The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 08, 1859, Image 3

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    t ~ •. ~
Naw Irma, August 3.—The steamer Persia
..arrited` here this morning from Liverpool,
with skies to the 21Id ult., two days later than
previous' advice's.
Breadstuff" were Arm. Wheat generally
awed with as advancin g te n dency; all qual
ities ited slightly advanced.
The Pence Conference.—The Conference to
be held at Zurich between France and Austria
was Impacted to meet in about a week. It
was thought that Sardinia would not be rep
ragetedgeneral feeling of discontent with the
terms of peace continued unabated, and
Napoleon's explanations were nut reassur•
No one had been named as the represents.
tire of Sardinia at the Zurich Conference, and
it was . therefure expected that none will be
present, but that Sardinia, if she pleases, will
acquiesce in the Austro-French arrangement
In a separate article. It was supposed that a
European Congress would be called after the
conclusion of the Zwick negotiations.
It is affirmed that Sardinia signed nothing
but an armistice, and is consequently in a
nominal state of war with Austria.
lialy.—ltalY continued to exhibit discontent
svith the terms of peace.
Timeasy sbowed strong hostility to the re
tam of the Grand Duke. The l'ruvimiunal
Government had directed a popular tote to be
taken on the subject.
Eloglaad —The foreign policy of England
had been debated in the !louse or Commons.
IVlsraeli opposed all interference in the
Pesos Congress. Lords Palmerston and Rus
sell thought that England might with propri
ety take part, but nothing was determined
110 1P"n•
Lord Elgin gace notice of a resolution
against any inference by England in the
Malian geestion.
Glsdetone's proposed increase of the
income tax was agreed th.
from .—!he Emperor Napoleon had re
ereirdi the .eutigratulatuons of the Diplomatic
Corps. The Papal. Nuncio was spokesman
for the Ambassadors on the occasion. The
Emperor in reply said dist Europe wail so
unjust to him at the commencement of the
war that he was happy ta °include peace as
soon as the honor aud interests of France
were pi.tisied. Asa proof of this moderation
be said lie trusted the ptatee woatid he endur
Arrest of Wiliam Coleiron, the iforderer
d?f Junaidutki tt. Chavni4trr—Aticimpled nog.
cue—drrest ty . the Elligleadtr.—About 3
olock yesterday afternoon Capt. Joseph Mit
chell, of the Central station, reeeiled such in
fortnatiun that he was induassi to risk in house
on Dolphin street, near Pennsylvania avenue,
%%here it was thought Coulson was secreted.
'The Captain, with Lieut. Wright, Sergeant
:NleCotaits, otfoxrit li. W. itt,bilis,,n and Wit-
Laws, repaired w the house indicated.
Alitehell and Lieut. Wright took possession
44 the front of the house, while toe rennin
fag officers guarded the re: r. Upon lir
ri4ing in front of the house the Captain de
wended adini..sion, which was refused by the
lady of the house, Mrs. Taylor, in the plea
that her liu , thanA bad previowdy warned her
sigainin opening the door tawny pollee officer,
es they wanted wt.:et the furniture tn.& debt.
The officers now threatened to, burst open the
sloor if it was not unlocke4l Mrs. 'ray for
theft ',petted the door, and just as the officers
entered the front town Coulson rushed out of
o rear door tutu the yard, u here Le was ar
By this time a great crowd had odlected in
the neighlsorkaad, and fnima the remarks and
/movement e,f seteral young men, a rescue
was tram!, and wlieu on Vortli street, near
Edger. Ilicisahl Hinton, a rowdy of consider
able notoriety, wide a rush, followtai lw uter
sine hundred parstuos.tuwards the officers bar
ing Coulson am clatrge. t!tcr a little excite-
Anent, daring which iiintou was severely
bundled, be was arrested "and committed to
jail by Justice McAllister, Coulson made no
tatetupt to and stated that he outer
intended to lat e the city. L pun the su hjeti
,cf the erica will which he is charged he
mould u.)t speak. lie appeared dotrucso4.
laud keenly felt the awful intiritiint in which he
/had placed. husalelf. 1:pon arriting at the
jail gate, Ise appeared to faker, and Ismitated
us to 'mitering that holm* from which proba
bly lat will never {elite alive. llis brother
Coot-go, whew iutornied of the arrest, appear
ed confounded. and remained silent for ii.eter
ial winumitit.--}iii/Msacre Clipper , :t norallay.
Sailed from the Dead.
A ettricats Csie.—A. c.uriusts case occurred
last week at Howe, this coast'', fairs. Peters,
ache of a German of that name, atter a short
iliatess, was supposed t ) hare died. Her hus
band made imuiediate arrancetLeuts for her
fu neral, baring prLcartslueqtfin in this city.
tbi" placing Ler Lodi' is the coffin a geueral
perspiration was .olsserved thruubiarut the
a kin, which was nejaurteil ta the husband, with
the P u iu u that the burial be deferred in
the hope of reanimation. T., this the hus
band objected, and had Lutr interred the save
slay, (Saturday.) Altar the burial services
were over some rehairea of the supposed de
remind, who reside in this city, arrived at
Louie to attend the funeru/, uhich bad al
ready taken place, soap hearing of the circum
stances caused the body, which then had been
four hours in the psoc, to Lc disinterred,
ashen to their surprise wad joy, they found
s4ins of life still ntuisiaing. flestaratiyes
being atbuinistered, Mrs. Peters gradually re
covered, was taken by her fricuds to this city
and it now well We are infuriated that she
refuses to again lire with her husband. The
circumstinces connected with the affair are
etrange indeed, and thowid tuaLs.rge insesti
g u.— Cola as bas j 0 hit.) }'ac .
aliirA British officer rritiag fn3u: Teheran,
Persia, in the L anion 'flute*, remark.s
Cathartic Pill manufactured by 'au American
Chemist' (Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell. Mass.)
has cured the Utak of s Liver Conaplai.nt that
threatened his life. This simple fact, as
tuigkt be expected, renders tha Americans
immensely popular here, while we Engii,k
are overlooked. Doubtless our own scholars
tnade the discoveries which he employs, and
thus it is in everything ; we Liu the labor,
thou the mousing Americans put their mark
on it and take the reward, Due. Ayer is
idolised by the Court and its retainers here,
which will doubtless be redeet4d to him on a
gold snuff box, or diamond hilted sword,
while nut the name even of Davy, Christoson
,or Brodie--the great lights by which he
shines, is known."—New Yuri: Saatlay Paper.
Ifusoamd. Wife and CALI! Killed SisarL
lcuuostely.—A letter from Utica, Miss., h., the
Petemburg Express, dated July Wth, says:
—Mr. William L. Fairchild, (a most estima
ble citizen in all the relations of life,) was re
turning from the house of a neighbor to his
ulna residence in &buggy. secuuipenied by his
accomplished young wife and an only child,
day before yesterday. and when within one
mule of home a Loge tree foil across the road
end killed them all. The tree fell so as to
strike the heed of each one, and mash them in
such a terrible manner as to cause the
of each to escape from the skull. Their bodies
were also dreadfully mangled. It may be
mentioned am a remarkable feat, that a little
negro boy, who eatupied a position in the
meat oldie buggy. escaped with only a few
The Naturelashes Questioa.—Tbe Lexing
ton (Ky.) fitatesman referring to the pram
&ion alfirdsd by oarsovernaieat W naturalis
ed citizens visiting Usspe, sap :
Sisson Straus, of this eity, left the domains
of Austria Wars he bad rendered the ministry
serviee imposed by the laws of that prem
iums ea every Ulises. fie oases to the United
states, was natersHood, saes few swathe
ago sehused to Anatria. li• vs' there sue
wow to swat, on three das' notice, Sir
militry earrieu lle haniodhstoely reported
his to the Unshod States toasts, who no
eeived llat est ea Asturicsa Ulises sad did
m ow hiss Womb. Mr. Struts bail no mire
treat& Ns- is noir in Lexington and can
eabstaatisati tie Ora* of this statement,
.... - 1E.41 pond push at toown-
Wok plaw abippensburg. en Thaw
.Sl:xE' ol .a l I•lottoesa_
• 4,- ,
Married__ Tanyarti Property,
DswurrArs salaam op mu , entaiy. _ The I On the 4th ion., by the Rea . Jacob Ziegier F'. of .—TatiVITIC6II SALE—a, vie-
unequalled arm= that bee ateseded Me mapneadloe ad" Mr. AUILXIUS d. SABBAUGLI to Miss MART toe a deers* et the Cites& Court far .
talc liladialeo la Cayes, Caddo. natlrea, lereetenJ a.... ,
'''''''''' I C. 'uppLir
, 1414 b 4 t FlNilkirickzelliaq, lids Carroll county, Yd., the inaderidened, Trustee
two .. „ um ..., the Tkrasi „ it Lugs, iiii , s ., c . o. 1 On Thursday, Jane Straa, at St- James' of Wu. L. Neck, will sell at Public Sale an
samples, barn Indecod ell physician of lip dandle( to Church, Baba Rouge, by the Rev. Elijah Go- Wealameminy, the ith day of Sepimber alert, the
esester JI !a leant prattiem assay of Waal& &Mao ea atlas
lon ' Mr. KUMICND IIcILICENNY, of New Or- property kuown 22 " OLD PORT," situate and
toot soder Maar owe alguatury
leans, to Lad MAUI' E. daughter of Daniel L.P. lying on the road leading from liancbesiter to
A% cry, F.N., of Baton li:Juge. 1 'iVestmiuMer, about out and a ball miles from
-- DT PlildICIAlO ---
•wlownd, lispt. 6, 1 , 64 i Die/d_ •
V. /ask kCO -4 , 11.1 —I moat eboweisily add soy • On
tisthwo , ur I . t .„., .r tn . Nil ... w . h .,..... I , iii es , i Friday last, Mr. GEORGE WALTER. of
dually. Is hilsmow•ry atweththa, Cedwybs sad Cuidtw. sad ed- this place, in the troth year of his age. The de
-1.•••, " a 1•••• t "I•sble r•wiPdY• awl k 14.4 r444o"o"ded ceased was • Woad exemplar, eitirea, and en-
It In vanes' ounaplaists e( this sa.ters with lavarbw•ly hap
. joyeil the esteem of all 111 b. knew. Lim. liis re
p, maths. W D LYNCH, 41 D
Idsawfwkl. Two cu., Ps , eat. mug waiui Were interred :ieliterday morning, in
Gewitlemes •—•Harts i g araaf fa sdy practice U.. not four titer Green Cemetery, folio% ed to their List
years. Nuts, a 16s/assa at Mild Cherry. with groat sores,
_.„ • __
_lace b _ ,_ _ .
I tooi . tirttaooliiiiiy
r. ....... ittit to uiointi
. i ,
o , r,••,1•. )•1 1,..t..c irl e ...ars. WAILVurr,C Wu uruiug
gloats Cwoghs, Culd• astlthea, ae. ; reletti es and frsenthi.
11. D WARTIN. M D • IPo 1% - etinesday last. in F.mmitsburg. Yrs.
Caps Tinerst, N 1 . • July 17. ts.T.s
MARY HUGHES. r e li c t of Joseph Hughes. de-
Get•ldawns .—Atter 2wwwg Dr 11 rt.'. lialaara for a loin
v im . I au ..y (r0e, r . p ..„..,. t ...,....„.„. u .., i rep . r d a ceased. in the 89th year of her age—the °ldeal
as 000 of Use best kid of Cuagb ismalor.sos, awl take great I.<rsun 10 the place.
pisiwaes rocoosaseostias it to the afilietsid.
lin the :Ist ult . Mrs. LETITI.k
% It. wino. W. D.
N. Y ., Ja t y la. jgbis wife of llopkins of Emusitsburg„ aged
Gents :—llar lag .old N istar's illalsain for two years last ;a u. , u t ',sec
and tuo lug a.wl the muse myself as vital smactrak. t On the .rith ufJulv. Mr . : MARY. wife nfJohn
cheerfully recoosasead it to all Islu are eufferieg
Asthma or Commis:olam A. A i t t L.C:WEI, Esq.. of sew Chester, aged 7.1 years U
Prepared by ttetb. /owls k Co , Beaton, nail fur aisle mouthy AL,' 10 alit% s
by A Li liaebler, Gettysburg, Jacob Vulweller..lll•ossuess•
burl, kl Muter. Nee lisforil, U Y. ttoliorger. AL•butta•
Luau, U ifLam 14 telt, P:Aort nerh., Peter ilob 1. ts Homy.
too, Was B Watcalf. Turk priors; James Ei4or, E..
witalsuN , azal I.oy all dealers a umal.alcura. (►.t 6. 4W
11 0 021.•ND'6 GEIIIIAX IHTTERA.—Prepared by Dr
C Ja, 1...,0. 4:6, •rc.l4 ctreet, k"tnitaeli.bla, Ps
whist a and of them •
rept/. CutUtutri co , N. Y , blurb 21, 1141.
. ,
Dr C N Jutwa Lis.dx B.r —la Loh..lf of Llue ailtictod,
I p.. • few to.. to you I kayo odheol sad &Deleted
orfttoff, and kuor Imo to pity lb." la a Ilk. otiolditoo.
Usti./ I commenced Lakin your Dittoes Oat toularoor. I
.11 - . mot &No to .itt anytlong, or •••• to aft up any aosol4-
•rabito laugtit of Liner Ltefors I had taloa lb. Ant Wilda.
I felt lA. a sear man. &of Iwo. after It•Ltait toolasuod
the ivot of them a Lime: Um.. la tha wont roma of lb.
ye... I am able to tales. hard .ref) •ay. 7.• wr lb. lout,
1 think I 1......r0ce1•al more boaelt from thy /Litton., (boa
alt otto•r sood.c.oa• I hats taken I loom not ..oly stood asyarlf, Last bars girro battles mad parts of
butt!** to those complaialag by-pepsia awl L.lrar Coo
plaint. sod a •••ry ea.., ti.) tall tibey Imre tattoo DO
WedIGIMI beasellcsal as the bitters.
Rtropoefully 'onto,
JA11111:8 %US SItSII4.3IO7EIL
for We bir A D. Da•bler, Areal, e.ty+be —Awl
&akar* hasonaly lauvuglauut Akio °mut/. f I. b.
Dr. Path I. Daaca:-.1 Gras ia Ila Diaper., la April, 1114,
god from a piper 1 rwaeired et pears was is4srawil b. bay
a bus of .war PIIIs , raauwaticaded aa a aoterrica care far
taw Epileptic vit. At that time was of my serimu bad
teas wilictial wilt, lie about tasty. pram. Vibes sashimi
Aroma, I oolusaeurai • 1111 the Pill. aciunLiag to directisei*.
Idu sat thick AL. has Iced use slam bly wife. Dioagli, is
aouserfluet DiJared to believe sbe ,goy low. rot a...ady.
Yesclosad yea will lad liredsollara, fro sax* row will please
&mint WWI tae WI WIC I 111511.1 WW yua car fumes" Mar
Is" mail. Tour reouptiaarw sill üblisa use Yours
y..awup, Y. P. ML EDG r.
Lr llassesea Yplt ,firic MID us Ilia a weroasiga neutedy
for every taw of senora stlasaaws. Tbsperwsas.
safferwr, .lather tasseled by tise acute. pliyisical wooly
of orarsigia. tkilalorrat, or eraser/ bead rasa. albctod
with parairsia, bona lowa *aid disiiritoi by that terrible
fasui bola shirk paussrada from a leak of aurwous eausro. or
aspenwanaly say &War laird dirability arising four ties
isaaatst rat cuadltioa ot taw woodworm! wwwisiaary .bleb our
sects r.ry somber or* Um swore, a iwasatiou, sulitioa
sad thrieglitueiertras issuaruliabi Windt from Ile tow of
width atawais calm.. say iv/rates, used issiadielas
ill..battered earrueis ansaizatioa.
nut Le say part efllle easetry by asell, free of pedalos.
flokfrae. rails S. Wawa. lee flaitioate Street, LLailiarre
Me Pries, use lati, Ysj Lye. Lsake. SSA.
Aug. g. Ire
fr.j." Pam Land& for oak 2.5 dint frost Phllanolphlit
Railroad to the Otago of haw /orally. tbo bird
for Agnicaltand porpiway. %clog a good Haus &Al. with a
clay bottom roe land I. a largo tract. iii•olod 1111440
lama, hondrolla Innis All part. of thooonatry aro on.
waling awl banding. Tha crop. porwhiced as• lama inkl
nor ha .... gram log Tb. climatal. dalighlial. awl wools
(rota Frusta. Tonna font Olio to p.r acre. payable
winds Suer yaan y iodalynaidn. To tint this plawy--
Lamm Viso otnwt Illtarf., at rkliodololda. at T A. )4,
by Mainland fur Ilaionroydria. or aiblnyea N. J
Lahr, Uanuriaboi Pout Moo, Atlantic awe,. low Jot.
wt. $.. tall olvartintioaat 1. anothor o.lJor.
VIZ II Aal VIO:CTON FA It3d Ell-.A orwapaper 11.rois4
toLiter/dere eml Anrkettens, elm settle* tomb tell se
roma& of UNI arm oettleaseot a Ilmanoahm. hi
.. Nem Jar-
. . m
b• i.erikr4 C.r Al Oar IS events per annam.
ortoos postage stamps fur tee sermat. aildrom to I.
a of the le .rws•r, ii&upluois toil P. 0., Allaetie county,
New Jerry. Tlat.• •kkieg elm tp laced, atlas lonmt %ludo
tir. in nee et the litealtkleatarl moot dolorletlat Monate+ is
the ciao.. and grimes mope an serer vat down by Cruets,
the terrible *source et the berth, see advertisement of
Ilhanwhitea Lamle.
CLAIIKK'SI; fa ItrnatLis MILI.J. repined from a
pre...MIAMI. by Sir J Clarke M. D KaLroonli.
nary to the Ilion Thie well Mans rrJieir Mso im
p...4bn bet a nee au I ..I. remoly for Female Didlicultiss
tilotructin.. Nom as, canoe Elision?, mid altboon
a powerfal rowdy., tbey entaili soiling hurtful to the
4..a.titutois T.. Dimmer Lion .it i. peculiarly .4 Dad
It will, .a a abort time, Moog ua tbamatiatbly period oiti
re,;iai sty.
Then Pills Lars Rawer boos Imam to fall whore the
us 24 page of pa/uphill are nub I obileimed.
for Unbar p..nicularageit a pamphlet free of lbw wool.
4.-S1 sad • pone& stamps enclime4 to soy soillor.
bawd aimul. will Wain • bobtail, matairing urea pilla
rotor% of mail.
T. W. Dyutt t ass. Rbaty. lreet... Piilkads
A. D. Soda 1.1411, Unettymbari. (Jam* 12, ly
AN A NCI KNT lIONET —The people of fen th Jeremy
bare recently exhalant (rare a marl bed the elteleten of an
whorti meat hare been of the Itemegerwe epode% at
eannetrone eise. lie iced lege meat hart, 'nes Pewee feet
hoer: the oaten leauth et Ilse anluarl. tell included. at ion{
tamely Ire feet. The heel wee .call nod it. reek thee j
Asa teeth abuse two fret Wag. aria arrengel a. to form
the wont.. nay „oar cluthews et' Seenroe, opposite the
/Sank tlettyaberz.l'
1.17 - Parlor riahlrat tu dusts *ear healers to a rapid
ly men..ivy ausotry , a sew austlaasest shwa has Sada
are rains—abate the chemists la said asal 4•lishtfal—aama
. art U.. Lasalueshis Sailboat's& he aasUaar whirs.
117-Pereeme viebleg to eta/Ike Maastactories le a ore
0.164 t.•rivitac place when beam*. Ia peed, awe etteettiee
meet a' the Ilaatioustea Settleweet.
LOQ`lirspe growers ewe tarry on their basiseite holt
hoecerhitly at tleriwinitoe. tree fives (note. Y0...e forty
I ii.erarila get eat the p.m ewer. hew edrertietieseet of
tialiwoustus Lamle is awettier whoa.
Caratca OF Proosto aiu Ilit-gS erraaars, PIOLADOLPffIa,
btuouteetarara et Whits Lewd, Zlec, ratty, Yaratebes,
tc. ltbeleaabe d•alltre 1. Drew., lairtew War, Le.
C i ty and Cellar Merabasta alb./ dealt* le parr-Yeas trot
a select aleck and at acceptable prems ruspwasily
qevated to taapect war peels. Var blibite Lead, F.Mbs.,
Yotty, sod 1 arn.bow, are sold by more than else theen.eal
1% b010...10 Jubl.aJ Iloure• gbo• t
auhritrukt UL7 Not oim compLaiont luta ever
mac/Jed u...... 123 Sabi poor ossioni doted.
cb. i t ly
411 'hating FIVISIS la a delightful! ellinatoi, the
hot wcura fru.a lam... to* adrwrinmossout of ilarnana.
wiz LaialA in anottniz coining.
ar.ter •• All the vast trailer* aro kattl—all Wa
agplu.szatlat.. all the ed Wry, all uve asuatirers a Use lbws
, trwa, W., ullmara lac army, all U.. aeusloca. all Liao
dlepal•••, all U.. pc/await... ut Slats. all the oyl.tratee.
The mama •laipuat luau tar paru are b...14;_ tue •raa• are
all bal.!. llaklaeu I. hece.atag tl.e lava ad . jamor, lur every
team who &bulks earl as thee. Jay •, thutka bu ltur
UAW-Ilea! ocracy." Is Liao. ouuutry all the
barsl thinkers are by rewriag garuaral• tyre
, cuvahl at Use Lk,* ta nWwr Clut.hgvaig Halt te ltocaltsU
It 11... \on. 6u:l 1.1././ .tram, &Ante a.kIY,
baaioe►a lad l'actaariea can WI carried *a penal
alai ►t I.l..a.aouaaaa Sa• ad, of Ilaalidauatua Luala
Soperfiue Flour
..... , ......
(Juts .... ......
Buckwheat Hea1.....
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed ...
Barley ••.
Plaster of l'Azia
Janet ground, per
Flour ...... 5 . 37 to 6 50
Wheat ....... --- 1 20 to 1 45
Rye . ........ . ........ .............. 70 to 82
Corn .......-- 75 to ttu
oats ..,... ..... ................-.......-. 25 to 30
Clover Seed ....... -........... 5 25 to 5 75
Timothy Seed 2 OD to 2 25
Beef Cattle, per bond „ 6 IN so 8 50
8 eau 9 ,to
Hogs, per bond
Hay ............13 00 1415 ten
Whiskey....,. 26 to 27
Guano, Peruvian, per ton 62 Oo
lIANOYNN,--Tazassay LAST
Flour, from wagons 4 75
Do. from 5t0re5........_.......... 5 50
Wheat a.. 00 to 1 00
Bye-. ............. -....-.68
Cora ..... ...... •• • • ....• •••••• 68
0at5...... ....- -- -.....-. 30
Clover 5eed.......--.----...... 4 15
Timothy Seed- ..... ---..----.. 1 MD
Piaster....-- .......... 6 66
Flow, frola w0500!---- 4 75
Do. fr0m.440m....—....••••••••• • 5 75
W 0444.—„. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 05. Is 1 110
Corr Dye — .•- ****** *******
••••••••• •••• ••• so •••••• •••• 611
4:51/58 0 • 4 •41.• •••••• •• • saa. **M.O. so
come 50
Platter. ***** 50
scriber, Executor of the last will and testa
ment of AsritoNr Sacra. deceased, will offer at
public oak, on the premise.. on Tuesday, the
20th day a/September Nett, the following highly
valuable Heal Estate of said deceased, via;
No. I.—A FARM, situate In Mountpleasant
township. Adam. county., adjoining lands of Ja
cob R. Miller, Samuel Dorman, floury .1. Hom
ier, and others, containing lOU Acre* and 10
Perches., neat measure, about 40 acres of which
are first rate Timberland, with a proper pro
portion of Meadow. Thou improvements are a
large two-story BUICK DViELL.-
'NG lIDUSE, Bank Baru, Wagon • '
Shed and Corn 'Crib, Carriage 11 11
Rouse, Spring House. with a never
failing sp:lng in it, and well of ex
cellent water near the door of the dwelling; a
choke Apple Orchard. with a variety of other
fruit, such as pears. peaches, cherrie', plums, ke,
No. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining No.
1, contabsiag 79 Acres and 142 Perches, neat
measure,—about 3u acres of the tract being
Woodland. The improvements consist of a
large two-story Weatherboarded
IIi.WSE, entirely new, Rank Bern.
also new, with a well of water at
the door, and some fruit.
No. 3.—A TRACT OF LAND, also adjoining
No. 1, committing 19 .teres and ti:l Perches,—
about B acres of the tract Ileitis. Woodland of
the very best quality.
The three tracts hare been well limed, and
are in a high state at cultilatiou and coder good
fencing. The land is well watered, with a
never-failing stream running aloug one line.
The road leading from Ilunterstown to McSher
rystoll it separates .Nos. I and'!, sad the road
front Boataughttowa to Kidder's mill passes
through Nos. 1 and !. The neighborhood ;s a
pleasant one, with churches, school house,
stores. mills and nseelianic shops, convenient
The opportunity to purchase property so desir
able is rarely offered, and the atteutiou of those
wislangto Divest is raged to it.
Persons <edifier to view the propertiee are
requested to esti ou the Heirs. residing thereon.
A civet title sad possession will be given on the
, first a April next.
sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said
day, when attendance will be given and terms
made known by
PETER SMITH. &ender.
ma-If not sold on said day. the properly will
be offered for Meat at public outcry.
Aug. d, ISA. II
Desirable Property
FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers his
Real Property at prii ate sale—and if sot
sold by Swanky Me 3d doy of September Next, it
will on that day be offered at outcry, on
the peretniees, at I o'clock, P. N.
No. I.—A TRACT OF LAND. situate i■
Mountjoy township, .tdanis county. adjoiniag
Nuke's Gate, on the Baltimore turnpike, con
taining 7 acres, more or less, with a rouny
one-and-a-ball story Itoughcaat •
1101.*SE, a Bank Barn, a well of I
necer-failing water at the kitchen •
door, with all kinds of choke fruit.
such as apples, peaches, pears,
cherries, kc. The land is granite, has been
well heed, and is ander good fencing and cut •
No. 2.--A TRACT OF WOODLAND. eiteate
In the same township. on Ow -Wulf Rill," este
venient to Nu. 1, containing t SCUM, more or
Persons wishing to view tie property are re
quested to call us tie setbscribar, residing
thereon. .► clear gibs will be gives and pos
session when desired. W3l. A REASY.
sing-Persosa knowing themselves indebted
to the undersigned, by Note or Book Account,
are requested to snake immediate payment.
Aug. 8, 1859. id.
Loans Is aad discounts ... $240,910 87
Speck 37,203 49
Due by other Banks 52,035 63
Notes of other Banks 2,687 03
Stocks .......—"--- ...... —... ...... ... 963 74
Judgussats....—. --.........-- ........ 10,103 42
Bonds— - , 0,078 11
Beal Estate .--... 6,400 00
-4386.003 29
...... 00
35,749 82
Due to other 50ak5.......... 9,987 45
T0ta1».......»....».....5197,427 27
Capital.- .5145,150 00
The above statement Is correct, to the bed of
ay knowlegde and belief.
T. 1). CARSON, Cashier.
Affirmed end subscribed before se.
Aug. S, 1859. Usu. AtmLo, I. P.
New Goods.
RF. Mc/MINNS Y has Just received from
. the City a tine assortment of flats, of the
newest stiles—some of which are very hand
some—especially his No. I Silk flat.
Ledger lints of all kinds and prices, from
$1 Su to Li .50. Also, an elegant assortment
of Ladies' Gaiters, Ladies fine 31oro. rid hoots
and Slippers. Shoes of home manufacture con
stantly on hand. Give us a call sod we are
satisfied that we can offer greater inducements
than tier to those wishing goods iu our line,
both as regards quality end price.
Aug. 8, 1859.
3 25
1 00 to 1 3u
3 00
4 .5o
1 76
1 20
testamentary on the estate of Hannah
erre*, late of Tyrone township, Adams county,
decfd, haring been granted to the undersigned,
residing in the borough of Gettysburg, he here
by girder notice to all persons indebted to said
eatata bo make immediate payment, and those
haring claims against the same to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 8,'59. Ct Executor.
rPFIE School Directors of Straban township
will meet at the house of Jscoa L. llasss,
iu anaterstown, on S.twday, tAe 201 A day of
Arrow exec, for the purpose of employing Teach
ers to take charge of the Public Schools of said
township for the fall term. The County Su
perintaadent will be present to examine appli
cants. By order of the Board,
Aug. 8, 1839. td Secretary.
T"pair of Pantaloons and a Vest were
found, on Menday last, en the Millerstown
road, haw's' Breank's and town, which the
owner can hare by describing his property and
paying fbr this sdvertiseineat. Can et Tits
Cespetsr oMce. Aug. S.
OAP STONE GRIDDLES, for Wain cakes,
adapted in site to say stove—for sale at
II tads, Buehler it Kurta's Stove Ware Roma.
Thies griddles do away with the are of grease
is t►e baking of griddle cakes, sad are coating
tato general ask Aug. 8.
InLACKEINITH COAL—best Broad Top, kir
D sole by all/ADS, 1317111142 & lows.
Public Bale
Teachers Wanted.
the former place. and about six miles from the
line of the Western Maryland Railroad, and is
the same formerly owned by George Crouse.
THE FARM consiata of about I It) ACRES OP
LAND. well laid off in fields, is well watered,
ha+ a good meadow. with an abutrdance of
woodland. and in a high state of cultivation.
The improveineuta conai•t of a good, substau
comfortable. Two Story and
Attic DWELLING Hilt:6E, with • "
water in the Kitchen, a Stable,
and other convenient out houses.
There is also on the place a Val ILA-
ble and Convenient TANNERY, with the ad
vantage of a never-failing stream of water. ,
The shops hare been destrottl by fire, but can
ix rebuilt at a moderate elpense. The Tan-1
yard consist! of one Pool, two Lime., four
hates or Handlers. and fifty-four Vats and
Leeches. more or less. and is capable of doing'
an extensive business, being located in one of,
the best Bark districts of the ;State. There
a sdlficient quantity of bark blacked now ut the
yard to commence operations immediately.
With the Yard will he sold, one His-Horse.
Power ENGINE, one Eight-horse Power Boiler,
The *bore Farm and Tannery commends
itself to notice from the superior advantages
affbrded, and the riale will be positire.
Terms, as decreed by the Court : One-third
payable in Cask oo the day of sale; oise-third
in one year; sad ore.third in two years. frogs
the day of sale, with interest—the credit pay-'
meats to be secured by the notes and bonds Of
the purchaser, to be approved by the !nutlet..
Amagements can be wide. however, by which
the terms can be made to suit the purchaser.
sirrerther information regarding the Pr3P- ,
arty, Sale, kc., can be bad on application tome, I
Corner, Cheapside and Water streets, Baltimore,
or of John E. Smith, F.:44., Westminster, Carroll
county, Md. A. F. CRANE, Trustee.
Aug. 8, 1858. ts.
A Valuable Property
AT PRIVATE SALK.—The undersigned o(-
fen at Private Sale, his MANSION YARN,
situate ou the Chambersburg Turnpike, 11 milts
from Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa. it is ;a
most desirable property, and has been for many
years occupied as a Tavern Stand, for which it
is well adapted, having every conveniently.
The Farm contains about 150 Acres, more or
less, about 40 a-res of which are Timber-land,
well covered ; the fencing is mostly of chesuut
rails and locust stakes, and in good condition.
The Improvements cuusist of a large
Doable Two-Story BRICK HOUSE, (ll'
a large nell t lank Barn. (with three I r
doors, a la m Stone Stable, Wag-.
on Shed and Corn Crib ; Stour Tenant "loupe
and Blacksmith Shop ; tan wells of water, one
is frost and the ether in the rear of the largo
dwelling; three Apple Orchards, with • variety
of other fruit, such as peaches, pears, plums,
cherries. kc.
Persons wishing to purchase, will please call
on the uuderagued, residiug thereon.
Avg. 1, 1.8.59., •
A Valuable Farm
BLIC SALE — The subscribers, Ex
ecutors of the lad will and testanteatlofj
it ixt.lau GoLors, del:4., will offer at Public
Sale, on the premises. cm Saturday, lA* :14 day of
September mat, the following Real Estate of said
decedent, fir.: A saluable FARM, containing
Int Acres, more or less, in Germany township,
Adams county, l'a., within 2 miles of Little,-
town, adjoining lands of Jacob Munk, John
Rider, Edmund Long. Henry Schwartz, /dim
Sheely, and otberi—about 641 acres being Amt
rate Woodland, well eoveres:, the balance in
good farming condition. Abc - ust 35 acres are
Meadow, and more cam easily be made. The
improvements are a new two story
STONE Hursii, Log Barn, Wag
on Shed, a Well of good water
near the door of the dwelling, •
thriving Young Apple Orchard and other fruit.
The Farm has been limed over wore, sad part of
It • second time Beaver and Allow at 3 Creeks
pass through the Farm, as well as a public rend.
Persona w;shing to view the property are re
quested to call oa either of the Executors, the
first-unmet' residing in Mouutjoy township, stud
the last-named oa the premises.
larPossessiout and a Blear title will be given
on the trot day of April next.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. X on laid
day, when attendance will be given and Wins
made known by
_ _
Aug. 1, 11159. ti. Ezectirkies
A First-rate Farm
AT PRIVATE SALR.—The undersigned,de
slrous of redecing his landed property, of
fers at private sale, one of his VALVE, situate
on Marsh creek, in Franklin township, Adami
county, adjoining the property be resides on
and containing 108 Acres, more or kn. The
improvementsarna STUNK DWEL- '
LING HO SK, Hank Barn, Wagon f
Shed, Cora Crib, a well and
a spring of excellent water near th _
buildings. an Orchard of good fruit, C. 'Luc
farm is convenient to charthes, school-houses,
and mills, with good society and a pleasant
neighborhOod. Persons wishing to view it are
requested to call on the undersigned, adjoining.
The farm offered It 4 miles from Gettysburg,
within a quarter of a mile of the Chambensburg
Turnpike, and possesses more than usual'ad
July 25, 1859. 381*
Publio Bale
sad //ilia', ase 25th arid 2tibt days u/-Priust,
1559, will be said at public sale, at the late.res
idenee of W*. D. tioaascar, Esq., deceased,
in Mumetatburg, Adams county, the fullue ing
Personal Property of said deceased, viz :
A ILOCKA.W.AY BUGGY, nearly new; Horse
Gears, Saddle, Bridles, Harrow, Single and
Double-Trees Wheel-harrow, StUUe Coal, a lot
01 PINE LUMBER: 3 Itethteads and Bedding,
Tables, Chairs, 2 Bureaus, 2 Desks, Chests, 2
Eight-day Clocks, 1 Ten-plate Stole and pipe,
1 Coal Stove, 1 Book Case, 1 MEDICINE CASE,
I Detached Lever WATCH, 1 Double-board
GUN, 1 Revolting Pt3tol, 2 Horse Pistols, 2
Brass Pistols, 1 New COUNTER SCALES, with
brass Troy and ANuirdupois Weights, 1 large
English Bible, 1 United Staite , Map, J Trunks, 2
Wood Saws, 1 large Copper Kettle, 2 sets brass
And-irons and 1 Fender, 1 Tool Chest and Car
penter Tools, a large variety of Medical and
other BOOKS, and other articles too numerous
to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on
said days, when attendance will be giten and
terms made known by
July 13, 1839. ti A ciminiatrutors.
New Tobacconist.
PETER A. KRESS would inform the public
that he has leased the Store-room on the
South-east coraer of the Diamond, (lately occu
pied by 11. S. Minnigh k Son,) and .1 now cu
rling on therein the business of making SE,
GARS, of which he has a large and fine stock,
of all brand 4, on hand, with the different kinds
of Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, and
SNUFF. lie ii selling at low profits, and teepee
to receive a large share of the public's patron
age. He asks a trial, feeling assured that he
will be able to please.
Gettysburg, Aug. 1, 1859. 3se
having Walling. Timber to saw will do
well to call at tie Lumber Yard of
Situps, Baseiaa k Karts.
KEEP the flies off I—Another arrival of those
cheap sad handsome Ay-eats at
WILLOUGHBY'S Gala Spring Grata Drill,
for Gala at the Agricaltaral Warehouse
of Sagan, Bcaauta k Kamm
APPLE PARPER.9.—Tbe celebrated "Bay
State Apple Pacer"—srblcii pares, este
cores at oar tsar--for sale by
- •
always on bsad sad will be ibralsbesl at
w rates at Y4IIN4BTOCKW,
Itegistart Notice.
pTmOTIOS la hereby ems te a/I Invitees and
other persona caeorised that dm Ashain
otion accounts hereinafter mentioned will
/ be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams
county for eoadratation and allowaore, as
Maeda', the 13th a/Avon serf, at 10 o'clock, A.
: viz:
121.1. The second awl final account o(John T.
Williams and William T. Williams, Executors
' of the last will and testament of Ezekiel WA
; Hams, of Hamilton township.
Ir.!. The first account of David Roarbaugh,
Executor of Henry &hauler, tlected.
112. The first and final account of Jamee Da
vis, Administrator of dm estate of Peter lanes,
113. The account of Jacob Spongeler, Admin.
iorator of the estate of Hester Spouseler, late
of Mountplcasant township, Adams county, Pa.
124. The second account of Col. John Wol
ford, one of the Executors of the last wal and
te.tatnent of John E. Albert, deceased.
1.15. The second account of Josiah C. Albert,
one of the Executors of the last will and testa
ment of Het. John E. Albert, deces..ed.
12G. The first and final account of Moses Mc-
Clean, Administrator of the cstate of Thomas
Dull. deceased.
117. The account of Eli Horner. Guardian of
Miry C. Weikert, late Nary Catharine Schrirer.
1.7.5. The second account of Elizabeth Agnew
and Moses McClean. Executors of the Wet will
and testament of David Agnew.
129. The first nod fionl account of William
B. Stnyers, Atholuistrator of Jacob B. Smyerr,
Lite of Huntington township. deeensed.
130. The third and final account of John C.
Met:anon, Adtolnistrstor of the estate of Corse
tins lieCalion, late of Liberty township, Adams
county, deceased.
131. First account of David Hollinger. Lte
tutor of Kiisabeth Diehl, deceased.
133. The second account of Hannah V. Neely,
Executrix of the last will and testament ofJohu
,Neely, deceased.
The first account of David MeConaughr,
Esq., Administrator of all and singular the
goods and chattels,
rights and credits, which
were Di 8 wait Arm strong, late of Gettysburg,
134. The first account of Adam Brown, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Mary
Deardorff, deceased.
In. First and final account of James Linn
and Abraham Fluhr, Executors of Daniel Day
I*.w. The first and final neroant of Pins 8.
flunith, Administrator or the estate of Anthony
Foller, deceased.
137. The first account of Geo. Thomas and
Mary Yanorsdel, Executors of the last will and
testament of Wm. Yanursdel, late of Stratum
Register's Office, Getty.- I
burg, July 18, 1839. f
Sugar Cana ][i lls,
na AR KVAPORATORS. Kettles. Cauldrons,
0 Clarifying Pans, Steam COil Kettles, Skim
mers, Dippers, Moulds, Strainer., Filters. Sae
cbaronteters, Thermometers, etc., with informa
tion upon the subject of making Sugar, ctc.,
from Cbinese Cane.
Having arranged with Hodges, Freo k Co.,
of Cincinnati, tihio, fur license to manufacture
their Improved Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar
Kettle t, and baring procured patterns from the
abuse named manufiteturers, I can furnish on
short notice any article In the line of Sugar
Slaking Apparatus, all well tried and of the
most reliable kind. Also. Scott's Little Giant
Mills, for griadiug corn in the cub.
Fur Catalogue sad Trestle on Sugar Cane,
etc., inclose three Postage , Stamps. addressed
Spring Garden Iron Works, Corner of 17th
f Coates Streets, Philadelphia.
Ana. 1,1859. Sin
BF AT quality, $9O 00 per 1,000. 10,000
Alisu's Hardy Raspberry, $.lO 00 per
1,000. iscr-C'sssalegau gratis.
Aug. I, 1859. tug
A ND SILVER WARE.—We would respect
it. fully inform our friends, patrons and the
public generally that we have just opened our
New Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware
Establishment, at No. t;27. Market street, where
we offer Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest
Cash Prices, a large and very choke stock of
every description of goods usually kept in a
lest-class Watch and Jewelry Store.
We hope by untiring efforts to accommodate
and please not only to retain all our former pa
trons, bat merit and secure a large accession to
the same.
Every deseriptioa of Dlansoad Work aad other
Jewelry Nude to order at short notice.
All goods warranted to be as represented.
Partienlar attention gives to the repairing of
Watches aad Jewelry of every descriptioa.
No. 822 Markel atria, Soishi Mar, INsitadelpAia.
Y. B.—We will continue our Old Store, No.
118 North Becoad street, fur a short time only.
Aug. 1, 1859. 3at
Letters of administration on the estate of
ederiek lilinepetex, late of Hamilton town
ship, Adams county, deceased. having been
granted to the undersigned, (the first named re
siding in said Hamilton township, sad the last
named in the borough of York, York c 0.,) they
hereby give notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to present
them properly aatbentleatsd for settlement.
Inly 18, 1859. Ii
THE second account ofiacos LADY, Colollllli.
tee of the perm's and estate Of HISST
nor, (a lunatic,) has been filed in the Court of
Common Picas of Adams county, and will be
confirmed by the said Court, on the IUA day of
.4wynse next, unless cause b~ shown to the con
trary. JALXIII BUSHEY, ProL44.
Prothonotary's Oace,A.lettys- 1 ..
burg, 3uly 18, 1t1.7•9. 4t* f
JR ; ministrauon on the estate of Rachel Smith,
late of llountpleasant township, Adams coun
ty, deceased, hit4ing been granted the under
signed, residing in the saute township, he here
by gi% es notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to present them
properly authenticated fur settlement, to
Aug. 1, 1859. Ct Adsumistratur.
Last Notice—ln Earnest !
ALL persons indebted to the Late firm of Co-
SEAN k .1" *xi' , are requested to call and
make payment before rAr 15/A of August, as after
that time the accounts will be placed in the
hands of a proper officer for collection.
Aug. 1, 1859. 3t
ALARGE lot of full-brandnew HERRING
just received, and ill be sold low for
Jane 20, 1859.
HIEMBER that Picking is celebrated for
selling cheap Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery,
rases, Hair and Shoe Brushes, Violins, decor
deans, Fifes, Flutes, and In fact every thing In
the notion and musical way. Don't forget the
place, opposite the Church in Ghanibersburg
GOATS! COATS ! of Cloth, Cassimere, Cash
motet, Tweeds, Deck Linea', kr., he., sold
at astoalskiagly low prices, at PICK G'B.
eKING STOVlCS—lselaillas Neale Cook,
loyal Cook, W. Pe**, Philadelphia kit.
rise, Baltimore Air Tight, Sea Shelf, Christo
pher Colassb= ma llimi sic iterzry Mad. Yap.
mere' Boilers, , is., ire, tar
sale at the Store Ware *iota at
11•14.aa, BUIPMIII i 1011111.
WOIIICID 7141X111014 1 boot quitlith tar
sale at the r h pd of kiliteade j Buehler 4
iado—oloo, Bash., of evow du, Doors, Shot.
tent, Melo, M. , -
FlAWLEL—thellonustiet"sted Cashmere
soot Debasel6 eissfp,st the sew re stoll ,A. 800 T? k 80,1 4
Opposite the Eagle Hotel.
50,000 Peach Trees,
Watches, Jewelry,
A Homestead for $lO ;
AHORKEITRAD for $lOO ;Abms, Homesteads
foe $lOOO sad over, aitunted on, and near
Pak•Illoock River, above„and below FRED
called RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently been
laid ont, In CULPEPER COUNTY, in the midst
rounded by Mines and Mining Companies ; and
Farms end Town Lots in alternate divisions or
shares, cart now be bad for a "Mere Song," sim
ply to induce settlement in this desirable region.
$254,:w0 worth of land is to be divided amongst,
purchasers or given away as an inducement to
come on and make improvements, and the land
is of the most improvable qualities. Many have
already settled and scores of others are t.otniug.
Good farming land, in tracts of any AlZe to suit
purchasers, can also be bad at from $lO to z..4'20
per acre, payable in easy qu.irter yearly install
*dr AGENTS ARE WANTF,D everywhere to
Fell these Lands ; librral nulueements will be
given. E. BALDER, Lund Agent,
July 18, 1859. Slo. Port Royal, Vu.
Up with the Times
JACOBS k BRO. have just recek ed from the
city a very large assortment of Cloths,
tassimeres, Vestings, Summer Goods, and
everything else in the men's wear line. They
also offer plain and filmy Shirts, Collars, silk
and cotton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, etc.—
Having bought unusually low, for the each, they
are enabled to sell CHEAPER TIIAN EVER—
an excellent full cloth suit, made up, fur $l3,
for instance. Give them a cull, at their new
establishment, iu Chatubershurg street, a few
doors west of the Diamond, before purchas
ing elsewhere. [June 13, 18514.
New Spring Goode.
JL. CH ICK, dealer in Silks, Domestic
• Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Embroideries,
Linens, Jewelry, Nptions, etc., has returned from
the &lantern markets with one of the largest as
sortments of DRY GOODS ever brought to this
place, consisting of all the newest designs and
fabrics of the present spring - importations.—
L.tIMES' DRESS GOODS, plain and figured
black Silks, very heavy and fine lustre, cheap;
plain and colored figured Silks, a very fine as
sortment, at all prices ; Bareges, Grenadines,
Poll di Chene, Satin de Chene, Poplins, Laralas,
Paris Organdies. Jaconet Lawns, French Chin's,
plain and colored Brilliants, Ginghams, Spring
Nonslip*, English Calicoes, and many other
novelties. MOURNING GOODS in gnat varie
ty, Shawls and Scarfs, beautiful stock; Ribbons
and Parasols, new styles, very handsome;
broideries and WHITE GOODS, very handsome;
largest and cheapest stock we have eeeee r received.
MEN:S AND BOYS' WEAR, complete stock,
Gloves, Hosiery, Kits and Gauntlets, of all kinds;
Domestic Goods, at Factory prices. JEWELRY,
new stock for Spring sales, consisting of the
most equlsite styles ever offered in this market.
We would say to our customers and the pub
lic generally, that we have opened one of the
most elegant and largest assortments of goods
ever brougliCto this market, *Hof which have
been selected with great care and upon the
most advantageous terms. We are determined
not to be undersold by any. Our motto—" Fair
dealing and small profits "
S. W. Corner of Centre Square
April 4, 1839.
Something New
GETTYSBURG.-:—The undersigned informs
the citizens of the town and county, that he
ba.s commenced the BAKING business, on a
large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly
opposite Wattles's Hotel, where 4 will try to
deserve, and hopes to receive, a libteral patron
age. /111EAD,
tc., baked every day, (Sun
days excepted,) all of the boat quality, and sold
at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in
all its branches is largely carried on, and orders
Co any amount, from this and adjoining coun
ties 'applied at the shortest notice. Having
erected a large and commodious bake-house and
secured the best workman and the most ap
proved machinery, he is prepared to do a
heavy business.
July 25, 1859.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees.
A FINE mock for fall planting at reasonable
rates. Our present stock includes all the
choicest varieties cultivated and that are known
to do well in this latitude. Special attention is
paid to the rearing of trees. We are confident
that purchasers will do better by buying from
us than to send to distant Nurseries that they
know little of, and fur varieties not well estab
lished here.
iggjaeler to Hos. J. D. Deaner, Col. Jao.
LTate sad D. licCoaaughy, Esq.,of Gettysburg.
Pleasant Ridge Nineties, ilendersville, Pa.
July 18, 1859. 314 •
rAY UPI—AU persona knowing tSenuelves
Indebted to the late Ann of BIUNGMAN k
illll/i8.11.7GH are requested to make pay
ment to D. A., Esq., in whose k:usds
the Books have been placed for collection. All
persons disregarding this Notice mast look out
July IS, 1839. 6t
THE subscriber awn at Private Sale.
his ROUSH AND LOT, ou High
street, adloiaing Solomon Powers. The
Haase la a two-story Brick, nearly new, with a
lack-bailding, and • well of water. Terms
July 11. 11159. tf
More New Goods,
ACOBHAN t CUI.P'S.—AII the new stales
of HATS and SllOK:3—Trunks, Carpet
ra, Umbrellas, Wall Paper, Winduw
Saddle!, Bridles, Fly-nets, Buggy Harness, ix.,
eArco for rash, at the sign u( the Lisy
Jane 27, 1839.
Franklin House,
ZBUILT and Refurnished, Corner Of /toward
mad Pranktaw streets, a few squares west of
t e Northern Central Railway Depot, Itat.ri
imam. Terms $1 per day.
G. LEISF I NRING, Proprietor,
Fruits &Las tirove, Penasylvama.
Aug. 1, 1859. Gin
Money . Saved
1100 K # BALDWIN,
S.W. corner of Lexington and Green streets,
You save 25 eta. per pound
You save 50 etc. per barrel
You Bare 50 eta. per barrel
In buying Fish.
You save from 2 to 3 dollars per 100 pounds
in buying Bacon.
You save from Ito 4 eta. per posed . •
in baying Sugars.
Yon save from 2 to C cts. per pound
in buying Coffee.
Yon save from 2 to 10 ets. per gallon
in buying Molasses.
In short you eaa save money
on most every article
In the Grocery line
by buying of
8. W. corner of Lexington and Green eu,
If say body doubt/ it let thew give is
011 TIIAL,
And If they ars not natidod _
we will he content
that they shall bay
We warrant every ankle we sell.
We peek all goods securely,
cad obarge nothing *w psoltlag.
itabillt the floods are sat
The 7 eon be returned as
at ow expense.
Per.olll tadtot lt
ittoonves,kmt to visit Baltimore,
Otto order otos thromfft the Bail
and may rely upon
haying their
sod setisfisetorlly attended to.
moms roa DIITUIR.'III4
liritelmale and Ratan (hovers,
8. W. coma ot Lexington end Green sta.,
Jane 27, 1820. Dea.ll4. ly.l Baltimore.
_ •
WHEREAS the Dm Rosser J. nigagi
preffisout or Os mend Coasts oftSesi
mon Pleas in theteuaides eseeposiag tits ihtli
District, and Justice acumkantrtil of Oyer *ad
Terminer, and Geseral NIP thlevenr, for Austria
of all capital sad aelliseedibiders in the said
district, and Daetti fdaiiidtai Sad WAN L. Witt.
CAN, Esys. '
Judges ot Oellele- Genurou
Pleas, and Justices of the Covets of Oyer sod
Terminer, and General Jail Delittery, *sr the
trial of all capital and other ofesdass la the
County or Adams—hare Issued their swept,
bearing date the :oth day of April, la the
year of our Lord one thousand sight hundred
ditty-nine, and to roc directed, for holding a Court
of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Session*
of the Peace, sad General Jail Delivery and
Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on
Muaday, the 151 a dm of Averse next—NOTICE
IS HKItKUY Gliailt to all the Justices of the
Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the
said County of Adams, that they be Ikea sad
there in their proper persons, with their ROlll4
Records. Inquisitions. Examinations, and *thee
Remembrances, to do those things which to their
OfiletS and in that behalf appertain to be does,
and also. they who will prosecute against the N
prisoners that are or then shall be In the Jail of
the said County of Adams, are to be then sad -
there to prosecute aguiest them -as shall be f lusL
Sheriff's Office. Gettysbearg,
June 2u, 18:45.
Jurors for August Court.
Stratum—Fleming Gilliland, Jacob Bucher,
Win. Stull with, Jeretniati Sitriver.
Franklin—Win. Toot, Samuel Situps.
Cumberland—Henry Eyler, Jao. F. Correa&
Ilouatpleasaut--thro. Ilagarmaa, David Diehl.
Huntington—Philip Myers, Jo*. D. Becker,
Frederick Bowers.
Conowago—Ambrose Eline , Jacob M. Wort:.
Noun'joy—Watt:4m Barr.
Menullen—Je4se A. Hutton.
Union—Peter Lung, Edward Rebell.
Gettrsburg—James A. Thompson.
Fret;lom—W. Ross White, John N. Mortis.
Ilainiltonban—Jesse P. Topper, MOWS MM.
Monntjoy—Mieltael Trostle.
Berwick tp.—.lbrahem Myers.
II untington—Joseph Bream, Daniel Menges.
Gettysburg—Joseph H. Little, Jesse Culp, Rob
ert Cobean, Robert D. Armor, Henry J. Stahl&
Litimore—Nathaniel Smith, Amos Myers.
Voices—Michael Kit:miller.
Conowago—Jacob Adams.
Berwick bor.—Michael Hoffman, Semi. Motsgar.
Renallen--Charles Wright, Solomon Hartman,
Jonas Routaung.
Germany—George Gonder, Henry Spalding,
George Stonesifer.
Straban—Cornellus Lott, Henry Herbst.
Franklin—James Russell, Peter Ketteman,
Frederick Diehl, Joseph Rebert.
Mountpleasant—Ale sander Short), Saml. Shorb.
Butler—George Res, John Hanes, John Bream,
Jacob Applewan.
Hamilton—Joseph Woods, Daniel Baker.
Liberty—John Mosselman, Joseph Creager.
Ilamiltonban—Robert Watson, Isaac Robinson..
Oxford—Elias Slagle, Joseph J. Smith.
Tyrone—henry• J. Myers, Conrad Bream, Abra
ham Guise.
Reading—Henry A. Picking, Samuel Orndorlf.
Cumberland—lsaac Shriner.
Berwick Elder.
FRUlTS.—Fruits of every description.
as follows: Layer Raisins, Figs, Oranges,
.Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, bard and
paper shell Almonds, Pes Nuts, kc. _
LI RUCERIES.—A good assortment orliggars:
Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Coffee,
IN. O. Molasses, Syrups of the best quality,
Rice, Soda, Starch, Teas, Cinnamon, (ground
and unground,) Cloves, Mustard, kc.
PERYCHERY.—Perfumery of every descrip
tion, which will be sold low for Cash.
LEMON SYRUP.—A large lot jest received.
Anyone desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy
drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup..
TOBACCO.—AII the rarions kinds of Tobac
co, Cigars and Snuff, for sale by Wm. Boyer A
VIVEGAR.—We have a good quality, se all
will say who hare tried it.
FLOUR k FEED.—We have made arrange
ments to have constantly on hand Flour and
Feed, which we will insure to be of unperiur
quality, and at such prices as cannot fail to
pitaaa. WM. BOUM k SON.
July 11, In%
signed has the pleasure of announcing In
id country friends—farmer and merchants
—as well as the citizens of Gettysburg, and
" the rest of mankind," that his new and com
modious Warehouse is now open, and that he is.
receiving GRAIN A PRODUCE of all kinks, for
which he is paying the highest market prices ;.-
and while the public can dispose of their pro
duce to the best advantage, they can be supplied
in return with Groceries, of every description,
consisting of Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molassm, Teas,
Rice, Ac., Ac., also, Guano, Plaster, Oils, Cedar
ware, and a thousand other things not here
mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the
cheapest is our motto. If the people consult
their own interests, and act wisely, they willztot
forget the undersigned. Hoping the famabir
faces of all my old customers will meet me spin,
and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor
to please them. JOHN HOU.
Getty burg, Nov. 22, 1858.
DER k BENNER have just received Mt.
their Now Store, in Baltimore street. • few
doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es
tablishment, the largest avid most complete
assortment of Groceries brought to Get
tysburg fur a long time, consisting of qres,
(four kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molasses.
Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Flour. Curd,
Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, salt, in abort
every thing usually kept in a first-sOass
Grocery Store. _
side. lite highest market price paid foreoon
try produce or taken in exchange fur Goods.
mar Give us a call. Buy your Groceries
where you will be sure to tAt them good and
g a r lluver's celebrated writing Ink for
sale. [Nor 1, 1858.
Farmers, Take Notice.
ALL persons residing in York, Cue/beds/id,
Franklin, or Adams county, Peunsylvaais;
urd, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Howard,
or Montgomery county, Maryland, are hereby
cautioned not to purchase of A. Smith, In Han
over, York county, Pennsylvania, or say of his
Agents, the Slide Drill manufactured by said
A. Smith k Co., which is an infringement on
Hunt's Slide Drill, the Patent of which l am
sole owner for the above counties. Any perm*
in any of the above named counties percbasleg
(after this notice,) the above name! Drill, man
ufactured by said A. Smith # Co., wili be dealt
with according to law.
And said A. Smith t Co„ are also hareby
cautioned not to manufacture or sell the above
named Drill in the above named counties, or he
will be likewise dealt with.
In buyiag Tea
in buying Flour
York, Jane 27, 1859. 3m
A SON take pleasure in announcing to
ST e
that they have just °peak a ykew
sad complete Dry Goods and Grocery Seen' op
the corner of Chambenbarg and Waahligeon
streets, in the Borough of Gettysburg, opposite
the " Eagle Hotel," where they ars now sad
will be prepared st Mamie tooter barrettes to
suit the purse and please the people.
'By conducting our beldame on the CASH
SYSTEM, with the motto " Quick Sales aid
Small Profs;' and by punning* *lcily hon
orable eo=fehope to receive the
meat, not of the citizens of t th ey
w illi f
Adams count , but the rest of easushind.` ,a
have just returned boo the cities with a lipid
some assortment of SPRING A lIDEKER
GOODS, embracing all manner of Ladles' Ores&
Goods, of the most beentlfal styles,. Foamy Ar-
Broinet i m m l Bonnet trisombegs, Cloths,
: a large assortment otleallllllll4,ilif.
- ost of =MIMI it *tart
• We w ill "got take thy' -
Ise, butts all to MU boa iii;...4ak to
slow god s. A. 800111 &BON.
May 16, legl. .
Fresh Fruits,
The Cars are Here!
New Grocery Store.
New Store I