grz CI _ . 0 "Abe 11.Liajlt., , tby“ ' , 4:. Kinsey, Mr. WlLtAitit-g t .L - B. ~,,c3.-i. • • .. ~ ~, m , afe te NC/MINNS; • . ... 4 •Li r •i,j ,- -''''', I r A s co. Ocig[e' 2 :;‘• T ' i 4 r, iiib ki., Mr. RENT S& Lila :: 4 4, 1,5 (.3stp„ - ' s county to 311 A 1: YIK I GII CAI' ___.„,” • ' iin. ',,,e Nu-. Michael R.idtrioi.t.lie %ribs - r pliiee, ; • ' Oaratie die 1,1 4 liktht ?tonlsingo Ma pcl, Ur.. • lifiE 414.1.1115E*7 to M 2 ss LOUISA FO boil' of Adilas ninety. Oil the 13th ins., at Ore.:flute place, Mr .M -SFl'd 1). ADAMS. of ihidiskilig tier - York: conaksf.,l4 )4 i ss }l..k.ltii .:-lAA. W It.E:s 2F:, of Adams cuuntv. . tio /he'ediOrect... by Robinsoi. Esq.. ANTHONY PETERS to Mrs UARG'AEET SHINGLibDEGKEE, both of HistontestbanSeS• fla inst., by the seine. Ms. JOHN ICEPPERLY to Miss HARRIET PRA4I/3., bon* vt iiiimiltonhan township. On Thursday las!. by the Rev. Mr. Bishop, Mr. ARMOR B. BOYD tiMit AIIANDS(.O YEW HOLTZER, both of Liberty township. On the 22d inst., at the residence of the bride's father,Jry Rev. S. W. Seibert, Mr. AL- FitElY A. WIERMAN to Miss MARY JANE DIY, both of Adiumuseounty. Ott the 15th ult.„ by Res. Wm, Bishop. Mr. AARON HARVEY, of Sz,ligo. ohm, to „Miss MARIA E. BLESSING, of Harrisburg. formerly of this Ness Magnolia, Putnam county, Illinois, on the 15th or pt ,, .165 , , by George Dent, M. EDWAIP 'LABE, of Galveston, Te.r.a., to MiAel LrettrlA M. WIERMAN ; and on the same day, by List same,.,Mr. JOHN RALF.Y, of Put nam county, to Miss HANNAH M. WIER, to - ciao . diuseaters of Joel Wierman, former ly of hitis county. Died._ OssSuesday morning, Nov. 2011, lir. W I latti A M GAL/IR:kaki, at Butler township, in the Bth Sex J. Alpe. Oeskiathialsif eseilk, Mr. JOHN HENRY 15..- FEVF.R, aott .of Amos Lefever, Esq., of Union s.nstessitip., aged 21 years 3 months and 22 days. tie Spada!, the 9th of October, ELLiA. ADAMS, agr.4 15 years and 2 months ; ou Sun alay, .tke 28th of October, ANNA ADAMS. aged year 6 months sista 18 days ; 00 Monday. the :that November, 1011 N ADAMS, aged 2 years and, 16 days; on IVeduesday, the t•oth of Novena- Ler, MAMA ADAMS, aged 7 %ears 10 months and 21 days.children of Mr. Adateq, 441 Oxford township; and on WeilueAdey, the lt;th of November, CA.TII.IR.INE ADAMS, a ife of Mr. Itmhard Ad leis, aged 43 years 1 month and 3 days. On the 21st inst.. in New Oxford. Mrs.SARAII A. DOLL, wife of Charles W. Dull, aged 28 ;ears 2 months and 8 days. On the 16th in,t., in Hanuver, Mrs. crren• Loirt-calusriAs.l LAsuE, %gel! 83 years t; months and 2 days. Ott Friday kat, LAURA JANE, daughter of Mr. Samuel !Lintel, of Cumberland township, aged S years 8 months sail 13 days. Special DTFTErff A —TI ere is is , rlsays em 43;i01/11 which de atr,,ye tl. happiness and comfort, of icslisi.luals. end ism( Lea to the same extent as Dyspepsia or loNdstiod. PrerhAsly to tLe d too •ry uf tb• HITTIERS tistre axisted W 1.0.1 tea. aecewble to thaw atigeriag from t6....d• spread 41.a.e, gape.' saUa►tl .1.1 1O say 'carted ante.. The power rfihese Bitters eve the &here sa,l4 am.' as wall AJ over all thee. !laving their cosies n lak verfeet d,ceeti , rt. and re'Detiectal dimmer of the stegasiO, Au well as AiUaad Ueweral Debillti L bexual all quest:eh. Ita iproly aced mrmaoltat aorta of ►atom of tho assonsat sod rtul,t.ra earl on rocord 14 sufficient ouolrzaatioo of U.. fact. COPS OF A LETT Ell FROM, A SCIIOOL F i IIACUER lb; IttiFROIT —Detroit. Mich.. /One 214 * 1553.—Meetre, S. W. Forte &Co Hoetoti :—la relcrimmello theilihrygenaneel Latent. 1 can ray, that after bating the lityaliesiala Ito( erverid mouth.. atal alueet alias pith itallf MI& boavismaa uy atonisch, I wee weren't unimi by a friend who had been eared Or the itaiive ruieilibhre to try a *Ate OTenIVII Oxygenated Bittern. Liebee .aunt heir a brittle I 614 greatly relieved. and by the time t bad used two bottle., and a but 1 was 'entirety well, Rol iit,lll rentals 10. knew of meant cams libk , • dietrieinirag eventliali e y barn, which have been autintly card by Oita itlealitidate sea Ng, -tine „arid it time me eerie pleisyre to recommend it to may and al! who may be intrarin fro., tl iudteadful malady. W. A. BACON. Timelier of Detroit Nil/tot &boot. Deepened by eeth W. Airrityr.P.' Fontes, Ind the Ayr A Doubler, tridia Jacob Futeeilior i bars; !d otto i ittittiarovr, Abbate. torsi; Willtava Wait. Exit Fortis; Pear tea; Nita. 11.1 Metcalf. lota Aprinir../ame. A Flder, Nat, anit.burg ;and by ali dealers in nviebnium. Oter.l4. 4w TIIP. Tlat‘l pit coml't.l.TE.—Ausnther perfect ears of .Ppil.psy Ur Dr Dance' Epit.Tile Pals, Lharagt. Neck: Porianlmmeir t 4., Oct lg. lila. Dr. Irlahre—Deer NI . : —Hanes bless arn‘ehret eritktelle Ste fur some !eery lad, I dejes.uineil to give your PAD ir pideertiseumn et Irefch I set In some cir the peters ) sod to u•t• them Gee Otis ebalgthe, melts) I was elatpAy cartel. I leetlees Urge to he a /tat Attie •rliet•• ' Azit mote here then, I tars kid .0 att4eit. met gm on in the egic. 4 of good health. 1 Jew, very re•pec.:v. ;IT, ruin. km, JUNITLIAN .1. JACCIt.i. P. S. The NUN were recommended to me tae Mr. Nattous Neel,. of this enunte, to doer add rota you *est ituttn. Theo* rills, Leulss eu riug, a ept.cltle lot ail rookrileatioue of uer,anistiA,.i.a per bus , Ur, Luxe* for Itu; troll, Mier f..r fr. 4 Persona roelueitsig a. remittance aril! h. 0.• t b . fills .eat thorn throagh tba. rasa, r+a Ito receipt Yu"- Asia ttszn 208 beltopone street. lulu uwre, alai , to a leom orlon from alt parts of tLe t:nl,-111.11.t addrewd. (Nut. 21. lm TO CO\ yrtt PT! Vitt; —The adeertimer tomb:m.6,ms re eaute.l to he•to In a tee reeks. by a very simple rein**, rifler LAT./IC 41114cted it I ti - a I OCT an Lung Af f • Ztiu rt, Atka t ;ea Id • %ca... evnlalsn t rl4.4-- 1 / 1 1,/.llSitlel to mate too. at to tie fettos turirerr e&emu of curb. To alt Vho .tesre at he oat son t a c.rpy o lb. p r e a c t ipli o . 11. 4 4 ( -se), ...tL altlta.l3.ll !Of prej.l,DS and ut7.r, the •. so, ,ey wig! illta II cunt CUM f o r COO -1.4 uptwn. Ilronctotio. /to The Otli I ohjeet bf lb. advertiser to semiotic the preaestotacto iv to Moeda the &Ore led. tool lie towes every follow wilt irj hos ratoesty, As it yell co-t then uotaiug, ao-I tna• prove a blassiag. Pattie. ar,aL lad I L, p t ,,,,,p/,‘, nil plea... ad Irate ISE V St* A HIV A WILSON, ollsamsburch, co., 31. :la THE 11ltE1T ENUI,O2II 11.1:11EDY ' JIVES Cttttb E'S tetras cue, Yeats PILL!. prepared from preacepttoo by oir.l Marta, %t U. Payakofao X r atrairail.- part tak. tat 4,Av•a Tu, well k aura alialtiaaasp *a but a /eat an I Cir♦ remedy rnr r.aoe boseuter“ au l Otwtructiotaa, fro ti Atli [Ails arhattlt'et, ad •itiltolagtl & poreefett remedy, they cuuteiu ibtel4ll4 hurtful to the c .a•Ltataaa. To alinellelk 4,tUtiell It ‘• pettlharly mu ital. Lt witina. start Cum', torkag uu tbe.t.auaulty rich rquitrity. e # 4 - ettene 2111 a hare carer twee ko>l..e to ad wheels the dlrretaoa• ea pica of. pa:4p.: (ISt are well ulser•ed r fu fiber p trticu:ara gct a pamphlet lave of the sweat. B sada poltage CnelOtokt to say 1itn.14,14, i &pat, will SUAlatil & tenth!, cuutaiceng over lef pill. by rekurst of ;Lauf. T. W. Drutt San, Nr...aaala Agenta, Ph;luietphi•.— A D. Deshler, bleht, tiettyebur i r (June 12, 'H. 17 tEr Persou ar;ah.og to ert•bfalt Mataatectorlar le &Dew aol thrtrua; place a - tiara bait/etas a goat, sae adrertLe aetat of tlaa lialnasoctoo t'ettlocueot. 1 1 1 h.e) Markets_ IT Y.Slil..llU—Say ti 4.) .114 t„Ls.r.i Taase for 18459. Superfine Flour t 50 ,to 5 00 -0 56 ME undersigned, Collector of theßtate and Fie. 1.495 t • ' County Tears of lieuditontian tow/Isaac ;1 kite Wheat 1 10. to 1 20 I • • I or 1669. •hereby informs throes iwerreare that kited Wheat. . 1 U 5 to 1 12 be will be at &hivelloa Hotel. in Fairfield. on (9cde .-... ...... 70 , Ekihrrdely, far 244 ay of Drees*ber lux t, to re it.., e ,ti ''''', 1 cert. - raid - Tines, lee well se the Militia ) tines. °Ate wheat S - .. "" I It is eartreetly urged trimn clime ortnebave not Buck „.„ paid to iniiterpitritent by Orr/lay Boils/use% goal. ~.......,--...,-. 2ru I atter'tlist-nolliic done's/ iisrbe orifirced accorheso od.A tsding 'ior4; iSjittd?,-..1.--4-.......•••n•-• 4—.4 50 0 4 ' ) - 5 ' to , WV. it'OGusitto HAftirz ea., Collettor. Timothy Seed A 175 Idoe."18, 11150. F1u...-Seed --- 120-, 11.Lrley • GO ~,1 I Lack( me—Dr '" oss Goais tastes of Paris 6 ," T (0599-. New se ens cina.nowitakeerna. . _ lesser ground, - per beg ... rs _. .• 5 1 .. 4.48.0. AIi.B.NO‘D• is felling of the fel t pod ovegooripat met: '25 .cent Muslin Xelosumi at 20, 20 cent do. at 16, 124 do. at.. 1.0; garage . , Delanes at simile.* "retie'; 60 cent Coburg J • Clothisst. Illf,-0nd..311 'genetic. at 25; Moseys, A A Gin arms, e;alicoat, Moolt , 'Rlannels, and Ands, 2uattrtlnr.aininr , rites+ 'wing Leong and 'Moire l 1 rSlionds4 ,Batt a seed.bentr Retiv.-28,..2839. 1 !!!IEZI!!!:1 11231 BALTI3IfORIS—Pirin;r - iist Fleur:- I rt . 4,ti_t• ni l - i'„,,,, • , ,:. ..y.N. • ( ... ,, Opt;! !lA , '. ..... 033,;nyilifi.r " ! . . ' : .•'' C ellgt -Timoth Bee 1 1. rft. — ..... .. . • , Hop, per • ~,, -...! hay ems. 1, ‘ , .71: . ; ~ • IL ' ~-.., HANOVER-ZTins...Der AST F I our,Nfiont-warrerstv.r.....t:a..,3h DCs.k . om-yeorerts...l ; 44.7.• Wheat Corn ; Clore! Seed a A 1-.41;. *4 l Na 104. 411 4. Floor, from . . i .004 Dot *OA , AR* i Whest r :444. 1 /8 s ter nye 44.444106110.004.ip0i50migimi11gui.44.);' SO COrAtait4 4. "" 6 " .*W.**4 - 411 I .........3.~..A. ..... .. w..w !!!Z!!M!1!1!I Clover 5ad..........•••• ••••••••• Timothy 130ed—.......---il."••" Piaster «.•••...... , 100;241CrAWV13M* -....-,............ - .11••••••10.4.1•MMIN , M.V./i . ... ...... I -- " ,- T - 7 , 1 1" "rf ' . * - t INX/I•ma ,4 Ty r •- , litts.mi* - VaiwpAgijtehrate, • 11.4 e. VP Beeps, raw Os** 4 blosabiataasta II NM* Va lbw L a , : 8):I.11 . , As. Wbrairssmikl .. 4 ~,.-_..... li r 1" • Itt 41:1C . S.A.E.i.- City •': Circuitry root 1 • selortaboet ire ai *are ribe r Attorney in Fact for the if istOr sr saseset is= Olas Maw sp ' and all thenliftdeen;istief Legal Representatke`s, i ress7red vsfa i likli? ) ,:M t Essw' °as woe*. not. hum Wittietiti. deceitsed,' - will offer at PO. s wneteaui /Await 11.:caos. A.lOl ~ i lirine4Wasksairersetials. st ash edinsataLat tor We, I Itc Elsie, eV the'lreil Estilte'of said des eased tooled as. 4:11 amort y madantrittroat. • the - taloa ing Units soil places, to wit , as , 10.1,i ~t, ..,„.. -,rfarrsoblq, tire 224 sky of The ISM, at the .....,._____ THY PM11110114()ta Thirmtl_A sem p o p.. m ooo m , late residence of said deceased, in Gettysburg, ,as lAbmilammia sad lipissitmaa, our sattiatt fair& thill as- .4.t 12 o'clock, M , of said day, the property in csiocts at Os ants lia &UMW 1g at Liscamiammaa. is Kim Joe- ' G e tt r tha r g iol, au: b. saboirtbartfar at call 2,:0 cants par anima I ...." -- leetoai*.tt.e. ..t.= : .......... Ado r e. to ald. I no. 1: THE' MANIIION, brlate residence of slam of nu ltsessar, r. 0,, Atka's,. omaaty, , ; said deceased, being a fall Lot, fronting on , keys Jana. 'Maas amain casts lama. of ow best twit. - South Baltfinore street, bounded by lot of tr, to moo of Ms haslthisat sal osiet dal isbilat climates to - t hansberlin's heirs on the north and west, on . esti Baton, aad wham crops ma °ever cat do.' by (roots, • th. umbel* •mosrao of ttis worth, mos savastiscommist of the south by an alley. The itnprore- ; lloamtiosataa Loads. i mimic, err a goo d two-story Brick bwelf-' gm tiorsE.., El:fr firm LaoKia for sal* 23 mile. from PhilsAl•lphia by 11 4roael la ttta State of Now Sorsa,. Soil &Isom* tha bait fop eitristitarall pi rpows, hems • gook Seam Mil, filth • clay b.,ttura Tb• lankl is a Wye treat, die idol illlllo lams, mat basdrods from .11 part 4 of the reentry are but •ettliaa and buihima. Tit• crop* prortured are lo. -Re and sae be seen (melte 'kei• eklestete deligiatfa I. Lod errors from frosts. T•euts from OIS ts. 013 per " " •PH p r in4 l:Ll ertabasileer )116/41 by fantalmenta. vialt tb. Wore P.a. s4eiat Wharf, at ea isA4ll4.l.auk, at lat A fd , try itaalroad for itarwaostoa, or address B I Byres/a, by ;attar, tLatootostoo Post (Mat, Atlanta county, Nee J•r- Nay, Boa fall advertise meat Ire 1110RILMIt COid 131/1 DER.ANCINAIENTS OP VIE LIVER AND BTONACII sliwal4 at owes ba attended tn. ROUNLA ND'S aIEEIIAN BITTERS, prepereJ byDr C. Jackson. nand/101a, b/d by dirwirlote and medicines weary. Wien, will care all deseaent arwin i c from a 4enoi4ered Liver or kosearb. for W. by A D. Daob'er, Are nt, Gettysburg—aid deal•rs poorrally thrna &oat th• eausty Nov. 21 1.• TOR* G. BRAN KERlioFf. Surveyor for the county of Adams. OtEce iu Straban town ship. Post-Office address, Huoterstown. Adlms concity, Pa. (Nov. 18. 1859. NTOTICE is hereby given to at legatees and jother persons concerned that the .ldmin it.tration accounts hereinafter meatiosted will be presented at the Orphan's Gsurt of AdpuM county for coafirtuation and allowance, on Tauday, the 27th oj Decanter imet, at 10 o'clock, A. %t., vi;: The first and final account of .110sal Seek, Guardian of Lucy Ann Kohler, minor daughter of Jacob Kohler, deceased. 153. This first -account of Wifilasir; Walter, Executiir of the last sOll and tertamsaj. gf George Walter,late of Frinklin townshlpdeoftl. 1.16. The first and final account of Getrge Throne, Administrator of the estate of John late of Woollen township, deceased. tie first and float account of Edirard Ipalqing, Administrator of William flemler, deceased. 158. The account of Ybbn Watford, Adminis trator df the estate. of :sidles filaydet, deceased' late of Ifuntington towisstritt. MD. The first tete:nit of Arcot: Ifyers, Exectitor orate hurt "rill and testament of fled: Toot, deceased.' UAL First sccollef of Wm. If. Webb, Admin istrator ofthe Mate of Henry Stombingh, dec. 101. The sccoant of E. W. Sikh*, fituardlals of Wm. Lyitisln .11tomas, Philip" 11. Thomas, Ramey ?hoists, and Jacob P. ?homes, minor children of Jaeob P. Thomas, deceased. 182. The first itcount of Joel 11. Dinner, Ex ecutor of Isaric Riddietnoser, deceased. 163. The first and firm! account of Sensual ritster, Guardiaa of 'Emanuel George Trostlet one of the furnor children offfeitry Trostte,-dhc. 19. The second account of Maxwell Shields, tuardito of Martha Virginia Knox minor chid of Sfmuel Knox, deceased, exhibited try ff. Yi . .stahall and John Si ceselman All tuttlistratoli- of. the *shim: of the Said 3flinstilt d'Eteiised. les. -Tree grednd actotrat of Iffixikil uartlAppf .4fabetti ilerriettivist, _nit& or ch il d ot.ftmllei End*, dinette& Witt ittofilitlititet ff. filar/hail AntJ'hira Ildskseftdatt, Administritoopf the eftife OfjfaXwel? decessild: rink' littr - Oentiltribt iFlAritelt Eiq., Testamentary Trustee fui tire. liar:beret C. Witherow antilanghter, ct i nd . q the till of Sam uel iluteislifiliti,Jorflit.bosongh - .C.Cdtty. burg. doceasid-, exhibited hy James H. Marsha.% rr Jah 4 -likolsisszl , Aaintitiftrators of an Nu* of Ilisxsirell dlitseased. 347. The tcertaist Cif I4stwe 113Ajeida, 8 44 1-: grirdisaaCtbeiesheAs 44nowel Wiktumw, 'Mims P. Witiserow, hiargsset $. Witberosr, 4(u Witheitoir, trasah Witbares, fobs Witisecont, ems. gustiest Wonis •Wisheyotw children, eiZeit: sod.- - 1401.•1. • w *two% diccooliostum‘bit Jaws 114.41 1 P40111144-449 ussekclus f eleleticiataistors (440 *state of *WIT. v(elikaltidAt 4•99/leol. %14 1 4 AR }WEALS, R f firtsr. RegiSter s t-046‘Aiisuges,q, burg, Nov. 28, 1859. - ---s 4s-AAP 44, fill itio-la In ....4 -- Stock. lionk . tacos .s it.c.,19 thlt said . Ripest f New Oxford, Oct. 1 , 1859. tie Sheads and . IT. jineisler, a s xttoen the busipeas 1 , ------- .. _ ~......_ ___......_ ffere We Irre Alittfii! It' l' Will bet.untinued under the firm pt SIIEADS . & 1 li rr.ut:Ert. Allifebis die to the firm otSheads; ! A. f.SIOEft STOCK AND cirE,Aitii'cAn. t s' Huehkr 'lt Knriz are to be paid to, and those , THAN }:TliFt I—MAIICLI . due from tlienre. to be disebared by, the firui , jtio."returned from the . t.ities of.N,ew York atioo' , of needs & Bpi filer, 40BICHT SITE ADS, i PhiLitlelkt„ with the largest stock'of Fall sad • C. 11. IMEPLEdt, Wiutir bing ever oifcred in Getty;burg,..... A. D.,Ky RTZ. .1 Samson is noted for selling good and 'elle, Clothing, 'hut the stock now on band excent tr g etwod bil t ociatlox6, , I an.t-tbing he tfas been able to °ler liere . fotare— Elfiu,Awirin d k„—.Aß. lo §, o 4,4hi s iii m a on ! having purcha , el ' on udinntageous terms.— 4 ,00tabliohod by wile Lek i tadotreowt ::i or t h e , His stock consists in part, of all kinds of Ot er lefof the libels :tad Dietreoseill, aillobsd ankh : coat's, S'havel., Pantaloons. IVai-teoats, rilifer- t 1-04,01, anti Ep w et , ick ki,,,, 4 ,,, ,,Auti d . „ pro w s . shirts, Drawers, Gloves, llat S cud rup.l, BOOti , ).e..lbst.o gee n( hieenins.ofittlesezwit p rows ._ 1 A n r d Shoes, and in fact ever thing necessary to 4 Redical sidnice giving gratis, by the Acting • rig a man out (ruin heat! to feet in sonni.dete Suraditnatit.altedbpartpir-hordetter, with a di. order. if tiny one %ants a complete sullsm- Cp.t)D AND CllA.P—they will do well eription of their cluditio., (age, oceopatitoi, shim -of.-life,- Lc., and-in eases of extreme , calliPg at Samion'g• ars, *overt; ,I tilittilbl rentlabilillinf charge. 1 lal3i'llso—Nuticallustru,ments,Jewelly •V-0143•11/411LAJeliP,OitoreSpermatorrisesar, aXioutiasous on hand s , which , snd it at is nut uecessarfto , egg other Disease s et the,bknuel Organs, soldSA /60. mg the /liW jIEUSULFeid employed in the, Dis. Oct. 24, 1959. -- - - - -- isieaef) , atilt to t4O edlieted im 'tooled envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for post- k _ Tto leireate# D, vet( ago will he seeeptable. i QV TUE AG la-4atiallielitssety *O cslwatnig Address Dr. J.-Si:U.I.EN 11OLIGIITOS, Acting Illieitiisatians cao„bwessaed ttnastati 13: eg , L. Surgeon, llowetd Association, No. 2 South Is ,I.EICS, CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC XIX 2;iutli threet, Philadelphia, Pa. Ily order of TI. RE,. Ilany prominent ciliates-O(4W and • the Directors:- EZRA D. LEA= WELL, i the adjoining counties, have testified to isis , lieu. I•isciilLD, Sec . '. l'rer' I. , great utility. Ile success in Rheumatic otlee- . !inv. 7, Insn. ly Clung, has tiegn hitherto unparalleled by any t , specific, iptradace to the public. Price 50i Last Notice.' ! cents per bottle. ter sale by all druggists sod s ) iIIeOTIGE is hereby given to all persons' "W r T.korlierl- ,Pttliornd only by II 1.. Alsl a LElll, 1 . 11 knowing there sel oat indebted - to the late i ' Wholsesale and Retail Druggist, East Rollo . Bra of WARREN & Se** to sail Oß COT bufautl I dikHen! nostnid s ray dealer in Drogs, Ctotanies4: Ma lire out, andenake eettlemeut, as after that °t", Varnish, 4' 6 "i P a i" t al L'Ye•ausfras 4° l- 1 timer titte-acconnts will be , 4000d . i0 the , oloodoi tied Oils, tsseuees and Tinctures, Windt:, of I . :Aware Amraiim fooloo d ootim. 132 „ await ., Glass, Perfumery. Patent .Iledici Des, &e., kn. log to this smatter coats will- he saved. , kir A, 0. ;lattkler is the Agent in ti,ettyelierg, • dt)ift: SCOTT. for `• 11. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Ilist- Nor, 7, 1859. 3t l e .. A , 46 , 001 ,, . titre." [Oct. 24, 1859. ly : -- - A Frel , sh Assortrun ---- _ • xibsesimm - g' , . Detection is sure, certain, inevitaldee-4‘04,1 an 4 O --` F goons IIkGEIVED AT ligi...‘4,s,GiF.R'S.) Journal. . CPIN AM I restitetfully informs tho) tnt he suipmelber hen just returned from , A blind ittp,u with one in his possesion may t Ladterbf eft ttesburg that she intends to I t h e ditj, with another and mold.egleedld assort- 1 bid fiance to the most skillful counterfeiter ' 4 on bk"ss-miking, ill an its br n nehea;[meat of Goods for G,ENTLIA.Kisi'd 1414A,R,---to I of the day.—Ere. /*JOU*. . . i.Citt ttg agatAPitting Dresses acd Mils, avid wh i ch httointuoto ctooltiouvitjao voitio, Bile' C .n hildren's.plein and fancy Clothing. Renidemee f h a , se l acus ,o4„ . a t, a ,,k, „. !F ill w as me i r cam i We pronounce it without iteaitmtitn.t t o,bgt 644 n 0 , 84 we op e d, tliiwaki.ta kind ever uffereXtO I, 1 .,,,' , einhenhorg.atreet, in the old . TelaPer‘hee, seil and' Manufacture every variety of Clothing, I the public.—/Tvot isrisree. nbeee , tip stele*. Dior. • , 11!!39. 3t , in to , oki_. „aro roost oubstosow _ lommer • W e like.,,,id s - e n d cordially recommend it to 4.- public favor.—Natkaal ..4ej . emt... , gdoii h ge 44,,.. - A'S D•WINTAiIt GLIJTAJL , Viti I I 1 It is wortlx.i;‘,.gaiie t witimes told .— City/teat , to give him a cal . lie cannot be exessiUsi ie., t AGIOCTS IiVANTE&I., the-lama. Every one, tberp*sre, who delis*/ a nr st.o •Algest yazqd i,si- peg! T Cbunty in the h‘p, iskoittaki„,,witki,hint at his VeretuinA, United States, tp shags oIuISM 4,41,194,46--,,i4 T o 't- igg jars vit l.-igiSairlisie menet, /mu, tbe nuide,,4igtegt . les ojah,Eith terms of agency, dour . - ,3lcLonatgiteg nail. i " 00-0 ...c4ip,t of 04.611ar. Address all orders JA.COlit IiE,ISINGLIL. to ...., J.-A-Y-*.117f•44 kk - Bligitalcote tßog•,,er,y , .ok6._. 04.,31, 1043. , The Re! pssei Aso Ikea,' floc • irty 'years the constant e n t o n t impiN _ ewmeetin a the Cashier, em s ck ,fi r m *. r 3 / 4 ,two* mid -the ktop t being i the g. efitAl• taitC•fialOo and The ablest in th"t: WOrld,"`and irreiganctre -Mitiscribeltilyge„.ktripolp.4 is pub •llshed on the 4.3,1jte1d ..15th of eacds 249E44 11 , 4 the folk- or - i, ,- . .I_l o 4-00 kle• JON -- trinte. - irtaWitlet: 3 BEt S - ~;„,s„.; ,„,..., I. ti r elillt i tuleitlitellethe ;rills st '—" ..!.• ..$1 , F - 1164 1 -iiia - • ife e t t e riv tr zi f e . t i 41 1" .„,,, K ,coini 2 IleNe f ,other ~cithe• Ong • t een. 'TEACHERS' .111916112 1 U702.4.-NStios to- -th6.l 41,¢np,Iltsity4e of art, we would respect/V- A- 7e n c hnsv il l ret ni n s ni s si ag end a df • d d ndi-I ly - idle the attention of the poblic wishjos to to= in Admits citirsty, is herein* given, that Omit Proceynoltjpalliagiji our line to favor us sab r e Adams Vosaitylleashers' i tusegatrwillibe held. to n *c m cusoi a oo kimatrocai , of our wor k . W e at . /kw liddssa." as - rddr a lds.V. i d ** ndsbanin s 's are prepare 4 to furnish MONUMENTS, 'TOMBS day, the Bth, 811. and 10th Jaya of Deendiett sitar 4 4,ND1 ,jD.ST,D,V,ES, 'MAR .g...A. BLE .k.:4ES, add 415 hc q nst alt. thus ltailliert 411 " bl e"" 1 " It Y : SLABS ilpi or 'C l Ainet-malters, and all other work will attend aili,shas avaktimonseinesseaa op. ;„ • our business, at the loweetpos- Panun ll 7 la bn'ind* a n sd n dk l in di n'i n d s hwrenne sible prices. We tio not hesitate to guarantee their es* ',Weir ofisrelhirsiestat-lcilharibdic , t h a t ;1 ~, „i„, 4 %e put up in a nianjier still . ThoottendinsepasfeberTeseerserwill eedrinshi.e s u apf , .s k a tastef.4 . l eilikal to dm .best to Ile ediewordt voshie ibendk- elf lhosatlisai* and/ seen in tle cities, whoa e req. improvement therefore, Directors are earnestly requested hi? which w e igt,ense kits Slllilgestpti is Availed of, alias *eh/ the Miowthus easitiged. - tip le 4 , mery do we gariraolve - that out eCAti : The subject of a Teachers' illimary, in eons ti e ,. s lo t . vs rata !DOI, all be so re 4.0141 neetkin with theinatitate,wlll , lbusi past nr ith- -6 ' set si l hpicoa liaihres44l by froatolout shell main deliberations, stud we trust our Teseeme Sill I, tain or yearitVat erectness of position gjAen give the matter a thorough arid careful bell- st the completion of a job, and so necessary to elder/Won, in order that the mossater ptvoso4; continued graisitilskslans4l'l""trY* tore to its organization may. sot he hisidered, Nor. 28, le/tr. tf tbroggh ignorance. of the sobjeatoepronrdhpd ..________ --- -4 by ea untimely and misguided iolllllkit4l.,bi• 4 'AI A • • ...Iv_ •' i . half. JNOmii. 1.141.114,130. &apt. '-,. . - .....K-4TAIILTO • . , Nov. re, - Ir.,:r. It -,- OIN ISETETOIAiIi, for letilling the various. Ikinds of GOLD AXDSILVE•it OEllegi a ,--At itAiditbi i s iirotimk. „{ 5a241:40 16 4 01!.all to be the most perfect thing T iiß undersigned, !appointed torthisOrphisa:4, if its kind ever offered to this.publitt• Ash 401 Couct of Adams county, Auditor to distri. t05ek.1114414 esso_be carried in the pocket w ith bate the juts/zee retraining in `efitA ar ,d s o f jut any Inconvenience. • ._ /x/ixxisklavas/ran And /aeon S. Airs, Ex- i inslsl Jdarnhanl should hare it l ec a tors of last will teed teetamss3ofi g sLTZlß I Vs'srf Storekeeper 141 9 1 .4 4 .441v94ti - , Gxisrtai lila of Frapitlin tns'esiiip. Adams Rwery Mechanic should have it! MU n ts,*gamed, to and4imont Uri parties le- ; Every Man se Biteierititsbneid haw tt.ll (gaily enti ed to receive the Sallie, will sit at his. it detrats at the same moment, both size. 1 I effi,. e , I n th e 'Borough of -Gettysburg, county thlckness and 'weight, from* lkiii Dilsosr4 o ,4l ' aforesaid. on _Vontfers, th'e 10th *ty of December Dattr ila 61 er, and from $1 in Gold up to $2.0, Hers, 1859. at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time' besides foreign Gold,- and tiiiert en* Nei IMF and place all persons interested in the estate, quiaLly 011 /teen, without the assistance of a ! aforesaid are notified to attend. word. It is simple, ensisessel i g. useful, dersble,l WM. B. McCLELLAN, -imager. i e.l434o9ikical• Irtii •petfect• ,) tell `- 1 Warrantee Nov. 28.1859. Et goer AA rh every one that is sold. . , , .., PRICE ONE DOLLAR, Post-paid, to any part of the Unites! :Items. tai v 11.42 rlte NWOISPARZII4 ear : , The_posines.oon of it is a perfect guarantee against be: os imposed apou with spurious swim.. —News. i MOM 5 29 . to 5 37 - 1 1 1 5 to 1 42' . 78 to 90 . - 65 . t0 e4' fo fr t 6 S 2 50 to 1-15 1 . 5 7 0 tO 8 eo 6 1* to - e - lp Wt. 6 41 1 -19 et° '2l VP% r fl g-\3' Ph o toiMP . Ace 4 ,XO.• t_ Ji.pCJAIS lerriOrkes tr..e. uPVirlii". T/ y 4 ekl!iiiittAPts-Flt Wilk*. nt9A l giglir iluV•Witt9E4- 1 44 • firsteaktiAP.•— f ITAP4 O ,4%ftlir i,litiktit I " aarter:llll . 49 ... +Pi t * it -ibiab 2 4. , tigis , - __ f • aid tab* awn* stag frissidrivoiDMA. pair .11V ittealoi or Sky-1 Gal-. errant reawl immki64l.ll l llollll, • ciliates-PT I > 8 Ot EMI! 1112 4u I 150 County Surveyor. Register's Notice. 123 Q- THE iiiill3l.l3WS4,--(mi TKO/re - lilt e' . .. , egulisitrf • , • bow • rit44 - t .1, ? . a cy. a,, , rge I ,- • . Ir. ° l.ri - . . I ...A . , • , •:.3.1 ,, ,:: .ft. i b e t... 40. • 40. vtifitii tulletareal Pictures 1--01' nil • !INFIELD'S amta ea r ywapriabhinds. styles sad _pricadi 1111 9n 8 " mar BNYDER IMSNEfi'S. e Sky-light Gallery, N. N. eor. of the Diamond. ing HOU. with a one-store Brie- Dack-bullding, Wash-house, and two additional one-story Houses, one of brick and the other log, with a Frame Stable, Wood-house, a well of excellent water in the centre -Aim lot, with some fruit trees. This property 1011 be sold entire or in two parts, as may best suit pur chasers. So 2: A Ii ILF LOT OF GROVND. on West High street, with an alley in the rear, bounded Sty half lot of Mrs. Neinstedt on the east, and Lewis Myers on the west. On this lot are erected an unfinished two story Prams Weatherboards(' H 01.189 g ad see-store Kitchen. SO 3. AN ACRE OF LAND, eseore or lest, in the rear of No. 1, hounaet-north and east by an alley, on the sentith•tv rots of Dr. John Ruih► kel and Oeonce fibryocic, and on the west it} lots eff Jahn H. Culp and Fredertelt PHlariKosi which are erected a Frame Darn, with ilbeeithing floor and stable, and iae fruit trees. This property wilt be sold WI/ether, or in two parts, ae nosy bess-suit purchasers. No; Nei ONE ACRE OF LAND, mare oriels, in the rear of the County Prison. boned** bp as alley on the north, lot oflohrtalottellies gse west and Peter Frey on get sootier - nee 1 01 Wroretnents are two one-story Dwell liortrufinFs ; a frame and rough. 1 er lag, with sossialtatt s ...- . sold -astir* or separate, to salt trees:, _ issweheiserst PROFiIitTY IN Cll3ll/EaLAND —it Tree of Land. in Cumber/emit teereseip, Adams coutrty, containing in all 85 urea and 104 perchck4.ol4lld tittolbilliiburg and Littleslown Turnpike, and ;nll4 edisl Lighlfm -A.Pralasin lipan pp; Mrs. ilag.ard George bpanplecand Wm. a/tenon ; part'a the to corered with young limber, and there is also ► spriug of good. ewer upon it,— The tract has been dicided and will be aftereA. In lots, as follows No. 1, epaytining 21 acres 2 perches, at Pike; No. 2, 27 some 143 perches; No. 3, acres 152 parches; No t 4, 11 acres 27_ 1 perches. This tract will be sold entire or lots, as above stated, as may beet suit pur ehaserici, WA's°, on Friday, the 214 of Dertstier sten, at 1 l AWL, i ll.ritim* Id offered at Pubtie *tie, at aughisner,AlayikAppigeg pa Om Goo Sgriogeos.d TWO MAMK BF. LAND. to liemilionbxn 41 3 , V, este itaet, i lt a lfingp whinit Ityfi d *no road runs. co fining 285 tares o Payseitti Larsh, divided to i lota t es t foilows : 'No. 2 con tains 50 acres 107 perche t eir Ny, 2, 111 acres CS perches; No. k, 43... acres 125 perches; No. 4, 39 acre:437 perches; N 0.5, 20 acres 1.0 perches ; I No. 6 c ,i6 acres-941 parches. •,Te be !Old entire or iu - fets, to nit bidden. Abeitflt isim of , this tmet stmeeptible elesitiestisbysoV• 1 make a goolrflient. On Ite:1 there as a good oue andiref stop' LQg 4°1404 with a *clef t. one ftuttirees. 'Mt. bey" coftilas 110 lesh of, Patenced Land,"a ptllle egad running Wittier IL •Ttiii ?tact t i egi•elld ',ILE 'first- ratn iivSug Oliesdni And Otth timber, soh of efs litrd,indneeMld es to phytinns wishing to buy thiliter feed. • Itintidbeft Mrldediatottat kits, N0..1 contains 15 sk+es 9 perches -S° 2, If its TO perches; No. 3, fd saris; Na. 27 acres. Alai tract will be Sold entit*, or in late, as ittfait stated, its mar belt Spit. The lots oe both erects are laid out so as to have the adYaithige of secelis' to the publfe roads: iifterAtionld the dal fixed for the sale of the lihicnitain • Land be wet or otheiwlie unfavora ble the pile wfll Elie ft fair day thitalter. ihertetai raosirtins otriewibg eithek of the.lts of lioudtain Lind, will be thpyrn the seta.; John Worn:, residing near ttrtreto., : ft: Cute given end terms inside known' by JACOYI BRNNER, Attoreey in Fait for the fir_ " To t Heirs orretetiVelteti,tked. Nor. 18,1159. is mi •- • • f i Vir. 4k4 14 4 1 W 4 • Nmore andltititTs cc ri, cc doe of 01' "- 14- polka the new Cone; Il t onee Geitysburg.— lipaggit ergmtly-at rived frapl Philadplppia, atd. feeling - 101Y For 'eat to exccnte all work an K O 1 Nbv: 21. , killtftleilir/ACIIR 1046 4111101111Plineviek* 1 0i= • (1 A EDE .-.a.a. ....... . i ritribtlt - LIPI4 1,, , . •• , * irstritintr FUNS '-, — 1 ! ~ -, t• Ifeecot i (: . . . A' T PC.1nee.',..0A..„,,..1itt. taisfcriber will ,iiLli i... , PWIPIPTIt'' S l ttit.LA Nees ' ficinnslle ':,,le° tll:?f,BW'eltlkin of this csfeet otr e e i rami e-S age, o k tee p 4 0, 4 0 ,4 * ' " ise,,,perri c ..a...Thi s F i r ki r 4 0,7 vi e r-i- p, i t. 71.41..,r- owl . chvountie utile ilisifreell easy of Dee t*l g t r oft{ A T 1 ' aibtrilt fitropilce,'‘ tins hie It ' i senrrfs 'n . q6 , ,,. Vricl9,,enterprist."—D• ty.s. .1.11 0 ittli*MlPAri Ldpi it, east alb les l iikliut, 5 tweetelietrie MIS ate . %wit! e lien a ni•- "'Vic dinti ,_.,. ,_ Acres, situate in sfrilallett town ' . l Atiswis pet. evataierV ill' ' a an& ItrPtrti*„ *ilk' ht"ii Gftis iiT litrrttitl" wv.trri T.414:_ co.n ty. about three quarters of ato teistoatti. - saiiitess, it After Of tehleti l's, cocerell IT) ' t . - 4. Mil'asiei.,,,Attljtt entlrelY to the ge‘ a -1 es,t of Bender...l,llle, adjoining lauds nf Conrad , Ttmlitm and alintir 20 Acres of deader v. e„lb Of Arneritsu iipMorklifil, wliolly national, lltierman. Peter Itit:e and others. The lazd it 'lmprovements are a Tarct-st.fry . tin no rise sectional or tectdrian; baring for its well covered with a variety of Thither, and %ill WeattfertioarriedlTwellingli, Igo motto the word., of the s tatesmen .. No be sold in SIX LOTS , of about 4 acres carpi. rilt`irtler-rttore rtiok_truixru g , , t ~• i, North, sso South, No Flat, . o West:" haring i skje-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. I' Ition ; goosl Barn, Mechanic's Shop, astir, ...„...._-, ' nothing to do with politics, aiming only at the said day, when **cadence will be ruin sad Othir dut- buildings --all II good order.. rou , highest in Art, Literature and Science, and em terms made known by . ,the platinoe the house you has e a fun vice of pitying the best writers in every brands, is Nov. 28, 1059. td JESSE StlYEbtek a i titre owe, and ens ve dieters arrisini and je- again before the American public, seeking their partiiir The lan 413 mostly ' red soil, is of good support. 'quality, and susceptible of • high state of earn. This Migazioe is now finishing the first year, ratio s . tirtyr sets w e ll on it, and can &Llamas , and drag l i ng near the close of the Second Vol tsti had at the Railroad Depot. one mile distant, I time, and has met with unparalleled success. at 1.1 emits per linahel. 'there is a young Ap. ( The Third Volume will commence with the plc and Peach Orchard ; and a great variety of number fur January, lag', which will be iPitiell fruit in the yard, A well of water et the door, early in December, 18;)9,, Evers number teal p a r n o d p a ert n y 7 w er ii t h al e l e in ry g li S t i t ir le in e t ip at en t s h . e c t a i nrib i. e Z: 1 , , , i . , , , i lie splendidlyillustrateein the big'dest style of "Among the nuMerous cnntri* utura engag e very desirable and most beautiful country 1 ed for the coming year are the fa owing, well.- residence, well calculated for a sineeard and i•TinT% is distiniguished authors ; regetable farm. Fits Greed' Hallett, Orestes A. Browmon. Berl wilt sell cheap end on the most accom- 1 eel). P. Meiriis, Wm. Cillcorire Simms, Part !Imitating terms. It will be shown either by 1 Penjamin, John a. Sate, Ilannoth F. Gould, Ma. Skase*, Hying on the premises, or myself, Calhoun McKenzie, M. F. Maury, Seba Smith. rwading in town. GRORGE A IeNOED,i (Jett Diorning,l J. T. Headley, (leo. D. Pren bu Gettysrg, Pe., Sept. D, 1859. time, Alice eirey, , Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. Oakes &With, Phebe Citrey,'Mrs. F.llet, t c . ke , A-c. In - tlee January number will fire commenced 1 the mow strikingly original , poi'el of the day, entitled THE PROPHET ; or, 511.enes of Border Mk. fly Elizabeth Oakes Smith. There will also he commenced in an early dkuithrofthe corning volume a most startling, aIM intensely interesting original-novel, entitled 1 1 1 11% SLAVER OPTHE (MAAT ; or, the Alll. cat TrettEr. Mr Hallhattn MOKenele. 'POE ISRPRof - RIIPPBI7FC 1119K1Piti . is the leratt. ‘- Meglzine fuh,lkshejl in tb RS mos onat.—' ,oret "I.o^o flair. been ilready ezpendea to tau, it to Its present high degree of inettt.-/- 1 The PuPtielt.„,,, lallrn•tititrinill4Bl Ijar ea it the 1 . ... --..,---.wilargest ctrcuielron, intne world. ' Witt tbia i rTlVateilikile. , <A :11tey 'make the fellowitikllAGNlFtt•ENT FrlftE. su b ler kw,. ln° a rriv4te Sale, a , Olt . ITS; end 'they re'feilo 'every_ subseribei Elms the Lon i u n otetyltbeliboolas alto the' fidelity withlsitich HOUSIVPOIM , . L aaa, ,,tb r/ om aigeag wm toic ,, md ..• t etnafill their engsvoneetta. itolilieetetk yelperty. The House j iii TVRMSi is a one eled •4 has "no* mi . , Ete copies ...... ... ......... ..........1.0. ifi' r ., WithWood-sbeitatirs , , - 01 1 # itiWon, per yeat......... t ,.;..,.... ....... .3, oo outburldittfil. ' &Weft al billaltrail- ----'-`''''' ~ i, or throb or re - ortleacti...., 2 011 ing meter , oe tke premises.' AriYione sertdmg a Mb of ?Me atifiscrlbers, shillslit4ASENFifttilita, withfte Money. ' shall faceive, ' by irigil,' his I rue Choice id' eltker ,of the foliotirini matillicent Steel tnFrarliiks,' 1..: ' TIM Lkerlair - .4.: Stied t plater i 25 by 40 thttiet.' WAIT . ' ic, vitt rify tyvi l aft*tle u itd.. My..e of ti1atc„2,4,10,,,,39inph larifi, 75.' ' '1 Tflit`PA•LAer, it T_IIVSTE4. Siy i e of;da. "te.... taiMir..- SIR WALTER ,fkrikiirT' 1.. % MENT. Size of plyide, 5 b 3%14. 1t ,t11': ,t 4, , rt liar} 1:1 -i' O" SiO Iti pliliftlir '4 di. - i'iwtetle? -' e' q UOSSilti t •WC . /She of OW, If try , 2S WAIF Tirol , . k ' ' -..'' j ' . ' ' Asa, one 4 ,p4 4 -ti ier otta iubteill 4 W Sha~iiVellitedhofee hi" Irftliwg pi the obpy elitallisings. Auy one sendinf a eTfibineFilMn subscribers I,lo . ,es*ifiNliie l tatio`eliiany four of above nurtv,ings. Any - one•al l a b djeijka e; of Tweet aabscrifiers shaft red.e e'en 'of, t aliote encrat,ings, and a mill, .cNf , s kaiLail Ktne ‘_,tV<,0 . a441 .,' • , r A5.. 1 " 1 s ker i sui °Pei Wid,i434lCf ' 1 line # ,..ill a e,tri_4oang veettett,,itt fAttisf i l tell/ ki 14 obtain as fias, tc,offlection oplit s i . , ~s of o f t to ? dot his pirint,tijk cpn jleff_bta,e „ani-1 Wheici* 2 . 5 , ce4ooo - sfsli*E49l44 l -0 4 43g *ala4 fil os ir I the ,coletry„, are, luciied ta,get up, clubs ppen sbrs tams. , 1 !ostrniaepre a if 4,p,t,ltsr , rasgecinitle`pereona .1 w 0 1 11 4.480,04 ga i 4.% ; 1149 5 01 FA% a cas commies until -q#_ e a ts tom „. 4* asr c rAulkitsafw ,vs,sisba. wwittas Cr ,.. * kW) TT . ..° g a S l i t r. U RIF 111 t e i r ilirp4lll4l4r l / 4 14 1n I flae order in' AM' the c übi are . en ii.w . - FIRST coME FIRST S EON!): ''' l In addition to t parelleled offer we now_juinci a ttace. at wkere AV ,4o pot,. form;bibs Ana' whe their name!' n0t .. .1%4 in 'el‘te that at ilk anSierlb'efs silitiltir thi, 'imountlht iip i ii,„Oslte id. each of the stove 'ltiv plc*, ith`a receive by Mill A* It' tiriiitrg dotes a4O Qie b)0 . ) ' of of ttfe Iltlieftie 'for one Ytit• • &owie Of twiE lg rivia g a are of ttiree tides tke value yrtlir,eie olteied by the 0;.0 AO' rittol, and all' dr Atm are better and of - more ' ftliritsie wortiLtbau any magrarinv iver afir e/ by, ang "Gift Vilterprise " gr "'Art Assocta ti44`' • ii:i' Notice Dn. L. R. STONE:SWIM'S PSTATr.—ciet ten of wintiniatration on the estate of Ur. 1.. R :itonerifer, late or Littlestown, Adams co , dee'd, having !teen granted to the undersign ed. residing in Hanover, York 'aunty, he hereby gives notice to ail persons indebted to mold estate to make immediate payment. and those basing claims against the same to present theta properly - authenticated for settlement. H. GATES NYERS, Adair. Nov. 28, 1868. 6t A Valuable Property • A tii_43.l4,7SirisE,—Thp undersigned will Public Sale, on the premises, on turda7, r r 3d of Dreemtor next, his MARMON PARIT: situate on the Chambersburg Turnpike, I 4 miles fsomtlettraborg, Adams co., Pa. It is a food dasitable property, and has been for many pildiameapied as a Tavern Stand, fel. sr hieli It is well adapted, having every convenience. The Farm contains about 150 Acres, ion Of less, about .40 titres of which are Timber-land, well covered neptifetieing is mostly of chesnut mild and toeurWstakes. tad in *good etiglitiOti. Sidassiaipnereniesta comiat of a large , Amble itutp , l3lorra l leK HOUOIe, • , ii ii Lhops aim Desk 1 Bare, {with thee . . 1i 1 • ilamaj.p.a.labgiaiitom.fliabla. Wag . oa . Shad resaWora Crib ;Alton. Tenant - ilea and Blacksmith Skop; twowaNsotaraser, ohs bleflinatiind.alie Other ist.the rear of the large dolwaiiallri line Apple Orehards, with a varies? of atherAtil4 sash as peaches, pears, pinata, chanties, act. Persons wishing to purchase, will please sail on the understved, retaling e thet ori. ae-Sale tarcoritianc'e:at 1-o'elock, P. M. on t sikPrlay, Whack will be girth ant time made kin:re/why PUBDICRICIIIeLIEitiI.... ?iov. 21.,.1.169. is AUlitaar Notice. . wihble a inatetleg orelia.Vield Med.& of the lot Ilvtirmie, atb DiVision df Tenna. Militia , at the house orlehn L. Tate, f it' IRAVIPP did Ilharbath of ljettysbarg. Oft Se ftiftrOff , Me 3d do 4r Deterithr Next eal et 10 d, R. 11., i'vfit ' all vibe thavetnty dolma Rgeftist said Orfirbild will present the tame. The' Officers of•tffe Pnifbeitieff Ootipsediett, within the bounds Oahe fdttlede. VAR' ibiesebt tit* roll, of their &di- . paniex. for the settlement of vheft dries ilbr'dhe pear MS: -- W. V.. 15 ALTER • urigati.r.Ciaituill, stoic Or Di., Pa. minus. r0v.21,-1,15ii. id ' NCltiee. • PateEN it Y 11.4LLE1141 ItiSTAM4l.—Letters Wl tamestary'llon the estate of Nome) , Millet, of Mossimipleassint•twth, Adam, co., dee'd, Isevissiptseen *reeled-4e this andemigeed, reed -Img in the seams townehipobe hereby / tioe to all promise indebted to mist estate lb make immediate traymeast, and those tuuusr, claims against thos nub eitiaspo-emiet them peewit ly anaheistiented for sktelestarnt. • MI% allikeldllllP NlLfstall, ter. November 21. aka,: 0 A i' 34 1, 6 0` ... ....._ ;_• WiSiteNtMitring/Mel* r A N MeORRA4ir ' Wilt Open - toadilkohoW a • 'new eta betiutifel Onilik oe'ntiff MIL.' Ait`? AN!) VANCT t MAO. cialsting of Bonnets, Wits Mt l Ciliks, 'MA W 'rate,,*Mks sad- Vette!, of at colossi, *NA' Peollllllh, Flowers and RFlsbons to match. tatee., linekeiLl Alitsient. ?Mitts, and Watlitilbnoli, Finq ifesid-strtisiek, flair belts, WeitAMSOOke end" torthltorit-snaps, iPerfetsery, and kitty Whisse:-.4. Silks and Embroideries. Ladies' and Cbildretile Gloves and Nosier/F. Slat . VsfEutip . r Skirts, (ill sites.) Also, TloaSs and miens of Ilse smolt fanitrinebte style%, with a variety of cottmc strides ftir the- ladles' toilet, tbo nismerons %a men tinneiti asetActs sit SesiVlnebappy to show lietiee to %inners. to these thb may' etv'e us a call: SCSOIII.III7RA'ri ir.l l T- Oct. St, MS lel -- . tOo:oq i 9 SD: The highest market .A.Ja - • p ce ;vitt be tor Wheat:, Rye, toils. Oita; Moto r Afttink 4' ,ritrldwgzo, 184110-, 'Clover-keed. Tiniottly-seed, Flou;', ke., i I . "I3IiC I F: is hereby given at this rennet'. r attbelerre yellow ISatebouse, west end oiNtrie •• sl betawlin lAybejtteAds, r., U, Bush=' ObTord. er mil Lce trt4. i „, , ,, j 0 v ,,.4 ma d o . i 4ii ,,. 10-17nabo, Ilistif, Snit, kc., find a - !Ili) th.W.y- Aktir. r/t51..,50 44 al it r e alates to A. 11 7 ,` • atte'we4l releAed ,itibck of !Nobel.' it'd !c ar z. , 14 m 411 , 0 414 A_ sa id A.. B . , cos:latently on - hind and foi sites iti i fr ap karts hoeing ass- - tot Olio '- A s t ertst I the . hon*.c. - - • Pleleilt. 1. Nov. 7, '53. 3t Par UP ! urlitLL periona owing on the Books of the late - Brio of iitll j egzke k Thiguis are eartieitty d' to gel iB`B make Emymtnt Ithtifertatery. By prompt INle t ments costa Wlll be eared. The Bckiks bb 4lhe Store of the oiderslo4 it the old sand. WI. CiIf;LF;MM. ?for. 14:1859. 301 Bro.'s "imperishable" pictures, Town Property for Sale. fr lIE bA crib& offers at Prilitte Sale, I a 11012 SE AND HALF LOT OF 1-11::: ot; .Watialn i atob,fikeptS Oettyabory Tire Whore IS is Frame Weatherboard, with a 'Wood Boiree; s first-rate Well of water. *et trees de tge premise,. Jr imit gee ifeladar the H of November, %o it will .on civet deer se visossreslimie. sale, at I o'clock,'P. Sayoce t 'for tails, Sc. ipasseinak 'FICTiA RD. Oat. t, 18119 Oct. 31, 1859 *tam , f/flOl AN11•811IKT, I BUS IVAIIfI.—EINRADS A B.l.lllllLatai haetieg purchased week eflittead.Steret Iron litareof George • 1 0. :Boob Per, hare opeaed,sut , utabliaboseat ioon-1m ntWUJI Vith• task cittaae Mare Basta, under tiwataparloteseisooe ofil. IL Baehkr; Wed are ' dor, proparea to Immesh isteesyth herbs tlisathaii ettlise lowest phase heyddision to he eedias iry- irate, they, Wive atiOase - 01 0/01f 9 14 = • sad. bonne-fassalabiag spode °tare rip ireiadlat eassatehled libtiztio Nasties t /Wes, k al e: i 4 far preaerviapt, aeohlasp and fryiaers Bah see thew. Splesdidigatortnadd of-illoesea sad - ) houee-fooniabileaspeadaatthels We:thaws, ow the corner of-Cealiale ped•Bailooad streets.. ' SOlithipootlapipat apeaskortattaostoe. -Loa her, Coal Asuitimee siatept on .hand at About yaistabldle same place Not. Le, 111161. SitillrehDB &.111AMJEB. r • NOW Clyster i laloons. frIfIE subscriber has ope Ted riew Oyster and Ilatieg Ilalboth, on The atltieh" side of ihlawhersbart 'Welt, oder , the'Oiattiorid, tt* doors below seer. ,Mbar. Ilaoserj-erttlotr be oily ricami WNW (Sundsr eibtPPOetf,) and serve in the various sfilles, die f feeit qouldityl Lf ,t,rI:I 4 MRS, (rote . titidial ßal_tispors., ts7 bi iarpatet k t' ora pationtsitti? H. will' saw Papp* , lays* ten-wholeeilWed Other Itstablisitorsts. Via Rift of Paserieill, boarbver, net be stetdia- ' rierOyesert aka*. .. , helser article: its the Oat ing I be 01110 always be bad iwaesexweilso a eke glazeof ALB. • ' gdp.?liktreace so Ladies' Saloon at.the centre dowel* the bailditer—tb Oteeleiteala thderetsat I ' the dim «goblin it ah the welt. 6. F. E 06,9 RODE Gettysburg, Oct. 31, IU9 A.T.404114. of Vork, . lar .4.lit Mak Iliosnaprzetextr: ..„.... ..._ _. ..- -Air 'Nob - 0401181foskitalmr.'1111p1p0. - ,:,. \ - ...1 440tnierwouisreavemesaay. , e a-,,,,,, , -.. t o iWilssialiewillogioneeDity - '-. - -- . 4 ipallieid Ariiiiier issariotellts whit the4seiw Icribalo4olll4lloStgissOt I Grocer? titarel istlliromPiiilifterows, ► filettylbert - -- /kiwoh4k, iiiiirt.-444 , . 111MISII'llik ak Yaid NEEII _.!r• istroetiposs secessa.7 to, tiv, foymkg ,r $ o Arida. Gil iistos„;* PlistOffice ad is Mt. ' ii , „ peer, Ores ticilais be sent by poikyssfent. 3Consi kostikespuff stamps as . 4)ls *Avid, dt „- ,Sit a .f0i.i.4 , 5 by ella*s , tttle! is, Asavfol 4C44. 0 4°. l'. `trace 464 .a lim a c 410 4 1 T i E; Tl. Ari 4 4,•/Ip driekoNt, •Lirk• VP ' ?i *nd by •ctues. *1" ' lit , sstettts r w o , stole pat i.lictn the !.,ccipt. 44A cent% .. ,nigrangig ykr(be sent on rolrer , , pre,taid,'oi 0 lag& I liat - .0 grill 4 ay tut1 114 . 1 P 4., 112 k 11 WAistpk i at., N5167.Y:975‘. Nov. 21, iaso. st. _ 4Bill&If N SCOTT, r. itAihrosclirtart. A. SOott 81. 171E , 44NRS is QrX G 0641, gu.pqmi".4wario*Alte ig 4... , - 9 11411 1 404,Pi "iir4l.4 40014' GloPaiticiallP4ll.6Mlo4 ta,l J. Ptthrark f"‘ r- - A 4 R ea K i E er r e 7:7147.1tEgi,141114. MW 11?. ,3 . 1.4 - weB Li** ceulaaalltoirekial D ie d a i t P 4104 611,-*, /is Macke're4,9,pad, wog, Liarrmip, c4, - 141,4, Boa, Perk, L i ar* SA4eulders, lista! Ckieese, Betio", Ries, 4c. Sept. 111 3 1849. 3m Isetestlisitiik ' -1! -e - --; , reir iril'artiOidat ivVi t st•Atedtsa Ir . li:sidstkl i by mmele HITIZIniII mow Mdy _toolie;- . ' .t . ... -- '• rft 111 41 1 -1 I _ jilt ita r t*elllMlMie .1111114,1 4 s.ftceir, oft e ; T0UtP11.110544Nt4.,4,01 'V, 4 if' # JuifllliVlsNAilitee soil ueill , i -,- t t4 U.4.1:41.;6).(3T1.4tEit kli OW. 'Led: 4 ifirotsfseilltlellree*osigthe bits ev'erp elf. 4 4 hsAvects restly-liis- very settifikt ,r.'.W' los 1r se, beaks aid bkisskyslll'irliti , miiebrisdls.. '1 4 Fun . consiiiSpe el. Capes, Veto- tiedislitt-- - .1 AtA Al. rity#S, ifiaii4, V tkirii, etc" in *ink ,t4iiii militalskididaspssisetpsimovsad 1 .11 4 0 4. # _nub, Ctiktpakillo, Olktpriips $.l, fiats sit Mißsttxs A "Ifi °L ) 4° "WerA4l6oo 1/3/Sraits4446C•fil. is AmiLpsitst big asiwill , 14140.11060 arwilvt,- ~ piwitloci twoott magic* to • dolt colopoutjuk. ow fine silks sod satins, sad edicsuipsyw; ; - 4401 1 /F 1 , t44. 1 44 01 , Ar..e.* 0 44 1 013 4 J:lis iiiktititaZimumers" ham what t 10,7 aro opresVted• -. f a swo h e s e 1 1 , ladire44e.• .4 1 ":41P "PP", PeiXMOLPIA"i n • r..' , . ails iAtifi AP re • sdrre , sead • /4400 0 - And big in* ' ' —-1 truth ..7 i sl a w. ,4 tip .4 1 4Ades Lion , I*.t .4102,3010,. .Jr 1 140 I:rt ..„ ~.i i, i ilt-- larkiiiltstiti.tutik 44 - #l,Assatile.,itAesoo, t lis ,t, ylltig * -- 11 • I Tkii, WI m oderate chsust, 4,o4st. 17009, ..,A .. k1.111F.4..r. , • .7rik , ~. ;_ elva ~,,,z _ t ' . Mailer anitedt 41114Kome_ __ ..., ~a ,4 ~ -Al AL oftwygri- 1; 0 1 Wirt , -' * .. 0 45 15 'A . • u ifiirAms4 , crab rg mel t , I •'.104.1444 -t L' ' ' . ASO 1-01 , f `tam . :it' \:. . .ir - - e ' :31 , .:.,-. rs - --,.- " ..- . •-',-. I 4 - ... .... -•- ~ ra'll 4Glif i ttA chute apt) pviip e"el itr , fAr.r.iah-ot zonairi produce. Fizzaersaa4W tbers wishing tn!it lunkp 44111anse,*c., ARNOLD K• ratits at wow," Eli • rie4sek \ seiber•;:,-Ar'ram i ' WW - uk . c Full lan NGRA INOS OP W.11.:411110540 % AND / EVNIOITT, including a View or illitfeNT -VEittßtM, it the Engraving ef tWeetiugteks.— These splendid e rrgrtivings ore fire en iorigiail paintings by }helot, and are engraved •ou stet! In r 1 highelt style of Art. They are each 26186 inches, each costs/NINO ars serrusiaitus. So many coerce. miserable pictures have ibeen partied upOn the public am works of at!—.wad cepeeinEy in cheep, black and muddy empire ings—that it is dittictilt to convince per%o46 -of taste that' they are safe In orderiaglilkinitility have not seen. We have paid the 6est-artista their own prices, amountiug tonicity tie.trasuill dollars, to produce engraving; reslipbemailikl, as well as the best portraits,iand thati_atutill be splendid ntanicnts to any parlor. MIN./pin loos that can be relied on: The. Editor of the Vow York °biter's/inlays: " These engravings areigentaine vrorho of art— the likenesses are admirable. The.postralt of N(r. kiverott rill take preeede4,ice of all others." The New: York Christian Advocatelimit— " They ore among the finest-engrarinosawe hove ever seen, 071 d Tile rintunikas mut *wax las- SPOSSIBIN MR ALL UMW PRO 111111." ALltit.fBT GRAVEL . ' We will send, post paid, securely:clacked in rollers—liithet itagra.ving and a $3 Negative one year, for $3. Both Engravings, a*3 31sigitzine. one -Tear, for $4. SkarAirents who remit - ft/10 it one time, will have an extra. copy of each engravings e. 7411 filagiii.inpa are harper's, The ihickiekockee, doersy's (,ally's Book, The .lilantie s Magsfooit, Py special arraugement,the eniira year's suliieription to the Magazines is paid.ntrir;by of to their publielterii, and subscriber* receive their supply for the year direct from their re. slicetile publication offices. The cos of the engravings is paid only by the difference be tween tjrc lowest w.leu.le.iale and the ciesalir pricaziala ILagasines. ille-Engravingisent at once, atid subscrip tion; in eicciodicals commence with CWlTrat blue, unleaz otherwist ordered. Moan Hoer risk. if pecicif is retiebned of Laving het% mailed. Fist isawneasionikate hest, therefore send earl;. ,A4Airebov_v. (). 11. BAIL}:Y (414;34, 1411 & Son's Music Siprs,) rtAtd- Zlirein0 1 8 - ipwS43IL,C• CU 411 SYRUP. 4$ FANA4r I%KIikIDY IT lIAS _. .. ... VSIVALA A y , 0 : . ...., TAVV,I(ORP. OF ebeRGYiANN. mirth.. is to certify. that on, gist re i",nypinidiseitast.uf.4 - regular. ; "Ad skiltpkillusi ciankaskAppe _tont go "Belsamit cough Syrup' prepared by . ..E..Shriner, its our tami yi.ok ill iii 4 amalrer willt : the pusiwa„far • ' .A. Fee Mit 8. 8 1**441f, . Amaii..".4s4oF of 441.04ce1ku. WI tiro. - ikt . TAltcY toWnr Md. IA" folinvin i.etter • from -Rev, 11. P. 4 __., y. .. ; . . UNlOTqw,ta, 314 i, Mr;, ' M.41.66 0 -11car Sir :—I harefest 4. .or "Balsamic Coegh Syrup " a.fakr tali* t end . aisrinwitrisartbat-i- 'nee never tried any ciottre - it mottraite go soon. I have alms ,Ioven i4oolotAuttlyl. pith. the same godlier- Oct.4l l ,4Tecr . Mace , It is certainly a Taus( `es to pope v, and ought to be In every fami ing lox price at which p. Is 104, .1 ,i,t„w 1;1,4'f:1,1.0,c:1i of till: iji ar.dimt,t liberty 1 have taken in thus ail - - liti,nly rAnirlencelnjhe use of the Syrup nitso. licAr.d:by y_ou.. Respectfully yours, 11. P. JORDAN. , .1 ' 1017/14.03iY OP POP:MIAMI. rPaaut,y, I, Md. 112ffl Sjirinst,:—At your request, I bare ex ,.slotineit • the composition of your kt Balsamic !4 S3rup," p d frurn my knowledge of the ip 9141,41P4a4awing witnessed its good ef -1,41,:t put recquiinend it to the public as a 111%Lnable-cosepound fer Cough t, Colds, aid all gnimonary ace tio us. 'nos. Six, M. D. Tassrrowx, ; • . • t tive *scribed W. E. Shriner's "Dalsantic equals gsr‘p " In my practice for severstyeara, andregard it as an excellent medicine inCoughs, Colds) lied a 11lleonchjaZ sffeetions. Ssat't SWOPS, 1.1. D., rttr EXPERIBNCS. • • Jarsattscis,Yurk col, 1€!, 1853. - To W. R. Shriner,--thier Sir :—L hove, boon keeping your "Balsamic Cough Syrup." for iva4 fortlo last fiest.years, end it. litts given atm* ut4Wl4 4 laffikraf t i 9 P • ^ e • Ltlagnp,gf tne tpcua popular Nedic.inesin Wiil I no,ny rusloaditiglioost. (I ursales, theiett sin beect.lftgo r esponiallt last winter, having, scsAk. acretaillf. ;Apt top doeep boAtles. ,Itlioreftio do not haaitsje to .I:coon:emend, it to,tlie pu i ldin as a goodistadisine. Yogra,.respectfulTy r , „ . - . 4 s 1.41 1 StAf wt, Pox:solo Simko. York co., lial,llj i W. Shriner,—Dear Sir:—Y 3 ls t o Syrup is becoming very popular here. ,I e been.selling Igor about two yeuteiltnlikit ov, reo more general lsatisfaction throw tien — drit,np I . have ever sold. We use it lour ,ficoljyAgod would not be without it on any ticcoltni AFiry•. children, it certainly is an iavaliftt44.4ll44 , clue. S. Q... 1.1144 1 0 , JACKSON, York co, Pay It ' „„,,- To W. E. Shriiicr:—l consider your a l i g, ; Cough Syrup one of the beat Cough retilid es of the day. There is no medicine I-Iw,, sow cold paresnob universal satisticlion. Manorte.- that I have used in my family:l like FU well. -Yours, truly, , 1.7„ 1114.4,44......... Price, 371 as. iterbottle 6r 3 bottellintA/11 Sokllty Erl all Druggists iluditterchants. ' Lgtl9. 10m. Agyik' rail And Winterfii; , . , .. 4 T A. SCOTT 4 40.'S'SEW - S'FOll,l3 O - ~ g: ta ll9ave• iota rhoeiKed our stock of lip suitable for the Fall and Winter Juiler w to4 4 4•• we - 4010/ 'lke sltwikatiou al f.Atuf crs-moviiNhir 'lnsootif anal price csangt be, somas& *bat h,„-aw he fogad a carieti, air . IlagEt-..V4011E, of ugly .smi-inikfw idiot, sigps r ilhow.lo,Xonalcifa Trillt4ll &P. A Ovatoolt ,q( L10.31E4,71k,„ go 0 . . . A l al . ad cocuOrlss for MEN'S itrCD 11 E 2 , its ImittA t vaidety of Cloths, Cassittm ' - Net's, Askurrite. of variouz series aAd-Pricei.--- ,Also, 0 goolnis AND QUMENWARE.- 11 •0411141. 1 1 c'gr4ll9 (4B A l t I "' eletthM • IikAIWPYCY).B4II them 0'• _, '.; I. • A , .1514 we JIM is tip. .0 }*, . , , x bacipp pir,clslsslng. a i'm •it . ',:,, avnii i btb 10„,,i alt. ' II: ...„ u f t ,* kiesit4JA,.. - 71•Tis1' • 're asece !.; ctiffttau •• --.-- so ; s iiet t is TOtiloilter.-: CF6P 111&11, - 7 . 1 4 V' V sakilind gittli Oiffte - r**•-" 41 " 1 s . ;its". t It. -sort sal E411111111= " 4111W illii r i = 0101/440/0 . - : 4 0111 1 1 1 . 0 1.4 1 01 1 00 0 4 41MOW: ~ dageased, haring biota graaaka rollgoagAsaatt aiGiilill . iaatilsokanaiiiegatera... - 10 so white imaadiate *pow% claim agaiaat limilailhals - I,4tathasibtaaattaagoltlegiiiimakaa• .t.i' - , saio -1 n - ; ifteldlilllSlONW AM. 44001kra lib Aitl.:-MINKAI4I4I Ueda • Ail; - , . . ' • ~-....... ...., as 411 4 14 4. 1 0 e 4 . .4 VARIETT of "x! -. aesa, 1 16 2 4000 0 0 . a. Ruches, Flaxen, et.; si— • ' . i A. sebrstk adors. - FA HNE3TOCLS'. 1=••• , :c 5 L 3 llroadway, Nei' York. MiS NE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers