. . . . . 2 . + 1 11 3., *to • „ ,- . . . , .Special Not:Lc-ea_ ' Tavern Lice s. Valuation and Asaesament far 1800. 1 GUILT 111111DIIIII! MHZ following applications to keep Public i I liouses of entertainment, bare been Nied IT S Purillll.4lll.ll • - of as Act of Assembly passed the 27th day of July, l'e Dere &seven 0060 west* wee 1842, the following Slats-' lin my office, with the requisite number of sign • .1 . mat ill birsby published by the Commissioners of Adams comma which exhibits die I Di, WlSTeilt SiLliem OP WILD CDR*ST . (en, and will be presented at the Court of Qua; fluilmat, desariptlon and value of the Real and, Personal Property, Tram, Clocupations and ea 0911 WlleepareB Crew* Creep Of Diroacititia, me 1011.WIITAILII IeLBAY Of WILD MILEY. tar Sessions, a* tAe 181 M deg of January * m a : I Probations, made taxable by the several Acts of Assembly of this-Commonwealth: Ire emenneaspectoe to Consumption am ISRAEL YOUNT, Borough of Gettysburg, ____ . Di. WUrriass seusay or WILD MERIT. NICHOLAS MORITZ, Freedom township, r I it 7 1 .- 4 .3 '''' is v 7 ;:' ? RICHARD J. PETERS, Nenallen " 1 c i ..° o ° 9 o I* Intleat Demsesis sr tearooms, ass sex r I DI ,:i CZ S 1 . t y t. ..- : , a F u2l -; " 9 HENRY G. WOLF, Clerk. F F N . .. 1 ' 1.t . : i 33 -e i g EA -, - 3......,., . 4t i .i- ~.; TUB OXYO&JL T CD BITT IDS . =. Dec. 26, 1859. Ile Chas lama , Acidity or goal Bare, use A g i i C2 r l irnEa ("FT ,1.1 t ig - i==c l „5:',_ , ,,, 1?:1 2 • P 0•• a= I. '." csa • ' fs 1. - Tail OITOILMATIM !OPTIMAL Notice. BOIDDGZI AID 2,,, 2,„ w „tor. o.re, e.0:,.,-,o2tc 4 =-,02t0 s - Tbeee Sensitise peribrs- LH they promise. re.? re- I TOIII/Illila. W 1 : 6 ., tl A'" 0 "' 4 0 ... ,I•gp, E . r : 1 ... :: 0 .7 .. 0 '' T .7 ... "• !J2 line eellerlag, oare disease, restore health, Lima adordiae THE undersigned having been duly appointed `. 4 ' l ' .. t 7. • • ... ‘...- "..r .- . 9 ' .i..'.,„" •-•, ; r ; Irif. 40 a - 47. ..-41,••• , 8 71 ; •• ..... 0 .-• a . • .... .-- _ , a ..,:., ..,:; Mansoistim mad nomfort to the sick and arilicted, where , Auditor to distribute the proceeds of the r.. 1 ^ '''' eO . c : 4 : r'' rg. i a 19 Pl l 1. - . 1 ainennigennet sad selforin allauist Wore. real estate of the defendant sold upon Alias Eg Eg '' ' ' ' ' . .q .. l Z 1 l• ..p 2 =FP' - 1 :::: - .i •21 *-) aim, warty C. , rt. Y , March 10, IW. ;Vend. axponas is the name of Isaac Trimmer, sT -. ;.-• 1 a 1 •••- e.,`,,',. " al IWO 14 : Yemen I w fowl. kc o I .., y a m t o state that for the use of Peter Trimmer tense John Grove, 1 hare ued the Oxygenated Batters is or tiract.s her the hereby gives notice that he will attend at his •• Gettysburg 1 218398 8153 1 457631 652291 5350 i 3 '' ...... 28951 6:00 last three years in the trontmest o f Dyspepsia, Gomm,/ ...,, I Debility. indieestion, mad affections of tae Liver, with ornce, in the Borough of York, on Wednesday, • Cumberland 267619 158261 22459, 5465 90( ...... 26851 the taunt satisfactory remits. arid would elaserfully re- the eighteenth clay of January, 1860, for the • Germany 162061 110911 48690 1 843.5 2423 8084 ...... worerneed to tau., saffering Oo co tame dastreasing dimmed purpose of performing the duties of said ay- Oxford 181.025 8941, 8(0878i 9835 ~..... 168 200 Su gore this valuable modiciee • trial Eerpectfaity years, I.Z. SMITH, 11. D polutment. E. CHAPIN, Auditor. 'Huntington 22054 Mali 23350 1 118t15' 1000 1 3 4059 900 i Soder. M• , :kept 30 December 26, 1859. ; Latunore 161154 116761 43064 4464 TIM le to that I hale reconuaendol the sae of Wirear's Ilialeue ."l 7Will Cherry for Diseases of the Lund, i j Haseiltonban.... 288793 18551 264911 14831,1 ......1 ...... ...-. 1900; 1100 mar Wo• yeses peet+ and man bottle., to may knowledge, Railroad Electron. ' , Liberty 129618 9541 9268 4565 1 ...... ...... 1017 300 tows been ass* by my pstisata, all with lamaste,al manic. TITE annual election for • President and : Ha mill" ' lienallen 185491 112621 2:049. 10370 ...... „...: 2450 100 letwe mass, whams It ems thoeght cook rood corwampuoa 3627 200 had titan place, the Wild Chiari7 *Dotted • cure , Twelve Managers for the Gettysburg Rail. 179224 176241 13779 9700 ...... IL DOYDXN, Physician At Easter Comer road, will be beld at the office of the Company, Straban I 260273 22810 42629 7890 ...... •••••• 5891 300 el m .1 _ 11 LITmilla• B""'" has l'h"ritl 4 a 'ulia sture of in the second story of the Passenger Depot, Franklin 277381 22764 / b 17981 13575. 40351 200 il I =TT)" ea the wmpper om (AL Second Conowago. 1 i •e•-• 1 Tyrone 1991.87 10335 30:50 1 .5525, „.... 1.1 1872 400 Prepeeed bp Seth w Fool. A Co Bonlua , Sad 1%4' soli In the borough of Gettysburg, by A. D . likettler, tiettreistrif,Jteub /Glacier, illuniinas. Afonday in January next (January 9th, 1860.) 154117 1 129661 54301 410 „_... 30101 herr; W.Staater„ ?few Oxford, D E tiollinger, ALI...Its- at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. At the same .11 ountjoy 193942' 125991 140611 4460 ' 2218 1 t e lls ; ir s i . li r . mi l' o a l i f i . h: ,`,: r t k lk ' s r p ';.4. l ' , .. l l. .. r . 14 '.'1" E ' id . Li r ,Tr, time and place there will be held the regular 1 ---1 Ilocintplessant.. 254733, 2054: 488061 7595 ...... I ...... 3534 100 asitsbarg;andby &II dsalsrimi lasdiclusa. [Doc 12 an 1 annual meeting of the Stockholders. Reading 2054151 1569 48694' 6075 •-••••••• 37801 ....- - DAVID WILLS, Secretary. , Berwick 736741 4145 12378 2575 ..... ...... 818 1 Dee. 26, 1859. tel 1 Berwick bor 32455 1836 10695 ...... 9351 Freedom 79607 6344 16418 28 9601 ...... .-... Union.... 1 222964 10153 f 2901 4895 ig4sl 1 .-.... Butler 157251 'l4BB 815131 71901 ...„- -.._ 2610 -- ~.---..._•......-.- --...-- ; Total 4104931 286237 732284) 2111144 1 36501 3001 55895,108001 IGIVISToLT.NcE —We do Dot think a person can anises • wore benevolent trait of cheesy-ter than ln.ng•sd at the gist.era and authoring of of Lers and furthermore, LOS -10111.1 to do all is their power to alleviate by ever• posed:oleo meas. human mitering. In the voter of the can, we do not know how the humane ant benevolent can do an action mope In accordance with their philanthropic view+. than by telling the attention of their afflicted (rioted. and ac quaintances to the fact, that Dr tl ere :3 Moses, of 11.8 bettisoore etrset. Baltimore lid . tom Chico, teed a prepa rative, which is p.t op in the form of a pill, that Lea a specl6e action for count I:pnlepay. or rallong Ste, spume, cramp., and all force of Ili,. • oua do-.3.0e11 Among thins who bars been permanently cured. we might meutsou a member of the fani.ly cf Ja , r es II Bealle, Huntaville, ♦labanu; Mr II P Pledge. talon Pv.iot. Sorry county, Va.,aied 11r. W P Ligon trrensda Sliseiaa•ppi M. might CO On enumerating a cumber of others. until we tied en. tinily filled up th a column of r.r paper tot we think we heats said eufficient to satisfy every person to the oulyect wader eoueideratlon is one of •ital o•ul.,rtnnce to leery one. leader' If you •-e a well nun or woman, and hale no need of a remedy, pertaps you know eOlOO person who la not equally bee»ed aa you self If so eat out the• notice, sad send It to him or her It will coat you bat little, islet pro`sably it wilt oske you inotronoetital on curing noose poor •fitted mort../ of that dreadful tiaitatson, hpilel►y, or fdbrq sickness Dr. !Jape* made We rills by mail, free of ?Nene, to all parts of the world, on the rreelpt of a mirth/once His price* ant one boo. BY , two 94, twirls., A 24. le • have sires els new. sad adlree• oboes. (Doc, 49. lea A PIII'•ICIAN'S TRSTIMONT v Mercer co.. )to May 21, 111511 Dr: C. Judson—Dear b•c About taro years ago I bad aangevinfattabf Its, which .o coropletalv prostrated whole aritem.vidtat for alAintlaff I despaired of recovery.— As a natural col:wawa:lost:Ks of tbse doormat' rottratios of Iftwid to Ca* tboramc S f.cers for tolerant onrans.) I sr DOW affect....l with chronic forlaninnuon of the liver, atom /ten. add optima, asamanpanted with palpitadre at thitherto and a lung tnilo of distr....loz Donor symptoms I tried all the oral remedm. In saw At length I use farmed by as, I other to us. f• Dr 11..arlaad's Dermas Ditattes," as be mud they bal a t.i.Oot cured 61n of Dyarriaa. They afforded cue Unwed, fte relief, wad in oue week after I be yam snug thou), I was able lo pursuit my ordinary tomca tting. I am desirous of becoming your agent Miro. for I am e JIM lent tkad. lame amount of the genuine Artlet• lam puttini up a drug store at this place. awl eimuld enc.-I.r my %tore ut medicines inoutoplete without your W.. al u preyer•Lom GEOlitiE W. ISTICWART, /1. D. These Bitters are intended for Liver Complaint. Dys pepsia. Nervous Deloltty. and disease. arising from a di.. ordereddomed, T Ley WILL perform wbat It I. said taw? Fof Mae by slemsztste and •toreteepers la weary Loan asol g r tunge in the Gonad Mates. 1.1 4 a..42e, West dies, lOU U. A 113111fit.L. at 7.5 coati' per bottle. bee that Sou grt lloonatol's4iersi“u Bitten. Von sale by A U. Buehler. Agent, Gettysburg—acrd dealers gsacrally throughout the county. [Dee. 15. la VIZ (MEAT ENALISLL 1110111DY!--EIR JAMZS C. ' .err Pao IL" PILLS. prepared from • prwm.sripttoo by f.r J Clark*, St. A elyasessta Sztraordi amry to U, quo.. Tlavi well trawl ummAciao Is ao .album but a saris ma I ado roamed, for Tomato Ihilealtiao sit Umistrautsooo, from mut ease whatever ' mad althea a gia powerful rne•ly. they sates walking Isortfal to Aso iailnatusa To Yiamuu Ltulcs of poeulearly salted. !t w,il, in a short time, brag oath* smoothly perial with saga bully. Mono Villa Imre savor IPI4II klllolls to fall whom! Um diro:tmiso pm' of pinapulat are woil obsservoll. 11.. r lodger partiestlatagot a pamphlet free of lb. spat. N. B —sl awl poatago Masai+ mecluisai to kir station.- tanli agent, will assure a Smith, coatalahrg *afar AS pills by retains of omit. T W. UFA; d. son, WholetUit Agentg, A. U. Uselator, Asaui, Ust.tysloarg. &Nue 1J,'63. 17 ZIEGLER k suurn, 00Vett OF SRC o OT&MICTO, POIL•DELFIIII%. 11."FI:4;t4 uf 11 ttitai L., VI. Zips, rutty. Varnisher+. &a. Wii.riecil• de tiara in Drug+. Wiraow liar, Jre— tidy &a I CO1111:17 erVI VILA Who dad( •to purchase front • ssiset stick in I .t t:zaptible fins,' ars resperettaliser•- qiiwital to is rinret our poste. Oar White Lead, Z an, Potty. anJ Van:nib's, sr. sobl by moral than ono tiannistad 4V...flier-tie Jobbing li.in rs+ Oar...ghoul tbri talon. so.l Vs, ta•sr....l cato.faction. ti_r Not one coniplanst has sear Lane./ a+ 4_ll Sisal J..Lr urlars direst. /ob. 7,16.59. ly f r j"Parm LV•la for • a.le 2.1 maim from Philadelphia by 11.•atr0.1442 the eltat• of Nee Jamey. Soil Amos., We WA for Agricultural purporoa, Leaac • goo-I loam awl. arab a 4,14y-bottoan Tile lan lis a large tract. die .dad into sasmll terms, anal (molt-do ru as all pArts at the country ar• Dow 4 'Wills ac,l • a i 1.1.14;. Clam crop, pro total as• largo and eau be sago gro eau, Tae C11.11.1t-0 as ‘telightfol. and secure fro u fria4ta. T..rto4 fro o 51.5 to S*2J per acre, payable Within four ye...A be m4l4l.nents. To isit Wa place— Lease Pm< ' , trea Wts sr:. at l'ha.4lelploa, at 7,ai A. J 4 , by for It sin o mt.°. or a•llreas Ii J Byrnes. by _letter')l4 LI ;tont.. fast 11.h . e, AtLoitic conntV, NOW J•r. Sea ::111 alrert.4.4 anal au Loot/tar column. a TO CONSI'AI PT I VF?..—The a Isertisar haring boon re storel to hen t 4 ins fee weet•. by a ore si opts ronsedy, after oinffored several years with • severe Lung Af feet.i.M. an., that dread disease. Confiner; t.oa.—le 101int1/1 to make known to his fellow sufferers tine moans of cure. Tu all whi, de•., it be will sent a copy of the prescription used (tree ut chute), with directions for preparing acid et.mg the s• 1-, rush they will 11,1 , 1 • Rare cure fur Con •..mist.en. Asthma, itrunehitlll &e The only abject of the aarertt.ar in seating the prescription i• Lubeueat the lathe ted and be hopes eve - y sufferer will try Li• remedy. as It will cost tile"' uothmr, sad may isms* a b 111.1114. PitrUell wit:a:alai the prescription will Please address REV LIJINAHL) A 'NILSON, 11 illiatosturgh, Kings .S., N. T. Oct. 31. 2,2 Tla iIIttIONTON TARNIEft —A newspaper devoted to Literature suil Agriculture, aleu settiag forth full ■e. coasts of the new settlement of tltnatoontou, In Sew Jar se v, can be aubscrlned for at only 95 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for toe amount. Address to £d• ltor of ths Y.rmer, ttamioonton P. 0., Allantte county, New Jersey. Those winning cheap land. of the best qualt tr. to one of the taealthiesit and moetdeliglitfut climates in the Union. sal where crypt are never cut Sowell by frosts., terrlble si.:oures of the north, sow advertisement of Ilewnsuotoo L. 110,14. tS Persons w;ehlaz to est.tbli.h Manufactories le a new ant tar/r;o; pike 1,1,13 b.14.1,•11 It good, see wive:flee te.ot of the lis•tnootkt Sett:•gnezn. best OVER-COATS ever offered in any 1 Clothing Store outside of the city, (gentle men uho hate seen them will testify to the fait that the material and the excellent making be excelled.) A fejt . ' mole left at Dec. .•3, SAILSON'S. (INE of the acczmpli.hntents is Music.— ILJ Guitars, Accordeons, Fife,. Flutes, Fiddles, and all the nece:.sary risings, During the long winter nights an hunt may be spent advanta geously, when you can buy thtse instruments so cheap at SAMSON'S. WHO needs a TRUNK or CARPET BAC or one of those new Railroad styles? Look at them. You can't do boiler tbao (q boy aim at BAILSON'B, MIME IS MONS Y.-8-day, 30-hour and Alarm CLOCKS—aII guarantied to keep good time. Also, WATCHES very cheap at Dee. 26. • S4WWS: THAT'S THE RIGHT WAY.—When times are hard and money scarce, goods should be sold cheaper for cash. Boots at $2 50 to $4 00, heavy in proportion, Silk Hats at $1 50 to $2 50, Fur and Wool Hats and Caps at inch Low prices as to suit close buyers, at B.4MSON'W TT Is a useless article, not necessary (or the 1 coat of life, but I have on hand a nice lot of LILY, such as Gold Pencils, Breast, pins, r-ringa, kc., &c., which will be itol4 .t red d prices at SAMSON'S. *NT O one cab doubt the c.beapuess if be kicks I:1 at the woolen Shawls and woolen and cotton Under-shirts and Drawers, cotton and woolen Socks, woolen Jackets, exce llent to work in, line linen, fancy, tnarseilles and cotton Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Silk Crs vau, ke., new style of French embroidered Stocks at El ALISON'S. TO save money sake your purchases of )[en's and Boys' Clothing, of which you 144 J 1 lgrge seaortasent, alio India Rubber Oi*IWO And ' , telling , . tabidla, SAMSON'4, Mats ale spot. restis astoaishiag how cheap you GUI bay a iktaCioth Coat, or Ins Canimere Pants and , at 134111301111. UpTitLo EOM awl Ovar-skaas snack thaa lata ~az at 1110p3Or8. FrirlEL CATTLE POWDER fa *a t Vl3 - 6Y YE= t IMOTEM Everybody Take Notice ! TIiAT the undersigned has just returned from the city, and has now on hand, and intends keeping constantly, as fine an assort ment of GROCERIES and QUEENSWARE as has ever been kept in this place. Als.• very fine as ,, urttrient of FRUITS. such as Raisins, Malaga Figs, new dried Currants, drum Figs of firat quality, prime Dates, ORANGES and LEMONS, a prime article of Leghorn Citron, a splendid article of Brandy Peaches, prime articics of Cheese•and Teas, Spices of all kinds; alio a lot of fresh NUTS, such as Pecans, Al monds and Palm Nuts—and a great totuiy other articles in the Fruit and Grocery way, too nu merous to mention. Also • lot of FANCY NOTIONS, such as Soaps, Perfumeries, kc. Come one and all, And give me a call. . H. G. CARR. Store in Henry Thomas's room, next door to Saupee's Bakery, in Rest York street. Gettysburg, Dee. 19, 1838. Town Property EOR SALL—The subscriber offers at Private Sale, A MOUSE and ' LY LOT OF GROUND, on West Mid dle street, Gettysburg, adjoining Dr. Study on the West and Anthony Codori on the east.— The House is a comfortable two-story Frame, weatherboarded, with a Back-bedding; also a Stable and well of water on the premises. If this property is cot sold by Monday, At 24 day of /unwary next, it will be offered at Public Sale on that day, at I o'clock, P. M. GEORGE CHRITZILIN Dec. 5, 11159. td Carriage Making. rrIHE undersigned has commenced the Car riage-making business, in West Middle street, two doors west of George Little's store. Rockaway amd Boat-body Carriages, Buggies. he., put up in the beat manner, and sold on accommodating terms. Repairing done expe ditiously and cheaply. litcnot.sa Corwin, Jr., is my Foreman and will conduct the business for me. GEORGE CUDORI, Sr. Dec. 12, 1859. at Proclamation. WHEREAS the Hon. ROBERT .1. FISHRIL, President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, aad DAVI D . ZINOLZIL and //tAAC WINO, NAN, Fags., Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing date the 26th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty-nine, and to me directed. fur holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Genttral Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysbnew, on Naaday, the 16th deer "er Jane/try sett—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said County of Admits, that 'they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations ' and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and la that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or-then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adams. are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Thertf. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Dec. 26, 1859. to Notice. TAB subscriber, having been appointed As signee of the estate and effects of Gir:uai ALTLAND and MaaaasaT his wife, of Latimore township, Adams county, in trust for the bene fit of creditors, hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said Assignors to make imme diate payment of their respective dues to the subscriber and to no other person, and all per sons having claims or demands against them to present the same to the undersigned, residing in Paradise township, Turk county. MATHIAS ALTLAND, Assignee. Dee. :9, 1859. 6t Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that an application has been rim* to the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Adams, to grant a charter of Incorporation to an Association of persons, under the name, style and title, of The Arst Erangelieal Lutheran Ckurdi of .fir Oxford," and that if no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary, the said Court, at the next term, to wit, die third Monday of January next (1860.) will decree and declare that the persons so associated shall become and be a corporation or body politic, according to the article,, and conditions in an instrument of writing set forth and duly filed In said Court. By the Court, JACOB BUSHEY, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Gettys-A burg, Dec. 19, 1859. 3t Notioe. TITS first and final account of CORZZLICII B. Hamm, Assignee Of WILLIAX F. WALVIS, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, oe the 18th dry of Jot:wary mut, 1111- 11113 eagle be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Preaey. Pee. 19, 1859. 4tit Notioe. last saceutt tifiont. B.DAXViII and Ozo. CIIILITINkI, Anipliell Of JOHN CIIITZMAN, has been filed in the Conti, of Cowmen Pleas of Adams county, and will be oostlrmed by the said ()mot, on At 27th day of Dv:sober inst., lees MUNI be cbown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, PretiVy. Pcothonotary's Office, Gettg btirg, Dec. 5, 1851), 4t• Dry Goods! HOLIDAY GlllB Rich, all wool Delalsas, rodocella prim A large assortment of Fanc7 Silks. Ladles' Itors and Jewelry, A dos Mask of Ocalass, Glow a Holaesy, Cloths, Cassimeres, sad irea's Shawls. 13 bits, Quilts, Mitilllll. lLSßMse 4/pre4 Nakagawa. .011 Shawls. And the greatest variety of Dfala Goods, at low prices, in the town, - De/alase, Cashasues, OaHines, Oldatses, Pli&ds, sod Poi de Ch0f9199- Dile. 19,1859. I, I $ SOBIOIL Houses for Sent r 0 BRICK DWIILLDIG 11013111 n oe Clisisborsbuzg otroot,fbr root, quire of N. Doc It, 185 L tf Cott/ Barr'eygyr• 6.112=1510101 1 7, Illerrem ter the coma tiNhyse. - Mr= tar ir Peiipdiltrees, e° ti, Ps, Vim 'X, 1539. New Buildings, 114,625 Attest—J. M. WILTIII, Clark. December 26, 1869. - r B. DANNPR, Treuurer of Adams county, in conformity with the 10th section of an Act • of Assembly, entitled "An Act to revise the Militia System," kc., passed the 30th dry of April, 1853, exhibits the following account: DR. Amount of outstanding Military Fines for 1857 And previous years meat kaneere- Dec I {Des. $4 67 $ 21 75, 3 4 20 , 114 00: 51 00., 41 50 21 5e 88 uO, 56 00 , 27 So, 12 00' 4 50 1 GI 50 ' 7 50 46 50 57 Su 15 00 Al 00 52 50 14 00 2.1 50, 25 00' 8 00 , Tiers Twasidps. IYSY Latham**, 1854 Grit) sburg, " 'Huntington, 1855 Gett)eburg, " iFrauklin, " rry roue, 1856. Butler, " Gettysburg, 1857 Gettysburg, " ,Iluntington, " :Strabsi, '• ; Tyrone, " ,Germany, " " .11amilton, " ',Franklin, " .Conow*go, " 'Sloutttjoy, " 'ltewdiu, " :Berwick g bor., " :Berwick twp., " " :Butler, liaraPaid in Ml during the year. (Paid in p Cl Amount outstanding January, 1858, To antownt of esonerations allowed Collectors, " " Ices 41 ,fi Outstanding January, 1859, Amount received by Treasurer, Paid out by Treasurer—H. J. Stable, printing, R. G. Harper, .4 J. T. Ilrilbenny, 4 4 Military Assessors,...... .. Treasurer's Commission, Balance in hands of Treasurer at settlement, December ►3, 1859. 4t Sheriff's Sales. XN pursuance of a writ of Vendittord Er 'Row, issued out of the Court of Common * eas of Adaaa county, Pa., and to me di rected, will be exposed to Public sale, at the Court-house, in Gettysburg, oa Saturrieg, she TIA day of Ammar, nest, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fullowizig.deseribed Real Estate, vie: A TRACT UK LAND, situate in Hansiltonban township, Adams county, Pa., containing 160 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of William Culp, John Valentine, yd others, improved with a two-story Log HOWSE, a one story Log Tenant House, 4 Barn, part :V"' stone and part frame, Saw Mill, also a two-story Tenant House, part stone and part log, a Log Stable, also another one-story Log Tenant House. three Orchards of fruit trees, a Spring House, Spring, &c. Seised and taken in execution as the property of Jacos Rotten and Pere" }lnoue'. Also, by virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex pones, on Friday, tAe titA day of Jarnsery next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premise., TWO LOTS OF GROUND, situate on the Public Square, in the town of New Oxford, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lots of Joseph S.Gitt, John R. Hersh, and others, improved with a barge two story 11012SE s part stone and part frame, with a two-story Brick Back-bulldin attached, a Ilt ick. Stable, a Frame Stable, Smoke House, two wells of water, and other improve ments—long known as Miley's Tavern Stand, and rendered a better stand than ever by the Gettysburg Railroad passing through that place. Seized and taken in execution as the property of GEOUGR F. RECITAL Also, by virtue of a writ of Levirs Facia., will be offered at Public Sale, at the Court House, in Gettysburg, on Saturday, the 71A day of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. A TRACT OF LAND. situate in Butler township, Adams county, Pa., containing 23 Acres. more or less, adjoining lands of Samuel Diehl, Noah Miller, and other:4, improved with a two-story Frame We.itherboarded HOUSE and a one-etory Frame Back-building attached. "• Seized and taken in execution as the property Of GZORO2 ALMIRT. ISAAC LIGHTER, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Dec. 19, 59. 'Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon all tales by the Sheriff must be paid over im mediately after the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put up for sale. Country Produce 11OUGHT sod SOLD at the S. R. corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. ,c. 5, 1859. Z. MYERS. Cash Business. WE, the undersigned, do hereby agree to confine ourselves to selling goods in our line of business FOR CASH, or its equivalent in trade. The above system is to commence on the Ist day of January mut.. R. F. YeILHENY, COBEAN it CULP, D. KINDLEHART, WILSON k MAURY, BHILLRN, Dim 12, 111 U. tf MIR HOFFMAN. frfflksabeeriber has removed Ms Plough sad lliaebiae Shop from the Toen handbag% Railroad street, opposite Tate's Mashentith ship. took of the Lgle Rote!, where he is better prepared than ever to st eeled te eastomers. Ploughs always on hand and mad, to order at the shortest notice, and iisebioaa.Reapers de., repaired. Also he will attend to cleaninand repairing Clocks. May 10. bAVID WARREN. CAITEIAGR arrneap j.i _ 1,3 SALTSAGI Muri t e, SA =AGM SAII/L4GI sTurrsa . SAITEIAGX VAT/IRIS, SAMAGS LARD • • :,;+ . 4 LARD PR , LARD P: LARD LARD C CAM, ARA LARD C1A361, Dia 6, 1666. 11,10. - it pia replike Pietieweia liar ails "NW 4114014 seicilies Attappfixt 1116- PT, S. mmrrAßy ACCOUNT. coliseum Peter F. Smith, Ephraim Martin, John E. Helices, ISamuel Wearer, Yiebael Crowl,* 1 : . uel Sadler,} Henry Blaybaugh,* W , H. G. Carr, Peter Miller,* ohn McCreary, Jacob Pittenturff, Jacob Slunk,* Jacob Basel,* Daniel Lynch,* Adam Hebert,* Anthony Strasbangli,* Moses Hartman.* Samuel Orndortr,* Francis Wilson,* Wm. Bittinger,* Peter Long,* Burkhart Wert,* 817 94 6 Art sham TIIE GETTYSBURG R:1I1.11OAU ! O Strieuivr Arramgement.—Chi nut! after TIA u rs (la April 316 t, the MORNING TRAIN will lease Gitty#burg, tt 6.30 o'clock A. ?d., connecting At Hanover Junction with 'Express train to Balti more at 9.32, and Mail train from Baltimore at 9.32, returning to Gettysburg at 12.30 noon, with passengers from Baltimore. York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, and the North and West. The APTItitNOON TP.AIN will leave Gettys burg at I o'clock, P, N., connecting at Hanover Junction with Mail train** Baltimore at 3.37, re turning to Gettysburg about 6.30 P. SI., with passengers from 'fork, Ilarriatinrg,Philadelphia, and the North and W.A. litiar-ily the above arrangement passengers can go either North or Swath on the Northern Central Railway both morning and afternoon. it. M'CCIWY, President. April 25,1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT/3.—On and af ter Monday, the 6th jest., the Passen ger Trains will run as follows : First Train leaves Hanover at 8 A. M., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Train leaves HanOverat 3 P. 1., 'with Passengers fur Baltimore and intermediate points. Extra Train on every Tuesday and Saturday leaves Hanover at 5 P. M., with P gers for York, Harrisburg, kc.,returning with Pea seugers from Baltimore. Through tickets are now Issued to Philadel phia, Columbia, liarrisbirg,Williamsport, Read ing, Baltimore, York, Wrightsville, and all oth er prlncipml way points on the line of the Northern Central Railway. CDEAP GOODS—PRI:Tn . GOODS.—Fab nestock Brothers have just returned Irons the cities with the largest, prettiest and cheapest assortment of Goods ever offered to the public. We have an unusually largo and cheap stock of Silks, Delaines, and every variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. Cassimers, Caasinetts, Vesting., &c. Call early and ox amine fur yourselves.— We will satisfy you that our Goods are unusu ally cheap. No trouble to show Goods. T COSTI—Now is rue rims rot Bknostss. —GEO. ARNOLD is selling off the ful owing goods at cost: 25 cent Muslin Delanes at 20, 20 cent do. ,111 16, 121 do. kt lc); Berage Delanes at similar rates; 50 cent Coburg Cloths at 371, and 371 cent do. at 25; Alpacca, Gingham's, Calicoes, Sack Flannels, and Plads, at the woe rates ; also, Long and Square Shawls, cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see them. [Nov. 28, 1859. TORN 013YRNE, S. E. Corner EICIIT3 and RACK Streets, PHILADELPHIA, reipeet fully informs the public that he has now in store a. most excellent assortment of DRESS HATS. at $3 and $4 each. Soft Hats from $1 upwards. Children's Fancy Cape and Bearer Hats, in as unequalled variety. LADIES' FURS, of the choicest kinds, and meet carefully made. No mierepreeentatloas U to quality or kind allowed. Ladies' Font altered and repaired promptly and perfectly. Fox Trimmiage of various widths. Isay-Retnesber I O'BYBSWB is at the South east mate of Bijhtb and Baca streets. Sign .of the Lies, Tiger and Bear summits thVitent. Oct. 17, 111611. 3m House and Lot DSAL3L—I will sell s eseallOwell. ig HOUSZ AND LOT, on Chan.. arg street. Also, nevirral O Salldiag Lots ia the Bororgli. GY. ARNOF Gettgebarg,l3ept. 12, 11169. tf o G o of • IA *3°4 4 12 11 13 IN is AT tw f3iga of the BIG BOOT, fa chatabos. burg stmt. Ws hams just roestvoi * stock at BATS, CAM BOOTS, MUM Trunks, Comet Bogs, Usstortikts, I Bar- Ime a s s r b MO M Be-, sag ay. me ugu i ft d to MAN knroot pstessanssibis lialsoko... Gal untied.' tor youroefros. Ott 11, ties, 00EAN a CUM FFENSPERGE IL EL GIK !SELMAN, MARSHALL, Ifillitiliasicarrs DAN J. H SE 126 [in ®i lIM •1 E 123 12 00 1 50 15 0 12 501 2 47 2 Or.' I 5: 3 25' 125 1 55 2 15 9 OW 6 50 4 9 504 2 2•. 1 21 25 04 319 46 Change of Hours Hanover B. Railroad. D. E. TRUNK, Tickst Agent. Hanover, Dec. 5, 1859. New Goods— FAIISESTUCK RROTIIERS. Oct. 17, 1859. sign Lted Front. Ladies' Dress Goods Hata and Pure. sere Net► Goods ifY)V VIE ASE.—lniamrnittory and Chronic Rheumatism can Imt cured by using H. L. )F VIE CE EBRATiI) RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent Citizens of this, sad the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic daCC.• tiilll‘. had been hitherto unparalleled by ant specific introduce," to tLc public. Pw 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all drug and storekeepers. Prepared only by 11 1, MILLER, Wbolnpale and Retail Druggist. Ea-t Berlin, Adatui county, Pa.. dell-r in Drugt, Chemical., Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Di-c-stulT. , , bot tled Oils, Essences and Tizeieres, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Metlicines, kc., Lc. sir A.D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettysburg for " 11. L. Miller's Celebrated Itheutsatic Mix ture." [Oct. 24, 10i52. Iy QF GOODS RECEIVED AT REININCETR. —The subscriber has jest returned from the City with another and most splendid Amon went of Goods for GENTLEMEN'S 11 - EAR—to which he calls the attention of the public Ile has selected his stock with great care, and can aell and manufacture every variety of Clothing in the cheapest and most substantial manner. Ile des., all who wish to he well fitted with good, genteel FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, to give him a call. He cannot be excelled in the town. Every one, therefore, who desires a bargain, should call witt him at his Merchant Tailoring Es'ablishment in Carlisle street, next door to MeConaughfs Oct.. 31, 1859 TWO neatthrewatoryßßlCK HOUSES, on Ilitreet,. near Washington, with seven am, in each, a good well of soft water, and every necessary out-bui ding. These Busses, for comfort and conveniences, are not surpassed by any private residence in the Borough. Apply at Thomas Warren's, Jr., corner of High and Washington streets. Dec. 12, 1859. 11. N. BANICARD, JA. GAILDNKR is receiving another lot of CHRAP GOODS from Philadelphia and Baltimore, comprising flilks, (high lustre,) De. !nines, Plaids, Prints, Gingham+, tc., kc., for Lowlier' Wear. Clotho, Cashmeres, Satinets, Cords, Ken tucky Jeans, Ac., Ac., for Gentlemen's Wear. A large assortment of Gloves, Gauntlets, handkerchiefs, Ties, Collars, Sleeves, Ac., Ac. Hardware, Queensware and Groceries—New Orleans and Purto Rico Molasses, New York and Lovering's Phile. Syrup, CoKee, Sugar, Salt tr. Also, a desirable .swrtmrnt of Fan cy Goods, Fur•. Jewelry, Toys, and Toy Can dies. suitable for Holiday Presents. °status& $ it 07 21 75 34 20 114 00 Amount Woe lied ~i CIE3 EU 81; 00 56 00 If you wish to tare money, cell at the new• boa Kura Slurs and secure the Ixtry.sins! 15 0 12 00 4 Su J. .%. GARDNER. l'etertburg, (V. 5.,) Dec. 12, Isn9. 3t Patent Pocket 47 03 3 95 29 93 42 75 13 75 29 45i 40 11:v 7 1 CUIN 1/EIF.CTOIt, for te +Ogg the various kinds of 601.1.) AN!) SILIEIt COLNS.—It is admitted by all to be the mo't perfect thing of itt kilod ever offered to the pubtie. It it to small that it ran he carried in the pocket with out any inrontenienee. 10 1. Every Merchant should have It ! Every Storekeeper should have It! Every 33echanle should havo It! Every• Moo in Bilines.Alsould have it! ' 22 75 6 23 378 la It detects at the same moment, both size, thickness fad weight, from a MU Dime to Dollar in Silrer, and from St in Gold up to $2O, besides foreign Gold and Sil‘cr, and sells as quickly as seen, without the assi , tance of a ord. It is simple, eminently useful, durable, economical and perfect. LereA Warrantee goes with every one that 14 sold. $Bl7 62 94 : o 25 04 378 62 498 1G 5319 46 PRICE ONE DOLLAR, Post-paid, to any part of the United Staten. LU WHAT TUC NEWS,' AAAAA HAT: The possession of it is i 4 verfert guarantee ageinst being imposed upon with spurious coins -News. 20 00 20 00 20 00 19 9M 3 19 CEIE Detection in sure, certain, inevitable.—Ere forma/. 5236 29 A blind man with one in his possesion may hid defiance to the most skillful counterfeiter of the day.—Ece. Bulletin. We pronounce it a ithout hesitation to he the most perfect thing of it• kind titer offered to tYe public.—Prue.„ Inqu:rer. 11e like it, ■nd cordiully recommend it o public favor.—Yahiewol It is worth Ito price ten timer told.—My Item. AGE3iTS WANTED. An Agent wanted in every County in the United States, to whom a heavy discount will be meek. Samples sent, with terms of agency, on the receipt of one dollar. Address all orders to 1111. Ali k BICKNELL'S Bank Note Reporter, Philadelphia, Pa. The Reporter has been for * Thirty years the constant and_ necessary coinpauiou of the Cashier. Merchant, Clerk.TrAder, Mechanic sail the People, being the oldest on the Contioeut, and the ablest In the World, and hating more subscribers than all others combined, is pub lished on the lit sad lath of each month, at I the following prices: Monthly, I copy, one year, - $1 00 Semi-Monthly. I copy, one year, - 200 including without extra charge a copy of the Coins of the World, tantalising a larger atunber of magnificently illastruted Fac-Simile itnpres lions of the various Gold, Sliver and otter Cain. of all nations. than can be found in any other work. and Vlach can be obtained from no other source by any possibility of moans. I Address, IMLAY k BICKNELL'S Bank Note Reporter, Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 28, 18:r2. 2m UallifP Juin% Rending—Henry A. Picking, Charles E. Kuhn Oxford—David N. Siyerm. Nlountjoy—John Robert, Peter Bushey. Germany—Wm. Staub, Juba Lansinger, Wm. Bangs. Tyroae—John Bolen. Mouutpleasaut—Jante. rout. Franklin—Abraham Ilickley, Isaac Rik, John bittinger. Hamilton—lliehiel Bohn. Cumberland—David How . , George Culp Huntington—Ephraim Fisher. Gettysburg—Jacob Sbeads. Freedom—Joshua Brown, John Ogden. ilenallen—Paul Sowers. Latimsre—Wm. T. 'Williams Uniutt—Jacob Sterner. I.3traban—Philip Beamer JCIT. Tyrone—Peter Fidler, Samuel Gilliland. Straban—lsaac Miller, George Ebrehart, Theo dore Taughinbaugh, David Heinler. Huntington—Jacob B. Miller, Abraham Miller, Thomas Stephens, James APIs. Cumberland—Philip Redding,JamesThompsoa. Mountjoy—Samuel Baker, Wm. Eline. Liberty—David Martin, Frederick Ileln‘ire, Smite Beard. Franklin—Levi Irwin, Henry Mickley, Wesley W. Lott, Samuel Hart. Butler--Aaron Winter, Henry Slaybaugh, tin Thom' Solomon Weidner. HamiltonbanLJohn C. Sheatser, Jesse P. Top. per, Andrew Weikert, Peter Shively, Reuben Stem. Beading—Levi Chronister, John A. Dicks,Jzo. By err. Conowago—David Worts, Levi Kindig, Ed mund pollens, Jacob Myers. Gettyeburg—Mareas Samsoa, Henry Culp, Soo. B. Swope, Wm. Wiaotskey, George Jacobs. Berwick ousel Ditsler. Elamltton—Joseph Shireman, John par, Jobb Bartley, Jacob Whealer. 41, Germany—Morgan Swope, Joseph Fink. Mountplitasant--Cbaries Overdeer, Joba Biz. ler, Esra Eckert, Daniel Lawrence. Mettallen—Jonas Roatsahn, Solomon Meals, Ostbrd—John Camp. Berwick bor.—Edward Spangler. Meitallsn—Joel Wright. Lagoon—Joseph Fiche!. Vaion--Jobn Dietil. Dee. 11,11159. EICTURIMI I Pletoros I llstaresl.-oli a !dads, styles taut Woes, et TIIIICISIrisw Might Gallery, N. B. eos. of ds. Diamosilk, BIIILDUIG likillitlALlL—Palolo, oni, always as Lad and win los rates at • r . IYSON le BRO. lace sow as bond a logy& and bsoottlisl osoortasooS of Pies'y Oases, ~....,_., , a, . ., 4 , . ., LadWillk /is., *it vsey hoot leanly, solSoitls far ilsy ?mans. • - Nov. Id. "IGIVICRTBODY sissaid hay. ono of Tyson 11 jr, BINA klaperleliable pictures. The Greatest, Discovery A Fresh Assortment JACOB RELNINGER or Sale or Rent. More New Goods! Jurors for January. Wra. B. McClellan, A TToll!riri A T ;,_". - . Ivies: ?I i AXCVL, c Cuurt 11m.ao. Gettystart, NOT. 14, 1859 Edimrd.B. Buehler, 71ORMEY ATTAW, will faithfully and AL promptly attend to all bosine.”ewtri-ted to him. Ile speaks the German langu.q2(..— thlicu at the same place, in south Baltimore strert, near Forney'a drag. store, and nearly opposite Danner Ziegler's store. • Gett) ilorch U. D. McConaughy, A TTORNET AT LAW, (office one door west . 4 .."1 of Saabler's drug and book store,Chatu liershuPg street.) egrottskr ken Setterroa rot P tTINZA I%D PrXiIONIS. 1101111 IT Laud War rants, Hack-pny suspended Claims, end ell other claims against the Government nt Wash ington. D C.; also American Claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo cating warrants in Sawa, Illinois and other western States. mar Apply to him personally ar by letter. GetAysharg, Nov.. 21, 'LS. J. C. Neely, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to roller tions and all other business intrusted to are with promptness. Office nearly amputate Fahnestoek's Storr, Baltimore street. Gettysburg, April 11, 1859. tf Wm. A. Duncan, 10. 1 . TTORNEY AT LAW.—Ofllee in the North west corner of Centre Sqeftre, Gettysburg, [Oct. 3, 1859. tf A. J. Cover, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will promptly attend to Collections and all other business en trusted to him. Office between Pahnestockie and Danner A Ziegler's Stores, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa. [Sept. 5, 185:). Dr.r. 13orsey, FORMERLY Quell county, Md., having permanentated in Gettysburg, o ff ers prOfeasional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the practice of the various branches of his profession. Office and residence, Baltimore street, next door, to The Compiler office, where be may be found at all times when not prufamionally engaged. •sisasncas. ProC.Nathan R. Smith, Baltimore, Md.. Rey. Augustus Webster, D. D., Bellmore 31d. Dr. J A L. Warficld, Wastaiiaster, lid. Dr. W. A. Mathiu, " II Jacob Reese, Esq., 14 41 John K. Longwell,Eaq., " n Geo. R. Wampler, Esq., " _ 44 Rev. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. Oct. 25, 1858. Gm J. Laiirence Hill, X. D. MICAS his office one, door west of the Lutheran charch in Chambersburg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to hare any Dental Operation performed ure respectfully invited to call. Rasmussen: Hrs. Horsier, Ras. C. P. Kranth, D. D., Rev. H. L. ilaugbee, MD., Rev. Prof. If. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stever. Gettysburg, April 11, '53. - - Timber Land AT PUBLIC SALE.--The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, Ile 31.1 day of Dace:saw next, A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, containing about 25 Acres, situate in Menallen township, Adams county, about three quarters of a mile south west of Bendersrille, adjoining lands of Conrad Wierman. Peter Rice and others. The land is well covered with a rariety of Timber, and will be, sold in SIX LOTS, of about 4 acres each. Bale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Nov. 28, 1859. td JVIS SNYERS. Notice to Farmers. 100000 Ptsli t s1 t i N W a r ; ipTe 1 4est me price wi ll be paid fur Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Barley, Clover-seed, Timothy-seed. Flour. kc., at the large yellow Warehouse, west end of Oxford. ihrGuano, Plaster. Salt, Ste., arid a large and well selected stock of Lumber and Coal eonstantly on hand and for sale at my Ware house. FRANK. HERSH. New Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859. tf New Oyster Saloons. T HE subscriber has opened new Oyster and Eating Saloons, on the south side of T HE street, near the Diamond, (two doors below Geo. Arcades Store.) where he will receive EVERY DAY, (Sunday excepted,) and serve in the t nrious styles, the best quality of FRESH OYSTERS, from Baltimore. ily keeping a good article, he expects to receive a Wawa patronage. lie will also i supply Oys ters wholesale to other establishments. His Bill of Fare will, however, not be confin ed to Oysters alone. Other articles in the Eat ing line calf always be had in season—also a nice glass of ALE. SeirEntrance to Ladies' Saloon at the centre door of the building—to Gentlemen's Saloon at the door adjoining it on the west. G. F. ECKENRODE. Gettysburg, Oct. 31, 18.5.. Cannon & Adair's DER' MARBLE WORKS, corner of Balti more and East Middle streets, directly op poll to the new Court House, Gettysburg.— Having recently arrived from Philadelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing to procure anything in our line, to favor us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to furnish MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other work appertaining to our business, at the lowest pos sible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee thatnur work shall be put up in a manner sub stantial and tasteful equal to the best to be men hi the cities, where every improvement veleta experience hits suggested is availed of, and especially do we raarantee that our Cense tailwind Grave Yard work shall be so carefully Met ise not to be affected by frost, but shall main - - liths for years that erectness of position given it the completion of a job, and so necessary to toe/thuied pacefalness and symmetry. Nov. St, 1059. tf Just in Season! GVri 11111 A CALL I—The undersigned have jest received from the cities an immense stock of CLOVIS, CASSIMEHES, CASSINETS, VIISTUKIII in all varieties, Ac., suitable for the •0110111, 'Molt they offer to the public at unpre -61611101114 ler' rates. u They ask a call, To convince all " of lie fro* of Skis assertion. No trouble to saa . rgive prices. A large lot of iVIV I Arit CLOTHING also sellin4 cheaper Mao ern, AMMO, +W as*. %owl sad Phatarsla 111101101 V9t OsPadift team at Wea. Ikratht Ckin!as7. •-• Ui titt: .;_•s 1:N AV GR1M...8 ( I F - 71‘ .11411NCTON Ayr, 1 :1 iatli.tilog* tiex. of NT b.`OX. in 'Lc I,ngniciri.; of Ifatabingtott— These irtendtd uglArings are from origins paintings by limbs, and are engraved on steel m the highest Ftyle of Art. They are each 2.1 - rs.ls inches, each ceerstatice ntl Kt AIM Viz?. So many coral, miserable pictures have been palmed upon the public artworks of. art—and especial:) , in cheap, black and muddy etigriai hip—that at iv difficult to coin ince persons of taste that they are Fide in orderlag *bat they have not seen. fiVe have paid the drat artists their own prices, amounting to seamy thousand dollars, to produce engravings really beautiful, as well as the hest portraits, and thee shell be splendid oramenla to any katior." sar Opi a iota that can be relied on : The Editor of the New York Observer rare : "These engravings are genuine works otsts-- the likenesses are admirable. The portrait of lir. Everett will take precedence of abLaiters." The New York Christian Advoca te : " They are among the finest engravings we have ever seen, and rue ruaLisitsaa Asta ruttiv BPONBII4LE FOR ALL TRAY raowise." "MUMS, ALMOST GRATIS We will Fend, poet paid, securely packed in rollers—Either &wising and a $3 Magazine, one )ear, for Both iingracinus, and • $3 Magazine, one year, for $4. gler-Agents who remit $3O at one time, will have an extra copy of each engraving. The Mitgazioes are Ihrrper's, The YreititesimArr, Goiley'r Lady's Book, 7'h, .111erntie Machinvii, epeetalarrungeinent,theitiattoyaor's subscription to the Maigumisies is paid weer by us to their publishers, and subscribers receive their supply for the year direct from their re spective publication onuses. The cost of the engravings is paid only by the difference be. tween the lowest wholesale and the regular price of the Magazines. Ber Engravings tent nt once, and subscrip tions to periodicals continence with current issue. unless otherwisecrilerod. atone risk if proof is retained oT herring beea led. First impressions are best, therefore sealstarly. Address, 0. RAILRY k CO., • (At Win. Hull k Son's Music Store,) 543 Broadway, New York. Sir J. A ughinbaugh k Son are the Agents In this place. Nov. 14, DALSAMIC MIMI SYRUP LII AS A FAMILY REMEDY IT HAS '0 jparTh's is to certify, that on` the re commendation of a regular and skilful physi cian, we bine used the "Balsamic Cough ti r rup " prepared by W. E. Shriner, in our fami ly, and find it t ) answer well the purposes for which it.is prepared. El. Eltursiss, Pastor of Lutheran Church, Tanrytown, MAL Read the following Letter from Roy. H. P. Jordan : UNIONTOIN, ild. Mr. W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I have given your " Balsamic Cough Syrup " a fair frisk and am happy to say that I have never tried any thing that relieved me so soon. I have also given it in my family with the same good ef fects in every instance. It is certainly a must excellent remedy, and ought to be in ever/ Mel ly: The exceeding low price arwhfch Ins mad places it within the resell of all. Pardon the liberty I have taken in thus giv ing my experience in the use of the Syrup unea- Belted by you. Aespectfully yours, H. P. Joules. . • TROTIIIIIONT Or Mr: Shriner :—At your request, I has* ex amine i the composition of your "Balsastio Coig Syrup," and from my knowledge of tho ingredients, and having witnessed its good ef fects, I can recommend it to the public as a valuable compound for Coughs. Colds t ,suid all chronic pulmonary affections. Thos. film; M. D. TA:turrowx. Md. I have preseribeci W. E. Shriner's "Balsamic Cough Sr rup" in uiy practice for several years, and regard it utan exrellent medicine inCoughs, Colds, and all Bronchial affections. Sall''. Sworn, IL EL FITE YEARS' ISPZIUMICE. Jyresasox. York co., Pa., July 18,1859. To W. B. Shriner,—Dear Sir :--1 lisiarlean keepiag your "Balsamic Cough Spar" kressia for the Last five years, and it has given ahnost universal satisfaction. Ps is one'of the most popular Medicines blue in our neighborhood. Our salea,therefore,turte been large, especially last winter, having Rohl at retail at least ten dozen bottles., I therefore do not hesitate to recommend it to the public' as a good medicine. Yours, respectflallr A • . JAWS SPAMUM. PORTER'S SIDING. York co., M. 17, 1859. W. k. Shriner,—Dear Str:—tour Cougb Syrup is becoming very popular here. I bade been selling it for about two years,al449giirta more general satisfaction than say medicine Lave ever sold. We use it in our fa. y , and would not be without it on any amount. Pas children, it certainly is an invaluable medi cine. J S. G. HILDWAiII. To W. E. Shriner :—I consider your Batsitins Cough Syrup one of the best Cough renealliss of the day. There is no medicine i bare opywr sold gave such universal satllfaetion, automat that I have used in my family I like so wall Yours, truly, C. F. Price, 37i ets. per bottle, at 3 battles for $L Sold by all Druggists and Merchants. Oct. 17, 185 to Stoves, TIN AND SHEET WON WARE. & BUEHLER, having pittetT li a ll re ',tuck of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of eimp 1. Buehler, have opened an establishment In Mies , nection with their Stove Ware Roam; milder the superintendence of G. E. Buehler, me telle now prepared to furnish everything In jimtViee at the lowest prices. In addition to the maps , ry "ware. they have a large supply of kbetmo* and house furnishing goods, of eterptilltielys including enamelled and tin Kettles, nitip, fur preservimg, cooking and frying lihiltiond see them. Splendid assortment or Stoves mid house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, Oa the comet of Carlisle and Railroad street,. ;. Bar-Spottilng put up at shortest notice. Law. ber, Coal and Lime always on- hand at,Sinsir yard at the same place. Nov. 14, 1859. &HEADS k BUE I II/2.1.1. Furs! Pun!! TOSEPII ROSSNEIA I OI, FANCY F 0 MANUFACTURER k IMPOR has now ready his fiery extensive •-- of Furs ; consisting of Capes, Half.Ca , Vide nines, Man's, Curs, etc., in Mink Sable, Stoma Masten Fitch, Chischilia, Siberian Squirrel, and ot her lower priced Fars,-AU of whisk kin in prepared to sell. at prices to defy coaspeatliel.. All Furs sold in this stoat, are surritataito be what they are represented. Store: No. 416 Arch street, between 4th aka sth, (above lyre :ad Landell's Dry. n Store,) tip of the Golden Lisa, P. S.—Furs altered into fashionable sties , at a moderate charge. [Oct.. IZ , Ifibt, New Fall and WlT4ter goods, AT A. SCOTT 1< SON'S niv aToga.—w f ha,* jest received oar stock of Wilds suitable far the Fall and Winter sale 4 to width we beim the attention of buyers—OW* beauty and price cannot be snspassellt= which may be fohnd a variety of L DRESS GOODS, of neve..ond fashicomdtts: signs, Shawls, limuseta, Trionslnp f Our stock of DONINVIC GOODS la' V and complete. For DEN'S AND sow we bays a variety of Cloths. sets, Jeans, ftc., of various M yhre Also, GROCEIERS AND QDERI °I6.I %AN/FAr.- &Mai purchased our sootiest low ce4, we are enabld to sell demi It snit the times. All Ito ask Wes of oar stock before paselicsit s. past esetnersiresest, we hope by strict *IS- Oen to beldame esti • desire to pis, _6O merit, as well &inlays's ektilowsmakoflat muse, as well es lots of aOW.., Sit riliffeko, “Qeiek Wes Cori, protilLn - Oct. 3,,/4641.. • a TER 404411arat,p4& ' ' ,• • • mew a own to 44 %. • .: Nter.").. lory• lad ' seeoraon• r; - aa ar i a % plaster. or : Ilk • c;=l Vie Shringe's }:QCAI,I TILIITIXONY o• CLIIIGYMILS Lisswry, Frederick c0.,111d. JACISOX, York co., May 1411,, ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers