m• ... adl ?fail OF ?NIS PAPAL .4. • A tea (*firmala *aka aafit i on d ag , 117 Eat* J. Slaw^ at al n tar rasa if pad arietl7 s apirsaaa-4,2 ott per .saga tf tat it advises. Ito astramiplica flisocatimal, maw at tie splits ef *a pair Liam, aattl sitsbeinirmgn ?sill. Airmintasiarts lassma st tt• sang imam. Jos toureroor- es.. it nestooso sad as patah. , Onset la Beath Idediseri street, directly oppesies Wdittidere' nobs Betablithgeont-- "Oememesa" 6a the sign Wm. B. Brocieu.., ATTOILNIIT AT LA W.--Cktfice Weetlll4- Q. street, one door west of Übe MR on Howe. === Zdward 8 Buehler, .4 ITORNKY 11 LAW, mill hakkilly earl AoII, promptly Lame us all baptisms sournsipd to sum No speakr tbr Gomm lassivags.-- Otlies at tits was piece, la Boasts Baltimore 'civet, as&r Tosses drag store, sad pearly opposite Daus: k Zisgier's store. Gsttyskarg, Otani' ZS. D. lioConstighy, ALIfTOILIfiIY AT LAW, (ales one door 'not of illasialerl drag and book stora,Clessa beritile street,) ATTONNIT AND SOMCITION 1101 PATSWIII LSD Piestom. Donut.: Land War man, Back.psy suspended Clidms, and all other claims against the Government at wait ' sites, D. C.; also AsOficon Claims in England. Land Warrants loestad and sold. or bought, and highest prices Jima. Agents engaged ILI lo eatiae warrants In lowa, Illinois and other meant jpirApply to him personally or by letter. • Oettysbarg, U. 'U. L c Neely, ATTOBICEYPigiW,miII attend to collec tions andseidlisaller.business intrusted to esrowith peampianne. Once nearly opposite Faimmitoeit's Store, Baltimore street. Ontaysbarg, April 11, 1859. if Win. A. Duncan, A TTORNKY At LAW.—Office to the North. vest corm et Centro Square, Gettysburg, [Oct. 3, 1839. tt A. I. Cover, A TTOTL I IIT AT LAW, will promptly &turn. la. to Collections and all other basilicas en trusted to bim. Office between Fsbnestocks' and Danner k Zisglers Stores, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa. (Sept. 5, 1859. Dr. A. W. Dorsey, paoRIMY of Carroll county, ad., having peresaasetly located is tlettysburg, ours Iprofessions! serried to the citizens of the tows sad surrounding ecteintsy In the practice°. the wives branches of hi, profession. CHlles and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office, n here he may be foisad et all dim wises not professionally engaged. . - II KKKKK ICIIII. Prof.istliaa IL Smith, Etwitheore,l(d. Rev. Amputee Webster, D. D., Bslsietore Yd Dr. J. 1.. Wa4lleld, Westin/aster, Md. Dr. W. A. Itatittas, " " Jacob Roes*, Esq., IJl===l G. N. Wimpler, 11344., " Rev. Thomas Bowes, Gettymbarg Oct. 25, 11158. eat J. Lawrence Hill, N.l). AS his (Ake one lb , door west of the ‘A• Alseancherch in oassabersionrg street, and opposite Picking', store; where those wishing to have say Deatal Operatic& pertersed are respectfellytavited to eall itarisitirnsa: Drs. Horner, Bay. C. P. Breath, D. D., Rev. H. L. Bangher, D. D., Rev. Prof. N. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Surver. Gettysburg, April 11, '53. Collectors, Take Notice. El Collectors of Taxes for 1858 and preri osis year*, is the different township, of A county, are hereby notifieat they will be required to settle up their dr.ates on or before the 21ar MT of Nommibtr acrt, oa which day the Commiatioaers will meet at thehr edits to give the necessary exoneration*, he. It the &Ilk:alas are not settled up In flan by the above date, the Collectors will be dealt with aocomil- Into law, without regard to persons. The Collectors of the present year will be re quired to pay om to the County Treasurer ail meal*, that may be collected by the Neeelahet Court. Jitter the Intimday le Deeembee so nee eratiolia pm tosmtd oa Military Taxes. R RENNER, JAMB BAFFENSPIRGEII, DAMBL GKISELYAN, Commissioners of Adams county. Attu{—J. IL Wairea, Clark. Oct. 17,15'5!. Li Real latste Agency. r 4 andersigaed hes made arrangements to 21ain Gettysburg an AGENCY for the RKLL ESTATE, to which he invites the attention of persons wishing to sell or purchase Parses et Beal Estate. I have provided& Book in which will be registered (for a reasoaabie charge) a general description of such properties as parties wish to dispose of at private sale.— This Register will be open to rime desirous of parehasiag properties, free of charge. Secrecy as to ownership, terms, ire., will be invariably observed, when desired. Properties will also btextenelvely advertised under special contract. sirAn necessary information can be °Mala =n application to the undersigeed at his nee la Gettysburg. Sept. le, 'Sg. tt DANIEL PLANE. Marble Yard Removed. subscriber having removed his place IrZeroes. to Past York street, a short din hanne below St. James' Church, would announce to are public that he is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such as Moat- Nntenis, Headstones., Ite., kr., of every variety of style and knish, with and without bases and sestets, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit the Weak Persona desiring anything in his lime will Ind it rt decided advantage to examine his AO& sad prices haters purchasing elsewhere. Gettambert, March 11, 1859. RemovaL sabeeriber has restored his Meet srL Machias Shop from the Istes bdiaqg to Railroad street, opposite Tatars Assenedth shop, bask of the . 'Cagle Hotel, orlon Ir is better prepared than ever to at test W sesiomers. Ploughs always on hand sad as& to order at the shortest native, and Reapers,. Le., repaired. Also he min MOW to amain and repairing Mocha. Nay IQ. - DAVID WARRIN. Private Sale. rsabeerTher erten at Private Salon ie ROM AND LOT, on High niesininag Solomon Powers. The Mom Is • twcr.4l Brick, nearly new, with a 811011FiNaSiNag, sad a well of water. Terms DAN'L. F. PITTIOM7III. 11. JO* .4f _ • at New Cksods. /VW MEOW /ISS ilia raceiviid trete the Ur ar so ielr at iee et awe MOTH% Casa =lli= and V 'a Elhrtrie, sad = *ft a tariag at ILIIDISIP Mal. eat sect/test. They gib be NM thaei ler the dessey. fatiapisatg, Oes, ir, law • ' • Private Bak. • r s= • IWASIIIIMION TIMM, New Oxibrd, 1114., vl* 11, NM or two ea seessua•- z si::rel per l impii i • wts=4llDer yr Mil et Om vbs wipetersi7 bailonsade a la rew i ttbe lbw ' • • Qr. F. 04. t e lOC V W • • • La& NS mgr. IRO _tam se, ihnb isalogibi , ' Woe sommeraft, Oat. Yl,lsar. a . . . . . . . - C 0 ' . '•-'':- . 1 . II ILE .: .41'4- . . . ..' T ' 0 ' SillirlV l, - -‘ r'. e 4. .. •• ,:.. ..., . , .•. _ , . . .. • .4., , . N ....ft, gltuto and taxiig sutnal.M . •-•• .- , . BY 11. 7. STAMM 42. r! YEAR. Jurors for November Court. • mum MT. ifsio•--Josepli L. Snort, Wa. Sea. _ Latlinom--Georre Bobisataa, Haar- I. Byers. Linard, George B. tea Mt. Orfor4--Aathony Yeti:. Gersiany—George Sheely, George Gulden, Bphraim Swope. Alwins. Franklin—Jona Brady, 13est7 Harlan, Jacob Lady. Menallen—Chrietopirer Ries. Huntington—klichwel Lear, Alfred Willow. ifountpleasant=BetiaatiastWaavitz,PeterOLNesl. Conowago—Jaeob Gettyliburg—Bdward Hamiltotibas--Enoch Lipase, V.. iieClest Berwick bor.—Samna Wolf. GIN 11LAI arity. Tyrose—Wat. Wert. CumborLinsi—Jao. l .lr. Wes, litathitalel Liglit- ner. Conowzgo—John Dieter, Sc.. lamp% Burke. Fluntingtos:--Joss. Johns, Iria. B. eardiat, Jacob A. Gardner. Cajon—,John Baker, Abraham RAN Semliki' Girt. Riuntlteedme--Jemrpheiallreeleten,Davidlitaver. Maearien—Henry Rica. Xolantioy—Was. Cownerer, Mary likmaler. Ozford—Ahdiel F. G;tt, Siam Made. Germany—Wm. Rider. Fraaklia--Renj. Deardorff, Peter IDekky. Gettyeb David Ziegler, Jr., Jacob Benner Henry Jolla Winebrenner, Jobe L. Tuts. Btaaben--Bamsel McCreary, Jobs 0. Gilbert. lteadom--Antkoay Wei•eL Tyrone—Martin Baffeasperger. Liberty—Michael Corey. Hernias bor.—Samuel Ramer. Berwick tirp.--George WolL Butler—Henry Hartsell Reading—Wm. Crtsweil lionteel Oct. 31, 1559. Baltimore .A.ci-ceUa. Baltimore Safe Illanufaatary. itArtuaws INTROS'= ammuumaa LVI SAlTENL—Thoinaads of dollars lo proper ty of all kinds, saved annually in these miss tt serer failed to preserve their canteats.— Factory, Durance street, Providesee, Rhode Island, mid 159 North street, Baltimore, Sale rousse, No. IS, South Charles street. Tor sizes sad pekes semi for a circular. All Safes war. rooted to give satisfaction. L. N. MILLER, No. 16 South (*arks street, Oct. 17, 1859. Lie. 27. ly] Baltimore, Yd. I. B. MAJLDIVII Harding az Carroll, rIOI6IIIS3ION MERCHANTS, Pin Proof Watehease aad R. E. Depot, N.. 126 Nara Howard Bend, BALTIMORE, MD. Feb. 14, 'U. 17 w HOLESALE and Retail Dealers In Cliff, SON'S FURNACES, brick aad portable; CIZEING STOVES, of every description for wood said coal. Also, Cbareb, Hall, Eton sad Wk. Stoves; Franklin; Air-tight, Ear-roma sad Casson Stoves; Meow Gas-bentlog sad Latrobe Stoves. Orders boa the country re speclAdly solicited. Mercbaata sap pIW ea the asset resaoisble terns. J. WICATIUMBY k CO., 40 aad 42 Light at., medlar from Lombard, A.g. 22, lOU. tJaal Batmuloas. 1D WILT sad Reditaidobed, Osneer dir Hoorepl JR, hossliis Joao, a by wham west of the Northers Ceatral laDeray Depot, Dates- Kota. Terns $1 per 41Y. G. LEIBINTUNG, Proprietor, From Saw Grim, Pawriesha. •ug. 1, 1839. la riOMMISSION MERCHANTS and Deakft is kj CORN, Cant Meal, Guanoes, OATS, Rya Chop, Bone Dad, • ;FLOUR, Field Seeds, 1 Grossol Plaster Nos. 147 1 149 NOIITII HOIFAED STRUT Jas. IT, '59. ly• 'Ammo* in SLAM TEAS. ie. P. MI MI 1 . SON, offer for sale the hollowing articles, of eir own importation, particularly for hal lures : flansay Wnras—Pestartlatt's Sued pale, gold and brown Sherries, la wood sad in glees. Pear Wtxas—Sandeman'.s competition rod and white Port, la wood and is glass. !Gouts knis--.Soh■ Howard liareh's Madeira, is wood sad la glass; also, asps Joie*. Roca puts--Johaaneskeester, fitelaberger, Ilareobruaner. Cabinet, Lieb-lks•Asslick, Bros neberg, of 1844. CaII:AGNS WINS ' S—Yost aad Cbsados's ilia. CM in quarts and pints. Bamtntia--Otard and Heraessy a Lae old pia" sad dark Brandies. Rcite—Old and fine Jamaica, Antigua, Grew. ad*, and from the I Lands, imported direct Ikon London. 1101,LLID GOl—The best quallty—lleriusa brand—oad so mixture of stir poison in it. 300 bait chests of the finest f3occsoie Beithoore, Aug. SS, ly wm. B. itz.ALs. SHIYTTLE SEWLVG MACHrat, price Fifty Dollars, the most perfect Sewing Machine ever made, combining the improvements of TIM Patents. They will Stitch, Hem, Fell, Bind and Gather, and will sew freni the finest, cam bit to the coarsest and thickest fabric, !minding leather, using glazed or unglazed cotton, linen thread, skein silk, or twist, making • neat lock stitch both sides alike, which cannot be raveled ; and regularly licensed under S. How, Jr.'s Patent. Send for • circular and smalltime of sewing. Address, Z. mama', Corner of Pratt sad Howard, Baltiltors, Md. Sept. 5, 'W. De. 13. ly] Carpets, OIL CLOTHS AND DRUGGICTS, wholesale and retail. Constantly on hand an wort aunt of Carpets at low prices, eonsistlng of Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and Vene tian Carpets, of every style and price. Oil Cloths froze I to 6 yards wide. Also, Rage, Ritia t Bt4rßods, Osaka almi Cocoa Matting& Reg of oar owe snake, by the pleas or at rust JOBRPH VICTORY, 46 st., oao dear west of Howard, Sort. 12, UMW At Baltimore, LI AND RILABB`WOIin, 63 Holliday utthim m 11/118130TKit k tie Praf are prepared to furnish of ail -iptiou, km 10 to 10,11011 pounds, wait* are trarrostad equal is quality toss, prolomatios of amid sad darabtlity, to say soda la *a %Mad &atom. Oar 1.110 ars M. of taw bolt Waists, mmaid to Oro Mrs satiallteliou ; also, split* imams. atm Balk, rasitair thaw le to 100 pas*, dew as Mad at sasbara prim. Par Ourtillosiss fall particulars, mod kw ass al our Oiroalars. Am. SI, 11/0. 17 or cokored. A IT: OCI]M 4 tI lIIAPI M Nov 18 Cili eZ I G•D•rY, Cleitlllbs* sve'D P. caliou.. J. Weatherby & Co., Franklin Holm, Peter Zell & Son, MILL FEED, il&y, Straw, Wines, Brandies, The Eureka ~~~~~ r \. Pbr3sEwre; CNDriler. Out figher lives la Washingtes, Aid has a world of cares, Bat gives his cliii.irex each a farm, Enough for them and theirs. Till thirty well-grown was has ha, A musierons race indeed, Married sad settled ell, d'ye see, With boys Iliad girls to hod. • So, if we wisely tall onr lands, We're sue to earn a living, Aid bare a penny too to spars For weeding or for giving. A thriving family are we, lie looiling need deride as, For we know how to use our bands, Aid in our wits we pride us. Hail, brothers, hall Let sought on earth divide u. douse of es due the sharp northwast ; Some clover olds an "rowing; And others tend the cotton plants That keep the looms a aging; Some build and steer the white-wing'd skips, AM lbw in speed can mate them; While others rear the corn said wheat, Or grind the own to freight them. Aid if our neighbors o'er the sea Hare e'er si empty larder, To seed a loaf, their babes to cheer, We'll work a little harder. No old nobilit7 hive we, No tyrant king to ride u ; - Slav sages is the capitol leact.the laws that guide as. Hall, brothers, hall I Let sought on earth divide us. Some Wilts we have, we east deny, A foible here hod these; Ent other households have the emu, And so we wort despair. 'Twill do no good to new aid frown, Lad call hard names, you see, And whet a shame 'twould be to part He see a family '!is but a waste of time to fret, Slice Meters made S. ore, For everyuarrel vets thread That he althtul Love has epee. Thee draw the cords of union fast, Whatever 'my betide us, And closer din through every blast, For many a storm has tried as. Heil, brothers, hen I Let, nought on earth divide es. Miscallanaous_ Paradise via New Orleans. A, few days aims, a young man who had long been attacked to a shards, sod was about to leave for New Orleans, mane to bid his pastor farewell. ' And so you are going to that degenerate place, Now Orleans, are you?" asked the pastor. Yes, sir ; but I don't expect to be infla med by any extraneous pressure of that kind." responded the young man, with con siderable earesetatess. '• Well. I am glad to see yen so emilideet. I bops the Lord will Lek** you. But do yoe know the temptations which exist there?" "Not particularly, sir." " Well. I do. You'll l d wanton women hi the piles of Paris. imeptiag 60 very elect ; and ran whims and ardent drinks ; and you'll lad Sue eompany, and night brawling, and rumbling. and dissipation. and running alter the lents of the old man Adam." "Still. sir. I hops to =abet these suedes,- hilly." ft I hops yen will, my dear Christian broth er," was tb• reply. " I hops yea will, and ist ass sail yen Ms for per sessolation in SIM you should WI frompaw Tim amp ter is souse than the sin, sad the Amster tits tesspettion. the more merit thaw is in mist ime it. Tim ms who goes to 11611111111 14 hi of New Oritesu Is sere to hays twice as high a pies is eternal glory as wbo reaches Paradise through the quiet fertak et New Jersey or Posasylvasia." Pboii. Li.., MU P. wee igaltings Jamey In a step seat& over the May roads of New Hampshire, cad maimed kimae4( se the way by resorts bthe tio.ert at a mysterions fril = bottle whieli be had with hiss. flediterly the coach mate in eoateet with a large seas, which without doing any other damage, de prived Billy of bit equililbrima, and down be rolled epos the gross& ** Wat'n thunder yet debt' fw sail Bi ll y. "bow eons yet to trip over r The driver inibrmed bin that the star had not been over turned at all ; and t h e pe► senors assured Billy that Jam was right. Billy approsohed the vehicle sole, cad re mounted slowly to his former seat outaida. " Didn't ap.ot. d' you say r' " Not at ail," replied tbe driver. Well—if I'd knowed that," said Baty," / wouldn't ha' got uff." How to Color the Hair Black.—Ata English writer rates that a liquid that will color the hair black sad not ;ruin the skia, may be made by taking one part of bay rum, tires parts of' olive oil, and on•part ofgood brandy. by measure. The hair must he washed with tills mixture every morning, and in a short time, the use of it will make the hair a hes,- tiful black, without injuring it in the least.— The articles most be of the best quality, and always shaken well before being applied. Illegal no", is old Timm—The following is en extrws fr,en the laws of itaesseitseetta for 1463, showing bow voting wee skansiged in the odes time: It is ordered by this oourt and the authori ty thereof, that for the yearly choosing of militants, the freemen shall nse Indian corn and beans—the Indian corn to manifest dec ides. the beans oontrary ; and if any freeman shall put in more than one Indian corn or bean, for the choice or refusal of any public cfl w. he shall forfeit for every such offence tee ;vends. inorsorro Skoaa—A lira in Boston have jut mauls taro pairs of shoos for a slave is om of the flottbars States, whieb are el*. pkantiu in their proportions. The dimon noon' of amok oboe is alumni sad a Tuna: is WWl', ail Inches mums the ball of du DO* and oerealoon inebes airoand the instep. Thai reaud will require a engrain' sad to Urn 11111Plousi hail boss oak to a pact', and Marna home at a lON . = an early boor. Um bad hardly got Into di* bowie vitas the docksteak Poor. " One— an.este—oaehiesupped Jena'. "I My, Mia. Jaws. this eta* oat of older, It has Aro* MO her ewe.* lf/Pli, Wiliam vas sebilliss bia ummi alio Imps No &maim& wins airless AI ompamione wan boot by lik• epodes of • boss. sad be dor ins mad. " /WI hint dig yea amp Asir bows. •• I alet ore ip r ei fr liege am Or Deeelseekaltpisid sneer. GETTYSBURG, PA.: MONDAY, NOV. 14, 1859. VP ALL Y. iT LTINIA wrinzir MOCIUIST Old but Good. "111,IITN IR 111431177, AND WILL PILIVATL." A Kind Heart. Lard Nihon. when forced to see men whip• pied on board of the ship. ascended to the deck precipitately, read tepidly and in an agitated voice the rules of the service, and then cried : " Heat:min. to your duty." "Admiral, par don!" Lord Nelson would then look around at his officers ; all keeping silence, be would say: "What! not en* of you, gentlemen. not ease ben pity on that man or upon my suf ferings} Untie the man ;my brave fellow. on the day of battle remember me 1" It was rarely that the sailor. thus rescued by his Admiral. did not distinguish himself at a la ter period. One day a man was going to he whipped. He was a marine. A beautiful young girl sprang through the crowd of sol diers; she fell on bar knees before Nelson and seised his hand. " Pardon, your h3nor," said she, " pardon. be will never he guilty seam is " Your tees." said the Admiral, "answers for his future good conduct. Untie the man ; he who ban finch a beautiful ens nare se this for a friend. cannot be a bed man." This marine afterward became a lieutenant. Attendance Beyond the Grave. The answer to this difficult problem is gh at by the spiritual Telegropk. which states, that. ea a meet occasion. a nutlet was SW played to take a daguerreotype of a comes. whirl foe the purpose, was seated in the chair. The plate ON ezaatination.was found to contain aot rally the piston of the demand. bur, to the astonishment of an, kip, yaw jfgura, a wale end female, sisadieg !wide dm corpse. Thi writer add*: •••fire dress of the female Igor* was wboily urine that of artist. (the artist belag a mod%) aid no other females were in the room. AU the fig ures, corpse and all, were very dim. Now. the spiritual phrase is, that two spirits staa ding beside the corpse were redested, eta." A Javan Oriatiaal.—A Jaren eriteinal was 'oedema:id by the 13altan la !she a largo roy al tiger. whose ferocity was raised te the highest point by want of fund and artilciai irritation. The only weapon allowed to the human combatant was a dagger with the point broken of. After wrappings cloth round his left fst and arm. the man entered the arena with an air of undaunted etulness, and fixed a steady, menacing gess upon the brute.— The tiger sprang furiously upon his intended victim, wlin. with extraordinary boldness and rapidity, thrust his left fist into the gaping jaws, and at the same moment, with his keen though pointless dagger, ripped up the beast to the very heart. In less then a minute the tiger lay dead at his ennqueretr's feet. The crimisal was not only turgivep, but tobolbied by his sovereign. iw hard earn breed may tie made will appear from the following story, told us by an old gentleman in Western Arkansas : " I have been living down here below Fort Smith for twenty years. The desk in my afire is at the bead of a long eight of stairs, and in the haste of business my inkstand is often knocked of and rolled down. For a bag time I could get no material that would stand this usage. Oleo* was out of the open tiou. Sums broke like crockery. The hard est wood I could tad goon gave way. Final ly, a lucky thought struck ma. I sent tip to one of my neighbors--the widow 3.--.lor a piece of ber corn bread. Ater rajah% seve ral doe tools I succeeded is hollowing it cut, and shaping it into as inkstand. That was ten years ago; and, stringer, I've used that inkstand liver sines. sad I reekon it's good for at least tea geasnatioae Imager r ITwo °Seers were travolhe la the far West, when they stopped to take sapper at a read-aide haven, kept b 7 a very roses Tanlies woman. The landhar, is a SLUM sea-bonnet and bare feet, stood at the bowl of the table to pour set., She Inquired of bar guests if they chese long tweeted.' or short emceeing. The lest afar sup posing that "long sweetening" meant a large pa of the article, chose it aceordiagly. What was his dismay when be saw bit boatels dip her lager deep dawn into as earthen jar of honey that stood sear bar. and then stir her lager around in the sofas. His companies seeing lbis. preferred "short rueetening.• upon which the woman picked up a large lamp of maple Sager that lay in a brows paper as the loor beside bee, and biting tAf a pea. put it into thupep. Both of the gentlemoi dispensed wash ease that melee. Mb' What are you dives* dime for r 6 ' lea dining for one !" The sews /.w--thit Wen collected. " We are told yogi,* dining for may r Well. I ain't diggiS' for anything else: TIM rate look l pays well; you had better take hold." AU doted their soallk u 4 kid hold most vigorously he swain After liwwwing out mete este Spade, tie question Ness: " When did yea get any mon kat 1 4 ' 6' Saturday aigbit.' " Why, how mach did you get r 6' Four dollars sod a half." " Wby, that's ratbsr anal !M N It's pretty well ; six shillings a day is the regular pries for digging eellars, all over the town." 'The spoke dropped aid the Wan Ina inhed. • 1.1. .Clessemey of Woahisigioe.—The Mitr ing is contained among a capital oolleetion of illustrative anecdotes published in Paris in 1825. A soldier of the American army had been condemned to be shook The unfortunate man, during several years, had devoted all his spars aarsiage to the support of hie pa roam who were very aged. When General Washington asoerfa►ned this fact, he commie tad the sentence to a dishonorable die charge from the regiment, remarking to the officers of the oourt-martial : "If we take his life, we may kill three persons in pia** of one." mirThe Rev. Dr. Hawks ones 'raided as increase of salary, and a dingy old parishion er opposed giving it to him. "Lay, brother," said be, " what do you Inuit more salary for? Hpn's the Lord said he'd bay She young ravens whoa they cry 1 1 ' "The* all very wait" said the Dosser, " bat the Lord &Nina% sal eaythia( shout the young Hawks r' _-live years shies a fanner Is MA, aetwithinindiag a/1 his neighbors belated he yes playing the fool. set sot oe his Ism san thousand peach tries. and this seam. be teas aired to thousand dollars he the serop. . Mr AL dowa-mat girl, who Las strayed oat to Sonora, arias to bar fad* Mat the straw hussies est these grow se hags as Now Hamp shire pumpkins. T. dad oat abeam Map ars imps, they " plag* them as ire do whim. meloas. =Kt is sa aid womb that " bop . 1411 boys." Wbat s pity d . . % equally am *A ISM Win Os asat. 11/`Air spirals Isis fissertri. bu vow reqpied to ado a alai at a dhlair•. Massif rd tie abicliaa. Tbs Aerial Ilh=rd of Probasor The Now York noes pablishas a card from Professor Lowe, who intends shortly to at tempt an serial voyage to Europe, which ootw eludes as follows : " Some people may think that I am insane* rash, or a seeker after fame, but this is not the ease. I have for two years coolly 4wmitid ered the subject, and have provided for every contingency. I intended to make my first trip across the ocean entirely a private under taking ; but finding that the amount of ex pense to be incurred would overtax my pur sonal mean., I have been compelled to an nounce a public exhibition, while preparing for the voyage. lam confident dew:mess for varion. manna? " First. I have a large balloon, which bas a capacity of 175.000 cubic feet; therefor, should the tovelope he no more perfect than those whieb•are usually constructed, it will retain its power for a longer period. ' 4 Sound. I have devised meehanical *Spit anee for raisit4 and lowering the bailono while its the air, without expenditure of the lilting power. "Third. I have invented 'an, apparatus for indicating the different current@ below, so that advantage can be takes of thew marroots, should I lad - numb gulag too fir North or smith. Should any accident occur, or dioold the balloon machinery fail to accomplish It. work, the metallic life.bnat, which will be 'upended below the ear, is rigged with "MIN and will prime satcisotly straw to 'adore WIT MM. I. It is trap, I would have preferred another season of tits year for undertaking this first great experiment of transatlantic oriel nevi ratio. ; bet ialiould this first attempt at an ex ploring ex ition. u I term it, not prove entirely el, I shall not be discouraged nor deg 61411 instituting experimeats with a view to ascertaining the cause of • failure and the remedy therefor. I shall be supplied with ail the philosophical apparatus necessary to take met observatious. If serial navigation is pulsated, it will be accomplished by perseversam, wee in the midst of opposition and detraction. I am willing to take the risk, and if I eon do any thing to add, in however small a measure, to the store of our scientific knowledge, I shall feel amply repaid. " Phew° , no doubt, bat cherish a fervent hope, that the time is not fez distant whim we can travel in the air without the aid of bal• loom for buoyant force. I bare already devised a plan for an serial carriage, which ma be na. iri in any direction, and at a high rate speed. as soon as a propelling power mum disemered. the weight of which shall be bat me-third of that we now empley. It mks requires some shrewd ar.d intelligent inventor tri do this, and serial navigation will become a practical science. T. & 0, Lows." asiqb. Hoe. Jame* C. Jones, of Tennes see, whose death at Memphis on Saturday is annoenear i p was formerly Governor of that State, and member of the United States Sen ate for theta= beginning with the year IP6I, and ending with ISST. He died after a lin gering illness. In the polities of Tennessee, after the days of Jackson and Whit*. the chief leaders were Jones ass Whig. and Polk as a Des ?hey were pitted against seek oth foe the office of Goeiront, which Polk then led, and 4011114 was sleeted. &burg tly when Mr. Polk was siseted President elf the United tithe" th e man that bens Polk !' %tease an oldest of Interest, bat it was ant76ll after Polk had roe his emir. Aimed the Nesiesa war sad died that Jones attained tit the Upited States Sonia At the fail disseletiset of the Whig *lv Jones joined the Dealeerats, and eleeed his career as residebt of the Charleston and Memphis Ruined. Ihroolstell nu ne Appealing lb famp. Frim..ork. r of Virginia. whom ea olltede, piwriotie sad prudent anodes/ is no pod to the Harper's Ferry mintage emumaads universal ,approval. Is is daily reeeipt of • large number of totter* from Abolitionists is various State" threstenieg his life, threaten leg an attempt to rescue Old Brown, and threatening the renewal of like attempts le those of Brown, if Goy. Wise does not pardon the miscreant who has just been 00pviated of her crimes, and who will be pat to the death be deserves, as surely se tomorrow's ma rises in lituren. These letters speak of the iteeressingi number of the Abolitionists, of their ability to perform what they threaten, and of the "munlereef eps," to use the lan jeep of of them, with which they watch the progred of Brown's trial. They wind up generally with bolding out to the Governor Irmo po pularity at the nor th if be will deal lenientwith the criminals. From all quar ters in the Northern and Western States these litters ones, written in every variety *IMO' and penmanship ; but all breathing throbs of remise or of vengeance, in cam Brews sad his followers are executed. Honest Farmer. Two inners haying a dispute me to scam land, an action at law was oommeneed to de termine it. On the day lied for the one of them called on his opponent to mama paay him to the mum, that each night gin hie own sintemeaut of the saes. 7nig hie nsighbaret work in hie field, his mud to to him, " Is it possible you hare for our canoe is to be decided to-day 1" "C' ll said the other., "I have not forgotten it, WI I oannot well spare the time to go. Yoe will be there. and I know you are an honest man, and will Mate the case fairly, and justioe will be done." And so it proved ; for the farmer stated hi* noighbor's claims so eisarly, that the saes was (Waded against himself, and he retained to inforn his opponent that be had gained the property. Snob eharaeter is worth more th an the wealth of the Indies. A Prayer Kimiing Thirty kraet Lay.—.ll few days Ow sire Christians of Philadelphia were rearrulue beim 11 the Peunsylvsaia Railroad, fres a rinse in the interior, when a prayer rasesing w suggested and had far ea hour. while Use trein'wes ha sours. Gov Afbir.-Bouno Qmipinos. resoady, wimp WI boos loitoriss alai Ike Imes of Kr: Illmonsinlilsinms. DIM 11111111101* Prison willies eartig. Ys. porMlsisi Na Ss look into Ik. *ls els lonia, is whisk miss diem fins ; rM whilonlio orno itabsoisi mut lis Ahab albs labsiados, took Moss Wm Abs key of Din loorossool Maio tiloiroltoon $lOOO in gold, whisk" they doeiuspod. nay won ootiosgoontll saresnod sad Nis mossy roooverod• N...114k10a07 Deproot mo d= oloordooloal "Iranied• oo sot, to hold & ay wifo's loorso—olio iser sod& WIN, it 4 0 0 6 Oft' slime Me bL mos t immer. br wvirtu", obtobra Vie airimeg, , ilianser ..tat 6 4 Mr a Miefa irt t. 4 " ra. NS us tar "M g INO VIII1 e4" /MIO TWO DOLLARS AMUR. Old Itrawn. The term "n•ld Brows." "mad Brown," "easy Brown," is reiterated everywhere* but more eapesially by the Republican pew, They are all ready to desert and stigmatise hint sow with rase opprobrious epithet is order to relieve themselves from the responsi bilities of bin sots, though none of them are a whit batter than be, and few of them as good. The miserable fanatic and tool of " higher law " toe:Wags is even deserted by all his old Maids in this his time of trial, and only one Republican lawyer in all the Northern States, and he a bnetless one and unknown, has volunteered his mortices in Brown's behalf! Where is the philanthropy, and self-sacrificing prineiples of these pro fessed freedom shriskers--throe friends, coca. pinions, abettors and eorrespondentsof Brown while he was hatching treason They now cover their heads in very shame, slink sway Into dark boles and corners, Itud let their vic tim, now he is in trouble, fight his awn way the hest be nuy. Shame no their pusillani mous goals I Brown, bad as he is, is worth a regiment of such heartless creatures. All such as this leader and his companions in an attempted revolt can learn, from the neltlea fel treatment they are receiving from those who should now if ever befriend them, what they may in future expect from this elan of Republicans and prtfruisg philanthropists. Away with such driveler'. monntebanke and treason instigators I—N. Y. Ness. The'Boston Liberator. the Nethinel Era at Washington, and the Anti-ills Stand ard of this ei." (earl th e New Ireek Day "publish the seothois of the isirpira ey at Chirp'''. Terry without one word ofl comment! The New York Tribune and the Rvesigg Post do net publish a line of Col. Forbes' disclosures it plioatiag Seward, Rale, Wilson Gad others. The Poet does not refer In them at at The Tribune minutias a cord from Bosses Greeley of a non-eommithil chartists". Re says that no proof exists against the " Republican Senators," bat one remarkable feature of the and is that Greeley doss net Mir that he knew of ota awn/. agreditient 1 Rs also aslutihe the members of the Democratic Vigilant Committee to re tract their "broad and weighty soeuestion." We saga" that Mr. Greeley sad his friends see them for libel. They are wealthy and able gentlemen. and If they hove slendered Horses Greeley . sword; Senators Sear . ner. Wilson, and others, there la sine shamee to get damages. Ws know enough of the matters already divulged and of the memos not yet knows. te say most anequivoadly that they dare net to it/ Let them try their chance* in a court of law y they dare. Let them vindicate their obtrusions, if they esn before ...jury of twelve men. If they de this, there wt.' be such a shaking that all New England will quiver, and the British doesin ions will ream a greater mesessios of emi grants from this Gauntry than they bare bed since the Tod.. 'embarked fur Nova Scotia." —3MMs. Whose Oz is eared? The Tribes* somplaiss piteously of the " use male of Old Drown " by the Democrsay in this ;Widest: , seaspaigo. Let us respect, rally esk who it was that " seed Old Brume " is the Tresseet easepaiga, sad whether it is arty worn for the Deasocruoy to see him sow than far the Republicans to we him them Ohl &emu has bees the favorite of the Re publisaa lams, until listened to accomplish his sad their purposes. Thee he became at ones " crazy Old Brows," " fuel," sad a " aradmaa." We think Brown, b 7 this thee, must rek Ilse, if not the isorrortness of the azioas of Gov. Banks, that " mesas is a duty," at kiln the hitter teeth that failure le the mod* to teat the iiaoarity of retessed friends.— Ivory ass of the Berrebheaa papers, Indeed, praised Brows until be into ra ß il l ! " & a they deserted him. Whale own wentary os their gawky I—Journal of 11111111. 4 Trout the Columhis Dbsocrat. ♦ Pew QumMans. •What was Osaawatosale Brows. the lark. of Harper's Ferry - insnon, Wills la Lanais? Ads,—A Repablisan. What was this seas Ma Brown Awe, la Ohio, Illmsembusetts and Virginia? Republiess. Wliq.bas• been the Alden and abettors of the soliessei of Brows and hie rebels'? ens.—Republicane—to wit—Joshua R. OltWoo, Fred. Douglas, Gerrit Smith, and others. What were the latestions of Brown Ans.—The overturning of the goveretnent of the United Stew, and the treeing of the Slaves of the South. Who site him issottoy sod woos to dad his *ldiot ? A os.—Kootboro of the Ropubliesa party. Wen say Dosoocrsto 000naotod with. this ottosopt. Ioo.—MYT OWL Col4rxt and Harper's 'Nary. The Harrisherg Fturia é Union. in ink 113 ' tide on the Harper's /arty inserreitioe, ra• merits: Let us add, in illustration of that dart of the ethane which Gonna:god this Monty homi ness with cotton speculation, that the Jew York isclepeadest, whose editor istrodeeed Brown io Forbes, on announcing the inear rection, said : It has been rumored that sew spasistors is adios edvasiesd sweep to isseat the isms , notion. with a view of. pruilting by the rim is aim whisk the hippies mei an event would be hit* to ace in this market." We prabosastil is woos faliebood when we read it, be We wield not mediae me a depth of&petty; but k Maras art to be true. - " Why net Awn Alai* a little sioney It will not hurt the caw," wen the wowst of thespileskeors V totem and seerder„ the spinners deans) andft of * usan Setif hisurresible. tieF oned ti Worb es day. w TIM 4isintof lbw* se it be allowed by the failure of some et= tarried epesektiore in Illsw Sagispd Ow the plot erns na in the and beim it aussised a hem le*SMy ilirnOrMOS Ofloll7 PabIMOD 101 l Mid over kis ogra * a maim, is the Wham. Is ipiiek be sepsis es basesiket et' Wend =am. =bi ha s mei itirso so. 1 = 1" gaisapir.q. &Niel admilbac 1661 Pm nags NA wb al Oise le Us Igasp vselw sumo ipatelie Was ems, mot hoe $lOO, Mar sErv'kagle rpfiviimis atmmirislir at ilMo Ropeoblleml la ribs to tsiqp irp•maid in Yaws". • llarefts Duieesrs is est is = .4 ( !ins Posiima lnil l= 4411 b Tit** tdatto destine with as m. to soli modoomiitil to volowais opioito -oda b a l l & i n 14: Otis bto diatom* ngioo k te wp g! oith EMZI ~ . • < Us . li ali rin= ir A si : of Ifssomemssso We osier boo it Ow. giro Dahl lifohilor he his pima to swim lb* plaided inimpipiso so She .. e .,.. .. piMthe a el ilet i jgst2 I tZ , teli ma 11, ihrk - Uiilielibli iss• Übe haw is Ms e m it we otti= tie lis.dossli, V by up kis remain aid= Ms win woe grease etniisseeths, fbir e =" 1 small kis erliUs 'him& A autos ettlis disdipoiasdilkse ilsilleede.- er has reeseily boos avow! as As IleSeil of the Batas BIM*I Ileum It yes iieseyee• ted with peek pow eed the &mils odes* of aissiosieiftibe ohl sad Whams hm& of If gosm-41dwmi Imoso--4siisped ffi NO. 7. eulogy on hie Uh esti meets. 41E4, # such were poselkie, bee added I. the limos at Everett as one af the greatest ellastedeissa ' and most ammespiliebed minks* et Me •So such hams te ossmseyd woe SW denoenteed itholidesieb, who Wiens( • er-lawism, sad who, wise be woeld employ all the powers ed hie gpeetic to expose the berme el Os • iskusi enact " doelebn =I44BIMIttOON _tee. aft lilt SW! fill Is the Meeit modem Athanisas.They wess il" that the status of Webster was 'glowed to placid in the State House grounds. nip were indignant that Mr. Everett should be invited tebrapeat his mute/ *4 1 7 is presence dr the Massachusetts latare,.... They resolved to be revenged. OM• menced an agitatkia for the roamed d taw Webster statue, sad their presses lesemdi with abuse of their demand orearat, will tip poetises of all his alleged heresies deeds, and with the most °resat apple to ' the people to insist that the grounds atfeetret to the Massachusetts halb of • wherein personal-liberty bills are= - in defiance of the Constitution of Ul4 11E1101 States, and violations of the staine r We United States are recunimended,jestillod. encouraged, should not be desecrated bribe presence of eve° as "animated Wee ef unrelenting opponent of every Blaek. Call dogma. Not content, however w i Vg . , puffing the removal of the states , s ad 22/1 petitions to that effect, they actually the occasion when Mr. Everett was, by km& wive, repeating his eulogy. to streak!. ail obtain signatures to them peados.. sod dm. endeavor to insult the memory of she demi statesman and slight the living mime. Is the estimation of all riabt-minded sow Isoleb ever, their ineffable vulgarity sad Islam• lance are so revolting that thy have Ogled st their object, and must fall back oa the hes& of their authors. But this was not all. At the same time that the Black Republican Bostonians ure4 the ignomin ious es of the Weimer steam, they proposed that a statue le the Ms Horace Mann sshhaallll be erected on the Blab Home grounds, and Oov. Banks has maw 'needed the adoption of the preposition. it will be remembered that Mann was all his life a deadly !be ofWebster, so !hr es, impels* of intellect, a very diminutive pigmy tee be said to be the foe of a towering giant. these Abolitionists proposed to west a sleMmi of "Richard Downing, &quire," preeithellei the colored eimrestion, deputy oyster le., As., Le., opposite to that of lir:11 1 = they could har dl y have displayed woes slew ly Heir malignant desire to insult his mow ory. The National inti-gievery waded declares that "the Mates oial be end we have no doubt that the o=l beiserpstrated. It is not unnatural that ski& the Ainti.filariery &smulard s d ser much ociuldenee—the party w ream* 0. oohed as a public amain' that "eve/ Wee anti-eh ves7 American is bound le UAbt with latgbt and main' for the Wel sad MP mediate abolition of slavery, either the instrumentality or over the tart libili d Unita &tato Constitufion'u-ehoski Daniel Webster and defame him. Ha ROW the constitutionality of the fottitesissie ieNf and the rights of the South. He wee jui S with more earnestness of sesivistiem when 'maintaining the impedance of the ary, inculcating the obsolete easessitystiM Omit obedieme to eta decisions, and miedtaisk snug to strengthen the public essedemet ifs its integrity and wisdom. It is eft I..LML in that they wile will hail se the Ante er • political millenitun the hour when the lam* man shall wage a war of extermil=ll the white min—who eall the animism with bell—who have spedisk Wash ingtou as a "bloodhound au di illinit it al l an African siurro"--s ho declare it an "irrepressible mullet" bourns do and the South—who have assailaiiii of the Supreme Court of the UMW! and spoken of them ap "bar room -- who, in avord, have striven for yam hi dr noisish all reelect for governasest is the minds of the people. and to inangerate as era of iefidenty. treason. andvanarehy--elimmad NI. mil, and attempt to Ms alt. hi C memory Ohio by whom their "insanity and fanaticism" vine most triumphantly expceed in their met Ms. • hi:Wrest and disgusting form. What is there in relpos, in moralsorpei• des, which the Black Repittilleane ham sit attatdmi? Is am place we find them pessdr lag open infidelity ; in 'mother, fres isele lie another, the rights of property see sad robbery mid murder Elitist sad peseuM mended as "noble ph ilenthrom :" is sesillet, the Somme Court is ridieuled sad densimm ed ; and in another, the Constitetios is alp demised as the Ile plus nitro of h ty. Nothing. however cured, wiss i I. lllll'. ic, or exalted, is safe from the M► multi of the Black Republiams. 'Asir preachers teach infidelity and reheats* belle the pulpit, instead of the Guel ; thiersems , sosamend trauma white shed =greet and air= illetrgelist. siltation of the sited States eif Atomiser and their leaders dealers in meg ilia* ing that there is se emillim" between the North sad the , which amp a am anainika meg ems et the alhar is tap deed: _ _ _ It is the inuitaide sterarylhgensi. air wrath's, patco.krrieg eigien to be mentell and reviled by these traitors. Their penile Wed be hued. their blase lab be The good are always esesplisseated 111=1 bed alms dim Is lift %be ll* sad °mei:aims of the Abeihieniebid INS 11111 r tarb Webster. Us esid tang be oisapielnilte be libelled and abased" by ibees. la their aoatanpgible assaults anntellistnifOlfte mum or ftplisaft his fame. andemusa and &aphid diem titarolighly. ll their treason be said : *Wlen I Nita Mb, renown of ear past bistevy, ea per vi CIONIS psseassity and greatness, end ea tho Mare bull jet to sapid; asd triton apt that titers are Nen trite en had is 'a Mt suiting rod, sada( talimbley issailisfra*/ glorious, I feel that their reamer MASI'S stray has thew, sad left the waive ever their julipatiust and their MOM= sanity end lanstieina sod, mese the pu hutting end rposes el illinuiesdiftt theaM be assonsplisited, lb. pitislianonllkliu. fro Wigwag et ear generaften emp or btillis timempsive mfts eof the aw alma le lad giallmorable • • , dame Obi IMO ilimais should busehisil mut 1111rAaamilaamtaip 114= imadasalimilwrang maa a Awl I_. Tit mash a Nome The a mini iv awl kW a m ore Prise =Moat* akpliehiestiot the oast ety. Kan sot eobilkee 'ley awl arcs r w No. aty eau bat IAIIIII as dm* " &sum I los who west If es hie Ingi; --- V= r i1ig6 42 14". 1414 k 1t a. • . ret . .110 1 111 . 11.1111k* . . - .., -'_ :• . -' mfi 513 El El WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers