. ~ v ibii6l4, by 4. Scutur, di $1 75 per Slastusi u pahCatritiSly,is anrancw---$2 00 f ir asuatuelikatot paid Us adennee. aobsc►ips:on dlscoatthand, 'unless at the option of the mai- Usher, until all arrearages are paid. Aoranstszitsses inserted at the usual rates Jos Pits/aro done with neatness and dis patch. Omen in South flaltimore street, directly opposiee Weinplers' Tinning Establishment-- "Cottr►tnn" on the sign. S. C. Neely, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to collee /lots sad all other Lin.ittes. intrusted to care with promptness. Office in the S. E. - corner or the Diamond. (formerly occupied by Wrn. B. McClellan. Esq.) Gettysburg, April 11, 1839. tt . Win. B. McClellan,: ATTORNEY AT A W.--OtEce in We3t Mid dle street, one duos N' cit. of the new rt noose. (siett)siburg, Nov. 14, ISY3. A. J. Cover, ATTOI:NEY AT LAW. will Trfornptly attend to Collections and all taller buisine,, , en -trusted to biro. Office between Fitlit..-tocls' and Danuer k Ziegl4:r's Stores, 11.iltimort.,trcvt, tiettiaburg, Pa. [Sept. I Wm. IL Duncan, A TTORNEY 11,T I.SW.—office iu the Sut-th. west corner of Centre `q are. Gettysburg, [t.h.t.. 3, Edward B. Buehler, ' ATTOILNEY AT LAW, will faitlifiilly and promptly attend to all bil•Queesentriii.ted to 1111 R. He speaks the German lanyinage.— °Mee st the same place, in South Baltimore Street, near Forney'a dray., store, and nearly opp i4ite Dant2er Z,ezler's store. Gettysburg, Mardi 2U. J. J. Herron, ATronsEr c•lLlN.iiii.r.ort AT 1...1.5" Idi .e on It u irly oppo site V.thne.itock Broth:sr+ . Store. Getty.burg. Oct. 1. tf D. Mc Conanghy, " TTOIIN A A KY T LW, ((ace one door areaof Buetiler's Iraqtart book stori ,Ch.ini rrs n( , l street.) ATTORNKY ••D SOLICITOR FOR P AAA al As AND PiNSIONI. tionnty Lind War rants, 111,1 c-p ty ~ti..peu led ('I tiny., snit all other claims againit the (loveroment of Wash invois. D. C.; also Aoteriean enl I HI 4 in England. L tod Warrants locAted awl 501,1,05-baught,And bizheit prices giren. Azents eng.igra io lo cating warrants lo low*. Illinois and wit. r western At ttes. CdrApply to kiln personally it lit - letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21,'53. DT. A. W. Dorsey, YniortmEßis of Carroll county, Md., li , tring perauentiy Located in Gettriburg, offers 14 profe+l.ioant servieeq to the citizens of tne town tu4l surrounding countr h i . n the pructtee..t toe r,lrious braneht , of hie ufe , -ion. iitbee and r,sidenee, TiAltlntore Atreet, nest door to The .2 . umptler ufli, e. where he may be (baud at all.tihies *lieu out profeesiunnii) eng-igeit. mitt - Pro!. nth In P.. Smith, 110timore, Md. 11.•'.$ter. U. I).. 13.titiatore Yd Dr. J. L. Wartiel.l, We:qiniaster, .111).1. Dr. W. A. .M.ithixr, JAeob geese, Esq., tt John K. " 0.0. W.4mpler, Fs 9 .. " Iter. Thal) I. tfnwrn. Gettysburg. 21 1838. J. Lawrence Hilt' M. D. as e c h e i 0 , 1 4 -fi t e a e r o t e e ST .%, Ldthrran chore!) in , er ./b u e g .treet. and oppoAite Pieldnes store, ,there tho.e wi.biar. to Lava tiny Dent./1 Operation p•rfortoed are repectfully incited to c /11. Meres.svcc4 Dr 3. lioraer, Rec. C. I'. Kr lath, 1) Pen. 11. L. 11.,ozher. D. D., Rev. M. J.teolls. Prof. M. L. Stover. tiettrahtt., Apr!l It, •53. New Fall and Win t - - o.roTtr,sc;. for Mere nod Potlir yen. Ic of wear ng r pl m.' :tt tL.,t I , lle. to gether with Boots. Shoe., !ILLS, Truuls!., C.trpft Sack., Double Barrel (latia and Rerolcer;', ona a splend , d article of tLe un proved and celebrated Colt', Rif Iser. with all the ticeeary fixture. to it. Ilutlalo Rohe: nod o‘er Shoes, Inili Rub' er cr ('n.it• ,tt.d Le 4 inc:. Iloxiery, ke.. atilt Fifes, Jesse in and Wat, Lek. te•ether many other tt.efuL ertielee, all of %loch aiq Fold VEI!V CIIE %P. You al.t, %Olen!? Why. a t SAIIm)S - S, Vin•re es err one c,n buy pl./.(1 and cheat) cood., Ih, 1,„1. 'I be cid C4ll/Qty liniLlitg N. E. CorrAr (Attie Diatoond tictt)tburg.t/ct. 15. ISCO. - -------- Lime Factory Good Advice. GETTYstil'llt; ..—ATTENTION, FARM- Those t yl" t" d" good. but tit 4 tote to In it , I well to read the f i, a o,, k ing, Th e EilUsl—The undersign , a oul , l eic ,, it re- set old d , may be 6ugge,•te,l t lice by oh e pe pper trolly inform the ',quite in g,heral, and t i,e farming community p irttcular. that 01(.3 e ru-el Do not delude yourself with the idea th it erected two spactous LIM F.: I I.:s t the ~rner of .I•ratton street and tae Riaiiruad, hnd ire cm' inn please everyleidy. Who ever knew now burning. and nil/ coot nue to tour-. large toot he dy that vas worth onythinz that qinivttities of the BEST LIME, nluca the) a ill,i a noisuly to find fault . with him' You won d dispose of at the lowest rotes. Vr.rineralphYc ta, do evil it, many case,' to I ,leo,sie the and others are incited to give-tbeni it call. By ,etit ; flatter some to gratify their pride ; in. supplying a g ,"11 tt./C, which they rsp, dulge the selfish, to the tyrannical, he always to do, they eduioit 1. .1 t.. )::‘ to , 1 fir the ambit. ..Is, and Le careful not Lion. McCt LLI ) r Sr. to hate an , chow' it. • th os e l j.,(4 us it",ll Aug. 2,0, 18i0. tf . ' to hare eeerythoig sufieruir to their neigh. , Furs} Furs! Furs! • u-rs. If vim are n fin man, sh.iuld 3uu be diluent, you must expect to hate waiiy 4 ADIES' FA NC I" FUR EMPORIUM !•ecre tly ilt.like iou and talk ntniinst you, for I FAREIRA TLIOMP: 4 iIN, 01.1 St No. 3 our suet. ess ; and if you neeiimpltsli little. 818 Market Street, above Ei : 4litli„ south side, Philadelphia. We Leg eto call t nun,- though many show tbein.sel fes frieo.Ly, ~c_ tio'*or the to our Nice and tried S. ' " hake out that i snipeL sell " a N' e , i 3r P leA 7 tht of LAMS' CIIILDILUVS FANCY FURS. can Lk) taus o‘caurie they not ,car Having haiA great experience. end enjoying your rtratry—they may smile upon rnu out peculiar facilities in tie selection of ForA • we f weirdly, and yet entert.tin c.tuteiupt lor your confidently otTer our new stock to the inspee- I inefficiency. Alwnya do that which is right, Urns of the ladies, feeling assured that they will be diligent, do el e yoo can. ray no re decide with us, Ira its being mirk - ,Iled for beau- ! gned to fault-flatlet - a, and you witl rind its many ity and variety, consisting as it does. ot every I fri, a :s as nny sensible loan need desire, *ascription of American and European Furs, ininnfactured in the latest and most approved styles, Capes, Taltnns, l'ictorines, Cloaks, Naffs, Cuffs—embracing Sable, Mink. Stone Martin i therman Fitch, Siberian Squirret.French Sable, French Squirrel, Anierican Fitch, and Bitrec Xarti a lild'lliankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to at, we hope to merit a eolith:mance of tha_sante, be furnishing a good article at the /wrest Cash priers. FAREIRA k THOMPSON, No, 818 Merket a street, Phihulelphia. S. B.—OLD FULLS altered to fashionable styles.- • [Oct. 6, 1860. 3m Xerohante Hotel, /ware smite STRERT, • PHILADELPHIA. Soo, Proprietors. ttl, tilt Ilieoond Arrival DI mum PAL —.L4rpr &.ck than Eseri— jik: JACOltil k 41110. havejast received their astisitill rarebits* of Fall sod Miami. Goods, which they Mar sintipaL.tital ever, having ltimlght st titer most favorable rates. They ask thellittidle to fall Is mese. Nab largo assort amtetfintavtueed that-every taste ean-be CrASSIMII=3,-VgST -110.0,1" • - - ''''''' k'''' • . • . . . -,.,.,_ c..:• • . _- • • • 'le' , .111 . . . .. . . - - .., N. ' Ak• • • • . ••• . . e 1 11 W. ' .se, • -..... T - ;•,..-''" "... ), k - W;..-:w..., :i . ' ; • A • .. ' . . '*' ' : li r- ••,' Z.:• .--, ' , - ' , ..4" .. .";-.444' , i ; , ,;: . ' * - e„ 4 • . ....., . 4 ' .. ~.. , ..,..-,: . 4 4 -, ..,.... •,., ~., - . ~. , . .. .• - ,• ' -k•-• - .., . ..4 4 ,..5,•-•# ..- At' ilitcro. - ..."i s ..")iti'f *,._ .i .- >:.„ 2-, , , ... . , „• • , - - ..• ~'- - - : "^: ---.-- 7 • - ': . ... ' 1 • -..-, ' --:,'.' ...,:: • 4,'.." 4 .` 1 .1.9it'",- ,- 4.' ' - ..1 .- -i .-+ -1 ".• ''' ...... : .., • _ . ... . ... . . . ~ ..,` 6 - , . . • : I 41 44;4 .., sr.; „. , . 4 1 . .. if, : 4 , , .. 5 - .. 40 '' R " . otit i go:4ll.. - ' . Os . • r, f. ~. , • • - • , - - - - • ... .. • . . • ... . . . _ • : • AI• . . . .. ..‘. , , '-ufbutt in* Whig lit' - it ' - . ;''' --''' A . 4. "to *Pa x* .._. • ..., C • „,,,,,,,....i.:...,•,.‘,. item the . 9ermA twi l d emi. . iyedelan, . . end' A IF 4 '' . . J Win to I .• 4 • ♦ l4 . Mat - • - - . a, in_ f the 6 Soo' Titai i° • ApetVed Anatorey, fly ..' • '% ,M. D., at , ' 1 - s i mortiour, gews and tomtit,' motirnal.. •, . , • PrOfeeern. of Anntotny in the = t . it! of • Zurich, Translate from the Pima* by John *X""..:* =a BY 11. J. STAULit 43R.c.: YEAR. PC:PIEST"fiI c7O 'MATT TEAM AGO, How wondrous are the changes, Jim, Since twenty years ago, Whin gals wore woolen dresses, Jim, And boys wore pants of tow— When shoe= were made of ta!f-skin, And =wk.= of homespun wool; And children did a ball work lieture tl,e hour of si.huol! hen girl, took music lessons, Jim, pull the ehtut.ing wheel; And retch , id late and early, Jita, Upon the doubling" reel; The boys would ride bareback to mill, A dozen miles or r_o, And hurry off before 'twits d.iy, Soule twenty gars ago. Tben people rode to meeting., Jim, In sleds, lusts-ILI of tltt~La, And wagons rude as es s:, - , Jim, I As bllggiel nO , t ; And oxen enslsereti well fur te. , ,ms, Thongh now they'd be too h!,IIW, For peeple need nut half so fit Some twenty ;gird ago. Oh. w,ll tto I ratocrobtr, Jun, That •• Wll9 , nr,'ll patent .tine," That fatl cr bon,:hi and paid for, Jim; In cloth our gwl.4 had woic; And how till' neighbors wowlered When w. g. , t the tiling to go, And 'twould bust tthil Lill us KU, 6uwr IN rut,- ago. , Yes, et er,thing different. Jim, From what it uge,l to ; Foc i pten Are idwat a tampering, Jim, 's God d great natural laws— , And 'A h.tt on earth we're towing to— fhws anybod‘ linos, ? For ever, tluni changed ko mach Sin , e tsre , ,t; years ago. 2hiIXJSCIMIT-a3CA4tI.NIr. A True Hero John Maynard was well known in the Lake o. nn ooriest. i meth ! e:.t,....nin0. Ile pi' t a •te-orner fresti lietr..it to Buffalo one simmer afternoon. .kr that time. those “.' , l"iti earl le I I , Siu..ke nom Fern aseetolinz from Foil the ent.rititt B:inption. go down nod .ef. what } that Amok? .Sirnr....on Calla ^ an, with his free pale RI riFFeF., at d said, *. Catitaiti, rho shin is on fire !"' Tien,' Fire! fire! fir.. ! fire! on sirioltonr.l All I and. were called q Buckets of water were dried upon the fite, but in vitro. There were large vantitleit of resin mid tar on board. nod it was creeks* t..i eateini.t to sate the Flap. The pwrisenger* nor' e.l forward and li:wired of the pilot. " lluw fur are we from Buffalo:" "..S..even "now long before we resell it ? • Three. of nn bout. sit preseia rate of speed. ' " 1. , there any danger?" flan ' ger here—see the smoke Interning nut Arsrard, if you would save your lives!" r.issei.ger. and erevr„ men, women. and ohd dreh. erow . ded the fore ard part of the chip. John Ma 3 nand stood at the helm. The dame% but -t wth in a sheet of fire; elouda of Fni..ke arose. The captain cried ou t. t h roug h his trumpet. —John •' Ate. Rye' , sir ! ' " Are you at the I.eliii " e. ale, Fir !'' doe. B!.e. hear! T" "Notitlienst by-enst, sir :" " nerd her Fouthearn, turd rut: her on shore." Nearer, nearer, and yet nearer, she approached the shore. Aznin the ealitt , in cried out, " John Ma; mini I" The ro.trotiFe carne feebly, " Aye, aye, Fir you hold out rite WillittPs longer, J.llll !" " lee 13. d's help. I win Tire old Imir wits Sc ,reired 'root the tie/1111...er ham' hi. knee upon the staneliNn, i hc. t.ietli sal, with lite other band nrin the v. heel, lee stood firm as a rock. lie tic-Ached- the ship; every man, women and e lit! w. 14 Fared, .1 din l'ilityttnril dropped, amil his rprrit t,s , lt its tltt ht to his Gd. The London Court Journal says :—A divorce ease, under peculiar circumstanced! is likely t attract pub ie attention. A lady, be langlng to a distinzuished DT, hesita ted between two eligible suitors ; site at length selected one ut thaw and was married. but soon fancied Ale made a wrung selection. and cloned with her rejected suitor. Proceedings Wert. iTlßtilllted, and she tray aiming the first to until herself of Sir Cresswell Cresswell's process of " Freedom 1114,10 ilaey," by mar rying .14q guilty partner ; hut sho seems scarcely to know ber own wiad, for she has sincere-eh:Teti with her first husb a nd. (2„,. qieta are puzzled as to which she may be die posed to ltke best. rt ter Parisisin genus has join invented a atawcal petticoat! B• the aid of scientific mechanism. the crinoline t rid of all sprin g s, lionise, bats. pivots, ike.,eid is inflated like • site prattrver, the air furnishing any ami d t it a distention required; to give *circumference .of say a quartet of a mile. The sublime fea ture of the invention is this The elegant *stater need oily teach delving. arranged to •uotenvente' ate With the foaket cif the dress, Ailed dm air In the akirt seta in motion a mu sical attachment, not unlike the bird organ. Nilityl• -"variety of tunes, from the gems of .1 to s winery UMW. The hives ifidelitly declares that twill-rem anthem. antirelvdiomuted with la future ; weans* tlis " atuaiical pot:lowa " ,die 46**,4( OWN *these. qua -11504 POka's L0. 4 /14 k 4. l kq e 0640 XL _ straegietelassr fiat tar #arsolift esets- I4oi, ea tsesaticre at tM feas . litths iter7 wittrit pliksa the all = " •4 lismesii The;te' r xismtniag ." a tit tlali Z a ri Aid admidouri,em NosiMadatgig• tiAker 'N Vito %kb iihkaw GETTYSRLRG, MONDAY, NOV. 12. 1860. Amusing Love Affair in London A Wealthy Banter n•ly ..4,/rt.l - cm Elopement With 11.. Own I) ta; l o'er. A London correspondent 01 the New Orleans Delta furnishes that paper with the lath tring readable story: • A good sell is related of n wealthy hanker here, who is very good natured. hut ini•lined to be a trifle fa•t in his t leas of life. Ile had a favorite elerk. A young man about twenty one, remark.dily liands , iiie,oodest and high• ly intellectual. Ft r these tra l,t;,es lie was liked by every one, d'id the I atiker dot riot escape the general feeling of iii. lle was Oa pour as—his .alitry, nod had nn c nectioris to push his after fortunes, and like most Erigli , ll clerks, he would rite to a hundred and twenty poun d s tt year ; .go for eight years, at ten pound, a year rise. and marry when l‘e got to two buOdf.•4l a year, thencef , rth t IC'et..te,.nCott the additioual ten. ',unit , . a yc Cr ris , only kept pace w:tli the additii•nal hake in hi. household. Tie hanker, on Send ty after noons st hen no In e was expectoit, N oul l iie• eustinially ask the young 111.111 t soon ; lama' at his vuhuiLlat %Lila, as the eoueeesation , it the %citing matt wits I. correct ansi Ito (let Cr it Couill not hut he of itiliant.ige to his children. This was Is mistake, evident ly. but it was a giaal-natured error, Had we can only wrish, all of us, that there were ma ny unite ciitsitnittel I have not tnetitt.ined that there was a beautiful young daughter of hitieteen, but that may he always under st.tod in any English family flint tins known wedded hie long ettim;„ti. But, there nero. ofeourse tioattentions on the nart ut tile % oung man, other than extremely deity-silo, r,n•crt,l and pr•per. Tubs atll be always the c ase with F.n.:11•11 youth, its Americana wet, know. Don't hem afar 1 he youth, in at Ito of two or (hire dap , ' invitation to the banter's sent, to breatrie the fresh air obit el.ar his lungs • I London vutoke, was ei Wendy tery lii, and though he dechirtd h.ni-elf cell uud robu.l. the 14.tIker ettoyk ht, mind. i•I vim hot make vat- tt hut is the matter with nay young ch rk," said the I.ai.t.rr to a e-bfrere Nho ‘%111. 0 in l,te Leek othce u lilt Lila, alter the youth haul just brualklut Iu home ', per.. "Well, Von are rathet green, I tdlotll.l sat, for at man id your time oi,te unit vatieli ence,'' cant hanker ttuluia r ••tion'. tou kt.i.vr what's the matter r Ile's in h.te.'' ••tu lute! hull Ue, is isiustesty owl pro priety wall." I tell you it is a fact, and lilt a rich old f:re.i's deo:titer, who would iio tore think of haying him foss son-in-low than )ou w..util. '•011, the haughty otil tool; toy clerk. is its OA hi* dluhltter, and Ire hanged to him. Thank you fur tile hint." As sows as tanker number Vat) hod dittoi.- peoreil, the dirk was sidled in ‘Si, Ail, you are in lose. sltifi l p;nieT away fur the whitste-sd your albtAl4l-...ti *l'r your siwrist, is it? Why did you root tell me het.n e sir!'" • The math was silent. "Wei . % my h.q. I pity rut ; but I'll glee you aIA of otirtee. if the doughtyr is talc itile'o worth TM a risk 'tn. book here: there ars 4500. 1.01 two months' leave t.t, al tie Run art - ay with the girl. Roll, d.net h'uk so ettapid. I did the *awe before you, awl it has out hurt the." Tie clerk f.ll on hie marrow bones, and was upon tie pint of iILIII,II/;.; n clean In eost ul it, when tae ul I 113. m ruse .in lett preetp itstliv to avoid a scene. Toe young tu.to con "'dere-a and acted, and the eoosequeithe that tile nest day week there WAS no youdz daughter at the dinner table of the tmiiker at the c.motry house. The house etas in con sternation. and the Feared) for her ni.tie in alt directions. A note was, howeter, tound tni her dreasing tubs, conveyinA the customary pra)er of tergileties-, and one inclmocd let m the young cl,rk ; p.tatin4 that, ae thinker had meant to give him a Lint in re• card to his daughter nod , ens not able to glee his public consent &ming-to uppets,roiteer, oe had net, a en Los 1.1. , f , e , ,1tu0, mat that ore "Lis father-in-/4U" Lou retetrrd the les wr. he (the clerk) wuul 1 tie his son-in-L.O. 'rile ton was 0 hotter one, and the i.ke a tent ible oe.e against him, a n d tot) - men rue Sett scene to a juke egairutt them, su tt sous hus:.- ed up. mid bas noly gut to the ears of tito put rei l ors ut scandal ..tid to . tour con c,.1.011- 00.1 1,, e lio reond4 it as a (nut ul Lumlott ore. Aetcriroar in Pans.--" Mnlnkoff " write. h.s I%st letter to the :ti •e Ygrir, Time, , " la•t Sunday's race at the B a y,.une: Ainerieall who was presoit tot !t0r...- hack, Mr. 31fty,•, of Itietiniand, Va., had the Lao Lolit . 3 of his Lr. ten and splintercd by a WI f his hirse. Mr. Mayo, who is Itte iiepheK of Mrs. (ion. Winfield Stott, h.ad to ten l assage with Mrs. Scutt fur the next trip of the -Adriatic from liarre to New li,rk, I ut this ace-dant veal ut course prevent the ‘..y age so Tar as rettardt Mr. Mayo. Mts. w II go home under the protection ut Colonel Lay, of the United 9 ate., army, %rho j(,-c fr.tislied a European tour. Jlr,. Stott. w hrxltlt is Le ter in the climate a,t France, lias lit e,„i iu Pans weuy years, and h.,y nut wade a visit lnotio since 1830. Mrs. t2ummid , ire Stewart hits also resided perwauently w raclr4 lot A great ninny years." mar We recollect a story of an Indian who c a lled upon a grocer, and stated that he had killed a deer at the Lig pond, and hung it upon a pear tree, near the pond, saying that if t he grocer would give him a quart of vrhi,. kr, half a pound of powder, and two poinds o i lend, ho might go and get the deer. The barptin was soon struck, the Indian receiving hiq demands ; the grocer started fur his put chase, and aisvr a veury tramp returl, d without the game. Meeting the Indian, who ides awnewha; under the influence of the r ed eye," he accused him of deception and falsehood. With all the gravity of his race, he answered thoe: "Find pond ?" Yes, " Find tree ?" Yes. "Find deer ?" No. " Two truth, tine lie, very good for Indian." The butband of a begun, wife 'near Exeter, England. had long been dying. and, at length, one of the elate/men of the pariah making one of his daily visits, found Lim dead. The disoonaolans widow, in giving an &lomat of bar spouse's hap memenoe, told him ber " poor dear loan kept groaning and groaning. bat meld not diet at last," said she, " I reaniferted I had got a piece of new tape in the drawer. and took acme of that and tied it as tight• as 1 °saki around ►ta seek. and then I stopped Menses with my thumb and Ingar,siml - poor dear! betaent ejf4ht a tanat.' IMlrThore llnthiosable saloon on Mee ober street,. Norrork.- aiiikld 10 TM Stowe." It nth sotabfrebal for the ',dial soovouiestoo of married, sat the-nderantap of the nasal ootusiotoid 'Ow boll skistepen their re nnin agleam lets sirsigbe, sad their asaioa*- 0 - inu4ic and peitthporindlitant "oath. in .?u WIMP Shey__lllllFO Ines; th ey ern ray, "ne doe arrath. 6 of 001111111116 'aeons the hopereberisotes.' i =k• Ohio lllllMniss says that &often IM eb!lieubliels ILO" Olds our, "'TRUTT! IS lIMITTT, AND WILL PILL"VAIT." A Polite Invitation Declined. A enntrihutot 4, the Spirit of the Volts, thus describes a se.eue at the Anthony House, EZI Late nne bitter cohl night, in December, Pirtle eight or nine years ago, L. came into the bar-ri,tim, ne uponl, to take his part in %bitterer MIA goin g on. For tonne reason the er,,w.l had tii•persed SO , ner than w.Ls eti-ooinary, n•id but tµ,) iir three of the towns folki4 were there, t , ..•ether ait h a "granger, wh .11.1.1 armed 3 half-111.12r ggr longer bef.to. and N% (Jr h Wet and muddy, from a luo4 4ra;e role, hit 1(.41 extended, arid e• ff, w.L4 eon4.,ling; hituielf Kith two eli.iir. a 11 a nap, opp,site the e , ntre of the 1,1.,ti0y; 10::, fire. Ally one who 1)34 traveled Id I ,elc, inn rough winter night, oter an Arkah?.a4 roa.t, can npvreeia,e toe runifort of the finiti“n before that fire-place. Tl,s iinple of the stranger had i ,:teLt the otl,eis, find 1.., who t ,ok eit iii the torher, fir I.teit ut :i• reduced to the poker for ainuseine po;,ed the fire vigorou.ly for a while, un tti it g"( red hot, and becoliong &twisted, was oliout to drop it .iod refiie, a lied lie oh- Ben ed the great toe id tie eilriutger's foot eit•otru , litig through it hole to onto! like. Sock, wars reliet ti, L. Ile phteel the gt poker within a coat oh the Liu Liocuoly sleeper's toe, Is 11. i twg.uti otowl: i to .I,Ptil the cliiiituriee between tneutist one otliel as %Ley endlgist the joke Liegdit to open tiictr e)eio, and being wakened, to eltpatide•l ii.to grins, slid grind tutu Nupt , reAsed 141.'g —Ulla (Mt incontinent rell,iw's into u br istten. el,ser uud clomer UPC reJ 110 t pker am el toward the color-Amato toe. 'file I heat caused the elrever reektie..ly to hidee lottobt. L. wa jupt mooot to the poker, wileu a bound ut click! ! ! arrested hie flu I.tuked at the stranger—the L i t t er with tn.tr eve open, had beaa ar.itchin4 his proceedings, end sileutly kbrotight It 1.121(01 to bear Uptila L. Ls a IMO' jut mactible he muttered, is a Lease .4 great deiertionatorn, ' •• Je-t corn it ! Bora II! Jett burn it and VII be 4—.1 it I duil't stir you up v. itb tau thous..wi Wit iu tee ..e,xido!" L. law durrii tiie pyker iurtenter awl re f acme:ea: .. . illialir. r.1e..11e41 Fetar,ll .I..ll.lra—sno were au ardeil v. eptestria,i .I,olityv, while but *l.l reoitrdel ti.e in .vt le,illful plowing % Now. if hor.elutes riding it' of s,v much more inte i rest than olowlng, in no ngriooltstral !wing of view, let farm' rt give on the latter, awl edit cuts their rolls and .litui,:liters wolely to the : use o f the 5. 1 ,1.11 e. TileSe are hot a few of the erroneous awards which bare given rise to comphint. They are pea a n de ehould ginard against in future fars we deem it it g,,,041 time now to talk over the matter, that the cause of cntnpluint may nut rise , ag.tin." ; Set ern' years ago, niil , i , l hr two nr three / others, we made eillt!'criment, by changing i the owners' name* ut. nrtieles on exhibition I Its a county fuir, fur the express purpose of • neeertnining whether judge* ever were binged !in their decisions. Toe esperituent was en . tisfartorv—Vre entrapped two parties Om ! were Anxious to award premium , to their friettda, re„tivrtiless of the 'write of the sr- I titles they had on eshillitina. It is this pert Cottlthef Fool II w. —S in after the tele- '.' if Inc system which has the largest share in at .aying out e county faits. graph was put an,operution till the lint, of the. ps Ohio and Alissisiiippi !tanned, in Mit.rimil • ••Str.t tiger, let's fake a drink !—iu fact gen tlemen. nil ot you." 1. siftervrar,lit Nab! they Were tho cheapest ; drl4.t.s he ever tieucott.. Yantical Phestonitua.—..A nude wits Leord oil 'leek. the dogwatch sprung fruit, his eu booms...rising the gig-shop and tiling liver the dezdatues of the buoy, wade hiui shin up the Low-oprit. oituli hold of tne sky scra per. which, lie used so freely ell the Keelson chit ho rubl o od on the Ave of the e tllch woo caught the est-liurpiirgu, wit.; , ounueneed to Iltilliker with the Lwow till she Lund through the rtikts cutting the to )Rail two, g il ibbee dre - nsiiiikey'u loth watch Ittiovit• es.t. J w's eye vut tit the Totrl's Lc.el, isitrght the ship r..und the waist, lAttii our IhLuJ, 0J the votuittles with the other. till the cook cries 4 ,.• and the ettlitioni applied the te..chee of the (imolai, to the it.fliauctl e3O ul the glall' ' lalltd ;locale. au lusty. Lam 01 the wakes stepped tato the ut'u.•e et,tl trettteti tit kalt.tw tie ytrice of pork. it, CtLICIIIIIAII. lu 46 it II sn ,, ,stet,ts Nu answer ctuv. . cents lOr the itiforuhilitsti; but, tlh "ii .0.1e1r" "WS V.O 0111:113 id bi 4:1144:11, in that •ay, and um, 31r. 1 elegraith, 3 ttu caul. I.lul me that way. Fin w it to green niII you !hark 1 ata ! Ih tt darn tit:hut s t etng of youro :tam% been out ut 1t,,. room ; 1 vratclieti it all the tame 1" Origin of Almanurv.—Vestegnn, alluding to oar ancient bason - ancesteis, Pny "They ta.e.l to engrave upoit dortatn Ppiaore4 sticks, about u kid in length, the courses of the moon of t h e whole 3 esr. whereby they could certaialy tell u hen the 'Jew moons, the lull l ot i ons, slid ilia changes should happen, us also their fesoiyal day.; and such a carved stick they celled an airnmid rtykt ; that is to say. '4,1-totaiddteed ;' to vt it, Ow re,otd or 1.6. servati.in of all the moot • • nad hence is the rived the ii.ttne of alin.tnao." After the to titioa .Wilaniteg cuer nAy in UPC. Tile hirer of en .4,,nt IS Ia the Feu 13.)0k of Henry the Sere:do. Singular _Vania.---A citizen of Bedin, Pro•hot, a moo fa coin lortalle att.tetisi with • demi e to knock. ',NI hats. Ile afterwards make* up the lusr to the victim of this Atran:c fancy by the Iktyrnmit of three Ctlers. Acem-dittg to the c.aleula.tion of his fatally, in the past ye.ir fie_litt4 been obligmid to flight) g 044 the loss of •...67 ilium. At a rment mu4et J reptical, t re.? hate were nacrifice 1 to tine euriou4 trei.z., and fir the evenitigie entertainment ire fluid ime hundred and tiity-niiie tinders. What I Would 1)0.-111 p4it , isesited the tni:i+t calwrble thing', in the word/, and vraq ahmic to will them away, the following would be my plan of distrilintion : I would give to the w 0.13 truth and trieod• ship, which are very scarce. I would give an addiiiJnel portion of truth to lawyers, traders and merchants. I would give w pnyilleiguit *loll and learn- I would rite to printers their pay. To Koreipiug women, ;mei sense, large wows and Lliicural complexions. Tide Ike Dull.— .l farmer once hired a Ver monter to assist in drawing 1e s: The Yan kee, when there was a log to lift, generally e colt r iced to secure the smallest et.d, for which the Gower reproved him. and told him always in take the butt-wad. Dinner came, and rith it a aucarloaf Indian p,udding. Jonathan sliced 4.ff x genenms portion of the largest part, gitin~ the farmer the wink, and ex claimed :—•• Always take the butt-tad 1" A Stinging 144.—Every ethieper of in famy is industrioeily eireniateVesery hint of suspicion esitstly inspected, and - every failure of sondnet i joyfully paidiaited, bye**, whole interest it is that the eye and Yoke of the puWio should be caployed on sus/ i►Lber • than ou thetnialves. ' Another Hkogiiitt Peet.—Moste. Blevothe ha Sanity determined er imp en doing whilmirr- LAI team until he tonal, his nett. His lam lasiformencir was Walling ob stiltetiver * nifbe stretched betweety two points rielreled 400 feet above the greeed. de Amiss' Weak. New York. The et tattehid was atom 1.200 lieu end the thee sheottiMid 1n meitioy, Umlaute*, was precieely 19 toilettes - mirk soot Aa fiklasittesui tisegbasitable festivals wt Mosta truing India* them 11 , adored As &Holm imam of i Rain end tor irriat had %WWI% * • • • ibis sondem*. w Wks r ra• kg, Who would% " , cirousautasiess ? "Tbs only tbing2W otjoetlo groedd *41 44 rue oll 4 l4 wait Wilbapc Olt $ 10.101 q Benefits of Draining. In traveling over snri.tus portions of the onuntry, it is gratifying t observe the pro. gress that is making in dr iinit,g lands. It 1 * htrtily ten years canoe not more than three or four farms in the United States lied a drain tile on them ; row we seldom idAtt a well manngetl farm of heavy soil. in any of the older States, that is not drained ; end the manufacturers of tile in a ll pb t ees where the business has been ,t.irted Aro now unable to supply the demand 6.r theta. In an article on drainin ,, , the Cunntry Gennemart, in .11‘ , alcint;.erne of its bent , ono s : "Om, beneficial result claimed for ti or.iogh drainage 14 that ;41 lengthens the Pinson of labor and r-get:ition'—. , an es ten•ion' which the crops and the firmer need as often as the customer of 1 inks and brokers. That tbs time required for the'smiling of the soil.' after the winter I ro ..its pia from it, de to a great extent upon its porous or its retentive character, 11'4 everywhere known and conceit. ti. The deep 7TIIN ells ham iv scan t , ) ' he very aoon free from water, while the hi avy clay requires it long time t., fit for ultivnti..n. In. io e &Jute the is folly t'.e other the it ater Pit•o•cs off' by Olt: .w provers of evaporation. rLoroolzh droin;v 2 , ,, of the lie ivy su.il renders both alike in this reevect, awl tens adds from ten to fifteen 'llya to the time of pti•paratkii for eeediiig—_ , :it lug tlia Fang: inerr:n.eti time Ina the h of the crops t.,.) which the land • ie iterated." I=l The iftuxtbaggery of Premiums at Fairs. .:40.kr.il of our Western e"tentooraries nre %cry Acvere on the hotahngfery of giving , premiums nt faint, in eonxertnenas or plaving per.one on the committee who nre almost t duly ignorant of the matter nu whivivthev me to decide. Some of the hits would suit %cry well the fairs which nre given in this ; tictnity. We trill permit the editor of the Wi-convin /Istria to ventilate hlnself for our be refit ' Ten ynt tin of Leine-made fl trine!, received an ward of $l, and a levy cut (hmers gathered from our garden., and mit raisad lor the ex- The premium hams at the recent Newton Fair, were cured in the following: mintier: I.t Praceinni.—To 4 gallons of water. Mild 8 Ilia. oi i.nitpeter. I lb. rare, a pint of ea; let in 114 c pickle G or 7 weeks; smuke with hickory woo& Preatium.—G rotindi of rock wilt. I 1)) of ealtpcter, 1 quart of rn.)la.4e4. 6 ',W00. , nr water. let ti.cm remaitn in the brine c eehe and then smoke with green hiekory wood. A " cola" is not necegi.arily, says the &ien fific the result of low or high tempo, afore. A person may Ro directly from a hot haiii into n cold one, or into snow even, and not take cold. On the contrary, he may take. cold by pouring n coupe of tablespoon ful of out , r upon .time part of Inlll dri.A., or Lr stittuitt,g in a d r, or other operiiti.! ; where one part t , f t! e body is odder than another. Let it be kepi in tuilyi that unifor mity of teniphatii-e mer the whole Indy is the fir,.t thing to Ire looke.l :titer. ft is the unequal beat upon the different parts of the Issty that pr• dun es r• ink. by disturbing the onif"rat circa! .lion of i•owe If you most lakep a partially wet garment rot, it wocid Ie as welt l...•rhaps 10 wet the whole of it ulii.ormly. Lae f•et arc N. Brent source of CA.let tat account of the variable temperature they are subjected to. Keep these always dry nail warm, and avoid draughts of air, hot or ad, wet spots oa the glllllll3lltA, dlrect c.tu,es or uue( o ,l temperature, aud keep titd system Lir tee 1 up by plenty r iftp, eselicwiitg of de bilitating tod and dri::ks, and you r erlil he proa upoio..t n cull nod 114 rei t ti ; (1. Canter.—Nl“re thito twenty ye tr.; f:o. ft rnnn nirned 311(1 , 1k:on Belk publik:fed in southern pettier n atotrtnect that lie had cured himself of cancer by npplying T.te stntercent had n wide eirettlati , .n, and tins fretpietttly ye.a.ppftared. The foßovriog armoulo:Pmem from a 31Aile paper gi rem the final result: Died. in the city of Mobile. Strt. M, it‘i7n). .Moldietnit dtPik, aged 58.-- t„ ulcer twenty !ears mantling." Lice Frogs gibßeasedy for Cnintoeptiox.— A writer to the Norwalk (0.) Reflector des crites a visit which he paid hart month to a lady at Toledo, Ohio, who mks* siz lire frogs au • remedy fur o.indomption. " She was rec oßtnmendbd to do it by as Keghobnail:4 who said he was cured in that way. Ia sis weeks this singular medicine has reAtnred her from a state of veaknebs to strength. The visitor saw the lady take a lire irog' from a jar and swallow him whole, without chewing. liar daughter also did the some. -41 k The land is an isiateass one, anti has rarely if eves' Wen szatiled. The fruit. generaii.T. is fair. of good quality. and so cheap is many fooslitiss, that it will not pay aian.at even to steal the beet varieties. The Worseeter Transeripi sass the price cSezoellent Bail. wigs is that city is seventy-five cents per bar- Souls farate.ri ia Woreositer comity have SOO barrels; In Middlesex county Owe are sassy peasses arbteee embanks yield more thee atbassisaid seeds of excellent apples. Tildte awarrket for theist, at the you ch. At Mo bile. a &meat apple. It is reperted, sells for ball a - Mad Mai We Do for Coffee t—Lt wPPuti fiore stMwtiw reeeotly published that the seilassprpike et nallea, is increasing -ouch limenrecilidiribeit sus production. Last you' ifia tolou.sionanieptiew of limps and the Umisedflealles sknis wag 330.000 tam while; dwe Pesdiesslin el all esestriee was but 312,. Awe tam& The probable sansesandesi oUthe peameat year is astimted."4l4.ooo tans, aid the probable pandas** et 27000 ant at seat =Sums at $41.000 toas t she imelar* ~~ Caring Kann. Taking Cold =I Effl TWO DOLLARS A:YEAR. A Poetical Genius. A poetical geniu., who lig not a blood rela tive or Alesonder Smith, havinr Aediletitnny klOged R ntnehwly of the feminine gender, haq 1.0)1,1.4 hie soul" in n "frizment," whioh, ender the elvsest Reid of ae,rPey, he cent to Mr.Tod.llejnh.whn remnr•elesqly ventilates it: She kissed me, And the universe seemed to er‘mble Into a dream of erstac%, wild, delirious— In which heaven seemed a Rea of glory, The clouds a gentle ho+t of wares, the Atari nits of foern from thoqe whispering wares, Tugged into vision to sparkle in the sugthgbt Agnin she kissed me, And the bliss of n million lives, nngel born, Thrilled Into my being. Now dentis c rather Than the slow-pneed life of before Should corns again, for its common pleasure Would he a million fold the rack's agony. Again the seal of lore Upon my cheek. • Again, and there throbbed to my heart A delirium wherein all the past, the present of life Faded into the radiant glory of her melting lip. Oh, gods I bow like ocean's heart The glory of that kiss-quivers it my memory I As ray lips parted from her blushing cheek, Like ripples from the streawlet's pebble, which creates them. Ah, nit I tar Little and often fills the purse. What's nll the world to a man when hie vrifo`s a stition ear Th 0 idle nviii is the deril's win's° diet and wages are famine and disease. /14T•Young lovers nre called turtles, and they are getiernlly green turtles. good Aumust have nn eagle's eye, a lion's he..r, a latI)IA hand. lltrlt has been ssitl of the home of the se/Arlin:4 wife, that a It's a bad house where the hen crows louder than the cock" Sferit GPI cL ctrl rarelysed the tongue. what, a dent.zt-like whence would pervade so ciety. ler Sorrows come talon enough without despin , leney ; it do e s a man no good to carry around a lightning r 5.4.1 to attract trouble. SiiirDebural), from the Ilehrese, menna Lee ; It.iohel , a sheep ; Sarah, u Pe - leen ; and Ittatialt, the grreious. SertSbingled roofs, whiLewasbcd with lime blot twice an long as roofs which receise ac treatment to render them durable. liiirS.ietsrionisin is n miserable, short sighted prejudice. It make 4 you hate your neighisir, because he eats 111:4 oysters roasted while you prefer them in the shell. afirA diz.enntentel ‘ husband says he al ways tries to regent his wife as nn angel on 'myth, in the hone t h at she may speedily be write use iii Heaven., par Til e majority in Pa. for Curtis(Tiepub ; fnr Governor, over Forsyth (Dem.) in i v!euty• Berea counties, is 13,156. Wash.Malcs. - There's a man hJoketi up for 109 1 pier Many a men thinks it is n virtue that keeps him tram t ti coine. a reseal, when it is only a full btotneeb. One should be careful and not mistake potatoes fur principles. ley." Oa you keep matches 2' aKkeil n your.g wag oi a retailer...'-'O't, es,all kinds," was the reylv. " Well, then, I'll take a trot ting match." The remiler immediately han dal a box of Brandreth's pills. loner' ReJief.—One Jones, who had bten seta to prison for marrying two wires, ex cused iiiinself by saving that when he had one she fought him, but when be gut two, they fought each ether. lint is said that Es-President Tyler. now seventy-fiat yvts obi, and lok:big more ru. bust, and younger than whon fie nciulied the White liouse. has an infant daughter on ly two mouths old. n small party, the subject turning nn La.:trillion', a lady raid to her sister, '•I w..udcr, my dear, nt hays never made a match : I think you want the brimstone ;" to which .he rciilte.i, 'Ni, nut the brim/Wl:m— -oldy the spa. k!' An Osiris.—There is nne green spot in the des e rt waste i f Black Republicanism in Brad- In A:liene township Poen. received 211 votes, or a n:sjurity of 40. nom for Atheus, the ancient seat of learning. She sustains her fr minis name. The Best Man Irins.—When two caravans meet in the interiur ut Africa, the two head men approach each other and then go hack a reasonable distance, lower their heads and 1404. The one that goes down has to yield the right of way LI the nne who " downs" A Little E.rfrocesgual —An Ansit h y to y wore a dregs at :lie great hall, given t o th e Prince of Wales in New York. three fitiuncev of which alone cost a thousand dollars each. The I tee used upon the dress wax "only two hundred and fifty dollars a yard." Another DiBeorery.—The Commercial Mil le/in save it is romored that wholebbese-lrees have been discovered in the vicinity of the celebrated oil s rings in Pennsylvania. A chap has gun there to start an umbrella factory, and e pectslu make a spreead while the excitement reigns. jA living turtle was seen last week at nunterrii.m, Pi. 1., With inscription* nn hie bath as colons: "Tablas Nevins, 1737." and •evlogepb iistgaman, 1777." Ile iv Bahl to hare been seen -a closets tiwas a year every year since the last data - Advice Gratis.-.-Pat on pins flansrebi, and avoid the night sir. Do apt sloop directly in a draught °fair, nsithei is 'it safe-to lease a window-opm ai n ottletwitiestglit's Parl)7- Pd. Do not go's*t of tip" Uses in* protege pirgpiratioa, or even ..itts* than ordinarily warm. into a chilly, damp atmosphere. glarMr. Theopohis Popp, of Poppville, in Popp .eoenty, leneyint to be terypopuliir with hie lady lore, pooped.the eysfistion" her under the pnpuha tree, when she referred him to her poppy, who, when itAted for his oonseat, laboring under the influence of gin ger poop poppet him out of she doer; to the Wu et° Pop goes the aresset.",-, Witt Write for YoOthaft—lt is stated that libetasto, of the Sow York , Ledger, then he „neussii invited Mr. Buchanan to hetionse a coutri. , bow to Iris Parma, proposed to pay his tot esliecey for his proluetions, and that. a time. sair4 (Win, ohm* was she Ore red rotsibing fee. Kr. Beebanani however, proniptly de clined the poems offer. sta - 4Lanatery to' Juslice..—A Oinoinrilti. poricemiu: was bavinA great diecolty cis day hs... witskVia getting slaw. newt. •lirenkati Ceiba Nation bettssowiti:= on the paint of giiting u tip ja - Isfh!ot w bill:moat. which las Atilt . r . was op Wand aid. With '4,. -" ' butt. Mod her hew -forfeit sad lOW }sipssdagego moor tat ato sisidoot boss . Will - MeV ANISIIIO, and Ekroglite." Dr. lever," the author. is prosoaneed one of the highest -44itt,ittiotel.=tattlittrities en Physiulygical Anatomy, who, hes..pithlished • an important aeoetel text on that silence, as welt as several leggiest on thertlfelleflefitof the foot and knee. In, Ow diet pssion now under conmiderati 'n he has tilren4l4l, pro , ceded by P 'ter o.inpv. who, 34 As 1.41 , century, wrote a paper "Ou the beet Fibue," - and who seulounly but ineffectually , ~e rged that the foot gear of man Waif quite illa nn- - portant a topic as the IA horses, to which so mach attention is given.. Certainly the needless suffering. which mon and women endure from butlly cot and ill-shaped shoes cry aloud ler a reform. Against the prevailing pattern Professor 3ft , or, in his capacity of anatomist., utters en earnest protest. The cut of a sitom, Days the Professor, is not, as the eqt,,at2shelcutt, matter of indifference. "When Fashion pro bcriltes an arbitrary firm of shoe. she goes." he assents, " fur heyond licr,provieee, and, iu reality, arrogates to herself the right of determining the shape of the fent." lu lee opinion the shoemaker ought not on eto prodbee a shoe that does not pinch, bat a shoe so constructed that it will give to a foot • distorted by the pinching it bas borne already, a fair chunce of a return to its right !belie. and full possession of its power as a meats of enrryttie the bony onward. Ile telLi"us that, in itteasurine y fhot for shoe or book, the Prat tides to be considered is theta:tee °Me gtent toe. Upon this toe, in walking, the reight attic whole body turns it every step; in the natural foot, therefore. it is in a straight line with the heel. A central straight line drawn front the point of the great toe to the middle „ 4 , 4 i! of IN root, if continued. would pains very ex- ur- acily to the middle of the heel. By the mis fitting boot o ttemonly worn the polit of thu toe is pressed inward., the root outwards. The practice adopte4 by many of Laving a made to the exact size and model of the foot is condemned Ly Professor Meyer, if the loot has Leen previously injured in cense queue. of wearing:ill-fitting boots or "hoes.-- If a cast i.e made of a distorted foot and it bout fitted to that, it is bud, because thereby - the distortion is confirmed. It would be' much better. therefure, says tire Professor, PO to It rm twin boot that the conclitione ut healthy walking are allowed for, end Vie bones, at least to seine extent, can gradually right themselves. TAN foot shortened by distortion lie would tit a oboe adept/id to its healthy 10'23. But eta pair of boots made so as to content the eye of an anatomist. who knows what work is d. tie by ever 'bone, the main cliaracteristie that when they stand p,id t , by side, with their heels in contact, the - inner margins of the front part of the able are along the whole edge corrcapandiv - „to the Pisa of the great toes, also in centa.4., If it ho desirable to point the toes theylitust be poin ted only from the outer side, after' the place of ereatest breadth in the foot has been prop erly respected. A certain sensaof turn in ard belongs to the shape of boots so made, but if they tit perfectly they will ensure to the toot the utmost ease and power. and as their shape is of the ordinance of naturo.they are no doubt ri ally he elegnitt ae those of whice the pattern is a bootmaker'a invention. Dr. }Layer Ftys that two or three Persons in Zurich have had their boots made on these principles without exciting special remark— so immediately is the propriety of the change admitted .ten by the arbiters of Whine,— As an evidence ofits ultility,a London journal mentions the fact that marching soldiers, who often break down in conrequenee of their shoes would be rstiderod vseqy more elicietit it tlity were made in accordance with the structure of their fe.t.—A". E Pore. NO. G. Shocking Casualty. • , A Father Kills isirr naughler.-.Mr. Je•sa_T-r- E real, a reitoectolitc citizen of Norfolizere turoin, home from him place of business, Wciiriesdatievr ning.frinndhiPlittie Pon playing with n pidr-c,xikiiir, pistol, which halted been dragging about the luitiAe and yard during the day. and taking the weapon from the child was prococ.ling to exhibit it works to him when it proved to he liieded and diechurg ed, the contents of the barrel—two beekrhot —entering the ri tht ',remit and peyforating the lung of his daughter Laura. a beatitifill and interePtinx little girl of nine finutrners, who waif seated cm the steps getting her les son. The little girl, inionntly killed Dr. es elnimed, ..Oni, yon I. yon ate'." itnd f (ling forwnril expired, the life blond rush ed oat ut her month and nose. The onhnp py father. nitwitt bereft of venison by the heart-run:lin.! neeident. imitzlit in his frenzy to tat e iuit own life. lie seized his knife hmi made 11, dexpernte effort to cut his owil'ihrunt. b u t wn. prevented from steeping his fierily into still deeper grief, by some of Wit (Hinds who happened to rush np in time. An Improrement in Railroad Chalre.r.-;An employee of the Now York and.Erha Railroad brut recently invented an•insprovensetsiin, tt the arrangement of track chairs , whiallivahee abvted by that road. Inet4ad - of stMittlta chairs upon the tie*, and seeder* 'hewn& of the rank loosely in them. where they futoarget Jolts enough to clatter and jar the *heels, and brosm the ends of theyails, the ibuirs are pllcoci between the ties, and faitumed in their places by an clreetold though simple ar rangement of bolts and keys, an that where can he no possihle variation in the level of, the two pals of the rails, since bosh mast rise". and fall alike. The result is; that the ears appear to run upon a rail entirely. mooch. making no jar whatever iu paasingot aims rail on to another. Potatoes at the Weal.—The Davenport (loven) Demorrat rave "If anybody wasda to to! WO!** try the cord—good tnesearek—letr ttop dowit to ow & the levee. Thereis ipot pp; 1 1 6 0 . 1 0 1 a s this time on the 15pOr gut_ re them away its fast tie they ••sn en complain a little thettitilifitintstAk Iteu i t y w ; L ut t hey. are tits only, parsa j leime ; if they want Li t eier Niles they',,msat nos raise so m my. Tice milryarrei Ili Vow twelve to fi ft een cents tier . "1:"-: -t:;, ° Drpepsy and Ils Suppossi Rejimen,—Dr. Tucker, ..f the ikdical Juptrufsio'l.° dolt in hran bread. eve broil is dysportny. They are eutnninn . ! in exertos gnofi reeliciebilieertiagibthsssits*' open by. their inechnsiatt effect OTAVINIIion but it le ant A:wird ides ble Grin to st• satonseh already , ' d wheats asapittist•,• is Qyisis: • ' Bran and ottatippOsnicist they way . relieve; the "monist!" • t recosslinl, antretslisfrad n one es niptuns,partiftdied of •a" - f"" ; _rne. voting the rent dillicuity: - i".. " Neves ihst; colknad stile •whetin inithe muss digestible, nod. ShenSforfsAlE4lolo, MNIM3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers