0 1 04 I le I I Gr a : :sr= • la origt. . rawr iusawasivogi,illby orMarial MU. for *fa AO * .ftwilsia obi able le *so CAW; Thee* tR ami, be hew the speed. ilshoellt be a me bato env frOilfeett* to . .0116 w Wok le this, with paphier, goo via,• osi abikafin kirmihm. 11. Is Amid be able to *dap the twill. =IS NM, OS both the seder wed tapper sad with weitantity. I. it IMO a itesight seetthi ; weed Amman 1146*. Week. & TIOP /*eft *heck have petpeedleehts graitra.xlY ie shestetely atweatery ter hien pikpoMl toe arpabis et Wring is tb. WOO ef work. • it alborit be abs. to Iliad w4s * WNW, ism' SO* • biumusay; alosJA tika, 611, nut t laid be always reedy to we* It 'bead be capable *f 'piing tie . tali* ggpe tif *Neil ea both eifee of the work, sad gl Merest aolored tbread or silk, above ',biker, to eiwreepesal with say two colors of M be united. It. It ebovid be able to maks a long or "art pike! 141. ft ebeteld be able to fasts* eff the eosin, - eeesmeaa sewing tigialyet the fret stitch. shosid rna easily aad wake but Rule It. It skald base s wheel feed; none Wass pas h eoosteet contact v jib the work. It It eitoell sot be liable w get sett of order. Is. k should not be liable to break tke lesseedl new skip stitches. la. It should sot be necessary to is. • •C r i•Vr *WM et wench to set the g 964 /, N. It should stet be babes to ad the opesse • pert arum 1. it ebetild not forma ridge on diet ander Wes, ear ravel I)4t, nor be wasteful of thread, Leh she ism with µ4 eitspr-errrom machines. ' It skepl4 not be " more trouble than it OB EL flee* all of these advaatages are poet iieseedl o _b7 Sift sewing Machine. • LADD, W EBSTER k CO. Dos. 1, 11/41. ly House I I 00D8, N.. II North iforord sowed, two Jr doors North of the Howard House.--Tite 4411deralipted. hating IL v 4 c:arze .idditic)oll to hie stock, ti prepared to f„raah 1 1 .613ekrepers, Golunry Ilerch.v,ti and rqr , ,re, wan it they want. cn th.. v'tv nest tenn... Itat•eure IVh:tewe.e. 4 nwrenatg, Duster, - ;. Faint, Sccc Aid Norse Snakes. Wciensx-watt: Such is Tuba, Buckets, Memserea, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, licaumg rim, BMW Prints, lc. Brooms, Bliskets, lima Zwits. Cershi t t.smral re, e lV i e r gl i t sa ts 4 = gigull_ oppreir — eti= Water Coolers, in Wood 110r1Biall. Tin and Wire Saks. Arthur's and OW Snot approved Fruit and Valeta* Prp, seretteg Oars, plain Tinware. /*pawned, Block ink Britattala and Plated Ware. Albata Forks pad Spoons, Cruz, Coffee iad Tea Pots, ginl =rg, Waiters, Choihnor Diehl*, Arrives and WAX. Irons Basica Pious, &alas and Weligh, ll t Nibs lulls, Table Castors, Old Dentin, =am rota,_inwrial end Tanga, Nuns !Amps, asts, Fee; Tabs, Bath Tubs, Bars Mem* Inn Dish Corers, Table lligs, together wilt • sorkty of WWI, useful and nweets4l47 to ilialiPlitg.llagar a Darts' Patent grcoteter Mookbee, Plain Tin and Sbectgron sad Inaba of *Tory aretriptioe, =too ts order. GEO. A. BILLS, 11 berth Howard at., Baltimore, Md. Ora 14, lass. ly • • Safe ffialinfactory. 8 IXPEtOVED SALILWANDER t glAne.—Thoeeseds DYile4are Is lirePor• AU Mad*, ssls4 senseily tp *see sibs 1110 PW Ilsilart to preserve Llreit eegtesta.-. Derange steel. Prevideses, Rhode Rath strati, Beldame, B.k. pesos, Se. It, South Olterles street. For sizes Ad rhos mead (or s clssals4. All SON Tar- PIM tiP 011 eiife t+44, 1., H. MILLER, Ile. 16 South Charles street, Oet IT, 1852. O&M ly) Baltimore, XL Pint Premium ats, N4ULLED COTTAGE VITICSITritE,— IL W. HEYWOOD, No. 101 North Muffin leAtisorit, biwing been engaged for the OW 1 years to Oss resiafiketurs sad sale of Me saws desirable Pureiinss, salted to saesta7 yarklesirets. has ea hand a large variety, ea l ieso. Wild tipordy for resell asks. Alma, Osk aO4l Wsbut ChaasUer Sets, Oak MI Velma liaSeasten tibias, Duties. Room lag hair Obstre, ableboards, Hair sad Haar xiii. Iwo% Prisiber Mows /mid Solara, 441 4 La. Nardi 31, 1/KA. ly Artiste. Painties' NII neo priIOTOGRAYILIEBS' IMPOT,--The tesiumplioer bee arestaatly a band s et otaSerieie for the use of *rises, Altluientellinostrapitere. Aim on Mod a large aseirtaiestt of Ibroseopie histrts- Mi. Aif nnit. matrnidig every variety of reel* AJIMICIONS Lambearg, ikatuawy, AO* owl Are) Oreepte t The beauty and beesseme of the liderueseple 'news 10011 the par * Is hie fondels a never eudlei wares of on lbeeeismessi bob to visitors and tile home circle. anormr 11:1111CILLYT13 supplied ea the W. A. 111110 NCI A _ Ws. I N. Marti St., BaLthaore, JPass ft, ly IL T. Hyman, *n rifta a. a.ni, AND 111110 1111 = 1M BUND NIANUFACTtIen, Prk SS Mirth Howard atria, ono door above / 1 411111101 0may 'rudoss. la idon, Papa 111 = 1 Sow assoripaios. and of tho Was = i l=tpodlionsa. Alio. Doming • ilium. itiodr.--Loeps es bead, sod IllbSe. AbaIIMMI M 1.4/14 TOMOS, MOO of o 4 col" ItooNdoo irtioll tiY oddspors beeirs .110 orlib oißr dared to the public. sill=1:151111001 doss to the bud et*, sod trismodo! oacesaipoi APArrat T i 17 Baltimore AND BRA. WORKS, 63 Holliday duvet, Baltimort, Md. RBOISTSR a "MlAtr. e Proprietor', are prepamito turn/sib of a.. 1 decenpt:bar., C•oan i 4 w 14,000 , piaas„ Niel ars osmium! equal 4 14=7 O tees, ProlaagsMou of goose sae —l / 1 1 .07 1 14 to Slst Vallee Swim • Dot *Hit ors Aria of tho bort nahoishi, Voillestet to Oa wire sstiistiso j "" benkse& "Ow Ni. rareh ti t ie to lee pow* _abletpr et Uhl esolbsou prises. 1:11=1 pottlsobsok sold lir • AMIN. '• • 1 illiiiiilb it Oft annelia. " II i p lb % : mil et A zde rni cs. kit at .omi Mn INCII4 Or sum Or laiummis swam apbr Ma am/ bars..as sr am* ilk• isey WS assase, aall tionsilksg be ON SOO &MINA TW al a r tifl o tiS 4164 k WS 41111111, am) ai• diliall at rascal +s .f Ire Ams is 1100 *poet onooote=ll - joishig IMMO lb MA R I I sterdiL a SW, Sept. le, UM. Iherdmat 'Mom The Orestost rdsocmir7 nl/ TSBAGL-4 b or e asil VI! Muur il Traanw es =k u tt re L oto u preugsset sigmas of ** ta t Pest slelt4r. lot seems as Blessrastie apses lisle, bes beer i pift as m* o • W th eb, tr a r ay k i steaskeepers. t m !. Whshoweis es 4 boon lost Derils, Adams eosaty, Ps, ilogor la se, Chssolowit, Vona* 1101400, r•Jaig, roie-sudib, lot- Usi Oa, 4eNsoos sad 4t544117" Mao, Peresseary, Poloist Deolleisso, Ike., is. A. D. Deshler is tbe Avast* Optt 'of 11. L. muses Coloinite4 Mae Ms, tors.' pet. Ds, WO. I Rest M ild eleek sal Vita maker, has riosoned his shop to tho Most es West Ode of Apo Pleblie Square, *lob occupied by David Besides., Beg., as a Lag Peas, ober* be will always he bappy to attend Edo the pill of snatosseri t Thetaltful for past favors, ba Popes, by strictattpption to batistes, sad a desire to please, to wit awl receive the patronage of tee public Gettysburg, April 11, 1115* of Hours TIIT I EV I TBBrBG BAILBO%DI -Bywwer Arreeisomera.—On and after Thorns day, April Slat, the MORNING TRALI will learn Gettysburg at 6.39 o'clock, A. NI., eannocting at Hummer JlVllktion with Exprout train to Bahl- More at 4 1 .61, sewsl Hall train hem Baltimore at 9.12, rotwrwing jq cauyabum at 13.30 noon, * lO 4 Pseasalifs from ‘l3•Jtinzors, Tort, Barris- Fibtiadrla, sod die North sail West. Thu ATTIC '001( ?PAIN will leave Gottys burg at 1 o'clock, P. X., connecting at Hanover kunistion with Moil gain to Baltimore at 3.31, re tipping is Blottyaburg about 6.30 P. M., math passawgeni from York, Harrisburg, P and the North awl Writ. alfeEty the above arrangement passengers can go either North or South on the tiorthers Central Lailway both morning and afternoon. IL. ..WCULLI/Y, President. 2r; 18!,9 Adams county AirTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COXPANY.— lueorporated MArcb 11, 1151. ermnes. Prosiekei—George Bor ope. roue Presideer--9. B. Russell. Aktreterit—D. A. Buehler. rrapeurer—David M'Creary, iris lice Ounssissio-.litebut ItsOisrdr, "nob Els AtLisiataebnan. erg* &roil*. P. A. Rankle J AL cob King, A. Heintstrhusa, H. WOludY, i L.. A. Marshall, R. Fannessock, W. R. Skald:ea, We. B. Wilson, M. Riolielberrn, Akodiol F.Gits, John Wolford, H. A. Flaking, Abel?. Wittig, John Horner, B. G. RoCtrenry, S. R. Russell, D. WVreary, Andrew Polley, Jolts Picking, J. R. Hersh. giirThis Company Is limited in Its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in intone:ha operation for more than six years, and la that period has paid all losses and es posses, aosehout sigr seassessent, having also a large simplas capital is the Treasury. Taa AM. patty employs no Agents—all business being doss by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any Panes deiiirialt as lassrance can apply to say at the shove nomad Ithriagmis fee further information. lir The ;semidry Contraitte• moots at *a oaks at the Company on the last Welbasday lit (Tory swath, all, P. dept. ft , 1111111. mow s. sariss, New Ttem.—Nersr Goods. readereigwed have entered Into i partner ship la the HARDWARE h GROCERY' f Mess, at the old stand of Denser k Ziegler, la Baltimore stress, ender the same, style and firm of DAICSER * ZIEGLER, JBS., sad Auk, mid will endeavor to deserve, • coatis saws of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have jam return ed from the shies with as immense stock of in part of banding Materials, sack as Kails, Harms Hinges, bolts, Locks, Glees, he, Tools, lasleding bilge Toot. of every beerififfies, ilaws, Mans, Chants, (leaps, Rinses and Bliss, Augers, Squares, Ganes, liestuaers, ho. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, Vials, Reaps, ribs, Hera Shoes, rierse-shoe Nails, he., with then. vary eite Cease Find ings, sash as get*, Caavasts, Damask, Fringes, Cottoa, Mose, Oil Cloth. Springs, Aram, Sobbs, 8 , "glom. Berm Preise, Shafts, *c. nes Tamplos, Brash sad French Zoreece, wimp, Pegs, Lams, Boot Trees, Is, Inds • ipisesed aseestemot of Shmentaker's toot.. Cabinet Illaksfe Toole, a geseral assorttneet.... Mao Verfalidt, Ynobe, itc. sousacurgas will elm lad a large assortinent at Entree and Parka, liettmutist, *nista sod Wm-plated Ta ble sad Yes *poses, o**as-sticks, Waiters. Blieeei and Tongs, Sad boas, Enamelled sad Be ,•. Pass, Wm, awns, Carpetiag. he. Ise, • general aseertmeat of fmged and ro of sN rises and *lads ; Oast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as *heap as the cheapest a fail endi ve = seal sametneset= as Crashed, Pal Clarified and &; Now West, ladia sad 8 Uwe lialemees ("lll Z Pisa, a.m. sall a Miry Ckleelk Ealt; t h : 14 1111, 1:1 = Sperm OIL; reepuitiss, Is* S. sten renensmat of Imed sad Uwe, dry sad ia ail; Wee Pire-preef Pilate; ha het. shame enz i artiele la the lisolheam e t Ogee* nediht tlie =lbeerfek co Ibisehanih, ll ftnet Make 's. Ps a, sad Grocery Mae, all '/wide *ware deter mist. ed •• sell se hew ter CASS as seig _helms out et the eitg. BEM E. OLIMEB, WA Dom! ZWOLEIII. Ns/ hi, lbw pan mad Water (04nd.. AT L KIM t IMPS U? STOM—lre ben pas simmived est et geode %swab br the l.s mai Whim smdir o to vide!) re lathe ilhe aseeties at begrenowirbiiii tee besatT suasi g= "1"- = whit& nay est • b. ef DRAM GOO fe DS, at saw Neil hablem ha bie /h. *as, Simrh, Oaf Moot at /1=1: 1 1 111 Mio Moo mad IheNISSIM SOY, Wilk lee MOW a misty et Oledis, t4wi Sll eM> ALIIIIIII6 it Mims aid Abe, =Uhl AIM AUL— liedeg purism* 4blll sob ei I. pekes he sigh, Ire are resit them el pikes es rails Sum Ai se la se wallmshme OW eh* Tbs•6o6l he WNW '' „';w Set moue IN • • - 4.1110011 lb BOX MN* • ilk iii gke. gla i ratios, IL_ • sdll assolas lie ampueme 11121111ess deeds, kg 111111, Mom II ow, WO.* Wasia, esd Lets Opeof beis, abippoir, se Wise week. sal gtede sies am „mil et. p la; 41/rfiva « Ildppeullosi by ple • idlmillbillP ll4 l o4l lTuselild a. I p lepassee sorsesatesll64lweeidyirip, 8411 Cleetiele, le Sense 0P 4 4 1 /184. 14 sale sad heat. twice •yea.. CarSae met PA*, et Om; et lediber try 'I p IN /am &Wilt 4/468 goi 7 . 814 0 .7 is Is Arefore Aulleie by 11 se. 2414 heal KereeseltlOT llosseltotb,to &mew seem I Who as/ beeb, ems a week. Leteve Leffireat Ileiseday at j• • Ito; 8$ Pitositmosowo by If of daunt lay at 1 p ego a llibi t=eley 3 pee. 14111/Preasaeuebest sm l= a el wle, Pleastbt Jitti. ila ft et, . itt Sesbar7. Loseease twice a ergot'. • Lome liblypetteberi Wediteetayead Bstar, day sees a; Aruba at liattbary by 1 p eS lowa Illaatorry liadaeadsy aad'astarday at pt; * WT. at Slitippeasbarg by 6 p ca. 241Sltioa ilklpprasbarg by /fiddle Spring, to 21trabargi 1 wiles aad back, three thaw a weak, Saturday ► at Ite p III; • Arrive at SUlppsitsburg by ti p rreposala for ela- ti esera-weeit write u [pelted. MY Irmo ilabasoy, by ilaker's Parry sad Al 4 pieta, to Sunbury, 13 guiles wad back' twice a week. Leave Sahanoy Tuesday Lad Saturday 1 p Arrive at Sunbury by i p fa; Leave Sunbury Tuaday and Saturday ati • a me; Arrive at isbanoy by 13 nt. 1141111Prsen lieraticia, by Mattaawy, Rebsekt‘ Greenbrier, Line itioantain, upper Ba+ bantanta, aad Barry, to illwastilie, tip cp i les sad back, tyke a week. i Leave Nabanoy Koaday and Fridley at lasi! Arrive at Mineenville by 5 p iti; 6 e is; Arrive at MAlranoy by 6 p at. Waives& Greta. by Kliagerstows, Itosgia Heady, sod Helper, to Cpper Ma Lataii go, IT Illiell anti back, ones a wink. j Loses Grote Wedhesday at II • lig { Arrive at Cpper sishantesge by 10 • a; Leave Upper Mahan:arse Wedaseday at 1 a; Arrive at Gratz by 5 p m. Milne* Gettysburg, by Fairfield, Taus Dale,Wayueaboni, Ringgold. lid. Leitrsborg, 14 tiagerfieWl.36 OM; back. three times a week. Leave Gettysburg Tuesday, Thursday, 1114 Saturday at • a a; Arrive at Montour* by 4 p a; Leave Eiegerstowe Moaday, Ilfoiseedayi, sad riadaLat i • re; 4 Aerireet eildtysbarg by 4 p a. 2421Yr0m Gettysburg, by Granite AIM aai Liusterstaws, to New Chester, 14 stiles and back, three times a•week is Seaton* taws, sad twiee a week residue. Leave Gettysburg Tataday, Thursday, ss4 Satanlarat 0 at; Arrive at Hunterstows by aa, and ail New Chester oa Tuesday arid *wall by 11 a m; Leave Sew Chester Tuesday sad Saturday at 13 NI Arrive at Houterstesru by 14 p ta, wed 41 Gettysburg Teseday, Ttkeeday, aid Beet. _ uraity by 11 p a. ion PeoseGeto*armbyibunaesetrum, A sale, Weir, Seudersvilho 114tuane r Table Sedt, to Geuyeba!rg, egad to 2$ sags sad back, twice a week Leave Gettysburg Tuesday aeil ' ilitmeday et 7 a me Arrive a SendersTille by 11 a sr Liars Beaderstille Tuesday sad Saturday al p ea; grAMUM lIINILII Arrive at Gettysburg by 5p wt. 2423 From Shrewsbury ,by etrwartatown e Strftw. bridge, Yawn Grote, sad Slate Hid" tit Brratrrille, 20 sWes sad back, twice • week. Leave Shrewabury Wednesday and Satne. day at 1 p m; Anita at Brysosville by 7 p si; Loses Itryatisstile Wedeasday sad reatni. day at 6 • in; Arrive at Shrewsbury by 1.3 a. 2424Yrovi Slate Hill, by Brysseville sad Cada • Iris, to McCall's Ferry, 11 lanes sad bac*, *wise a ere*. Lana Slate Rill Meader sad Friday ; Arrive at Wean Terry by 11 a a; Lame NoOslre ► Tuesday sad &star day at p ut; Arrive at Slate RID by T p a. 1416 Tram Hopewell Centro, by Cross Roma, Apple Grove, sad Dolloolows. to York, 22 tunes and beak, ivies a week. 24211Fr0t0 Wrightsville to Margareata Fusses, New iki4sreville, Graluisteville, and Yin* Forsoos, es NoCall's Perm 13 stiles Rid bark, Woe • week. Leave Wrightsville Tootitty and limmardsly at 6 • at; Arrive at McCall i fry 2 p la; Leave 3icCsWs Ferg sad Ptak, st.ll ant; Arrive at Wrightavtlia by t p Proposed! to souswaseo st Cadastbis ass invited. Mr host Orem Rends, by 111, Cbiestabrd. Lower Ctaiteeter4. ding Casa* Pla, Nee* Dattads. u saw sad task Saida • week. leave Orem leads rissday sad !Tiler et 1 p Aarlvs la Pooh Satkos Isy p &am Nash Sedan Tawas; sad hour at amg AMP. st Crew Dais Ivy II a. UPI hes llllawmir asestiady, bir Parts" 11•14- M.aelliase etsishwa, Shootrsrood to dlootriltorob Nikko amid lisidk, &gr. moo ftioisq. itaiires.4 ; via • beassii lbws Stirome to Lied*. wire, • miles moil Irk six dor inak Is be nos is dm asseellos. Lasire Illamoorar hoe twirl El* A fay, at 11 a NB; rrive itesepnAmigg 1* Lam 41.0008101414 NINO 1iti017.4 tab: iiiiismVisiollios It s. llkissork Akimmerihms, to INK , &Ow Mike aid *ass *me vest Thiretr, aid • • l eg • Solt .0 16 0 411 4_ tile. Lams Shippesubsrig Tussday, Thursday ! asd Saturdau t i4e p us; 4,rrtir6 st 11•0' by 61 p au; Loire Newburg ussday, Thursday, suoi Lear. NiuersrUle Tuesday cad Saterdaysd Lear, Norwell Cesare Wodueeday Satarday at a Ar s; TiTO at York by 13 ts; Lean York Wednesday sad Saturday Ai MEME!M!! Wile all I ii. t ie ll eirl gbelligro 4 .4 Paffeall b I r 111 ham fillaiVibligg Thilliglig. Mg Offesiku Amplie itt•ft simwomynft ad , rigiljkolet Pagrkep Cialhous, has mit %sal . 11•11 i *IAI4. UMIONMIS (Wow br AMP al 14 laaday nap Anita at p as Lawn Ochres astardiV rs p Arab* la illiprisor Nap • , 3434 Tam UPI by Tama -4 haw^ W York, 14 Wks mil bask 1000 • • NA, Leta last listaarew siT s 111 Antra at York by 104 s ea; Li.'. Trek likaartly, as arrival it 110116011 mall, up p Antra at INA lactia by t p 24311Fram Bast Saila, by 118/1, 114ampika. as 4 lhanklistevs, to Dlliaberg, 13 safes mad lack. sacs a walk, Larva bat USW Tlunday at 3 p as Arrive at pintail's by i p a; Latin DS;llaiiars Tleanday at • a mai Antra idlest Barba by 12 ma. 64.31fr0ta Clasatbersbarg, by &Ist Mama, Lantos, licCoonellobarg, Harrisaatrll6t, RAY' MIL and 1310047 kaa, to Bad* IC 66 alias sad back, daily. Leant Cbaasbandrarg daily at 7 a IN Antra at Bedford by • p Jai kayo Reationi daily et T al Arrive at Clistotbereberg by', p 2421 ?rots 13betabersbarg by Morton, Gress Coati& owl Mat. Lleir, to Bagoeitotra, 21d., 21 Wise sad bark. els Wawa week. Leave Citootberiberg daily, except Sesday, alter arrival of itarriebers wail, soy ea 12 am Arrive at Hasoritowe by 51 pet; Leave Ileggerstows esoept Spotlay, at Arl• at; o ss Chambersburg by 1421Frass (Skausisersburg, by Keefer's Slurs, Uppost Strasburg Panosttaburg, Sant CaWa,Btheig Gasarbisonia, Shirloys burg. AuelllPlek liplks. and Vineyard Mills, to Mout Cale*, SO atlas and beak, throe thins a week. Lawn Cluusbersburg Tuesday, Thersday, and Saturday at 4 • in; Arrly• at Swint Unica by II p a; Loire Moat Colo. Monday, Wad/woodsy, sad Friday at 4 a no; Arrive et Chanstiersburg by 11 p m. 2420 From Ckambershare, by Jackson Hall, and Quincy, to Waynesboro', 16 miles and beet, three timer a week. Leavy Chmustiersh erg Monday, Wednesday, - and Friday at 2 p in; Arrive at Waynesboro' by p es; Leave Waynesboro' Monday, Wedaesday, and Friday at 1 a III; Aeries at Ckambersburie by 1 p m. 2410 Frees WoCoanellsbori, to Webster's SIM, • miles sad back, twice a week. Leave ScCoanellebarg Tuesday and Fri day, after the arrival of the Chambers burg moil, my at 6 p na; Arrive at Webster's Mills by & p Leave Webster's Sills Tuesday and Friday at 1 p mt Amiss M lieConaedlsburig by 3 p in. SW hem Iferrossbarg, by Upton, to Green eastle, 10 tables mad bendy its time a • week. Leave Mereersberis daW, steep Sunday, alk 11 a sr .11eMpe at dram ramie by I p ft; Limo Ores. Coatis dai4, aneept Ready, Mils; Amiga at Sorearelearg by l p m. Ma tram lasoreanbesei. by I , lvaa, to Mama, XL. 34 miles and back, awe a week. Leal* Igereffekare Friday at I a a; M itaimmelt by II p wr Leave Sammie* Sattetsday at , • we; Arrive at MareaMberg Ay b p tn. ?663 Fr mit ELarrtsooviSe. by Dublin Sills, to Cleigestata, 30 miles and back, mice s week. Leave Harrisooville Toseelay at 0 a ;a; Arrive at Ortilsoala by 0 p Leave Orbisouta Ileaday at 6 a at Arrive at Harviseaville by 3 p r. 3444 From flarriperaviLle. by Salvia Tannery, West Doblia, mad Wells' ?weary, to Sopewell.2* mile. and back, ewe a to ea. Loire liarviaanrillorYbareday at I a as; ' Arrive at ilopearett by 4 p Er; Lassa Uopenell Yriday at 7 a nti Arline at Harrlsoartile by 3 p la. 3443 Tram Harrisoacille, by Sataattal Sipe', min. and Warfordabarir. to Mateeock, Md.. IS mike mad back, alma • rr•ek. Lome }lapis/marl/le Mooday at I • to; AM,* at Hancock by 4 p at; Leave flatteeek Tieeday at 10 a 111; Anir• at Ilarriecutrille by 11 p tu. 24411Fr0m Bloody Rea, by Vlearvil Riot, 1 ***- Tale, aid Wartordeberg. le 3Laittock, lid.. 33 wiles awd back, Geese week. Leave Bloody Rum !Saturday at T a a; Arrive at Buttock by 5 per; Leave Hancock Friday at I a us; Arrive at Bloody Rue by 5 p 114 3447 Frew Willisuststry, by Tallow Springs, sad Water Street. w Spruce Creak, 13 allot asd back, twice a week. Leave WillOwsburg Tuesday, ?barmier, and Sat=ay at a et; Arrive at Spruce Creek by llasi Leave Spree* Creak Teeedny, Thy, and Saturday at 1 p st; Arrive at WilSiusabarg by 5 pea, Proposals are loshod for sis-limosweenoilk betrieL 3443 From Wl'Naomi:Han. Ia 14pring6eld II miles eei beck, 3 dam a week. Leave Member' Tseeday, hands, mad Selarday, ee ertivel of mail from ArVZ:01111114M/ a 4 p sic Perarbar by 4 p mi Loss Penman Tuesday, Thum flay, sal stay at s 4 p Arrive at Wllliesseberg IT 44 p $441 Promo Penattabes& b it rZL l N4w SPAM Rue, PoThigirasi . Waterloo, Pose Me Mat watelfera. goor= t os, McCulloch's Irlow.lllproes itio..d=,l4r Post Mord, a Niles sad bask, Owes Maas a week. Lam Yeamiblemi TAT, tlianPlo,, Ilmirday 44 4 • Anise Ai Porta= m ama? Las?* Tort &gel , sat Marl s 1m • Aeriv**4 IPmeaMberg W • p 14110 boa Tomatimbrog Omit Passes, 4 taw 401 saes a vest. • Lemma ?Moir mtam Amite as (Weigh I, II • al Limo Omni* Timm as a si begirt ell Peig by t. • at. at Trw °mows, a 7 sw 41111 art tur 111001 fan sad hoe s=bus. - Leave May at I • - Active se *Ws MS prm Logs Ws 11111 Tim lly seqr I • IN Asilm el Oilluels by bp a. 1411 Pim luest .001104 111011 M 4 6 /114180. a , floes Pamillm b lailmi mbd •••• 11111 k, 14•08 3•084 irsissibuy obi* at Antra as Nibs by $p et tams 0.0111 i la tlt Abbe ail IWO bp Itzt tio • lbsposalti sr ifr o k ioh Sep Woes ebb NM Moue 11111. 141110111 11111111141111111000 iMI me. r i vil i. mg a Ins& raddiss. amyl Illisoisch e • Oen Mists NMI p si Lois Sim al de• ear. mops • a• =II 1"1"4".1111"07-11so4 •• Soy lees Tessiiy. Tbamidsy, aik4 sly • in —'y.sat at MA sis MS=Sow Midis tp s 4 Ihmisup, by Uosos esssm, Ilissitosni, tosinille, if idles bat Walt, moss we& tam Mulistry asissisy N I s sg Arrive st Dawdle astsstair st 1 p Ants* st lbssbary by 1 p m. WIT hos It svia4 ; l, mi r rlsesy solssobarland,Okilll- ,Inliss,lrs, Amu% sit Mussy, as 40 alias ••41 bask Ws, &ay,by ratiread. Lave boakity LIB aS 1.11 p m sad 10.15 Anise at Wiiiinspen by b p. 4041334 • al Leave Wilibuomport &ay at 9.10 a a anti IS p Amin atilsabary by 111.13• 11.41 p m. ein imeimei t I • La! Of SONO le Mr soularb to Or estseil lee oaf emene pew. 1. l ake serabie ethotheirai be oath Alm Mem est etheetner spriallest. sellthithtl mat er milered oil rearemill mem thee is to le se mere debt' awe for eft oribeespe d the need ben. 1. 0. mthread if Mweilmat Maas. awl ether rearm Mom the mode ef esenteyeres abate if is, the metal = Ibe Peel Oa ltaffertaimet. ethe pet Mike emit bap. Mara, eel Um, ree te be eermysd Idelsell aces Marge. 3 Or Mawr eat ellameeloat them the mete egad. et the departmeat ere be be envied 'Mbar Margo aid for thek esairsior me. while tramting with the with, a emmestione ear. or wormed is the metro of • err, am. poly IWeell warms& she thrthelled, end adapted to the resom ahorrolles sail the esearlq of the mina, is to 1 Mazer l , l4,4 y Übe seseseadea, woke the direction of the Railroad end steembnet emperilee or, twilled to take the mall from and deliver it her the per Mom it We eseimet sad mid of their males, sad to sad from all ethers tee more them MOO redo trees • elatios r !smithy hgewlo may he othisitted be the perfamosale of all other side woke—that la, be Ono+ eons eighty rode free • baths N leadtag. leoselpte Sill he manired be mall help memyed la Owl, a mown weiployell by alined mompreith ?ben will We be ••wiy UMW . prepared by partionthem, or other sisase or the amertmert, to noly the melt. apore o l. Log tb• inewbor sod illentiaroa of the eirlrerl i, . 17 1 71 . re seine ray fermoded ; the latter to be maritimal • tbe wend pestmelers, to law* regularity is the do , livery of sell togs. ! No pay wilt be mode for trips lot patterned • sad for seer or mats emisolose eat astiracterily explained Clow Woe lie pay et the trip may be dadeetad. /or arrivals so far Wart tore to beak cearmion with dspeadiag ' ore set isollekserly ammied, woe-fourtho of the min emethe be the hip Is entrees to terfettars, Didoctioo MU are be ordeved lor • grade of performam Wirier to that awned he the werreat. F i orqated dellaseeneee of the kid borers spreilled, to propor tioned to th e salon thereof and of tie med. may be meth. 1.. /or leaving tabled or Worries of the •r soy =laof term, for the wise so powern, or (or meenrood is settles up or imam an storm eon myth( letriligeow la *drams of the mall, a suet tar's pay xdode: etell. noes will to komiesd. mem the dellsemocy be • aril or tiothetorily imploded by eertilitathe of I pomairitore or the allearit. of oder credible powwow 1,,r billing to arrive is 'retreat Um. ; for mogimtise to tate the mall hem or deliver it late • pet ode. , for okiErrios tt he be wet, WM. Matzryed. sobbed, sr loot, sad for ; nfadM. alter dessaik to enemy the mail ea f routioitly es the wastrartor rem, or Is toomerard Le remiss a web, aw, or orroarboar ea • reale. I. The testamoter thewd may easel the cornet for reposed Warm to ma agreeably se eastract ; for •Wia the lb. not Oak, lose, ardinsheying the Worm/ram of lb. repartheolla ; tor refanies to diasharge a tamer Mee =Vle the deopertameut to do me ; for mamas as*a oli Mireirld ; or Gar thseaparting proems or package mallablio meter oat of the mall. e. ihrtheithir Jewel amity ceder an Werwese of dame so • MHO by allowlas therefore a pro rata Meows ea the ~more pre. Me my Marge Weds to of dew , to.. apt serval• le ell ewe. eel particularly to male them morthows to eestoesbone with rollmeds, without is mer el pas. powellied the remise time be mot abridged. • M mag *Me who en locresee of good. looms , embus tie reseriother at the law, a pre rat. income of pay for the moth r Mrima, if say. The trootractor imp, lir . wow. d the was of Menem of spool relimoish the weerest. 111 sir leg prompt see. Is the departheat OM be pastors Miss ea to earrylas the order Tare Whet. The ParreMer Genera may see wartall or otheonuom the remire. Is Moe or In part, or pre rata Sierras. Si Moreirg ere teeth's mare oompeenatke so the wow' Meowed with. shower. le hie °Maio., tu • mails Week. retain the virago or Is cme he d.urw t. amosithe• It le a eithrwat grads traneport.itiou. p Papmert. will M made le wartime& from or drafts on pe. ellebebrfa. or otherwise. - after tie • ',pirates of each suarer In Ifebretry. nay. Ast, mod November. 114 Meteeeme gime te emsng to tha n Mt later spier ba' a. )mewed my 5.11 to aimed should they be parr tar. otrertthea. If lb. prissio to le ropptlod be weette Mild aosas ono new illinbiLLTlS ON um pent sad um Is reformoi to the water of the mail, the MMus 111110eb. e‘niami. kb., and all • Metter. berries. or tholoret cm of any kind by Mich ex pose est hokfroarrot Y. elates hr eaditiooal raw, Wed SO Met fre4/4 1 1. OMwa• dl .rw d Make far alleged swim ' ladle r miloogrelorooloo m to the demoe si aerobe • ear Sro bridges demoWrier dkeerbitowor. Mai; oh streethese thrum. froserrirf Warhol the .•.- test twos. UI ortiethend altar this edverthismeed Ia itamod. 5•4 aito Series the ware Wei. We Os be visited t_attith PRY, the dreteme be air irowilmed. l. A bid imothold after the bet day sod bore mot* or *Moot lb. seemly remand by to. mot s wortiesste be the inalic4.4/0/, Wash trilibres4. embilob M SOMidered Is orooootly ion kith • staler preworal rememble fa swum 11. Wien should tires prepays far woke WWI, ars riottes r the obortbanooo, art fist, if they Maim. mesa. ono for diehert writes; sad N the sairstss hid be the Weer 441014011 seer the ithaiMol morvies, the 'Om my bit moManOl. p. $. Amid but Mt re•lbt bid be by • romml. CtoratillitOM menottimiko Ms rampaging ow mar far too sr we moo ") are bibles V last, sad moo be maiddamt. Tbe asaba, Obi asarvlaa, dli yawls pay, tb• sow sal amblaiabe ar lbw Wise, Oast la. MO WNW lOW. Mho abbras,) art lbw orb .ember at a tray oboe • bor=las Masai dbilasaby absibM. as• lap to am la be' No Me primed here of larakied Vs= be Mae eel alli ma Of limbr b end be Weal somiL ii ilr Oda blasabaibl admalbls lbw obi babe • sabollbal illateMto. •411Moott of • MOO, • allblababbr la be Mond swim tent sad mewled is. be. lbw WO day be nookebar poireals. blab Ida maple guankablid 1, toe respoolbla painam. lbsparal pormaaba mammas be ~WI. I' be bed awl =raidto WOW pewit with tie tai area of The norm tbe dee. be riled say bid obscit Noy to Ammo" mOrstropiti, aml ads to dimmer/ ti. Ws of tansy apalarebra NM Whim a:74.m ..sededl. aspeasselball " Kan Pm- Nabs alr " sibinued " &mid 4edieebabb eamead, 0410,11 1 1 dllrm. s Mad met by Iwo.. eel be es r be ogee I awl pesteseben web pie ~low lattere eine WO le tbobrombelmo rearm. irrb• .drape aos r Ibb asaaabod mai lobarsol taw bforilisabt 14, at babes lbw Le our or Asset,, ; het Ibmitertm roe be asereerball ea ibe late( Joly eetlae. or ee lb. lea Of VU eller OW 401% lbs souaralls boirbobbid et Mt. NW pitypaltbm r arena, mar Val he aanaisaval EMU isle assisseb aPe asamalloll art biestrall al lie ibesaineed I lid dos ma !l a ge r raw ailmool sake pat sal adlliaboi ees Mbe mad be Me ilvernamee. al ears =M Ile be U •emetereer WO be sereired Ile rap et et imp werem. se lbe eeetsese. Megatemeamermen et me ggp~yr, bet smear seated a ehrlieu. !A, ether Abe aro u% it el iereaast dellase tams ebellee, eel beb , liew ate ebberebea erapael via tie le aerobia Peekerger dleesed se level reasilrellellphyillele lie loaf July east. eisese awayet as are If Omone ideeieret a. Mt. pieties aims sogsmor No Ita set dime be lat "le wale ere be UAW teebedetat‘Waat pareettea ame. eldeell Woe abbiembee Ibe Nett li r l a =ei Oboe rese eseielle MM pewee Or Or dr aarelade, red asseilde sea lesiba." Ilehee boa *At WWI/ lis ifrilikeamtbe, Wear Wee de. 01•41=eesseeleeed es pusellber eir No air riM ebeileireb abee Yew Re 0, gleam& ai m erb& w. " him ow =2 ea _ na .a k i al ia lia to sof 41111 alimilld Was aid arra be bbealied. ea a be irbeeelle albablee bee aim • sop Sir N, MOP a Si, • n r Eli abe = lll et* sr lOWA eft telleibee s Waes ~to • eei. SO mew elt 111 1 111= W r a irMatseiliWiesitses 4. ipasim a 8 1M onsoL 4 =1= 176 . • 1111"0•100 0 • _ erftriaßliiii s - 1 0 11 , bad ammo% 'made sapadaa Ma.arillPhaille aid Ikammiala 4 Of all Moil dews at wwwwwhie awww, prowidly re is Ow soliadwella « 4maaui•soli- Oasaawr hums salami I. esalowse week M fie; =seilslas • vet! is Os al Vaily leo L. 4pwaski/glinided wa wails • /SLO ligiliZirOßTlL Glivsbeis ha. Ili. Bannsll oings tao. bore jut Meta& sad • me opottimi at *sir sow Mos ea dm vest some otOestreequart,== a image semplets eseertMeat Bantam Goods sad Groceries. The Maim psr. McCarty's,* limited to call sad manilas oas na. pater mites sit MOP Goods sad heap artitdes, set hewing orrrythimg coming property _soder this heed at prime not hiretotore ashe n, sad Is I malty surpassed by SKIM of ovary description, consisting of Cloths, Oassimores Oaaktotts, Cowin*, Vesting', he., whisk can not hi earpsesod oat of the city is quality and prise. Gersleekaf Grosortes is olio compbses,mitile every other article geserally beat to a Dry Geed. store can he had at the 's Banned Beers of J. 0. Quinn k Bro. Betlertag that the pah. Be sae rail themselves bettor hero than ebe• where, we lark. then; $0 ea* as a hill. for the roof of oar aseartion, sail sad esaatia• ear stack, cm Kral don't boy, [Awl 4, Lew Notice rar) TARXIMS AND IfIRCHANTS.—W e here now opened our large and commodious . eboase, on the corner of Stratton sad Rail road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and ars pfepared to receive produce of all kinds, vis: FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, kc, Also, on bead and for sale, Stilt, Guano., Phaeton', Fish, ke- A large stock of Groceries just aeosived, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrup', Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas, Sploes of all kinds, Cedar-ware, ke., kc., which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell at low as can he bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants trill cia well by calling to sea and examine our stock before purchasing else- where, as co* motto will be "quick sales and small profits," We wonld also call theattention of all Inter ested in the thrifty sat{ healthful condition of their Cattle, Hones, Hogs, kc., to the fact that we hare for sale ilreialg, Fronetield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTER, BOLLINGER k CO. Gettysburg. ept. 5, 1858. Grain and Produce House, STREICA—The sin k dersigned having porebased tks large building in the Year of pis store ow Chi/sobers bursburg street, known aa " Camp's Brewery," has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, and is now prepared to receive all kisois of Grain and Produce, to wit : • FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, COX'S% OATS, Seeds, te., for which the highest market prise will be gi v en. isf7'To accommodate those The any iprefer it, I will also receive on COUISSIOB forward Prodneti of all kinds, bevies made ar rangements for that purpose with 3 responsible home in the city. I also continue my Grocery and Variety Store, and keep oa hand GROCERIES cif all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, Oils, Spices, Fiah, Cedar-ware, le. ilaviag jest received a very large supply, parchased ea remarkably favorable terms, I am repined ha furnish Country Dealers very cheaply, sad snll Sell at all times, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The public aro invited to call before paranoiac elsewhere, as I am determined to sell s• cheap AI the cheapest, on the principle of "Quirk Sales cud Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1858. Private Sale. rrn F. subscriber offers at Private Sale, I Ws HOUSE AND LOT, on High Hl' street, a4joinlng So!Gatos Pomers. Tii House is • two-nary Brick. nearly new, with • Back-bnilding, and a well of water. Terms DAN'L. F. PITTENTVELF July 11, 1859. II ELM New Oyster Saloons. LLIE subscriber has opened new Oyster and Bating Saloons, on the south side of bersburg street, near the Diamond, (two doors below Geo. Arip‘ld's Mum) where be will receive KVRRY DAY, (Sunday erteepted,) and serve In the rariotut styles, the best quality of ymg,sli (ACEITKRB, from , Baltimore. By keeping a good article, he expects to receive a libera patronage. lie will also supply Oys ters wboiesale to other establisktments. Ills Bill of Fare will, however, not be confin ed to Oysters alone. Other articles is the Eat ing line can slimy; be bad in soaaoa—•iao • nice glass of ALE. sir Ezvranee to Ladies' Saloon at the centre door of the baildiar--to Geationeu's Haloes at the door adjoining It es the wart. G. F. IiCK.K.XIIOI4. Gettysburg, Oct. 31, 1149. ItemovaL Tin subscriber bar removed hi . Plough a mid Moshisse Shup frees the Tos adr bellding t. zigurea .wet, aria% Tates inaokowith shop, lock of the Zsigio Howl, where he Is boater prepared than ever to &S -toodle groomers. P gh. always De bead sad made to order at the abattoirs waive, and Moribines, Ratrs. Ac., repaired. Also he will .stead todoming and repairing Clock& May 10. as WAILISM. Call and See the Bargains I EE.Neturen . basing just reterwid from . city of Philadelphia, where he has Tarr sanfelly his FALL AND WINTZR GOODS, is prepared to show the prettiest sad most fashionable stock of goods in his Sae WIN' Weight to this plane, which will be sold at price/inks& will ddee}fy all eonspetitiOn. His stock of HATS AND CAPS is fitll Nod ratsPlutek, ens brseieg Yea's So, 1. Wash Silk Elate, Ilea's black Customs Hats, Yea's Ins soft Felt Bats, isa's Lodger lists, Yea's Ruda Broad Rim Hats,Yoe's Silk Velvet Caps, Lamer Coin", Nary, rub, sad Plesh trhwasd c spiesdld assortment of BOYS' a CAP* from lb Ms Mi CAL Also, 111 ends sirs assertassist of BOOTS AND epee siding of Nea's Water-purof Beads, Flas Calf Cork-eaded Boots, Hoary tip Boots, Calf Cos mos Gaiters, Boys' Boots, Sims mid Millurs, ?Wishful ismy Meads sad esdassers for past &roes I hops by pentads* sad Adz dealing at twit a °asthmatics sf their Ost. It, Hoc Z. irr=rarr, astutell SO TT. J. 114111 1 ,110 f 01:10711. I • A. Secret & Son, 1. De 7 Goe4s, Filasy Artielos, ilr il lariLisw• lig re. Gareslas, 4e, U., opposite ANA" Capaboldwrg stmt. Oxicammiltskse atom MOM NUM leveld . ham lee ems be aim • let et • ead ?AMAMI SI7OTS4 *hied he sem $1=344. ode M. their, deg. 1111, Neves * rrAND SHEET IRO N WAIDL-41MEADEI k BUEHLER, lariats parehaimpd the static of Tin and Sheet lines Ware of OMIT* Buehler, hare opened ea establishment is roe section with their Stove War* Uwe, nadir the superintendence of G. L Buehler, and are now prepared to tarnish everything is that lino at the lowest prisms. In addition to the ordina ry wars, they hare a large supply oil kitchen sad house fOrnisking goods, of every variety,. Including enamelled gad tin Kettles, Peas, Ake., for preserving, cookie; and frying. Oall and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves -owl house Nruisitiog goods at their Warehouse, un the canter of Carlisk and Railroad streets. *it Spouting put up at shortest aotiee. Lum ber. Coal and Liam always on head at their yard at the same plan. Nor. 14, 1859. HEADS k IirEHLER. _ A IPresh Assortment (IF GOODS RECKIVED AT RaiNLNGER'S. ky —The subscriber has Just ratarasid from the City with another and most apleadid anion went of Goods for GENTLEYL's'S WEAR --to which be cells the attention ef the public lie Ms selected his stoet with great care, and can sell sad manufacture every variety of Clothiug is the cheapest aad toast stieetriatial wanner. Ile desires all who Irish to he well fitted with good. genteel FALL AND WINTEN CLOTHING, to give him • call. He cannot be excelled in the town. Kvery one„,tharuilosin,. olio desires a bargain, alioald esti with him at his Merchant Tailoring Es'alidishweitt in Carl Jain street, alit dour to licConasgby's &WWI EXISLIG BR Oct. 31, 1859. Parpiare A T Y y l7LlS lrega LlSTMT ,oaffi TlON oy air esiv ADAMS ._u r po / 1 74 1; your smiths' funds is this tuatitation sad Ts ; cease interest at the rate of lisonstsms to tour per cent. This institution offers a safe, convenient and profitable deiesitoryto all classes of peep's. July 4, 1859. Use Shriner's TittALIIAMIC CUMIN SYECP. A 8 A FAMILY BEIRUT IT ULM NO Tammy or Cs.anovors. 11115rT1!s is to certify, that se the• re ; commendation of • maiar and skilful physi , cies we hare used the "Balsamic Vuugh. Spiv" prepares! by W. L Shrikes, is oar sad led it t &truer well the purposes for which it is prepared. hi. Sterna Pastor of Lutheran Chareh, Taney town, lid ; Lad' i a ike foliAtiug Letter from Her. IL P. lords ; CSIOSTOWS, lid Mr. W. jL Shriner,—Dear H I—l hare gin en your "lkslasanhe Cough Syrup's Lir trial, and ' sm happy Op lay that I have asset tried any - i slake* that 11461* WO as sees. I have also given it la my flunk with the same good ef fects bt rimy isstaress. It Is certainly a must excellent sewed ~and omit to be tarrary fa IL i ly. Ths ascee tg Ips pe.:r ^t which It ism's!. places it widths the reach of 'IL Pardon the liberty I have takes la than giT ing my experience la Ow use (Atka Syrup nun . Belted by yea. Respectfully yogis, H. P. Joaoas. wrusotax or rIITSICIANS. Ltossurx, Frederick co., Md. It. Shriner oar, toe,fisse, I bays el' I ambles the of. ,•our " Balsamic Cough Syrup," avid beim ley knowledge of the ingredients, and bathe witaamot its good if , recta, I can recomasead I to Mitt issuke is a ' valuable compound for Cousin, Colds, and all chronic p ulmonary affections's. Toot. Sin, SOX . Taxwrrows, 1111.. I have prescribed W. E. Shriner's Balramio Cough Syrup" is my practise for several years, and regard it as an excellent medicine InCoughs,, Colds, and all Bronchial affections. Ban' I.Blnirs, IL D. VIVI TIMIS' 11/ LllllrXert Jarrsaaos. York co., Pa.. July 18,11159. To W. H. Shriner , --Lear Sir:- 1 - kers been ' , I Reaping your "Balsamic Cough Syrup." for isle. for the last eve years, sod it has givelkalmost tudversal satisfaction. it Is one of the most popular Nedleisseals use la our neighborhood. Our sales, therefore,have bean large, especially last winter, having sold jat retail as least tea doses bottles. ! therefore do not hesitate to rocomasead IS to the pablick as • good medicine. Yours, respecthilly, Jason Srasatsa. Pommes atom, York ea, May 17, 1859. W. Z. Shriner,--Dear Sir:—Your Cough Sri* la haocargaig very popular km. I hare ham selling It kw about two yeah, sad ft gives more pose& satisisetime than say medicine I bare ever @add. We use It in our family, sad woold Rot be without it me say account. for children, it, certainly is an Invaluable medi cine. & G. R&D SOWID. Jacesee, York ee., Way 16, 18511. To W. L Becher:—l sassidur yens lialsewio Cough Syrup ono of the bees Oeugh remedies of the day. Tura is me medicie• I here ever sold pee such sniverval satbilsodesk sad so" that I have used is my badly 1 Pike so weLL Yours, truly, C. F. Stows. Prim, STf Ma. per bets, este iss =dot Lw SI. field by all VrverbMi sad OIL 17, Is6o. lam Howard Amocistion, Ist---,A. ilewswgwit Isstitation4 ratti l l n t *llia iq wedal tadlowomet APT the [ at do flick wad Distrasiod, edifeied with Vim's* nod Xriimeht Dims" LW sopswasny , by the (hos °Meows of ths Samoa litegies.- 13iodissi shies OW bl As Acting [ =ll so who hY kOollir w de , -- b.a . C. - 4 - 116, la mai 1it, (...' a ir liPliti" P IM Asti l4 41 &it" ' i WA 001, 11 k *OM a sa d ea ilia Xi, ja AG 1%- =, opottiAmallikiittbt estiodeavologas, imp, wins alger at Post somill b• Aildknes Dr. 3. = "t eiggles, ll 111 ritriler it Ns Di/wises. ir ':-1-.6,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers