. L. maa-riecl_ On the 20th inst., toy the Rer. Xr. Catenna, I Jr. PETER A. ICKENRODE, of Honorer, to , kiss LLZEIR, eldest daughter of Yr. Jacob Lawronce, of Strellan township. gar With this *hot* tattle i skate of the wefding cat. Skink* they have the printer's thanks fur their kind reSetabrance, they have his best wishes fee their future happinees and enjoyment is the journey of life. On the Vitt last., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Xe. FRSIiEFHCK A. RIME, of Franklin town %kip, to tits SARAH JANE LADY,of Slenallen township. Ott the same day, by the same. Mr. JOHN 8111'1 0 :FA., of Huntington township, to Miss , BAHAH E. BRAME. youngest daughter of Mr. john IL and Elizabeth Brame, of Huntington township. At Fairfield, on Wednesday morning last, by NV. J. R. Warner, Mr. J. HARVEY SCOTT. of this place, to Miss MAGGIE MAJORS, of the former place. On the 6th inst., by Rev. A, li. Loehman. in Zion's Lutheran Church. banon, Rey. AG USTI:B C. WEDEKJNJ), 1 ,,, 11M0r of th e con gregation, to Miss EVALESN A. 11...kGCEL, I,oth of Lebanon. On Tuesday evening last, at the residence the bride's father. in Petersburg. V. 5..) by the Rev. S. W. Siebert. Mr. ANDREW MYERS, of Hontington township, to Miss BEGKIE ANN GARDNER, of the former place. On the 20th inst..by the Rev. E. H. Hotfheins, Mr. 'WILLIAM FI..t.I.SCIS 111()MAS to Miss SCSANNA YOHE, both of the vicinity of Ab botUtown, Pa. On the 24th of Sept. in North Bend, lowa. by the Rev. M. Bowman, Mr. JACOB D. HOCGHT ELIN, of Tenor*, lowa. (and formerly of this county,) and MAGGIE D. youngest daughter of James Chamberlin, of Johnson co., lowa. At the name time and place, by the Rev. D. (;itt, Mr. DAVID HOWELL, of Marietta, 111., to 31.kTTIE J., daughter of Rev. 31. F. Siia% ely, deceased, late of Johnson co , lowa. " Died_ On Saturday evening last, in thir place, JEN NLE THOMPSON, infant daughter of Bev. Wm, sad Xary Jane McElwee, aged 5 mouths and 1 s oilys, Funeral this (Monday, morning at lo o'clock, to proceed to Ever Gretn Cemetery. At Paoli, Orange co.. Indiana, on the sth of August last. Mr. DANIEL O'BLENIS. aged 8d ears 5 months and 12 days : and on the 21+1 of September. ELIZABETII, widow of Daniel ) Blenix, deceased, aged 82 year., C mouths and days—both forratrly of thi+ t tity. On the 24:44 of Aug.. in Richi ,nd county. Ohio, Mrs. SARAH HOFFMAN, wife of Daniel /turfman, furmery of this county. On the 'of Sept. in Hartford. Indiana af ter a short illness, JACOB BROUGH, Fool., for perly of Adams county, agedra boa t 52 yeurs. Died, near Areadtsrille. on the it of tht,, lIESHY DAVID HARTMAN, son of Henry Hartman. Esq., aged I.; years and 9 mouth.. The deceased was afflicted fur several years ith disease of th. heart. During-the Lilt few months, in the midst of the', suffering, his na turally interestic.c disposition ‘i as hallowed by lin evident work of grace in has will. He was it gifted on and dearly beloved by all is ho knew him welL Though be had not vet, much it Ilk regret. joined the ehnri.h, yet hie end was peace. for he had learned, like the younger son in the parable. whose case beloved to study, to &onfe.,- bin Dills, and believing on Christ, to for sake them. He had no wish to stay in this orld except that he might do something for Smior who had sought him IA hen a range: to the fold of God." With his failing strength he endeavored to admonish hi; couag dalp.tnlUllS and others, and tv rtonfort parents. 0, that all aho knew Lim ma.y u,ever turg.et the solemn lessons of his departure. His remains were interred, at Flohr's eiturch,Ql2 the riday following his death. A bear relative has furnt,hcd the follou;ng appropriate lines t. 2 l,c publi•Lesl along Pith this notice: .Cbt, brother! in peace. WI Jc.u► Loci lie gave thee: be took thee ; A LA ile 11 di r.•ttorr tti,r %%Li. wbeti the L. - rJ 51J:ill F ummon those 1\ Guru tiiuu ti.l,t Irtt it...1.,1id Vr. we, untainted by the aurlJ, sure a deume find 3l ay each like thee depart in pence, To be a glurious guest kVilerC the Near' Shall forever rest." The I\/a,r3le-ts.. GETTISI3U.IIG—SercauAr LAIT, gup eri e F10ur...... ., 315 e C0rn....... ............. ........ ..... Luck wheat ...... ...... huckwileut Meal. Clover Timothy Seed Flax Seed ? ... . II trley ...... Playter of Paris Lister ground, per bag.-- BILMORE--FIILIDAY LAST.• ....... 5 00 to 5 25 1 15 :o 1 BO 82 to 90 • 7r, to 95 • 38 to 43 • 500 to 525 2 60 to 1 75 600 to 9 00 C SO te 7 75 13 00 tot 7 00 27 to 29 62 00 rlnttr.. "Wheat Rye... ' , oru.. (1 its.. (Dover Seed , Timothy Seed Beef Cattle, per hand.... flogs, per hood 1iay....—... Whitkey Guano, Peruvian, per toe NANO VS ft--TatruDAy La* Floor, from wstons Do. from stores 11 , the a t Ils - e .... Core.”... Outa ....- Claret Eked...-. Timothy Seed, Plaster YORK—FRIDAT Las? Plour, from wagolli.•••••••••••••••••• Do. from 5t0re5...... .... Rye...... ..... Coro . Oats Clover Seed.. Timothy Seed plaster WMw-ilgillinery. MiSS IfeOHEMIY will open to-morrow a mow and besatiful assortment of MIL- I3tB Y AND FANCE,GOODS7conaisting of Bonnets, Hata and Cape, Bonnet Frames, Silks and Yelvets of sU colon, with Feathers, Flower* sat Ribbons temateh. Laces, Roches, Allusioes; Nalloce, sad Woudtblonds,• Fancy Head-dresses, Hair-balls, Halt-brushes mad Combs, soaps, Perfumery, sad Lilly White.— Silki and Embroideries, Ladies' sod Children's Gloves and Hosiery, Steel. Extension Skirts, (all sites.) Also, Cloaks sad Shawls of the most huhlossisle styles with a variety of other u articles for the ladies' toilet, too numerous to mentiog--.411 of which we will be happy to show L.o,,thome who May gllll as a ealL Oct: st, isae. tat A Fresh Assortment OF GOODS RECEIVED Al' !MINING ER'S. -The subscriber has jut retuned from the City with another mad most splendid assort ment of Goods for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR—to which he calls the attention of the public. He bat selected his stock with great care, and eau sell and zunufseture every variety of Clothing la the ehaspest and most substantial manner. He desires all who wish to be well fitted with Ste, Petal FALL AND WINTER. CLOTHING, to give him a eat!. Re cannot be excelled in the twit- *My ane, Asset:tr., who desires a bares* shoot toll with bins at Ain Merchant 7silutfnelleablishutent. le Owlish) street, next door tp-116COoettgitre Hall. - JACOB agnintGEß. Oct.. In s -, — Latta' WI Xiang' Shoes. b ...... 1...., said limey ash/ wed r ow ,Li stior , „ HollornOine *lash Congress liag. ting Nag. • Ins Armco, sad lad Boots, Ihletp;',lll4 liisasi and fatil dren'aSheik Soli Gaon of may tartaty.— Ladies an . e.MIESSINPROW toiril to can and examine thitis peals for thirmaslres. No trouble to show goods at R. F. Nc/LRENY'S. At PUBLIC SALE.—In paranastee of Ain order of the Orphan's Cemrt of Admits county, the subscriber, Administrator of the ertate of JOUPH CLUSX. deceased, will offer al Public Sale. on the premises, on Saturday, iotA day of Nor , ,a,'”miry. A TRACT OF LAND, containing 33 Acres, neat measure. situate in Nountpleasant township. Adahis county, ad joining lands of Moses icnft. John :••neeringer, and others. About 3 acres arc Woodland, with a sufficient portion of Meadow. The land is in a high state of cultivation, it ban mg been limed. Conowago creek runs along part of one line.— The improvements are a one and half story Stone Dwelling HOUSE, with Kitchen, a good double Log •-1 Barn, and Sheds, Corn Crib and f• Wagon Shed, a Smoke and spring House, with a Dever-failing spring and a well of water near the door ; an excellent young Ap ple Orchard, with other choice fruit. such as apples. pears, peaches, plums, kc. The fences are in good repair The property lies about one-fourth of a mile from Senft s Mill. Persons desiring to view it are requested to call on Joseph Clunk. Jr., who resides near Os prem ises. A clear title and possession will be given on the first of April next. ja r irS:ale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. Y., on said dny. when nttcndanee will be given and ternl3 intide known by PETF.II, SMITH, Adm's By the Court—H. G. Wotr, Clerk. Oct. 340,1&.W. Ls* rrIfIE subscriber offers at Private Sale, a 1101.:SE AND Lla, situate on the Long Lane, Gettysburg, adjoining I la en Itobinson's property. The House ...,,7, 1 1 . 11 1 is a one and a half story frame, " . ,rt witliWood-sheilattached,and other, outbuilding, A Well of nee erfall ing water onethe pretnise4. • ROSENFIF.LD. Oct. 31, 1859. lm* THE subscriber has opened new Oyster and Eating Saloons, on the gond; side of cubersburg street, neat the Diamond, (two doors below Geo. Arnold's Store.) where he will receive EVERY DAY. (Sunday excepted.) and serve in the vitriol's styles, the best quality of FRESH OYSTERS, from Baltimore. 13y keeping a good article. he expects to receive • liberal patrol-aggro He u ill also supply Oys ters wholesale to other establishmenrs. His Bill of Fare will, howe‘er, not be connn ed to Orators aluue. Other articles in the Eat ing line can always be had iu season—also a nice glass of ALE. Entrance to Ladies' Saloon at the centre door of the building—to Gentlemen's Saloon at the dour adjoining it on the west. Commuulcated WIiEREAS thelion. Roasa2 e FISHED, President of the several Courts of Coln , mon Pleas in Use Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital" and other offenders in the said distxiet.flad DAVID ZICOLaa and Issac E. WILD, DAS, Esqs. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, an d Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offeaders in the County of Adams—hare jawed their precept, bearing date the 20th day of August. in the year of our Lord one thoneand eight bondred fitly-nine, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions pf the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburz, on Monday, the 21:1 du,/ of November neri—NOWCE IS HEREBY GIVES to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the 'aid County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Accords, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their :.vices and iu that behalf appertalu to be done, and also. they eho will prosecute atratiust the priseners that are or thun shall he in the Jail of the said County of Adaius, are to be then and tilere to p rosecute ag.siust them Al shall be Just. ISAAC LIGIITSEI.I, Thersi: Sheriff's finks, Gettysburg, 1 . Oct. 31, 18.5.9. tc TBE SCII6OI Directors of Strabse township, will meet at the house of J ket36 L. Gs.tss, in lluntcrstown. va .44thirday, the Ste of Nuresabfr aert, at a o'closek, P. M., for Llot parpose of em ploying Teachers for the Winter terns of Schools in said, totrusLip. By order of the Board, JOIE*: WERTZ, See'y. 5.00 3 50 1 05 to 1 20 . 80 SO. ... 33 ...... se I 00 4 50 to § 00 ..... 1 75 Oct. 24, 1859. tali Election. Baia OP Oct. 24, 1859. j OTICE is hereby gi yea to the Stockholders IV of tie Bank of Gettysburg, that an Elec tion far Tturteen Directors, to serve one year. will be held at the Banking-hoasc, on Monday, die 144 day of Noe enter men% tar A general meeting of the Stockholders will he held at the sank time. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. co 6 50 9.5 Oct. 24,-1859. "(SON & Rao. keep constantly on hand ani large axsortent of tine Cases, Frames, Gold Lockets, Breast-pins, Se., at their new sky-light gallery, N. E. cur. of the Diamond, Getty burg. Oct. 24. ENTIPMEN'S FIXSISHIINTG STORE, and ur SHIRT NIANUFAUToRY, No. 814 Ches nut Street, (nearly cypp,kite the Girard House.) Philadelphia. J. W. SCOTT would resPectul ly call the attention of hic former patrons and friends to his new Store, and k prepared to fill orders fur SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with Fl`ts Slims's and CoLtaisa. MI ......--,. 5 SO —.......... 1 10 to 1 15 ••••e 80 •••••• •••••• TS - .— 35 •••—•—•••• 5 00 ----.•-• cop •••••••••••—• 6 50 TIN AND SHEET mos WARE.—Sheads, Buehler /c Kurtz, haring purchased the stuck of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of George K. Buehler, have opened an establishment in con nection with their Stove Ware Room, under the superintendence of G. K. Buehler, and are now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the lowest prices. In addition to the ordina ry ware:they hare a large supply of kitchen and house tarnishing goods, of every variety, including enamelled and tin Kettles, Pans, A - c., for preserving, cooking and frying. gall and see them. Splendid assortment of Stoves and house furnishing goods at their Warehouse, on the corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets. 5 00 5 75 .1 10 tit 1 20 82 SO 37 5 Ou 1 75 6 50 ,Spouting put up at shortest notice. Lum ber, Coal and Lime always on band at their yard at the same place. &MARS, BUREIL.KR k KUBTZ. Oet. 11, 1850. • MIC HA E L A. SLAGLE'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Michael A. dingle, iota of Oxford township, Adams co., dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the •same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly anthentseMed for settlement. DAVID AL MYERS, Adser. Oct. 17, 109, die 'A Dry Goods for Autumn. '69. F;NULL STOCK Off SILK GOODS, Full Scot* of STAPLE 00008, Yeti Stott ef FASOY GOODS, Fashion&las FALL BRAWLS, Meese, Umlauts Asa Pumas, Busseses, Qvu,7ll, Tuts Lassa, se" se. EYES LANDILL, Foes* k Arch fusses, Pkfledetplits • B.—Black Saks, Wholesale, at test tags. Bargains daily from New York Aesthoss, Sept. li, !611014.' AN: quatity at TlCSTS—imabraoiag Sothis, Pabst. DU, Wilma MA, idalas, sal army joasdaskle Clad to ba bad cheap er dissever at PICKING'S. CSMA.R WABIL—i. sew =pal); of Cedar V Warts Tabs, Maros, Bareksts, also sad 10 galls* Isis t iastsoosivad and for sae at the wrest rake at ?UINESTOCK BROW. PHOTOGRAPHS, plain or colored, st TY BONS' New Skytigitt Gallery, Gettysburg. ==M Desirable Property Private Sale. New Oyster Saloons. G. F. EWiENRODE Gettysburg, Oct.. 31, 1859. Proclamation. Teachers Wanted. J. W. Scott, (Late of the Firm of if,ndttater 4 Scott.) Oct, 17, 1b .:i9 Stoves, Notice. e1,=131 Fairview Farm AumT PRITATH FALZ.—A Very Desirable aPrVerrir...—rhis Penn is situated on the; asasburg Turnpike, adjoins the Borough of Gettysburg, sad is in sight of the Railroad De-' i pot, coataining ill Aerea and 70 Perches, more , or less, 12 Acres of whi,h is covered with ' Timber and about 2u Acres of Ileadvw. The improvements are a Two-story . 4 , „, „ Weatherboardskl Dwelling 1.101 . 8 h. . 4 : - 11 11 , with a One-story Back-buildiag, a • • 111 i good Barn, Mechanic's Shop, and ....,- ••••,- , other Out-buildings—al( in good order. From I the Pii.ll.Aof the House ton have a full v;ew of 1 the town, end can see the Cara arris tug and parting. The land Is mostly red soil, is of good quality, and susceptible of a high state of culti vation. Lime nets well on it, and can sla ars be had at the Railroad Depot, one mile doitnnt. at 12f cents per bushel. There is a young Ap ple anc: Peach Orchard, and a great sarietr of . fruit in the yard A well of water at the co.ir, and a never-fAiliniz Spring at the barn. This ! l property, with very little expense, can be made' a very desirple and mod( beautilul country ' residence, well calculated for a siney - ard and vegetable farm. i por I will sell cheap and on the most accom modating terms. It will be shown either by Mr. :Rentz., living on the premises. or myself, residing in tours. GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Ps. Sept. 5, 1853. Here We Are Again ! ALARGER STOCK ANWCHEAPEIMOODS THAN EVER!—MARCUS SAMSON has just returned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia. 'Opal' the largest k of Fall and Winter Clothing elv er off• red in Gettysburg.— Samson is noted for selling good and cheap Clothme. but the stock now on hand es, ecds an; thing he has hc en able to oiler heretofore— hai nag porch iseid on advantageous terms.— stock consists in part, of all kinds of (her coats, Sh aW IS, P,intal.lons, Waistcoats, Under shirts, Drawers, GloN es, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and in fact ever; thing necessary t" rig a man out from head to feet in complete order. If any one wants a complete suit— GOOD 4,5 D CHEAP—they wW do well by falling at Samson's. Instrutsents,Jewelry,and Notions, which it is nut necessary to specify, aln-nys on hand at SANSONE. Oct. 24, 1959. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees nod other peralips concerned that the Admin istration neeoueta hereinafter mentioned will be presented st the Orphan's Court of Adams county for confirmation sod allowance, on Monday, the 21st day of -Voonsber next, at ld o'clock, A. M., viz: Eil. The szeund and final account of John and Maid Mickley, iixecutors of the last will and testament of John Mickley, Sr... deceased. 152. First and final account. of William 11. Oar net. Administrator of. the estate (*Amos Meal , deceased. , .. .s 3. The first and final account of Sebastian Stitzel, Administrator of the estate of Daniel S. Martz, deceased. ZACIIAUTAiI MYERS, Register. Fagister's Ohre, Getty,- I . burg, Oct. 24, 1859. The Greatest Discovery cL°F THE AGE.—lnfitunmatory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using U. 1.. M LEICS CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec tips, has been hitherto unpanillsled by my specific introduced to the piddle. Price 00 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by H. ',MILLER, Who'smile and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa.. dealer in Drugs, Chem ical., Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Arc., kc. Oct. U, 1859. ly • Glorious News iONEY eau be tared by calling on the sub scriber, who has just returned from the cities with one of the largest stocks of FALL and WINTER GOODS ever brought to Gettys burg—in part as follows: French Nitrinoes, plain and figured, Cobergs of all kinds, Cothou Detains, all prices, Orien tal Lustres, Silk Illusions, and a large assort ment of plain and figured Silks, Alpaccas, Bombazines. tc.; Ffench Worked Conon, Fn dersleeves, Handkerchiefs, ng., Flounci Edg ings, Laces, Inserting.; Bonnets and Ribbons. Shawls and Mantillas; MuNlius, Islam% Shift legs, Ifosiery, Gloves, &e. Cloths, _Cassinieres, Cassinets, Vestistge, and everything else in the gentleman's waits The undersigned is thankful for past favors, and will spare no effort to deserve lb. public's continued patronage. J. L. SCHICK, Oct. 17. S. W. corner of the Dl.mond. New Fall and Winter Goods, AT A. SCOTT SON'S NEW STORE.—We have just ri..eivcd our stuck of goods suit..ble fur the Fall and Winter sales, to which we invite the attention of buyers—which for beauty and price cannot be surpassed—among which may be found a variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of new and fashionable de. signs. Shawl:4, Bonnets. Trimmings, kc., &c.— Our stuck of DWIF:STIC GOODS is also full and complete. Fur MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, we have a variety of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sati nets, Jeans, kc.. of various styles and prices .Also, GROCERIES AND QCEENSWARE.— !Living purchased our goods at low pr,,,:s fur c ish, we are enabled to sell them at prices to suit the times. All we ask is an examination of our stuektisefore purchasing. Thankful fur p rst encourageincnt, etc hope by strict atten tion to business and a desire to pleJse. to merit, as well as receilc. a continuance of the s.tme, as well as lots of uew. Our motto is, Quick sales and small profits." Oct. 3, 1859. A. SCOTT A SON. House and Lot FOR SALE.—I will sell a.stuall Dwell- a _ ing 1101 . 6. E AND LOT, on Chum bersburg street. Also, several Building Lots in the Borough. GEO. ARNOLD. Gett)st,urg.Sept. 12, 1852. tt - - Notice. PRTER WEIKERT'S b:STATlL—Letters of administration .un the estate of Peter tt tikert, (carpenter,) late of Gettysburg, Adams co., deceased, having been treated the uuder signed, residing in the sante place,he hereby gives notice to all perAons sldebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. JACOB BENNER, Adm . r. Oct. 21. 1959. Gt J. Palmer & Co., NIBIARKEr STREET WHARF, PRILAB'A. dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PRO. 'ONS ; hare constantly on hand an assort ment of Dried and Pickled Fish, kc., viz : /fackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blne Fish, errings Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, llama' Sides. Cheese, Beans, Rice, ke. Sept. 19, 1859. 3m Still a Few More GOOD FARMS IN MARKST.—I will sell from 50 to 200 Acres, in tracts to suit purcha sers, They are well supplied with wood, water, fruit trees and good meadows. Any quantity of bay can be made. These properties lie from I} to 2 miles east of Gettysburg. For terms call on the subscribe;. JOSEPH WIBLE. Sept. 26, 184. More New Goods A T the Siva of the BIG BOO ?, la Chambers- AIL brurg street. We have just received a large monk of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SUOIL9. Treats, Carpet Ste, Umbrellas, Boggy Bar nes*, Collars, Whips, Ac., and are determined to veil at the lowest priest possible for cash.— Call and judge for yourselves. Oct. I?, 1858. COBBAN A CULP. Caution. T ITS radio are hereby cautioned against in t my son, Francis X. Jacobs, easy ociaiant.i as determined to pay so bills of b eentraeniag aglow compelled by law. He We on the 15tb last, and bin whereabouts is ankstown to tire saderelimed. 01110 ROB 3 / 1 .0088. &Wages, Oct 2441m5. as PhOtOgraPhi, MOTYPINOWIttiorpis. Sphartwtypah and an klads of Pictures at the Excelsior (Cry, cry, GattrborT, Oct. .24. win . M 70r.M' Sherirs Saps. INE pursuance of sundry -mitts of Firciitiood secuser, Issuing out of that Co art *Woos mon Mess of Adams county, PS., *n4 to use directed, will he exposed to Public sale st the Court-house, in Gettrsburg, on 'Efaturtiew, the 12th day of Noreinher n-V, at I o'clock, P. u , the follqwine 4crcribrd Rest EStlite, ij : A TRACT Hl.' LAND, situate in Mount- Ides-ant township, Adams county, Pa.., adjoin ing lands of Solomon R. Tipton, Joseph Spang ler, Corneltns Houghtelin, and others, contain- In:: t Acres, more or less, improved ~. with a one and a ball story Log HoI•SE, air Fr. me Back-bnilding attached, Lo Shop. a Barn, part frame and part log, an Or chard of fruit trees. spring of water, ke. Seised and taken in execution as the property of JACOB Nirssta. A TRACT OF L IND, situate in Latiroore township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands D. Gardner. P. 11. Ratfensperger, and others, containing 13 Acres. more or less, im proved with it two-gory Weatherboard- ::*;:, ed House, Frame Barn, an Orchard of fruit trees and a well of w.iter, hc. • Also. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hun tington township, Adams count, Pa., adjoin ing lands of John Wolford, Win. Webb, and others, containing 13 Acres, more or less.— cized and taken in execution as the property of Fkl.txcux a. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Mount-{ pleasant township, Adams county, Pa., adjoin ing lands of John May. Samuel Cashman and ' others, containing 13 Acres, more or lez., on which are erected a one story Stone - -- j - '4 ; HOUSE and Frame Stable; a , -priitz , 1 ,`,4 , the premises. Seized and taken i , l t‘, - i:"•t'i cution as the property of SAN! 7:T. F ( iliflS" , LL A TRACT OF LAND, r :'.ate to Ger.uany , township, Adams county, ra., adjoining lands' of Wm. Hull, Dr. E. F. :- 'loth, Matthew Hoff, 1 Will, and othet . i. containing 112 Acres, ' r i more or leas, improved with a two story Log HOUSE, double Log Barn, Wagon ir j Shed and Corn Crib attached , Grail'. If House, Smoke House, Spring Douse, with, spring of water, Orchard of fruit trees. kr.-1 Seised and taken in execution as the property of DAVID andAtuaacra Wirsons. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Latimore township, Adams county, Pa., containing 13 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Ilarbold and others, improved with a two n 1 story Log HOUSE with a one story Stone iff Back-building attached, a Frame Barn, Frame Smith Shop, and other outbuildings ; a well of water, an orchard of fruit trees, ke.— Seized and taken in execution as the property of THOUAR T. GARDNIM. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, situate in , liamiltonban township, Adams county, contain-1 ing 41c0 Acres, more or less, bounded on the , south by lands of George B l esore, Thomas Walker, and others, on the east, by lands of; David Snyder and others, on the north by lands! Thaddeus Stevens and others, and on the west by, the Franklin county line, improved with two one story log Tenant HOUSES and smell Lots of cleared land, the bal- Il once being timber-land. Seized and taken inl execution as the estate of SAMURLII c u tics, dec'd. , A TRACT OF LAND, situate iu Franklin 1 township, Adams county, containing 222 Acres, more or less. adjoining lands of John, George and Thomas IZolil, Clots. McKenrick, and ot hers, being improved land in part, on' whltch is erected a two story Log HOUSE; also, a two story Frame House, Bank Bern. INV BMW Mill, Shingle Mill, and other out- building♦, all hi good order. Seized and taken in execution as the property of AzDnxW KswiticK. By virtne of a writ of Lerari Facia., issued oat of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams minty, and to me directed, will be exposed at public sale, at the Court-house, in Gettysburg, on Sat:inlay, the 12th day of November 'text, the following Real Sainte, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa, containing 140 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of lutac Deardorff, Joseph Bailey. and others, improved with a two-story Log HOUSE with a one and a half story Log Back-building ffr, attached, Bank Barn, part frame and part stone, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Spring 'louse, and other outbuildings ; a running foun min at the door, an Orchard of fruit trees, Ye. Seized and taken in execution as the estate of Peres K amuse, deceased, with notice to Chris tian Keckler, his Executor , and also with notice to ChristinnXeckler and No ' Keckler, devisees of said Peter Keckler, deceased, and also with notice to Timothy Lane, terre tenant. ISAAC LIORTNER, Skerif. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Oct. 24, '59 serTen per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over im mediately after the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put up for use. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber offers at Private Sale, his I al usble Farm, situated in Hatniltonban township, Adams co, near Mcllhenny's Mill, containing 140 ACRES, more or less, oit which are erected a two-storyirame rtin weatherboarded House, a double .. f.4 ; , Log Birn, with good shedding al'. around, A good Wagon Shed stud Corn Crib, M Spring House, with a nerer-failing fountain of excellent Mineral Waiter cunAnntly running through It, and other out-bnibliiqrs. Close to the Barn is a running fountain for watering stock, fie. The laud is ii 2 a high state of rul tinition, between three and lour thousand hnsheb , of lime having been put on it during the past year, nod Is undt r good !cu, ing.— There is a sufficient quantity of excellent 'Mea dow and Timber laud on the property. Per sona wi.ilting• to clew the property will call on the nu tier. r,siding thereon. ftrTernis will be accommodatin , _a. WILLIAM M. 111(21.11f. • Oct. 17, 18.50.-4 t - - Orphan's Court Sale OF TOWS PROPERTY.—The subscriber, Exec2tor of the last will and testament of HENRY Wassica, dec'd., by virtue of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Satur day, the 12th day ct . ..Voceriler next, the LOT OF GROUND, late of said Testator, situate on the South-east corner of East Middle and Stratton streets. in the borough of Gettysburg, adjoining lots of Cleorge Swope on the E.:st and bounded by an alley in the rear, on which are erected a LOG HOUSE, Log St.tble art. l other Improremeuts, offering wally ad- vantages from it* citnation. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M.,twkett attendance will be given :,nkl term* made known by J. U. DAN SKR, Xi - muter. By order of Court—lizairr G. Wotv, Clerk, Oct. 17, 1839. 3t THE subscriber offers at Private Sale, a HOUSE AND HALF LOT OF an ; GROUND, on Washington street, ne.,ir High, Gettysburg. The flouse is a one story Frame Weatherboard, with a Wood House, and a first-rate Well of water. Fruit trees on the premises. lf not sold ny Monday, the 21st of 21i/ember next. it will on that day be offered at public sale, at 1 o'clock, P. R. Enquire of Mr. Oso. SHTOCI, for-terme, 4X ED ERICK PILLAR!). Oct.. 7, 1859. Notice yiseo RATAILERS AND DISTILLICRI3.—The Retailer, of Goods, Wares and Mershon , as well as the Distillen, in Adams aunty, who hare not yet lifted their Licences, are re quested to do so on or befoie Ike 1044 trey of Nomsber next, without fail. The law binds me to urge this matter upon delinquents, and It as hoped that no further steps will be "ecstasy to induce them to comply. As my term will soon expire, it is necessary that these accounts •be settled. I must either return the money for the Licences out-stand tog, or judgments therefor: J. B. DANNER, Oct. 17, 18119. avow Thmirrner. Notioe. first *aeons' of Jaw m Jolts He, Esq., Com rotttee of Airassiaz *roma, a lunatic, has been died In the Court of Common Plw of Admits comity, and will be confirmed by the maid Court , se the 21st deg of Nowesikar nett, U. less cause be shows to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Froth*. Prothou *tarp Oise, G. berg, Oct.- 24, 18511.4ur lIR Mato is, Bzcscatos. TYSON, k BRO., O N.B. eor. of tbe Dia WOO d, Get ty,b urg, • . 4 ,4'*11C. e.:4,r • • 4 4 44 )10. ' 45 ' . .. 411 .1 4 :1 4444 4 .... ??1 , 444 • kt; ' Valuable Town Property for Sale. - Coll ectors, ?gate Notices. J.. OtillectiSta of Team for 1858 =rt. O years, in the different to or, stns county, are hereby notified that they will be re iulred to settle up their daplicattes oi • or before the 11 lid des, of Noremther sk7t, ow which dsy the Commissioners will meet at their office , to give the necessary exonerations, eke. If the duplicates are not settled up in full by the .sbo -, . date, the Collectors will be dealt with •ccor.l- ~ into law, without regard to pencils. The Collectors of the present year will he re quirk to pay over to the dintity Treasurer all monies that may be collected by the November Court. After the first 3londer in Deeemher no exon eration!' can be granted on Military Taxes. JOSIAH BENNER JACOB RAFFEN:IPERGER, DANIEL GKISELMAN, CommisAioners of Adams count} AtteM-4. M. WALTILR, Clerk. Oct. 17,1059. td Plainfield Nurseries, YO n.K sPRINGS, ADANIS COUNTY, PA.— A good supply of Fruit, Shade, and Orna mental Trees, forsale at these long established Nurseries. FRUIT TREES RETAII, PRICES.—AppIe Trees, averaging 8 feet in height, 121 ceuta per tree. Pesch Trees. from 5 to 8 feet in height, from 10 to 121 cents. P:um, Apricot, Cherry, Ate., ke., from 373 to 50 cents. idwarf and qtanclard,) from 50 to 75 eta. SHADE Ilaple, 12 feet arrl4, 25 cents. .%••r Abile (ulcer-leafed Popinr,l2s cents. EuropeAn Linden, from 7:i cents to $1 00. EVEItOREENS.—Arbor Vita., Norway Firs, Italsirn Firs, Double White Spruce, de., at 2 cents per foot, in height. The subscriber will be glad to supply his old frien , ts and customers, and the ventral ly, with any of the above named trees that they m.iy want during the plthinting maroon. Oct. 7, 1859. 4t WIL WRIGHT. Latest News! great excitement in Gettysburg lig sail Is canoed by Picking's CLUT.IING all neat and readi niade, Ilia good. are all fresh. his styles are all new, Just drop in an see and ►ot'll find titbits true. If you want a fine goat. is hastier,- shade, Dine, brown and blk, all will trimnrd - and made ; And his large stork of pants comprises nll colors The finest of Cassimers, Doeskins and others. And now of his vests all the patterns are new, Of fine silks and satins, and velvets not few; Ills stock is too large to enumerate here, In a word he has all that gentlemen wear. He has also a stock made expressly for youth, And his mode of dealing is fairness and truth; And the hest of it all is the fact(not wry rhymes) is selling at prices to SUIT THE HARD YOu'll always find Clothing. in smtlity rare, Made up of materials for service and wear; Then give him &call nudyoull dud him on hand, In Chambersburg street. right at his old stand. Gettysburg, Oct. 17, 11159. Pollock, Bacon & Co., 11\TO. 20 SOUTH SECOND ST.. 1 . 1 PHILADEL PHIA, Importers aqd Wholesale and Re tail Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.— in this department buyer? will find A very full and complete stock of plaid, medium and fancy DRESS SILKS, principally purchased at the re cent large Auction Sales. in Philadelphia and New York ; and will be hold below the cost of importation. Also, a full line of Black Dress Silks, of the most celebrated tannafacture, and high lustre. Also, in their appropriate depart ments, an extensive and varied assortment of other Dress Xaterials, embracing all the most approved fabrics and latest styles for Tall and Winter Wear. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! I—ln this department we otter by far the moat exten sive assortment to be found in the City; which embraces all the latest novelties, and most pop -11/11111 ular styles, of the season ' w to rullerfine Goods ; ready of which ha pnrchased at the late large Auction Sal 11 he sold at greatlvreduced prices. CIA AGIANSII MANILBSIII--Buyera will n this depart ment • very extensive Assn eat. and almost endless variety to select from, and without any doubt the largest and most varied Stock both in point of quality and style to be found in this Country—ranging in prices from low to super fine goods; ell manutactured of the best and must approved materials. for Fall and Winter Wear, and of unequalled workmanship for first class retail sales. • Aler Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are Bo !kited to exarobse oar/lock. A liberal oneount to wholesale cash boyers. • POLLOCK, 11.4.C0N k CO., No. 20 South Secoud Street, Philadelphia Oct. 24, 1859. 3ui Notice to Farniers. 1001000 B E r o S G h tt. h .t e i.:i t WANT; price will be paid for Wheat, Rye g , Cora, Oats, Harley, Clover-eited, Tistothy-aeed. Flour. ke.., at the large yellow Warehouse, west sad cif New Oxford. prirGnano, Plaster. Salt, ke.. and a large and well selected 'dock of Lumber and (oal 1-4,ll4tnntly on band and f.ir pale at my Ware- MEM Nell Oxford, Oct. 7, 1859. tf Now GI:Pods— nEIEAP GOODS—PRETTY GOODS.—Fah nestrrek Brothers lure just .returncd froze the cities with the largest, prettiest nod cheapest* assortment of Goods ever offered to the public. We hare an unusually large and Cheap stock of Silks, Delaino., 4 n.1 every variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. Ca4si merit. t'a4siuotts, Vestine, kr. C.ill early nod ...thin:lie for yourselves.— We will satisfy you that our Goods are unusu ally cheap. No trouble to 41low Goods.. F.:WM.STOCK ;MOTHERS. Sign Red Frusit Ort. 17, 1859 Cheap Clothing. GF.O. ARNOLD has now got up his stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING—aII rises and of every variety. Over Coats, Dreu Coat*, Monkey Jackets, Vc.t+, Pantaloons, Drawers, Flirts. tr.e., all of which - A. 1 n be 5,,7 .ap a., the ellenput for the money. Call -.ail •t:e them. (1)et.3,'59. $l,OOO Agents Wanted. EVETIYBODY'S LAWVER AND COUNSEL LOR IN BUSINESS, containing plain and simple instructions to Ereribody fut transact ing their business according to law, with legal forms for dr ming the rations necessary papers connected therewith, together with the laws of all the States, for Collection of Debts, Property Exempt from Execution, Mechanics' Liens, Ex ecution of Deeds and Mortgages, Rights of Mar- tied Women, Dower, Usury, Wills, So. By /SANK Caoasr, Req.,of the Phibuielptio .384 pages, 13mo. • An entirely new work on the subject, adapt ed to the wants of emir* citizen of tits Hafted States. Biagio espies mutt by mail to say at dress, oat receipt of poiliti,ll,oo l o , iik/648 of biadiag M 11,25. 1,010 Agoats wasted to eatt*PPO kW* 1.4, whose !lbws! animplassaps will be rail? Ap• It.- r,,,11044:-',*;""*" ,- A. li/di:table Bann vA.TIPSITAISSALE , --The subscribers,Ex: dietary Of the last will and testament o mum' Gonsisg, dec'd,, offer at PriNate Sale , the followiwg teal 'Estate of mild decedent. viz A rrltusttle YARN. cont.ilning 192 Acres. more' or less. in Germany township, Mauls county, P. 1., VI tthin 2 mile,. of Littic3town, ittiitiniillg burls of It' oh flunk, John Bider, Edmond Long. Henry S-hwar•e, John Slimly. and otheTs —about 64) a-re being first-rate Wcxriliand well covered, the balance in good firming con;' dition. About 35 acres are Ileadow, and MDr e can easily tie made. The improve- - . i Meta are a new Two-story Stone lit i 1101:St, Log Barn, Wagon Shed, -',„ • a Well of good water near the door -....-. 1 of the dwelling, a thriving young . --`"- Apple Orchard and other fruit. The Farm has ' been limed over once, and part of it a sccon I time. Beaver and All..ways Cree , cs pass thrw the Farm, as well an a public road. Th... ! Fai-i u , is susceptible of division. Persons wishing to ; view the property are requested to canon either of the Executors, the first-named residov,.: *ill Motintjoy township, and the last-named on the premises. kV-Possession and a (Isar titlo will be given on the first day of April, me:!.. LEVI GOLDEN, JACOB iLTHOFF, &endure, Sept. 12, 1859. if A T PRIVATE SAM—The undersigned of ferss at Private fifth, his MANSION FARM, situate on the Chamberaburg Turnpike, 14 miles from Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa. It is a most desirable property, and has been for many years occupied as a Tavern Stand, for which it is well adapted, hat big et err convenience. The Fern, etlntains about 150 Acres, more or less, about 40 a-res of which are Timber-land. well covered ; the fencing is mostly of chesnut rails end locust stake:, and in good condition. The improvements consist of a large Double Two-Story BRICE . 1101 - SE. liff a large new Bank Barn. (with three 41111 floors,) a large Stone Stable. Wag-, on Shed and Corn Crib ; Stone Tenalt House and Blacksmith Shop ; two wells of watev, one in front and the other in the rear of the large dtrelling; three Apple Orchurds, w ifit a variety of other fruit, such as peaches, pears, plum*, cherries, &e. l'ersons wishing to purchase, vili please call on the undersigned, residing thereon. _ _ Aug. 1, 1859 Call and Sea .the Bargains! RF. McII,IIBNY having just returned from „, the city of Philadelphia, where he has selected very carefully his FALL AND WINTER GOODS, is preptre 1 to show t'in prettiest and most fashionable stock of good.; in his line ever brought to thic tee, 'which will be sold at price l that will defy All onipetitun, 11is stock of„IliTS AND CAI'S is full and complete, em bracing Men's No. 1. black 54„ Hat, Men s black Csssimere flat+. Men's fine soft Felt Men's Ledger Itato, Men's Rub Broad Rim Men's Silk Celt et. C.tio:, Ledger Cap-, Navy, i'loch, and trimmed Caps. A splendid assortment of IstriS' Sc, CHILDREN'S CAPS, from 25 n. Al ;n, an exten sive assortment of BOWL'S AND SHOES, con sisting of Alen's Water-proof Boots. Fine Calf Cork-soled Boots, Beaty Kin Boots,4ealf Con gress Gaiters, Boys' Boots. Shoes and Gaiters. Thankful to my friends and customers for past femora I hope by politenc-ii and fair dealing to merit a continuence of their patronage. Oct. 17, 19:.9. R. F. Mell,llgliY. BnsAmu; COUGH SYRUP. AS A FAMILY REMEDY IT HAS No EQUAL I Tegnmosr or Cr.tacnirts. igron's is to certify. that on the re uununeachition of a regular and skilful physi cian, we bare used the " liakamic- Cough Syrup" prepared by W. S. Shriner, in our fami ly, and find it ti answer well the purposes for which it is prepared. s S. SCVTIfAN. Pastor of Lutheran Church, Taue, town, VI. Read the following. Letter from Her. H. I'. Jordan : Cmosrowg, Mr. W. B. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I have given your " Balsamie Cough Syrup" a fair trial, and am happy to say that I have never tried any thing that relieved me so soon. I have / I>o given it in my family with the came good 0 - - tette is every instance. It is «.rt.Linly a roust excellent remedy, and ought to be in et try fami ly. The exceeding low price at nhith it. Is sold places it within the reach of all. Pardon the liberty I hale taken in thus giv ing to experience in the use of the Syrup unso licited by you. nespectfully yourc, 11. P.Jtinsx. TINITIMCOCT OP lIIISICIANt. Ma'am Frederick co.. Md. Mr. Fli s itiocr :—At your regue3t, I have ex mine I the oomposition of your Ilal3amie Cough Syrup,' and from my knowlAge of the ingt-rAieuts, and having vr,tilecsed it.: good, ef fects, I can recommend It to the public nl a valuable compound for Coogh.. CJide, and all chronic pulmonary affeetio:ls. Tito Sllll. M. D. TA'NETTOWN. Md. I have prescribed W. E. Shriner's "Ital, , arnie Cough Syrup" in my practice for several y ears, sad regard it as an excellent medicine oft:ilets, Coldr, and all Bronchial affections. StAll't SWOPE, d. D. mg Mute' axexatevee. FRA\K. lIERSIT To W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir:-1 have been keeping yonr "Balsamic Cough Syrup" for sale for the last Bre years, and it bat given almost universal satisfaction. it is one of the moat popular MeAlicinestn use in our neighborhood. One sales, therefore, have been large, especially last winter, having sold at retail at least ten dozen bottles. I therefore do not hesitate to recommend it to the public as a good tnediciae. Yours, respectfully, JAcon SPAIDI.7.a. POIITItreg Smina. York co., May 17, !Mt. W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir:—Your Cough Syr)tp is becoming very popular here. 1 bare been selling it for about two years, and It wires more general satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. We use it in oar family, and would not be without it OD any accomint. For children, it certainly is an invaluable chic. S. G. lIILMIULIND. JACISOI, York co., May IS, I ,1111*. To W. E. Shriner 1-1 coasider your Soleinale Cough Syrup one of the hest Cough remedies of the daj. There is no tueditiae 1 have OW said gave such universal satlstictiOn, and soft that I have needle say ihasily,Fiike to well. Yours, truly, % C. F. iimstmo. Price, 311 cts. per bottle, or 3 bottles for $1 Sold by all Druegiste and Merchants. Oct. 17, 1159. 10m puAND SILVER WARE—We would respect,. fully inform our friends,,patrons sad the tic generally that we hare just opened our New Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wire Establishes." at No. 632 liartet inset, where we otter Maim s& and Retail, at the Lowest Crash Prints, a large and very ,choloe stock of foray Illsopiption et goods unify kept In a fint-soolo4Westehr and Jewelry Ws ustiring *Sow =comtoollste ' ail , not *ay to Mao sit our tonne, pi.' liioutooosto a liege occenion to tie OP. -f• A Valuable Property FREDERICK HERR Use Shriner's Jurkftsov, York co., Pa.. July lg. 1839 Watches, Jewelry, maiti4l::l2•=ct* - 4%.4tt - 7 BaltimoreeidikleftnifsatorY_ .• TILLKR'S nirsurim,. s A KS.—Thentionnellsitittithi oper tv of all kinds, save* antili kt Avaa oaths lli .t never tailed -to presets* ,ItSentesta.— Dorshai street, FrWillikkf kltwde Ist.ittd, and 159 North streets adthalltit;. • Ada. ' , yule. No. 16. South Charlet attest.. raisins, pricat send for a circular. AN Weil twat.. ranted to give satisfaction." , th SIILLIIII,' No. 18 - erica fitted, 0 - 1.11, 1859. Ue. 27. ty - Baltimore, Yd. N. I. nAIIM3IO. ' levee Y. ChRAOUL • ' Harding & Carroll, • commISSIOS 3iIO2CIIANT9, Fire Proof Warehouse add U. R. No. 126 North floti:Jrd &Yet; rit IsALTDIUNE, MD. Fi•b. 14, 'r.9. ly J. Weatherby & Co" • WITOIY.:77.ILF, and Retail Dealers is'l3lllT.r. - SON'S rrr.x...kcEs, brick and isortable; rooKtNu BTOI ES. of erery descriptior iriw wood and coal. Ake, Charcb, that, diankiiik Office Stores: Franklin, Airtight, listr.fors' and Cannon Store.; ; '14,1r Gan-beinbistartiki Latrobe Stoves. Orders from the conattlity: spectffilly solicited. Merchants iupplitil oft the most reasonable term 4. J. WEATIfERRY k CO., 40 and 42 Light it., o ne , dour from Lombard, Aug. 22, 1839. tJanlMotli Franklin House, Elll'll,T and Refurnished, Coypu). Vartettrit i t and l'rankim streets, a few sqnares *tilt of tilt? Northern Central Railway Depor t Saul ittta. Terms :1 per day. G. LEISENRING, Prepeidsk From Settas &ore, Nutilibitiss. Aug. 1, 18S9. Our Wines, Brandies, BLACK TEAS, to. P. ITERYILIUk RON;affer fur sale the following eillWira t of their own importation, particularly for hint.. ly use: HANITIRT Worts—Pemartine's finest pokgoill and brown Sherries, in wood and in Ores. Pont , Wisse--Sandeman's competition , 114 and white Port, is wood and in glass. MADEIR• Wisw—John Howard Harries ER* Nladeim, in wood and in glass ; also, Grape Juice, Hocx WfxEc—Jahannesberger, Steinberser f tercobrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-fran-mileb, BOW. neberg. or 1846. Cif x raw: NV' ex--Mott senci Ciaandon t s est. in quarts and pints. .13 a AND' r.a--Otard and Hennesy slittercadiele affit dark 13-randies. " i zilcus—Old and fine Jamaica, Ofigus, Gres s AA, ankl from the I lands, importad duvet boa London. 11oLLAND Cis -Thebest quality—Thrums brand—and no tnisture of aro/none poison hi it. 2W) half chests of the finest &IL:Hot:a Ti*. Baltimore, _tux. 29,1859. ly The Eureka CIIIIITTLE SEWING MACHINE, price ;Silty .0 Dollars, the most perfect Sewing liweitiae ever made, combining the improvement* glt Ten Patents. They will Stitch. Hem, Val. Bin and Gather, and will sew from the !Inert vi Writs to the coarsest and thickest fabric, including leather, using glazed or unglazed cotton. linen thread, skein silk, or twist, making a oast lock stitch both sides alike, which cannot kw rat elect ; and regularly licensed under E. Hai►, Jr.'s Patent. Send for a circular and ramples of E. NICIIOLI.S. Corner of Pratt and !Inward, liultitnure t lid. Sept. 5 '59. [je. ly] Carpets, ror, CLOTHS AND DRUGGETS, anol retail. Constantly on hand an aitsoit tneut of Carpets at low prices, eonsisthig of Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and Veer tian Carpets, of every style and prier. Oil Cloth+ from 1 to 6 yards wide. Also, Rap, Mats. Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting!. " Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piewqr yard, .tt low rates. JOSEPH VICTORY, t 4 Lexington st., one door west of Howard; Sept. 12, 1859. 3m Baltimore, Md I ; Baltimore BEL AND BRASS WORKS, 53 linniday ..tre,A, Baltimore, Md. REGESTER— WEIW, tffe Proprietors; are prepared to feirsbb BELLS in' all descriptions, from 10 to JO,OOO poaads. wliich are warranted equal in quality, of tone, prolongation of sound and duratillitr t to any mule in the United States. Our Bette are Asada of the beet mate** warranted to Om) •enth#l,ol.befaction ng.tinit hrietkage. t'arm Belle, ranging from 10 to 104 potembi, always of hand at northern pricee. For rertifirAteen ith full particulars, send tbll` one of out Circulars. .tug. 20, 1859. ly Leather 1 Leather 1 O IK . and Hemlock Sol* Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Ilemlosk Sole Leather, French. German, and American Calf Sklar. French, German. and American Calf Skins. euch. German, and American CAN Sklar* Morocco. Kid and Patent Leather.. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather...-, Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. ~ Bindings, Linings, Lasting', ko. Bindings, Linings, Lasting', kc. Bindings, Liaings, - Lastings, kc. We invite Country Merchants and Mannfacu Curers to examine our stock of Leather, 14itrei.1" . findings. Trimmings, &c., which we of!er at • Whplesale or Retail fur cash or good papetAtkr.. e lowest prices. An orders Grithfullyeseesp4 , ' MAYNARD, ELY k ROSE, — No. 46 South Calvert at, • Baltimore, MA.- Sept. 19, 1859. $4 ... . , 0 Something New -i ---- & j oirr IiSTKIIPXIBII (KINDUCTKIr ' MI4 VPON A LIBL k iIIYABIIIKAII - ''"T';" - • lk !--Gifts to suit Krerybody I ~ -',.... IGins of Groot, Yalu* t --',- it . ne Gifts of a Batter Quality I` M. And Mom of Thelma! 14 The most liberal, punctual•and riiishli,'.: , C OU'T BOOK IiNTERPRitig in existeneurolt„,* a Tito best evidence of this Is fact Oaf St. being the only ono that stands endorsed WI Ftthe Prose of the City in which It 3s loeaSet 5:- Ft BEADQUARTM FOR SOUTIIKILI ANDI 111 WEST'S!! JAMS I Bauistost, 354. tw Write for a ' Catalegma. It ambitions a R. tinnisaad vsziotios of rillificatissas liiimity - ' at Literature, toigh titer with Ole g 51 ",_ trnttlT " LIST of meal, ornionentel Sod E eabssble Gilts ever published. • 2150 dillbt. ' 5 out vatieliesl-!-uoue of which are of lest "g -ot val ue tn.* no ata., and freastket to sloo' en. 0 ;a READ I l a !—.slsB,ooar. d‘stributede priaoscul_ ft at during n past =ear. -', 4 :t. OVEKIIIBB of Gold x i GiFTS tolistilstr in ibuted 01 _ d • Year! coal 0 11114 4 ? " . - - 4::', , ,, m , Ciiiiinkohasto, Loots -14044 • ..- ~4,:' iin.ompsekalrif t p "; :,,,kit, -' 's "'"'", eel • - ..., or, DRBB:4 -GU() *ad se; them.Therr will be soltichesio for the money. ettp)garg, Oct. 3, 11169. . -- • " -~54,:t444;P1 10,1' =MI = ME:I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers