.• 4 , laid that they k •• ' • the Rotunda, *mat , . 44 ::` , :,, Also, that ver ' l in -. 0 440 411011~tia1ij.P41111*,.. - • • • • .. ,were " up to at 4, 3 dap* 109ina 1 iddterht will eortalli4A Te • still indulged I:. - , ~•„,-,, • la interested Wta,mnpletl n of t umbleys aboi •.. •- - ,i is Muth . quid y , I may VW, to • i , • ' ' •-, ' v . ittiljl . ieligit I 'lanolin.' the ease, that . ' tigli ',..$ , 1 1 ;11 1 ruitito•INati iiitiloubt- , called nut the since from a Rep . • i • • . yi t-, Ou -ld - w • , i • . woke upos iiiu Committee to i ' ito i ,bi alionekt,- and iiiiiceeas will of extravagance reputed against their 'AIVI; ' fa ( * titfoi•th. It will retjuire late Clerk. The reflation passed, but , '. VOW kid niii.lh work to eonv s nee. very soon a fitter wt.s viathia on the Toli r - ` 4 0011 00 17"03' UM stirctin tage of the eon- I tirlyisfity *WOW Mr linlMPWltllbirfit:: i ' 4 , - ,drttigs road , tad to indlace ;•apited,ip c•rizsacmf4tie,r‘tiun - te the ques-! . Aftifltitlet ad. it helpinitand, but b}-'the, tion, arid a pestportameot a t lip matter: • 4 0 . • d'oftivi ktort it 'can be Atm e, - tor t tie present. Not heari a g unYtiiing • '''':-.: o.* a" , i(ti4itit. YOU - will united S• And t snare frptn-their side tar nearly 4 week, , ... . c, • • _ ' tory iitaite'that 'effOrt. 7. need a Deninerat;from your county, I think, *ION*, eitistl: • i revived the ,question by meatus of an •l tjfiaiii, Ail* iiiii, yours fait : briar, other resolution, but it was defeated by :0 t ••• JOK S. 4ITT ' a tither part) %n Koteaidtl lbw _must be . held responsible-for this Attempt to keep, front view din unheard of extravagance of one ofAheir officers. Thero'are many i /nom biils Of We same character, which I will endeaVor . to forwitrd fur your_ 'columns, if neeepeablo. 1 ' TheDenmerats have many indignities Imposed upon them this session. The i Republicans have the consent Of the Speaker to indulge in :ill grades of abuse . of the Democratic party and its indi -vidual members, and no reply is allowed to be made wfthQut interfiiptiLi . s, and when made it is not permitted to go into ' print in the Daily Itei-,rd in connection witJ, the attack which justided the re, p13,,-. , fluk is not, all ; toe even one u( , , the Peporters, who i* permitted to O,C. eupy a c.b.. , k on the Democratic side id the liall, by reason of his .apposed 1:11- partiality, seeks every opportunity to misrepresent the Democrats, and preju dice their party before the country.— In this emergeficy, 1 cannot but appeal to the fearle , o , and independent press of the country. to do the Democracy even- - - =r'S El iimistiesum coßiwypirDwicg .01 !au 1ld1)13“.• G•IZL171• ''' '4l4ititisitt - ao, /urinary 2j 1860. ;- r. t'dftor :--jt Is bppomjng so lash ')' frorlitio' to lia-ve u aorrsspondent + l3 Ja 'CaPito!, that, I am induced to on thiS letter, with the hope of tiq togle of your IfiILTICTOUb rea - - ' ho*lteets of modern iegista tlon have ;ben siirinosly clogged this farby pirti -I.issifdlio-44.tiilions, mist the R ecurd i ii shame- Alh- 4 641hriTibered With politictil specs:4les -. "-;ilWilluitgilitied resolutions. The .ik --s riSlAreitli majority in tic Senate and % bas;lias-been used for party ends.,--' 'tier have the power to role, and sure ililan'ti i• rod of iron," so to speak, to - -Veld * it with terror-striking effect over ii%'hlcarls pf any refractory member on ttiffii ribinotratic side of the Mill. A fter ,'.'llit ifig their Own tillic to tilsrlOiS 01,0 "lierzgolutions, und after forcingldle ` i l AcfficKllits to rule against them, hy ! '-' ibefitsba 'of tin unfair nmendmcr.t, they •,1. stidlo permit a fa it lif ul record one' diiivs to be published. In viola -, Of aniversaily estahlisheil parlia- Eu ted Inclititry,lati:, they clutintd to the Demo- 1 ,crate of the Jionse the right to place on the journal their reasons for voting! Aga thst the Tariff resolutions. This 117 precedented determivation to sup-' Imesti - the truth of history, should be 'A-WM,' -known, and the people of the - ;e(iuntry apprised of the effort made here' bk the - Republicans to place rho Penn ty)vaiiin Democracy in a false position lieferrothivpulille. I know, from general cots erfttntion wit It the Detnacratte mein ' litiii-bere„ that they were willing to en-' • dome both the President's and the Gov , 1 egfor's views upon the revenue quev.- ' tiOn, as expressed in their lute messa-, acs, but they could not have the priv negro of recut ding their votes according-' li, by reason of the deluove parlazun uthendment referred to. ' -- The same ungenerous course was' faciaT.(l in the selection of C'onim!ttees 4. -.i.ottri 'the contested election cases in Tlii : eel p hin . Fort the first C'onimi ttee. ~. - eNbeFy iremocrat was challenged ; and ' ifr'iNe 'second, only one iieniocrat m as ' " - J -4 4ffimell - Co act. The first case has been 4111168'A of, and the Democrat granted leave of absence, lint J. trust only till ihe'assifnbling of the next session. The - , siceond - Case is undecided. Still, the 3116 Majority given for the Itemoerat, • -itit - ncit - save bins, if there can be inven ted arty pretence fur turning him out. Si,*uch in this letter about the pros tiiptivb course of the Ilepublier,n major ity; and now fur a Jew paragraphs about their economy. -- Moat of your readersdoubtlessremetn :likr 114 Size of the quilt to Laity (accord, - 'pffbiliiilted at the. expense of the State. - -' - *.rXis *cord is published daily when the • gliqature is in session, and the con -- Iftlitifcir printing it was heretofore 16 - the lowest bidder. Last year - itblrtat printer here, offered to . 11$ ii , for $5 GO pei page per tray, t -,- '' d'ltiii to' the con'ilitioffs of afi liner '.---r4W c:oirtraet with ano th er, it could --; iiit'be given to him. This year he de ' 'rdiiu'dctfs7 per page, sued the Republi c-arnsgavi3 i t to hint, and refused to en• , idititin any cotnpetition ; thus giving ' • tiletilarty editor some $ll 20 per day *titre for tile printing, than lie offered '• - •ltird .. it, for ode year ago ; and no doubt, , f 525 'fieir day more than others would '' --JitTif - tiffiltilet to do the same work for, itrkaAliey Veen Allowed to bid fur the -.- t' tit, these peculiar economists . • ~. e - Wiicretiied the petty officials about 7 'a 4P . . 4181, to a charitable extent in .......1_,, YheY - clected an old debilitated c = • albne'r upon their party, into office, '.-• .a i iiiin i bud to elect a mote active man '. o l tlinii assistant, at thelame salary • 81'thli principal. So it goes, and the these party ta people take 18, and turn truly been . fast parts, State Poor he especial tend the pow-wow. It would of eoarse have been a breach of etiquette on the part of the Senators nut to accept them, but in doing so, neither of these high- I ruh.ded or honorable Democrats had any idea of using them. Before the' banquet tun!: place, however, O'Neill called upon . Messrs. Blood agi Miller,' and informed them that the fianquetH was to be a differeet affair froth what lie expected it A% wild be, and that be! mas under the necessity tit reOling the tickets ! * * And now, sir, what do vou suppose the eceigregation was fur f Why, sir, kartli lig as it may seem to you, it. wA t o for no other purpose than to debate on a scheme for the passage of a law to' elect a United States Senator to sue- ' teed _Mr. Bigler this winuir, instead of next sinter. The scheme is not exactlAa new one, as it has been entertained by the leaders for at least t l liree NVC`Vii`i—hellee their 1 :inxiety to oust Duffield, and elect Clark ' in this county, in order to have a two third vote in the Bouse. Ifl um right.' ly informed, the bill changing the time • for electing a United States Senator' will be passel in both Houses . tit an early day. Of course they expect the Governor to veto the bill, m hen they will immediately pass it by a two-third , vote in the House, In.tl their send it to' the Senate / where action will be post-: pencil upon it,froin day to day i until Democratic Senators are absent, when it, will pass that body by a two-thirde or constitutional majprity. Such is their programme, but 1 doubt if the Demo-I crats will allow themselves to be caught napping—" forewarned, forearmed." This movement on the part of the Op position indicates a fear of the result next fall which illy comports with /heir rampant boasting. They see the hand-' writing upon the wall, and they are as ready as ever to abuse power su long ,as it. remains in their hands. The Jelin.' Republican Brown raid, and the Abolition meetings in Philadelphia, have so awakened the l Lan ail else. PUad,eloltians to a sense of their•dan 'eePii)g" at i ger, that sump of the Rilpubllcuns al rea nt laws, de concede an unbroken Democratic o the Clerk • de - legation•m-the -house from the-city. • to provide Ti the- ley 5443 much in the future to spur - r of them on in this unkuly Measgr i g. ILey in the per- know ttat Pannselvania lathes and legislative duties. Ae- • - - abhors Abolitionism, and that a current Ind:oilcan rerde— • • holv malty) bills fort has already set in which must swamp to - hive pl i ze b n . LAsem in pc:tuber next. • il lere itb Cla i a ri the ifiTbo "Scarlet' F y.; el:menace to .., P er ': di:Solute the homes o pte peopfe in va-.! • one; an J. dbeili it.) • ;ions sections of the te. in One town- yce.dgq'"'e~ct titan , ship of eff' end, cuuuty twaiq4ive'l children Wave died Sufi yr oi t i kLin peruid ofi Ai two mouths, itiaille was' • e mitead of I - - rld be • W•lenkfti'Y 'fin ° `awing unease to kie,inerefaing wliole Be n cegt•llifY"t niiltos .of cbrldmtt bung pr tratcnl, 'nary : it . - In „file space or two .weeks, ' 1407 .°°l , 0;4of a_ fait . " I qX.l°t 1 4 1 37 4.43/4 -1 4 N hattii.ffi sZ/Zesq . &hen' by the al•eir is t !itelifern 'o the finrikii•.w ' _ he` .lieeig -lee_preraile to a eptisitteragre - teictlait • handed juqiec., and vlrldivuto the right at all hazartl.i. LocwhEit-Us. 3131t00re4 44.empt to elect a 11. S. Sen ator. c,orrespondent of the Pittstrarg ' a portion of whose lettur.we publish be-,. low, gives expression and pinusiliihtJ , to a rumor a hieh has pr&ailed at. liar ristmrg fur some time, to the effect that (ho Opposition 1/1 t.Und to pass a law this winter tor the election .oft a Unit states senator in the placto of Head WiLm.33l BIGLER: It seems that on Friday lust, Iren-1 ry Moora and others have a banquet I to Spoalier Lawrelloe, in Philadelphia, 1 to NN hick all the leudtn Americans and I Republicans of both houses were invi-1 ted to he present. The banquet was ostensibly given to Lawrenise for the' part he took in behalf of Moore for Slate i Treasurer, but in reality it was aptli ering for quite a different purpose. Sen a tors Miller and Blood happened to be iu Philadelphia on Friday, where they; met Mr. O'Neill, one of the Republican members, i‘ ho lave them tielats to at- Ayth-t or 2 n flock, ltim intheiiier 'Mtn* ,in 6iutte I at" 4Vithireshif Int . ilkierth c of ihg a Atop • on tl j 1• J. STIOILA, iD/Tufl /•U I.I:VI•YICTVK SIIIIFIRG, PA MONDAY MORNING, FEB oirGen. - klowmAN has been elected Printer Lo the United States Senate, winch Urn matter of eineore gratifica tion to his numerous friends. The per sistent and violent opposition which he had to encounter, makes his triumph doubly glorious. Ilia election is a com plete vindiehtion from the slander and obloquy which were heaped upon him. va—The mcent Democratic Conven ' Owl of Susquehanna county, adopted pegoliitions heartily endorsirg the poh ity of the National Adininietration, re:t , crating a firm adherence to the Cinciii liati platform, and dePiring as a Presi dential candidate a :National man, who fearlessly support the Constitution , and All its guarantees. eiceThe Democratic Convention of Allegheny county was held on Wednes day week. The rosolutionsadopted nre soundly Democratic, and sustain the principles and policy of • the National sldiaiuistr►tion. A resolution expres sing a preference for Don.w.As, for the Presidency, was laid on the table by a vote of 73 to 31. The Delegates are uninstructel for Governor. ser The Ilov. Joseph Addison Alettn der, D. I)., profoosor of Oriental Litera -titre in'the theological pe►uinary of tho Prerbyteria►► Church if Princeton; died on Saturday week; after a very short =I .JlOl - -Thellfiaorer Pcmokrat has passed into tho hands of Messrs. 1. W. ,G. Witht&y and F. 3.l3Ata, by whom it will hereafter 1i issue'l. 1-The Legislature of-Mall - land has passed a now Polite Law for Balti more. Good! Dennison, of Ohio, (Black Republican,) it is reported, reit:nes to surreAder John Brown, Jr., who has been demanded as a witness before the inftstigating committee:lt ashington. •auctiv discreet of the Star , managers bud better keep a close sit- I pervision . over the _editorial culuuuis of that Inipci, or it will skein lose vredit entirely among sensible people. he mi• sort to low personalities, wheile;ver "cornered, caught And caged" with un-, deniable facts, is, to say the least...of it.l ungentlemanly, and exhibits an utter, want of knowledge of the comuion.pro..,t prieties of life, let alone threw , of- the! "profession." ".Modesty . sometimes eCtiliCB to be ft vicluo."—Nar. kir - This may or may not be so . ; but ►t 15 very sure that "modesty" will nos. er "cease to be a virtue" in the scrib blers for the Slat. Where a "virtue" never exttsted, it cannot, ftnm the na ture of the caSe, "cease." •3tod«ty and contemptible Klf-conceit 11VVer 1111. X. itirThe Star's talk abdut " antece dents" exhibits a pitiable Nv ea k css of judgment. "Fire .array, Flannigan:" 77,e !'residency —At - a Democratic Convention, held in Junesborongb, Ten nessee, on the 6th nit., :be Don. An drew Johnson, of that State,wns reconn mended as the Preference of the Con vention for the Predeney of the Unit ed States. The editor of the Junesbor °ugh Union endorses the preference warmly, and in doing Eo, pays a high compliment to the Hun; William Bigler, ut Pennsylvania, by naming him in eon neetion with Governor Johmon, as trio choice of that section for Vice Presi• dent. •Tlie Union says : "Governor Bigler, of Pennsylvania, has many of the qualities of Governor Johnson, of Tennessee. They are both self-mnde men ; built from the founda tion up of cemented material of their own merits, and their friends know up ou what to rely. ..1.3 we propose to re vert to this matter again, wo will at pres.ent close, annuuuciug,as ou.r pre ference for candidates in ibis Presiden- Ala! canvass tbo names of .Julinson and " The Republicans try very hard to appear rejoiced at the result of the Contest in the House of Representatives, but the -elix:Lion_ of Mr, PENNISGTON is not the victory they labored for thrOugh eight' long weeks The same ireault might luive been attained in the ⁢ or - Second week of the -beseion if the Republicans had consented to drop Ilut tlSis the would Ai: tot --tifiliNitivor nobodf , was their ,rolikTiSg 9174 sed-thcy !would uitques tion.#l2ly. -.4aze egintinued, to. support 8t x, had noisisuddcwpisnicTe, vied th.n/J715.„.F91:P/91#11.418 withdrawal. igr a DiVlte : iCedIA at 11 T • Essre, nap IT the 'l:miles"' 'Count r y .4 41 *OO -111.44.4 tires pti`liolln obiate Couisett tion whicimmootisitauthibti#lposathe 40ilerifiPluaW ____ i.. .... Wirairt‘niis i .' 111111 7 111 1 11 1011.11e... AlMainnng..... MAI ! F n.--• „ i —4O er ,:' , ed .:4 be Ildar pf Rep t -• , , Ait/470 at they . nilsd nose e ni t : II : 'tilis':''..po:n. ass- i ii . ..... : „ R d , mr s::: 4 1: fa ti a li r l eotaa , 11 " Ttap n t l ie s il l . t h r :e o d s i d l o s o s lea u rw r rfl ea r ay ere sp 7 es ie bo : r is:t: 4l: aso va,_..-7,...404.0bi1ij,,,....„.-.4140,,,...i,,„.....„....,..„_,,,,..,... rOliblA * XIII -t - lllh i n gt4 If as th e ' . ker the firli k the - ''.' ••n; -• loon L'n tic eiti of : , Mmt . , e4sl4l o.lnfiti m bear- ad for not del*. he has two routes to the 11 1 44 t, rolgtirrFfiChlfireek. was We to the stunt ;•- ....t........ , - necti li n g g7 4 itli t""" tie . 4a in pe O -w f ti o ° rm (es " t a pe t t r tie w ‘ i-t i e l:d c u o ct - . asci noi . 04 1114)w ri ' 5p 44143 . : - . 1.: • 4*4 . 1 ,:r . „. 7 -' .-',...‘:::.',..- ..... trill concentration of the anti-Republi-, The conduct of the Democrats is in ' ,i. 40 _ 91.! votes npon Mr. SMITH, ot North swi nob es le . contrast to that of their Weer- , p rom w ayy ,„b oro , host x plAySlX.s.:: ,I IT nd Originally nookatlng a candi olina.,•etaoffl tide Clay alit Webillar , A d a te r;( g ilk: n * l who was 1 mountain--a North and South line—then aii- *-1/ head "0 1 1Pftelneitiatiitsby• r.. n r evicting the moun • tam near Hughes's Rolling yoUr 0WE1,40111r1114 - "rbY , cireshiitut ti At h i g , NMI was free from toy cos - tit= ' 9 he . , rqpresented the: mill, by preferable Tape-worm at or near the Gate-house. king : r mmi ---''------"'---:4 '."-----:—.: . 'a ; tlxie aumpoxithet n M e c a n r c t e h r e G G a u p m r :S a _p d r . i c n r gil in tl g ie t ti t i l i:o o t: ' I ta lt a7e ir e . I:ere , i: l'nfort: that2:itintageuts ties with proscriptive Know Nothing.. Democratic organization, they did not .TSBURG id .6-48- W1; 1 ' 1 94.0 ( 0 tasi tern . Atalottg 14oso who had on. prior I insultingly and defiantly proclaim that ona trips, witheut.eiptesunt „ Itfro.:-Socaet, hilltno' ether rntin7.sheNlid tidings t'o tie Aglit, eross billOti voted f.or , him were Mr. MDR- : the south side of the mountain to - Snyder's sarr' bwri i niebeen taidefoi 4, - " " Aiiftlyttidll 4 iiNfie . u d la c i fit t;etvi l een 9 ettp . barplettarothabe three , aiiil. tearing the.ha • become Speaker with their approbation; RIB, Mr. SettAsTos ' and Mr. JUNKIN -Tom'. areett•about-squaroteof a.tuile ahure , but in a spirit of magnanimity and true limpe a Pennsylvania, elected to their pre- nationality, they repel - m.IF, , - Were - 4 tic,-"41-s partment, the Pustroasteat issuumu i pl i II n Air] g seitts by - t he t t People's pa rt y t '' assis t in t i ll election t i of o a.National man, - Lo - der':,. then along the side of die mountain instructed to make upmails fa to * ic or- to &butt! Bigham's enilth shop; iip iinetberrua, • ' daily. except Suuday,aud send dietilia viliiiJi pretended nt the time to be en- ; outside nizatt o oti t t to li a regular a country u n a tr in v tni:rlit b e , then back to Reed's saw mill, lea% tng it - to the ()ter Junction and Gettysburg.” =,,:r„.l—•'4 tirely distinct from Mack Republican- ': g reseuedlrom the disgrair and ' ganger right a hundred yards • ; then'down to Watson's' -'l2' - ilw. Thny voted for him again on Fri- of the elevation of a candidata commit- :s"`r mill, leasing it to the right also a hundred j dttv,.and their votes remaineLl so record- ; ted to the worst wltraisms of the sate- i Y ates; eriissiuganother Stream, OD to the Via 'ed until it. became manifest (the Devito- tional iterethlicans. To this spirit of dart- t ainting this line twenty-nine miles long, liberality' oil the part of the Democratic' by using the thirteen miles of the Tapi-worm chats going for Mr. Santa ) that he was members of Congress is the coutstry in-itritat the Viaduct to Ibis place. We understand to be made the presiding officer of the d e n te d .l d e fe a t o fu ...: for We .e/oai. ...r. QIJERMAN ; i that this route a ill be an easy one to grade. House, when they withdrew from him,' fur had not the concentration upon 31r. mostly side cutting. and light at that. elaimploi thiir votes, and difrating an or- SMITH carried confusion and dismay 1 Mr. Gift has also surveyed the old Tape . into the R gtodi:IVINI: epublican ranks,. they would ; worm . to aecertulu the co , t of completing it.— A congressional report says: have Djiiek Li SitEit3lAN illidefitillfly, Or : Of the nine wiles from the Gate-house to the • tin THADDEUS STEVIAIS said, moil the ' viaduct. shunt eix niild or more are gr.ided. '‘ Mr. Junkin changed his vote from " crack of doom," with the 11011eitif cap-' Tenting u few tunnels end rock excavations to Mr. Smith to Mr. Sherman, thus spoil- t urin 6i• the Her s ouse through bhe exhitu do, and some embank lama,. lint route is lig for the time the cleaner of an election. tiun. ' thirty miles in length. but the di ff erence lu the Mr. Seration withdrew Ins vote from The Opposition members ofonr Legis- ' euat would nut be much. Mr. Bison, and put Mr. Corwin iu nolii.. lawn:, who were so ready to applaud I iii ,• , , , . r, ( , tit has rcturucd dome, and 1. now ea t4itiori. : their representatives in Congrtps for 1 g•sae s i iamsking his calculations rutile repo rt , i Cries of 'too late'—great sensation their firmness in supporting Mr. Sprat- lac., -- -.- 'P ' , citsued on 1111 hides. .NIAN, should now Vasa another *entail, 3Fr. Morris, of Pennsylvania, under- i will Like action upon it in a few weeks, when s anding that the Republicans present , 4 SIi}.ItMAN Was abandoned. off at Warne ' sborti. • itek - On Friday, Jno. W. Volley, of 1 w ill ti ,,k - • . congratulating the country that Alr. , I • pow,. meeting 6 to come . r. Corwin, of Ohio, w i thdrew his vote i ' scir Tb e Railroad Meeting at Waynesboro' fir Mr. Smith, and voted for Air. Cor- . place on Saturday, the 18th of 1. eb, 'sin ! , Philadelphia, was: elected Clerk. tic-' last, Capt, EtruaLnrecvs, Crpt.llcCtito7, D. Hisses from the galleries mid the , cessary to a clibide 111—Forney 11'2 ; : WILLS, Esq., and others ars expected to address floor. Great confusion prevailed." 1 Allen 77 ; Taylor 23 ,I 1 Dalton 8. Mr. tWs meeting , , This was (lie commencement of a ride " - : Il o ffman, of Allegheny county, Md., This to defeat ...11r. Smith. THADDEUS ! i Was chosen Sergeant-nt-Arms. Neces rims thew inade a ntotion to adjourn „ Lary 60 a choice, 107—Hoffman 114 ; ti) Monday-1 1 0 afford time for macaw Glossol,rcnner 9 - I - (t oo d 7: Th ese 0; - a d erw ig—Which prevailed by a small tn a -l electiOns win.° brought about by the j Pity. ; . • I , i "coalition" which elected the litepult- Mr. McPumuioN, the member from lican Speaker: ! esented him fur his sarrage a high s r.timents on the Tariff question, eon , Berman. Verily, "men do nut aTways l is district, notwithstanding the !fret',t tin the perspa Of 31r. Scum be had t nod cpuservatire old line Whig, of -Wed and outspoken l'ennsylvania t tined to cast his vote for the Ilelperito i r.uttice what they preach:: I On Mot.day, the Republicans, not- 1 tilthstanding ti.eir previous boasts that, tRI' would adhere to Sherman until ' the crack of doom," and until a place, ) slot: to be mentioned to ears polite, - ' should freeze front shore to bliOle," itlidrele hint, and Lonlinated 31r. YRS- 1 . INCTON, of New Jersey—thus virtually . cknowledging the hopeless defeat of i icendiary llelperisni. Three ballots - ere then laud, the last tesulting: Pen-, ington 115, Smith 118, scattering 5--! v r essary to a choice 1147. 4. I On Tuesday morning, Mr. Salmi, of ..viorth Carolina, nose antl.expra.-wted his' thanks for tbe support which was ac corded I.im when his amore had been !resented for the .Spe alscrship. Ile said 119 would cherish to the latest peri od of roislitir the cempiiinent which had teen acconled him, and,- in conclusion, echoed the nomination. nis retnarks, tkiotiglikrief, went Tnecived ion purl tic spirit, and they, were heartily up lauded.. ... . . .51r. MCCLEBNAND, of Illinois, was then lioniinatAron the Dekincratic side --find after. dehate,•a ballot was, had, with the forlowink result: N‘Tessary• lb a choice 117--rennitigton 110, Mc tlernand 91, Gilmer 5, 'McQueen 6, Mills Son 6—Pennington lackir.g but one vote 4f an election. IT. WINTF.III I)Avis, of Ifluitimore, consummated the infamy of is position by casting him vote for the lack Ilepublican candidate, Penning. n ! ; On Wednesday, a Speaker was chosen, and the protracted i-truggle ended.—! Pennington recciCed.ll7 votes, Mr. 1110Clernand 85, Mr. Gilmer remainder scattering. The Speaker 1 4lect was conduZted to the chair, when' i 4 too made a brief speech, and the Rouse • adjourned until Friday. The overthrow of Mr. Sherman and the election of a less objectionable Op position Speaker, is, under the Orem stances, as great a triumph as we had any reason to anticipate Teem the coin ' ! mencement of the wtruggle. The Dem operatic members have by their firmnes • thwarted the original plans of the Re ' publimns, and prevented the lasting, disgrace of the elevation of one of the , 4ndorses of Helper to the third position , in the Government.. 'I he concentra {ion upon Mr. Smith, although it failed Of entire success, broke up the cot rupt combination of which Sherman ?vas the centre, and crushed out the factious sad defiant spirit which ani- Mated his followers. To the heavy t. oto for Air. Smith on Friday week is the country alone indebted for an or ganization at-all at this time—but for it the Republicans would stilt be-voting .;for their .11elperite candidate r John ipherman ! - We clip the following ;timely pare !rum thollirrie but Pritfiot and nion Threountry will now know where to • ttabh tire rieponsibillty for Ms long' • lity ih the orguiVelibidb- of Lbogreee.. irepithltiolute-dalOvered-cittly in et)fittinplfiafti+Sktplidlri gikninY 014 ocommencisttiota 4 , could be • • 01 1 0tOr-j;V .a. 13 :::0@141471 . 4 .7 w 4-14 "For Illfhat 'I" The Philadolphia Daily Arius, in speaking of the ebntest for a Speiiker in .1.110 National Ifouse of Ileprwentatiros, renytEks : -" Luring the- whple of this protractea struggle, the wheels of Gov ernment have been arrested in their onward coves° 1 Ile public brtaii tors have clamored lot their pay; the. mail rofitraertors' have suffered embarrass ments and e ttlattoss ; the eontuu: rein' and manufitetering interests and business of the North hnve n paralyzed And for what ? That die Black Repub lican party might thrhst into the Speak er's Chair an endorser of the treat-tum ble, .insurrectiorptry documents of the North Carolina lkinton Howard .I,lelp4T v 114 thetiNkty stretstli to the posit ion and promote the aspirations of \Via. 11. Seward for the President-3- is 1560." '44lh—every word truth. o PALP"I.ChstPP-ei• Every oa - e Who has vikitod the Capi tol during the.sessions of the Legisla ture for the past. twy. or Olive years, has noticed 11l the rotunda a venerable gentleman, butnywhat turned of sixty, with at mine to support his tottering frame, entbreing order among - the young rowdies iu the ht,bit• of ,ecnigregating there. This; . with mule light iuciden- WI ices, pi.st wined to the duties of his Alec, which he always faithfully diseltaiged, at a eoMpensation of, pZtr kaps, one del tar per day. This old man was a solajer in the war.of 1812, and served his.tountry ill the tented tivld. The Legislature in employing him at a light compe»sation, only d barged a duty, in smoothing the old soldier's pathway to Liao grave. Old Pap Chap pel has always been a Democrat, hitherto his polities have not heel; made a subject of inquiry. lle was old, he was faithful, he had served his country; This was known, and this was his pass port to the small office which he held from successive Legislatures. But this, with the present Legislature—or rather 1% itlt the Bouso of Representati - ves—or, to natak Etill more gum dcdly and ac curately, with the Otepiiblh au) sap pointin.' o ffi cers Or the House, was not sufficient to save the old man's head this winter. He had, we believe, been re-appointed—at least he was permit ted to continue in the discharge of the duties of the office until We'lliesday last, when ho was discharged. Is any ono curious to know the reason ? We know of but one. On Saturday - last he voted for George J. Shoemaker, the Dunioeratic candidate for „Assembly. an old citizen who had been kind to him in his declining years—and fur this crime ho was dismissed. Dismissed with the frosts of nearly seventy- winters on de head, dismissed after having faithfully served his country and dis charged the duties or his ofhee, simply because ho voted for a friend, that friend being a.Democ - rat. Will tiot.the Republican members of the House, the Honest and boriorable in that party, rec tify the great wrong ?-4arrnsburg Scn and. a/iirThe Star publishes an article, taken from the Harrisburg Telegraph, iu which it is dated that " the office was folind to be a sinecure, and our [their) political friends abolishei it on the score of economy, and to save the tax payers from unnecessary expense." 'rho Star thus endcavont to create the impression that the Compiler eQuglft, to, give a false ?ploring to *spiel* am*. 4,4;913m9014 0 W0 9 9^-‘but, t;oitt to tta-o* :war , for unfair nem an 4 wtoc isratji, ty, it stopo joist *no mOOO-short of tlio illOottinbirartst!S w hoictriktio itot4oltre444..lat alfrinaiNtelf 91 a Mack Repstklipmto Otis) szaecork". 77 4*_ "aboikstoir is TAP "VieliOtPo - Man . ** th e tolittvw" ,dl !up1e , ..0 11/ 1 0 1 0: Merl* ,114•Villiallio AV. AMOK I • ,Arksi Simetiiiit.N•wArtion, maw Ileums, aased- Auk IteWietalinoingitks, ebp*Wwft.i. ofs.p o st oecepitibr twaP .9l44 o* mitap f lAirAtlllo/ItP - El !!! I Union t• 1 FITS! IVIIY I'II.OIINEST.—For a longtime I there WWI a paragraph making its regular . I Neely appearanee in our column', with the ..REVENUE, BOARD.—Hon. S& t, Rum-, a b t rief i , h e b ut :miphatic a ords, " Fits I Fititi" always l t ..ll(l t . h t e o 1 1 4 ,e 0: 1 1 , 1 . C ‘ . :1 0 1 L i .T u a lre : i t i t i o i l v e l 1 t e i ti m p a t i l i o e n, w b l tt , t. , sus, of Fulton county, has been appointed n „ t t , i s , Ile% rune Cumniisiioner for taut judientl dis- , could s„taptithize in the sorrow.; of ollism e7 .- trlrt. Judge Ilmbirmon is well qualified for Some per:soils are 'hocked at any indication of the 1104140 e, mit wo veereete Its dutiectri. disease. and are et en t . hrom ti Into nervous ex citement on witiiciing a liesn.e or a coffin.— eiently and satisfactorily. Tl)elltiard dlit sit•Harrisbneg on Wildnesda,r- tu look digeut.e and e% en death in the face a hh morning last. It meets once iu eiery thiee calmness, and especially take em ery oPPorilial ty fur lit iating disea•e. Virwed hi this light, oars, and•its daties. see-to ascertain the fair the ad v el tisetnents of S, S. limier, of 108 Haiti value of the propertrin'tbe.city of•Philadel-more street. Ilaliimore, Mil„ paaaeis a certain &in, and the'set.eitil'conntles of thelommon - i interegt. and thwo• aho know of any one suf.. the feriug Crum Epilepsy, Spit,tii , , tie Fits of any wealth, made taxable by law, equalizing kind, should feel it a pleasure to rut out his same as far as po . saible, so as to make all her adverti,einent , or in some other say send word taxes bear as equally as_ practical:di spun all to the afflicted of the great value of his reme property in proportion ttirs-artunl 4 ralue. il, diem. Thar can be sent to any par, of the court mail. Price, .."*.l per him. Two, sll. V. Kut.i.su, of.,Shrewsbury,''Vtirk ,county 're.: 4 11 7 by o • Twelie, *34, Jan. :3, lot pratieuta this district. I - •.......• - - TIDY GREAT ENGLISH liINEDY TELEGHAPLI.—The last Hanover Spectator 4.1 ei..llll.nE ' S llt.t.atrutAecer FENIALZ PaLts, effort was made ou Tuesday morn- prepared h•out a prescription by Sir J. Clarke, inifiest to 'dispose of - the rernditite . introitut of N. D., Physician F.xtrmrdiaary to the Queen. This well. knoveu ii 4 nu imposition, but stock fo &rite the extension of a telegraphic • a sure anti safe remedy fur Female Difficulties Hue to this town. The whole, and more thau an d ( o,„ ti . m . i i„,, a, from any cau.e whatever, enough, was subseribed" for in a tew hours.-- • and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to constitution. To MAU- Application has hems' made for a titaitei - i•on mei) Laurie.. it peculiarly suited. It will, in receipt of which 'the ;oar. will immediately a strontium. bring on the monthly period with continence and the communication be estab -4 rtltty. Halted is about-thirty days thereafter." 4 111:s have never been known to fail That paper 4.0 contains the I.set eedings of where The directions ou ?..1 page of pumphlet a meeting, held in that place, on Wednesday, an well obserled, For further particulars get a pamphlet Of the of the Ifatweer , Gettysburg nod Esamitalairra. agent. Tvilegrapis Gompsiny"--ajtonsist l'ecata Pres'. 1 4 ;.11.—51 and C po.tage stamps imCinaied to delft, and' Lumzw, Esq., Steritary—to a ta ny authorized eget. will insure a bottle, con iningover ..10 pill. p by return of mail. ft-rtiter the project. - I T. W. l)cott 1 Son. Wholesafit Agents, Phila. delphia. A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg. June 13, '59. ty • SUPI'EII.—The Operatives - of the Getty's. bow Railroad gisee , .l Supper at Mi. tot YkT'S Washington Mouse," ma Tuesday evening hist, on tlitl occasion of Mr. C. X. • MA/MI re tirlog fru% the °Road.. It will be recollected that.Slr. N. WUR the first Conductor in the em -1 ploy of the C.eU;sburg Railroad Ululation), and occupied thatxortion until compelled to ntijlt-lAt oF account 01 his belga*, For ievetal mouths past he had been acting teL as Ticket and Freight Agent—up to Tuesday evetilpg last, the term of Mr. litsNatt, the rep!- , lar appointee, commencing on Wednesila; morning. (the Ist of Feb.) The Supper was gullet, Up iu first-class style, reaCClllig much credit upon the House. and was enjoyed eiilt en appreciating relish. After "discussint , : - the goods thiuge on the tables, sentiments a ere . offered and short speeches made, and A general good time was bed—the Hhole passing o& in a very pleasant manner. 'I he t Lank:. of all the guests are.sine to the ninth...sullied emplo;eec or the Willsoad for their liberality displa; ed ou the Lit:easion. • • Stge'llieilanoterBwrotor inalteii the . follow- Llark4 in regard to an nrtic•le which op peered in the last Adams Swie/ aniniadrerting ' npou.t Lecture delis ereil itt that plai..e by pr. I'xr►•t.a. of York : ' MR report, though necessarily a mere out line. vat. correct as tar dr it went. We regret that it 11.,5 - to any eitent olleanied the religious • -ensibilitie. of our much respected !Fiend of the -Sentinel," but we bay* io apologies to of fer either tur Dr. Vetter. lilt audience or our sek e.. The lecture emitained it-vast dew, of pm...Lb.:l mid useful information - and oseeitent td t ice. ( oficeruing the theological sof- , lanced by Dr. l'effer we hare no remark to I rrtake. The tote of thanks was not underatood b% him or any other person present as entiore-: ing t1.0 , e Tien. in the slightest partictilar.—' , Apart trout this the lecturalke repent was “ill structile and agreeable." In a tette. before 115, Dr. ?O'er indignently rcpt is s hat he considers the "bigoted °pin -1 meats of the and says: If Mr. Harper and the good citizens of Get tysburg will procure me a tlaiL and pay say 14- pewit , ' to and front Gettyataftx, I shall- enlight en the editor on my Letterer, ou 'A - Nature and her Lacs," for he certainly is in the dark as to Loy !Position. VA LIiNTINES - 1-4 7 AbliktiliES1-31a. .111estan, adjoining tbe Post Office, Was Jett re esirod a Jerre stock of Valeatipss, ere'ry vs rkety otatyle aad price—to whist' lee Invites rkwatteatioa of those desiring to patirteese.— °ire' him a ea. He also keeps -ply by frequent additions, his• lama atmortment of contention., (MAI, 4c,, al ways ready to swim any de m and . His motto is, "sumlf profits and quick sales." 811i0W.--11112 region was suited by an old. 1040neri . ono - w itorm,on ferepity --A-nai.480,04 0 , 1 r " a. 5. 1 1- ift~P:ate-n. The sieighirg has hardly beast ". 441 yet OA albite of U. bitirbas coakzeon . re) 'duet. . Blum us haft beewmakisig ion* Ouumreitla which idat'lllll4lftittil *Ur Coitiorwirktelur therisetioite. ,yoirliv..Nieralmivirelas.avirparchesed ~, Aid-1? of M. rim' FAR; in as, itt d iA.Vist, itStag: - .. Me...AispoW. , irmirosthas puruiiiir a - 11114 41,qt ftpOrogitadirl6 street, fro* - . 4 1 1, 4 : * .414 h . • . _. I 4e . . 1 4 ,.. - ''' - ' 1 ,4 ..,- ' --' 11 . ..4" , • • _ Ml* W1r5,141114,3 1 0r a toiti khatnlW-414 11 4* 140104006011 10 1 * _ I tee; 14i7rjaittrIlle:eilifi. ' CM ~Peati 1 MrQliae s. DR. :100FLANDS CELEBRATED BITTERS, prepared by Dr. C. N1.',1101,- son Co., Philadelphia ' Pa., will effectually cure Liter Complaint,, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Degifity. - Diseasea.oc the Kidney+, and all diseased arising tram a diatir . dered Liver or sitomaeb, such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulnes4 of Blood hi : the Head, Acidity of the S t omach, Nausea, Ileartbarn, Di•gu,t fur Food. Fulaella or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Kruetatious, Siadclar or Flutter. ing nt the Pit of the Stomaell,garhamilg of the Head, Hurried and Ditlicujt Breathing, Ant ; tering.at the Heart, Choking or sisffoeatingiten . sensation* 14 hen in a I , ,ing - pustirrie, ginaheee of Vision, Dot. ur Webs before the Sight, , Fever and Dull Pain iu the Bead, Deficiency of Per; apiration, Yelluier.ess of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Hack, Chest, Limbs, Ire., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, -Conataut Imagining of E)il, and great Deprioa , ion of Spirits. These Bitters are sold at '; cents per bottle, Lt druggists end dealers in medicinal ever,. a herr. A. I). Ili ent.nu, Agent, Gettysburg. I Jun. 23. tin On the 'J.! iiisl. ' by the Iles- Jacob Ziegler, Mr. JACI)11 W. PETERS to ]lire SALIAh; lERMAN.I.Oth tit 3lentsgien township. tin the 2d iuft..thr the Rev. /1. Bishop. Mt. HENRY ii. JACOBS to Mify ELMIRA - 1, 11AGEY, both ul rt% tow ti..hil A k tin the 'id ito.t., 81 Mount :51. 441Tv'S College, by the Ike. Mr. MeMorilie, M.Y.-I'IIJUrP2 A. :AIVEENF:I" to Miq.4 M.lltY litiNNELLY,lioth of Fretlerirk county, Md. ton the ult.. xt. Wntiles's lintel, by the Ito - . J. It. Keiser. Mr. M M. l'h:ThiK DAYIRIFF to 11A.1:1" JANE NV,,lll:\b:R, both of I , red• rick count. M.l. On the 31, , t ult., hr the Rev. P. Aliptadt, Mr, ANDREW IV'S:q.t.:IL to Miss. tSII:SANNAII DEARIntIiFF, twat of Fritokitu township. Op : ., titurilay trruru,ittii luA. tiller 12 hours' of alrplexy. , Mrs. BIA)CliEl:, %ire of Mr. John Blocher. of ('um. berlatol township. in the Gills seer of her age. Uu the 21 inst., at the residence of Tier. Or. hutigher, Mrs. II ABTHA NESBITT, in the itlth ) ear of her nge. On the 27111 ult., in Henover, Mr: lIENRY aged 7t: cars 9 inotiOnt . sc 16 dove. On the Ilth ult., SABAH dittsghter of Joseph and:iamb Ja . tt triishqsi, of Mountpleaaeut tuanAili,aged Isirarlrmintlis and r.tt dors, Oa the kith ult„.1011 irgstzr rOtilrnft, aged 2 years 1 tuantit and 29 'days:: Oa Weds May, 1 dt, flAirstrilyr t ansi a Wm , nink... SI J'Atellt LITTLZ. agetos7oors 4 o ll, ll ll 4o ,l, P4 10 day.a. Ihmrest fathrriLts turel'o, Ilera lalpo ba lki*oply r • ' thaitidatiValocimvftes.—. )la *watt mgr. sorniow.sked• . , Tot again • ago awl 441 ma ' .O l • Tbsa. . haat ..EV J4 - o , o*.it 01 4 1*; " WINK /*ltirel Imatio aid, i ' • • r r 1111111 ik, ~ • . . Ciiinlielidoo.• On tin asel etc . 11 ,11A647444 dlanallsM4 . .A.Ajr, and J. A. Illetatibard RElS'elitTia4.' Winn ma ,— roma ; ' - c 4 ,. it ' ItitAtmet. - -t , i ...ovelmr. 41)) 1 A. 4 .ri• .. • . • Z it o 1. 4 4 1;v4.% 1 , -,. • , , it tt‘tty isotit. • -Tom Ssetls bsareStrs • ' WO test ber for • Nosos, „ ,• nos bleSsso4 liar sway; • = se t ur elltafir ste, Os l* ritb_ sit , limuujcr ittingria I ew iiticusiowto adiellooll, or tstor ip, sea& If "Wks asersti 3 days._ • .ba. hiss, Sus ebsaged Met lovely sower hitoilipmennLayi eissoimurissrt, fluevietlfecoadoet es biriao, 4164 irimr *VT6 coiled is Part tI i .I aIMJ billeirer 'weft ereeir• , 4 , „ Vpa, Owl Or* map are l,,., ' Or rabbis . efss sasksis psis t• - v-ei 1 4 , Parse who soya slam. • .„ . • the Igfiltialt.. /a ass q nur - bioi( itirgadvi, • Gaily 4 - 61 MIK 100141yrispidolf x arp s „- Aw..• ":it.]letr2MlUorr WO 404 Ira '1 At s y toad, -: • ' 41:14tIpli *id Ilse en ; , tartars we. • . _ w Wimp Ole thst. • ' • - 'llsteon, " J. ' t Asitiles , • r•ul lb •l : ' akiftEe. mir r aia orrIPAVAIMewe v.- • kl r;/XISTI. =IEEE: 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers