39461-t li..,_ :ts oari. .A.dfinsk47osti , .-- - - • . .tuAickusitrsotas, . o. , .• •• ~._ ... i er j . : ° . it i k : ~,,.. . .' A. - .triutissioniend Fos. tuunrpoessed)/hatult id, tlt, .-, „dirt : e • ' - rriek •' • this _ :'',. r't : . • w - "Pp r. • Ape. 'r„ , „ flue 914 se,„ rice riv.44-e. st.. Barasell.- . f. , .at is " : 14, 'Le streerOppolti us Y. fisersikr,4-1). A. Duel) lop. , _Ylft 1.44, , rimi e s .„,s, udder 1.. ..._ s, style . ... D e ~ 13.1. IMO . . .:4118&* ZfliWeLEIL,l4lli , and t - A. - . _ - , - i . , sresserer--Davi.d X ccuirry. and wit, eidiettror to deserre, - a continuance of , _ __ —._—___ ______ c ____ li _ m _ ~- , ...E.mmtiete Cumagitare--11aimrt Xzeardy,Jettlab: the patronage of theold hen , well tenor D s j s si :s: i ' l l ‘r t. S w vir l i 7 tiC - Iti l a g" . te * ag rY sw . 4.54...."-i A-I*.T..Andresr ileititzeintatt. " I iinautflynfourricstotti. TheyhaVe just return- • tun a A. SWOPS. _,..,, fa, kt. ity-.„ .11,ne.prrs—Citonts ri wope, b. A.. Flizehlet,i BOOTS, SHOM }from tbeleritie4 with an innelimese stock of ' ,:- i F n elt and Fdr LIATS,, .YAW rhlle,delffhiy Else .—' cob Kia,i, A. licatzcspoo,Jl. I,l'eurdy. 'I h nods---coneisanrin parlor Bulidinirlitaterialt, 1 WIIOLESALADeaI 6I e i rs k, I F tA. llarshatl,S. Fahnestock.lA•in. R. McChelle oat h „ N s ih r , -,sc r oi s ot , lchiea, Noll„, Lucks,/ 4 . ;,1,1 , 14, .t. STRAW (1,001)3;..eilsooln no* ;i1;;01* ;OR the fliibi..nt. adapt-. IVnt.ll.lVilson, M. Eschtlberizer. Abdiel P.Oct, wants of trer,f citizen of the United John Wolf , yrd, It. A. ' Gllvs, Sc. Tool.4,itacitsdlagf:dge Tnols'of every fashionable Moleskin, Picking% A bed T iVrich ti ' description, gaisra, 'Planes, f'lliseto.s, t;ongsa, N. 11 - . lot' . liali/inove sad lio ,, and *treeta, Balt'. .. 4 4=ettytidasseitt by • wait to any a I. L Joitn Horner,McCrea Russell. ..I.'. [NoT. :V, I she. , Bracts end BitLs .sager.„ S quares , Gclages, • mute, ma _________ __............__ -4,tiki!- ' ilf:rptite, $l,OO, oin is Style ' itifirnar.p, kutklaw - PedienJellilr+Piekkgriqf 1 .• f !rainless, AC. Illttaksznltlis wit! IlindAnsils r l ----- 'l ll *III *I $1,2;1.. i llersh, , Vices, Rasp ~ ,h,„ s, Files: Horse Shoes, Ilorse-'hoe ' NlNivAllstiiill - *anted to tmiavans foe it, 'mitts: ilQrThis Constant Is - limited . in its opera- s s ii w i th t h ew ,. se? ”. , heat ,. c o w, ri, ;( l., ;OMetiopeartstrispseuteliti will trade. „Ap- dons to the county o/ Adams. It has horn in: i ncl ., , ae l li its cl ot h, obs s u si ., iiscnaat t , Fr in7e. ,, ,, . 5... . W4441413* • - * - successful operat,on for more t h an s i x -, e a re, ! Cotton, Moss, (hi Cloth. Springs, .1, ties. floSbr, :,. .... e .,- , Axis 24'0TrEit. Publisher, and in that period has paid all los!es and ex- ..;p a ki... ; rev ues , flun-, F. o los,bhiips r .,te. til l oe ,•.. ,tee Street, ellitAditlp Li is, Pa , pezises,,r,thisiavner a‘sca.mmt,hisving Al4O niers, Fina l e, Tampico. prush and erencti Morocco, s ‘I till:4. -.2sa surplus es,pflut in the Treasnry. The Coin- Li n i ngs . Bi n din g ., Pegs, Last, B: , -t Tret4, Lc . , . .-.314.4 -4 , - ~._~- .- j NKr. Scott, ..,-,,.... - - . ~,,,n e het e 'y,.... ri , ,0,-. a'r ~ • r , nnr,,, tile e'eet- (•. Sr,. ( ,: : s e q .. c5,,,1,, A xe•.er.:l - • -, .1 , 4. et VA* 411.4 c Fees V ii'ychee'sr_# S'o't.) a d by the tituelzbolifets. Ant Person ile . i.irlyi.r. 1140 Vervii , !... g•if , t)..i.. k.• f1f)1 41,04' i•Eitt. * 1 41 . A5( 7 ' 1 .'; 3 F'itNltilllNO, STlliti:. shAi " 3 1- '‘"'!.." 4 ' c.t ", t 0t .1 .1" to oz.} of the tteule u- it iillr, r..... 1 It 1A.,,,.‘.,rtr, , n 4 o t h n i,..., an , . AiiiIIRT 7.4...t.‘.."` 7 ACT.)Rif. c .. 814 1..1.,e-- """ 1 . 14 . "c" 'is :fie I let. le - i 3 4 1 " 10141 "i• 1 fart.- !„::•:, ,, -.1: t .1!'•• :• , :nd `•l% r•--r•t::' , d '1.,. _ _ .100dd, (Ilea . ~. ..sEpus.t.e. tiak f.;it Neel ii,..,-.. .7 . 0, .i . —env ..a.4:, , ,,tivs , ..,',,nmtttee eiseei4 at th e h i. re d r t „ ....,,,,,,•,, c A trit.„o„km. 1, , ,,,,,, r Pbould*l)s`. .t.-w. ,,, ,:Qkfri's . w -, utd ie. 1p ~-r at• v 4 ' l ' ' 3 ' i t.: " *. "'• 4 " 7 c't toe I°*l•W e'+‘' e "." l / ftlins'el and Tout's. Sad Iron-, f:n:-litelle.l and • ly,,m4U. 44 f.t.t.,,m t au f , o f I,'. r t , e ,,,,.... p ., ir ,,,,, ~....3 3 io every t0.....01`,.. at 2. i'. NI. isr..r,s Kettl,..-, i'is.ts."` , te, ,, 11`..1•Co, I atc.,iiiii*. faiiddidirt.o-itla 110,1LV.5....:?... •-•.11 ',.. .I,:,:par-it to .1. I e""0 . - '..-' 1 7. 7 ,.., : e-....,_ __ Ollcts4WrSilllll.l.l.4. sit.c. - 3 ti, - .,'....c. 1 11 . per: ,::. 't.Vt.l.St. . 1 1 ::;INF :: f. , rolled IRl.!'s' of all ••ozes and k tole :t: t•4.6l:,:ttr. , fol.c4CuaradAitair 01 ST !:7 1i iv .1„.;!:. sup jµ:s: 1 ' and , 13tistcr #,....el u-hieh ttie-- a ~1 -.. ~... el fe , o , l „ t ,„,,,I,%itiat , _ had C0..it.3, ir:iz g:•-• 1,,x-,',•.cr-c•-:,t in Li L' 7 . 1 ": 7 'I: S ''''. s !...' -wthe cf.rs- p tcat lisifiCsi.it.:.--..... :.."..,;.,1 get,- 1tt1i 5. :445.),, - iil L:. -1.- i ° C. ' l ' .. " -.1 '': 1.::1)1 .1.1 *; : "' Cl;jl An S ti' . A n it /f". l • end sas.;ortruftt, ' , Lica ::, LI u,h,l i'eiceri,ed. ~..'• read. c.,,_J .„ ' i.,larified and ile, , tru S•toes , N.'.r fi r t,.. i au.„, lrfs goa_L, Cr. r.ll fresh, 1.,s steles are all Dew,; tv i , t 4 4 ,d na , aw l ..., , ,,, r 11 0 ,,„ ~ , c , i,i , ,,...1 aid ,i fi ,,i. n r ,,,, di i u au': ze e Ars. i ;-ou . I: a. 0.1 thi i; t.r.e. ;• ; ,.. r ,,,,,, c,,1 - „....., ; ,.ir, , ... ci..0.er,t..0.,e, I ~,,, ...1.4: - ,..... If y ••u Nl' Int . - 1 5. , iI ‘-' , .1 , 1 , 11' . 11 4 , emery • ' 11 "-rie , ' ..a.,.! ).tier - "sit ; L.•• eed. Fish oo t : 4 ;, , .ri0 OIL. Blue, 'oroa a ..ad bi...7 . e. , all well trimmed and' -..,, .. • :,e FI , , - • a (iii ACV rt --Li' of Lead to ..• di - , i . ' Sad Ziac d,-r audio oil; also Fire-prom Paint.. .cud hie I 'l.:,"`it'ld'-nr pints comprises ei i reuclri ; in fact, afloat every art iele fu the Muth; Are, The ti - nest of C.,.;.,irner.s, 1) ~eal,iits and others. , Coach Filittin7„ Sh oe Fin ttlig. ff , msekeeping , And nom of 11 - .. , •re-f • all the pltterns are new, l insed„-n.fth r , iblizet 'faker'. .!..tin 4 er'a.Glnzier s, 11," ene.t:lks ti.id satin-, anl velvet.. not feu ; I , and Geo.-vrs- line all of'. high !her arc deternt fn.- flit giALA: it tLit's lar-,r- to ennmerate Nom, l c , l to :..c. , 11 as low for 0'..1`314 a. :Lir Louie out of ' In a whetsl);., his all that •.;.;,,tlein..u.a.t.,/.. , , tl. c ca . unsl:Y 11. tiAssi:rt. lie h 15 AI-LI a .0...).•1: IN Ide earr e etly f o r youth. , V:Avrtltte,llT ZIE: , ;(.F.Ft And iii 4 mile .-'. de'tlll.l« li ft` C. 11 1 ,54 and truth: , flettt-shoeg, M.,ty I. IS - ,9. Att.! the best of it all i) t'ie fart ~ not tor rhvrnesi Ile is xilliti-e' at prl:cs. to $12.1e THU. 1 • IIRD • Notice. , •li , friic. un d er,:„:.. 1 11•:‘•;,g r, :ire I fro.: l • • ... Yon'll ad l a1:1.7. f, - l CI , thingt cuii`tY rare, 11er,.. ,, t11,.. titie:oe,F4 tl.c .l-: w',l) 1.. rcif- Made LID el in iiCilltli for aurrLoe A:l,i wear: to be cor...lnuf , ? at ti Li c!J •,•••. : :, in ft 2.• nt •-c '1 lien give 111ln A c•11.;:.r. , !:-. 0 :1 1 11 firm bun on band, , ~ re,.1,.. b.. 1.1 ., ,1 . ,....... „ , .... 11.. .,,,„ I n mt ,,, r. .,„ .. ,,i . k .,.. In C l .ltitl,erA/31;:::: etr , tt ta i r,Lt 0.1. 1114 C./ ,i Stara . . hr . , h , ,/,,,',,., li , r •,,, 1 , i u ..; ::ad i.:s le -, ,f Ge•tcs•r•-•• 0 : 1 - 1. , r,r , ' --6 * . ” •••, - `', '" • , , . • "'. n . • ~,e r, , - 1 7,:e , ;' , .r.. I- . % .,. .1 , ... ~ " 1 Ii - 1!'-" •. /...1 .. .I I.Nl:qica .10 au '. ......- ..v . ....—..1 n-.:. s‘ c.-,.11.1 1.)... v 5(k. n lits..! d .1(..: 11: natronag • rroin old eas.oro.,:r.. and ~ I T O, FAIINIEI', A.5'.., 1I !t( ~ • Lie ptii.,,.,. la Rer., :31. tlA•ve n ' )sv °Plue ' llYtr tar'''e and e ' rn-r. ' i •"" ' 113,11 . :1" . retlect! tr..,..1 the "fer"-r; t.le 1,1 , 1 1 .ireinase on zee c nuts o: :7:4.11....0a ::ac: r.,1- it k lie , e b. ,,,i , ~,,, ~ , r „id ~ ,, ,L , l , ~ ~,,,,, , 1 ,, * road htrtet.; 11: , : t•`.:.ci. :•^;,o:. of Cie t;:ttysburg sett ,.... e. ,1., , ,,. *.,,,\ (.... I ,` ,.. `;_'- f..,re. now . , ~.,1 ; it ...... iii.. Railroad C. - Irn, , tam a5...1 a•. Area tr ..1 to r"!r . ez , e de ,, i( „ l t ,.., ..„, e i . .,i ~1 ht Ju.l 2 : . -1,1 2 , . 1 .: N,: •• or 11, : ,I m il e ' '' r L ' li : ‘`' . " l- ` '':: i '''' ° .11 ' V:IP ' AT • Ac._uu.:t'„ 1.0 Call cud SeLt.l • ;to.: ~.•;:1;• t‘ .11,:ttt 10(f . ... COW: OATS, \ •.. ..kho, -..:111-..:Id IL:11 I f r ~ ~.., 6,,,..., ,.. ~,, h , , , t,,, ,,, j ,-,1,.. sm I;.j , • •. , 3 . I.i 1 ,tr,r, F,.!-....':. •. A 1 ...r, , e r. " . ,, h - ,4, ' J. 11 liANs,"..P.. -tuck of Gro: --- ;-:<t r.:.7'.v:. , ...1, 1•..):1 , i1RILli; o f .11.0 1, 2 ~, ~ 5... 0 3. I).Y. 11 , III: , ;LLB. Sugur.:, tofi, e 4. Syrii,,, ! , 1 - 1 .......cei, 0 1 . , . In , r . . . - --- - - T. Ai, .. 1 .;. 1 ./ L.. L-1 1 .11 :al.; I- co-:lr.:rare, re ..1.H•„ 1 Now Grocery. 15 Y. 11 .1 (. 11,1 I v'- h , .-it..te t. , s .s. 11 , 1.111 tall as i) h a nt T t HIS W.O( V(..lit, 13 3. It' i LI NS. —r 1r .01)- wx I , c,ti, .2. ,ri 2s'it cl ,- :r •vhcre. '..o.lrdesaln , let ~1 If, r ,.., ~,..., ~,i; ,_,. ,„, p_ 4 , y .. , 11;; ,, ~,, ~,,. r , .se.r ,. it, tr r 3 e.s . p:e . st . in . ll,- i ii , f,r 2 f.. ,... t10u ., e. , 1 ,, , , , ,i eti:' ood t.r. , .,. 2V Ir - • OCk ll.l',re !;:tre!:::>*;.! rl4c- '',` ' ''" 31 ' ' ' '..1-eY. t hat li e „ "•''' :r - ttt l N .tt.;:t ..t •r-. , r: 1:it•---. :: ••• zr r•I .'•s, n'l (5... .......:1...k 5.::,, ::::•1 I ,'” '"%'.• C"I ''' ',' ' - -- _ , J - 1 .>, ' , i. A1.,' , :- L'AA ‘1..“-4 crA.4l. ..1 .at. 301", smell T.r ,, f , - , - , . W e , e , „LI .1 - •n_it the -”,....V . 1 , ,r1 1 ,(• al l inter- I. it:lo...ii 3, :71, ."3. ".I,:re t, e . i .,., 1, I . OIL es:. lin t'l. , Cl^ 'iv roc: he ti.arni rind i'i, i n o f Ali i A „;:t . 1';" LA A' , La 'it "1 -"•_ . , "•' th, , fl; (]... 1 :. .. tr,,r-,: , !l, k••. An._ tto t',: ft:: tho te-- , ii:o as . : 'i_. i up, .It ..n. 1, t , ~..: .., oie /i f" w e hii • ' . .:. If-e.i.i. , rt.., sttiel•l 5.: ( ss.',.. rwr t;IL 1 .1-11: 1."'"IZI. , LL,. Li., 1, , C.. !,--, LI.LI - ;lILL. I 1 l . !•,:-',..', 1 • 1 .. !I;!... P,) .'. DER. ti,,'. ~ :01 , ; ~..•:..i.r. S il:. kr‘.- ,,, , (.% tc , •rt:. ~,i,;,; ~,...: 1 : - i- ~,, , '! P .' "..:1 V. -3 4 1 , '2:, 3',1 nu:...! - • : . i....t..:r., 11 ..;:;,.. gr 'Li.% I a. i a:izeou I l'c . p - _ - :- :.; r n Int t , r.r , o-o.arrt st,st - ..'......ners it.ir, Al-p e, C, o c e -, t;, , tiia , n oi, )..1.1=1,.1,1, FiLLN f.:,ftr.7,TE,,! Pt .LINC;f:IL ,t CO. ; ~...1.1, (5..1......-, S:nr •ht, lts 4', l's..-, CA , 11. s, fir'ts.::•n•r g • tit J. ts-,L.e. ' Ettraet C ,li'e'. C.o..ic 'late, Coo , •eutr ited ' 1,-. o : ti •, , a•, 1:: • : its. C.1•1.1.. , 14. 411 14. , ,,d• : Ramoral. , Vi z ,.., NiTstitittr,, I.' din Nws, A•di , h.l, k.. LLL 1 . 1 1.1 . 1.: . ":"' r ,"', ij • f ' - '"' Y c* , : NIICAL, I. tver 11,1.i -oil-, 1.0 .1 , i 1 i , 11. 111; . %. / i . ..1 . '.. friend. 11"1 I tln ipmhe illat : ey i'.lk, , :i l'roe'aves of .ili 1,1.1 1 " / ..r .'. • , .',.. • I.r• h..; r-m.r. , LLI 111 1 1! tr. - 1 211,1: An .1 /I : 'ter I n l k.:., , it 1, ,q:,',. ~, 1 ... 1 S-hu, 5..A1,1...1...n..1. 1 s s'ss. ,rat 5..,, .. .... „ 4 :- vsz...v t's 1 ..(114 .st Ci.• ls it.' . . .... -.11179436,18 - Sor Ar.tuma., '59. ..m44,4111.1.14:K SI .y.authock of STAPLE G0.),)3. )elc of FA:itA GOT'S Fashioneible FALL S VIA 4.3, Otetivs,, d ANP Vx.,Ttsaa ; BtAxxiis. ac. Ntch N trertg. N,t,11,-51447,k WrvAes at low rates B srg4iafAhily in).l New - York .luctiool. *es. 12, ilfi9. - Jack Lumber Ez Coal, pat talc by IVLiTER. Nev . Oxfurd kittCICFAI.r.:4, WU, FEED, &z.., Fair sale W'holoi:Je and it..!.%.111 .1. ' INTER, Oxf.,; Siir,"The higiteat C sib prl":^s pAp.I fur (;: - . lh MiLy-30„.1.8511. Gta* Call This Way! TnfiLlE subir,ribcr wi).11.1. 11:',....1 • 'a c publ:c tliti be contitrac.i his 3TACiIINE zi.-111)P, in , ttannantrg street, Get:v‘'),.: i4 t r- near the , , - Fointillit' , - wii Jzo he !c..i VitnU .,. riz iii:l.i Or 314. rhinos an hand, su •!: al ".'hre.i':::,; ‘lachitic3. Corn Shollera,.. Cot.tee..l ler f",itter,, Clot e r,ce.l .11tilidro, - Strttit Catlett, anil Illr , i , fteivers of ditlefild - kilib. --two, fe.t r or 3 . 1 [-ft Jr.., to iiti:t pureitroeia;—iniced ell 41:cli a., r ,e be had pt llantimre - or liitte,t ,•v.i, A! , o, Nl.ortHing .1..a -vllltl6iLtbittiott,et etirpenti-rg. pet u:, in the very belt - *Mit ;float : , 91)-t.t:;!i.11 in•M•lo*. rUttlng Stretri CietirriZ itott.4, ttnr 1:1•.,1 or , E7‘. le.:, than ekvealvrtinientftli, Aliviiv.: atten.1... , 1 to as writ :t., Tlttitnie in fr,ot, ra.tiv._: ,o- w,,,,i Sl.-) fLti i. hojiikoiriocriA 1 it i NG u:t ll.,chilter,.tlr, i.ing-'41.1 31illSrisid1,04. M.- . 'tune iy, int *berte4t notteo. The — :133:10-trtii;e1 )11)30 ci r 11• EST h ltt , t,trer t )e lowOrat. pritht. !le i 4 likewisc the -1116:114".64 k LauLcturvd by Joseplic•Skima.m. It Ea E. : I . I 64aq:wilt:I' ::11 lit A. i tt cf anti tny will-call at my . r.s.l bek,r- el- , where. I wilhfarreitt, all lay sr uric to L , 3 purckialqi, it.l: ID 1.1:11S,:1:. April tl. New Agpentlural Settlement. rp4.A.t,tiv.ysTlN.7. I . ..\.:rtitF., a r . • 1 . -47 44 31 itt ri F A N ;rat ri lit • M . 5....11a; .1; Pit", (I.•rt etti,l I:. ,1•;:f• = serail of pin I-a-tire -ail. has ii..oii di; ',,ted it.;-, Ftrasit'ortalihtst sir `a to Snit the tiarclitsera— A potirttatPin .6t - lolnt. fif,P.2:l h tnlr.:.l. fetal ' rarionstarts of thi , nid , ll:. it..ltcs ALI i N, w }: 1,-- lotriliAlitratottled there the past year, iwproe.: theiratases. east raitei eik•at c-up, The priaMOsiland is at the law stun pt trona 4515 to 3520 per,ne.rc: tii, ;al: k of eat he.t Tti lity for tireprothretiaa of I\ - ',1,.: t, t ~.,,,e r, c url , Piwatp:ap.e3 tsri 1 Vezfit t ,,i ( ,. IF j,-; r`u.,.. SEDER Tar'. i11i,5 . 4.,1C1T cilliL IN LiE 1.:5.01.... The .plae_ perf :CI ,. see%re fruit)' fry p-i t it e clettrtirih eue.ay of the farmer.— Crophlff-grain, gran- -,,, , 11 fru:: 11.7 e 12 , `W growiii . ; ait4itoia 0 - _B.oz:a - .1., et:LzaiLlio:.; t!...e place it self,:iiWHlA. ,ipdgment can I,e farmed of tho' propiettAte, l 3l of the lank The terms ati made ' as. Ore *the rap td improveinent of the tam . onlf stAd far actual improverneqt. : Th. lilbe'en, that within the past yea iiWitor SailirlilrealitiMitel'll9tmei bate been orec•t. , (l. two 'lls % ate an? four store; - , st , m,: f ,r.: tit( * sal - Prcach oc. ds planted, and Is , i• cif other I inenta, making it s tiii MIR: eterice pia f butimss. 11 1 1,.RVET, as he Tead:r rnay percei re from flap liklifirion. is tintflt.',ST I.N TIIE UNTON - . Preithettringingliouble the price th , an in 14ations a l list Trnm iiie citr. and mate than dotfhiatthe Price than the •"est. h:s ica04%.1 that thit'esalle:t atoirbeat :"ra.ta and vez,et 1i1it...4 in this instlivie•,..sarnetroiri New Jer:ey, and arc satthatty istuarhod to the extedatof milliou.s. 11-locsitifig berc,.the settler het many suiras- ' utiateAlla•its within a few hours' 71d0 of the groats:4lo of . .."'.;mr 1:4-,10,m.1 and NI ii'lle State:, lie is or his W. friends ami ass oei ati•i.l :,. he is 101 ac ... 14 2 Ao.lllLic:c "Aare Avery impr,orentieLt o: emu tirsokis4 tiiriliiittion is st:b.soad- lie can b ty even, article he. wants at the cheapest p -. t ' - pit hit srtosluce for the hi'-hest, (:n thit. ' -, ~ i t. s ls teve . " - ifta : ,) be' has schools for ••• .e. . rst,W.„viiiCserv - ict, wad, atilt - enjoy to a : ; ;A ot ,,, .arat , - :and delightful' clintste. where , I Cu'. 'ileteirty - - uteiCitown. The result...of the • %-.; j .,. . 4 • Itif t iolafrom tifii north. has gm:lvan:l- • - thatortrthent to as escefleut state of _ s- - - , airti(,baildiag and imp ra n e r wills at the rate Oriels from the brick every; art,icie.ipm-be goo "easpepters a:e at AR p46ptda Union where tte:gal7:4aa:S Pla4e -. C * o.. L l' • laVA"celdsstrickwi44 thikad '4Winte4l,l4,k- b.inisch why not, uet,st" taken, up; ban ,re.— ins iit i ter thrown is the tusr lIsR itigoordzi wete torrent, :2*Ute4:3;f4 examine tlt arc e416.1:54' 114i3q.e.ultivition; - :41W, Eine,i2A that tbevelitt ao Xs Wan their ovritilettlibar ctheiretheimproventents sod "=- oritte perpebitinn. , It "etaft l ),Ll 101114 , ~41,7.4*, t iri. out besesAy, oases* ba it titles; re.. 6101 84, *Wide) 'iPiWirispro4S, ,SlNKiiicateadi aid 2 , , iibileiphis. Xipa sad ttilbras=- i Aotherx wrieft flew., _ J 7 fenaiibul. . .led, would 4 , viq 0y:46 ISO. 4sat ' Afiril 13, 77 I:MMR=!MiII I - 11.1)- - 1 ' .z I z.;1 , .. t a.t• '2.. 4 Me 1111 all I t; 'lll'l e-,•ere act: e 11.,t1 be fir-: et =MI roc!: of tb , r)a - I 4 witl con tirric. to I:1v e • . ,T)) n:111:,,t vc — rk , n...r! ftlf - , 1 1 , t er.n . T:: ,t e :•• 11 c' is hi,r. Qlll. (..I'l..lline or= ant aryl 1% - ith un entinn ti>lC wy nntj '! 0 1' rat h tor t a fair 5i arc too .1%-e-3hilern 111,er- arc that he :11- wivi k,^cp. , 3 nn ha' for Shoe-) and C;4,ter4 . . rc uly bottoalin.z. which he disposes ninon JOUN B.LLLIVEG. Sept. 12, 115.?#. lc TN GET TYS3l7llr:.—The :Inderiqued informt 1 the C:tiz -a.> of the t Loa! he (-1-ron.• los,i the RA:t7INul , tusines.., on a I.trg.7 :tr tiot•t:tor . :-., nearly. ir • .1, It ar.'re lie w‘ll try to ‘ro , . n 1 11'0 rr d fotir).:- a , , , ,e. itOLL-1„. crLlCiirr:RS. hak...: cry- day. (ciun ty:, zik.A.,) 'CI of for be..., q:,111:y. anti at, Coe :owe. : lit Cra , :lter-bak:-..;in u:i:t- :t lat_;ely c.rrlc.i on, land o:lert ti aay froza tu.y L.nd ad.wiuileg eoLn ut toe ,+tnu.)dtuas tutlie-itouae and 5.'.....ry 1 Coo. most ap proved mlaraory, he Is prep trod to do a ucat-y busine.t. LST from the ri;.c‘‘sth tS hest and elicop ; cr est ~sortuic:it owrF , VRt7P3 and IsoLtssrs .twat we 11M0 yet otered, caledlated to plass° all e 9 In quality and prices; 'SUGARS, a „very laige stock ; lute: COFFEIt.S'; Cbeco late„.tiee, Cheese. Spices, (all k - iods.) . frackers and Tea Cakes, rincg;tr. Pickles, Sugar,cnrel Lt. vi and et:M)':l-MRS. Lard, Shad, Markorel Foal. It. Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets, &r.; Flour Salves, Itrooras, Brushes, Lc.; 2111 kink of Cordage. -Carcentrated Lye, Extra and Stiperdnei FLOUR, all kinds of Feed: Pr0.:13 Butter and Eggs corrstantiy on 5 . T(3 . 1 ; Faacy Goods, Confecticitutries and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords as pleasure to show ou r and inviting stock. , NOARECK k ILIIITIN. Gettysburg. May 30, 1059. Globe UM,' M E ot g io g s ee T f \ r s eya re tet ri .xt Y rizz *be Opiprietgr at•tores the poolls.titat it call is *My aweded, as 'be guarantees !WI aatisfactiou in every4ase. Charges moderate. , Lff:SftY USSR, Proprietor.' - Peons, 1859. it ' • • ' - ' . Vrnft4 frerybo47 - Wintse • rAVVittrpcictoit: contliGitii iiipuln' tiogaitie, f`t4. froth' vitikiteil 'tesPose;‘thw. ,S ' , SYMPTOMS - Led CI.TRObf diseiset in ; every' vrjek iroportant IttLES FOR TIM- . A ii, SUN M,HTitt.TIS, tik itirectiodo for' the siletbaliber,‘enti the Ittor efrentitiett of the Slet-41titipoliiris *litter(' lb **obi, easy. Ma Veelirtyltlidetbllitlitesalrte - &idly , 1 ,413 11 ,1 i- dtatik,,,s.„ll/14rtrefiteaueipOstie4trr rimier or midier ini trot drikwiltAtik• frowirb Flowers of the - Field, atir Plaidniof the b, Or the Minerals of_Roetit,;f6e*octek Reses4lol* is l ' ir n e " bit 414 'mot s ftsibletlibirAt4eileebasie ,be r Og .11**-leheisolrere 4 sowerra *sod .0, - ' foothold, there tiorAteir.ef - ARAlleihitlioa, In ' VklMPOllßkalitibliiia**4ollllokic. a Xeithcr dovirmAilwofobib!gods96o.oll,44PeAlat ejkli,tnitrAiit - torkizio ' ,e4wm4 . it II is Tar* & • physiiiihe 4 . Arsoti *V bid abli reaV Jo ei ilig.ceilittsigi -, . • . ••001.4ap s a, .-.1,r- EEO lottew. - gint Bert, 414 par t , hoe gi:01.4146411- 131 lieesiii:ll itit4horlotoviksii-ttaitt 141* iirg aria. -4 . Wri .l o , . Ili/W.44W at ti cakts 11 166 4 4 .11 1 ' idu =EMI r ~i, [; s ... . Somßthing, New VALENtINE sArrEr4 July 23, 1P32 Ron VireArs Again! 7 7-ier - • to :.. t• el), NEE I id! . .p:l" 1)?. 1 orcyll , t tllforrn 1 triectai -oid the piTh.:l44,lt-r.C.i....that i2.U41-I.lAtlr6-M,.‘KiNf nfl i: ,l lrll.lei.at, till t.'S‘hll3hlnent, irt E ~t Nlt,i -(nc Atreet, ',near hie ti,•tt‘,,,L,r . z, 1 0 , w.p•re no hail a at - I -rate lot Qf work, Hu lis prop c.l to pia ap to or.l tt , ,.rer ruts be 4e-,7ed T.z arta 11 , 311.1-1)0.1:i nrrs.ge I .111‘11.• Top, Ruci snac Trotti , ig gies, Jeriey Woc, , nns, &c. NVitis good workmen and good mi.tertal.4, he can pledge ilia work to be of the Le.t Ul3 Id , cei ate anon, tSe IPA est. fr„ t ravp:tirks.; dole at silurt notj(7e. an,l at rates. Country proiu.e *lkea in ' nxt fir '<cork. C.,111 Jaae 13, '37. J.V.7111111M1NF.T,.. _ lope- _ Still at Work ! C ).\.cnu.vos'(.; h,, pu*,l:c. th •••,.1 11“. Coachm..king tilt 1 13!",....5m•t1ii , -.. I, N . , :1 0 2 s is ^l.ery 1 r2.:.'21 street. !It on Iptn 1 'net vitl trillur,..ture to nt(ter ' • 1 ot unt AGEI4, Wr—ron-. tr., of the best an zliperir,r ‘vork ra.c.l. r; Or ail \ind3 None at re..p , 010,1. rit••a, pro) .1::. AnJ Lo the Satit.fAetion of custnuier.t. )uxrax-P.kl , drcE trtl.ta W exchange for work at market pro' ct.s. scirt'ersons desiring irticlea or work in the Conchurtkiug or 13I:1cl. ini'thing line, are re ln‘iteil to on _ _ JOrIS L. lIOLTZWOIITTI zttysburg. Jci. 24, OITTDONE!—I'eutte to the Store at neeen mount for Bargi;o: t--The undersigned would moat re-pectfully irrarm tlte-uttblie that he line purchase,' the Fiore of John WeWert. nt Greenmonnt. Ademt county, brit-way on the road from Gettyeburzto 12.minitsburg. where he expecte, by atteu.ion and 'tomil protite, to re-' fain all the old cuirtont end eecore lots of new 81. stork of DRY 0009 S, of every 4exeription, Groceries, otinfectionwriiei. i4acenswitre, Wooden were; Crockery-ware. Hardware, kr., is large and varied—nos) to tbut•of nay other first etas; store—arid he will seal at prices astonishingly low. Itir only asks a trial, to prove the truth of this assertion. Country produce taken in erchanr for goods J. ALEX. HARPER. The undersigned al - 4o earriey on the CAR ALAEA-LISLItt: businese at the same place, and vat ic otters rare itid enls t 1 parchaikeia. He will warraat . h . ia ii - good, m*l+ll9llll, alarges are aI:PS*4 thi ' crlerate' Repisfring done on short skotih;s: 18'69. ly this ~,!1 • 1: \V BE r FLU Good au& Clicap ! Prater River J. ALBS. iIIARPER . Ws great" ei est market price Artists', Painters' A sr) PIWTOGRAPTIETIS" DF.POT.—The sobstriber has constantly on hood a full ii,ortiot!.t or watezials for tne ti,e of _blau, j'aAtttrrasdPhofegraph , ra. .1 Isoon I g a nd.st taro and b tutilut itroortrumt of Sterearvioc Jimairo. Lyn: , „„ d • eno , rac:nz erf,ry variety of To)Zrign and A.tneriean Ntoi ddr y, ,a , i •vp , . A , 11,0 )tcauty and • h, ..4•••re-, V up,4l the par - Del 11 , -41 . 4 !thz • - ,r ) i •,, d la , 110111t:Cirae. ( . 01 . :N I ' M NI uu the n: ~t t. W.. 4. virteoNG, No 2S. Lltl rte•••• I:4lt.ulor U4l George 111...D01z=30, IVORTM: And Dea.i,..z- /D. CHLS c,,,L,i;L:N- S WAILE, No. 4/ North Howard Et, Lexington and F.ircttc Str•et ,. . Tttlti more, '..1(1. [Dec. 20, 185z4.. First Premium FNAM M.,LED QtSTTAE G ft W . HEyWOOD, tin. 104 North Char/as street. B tit:wore. huvine been c..),,-.lg . cd for the teat 17 yeur4 in the nr.trinfacture and pale of OM! 3.‘0.1\e • Irt , titre, "..ottvd to country irttlit• . Oil 'll'l . l .1 I I T,:e arlety, manufac tured c.rp-e• for Al, J. 11.1 k autl ilom , ler Sett, O:tk and ‘‘.l!—:! T lll•ttng f;num and V..tyv t ‘.ll. ri , rl NI it • 3_,1 i:01,: , ,•,, it Se. Mit:Ll4 ::1, I 5:,9. B. T. Hynson, P.1.h:11 II A.N , IETt. AND \ ;,,. •.„n ILAJri Street one ekor abo*. e .;ton, )1 N. LTI3:):11" —Con,tantly in ore. Pa.?3r e-v 7.ipt 7 .m, 11.11 A of the ant in "t noprw.rl p mem.; Aip —hteor, on I, n(1, and rneaa ft to order, Veneti it Mtn of all enlor.4, And 4 1 11' 11 i trlld.tre 11110ra. bl , with 'l'd ti.e l uhl . (re l'at),r II la the be=t style.— t )1A 7t. p'u:.tad uni tr.nt (nett, or exclaligcl. M.tr, h 7. ;c:,:t. ly New & Rich s'uNEß.w.kp,v, 5! , , v7,R PLAT p A!IE. 1. E. XV.II:NER.., :4;l:and ••••:.:er-1,..th Ns, 10 yarn 13.1L -1I4.011':, , io store tw Itt!.11 we:it of patterns of itlCfl J . eu ht.`, fr, preco,tl-. elni,rm, , in: a u: Liu cluld an,l I;roa, lua:sle 4. S.: •.. flings stt tt.ttt 2.10-1 I, 110 Emerald, . Lolte ,• 401t.1 C.l:ttita. Vest S GI lloin3, 1.0:44,t4. Gold 1 . and, I'Llr.j Gull It'll Pen-. ,u 3 And iltdd and Pkns (V. •r a, jLt L. • g. tu!le , 'tiot MMII rr 1..1 ti. 1"..i-"‘ .11. e ‘: ,, ro.r: , n .•tv.to I !1 . v.: u till,':l,l eT. 01111 W (1,, , / , 14 Art.l 'Pr, c: satirae , i ins; z- , II.VER WARE c.“ 1 ., 1).. I). r nuellE , -: or ur tic.LutlfUlp.ltterfla. J.11 , ,11P-v 17, I , *. I lions° Furnishing Ihrr , t-d :fret!, two ot the llow.trd be 111.1 ItIL, 11111 d.. 1:118 .t to 11 . 0 tt‘ii k. t preitarcd 11 , ez-elieepers. a!ry otlierai NU, lh articles nis they %rant, on the ery let::: Whitetv t,lt, I•lwct.uu,z, Posting. Paint. 11.1:c. Tkioti.i, Shoo. rah And lrtr,ci Ur IVO,9EN-ivarir : Such as Tuba, Buckets. Measures, Tar Buckets, Clntrins, Mauls. Rolling Pins. Butter Prini4, :tr. Brooms Ba4.cts. Mats nod Cordage. Jli's,er'. 5 minute Ice Cream Friiczers. ogritr,lit mad chest—tlie mo.st approved Ititot. Water Co:der, in tVi.od or Metal. Artiiiit s and other most approved Ft dd. a.:d Vcirt tal.de Pre serving Pans. I: lin. lir.ta - m.d and l'i.tt.il t , t Forks an I `pone , .. Cotrce en I Ti a Egg V. LAC:, Buie vs :EA waan Pans S;:nle. slid t: (Ad n 0r , 1 6., l'ots, end T.:^irs,'Serse Lump, loikt tot Tubs. J3ttit Tubs, Knife Cleacer3, Wire Dish r mere. Table M togctllcrr aren't: of acti , les trit ful I I:eC , 2istry to ics. Rohr I'il'e3L FACtIqOr t,...h0,g Machines. Plain T. 13 and Sheet Iron awl Itcit , lacs evarr do r ription. nrina fs,::u-ct to order. A. MlLL'''. 'So 11 N ,, :th Howard Baltimore, Sid March t 4, 1F59. lr Knabe & Co., Nile. 1. 2., :3 and i N. , rth Street,— gm . ,;; ; - „,lloom No, 20 Itsitimore Street, between i L , ght—`.II.TIMORE, Md., Xfanufsetorer , 'of r;:m 'de'al Preutiutu GRANI) ANT) SQVA.III: PIANO FOiITES. Wm. Knsbe r Co would respectfully invite the attention of the public, and especially those ra w tut of a Fllt:ir CLASS PIANO, to their as sorted st" , c" of itetrivnentl, which for power and . 4Wee! - 1 ,- :5 of tnn.l. e.tsry and agreeable touch, and beauty of fini , a, have. by the beat of judges, beta pronounced unrivaled by any in the cot:n -it-3". As to the rehtive merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Cert'llicatts.% of Excellw in our possession, from, THALBERG, G. SATTER and H. VIEXXTEMPS, as also front some of the most distinguished professors and amateurs in the country ; alto to the 'following HIGHEST PREMIIiMS, received within the Last three years: GOLD Itttui.S.p.t the Maryland Institute, 1855, 18543, ie,:vt. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Wasllingtou, 1857; also, MEDAL at the F'rasidt a Institute, Philadel phis, 1856; rinsr PRE:MIrm at Use Meuttenica' Institute, Richmond, 1N is, IRZie Alt instru ments of our martrifketitre /lade 'the full iron frame, and are" gnatwateed for FIVE YEARS. agi,_,Particular attention paid to the selection, of Instrubleats for distant orders, sod a privilege of exchange granted at any time within six mos., If the instruments should not priers entirely satis factory. A. liberal discount to thargyinea, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. • Wholesale dealers will find. it tb their arleles tage to give as a call, as by greatly increased facilities, we are enabled to fill all orders- with dispatch. , ~ • "irelrOcsasantly- ect band, a lave stacorpgient of l i tEl i opiews . from the btAt, Factorise... . swum:Loa:in PIANOS et Great iterPlies at nide*ti falai fhae-t0,050. riattoa Bar, Ilired and Tuned. A call ia respae44d)r tacit:id. • rt 'CULLS - VA-4; January IT, 1859. I. g, ~ : .1, St . SO .it -. e 0.0E4... iT, :.- I. ..- vat ~ f ,11.0. , 2S sod ,INF. otielt, B ,ruifo. Mr ; **to iii.loretark OfY Bi . ta. st--tbe ' ' it of a mttifir Balm Ar.ti c luo I lete•sitertmeid Of gbusgMED mereprlcilrrinerffErWom brottiiiit ilorestigll4.ol6,llllota*NisMo r*e; ft - ofirmatt. Oral* BOtOlo 4,d Inist. isrsi6;-soft, o4 =Ana. 01619, dally, ain, • it irshtei, eel 4ibit -- -- olliaiwit, Obakra, NA r 1,1,1 .rf Omar; Gay street. Xog. 25 •nd 27 jQo'' 'itinl. r .01Ornof t Ilitt. ass' 2 cts. ptr You wive 110 Os. per barrel - ,in buying Moir. 1410 41 11 1 **4.• 01 ?-11 4 f$ 1111Te l • n bnyiog fetNet 2t0Y . 416 liars get 100 pounds in baying Bacon. You save from 1 to 4 eta. per Quad You save from 2 to d els. per pound in buying Coffee. You save, from 2 to 10 cts. per gallon in buying Megassen. ID. 4 41 14P* nag nvo money, • 4 ' OUZIIOft, every article In tbs Grocery nisi • -K..4 by,bloo6. K o f • OUlattAtt; s W.,,,acisiser L./v.l[oou mid Creek 01.1 1l %tinocc. If any body doubt. it let them give us . Tlll4‘, Aud ir :toy are not .etislied we w iit bit %mot that (OWehs<ll bay. • sonicwhere We warrant erery spittle x e 'fie pa , •it all gourli ae , urcly, uo i charge nothing but packing kod if the Goods ure nvt The♦ can be returncti at our expense Persona finding it inconvenient to visit Baltimore, Qan order of ua through the Mail and may rely upon having their order! Promptlpol satisfactorily attendedlo. ro CHAItOg YOU DRATACIIWIRI !Wog k Whole ale and Retail Orocera, F. W. corner of Lexington nod Green rta., Juue 27, ld a. [jAn. 24. ly.] Ilaltiwurt Leather ! Leather ! an; Heinici-k. Sole Leather. Oak and ficinlock :iota Leather. Oak. and Soh-, Leather. French, German,.ind American Calf Skin 4. French, German. and .1 laeriena ',llf Skins. Fiench,Cerw.m. and AmPritAn C:al Skins t(uroc t. Kid and I',iti•lit Leather. Morocco, Kid and Pate-it Leather. Morocco, Kid /wad Pi.tcat Lastiat4, Bimiitig4. Lining [.a?ttn r St Bind:rig+, We incite Countiy Morthant: uud Ittniti"“e turerq to exdratat. our stoLk of Leather, Shoe finding'., n. 1111111111211, &e., which WA. OiTt:r t WilOitttitte or Retail for curh or good paper at the loarestprices. All orders faithfully exeQutecl. 1f.41 . ...CARL), ELY A ROSI7, tio. 4ti South Calt ert at , f3.iluui-re, Md. Sept. 1.?, 18:7J. $4 Something New --.". t GI:'T 1.:T1.1P.P1:1.."E CUSDT:CTED .7... A A_ UPON A LILIELIAI, d: INIP.k.U.TIAL ::- 1'i...1N !—G,fts to ,u:t E. , rvic),iv Gift- o f Gre,t. V alue! .., ,- Glf:s of v. Itettr Q-.llitvi •- :". ..Irtd More c.! Titan '. in The ran>t liberal. punctual and • GIFTEO , IK I:NTER!'f{;4: in ex tqtenr."J: fhe best evoio qce of t !ibis the fact of its heia *theo.)i! .e that Ilitirtd• -, e.0.1...r,ed by the Fre.“. of the Pity in whi,..h it is I , rated. FIE I,o l r - A 1:71.R , FOR St ICTIIERN AND 01{I)ERS! It \ I,Triotir, Write r,- n (''.titiotrtte. it euVir.tee* a `..-• th-m- ‘nd vnrieties of pnblit at ions in every • 3 2 , 0 , rtraent of Liter. Aare. together Nvith Llie> LAP. , iEST LIST of I ornatro.nt ti 3 , ..1" v doable Gaits eNer published. .2150 ditrer • eat vat ittien of which are of le -4,1111 5' et:?., liud frnin elide tU 100 no. READ REAIi cll,trituited ::,:::anctoag our Patron , daring the p.is: y: it. °Vt.:R.5250,00.) IS GIFTS to be .11:trq, during the present year! cwt.:NH:l,z of 4 ; ,, Id 7 '5 ; Lux(' Watche. , , Loc!:- ...: etc, Silk I>ress Patterns, F, gr. Cr..p.!•: 4 11.1•,‘ 1,. 5 . : lhd Lace Collars, 5e11 . 1:1 , 4 cal listromenti, and in f'ct. Souvrittsr: TO 7.77 . SUIT Ertuvaoov ! AGENTS \\*ANTED:7r ?•:: EVERYWHERE. Catitio,ques giving full particulars mailed free to any addreis.—...r. DJu't forget, direct all orders to 11. - It E. iim - T s: CO., No. 41 Ililtiniore Baltimore, Md. opp - , P X.111116C T e.tTt9F•CTIOX G CAPLAN TOIL) Sept. mir 1859. 3m Barr Mill Stones WA D.RANTED.-11. P. STARR .t CO., Car. Yorth and Centre Sr':,, , opp. , ite N. C. R.R. St.ati,m, !I C-71 , 4 Mr., littrArtk ttir: of FBENCII BURRS, hoportv-: and Dealer< in Burr Dolling Cloths. Lea ther and Gunt Baiting!, Cal cined Plaster, and !dill Irons, of \\Tartan...CA Qwat ity-. Also. Coloue. Cocalicu. i I:9ophe's Stco?es of all [Fcb. 7, •59.' ly James H. Bosley, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No , . 124 ,ved 1 26' North Street, RALTINICKZE, 1 am prepared to receite and sell on Corurnii sion all kinds of PItODLT E. Haring an experience of ten y in the rommiss;on business. (and wishing, to continue that alone,) I flatter my self that I shall he n1.0.e to ifore a %.Tl5- FACTION to all who favor me wail consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Gruceries, Guano, and all kinds of Facers. Feb. 14,'59' 13- Howard Rouse, CORNFat Ilowarti and Baltimore Streets, BALTIIIO RE, Mt Sew Proprietors. Pare reduced to $1.30 per day. Call fcr the Howard likonse Coach at the Depots. A. BIIIPE, 1„, . J. N.I3UCK, rt°P"*"”. January 24,'59. ly • • - • ',. 1 01. 4 . 1 ,1‘ ' • - A I?' i • FOUNDED 41 52. Chartered 1854. Locaied COIL OFLTIILORE 4k VII AFILE,49 STa i W.ISXO7/1, MD. . - The TeArzest, Vest glege!!ty Furnished ir 'Popular CotniiierriAlVtAiiiiiVtheArnited Stobtek- DRSIONSD SXPBE3iiii.LEOII UNG Desiring to (Maio a thattaigh Practical Busipea 840 .1 90. • ETery Young Man hAi i Com:ding Desk to bitty. self, andissrparystely Instructed. SIC DU TS 0 Arraxamsok,yiko, ai SA/4T VYtI T 5i4 2 4 ix . rmU stoy. The most Cetewsherretvii awl Thoienrits of Strip amid tiorogy PRACTICAL IMMO -08-14,911W9T4m -Obit 4se bort hittzauFed- • ointfromfrom PristkeiVir .gsainkr,l4 Eerreis EAMPoo Boos : IX4 iv rn ' TIE COIi'MCIAI, This method or instructfenkb serviti . xeeltriistri t dEtedAllticgol49e. Every Toned itiervW4` • isiveNdistati tr *ea of them WOW freerrqati, iirieviketztertor modistesta aft i r=tesassaltzipt Thiehment %silo! brropriiva•froPef-14 1 01443,11ii- Vai Iptinhate,lameN=, lci r l =tet estselrqPdelt. 141 ,6* • alba, • ,z 4,45, 3. _ sowfwestit. MEI )re I • . '•ItiCADY I—the ander .. • itacel sh=arst etannounninft to ; • don salt sairebaatit wen. as; esidaens •of ywhorg, and - . es" W .- ad," that Lis new and tow • us WoNSIOTti e is now open, end that he is - ORAIN ib• PRODUCE of all kinks, for which he Is parting the highest moth/A-prices ; anti while tha public can dispose of their pro• duce to the best advantage. they teethe supplied in return with Groceries. of every description, emssiating of Salt, Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Teas, nice, de., Jtc., also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, Cedar. ware, and a thousand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the eistettiewt bo- ear moue. 'lf' the people 'eensalt their own interest:t w at/duty:44y, they wilt not ffirget the undersleted:ifoOltig the famitisr faces of all my old customers will meet int, again, and with them many new ones, i shall endeavor to please them. - JOBS 110KE. Getty shurg. N0v.12, 111.4,, • N T in buying Tea.. fakirforte , Newi I - EY be vaiLby calling on the ,ih 7k.‘ %:.Srt aa Ncriher. 'nit° hit -just retaroad frozn the nue of the large4t 4tycka of and WINTER, GOOVIS ever lirun o 'nt to Gett) 3A. burg—in part aA follorrs1: t conch '•tertane , , plain and figured, Cuberga o,,tton i)elains. priceß, Orien tal La Silk I}ll:Aion>. and a large assort went of plain and ticr,ttretl ?Inks. tipnc ts. flornbciinel, Arc ; rreheil SVorkial l'ollarsr, La darsleeveß, liandkerehief-, Flognein%, Ed;•- itgs. Virlntv.t.A .Ltnl Shaw, a al I.ineus, as repre..,ented, Vc.tin7q, anti everything else in the I,4rentleuitin's weir Itnt. The under4igne , l ii thankful for past fitvora, azdurill spare no effort to de.erve the poillic's continued patronage. J. L. SCIIICK, Oct. 17. S. W. corner of the Dinnaonkl. ryir.E.Ts ALL DIziEASE.S.—DR, BA AKEFI I will give special attention to the follow lug dolma. Co mil Cold, Con,ummiun, C;oup, Ilronchiti. and an &:eises of the ' 11 , nth, Toro tt. and Lungi. Atten tiou to Cie try itment of all di.a.l.4e;—Lunt-! bago. hum', ursuiule.lthellnlll.- ti,m. Nenrai4,,t. a,', (lisea.es of the .Stoma, h, Lit er and Bowel., al-o all chronic di^es^e> pertaiuing to Women and Cluldreu. Dr. Baakee con pro- duce uue thousand certificates of his pgrleet in cmiing CanceN. ttld Soren ur Ulcer,, Pistol t, Scaid liewls, Wens, jtrelling. and Tu rnur:t ot every deserii,tion and without the use of the knife. The-e nsanea di,ca-mi can not he treated be correspondence, therefore the patient-; must place the:ll.cl'. es under the Doc tofsper•onal eupeni,hon. DR. tIA.IK.IIk: has ulade a new . dlscovery eta Fluid that will produce perfe‘.l, o f the ati4 perf-et vis;i.itt to the Eye wlthout the nee or the linite ur needle, awl lie cures all s of the #.1 , 4 , 7 - .^ ==:3l IVY S."~ , 4 Dr. 81a1.1.e,c3 EvE .km) r,Arz, withodt the use of the knife or needle, ald he has k • oilitNlitiroll hand an excellvut as,orulent Of ketithi(ul Artificial Eyes. and Ty,Upantini , . or E: •r brutris. sultdele fur either sex. and all ages —iff-rt'd in five minutes. Al o, a large ai iernnent of E'tr Trutii , et , of all :roes and every denllption keuwn in :h.! u,,i11. 3140, a large ass irtirent of beautiful Jl.l tdicial llauds. N‘itii Wrist. Arm and E'buw attaelfiatdd4. • 11,,c, of Feet. u .f... 1 ..1 n ',, Ie , Leg aol Knee-joint attach ment--nat- r.ti as - stare itself'. Tlieee .irtiele , , can 1 , • se,d l e y 1•,..,..,:,:-. :,) :111y pfat ollhe wurld. 1)r ke.• i- ~:ie of thc 100-t , el-dtot -1 and sk.li y-,cf.. , i , and ''. , tr , ;, O'k A IIWA I.Vl:tg. IV,. fe is kni,wn pe: -of !ti' in nearly k ‘ery priocip ml city in the win Id. All le;ters address ed to lir. 1;1.1liee must control t,n cent-. to pay ilk pord.fge and incidental r,-ise.. All I:ltrunie dice I , es can be treate cot L e‘potttle tit c, CY.- Cm pt those nientiohed, t will require his per mial ,uozrvisioa. Unice huar, trout 9A. M.. to 4 P. M. DO C Pnl. BA -U; F: E. ~ t 1;10 tdvray. a few doors Above Fun rth strett, Nov. pan. 31. ly] Vorl, City. Wood Lots. IWILL 'ell tar WOOD LOTS. on Mar It cted ,- ... at Private, J tle, uu accommod-itivit terms. Persons tri.,hiog to parchn , 4:. plecsn Cali find. Gettytharg, Oct. 17, 1855 Pollock, Bacon & Co., iVro. SOCTII SEi:DND wl., I'IIII.ADEL -I_l Plll.l. linpqrter, and Wholezale and Ili tat/ Dealers in katt , y and .*pie Dry Goud..— Li this td - .p trtm-nt bus crl u iti rind a cry fall and complete stack of pl dn. mu , ltum an I fancy 1)1E'; ELKS. princip ',A:eat:l. the re cent 1 Ir,z. S de.. ix I'h and New i'or .ind will be .41,-1 IA low the , cost of AI-o. a full line of illat.k Dresi :ill::cq. of the rito-t celebrated mann.; tcture, and high lastre. Also, in their appropriate depart ment , nn extensive and _tried it.s.sorttnent of other press 'Materials, ciiihrac!ng all the most appr.,ve .1 f.•foics and litcst stnles for r.ill and Win'er Wear. t.. , ILAWI.S I 'odd, \VLSI !---In this deportment we offer far the nu-,t exten- Rive a,,,,rtment to he found its the City Which embrar.es all the Istect nnrcitif:t, and most pop nl string. of the seas^n, iu low to superfine Good,: litany of which h eve been purchased at the late large Auction Saks. and will be sold at greatlyreanced prices. (,'EXlAlitil RAGLANS!! MANTLS,S!!!—Buyeri will find in this depart ment t very extensive aisorttuent, and almost endless variety to select from, and without any dunht the largest and most varied Stock hot,4 in point of quality and style to be found in this Country—ranging in prices front low to super fine geode; all manufactured of the best and most approved materials, for Fall and Hinter Wear, and of unequalled workmanship fur first class retail sales. 1 Wecr S.tr.iezers visiting Piiil34..lphiit, are so liv.tted to exAtuine our stock.. A Liber.ti tii.scouut to wholesale cash buyers. POLLOCK, B ICON k No. 241 South Second Street, rbiLidelpbie. Oct. '24, ISS.r./. :sm • a Cheap Clothing. GE.. ARNOLD has now got irp bis stock of FALL AND WINTER CLUT11LN(3......4411 suss and of every variety. Ocer Costs, Drees Stet!, Monkey Jackets, Vests, Pantaloons,' Drawers, Shirts, Gloves, -Hosiery, 4.c., all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, for thsatouey. Call and "see them. pet. 3, 'SO. Pine Old Brandies. E sub3eribers, Importers ftnd.Dealers in WIN VB"4 LIQUORS, would most respect- l a - y tall the attention of purchasers to their Old Estsblistintent, Ns. 5 North From Street, Milituktpitbs, likketio they ,have a large assort =t. Wines and Liquors of the choicest -an& tinalltits. lissting made arrange. c Istinfahrith 'some °film first houses in Cognac anitßoelatila, enalHes them to furnish to their enlietiters, upon the. moat liberal terms, the foiloerimg bromide of Cognac ispd B.schelle i _. BRANDIES': Otsvdi -Hannesy, Nalesslon, Klan Cotillion. J. J. Dopey h. go. t T, Pius, Af.Aireiviette.iiiieftei, ilatetti te., *a y of vntions I:sitalds sittiss.. wtmes: .mpa:p., Madeira, Isishent;Oht Alcart4'irenstiffe, Rargundy, Hook, Muscat,. SherryNad Malaga Wine,. ' . 11,o,llend Gin, Scheldses Schnapps, Jamtlicit Ideits , Heotab and Irish Whiskey, teach, Ay. e,llhacktreery, Chewy, Gissgsw, sad , Sitspbsrt, titiari%ClortiOilsi. Wins Bitters; liatuttisgi althea; - ; 4ll Vttiatt Bohr Propristore rit the Oa it -;'•Copinsititl,y,ost: ben d ow_ stx. \ ansho iktirefid***Df.babir IVO ask& *'~ey'viititgintleginddsi eau" oF litlatAintdat 44011/ tiepttior osld - , 14 0v164 - 4itotteofr ... , H 41Sce holit,beiftimiq tske uistes_orth. . yes to be-5,14,11,44 EMU SLINRIS, mitten 0001 IMO- STOOL Cook and. Parlor Stovea:. A sbitawror, LF-A- Youthrespectfully:in. A -form the public that he now bas .lot at CuoK anti PARLOR, BTOVF,S, which he offers at prices eta suit the times. Gotta - 301411g, Aug. '2Q, 184. Dr. Bl'Lane's ritI.EBRAVEI. NERNIfituP: a Lirelf m i. ic.tve to cal) the a ttect:s - tjult of the Trime. :)11,1 awry eqprcially th s l'ily-kiallwot the ~ .mitrv. to two of.theinoat popularrmne,i les now hemrc the public. We g refer to DR. (ALA.:S. M LANK'S CELF:IIRATkb VER!,III'O;I;.LNU LIVER W e do nut rttcotutionitl Vuthl tutiver,-d l'urt-aIIY, to but simply I,r wheat their mime mirtiort4, viz: The 1:t; E, for exv•llimz Wqrin:fetnr, the human ..v,tent. It neim lere , ' wt:it thetooaiul faeturyre,tt,t.t,'‘a -Iv/us Animal, .11 1 ,,je,•1 VI Worms. The LlVEift t=t for the cote 01 Lierri I 'owe/. tiars, all Al L) , RA \ GEMEN Ti, SILK. litAb—A,C,lE, ILL tA. A • 'lf I:11 .1 h dl.Ol- E, pt cparatory to or 4.1-r t.iking Quinine, they almost iuvaria. A lily make a speedy anti permanent cure. As apc , jfic, fur the above mentioned dig - L il l eases, they arc unrivaled, and clever knorrit to fail wban adminigtered in accordance with = the directions. Their unpreeedented popularity hits in-; 3 4 duced t Propri eturs,FLF,SIING 13 itOTIIERS, PITT P.O. PA., to di:Tose of their Drug •eo businei6.ln which they have been sucee4sfully e. engaged fur the last years. and they will idei now give their undivided tittle end attention to their illatluficture. And being deteruilued "that Dr. If 1 Inc's Celebrated Vertnifuge and Liver Pith idholl continue to occupy the high poaition they now hold among the great retnedies of the day. they tit ill continue to spare neither time nor expen..e in procuring the Best and Purest material?. Knit VOllll/0111111 thr rn in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEAIISti BROTHERS, Pittsburg. Pa. P. S.—Dealer; and Plipician4 ordering from other , .. than Ficmin , ,t itto , will do well to write their orders ili3tinetly. and hike none but Dr. )p'lane's, prrparAd by Renohy Bros., litta6w7, Tu tho*e v. tailing to give them a trial, we d per mail pot p.‘iti, to anyvLtt of the United State*, one hoz of NH* for twelve three-cent portage or one vial of Ver_ mifuge for fourteen three -rent stamps. All or der: from I `Aml(fa iou,t be accompanied by twee' ty cent; ext.:a. Fur &IL, by A. D. Fnehter, Agent, GloettygbArg, and by a.. IL r. gc:err.tllr thruti,;hout the county. May '2. 1P i 9. ly The Cheap Book Store, p1,11,,mp:,..8, L,, nt No. 224 North Second t'ea 11..“_•e and Vine streets f )— f,4r IRLinIIFJ NF.kItLV . QUAI:Tta OP A CINTCILY .1t:o unti n (2 , 4 u••ini.;,.45 on the pria ciiilit Of the ;„ p , ," &C. Con,t•intly on and 1. , u1d to Country Store Keepers, Public and Private, at ‘VhQlc.iale, and to everybody ,111 kirdzrof Buokx, Integt editioN" Fun:. Le•p.,r• H 12,1 Note Papers, Slat , _- Nuk .tlll Blue Cads, - Letter .tl,l ,ote le great variety, Copy flook, C:plß.ri4g and' Compositiou 110,,k•, 131.,nk .C. , •nunt Awl 7ttetnoraninin nuns rite,, till tut qualitiel mud vosious uric •q, : , teet Peas nod Pen Irrappt rig P.• per! and Bonnet Boards, I.l.tirkail./e,, Di.trie.,. Lead reneils t Writing. ,School Reward=, and everything else—he side: F . :tinily. and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Book, Pry . % er look;. together with a large Stock_of Book, in every department of Litera ture. and suitod to erery taste. tkelll at the %err lotveat Nett Cash Pri ce.±.--ti-A' GET 7 k CO PdIVIIVAIS k`iP BUOKSJ:LLtIt.S. No. 224 Yorth Stcond glreet. Philadelphia. GEO. AftSULD 2t &a - Particular attention paid to all 'ordera by mail. EMIIIIIII=I Gain. and Produce House, NT11.1)11Ti:Sfill1G STREET.—The un o iler+ignedik having • intre.ha*ed the large building ill the rear of store on Cinitnberm lo.rf.barg :treet. known as Canty's Brewery," ha; can: erted it hitt) at Produce Warehouse. z. I I- n. , w prep tr..,1 1) rec..!iVe all kinds of 6r-Ain and pr,l.le,u, o , it _ WHEAT. CORN, 5.,3 4: • . for It fi:ch the highest market price hill Ire gitct. 3CMTnrtln4.lte those who may prefer it." I will r”cs,ive on COMMISSION end frA%ex,ll% - wilta of all kinds, It made ar rln4enoPnt: for that purpose wI ~ apousible hoit4e in the rity, . . I a 1.., continue my Grocery and Variety Store, and keep on hand GROCERIES. of all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. Teas. Rice, * Oiltb Spices, Fish, Cedar-tr.:re, 41t. Daring just re-eired a very . large eupply, p aced on remarkably favorable terrnao„ am p epared to furniah Country Dealers very cheaply, and hill aria at all titue4, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to seD as cheap 11.9 the ehe.tpest. on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1859. -- Farmers' & Meehanles' " SAVINGS EN`STITrTION VFADAMS &TN TV......Weallit coma t g ariiiip.:—Diposlto yuur surplus funds itt this Institution and re. ceiee interest at the rate of front till° to four per cent. This inctitntion offers a safe, convenient and profitable depository to all glames of people, July 4, 1..e53. . Special Aimitkurte,ement 11.011 Till?, QL'AICER CITY 'PUBLISHING • HOUSE t—. 106,000 Catalogues, neir,,-„en. I • F rged and revised—now ready for distribotion, Superier_inducements to the public.—A\.new l. masers plan for obtaining GOLD led - SILVER WA,TC.DES., and other valuable }irises, ion .. particulars given in Cato*logues) which 'will Le sent free to all upon application...,, - _,, - Veloshie Gifts, worth from 50 - nr.s. 4709, GI.7.4t4AXTRED to each, purebsilar; .$106,606 in Gifts have been distrfblited - te. yny -Patrons within the past six months—slso,ooo to be es. tributed dttelnii the next six 6 "; Om - ..,.. _ The inducements offevt , Aguas tter- Wre liberurfintn.those 'of any ether booss issOte business. ilistag' 'been in the rnbliskiltrititdaligtoell ing htistups for the last efghislesefiliitle ex- Perteitel PitOties me to eortilitei ask tilt guier- PrIP-Wnblit.osstebstest Smiaisitiostio us.4,oitr," ACIINTIVIFFAFTEIVU4susrsusyst_IOW : county. rtiffsl6ll.l4,kaittsilis• '.„.W, 11131.180:4 e 4naker City Publishing/ 1 ,1 1 ,,,-r Rept. 26, 186?..1i), . 4Q—idilllir-8 ‘‘,:i0.4.-4:' . - -- viratehee,-zenr‘evii --- A ND 81LY110 .1 3717=-. A alffttt or taffy fames' vieftleirPittaliali 1 .ab le treolly tifff!t'letilatirikatif• - : „ etirfllVetf Iftwetry,,:lipte tifslfttiffSeift, it No. ire offer Who,' cask Pricer, IrrestK^dc flrst-eft94 WO' I • 4 r • am
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers