~.t CA ZIM - OW 0,11(2 MART WEIZT, .Diaamber IL Ili& 141111ta reeeivad at the Calleact ftepatassat radii 3 p. mi. Pr 11 61 0 1 6 Xl,l N ler aaniihar tow nails iwi alltabei for Soar years, costatoatiag W441/1/04 itivireadire Jame /a, 1644, tka AN oa remote. am! - slol4lo4llliiiiiiide at *Tartan anti *Mask Lem aeimatiteetl by lei ;4, 11%44, tamigmw ail Aiiiiiiimeproirepa4lo the argineatosses dab ea* Cesaakk a ry Disk*• iyl~ raja tfettuts, sad Lae'. Croat att Stappeaabant, 20 jadtaa o mit lartee • *reit. /Om lltoaday awl Frifisty at I p at; lairs at Sitippenaburg try 1 p fat ; imoranahapauabarg Tatra*, and Saturday p vs; Vag* a 4. Carlisle I,y 7 p m. ihapossWaare jut tted fur rtltirdweekly trip. gailirego Carlisle, by 41ista,tiu ituiltug 5i.r1144, *las ass 4 back. tat kw s trey'. Amax. Carli.ly Tuegokay and Friday at 3 p 4nfifil Boilipir Spring.' Ity 7p ai kola fiehijag Soriugi Tuesday Ftitby / 4 4111 /WI .Arerves me Carlisle by l'..' m. 941 ketworiile.ll.llnuus Ito( k.to St °fleas rhown,l miles and track, Übee a week. =lllierassille SA turtlay et 10 a Li; •alot 810011 , 0‘030 L . , t. m; yp SiLoogiiatouv, tt :Saturday nt 1 p m; re lien.~ t he by 33, tn. 11413Froat ShippeupLu 4.11 Urr.tkivrn, Mesas nt • JIMIL lied I . p •r Strit,l44r. w rktibury, 113 mike And l ask , t we a , e erk PutroSigipircupburg Woduer4le) assalSgsw , et : ,111•41 re at 1:4,161tr hy 1 p pi; Ware Roxbury NV4.luttdmy cs 4 Satihrdoy se 2 p m: *metre at Sbirpcn.burg by t; p a. 116116Feetai Sitipiictudturg by Stulktio spring, to igewburg, 7 tiule6 and bad., three times a week. f.•essee Slaippeu,burg Tuesday, Thursday, wad Saturday of 4j p tn; Arrive at Newburg by 6 p m; &ears Newburg 'lucidity, Thursday, mud Satan Lay at Ili p int Arrive at Shipperu.bur; by 2} p m. rroposals fur six-tittosoa-perk service are Invited. 1141171rtota VsFunny. by Fi.sluir#A Ferry and Au. • xis* to tiuubury, I* ti sad buck, twice a du*. Leave Vahamuy Tue..day and Saturday 1 p tat; Arrive at Sualonty by p tu; Wive Saulmtry Tuenday uo4 Saturtair MS St; Arrlreat Ilahauny by 12 in, s4llirresp iienviona. by 11aliieop, Reback's, Greenbrier, Line Mountain, Upper lie. kaitimiro, and- Barry. to llioererKe, 43 titles and bark. twice a week. Letefliata &nay /101141.11 yn n d Friday at apc • Arrive al 111thersville ti.N 6p pt. Lease Itinersrille Tuesdii; and Smarts, sj. ME! . Arrive at Kalamai by 5 p a. lUD/Tram Grata, hi klingerstown, Raiiqb sad • Ready, And ffelper, to upper blatainiaa - iro,ll milts end bark, once a week. Leave Gratz Warinesday at 6 a m: Ante* at t•ppec ikr.bantango tn• 10 a pa; -Leave rpper Mabaui a age IVedaesday it It 10; Arrive. et Gratz by 5 p 114111ffnm Gettysburg. be Fairfield, Innntain Dale, Wayuestioro', Ringgold, lid., and Lallerflarg, to Lingerstnwin, 35 saliva and leek, three times a week. Leese Gettysburg Tuesday, Thursday, and 5 Saturday it tl a tn; Areiee at Ungerstnwo by 4 p en: .- Laves liagerßtown Monday, Wednesday, sad Pridity at 8 s 111 Areireat Gettysburg by 4 p s42llProas Gettymbury, by Granite 11111 and llanterstowa. to Kee* ettratar, 14 Miles ond beck, three times a week to Hunkers, town, and twice a Reek residue, geol. Gettysburg Tuesday, Thursday . , awl 0 Saturday at 8 a ni; Arrive at Ifunteretoo - n by fq n to, and at t Sow Chester on Tuestlay and Saturday by •11 a to: Laic. sew Chester Tuesday and Saturday ad 11 os; - laity! at Ilunter.town by 11 p m, and at . Gettysburg Tue,day. Thursday, and Mat. mtday try 3 p m. IlleifpoittGottyl n rg,bl - 11 untnta Elting, A results. . • . Menallen, and 7 i gem. Iwo,. to Gettyaborg, slant lois Itedsaaswi back, trice a week. Lama Gattgataorg Tuesday and Satooday at _tem JitaiWts a Readertv ale by II • In; . Lem flandereville Taceday sad 844arday Mk-pat ' Aaefye fki Gettyslmeg by Sp tn. 94.10 11 W 1 aStuteweltury.by Ste wane town. Straw. ",` beidge, Fttwn Grov e. And "tido, to 30 miles and bock, twice a t _ week. 1 ` tease threw:bury Wednesday sad Sawe d:e at t p tu; .hsethie at itrysturrille by 7 p in; , Limy* Rrysneville Wedneoday sad Saba ' ea; at G a sa: Ai tee at Shrewsbury by 12 ea. I•l4lWtesea Slate 11il1, by bryenstrille and Castle liM, te McCall" Ferry ,11 wiles aad back, *Wier a week. lobes Slate Itikt Ronda,' ant Friday at a a at; Metre at Stroll's Fern' by 11 • tn; • LISTO Recall's le z ry 'Tuesday and Bator ilbsy at 2 p l aseekre at State by t p et. Warren hupewell %.eutre. by Cross Roads, - Apple Grove, aul Dallastown. to York, 21 miles and hack, twice a week teat! liopetren Centre Wednesday and Saturday at G a ni ; nice at York by 12 m; :Lipsre York ICednesday and Saturday at 1 • pat; treiveat Ilopeweit Centre by 7 p m. 14141Froni Wrightsi ille to liargaretta Furnace, New Bridgeville, Grahnotsvil le, and lurk • ruxuace, to McCall's Ferry, 23 miles and bawl, twice a week. ;Ns* Wrightsville Tueaday and-Saturday 6a nu AurNvo st llrearni Ferry by 2 p us; Mare McCall's Ferry Monday and Friday gait sue; hefty at Wrightsviiia by p holmiumls to commence at Columbia are *cited. UV tram - tram Scads, by talon, ebaneetord, - Gower Chaaceford, and Ca/de Fin, to - • Peas& Bottom, 23 milec and beck, twice weeds. Leave Cross heads Tuesday and Friday at I dt nt; .• *poi* at Peach Bottom by 7 p AMMO *sack Bottom Tuesday andir)tay des pi: 44.4=CIVA Seats hl2 m. linsoyearJvractkon, by Porter's Said ," N ! Jeilleroon Station, llasterme and New to Gettyaborg, 3Of nillos and 111By,exeept Po:today, by imitroad • • • 7 2elltlt a branch grab flutterer to Little.- • • lbws, ones and back, sis times a week, 1,,4 . op Ihe tin in due teramulera. Uwe Baborer 41111netioa dotty, except lan ' *INA& le s in; L. Gettysburg by 12 ml Skettqabarg daily, except emoday, at - . • l sr, • a$ liatiellar Junction by 3 p sa _Rlk*lvm. by Abbottitowa. Fast • sloolim, it Ages and heel, three times a • • Kanter ISsebbky, Tberooky, sal sib 1141 se; ' iiiirkiiiii Weis by 44 p <llooo*l64lll6oloefossday, Tbersday, *ad - allibisileria by -014iti aiimpiprieby 1 . 2 Is. 1416110414M.by Ninety, ma., to Eat. 61061144344/00 4 / 4 4 kW*, Agra dues klibeg ' -....-- IP 111 0 01, • Lot, Tusk StSpitsst 4111 y, askaps' Sastday, at I• aq - Ant,. as NW OsJord lry' a ta: Liars Out /airier SPAIS*4 64 / 7 , egitso Saaday, al I a in; - A.rrirers at tiartisle by 11 a at; teats Carlisle daili, st:papt Suallay. ea *l, rival u Pl4ladslabla mall. ray *l2 pan Antra at York Sulphur Sprinip by • p ma. 7431yrieva flasoter, by 11cSberrystows and Squasit Corner, ta Gettyrburg, 17 Liles and back, Uwea timrs a work, I Gars Ilatturer Tuesday, Thluaday, sad Saturdat at 1 p ta. Arrive at isettysburg F,J s p in; Leave Gieureborg Tuesday, Tjugtsday, sad Saturday at 5 a as;/ Arrive at Kammer by 12 tn. 2433 Frota Spring For to Coarsens, 3 Auiles sad :t.~fil: back, once a week, Leave ripring Furgr : 4 atoSiny at 12 ft; Arrive al Cullum+ lin I poi: Les,' Corl.)roo Sator , lay at p ea, Yy.i+d albseggr. !=3 Roma! llilin* Noll za Arriv a} i4pripg Forp,e.by 4 p in. 2434 From East Berlin, by KinifaTeta tad Farmer's, to Yuck, 14 talisa sad back. once * tek. Leave Y,ast BarEa Satur d ay at 7 s is; Arlin' at 'lark by 14 a enf Lest, York Sat ords3, utl arrival of eastern mail, say ;it p ra: Arrive at ZAJi Berlin by C pm. 243;aFrom F.aat Berlin, by Hall, Bermediai, ijul Franidnittrrn, to Dijlabors-, 111 at)fili uu: back, otter a a eek. Leave Tiet-t Berlin Tharday at p Arrive., at ilillsbarg t; pm; ' Leave Itillattur7.. Tbareday ate * ea; Arrive at F...10t Berlin by U in. 24361Fr0m thaniber.i,nrg, by :Axial Thomas, Luna•p. Sli-Cuunci;.burtz, iforrison%ille, itaty't Hill, and Bluudy Kun, W Bedford, mitt-o Anti back, tinily. Leste nn, b•r burg at I a So; Arrive at Redford by a p to; 14.014 e Itetiford tintly at 7 a 113; Arrive nt i'llanikotr.burg by 7 p m. 2337 rrnm chamber-burg. by Meriwi, Green Castile, and State t.tne, to Hagerstown, )4d., 21 mile{ and buck. pix times& week. Lpgre Cho rnbersburg 4gal t . except Sunday, biter arrival of Hiarriebarg mail, say at f. 2 m 5 Arrive at Hagerstown by p Leave Hagerstown datly, except Subday, at ei nu Arrive at Cbansberatiurg by 12 vs. Piga From Chansberabursc. by Keefer's store, Upper Strasburg., eanaattrberg, Burnt Cabins, (Bp. thirlsoubs. burg, laetiairk Mills, sad Vineyard Mills. to Mount Union, miles and back, three times a week. Lame,* Chiumberrharg Tuesday, Timmodey, and Saturday at 4 a et; Arrive at Mount Cairns by II p m Lears Mr ,t Union Monday, 4 ir d mesy, sad Friday at 4 a utl Arrive at Cisetioerelerg by Jit p to. 2430 Promo eltesabershairg, 1141/11440411i Hall. and Gainey, to WayseeberW, la mites and beck, [litre times a week Leave Chamiterebent Monday, Wednesday, • :semi Friday.at 2 p Arrive at 111'sywe , tiero' by 9 p et; Leave braysteaboni *undo, Wednesday, and Friday at 7 a n Arrive at Citembersburg by 1 p es.' 2440Frows bleCoonellebere. to I :reinter's Kills, 6 wiles art Week. twice a week. islarw liceeeliellabarg Tieetdity and Fri day, after tlie arrival or tits Clambers burg wail, say at 64 p ter Arrive at Webster's Nick b y 84 p • Leave Webstar's Ni/is Tuesday sad Friday at 1 p ut; Arrive at McCoorslisburs by 1 p a. 2441 Fran Merierabiarg, by Upton, to Green Castle, 10 ogles aad back, six Mines a week. Leer' Mereertbarg daily, except Sunday, at 5 la; Arrbreat Oren" Castle by 7 p nit Lure Green Castle daily, except Sunday, at 12 wi; Ardre at Mefeariburg bSS p at. 144ifeent kieraerabtam,by tiylven, to Hancock, Md., 24 atikeami back, *ace a week. Lest* stercersbarg Friday at 11 a a; Arrive at Hancock by b p as; • , Leave Hancock Saturday at 8a a; Arrive at Mercerabneir by 5 p a. 2448 Fr ;sa Harrisonville. by Dublin Mills. to Onisouis, 30 wiles and beck, °ace a week. Leer. Tuesday at 9 a m; Arrive at Orbitonia by 6 pm; Leave Orbi,..onin Monday at 4 a a; Arrive at Harri,Lonvitle by 3 p a. 2444Femn Haerivonville. by Solaria Tannery, West Dublin, tied Wells' Tannery, to Iliopewell,2o okile, and bark. once a week. Leave Harriatin‘ille Thursday at 8 a in; ArriVe at Hopewell by 4 p Leave Hopewell Friday at 7 a a; Arri-re rt lisrrisonrille by 3 p 14451Fr0m Uartiiconville. by Emottual Sipe nod Warfordoborg, to liaseock, 25 miles !Ind brick. once a. week Leave Harri.4oui ilk Monday at 8 a in; Arrive at Hancock by 4 T. in; LearchlianeneAk Tuesday at 10 a ea; Arrive at Liscriaottx ilia by 6 p .244111 Front Bloody Rua. by Clairville, Robison villa, and Warlordsburg, to Hancock, NU., 32 miles and back. mice a reek. Leave Bloody Run Saturday at 7 a tn; Arrive at Hancock by 5 p in; Leave Hancock Friday at 6 a as; Arrive at Bloody Run by 6 p m. 2447 Prom Williamsburg, by Yellow Springs, and Water Street. to Spruce Creek, 13 miles uad back, twice a week. Leave Tat Sday, Tkart•dan ' asid 4 ..i!aturda) at 8 a r.v. Attlee at Spruce Creak b 12 In; Leave Spruce Creek Ttleetiny, and Saturday nt 1 p m: Arrive nt Williamsbur,,tby S p m. Proposals are invited for Six -times-a-week service. 2448 From Williamsburg to Springfield Fur nace, 5 miler and b tck, 3 tintoi a a eel., Leave Willianat.burg Tuesday. Thuretta, and Saturday, on arrival of mail fruut Spruce Creek. say at 5 p nt; Arrive at Springfield Furnace by 6 P Leave Springfield Furnace Tuesday, Tburs day, and SatunlAy at 34 p m: Arrive at WilliarnsbUrr by t 1 p m. 24 From Fonnettsburg, by 'Dry Run. Spring Rua, Doylesburg, Concord, Waterloo, ' Peru Mills, East Waterford, Honey Grove, keeullock's NlrCoysville. Pleasant 'flew, Sprnre Hill, and A endernla, to Port Rocal 8: miiet and back, three times a reek. Leave Feranettsbarg Tuesday, Thurfday, sad Sstnrelsky at d a m: Arrive at Port Royal by 7 p m; Leave Port Royal Stonrisy, Wednesday, and Pridar at d a rot A rrire at Faaftertaborg by 8 p m. 9450 From Fannettabark to Carrick Furnace, 4 mile* sad f)skek, one* • week Leave raanettsbarg Tuesday ■t 1 a En; Arrive at Carrick Furnare by Si a ta: Leave Carrict. Tarnsee Tnesday at si a a Arrive at Fromettaberrir by in a wk. 2451 From Orbiaosia, by New Grenada and Rptereville, to Ray's Mil t 33 exiles and kw*. once • week. Leave Orbieonis Friday at It • is; Arrive at Ray's Rill by 8 p us; Lease Ray's AIR Thursday at 8 a is; Attire .t ttrOdscrata by 4 p ni. • 2452 From Bleat Cables, ky Fort Littleton, idaddearrifte, 'Mt* *psis" C*4•41116, s*d Paradise ramie*, to Cofes Ras, AO ' =Rep sad back, OWNS a week. Leave Bunt Cabins Wednesday at fie. Arrive at Ceiba Rawl isy s p a; Leave o•Mee Rea Tinevaday at 8 a ma; Aware at Reese Cabins ley t p Pia ire Wailed few a woad weekly ibetweess Bann Cadges sad Fort Lit tleton, sob* vas ost Saturday. 2453 noes Daartile, by Citatasky,ta Northam bottomed, vs** and beak, eis Ilium a week. Lem Dawriatt4,42oll“pa- EisailayA44 sag .41,445 e at Yranlearaimmieeri tart ave, Lamy *Nittitgoabw 4,6117, Sat day, as acelvall or min Ibasa *Wm 1 it laa - .Ardire at namprltla by to p r. " r " Fsiti , _404.4140V:112. = we CletsiTh ''." ThirilloilbilL, Seallt fithat, ghats Oak sot Claimalik . aal* orwit, 121 Wks liabehillael= • c o on Levi - 1 t `- * " Ae r * • t . IV*, at I a- - 30 181 1 19111 t.. saute: SA llan a. d"..... • ' ''''' ' ______ ," /14014 Wider* tit; i.erfets al Lowlithis, ant ii aft* 6 p rib i 1 sji a lllAL9lllollllllo/4 IIALIPSIIIBOIII, - elepllsohl are %VISA Air l'areh esiAillosel 10 Illasuriesterestofiesprevskel weekly tries lateens Lewisburg. sad *WING SACBIIIIIIb, IMillishorg. lr . I Pastilissdliandesairiessewts. 24515 From Lave r; 111111fleld, T for ry fitseilt, Let lintlifacturars oo , Planter! oe, large lwidi als mera, Ussasee , peso's creek - Illiddieberg, Beaveriovra, . keepers, or any other persees in Horeb of Mt Beam Spring', WWII Creek, Cron instrament to execute any tied of *snag now Gril s, 11•11. am( Depstor. to .Lowjetop 0, done be machinery. make Aare they sneers the 6$ NI and bock, his tines a week to heat. by examining ours before puerkasiag. New Bendlti, it then tisane week residue, , pear Samples of Work Sant to nail • Leave Lowish's" daily, eacept ganday, at waxy COVIIIIVTICS A 0000 ants* MACIIIIIIIII 1 5 put; ! 1. It should be well made. steeple is its cos- Arrive at New Berlin by 8 P m: struction, and easily kept In order. Limn Kew Merlin daily, extept Sunday, at : 2. It should make a rioirr wen-ernes, alike 8 a to; I oetioth sides of the material. Anise at Lewisburg be 11 am; • l 3 It abouid sew any and ail saaterials that Leave New Borliu ?acidity, Thursday, and i eau be sewed,. Saturday Mt 7a m; 1 4. It Should he able is use Cotton, Thread, Arrive at Lowissovru by 8p is; I or Silk, directly fru tu the spool. Lesre Lewistown litendsy, Wednesday, and 5. ft should be able to =r-se from coarse to fine, rridsy at 74 a in: / . fr om ite4 m thick to thin. with rapidity, and w ith- Arrive at New Berlin he 4 p no: I out changing the tension. 2436 From Sunbury, by Klipr's ttlerert, and ft, It should be able to make the tension gaubtown, to thin\ ills, 13 miles mid ' treater or less. on both the tinder an sipper hack, °aces werk. . threads, and with uniformity. Lear* Suansry Saturday at Gam; 1 7. It should have n•stralght needle : stirred Arrive at Danville Saturday at 1 p to; : tune are liable to break. Arrire at Sunbury hy 7 p tn. i a. The needle * should hare perpendicultu 2457 Yroatitsobary.by Northomliertand,Cbilli- I motion. This is absolutely thecessarr for heavy equassnaltwfwbarg,Miltem.Watsontown. work. Devon, and Horsey. to Wsttismrport• 4 0 , 9. It should be capable of taking in the miles and hark, Aire deity. by railroad. ' largest pieces of work Loire Sunbury daily at 3.10 p in and 10.15 to. It should be able to bind with A binder, P In; ' hem with a hemmer, should stitch, full, son Arrive at Williamsport by 3 p in and 12.14' a pd r , i h.,. 'a la: I ii. It should be always ready to wort. Leant Williamsport daily at 1.39 aas and 1 i 2. It should he capable of ming the nine 10 pm; Sire of thread on both aides of toe work, and Arrive atSotibury by 1.0.51 a tot 11.41 pen. ' of using different colored thread or silk, shove itSent: CTIONR, i or below, to correspond with any two colors of Costae/An eltne.itioos to he woo:led-ALM io the osektntete Ott th to be united. Yr lb. ratiout tile 4 et:mermen& they deans people. I 13. II should be able to sake a Wag or abort I. !me %limit's ors snowed to each iotormodlaro ale*. ' stitch, rhos, not drhoroiso specified. Ler orerrtlor the onallo; tot la. It ekoeld be able to fasten off he leas, I as railroad ..4 Meandoeat ...tee thee. . to to Do awe ! all_" aonmeeee sewing . tightly et the &gist:itch, /lola, Ulna Is ordLetesit fur au ershesao of "ha .out b.,. 2. om raJleosol and .tratuboat laws. sail other routes I IS, It unsold ran easily and sake last littla where the mode of conveyrnoe nit,il is 44' it,tbse speria/ zimlee . eV"' et the root "h" I l"""W et. sloe pest ere., 14. u sbotrld bare n wheel fled; nose others !stoats, moll top. locks, Awl keys, are Le Is asetroyo4 . • I wiriest extra Charge. _ . A tit' wheat and Ilti'Ll.A!`".i III".• the mute, agent* at , it, it should not be liable to get out of order. the deiwatenent are to ie ,ori•yrre.l with...et charge, ral for la. It should not be liable to break the their eieglecv• wee. •to le trar•Lor with the mail*. • , , - eam mo n t o ite ea r, of apartment in rise metre of a mr, pr. , threa d, Dar altip stitches. piny Demos, .accord, sot tarnished. sod ...urged t. the ' .19. It shoul d not be necessary to use a screw t.""e"t""r*t"'" "'"* l dm ' "`" (1 " 1 ti "`"'"'• m I ''' driver or wrench to set the needle. re_ .... 1 1 1,,eY......tried by the moterter, order the direction el we , 2u. It should out be liable to oil the opera- awl eteantimet compeer an reenind Pa tar tor'a dress. lir mall from awl 4e15•11 it into the poi oars et re I ' 21. It avoid not fors a ridge on the seder seresessemeet and end of their rout., earl Lord kraal' , „ , rime not oar who eighty rods from • dation or Leading sioe, nor ravel out, nor be wasteful of thread, Propumela nay he se britted for the perfonasare of all other , e g irl the case with ALL cnsik-ertren machines. ou,""tion."1„.1"-lopithine." t., kir allik " Dear eighty "" in " . . 22. It should net be •' more trouble than it Receipt. will be ropier Ow mall hags eartreyed it `la worth." charge ef perms, empaoyed by eallardrompanise. Them 1 23. Finale. all of these advantages are pi:m ein slabber -way hill." prepared by paetnertena. or ether ~,,,....,A by our sewing machine. siren of the department, to accompany the malht Apr- 1 '''''"""" % e rg the rarer sad histifelloP of re marry , ' befe Op I • , L.tl)p, WEBSTER k CO. stage terse, likeree, maniple rib be re. Dec.s, 1859. ly siair=a7 WU eureaudwi • Lb. latter to he rassird 2y, the ierral postanadent, bri i'maroragolartty to ttio d. , fjd tun' ore Safe Manufactory. livery .1 malt en.. ) 4. No pay will be made for tripe wet peedornsed ; and for 1141f.LER'S IMPROVED SALAMANDER Seek of net warder net eallefactorily explain e d Lamp Ora the mo of the utp, imp 'le derided for at/rival* SA F F.S.—Thoussiads of dollar* in p toper so tor boded taboos to boast soenexiain with demist/my 1 V of all kinds, saved annually in these safes mina. serf eat eoliekf"RY rzsalird• one-"lrtlb a,,,....th• .."''' ' that never failed to preserve 'their coateuts.— "e"" fa the tri p lialil*lS° h " flmter. ' ... ' "iii.° , Factory Dorance street, Providence, Rhode Tillable be erred fora vice of perflarmence lefetior to actor) , that apialltod to the error s lliyated dormareles . Wand. and 159 North street, Baltimore. Sale albs lied &trete •sertdol• psanttb.s. p**4...r- ' rooms, No. lii. South Charles street. For sizes Unwed to the eras& tberead and leeperrseat of lbw aid prices send for a circular. All Safes war. reel. maybe mar. • i . Per Noels( behind or thinewleg off Chi teal ls. or say ! ranted to give satisfaction. ="et tiler her the adealodoe of pareerr.•. or for L. H. MILLER. enomemall la settling op err ern* se rpm. co. , ', No. 18 South Charles street, ropitir Wringer, hi admire of re isarA, a lam ter'e ply Ulf be deelleetee. Oct. 17, 1839. [je.27. ly] Baltimore, Md. if. rasa will es hemmed. errs the dellet t eerem be , - -- -- proseptly sad satisfactorily exclaimed by enetreat. of it. R. sAitult4. thee, r. CARROLL. retaberdem er theadhlavitard other medible penes, for ihlllyte I. arrive in contract Woe; for or b :teethe' to take Harding & Carroll, tbeallin Gam or &lifer It lat. • P." race y fuf "Oh ring COMM [SS 10N M ERCH ANTS It dp beleOred. destr.god. rotated, or ler fr. Proof Warehouse IR. R. ridloalod, anor dour& taco re, the malt as fempartly Fir. n't the lesesteeeeoe Mel, or le omeertooll la moo In a mock , So. 12G North Howard &reef, ear, or oberoberst ea • meta.BA M LTIMORE, D. T. The postroastelf Oren! may canal the tarred See 1 1 Feb. repotted Whirr ma to agreeably to retract ; for viola. r l4. 59. ly Rog re root oft. laws. or darbeyiNg the yostructions of '• - _ _ _ -__ - ---_ th e raprrtment; Mr refusing to trireme a reeler alma , First Premium m i siked by tfee dosartaseot to do au; I.a :aflame so es- . F.l . prom ea aforooala or for transporting La...time pakape , .N.t MF.I.LED ('(ITT-\(}p Fi'llNITI - rt E.— moreetee indlable mattise eat nf the mall. ' I. 11", Pe setae "um"' mu' "I'll.r u 1. ".... 4 ' elgert, lialtiolOre, hating been engaged fur the earvice on a mete by allowing aware a pm mt. Morse on o n paotroc a p a y. Ile eas y a b ase , w h o a. ie . o f .3. F .,.. I NIA 17 : ere is the manufacture cool sale of tans and an-was Moll ram*, otodisirtiolaclp be mar !the abort. desirable Furniture. suited to country them telaram to ab a . " l. " . witts "ik". 4. • " 1 ""'" 14 " i riptide:ices, has on hand a lAN* variety, tnauttfits. wow or poy, provided the mooing time le mot abrshged lie mV air erre am Werra. of reed. al brim!. withier I t4red ellimodY ( or retsil sales. theristrirtirma of the ,ow, a Pre rata itirrra•• of My fur A l•o. Oak and Wahiut Cit.imber Sets. Oak sh• &Saloom , Idea sr centers, It ay. no c...tivet" ; apd IValnut Estension Tables. Dining llonni and may. hammer, lo lb* Mae of inerere of reed nalloquir , th e a w ra ce. by gi , ill p awn ,' e w e . to le o d epacto , oat , Fancy Chairs, Sideboards. flair and husk Mat that he probes deist we to A eirrying die order tee etteet • 1 tremici, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, it., he. The Narrate, Orierr may also MILO at discootimio ; m arc h 21, 18:„9. ly the soreico, to whet. or In part, at pre eats ,lessesae et __ -- _ .. -- - ____ _. Pop. Araby use asoath'e extra enlol4llaeleue eft the aronst disperse with. •biberer, in hoe eyrie°. Lb. Franklin House, Pl"' lutar " b "5 V r. _f a than " , l ' t ili °l ' s°. d " iral u ERCILT and Refurnished. Cormier of 11wfard imporairde tab, affl.monm grade of tmeeportator I. Promote sill be made by radlretions from er drafts I aid Froaliew atreeis, a few squares nest of age emesk. .4' eXteererteek. after the exPiretieae of such I t e Northern eentra) Railway Depot, HA Lel ia rebrwar7, May. Amer, aid Koamober. 1 • *one. Terms Si per tiny. 111 il i T i =istarretas are rhea accordir to the roe Woe- ~ mere.; hat no ismer! pry odl Le a ll owed elmeld they t G. LEIS/Cs:RING, Props her, be groom Mao wileertieed. if the pinta to be &applied be 1 From 8.4gi0 Gro4v, Amasprkfirt. sormetty stated. Meowed Dieser 'seems TilltieeLeee rat I - ~.,Aug.ug I. 18S9. dm ruts ewer, mai air la Weren't. to the wespit of the mail, , . the sooditsos or rants, toll.. stout... .te . sod all toll- bridges, ferries. or eedroctioner any kepi be whirl ex pesos err be Incurred Norteka for stiltiamel pay, eased an web ground, as ha coridered ; ow fee aliened pato is/we ne aakatraiwbeimiaa es he Om degree a ow:M. ; .. e be bridges destrored. ferric. diront noel_ or ether ob struct/bus taersosloe dietarse. reurrier daring the err tent Meat. 011 ice& eatalayabed after tau mirerreraeut is Mem& awl also during the contr.,' trot. an lam be , idled 'd u.' es t, a p a y, it the 'Stouter he as leases/4,4 11. 4 bid I ecei.. ed utter the re day mat hour sowed, err without the rearsoly moulted by lea sod a e o r tis,,,,,s s es be the salliennwer of web g earanty• caret I. corideared In el ilk's, witty a rainier pi opeeet reasonable in arrant Lir t liblderm road firm propose fur aerate, steles', .c. redly* te the sartyr.rablet. and thee. If they desire, set.'" V for dilemma merrier, see if the waGILL..e out be the Lowest otter.-1 tor the ouertased ,errata, th o s sib., pmpeldtaeoe mly he nowarred IS. Tber• ahoold ho hot one mote bad for in • prop:oil. Consolidated or erunbtaatinn Masi (` peoreeter ere mei far two or more routes •• 1 are kkeimallell by La IN, seal cams.* be eowideeed • • 14. Tlie route. the aerate. the greatly par. tie HMO and reablioane of tie bidder. tiara 0. Ice Herd pet Mime addrem ) are Uwe of molt ...her of s Groa, where 4 ralierOlier *Vert, should H dtiarnirtly •Letbl. life EtSidettu ra• reque•tel to u•a as far a. predicable, the pester Poem of prnewski fursolival by the depertetent, le write ost Is full the soot of thew beds, are to rotes oselies of them. altered bids •hnul I not be enbetttria; lane Venue bide ones eipbootted ie • l'lrlmw n !so gr atera si et a treble; no guarantor a ill be oto..red o dace and received lat. for* the loot Lite for mem. tug preporale. 1 , 24.11 hid otoot 4 guaragt; wed Lr t•tt reepoosible perates. General germot es ,ascot he elailtiod lb. bid and gOararlty dumb! be go 9.1• 1, plea, • it, the fell same of earls vireo% The department remtvee the right to reject. any hd 'riot+ hay be doomed ettrar•,,gant I aloe ho 111040ra the half et (Attu, attar...toes aret to•Ider11. le The teal Name U. ..aced. sopereerthed g' I alt Pre p...l, L a w . 4.lrewel Soowel Araistriet ivegarearter General. Contr.let 0 , 14 ellet e.IL. Net he or to •rt agent , .Lei rewtooPter• will net Hobe peefeenis (or letter• t.f our tine) to tit... quarterly reams The eentrecte ar• to he executed sod returned 1..1 the depart:neat he or Maitre the Isv oar or sruivr, isgg , het the service tent to. eats oared en the leo( J uly pre ovdeor. or no ti. era day wit after that data, feblee•er tee oeot.retie to evocated or Wt. No propentegt b. used. far will be corridreed ttai onetrecte are exert. theetred at the dietertrieeot , and thee e 0 teamster v ataterad enema red est voeuteot mamas therefor ere Ores. to be &misname! by tb4 depertummit lo all cams the retiring oolltreetce will be required Ito Hama one of tae earlatlee on tW over Hearart 11. Posstegatem at brume oo or sear ralleseds, let mom time eighty rode from a idatiott, • , 11, ttemetiately titer the Mat of March next, report the :le exert iietaocs front the meareet and bow they are adlerwme aappled with the men. Id erudite Use Plphosater General to direct • wall-sreetwager supply from the lot ofJuly ilex! PitieVott eighteen of as not of rowed approved Nerd 1.11146, proentra that ribuir oi the trwport.. fig ties tie mail shall in lot ig a re to the lowest bidder teaSteriag vrafllcient peresties for faithful perform ative, without ether edemas to tbe meta of ouch tram. portetfoo Ran may be eoeseorry to provide for the duo vellatrity• rertieute, mad renerity et rah tereeposeaaos ig nee; tlue bow, leen that propues to transport the mall with "celerity, oartalstr, awl oreerftv, ,, haying boort 40. reed to be the eel, lewd bide, ere ouvnereed ev pre. 1.1,0 g fur ton satire sal(, henvereir terra eel mbetecier easy L. the roads of Cceveyanste ineeessary t• Goers Its '• celerity, vortalaty. evonrity," sad .111 Wm Use preference overall others, SO. A wombiieetiee et a W M ee! .t ttr eseentlat *Mal ti useoussest to • Deaf Ind, end bowie be reeetved. nt sa to lailleteete with • revise eonwelltiee, attar the last beer let foe rimostelier hdL etaltirig e wit OW watt geserooso aid oesedoosee to Us eats , amp to sod* a pros Woo bid. Peelteekeeltiess ate to es ateetel out ta astir/ tee selltreeske et osenuelers se eneoeles witbeet k.rin ties elegy M peosees et sullodeed teeposottrittty ; wort at y 44. deo. gearesteres, writ sereeiee tee deebeeler eptleeo that ere billooro to osier luta or porters tee eersomook err tee lortiere proposed lOor aseeeeed %Sy their hog bib. baton eadhened mods* Sea . W. solitrectera, mid rimer Immo ot to d o . piirtwt, weak riroolit with otter.. prom. guarantors fad illirtteirieli War sollioloorr orbitentiolly io tire Soma Nowt Tari Sertitsatsa of evillotorso Otost L Ity lootiosolor or le a pities or a mart irit moo& other iorilleosto ilia lir olliortlrmi. J. HOLT, Ihrtateslar ha. MI, IND. ID Notice. • ALE peeress iitiOsied to lietraitas a Aga.- essares. an maiieed t.• moats portliest 16 . it. liiiatitnlAN, 'Wiest illobw, sad We evella VAL 22, IVA 44 rt.hig et the ereemolishosests is X Ou4lara, Aoplordeoee, rtaie3Thetes, 1144 hes sal MI the seeeeeitY Berths the kg Maker as Wee eheri'epeet adverts- Sem ll 7, 'whelk Yogi am *II thigh hkehmeeente so chest at • BASSONI3. rwary ? Aollllol4t t ,44.l•l4ll. tad k vsteb year eilaisee' at Apefts,...7.lltpiat At tart irk! sibi,q . V o l o i nt es 404 e.• Mad Artists', Painters' ASil PIIOTOGRAeIfERN DliPOT.—The subscriber bas constantly on haid • tail assortment of materials for the nee of Artists, Nausea end tqattosyreptters. Also oa kismet a large And Itenutifnl assortment et Stennwrie Inteie arida nod eashrneing erery variety of Foreign and American Landatapen, Shrtnnry, Parser and Rural Group, ,fir. The beauty and interest of the Slormseepie Views upon the par lor table furnleb a never ending source of en tertainment Loth to visitors and the home circle. rOrNTILY NERIAIANTS supplied on the most liberal teeters. W. A. WIBOIIG, N 0.2 C. Liberty :it., Baltimore, Mil lees 17, 1149. I y - . House Furnishing 00116, tio. 11 Norsk Ilarriird stroel, tWO Ur door's North of the Howard lionsc—The •ndersigned, having t•ade large additions to his stock, is prepared to (orals,' Ifortaekeepers, Country Merchant.' and other., with such articles as they want, on the very best tern". Hat MR : Whitewash, Sweeping, Deming, Paint. Hair, Tooth, Niul, Silver, Shoe ; Scrub and Horse Brtu.hea. Wooers-wans: Such as Tribe, Buckets, ileasureo. Tar Buckets, Cheerio, Rolling Pins, flutter rtinto, kr. Brooms, Baskets, )later and Cordage. Masser's 5 mine* Ire Cream Freezers. Refrigerators, ugright and chest—the most approved Linda. Water Cooler.% iu Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's and tither most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving ("ens, plain Tin-ware. Japanned, Block Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware, .klhatis Forks and Spoon+, Urns. Coffee end Tea Pots, Egg Boilers. Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Knives and Forks, Wattle Irons, sauce Pans, Sales and Weights, coffee Mills, Table Castors, Old I:min ion Coffee Pots. Shovel and Tongs, Nemo Lamps, Toilet : , eta, Foot Tubs, llath Tubs, Knife Cleaners. Wire Dish rovers. Table Mats, together with a variety of arll,le. useful and necessary to llensekeepero Rohr cis' Patent Excelsior Washing Madiines Plain Tin and Sheet iron Ware and Brushes of every description, manu factured to order. GEO. A. 1111.1 N, No. II North Howard at., Baltimore, Yd. )Mar e 59. ly .B. T. Hynson, . UPHOLSTERER. PAPER, TrANOtil, AND VENKTJAN BLIND YdANIAPACTURXR, No. 52 North Howard Street, oast doge above Lexington, ltsvrtwont. Paper fiespinsoe,-4.:Owstautly la eters, Paper Ranging* of every daseriptlon, mud of the alas and meet approved patterns. Alpo, lierdore Fire Board Prints, he. Venetian Sherds.—Kesps so baud, awl menta hsetures to order, Yewaisis Wads a( all eotore, Asters and qualities, which will meeptwo gavots lay with any otrered to the public. viir-PAper winging lion. to lbe Imate style.— Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or memo& Xareh 7 , 1819, ty Etaltiniore AELL AND linSB WORKS, 00 BcfnakT street, Baitiftro, Yl. 11.11GEST6It M, the Proorlators, overetared to %rub& 1161.14 of sit doectiptlaou 01 . sug 10 to 10,000 palm* *bleb sus gronsated equal la thadlleg Of Was. proloagatios of mead sad daggibily, to say made la the ratted States. Oor Who sea node of tbs bast gaslarlals , ~baled kg Ong laibliltibelltf ANN whet loguakaita. Tam *AK nimbi brim 14, 100 posads, Oar*" in hood at atnittseitptiess. Foe Cwitigtoston with fan partlealars, sabillse ate of gat Cletalass. Atm. 20, 10$11. ly agmiday Pretituotte a r ="k 14' --Delk asADIUNII la Anita GeStj aiat die Yeansity, 4ere lie hes leatinga ki sa= Oases alleaanat, sack as Tialaaidat Cara ffeeeLeres, Cotafaidat Cadets, Oteserseed Latetw, Strew Callers, sal Horse Norm of . Cretan& kiada.--tare; fear or ats4rotse, to wit percheaare;—Ladeed all step as cam be had at assay es or Littlest:owe. Alga Mortising Ma : ciliates, toe house carpenters, put up in the very ; but aad most substantial aseeser. Cutting , Somerset long Saks, any kind et size less tlyan *Leven fees in length, always attended to,se well as Tuning in iron. eluting or wood. Also all kinds of NG on Ilachiner,r, dressing-up kill Spindles, Lc., dame ma the shortest notice. The undersigned manufactures 1141LGAN'S , P • SULU &IKE. which he offers at the lowest living profit. Ile is ltitcwi.e agent for the REAMS I MOWER usannfactured by Joseph Shireman, at East Berlin. I hope that all in want of anything in my lino will esti at my shop before going elsArhere. I wilt warrnint ajl try work to give satiefectiota to purchase's, DAVID STELLNEII- April 11, Latin. I y 4, Change of Hours T 1 GETTYSBURG RAILBOAD!— O Statasnas Arreaveastnt.—no and after Thurs day. April 214 the MORNING TRAIN will leave Gettysburg U G. 30 lock A. M., connecting 4 Hanover Junction with Ezpre+e traiu to With more at 8.52, and Mail train front Baltiuture at 8.32, returadug to Gettysburg at 12.30 noun, with pftesengeee from Baltimore, York, Harris. burg, Philadelphia, *rid the North and West. The AFTF:LINGON will legit c Gettys. burg at I o'clock. P. M.. connecting at Ilanuver Junction with Mail train fo lialtitnore at 3.37, re turning to GettrOmeg about 6.30 P. M.. with passengers f►om . I"orli,listrisburg,Phlladelphis, and the Xorik and West. ••'•By the above arrangement passenger* can go either Nora or :tough ea the Norther* Central gnaws). both morning ant afternoon. Y. IVCCILDY, President. April 35,1859 Mims County MUTUAL FIRIitINSUILANCE rOIIPANY. Incorporated Xarett 18,1851. OVVICIRS. Presideas--George Swope. flee President—S. IL Russell. Soerriaryt -D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—David ICCreary. Kra - Wire aosueultse—lL•bert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Ileintseliass. • Xanaptrs—Georg Swope, U. A. Burkler, la cob King, A. Heintz/damn, R. M'Cardy, Thos. A. Ilarstatli, 8. Fahnestock, Was. B. McClellan, Was. R. Wilson, IL RicheMerger. Abdici John li - collard, H. A. Picking, AbriT. Wright, Job. Horner, It. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell, D. Ill:teary, Andrew radity, Jl4lll Picking, J. R. Harsh. ~`TLis Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period bas paid all losses •ud ex penses, without asy eastestanst, having also a large parries capital in the Treasury.. The em ptily employs no Ants—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring as Insurance can apply to any of the above mimed Ilamigers for further isfonnatiou. ThilAxecatir3 Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last 'Wednesday In every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, intl. DMIXtIII. WAYBRICIUT 1111961111 New Firm—New Goods. E undersigned hare entered Into partner i, ship in the HARDWARE t GILOCF.RY business, at the old stand of Danner I Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style awl firm of DANNER t ZIEGLER, MS., and ash. and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have just returu ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods--oonsisting in part of ftuilding Materials, inch as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, !Acta, Glass. kc. Tools, including Edge Tools of etery description, Saws, rkiaft. Massa*, Gouges, Braces and Bilis, Augers, Squares, Gauges, Hammers, ke. Slaehusiths will find AnyilA, Vices, Rasps, riles, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails. te., with them, eery cheap. Coach Fiud lags, such as Cloth. Cancan, Dsmask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Spriop, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Felines, Bows, Poles, shafts, ke. Mace Findings, Tampico, Brush sod French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts. Boot Trees, ke., nab a general assortntest of'Shoemtker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Toole, • general assortment— also Varnish, Knolls, lc. 110CSEICKEPERS , do Rillthe buiraittig—to Gentlemen's Saloom' et Rill also find a lar g e assortment of Knives and Faris. Brittannia, -Mate and Silver-plated T. i the dour adjoining it ton the west. G. F. ECKENRODE. tile and Tea iiponns, Candle-sticks, Waiters. Gettysterry. Oct. 21, 11359. Shovel and Tongs, Slot Irons, Enamelled and -- -- Braes Kettles. Pans. Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, sT. w. Scott,• to. Also, a general /assortment of forged and roiled IRON of sill sizes and kind* ; Cam, Sheers (lore nf . air Fria of Irobehtster 4. .ceon.) and Blister Steed, which they will sell as cheap - 6 r -it ENT LEM EN'S FERNISHING STORE, and as the cheapest. GROCERIF.S, a ful gen- SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. ale Ches ted essortment, such as Crushed, "t ee d, nut Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Clarified and Brown Segues ;Ne Orleans, Phatdelphis. J. W. SCOTT would respectful- West India and Sugar House Malang, sad hY call the attention of his former patrons and Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Chocolate. Fine, Coarse friends to his new Store. and is prepared to fill and Dairy Salt: Linseed. Fish end Sperm OIL; orders fur SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect Turpentine, Fish, ke.; a full assortment of Lead fit go iratitied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied and 7.inc. dry Anglin oil, Also Fire-proof Paints; nitis Fuse Sautes nod CULI.J.K4. . In fart, almost every article in the Hardware, Oct. 17, 1819. /y Coach Finding. Shoe Finding, Housekeeping. j - -_ - Blatksruith.Calonet Maker's. Painter's. Glazier's, 'Removal. and C roter; line. all of a hiclt they are deters:ails- THE subscriber has removed his Plough al to sell as low for CASH as lase house out of 4 * and „Machine Shop frs.m the ° Foundry the city. HENRY B. DANNER. building to Railroad street, on_ poisite Tide . * WAI BRIGHT 7 4 1EGLER. Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle Rotel, Gettysburg. May 24, 1858. i where he is Letter prepared than ever to at- Marble Yard Removed. , tend to ettatemers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice. and TtlF. siiteicriber haying reniox rill his place of Machines, Reapers, ke., repaired. Also he business to East York street. a short di.- , will attend to cleaning a,titi repairing Clorka. tenet. below St. James' Church, Is onl , l announce I May 10. DAVID WARREN. ' to the teiblir that he is still prepared to fur nish ' all kinds of work in his line. such as RerlU. Grain and Produce House, , ements, Headstones. ke., ie., of ernes variety of t AMBEICSIICRC STREET.—The un style and finish, with and without bases and 0 \ - . H der:signed having purchased the large so. keditto snit purchasers and' at ' Wit* " to 50 ' 1 building in the rear of his store on Chambers the times. Per..on s desiring anythiue, in his line • burshurg street , k . ilown as •• Camp's Brewery," will find it A decided aftrantnge to examine his i • has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, stock sad prices before purchasing elsewhere. and is now prepared to receire.all kinds of WX. S. NEAL,, • ' Groin and Produce, to nit . ! Getty sham, March 21. 155 e. i ____ _ _ ___ V FLOUR, WHET. RYE, CORN, OATS,' :t Just in Season!___ i Seeds, kr.. for which the highest midget price vvitrbe given. CrIVE US A CAL.,. !—The undersigned hare I just received from the cities an immense , i t , ick ot CLOTHS, CASSINI:RES, r. -7 o. accommodate those who may prefer I will also rereire•on CoIIMISSION and iS B rNETs, i furs-ars! Produce of all kinds, hav'r.g made ar- VESTINGS in all varieties, itc., soltahle for the !ointments for that purpose with a responsible I season, which tkey offer td the public at napre• h ouse i n th e city, cedentedly low rates. I also continua my Grocery and Variety- I "They ask a call, Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES of ail To convince all ' , kinds, Salt. Co ff ee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, of the truth of this assertion. No trouble to 1 tills, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, ke. flaring, show goods and pee prices. A large lot of just received a very large supply, purchased on READY-MADE CLOTHING also seli lag cheapc r i remarkably favorable terms, I am prepared to than ever. furnish Country Dealers very cheaply, and will Garments made up for men and hoes , as US' I sell at all times, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' mil, in the very best manner, and according to ' The public are invited to call before purchasing any style desired. The work being deem' in : elsewhere, as lam determined to sell as cheap their own establiehnestat , they are always oe - las the cheapest, on the principle of "Quick , shied to warmat It. Remember. theirel hue. °- , P -- Sales and Small Profits." JOHN SCOT?. 1 baldness is the taut and elm a ri c4l " B ro o m n 4 -1 Gettysburg, Sept. 5, um. joining Colman k. Culp's. en Chatriberebnrg i _ _ _ ______ street. JACOBS t BRO., 1 Sept. 19, M 39. Merchant Talkies. The Greatest Discovery • !IF THR AOR.—lndamutatory and Monk Rheumatism am be cured by using M. L. LES'S CELEBRATED RIME:MATTO MIX TURE. Many promlsent citizens of Ws, sad the mi e hu es courtier, bare testae& to its great utility. Its-seeress is Rheumatic &Sec tious, baa bean hitherto unparalleled by any spotlit iistrodneed to the public. Pries se coos per bottle. For Bab by all druggists and storekeepers. Frepare4 only by R L.MILLSIt, Wholsesabenad Retail Druggist, Fast Berke, Adinut esenny, Po., dewier Ix Drugs, Cheeks* Oils; Tarok b, Spirits, Pallets, Dye-stole, hot- Mod Oct.,- Ihniests* sad Thietures, Window Ai""Tellmia, 'robot Sodlidms, gir.h. YI. a llllll'M tho Areatia Oat sham ar "a. 2.. 11111140 Oeirboitted IA ch ant." Oa, U, 11511. Ty Ar nmat FUSE% Olook sal Wilais. sober, boa sesimed bit id die rem MWyst lids al dm Patio Obbify anspied by Will L. limbliNt ih., as * Li ar Me, wbate No vat ahrsys , bu T ; lri tia so sm o g 0.04 ohs et m. dor pas Mere, I. imps, by Ads* ableatir! le bbOseby sablillvaimil lb dilibisob $1111)110 , meet Cat *a Pla = " 44olM MP ... . v t:liele., Sher . - stare cm th e i nrCentre Square, 01= • MAge amilleempiete assortment et 8 hammer crook sad Groceries. The India pip linearly are invited to enG and examine era ea perius styles of Dress Goods and ileac,- *Michell emacg everyth not liorotofor p s ing corning roperly wader head at pros equalled, end is quality'surpassed by none. GENII EX.Eikd I WEAR., of ere escriptiou, consisting of MAIL, 1 Cassitnerea, netts, Coatings, Vcstiert, gc.,- which cannot inrpaeacd out of the city is , quality and pries. Oar stock of Groceries is also witniplete, while eTery other article generally found in a Dry Goods store can be bad at the "Railroad Store" of J. C. Quiun 1 Bro. Believing that the put— lie can suit theresalTes better hers than elite where, we incite thew to give us a cell. For Ilia proof of our assertion. call and examine our stock,ereu if you don't buy, [April 4. us:.). -- - - Still at Work 1 arIOACHMAKING AND DLAGNSMITIII.St . IL/ —The undersigned respectfully informs bia friends and the public tbst be coo/lanes the Ooaciirasking and Blookstaitbiag loss/moss in :very branch at bis establisbesout is Chem bersburg street. He has on hand mod will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SiAgßalS, ..*ltiog Wagons, ditc., of the best material, Audis/ads by superior work men. Rieß . R.Et.uutSG and fltscitsattl- HUM Of al/ kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly sad to the satisfaction of customers. Cutarrur PADULTS tak.su la exchange for work at market prices. Bier Persons desiring Articles ar work in the Cuaebmaking or Black.smitniug Due, •re re spectfully Invited to call on JUIIN L. I.IOLTZWORTH. Gettysburg. Jan. 24, '59. Private Sale. s subscriber offers at Private Sala. rim his MOUSE AND LOT, on Big), LUI saniet, 44juiaiag Solomon Polyp. The How* Is • loco-story Brick, ußrly mew, with a BaekArailding, avid a well of water. Terms easy. DAN'L. F. PITTEICTCII.F. Jody 11, 18.59. It Notice. () WM. KBRSCHIAB'S NSTATB.—Let- , 1 7 ten testamentary on the estate of John eo 7 liereettler, late of Onion township, Adams 1 co., dee'd. haring been granted to the undorsigu. ed, residing in the saute townAltip, they herehy ere notice to all persons indebted to said, swame to make immediate payment, and having claims against the same to peasan t ! property authenticated for settlement. WM. BOG AX, i JACOB FRY, 1 &motors, Jacitary 2, 121111. it Fraser River OrmoNE!--come to the Store et Green monnt for Bargainsl--The undersiguell would most respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the Store of John Weikert, at Creemnount, Adams county, half-way on the road from Gettysburg to Enunitsburg, where he expects, by attention and small profits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of new His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, Groceries. Confectionaries. qu se:aware. WuUrn ware, enwkery-wore, Hardware, he., Is, large nail varied--equal to that of any other tint class store—and he will nail at prices astonishingly low. Lie only asks a trial, to prove Use troth ul this assertion. Country produce taken to etchanre for goats. J. AUX: HAUER. The undersigned also earries on the CAR IAG 11-NUKING business at the !tame place, and offers rare inducements to purchasers. Ile will warrant his %orb good, whilst his charges are among the most moderate. Repairing done on short notice. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. ly New Oyster Saloons. THE subscriber has opened new Oyster and Eating Saloons, on the south aide of asamberebneg street. este the Diamond, (two doors below Geo. Arnt.l.l's store.) where be wilt receive EVERY IIA Y. (Sunday excepted,) iarul serve in the various stiles, the best quality of FILEiII OYSTERS, from lisitimore. By keeping i good article, be expects to receive a fibers patronage. fie will also supply Oys ters wholesale to other establishments. Ills Hill of rare will, however, uot he confin ed to Oysters alone. Other articles in the film ing line can alersys be bad is season--also • site Oasts a* gar I".nt Ladles' Saloon at the centre Call and See the Bargelna! s a wi P. MoILHENY having jut returned from t • the eity of Philadelphia, where he has L very carefully his FALL AND WINTER GOODS, is prepared to show the prettiest sad most fashionable stock of goods in his line ever brought to this piece, which will be toad at pestilent& will defy all competition. RIP stock of RATS AND CAPS is full and complete, em bracing You's No. 1. blank Silk Rate Men's i black Cassimere Hats, Yen's due soft--Felt Rats, ; Roe's Ledger Flats, Ben's Unix Broad Rim; Rats, Ken's Silk Velvet Caps. Lodger Cape, Xacry, Plash, and Plush trimmed ,ips. A : splendid assortment of BOYS' I INITLIIRBN'S CAPri, from IS ets. to 81.,25.. Also, an eaten- : sive ausorlatert at BOOTS AND SHOW, eon /dyeing of Men's Water-roof Boots, Floe Calf Coriroaeled 6110“, Beaty Kip Boots, Calf Co.- i greavaaltere f Bove' Boots, ftoes and Osliam ThaatM la urp Wends and customers for past Aware I hope by politesess mid t sit doatieg to oroettatimatoodoe Oda& potrousge. OM tf, VW. R. V. ilensiniffir. ---- ANIMMO MUM . it. 110.1111 MT /1014.. i A. See* * Sea, irlatitS I* Dry 00064 Irsikay *Hides, Queerrut.OnvegliNg, AM* 41 1 .,./911010, Climibambc or* alWitte, ell I+ll, st • . a.• *WM ' Alll,lllllll • • • COO) tie SIEVII. Cook and Parlor Stave*. • N DREW POLLICY auddorovectolll4 !n -ano the public that be aoakboa a hot of uOK and PARLOR STOW, Which ho wriro at prices to suit the times. Gettysburg. Aug. 29,.111.39. Stoves, mIN AND SHEET IRON WARE.—SIIEADS k ItUEULER, havir.g purchased the stuck of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of George E. Buehler, have opened en establishment in con nection with their Stove Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, and aro now preponed to furni,.h e‘erything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware, they have a large supply of kitchen and butts, furnishing goods, uf every variety, Including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, se. for presert hug. cooking and frying. Call and see them. Splendid ussortmept of Stoves and house furnishing goods ut their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. giro - Spouting put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always en hand at their yard at the same place. Noy. 14, 185 U. :MEADS k EICERLER. - - - - • -- - A Fresh Assortment r t ,F GOODS RECEIVED AT REININGER'& ki —The subscriber has just returned from the City with another and most spleadid assort ment of Goods for GF.NTLEUXIt'S which he calls the attention of the public. Ile has selected his stock with great care, and eau ea:land manufacture every variety of Clothing in the cheapest and must substantial manner. Ile desires all who wish to be well fitted with good. genteel FALL AND W INTER CLOTIIINt , to give him a call. lie cannot he excelled in the town. Every one. therefore, who desires a bargain. should call with him at his Merchant - Tailoring Es.liblishatent In Carlisle street, next door tsr 3.lcCtinaughy's J ACUrt • B.EINDI dEtt. • Oct. 31, 1839 - - - - Farmers' 86 Mechanics' A VINGS INSTVit'TION OF ADAMS COIN TY —lfral,b mass, ashy.—lkpolite your surplus fuuds its this Institution and re. ceite interest at the rate of fibre' twd to four per seat. This institution offers a sore. rust rob at sad profitable depository to all CLUNY uf people. July 4, lass. Use Shriner's - 11DAI.SAMIf COUCH tiViirp. ill AS A FAIIILT IMMEDY IT ILLS NO Et),UAL! Tesrtscosy Ur ( . 1.1:11.11Y;It51. 11firTh's is to certify, volt on the re commendation of a rgular and •skilful physi cian, we bare used, the -Ite!comic tough Sy-rup " prepared by W. K. Shriner, in our fatni ly, and find it-t r answer well the purposes for which it is prepered. S. Se Pastor of Lutheran thurch,Taneytown,Mcl. Read the following Letter from Rev. IL P. Jordan : Founoseera; /14. Mr. W. E. Shriner,—Tlest Sir :—I have given your '• BAWD& Cough Syrup " • fair trial, and am happy to say that I bare never tried any thing that relieved me so aqua. I bare also given it in my family with the same good ef fects in every instance. It is certainly a most excellent remedy. and ought, t o o be in every ?enti ty. The exceeding low pric e at which it la sold places it within the reach of all. Pardon liberty I hare taken in this giv ing my extkrienve in the nse of the Syrup unso licited by you. ILeapectfully youra. . 11. P. Joanna. 6 Turman or ruYstruxe. , Frederick co., Rd. Mr. Shaper t4-At your segment, I have ex amine 1 the composition of your "Balsemic I Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the ingredients, and having witnessed Its goed ef fects, I an recommenoc-it to the public as a valaabk compound for Coughs. Colds, and all chronic pulmonary affections. Tues. Sot, Si, D. Tsar:trout Md. I have prescribed W. E. Shrincee •‘l3;ltcamio Comets Syrup' In my practice foe 'cereal years, and regard it as an excellent medicine itt Coughs, Colds, and alt Bronchial affections. 5A31 . 1. SWOri, M. 1). - Pica Trays' rxeraincer. IrrrEasor. York co., Pa.. July 18. 18:9. To W. K. Shriner,—lteur Sir have been keeping your ••Baltutmfe Cough Syrup" for sale for the but five years, and it has given almost universal satisfaction. It Leone of the must popular Medicines in use in our neighhorbood. Our salea.therefore, have been large, especially lust winter, having sold at retail ut leaAt teu dozen bottles. I therefore do not besiiate to econitnend it to the public as a good medicine. Yours, respectfully, Jneon Srnsutitts. Pourtin•s Stmsc. York mi., May 11, 18:)3. W. E. Shriner.—Pear Sir:—Your Cough Syrup is bee toning very popular here. I have been selling it for shout two years. and it gives more general satisfaction than any medicine I have vier sold. We use it in our family, and would not he without it on any account. For children, it certainly is an invaluable medi cine. 8. G. litt.nuts,Vo. Jscxsow, Turk co., May 18,1858. To W. K. Shriner :-1 consider your Balsamio Cough Syrup cue of the best Cough remedies of the day. There is no medicine I have ever sold case such universal satisfaction, and none that I has c used in ivy family I like so well. Yours, truly, C. F. Raritan. Priem 374 ets. per bottle, or 3 bottles for 81... Sold by all Druggists and Merchants. Oct. 17, IE4. lOrn Howard Association, pli ' lIII,ADELPHIA.—.3 Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the teef of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and espeekally for the dire of Diseases of the Sexual Organs...- Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to sit who apply by letter, with * 4e. scription of their condition, (age, oceupfilkin, habits of life, itc.,) and in cassia of Wrest* poverty, Medicine furnished free of charge. VALUABLE WORTH on Speramorrhms, and other Diseases atlas Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dis pensary, sent to the al licted in sealed earelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for post age will be arreinehlo. ' Address Dr..l. SKILL= norGITTON, Surgeon,Howard Association, No. 3 = Ninth S treet, Philadelphia, Pa. 13; l aler of the Directors. EZRA D. LiSART ..'3 Geo. Tsfacnit.o, &eq. . iimee. Nov. 7,1831 l• IT :i..•6 WINTER AItftANCIENUTB.—Oa sa t a 1... vy its sombir,tb• sth last. taw Nowa ger TWA, will rus as fellow • ~ Pleat Snits hams lissarat at II A. 1., witb i'__p_O tor 1104404* York Harris bar& C 4 eat rbilpdshiiiii. a Sowed tail lililit Ilimeirierst 1 P.Nortik Promagias lbst • Salliblon. sat tatonmatlate ISsalksktat 'my Tissitair lad Bster 44 7 ris IlitifoiltialLit= t = lirresetVilt- -food fo lii. 40Z ' baiWlttaasulP•tVtaisl irQorgMe., istalts*- re 'll l o l l l * ea ri i, " I " e t M I. • ' • . • 1 ' int >P116;111.1111bPC: IEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers