloo.s. it Gibbt. ......% . LIL.S.•~A PARE XTEW ObOtill 1-14. - t►'>~f* i . ,s. W. (*ram ' rya Juc k ipis . s cootelakag most Aeros, elitism! ia ' 1.1 of the Dismood, Gettysburg. realm:Wl) , the Madam township, Adana coenty, adjoin- calls die attention of purchaaera to his sew and T • grind .114 Increasing dammed tbr this tho property wall known as the “On Fara," splaidld meek of PALL AND W INTER tiCk)DS! ru „„ l ,,bi j iamp i, *i*chiss is * s *Ammo* of about ono-halal this Wm led same inality , nla stook is so lamp sad so well arranged to eta „ p „ rim . „ ce n e*ce. as Orr'a load. The meadows are large tad suit tows nod country trade, that it is impos pod soll, can be made to produce very largo *ibis to ease make tasatioa of his moat desirs- PRICE $3O 00. drir of linY, a product for tallish there is now •We goods. All be ask, is for pereous to call For flale at • constant good market; about 90 acres ars la and =a mine his couplets stork. They will fp FaillinltlC3' SCALE WAREFIONSIB, -- timber, much of it of the best kinds , including away as and loon raters for move. Locos. and Walnut . It is supposed the most He bie a felt oath .f D 11123.1 00008, of every 115 Chesnut Street, ra4able r o lv tugber in tits c.oonty Lon this description: Plain and trefed Mariam.. and P a luaus Lriui. Saw -mill. and a-44 e of • mile of a good Caahmerits.. all wool Plaid., all wool Dclaimsa, 8a ar-ta ill a - 4 . .- . . - - . „_. c aw-mill. 4 youtig Apple Orchard, contact- cotton Plaids, phan sad figured. Videssetaa, log 200 tries of choice solected fruit, planted 2 French Reefs, Aridness Stripa', Velours, Level- I Alexander Fraser, or 3 years ago. A young Peach Orchard of lea, Generates and Moss de Lass all prices. LOCK AND WATCH-NAKER, has remored 100 trees of best kinds selected . These Or- I A large stock of Traveling Dress doods, plain i his shop to the house latch occupied by chards, when in full bearing, will add greatly and figured Silks Flounces A full and Cora - tdow Herbst, near the west end of Chambers to the value of the property, as the quality of plots stock of Prints constantly on hand.— burg street, south side, where he will always Adams county trait Isknown and held in great CLOTHS, Caastmeres, Hester Cloths, Satinetts, be happy to attend to the calls of his customers esteem in the moss Numerous Springs on the Tweeds, Jeans, French, English and American He is thankful for past Neer. and hopes to farm, ate of which Is a large Sulpher Spring, Shawls. Plaid and Knitted Shawls for Chit- receive the continued patronage of the pplilic that may become of great talus as soon as the dren—all styles and prices liouse-furnishing Nov . o lo t ° t r - Gettysburg and Woinesboro , or Gettysburg Goods of et ery description. A led and corn and Cl am2bersburg Railroads are buished, 448 mete stock of Notions, Perfomery, Jewelry, the property is witliiii one mile of toi,ae Real Hosiery. Gloves. Gent( and Ladies Gauntlets, roads; and by these roads a constant supply of Wool C toes Ind Hoods, of the tery latest Franklin county lime may be hod stv'es. Thread and Cuttou Ed k ongs, Laces, kc , eneaplv, so as to improve the land -r fill Ac ke Ise ,kc to any degree of fertility desired.— ”, I 1 ALL COME' No trouble to show Goods. There is a 1101:be and good sub- _-tom • Oct.2.'', 1880 stantml Barn on the farm. I - -- --- Also, A TRACTa OF MOUNTAIN LAND, in' A Novelty same township, adjoining lauds of T. Stereos, TN TUE ART WORLD I PHOTOGRAPHY and others, containing about 35 Acres. i 1 UPON PORCELAIN --Seenred by letters ))'The property will be shown to any per- patent In the Gated States, England , France ton wishing to porch/um and the price made and Belgium known on application to lease Robinson, Esq., THE AMERICAN PHOTOGRPHIC FORCE,- Fairceld , Robert G McOreary, George W. Me- LAIN COMPANY, No 181 Broadway, New Clellan, Esqs , and Col. James D. Paxton, Get- York, baring secured their novel and ingenious tysburg _ ' lii/AC B. BETTIE intention by American and F iropean patents, Sept 17, IBeo are fully preplred to execute all orders fur -„,--- Valuable Farm for Sale. of Persons on China presenting all the aurae- HE subscriber offers for sale, on very TWO FARMS . o 1, situate in Strabno township, Adamsi iitc _eitive and advantageous features of ordinary commodetiug termsT photographs, the brill enc.) end finish of a water-color drnwino and a hitherto urfattain ed quality of d urabilay, lot b eing rendered as twenty. 3 miles east of Gettysburg, I mile from impert-hable as the natural properties of the Railroad, containing 110 Acres, more or leas, the improvements on which the arts, les upon which they are trinsterred .... me a STONE IltilsE, good Bank , tt As the patented process of th • ( cimpitn) en- Barn, and other co t-buildito,s doo, and • • . 1 s ab , cs the reprodu( tw io of P a „gr trill 4 nut on ; About 1.5 acres are its , i It on plain siarfn,ea but upon such as are McA 5„,.... ; there is running spring water in every 6EII round ur of any degree of irregul trity—por traits ego be reproduced withtiultleoi actions which tiever fails. There is a large Orchard of cy, and delicacy of di lineation, coon Porcelain choice grafted Fruit, shout 4 acres About wares of any description and dimension used 2100 or 2800 bushels of Lime hate been put upon the farm, and its convenience to the as articles of luxury or of household utility, sash as Railroad renders lime very accessible. There URNS, VASES, BREAKFAST CUPS, is a due proportion of Timber . No. 2 situ the its Cumberland township, on Toilet Articles, kc thereby securing faithful portraits and furnis hing a unique and exqut she Emrnitaburg Gett)sburg, containing 140 Acres. BOA 1 more or less, a mile and • half trout site s se tyle of ornatueutation of articles in domes tic u the Improvements un %loch arc a new FRAME, in order to furnish facilities fur the ,„.. tid _ DWELLING HoLsh, large Brick Barn, and cation of the popish taste, and it, m eet- the other our-buildings; a well of water at the barn, and one at the house. About 22 acres wants of (hose patrons of the Fine Arts desir are in Meeclow There is a due proportion of one of having Fortino" on Porcelain, the COM- Timber. - About 3 000 bushels of Lime lave • mar have imported from Europe • collection been put upon the Farm of superior porcelain goods, manufactured 'The terms will be made known on ap to their own order, which they sell at cost • plication to the subscriber. P PRTER TROSTLE. As the the American Company are owners of the patent right, and ronsequently the only persons authorised to use the process, they have deter mined, in order to afford people °revery section of the Union an opportunity to pauses PORTRAITS ON CHINA, to make the following proposition to residents in the Country, who are unable to visit person ally the Atelier aid other Galeria, in New York Persons sending • photograph, amb s rotype, or daguerreotype to the office of the Company in New York, accompanied by FIVE DOIs'ARS, will receive in returu by express, free of colter charge, • richly ornamented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, with the portrait transferred thereon. By transmitting a daguerreotype and TEN DOLLARS, they will secure in like manner, • handsome French Vase or Toilet Artie*, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process . By stooling a pair of daguerreotypes and FIFTEEN D ti.l. 4.115, they will receive 111 return • Pair of rich Secree Vases, with the portraits executed equal to min iature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or Vises of every quality of Bniah. ranging In price from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the pair . N. B.—Be porthole" in writing the address, tows, assay and State distineely. All letters to be addressed to "Memos?, Aeneas l'Aerogropkte Porcelain CO , ' 781 Baolower, New York. &pt. 3, 1340. tt rjc HS subscriber will sell his FARM, situated ., in Franklin township, Adam county, '1 miles west of Casbtawn, on the Millentown road. The Farm contains 75 ACRES-50 acres clear. The lend is in a good state of cultiva tion, baring been limed. There are all kinds of fruit—a thriving young Orchard of choice grafted truit ; also peaches, pears and plums of the best kinds. The buildings are a one and a half story STONE HOLTSE, • nit large new Bank Barn, a Cooper Shop, ic. The fArou is in good order, and cannot be hest for rising potatoes. I calculate on rais ing fire hundred bushels this year. A korai.. failing spring of water at the door. Oct. 1, 1880 DOSIESTICS, Tickings, Checks, Flannels, Jtc., cheap at Fahnestoeks'. We have also a Iit'SLIN branded with our own nanie, to which we invite especial attention, as it excels by far, any ever offered In this market for the price. iit.)FTER many years of successful practice, DR. KELLLNG still desires to do good to L itiftlicted. He continues to cure all kinds of CANCERS, TUMORS, WENS, scaqi:eLA, or KING'S EVIL, SORES, &c., if curabli, without cutting or poison. lie does not confine him self merely to the cure of the above dis eises, but will treat all others with success.— Patients will be visited. if desird, a reasonable distance. Persons desiring to .lilt Dr: K. will please stop at the Railroad Hotel in Mechanics burg, where they will be directed to his resi dence. For all particulars write•-state dis eases plainly. Enclose a postage stamp to prepay answer. Address Dr. C. L. KELLING, Mechanicsburg, Cumberlaud co., Pa. Oct. 15, 11:160. but 1860. 18GO. Fall and Winter Goods. PLUS subscriber, having just returned from the }astern Cities with a large and splen did assortment of HATS and CAPS, would re spectfully call the attention of purchasers to the same. His stock of Hats is full and com plete, consisting in part of Men's fashionable and handsome No. 1 Silk Bats, Dress Hats, Soft Hats, high, low and medium depth of crown, Cloth and Glazed Caps, Plush and Plush trimmed Caps. for men and boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, together with a good as sortment of Wool Hats, ill of which will be sold at very low prices for cash. Also, a fine as sortment of Ladies' and Misses' Black and Brown Vernon Hats, Felt Hats, kn. Ott. 22, 1860 TEAVE just received from the city the largest stock of GROCERIES they have ever offered to the public—Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Race, Cheese, Fish, Salt, Spices, Ac., Ac., embracing all rarietles, at all prices, the lowest the market will afford. •Also Brooms, Brushes, end Notions ; Tar, Oils, Candles, Ac., in short, everything to be found in a first class Grocery and Variety Store. The Flour and Feed business is continued with a steady increase. The highest market prices paid and the smallest profit/ asked. The public are invited to give us a call and see for themselves. NURBBCH k MARTIN, Oorner of Baltimore and High streets. May 21, 1860. JTACOS fIEININGER hes just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle meirs wear ever offered in Gettysburg. He has every variety, style and price of goods. White gentlemen can always find Cloths to sait their lasts they can at the same time hate their measures tales and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and sate money go to the Merchant Talk nag Establishment of JACOB REININGER, May V, 1880. Carlisle street. D 0 not forget to tall at A. SCOTT a SON'S, if you waat to bay ebeap Dress Goods : each u Cashmere., De Lanes, Printed Me inoes, Oolsergs, &c., all of new sad fasktiosable designs. Fall Trade 1860. CARPETS, Oil. CLOTH. JOSEPS VICTORY, , 14,3 Lexington st-, 3 doors West of Howard, SALLTIIIOIIIII, SD., Informs his enstomers and parrhasers gen erally, that his stock of Carpets, Oil Cloth. Mattlegs ' iso., is now complete, coexisting of, tenssels Carpet, Velvet, Three-ply, terrain and Venetia's; Carpets of every style and price, Oil Cloth from 1 to a iris wide, Matting, Rum, Mats,ltalr Rods, kr-, Rag Carpets of oar own make, cipastantly as bsed,Ul of which will be eald u the very %sliest rues. ' VICTOWf, 4 ' 113 Irelsertas Streak dept. 11.4111. Meltimere. • Rt the place hrsii _ Welke the terefhp ist lob" efet 14 *p i p_me 411elpiti trets-4V i te ir atir tee met 'Nisi ;SOS ' Ittr MIZE Farm for Sale. SAIIUEL BINGA M AN. Cancer Institute. IL F. McILIIENY Norbeck & Martin Clothing I Clothing ! Oct. 22, 1860. Sot • Still at Work! CIOICHMAXING AND BLACKSIIITHING —The 'undersigned respectfully informs Lis Meads and the public that he continues the Coacismaking and Blaeltamithing business fn every branch at his establishment In Cham bersburg street:. He has on band and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, lc., of the best material, and made by superior work men. 1010"*RIPAIIIING nod BLACKAIIIIIIIING of all kinds done itt reasonable rates, proinptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY I'aoocc■ taken In exchange to• work at market prices. • gar Persons desiring articles or work In the Coachmaking or Blneksmlthing line, are re spectfully in% ited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH Gettysburg. Jan. 24, '59. The Election IS over, and although every one Can't have his wishes entirely satisfied, it becomes a to submit. The next important qoestion Fe all men, and particularly the people of Adams county, is where to buy the hest and cheapest fall and winter Clothing. We unhes;tatitigly say, at SAMSON S—tAaes (Ae spot—N. E. enrner of the Diamond. iu the old County Building. Gettysburg, Oct. 15,1860. Notice. TILE undersigned hating retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons. Henry B. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner It Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak • liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Having retired from the Mercantile business it is necessary that our old business should be settled ap. We, therefore. notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNER, May 25. 11358. DAVID ZIEGLER. New Goods! New Goods! irIAHNESTOCK BROTHERS would respect fully inform the public that they have re turned from the Cities with the largest, cheap est and prettiest stock of GOODS ever opened in the County, consisting of Ladies' Dress Goode, Cloths, Cassimeres, C4malnets, Yestl nge, Domestics, Le., all of which will be offered so low, as to defy competition. Va`Give us a call. No trouble to show Goods at the 14n of the BED FRONT. Oct. 22, 1860 TR : o9VERSTRUEO O&M ACTION PIANO FORTES, ettilekested for espertor quality TONE and elesene• and Walley of finish.— These Pianos hats * always token the FIRST PREMILII wheit pptocedin competition with other inners. Qlmilayi sR esaymitition. A 'pleated assortment of LOUIS NW and plainer styles ehray• as .hand. Aloe Seeesd-hand Pitman sad PRINCE'S IMPROVED MELOD EONS from Set to 8330. iiir Erai laetrusent Warranted. ORO. L. WALKER'S Pismo sad Neiodaten Oupst, . S. IL Get* nth h Areit Elte4thilata. - Ales; 4. UM. Ot. . KIIII i pzm r.W gloo If llerT mid & at =eookokolog of Prints. Itiogigo MU *wawa, as.. lia=l OEM 49 11 11J+4;4 1 ;1 1 W ( r Sept. 17, 1960. as Bargains 1 B§BLUING OFF AT COST I—A large stock of Goods at the Store of .1. C. GUINN k U. A large portion of the Hoods are just fresh from the City. Also—the Books of said firm are at my office for settlement—all per sons indebted please call without delay. R. G. IicGRBARY, Oct. 29, 1860. 8t Attorney, ke. Globe Inn, 1/IECITANICSITOWS, Frederick county:NM.— Having been renovated and re - furnished, t e proprietor assures the public that a ran Is only needed, as he guarantees full satisfaction in erery case. Charges moderate. HENRY 11E1111, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 113;p9. tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Fs. PURIFYING THE PLOOD.—And for the tptely cure of the scljci.ned rarirtiet of (I •rease : SCROFULA ANDSCROFT LOUS AFFECTIONS. acc o AS Trmowl. n.cEns. SORES, ERCPTIONS.PIMPLES,PUS TCLES, BLOTCHES, BOILS, BLAINS, AM) ALL SKIN ' DISEASES. Oakland, Cth June, IXCO J. C. Ayer k Co. Gents: I feet it nil- duty to acknowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous affection, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hands end arms; sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond dcscriptiou. I tried many medicines and several physicians, bet without meals relief from any thing. In akt, the disorder grew w orse. At length I was rejoiced to read In the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (SarsaparKla,) for 1 knew from your reputation that any thing you made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cereal me. I took it, as you advise, la small doses of a teaspoon ful over as month, and used almost tnree bottles. New and healthy akin loon began to form under the scab, which after as while fell off. My satin Is sow clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age, and remain ever grate fully, Yours, - ALFRED It. TALLOY. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSE OR ERYSIPE LAS, TETTER AND SALT SCALD HEAD, RINGWORILSORE EYES, DROPSY. Or. Robert If. Preble writes from Salem, N. V.. 12th Sept., 18b9, that he has cured an in reternto ease of Drapsy, which threatened to terminate fatally,by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and ai..o • dangerous attack of Mangum': Erysipelni by large hoses of the same ; says he cures the common Kruptioes by it coastantly. BRONCIIOCELK,GOITREonSWELLEDNECE. Zelmlon Stoma, of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three butler of your Strait) trills cormd me from a Goitre--a hideous swilling on the neck, which I bad suffered from over two tears." - . LIirCORRIRRA OR WHITES. OV:UIIAN TV_ NOR, UTF.RINt ULCERATItIN, FE3l‘ll4 DISRANES. Dr. J. B. S. Cliourning, of New York City, writes : " I most cheerfully comply wig; the request of your agent I■ saying 'I have kraut, your Sarsaparilla a most excellent alterative in to the numerous complaints fur which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in Female Diseases of the Scrohelqus diathesis. I hare cured many invetemta cases of Leueorrhces by it, cud some where the complaint was caused by ulceration of the u•erus. The ulceration it self was soon cured. Nothing within my knowledge equals it fur these female derange ments." Edward 4 3.11arrowosf Newbury, Ala., writes, ".F, daegerousorarian tumor on one of the fe males in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by )onr Extract of Sirsapa rilla. One plaVsiciau thought nothing but ex tirpation could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your... Sarsaparilla as the last resort be fore cutting, and it proved effectual. Alter taking your remedy eight it edit no b) miaow f.,f the disease remains." RIINUMATISM, GOUT, LIVER COMPLAINT. Independence, Preston co., Va., WI JuIN, '5Si. Dr. J. C. A) e: 2 - Sir—l have been . afflicted with a painful ellronic Rheumatism for a lung time, which battled the skill of physkians, nud stuck to me in spite of all the remedies I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One tyot tle cured me in two weeks, and restored general health so much that I am far better than before I was attacked. I think it a won derful medicine. J. Faint. Jules Y. Getchell„of St. Louis, writes: " I have been afflicted (or years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing failed to re lieve me ; and I have been a broken-down man for some years from no other cane. than de rangement of the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try your 8..r -saparills, because be said he knew you, and any thing 3ou mule WAS worth trying. By the blessing of Cod it has cured me, and has so pu rified my blood as to make a sew man of me.— I feel young again. The best that can be said of you is not h tlf good enough." SCHIRRUS, CANTER, TUMORS, ENLARGE MENT, ULCERATION, CARIES AND EX- FOLIATION OF THE BON A great variety of cases have been reported to us where. cures of these formidable com plaints hare resulted from the use of this reme dy, bat oar space here will nit a.imit them.— Some of them may be found in our American Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. DYSPEPSIA, HEART DISEASE, FITS, EPI LEPSY, 11ELANCHOLY, NEURALGIA. Many remarkable cures of these affections hare been made by the alterative power of this medicine. It stimulates the vital functions in to vigorous action, and thus overcomes disor ders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the neceuitles of the people, and we are confidant that this will do for them all that medicine can do. AYSELII camlity PECTORAL, TO& Till RAPID Celli 01 0 Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Brom:Intl), Incipient Consumption, and fur the Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Wages of the Disease. This is s remedy so •onirersally known to surpass any other for the re» of throat and lung complainta, that it is useless here to pub lish the evidence or its virtues. Its unrivalled extensor* for coughs and cold*, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, bare outdo it known throegbont the civilised sta tions of the Wel. Few are the contatualties, or area &moires, aampag the, who hare tot Some personal experience of its eflketor--.-oome living trophy In their midst of Itit victory over the subtle and dikkporene &solders of the throat and lungs. As allkoowthedradful A. tality of thane disorders. and oe they blow, too, the abets of this remedy, we seed not do mere the* to Immo Woo that it hoe now oaths vir tues that it did bare when rookies the muse whit& him woo so stem* upon the milldams of behind. bewail**, a. LAM M, lan& Us. mireida I T Itasiber, thittrobiale lieblissdimaiterrille• Tama* Ff'.. *soh bar obj= o/sr awl PeP• 4 kMee . 7 " 77:71 " - • • 414 P 7r: n. Lawrence D. Dieted NOTION NOVSI. raiitcY GOODS. OWN'S)°, TR11111761, AND TOY, Wltelessle and Malt &sane+ as say pinta II i Baltimore. 151 Iramirittp ,giatsr, SALTIXOU. _. Orders promptly attooded to. Joao 18, 1860. ly 1 A. Xathiot & Son's SOFA AND FURNITUREWAREBOOMS, Nos. ! 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (neat Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick' st.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on band a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, ern- i bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward- I robes, Mattresses of lius!,„ Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set- I tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs. Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, ' Gllt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side . boards,•Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which fur variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the zonntry. A. MATIIIOT & SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Ang. 6 1860. ly /O a I s. eto, rfIiDED 1852. Chartered 1834. Located CUR. OF BALTIMORE k CHARLES STS., lALTINOIII., Mo.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished A Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expresgly for Young Men desiring to obtain n Tnosocuti Plume u. ii 1:31N ERA EDLCATION in the shortest possible the and at the least expense. _ . A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circu lar. containing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Seccimett or l's.sm kasnir, Add a LargeEn gra% ing (the finest of the Lind ever made in this country) repreqentiug the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, kc., w ill be sent to Every Young Man on application, Faze or Cnsttoa. Write immediately and you will receive the package by return mail. Address, E. K. LUSIEIt, Baltimore, Md. Feb. C., 1800. ly James H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nag. 124 and 126 North Street, ..... BALTIMORE, MD. I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having an experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continne that alone,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give &ma rscriov to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 6, 'GO. 17 - -- - Ladd, Webster & Co., RLTIMORL ST., BALTIMORE, MD., J.J A Ilminuticturers of IniproreclTiglit—sliteL SEWING MACHINES, for Families and Manufacturing Establishments. Let .Vanufacturers. Planters, Farmers, House keepers, or auy other persons In search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, make sure they serum th• best, by examining ours before purchasing. )'Samples of Work sent by mail. Vat? CONSTITUTES A HOOD SEWING MACHINE? 1. It should be well made, simple in its con struction, and easily kept in order. 3. !t should make a TIIIIIT LOCK-STITCH, alike on hot h shies of the material. 3. It stioulcl sew any andall materials dig can be sc. vt ed. 4. It tibuuld be able to uae Cotton, Thread, or Blik, directly trout the spool. 5.: It should be ttble to sew from coarse to floe, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and wi4h -001 changing the tension. G. It should be able to make thT tension greater or less. on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. ` T. It should have a straight needle ; curved ones are liable to break. 8. The uredle should lucre perpendienist motion. This is.absolutely oseessaryftwheary work. , • 9. It should be c.spible of &Atlas la the largest pieces of work. 10. It should be able to bind with a binder, hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should be always ready to work. 12. It should be capable of using the same size of thread on both sides of tae work. and of using different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to he ncited. 12. It should be able to make a long or short &that. 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, and commence sewing tightlyat the first stitch. 15. It should run easily and make but little noise. IG. It should hate a wheel feed; none others are in conitant contact with the work. 17. It should not be liable to getout of order. 14. It should not be liable to break the thread, nor skip stitches. 19. It should not be necessary to use a screw driver or wrench to set the needle. It should not be liable to oil the opera— tors dress. 21. It should not forma ridge on the under side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the case with *Li cuAts-artnin machines. 22. It should lot be " more trouble than it is worth." 2.3. Finale, all of these advantages are pox sealed by our Sewing Machine. LADD, WEBSTER k CU. Dec. 5, 1859. ly Burr kill Stones WARRANTED—B, F. - STARR it CO., Cur. of North end Cows Street*. Lopposite N. C. R. R. Stet 'llarrimons, Mo. Mani turers of FRENCH HU. (Importers and Dealers Burr Blocks, Bolting C 1( Leather and Gum Belch Calciced Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Quality. Also, Colon., Cocalico, and Esophes ' Mill Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 27, '6O. ly George X. Bokee, JE MPORTERiutd Dealer in CHINA, GLASS k QUEENSWARE, . o. 41 North Howard Street, between Lexing ton and Fayette Streets, BALTIMORE. STONEWARE always on hand, at Factory prices. Jane 18, 1860. Iy M/LLINERS and others will find a good as sortment of Ribbons, Flowers, Pluses, es, kc., at the cheap store of A. SCOTT I SON. New & Rich ;JEWELRY, SILVER WARN, WINER PLAT ED WARE, ke.—A. E. 'WARNER Gold and ilversmith, No. 10 Boars GAY Slam, BAL TIMORE, ED., has In store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing a great rariety of Ptah' Gold and Sett Broaches, Booties, Car. b ankles, Ake., Itar•Biags, Bracelets, Finger Binge set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Opal, ilmentld, kc., Ladies' Gold Challis, Vest k Guard Chains,' Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Phis: Sigma., Chased sad Plaia Gold flings ; Patella and Peas, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and let Grosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins k Ear liirtga,ke. ALSO, A variety of Sliver Mounted k Plated Oestors, Cake Basket', Walters, Candlesticks, Batter and Balt Needs, Pearl Handle base rt ILelves,ElpoOns, Forks, Ladles, limey Articles, ke., all of whirl Is rel e y odd on the lowest ten's, Country Trade and Dealers general- Vizinvited idgive as a call. and wades sad Prieto, beift nailed that my 311,. Rit WARS cannot he surpassed either for lineages or quality, or the bust and nest bow IVA patterns. [Feb. !T. /YR, ." O Tit 0 Yes! !' - rlmamirbed- Min witikairtirvie publialia as Ampticiawir sat Atli OW fond* tegslisme et pairollii , lkellitlettil;Ohttrignia nialiimetn"3llll,llll.lfirrs •".". AnT. lllll 4ftlr rfr )E- So.lllll Arch St. " ladielAiri u (tate o 'orrtemsk. • -its.fr. - . sis at iirw W:4 /go• p pewter, igentateturet 1 kind( d peeler in al nof PA WC '. I Fuss. E4This_ r*- wino to lig - Al.' g Store, ?IS kisek St. mown( sow 'nag- I ed entirety Ili the Mar ufactime and Sale Fancy Punt, which, 1 ) i accordance with G. "One Price Principle, I hare marked at ti , lowest iltle prices consistent with a reason ; table prollt, I would solicit a visit from those in ! want of Furs for either Ladies' or Claildrens' Wear, and an inspection of my selection of those goods, satisfied, as I em. of my ability to please in erery desired essential. Persons at a distance. who may find it ; inconvenient to call personally, need only name the ankle they wish, together with the price, and instructions for sending, and forward the ' order to my address—money accompanying— to insure a satisfactory compliance with their [Sept.3, 1860. .lon ' wishes. - i ' The Only Preparation • rpriAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, 1 I I AND GROWS MORE AND MORE Pun- ' I LAR EVERY 11.1 Y i—And testimonials, new, ,' and almost w.thout number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of so ciety, who‘e united testimony none could resist,. i that Prof. Woods Ilair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the ; youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty. 1 ' Battle Creek, NI icli., Dec. 21, 1858. Prof. Wood :—Thee willt please accept a line' to iii torn' thee that the heir on my head all fell uIT over twenty years ago, caused by a compli- ' cated chronic disease, attended with an erup tion on the head. A continual course of suf fering through life having reduced me to estate of dependence, I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to du them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs .It Hodges almost the last cent ' I hid on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Bair Restorative about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directintis width° bald spot is now entered with hair thick and black, though short, it itt also cowing in all riser my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per roanently, I feel anxious to persevere in its use, and beiug destitute of means to purchase any more, I would ask thee if thee wouldat nut he willing to send rue an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—" the res aril is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." I Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Ligonier, Noble co., Indiana. Feb. 5, 1859. Prof ,O. J. Wood : Dear Sir:—la the latteri -- . _ .. part of the year 1852, while 'Mending the State ; Cannon & Adair'er of Bala s _ and National Law School of the State of New N EW / C ASHES Wi MKS, corn York, my hair s nt fro a cause unknowu to me, more and East Riddle street...directly op commenced falling off very rapidly. so that in pomte the new Churt House, Gettysburg. the short space of six months, the s hole upper • Having recently attired from Philadelphlooled feeling fully competent to execute all work la part of my scalp wa., almost entirely bereft of the finest style of the art, we wuuld res J im covering, and much of the remaining portion ly invite the attention of the pnblie wishing to anything In outline, to favor as with a upon the aide and back part of uay head short p ty after became gray, so that you will not be . surprised when I tell yuu that upon my rgturn call and examine specimens of our Work. W. to the State of ludiana, my wore casual ac- are prepared to furnish Mt INUMENTS, TOSIIE4 , quaintituces were nut so much at a loss to disc AID HEADSTONES MARBLE MANTLICS, curer the cause of the change in my appearance, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work as wy ware intimate acquaintances were to appertaining to our business. let the lowest pus toragnide we at all. I Bible pekes. We do nut hesitate to trnariatese ,11 pg-cnkce made application to the most skill- that our work shall be istitupin a manner sub ful physicians in the country, hut, receicing stantial and tastefal equal to the best to be' no assurance (turn them that my hair could i seen in the cities, where every luilworetnent again be restored, I was forced to become re- i which experience has suggest e d - Is availed or, conciled to nay fate, until, fortunately, in the, and especially do we gaarntetee that our Verne latter part of the . ?car 18:4', your Restorative ', tery and Grate Yard work shall be so carefully WM; re4:ol3llllCadeil to the by a druggist, as be-, set as nut to be affected by frost,but shallmalhi ing the must reliable Hair Restorative in use. , taro for years that erectness of position- given I tried one bottle. and found to my great sails- / at the completion of a job, anal so necessary to faction that it was producing the desired effect. continued gracefulness and symmetry. Since that tittle, I have used seven dollar.', N or. 28, 1850 . t it worth of ydur Restoratif e . . aud as* result.haves i __ _ __ a rich coat of very soft, black hair, which no / Grain! Grain! money can buy. , ' MI: subscriber still continues purchasing As a mark of my gratitude for your labor •, rill lands of PROIWCEost his old steed un and skill in the production of so wonderful diambersburg street. viz :—FLOUIt, WHEAT, an article, I have reconitui ruled its'use to tuisuy RYE, CORN, OATS, SEEDS, kc.. tor which Ilio of my friends and acquaintances., who, i "al hi g hest market prices will be given. happy to inform you. are using it with like of-- ; hej ! will also continue my GROCERY and feet. Very respectfull, yours, VARIETY STORE, and will keep constantly A. M. LATTA, "on bawl Groceries, Salt. Oil, Fish. Cedar-ware, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ; Dry Goode, Confections, Plaster, Guano, he.— Depot, 414 Broadway, and sold by all dealers The public are invited to call. as lam deterniii.- throughout the world. ed to sell as cheap as the cheapest. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three /OLIN SCOTT. sizes, viz: large, medium. and small; theorist! ; Gettys b urg, A ug. 6, 1860. holds 4 a pint, and retails fur one dollar per • -- - - -- --- -- bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per, Gettysburg Foundry. cent. more in proportion than the email, retails T lIE subscriber, lilting plat !tried th for two dollars per bottle; the large- holds a , Foundry of Ite.srs. Zurbaugh, Stoat k Cu., quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, tied re tails for $3. , (formerly Warrens . Foundry,) has commenced. business, and is now prepared to utter to the O. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors. 444 Broad- ;P üblic a l a rger assortment of Machinery then way, New York, and 114 Market Street, t S ' IS heretofore been offered. such sac TrIlll:8/1- Louis, Mo. ' INC lICIIINES, Clot er 111,11cri., Fodder,. And sold by all good Druggists anti Fancy Cut- Goods Dealers. [Sept. 17, lb 3m i tern, Corti Shelters, and Morgari's late improved . Horse Rake. Also, STOVES. each as Cook i Stove-, three different lends: stud lire different Genuine Family Liquors. : sizes of Ten-plate Sto‘ es. Likewi , e Mill and WM. B. 110REHMISE it CO.. Importers S.iw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Tutuiug in ylr anti Wholesale Dealers in BRANDIES. Iron or Wood. WINKS, GINS k SEGARS, beg leave to call gegi- It Ep A 1 nisi: of all kinds on Machinery the attention of citizens of the United States and Castings wall lie done to order on short to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under . notice. Patterns made to order; Plough Vast. their own supervision, for Family and Mrdie;nal infl ready made ; PLOCGIIS, such at Se3L^f. use. in cases assorted to snit cuitotners. Clubs, , Witherow, Pincher, Woodcut k. and many- Military and other public bodies, who require ethers uut mentioned here; and eight different to purchase in large or small quantities, in kinds of IRON FENCING, for Cemeteries, casks or bottles, will be liberally dealt with. I Porches or Yards. Price List sent on application. ll4 o' Mortising Machines, one of the best ^ OLD MOR131101:SE lllTTERS.—Derommend- now iu use. This machine works with a Icier ed by the first physicians as the hest remedy by hand; any little boy can manage it. known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, I Call and examine our stuck ;no doubt but and all Nervous Diseases. As a necerige, it is I what we can please. Persons ought to are it pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste.— their advantage to buy machinery of sny kind Sold by all Druggists. I at borne, where it is manufactured, so that they WI/. R. MOREHOUSE *CO.. Prop l rs, Ic• 11 rely easily get. any part replayed or repaired, 3a 5 Exchange Place, i DA VID STERNER. Jersey City, N. J. I Gettysburg, Feb.l3, IaC.O. P. B.—Tbe subscribers wish to engage a few ' - active men, as Local sad Traveling Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements will be offered. For particulars, address as above, Nor. 5, 1860. 3111 -4 iT' r 'iiM. ; prASTD SILVER-WARP,—We would respect fully Inform our friends, patrons and the ic generally, that we hare now in Store and offer WiroesvAes AYD RETAIL, at the lowest Cash Prices, a large and very Choice stock of WATCHER, JEWELRY, SILTS* LED PLATED WAILI, of every variety and style. Rvery description of Diamond Work and other Jewelry made to order, at short notict.— gp- All goods vrananted to be as represented. N. 13.—Partlenlar attentltin given to Re pairing Watches and Jewelry, of every descrip doe. STAUVVRIt k tiARLNY, 621 Market St., South Side, Philad'a. Sept. 3 , 1860. marble Yard Removed. bsubscriber haring removed his place of usiness to Zest York street, a short die tetic* below St. James' Church, would annoance to the public that be is still prepared to furnish all hinds of work In his line, such as Mons snouts, Headstones, he., te., of every variety of style And finish, with and without bases and sot keta, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit I the that,. Persons desiring anything in his Sae ll Ind It a decided advantage to examine his dock and prices beibre purchasing elsewhere. WM. H. MEALS. Gettysburg, March 91, 1859. madame Bohwead's reFALLIBLE POWDSIII3, for the speedy and effiectuaj Care of all lagoicapt! flolui, rovers, tinkinOnl , DisOoptiag aad Llvii Consplalnt, Mai, °nivel, and all Aosta and Chronic Pia- ISM of ADULTS aad CNILDWt. Send 3 coat Stamp to bar Az4n." l -0.18. JONES, lifiiiitinilasra. P.. 0. Minim* Of toothsiOttala. A4ac7 -11 W. Car. Thfrd h Arab , Oct. 6; 'oolf.. lot • I. Paltrier it Mi l , ABM MEW WILMA FRILAn'L , CY sad Pront4Fon.h, ' •_ i.-3.:a ea suottillint Dried 1111 1 ,1111•4 nab, as:, 1* I Ibialtimn4 itifi n lite Wl= • irilhfA7ll6l4. LL s c i t• •isi. -Watches, Jewelry ---"./iesig= scope. Viet . R. Silinsil. ' Akeeerarg--D. A. Bnebler. Pratstyir—Darld / I Pereairr. • . -' , King, A n d t ew Heintnelm thnnasitta-ultoberS Beenstr etsll an. cob ifoneveri—Oeorge Swop*, D. A. Bmigiti_3p. King, A. Heintselman R. irchfray Met A. Marshall, S. Fahnestoci, Was. B. Ilitliin. Wm. B. Wilson, B.y,_ iebelberger; Abate!. „Mitt, ~ John Wolrord. H. A:licking, Abel?: ff, Her sh. John Horner; R. G. McCreary, S. B. B . D. li'Creary, Andrew Polley, John Plalug o - i. Thls Ctunpany A d a ms. ed Is Its nsieti. tioos to the county ot lt has 'been In successful operation for more than sis,icnis, and in that period has pall all losses pad es. p s e uses, without nay araesewklaibarilig also A WWI surplus capital 11l the Treasury. The Coin. patty employs no Agents—all business Wog done by the Manners, who are annualtj ele ct. eele ct. ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of tie Silia9AS named Slanagrers for further information. slar•The lisccutirs Committee meets at de office of the Company en the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 18'58. Something New IN GF:TTYSBURG.—The undersigned Inform the citizens of the town and county, that ho has commenced the BAKING buslnest, on a large scale, in York street' Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, %here he will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal patron. age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, ice., ite., baked every day, (Sun days excepted.) all of the beet quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking fa all its branches is largely carried on. and orders to any amount, front this and adjoining coon, ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the mutt sp, proved machinery, he is prepared to do a heavy business. VALENTINE SAUCIR July 25, 105'J Removal. NEW SALOON.--G F.D. F. F.rkENRODE has removed his Oyster establishment to'the splendid new Saban in Jacobs tt 1111 YR. Build ing, on the North aide of Chalubersburg street, where he will at. all tittles be prepared to servo np the best of OYSTERS, in every style. keeping a good article, he expects to receive la liberal share of public patronage. TURTLE SOUP, EMCEES, BEEF. TONGUE, FIG'S FEET. TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS. ICE CREAM, BIRDS, tr., in their svasuo. A uku glass of ALE or LAGER can oluays be hail.— Come and try me. G. F. ECKENRUDN. April 2, DIGU. . A Chance Ipqß A SAFE AND PROFITABLE INCEST- • , r RENT.—W 's PerteroGnill patented by D. Wlasting. This is as wield. tura' implement which on arrotat of its inn bility, simplicity and cheapness, will be general ly aLlopted by Farmers. With it ass WAS can do the work of three. Before a pastel was procured it was thoroughly tested by a number, of Fermets end in ~ v ery instance gave perfect, satisfaction. State, County and Tearaithip; Bights for sale. Moterprisleg men can realise. handsome profits by purchasing States. see. Counties and e.invsssing. Apply personally at D. Warren and George E. Bringman. Corn mnnicatious addressed to Gsoaaa C. Ilautoses, at Gettysburg, Pa., containing postage stamp, will receive attention. jerAgenku wanted in every County teed State. thrly 9, 19011. - -41 ' - __ Private : - lIC subscriber offers at Private Sale, bis HOUSE AND LOT, on Hi • greet, aitiolaing Solomon Powers. 'E . House is sitwo-etog Brick, nearly sew, witk a t Sack-building, and • well of wader. Tinos easy. DA.WL. F. PITTENTUV. July 110 BM St • Dr: likettwein's . • TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA A PECTOIU f 6, Othe beet Medicine Is the world for the Oeree‘ Coughs and Colds, Croup, licoushisie, - .Astluss,Didienlty is Breething,. Palpttstion et the Heat ' Diptharbt, ' got ter the relief of patient; is the 1111vsseisN, steps of . er with. c ows so den, togethh . • All-Mimeos st : • the }bromic and Cheek sant which per - ' dispose to . ... . It it podia* edarredlethr - , D e fi l ippreporei bre proetlejk • ' ik r usgist, sad ow et - great • ' ewe of the rielcsur dieseeertemidelf-tainma was hum 4 liable: • -- • • ''' .•'• -• —' It It ofkirli tie tit , Wiese& whbv th,q , V ie r be t i -' ' ' r.'" ' ''' • # . ' rY ....zr=si -444 , 6 . - -• .mi _ .., .. .., ) -;- - ~ • .e.. 7 . J., lill3 .1 it It , . • .4. WM E:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers