lteedir One tAf the greaLeat failures our borough has ever witnessed in the way _of a po litical meeting, was the one called by the "People's Party" of York, on last Thursday night, to organize a Lincoln Club, and ratify the Republican moan nations made at Chicago. Posters were displayed conspicuously through the town announcing that the Hon. ED wAfixt MoPtransox, of the Adams and Franklin District, would address the meeting; the call was published in the Republican papers ; and a band of mar tial music was called iuto requisition to drum up a crowd for the occasion.— After all this effort., the meeting was a perfect failure—not more than twenty five persons being present, at the Club room, the place announced for the meeting. Mr. McPherson must nave been posted by the faithful, for ho nev er made his appearance, and the meet ing despondently forsook the Hall Ind went after him to the Tremont House. Here, a few more passers-by, out of mere curiosity no doubt, gathered in, and Mr. Melherson proceeded to ad dress the meeting. The speaker labor ed hard and long to awaken an entbui slum in the hearts of his despairing and indifferent auditors, but atter ex hausting the small crowd 'which re mained, as well as bitesell, in the effort, he retired, doubtless perfectly satisfi ed that the people of York county are now, as • they ever have been in the t, toy 1, conservative, and Union loving citizens, who indignantly frown tipon sectionalism and the "irrepressi ble conflict" doctrine, whether embodi ed in Mr. Seward himself, the great leader of the Republicans, or Lincoln, who some one Las appropriately desig nated as siinpls', "Seward without Se ward's brains." Hew Mr. Mahenion spoke as well ns ho did under the dis couraging circumstances, is the great est wonder. The crowd was not only small, but, cold and lifeless. No enthu siasm, whatever, can be awakened in this section of the State in favor of a party, which at Chicago indignantly struck the word NATIONAL from its name and plaeforin.—Gazette of Tues day. Tot the Negro, bat the Locality. Aceiored child, living near Keyport, Monmouth county, N. J., died very -suddenly a :short time skpee, and a sub sequent investigation disclosed the Net that she bad been beaten to death by a onar. named York A plegate, with whom /she 'irk d. The child, which was only four years old, had been nearly starred by Applegato bec4use her board was not paid, and on the morning of her death he gave her a bortilak beating 4LIld went out to his work.. A short; time after the child was found in bed with a crust of bread in her hand, but told and stiff in death. One wrist, by which the brute held her while admin., istering eliastekment, was broken. If this attuir hal! happened Smith, the Tribune and the rest of the Republican iiress would have published whole col umns of shrieks and denunciations— but as it, is, they only announce the fact awl let the matter slide into obscurity stagy as possible. It makes a great difference with these negro-worshipping ilepublican demagogues where a color ed person lives wawa he is abused. If it is in a free State why it appears to be a ;natter of no consequence Out if it is vii a -Southern State, what a terri ble fu .s there is made about it. T uls Lb 7"— W lien the telegraph nnriouneeil that Abraham Lincoln had been nominated at Chicago, hundreds of Mack frepablieans asked, " Who is Iho r The answer was generally very 'brief, for all that most of oar people )(new about him was that he came to this State before our last election to speak, am: charged $lOO for each .speech (poke in New York and other Ststeg, awl charged higher_ 8o ur blaeks should " go in" for hia with zed, as Ile "considered their poverty" in 'fixing the pie° of his aid to the par ty that has chosen him for their leader. The Japake4e and tke Ckristiax Re ligion.—Tfio Japanese embassy having, as few days ago, been presented with copies of the bible, :aid invited to at tend public wort.hip at the capitol, they have replied through the U. S. Coin. missioner that but one religion is known acid acknowledged by the laws of Ja pan ; that they arc forbidden in any manger to take part in or be present at the celebration of any other, and while expressing their acknowledg ments for the interest and kind atten *loss of their American friends, they regpes i t fully decline entering into any convOlnation or receiving any books of a religions character, or being present at any of the religious solemnities to which they have been or May be invited. Our New _Minister to Russia.—The appointment of Hon. John Appleton as minister to Russia, at the present junc ture, is regarded as an excellent one.— Laving been twice a member of the House of Representatives, chief clerk of the Nally Department under George Bancroft, secretary of legation at Lon don, charge d'affaires at Bolivia and at London, and (during the past three Scars) assistant Secretary of State, real ly directing our foreign affairs, he is said to be worthy and well qualified to represent us at St. Petersburg. Mx. Buchanan, it will be remembered, was sent there by President Jackson in 1832. Reward Offered to Inventors.—The New Bedford (Kass.) merchants, who are interested in the whale oil, offer 44,400 to inventors for the best stand guid portable hand lamps designed for using whale oil. The lamps must bo submitted before 30th of August next, and the invention be secured by letters patent, Bey Killed by a Rattlesnake.— About tbree weeks age a lad named Bailey, residing near Sylvan Grove, Dale District, Somerset county, was bitten by a rattlesnake on the arm.— , Notwithstanding the free use of anti dotes limb swelled to an immense size, became black and burst the Lid dm* 'tiro nays afterwards is great Agony. Bone lave.--New York, Inas 6.-- The trot beOress , thaltorsaa Flora Tem . arid George It. Patehea wee won • the Ibrtber-2:21; 214 and 2i211,, • • vilitelliioll.—The Philadelphia Ito receive tb• Jajoaness , • - • ." • nisi that ifr. Paulin 4411 • *its ,blikl*:,,taalmu4c;ll, at the .41 tiiit4ityAGieratilit the 2-=:. 1/1111"7. M. Coors*, Seq., fiss mew e d his connection with the Chaabcreburg Valley Spirit se its oditor—s position he has ably tilled for 13 years. ifir Answer to last !week's Enigma—" Dietrich Knickerbocker." J. R. L. •peaiwl Nrcrtifoes. TIIE GREAT ENGLISH HEMET/Y.—Sin JAYLI CLAWS CELZHILATID FINALS PILL 4.— Prepared from • prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. L., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.— This localizable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstruc tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring .. ou the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle. price One Dollar, bears the Gov ernment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. CACTIOX.—These Pills should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis carriage, but at any other time thPy are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs. Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a care when all other means have failed: and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should he carefully preserved. Sole Agent for the United States sad Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin isCo., Flocbetter, N. Y. N. 11—$1 00 and 4 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail. June 11, lyeow Courat.Axo irwir., May 10, 1860 MUMS. BOICADII k BCZULlllll.—Gendomen:-- Having purchased and used during the last season, the New Jersey Reaper and Mower, I desire to add any testimony to that already given, as to Its value and efficiency as a com bined machine. For good work either in grass or grain, I j)eliere R has no tampion. Indeed in grass, I unhesitatingly say it is far better than say other machine, and for Redoes, of draft it is certainly better lbws any meshlas bare yet see*. The objection to other ma chines, that, they reit heavily on the horses' necks, is obviated in the "New Jersey," the weight on She hones being little or nothing. Tours, kr., JOSEPH WALK F.R. Sarin addition to the above certificate, we refer the reader to Juni licsastats, Esq., of Libtrty towashlp, and Mr. Jour Ross, of Cumbellutd township, whose testimony to the efficiency aggi value of the New Jersey Reaper and Moweririll be cheerfully given. S. &Y. larSessos k TICIFILEIN amass, Agents for the celebrated Kirby Reaper and Mower. ifirTHE PCBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exist in Moffot's Life Pills sod Bitten, is every day demon strated by their astonishing efficacyln the cases which they are announced to cure. All the complaints of the stomach and bowel., weak ness of the digestive organs and of the system generally, bilious and liver affections, night fevers, bead ashes, piles, costiveness, consump tion, rbeasitatism, scurry, impurity of the bleed, or blotched and 'Allow annplexiens, soon yield to their curative properties. A single trial in variably secures them the tide of the best fami ly medicines now before the public. For sale by the proprietor, W. B. MOFFAT, at his office, 235 Broadway, N. Y., and 14 8. S. Ferny, Agent, Gettysburg. [Feb. 13. 13• On the let inst., by the Rec. J. Ault, Mr. EPLIIIMM M. DEE:TIC, formerly of Bermudian, Adams county, to Miss SARAH KATE SHAW, of St. Thomas, Franklin county. On the 21st of Feb., in Boone comity, Mo., by the Rec. Mr. JOSEPH SCOTT, (formerly of Ileidlemburg, Adams county,) to /bliss LUCY ANN HUNTER, of Boone co., Mo. !"The announcements in our last of the marriage of Mr. Lawn BEADY to Miss Resters Cola, and of Mr. Jutoita Irmo's* to Miss MARTHA. VIIROXICA.NOEL, were hoaxes, we are now informod —that the names to the letter re questing us is pubilsb said "marriages" were forged. The perpetrator of this foolish act may escape proper punishment; bet if he itbrought "to face the music,' we hope it will teach him sense enough to last the balance of hLs life.— lle lacks it now. 731:11CD. On Wednesday last, in this borough, Mr. CONRAD SNYDER, aged 54 years 9 months and 19 dap. In Pittsburg, on Thursday week, Mr. CEO. ARMOR, formerly of Gettyaburg, ngcd about 44 years. Oa the Ist inst, JOHN' son of Stephen Adams, of Etninitsburg, aged 11 days. On the Btb last, at Hanover, Mr. DANIEL W. HOFFIAS, aged 50years 2 months unveil tbeithinsL, Mrs- SCSANNAH EICIIOLTZ. wife of John Eieholts. of Tyrone township, aged about 26 years. On the :th lust., JACOB FRANKLIN. son of SamuelSamueland Sarah Ann Bowerman, of Freedom township, aged 1 year and 20 days. On the 14th of April, after a rilort but pain ful illness of 10 days, of inth.rumation of the brain. MARV CATHARINE VIRGINIA HIKES, daughter of .klesauder and Sarah A. Hikes, aged 6 years 5 mouths and 10 days. On Friday week, SARAH JANE, daughter of Mr. Adam Storick, of Straban township. aged 7 years 3 monthi_and 23 days. On the sth inst., JOHN W. SALTZGIVER, of ntraban township, aged 31 years 2 months and 13 days. On the Ist of May last, of brain fever, IDA MAY, infant daughter of Alfred and limy Ann Miller, aged 4 mouths and 18 days. Alas ! how changed that lovely flower, Which bloomed and cheered our hearts Fair, fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon wears called to part. And shall our bleeding hearts arraign That God whose ways are love, Or vainly cherish anxious pain For her who rests above? GETTYSBUICG--SaroaDAT Lure Superfine Flour 5 25 Rye F10ur...... ...... 3 60 White Wheat 1 20 to 1 25 Red Wheat 1 15 Corn —.... • ••• ....... • 60 Rye.................. 70 Uata ...... ..... 33 Cloys r Seed 3 75 to 4 00 Timothy Seed 1 ao to 1 fs Flax Seed 1 20 Barley ...... 60 Placer of Paris ...... ••••••.—. 6 15 Raster crowd, per 1 00 BAITIMOBI-Futur “sr 8 50 to 5 75 Wheat 31 to 1 60 Rye .80 to 90 Corn Oats 38 to 41 Clover Seed ..... 4 60 A 9 75 Timothy Seed , 3 35 to 3 50 Beef Cattle, per hand.-- ........ 8 00 toll 25 Hogs, pas hand 700108 00 Hay 12 00 1015 00 Whiskey 21 to 32 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 03 00 HANOVEI3,--TaxFaspAr LAST Flour, from 'wagons.— ....—.—... 6 00 Do. from stores.-- --. 6 00 Wheat 120115 Rio .......» 85 Cora— ............ ... ...... --..... ••• 58 0at5.......... .—.—.... pee 38 Cloys: A100d.....•.........•••• *ode. se 3-75 Timotty .4“4.---..-----.-- 1 00 Muter _. — 0 . 23 TOBS.-4ruisAv Lan. Maar, from 5 00 600 I 15 / Ie 1 30 •••••• •••••••••110 Gore • • .441.••••••• clans oe Theetby 200 ' .3 at• Round Trip Tickets • WILL At* Bold at Gettysburg for Saltimors 'on Saturday next, and from that until the adjournment of the DO o Wocratic Conven tion, good for4he return until one day after the adjournment of the Convention. Price for the round trip s'3 13, being a reduction on regular fare of one-third. S. IfcCURDY, Pru't. Just n, 1860. Surveyor's Compass .-10 R SALE.—A first rate Surveyor's Com pass, with appurtenances complete, for as a cheap. Enquire at the Comptier office. June 11,1860. 6t• EVER GREEN CEMETERY.—Art Election for a President and Seven Managers of Ever Green Cemetery Association, to serve for one year, will be held on Monday, the 18th day of Jwu tout. between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at McConangby's Hall, in this Borough of Gettysburg. D. McCONAUGHY, Prat. H. J. ST•HLZ, &ley. June 11, 1860. t4l TITE subscriber offers at Private Sale, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Mount- pleasant township, Adams count.", about an eighth of a mile from Gulden's Station. conuuning 13 Acres and 27 Perches, Elli insprovet; with a one and a half slot HOUSE, (part frame and part log,) Stable, two good springs of water, and fruit trees. gifirAny persoo wishing to view the property will be shown the same by the subscriber, re siding thereon. MARY A. CRISWELL. Jone 11, 1560. 3t SEALED Proposals will be received at the °We Apt the Commiuioners of Adams county, until Thursday, the 2lst day of loss for building a Wooden Bridge across Opossum creek,,on the road leading from Arendutown to East Berlin, near John W. Dull's. The Bridge is ba be built after the style of " Burr's Patatit," one span 70 feet long. Plans and specillutions for the bridge can be seen by persons wishing to bid, on the day of letting, or by application to J. Y. Walter, Clerk to the Commissioners. JACOB RAFFENSPERGER, Dournct, GBISELM AN, 'UBE; JI. MARSHA Lb, Couto Weser( of Adam county Attest—J. gerk. June 4, 1860. td Harness I Harness ! rfoderaigned halt tommlise“ the.Mar ntkitalting bdsiuses, la Carlide - sweet, e.tit side, near tins Railroad Btatlon, where he hopes to receive a share of the public's patron age. I pledge myself to make the very best of work, at moderate prices. Try me. Repairing of Harness, Soidles, Gears, and so on, done on abort nutice, in the best manner, and cheap. HENRY 111 - GIIES Getty.burg, June 4, 1860. Unfounded Report. 'RAVING been informed that it is reported In the lower end of the county, that if I should be defeated in the nomination for the Clerkship of the Courts, i intend to run as an independent candidate for that office, I adept this method of saying that there is not a word of truth in said report. I shall abide by the decision of the Demoerfttio County Conventiou, whatever that may be. 11. U. CARL Gettysburg, June 4, 1860. 3t Public Sale OF VALUABLE MOUNTAIN LAND.—The subscriber, Attorney in fuel for the widow and all the children and legal Yepresentatk es of Peron Witiusar, deceased, will offer at Pub lic Sale, on Saturday, the 16th day of Jame next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the preullses, the following described Tracts of Mountain Land, to nit : 111 ACRES, more or less, situate in Ilamil tonban township, Adams county, on the Cold Spring road, near John Morita's. This tract is covered with good Chestnnt and Oak, k suscep tible of caltiration and will make a good tarot. It will be sold entire or in lots tomtit purchasers. Alse—vknothor Tract near the abut e, contain ing be Acres, more or less, of Patented Land, with a public road running through it. This Tract is covered with first-rate thriving Clic,t nut and Oak Timber, and 011 f erg rare induce ments to persons wishing to buy timber land. It has been divided into four lets, to wit: No. 1 contains 13 acres 1 perches; No. 2, 18 acres 10 perches N0..1, 20 acres; No. 4, 27 acres.— This tract will be sold entire, or in lots, as above stated, as may best suit. The lots on both Tracts are laid out so as to have the ad vantage of access to the public roads. pYPersons wishing to view the above tracts will be shown the saute by calling on )Ir. John Moritz, residing near by, or information can be obtained by calking on the subscriber, residing In Gettysburg. JACOB BENNER, Attorney in Fact fur the licidew and . nein of Peter Weikert, deceased. lay 14, 1860. is N pursuant. of 'u order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will be of ered at Publie 4htler, a/ tbe - publie' house of J. B. Smithy in Uountpleasant township, Adams count)), on Saturday, lls 30th day of Jime next the fol lowing Real Estate, Til; A TRACT OF Troop. LAND, containing 4 Acres and 1/8 Perches, situate in Hamiltonban township, in said coun adjoining leads of Peter Smith, Joseph and coun t Miller, and others. The land is well covered with thriving timber, mostly chesout. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on Mr. Siagley. residing near. sar-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. li., on said day, when attendance will be given and tame made known by PETER SMITH, Exacts:or of RaeAsl Swill, &Ll. By the Court—H. G. {VOLT, Clerk. May 28, 1860. is Communicated ErAVE just received from the city the largest stock of GROCERIES they have ever oft red to the public—Sagaxs, Syrups, Coffees, "fe4o, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Solt, Spices, ke., ttc., embracing all varieties, at all prices, the lowest the market will afford. Also Brooms, Brushes, and Notions; Tar, Oils, Candles, kc., in short, everything to be found in a first class Grocery and Variety Store. The Flour and Feed business Is continued, with a steady increase. The highest market prices paid and the smallest profits asked. The public are invited to give us a call and see for themselves. I'iORBECK k MARTIN, Corner of Baltimore and high streets. May 21, 1860. Groceries, Notions, &c. Undersigned has opened a Grocery and In Baltimore street, nearly ribtion Store, oppOefie the Court House, Gettysburg, where the petilic'will constantly find, selling ehespits the cheapest, SUGARS, Syrups, Molasses, Cof fees, Wu, Rice, Cheese, Spices of all kinds, Mackerel, Chocolate, Brooms and Brushes ; Fresh Batter and Eggs, Ground Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Scotch Herring, Candles, Soaps, Salt ; Tobacco, Began, Snuff; Confections, all kinds of Nuts, Oranges, Lesions, Seising, Bread, Crackers, Cakes of different kinds; Shoe and Store Polish; Fancy Goods, Marlins, Ginghams, Cotton Bats, Wadding, Hosiery, Hundkerchisfs, Suspenders, Pine, Needles; Clothes Pins, But tons, with Notions of all kinds. A *bare of the public's patronage Li respectfully solicited. LYDIA C. NORBECK. May 21, 1960, ent BIILLDINGS, Landscape, Machinery, ke., lc., Pholurraphed at short notice, by ?YON t BRO., Gisttysburg, Pa. TSOlf it Bail are coodnually turning out amboras adored Photographs from sap storm. brig on your "tiny" alas andnet us make somata* worthy a place on your parlor wall. Iltscialtior Gallity, Gettysburg. GOOlcl==rit mod•r=ea a " the Sky-light Gantry. TYSON BRO. , pIALL at: MOW *lows ono: or, ibotimukokh their irpeekanis j or Election. Private Sale. To Bridge Builders. Orphan's Court Sale. Norbeck & Martin Notice. WILLIA.X MINDER'S BSTATE.—Letters of administration With. estate of William Bender, late of Menailea township, Adams so., dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Blida, township, he hereby gives no tice to all persons indebted to said Matto to maks immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them proper- LEl=suility of fanny sod plain lErtal ' ly authenticated, foe settlement. Eliiried Imps always on band at toe SAMUEL ETBT . E.R hilor TYSON 8110. May 14, 1860. 6t Wotbonotary. . A T the friendly sud . earnest solicitation 14 numbers of my Fellow-citizens, I olFer myself es a candidate for the office or THONOTAIII", (subject to the decision of titie Democratic Couuty Convention.) If noiminstid and eleeted, I pledge mrself to discharge tin duties of the otltc• with fidelity. JACOB MELEIORN. Yountpleasant tp., June 4, ItitiO. tc Register and Recorder. TIIROUGH th t solicitations of maily friesrls, I bate been induced to offer myself as candidate for the once of REGISTER A?t RECORDER, (sabjekt to the decision of the Democratic Counts Convention.) bliould Ibe nominated and elected, my best effort* shall be directed to a faithful dasrharge of the duties oi the office. SAMUEL TllOlllB. Tyrune tp., June 4. 1960. tc Register and Recorder. THROCGII the solrfitations of nunteroas friends, I have been induced to offer istyr se f again as a candidate for HVGISTER AND RECORDER, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. If nominated and elected. 1 pledge myself to discharge the duties of the offic• with promptness and fidelity. WILLIAM OVERDEEII. I t enderseille, April 2, 18C11. tc Register and Recorder. ): the solicitation of numerous friends I offer tn,:s.elf et:e a mindidate for the office of t .GLNTEII AND IIECORDLR subject to the dceie,ion of the Democratic County Convention. If nominated and elected, I pled,Te myself to disi.harge the duties of the office with prompt ness and fidelity. ANDREW W. IPLEIIIIING Gettysburg, April 23, 1860. tc Clerk of the Courts. • T the earnest solleitation of numsrons friends, I o ff er myself as a candidate fur C SRN OF THE COUNTS at the next election, *abject to the declalon of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elect ed, I pledge my best efforts to • fsitbful die ckarge of the duties cd the post„."` JOHN ISICIIOLTI. Butler tp., April 1, 1860. tc Clerk of the Courts. PRANCOCRAGED by Annaba of my friends, I offer myself as *candidate for CLERK OF E CtIeRTS, at the next Election, (subject to the decision of the Democratic County Conven t-on.) Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the (Alice with fidelity. J ACOB SANDERS. Mountpleasant tirp., May 28, 114i0. Cc - - --- - Clerk of the Courts. AT the solicitation or numerous flietids offer myself as a candidate for the othix of 41:/ill.K OF TIM COURTS—subject to the decisloo Or Out Democratic County Convention. Shouil I he nominated and elected, I pledge my Wit efforts to discharge the duties of the office satisfactorily. lIRNRY G. CARR. -Gettysburg, April 9, 1880. to Clerk of the\ Courts. lILIT the argil's solicitation of numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for re-c eetion to the office of CLERK OF THE COURTS, subject to the decision of the Deem eratie County Convention. Should I he uonti nated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the ditties of said office rah adeiity. April 9, I Rd°. tc Sheriffalty. MO THE VOTERS OF ADAMS CIUNTY: Fellow-vitizens:—At the carat st !Akita tium of numerous friends, 1 offer Ntyself as it candiaute fur the othce ofSliEltlFF, ut the next election, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County f'onvention. Should 1 be so foritaaAte ae t • be nominated and elected, I shall endeavor ter discharge the duties of the ollice faithfully and impartially. J. , 5(013 TROXEL Gettysburg, March 2G, IEGO. tc Sheriffaity. rro Tlll VOTERS OF ADAMS COCNTV lellow-citisens:--At the earnest solicita tion of galuerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SIIPUFF, at the nest el •ction, %object to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated nod elected, I shall codex% or so discharge the duties of the oftice faithfully and impartially. .11,1t://AEL 11. MILLE& Mounlplettpant tp., April 10, 19130. to Sheriffalty. MO THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY:— Al the Eczema sollcitatioh_ot many of my frtmeds and feiluvr-Dentocrats, I am indoced„to offer myself as a candidate fur the ()eke ,of SliEnivF—subject to the decision a the Denfo cretic County Convention. if nominated I promise the party that no energetic efforts shall be lost to secure my election; and if elected, I promise the voters of the county to discharge the ditties of the once impartially, fearlessly rod conscientiou4y. sxmcv.l. WOLF. Althott:dwru, )(arch 2G, 184 V. to Sherifftilty. To THE VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY Fellow-citizens :—Through The encourage ment of some of my eriends. I offer myself as a candidate fur the ales of SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Conven tion. If nominated mid elected, I shall en deavor to discharge my duties falai:l'4lly and satisfactorily. PETER 011ENDOLIFF. flountjoy tp., Ilay 14, 1860. Sheriffalty. To THY. VOTERS OF ADAMS COUNTY:— Fellow-claws :—At the earnest solicita tion of newtons friends. I offer myself 1114 a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, at the nest election, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elected, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the Oka faithfully and impartially. GEORGE: RUSIIMAN Climberland tp., March 19, 184 u. tc Notice. SAmrst, HASER'S ESTATF if —Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Samuel Hauer, late of the Borough of Berwick, Adams county, deceased, havirig laceu granted to the under signed, residing in the same place, ho hereby glees no•lce to ali persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring cltloss against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY MAYER, Adair. Jane 4, ISSO. St Notice. JACOB TIAKRIt'S ESTATE--Letters of ad ministration on the estate of Jacob linker, late of Liberty township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted the undersigned, residing la Freedom township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indetited to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BAYER, Adner. May 7, 1160. et Notice. JACOB 148 TATE.—Letters of administration de bowls non oa the estate of Jacob Weidur, late of Butler township, Adams couoty,rieceaged, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same town ship, he hereby gives notice to all persons la debted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the UM, to present Ilion properly authenticated for set tlement. . SAMUEL EY3TER, Adair. May 14, HNC it r oa IarZPV-kittabrotYPe Attilrepgrile. Likeftesi t mock fo TreUsllo.'B if Oen:remit - . . .. A Card. I .............. _.......,...,....... Iv WISH to inkiest mg friend Mons leans that 1 110,EAPER AND MOWE ' II) tl.. did not intend to ras his )taebiue down in an, manufacturing 100 of these Milttr“. t . n . 1111 advertisement; ao min reading My adver- year , which t fifer to the public. All I aar" thiessesit carefully can say so, because Idon'tany those wishing to purchase machines, is to give anything *boot the construction, or general me a trial. I sin satisfied to let my machines character, or say other point of the Machine, recommend themselves. I know they are all more than that !stated his machine cuts behind , right. I SAW an bd% tritsement In "The York i , driving wheels, and mine in front. Nor shall Pennsylvanian" of list a eck. that almost I any anything to regard to that, at this time. astonished me. 1 tn,nt. J. 11. :: 4 ,4ircinsi, :1.'2.: for the reason that there are other men making •be hard up In makin ,ales, or is very much the same Machine, who always treated me as excited and afraid 0! the Ball machine. The gentlemen ; I treated them as such also, end old staying is, " a kickod dog will holler." and don't know but what their Machines will an- so I think it is with Mr. Sliireman. lie states ewer the purpose as well as the common run of that the machine made in Dover, Pa., was worth Machines. nothing. I " own the corn." The machine I want further to inform mr friend iloffheins, whi( It I made last year, and sold on trial, came that I can prose that he We'd to get the right hack. We have them lying around the shop, to make the Buckeye. Machine in the firstpinLe, , but not in the fence corners, as our friend hut he nits informed tb it I had the right far states. I hope he will not get excited and mia th's section of country fur it, so he took %hat. represent. But lie says he has the machine I was left, and ever since has been running lay made last year, nod that it Is the Ball machine. Machine down, and claitned ad% antsges over It u cot—Mr. Shiretnan is aware it is not; and mine—but, according to his owe. adult...ion, hi, it is hoped he will not hereafter state Oat which Machine proved a perfect failure. La-t season, is not so. I frankly deny making that machine as he himself es t yst hey came back a lter trial. last year—l do not ask any person to take my Now, my Machine tail not bear the name of word for it, but refer them to Mr. Ball, of Can lying about in the fields, nor that I could not ton. Ohio, to settle that question. And as to ' make them work. This I will not stand, nor .1. 11. Shiretaan bat ing one of the Ball machines a ould be either, or any other man, after mis- in his shop, I presume it is so, but remember, representing my Machine as did Mr H. lie gut it " sonic four years since." Farmers, My object in mentioning in my advertisement beware—the machine has been improved since anything about the Doter Mselline, was simply that time; at least it is very common to improve i to torreo, some misrepresentations made in re- machinery of this sort et ery year—end for' Bard t o th e two Machines, so the pnblie would aught we know, our friend may hare altered' not confound my Machine with the Dover Ma- the machine to suit his purpose in explaining c bine. But as the matter has gone go far, I it to persons We i,eretofore thought him shall try to correct some of Ilia expressions.— honest : butthe misrepresentation in his adrer- Fir•i, my friend thinks I must he " hard up for, tisement has changed our opinion. Again, Mr. sales." So long as I can make more sales than Shireman's agent told ue in the presence oft Machines, and sell every now and then one to a' ethers, that they made machines to cut behind i man who tried Mr. 801 l helms' Dover Machine the drivieg wheels, last year, and they could lust season, and sell them tdo at my regularly ; not mike them work. Note, we notice by his established prices, I, at least. am setisfied.— I advertisement that lie denies it by say ing they But don t it look as if Mr. Ifoffbeins is " hard' can make them to cut behind as well us in front up to make sales," when he offers his Machines' of the driving wheels. Why does he not do it, for a less price than the same Machine is offer- and take the WEIGHT of one-half of the machine ed by other manufacturers of the same-Machine? eff of the !arm' ruclu—we believe in saving all 2d. My friend 11. thinks I "must be nary much the horse-flesh we can. excited, or afraid of the Ball Machine." II Now, farmers, which will snit yon best—' would inform my friend and the public, that I i reirayht on the horase suds or noses If the latter was at thegreatest practical field trial of Reapers : roe can get them at my chop. lam making the 1 and Mowers ever held in the rnited States, at .k. BALL REAPER AND MOWER this year, riy racuse, 300 wiles west of New York city, In i but last year I did not make it, and Mr. Shirt- l July, 1857, when all the di ff erent Machines were man was certainly aware of that fact; but if he I tried, in ever y shape and form, and after all' claims he was not, we trope he will post him was over, the first premium. grand go. Medal self before advertising any more about the and Dip loma, was awarded to the Buckeye "Dover Reaper and Mower." Machine tut the best Mowing Machine, over .Those who brought back our machines last Burrell's, liallenback's, ' Kirby's, Heath's, Ito- yeaiare getting otherd from us this year. For vey'a, Ng. Olds . .Iforer, Manny's, Ketcham's, the conventbnce of men using my machllle, I and a number of ethers. I have no reason to will have easting-knives, boxes, &c., at the be excited or afraid of the Ball Machine, after places here mentioned: for any thing breaking it has been licked at such a great trial. • by accident, &e.: Jacob Diets, Kellam ; win. I 1 have seen more dilitreut Machines work, I King, Methanicsborg; William Morrison, Car-1 than my friend U. ever knew or heard of. and' lisle; Presiel k Neicely, Churchtown, Cumber could have had the making of the Bell Machine • land county. before he ever knew anything about it. 1 girt also continue making Taststnsti A lk: 31. My friend H. says, "a kicked dog will curses, Cots Pkairrene. Cons Sununu Thal holler," in which I must give Idol perfectly era Gammas, he. REU BEN 11OFFREINB, right. Whin he-lead my advertisement, be I May 31, lan. $5. Dover, York co., Pa. was kicked, and then he hollered ' • lie ,Only made a mistake, fur he WS n the kicked dog. I woulti not want to beekicked any harder than to have all the Machines atone season's make brought back, alter having made a great blow-out how I was going to take all the other Machines down, and before having any experience or trial 4th. Mc friend 11. thi iks TmLlrepresented the thing, by an) Mg that some of his aelines were "lying in the fence-corners"—that was the report. I can't say that I saw one of his Ma chines exactly in a fence-corner. but I did see one of his Machines in a field—n here I stalled one of mine aside of it—which had better been in a fence corner out of the road. sth. My friend denies that he made the Ball Machine last Summer, and Mates that I knew it. I don't know what he called his Machine at the end of the Season, but at the beginning of it, the cry bras Mr. Iloffbeins is reukiug the Ball Reaper and Mower. Tow I can't bee where this talk can have originated from than from Mr. ilorlicius himself, the Maker of the Machine. So, if I misrepresented that, I think my friend can blame himself for it; men wanting Machines will generally enquire the name of it, and whose patent it is. Now ~,Mr. what was the name of your2chine atlthe end of the season? Cth. A to the honesty he talks about, if we were t :change, there would be very little hoot coming to him ; and at for my agent tcllr iug him that we made machines to tut belaiud the driving wheels last sammer and meld not make them work, the agent says he told Mr. IL that we could not make quite as nice a sheaf as our other way of raking off, a Welt is quite a different story from what Mr. 11. says. We wish him not to make so many changes is his state ments. We mode only one Machine last season to cut behind—he says Machines; and as for / cutting, if onr friend.will ever make a Machine; to equal it be will'do well. ,All that was ever said in regard to ifi working else raking off in 1 genie, I bud six different men on to rake,,off,l and all agreed that tile, meld makit the niceitt. sheaf a - Ith the cutting Operation in front. My 1 1 friend charged ma with misrepresenting, butt he can beat me far at that. rrt asks why Ido not make my Machines to cut behind le I am ready to make all that are ordered, and insure them to cat as well as any other doable driving wheel Machine. Mr. 11. talks about hie Machine being so per fectly balanced, haviag no weight on the tongue at all. From my practical mr.perience I think that any fool taut know t ha t a lischMe azaCT,- LT balanced, standinetau Livelgionnd, mnst tilt up eutt;ng up bill. I den't want.naine so well balanced as that, Defense we don't want to get off the Machias and walk np the hill to rake the grain off We prefer riding on the Machine all the time to rake off. Now, fartners, which will suit you beat, a Machine that will tilt up go ing up hill, or one you can star on all the time If the latter ! ) nn can get them at ms shop ; a further, that von sit In front or c ting apparatus, so if you are by accident Oa off. you arc in dangzr of being cut up, know of two cases having happened on a chime that von set behind the eutte thrown oft " my Machine you are eatirel of danger. if the latter suits you best, yot get them at my chop. Naa , nu friend Boffilefes, HENRY G. WOLF The Ladies' Store REMOVED.—MISS HARRIET INCREARY has just received and opened at her new ryonts a large and beautiful assortment of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS, to which ' the attention of the Ladies of Gettysburg and ritinity is invited. Bonnets and Bonnet Trim mings always on baud. Also, Ladies Faabion able Dress Goods with Trimmings t clattia. sariloscset.,4 hleaclied and pressed according to Hilltop's Celebrated Method, which is now used by all the principal Bonnet Sliinufiicturers in the United States, and considered the best and least injurious to the straw than any ever discovered. Milliners who study their own in terests and that of their customers will do well to try it. Store removed to Chambersburg street, betweers 3ir. Amiga's and the Star otrae. .Itxy 14, 1861 8 IS , 1860. Fresh Spring Goods. 1860 TIATFI AND OAPS.-11. F. iIeILHENV would respectfully invite the sttantion of t e citizens of' Gettysburg and vicinity to his large and complete stock of Hats and Caps, width be has Jut opened, stnilvratialt oultrlY every mislay of style sow in the market, con sisting in part of Men's No. I Silk Hats, Meet's brtiad-rim Bustle Hate, Men's Felt sad Soft Hats, lien's Seamless Caps, Boys Soft sad " 00l Hats. Also, a large and superior meek of STRAW GOODS, comprising Mew)" Straw, Leghorn sad Putout Hats, Wises' sad Wants' Huts, Flats, Bloomers mid Shaker Hoods, all of the latest and most twiltiouble styles. Thou with/rag to eareitrourry -tad buy ebesp will _do weft by caning on him before purchasing else where, as be is telling very lowibt cash. April 23, 1880. R. r. wetunnorr. t ADilt, AND NIMES' BEIONB.— Th e &t -uella, of the ladies is rospectraDy so- Id ed to milks sasorearat of Whist 04d ates Boots lad itlppseoj 'dal Mllosool sad drei's Sheet veld Barters, at every sty 1* ail April 33J':; • 8.1. SoILMTB. ANIRP:yS ri -1- 4mgrill t k • .teurri i rm 1 4 r 4 41 1 4 1 4 IO s Sky-lldlt farY• I)o not grt excited at these few Timex. Some day we will Lave a 'musing match, In aome tangled cln er-patch, And a hue% er can do the best. =owing, Will have all the chance for,ttilio9lC- Wheu the mum tog 'natal we attend, I expect to tucet yuu as in friend: J. 11. stIIRFLLN, East Betliu, June 4, 18 GO. tf M'Cormick's Reaper and ilfewer 31 IIGHLY IMPROVED FOR 1880.--Otin structed from the grit on correct prihei p es, it has always been eminently successful, and with its present improvements fully meet ing all the requirements of the age, it now defies a competition. Fanners wbo may desire it are at liberty to work one of these Machines through the harvest with gag ether, Abu) guar AND PAY ton TR! OWN PIIEFIIMILID. The Machine is now perfady balessed, not leaving a pound of weight on the bona' necks; rill execution in reaping and mowing, in both wet and dry, is perfect; it cuts de widest watt, and as sow made with the lightest draft of any Machine now in use. It is so constructed that the labor of raking off is very steed Nghtened, a castor wheel, on an entire new principle, on the grain aide, wholly relieves The horses front the pressure of the machine from strain in turning, and is so arranged that the cutting bar is com pletely and easily thrown over obstructiont while in motive by the driver without the use of levers and complicated machinery, A very decided and important feature in its improve ment consists in its perfect arraisgessoil for'sra eating and drafting thelrack is itensoing. It is the most simple, most substantial, molt durable, and in every way the most• complete and reliable Reaper and Mower In the world, and as snit is orarmacti. The Two-Horse tsehine (with easy draft for two horses,) eats a swath 5 feet wide, and the Four-borse Mecisine a foot wider. Foe pertlea- Isrs address 8. WITITZROW, Fairfield, Adam. coaxer, Pa., Agent for Adams county. Cot. R. S. Paxson, Canvassing Agent. glirThq various parts of the Machina for Repairing will be kept oo head at einvenient points. [June 4, 1860. 4t Notice to Stockholders. herebygiven to subscribers to the Capital Stook o fthe GETTYSBURGAAS CO ?ANY that, by a Resotntioa of the Board of Directors, payment of the first instalment on each share of stock (one-fifth of each share,) subscribed, payable on the la of Jitoy see.rt, is hereby required to be made to Joel R:Danner, the Treasurer of said Company, at his office in his house, in the Borough of Gettysburg, agree ably to the terms of subscription. By the Act of Assembly relating to Gas Com panies, if notice for tke payment of subscriptions of stock be not complied with, the company can recover one per cent. por month interest on the moan& duo sad unpaid. 510 JACOBS, Pros' t. D. • AVM; SPC 1 5. I 1,41, 1860. Notice to Tax-payers. NOTICE is hereby given that the County Commissioners will make an abatement of CITE PER CENT. upon all State and County taxes assessed for the year 1$ that shall be paid to Collectors on or before Monday, their day of July. Collectors Will he required to call. ' on tax-payers on or before the above date, nod ' make such abatement to all persons paying on or before said d.iy, and pay the same to the County Treasurer, (Ahern te no Abatetnent wilt ha male. By order of the Connni.,:sioner., / J. 24. WALTER, Cfrrki 180. td If oat New News Depot. min subscriber has just opened a NEWS DEPOT on Baltimore street, nearly oppo site Fatinestocks* store, where will constantly be found any and everything in the reading line. of a strictly moral character. All the leading Ilagazines, Periodicals, Literary pa pers, Weekly and Daily, together with Music, Ballads, Confections, Cigars, Tobacco, Cakes, and all sorts of notions, in endless variety,— Would you know the new'? Then send in your Amass, all ye who thirst for knowledge, and your wants will he supplied by CHARLES LINDERMAN. Gettysburg, April r, 180. Gas Fixtures. WY. HELVE, of Phtladallibia, the con tractor for the erection or the Gettys burg Gas Pi'orks, bus taken the room latelyloc espied by Col. Samson, nearly opposite the Bank, for his office. and prep red to fit out at once any building with Gas leixturcs. He will in a few days hare the ‘arions styles on exhi bition at his room, and invites attention to them, as thomi deiiroua of introducing the Gas will be easel the trouble and expense of pro curing them from the city—his prices being as low as they can be procured anywhere else. Apnl 16, 186 u. • Notice. kBRA.ITAIE WING'S ESTATE.—Letters of adusioistration oa the estate of Abraham King, Sr., late of Reading township, Adams cousty, deceased, having been granted to the andersi geed, easisiiag is the same township, they hereby give notice . to all persons , indebted to said estate to make immediate paryment, 4td those having claims against the sauteleopriatat them properly authenticated for amest. StNOLETOM LT2I, ELI MYERS, May 7, 1860.. et lien's West: • ii:L. SCHICK would tivite the .nestles of buyers to his large stock of Black Cloths, . Pie Colored do., ' Noe Sleek Cuelitierus t Fasay do., Sider Stripe de., - I , . I Vestiges, .._ Crave" WRAP , Allovoir, iluipeneders, Liaadherikiek Swolleot , April le, 11160. , -. , $5,000 Reward! BrFurE REAPER AND * MOWEL— w e Lis World !—Now Is the time to Mackie.' sod not be disappointed, like then were s good many last season. I have ensids some important improvements AS to cutting, grain, strength and,durabliity of the *Attila', he. Farmers wishinrto get Machines, are re spectfully Invited to call at my shop, or with UK% agent;. rind see the new arrangements, ;end urther, I will state that there is a Machine Made at DON Cr, York county, Pa., which is celled '• Hell's Ohio Moaer.".linving 2 driving wheels, and looking mach like toy mushiest; sad it was rtiported iu some places last year that they were • some of my Machines. They proved a perfedt failure, were lying about in the fume coeriega, and men were obliged to get other Ilatkinei to cut their crops. I wish to inform the (inert that they were none of my machines. "bon is considerable difference in the two Mattiirsea.--- Persons coming to my shop may see the tilfir. core. as I have both Buck Eye and Ball's hew. My Machine cuts in front of driving a - beamed" Bnil's behind. But, as some men think nine in cutting grain behind, I beretyetate that I can make mine to cut"behlndas'srillier front, but uoue arc made that way 'ideas so ordered. I also have different kinds of second-handed Machines on hand, such fl a MANNY'S, urgers end MeCoRMI('KS. Price of second-handed Machines from 525 to $75. For the convenience of tnemrsirl i k my It chine, I will hove cm.ting-knives, boxes, ite.,al the Machine Shops here ow nthsard, 4 arty thing breaking 1.) ) accident, kc. : David Stern*, Gettysburg; W. W. Dingee 42 -Co., York; R. Gardner, Carlisle ; 5, muel Fitz, Hanover; David Shoa t Waynesburo'7, Mum bersburg. sarl also continue making GRAIN DRILLS and other MACH INF.ItY. 'REPAIRING DONE and the best, kind of Spring Teeth, Rakes, ic., are kept for sale. J. 11. SHIREMAN, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa. May 7,1810. • 2rn oIN the bnainees of the ErreWar 81.90.14141 Gallery. During our latel isit to the this& Philadelphia and Baltimore, we selected & splendid assortment of STEREOSCOPIC PIO.' TUBES, comprising English, French, Ventilate, Egyptian, Italian and American Scenery, Elesto tuary Groups, kc. Our prices for pictures will range from 12 to 40 cents apiece. We also kayo a Sue lot of STEREOSCOPIC BOXES, Welk we offer at reduced prices. The public genets& ly are Invited to call and see our large revolving* Box, containing 50 pictures, and•we Insure to all lovers of the Fine Arts a pleasant visit. We are also preps Nd to make Stereoseoplo Pictures, either Portraits or Views, at reason* able rates. TYSON I BRO., April 18, 11180 EATS ALL DISEASES.—.DR. BAAII3II will give special attention to the followiti sea: Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of tbe . Nose, Mouth, Throat dud Lungs. Aileti ilia to the treatmensof all Skin diseases--Lius bag°, lAssabar Abscesses, Scrofula. Moamar dam, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liverpd Bowels ; alas all chronic diseases pertaining le Women aid Children. Dr. Deekee can tholi duce one thousand ee'rtificates of big success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or t e l r er;s t ,' Fistula, Scald Heads, Wens, Swiping.* and '!a. more of every description and without the nob of the knife. These last named diseases can. not be treated by correspondence, therefore*. patients must place themselves under the Doe. toe's persona: supervision. DR. BAAKkai has made a new dlscorerf9f Fluid that will produce pirfect absorption alike CAT.kILACT, and restore perfect viaion to the without the use of the knife or needle, sat cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, sad he has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ales —inserted in five minutes. Also, a lam an sortmeut of Ear Trumpets of all sizes and ate* description known in the world. Also, a imp assortment of beautiful Artificial Hands, if* Wris , Arm and Elbow attachments. Also, 0 Fee with kle, Leg and Knee-joint attach. me nat alas nature itself. These ankles can , press to any part of the "'wit. I) akee is one of the most etlebrated sad skilifsfrirricians and Surgeons now II His thine is known personally in nearly. principal city in the world. All letters addreen c to Dr. Haakee must contain ten cents, to ply st4ge and incidental expenses. All Menlo diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex cept those mentioned, that will require hie per sonal supervision. Office hours from* A. It., to 4 P. M. DOCTOR BAARSH, 637 Broadway, a few doors below Bleeker streef, May 14, 180. ly ../err York . tiny.. ASCOTT k SON have just received, link ii , are now opening, at their esusbliihment, to ....uumbersburg st , opposite,the "Eagle Ef44 lel," a large, choice and desirable Stock, d{ SPLIANG GOODS, which they offer to the pat'. 4 A sr lic, satisfied that goods can't Os sold ,thass they are now offering thew. Our st caw prises all the different styles and cisti lea df LADIES' DRESS "GOODS, Shawls, Bibboni, Gloves, Hosiery, White Goods, Laces, ke:,ke. For MEN and BOYS' WEAR we have on} usual variety, in style, quality and price, Uur customers will always Had oar stoat of Domestic Goods full, cheap and complete. W. invite all to give us a call_ and examine PIP stock, satisfied that an examination Is all atilt is necessary to convince all that Otte/ if the (-heap store. So trouble to show goo 4— Thunkful fur past encouragement, and Iwo* respectfully ask a coutindance of the slink, A. apprr k Sat ' N. B. Country Produce Atom' ire MO". for Goods. VPO. I las UM* - J. IC 1100t‘ (Leto of the Piro of Wiseliamr # illar t :2. _ _GIINTLEISN'S FURNISHING STU sad SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 114- Van. nut Street, (nearly appeaitethe °hied illosisq) Philadelphia. J. W. SOOTT valid tespeelfal ly call the attention of his former patrons sad friends to hie 2e.e. Store, Aid is prepared to NH onion for TS At ghost 1101 .. .„_441. A at gousatiod. COUNTRY Tikukr IP P ArIi with furs &sum oo4CAuzsas. Oct. UT, 18614 if - • , ; Administrator* 46"" c. ItZfbbin April 2, Ydgd. ti te i'2 l • C r A New Feature Photograpbtie, G ettyphurg, N. ; - ! i , j>lp, • I Dr. Baakee Spring.lBBo. Xerohaiitat lietsii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers