Es IV NoConaughy, laaltinac•re - vite_ onowtsr AT LAW, (office one door west 4all, Of Buehler's drug and hook store,Chant- Wines, Brsruiies, sPg street.) ArroltiinV Ann Sotterron you ' - 1 - 3 1 - U 4 . BLACK TRAS, ke. P. TIRRN IN it PATIIIrtI LID Pusrstoys. Boulity Lind War- , j‘, SON, offer for vile tlic following articles. %AO, Sack-pay suspended Clnitul, and ill of their own ituportution, pattiitilarly fur falai ather 41111ints against the Government it li - rash- ly mane isigtos. D. C. klgokwericakClkintls in Kngland. Surest' WixEs—Pemartine• fiucit pale, gold Load Wartssta located sad sold. or bonght.snd and brown Sherrie+ in w,..41 and in el.'s. ItSgbitst ?tic's given. .kgents engaged in lo- Pon? WEN ris--.S.iniletro.a's competition red outing Wstritato In lowa. illioniS and other 'and white Port. in tt oixl and in gi.i4l. waster% gtat,es. , fizrApply to Lim personally Nauru's Nice—John Howard March's Gus or by letter. 1 Madeira, in wood and mu emu , slay, Grape Gettysburg, Nov 21,'53. ; Juice. • i ' Hocs Wucc4—Juhlnuezber,2er, Ste;nbertser I. C. Neely, ; Marcobrunner, Cabinet, Lich-frau-mulch, [lron i lk- TTORNEY AT LAW, will sticni to eoliee.' noberg, of (816. tions wad all other hu.ines. intru.Aed to iis care with net and Clmadon's tin .. pro olfi , e In the S. le,. ' eat, (2 " in 111 ( { r u . 7r17n I n V il "r i ll ii ii tiTe M . corner of the Di3ttiopd. i . furtsteri) oucupiad by, BlUx o l l P -o "rd sod ilennegV a fine °hi pale Wm/. 111. If, Ii ) , and dark Brandies. Gettysburg, April 11, 1859. tf I IttAts--Olif and fine insulter', Antigua. Gren - i "An, and from the! ands, imported direct from 11 Wn2.. McClellan, London. ,• ADT°T,LNRY A? LAW.-01fire in WeetNicl ifle street, one door west of the new tjuurt 1101111 - Liettysbur Nor. 44 A. J. Cover, A.. attend _ TTORNEY AT LAW, will promptly aend to Collections and nil other business en rusted lc him. Office between Fehnestoci.s' And Danner* Ziegler's Stores, Baltimore street, Gettyiburg, Pa. . [Sept. 5, 1859. Win. A. Duncan, .TTORNEY AT f, AW.-office in the North west corner of Centre Srtare. Gettysburg, [Oct. 3, 1e33. tf Edward B. Buehler, ATTORN EY AT LA W, will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. Ile speaks the (erman language.— 4).11es at the same South Baltimore street, netr Forn tore, and °cu./1y opposite Danner store. Gettysburg, liar Dr.. A. W. Dorsey, HsiFORIIIMLY of * Ca t; * Carroll county, Md., hat in pertuanentiy 10, flied i 0 Gellibllric, QM rs p ro r e ,„sti v nal Ae r,,,A, to the citizen* of the town and surrounding i ountr; in the practice of the various t,nttilivii of hi, prat...too. °nice 4rul rcsitiencc, Exit--pore , irect, next door t) The Compiler olTh 4', 1* here he InAy be found 14,1 all times wben - uot engtged. uttrEss‘ck.s. prof. siban R. Smith, P. Iltitoore, Ild. /ler. Angustus Webster, D. D., Baltiu2ore Pr. J . L. Wsr6el,l, Westminster, Pr. W. A. 3fottbins, " - ; Jacob Reese, Fig., ti John K. Longwe.ll,R3q., ae°. E. Wnmpler, P.m., .4 44 Rev. T ILO nil ZS Bowen, Gettysburg. Oct. 2;0858. Gm J. Lawrenco Hill, M. D. IS his office one cm" dour west of tkio . '"• X,utheran church in Chambershurg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to hake any Dental llperation performed are respectfully invited to li.ersitsscas Drs. Horner, Ittkv-. C. P. frirs.nth, D. I) , [Lev. El. L. Baugher, D. D., liey. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stmver. Gettysburg, April 11, '53. Notice. ICOII NEUFZ EL'S ESTATE.—Lettops of administrstion on tLo estaLs of Jacob Irelttel, late of Mountpleasant township, Adams ,eonnty, dere tsed, haling been granted to the undersigned, residing, in Oxford township, he ttereby give 3 notice to all peroms indented to said estate to inyriediate payment, and those hartn,g claims against the same to present ;hem Aro y e rly authentic ited for sett) emeut. DANIEL lIELTZEL, A4M'r. Aug. 20, 'IF46/. Gt* Farmers, carpenters; dce. eTTEND TO YOUR INTERESTS. - The 11_ undersigned would respectfully inform the public, and the citizens of Gettysburg aci4 Ti- Amity particularly, that they are prepared to firaish all persons who contemplate building houses, barns, Icc., vith materials required for paid buildings, such as RAFTSRS, LATHING. SHINGLES, BOARDS, and all HEAVY Ti.* . HER for bujlding. Also, POSTS, RA/LS, ke., continually on hand, and upon low terms for cash. _ _ _ PLANK & sp.vsGLEr.. Artniktsrille, June 18, 1860. 3m Notice to Stockholders, arNOTICE Le hereby given to subscribers to the Capital Stock of the GETTYSBURG GAS AMY tbat payment of the 2d instalment on each share of stock (one-fifth of each share.) .subscribed, payable on tl3e Ist of ../ado Aut„ is hereby required to be made to Joel B. D inner, the Treasurer of said Company. at his <Aire in his house, in the Borough of Gettysburg. agree ably to the terms of subscription. By the Act of Assembly re Laing to Gas Com panics, if notice for the payment of subscriptions of stock be not complied with, the company can recover one per cent. per month interest on the Amount Al i xe and unpaid. _ _ . I). XeCol.trarry, Sce'y July 2, Itl6o. To the Public. MHZ tindersigned, hirriatr, disposed of his Sews Store to Mr. JOSEPII 14i[0.01176 AO, In tends to discontinue the busine,s; and tithilst he feels indebted to tie public for the liberal patronage extended to him, he would cordially recommend all his old eustotnora to Mr. Broad head, who will always be prepAre,l to -4.4:cocu iiio4sie them with anything in his line. Aug. :7, 18G0, Notice. HAVING purchased the News Store of Mr. LINDRILMAN, it is fly purpose to c9ntinue toe tinsiness ou a more extensive scale than baretafors. Daily city papers, and ail the pop ular magazines and periodicals of the day, *l rma on hatfd. JOSKPII BROADHEAD. Aug. 27, IMO. tt Grain! Grain! TE subscriber still continues purchasing all kinds of PRODUCE, at his old stand on Chembersburg street, yis WA EAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, SEEDS, 4e., for phfcb the highest market prices will he given. ilarl will also continue my GROCERY and VARIETY STORE, and will keep constautly on hand Groceries, Salt, Oil, Fish, Cedar-ware, Ply Goods, Confections, Plaster, Guano, .kc.— The public ate invited to call, as I am determin ed to sell as cheap as s ibe cheapest. JOIIN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Aug, G: 1800. Carr Ahead Again ! II CARR has again been to the city * and laid in auotht r large stoek of Gto gems, Qneensware and Notions, of every de scription, Sugar 11 lbs. for $l, a very good Ankle J NEI stock of Brushes. Jitesseno ilaaksia, Dew /R.. is always full—as well as his assort non* if Ersiclu l ib, Tobacco, Snuff, Prpcs, .4 4 1 14 .100 p Skeleton skim, 1G hoops, for SL - •, ' Danntilets, a fine article of Lisle arena, for 37 cents—Gloves nad Hosiery in proportion. Ladies' Perfumery, of . 1 11 kinds.— Can 14 • /I, G. CARR'S, sa, tem. _ in York street.• ' 1 - SPrillg 186 0. , Mall' h SOS base just received, aa4 . i • - an now opening, at their establish ruent a Oassaisersbarg st., opposite the - Eagle Ito lk, te„, ~,, A large, eboice aad desirable stock of BPSING GOODS, which they offer to the pub-' noilf.idani that goodsetuet Zs seloielieaper than thetapapor *fain them. Our stock coin-1 =ll7 the " retell 11 44 1 0 1 and qualities of, DOM G00D.% Shawls, Ribbons, 1 Mei" thahieq, White 0 0 04 Laces ' kc., &e. I rtni• SJN and BOYS' WEAR we hare our Halt 3aF sto style, quality and price. m ltrAug u i mens will always bad our stock oil DlPlPPollAiodehilisdont And toespiele, Wo . ie ti a soil and examine oar i -we paatalaation Is all that ,W,IIIWWSPAHLATientiOnn 41 that oar's is tha r:- " pokbik in ahoy goods,. **pi ithaoseagetaaat, 64 4 wo o d is kiwthwundo.of the aatue. A. Seirt7 k BOX: W i lk: ealutitai Pr*** take* JD excbaaga W =1 ''- " ' r Allem 1411, IWO ' r ...e. ' -, -4 - , , Ilem.ccn thy—Thelt quality—Tiernan brawl—and no mixture ciceroni/4hr poison in it. 200 half chests of the tinejt .Suucttuxc; I.lo.ltimore, An g. 29, 1859. ly FANCY iVholesale and Retail, as Chrapsna any place • in Baltimore. 151 Fa/01E1.11 STRILT, BALTIMORE. sea- Ordrrs promptly attended to. J George M. Bokee, IMPORTER and Dealer in 'GIIINA, GLASS A; I^F:, Su. 41 No,rtb Howard Street, tietvrt-m Lexing- ton and Favettt :ittaa.t4, ISAI,TIIIIItt i. STONE I Y-1 1 tE alw‘ys on han I, nt Nsrtory prier). June 14, I tiL,lO. James H. Bosley, COMAII4SION MERCHANT, Aro/. 124 and I 3f) Kora &reel, BALTIMORR, MI) I am prepared to creche and sell on Commis sion all kinds of (.70ITSTIII" PRODUCE. Having an experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone,) !Batter -myself that I shall be able to giro SATir. /ACTION to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to Billing orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of tertiliaws. Feb. G, ly 1411 BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MO., r) Manufacturers of Improved Tight-stitch SEWING MACHINES, for Families aryl Manufacturing Establishments. Let Manufacturers, Planters. Farmers, House keepers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any krnd of Sewing now done by machinery, make sore they secure the best, by examining, ours before purchasing. Oar Saniplcs of Work sent by mail. ISAT co.wzriTcm A .GOOD SWIM] Id Acnixt ? It should be well made,.simple in its con struction, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a TIGHT I,OCH-BTITCH, alike on both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any and all materials that can be sewed. 4. ft should be abld to nse Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5: It should be able to sew from coarse to floc, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. 6. It shoulk be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It should have a straight needle ; curved ones are liable to break. 8. The needle should hare perpendienlat motion. This is absolutely necessary fur heavy work. 9. ft shonld he capable of taking in the largest pieces of work. 10. It should be ahle to bind with a hinder, hem irith a heni t tners should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should be always ready to Work. 12. It should be capable of using the same size of thread on both sides of the work, and of using different colored thread or silk, above of below, to rorrespoisd with any two color/I - of cloth to be unite& 13. It should be able to make a long or short stit(h. 14. It should be able to fast , m off the seam, and commence sewing tightlyst the first stitch. 15. It should run easily and make but little noise. 16. It shonld have a wheel feed; none others arc in constant contact with the work. 17. It should not be liable to get out of order. la. It should not be liable to break the thread, nor skip stitches. 19. It should not be necessary to use a screw driver or wrench to set the needle. M. JA CONS, Prat 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera tor's dress. 21. It should not forma ridge on the under side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the ease with ALI:CRAIN-STITCH machines. 22. It should not be " more trouble than it is worth." 23. Finale, all. of these advantages are pos sensed by our Sewing 31aeliine. LADD, WEBSTER k CO. Dec. 5, 1859. ly 6 //‘' $. . :1 ' 0t • LA ...." FOUNDED 18:,2. Chartered 18.14.. LoeAted COlt. OF BALTIMORE & CHARLES STS., Tivoeg, Mu.—The Largest, 116 st Elegantly Furnished & Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly for Young Men des:ring to obtain a Ttiouounii Itutussas Ent(' knox in the shortest possible time and at the let expense. A Otrge and Beautifully Ornamented rirrn lar, containing upwards of SIX S(.lrA BE FEET, with sr}'etur • v Or PENVANFITIP,aud R L irge En - gni:Cl* (the finest of the kind ever made in this country) representin,z the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms, &c., will be. sent to Es cry Young Man on application, FIER 0? CHARGI. Write immediately and you a ill receive the package by return mail. Address, E. K. LOSIEII, Feb. 6, 18C0. ly Burr Mill Stones oYiVr.IIIRANTED--B. F. STARR & CO., C'or orth and Centre Sired opposite N. C. R. IL Static., BILTIMOR.C, MD. M.lDltfil.( turers of FRENCH Importers and Dealers i Burr Blocks, Ltolttag Clothe Leather and Gam Belting. Ca!cited Plaster, and gill Irons, cir Warranted Quality. Also, C - 71ose, Coe-alit°, and Nsopbes Mill Stones of all sixes. [Feb. 27, 'GO. I,r Now & Rich EWBLRY,SILVI3S3. WARR. S'LVER PLAT ED WA4:I3, kc.—%. E. *.VA RN Bit Gold and earsmith, Na, 10 Nom! GAT STAIR r, BAL. 4il - TIMOR', MD., has in store a beautiful assort. mentof styles and patterns of 111CI1 JF.WELMY, suitable for presents, embracing A grant varlet; of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car- 1 bunkles, Ste, Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Bingo I set with Diamond, Ruby, pearl, Opal, Mrseraid, 1 kc., Ladles' Gold Chains, Vest & Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins: Signet, Chased and Plain Quid ILings ; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins 6; Bar Rings, ke." ALSO, A r arias., of Sliver Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters i Candlestie hi, &attested .Removala Salt Stands,Pearl Handle Desert Kul ves,Spoosa, Min 0 adersi Sead, a Qs; the authorised person Forks, Ladles, Piney Artielei, kc., all of which _I., to stake removals bstdßver Greets Cease- Is respect/Wily offered cm the lowest terms. tell', hopesthateuebanontsigslate the removal imirrhe Country Trade and Dealers general- Of the remain& of -4401esset reisaisee or friends, invited W give mp a tap. and eternise will *fan thesetativee isnittlis Mae* ofanYtesur to led Prins, - Wag satisfied that Any sm. Wave it doe*. Reinert& made with promptness %RR WARE Cannot be sespaned either for =terms lows ' ' effort 'Pared to please. Ileums, or quality, or the latest and most beaus- PR MR THORN, Uhl rdien. lia. 11Peh. 2r leo. : 7 March 12,'410. , eper of tee Cemetery, Fancy Goode I GOODS, HOSRIEF, PRDININGS, • AND TOYS, Ladd, Webster & Co., ' • New Spring Goods. TL. SCRICII basins; reeeiregi and offer' for node the most desirable luisortenent tit DRY ; t; OOPS ever brooght I; ettrsbu rg, consisting in part of Spring Silke, Plain Black do., - Foulards, Spring de (.nines, Oriental Liietree. Attu, BOlTlblilinefl,lirl4.ll., DO Bed., Ging ham', Gowns, Brilliuntes, Shepherd's Crepe de IF:spume, Tissue Barezes, ke. April 16, 1860. HAVE just received from the city de larre.t. atOck of GROCERIES they have e. er offered to the public—tioa tiyrups. Coffe.4, Tess, ftlee, Cheese, Fi.h, Salt, Spire•. kc., kc . etiihr.icav4 all varit tie., at all price., the the market will Minn! Alan Broolna, Itrashes, and Nedion. Candlva, Ax., iu t.liort, ever thing to lo.'fotint.l in a that class llrucers and Vazietv ' The Flour And Food bn•ine+a is continued with a ste increase. The highest market v.+ p and the F niAlleFt profits anked. The public are invited to gite u• a call And see for NI/ILISEUX: & MARTIN, ('” of Baltimore and High street 4 Yay 21, 1 Stlo. Globe Inn, t rEcri ‘NICSTOWN.Predorielc county Md.— j Ilia been renovated xnd I, lied, the pr,prietor ns•nures the r , iblie that a r•tll is n ~i e,l7 n 4 he ruarnntee. lull s.ttisfaction in elo4l - get , nunierate. }IF:NILY HERR, Proprietor. Feb. 1- . 1, 1859. tf 0 ADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, Ortiva nrao, I' ...having just returned from a visit to the (:rem Eastern, is now s upplied with a large assortment of S.tddles, Harness, Trunks, Valises, &c. Give me a call. Aug, 13, 181.10. More New Goods AT the Sign of the BIG BOOT, in Cham homburg. street. IVe have Jost received a , large stock of BOOTS, Trunk., Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, llnggy liar ! nes., Collars, Whips, ae., and are determined to sal at the lowest prices possible for cash.— Iseult and judge for yourselre4. • July 23, Is6o. COISAAN . 1 / 4 CULP. - g - L. SCIIICK would invite the attention of e y • buyers to his large stock•of fine Ithtek Cloths, Fine Colored do., Fine Black Cassimeres, Fancy do., Side Stripe do., Festings, Cravats, rfusiery, Closes, Stuspenders, handkerchiefs, kc., kc. April Id, UNA. /11111? subscriber having removed his place of bitsiness to Nast York street, a short dis tance below St. James' Church, would , announce to the public that be is still prepared to furnish all kinds of• work in his line, such as Jlonu •nnents, Ilea 'stones, kc., ke., of every g ritty of style and finish, with and without bases nod so• kets, to suit purchasers, and at price. to suit the dines. Persons desiring anything in his line will find it a decided *drainage to'examine his stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. WM. B. MEALS Gettysburg„, Mardi 21, 1850. NOUGII FOR A FORTUNE.—A London 1 1 paper states:—There is now'in an Alms house at Bristol an old man w! statos, that for sixty years he spent sixpence a day in drink, but w.ut never intoxicated. Bow much would this sixpence a-day put by every year at fire per cent. compound interest amount to in sixty years? enquired a thoughtful neighh , ,r. Putting down the first year's saving (31;.5 six pences) equal to $13'54,-be added the interest, and this went on, year by year, until he found that in the 00th year, the sixpence a day reach ed the startling lam of $14,338 28. Judge of the old man's surprise, when told that by raring tau sispence A day, and depositing it tu a Savings Institution he might now, at the end of 60years,have been Worth that noble sum $14.- 336 28, which world have bought him a fine farm, or town mansion, and surrounded him with comforts and luxuries, and left a hand some estate to his children after him. lie had, and bundredi now in our midst have, but to de posit sixpence a (lay in the FARNELIS * AND ME CRAXICS' SAYINGS /ES/ITCTION or ADAIII3 coos- TY, to accomplish this result. Gettysburg, July $3, 1860. New 'Avery , ~ • --- JESTABLISIIIIENT.-.The subscriber ~.,1 haring purchtsed the LIVERY Jolt tABLES of Cuss. IL Tars, de7mutett i WI Cluunbersburg street, a few doors west of the Eagle llotel, he respectfully announces to the public that it is his intention to continue the business at the same place, and will be prepared to accommodate all with anything in his line, on reasonable terms. Horses, Buggies, Coaches, Hacks, k.c., always in readiness. Give me a calL ekirAlso, in connection with my Livery, I will carry on the Blackinsithing business in All its branches at the shop on the corner of Wash ington and Railroad streets, where those wish ing anything in that line can always be ac commodated. SAMUEL 11ERAIST. July 23, 1 8 CO. THE subscriber has removed his Plough and Machine shop from the Foundry building to Jtailroad street, opposite Tate's lll.icksmith shop, hark of the E.tgle Hotel, where he is bet ter prepare 1 than e‘er to attend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and male to order at the shorost notite, and Sl.ubines, Reapers, Lc., repaired'. ..Altd he will attend to cleaning trod repairing ttocks. DAVID WAitIIES. • May lu. Groceries, Notions , gill E undersigned has opened a Grocery and I Notion Store, in Baltimore street, nearly opposite the Court House, Gettysburg, where the public willAonstrintly find, selling cheap as the cheapest,..WG AILS, N, rugs, Molasses, Cof fees, Teas, Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms and Brushsc ; Fresh Butter and Eggs, Ground Coffee, Essence c f Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles. Soaps, Salt ; Toba(yo, Segars, Snuff; Confections, all kinds of Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Bread, Crackers, Cakes of different kinds; Shoe and Stole Polish: Fancy Goods, Muslins,Ginglianas, Cotton Bats, Wadding. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs; Suspenders, Pins, Needles. Clothes Pins, But tons, with Notions of all kinds. A share of the public's patronage is respectfully soli, iced . ]lay 31, 18G0. Gm Stoves, MIN AND SIIEET IfIGNWARE.—SITEADS k BUEHLER, having purchased the stuck of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of George E. Buehler, hare opened an establishment in con nection with their Stove Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, and are now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware, they have a large supply of kitchen and house furnishing nods, of every variety, including enamelled and tiu Kettles, Patti, &c.. for preservirag. cooking and frying. Call and soe them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. kir Spouting put up at shortest notice. Lam her. Coal and Lime always on hand at theft yiutl at t►e same place, Nov. 14, 1830. lIIIE ADS 4 13VEIlLE11. 46 NORTH FOURTH STREW , riIILADELPIII4. C. WlCibbin is 804, Proprietors. .061 1, 4860. 17' Norbeck & Martin Henry Hughes, Mien's Wear. Marble Yard Removed. Sixpence a Day, Removal. LYDIA 0. NORBECK .X9rohante Hotel, 7 . ) '6O. Bummer Arrangement. '6O. IX Black Frock Coats, cheap at PICKING'S. RATI and Brown Cassimere Proek Coats, very cheap. at PICKING'S. `I ACK Coats, of all colors, remarkably cheap, St 'PICKING'S. If ARSF.II.LES, Frock and Snck Costs, no -1 torionsly t heap, at PICKING'S. - VICK Coats, Linen, Snel k s and Frocks, nu " rea.onably cheap at PICKING'S. TO 1 -Black Cassimere Prints, astonishingly cheap, at PICKING'S. IANCI Cassimere Pants, pleasingly cheap, at PICKING'S. CI ATINRIT, Duck and Linen Pants, nncom -1 manly cheap, at PICKING'S. LITTON Pants, all colors, unusually cheap, nt PICKING'S. OYS' Coats, Vesta and Pants, certainly very cheep, at . PICKING'S. Ct .. AT'S and Silk Vest., good and positively ct , h. ap at PICKIN(I . B. l A c l e. l . S ie fl ti l t l e .Kr y c it h r i ti ir Nn a n t kanet i y i e ( a K ts is u o n . gre- CI t : 4 11.INDERS, Shirt., Collars, Soeks.Stocks, ''''') Glut en, ie., "orfu I" cheap, itt PICKING'S. Li WKS and Jewelry of all kinds, confound sit cheap, at PICKINWS. I; gAINB, Fifes, Flutes, &c., most " dogged" Cheap. at PICKING'S. R V° 1' I:tS,Pijtols, Knives c.i:al liCcl y ietp,a ric t p(s A G fIEAT TO my other things, among which it . arc Fir Nets, drivingly cheap, at Picking's. A fr 1 1: 4 Cont,s tug. and Crlpg, which takes ky" everything else in tun it down for cheap ne.s, at PICKING'S. EAVERVIIODY will plea.c call at PICKING'S, as a Platter of course. L.'t pril 30, 'OO. The North West ConsEß AIIKADI--.1. C. (WINN k BRO. have just received from the eastern cities, a iarge and well selected stock of SPRING AND SCNIIIER GOODS, which they are offering to the public at priers which cannot fail to sntisfy all—.among which is a splendid Assortment of De Laines, l'oil de Chevers, Itarttdoes, Derage, Lawns and Calicoes, of every grade, style and price. A'so, A splendid assortment of Gentle men's Wear of every description, Cloths and Cassimeres, black and fancy ; a splendid stock of Vesting', Vett et, Satip nud Marseilles--aud in fact any and everything in the Dry Goods line. Would you buy good Goods, pretty Goods, cheap Goods, and secure glom. bargains ? Then call at the cheap corner store of J. C. GUINN a BRO April lil a 1860 tf.3 - .07A.V: r 0 .44 1 1 . x Haines Bros.' QvF.INTrti . NG (IRAN!) AUTIOX PIANO FttlITE-1, celebrated for superior finalityo ilc:E and ele 2 :tnee and bennt of tioi4h.— The,e Piano. have alwa) 6 Liken the FIRST PREMIUM when pluecd in competition with other makers. Channel, all d-wsprldlue. A eldendid asuirtment of LOCI XIV and plainer style. alw.tys on hand. ..1 •io Second-hand Pianos and PRINCE'S IMPROVED lIELOD- F:DS:4 from Sri to $350 . . ,tifir Ev.. , :ry Instrument Warrnnted. GEO. L. WALKEIVS Piano and Melodeon Depot, • S. R. Cor. 7th & Arch Sts.,Philad'a. Ang. G, 18GO. Cm Just in Season! ("1 WE I'S ('ALT I—The undersigned hive just received from the cities au immense st,ck of er,ortN,CASSIAIERES, CASS:NETS, VF.STINGS in all enriches. ac. t suitable forthe season. which they offer to the publicist unpre cedentedly low rates. „ They ask a call. To coot ince all " of the truth of his assertion. No trotiblo to show g 00,14 and give prie A large lot of READY-MADE CLOTIIINo selllngeheaper than ever. Garmsuts made np for men and boys, R$ ns. nal, in the very best manner, and Recording to any style desired. The work being done in their own establishmenb they- are always en abled to warrant it. Remember, their place of husine+s is the large and commodious room ad joining Colman k bsulp's on thumbersbdrg street. JACOBS k BRO., Sept. 19, 1859 Fruit and Ornamental rr r ILSES.—The subscribers having within the three last years mach enlarged tlteirgtock of REES and PLANTS, will offer for sate dur ing the Fall of 1860, and Spring of 1861, an un usually large and thrifty lot of Apple, Peach, Dwarf and Standard Pear , ?a, Plum, Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine and Qnince; Also Grape. Vines, (ofleading varieties,) Currants, Gooseberries, Ite.pherries and Strawberries, of tbe most popular kinds; also choke miscellaneous Fruits, such as Span ish Chesnut, English 'Walnut, ke., tngri ber with a large variety of Ornnmentll and E er greens, (all of the choicest kinds,) Shrubbery, Vines, Climbers, Roses, ,1/4c. N. 11.—We would hereby caution the public against imposters fraudulently pretending Lobe our Agents, with the design of speculating on the reputation of the - e Nurseries. in selling inferior trees, which arc bought of unreliable Nurserymen at low rates. All persons known to be thus engaged expose themselves to the, penaltv,uf the law, and will be dealt with ac cordingly. We hare, since John Burkholder, F:=q., has failed in selling, appointed It. S, Paxrox, of Gettysburg, and several others to canvass this and other adjoining Counties, to take larders for next fall delivery. We will be responsible for all trees and plants sold by such Agents, and only those 'oho have an ac knowledged certificate front us. All trees and plants sold by our Agents will be delivered in proper season and in goor. order. GEORGE' PETERS k FAIRMOUNT SUBSRAINR, flendersville, Adams county, Pd. July 16, 1860. [apr. 0. Cm] Dissolution. MEIE Partnership lieretoTore existing between Jacob 13astre3e and Charles F. Winter, in the Produce, Mercantile, Coal and Umber hysiness, is this day, by mutual consw, dis:. eNtred. An accounts will be settled by J. Bastress, at the old stand. March 31, 18G0 New Firm. JCOII TIAATRESS and JACOB PETHRS have entered into - Partnership in the above filminess, at the old stand, (the large brick Warehouse,) and respectfully solicit n continn. anee ofthe patronage hitherto bestowed upon the old arm. They will, at all times, pay the highest cash prices for FI.OUR, ORA I N. SR ED S, Ate., kr., and have constantly on hand LUM BER, COAL, RALT, PLASTER, GROCERIES, kt., at the lowest rates. JACOB I\ASTRESS, JACOB PETERS. New Oxford, April 9, 1860. 6m* The Greatest Discovery OF TIIE AGE.—lnflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using ij. L, MILLER'S CELEBRATED 111JECIIATIC MIX. TIRE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic alliso. tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific introduced to the public. Price 60 cents per bottle. For sale by nil druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by 11. L. MILLER, \Vitolsesale apd Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams eoinsty,Pl6, dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils. Varnish, Spirits, Pale* Dye-stars, bot tled Oils, &settees sad ?lectern, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, he., he. ifirA.D. Moeller Is the Agent in Gettysburg for "IL L. Miller's Celebrated Shea rustle Min ton," [Oct 24, 1869. ly _ Pr/lOU sae. rriMiliebeeribor;offers at Private Sale, igiaI.HOUSIVAND LOT, oaffi streA r M4lolaing Solomon Power... T ee House lea two-stn y Mick, Natty au, with a Back-beildlag, weal $ well of ramie. Ter* Mif f DeICL. 1. FITTISSTUiIt, Jely 11, /450. If 13 :Immo, knows by erery man in the county, and no doubt !navy a one wished ere serer land been ouch a place, as many *ere broken up by permitting, or rather olplig ed to bare their names entered upon the coun ty dockets. But look at the change. It is a pleasure. now to call there and buy goods of at such •stonishingly reduced prices— lower than ever before offered in the county. Ile has just received from the cities a large lot of new Heady-made CLOTIIING, for men and boys' wear; with Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Violins, Seg trs, Tobacco, Aa, &c., &c. Call soon, and don't miss the great bargains now had at the old County Building, corner of the Diamond and York street, Gettysbrrg•— That's the Apo! ! Thankful to his old customers for their pa tronage, he hopes by his change oflocation nut only to retain their custom, bat secure a large number of new buyers. An entire summer 3 a it--cost, pants and vest— for $1.251 M. SAMSON. April 19, 1860 I'h OCATED at Smithburg, WasAington co., Md. is Hotel has been thoroughly repaired and refitted, and the subscriber feels confident that any who may give him a call will he fully sa tisfied, as it shall be his aim to cater to the in terests of his customers., JoS;;PII FITIILF.Y, Proprietor. June 18,18 GO. 3m MITE undersigned respectfully informs the ei`izens of (lett, sburg and the public gen erally, that he has open d a new Tinning es tablishment. in Chanibersburg street, directly opposite Christ Church. Ile will manufacture, and keep constantly on hand, every variety of TLN-WARE, PRESSED and JAPAN-WARE, and will always he ready to do REPAIRING. ROOFING and SPOUTING also done in the best manner. Prices moderate, and no effort spared to render full satisfaction. A share of the public's patronage is sulivited. A. P. BAUGIIER. Gettysburg, June IR, 1R 1 :0. 1y nOSTALSING Simple Remedies, easily ob tained, for the Cure of Disease in all forms By Prof. Beyer S. Tsvton, H. D. Ix TaLus You flow to attend upon the sick, and how to cook for them; how to prepare Drinks, Poultices, ke.; and bow to gn.trd against In fection from Contagious Dis. eases. TZLIA You Of the'varions diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best and simplest mode of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-rough, Measles, ke. It TztaYou The symptoms of Croup, Cholera Infantuni, Colic, Diarrlima, Worms, Scatted Head, Ring. won't Chicken-pox, ke., and gives -on the best remedies for their cure. IT Tette Toff The symptoms of Fever and Agne, and Biiioll3 ' reDOVV, Typhus. Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives ypu the best and simplest remedies fur their cure. • Ix Tette You The symptoms of Influenza, Con. sumption, Dyspepsia. Asthma, Dropsy,Gout,ltheutrtatisni,Lum. Erysipelas. ke., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. IT TVA. You The symptoms of Cholera Bor. bus, Mal gnant Cholera , Small pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and • Liver, and the best remedies for their cure. TELLairou ThesymptomsofPleurisy.Mumps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysi., the various Diseases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, • and the best remedies for their cure. Ir Tata.. You The symptoms of Epilepsy. Jaun dice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Ve nereal Diseases, and Hydro phobia, and gives the best reme dies for their cure. ' IT Tsui You The best and iimprest treatment for Wounds, Bruken Bone ud Dislocations. Sprains, Loellikw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns and Scrofula. IT Tet.t.s You Of the various d LiC.UCS of Women, of Child-birth, and of Menstru ation; Whites, Barrenness, Lc., ke., and gives the best and simplest rerntgles fur their cure. The work Is written in pain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while its simple recipes may soon save you mltny times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; Is illustrated nab appropriate engravings, and *ill be for warded to your address. neatly e bountl. and postage paid, on receipt of $l.OO. ger 1 ,DOO A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very - For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Pubiislii r, - No. Cl 7 Stinson!' St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, 1860. dm Merchant Tailors. 50,000 COPIES ALREADY SOUl). Everybody's Lawyer A ND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS b 3 . 111 . FRANK C10133Y, of tAe It tells You How to draw up Partnership Pa pars and gives general forms As Agreements cf all kinds, ililla o Sale, Leases and Petitions. It Tells You How to draw up Bonds and Mort gages, Affidavits, Powers of At torney, Notes and Bilk of Ex change, Receipts and Re!eases. It Tells Yon The Laws for the Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi tation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Execution In every State. It Tells Yon How to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Cotnpoqi. tion with Creditors, and the In. 'pietist Laws of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing be. tween Guardian and Ward, Master and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells You What constitutes Libel and Slap der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right inProper ty, Divorce and Alimony. It Ttlls Yon The Law for Mechanics' Liens In ererySt_tte,and the Naturalization Laws of this country, nod low to comply with the same. It Tells Yost The Lew Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre. Emption Laws tq Public Lands, Li Yells Yon The Law for Patents, with mode of proc,•dure In obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. It Tells You How tq asks your Will, and how .jo Adniiiiiiter on an Estate, with kW km and the requirements tbereot ha every State. It Tells You The meaning 'of Law Terms in getieral use, and explains to you that Legislative, Bxecuti vs and Jo, • (Halal Powers of both the General ALI State Governments. It Tells Teiv - Now to keep out of Law, by show ; %hew to do your business le.. y, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexations liti than, by Its timely consultation. Single maples will 2o sent by mail, Pnstafte paid, to Every Farmer, Every Ilechmtle, Every Nan of Business, and Everybody in Every State, on receipt of VAS, or in law style of bindin g at fit.2s. lifiri,ooo At YEAS can be made by enter, prising men everywhere, in selling **above work, ad our indnomnonts to all such aro very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for to sea to agents, with other hifOrmstion, apply to or ad dress, JOR2i 3, POTI' E Pabliskaa, No. sly &mos etilPhelpbii, Pa. Nay 24 1800. J. BARTRESS, C. 1. iVfNTiiii. Lylol,llo .610QP8, 4 1j*TI valitz. eagiom arsoisdos Ame r Abialbw g l imps , ow,- Zeklais Shimotisakin, The Old County The Union Hotel, Tinning ! Tinning 1, WHAT EVERYI;ODY W.tNT The Family Doctor: HE iroundry. - New Pirni....New Goods. deserted have entered Into partnere , riviE subscriber, htvhig purchased al tut rilip In the HARDWARE k'GROC ERI I 1 •Foundry of Messrs. Zorbaugh,guimice,, business, at the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, (formerly Warrens' Foandry,) has coat es a i n Baltimore street, under the name, style and business, and is now prepared to ofier to the grinof DANNER & ZIEGLER, JRS., and ask, pliblic a larger assortment of Machinery th in and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of. has heretofore been offered, inch as THRESH. tt l e In tronage of the old firm, as wt,l as any DIG m Ac i liv ... , r. Clover Hullers, Fodder, Cut tualitity of new cus t om , They hmejust return- , tern, Corn Shelters, Ilnilliorgan's late improved three different kinds ;and fire different e q d from the cities with an immense stock of , Horse Rake. Also, STOVES, such as Cook s S i t zTif e o B f , Ten-plate Stores. Likewise &WI and Alouge., Iron or Wood. s G u o c od. h s o; c s on e s i i i :t , in s g cr in e s s art h zf n ß a t e i s ild ß in o g it l s tat ix er n i.i k l: : Glass, &c. Tools, i n cluding Ed ze T oo l s °revery tiaw-mill Castings, and all kinds of Turning in description, sanc itts, Augers, SqUftre, Gllflge2 ' , Be - REPAIRING of all kinds on Machinery 'Saws, Planes, Chissels, Harnmers, &c. Bl ac ksmiths will find Anvils, and Castings will be done to order on abort vle „ R a sps, Files, Horse h Shoes, porselhoe ! notice. Patterns made to order; Plough Oast .; end - Damn,k Princes, -g ) tuade • , PLOVGLIS, such as Sella; . Ni, ithcrow, Nails, dre., with them, very e Coach Find- in s r lugs. such as Cloth, Canvass, Plocher, Woodcock, and many Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, s others not mentioned hens; and tight dtferent Spokes. Felles, Bows, Poles, Shafts, &c. Shoe kinds of IRON FENCING, for Cemeteries, •,1 Also; Mortising Machines, one of the hest 7 Porchea or Yards. Trees, ..kc - Tampico, Brush and French Morocco F . ind . Linings. ent of Shoeinaker's tools, I now in use. This with a general assortment _,. inP, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts. Boot s machine works with a lever Cabinet Maker's Tools, a generala.,..,,rtintrit—; by hand; any little boy can manage it. - '---- kc. IRK SEM:EVERS I also Varnish, Knobs, Call and examine our stock; no loubt tint will also find a large assortment of Knive4 and , what we can please. Persons ought to see It Forks, Brittannia. ^ Alhata and St iver-plated Ta- their advantage to buy machinery of any kla ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, ' at. home, where It is manufactured, so that th Slici . vel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and, elm very easilyget any part replaced or repair Brass Kettles. Pans, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, &e. Also, a general assortment of (urged and DAVID STERNER Gettysburg, Feb. 13, 1860. rolled IRON of all sins and kinds ; Cast, Shear, ---___ and Blister ' Steel, whit li they will sell as cheap GROCERIES. I . t, full a n d gen ' as the cheapest. as Crii.hede Pulverised,l eral assortment, such .. Clarified and Brown Sugars ; New Orleans. West India and House Molasses an d Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse • and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; • FiSll ~,te • a full assortment of-eead Turpentine, . , ~ and Zlae, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe, Finding Housekeeping, ' Blacksinith,Cabinet )baker's, Painter's, Glazier's, ' and Grocery line, all of which they are determin e ei Ito sellass low for CASH as any lipase out of HENRY 11. 'DANNER, I the city. i WAY BRIGHT ZIEGLER Gettysburg, May 24, 1858 Notioi. " . undersigned having retired from the T Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, is Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry B. Dann el- and Was-- bright Ziegler, uuder the name and style off' Danner k Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak A liberal share of patronage front old customers, and of the public in general. • !laving retired from the Mercantile business it is necessary that our old busbies should he settled up. We, therefore, notify all thoso &Med to ns either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to Call and settle the same without delay. The books Will be found at the old stand. 3. B. DANNfilt. 11ny 25,1858. Notice MO FARMERS AND METICHANTS.—We have now opened our large and commodious {Warehouse, on the corner 9f Stratton and Rail road streets, near the ,Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: FLOUR. WHEAT, ItyK, CORNMATS, ke. Alan, on hand and for sale, Salt, Guam:at, Plaster, Fiali. Sc. A large atoels of Groceries, just received. consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molassca. Odc, wee s Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-w.ire. kc., which we do not...hesitate to say, we At ill sell at low as can be bought elsewhere. whole-ale and retail. Merchants will do well he calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing where, as our motto will be "quick sales and small profits." We would alb call the attention of all inter ested lip the thrifty and healthful cfoulition of their Cattle, Horses. llrgs, kc., tot he fict that wt have for sale Ilreinig, Frouctield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE roWDER, of which. we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per arta= to Partners and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER., BOLLINGER & CO Gettyaburg, Sept. 5, 1.858. Still at Work ! (30ACHMAKING AND BLACKSMITMNG j —The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public thet he continues the Coachmaking and 131ackstnithing business in tbyery branch at his establishment in Chant bersbarg street. Ho has on hand and will manufactare to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, ke., of the best material, and made by superior work men. Jparltsr/istiNG and BLACI4VIIIIING of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. Cove-tar Pitoocca taken in exchange fn• work nt market prices. r Persons desiring articles or work in the Coachmaking or Bleeksmithing line, are re spet tinily ini tied to call on. JOHN L. HOLTZWOI7.II3 Gettysburg, Jan. 24, 'W. ' Howard Association, pll ILADELPIII.I.—A Benevolent In=titution established by special Radon meat, tur the Relief of the Sick and Distressed. afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs.— Removal. Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting F.RAZER, Clock and Wales:- Surgeon, to till who ap:it,y by letter, with a dt- ALETAXMLII maker, has reasored his shop to the room scription of their condition, (age, occupation, on the West side of the Public Squire, lately habits of life, Jte.,) and in cases of extreme occupied lOr David • . Bueh ler , Fsq ., as a Law poverty Me 'Heine furnished free of charge. °flare wherehe. wilt a l ways be happy to attend VALCABLE REPORT:3 on Spermatorrlicea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and to the ' calls of customers. Thankfill for mist i nears, he hopes. hy strict attention to business, on the NEW REMEDIF:S employed in the DM and a desire to please, to merit ant meive lb. pessary, sent to the afflicted in scaled envelope atronft , :re of the public. free of charge. Two or three Stamps for pow , . t . 1 II ire, t.ettysburg„ . prt ~ J. age will be acceptable. 3 ____ — Address Dr. J. S KILLEN DOUG llTON,Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 &Alai Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pn. By order o the Directors. EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, Gm FAIRCHILD, Se(a„ Pitt Nov. 7, 18511. 1y • Spouting. GEORGE k HENRY WA3IPLEII will hake House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash Jr country produce. Farmers and all others xishing their houses, barns, ac., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. April 13, '53. tf G. & 11. W.A.IIPLER. White Goods A ND EIIBROIDEBIES.—J. L. SCHICK A would invite the ladie4 to examine h is large variety of new style Brill iantes, Canibries, Jaconets, Plitid Cstnbrics, Linens, Collars, Handkerchiefs, *c., &c. [April IG, Clothing ! Clothing! JACOI3 RELNINGER has just returned from the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of STRING AND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle men's wear ever offered In Gettysburg. Ile brut every variety, style and price of goods. While gentlemen eau always find Cloths to salt their tastes they can at the same time hero their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and save money go to the .llerchant Tait nng Establishment of May 7, 1860, JACOB REISINGER, Carlisle street Removal. N SALOON.—GEO. F. ECKENIIODE has E : V entovesi his Oyster establishment to. the splendid new Saloon In Jacobs k Bro's..Bnild ing, on the North side of Charabcrsburg street, wilPre he will at all times be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. liy keeping a good article, be expects to receive a liberal share of public patronage. TLIETI.“ 4 SOUP, CIIICKEN, BEEF TONGUE, PIG' FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, &c., In their season. A nice Wass of ALE or LAGER can always be had.— Come and try me. G. F. ECKENEODS. April 2, 1840. An Invention 7"11IAT is not a humbug , may be seen at 'thy Ware Zoom of &lUDS tr. BOWLES—a eV ' WI "WAS Mttabbies about the utility of which there can be notnistake. , It it inidoebt wily the beet Washing Machina that has ever beets • leveete4. It, oast 'peek for Itself.— Toirasblp tights fbrrale on ralsonabh.tesuro Mitch*, also for sate., Gall and see it. - lidy y, 111911. ' 1 -- Il' Err= do Dos botheire %try them sod coaviseo, that Tl' PICTUBIS sett = s t h" bd'C i lioopest toilful to At Eldistder.- , - laollorr N. N. cor. of the Diontoed, Gott7obire Cannon & Adair's NEW MARBLE WORKS, corner of Haiti more and East Middle streets, directly op posite the new Court House, Gettysburg.— Having recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest st)le of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in our line, to furor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertaiqing to our business, at the loa est pos sible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work shall be put up in a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to he seen in the cities, where every improvement which experience has suggested is availed of, and especially do we guarantee that our Ceme tery aptl 0111 TC Yard work Anil be so carefully set as not to be affected by frost, but shall main tain for years that erectness of position given at the completion ofa job, and so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. Nov. 28, 1859. tf Dr. - Esenwein.'s - T AR AND WOOD NArTDA. PCOR.I , is the hest Medicine in the world for t h e Cure °, Coughs nod Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Pulpitation of the Heart, Diptherin, and for the relief of patients in the advanee4 stages of DAVID ZIF:GLE:R. Coniumption. together with ail Diseases ti - the Throat and Chest, and which pre dispose to Consumption. hi is peeurtorty adapted to the ruined ears of AstAletet, Being prepared by a practical Physician sect Drugzi.t, and one of great experience In the care of the various disomses to which the hse. man frame is liable. It k offered to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try it nrul be convinced that it is invaluable in the (•ore or Bronchial affections. Pries In rents per bottle. si:ir Prepared Only by DR. A. ESENWRiN k CO , Druggists and Chemists. .'. Wpm.. Ninth k Poplar likt"Sold by every mlllOll.llllB Druggist *NJ Den'er in Med tines throughout the St.ste. April 2, 180). ly 4 Notice to Fara:Lars. JO() )() 0 El).—The highest W.V.:170; price will be paid G)r Wheat, Rya, Corn, Oita, Barley, Clove -seed, Timothy-seed, Flour, ky at the large yellow Warehouse, west einteif Ne' Oxford. • peji—Ortano, Pla.4ter, Mt. Le.. and a - largo and well pelected stork of Lotoloot and Coil constantly on.hand and for s•tle at mr' Ware. hout.e. FRANK. 111.11i811. Ne Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859. tf IGETTI - Sill' .-Th eon de t*ned informs the citizens of the towel And msty, that he has commenced the RAKING busiut.s, on is large scale, in York street, tiettplairg. nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve. and hopes to receive. a liberal pntron apv. BREAD, 1101,1.5, CAKES, VRACKEIN, PRETZELS: kr.. &c., baked every day,(Sun days excepted,) all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on. and orders to any amoitnr, from this and adjoining coon ties, supplied at the shortest notice. liarlmr erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the wet up proved machinery, he is prepared to do a keavy business. July 35,1859. rfiIEAP GOODS!! ILINDSOXR GooDsvr --Just received, a large assortment of cheap and desirable DRY GOODS of every va riety. at aatonishi»gly low prices, and which lf* offer to the public. Having purchased oar stock in Sea York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, and haling 11.1t1 the benefit of the market of three cities, and being selected with grestsare, we can safely guarantee to those inside* to purchase anythin g in onr line that they cannot fail to be pleased both as to quality and puce. We have received the latest styles Ana patients of goods both for Ladies and Gentlemen, to which we invite their attention. Call sad ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. FAIINESTOCK BROTIJERS, Apt it 9,1860. Sign of the Red Front. Adams County . MtrAL FIRE I NSPANCg COMPAN Incorporated Stout:L-18, 1851. °truss, Pretiient—George Swope. rim Presidsat—S. It. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Trensurer—Dar id M'Creary. Esieutine Cosusitts•--Robert. McCard,y,lseob King, Andrew Ileintselman. Managers—George Swope, U. A. Billeidet e hb. cab sing, A. Heintsrlinan IL 11/Curdy, m A. Mani:tall, S. Fab nestock, Wm. t mus*. Wm. H. Wilson, M. Hichelberges, Abdiel FARM, John Wolford, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright. John Horner, IL G. McCreary, 8. R. Russell, P. ll'Creary, Andrew Polley, Jobe Picking, J. B. Hersh. bar This Company is In its opera.' bons to the county of Adams. It has betel* soccessfltl operation for more , tban six years, and In that period kits paid all looses and as:.: penses, without any aftwiatiod,baying as* starlit surplus capital 16 the Treasury. TbscOois.• puny employs no Agents—ail business Wet done by the Managers, who are same= ed by the Stockholders. Any poses an Insurance Pull Stockholder to any et the alliq !pamed Managers for further gar The ExecntiVe Committee meets 111110* office of the Company on the last Wednesday i n e very month, .13, P.M, • • ". Rept. 27. 1858. . Scott, (bele of a* Arm of Winedissior. UIINTIMINNII SHIRT NANUFACTONT, No. 814" not niftiest, (aessly osltirtho Ofrovst Ptalsdoislila." tW. SCOTT would ' q.eanibit ittaktion of b 1 Aro* is so 4 Meads told* twor Store, sad fortistosssifis ortieffbeNDlNTS it short imam A g ;A. fIEIWWW,. (70UNTIN TOON' *arts* etinto* sod effuyilt; , OctMl lBs, - -- .131 C"st "Box 6 11.111.11 ' 1 ..614irsbargt Something New VILENTINE BAUPEL New Goods!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers