rTlu) Greatest Disoov ary QLP THE AGE..—lnflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism eae be cared by tilling B. L. X LEE'S CELEBRATED RHY.UMATIC MI./- 711 m Many prominedf eltrzeits of this,"and the adjoining countizs. have te*titled to its : great utilitr. Its reecees to Rheumatic rnee- Wm. A. Duncan, . lions. has been hitherto unparalleled by any ArroasEY AT LAW.—.olsce in the North. speville introduced to the public. Pri, e '.•,() weal carrier of Centre Sert Ire, Gett:t sburg, I cent. per hottle roe sale hr all druggists and toct. 3,135 J. a 1 storekeepers. Prepared only hr 11 L.MILLER, N'holsesule emil Retail Druge'„i . ..t, East Iterlin, A. .T. Cover, ; Ahlams county, Pa.. dealer In Drup, Cheirlie4ll, ADye-ITORNET ...tT LAW, will promptly attend tests, Varnish, Spirits, Pains, Dye" to Collections stud all oth e r business en astad to him. Of fi ce betweeu Fahnestockc' (it "' stuff,, but tiod oak, Essences and Tincture!. Window Perfumery. Patent %edit-bier. Le . Ac. ler I. D. linehler i: the Agent in tietty•burg and Danner 1 Ziegler . .. titure..taltirnore street, tlettysburg, Pa. [Sept. ~ 1859. for •• H. 1.. Miner's Celt:brat-1 Ilhenmatie Mix [t.l%.t. 21, 11 4 ::5. ly .1." C. Neely, ILTTOILVEY AT LAW, will attend to eollec-i Lions mid a Dater tp - Aimee istrested to ei cars witli pieneptetu. 00Ico *early opposite I Patiatetoek's Store, Baltimore street. 1 tletkrebers, April 11, 113:19.• tt Wm. B. McClellan, ATTOaNEY AT LA,W.-_office in w es t mid_ die street, out dour wcdt of the utw rt House, Gettysburg, Nov. 14, 18:52 Edward B. Bustler, A TTOILNEY AT LAW, vrilllafully snit pl. promptly attend to h'l husiness entrusted .to tatm. Ile speaki thy German language.-1 ,011::• at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Forne)'s dreg -tore, and neatly opposite Danner k Ziegler's store ‘Jettysburg, Ilnrcit D. McConaughYt TTOTINEV AT LAW. 'Oll-i:•e one door west of Buehler's drug and book store,Cham er.otarg street.) Arroaszy s•D SOLICITOR FOE VATESTII AND PLN:IIO`.S. tlonoty Land War " Ants, Back-pay suspveaml C',ims. amt ell ether claims ag-tinst the Government at Wash% isirtou. D. C.; alio American atitna in England, •Lsnd Warrants locate , lan , l $4.11 , 1.0r bou 41i t,and highest prices given. ..k.r.k:At.4 entt '7,e,.1 in lei warrtnts in Tort. , , Illinois and other ire-tern States. ike-Apply to Lim persootilly or by letter. Gettysburg, !Coy. '2l, 't3. Dr.A. W. Dorsey, yisoRMEBLY of Carroll . couNi:i. Md., haling permanent's, - located in Oettystiurg, o ff ers professional services to the citizens of the 'Sown and surrounding country in the practice of the various branches of his profession. Uthce and residence, Baltimore street. next door to The Couipiler bflice, where tie may he found at all title* when not professionally engaged, KY K In" cp:s. Prof. Nathan R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. Rer.lllAnguAtus Webster, D. D., Baltimore lid, ,Dr. J. L. Warfield, Westminster, Md. gir. W. A. Mathias, " • Jacob Reese, Esq., 4i John K. Lonprell.F,:q., it (leo. R. Wampler, Esq., " RA v. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg,. Oct. 25,1858. t;m J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. ioraShls office one door west of the' laT.2 f.Jteran church in Chfigabersburg street, and •oppnaite Picking'a store, where tkto•os wishing to hAve any Dental I..Yperation performed are repeLtfulk invited to .c 3611. REYEItoNCEs: Drs. Hurtitr i P.M C. P. Krauth, P. D , Rev. 11. L. I.l,ngher, I). D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacob!, Prof. M. L. Stmver. Gettysburg, April 11, '53. /JACOB MCNDORFFS ESTATE.—Letters o: administration on thaestate ofJarob lion orff, late of Franklin township, ..V.iims coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, (the first named residing in said Frank /in tovi uship and the last yarned in rinnhi•r /and township.) they hereby g ive not:.e to all persons indebted to Q'tid estate to tn,L,c imme diate payment, and those hat :n 7 , ri tiro: ii:..1:11 , -t the same to present them properly authentic-t -ied fop settlement. ADAM hi:r,Eirr. Cll.3.l:Ll:zi 11. PO:L1:1", Feb. 13, 18GO. 6t Adrnuti,cra:urs. Marble Yard Removed. us subscriber having removed hiv place of T business to East York street. P short dis. ! Glorious News! Lance below St. James' Church, would arim. unee F -OEY can be saved by callijig on the sub. to the public that he is still prepared to furnish scriber, Lebo bat just retisrned from the Monti .aIL kinds of work in his llnc. :uch as Mon- - 1 I h cities with one of the largest snicks of FALL nusents, Headstones, kc., &c., of et cry varley o and WINTER GOODS ever bromiht to GeUys. style and fiu:sh, with and without bases and 7- in part as follows: so. kets, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit I burg-- French Merinoes, plain and flared, Cobergs the times. Persons desiring anything in his lice, of all k;nds, Cotton Dekins, slrotrices, Orien swill find it a decided advantage to csamine his tat Lustre., Silk Illu.tions, and a i large assort stock and prices before pureha,ing eliewherc. meat of plain and figured Silks. Alpaceas, B. IPALS. Bombazines.. &c.; French Worked Collars, Uq- Gettysburg, March 2.1, dercleeves, IlandkezAiefs, Flouncing,. Edg- Lices. la.ertiags; Bonnets and Ribbons, Shawls and Mantillas; Musllus, Linens, Sheet llosiery. Cloves, kc. Clothe, Cassitnere:, Cassinets, Veitings, and everything el.e in the gentleman's west line. The under:ignecl is thankful for past favors, and it:II Qpare uo effort to deserve the public's continued patronage. J. L. SCHICK, Oct. 17. S. W. corner of the Diamond. New Grocery. rpm's WAY FOR I3ARGAIN , :.--Tie sub -1 acribsr respectfully intorui= the eltlielli of Ruins and country, that he has op,ne , i n(lroeery, Confectionary and Notion Store on York , :treet, MO doors east of tit. James' Lutii,ran Church, where he has now on hand a general asLoit oent of goods in his a.; • from 40 to :Ocents per gallon , a gars, all kinds; Coffees, different kinds; Vinegar, Salt. lish, Cheese, Scotch llerriug, ground and ungrouud Pepper, Alspiee, Closes. Cinnamon, Mu.starti, Soda, Ginger, Starch, like. Tess, Candle;, Ex tract Coffee, Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; jirooms, Buckets, Candies, all Ilg3, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds,' Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, Fancy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds. Sc.. Borraft and Loos bought and sold. lie invites the calls or the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and price. lle is do us/mined to sell cheaper than the chcapc's. Getyaburg, Dec. 10, Removal. toTawME subscriber has removed his,Plongh and Machine..tihoio flout the Foundry building • oad street, opposite Tate s Blackzmith shop, bank of the Eagle Hotel. where he is bet ter prepared than ever to attend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, Reapers,kc,', repaired. Also he will attend to cle.iniug and repairing Clocks. DAVID WARREN. May 10, Hanover B. Railroad. WINTER ARRINGEMENTS.—The Pas senger Trains run as follows: . FIRST . TRAIN will leave Hanover at 8 A.l[., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Barrie.- _ burg. Columbia and Philadelphia. SECOND TRAIN will leave Hanover at 3 P. IL, with Passengers for Baltimore and inter mediate points. 'EXTRA TRAIN on every Tuesday and Satur day will leave Hanover at 5 P. 11., with Pas sengers for York, Harrisburg, Ste., returning • 'phis Passengers from Baltimore. Through tickets are now imed to Philadel t a Ilia,Columbia, Harrisburg,Williamsport, Heed , Baltimore, York, Wrightsville, and all o er principal way points on the line of the r,' NiShern Central Rail way. D. E. TROSE, Tic Let Agent. Ilanover, March 5, 160. `'. ' . --IL— ------ -- ' --- I to T IS NO SECRET.—Go to New York, watch : your chance at Auction, and yon will soon Ter the fact *by it is that goods are sold rte./map at . SASLSON'S. PICKING smile OVERCOATS very cheap, Sells OVERCOATS rery cheap, Sells OVERCOATS very cheap. PICKING tells cheap CLOTH COATS, • Cheap CLOTH COATS, Cheap CLOTH COATS. PICKING also sells cheap VESTS, Very cheap VESTS, Very cheap VESTS. PICKING'S PANTS are good and cheap, Very good and very cheap, ' Very plod and very cheap. PICKiNG would like to have peoplA r ill and see his atm k—berstise in addition to the above PICKI‘ I I has Carpet Saeks cheap, Umbrellas and Trunks, 6101 ni, siimperatiers. Socks and Shirts cheap, Violins. Acciirdeuns, Fluter, Fifes, kr..cheap, tine ks and Jewelry of every ilescrip lion cheap—has everything usually kept in the Gentle:ne el Furnishing line. Gentlemen seed ing anyt hing In the Clothing or Variety way Would dolvell to call on Perkins. for Picking has made up Ills mind to sell 00110 S CHEAPER, 'than they have ever been scold before in the Kerosene and Coal • 1 county. Hard times wakes low rites. Cali ' , , (Tate's.) at his store in Charaticrshurg street, four sloOts nit, LAMPS I—Hend Qtratters and Menefee- Cory, i 14 j No. 114 South Second Street, below' east of the Eagle Ilote l Jan. 30. 1800. Chesnut, and No. 1 Carter Street, Philadelphia, M. U. DYOTT'S Excelsior Kerosene and Coat l ---- l --- • I Here We Are Again i ' t OH Burner Muesli. k Jour,' Ipring Sinner, I C ' ST 1 , and all utile? Muesli. Stamm for Coal Oil , to- i j i • ST f P uu the cit y w " tk. hut acii e11 . . 4 1P: est aasorituent of SY RCVS sod /lOLA 41 W1 i getber with OA largeanwad hacdsowest variety. ‘" as of the eacomplishmeata is Xusic.— 'of LAMPS. oreteri . deleriptills. CHANGE- i a ll we lov e y et ,t l . ll2l ___,teds vilenteliod to Pitifige , Onitats,Ancordeote,Fifets,Flntes,liddles, LIERS, troligjwilio -My burners -- Glasses ,' a " P er "" in quality ',' P rice ' 1 811;1114, 6 ! Very Rice slock, lowliKil t TEAS. Cis**. t , all the necessary fixings. During the long Wicks, Shade*, sad all articles pertaining to Rice, Cheese ) ripilt es, ( a ll k I nds,) Crschars i Lime, 'Plaster, • RIAU an hour may be spout adranta- the business,togethet with the best KEROSINE ' late ' • and Tess Cakes, 1 inegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured ' - , when you oat buy %time Ittetruments 011. la the eodatry—Wholesaie sad Retail—at it iop at. S4.IISON'S. ; the Maisufacturers' lowest prtees. . - 1 lifeir Merchant* and other" will awes snooty, HAMS and SHOULDERS, Lard, Shad, Maeltirel ' ' ' and Herring's; Salt, Cedar-vrart,Tobs. lincketa, ' kc.i liaikets, Flour Soiree, Broom, Breslow, rxass and COAL , of all kinds , resiliently on hand, which we will pelt at itnialtprodta ~ mast OM is 41- or rash. All Coal, Ac be ' h d ems, Shawls.--A great "vaiftety of all by examiningewar Stock and Prates. ~. . , , Bt. B. Bycyrrs " i, icc.., all kinds Uo 4f. c tat d kn., livery. SLECEFELTEIC, BOLLINGER, ice. r ge,, oncen r e . , .- eaggtei styles and anats, at ' It.-• lan 9,1880. ' , E xtra ......,,,,ap e rtlne IlltitA gg ati kinds of Food; • ..-..- - 1 :. - J. SCOIT4 SOWS. ' LAMP aad GAS FIXTCRS STORE and FAt'- Potatoes', Fresh Butter and, ' s coustautlyr Os ---' —. . --I Tort; No. 114 Smith Second and No. 1 Ga . rs. sot aseassary for th e ter th e w. below Chesnut,- Philadelp hia . hand I 11611 CY Gallo, Confectioaaries and Fnait. have on band IkNica r e k i . le s 1860. 3m • . ._ _ i Give us • call. it Mora as pleasure to show Gold Pencils, t . - lon which Win':. z--'4 ; . BUFFALO ROBES and Over-shoes inners 1 .•• , NORSECIC h MAVINs 5434 '' -' - . W s: irliespar Ibis Put stetson at SAMSON'S,' ' Clettyubli -, rfs *lir ilk Me, -,,= ..4 4 , - ,,,,,, ,~,,, ,large Garden and Lot of Ground, with every E best OVER-COATS ever nifer r ed in any , coavenieuce necessary for a tavern. adjoining Clothing Store outside of the cits,kggrigitropellilibli& Square, near the Gettysbnrct Rail aii,4k*Awilkhe-_ll4"ilfilllrd. Apply to JOHN BIiCKML 'rote anti. the en-Aleut making . South George Street, York, Pa es:it't be exedlleil.) A few more left at Jan 16,1860 Dec. 26. SAMSON'S _g . - ICTURES copied from old specimens nisi' kinds ; slur inserte4 in Lockets, Repast inn singer Rings, by SA.III;RL WEAVER. AeLRIST Y of Fall Bonnets; TriouniAga, `itaches, Flowers, sc., at ;ors. A. SCOTT & SON'S. Notice. W.ll. E. BITTLE New Goods— CAP GOODS—PUTTY GOODS.—Fah nestock 13rothers have just returned from the cities w Ith the largest, prettiest and cheapest sisorttueut of Goods ever offered to the public. We hare an unusually large and cheap ato,l of Silks. Delaines. and every variety of Li dite.' Press Goods. Cassimers,Cassinetts. Ve,tiogs, ke. Call early and examine for yutirtielreit.— We will siti,..fv you that our Goods arc unusu ally cheap. No trouble to show Cowls. FAIINESTUCK ItRoTIIERS Oct. 17, 1859. Sign Red Fruit /tapes' !N ITROGENIZED SUPER-PHOSPHATE 0? LIME! QOM/ Oil D Off DRIED BLOOD, Bt./NE:, SULPITLIIIC ACID, • • PERUVIAN GUANO, AXD SeLPHATE 100 Pounds of th• NITROGENIZED PHOSPHATE Will equal in effect and luting pouer 185 Puuuds Peruvian produce GILEATtiII WEIGHT ON WHEAT, And other Grain, per Burhr 1. SErIT PREVENTS RUST!"101 I solicit Farmers to give it A fair trial, being confident of its worth. It has been extensively used iu the New England and Southern States for ten years pact , and its increasing sale PROVES ITS SUPERIORITY I It Is packed in l..ttrong Bags of IGO Pounds each. PRICE $4 l'Elt H.t(;. Olt $5O PER TON. Orders accompanied by Remittances will meet a ith Prompt Attention. Testimonials and Samples given Free of Charge, on application to thellole Agent, R. W. P. ALLEN, No. 14 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPLILL kV - AGENTS WANTED.' Feb. 20, 1860. 3m Cannon & Adair's XTEW MARBLE WORKS, corner of Dalti -111 more and East Middle streets,directly op posite the new Court House, Gettysburg.— !laving recently arrised from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execote all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in our line, to favor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND BEAM.TONES. MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS fur Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertaining to our business. at the lowest pos s:ble- prit es. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our a nrk shall be put up in a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to be seen in the cities, where every improvement who h experience has suggested is availed of, and eine( sally do we varautee that our Ceme tery and Gras e Yard work shill be so carefully set as not to beat:reek-I by frost. but shall main tain for years that ercet.its.4 of position given at the Lempletion of a job, and so necessary to eoutinued gracefulness and symmetry. Nov. 28, 155'). tf New Fall and Winter Goods, T A SCOTT & SON'S NEW STORE.—We have just received our stock of goods Suitable for the Fall and Winter sales, to which e invite the attention of buyers---which for beauty and price cannot be surpassed—among which may be found a variety of LADIES' PRESS GOODS, of new and fa.hion iblc dew bigns, Shawls. Bonnets, Trimming , . ke., Lc.— Our stock of DOMESTIC GOODS is also full and complete. For MEN'S AND BOYS' NVEAII, we hate a variety of Cioths, Ctskiemeres, Sati nets, Jeans, L . c.. of various styles ant prices.— Also, GRO"EIIIES AND QUEENI , W.kIi.E. !raving purclixe.l oar good.; at low prices for CASII, we are enahlid to sell them at prices to suit the times. All we ask is an examination of our stock before purchasing. Thankful for past encouragement. we hope by strict atten tion to business and a cksire to please, to merit, as well as receive. a continuance of the same, as. well as lots of new. Oar motto is, "Quick sales and small profit.." Oct. 3, 18:..9. A. SCOTT & SON. Something Nqw N GETTYSBU'Rt ; =The undersigned informs I the citizens of the town and county. that he has commenced the BAKING business, on a large semle, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel. where he will try to deserve, and hope, to rc..eive, a liberal patron age. BREAD. CAKES, CRACKERS, P - BETZELS. ke . kc., baked every day, Sun days excepted.) all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its-branches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining conn ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the hest workman and the most ap proved mactinery, he is prepared to do a heavy business. XA.LE- . VTINE SAUPEE July 33, 1859 For Sale OBENT.—Tnat esosilent Tavern Olt Stand, in New Oxford, Adams o n ,. county, Pa.. for many years known as """" Milev's Tavern, at present In the occupancy of G. P. Becker. The House is large and very convenient, with good and large Stabling. a WANT -100.( )( )9 B ED S . " T i h M e ! l iii t i ts t eTt pries will tie poi for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oohs, Rarity, Clorer-seed, Timothy-seed, Flour, te., xt the. large yellow Wan:M.4l.e, wiwt end of New Oxford. for Families and .11antsfactu ring Establishments. Let Manufacturers, Planters, Formers. liouste kcapers, or any other persons in search of an instrument to execute any kind of Sewing now done :if machinery, make sure they secure the nest. by examining ours before purchasing. liarS.imples of %York sent by mail. more New Goods VIII•T CONSTITUTia a GOOD 11MWING owning? AT the Sign °rale 111(1 Boor. is Chambers- Llt should be well wade, simple in its con. burg street. We hare }:•tretei%e,i a struction, and easily kept in order. large stock of 11.17: 4 . C %P"•:, 'OrS. 2.1 t I , hoLidDLlke a TIt.DT coca-STlTCa p ankt Trunks, Cvrpet livo, t sobeellsii, I.lnygy Dar— on b ot h sides of the 'Lel-I'd :S. It should sew any and all materials that aces, Whip., ke ,and are dstermiced to sell at the priei po.s.ule fur eissb._, can be sewed. Call and Juidgv: fur your.i.li es. 4. It should be aide to use Cd ttaa, Thread, Ott. k CULP. or Silk, directly from the spool. 5. It should be aide to sew from coarse to fine ; George Arnold, l and from thick to thin, with rapidity, and with the tension. HAVING disposed of his stoi k of Litdie,.•! with out ', t Ihul g in g Dress and Fauey Goods gr nerally, shuuld be able to make the tension greeter or less, on both the under and upper how give his u hole Attention to the CLOTHING threads. and with uniformity. BUSINESS, And will .+t 3ll time. keep on h an d 7. It slionld have straight needle; curved a lure lot of cheap Cloths, Cvssitnere•. Cassi-1 ones are liable to break. netts. Vt,tlll;:a, and Ifen's eir guieralle. 1 8.. The needle should hare perpendicialat Also, Beath-mlde Gvi.r Coats. Drew and.: mu; :oil. Tabs is absolutely necessary for heavy Business Coats, Pantvioons, Ve-ts, lloukry Jvekets, Shirts, Drnu CIS, Cuin f urts, Sbnks, Cravats, Etc., ke. Give us IVe will sell every Article in our line as cheap as the cheapest. Jan. 23, 1860 atirOrtano, Pfister. Salt, kc., and a large and well selected stuck of Lumber and Coal cormantly wst ha.nd and fur sale at my Wwre- hoa.e Now Oxford, Oct. 7, tes9. tf GG EORGEHENRY WA M i'LER will make House Spouting and put up the some low, for cosh or country produce Farmers and all others wishing their house., barns, kc., spout ed, would do well to gon them a call. April 18, '53. tf 0. it: H. WAMPLER. ArTITAL FIRE INSLItA COUPANy.,,... lucorporated March let, President—George Swope. rice President—s. R. Russell. • Secretary—D. A. Buehler. • Treusaw—Darid Wereary. Exeriaire Cumnittre--Ruhert McCurdy, Jae() Kind., Andrew Heintz('hnun. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Buchler,Ja cob King, A. Rentz*!man, R. M'Curdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Fahnestoch, Win. B. McClellan, Wm. H. Wilson, M. Eichelherger, Abdiel F. Gitt, John Woltord, 11. A. Picking, Al,tlT. Wright, John Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russet', 1). M'Creary, Andrew Pulley, John Picking , R. Hersh. biarThis Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has beAn in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid' all losses and ex pensesorithcAa any assessment, having also A large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above) named Managers for further information. ger The Executive Committee meets at the take of the Company on the lust Wednesday in every mouth, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 18:S. Everybody Take Notice ! mIIAT the undersigned has just returned fronuthe city, and has now on hand, and intends keeping constantly, as fine an assort ment of GROCERIES and QUEHNSWARE as has ever been kept in this place. Also a Tery fine assortment of FRUITS, such as Malaga Figs, new dried Currants, drum Figs o first quality, prime Dates, ORANGES and LEMONS, a prime article of Leghorn ritroa, a splendid article of Brandy Peaches, prime articles of Cheese and Teas, Spices of all kinds ; also a lot of fresh NUTS, such as Pecans, monds and Palni Nuts—and a great many othe article, in the Fruit and GroCery was, too nu merous to mention. Also a lot yik PANTY NOTIONS, such as Slaps, Perfuutcrier, Le. H. G. CABS. Store in Henri Thomaes room, next door t Baupee's Bakery, in East York street. Gettysburg, Dec. 19, 1959 Dr. M'Lane's CELEBRATED VEIOSIFUGE Si LIVER PILLS.—We beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade! and more especially tho Ph alder's of the country, to two of the most popular rernedios now before the public. We refer to DR. CILtS. L AN.E'S CELEBRATED VERMIFTGE. AND LIVER PILLS. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-I,lls. but simply for what tlaeir wattle purports, •it The VERNSIFLTOE, for erpelliug WOPIIIII from the human system tered with the most satisfactory res - ths to va rious Animals subject to t% ortn4. The LIVER PILLS, for the cure of Laces Coartairara, all BILIOUS DIIIISSOCIIINTS, :iICIC LI tAD-ICIIII. ko. In taSe! of Fscin •xD AGUS, preparatory to or after taking Quinine, they almost invaria- ' lay make a speedy and permanent cure. n' As specifies for the above mentioned dis- ti! f easel they are unrivaled, and never knots n wueu administered iu accordance wit!, the direction.i. Their unprecedented popnlarity ha• in- (laced the Proprietors,FLEMllitil Bllt F: vs 1'ITT:i111:Ittl, PA., to di.iipose of their Drug ' - et business.inn hich they hal e been sucoessfully engaged for the last '2O years, and they will 7+ now give their undil bled time and attention tis their manufacture. And being determined ttis Dr. L aile s Celehrated Verrnifuge and Live Pills shall continue to occult; the high po.itio they now hold among the great remedies of th da:s. they will continue to spare neither timpi nor expense in procuring the best and Pure+. tnateilsla. and compound them in the tuolt thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING ItIt0T111:1:3, Pittahurg, Pa. P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering 6 - 4 others then Fleintrg Bros., will do well 8i) write their orders distinetli, and take non( Uoil Di% .Sr Law's, prepared by Ficesaij Bra., Patabul, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trill, We will forward per avail post paid, to any part ei the l'nited State•, OLIO hux of Pills for twelle three-cent postage stamps. or one vial of Ver.- mifuge for fourteen three-cent stamp+. All o r . ders from Canada mutt be accompanied b; twcq ty cents extra. Fur sale by A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg, and by dealers generally throughout the county. May 2, 1859. ly Picking's Advertisement. PRE Notice to Farmers. VIL.Vs K. IlEltSll Spouting, Adams County MIIIIII Come one and nll. And give me a call It has alio been adminb- 3Baltlm.ors* .A.cl. - v'tei. ' Ladd, Webstar & 00., 131 BALMIORIC ST., BALTMORS, Ilan uticturers of I cuprol ed Tight-stitch SEWING MACIIINEB, CM 9. It should be capable Of taking in the Largest pieces of work. 10. It should be able to bind with a hinder, hem with a hemmer; should stitch, fell, run and gather. IL It should be always ready to work. It should be capable of wising the same size of thread on both sides of tae work, and of using different colored thread ur silk, at ore or below, to correspond with to two colors of cloth to be united. I?. It bLould Legible to wake a long or short stitili. 14. It should be able to fasten off the seam, and commence sew iug tightlyat the first stack. 15. It should run easily and make but little noise. 16. It should have a wheel feed; none others are in constant contact with the work. 17. It should but be liable to get out of order. 16. It should not be liable to break the thread, nor skip stitches. 19. It should not be necessary to use a screw drit er or wrench to set the nee le. 20. It should nut be liable to oil the opera tor's dread. 21. It phoUld not form a' ridge on the under side, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, as is the vise %HAI ♦l.t CUM%-)4TITCII ItlAchines. 22. It should nut be •" more trouble than it is worth." 23. Finale. all of these ndrantages are pos sessed by our Sewing Machine. LADD, 11 EDSTED. k Co. • Dec. 5, 1859. ly House Furnishing No. 11 21 - vriA lloword sets, two Ur doors North of the Howard House.—The undersigned. hiring made 'Argo waditions to his stuck, ii prepared to furuiab Housekeepers, I Country Merchant• and others.. with such arttelea as they want, ou the vete beat term. Havanna: Whitew.i.ah, Sweeptug, Duating, Paint, Hair, Toth, Nail, Silver, Shoe, Scrub and llorhe Bru.hes. ICOOOKS-11A R 1 : such. as Tubs, Bnrkets, I Measures, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Rolling Pins, Butter Priuts, kr. Broome, Baskets, Mats I .' and Co:dage. Masser's 5 minute Ira Cream Freezers. Pefrigerators, ugright and chest--the roost approved kinds. Wattr Coolers, is Wood 1' or Metal. Tiu stud Wire Sa.f. Arthur's and other must approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre , serving,Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block . Tin. Britacnia and Plate.' dare. Allnaa Forks land Spoons, Urns, Cuffte it/1 , 1 Tea Puts, Boiler., Waiters, Claufliag Dishes, knikor. ruui ; Forks, WAillo iron., Saw e Pans, 3 , A1 wral Weights, Cotfee Mills, Tat hle Ci3tors, OM Luella ion ('office Shultiand :fong,t, Norse Lamp , , ; Toilet Set.. Foot Tu6s, Bain Tubs, Klaiit l'lenners, Wins Dish ('orers, Table Vats, together with a arin.ty or articles usehal.aud necessary a Housekeepers. Bohr a Davis' Patent k:setl-dor We:Adair 11a , hiues. Plain Tin and Sheet lros Ware and Brushes of ovary description, manu factured to order. tail). A. MILLS, No. I I North lioward 6t.,lthaure, Md Match 13,819. ly Artists', Painters' A ND PLIOTOCIK APII FAS' DEPOT.—The lA_ subscriber has con , tantly on hands full stssurtment of materiols fur the u,e of .anus, Pa dersand Photoiraplwrs. Al -o on h urd a and beautiful ii,“urtniciit of S/fr.rar , ,,n4c /sera ! ra , /as osoi r:eirt. embracing every variety of Foreign •ud American Lasfiesrpet, Shtfeary t Parlor •,id Run! Croup.. ,fie. The beauty and interest of the Sterescopic Views npoin the par : lur table titruish • never ending euurre of en- tertainmoit both to visitors and the home circle. I COrNTRY ME'IIt•IIANTS supplied sou the ' most Nticral tetras. W. A. WISONG, No. 2 N. Liberty Baltimore, Md. June 27, 1R59. ly. B. T. Hynr,on, _ UPIIOLSIT.REM, PA PLR lIANGFIE AND VENEYL‘N BLIND NIA\ CFACTUItE,II,, No. 52 N,irt:t IlJward btrret, one door abut Lexington. Wiirimcnic. Paper If :nguigs.—Conrtintly in store, Papr 11.4u , ,1ng3 of every de•mriptiun, and of the 11'.!s and most approved patterns. Also. Borders Fire Itosird Prints, kc. rem/tan (shads.—Keeps on hand, and trinrin facture!, to order. Venetian Blind+ of all colors, sizes and rrilitie4, which will compare favora bly with any offered to the public. 10.1rl'Aper Hanging done in the he.t style.— Old Blinds repainted and trintiuel, or es, hangw3. March 7. 1859. ly Baltic oro Safe Manufactory. S \LAMANDI:It trEri.--7housands ord , liars in proper ty of all kinds. sued anno.illr in there sacs thtt neter f.tilea to pr,serve tleir contepts.— Foctory, Derriance street, Prot idence, Rhotle Island. and I - .lr North 4treot, Baltimore. Sale rooms, No. 1.3. S rah . l'h street . For sizes and prices send for it circular. All Safes ar ranted to giro stvistaction. L. H. MILLER, Yo. 16 South Charles Arect,. Oct. 17, IASD. tje.27. Baltimore, \[d First Premium NAMELLED COTTAGE IT RNITURE.— V R. W. HEYWOOD, No. 101 North Charles street. Baltimore, having been engaged for the Ltst 17 years in the manufacture and sale of the above desirabliTerniture, suited to country eesidenees, has on hand a lArge variety, manufaa lured expressly for retail sales. Al,o, Oak and •Wallinut Chamber Sets, Oak and Walnut Extension Tables, Dining Room and Fancy Chairs, :SideboardA, Hair and Husk Mat tresses, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, Lc., &c. )(arch 21, 18L9. ly Baltimore PnLLE AND BRASS WORKS, 53 Holliday street, Baltimore, Md. REGESTER k % 88, the Proprietor., are prepared tofttralsh Br:US of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, which are warranted equal In cptalit of tone, prolongation of sound and durability, to any rriade in the United States. o.lr Bells are made of the best materials, warranted to give entire satisfaction; also, against breakage. Farm Bells, ranging from 10 to 100 pounds, always 03 hand at, northern prices. For Certificates with full particulars, seed for one of our Cirotil.u.s. . 4.ug. 29, 1839. ly Globe Inn, tAIWITANICSTOWN. Frederick eatinty,Md.- Haring been renovated - sad re-fundebed, proprietor assures the public that a caH is ouly needed, as he gonrantees full satisfaction in errr7 ow. Chargerinoderste. lik1 . 111" HEl4ll,Proprietor. Feb:l4, 1859. tf TYSONS' PIdTURES, TTBONS: PICTL'It t ES TYSONS' PI6=RIM tetTURBS of deceased' persons take. at short loots by TYSON • RIM, (hap rg, Ps. IMMEI . Just ta ftaillott! .... - .11M011.4 Work! -.- • milers IVE -.GSA CALL!—The undersigned have cOACHWAICPIIO3 AND BLACKSMIGTHING. r jest received from the cities an immense —The taigned rest eztfully informs • stock of CLOTHS,CASSIIIEIIES, CASSINETS. b s friends aistr the public that he continues TI STINGS in s a p varieties. Ate., suitable for the the Coachenakittg and Macksmithing business I season, which trey offer to the public at anpre- in every braetli-at his establishment In Cbam -1 cedentedly low rates. bersbnrg , street. He has on hand and will • 1 "They ask a cell, • mannfact emote order all kinds of CARRIAGES, To cum ince all" BKPGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., of i of the tenth of this assertion. No trouble to i thf best material, and mode by superior work. show goods and give prices. A large lot of - . garßarataiso and Iit.•CISNITHINO Of READV-HADE CLOTHING also selling cheaper kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly 1 than ever, arid to the satisfaction of customers. Garments made up for men and boys, as us- Cot NTity• PKODUCII taken in exchange for ual, in the eery best manner, and according to work at nsarket prices. i any style desired. The work being done in I geirPersotrs desiring articles or work in the their own establishment, they are always eh-lCouchmaking, or 131acksmithing line, are re-' ' sailed to warrant it. Remember, their place of I apeetf ull-y • invited to call on 1 business is the large and .ommodious room ad- . JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII. ! Joining Cubcan k Culp's. on Chambersburg Gettyslmag. Jan. 24, '59. 4 '- street. JACOBS k BRO., --- -- -- --- .. , l Sept. 19, 11439. Nierchant Tailors, Private Sale iTIE l - i•terib er o ff ers at Private SA , TI D his 1101:SE AN LOT, on MO ffin"' street; adjoininv, Solomon Powers. be 1 lion.c i, a two-.tort' Brick, nearly sew, with a Back-building, ald a well of water. Tmurts easy. DA.N'L. F. PITTENTI:III. i July 11, lt , :;:)•. tf BURY I. DINNY.M. 111rAYBRIGHT ZINBLY.II i New Firm—New Good& IrE undersigned base entered into partner ship in the i ll A ROW ARE & GROCERY , business, at the Al stand of Darn:let& Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of DANNF:II k ZLF:GLKR. .311.5., and ask,. I and will endeat or to deserve, a continuance, of I the patronage of the old firm, as well as :. qnantity of ne.v en .tuia. They have just return' l ed front the cities with an immense stock of 1 Goods—con-i t:ng in part of Budding Materials, such as Nail., Screws Ilinges, - .Bolts, Locks, Glass, kc. Tool .. including EdgAlTools °revery' description, ..S.kN\ ~ Planes, Chistels, Gon: :. Braces and Hitt , . Au :ens. Squares, Gnaws; Hammers, LL. lila. I.siniths will find Alp - 11s, Vices. Ita , pb, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails. &c., with thew, very cheAp. Coach Find ' inga, such as Cloth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, 1 Cotton, Moss. Chl (lo:h, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, ISpokes, Felloes, Rows. Pules, ...hafts, kc. Shoe ! Findiugq, Tamps. o, Brush and Frerreli Iforocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs. Lact.., Boot Tree , , &c., with a general a...Anil:scut of Shoemaker's tools. ; Cabinet Maim'. Tools, a general it,ortment— , aDo Varnish, fiKnobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS I will also find a large ti,surtment of Knives and ' Forks. Brittannia, Albata.and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoon,. Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel And Tunis. S.td Irons, Enstmelled.ruul Brass Kettles, Pons. Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, ke. A1..0, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes acs kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, whit h they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GRuCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, .uch as Crushed, Pulverised, ;Clarified and Brown Saves; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and , Syrups, Coffee, Spices. Chocolate, Fine, Coarse 1 and Dairy Salt; Linseed. Fish and Sperm ,OIL; Terpentine, Fish. AL..; *full the,urtiutat of Lead and Zinc. dry and in oil; alto Fire-proof Paints; in fart, Almost every article in the Hardware, iCoach Finding. :Aim. Finding, Housekeeping, iHnekstnith,t'abinet Maker's. Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line,all of which they are detennin , ed to sell as lute fur CASH as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, W A N'll RIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg. May 24, I tisB. THE undersigned haling retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter Im eontiuncd at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons. Henry B. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner I Ziegler, Jrs., w hom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak • liberal share of patronage frul old customers, and of the public in general. Haring retired Omni tte Mercantile business, it is neces4ary th.st our old hushiecs should he setthtl up. We. therefore, notify all those in debted to u. either hr Jittl:mient. Note or Book Ac , outit, to call and set:le the glum without delay. The books till Le found at the old stand. J. H. DANNER, Mar 25. 1•39. DAVID ZIEGLER. 44 v-ri mcz-ic tr. Flu Est) - , il a t z cozu- NAM Um-, W . itlig: - Eery Pi toi,t, i -i,o•tlct procure this }:.err Sin,;.-r. I wcAly l'l.Olication of Every Tea:tier, Vocal And Piano Forte Every Pupil, IN.+ ic, co.ititg but 10 cry Atli :tcur, CI.NTS a number, and Pronounced 1 - ,v the entire Pres-- of the Country. to he 'q) CHEAPEST WORK OF THE KIND IN T/1C 1V );t1,11." Twelve full -44-1 rages of Voc.tl And Piano Forte Musk fur 11 Cents. YeAriy, S 5 ; 11.11 f-yearly, S 2 50; Q.l trtelly, !1 S " Our Musical ri ;end," ur or lit it f:oin theneare,t Newsthal:r, and you will h Ire Music enough for your (Mire faini:y and at nu tn.. ign;tir.i.nt cost; and if you wat.t. Mu=ir for the Flom, Violin, Cornet, Claxio net..teeued,l,on. etc,. etc.. 1. alizertbe to the SOLO MELODIST. cotttaiS:n„; 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents a Number; Yearly, $2 50; Half-yearly SI 25. All the Back :Cambers at 10 cents,and 11ound Volume.. coot:liming U Numbers, at 42 50 each, constantly opt C. R. SEYMOCIt A Co., NAssau St , New York. Feb. G, 1 SGO. 3m Notice • rro FATIMV.P.S; AND MERCUA—NTS.—We 11:.ea now oi.a.aed our 1 trtv. - 2-and commodious Areiiouse, on the corm r of StrAlton and Rail road strt ets, isear the Depot of the Gettysbur.4 R..iiroal Comp iiiy, and are preparLd to rccei% c produce of all kind-, Fi.ol - 11 WHEAT, ItYF:, IT;\, OAT 3. Lc. Al.o, on hnnd and for (:u tqus, PlAster, Fish, Le. A large stock of Gro.-erie4 jest rceci. ed. consisting of Sugars. Coneys:, : 4 ; s up+, 31,4.1,5e5, Oils, Rice, Teas, ,Spices of all kinds. Cc isr-wsre, .tc., which a e do wit lie•itat:. to rill sell at low as can be bought el.:a - litre. a hoksale and retail. Myrehlots a ill do well by calihrg to see and (Ktiraii:e our st . k before II urehq.ing else us here, as our tootto a ill 11 '• quick sales and sin Xll profit ." We would also call the attention of all inter eqted In the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses. Hogs. tc., to the fact that we hare for Bale lire:iitg, l'ronefield k Co.'s Celctgate.rl Vegetable CATTLIII POWDER, of whicir we have sold from 1:>00 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farnicr 4 anil Storekcapers. KLINEFELTEB. BOLLINGER I CO Gat4y3burg, ept. 5, Is'sB. YdOH yliirsclves, sod I know you'll be satis fie•l that there is no use to complAin of .. shoes or net feet when 11. G. CARR sells Gum Shoes for 25 cents. And still better, there is no use of suffering- nith Cerns, Chilblains and Frozen Feet, when you curt get the very sluff at H. G. ('err's to cure them !ill. No cure no p.'y. Come, get it and try it. Come all you dyspeptic persons, I can fix you all right iti a short time. 11. G. Carr's Uni versal Bitter sis the stuff to do it with. It is cheap. and its intrinsic value is only to be got at by trying it. Now is the time to get nice, good and cheap Hosiery, ALA. G. Corr's. Also, a fresh supply of Cheese, and nll kinds of fine, choice Fruits, such es Figs, Prunes, %lief, Raisins, Currants, Lemons, kc. • H. G. Crxr's is the place to get the finest and most fashionable colors of Neck-ties now In town and very cheap. Everybody tome and see and you'll be sure to buy. [Feb. 13, 1860. N 0 one can doubt the cheapness if he looks at the woolen Shawls and woolen and cotton Under-shirts and Drawers, c4ton and woolen Sockyroolen Jackets,excellenT to work in, fine linen, fancy, marsellles and cotton Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Silk Cr.. rats, kc., new style of French embroidered Stocks at S moors. illaSE.—Sag Daisy tiOs _ewe, of such 1j excellent quality ea is retell offered here, heat reosired mad for sale at H. 114. 10= le York street. Try it sad Juditep toe es. ar. - TfiE RIGHT WAY.—When times T are bard and money seams, goods sbonld be sold cheaper for cask. Boots it'll 25 to $4 00, *hoes in proportion,iillk Hats atst 50 ta.s3 50, Fur and Wool Bats and Cape Wince low prices as to suit close buyars,st SAMBON'Ek A)111110, listalso, Mond sad Picture*, of sopeciar siylo, takers P = ver's Sky-light Gallery. JDNL.ARGED Photographs tiros amen Or tares isished la India ink, ws,tsr or el colors. st the Excelsior %Rory, are splendid. ALL kWh of Pictures neatly sad ,r ( Odiously. copied sod saluted bryt RO., Norsk-east earner •ot tb• oem Oritteysbvt Po. Notice, Our Musical Fried. Read and Judge ew Oyster Saloons. s .LI g ,o/1 , ril , er lido opened new Oyster and Eat.wg , i , dluons, on the south side of ...., C • ourbyrstk • street, near the Diamond, (two 1140 ...g 4lo;s , to. Arnold's :mute.) m here he wil ive' . 17,R1i DAV, (r 4 undAy exciited.) ncutit.erve in Cat t arious.,st:,l,g, the best quality of tirt:srr ul - sTuts,. nutn Baltimore. By keeping n gtod arti,d,e, re exp*cts to receive a libera patrl,nage He will' also .upply Oys tnrs vi - iitlig.ille to otLcr e:datstignew. II is Bill el !lowa.% er;not he (*Gunn , ed to o.ist,is aione. Other artieftb in th e Eat ingline c,n til..\ ..ys Le had .i itiOtou--alu a nice gid-s of ALE. ..... ' gWEtitraucc to Ladiei' Saloon atjaie eeffAre .our of Ow Gentleruen'aloprrht the dour adjuiaiu..: it on the west...- G. F. I:Ci.T.',fattliF..- Gettysburg. Oct. 21.1.310. • .4, ... _. ..___ --"70" /1111AVU SCOTT. J. 1110Kgr IiXOTT. • A. Scott & Son, '. PEALEII6 iu Dry Goods, Fancy Articles, queensware, Groceries. kc., Ic., opposite 1 1e flow'," Cliamberaii r g street. Call and See the Bargains! R. F. Mc iLIIENY lustin g juNt. returned from ve the, City ot Philadelphia, where Le has I ..O . A.VINGS IN! 4 TITUT,IGN uF ADAMS COFN seleited very elation) his FALL ANL/ WINTE* I TV.— Weetrh CPIII , , Ey ar,po.--I'ei.tibitt• G001)S. is prepared to show the prettiest i your surplus ftt de in this Itxutot; , 4l and li ana most fashicn Ible stock of goodain his tine calve intereet 40,1tuate.u: is ato luLr p r ever bronglst to this plate, whiih will be sold nt cent... This indirillgo4.clier, a e a ce, prices that will defy till competition. His stock nod 'Prufltal.le i‘klitUr) to all Clilt,eS p i, of HATS AND CAPS is Lill and complete, eat-1 July 4. le.;:f. - bracing Men's No. 1. black Silk Hats, kieu's .- t a t black eassieuere Hats, Men's fine soft Fitt Ittitl , a Fresh ASE• q , sent lieu's Ledger Mits. - lien's Russia Etraad F ClooDS ahl F., IV 1: EININGER'S. Hata, lieu's Silk Velvet Caps. Ledger C a p s ,Te. , uh,,i tiq r, t 1 , ,, r ii i , t . u t A ind t il ed ftsi fr o o r il Nary, Plush, and Plush tri.unied Gips. A '..ti'dl-7,t) ittl ~t,u splendid assortment of BOYS' k CHILL/KEYS tii"etk GFNTIVI 1 / 4 ••; EAlt--to CAPS. from 25 as. to sl,2s4Als'L "n ..swhity he calls nttentioß'efthe public. Ile sire assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, cos- tale. tad bi, ,tot k s alt great Lary. and can sisting of Men's Waiter-proof Boots, Fine ('.df in , rk,s undt.;. , e? t: tat; tit l'luthtug Cork-soled Bouts, Heavy Kip Roots, Calf Con- n grams Gaiters. pep' Boots, Shoes and G a it er ,_ He desires i.:l who a i•ht t , he sell fitted with Thankful to tar friends and cu,tunitrs for g""ri• 1•;" ( " 1 FALL ANI I %%iNTI:It CLOTHING, pima favors hope-by politeness a „ d ,- . ,i,. dv „ hag to glee hint a call. lie I„.tunot le excelled in to merit a contincence of their patron:l,, the' warn. E‘er) oue,ther.fore, Ulm desires Oct. 17, 1b51). R. F. llellArENY. bargain, %tumid call with him ..t his Merchant _ - 1 Tailoring i:e.shlishrueut in Carl:sle street, nest Grain and Produce House, dour to Meron.:ughy's CHAMBEIiSBURG. STREET.—The un- JACOB REININGER. t, de:7.'4;mA liming purchased the large bhildiag in the rear of his store on Chambers bursburg /.treet. known us •• Camp's area try," has converted it into a Produce WarthotLee, and is now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain and Produce. to wit : FLOCK, WHEAT. HY E. CORN, OATS, Seeds. Stc. , for which the highest market price will be given. . gie - -"I 0 trkeoiansotiate-those who may prefer it, I will also receive on COMMIS:3:O'S and forward Produ!e of all kinds, havir.g . made ar- ningemeuti for that purpose 'A ith a rtsponsible house in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Stare. and keep on hand GILOCEitik:S of all , kinds, S (otftv, Sugar, Molasies, Teas, Mee, (Els, Spices. fish, Cular-ware, .4e. Having just ret eived a very large supply, purchased DM remarkably favor.:.b , e ferny, I am prepared to furu;sh Country Dele.eri very cheaply, and-will sell .:t all WHOLESALE AD The public are invited In call before purchasing elsewhere. as I am determiried to sell as cheap as the chespe. t, on Om principld of Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 3,1 h: 9. - - ---- Railroad Store. T C. GUI NN BUD. have just received and „„ are openiti,r at their new store on the N orth-westeorucr of Centre Square, I tettyshurg, a large and complete agent:net:it of Spring And Siimuter Goods and Croeeri , •,.. The ladies par ticularly arc invited to call and examine our Au perior ,tylcs of Dre..; Good. and Fancy articles; cialsrat. in,r e cc) bung corni,:g properly undtr this at pr., P.: not il.re;o:ure equalled, and in qualify ...a:lid—v(l by untie. tiENTLEVIN'S WEAR, of e. cr cie-eription.cunsisting ofeloths, Cassiweres. Cusinitts, ('tatting,, ke., N%111 , 41 cAnnot be surpa.,,ed out of the city in quality and price. Our i.tnel, 01 t.roceries is nlsn complete, while even other article generally found in a Dry tlou3, store cab Lc had at the •• Railroad Store" of J. C. Quinn St Kra. Delie%ing that the put,- lie can suit themselves 'better here than else where, we incite them to give us a call. Fur the proof of our as...ertiou. call and examine our stock,evcu if you don't buy. [April 4, 1859. TUN suhscriher informs his friends and the public that he has removed hi: large Bout an Shoe EstabEshment, to Chambershurg west, Gettshorg, where he has now on hand, and will continue to keep fur sale, an ex tensive sariety of work, of his own manufacture. The work is made on in the hest and most durable wanner, including ail tl:e LiCIN e,t styles, and embraces BOOTS k SHOES, Men's, * Women's and Children's GAITLItS% in short, es ery article usually to be found in a first clAss establish ment of the kind. He has now and a ill continue to has a etuido) ed it number of workmen. "hard to heat," to make up customer work. That he will sell CHEAP. i+ easily proven. Give hint a call, examine his Boots, shoes and Gaiters. and get his prices. With une:.. - ceptionahle work and low rates. he •ligpis fur and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. gar - Shoemakeni are informed that he al ways keeps on hand • UPPERS," for Shoes and Gaiters, ready for bottoming, Lich he di.poses of on pleasing terms. JN BALLWLG. Sept. 12, 1859. ly Jc7l - allilir. Tip t on. 64gutrtawarntsx.'" 0 to Tipton's—go to Tipton's— Lio to Tipton's in the corner— the corner in the Diamond— In thq Diamond near McClellan's, If you want your hair dressed finely— If you want your face shaved smoothly. Bachelors who never kmew it— Tip's the fellow that can do it— Do it in the latc,t fashion— Do it quick and do it neatly, And improve your fine looks greatly, Make you look w^ mug and sprightly Make you feel i Make you feel 1 To call upon 1 Who before wt At you as you Daily on the pt Anil young env Who want sor Patches where Tip's the boy _ Matches with . Then repair to Dandy, Fogy Jan. 11,1858. ouALEIEANDIR rusher, has o West mid* occupied by Dar Office, where ho to the calls oti furors, he hoPtst• and • desire to p 1 p a t r onage of the Gettysburg, Al celsior Er Removal. . TIN AND SIIFY,T lI;()N'4 II IIIE.—SiIEADS ; 1 ; 1.1 :ill:I It. I. it lug urcbased the in itui k of T .LLlite:y W t t lion juhf George E. b l / 411, Bueh''.cr, hate of (neq en ( , tolikAninent in , con nection mith their rat e W are Room, under the super,nt. tolirfinf l. of 1 . 1. E. flhelater, and are !locr preti.,ieq to furni,ly e)errthin g in .Ibltt iicti at the tone e..t prima. •, Ir. \iiltliviorwto the °Mino rs Hare, they l'itiyellOar7e F a lip?y of kitchenend hunkCirmitaa.l3' ...pod+, of e , .ery variety, iasladina eriemell.a d tin 'Keiti,,, pane, & c ., for tre.scr% hug, co( t . i,....: alai' -1:F..;: 4 y Coll owl s t t4 sec them. :-ploctili , 4os-or:went Of SUP, es and hriii, , e f.iriti.iii;.g goub , at iii, it Warebou,e, ou the eJrner of f'nrit , •ic 1.11.1 h.i.irual - streets. t,..- , N4 Spoaia , put tip ;:t -I ,,, rtesttotiee. Lum ber, Coal and 1.:.;t alit aye oil laminae/at their card at the sarae pl.ie. Nos. 14, hLi). 51lE.1DS .1713eldILEIL - -- Fanners' & Mechanics' Oct. 31, 1853 • Use Shriner's BM SYRUP, A FtiiiLT RV:MI:DT 1T HAS WO - EQUAL! TILSTIMO3I or ULFUGYUIN. I jillarTh's is to certify. t.. at on the..re j commendation of a regular and ekilful physi clan we hate used the Balsamic Cough Syrup" prepare'. by W. E; Sit rintr, in ourfatuir_ ly, and find it t t answer well the parpoiles for which it is prepared. „ M. Sas res I'a.tor of Lutheran Ch.nrch,Taneytown. Md. ! Read the following Letter frotu Rev. 11. l'. - Jordan : IntorronS, Md. Mr. W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I have gitru your "BaLiamic Cough Syrup' a fair trial:and am happy to any that I have never tried any thing that relieved me FO soon. I have also . given it in my, family with the same good of fectz: in every Inetance. It i 4 certainly • most ext.t.ilent remedy, and iii lit to lit in every farui- • ly. The eicreeding lon, price at w Welt it Is phtees it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty 1 hate taken in thna ev , log my experience in the are of the by ru t ) Liubo - licitcd by you. Itespixtfull) ot.rs. il P. JuauAY. TZSTIXOST or PrITStrlA . • ' • LIFEILTY, }rederick co.. Md. • Mr. Shriner your request, I hare ex swine i the . composition of your " Balsamic Cough 5) rep," aid from my ktowled,r,e of thu ingr dente, and hating witneestd its y,Nt,t! ef fects, 1 can recomn:euti• it to the public 69 P. - valuable romponnd for Coughs, Cold., and ally chronic pulmonary affections. Taos. hta. M U. TO.LITOWN. Md. I I hare pre 4 icritred IV. E. Sbrinces •• ihikanne Cough :Imp" in my practice for i.tivers I year , , and regard itne An excellent medicine iu Cough Colds, add all Bronchial orcctions. tor. if. L. FIVE YEARS' JrrrEnsoN.Ycrk. Co., Pa...lni‘ IP, To W. E. Shriner.-I , cAr Sir late keeping your "Ilalbatnic (*wig for ratio` fur the last live yssar.:, and it has pc en altr cuic:ersal satief.tetiou. It is one of thi tnm.t popular lledicii.es in use in our ueigliborboo.d. Our the,' eti•rw. hate been large, eapectally I.lu:t %t inter, having sold at retnil et least ten dozen bottles. 1 therefore du not beeitate to recoinmend it to the public as a goad medicine: luta. re,pectfully , JA , lun rOIiTEICII SIDING. York co.. 31.iy 17, Ai • E. Shriner.-11c.ir Sir:—Your Cough Syrup is becoming very popular here. I hace been selling it fur a bout to o years, and it gives more general satisfaction th.,u any tnedicine I pace vice cold. It c uce it iu our Emil), and woc.ld not he a ith,rat it on any account For children, it certainly `l,, an invaliii.ble to , di eine. S. G. lltrout.r.cso. JacatoN,Tork co., May le, 185 n. To NV. E. Slinkier :—I consider:.ourn ,, lsdniie Cough Syrup one of the best Cough remedies of the day. There la no medicine I bete ever sold gate such unit ektl e :itisiliction, , and none that I have used in tn.); f.intil,) I li!.c so well. Venn., trill:6 - , C. F. Itgemso. Price, 374 eta. per little. or 3 bottles for 51. Sold by ill brogqists ri Slerchants. Oct. IT, 1133. lute . Howard Association, gIIILARELPIII.I.—A Deneroiont Instituting' established by special Endowment, fur the ef of the Sick and 1:11, ,tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Rpidernic Diseases, and eaVectallj fur the Cure of Diseases:of the Sexual Organs.— Sled,jcal advice given -.gratis by the. Actieg Surgeon, to all who evilly by letter, with a dc. scription of their c3ndition, (age, occupation. habits ofl4, k.c.,) and in cases of extreme poierty f -*inane furnished free of charge. VA.LIDURLE REPORTS on Spertuatorrhas s and other Diseases of th e Sexual Organs, and on the NRW REMEDI employed in the Di., pensary, sent to the aftli ted in sealed enceleinftl free of eherge. Two orOhree Stamps forpost= ___ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers