%Mr r : U.lffeConaughy, A TTORAtir AT LAW, (office one duos west of fLrailtfors drug sod book store,Chatn -0,r..04-; Street,) ATTORIST •VD SOLICIT 4 R FOR PArsin Aim FusIONS. is AF t. nd W.ar rtau, Bsek-psy suspended Clahnn, n!1 other elitiosAssanst the Government nt in‘tott, D. C 4 also Atnerteno Claims to Englat Land Warmits lotatad and ,old, or bought, gad highest prices glees'. Agents engaged in le- W3egekelte ID 10WA, Illinois and other wesnern SWIMS, bir-Ipply to him perrunally 4,r by letter. lipitysberg, Nov. 21, '53. J. C. Neely, sieATTOrt.VEY AT LA LA':',will attend to collet.. tious sod all other buritirot intruittiil to cars with prom2tnes+. ti:bet. In tlir s. F: Oltirner of the Disru tad. i . f.)rtn2rl, Liccniiiel Li Win. B. M:Clellau, Esq.) Gettysburg, April 11, 1859 t! Wm. B. McClellan, A TTORNEI7 AT I..lll'.—Office in West/lid dle street, one door it cet of the pew ('vurt LICIUSt. Geit)sburg. Nor. 14. 1159. A. J. Cover, ..A.,T.RNEy AT LAW, will promptly attend to Collections and ell other builnees en tru.ted to him. Office between Fahnestocks' and Danmark Ziegler's Stores. Baltimore ~ t reet, Gettysburg, Pa. [Sept. 6, 1869. Wm. A. Duncan, • A TTORNEY AT LAW.-4)ffice in the North vreit, corner of Centrc :ignore. G , !ft ,I,u rg t [th.t. 3, leslo. Edward B. Bu3hlor, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, wi:i f and promptly attend t all entrusted to utm. lie speaks the Gr_rin Ln Office et the same place, in Ltall:more street, near Forney's drqg .tore, and nearly opposite Danner k Ziegler's sture. Oettyatarg,lisrch 2U. Dr, A. W. Dorsey, YisORIMALY of Carroll county. .11d., having perfanentiy located in tiottyaburg, offers professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the - practice of the - various branches of his profession. Office and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office, where he may be found at all times when not professionally engaged, ZZZZ Prof. atbsu R. Smith, Bal!imore, Res.. Augustus Webiter, D. D., Baltimore Ma Dr. J. L. Warfield, Westmiuster, Md, Dr. W. A. Mathias, " Jacob Reese, Esq., 14 44 John K. Lougwell,Esq., Geo. E. Wampler, Esq., " Rev. Thorn's, Bowen, Gettysburg,. Oct. 25, 18'18. 6m J. Lawrence 11, M. D. AS his office one door west of the irr . utheran church in Chambereborg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to have any Dental Operation performed are respectfully invited to call. Rsrasexcas : Drs. Horner, Rev. C. P. Krauth, D. D., Rev. B. L. Baugher, D. 1/, Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stwver. Gettysburg, April 11, '53. Notice. TACOS IEIELTZEL'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Jacob I eltzel, late of llountpleasant township, Adams county, deceased, baring been granted to the nndersigned, residing in Oxford township, he hereby giros notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL 11ELTZEL, --Icisn'r. Aug. 20, 1860. 6t* Farmers, Carpenters, ate. ATTEND TO YOUR INTERESTS. - The undersigned would respectfully inform the puotie, and the citizens of Gettysburg and ti einity particularly, that they are prepared to furnish all persons who contemplate building hOnses, barns, kc., with materials required for said buildings, such as RAFTERS, LATHING, SHINGLES, BOARDS, and all HEAVY TIM BER for building. Also, POSTS, RAILS, &c., continually on hand, and tpon low terms for cash. PLANK dr SPANGLER.. Arendisrille, June Is, ISO. 3m Notice to Stockholders. 'NT OTICE is hereby given to subscribers to the 111 Capital Stock ct the GETTYSBURG GAS CO it E' Y that payment of the 2 a instalment on each share of stock (one-fifth of each share,) subscribed, payable on the lit of July mat., is hereby required to be made to Joel B. Danner, the Treasurer of said Cousp,m.), at his °d ice in his house, in the Borou.zh of Gettysi)urg, agree ably to the terms of subscription. By the Act of Assembly relating to Gas Com ponies, if notice for the payment of subscriptions of stock he not complied with, th., company cart recover one per cent. per month interest un the amount due and unpaid. D. McCoxArenty, Sec'y July 2, 180 To the Public. THE undersigned, having disposed of his. News Store to Mr. Jossrleßitolonsais, in teud3 to discontinue the bu.sinees; and he feels indebted to the puulic for the liberal patronage extended to him, he would cordially recommend all his old cuitomer4 to Mr. Broad head, who will always be prep.:m.l t) ac.cum modate them with att thing in CliAltL6a LINDERMAN Aug. 27, 1800 Notice. "[AVM purchaQed the News Store of Mr. LLIDIRIUN, It is my purpose to continue the musiness on a more extensive scale than Iterttofora. Daily city papers, and all the pop ular magazines and periodicals cf the day, al ways on band. JOSEPH BROADIIE.11.). Aug. 27, 1860. tf Grain ! Grain! THE subscriber still continues purchasing all kinds of PRODUCE, at his old stand on Cuambersburg street, viz lt, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS,.SEEDS, kc., tor which the highest market prices will be given. m arl will also continue my GROCERY and VARIETY STORE, and will keep coust.intly on hand Groceries. Salt, Oil, Fish, Cedar-ware, Dry Goods, Confections, Plaster , Guano, &c.— The public are invited to call, as 1 am determir, •ed to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Gettysburg, Aug. 6 1860 Carr Ahead Again! 111 fir G. CARR by again been to the city MI . . and laid in snotty r large stock of Gro ceries, Queensware and Notions, of every de scription. Sugar 11 lbs. for $l, a very good article! His stock of Brushes, Brooms, Baskets,Demi.• jots, kc. is always full—as well as his assort ment of germs, Tobacco, Snuff; Pipes, ikc. Ladles' Hoop Skeleton Skirts, 16 Loops, for $l. Ladles' Gauntlets, a fine article ol+isie thread - , for 37 cents—Gloves and Hostel' in proportion. Lilies' Perfumery, of all kinds.— Call at H. G. CARRH, Aug. 20, 1820. in York street. Spring 1860. A- SCOTT * SON have just received, and • are now opening , at their establishment nansllrsbarg a, opposite the "Eagle Ho tel," 4. large, choice and desirable stock of UJUNG GOODS, which they offer to the pnb lic;eatietled that goods can't be sad cheaper than they are now offering them. Onr stock tom trtV:. ial the different styles and qualities of IIDRESS GOODS, Shawls, Ribbons, Glove‘ Roaiery, White Goods, Laces, kc., kc. For MEN and BOYS' WEAR we hare our soma vasiety,in style, (panty apd price. Our elastomers will always and our stock of Dos etetils Goods full, cheep and complete. We i nv it e *ll to give us a call and examine our otookostialled filet an examination is all that Is nammillitY to convince ell that oar's is the elooap.itoto. Ito trouble to show goods.— Timakihtl for least eneouragement, and would 11•111••thar ilk • continuance of the same. . SOOTY sort .._. ii- 11- - 44 0 00 0 1 11 , PrOdue• A.. token i• 11Firtt, TA`pril IILW. • Ba lt imore Act - v"te_ Sixpence a Day, T., SOUGH FOR A PORTON - IL—A London New & Rich ju , paptir states:—There is now in an Alms- T EW'ELRV, SILVER. WARE, s . t.vr:P. PLAT- house at Bristol an old man who states, th at e y id, WA.III . :.Ac t r wtttst:r. GO,l ttml for ;:xt) years ho spent sispotice a try in Jilts mititth ~, Its N"I4T : ', , AI - .'ir.r.tr. ” li: dr'll,a, bu' a ..a no'cr Intuxitttd. 'kis touch TISIORri, MD., aas in sb/•Q . 1 )^- , ' ,l- ` , i s'' - et . w , ~ d •11 A .isrbee ot-lay put by :eery year at mentor styles and Pat" ;,. of it'X'Ai 3 ••".'•.." i ht e per cent. untitounu lutcrest antu...nt to in suitable for presents, embracing.. great tenet) sixty years? saqiiired a thoughtful neighbor. of Plain Gold and 'Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car - Putting down the first year's SA, ing (365 six bunkles, Arc., gar -Mugs, Bracelets, Finger Ili nr. pence.) equal to $44 54, tie added the interest, set with Diamond. Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, and this went on, year b) year, until he found kc., Ladies' Gold Chains Vett kG a ant Chains, that in the 60th year, the sixpence a day reach ' Miniature Lockett, Gold Thinibli A Cuff Pins, ed the startling sum of $14,336 118. Judge Signet, tha-ed and Plain Gold H-41' , r" "Ii of the of I man's surprise, when told that by and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stilda, G ,I 4 and . i t ing his sixpence a day, and depositing it In ' Jet CIVS.Ses, Jkl Bracelets, Pint& E.ir I.4iags,4tc. a Sii rigs Institution he might now, at the end A I, S tt , of 6oyears,have been w firth that noble 'um $l:.- A sanely of Sthcr Nt“u% ~ , , i k rho,. {Castors, z• 36 28, wind/ would It sic bought hint it nit, Cake 11.t.kets, Waiter*. Candle •t,t ks, Ilat.er a.d tarn, or town roan.:on, an 1 sur , ,olided litnt Salt Stani's Pe,rlliandlel ) cAert KiiiteA,`-: I ,Orl., with comforts and io 'uric., , i d 1, ft a Land r.,r4,•, Ladles. Fau , s Art., le-, .ks ell ~ I.A.I:C11 " we „,,,,,,,, to h a chddrva alt,,- him Ile bud, •is eiP.per , lulls °tiered on Cie I.s. -t terms altd limb!, % Is nit to our tni.kt li % I , hut to de -1 berThe Couloir) Trod.- JIII 1 , , •h , r• g , 'Ller:t l " p 4;1 sitpe Ice Il day in Ille FA :Olt I'M' AND MC iy are but %tea to Bite me 3 , All it. ! 'I "" "e cHaSlcii . S LTIYIkIS IN.TITk TI , OI UV ADAMS CutN li"°4o and Pikes. l 'ei"K ""I'slied I ' '! ''') SIL Ti. to aLt ollyll,ll this rt. 4 ,111 VER WARE cannot be surpq, %A e.ther fir o,ttl.l,arg. -July J 3, 1+460. fineness or quality, or the late,: and most bean WO patterns. [Feb.:; 11,60. .y CATS, BLACK TEAS, /Lc. P. TIF-lIKAN k SOS. offer for sale the following articles, of their own itnportation, particullrly for faini lyuse: - SIjr.ERT WlNts—Penvirtine's finest pile, gold :and 1 , m1% n rzherric , . in wood '13 , 1 in gl nAs. • coinpetition red .rd !,01.1.• l'or.. in wood antln gl t'JLIP. , , Witte—John Elonar , l Mareh's fine Al.,deirs., in wood and in glass; also, Grape iniee. ' Haee Virs^.4---Jahanneihereer, Ste' nherger Alar•ohrdoner, Cabinet, Lieb-frtu-milch. Bron neherg, ( . 4 1 , 44 0 3. twPAGNIC Wires—Noet and Chandon's fitt est, in quarts and pints. BaANDiss--Otard and Hennessy a fine old p tle ' and dark Brandies. Hugs—Old and fine Jamaica. Antigua. f:ren i ads, and fro") the t ands, imported direct from !London. IinLLAND Ora—. The best quality—Tiernnu brand—and no mixture or arotaahe poison in it. 208 bait chrits of the finest SugcuoNst Baltimore, Aug. 29,1858. ly FANCY GOODS, Whole•ale and Retail, as Cheap as any place. in Baltimore. 1 1 51 FRANKLYN STREET, BALTIMORE. 'yam (mere pr, mptl attended to. IMPORTER and Dealer in CHINA. GLASS t QI'F.ENSWARE, Ito. 41 North Cloward St-eet. be weep Lexing. ton and Fayette Streets, HALTIMORE. _ STONEWARE always on hind, at F..ctou prices. June IS, 1:4G4./. ly lb Jamas H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCH A NT, 111.11. 124 and 126 North Street, BALTIIIO,tE, 111. • I am prepared to receive and sell on Comm;s. lion all kinds of C(4'NTRY PR.OI)CICE. Having an experience of tnri years in the Cuiruni:Nion business, (and wishing to continue that alone,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to eve szris rAcriox to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 6, '6O. 17 1t 9 BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD., 9 Manufacturers or Improred Tiztit-stitch EWING MACHINES, for Familits and ManufacturinrEstablbhments. Let Manufacturers, Planters, Farmers, House keepers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, mske sure they secure the best, by examining ours before purchasing. Sir S•impler of Work sent by mail. WHAT CONSTITCTSB A GOOD !WAVING N•CRIVE? 1. It should be well made, simple in its con struction. rind easily kept in order. 2. It sbunld make a. TVIHT LOCK-STITCH, on both siles of the material. 3. It should sew any and all matoriAls that can be sewed. 4. It should he able to n4e. Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be able to sew from mane to flue, and from thick to thin, with ntpidity, and with = changing the tension. 6. It should be able to Make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It shou!d have a straight neeille ; curved ones arc liable to break. M. JACOBS, Preet. 8. The needle shonid here perpendieulat motion. This is absolutely necessary for henry work. 9. It 4hocild be capable of taking in the largest pieces of work. In. It should be able to bind with a binder. hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should be alwarr ready to work. t'2 It should be rap;ble of wing th r slate sizr_of thread on both sides of the work, awl' of using different colored thread or silk, shore or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to be united. 13. It should be able to make a long or short stitch. 14t It should be able to fasten off the seam, and commence sewing tightlyat the 6.e: stitch. 15. It sboulrl run easily and make but little noise. 16. It should have a wheel feed; none others are in constant contact with the work. IT. It should not be liable to get out of order. IS. It should not be liable to break the thread, nor skip stitches. 19. It should not be necessary to use a scrw driver or wrench to set the needle. 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera tor's dress. 21. It should not form a ridge on the under side, nor ravel ont, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the case with ALL CHAP(-STITCH machines. 22. It should not be " more trouble than it is worth." 23. Finale, all of those advantages are pos sessed by our Sewing Machine. LADD, WEBSTER A Co. Dec. 5, 1859. ly JOUN SCOTT F/Lor.NDED 1952. Chartered 1854. Located COR. OF BALTIMORE t CHARLES STS., TIXORE, MD.—The Largest. Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Yen desiring to obtain a Tlioaoron PRACTICAL llcsisitas Eat:CATION in..the shortest possible time and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Cirtn lar,containing upwards of SIX SQCARE FEET, with Sesolasx or PLNYANSHIP. and a Large En graving (the finest of the kind ever made in this coun , ry) representing the Intoner View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, „te.. will be sent to Every Young II an on application, FRRi or CD•RDE. Write illnDediaLely and you will receive the package by return mail. Address. E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Sid. Feb. ti, Itit:O. ly Burr Mill Stcrnes WART.ANTED—B. F. STARR k CO., Cor. of North awl Custer Struts. opposite S. C. R. R. Statir B►LTIYDas. ln. Mall it turers of FRENCH DCR Importers and Dealers Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth. Loathes sad Otis Belting', Cplatoisit nowitex i kad "WI " Ms%- AKIO' itut Weal 01 all tirob._27, 'BO. ly Wined, Brandies, Fancy Goods. IIOSRIEI', TRI.V.III.VGS, AND TOYS, Gorge M. Bokee, Ladd, Webster & Co., d 4". - 06 - O . • I New Spring Goods. T L. SCHICK has just received And offers for sale the most desirAble assortment of GOOD:4 ever brought to tiettysburg, consisting in part of Spring Nalco, Plain Black do., rou'ard+, Si.ring; La;nes, • orivnta,l 1.,1q11.0P Alliaccas, Drlicres',4ling- L lids. Low ~s, lirilliaetes, titieplierd's Plaids, C'r:.p- de E.pftn;re. Tissue Bareies, Lc. April 1.;, 186 u. Norbeck & 'Martin TTA vy. Inat ree , ivett trom the 0 ay the Inrgest et .ek of :WWI:NE:4 th have ever 10 the toit•Le—:-:.igars, : 4 •• runt. Coffees, Ti lice, , zi .1;. :vie , . I:p.. Ate., eon. tar cti. A, :it it ..rice• Ilt•• 1.. w-at the mu, will atf.ni. A 1;rootn•. Brughes, and ; Tar, 4 1 . 1 0. 4 . :1:111v.Y., k:- in !hint, everyt. ing tn•b- iuttal n Grocery and I ariet, store. The Fi,:ur and Ft-ed i- «why', with a steady inere,se. 11. e :P.:)..t mark:t pike, p.iid and the -tn.ti;-st lir( b. • ..ke I 'l..e public are invited to vice us a c.iil d i,r them/telt es. NO1:11ECK ti ‘IARTIN, Corner of B.iltinto.e streets. May 21, ISUU, Now Livery 171,- , TATILI: 4 IIIIENT.—The eolt=eriher fr 4 , l'/ having purchased th,". LIVEN.VanIa. Ant:B of CHAS. NI. T (TS, denmsed, ou Ch..mb.-raburg street, a few d,ors west of the Eagle hotel, he respectfully an.2..un , e4 to the mail!, that it is his inteutlon to continue the bu.ines3 at the same place, and will be prepaied to accommodate a'l with anything in his line, on re.t.itrlalde terms. Horses, Buggies, COfteile?, llacks.&c., always in readiness. Give me a tall. ear.ti.o, in conrectiort with my Livery, I will carry on the Blatksmithing husinces in all it 4 brew. he 3 nt the shop on the corner of WIL:111- ington and Railroad streets, where those wish ing anything in that line can always be ac- commudited. Julv 23, t Rco Removal. THE suhscriber has removed his Plough nod Machine shop from the Foundry building to ilailroad street, opp-ite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, where he is bet ter vrepared than ever to attend to enstonsers. Plough.s always on hand and male to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, Reapers, arc., rt pa:red. A:so he will attend to cleaning And rep tiring Clceks. DAVID WAalt...N. May to. Groceries, Notions, &c. THE unders;gned has opened a Groc..ry and Notion Core, in Baltimore stre•:t, nearly opposite the Court Hons•, Gittysbnig. where the public will constantly find, selling , chimp as the cheapest, SCGARS, Syrup., Mola , scs, Cot fees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Spices of .ill kinds. Macker , d, Chocolate, Rrooms and , Fresh Batter and Eggs, Ground t7iiifee, Essence of Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, SAlt ; Tobacco, Segars, Snuff; Confections, all kin.•a of Nuts, Oranges. Lemons, Raisins, Bread, Crackers, Cakes of different kinds; Shoe and Stove Polish; Fancy Goods, Muslins,Giughams, Cotton Bats, Wadding. Ilosdery, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders. Pins, Needles, Clothes Pio., It it tons, with Notions of all kinds. A share of the public** pAtrousge is respectfully solicited. LYDIA C. NQ BECK Mw 21. 18CO. Gm Stoves, MIN AND SHEET IRON WARE.--SHE ADS it BUEHLER, having purcha-ed the sock of Tin and Sheet Iron Wan: of George E. Buehler, have opened an establishment in con nection with their Store Ware Room, nudei the superintendence of G. E. Budder, and are now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices'. In addition.to the ord!na ry wove, they have a large supply of kitchen and house furnishing goods, of every variety, including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, .tr., for preservimg, cooking and frying. Call and see them. .Splendid assortment of Stove; mai house furnishing goods at thetr`Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. Spouting put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coat and Lime always on hand at their yhri at the same place. SHEADS S - . BUEHLER Nov. 14. 1859 Mereha.nts' Hotel, 4c NOIIT,I FOURTII.STREET, PH/LADE:LP/71.i C. & Son, Proprietors. April 2, 1860. ly• Globe Inn, fECITANICSTOWS, Frederick county, Md.— Haring been renovated and re-furnisite I, t e proprietor assures the public that a c ‘ll is only needed, as he guarantees fall satisfaction in every case. Char t res moderate. HENRY HERR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1854. tf Henry Hughes, SADDLE AND HARNESS ]LASER, Gsrvi i i scan, Pa., having just returned from a v isi t to the Great Eastern, is now supplied with $ large assortment of Saddles, Harness, Trunks,: Valises, AL.. Give me a call. Aug. 13, 1860. More New Goods AT the Sign of the BJG BOOT, in Chant bersburg street. We have just received a arge stock of HATS. C I.PS, BOOTS, SHOES, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Bugzy liar- TIC9II, Collars, Whips, ke., and are determined to sell at the lowest prices possible for cash.— Call and judge for yourselves. July 23, 1860. COBEAN k CCU'. Men's Wear. T L. SCHICK tvonld 'lnvite the attention of (p) 4 , balcrA to his large stock of Fine Black Fine Colored do., Fine Black Cassitneres, Fancy do., Side Stripe do., Westing;, Cravats, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, kn., kc. April 16, 1860. Marble Yard Removed. rr FIE subscriber having removed his place ell 4>usineu to East York street, a abort dis tance below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that be is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such as Montt 'iments, Headstones, kc., kc., of every variety of st le and finish, with and without bases and so. kets, to snit purchasers, and at prices to suit the times. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided advantage to examine his stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. WIL. 13. MEALS. Qettysburg, Marsh 21, 1859. Removals. • EIE undersigned, being the anthori,ed person to wake removals into Ever Green Cede- ry, hopes that amebas contemplate the removal the remains of deceased relatives or friends, I ill avail themselves of this season of the year to ve it done. - Rennovals made with promptness ulnas low, sad me sport spared to please. - puss TijeltNi 'Kink 12,'60. IC•epor at the Ceuittiry. 'AVER-STRUNG GRAND ACTION PIANO ki FORTES, celebrated for superior quality of TONE nud elegance and beauty of ftnish.— These Pianos hate always taken the FIRST PREMIUM' when placed in competition with other mikers Challenge all impetstion. A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles always on hand. Ms) Second-hand Pianos and PRINCE'S INIPItuVED MELOD EONS from $4.3 to $.3:0. st a r Every Instrument Warranted. IV USA CALL I—The nndersibed have G just received from the cities an immense stock of C LOTEIS, CASsIAIERF:ti, CASSINETS, VESTINGS in all varieties. kc., suitable for the season ; which they offer to the public at nupre cedentedly low rates. o f the truth of his assertion. No trouble to •how cowls and ete prices. A large lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING also selliogcheaper than ever. Garments made up for men nnil boys. as Us ual, in the very ben manner, .and according to nny style desired. i The work being done in their own egtnblishrnent. the 3 are always en abled to warrant it. Remember, their place of hu.inesn is the large and commodious room ad joining Cobean k Culp's on Chambersburg street. JA,CttliS k Sept. 19, 1859. Merchant Tailors. TREES.—The suh!critr.rs haring within the direr. last ye -s mu -h,e , !urged theiratuek of FREES I':.AN i S will o 'erfor /tale dur :'.e Fall ..f and "yril," of 18-than on us I y larze tad thrifty lot of .1p!,4, Pe eli, llw rf nn t Stan lard Pear, Pins, Cherry. Apricot, Ne, t. rine owl (wince; also Grape Vines, loflea.ling variet , es,) Currants, Gooseterries,itivpberries anti Strawberries, of the mast popular kinds also choice rri . •cellaneous Fruits, such its Span. 61i Chemut, English Walnut, Sc. , t.,getber with 3 large variety of Ornatuvit..l and Ever greens, (all of the choicest minds,) S'itrubbery, Vines, ('limbers, Roses,'Sre. N. B.—We would hereby caution the public against imposters fraudul , ittlytpreteilding tube our -Agents. with the design o , epecultung on the reputailon of the•e Numerics, in selling inferior trees, which arc bolch‘t of unreliable Nurserymen at low:rntes. • All persons known to Le thus engnitcti expcote them+, lves to the penllty of the law. anOwill he d nit with ac cordingly. We hnve, since John Burkholder, Esq., has failed in selling, appointed R. S. Pssros, of Getty-burg, and several others to c.tuvass this and other adjoining Counties, to take orders for next fall delivery. We will be re•ocusible for all trees and plan's sold by such Agents, and only tho,e who hale an ac knouledged certificate ftom us. All trees and plants sold by our Agents will be delhered to proper season and in goArorder. GEORGE PETCRS & CO., FAIIIMOrNT NI.III9ERIICA, lisndersvill •, Adams county, July In, 18 , 50. [apr. 9. 6m] The North West SAM( EL 11ERBST Ortv ER AHEAD. —.l. C. GUINN k BRO. have just received fri m the eit•tern cities, a arg- and .ti. II :elected .took of SPRING AND St:MUER GOODS, a hich they are utierirg to the public at prices t hich cannot fail to satisfy al'—among which i: it splendid assortment of De Lainee. Poi de Chet - erg, Barba:Lies, ilenige j Latt ns and Calicoes. of et cry grail ~ st.t le end price. Alm, a splendid assortment of Gentle men's Weir of every ile:cription, Cloths and CASS:II:Ie:CS, 'al irk nud fancy ; a splendid stock of Vcstings, Velvet, Satin and Al.trbeillei—and in fact any and every thing in the Dry Goods lin e. ' Would you buy good Good!, pretty Grods, cheap Goods, aod secure greet bar_ t aius?— Then edit at tho theap coruur cure of J. C. GLASS '6O. Summer Arrangement. '63. y..) INS Black Frock Coats, t h e ... at ' PICKING'S. RAB and Brown Cas3imere Frocl4 Coats, rery the tp, at PICKING'S. _.) ACK Coats, of all colors, remark/00y cheap, at PICKING'S. f AIViSILLE3, Frock and t:ack Coats, no toriously cheap, At PICKING'S. UCK Ccats, Linen, S mks and Frocks. on reasonably chtap. at PICKLMYS. NO. I Black Cas.ituere Pants, nstqnishingly Olelp, at PICKING'S. lI ANCY CA:NitIV re Pants, p'.e %singly cheap, at PICKING'S. stl ATINETT, Duck and Linen Pants. uncom monly cheap, at PICKING'S. ofTON Pants, all colors, unusually cheap, at • PICKING'S. OYS' Coats, Vests and Pante, certainly very cheap, at PICKINTS. CI ATIN and _SlIk Vests, good in.' poa:tively 13 cheap at PICKING S. MIAKSEILES and Nankanet Vesta, unpre cedentedly cheap, at PICKING'S. I'SPENDERS, Shirts, Collars, Socks. Stocks, Glores.kc.."urrul" clwrip,strlCKlNG'S. LOCK and Jewelry of all kin Is, confound ed cheap, at • PICKING'S. Aril/LISS, Fifes, Flutes, kc., most "dogged" v ch«ap. at PICKING'S. RELOLVE7PistoIs'K n i rel kc., ail od " cheap, at PICKING'S . GREAT many other things, among which are Fly N:ds,dr:ringly cheap, at Picking's. 1 CM Coati, Leggings and Caps, which takes everything else in town down for cheap. ne-s, at PICKING'S. EVERYBODY will please call at PICKING'S, as a matter of course.. [A pri' 30, 'BO. TIE Partnership heretofore exiating between I Jacob Bastress and Charles F. Winter, in the Produce, Mercantile, Coal and Lumber business, is this day, by mutual consent, dis solved. All accouuts will be settled by J. Bastress, at the old stand. TACOB BASTRESS and JACOB PETERS j have entered into Partnership in the above business, at the old stand, (the large brick 'Warehouse,) and respectfully solicit a continu ance of the patronage hitherto bestowed upon The old firm. They wilL'at -all times, pay the highest cash prices for FLOUR, GRA IS, SEEDS, kc., to, and have constantly on band LUM BER, COAL, SALT, PLASTER, GROCERIES, kc., at the lowest rates. fIY.THE AGE.—lntlammatory &IA Chronic theumatistn can be cured by using R. L. MILLER'S CELEBRATF.D RIIECNIATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have' testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic *Nee lions, has been hitherto ,unpqralleled by any specific introduced to the puhlie. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists aid storekeepers. Prepared only by 11 L. MILLER, Wholsesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Perlimery, Patent Medicines, h.c., he_ INNIPA.D. Resettles is the Agent in Gettysburg for "ti. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mix tare." [Oct. 24, 1839. ly T"Sebseriber offers st Private Sale, his HOUSE AND LOT, on High street, *Wein Solomon Powers. The House is a twe-stery Brick, nearly mew, with a. 134. k-betiding, and • well et water. Tramiel Wlay. DAN'L. 1. PITTINTIMIP. I July IL, 1839. If g .. I 16, 4 444 tt. 0:4 Haines Bros.' • GEO. 1. WA LKl:it'S Piano and Melodeon Depot, S. R. Cor. ith k Arch Zits., Naiad a Aug. 6, 1860. Cm Just in Season! " They ask a call, To cons ince Fruit mad Ornamental April IG, IGO .Dissolution. March 31, 1860 New Firm. JACOB BASTRESS, JACOB PETERS. New Oxford, April 9,186 u. Gm• The Greatest Discovery Private Sale. ' - • The Old County - SWI at Work I : _ tPITILDING, kaown by every Man In the fIOACHSIAKING'AND BLACKSIIITHING MAR ASO WOOD SAI I- ' county, tad ao doubt many a one wished ki —Tile undersigned respectfully informs! sod AL ere never had been such a place, as many his friends d tbe public that he continues were broken up by permitting, or rather oblig- the Coachtnaking and Blacki.i.iiili:ng I , W , tnC il , ed to have ilea names entered upon the coon- in every branch at lie iist...l li,i , n.i.iii. in C:iarn ty dockets. But look at the change. It is a berstiur.: street. Ile has WA h.in.l ,tit 1 tt iii i pleasure now to call there and buy goods of mikuitt.ii. tore to order all kinds of .‘ iIItiAGES, SAMSON at 1 , 114. h astonishingly reduced prices— BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. Spriuu Wii,;:uns, kc., et lower than Ever before offered iu the county. the beat material, and made by superior work- He has just received from the cities a large; men. gesraspataiao and Btacasuivntxo of , lot of new Ready-made CLOTHING, for men ; all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly i and boys' wear; with Hats, Boots and Shoes, ' and to the satisfaction of customers. i Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Clocks, 'Watches, ; Cot - it - my Notices taken in exchange foe i Jewelry, Violins, Sepals, Tobacco, kc., kc., kc. work at market prices. Call soon, and don't miss the great bargains ' starPerions desiring articles or work in the , now had at the old County Building, corner of Coachmaking or Blaeksmithing line, are re the Diamond and York street, Gettysburg.— sperttully incited to call on Thai's the spot.' 1 JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII Thankful to. hie old customers for their pa- Gettysburg. Jan. 24, '59. tronage, he hopes by his change of location not only to retain their custom, but secure a large number of new hit.% ers. An entire suromersuit--coat,pants and vest— for $ 1 . 251 M. SAMSON. April 16, 1801. The Union Hotel, 'his at, *-Inii • iiiiiberg, Washington eo., Md. 'his Hotel has''been thoropghly repaired and refitted, and the subscriber feels confident that Any who may give him a call will be fully sa tisfied, as it shall be his aim to cater to the in terests of his cu+torner,i. JOSEPII FURLEY, Proprietor. June 18, 1860. 3m MBE underslgntd respectfully informs the ci•izens of Gettysburg and the public gen erally, that he ha+ opened a new Tinning es tablishment. in Charubersburyr street, directly opposite Christ Church. He will manufacture, and keep constantly on hand, every: variety of TIN-WARR, PRESSED and JAPAN-WARE, and will alwlys be ready to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOUTING also d'one in the best manner. Prices moderate, and no effuse spared to render full satisfaction, A share of the publ)e's patronage Is solicited. A. P. 13AUGITER. Gettysburg, /tine lA. IRGO. ly CONTAINING Simple Remedies, easily ob tained, far the Cure of Disease in all forms By Prof. Ilssilv S. Tarzoa. M. D. Ir 'Nits You flow to attend upon the sick, and • how ter cook for them; how to prepare Drinks, Poultices, kc., and how to guard against In fection from Contagions Dis , cues. Ir TILLI Your Of the various diseases of rhil • dren, and gives the beet and simplest mode of treatment • • during Tee thing, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough, Measles, kc. IT TILLS You The symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infanturn, Colic, Diar:hrea, Worms, Ses!led Head, Ring ' worm, Chicken-pox, kc., and , gives you the best remedies for their mire. IT Tszts You The symptoms of Fever and Ague, end Bilious, Yellow, Typhus. • Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest remedies for their cure. Ir Tata.. You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy.Gout..lllieumatism,Lum bago, Erysipelas. kc., and ghee you the best remedies for their cure. Ir Tztes You The symptoms of Cholera Mer bus. Malignant Cholera, Small pox, Dysentei y, era rn rt. Diseases of the Bladder. Kidneys and Liver, and the best remedies for their cure. Ir Tina.' You The symptoms of Pleurisy,Momps, , Nenraigia, Apoplexy, Paralysis, . the various Diseases of the • Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eve, and the best remedies for their cure. Ir TILLS Toy The symptoms of Epilepsy. Jaun dice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Ilemorrhaze, Ve nereal Diseases, rind Hydro ; • phobia, and gives the best retae , dies for th;eir cure. Ir TVA! You The best and simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken Bone: and Dislocations, Sprains. Fever Sores, White Ulcers, Whitlows. Boils, Scurvy, ' Burns and Scrofula. Ir TILLS You Of the various diseaecs of Women, of Child-birth, and of Menstrn . ation; Whites, Parrenness, La., sad. gives the beet and , simplest remedies for their cure. The work ii written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be eapily under stood, while its simple recipes - m:4v soon save you many limes the cost of the book. It is printed in • cleat dud open type : k illustrated a ith appropriate engravings, and will be for worded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid, on receipt of $l.OO. btle-1,000 A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all sueli arc very For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to yr ad dre.3e, JOHN E. POrTF.E. Publisher, No. 617 Saaaom St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, len. 6m 50,000 COPIES ALREADY SOLD. Everybody's Lawyer AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS by FRANZ emotes', of Me PhiGuide/us It t 11,4 You How to draw . up Partnership Pa pers and gires general forms fo Agreements cf all kinds, Bills o Rile, Leases and Petitions. It Tells You How to draw uh Bonds and Mort gagee, Affidavits, Powers of At ' torney, Notes and Bills of Ex change, Receipts and Releases. It Tells Yon The Laws for the Colleetiun of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi. tation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution in every State. It Tells Yon How to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Composi tion with Creditors, and the In ' solvent Laws of el cry State. It Tells You The legal relations existing be tween Guardian and Vard, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law as to 31arrine Dower, the Wife's Right in Proper ty, Divorce and Alimony. It Tells You The Law for Mechanics' Liens in everyState,andtheNaturalization Laws of this country, and how to , comply with the same. It Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre- Emption Laws to Public Lands. It Tells You The Law for Patents, with mode of procedure in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. It Tells You How to make your Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law, and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. It Tells Yon How to keep out of Law, by show ing bow to do your business le gally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litiga. Con, by its timely consultation. Single Copies will be sent by math postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody in Every State, on receipt of $l,OO, or in law style of binding at $1.25. jfirl,ooo A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all suck are.yery liberal. For slag!, copies of the Book, or for terms to with other information, apply War ad dress, JOHN R. POTTKR, Publisher, No. 617 Hansom Bt., Philadelphia, Pa. Hay 31, 1660. 3. BASTRESS, C. F. WINTER. =TIC GOODS, in every variety, at SallOY'S consisting of Prints, Moans, Meeks, Tiekingukillestingg, in. Tinning ! Tinning! WHAT: EVERYBODY WANTS The Family Doctor : - r r -r Notice , TO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS.—We I , have now opened our large and commodious \ 'arehouse, on ttte corner of-Stratton and Rail road streets, nen the Depot of the Gettysburg, Rai/road Company. and arc prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: FLOUR, 'WHEAT, t RYE, CORN, OATS. Sc. Also, on hand and for sale, Salt, Guanos, Plaster, Fish, &.c. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Spices of all kinds. Cedar-ware, &c.. &c.,1 sithich we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at' low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to se e and examine our stock before purchasing else_' where, as our motto will be "quick sales and small profits." We would also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrifty and healthful conditifin of their Cattle, Horses, Hogs, 1143., to the fact Ordt we have for sale Breinig. Frouefield & Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pound(' per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER, BOLLINGER & CO. Gettysburg, Sect. 5, 1858. New Firm—New Goods. THE undersigned have entered Into partnere ship he the _HARDWARE k GROCERY business, at the old_ stand of Danner & Ziegler, in Baltimore street.'under the name, style and firm of DANNER & ZIEGLER, JRS., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom.= They have just return ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass, kc. Tools, including Edge Tools of every description, Saws, Planes, Chtssets, Gouges, Braces and Bitts, Augers, Squares, Gouges Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vices, Ra sps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails, kc., with them, very cheap. Coach Find ings, such as Cloth. Canvass, Damask. Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, le:lot s, Bows, Polps'Shafts, &c. Shoe Findings, Tampico, Brusly and French Morocco, Linings. Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Bout Trees, &c., with a goneral ti•=sortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Took, a general as-or ment— also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittannia, Albata and Silver-pl..ted ble and Tea Spoons, C.uidle-sticks. Waiters. Shovel and Tongs, Sad irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Cioarris, t'vrpeting, *c. Also, a general assortment of fg•rged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; C.ot. and Blister Steel, which they will s. II as t he tp as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full nail xen era! assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans. West India and Sugar House /4101:L re and Syrups, Coffee, Spice,i. Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm tilL; Turpentine, Fish, &c.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paint=; in fact, almost every article in the Ilaniware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Blacksmith ,Cabinet Maker's. Painter's, Glaxier•s, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CASII as any hunse out of the city. HENRY E. DANM:Ii, WA YBRIGLIT Z.l EC LER. Gettysburg, May 24, 18.18. Notice. T11F: undersigned baring retired from the Mercantile business. the same will hcrenf ter be continued at the old stand, in Ittltirnore street, by their sons, Henry Wileinrer and Wny lir;ght kegler, under the cattle nod le of Danner it Ziegler,Jrs.Orliont wev, ill reetinnnemi to, mid for whom we would besi.e.tk a libel-AI allure of patronage from old customers, and of the public ia general. Dining retired from the Mercantile biz.inesi it is necessary that our old buliness should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to ns eithcrby Judgment, Note vi Book Account, to call and settle the s.tme without delay. The books Rill be found at Vie oh! stan.l. JAL DANNER. iy 23.1838. DAVID ZIE-LER. Howard .AEaociation, lrfhll I LA DELPII lA.—A Benevolent Institution established by special End.Jwinent. for the Relief of the Sick ands Distressed, a diacte , l with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases., and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.— Medical adwice given gratis, by the .tctiag Surgeon, to all who apply by idtier, with a t:t scription of their erudition, (age, °camp ation, habits of life, etc..) and in cases of extreme poverty Medicine furnished free of elarge. VAL-CABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrlicea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Orgaw, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary, sent to the affl:cted in sealed eu v elopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for post age will be aere?table. Address Dr. J. S K I LLEN 110VGIITON.Aeting Surgeon, Howard Association, N,g, 2 S)n.111 Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. IIEART►t'ELL, U. FAIRCHILD. may. Prri I. Nor•. 7, 1859. ly 1 Spouting. FORGE k HENRY WAIIPLER will make Ur House Spoutiug and put up the same low, fur cash ar country produce. Farmers and all others sighing tneir houses, barns, kc., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. April 19,'53. tf G. &IL WAMPLEIL White Goods AND EMBROIDELUSS.-1. L. SC HICK would invite the ladies to examine his large variety of new style Brilliantes, Cambries, Jaconets, Plaid Cambrics, Linens, Collars, Handkerchiefs, kc, kc. [April 16,1860. Clothing! Clothing! T . ACOII REININGER has just returned from J the cities with the prAtiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle men's wear ever offered in Gettysburg. He has every v.triety, style an.l price of goods. While gentlemen can always tlnd Cloths to sole their tastes they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in- the most substan ttal manner, and fashionable Style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tail( ring Estiblishment of JACOB REININGER, May T, 1860. Carlisle street. Removal. NEW SALOON.—GEO. F. ECKENRODE baa removed his Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon in Jacobs k pro's. Band ing, on the North side of Ciambersburg street, •where he will at aNttimes be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. Ry keeping is good article, he expects to receive a liberal share of public patronage. TURTLE SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE, PIG'S FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, &c., in their season. A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can always be bad.— Come and try me. G. F. ECKENRODE. April 2, 1560. An Invention HAT L. not a humbug, may be seen at the Ware Room of BREADS k IIL'EHLER--• *tent Wishing Machine, about The utility of which there can be no mistake. It is undoubt edly the but Waslthig Machine that has ever been invented. It nutat speak for itself,— Township rights fort ale os reasonable terms. Machines also for sale. Call and see it. May 7, 1860. . Iyou do not believe it,try them and convince yoursalvee. tint TYBOl(5' NOM= aft nset and obeapest to had in the eenntry. 94407 x. IL eon. of thetoistiOlui, 0•44711411, PBCTORAZ, is the best Medicine lathe world for the Curvet Coughs and Col's Croup, Bronchitis, Brev.thinz, and for the relief ut rits in tLe advanced stages of Cousumption, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which pre dispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma, Being prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist, and one of great experienc e I n th e cure of the various diseases to which the hu man frame is liable. It is offered to the afflicted With the greatest confidence. Try it and be convinced that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial affection. Prier 50 cent. per bottle. air' Prepared only by DR. A. EENIVEIN k. CO. ; Druggists and Cheraistil, cor. Ninth k Poplar Su. , PHILADBLPHIA. sker — Sold by every respectabie Druggist and ruler in Medicines throughout tho State. April '2, 1860. ly e :ftyaburg Foundry. EIE subscriber, having purchased th I Foundry of Messrs. Zorbaugh, Bloat k Co., (turmerly Warrens' Foundry,) has commenced business, an ili is now prepared to offer to the public a larger assortment of Machinery than has heretofore been offered, such as THRESH ING MACHINES, Clover Hullers,Fodders Cut ters, Corn Shelters, and Morgan's late improved Horse Rake. Also, STOVES, "such as Cook Stoves, three different kinds; and five different sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise Milt and Saw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in Iron or Wood. ifirREPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery and Castings will be done to order on short notice. Patterns made to order; Plough Cast.. ings ready made ; PLOUGHS, such as Seyler, Witherow, Plocher, Woudeock, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FENCING, for Cemeteries, Porches nr Yard.. Abo, Mortising Machines, one of the best' now in use. This machine works with a lever by hand; any little bm cat manage it. Call and exatumengur stock; no doubt but it bat we can please. IPersoint ought to see it their advantage to buy ptachinery of any kind at home, where it is manufactured, so that they c .0 very eit:ll3 get any part replaced ur repaired. DA ID STERNER. Gettysburg, Feb.l3, 18Uu. Cannon & Adair's NEIr MARBLE WORKS, corner of Balt . - more and East Middle streets, directly op• posite the new Court House, Gettysburg.— Having recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the ur.eution of the public wishing to procure anything in oar line, to favor us with a call soul examine spe,imens of our work. Wit are prepared to fu..a:sh MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES, MA:IIILE MANTLES, til.All4 f‘a. Cabinet-tnakers, and all other work appertaining to our business, ht the lowest pos sible pri, e.. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work shall he put up in a manner sub stantial and Lutetul eptal to the best to be seen in the cities, a here every improvement %Odell experience ins su4,4e , 4te I is availed of, and e-pe, ially done g!araatee that our Cem - Eery and Grave Yard work shall be so carefully set as not to be affected by frost, but a tall maiti min fur years that erectness of ppsition give.l at the eomp:etion of a job, and so aecessary to continled gracefit.ness and symmetry. N.%. 165:0. tf Notice to Farmers. 0 041,00 0 ; 1 1 1 %;) S" r N" k r e; prit e wilt Imp paid Tar Wheat, Ity:, Curti, Oat., rtar l :ey, C10%,r-seed, Thuotliy-seed, Flour, &e., at tar ,e yellow •Warehuube, west eudof New (Word. pity Guano, l'lmter, Salt, kc.. and a larg,o aml well -el.m.red stock of Lumber Ind Cull eoustamly on hand uud fur sAle at my Ware- Ituu-e.I , IIANK.4IEItSII. .. New Oxford, 0(.7177. 1859. It. Something New TN GETTYSRURH.—The undersigned Informs the Citizens of the town And county, th.tt ha lms commenced the BAKING Inisine-s, on a large scab.. in York street. Getty4nr,,r, nearly opp ,Aite 11"attl , ?il Hotel, wheze he will try to dente. and hooe, to receive, r liber.ll patrol a. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRAUKEIts, PRETZELS, Av.., kc.. baked eirry day. (Sun days excepted,) all of the heal quality. and sold ut the lowest living profit. , . arker-linking in all its branches is litrwly carried on. and order; to any amount, from this and adjoining ennui tie:% supplied at the shorte-t notice. Navin.: erected a large mad canarto your hake-lon ge nud secured the he,t workuiali and the nima a! - proved - mactirsery, he is prepared to do a heavy busiuess. TALUTINE SV:PEE Ju'y 25, 1359 Adams County M U i T C o .t o l fi ° F r i a r ; e E d l N Iu "S t U n R h A i N g T E 1 B ( s ' 0 1 31 PAN Y. 7 1851. E 13313311 Presidenf—Gcorge Swope. l'trc Pr•si,Pat—S. R. Russell. Seerefa. y—D. A. Buehler. Tr -a valyr—Da vid McCreary. Eterabre Ca:swifter—Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Nanorra—George Swope, D. A. Boehler,Ja. cab King, A. Heintzelman R. IlTurdy, 'Thcs. A. 31arshall, S. Fah nestock, Wm. B. McClellan. Wm. IL Wilson, ld. Eichelberger, Abdiel F.Gitt, John Wulford, 11. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, John Hot new, R. G. McCreary. S. R. Russell, D. M'Creary, Andrew Pulley, John Picking, J. It. Hersh. arar This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has bees in auccessful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex perms, without any usetionent, baring also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually-elect. ed by the Stockholders. Any persdn desiring an Insurance can apply' to any ot ibe shore named Managers for further information. Sir 'The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday In every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27. 1858. Removal. tALEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch maker, has removed shop to the room e West side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler. F.sq., as a Law Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to busied'', and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 1115 P New Goods ! CREAP GOODS!! HANDSOBB GOODS!!! --Just received, a large assortment of cheap and desirable DRY GOODS of every va riety, at astonishingly low prices, and which we offer to the public. Having purchased ner stock in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and having had the benefit of the market of three cities, and being selected with great care, we can safely guarantee to those wishing to purchase anything in onr line that they cannot fail to be pleased both as to quality and price. We have received the latest styles and patterns of goods both for Ladies and Gentlemen, to which we invite their attention. Call and ex amine before pin:chiming elsewhere. - FAHNILSTOCK BROTHERS, Apr II V, 1860. Sign of the Red Front. J. W. Scott, (Late of the Aral of Wiswieseer i t.dbott.l GIINTLEMBN'S FURNISHING mid SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 914 es nut Street, (nearly opposite the Girard Haase,) Philadelphia.. J. W. SCOTT would respectful frcall the attention of bis former patresis sad iends to his new Store, and Is prepared to fill orders **STARTS at short notice. . A perfect It gesirandlak.. COUNTRY TRAUB' supplied with Tom Sanwa mad Coi.s.Ass. Oct. 17, 1859: It at TYSON a 811.011 pliery of' the; tagraOr Jukd examine their spatiddiad dr Airsol. , fithaqb Pa. U . 0..",
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