t ~ •. ~ Naw Irma, August 3.—The steamer Persia ..arrited` here this morning from Liverpool, with skies to the 21Id ult., two days later than previous' advice's. Breadstuff" were Arm. Wheat generally awed with as advancin g te n dency; all qual ities ited slightly advanced. The Pence Conference.—The Conference to be held at Zurich between France and Austria was Impacted to meet in about a week. It was thought that Sardinia would not be rep ragetedgeneral feeling of discontent with the terms of peace continued unabated, and Napoleon's explanations were nut reassur• ing. No one had been named as the represents. tire of Sardinia at the Zurich Conference, and it was . therefure expected that none will be present, but that Sardinia, if she pleases, will acquiesce in the Austro-French arrangement In a separate article. It was supposed that a European Congress would be called after the conclusion of the Zwick negotiations. It is affirmed that Sardinia signed nothing but an armistice, and is consequently in a nominal state of war with Austria. lialy.—ltalY continued to exhibit discontent svith the terms of peace. Timeasy sbowed strong hostility to the re tam of the Grand Duke. The l'ruvimiunal Government had directed a popular tote to be taken on the subject. Eloglaad —The foreign policy of England had been debated in the !louse or Commons. IVlsraeli opposed all interference in the Pesos Congress. Lords Palmerston and Rus sell thought that England might with propri ety take part, but nothing was determined 110 1P"n• Lord Elgin gace notice of a resolution against any inference by England in the Malian geestion. Glsdetone's proposed increase of the income tax was agreed th. from .—!he Emperor Napoleon had re ereirdi the .eutigratulatuons of the Diplomatic Corps. The Papal. Nuncio was spokesman for the Ambassadors on the occasion. The Emperor in reply said dist Europe wail so unjust to him at the commencement of the war that he was happy ta °include peace as soon as the honor aud interests of France were pi.tisied. Asa proof of this moderation be said lie trusted the ptatee woatid he endur ing. Arrest of Wiliam Coleiron, the iforderer d?f Junaidutki tt. Chavni4trr—Aticimpled nog. cue—drrest ty . the Elligleadtr.—About 3 olock yesterday afternoon Capt. Joseph Mit chell, of the Central station, reeeiled such in fortnatiun that he was induassi to risk in house on Dolphin street, near Pennsylvania avenue, %%here it was thought Coulson was secreted. 'The Captain, with Lieut. Wright, Sergeant :NleCotaits, otfoxrit li. W. itt,bilis,,n and Wit- Laws, repaired w the house indicated. Alitehell and Lieut. Wright took possession 44 the front of the house, while toe rennin fag officers guarded the re: r. Upon lir ri4ing in front of the house the Captain de wended adini..sion, which was refused by the lady of the house, Mrs. Taylor, in the plea that her liu , thanA bad previowdy warned her sigainin opening the door tawny pollee officer, es they wanted wt.:et the furniture tn.& debt. The officers now threatened to, burst open the sloor if it was not unlocke4l Mrs. 'ray for theft ',petted the door, and just as the officers entered the front town Coulson rushed out of o rear door tutu the yard, u here Le was ar re•ted. By this time a great crowd had odlected in the neighlsorkaad, and fnima the remarks and /movement e,f seteral young men, a rescue was tram!, and wlieu on Vortli street, near Edger. Ilicisahl Hinton, a rowdy of consider able notoriety, wide a rush, followtai lw uter sine hundred parstuos.tuwards the officers bar ing Coulson am clatrge. t!tcr a little excite- Anent, daring which iiintou was severely bundled, be was arrested "and committed to jail by Justice McAllister, Coulson made no tatetupt to coe.it.e. and stated that he outer intended to lat e the city. L pun the su hjeti ,cf the erica will which he is charged he mould u.)t speak. lie appeared dotrucso4. laud keenly felt the awful intiritiint in which he /had placed. husalelf. 1:pon arriting at the jail gate, Ise appeared to faker, and Ismitated us to 'mitering that holm* from which proba bly lat will never {elite alive. llis brother Coot-go, whew iutornied of the arrest, appear ed confounded. and remained silent for ii.eter ial winumitit.--}iii/Msacre Clipper , :t norallay. Sailed from the Dead. A ettricats Csie.—A. c.uriusts case occurred last week at Howe, this coast'', fairs. Peters, ache of a German of that name, atter a short iliatess, was supposed t ) hare died. Her hus band made imuiediate arrancetLeuts for her fu neral, baring prLcartslueqtfin in this city. tbi" placing Ler Lodi' is the coffin a geueral perspiration was .olsserved thruubiarut the a kin, which was nejaurteil ta the husband, with the P u iu u that the burial be deferred in the hope of reanimation. T., this the hus band objected, and had Lutr interred the save slay, (Saturday.) Altar the burial services were over some rehairea of the supposed de remind, who reside in this city, arrived at Louie to attend the funeru/, uhich bad al ready taken place, soap hearing of the circum stances caused the body, which then had been four hours in the psoc, to Lc disinterred, ashen to their surprise wad joy, they found s4ins of life still ntuisiaing. flestaratiyes being atbuinistered, Mrs. Peters gradually re covered, was taken by her fricuds to this city and it now well We are infuriated that she refuses to again lire with her husband. The circumstinces connected with the affair are etrange indeed, and thowid tuaLs.rge insesti g u.— Cola as bas j 0 hit.) }'ac . aliirA British officer rritiag fn3u: Teheran, Persia, in the L anion 'flute*, remark.s Cathartic Pill manufactured by 'au American Chemist' (Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell. Mass.) has cured the Utak of s Liver Conaplai.nt that threatened his life. This simple fact, as tuigkt be expected, renders tha Americans immensely popular here, while we Engii,k are overlooked. Doubtless our own scholars tnade the discoveries which he employs, and thus it is in everything ; we Liu the labor, thou the mousing Americans put their mark on it and take the reward, Due. Ayer is idolised by the Court and its retainers here, which will doubtless be redeet4d to him on a gold snuff box, or diamond hilted sword, while nut the name even of Davy, Christoson ,or Brodie--the great lights by which he shines, is known."—New Yuri: Saatlay Paper. Ifusoamd. Wife and CALI! Killed SisarL lcuuostely.—A letter from Utica, Miss., h., the Petemburg Express, dated July Wth, says: —Mr. William L. Fairchild, (a most estima ble citizen in all the relations of life,) was re turning from the house of a neighbor to his ulna residence in &buggy. secuuipenied by his accomplished young wife and an only child, day before yesterday. and when within one mule of home a Loge tree foil across the road end killed them all. The tree fell so as to strike the heed of each one, and mash them in such a terrible manner as to cause the Eirl.in of each to escape from the skull. Their bodies were also dreadfully mangled. It may be mentioned am a remarkable feat, that a little negro boy, who eatupied a position in the meat oldie buggy. escaped with only a few seratahee. The Naturelashes Questioa.—Tbe Lexing ton (Ky.) fitatesman referring to the pram &ion alfirdsd by oarsovernaieat W naturalis ed citizens visiting Usspe, sap : Sisson Straus, of this eity, left the domains of Austria Wars he bad rendered the ministry serviee imposed by the laws of that prem iums ea every Ulises. fie oases to the United states, was natersHood, saes few swathe ago sehused to Anatria. li• vs' there sue wow to swat, on three das' notice, Sir militry earrieu lle haniodhstoely reported his to the Unshod States toasts, who no eeived llat est ea Asturicsa Ulises sad did m ow hiss Womb. Mr. Struts bail no mire treat& Ns- is noir in Lexington and can eabstaatisati tie Ora* of this statement, .... - 1E.41 pond push at toown- Wok plaw abippensburg. en Thaw AW. .Sl:xE' ol .a l I•lottoesa_ • 4,- , Married__ Tanyarti Property, DswurrArs salaam op mu , entaiy. _ The I On the 4th ion., by the Rea . Jacob Ziegier F'. of .—TatiVITIC6II SALE—a, vie- . unequalled arm= that bee ateseded Me mapneadloe ad" Mr. AUILXIUS d. SABBAUGLI to Miss MART toe a deers* et the Cites& Court far . talc liladialeo la Cayes, Caddo. natlrea, lereetenJ a.... , '''''''''' I C. 'uppLir , 1414 b 4 t FlNilkirickzelliaq, lids Carroll county, Yd., the inaderidened, Trustee two .. „ um ..., the Tkrasi „ it Lugs, iiii , s ., c . o. 1 On Thursday, Jane Straa, at St- James' of Wu. L. Neck, will sell at Public Sale an samples, barn Indecod ell physician of lip dandle( to Church, Baba Rouge, by the Rev. Elijah Go- Wealameminy, the ith day of Sepimber alert, the esester JI !a leant prattiem assay of Waal& &Mao ea atlas lon ' Mr. KUMICND IIcILICENNY, of New Or- property kuown 22 " OLD PORT," situate and toot soder Maar owe alguatury leans, to Lad MAUI' E. daughter of Daniel L.P. lying on the road leading from liancbesiter to WIDT•I'll BALSAM OF WILD CH KIRBY lIIICOMMIND. A% cry, F.N., of Baton li:Juge. 1 'iVestmiuMer, about out and a ball miles from YD' -- DT PlildICIAlO --- • •wlownd, lispt. 6, 1 , 64 i Die/d_ • 4 V. /ask kCO -4 , 11.1 —I moat eboweisily add soy • On tisthwo , ur I . t .„., .r tn . Nil ... w . h .,..... I , iii es , i Friday last, Mr. GEORGE WALTER. of dually. Is hilsmow•ry atweththa, Cedwybs sad Cuidtw. sad ed- this place, in the troth year of his age. The de -1.•••, " a 1•••• t "I•sble r•wiPdY• awl k 14.4 r444o"o"ded ceased was • Woad exemplar, eitirea, and en- It In vanes' ounaplaists e( this sa.ters with lavarbw•ly hap . joyeil the esteem of all 111 b. knew. Lim. liis re p, maths. W D LYNCH, 41 D Idsawfwkl. Two cu., Ps , eat. mug waiui Were interred :ieliterday morning, in Gewitlemes •—•Harts i g araaf fa sdy practice U.. not four titer Green Cemetery, folio% ed to their List years. Nuts, a 16s/assa at Mild Cherry. with groat sores, _.„ • __ _lace b _ ,_ _ . __ of I tooi . tirttaooliiiiiy r. ....... ittit to uiointi arb.ctaitt . i , o , r,••,1•. )•1 1,..t..c irl e ...ars. WAILVurr,C Wu uruiug gloats Cwoghs, Culd• astlthea, ae. ; reletti es and frsenthi. 11. D WARTIN. M D • IPo 1% - etinesday last. in F.mmitsburg. Yrs. Caps Tinerst, N 1 . • July 17. ts.T.s MARY HUGHES. r e li c t of Joseph Hughes. de- Get•ldawns .—Atter 2wwwg Dr 11 rt.'. lialaara for a loin v im . I au ..y (r0e, r . p ..„..,. t ...,....„.„. u .., i rep . r d a ceased. in the 89th year of her age—the °ldeal as 000 of Use best kid of Cuagb ismalor.sos, awl take great I.