~~,~ 'ore 113 ~i icy 0041 S ! FAXCT GOODS, 0 zoirssr, TRINXISGS, ALFA TOTS, sad Retail, u Cheap as any place laßeittaore. lii rwrimur Erntirr, lALTIXURE, ior Orders promptly stSomsded to. Julie Id, 18tit). ly George M. Bokee, 11 - 11TORTKR and Dealer in CHINA. GLASS St QUEESSWA.P.F., o. 41 Koetb Howard Street, between Lcitke toa astd Fayette dtreeti, BALTIMORE. STONEWMIE always on hand, at Factory prices. June IS, lddu. Iy Baltimore YELL ASD BRASS WORKS. 53 Holliday street, Baltimore, Md. REGESTER k BB,th• Proprietors, are prepared to furnish ZZLLS of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,00 u posed., which are warranted equal in qnality 'Sr tune, prolongation of bouud and durability, to any made in the United States. Our Bells are made of the best materials. ihoranted to give entire sati,faction; also. against breakage. Farm Bells. r.tngilig from 10 to 100 pounds, always en hand at northern prices. For Certificates with lull particulars, send for one of our Circulars. Aug. 29, 18'.:.9. ly School Accounts. TAW G. FAIINESTOCK. Treasurer, in &e -lf count with the Gcttyeburg School DlA trictifrom April 6, 1859, to July 1860 na e„..4.1 To cash unhands atsettl men April 6, 1859, OntstandingTA , " and 1557,in bands of S. Weaver, 155 41 Do. 1857 and 1538, 400 71 Do. 185$ and 1859, 1370 83 Assessment foryear 1859 and 1860, 3805 25 Cash received In loans, 600 00 for Lot, 231 70 SI for Tuition, &c., 63 30 State Appropriation, 1860, 187 70 on, By cash paid for Tuition, Interest, ' Janitor, 41 'Building, ne., Sundries, llitoaeratioas, Coatasiseloo to Collectors, u to Treasurer, Dalaace of Duplicate of 1857, " " 1858, " " - 1859, Balsams La bands of Treasurer, The Committee appointed to audit the Re port hare done .o, and submit toe abort state ment of the condition of the School Fund. P. A. BUEHLER, T. D. CARBON, Ccasaittee. July 18, 1860 The Only Preparation xi - AVIS° PROOFS SO STRONG AND DI RECT AS TO EXPEL THE WATTS OF 1,,,—.V0r lituteoman, Judges, Editors, Phy sicians of the oldest schools as well as new, give it their unqualified sanction, and recom mend It for all cases of eruptions, and diseases of the scalp and brain ; but all who have used lt, unite, lu testifying that it will preserve the hair front being gray, and front tailing to any esp i al well as restore. Read the following: Oar. (lauva, S. C., June 24th, 1859. Ploy. 0. J. Woon—Dear Sir:—Your Hair Restorative is rapidly gaining popclerity in this eon:mashy. I ha% e had occasion coley preju dice aside, and givs your Hair Restorative a perfect test Daring the year 1854, I was so unfortunate as to be thrown from my sulky against a rock near the roadside, from wkich my head received a most terrible blow ; causing • great deal of Irritation, which communicated to the brain aed external surface of the head, from the ef feots of which my hair was finally destroyed over the entire surface of the head. From the time I first discovered its dropping, however, up to the time of its total disapperauce, I em ployed everything I could think of, being a professional man myself, and, as I thought, an `derstending the nature of the disease, but was dually defeated in every prescription advanced. These and no other circumstances induced me to resort to y our worthy Hair Restorative, which I have every reason to believe, produced • very happy result; two months alter the first application, I had as beautiful a head of young hair as I ever saw, fur which I certainly owe you my most sincere thanks. Rest assured, dear air, I shall recommend your remedy to all inquirers; moreover, I shall use my influence, which I flatter myself to say, is not a little. You can publish this if you think proper. Yours, very respectfully, M. J. WRIGHT, M. D. Office of the Jeffersonian, Philippi, Va., I . December 12th. 1858. f MAR SLR 1-4 feel it my duty as well as my pleasure, to state to you the following circum stance, which you can use as you think proper. A gentleman of this place, (a lawyer,) has been bald ever since his early youth ; so much so, that he was compelled to wear a wig. lie was induced to use a buttle of your "Hair Restora tive," which be liked very much and after using some two or three bottles his hair grew out quite luxuriantly, and be now has a hand some head of hair. The gentleman s name is Bradford, and as be is very well known in our adjoining coupties, many persons can testi fy to the truth of this" statement I give it to you at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a great dial of your Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties if you have the proper geats. Yours, Lc., ....THOMPSON 5I'll(11INOTI. Da WoOD—near Sir i—Permit me to express the obligations 1 am under fc.r the entire re storation of my hair to its original color about the time of my arrival in the United States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the ap plication of your " Hair Ite.toratice" it soon recovered its original hat. I consider your Restoratives as a very wonderful lactation, quits efficacious as well as agreeable. S. THALBERG. The nestoratlre Is pnt np in bottles of three vises, rise large, medium, and small ; the small holds I a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than the scald, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tails for fa. 0. J. ROOD a CO., Proprietors, 444 Broad way, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Look", Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. (Jane 18, 1860. 3m New News Depot. Tisubscriber has just opened a NEWS ILPOT on Baltimore street, nearly oppo site Falumwtocks' store, where will constantly' ' toeSssind say and everything in the reading liati ) et II strictly moral characters All the 31laguaines, Periodicals, Literary ekly and Daily, together with Music, =166 - Cosfections, Cigars, Tobacco, Cakes, sad 4 setts of notions, in endless variety.— wadi piss know the news? Then send in pagans* all ye who thirst for knowledge, sastistiowaria wilt be supplied by •••• - • CHARLES LINDERMAN. Geelysls66l, April 9)1860, Private Sale. at Privait atie , Aim 11101781 t AND .160 T, on High WI .11011048otosio• ?oven. The • iii~ati Way ilnnzki new, with s ' • sad • well of water. Terns - DAUM P. prrraNTrßy. It, VIM tf il ---- rw „„ variety ofkacy mad plain OV&I aihist rmisms ohm's on Wad as the TYSON 1,8110. TheiCrittersars.. JPartnershlp heretofore existing between acob Bastress and Charles F. Winter, in' the Products, Mercantile, Coal and 'Lumber business, is this day, by mutual consent. die , solved. All accounts will be settled by J. • Bastrecs, at the old stand. • Catntokt_4lt Adait's STEW RA.RBLE WORKS, cornet of Balti -11 more and List Riddle streets, directly op posite the new Conrt !louse, Gettysburg.— Hai leg recently arrived from Philadelphia,.and titling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishiag to procure anything in our line, to favor us "Pith • call and examine specimens of our work. We New Firm. I are prepared to furnish MONCMENTS, TOMBS JACOS BASTRESS and JACOB PETERS AND HEADSTONES. MARBLE MANTLES, have entered into Partnership in the above SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work business, at the old stand. (the large brick appertaining to our business, at the lowest pos- Warehouse ) and respectfully solicit a cocain's- ' cable prices. We 9 do uut hesitate to guarantee ante of the patronage hitherto bestowed upon that ogr work shall tie put up in a manner sub the old firm. They will, at all times, psv the otantial and tasteful equal to the best to be highest cash prices for FLOUR, GRAIN.SEEDS, seeu in the cities, where every improvement Ac , kc., nod have constantly on hand LUM. which experience has suc,re , ted is availed of, BER. COAL, SALT, PLASTER, GROCERIES, and especially do we guarantee that our Cenie- Ac at the lowest rates. w tern and Grab e Yard work shall be so carefully set us not to be affected by frost, but shell main tain for year , ' that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, and so necessary to continued gracefulness and symmetry. SOT. 2tS, tf ES REALING FOR EVERYBODY, AND ALL KLiDS OF READING.—The undersigned most respectfully announces to the reading public that he hits opened • new Periodical Store and News Depot to the room recently oc cupied fur that , purpose by Messrs. Aughin baugh & Son, in Carlisle street, a few doors chore the Washington House, where he is pre raced to meet the wants and suit the tastes of the literary world. The city Dallies will be received and delivered promptly. All the leading Magazines, Periodi cals, Literary Journals, Pictorials, Ballads, Muskiand in fact any and everything in the News and Periodical line will be found at the new establishment of JOSEPH BROADHEAD. ,'Subscriptions to papers, magasises. Ac., received at all times. Give us a call. J. 11. April 2, 1860. 3m 'BO. Summer Arrangement. '6O. NE Black Frock Coats, cheap at "PICKING'S. RAB and Brown Casaimen Frock Coat., very cheap, at PICKING'S. s A a l t 'K Coats, of all colors, retngl c aZl o4 i o cis s eap, I[ l7 ARSEILLES, Frock and Sack Coats, no toriously cheap, at PICKING'S. CK Coats, Linen, 'Sacks and Frocks, un reasonably cheap, at PICKING'S. 0. 1 Black Cassiusere Pants, astonishiugly cheap, at PICKING'S. -OCY Cassimero Pants, pleasingly cheap, at PICKING'S. ITINETT, Duck and Linen Pants, uncom monly cheap, at PICKING'S. OTTON Pants, all colon, unusually cheap, at PICKING'S. DVS' Coats, Vests and Pants, certainly very cheap, at PICKING'S. ATIN and Silk Vests, good and positively cheap at PICKING S. ARSEILRS and Nankanet Vests, anpre. cedentedly cheap, at PICKING'S. SPENDERS, Shirts, Collars, Socks. Stocks, Gloves, he., ~ o rfnl" cheap, at PICKING'S. LOCKS and Jewelry of all kinds, confound ed cheap, at PICKING'S, lOLINS, Fifes, Flutes, ic., most "dogged" cheap, at PICKING'S. REVOLVERS, Pistols, Knives, kc., a all fired " cheap, at PICKING'S. AGREAT many other things, among which are Fly Nets, drivingly cheap, at Picking's. i :4_[3l Coats, Leggings and Caps, which takes ki everything else in town down for cheap ness, at PICKING'S. $33 GO $6,60, 50 $2791,33 637 , 06 89 33 717 03 370 81 264 80 113 79 39 58 73 91 214 11 1233 47 81 28 56,608 SO - EIVICRYBODY will please tall at PICKING'S, 4 as a matter of course. [April 30,'C0. MBE subscriber has laid in • large stock of Gas Chandeliers, Brackets, Burners, kc., to which he invites the attention of the citizens of Gettysburg. His prices are as low as they are in the cities. Call in and see for yourselves. Ware Room in York street, opposite the Bank. May 'I, 1860. WM. HELVE. Notice to Stockholders. Nroncs is hereby given to subscribers to the 1 . 11( Capital Stock of tbe GI TTYSIIOIBO GAS COMPANY that paymentof the 2d instalment on each share of stock (one-fifth of each share,) subscribed, payable on the Ise of July int., is hereby required to be made to Joel B. Danner, the Treasurer of said Company, at his office in his house, in the Borough of Gettysburg, agree nbly to the terms of subscription. By the Act of Assembly relating to Gas Com panies, if notice for the payment of subscriptions of stock be not complied with, thewompany can reeorer one per cent. per month interest on the amount due and unpaid. M. JACOBS, Pres't. D. licCossconr, Seey. July 2, 1860. Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! WE have just recetved from the city of Net, York a large assortment of Wall Paper of the newest patterns and desiglos.— Glazed, Marble and Oak, velvet and plain bor der, decoration, lire board prints and window shades.. Wall Paper from 8 cents per piece and upwards. R. F. McILkiELNY. March 28, 1860. The Great California Elea Lion i OW on exhibition at Barnum's 'Museum is no longer a curiosity, when compared wt the exceedingly low prices of Pictures ta ken at Weaver's Photographic Car, which has at last come to Gettjsburg, and is situated in the South-west corner of the Diamond, directly in front of Mr. Schick's Variety Store, where Mr. W, is happy to invite all his old patrons and the public generally, as he is now fully pre pared to accommodate them with good and truthful Likenesses, in all the various styles of the Art—having recently secered the services of E. 11. Bcame, of New York, who has had Mv eral years of practical experience, in all its branches. Photographs, Ambrotypes, Enamel ed Types, Ambropraphs, Melitineotypes, Ster escopes, &c., taken et the lowest rates. Auto graph Portraits-12 for Sl—suitable for visit ing cards, to send by mail, &c. Old and faded Daguerreotypes enlarged and copied, pictures taxen for rings, breastpins, lockets, ic. Please call and examine specimens and then judge. P. , 'S.—Views of Buildings, Landscapes, Farms, &c.; also deceased persons taken. June 18. SAMUEL WEAVER. CORNER AHEAD T --J. C. GUINN k BRO. have just received from the eastern cities, a large and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are offering to the public at prices which cannot fail to satisfy all—among which is a oplendi.l assortment of Dc Lames, Poil de Chevers, Barbadoes, Berne, Lawns and Calicoes, of every grade, style and price. Also, a splendid assortment of Gentle men's Wear of every description, Cloths sud Cassimeres, black and fancy ; a splendid stock of Vestings, Velvet, Satin and Marseilles—and in fact any and everything in the Dry Goods lin e. Would you buy good Goods, pretty Goods, cheap Goods, and secure great bar,zains?— Then call at the cheap corner store of April 16, 1860 A. SCOTT k SON have just received, and are now opening, at their establishment in Cnambersbnrg it., opposite the " Eagle Ho tel," a Imge, choice and desirable stock of SPRING GOODS, which they offer to the pub lic, satisfied that goods ma's be sold cheaper than they are now offering them. Oar stock com prises all the chffetent styles and qualities of I..4..DLES` AMISS GOODS, Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods, Laces, he., he. For MEN and BOYS' WEAR we hays our usual variety, in style, quality and price. Our customers will always Had our stock of Domestic Goods full, cheap and complete. We iurite all to give as • call sad examine our stock, satisfied that an examination is all that is necessary to convince all that oar's is the cheap store. No trouble to show goods.— Thankful for past eticouragesent, sad would respectfully ask a continuance of the same. A. SCOTT k SON. N. B. Country Produce taloa is sections' or Goode. [April 14,1860. TYSON s BRO, ut costbsaally taralag oat Laadaosto colored Photarspits from mall picture*. aktrisi *a your "tiny " atm sad let iu wake something worthy a Sate ea year parlor wall. >i a celiior aq, Govatm:i. March 31. 1660 JACOB BASTRESS, JACOB PETERS. New Orford, April 9,18 GU. (Au* Now Periodical Storo. Gm ! Gas ! Gas ! The North West J. C. GUINN I BRO Spring 1860. BA.STRF.S9, C. F. WINTER. A h LEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch maker, has removed his i•liop to the room on t e West side of the Public square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq., as a Law Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of ciiitomers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes. by strut attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 1851• The Greatest Discovery ICIF THE AGE.—lnflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by acing H. L. il LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent cititeris of this, and the adjoining counties, hare testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by say specific Introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle.. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by H L.MILLER, Wholsesale and Retail Druggist. East Berlin, Adams county,.Pa.. yielder In Drugs. Chemicals, Oil., Varnish. Spirits,- Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Peri - ornery, Patent Medicines , he.. kc. EWA. D. Buetiler is the Agent in Gettysburg for " H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mix ture." [Oct. 24, 1859. ly CIIEAP GOODS!! HANDSOSIE GOODS!!! —Just received, a large assortment of cheap and desirable Dm - GOODS of every va riety, at astonishingly low prices,and which we offer to the public. Having purchased our stock in New Yolk, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and having hid the benefit of the market of three cities, and being selected with great care, we can safely guarantee to tho4e wishing to purchase anything in our line that they cannot fail to be pleased both as to quality and price. We have received the latest styles and patterns of goods both for Ladies and Gentlemen, to which we invite thbir attention. Call and ex amine before purchasing eisephere. FAHNESTOCK 'BROTHERS, April 9, 1860. Sign of the Red Front. TAR AND WOOD NAPTILA PECTIMAL, is the best Medicine in the world for the Cure of Cougbi and Colilq. Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Diptheria, and for the relief of patients in the Coced stages of Consumption, together with all Diseafts of the Throat and Chest, and which pre dispose to Consumption. It is peculiarly adopted iu ate radroul cure of A Woos, Being prepared by a practical i'hysieisn and Druggist, and our of great experieues in the cure of the various diseases tow bich the hu man frame is liable. It it offered to the afflicted with tkillgreatest confidence. Try it and be convinced that it Is invaluable in the cure of Bronchial alfcettons. Price 50 ears per bedlle. bar Prepared only by DR. A. ESENWEIN k CO., Druggists and Chemists, N.W. COT. NlO/11 k Poplar Sts., POIL•DILTHIJL. se-Sold by erery respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicines throughout the State. April 2, 1860. ly • 1.• TREATS ALL DISEASES.—D:I BAAKEE AU girt special attention to the following diseases; Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the Nose, Ifoutb, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin diseases—Lum bago, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Rheurna ism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Baakee can pro duce one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Scald Heads, Wens, Swellings and Tu mors of every description sad without the use of 'the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's persona: superviiion. DR. BAAKEE has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATAZACT, and restore perfect vistas' to the Eye without the use of the knife or needle, and lie cures all diseases of ;be EYE .n:130 EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and he has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Also, a large as sortment of Ear Trumpets of all sizes and every description known in the world. Also, a large assortment of beautiful Artificial Rands, with Wrist, Arm and Elbow attachments. Also, of Feet, with Ankle, Leg and Knee-joint attach ments—natural as nature itself. These articles can be sent by Expre s s to any part of the world. Dr. 13aakee is on• of the most celebrated and skillful Physicians and Surgeons now living His fame I: known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters address ed to Dr. liaakee mu 41. contain ten cents, to pay postage and incidental espen , e , All Chr.mic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex rept those mentioned. that will require hi.; per conal super% isiou. Office hours from 9A. M., to 4 P. M. DOCTOR DAA KEE, 637 Broadway, a lea - doors below Meeker street, May 14, le6o. ly New York City. 1860. Fresh Spring Goods. 1860 N\ TS AND CAPS.—R. F. 11c1L1fliNY would respectfully iniite the attention of the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to his large and complete stock of Hats and Caps, which he has Jett opened, embracing nearly every variety of style now in the market, con sisting in part of Men's No. 1 Silk Hats, Men', broad-rim Russia Hats, Men's Felt and Soft Hats, Men's Seamless Caps, Boy's Soft and Wool Hats. Also, a large and superior stock of STRAW GOODS, comprising Men's Straw, Leghorn and Panama Hats, Misses' and Infants' lists, Flats, Bloomers and Shaker Hoods, all of the latest and most fashionable styles. Thoss wishtng to sate money and buy cheap will do well hi calling on him before purchasing else where, as he is selling very low for cash. April 23, 1880. B. F. McII.,IIRNY. TLXI3 AND PLASTER--of all kinds constant.- 4 ly on hand, which we are selling at small pr.:lu for CASU. All Coal, *c., must be cash on delivery. BREADS t BUEHLER. Jan. 23, 1860. JEST received and now opening, a large and varied itast.rtntent of QUINfiNdIiVARS, to which we invite the attention of Myers. April 16. A. SOOTT Jt SON. CARPSTB.—Another addition to oar fins stock of carpeting" just received ) to Which we invite the attention of housekeepers. TAHNtSTOCK BROTHERS. ItLABOR I of Crookary sad Quimposworo for salt RI DIOBBICK 4 4.11401, Removal. New Goods ! Dr. Esenwein's Dr. Baakee Lumber and Coal, , 60,000 COKES ALREADY SOLD, Everybody's Lawyer SD coussaLLes IN BUSINESS by Feist Oaosny, of the Philadelphia 8... . . t tells Yoe Row to draw up Partnership Pa pars and gives general forms fo Agreements of all kinds, Bills o Side, Leases and Petitions. It Tells Yon How to draw up Bonds and Mort gages, Afilidai its, Powers of At torney, Notes and Bills of Ex change, Receipts and Releases. It Tells You The Lws for the Collection of Debts, with the Statutes of Limi tation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Essicuuma in every State. It Tells You Bow to make en Assignment properly, with forms for Cotopu,i elm' with Creditor,. and the In solvent Laws of every State It Tells You The legal relations existing be tween 13 (lard's n and Ward. %Lister and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells Yon What constitutes Libel and Slan der, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Eight in Proper ty, Divorce and Alimony. It Tells Ton The Law for Mechanics' Liens its every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and bow to comply with the same. It rena You The Law Concerning Pensions and bow to obtain one, and the Pre- Eruption Laws to Public Lands. It Tells You The Law fur Patents, with mode of proctdure in obtaining one, with Interferences, Assignments and Table of Fees. It Tells You How to make your Will, and how to Administer on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof In every State. It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative, Executive and Ju dieial Powers of both the General and State Governments. It Tells You Bow to keep out of Law, by show ing how to do your business le gally„thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litiga lion, by its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, to Every Farmer, Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody In Every State, on receipt of $l,OO, or in law style of binding at $1:25. larl,ooo A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information. apply to or ad dress, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher ' No. 617 Samson' St., Philadelphia, l'a. May 21, 1860. WHAT EVI3Y IVANTS: - The Family Doctor : t CIONTAINING Simple ReMedies, easily oh- I 1„, tained, for the Cure of Disease in all forint Br Prof. [lssas S. TAYLOR, M. D. is Tette You How to attend upon the siii6 and bow to cook for them; 111Pw to prepare Drinks, Poultices. &c., and hOw to guard against In fection from Contagious Dis rasps, , IT Tette You Of the various diseases of Chil dren, and gives the best and simplest mods of treatment during Teething, Convulsions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough, )(miles, tee. Tatts You The symptoms of CroUp, Cholera Infantum, Colic, Diarrlicra, Worms, Stalled Head, Ring worm, Chicken-pox, kr., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. Iv Tett, You The symptoms of Fever and Ago*, cud Bilious, Yellow, Typhus. Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives you the hest and simplest remedies for their cure. Iv Tow, You The symptoms of Influenza, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsy.Gout,ltheunietimis.Luru- Lego, Erysipelas. 4c., and Kites you the best remedies for their ours. It Tstta To The symptoms of Cholera Nim bus, Malignant Cholera. Small pus, Dysentery, Cr imp. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Lister, and the hest remedies fur their cure. IT 'Pitts You Thesympumis of Pleiirisy.Humps, Neuralgia, Apoplexy, Paralysis, the various Diseaecs of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the head remedies fur their cure. It Tette You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaen- I dice, Piles, Rupture, Diseases,' the Heart, Hemorrhage, Ve. Must! Diseases, and ilydro-1 phobia,and gives the best reme dies for their cure. It Tette You The best and simplest treatment fur Wounds, Broken Bones and Di.locations, Sprains. Lockjaw,' Fever Sores, White Swelling., Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, • Burns and Scrofula. It Tette You Of the various diseases of Women, of Child-birth, and of lleustru-1 stion; Whites, Barrenness, he., and gives the be.t and simplest remedies for their core. The work is written in plain language, free from medical terms, so as to be easily under stood, while Its simple recipes may soon save t you many times the coat of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type •, is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid, on reeeipt 44'111.00. Ipirl,ooo A YEAR can be made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling the above, work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or ad. deem, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 21, 'lB6O. thn Clothing ! Clothing ! TACOB REININGER has just returned from J the cities with the prettiest and cheapest lot of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS for Gentle men's wear ever offered in Gettysburg. He has every variety, style and price of goods. While gentlemen can always find Cloths to suit their tastes they can at the same time have their measures taken and a garment put up to order upon the shortest notice, in the most substan tial manner, and fashionable style. To secure bargains and save money go to the Merchant Tailoring Establishment of JACOB REININGER, Carlisle street. May 7, 1860 Removal. XTEW SALOON.—GEO. F. ECKENRODE has removed his Oyster establishment to the splendid new Saloon in Jacobs t Bros. Build ing, on the North aide of Chambersburg street, where he will at all times be prepared to serve up the best of OYSTERS, in every style. ➢y keeping a good article, he expects to receive a liberal share of public patronage. TURTLE SOUP, CHICKEN, BEEF TONGUE, PIG'S FEET, TRIPE, BOILED and FRIED EGGS, ICE CREAM, BIRDS, kc., in their season. A nice glass of ALE or LAGER can always be bad. Come and try Inc G. F. ECKENRODE. April 2, 1880. New Spring Goode. L. SCHICK has just received and eters fbr • sale the most desirable assortment of DRY (.100DS ever brought to Gettysburg, cosutiating in part of Spring Saks, Plain Black do., Foular ds, Blring de Lain's, Oriental Lustros. Also, Bombazines, Alpsecas, De Beges Ging hams, Cairns, BTUBomar, Shepitsrdra Maids, Crape do Bspaage s Tissue Barnes, to. April 111, 180. An Invention PEAT Is sot a humbug, may be seesott the Ware Room of MADE k t Washing Machine, obese the utility of black them eta be so mistake. hi. undoubt edly the best Washtag Mukha that has ever been Invented. It must speak fbr Township rights for sal* ea niasesabla taros. Machines also foe sale. Call sad see It May t, A New Feature IN' the bu.iness of the Exci•iirior Sky-light Gallery. During our late visit to the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, we selected splendid assortment of STEREOSCOPIC PIC TURES, comprising English, French, Venitian, Egyptian, Italian and American Scenery, Sta tuary Groups, kc. Our prices for pictures will range from 12 to 40 cents apiece. We also have • fine lot of STEREOSCOPIC BOXES, which u e ()Keret reduced prices. The public general ly are invited to call and see our large revolving Box, containing 50 pictures, and we insure to all lovers of the Fine Arts a pleasant visit. We are also prepared to make Stereoscopic Pictures, either Portraits or Views, at reason able rotes. TYSON 1 BRO., April IG, 1860 Gettysburg Foundry. TIA subscriber, having purchased th Foundry of Messrs. Zorbaugh, Stoat k Co., (formerly Warrens' Foundry,) has commenced business, and is now prepared to otter to the public • larger assortment of Machinery titan has heretofore been offered, such as THRESH ING MACHINES, Clover Hullers, Fodder, Cut ters, Corn Shelters, and Morgan's late improved Horse Rake. Also, STOVES, such as Cook Stoves, three different kinds ; and five differeut sizes of Ten-plate Stoves. Likewise Mill and Sew-mill Castings, and allkinds of Turning in Iron or Wood. ecirREPAIRING of all kinds on gachinery and Castings will be done to order on short notice. Patterns made to order ; Plough Cast ings ready made ; PLOUGHS, such as Seylur, Witherow, Plocher,• Woodcock, and many others not mentioned here; and eight different kinds of IRON FENCING, for Cemeteries, Porches or Yards. Also, Mortising Machines, one of the best now in use. This machine works with a lever by hand; any little boy can manage it. Cull and examine our stock ; no doubt but what we can please. Persons ought to see it their advantage to buy machinery of any kind at home, where it ie manufactured, so that they can very easily get any part replaced or repaired. DAVID STERNER. Gettysburg, Feb. 13, 1860. Grain and Produce House, OCHAMBERSBURG STREET.—The un deraigned having purchased the large building in the rear of his store on Chambers bursburg street, known as "Camp's Brewery," has converted it into • Produce Warehouse, and iv now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain and Produce, to wit : FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, Seeds, kc., for which the highest market price will he given. shay-To accommodate those who may prefer it, I will also receive on COMMISSION and forward Produce of all kinds, havitg made ar rangemeats for tkat purpose with a rtapousible house in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Store, Lucid keep on hand GIitiCERISS of•all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar,illolasses. Teas, Rice, OUs, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, kc. Having Just received a very large supply, purchased on rernartaWy fityontble terms, I am prepared to furnish l'Ountry Dealers very cheaply, and will sell nt all timed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The pnblfic are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am-determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of " Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT. GettybOurg, Sept. 5, 1859. Notioe to Farmers. 100 1 0 0 0 1 1: 1 1; 8 . " T ee G I 11 . 1 1 1 it N t Ye; price a ill. he paid fur Wheat, Rye, Corn, (late, Harley, Clover-seed, Titnothy-seed. Flour, kc., at the large yellow Warehouse, west end of Sew Osfard. zeir-Uttano, Plaster. Salt, ke.., and a lnrge and sell selected stock of Lumber and Coal constantly on hand and for sale at ate• Ware- IMM New Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859'. tf Something-New IGETTYSBVItG.—The uodersigned informs the citizens of the town suit county, that he has comnienced the BAKING business, on a large scale, in York street, Gettysburg. nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve.d hopes to receive, a liberal patron age. BR EAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, to., to., baked every day, (Sun. days excepted.) all of the best quality, and sold at the loweit living profits. Cracker-baking in all its breaches is Largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coon. ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Haring erected a isrmand commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved machinery, be is prepared to do a heavy business. VALENTINE SAI:PEE, July 25,1059. Use Shriner's 13 - 4.I.SAXIC COUGH SYRUP. AS A FAAILY RFAIRDY IT HAS NO EQUAL I TESTIXONY or CLEIIOIOIII3 EM borne Is is to certify, that on the re eomineudatioci of a regular and skilful physi cian we have used the Balsamic Cough Syrup" prepared by W. E. Shiner, in our fami ly, and find it ti answer well the pt.zpoves for which it is prepared. 8. 8 Paitor of Lutheran Church. Taueytowu, Jld Read the following Letter from Rev. H. P. Jordan : rxiorrowx, Md. W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :-1 hare given your - Balsamic Cough Syrup " a fair trial, and am happy to say that I have never tried any. th , ng that relieved ate so soon. I bare also given it in my family with the same good ef fects in every instance. It is certainly a must excellent remedy, and ought to be in every fami ly. The exceeding low price at which it is sold places it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty I have taken in the.' giv ing my experience in the use of the Syrup unso licited by you. Respectfully yours, H. P. JoanA.x TUTIIOXT OF FiIIYSICIANS. Lc , Frederick co., Md Mr. Shriner :—At your request, I bars ex swine i the composition of your " Balsamic Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the ingredients, and having witnessed its goad ef fects, I can recommend it to the public as valuable compound for Coughs. Cold, and all chronic pulmonary affections. Tnus.Six,H.D. Tastrrows, Md. I have prescribed W. E. Shrmer's " Balsasnie Cough Syrup" in my practice for several years, and regard it as an excellent medicine it Coughs, Colds, and all Bronchial affections. San I. SWOPIt, M. D. TIT. TRANI' axritaisxmc. Jsrrsaaos, York CO., PA., July 18, 1859. To W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :-1 have been keeping your "Balsamic Cough Syrup" for sale for the last five years, and It has given almost universal satisfaction. It is one pf the most popular Medicines in nse in our neighborhood. Our sales, therefore, have been large, especially last winter, having sold at retail at least ten doses bottles. I therefore do not hesitate to recommend it to the public as a good medicine. Yours, respectfully, lasos Sraratsa. POITIZ'S SIDING, York co., May 17, 1859 W. B. Shriner,—Dear Sir:—Your Cough Syrup is Incoming very popular here. I h a y, been selling it for about two years, and it ey e . more general satisflction than any medicine I hays ever sold. We use—it in our faintly, and would not be without it on any account. For children, it certainly in an invaluable meth.. eine. B. G. tittnasiu.srn. JACT.IO)I, York co., Way 18, 1839. To W. L Shriner :—I consider your Balsamic Cough Syrup one of the beat Cough remedies of the day. There is no medicine I bare ever sold piers each universal satisfaction, and none that I bars media my badly I like so well. • Yours, trimly, C. P. Ramarro. Price, STeta. per bottle, or 3 bottles for $l. Sabi by all amid Merchants. Os& 11, Ladd, W 11 91 BALTIVORE iManufacturet SEWING . for Families and Manufacturing Establishments. Let Manufacturers, Planters, Farmers, House- I keepers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done by machinery, make sore they secure the best, by examining Qum before purchasing. la-Samples of Work sent by mail. wisav courrircves a 0000 BZWING MACHIN'? 1. it. Should be well made, simple in its con struction, and easily kept in order. X. It should make a Tinny Locx-svircst, alike on both sides of the material. It should sew any and all materials that can be sewed. 4. It should be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be able to sew from coarse to fine, and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. S. It should be able to make the tension greater or less, on both the under and upper threads, and with uniformity. T. It should have a straight needle ; Curved ones are liable to break. S. The needle should have perpendiculat mbtloo. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. _ Photographers, Gettysburg, Pa 9. It should be capable of taking is the largest pieces of work. 10. It should be able to bind with a binder, hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. It should be always ready to work. 13. It should be capable of using the same size of thread on both sides of tne''work, and of using different colored thread or silk, above or below, to correspond with any two colors of cloth to be united. 12. It should be able to make a long or short stitch. 14. It should be able to fasten off the seem, and commence sewing tightlyat the first stitch. 15. It should raa easily and make but little noise. 16. It should bate a wheel feed; none others are in constant contact with the work. IT. It should not be liable to getout of order. 18. It should not- be liable to break the thread. nor sklp WOOL 19..1t should not be necessary to use a screw driver or wrench to set the needle. 20. It should not be liable to oil the opera. toes dress. 21. It should not form a ridge on the under side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the case with ALL Cil•IN-STITCH machines 22. it should not be "more trouble than I s worth." 23. Finale, all of these advantages are pos• sassed by our Sewing Machine. LADD, WEBSTER k CO. Dee. 5, 1859. ly rCUICDED 1852. Chartered 1854. Located OR. OF BALTIMORE k CHARLES STS., ALTIMORR, MD.—The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished & Popular Commercial College in the United States. Designed expressly fur Young Men desiring to obtain a Tnoitoron PIIATICAL Busismis EDUCATION in the shortest possible line and at the least expense. _ A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circu lar, containing upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with SCYCIIIEN or I'INItAhSUIP, and a LargeEn grating (the finest of the kind ever made in this conntry) *presenting the Interior View of the College, with Catalogue suiting terms, kc., will be sent to Every Young Man on application, Fats or CHARGE. Write immediately and you will receive the package by return mail. .ildreri, E. S. LUSTER, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 6, IE6O. ly SOFA AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick st, z —the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Matu;enses of Husk, Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AS SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hal Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Giotto', Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are inrited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmansnip is not equalled by any establishment in the country, A. MATHIOT k' SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1850. 17 FRANK. HERSH iktrus, BLACK TEAS, ke. P. TIERNAN tt SON, offer for sale the following articles, of sir own importation, particularly for fami ly use: • Slimy W'orss--•Pemartlne's finest pale, gold and brown Sherries, in wood and in glass.. Pont Wrans—Sandentan's competition red and white Port, in wood and in glass, Msostita WINR--Jolus Howard Masch's fine Madeira, in• wood and in glass I also, -Grows Juice. Hock Wtina—Jahanneiberger, fiteinberger hlarcobrunner, Cabinet, Lioh-f ran -milch, Bron neberg, of 111i6. CnAurausa Wlxus—Poet and Chanion's fin est, in quarts and pinta. • Bitmccuma--Otard and Hennessy a fins old pale and dark Brandies. Rtrms—Old sad fine Jamaica, Antigla, Gren ada. and from the I ands, imported direct from London. HOLLA.ND Grx—The Kest quality Tiernan brand—and no mixture of aromatic poion in it. 200 half cheats of the finest Soucnola -Baltimore, Aug. 29,1859. ly Burr Mill Stones WAIIRANTED—B, F, STARK & CO., Cor. of Nord aid Centre Streets, opposite N. C. R. R. Station, BALTIIIO2.I, Mo. Manufac turers of FRENCH BURRS, Importers and Dealers in Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloth+, Leather and Gurnaßeltingi, Calcined Plaster, and Mill Ir Quality. Also, Colone, Mill Stones of all IliZe3. (Feb, 2T,'60, 17 COMMISSION MERCHANT, :Von. 124 and 126 Sorb!' BALTIMORE, MD I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis.. lion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having an experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give &via. rscrios to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 6, '6O. ly TEWELRY, SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT- O ED WARE, 14.—. A. E. WARNER Gold and Silversmith, So: 10 Norris GAT &mar, MAL TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICA JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing a great variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broach's, Mosaics, Car hankies, kc., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Roby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, kc., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest & Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Piss 4 Ur Banistic. ALSO, A variety of Silver 'taunted k Plated Natant, Cake liaskets,Walters,CandlastiAlt, Batter sad Salt Stands, Pearl Han die DesertKnira,SPoe ss l Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, ho., 041 of vd"u is respect/ally offered on the lowest ti n "' •Th• Country Trade and Dealers general 1 7 are Invited to sae a call, and examine Goods aad Prices, being esti/416d that my Sl4- VER WARS cannot be surpassed either for fineness or quality, or **West and most beau tiful patterns. [Feb. 27, 1880. ly pr01111:8110 GOODS, is every variety, at scawrs, consisting of Primal', Mullis, Musa, Check', Tie/slap, Shadings, 4.. j e"SBA.O F ts % - 40 0. 10 . (11:• A. Mathiot & Son's Wines, Brandies, James H. Bosley, New & Rich Sterstary—D. A. Buehler Treurweer--Dueld M'Creary. Nrectuive Comesittee—,Robert McCurdy, Juni King, Andrew HeintStlmin. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Bushler, Ja cob King, A. Heintzelman R. Weitirdy, ?hoc-- A. Marshall, $. Fahnestock, Wm. McClellan. Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelberger, Abdul F.Oltt, John Wolferd, H. A. Picking, Abel T. Wright, John Horner, ft. G. McCreary, 8. R. Russell, D. M'Creary, Andrew Polley, John Picking, J. R. Hersh. Ber This Company is limited in Its opera tions to the county of Adams, It has been is successful operation for more than six year*, and in that period has paid all losses and es , peines, without arty ass.assvnt, hating also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. Tbe Net , pony employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually 'lead ed by the Stockholders. Any person desittag an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. 11eirThe Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 17, 1858. Notice sr° FARMERS AND MERCIIINTS have now opened our large and commodious &rehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, vi FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, ic. Also, on hand and foe sale, Salt, Guanos, Plaster, Fish, k.c. A large stock of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Nolan*, Oils, Rice, Tess, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, ke., Ate., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to ON and examine our stuck before purchasing else. where, as our motto will be "quick sales sad small profits." We would also call the attention of all inter ested in the thrifty and healtbflal condition of their Cattle, Horses, Hogs, kc., to the fact that we have for sale Breinig, Fronedeld k Co.'s Celebeated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds pet annum to Fanners and Storekeepers. KLINEFHLTER, HOLLLNGEB k CO. • Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1858. New Firm—New Goods. THE undersigned have entered into partnere ship in the HARDWARE h GROCERY business, at the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Baltimore street. under the name, style and firm of DANNER & ZIEGLER, iRS., - and ask, nod will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well u any quantity of new custom. They havejust return" ed from the' cities with en Immense stock of Goods--consisting in part of Building Ealesials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bulls,' Locks, Glass, kc. Tools, including Edge Tools ofevery description, Saws, Planes, Chisseht, Gouges, Braces and Butts, Augers, Squares, Gasps Hammers, he. Blacksmiths will flail Altai, Vices, Rasps, Files, Horst Shoes, Horse-shoo Nails, he., with them, very cheap. Coach FIB& logs, such as Cloth, Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Felines, Bows, Poles, Nhafts,ste. Shoe Findings. Tampico, Brink and French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs. Lasts, Boot Trees, he., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment-- also Varnish, Knobs, he. HOUSEKEEPERS will al , o find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brlttannia, Albion and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Wailers, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Cilium, Carpeting, he. Also, a general assortment of forged lad rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, swab as Crushed, • Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Saville House Molasses *WI Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt; Linseed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, - Ifials,./ite.; a fall assortment of Laid and Zinc. (by Nadia oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Hoasekeeting, Biarkandtb,cabinet Maker's, Painier's,Glassses, and Grocery line,all of which ther are dehemie ed sell as low for CASH as any house °sea the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WISORKIIIT ZIKULEEL Gettysburg, May 24,M138. THE undersigned haring retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the 41 Masud, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry B. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner k Ziegler,Jrs., whom wiwill retiortimaeld to, end for whom we would beep's* a liberal share of patronage from old customers, szoi fal the public in general. having retired from the Mercantile bust am it Is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in, debted to us either by Judgment, Mote ca. !look Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will he *mid at the old stall& J. B. DANNBR. May 3 ISM. DAVID ZIEGLigil, spouting. GROBOR HiCIRY WASIPLEII will wake House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Farsneekisnd all other► sishing their houses, borne, kc., lifents ed, would do well to give them a call. April 15, '53. tf G. kH. WAMPLEL COACIIMAKING AND BLACKSMITH/NO. —The underrigned respectfully 11001161 his friends and the public that be continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmithing business in every branch at his establishment in Chain, bersburg street. lie has on bstd and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., •t the best material, and made by superior work men. gar-Iter•tatxo and BLACISILITEIXO of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptlx and to the satisfaction of customers. Cousrav Paonecx taken in ezchange foe work at market prices. 111&"Persons desiring articles or work In thi Coachmaking or Blacksmithing line, aro rs.‘ spectfully invited to call on JOHN L. I.I.OLTZWOItni Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59. _____ lief Howar d Association, HILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent Institution , established by special Endowment, for the of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially far the Cure of Diseases of the SeAual Organs.-- 'Medical advice given gratis , y the Acting. Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a as- . scription of their condition, (age, peel:Tails'', habits of life, kc.,) and in cases of extrente poverty Medicine furnished free of charge. VALCABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhcess and other Diseases of the Sexual Orgnna,wistlo; on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dies penury, sent to the afflicted in sealedenvelope4 free of charge. Two or three Stamps for poet,* 'ire will he acceptable. Address Dr. J. SULLEN FIOUGHTON,Acdeg Surgeon, Howard AsSociation, No. 2 eloatik, Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order id the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, • Gao. FAIRCHILD, See' y. Prsel. . Nov. 7, 1858. ly .. Goods ND EMBROIDBRIEB.-4. Bow 4would invile the ladies to mania* - , Ta iga of as, style BriWastes, 04411as:ink i secc ote, Plaid (*shrine, Linens, Celine% Handkerchiefs, Itot t 10. [April /6,41HW% PoALI, AT A. SCOTT k SOWS and Oil alk PATIIIIT ailLl-Bims.txn, Elsio.Tannsis, at FRUIT CANS and MRS, whisk asoskg..; most reliable and coorenient vessels lonpre. serving Fruits arid Tegitatilstrqt all - can be proven lq the spontFarkiko6, l , sway. a ALL at TYSON k,1340 1 41 - gallery of Pt e.. Ctography and examine** arr.istanket„ Pme Art, Gettyatioxi, Pa; 10110TELDThiGS. lAnds,cl44B, ' • 4,42. 3 photogrstpise at nett. •4;4 Moir PRO., 01416 Notice. Mtll at Work t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers