blUlrriect_ Ots tkis 12th of April, 1859, by the Re -.Jacob Ziegler, Mr. CHARLES M. TATE, otthis place, is Min MARY LOUISA. DELL, daughter orate late George B. Dell, Esq., of Baltimore. (Sun sad Clipper please copy.] tie the =9th alt., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. JEROME W. J. MELBORN, of Hanover. to Miss BAR.AII JANE EYSTER. of Butler town ship,. (Chambersburg and Hanover papers please copy.) On the :9th ult., by the Itcr. B. A. Shorb, Mr, HENRY SLONAKER to Miss THLRESA IVARNER--both of Gettysburg . On Thursday last., by the Rev. Mr. Henry, Mr. EDWIN CRUM RINE, of Manchester, Md., to Miss MATTIE E. WEAVER, daughter of Mr. Gco. Weaver, of Straban town-hip Al St. John's Church. on the 19th tilt. , by the Rev. Dr. Clarkson. %Ir. JOHN C. lIALL to Miss PRISCILLA. LoCISA. daughter of Col. M. C. Clarkson, of Geneva, Wisconsin, formerly of Gettysburg. At Meehaniestown, on the isth of May, by the Iter. William Hunt. Mr. SA M [EI, J. SCOTT to Miss MARY JANE DARMAN. iecl._ On the 20th ult.. ANN ELIZABETH, daugh ter Mr. Lewis Weaver, of Muuntplessant toa ship, aged 7 years 10 months aid 2.0 On the 25th ult., Mr. JOSEPH FISHER, of this county, aged 74 years lo woutlis cad 11) days. From the effects an fall. SAM CEL ntiWARD WHALBV, aged 2 years 2 invntbx and drys. Surely life is uncertain Died, in Mummrisburg, on Tue•tlsy, the 31 .1 of May, ACM. 1). COM:I:CUT, Esti., aged 59 years 5 months and .5 days. In the death of Mr. thihrecht our community be" "'waffled a merlons foss. Endowed hy na ture with talents of a very high order, pos,,essed of remarkable conversational powers, hle,sed with a genial disporitiou, and qualified by edu cation tar almost any of the le.-trued profe=sions, his aim sus to be u:t•ful in all the relrtrons of life. In accordance with the request of tho , e who had opportunity of knowing something of the exercises of big mind during the lest of his mor tal days. the following lilies are transcribed fur insertion : "Ye 'fields that witnessed once his tears, Ye winds that warted ott Ins sighs, Ye mountains, where he breathed his prayers, When sorrow's shadow veiled his ey es No more the weary pilgrim mourns, No more Affliction wrings his heart,— Th' unfetter'il soul to God returns, Forever he and anguish part. 'Receive, I.) earth, his failed form, In thy cold boaoni let it lie ; safe let it rest from erery storm,— Soon must it ripe. no more to die." On the 2d of June his remains were interred in the burying ground of the Church nt Arendts vine, which he as,isted in building and sup porting. The funeral sermon w.o: btsed upon the words of iti9iration. found in Prow. 14: 32 —"The Righteous bath hope in his death." Oar commnnity during the last week lost one of its most valn.ible member:. in the re moval b♦ death of Mrs. E. WELTY. Mrs. W. VIII about 51 years of age—W.l4 a native of, and bud resided, in this place during her whole life. Though she had been uuirell fur a lung time, still her death was very sudden and un expected. On the morning of Saturday, (May 2sth.) she ate her breakfast as usual, and re marked that she felt nyirh better than common ly, but before 1: o'clock she was a corpse. For many years Mrs. W. was a member of the German Reformed Church in this place. and her daily walk and conversation was that of a moat consistent christian. She had a firm re liance ib the atonement of Christ, and looked to Him as the ••author and finisher of her filth." ller gentle manners, her kind and christian spirit, made her beloved by all who knew her. To the poor she was a true and constant friend, nad the kind charities of her etcr willing band were strewed lavi•hly 'round—by them her loss will be deeply felt. ,She always tried to spread jar and gladness around her, and was never happier than x hen making others happy. Her latst e.oio•ats were &lapse of t&eaee.. slle was ready and willing to depart. Elie breathed forth her spirit in prayer—her lot Hurd•; were "Lord. recent my spirit.'• Thu. her spirit as cended to God, robed in the Irateful ineemie of an humble and a contrite pr.;% er. Well might she any. •• Oh ! death }are i , thy sting. Oh} grave where it Oa) ictur, ' We cannot lint mourn for her departure—but our •orrou is her joy. She has exchange:l the care-,and troubles of life, for the peace and joy of he ilea. -Bless ed arc then that the in the Lord. especial WkDtic,e_ AN ANCTISNT I,IO , 4t I THR —The renple nfAnoth "'envy II &I' • recently exhumed from . u.,trt he-t the •Lelvt.t. of Ablt 1 , 1iii.111.1...111G1t W.I. 1141 e heels ”1 k Vitt° .en, of in.troitrett. Kite Its Lill ).•.t. , eu feet In.; the entire !mufti ufthe soon t illiltAtt I. at lewot (rent) Ate feet The haul or. .null vet ItA neck thas ; Ito teeth a4.ut t feat sot No Otz, I tO forte the irord. ‘• r.u3 Tout ItAlittq, the /le. k, Get t) MPDEU IN ENTIONS —NI e kaitnir of no turnoLino at innaliirn %line% that ile. ..Inrit.i Is, r. ur• .lAlvtier niche in the teuir lc ..f f, ow. 1.1i.50 the ilt.t n.ert in. paren t wan( the Ve. table EpC,eptie I 111- for rutin; k 4.1 In) or Alias in., Sr..••l/0. Cr...TA...641J .11 0..• ~.1.1110.1:11, cat,ona of Ner.oi.“ ise, Dr. Serb S 11.111 P., at 0$ Italticonro street, Itaillinnro, )14 , the inventr.r, a cart sin- Iy fotitlent to the beat a 'tiles of all tke ben,okot of maukihil. who unicrience a fir I 3 the alleviation of 'Awes' p..11 . ,,ruq When Dr 1141, ti • t he intended thmii a Jett for Fit• er.liorii and titans; to it tehaequeu:. evicrien. 43 • .t' .rt..rliy firmed to him, that in .14 Lie, rei 14-1, oil,. e tiro tartlet in this els. of thee e, or t e u a Control titer the entire oareoor I -to., lie the. in duced to try them in rot.. of Neu ..t.... Tin-Laoloren C. Nervota Ileaklaebe, of the 11,rt, Ini - 4pieut Paralysis, Ilya Leiria. )lusi,uhir Drt htv. a loot of I/I I nor disease*, springing troto a lack of ocrvouL ererd_r, io all of i r stride-6 his anucipations Isere coossied with the insist asn- Eaiae snares Persons at a dustance. by writing , and see/- hie roootioaro to /dr. Itasca can ha, a the toelicine for warded by wail to their poet Ldica ad ireso he pa, bog the postage. The price/ are for a sinzle te,. RS. two braes. SS. or int per oaken.. We kave Kisco Lis ...Worm aloe. June 6. /at lIIPORT ANT. YOU PEEL DERILITAT ED. YOU ARE NERVOUS. YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT TRIFLES. YOU CANNOT WORE. WITII EN YOU DO NOP PEEL LIKE DOI NO, ANY THING. YOC KATE NO APPETITE YOU CARROT BLEEP AS muar. YOU NIEL VI EAR. YOU PEEL Dun'. Uwe Rootlasd'.Cie, man bitters; thmy will an you with out faiL ?bow Bitters are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jhelum°, 418 Arch Merest, Philadelphia, Pa , and are sold at 75 rents per bottle, by druggist/ and stnrskeepers in *very town mai village in the United Stated, C.uurtas and South Au/sties. Bea that the hignatuni of C. M. Jackson Mon the wrapper of each bottle. ter sale by L. D. Bumbler, Anent, Oat tyhletrg—eed dahlia gssurally throughout the county. fJ nee 6. lei ZittiLlß COMM 4:1/ BffeolD AID lititS STlrakill, Pattto.trull, Manafactarera 4if White Load, ZIDC, Putty, Varnokhea, ave. Witolossle dealers is Dru t te, 11 /slow Ws., ie.— city sod °pastry Me rthanta wb.„, desire to purchase from • salon stook awl at aecaptabie paces are respectfully re quested to import ear goods. Our White Lead, Zino, ratty, sad Tarsishaa, are sold by more than one thoaaaod Wboisaaho Jobbiog Howes throughout the In ion. and give tuivereai satiaimetdosa. fj7.%ot ow ao,oplatat has ever scathed as. Zola Seed your onion duets. Yob. 7, la /y TEM OXYI:IIIYATZD BlTTEB3.—Nistars, is her great Ishratory, ham stored some moody adapted to erery dis ease which Mott la hair to." Bet it requires the lays str odes sad research of the philosopher to discover sad ap ply We remedy. Bach research surf ierestigstioa has rata deeded is dareveriter s remedy far that wet die ,...-pearthse, the DYBPIPdIa, with ell Its leaser &ad sewer- or *kW ; mad It may be safely asserted that anti! UN lip• liskraaite of the Oargeosted Bitters s owe of Dppersia md ; was • rare experience I. lasaical practise. Now the isalwasee of these Bitters the rule is to ears, the rate eseertioe, Ware to can. Bead the following, which the subscriber remota us to rabbi fee the Mesa of the kalsetwl As Abliarm• sad Larekwata Clam of Dyspepsia Oared by -0 ssla kattere.—Tbe folloiriog Imes a weette-eaa wells tk•Fa whisk he Liras oaten to matey all lime of little kink: WATIMOVX, N. T. /sly 211, I. W. lbws& , boataa,--Sira yarn dam I anaMal by that corm of tli Mamma, Dyspepsia, whiaima allothat as tat as to soma gram oppramMaa, ransom. 141446 hi Jet the WWI& esetectietely attar sans& m at\ Martha* pains la tile stomach, o:taa amm. ularmatambly scanty, aa4 headache towbar a=a. sod saltoriag, altogettam ro adoring Are halo( ktel ovary Wawa* meaty animist alMost, awl Wreloittrx •Orryr.roolehog my teat b&ath, t ens ht. disoel =ma aa Ot Otygoamm &Lam the soot M. MOW whim* sows Losseseposty slew & gity haniaii eat mica. aim *Mai a whole batty t aaa *enmity camas ses l a b or s o no " la halaMarir mistues as may. ma la *MP ilia OAS soorwita Trey ccreetirtto wet worthies rowires O. citLIPWXLL. rets ihmo, awl Iliollstwat Remus hes ow some sit wt. jowl the *fit ammo al the & MM.. 411 Co., '' ea the eater " ileidellt Oh lsttea. sod Ihr alio •Abiwou. tea; , T Spring ;lases L. A ft , omen b all iloolorr L Ille , beiail• Nay it 4. What Party Do You Belong To ? " What party do you belong to now, Bill ?" said Joe, the other day. " I belong to the Know—no, the American I —no—the—the—hanged of I haint forgot, Joe. What sort of rarruint was it you ketehsti , t'other night stealin' chickens ?" "It was a oppossum." "That's it, Joe, that . '" it. Op—op--what did you say it was, Joe?" " Oppoosum." " It was sonißthinz like oppossum." " Opposition," said Joe " I kiinw'd it was sumthin' or r ther. JI party changes so often, darn meet I min keg.' up." The I\la,rll.et_ G ETTY:itI LICG—t`ATUILDAY LAST Superfine Flour Itte Flour Wheat Corn, Rye °Ate Buckwheat Bitekvriteat /deal Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed Il.trley Plaster of Paria 1-luater ground. per bag Flour 7 00 to 7 12 W heatl 55 to 1 95 Ilye 1 00 to 1 12 , Corn 84 to 88 o.i,ta ... 47 to b3' Clover ,eed 5 25 to 5 75' Timothy Setif 2 00 to 2 2S' Beef Cattle, per hued 7 00 tol2 251 Hogs, per bend 8 GO to 9 00; Ilay 12 00 tol6 001 W hiekey 28 to 29 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 62 00 Commaniestet Flour, from wagons 6 75 Do. from stores ...... ..... . 7 00 Wheut 1 50 to 1 70 Rye • 00 Corn 77 (hits 65 Clover Seed 5 00 Timothy Seed 2 00 I'l eter ..... 8 50 Floor, from wagons ... 'I 62 Do. from stores 7 25 Wheat 1 45 to 1 65 Rye 92 Corn 80 Oats 56 Clover Seed 4 50 Timothy Seed 2 00 Plaster ... 6 50 Foreign, Attachment L. .1. 0. Comesafticatea A r STIN JENKINS and AL-1 No. 2R, Ang. / . 1 . FRED JENKINS, doing I T., 1859. usi ne,:s under the name and firm Foreign At of Edward Jenkins k Sous, nr. tachment. Charle3 W. Hoffman. ADAXS COCNTY. e - The Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania to the SheriO'of said county— , • greeting : • /'" We command you that you attach Ciiiiries W. Hoffman, late of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in whose hands or possession soever the same may be, so that be be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas to bejsolden at Get tysburg, in and for said count/Ain the 15th day of August next, 1859, there to answer Austin Jenkins and Alfred Jenkins, doing business un der the name and firm of Edward Jenkins & Sons, of a plea in debt not exceeding $1300; and also that you summon all persons in whose hands or possession the said goods and chat tels, lands and tenements, or any of them, shay he attached, so that they and every of them he and appear before our said Court at the day and place aforementioned, to ',Oat shall be objected against them or him, and abide the judgment of the Court thereon, and have you • then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. • Robert J. Fisher, President Judge of said Court, at Gettysburg, this first day of June, A. D. 1849. JACOB BUSHEY, ProtiVy. virtue of the *bore Writ, I have attneh ed the following described Real Estate of Charles W.llofftuan, the defendant therein, via: No. 1. A Lot of Ground, situated in the borough of Gettysburg, on the north aide of Chauataerthurg street, and beating thereon 19 feet, with a doable Brick Dwelling House, Smith Shop and other improvements. No. 2. A Lot of Ground, fronting on said Chatubersburg street, adjoining lot of Abraham. Sent', with a two-gory Brick Dwelling House out other improvements thereon. No. 3. A Lot of Grociii.l. adjoining Nn. on the ea,t, fronting on said Itbamhershurg street 2.1 feet, with a Stithle thereon. No. 4. A Lot of Ground, adjoining No. 3on the east anti No. I on the went, fronting on quid ...treet feet. with a large Conehmitker Shop and other iniprot omen's thereon. No. 5. A Lot of Ground, west of the Foundry, on the corner of the Railroad and Franklin street, in said borough, with a Steam Gri..t and Saw Mill thereon. No. G. A Lot of Groom', adjoining No. 5 oa the IreA, containing 3 acres. wore or less. No. 7. Three Lots of Ground, each fronting 30 feet on the north side of said Chambersburg street, adjoining lots of 11. Jerome Walter on the east. No. 8. A Lot of Ground, on said Chambers burg street, adjoining a public alley on the north, with a Stone Basement for a House thereon erected. The said Lots. from 'No. 3 to No. 8 Jnclasive, being unoccupied. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sherif Sheriff's Office. Gettysburg. June G, 1831. Gt SCOTT & SON have just received a new and choice selection of seasonable Uth/OS, such as Challa and Lawn Itohe=, Du cals, &c. Also, a variety of MANTILLAS very cheap ; Bonnets and Trimmings, Brown Flats, &c.. &c. Call soon at the new store of June 6, 1859. A. SCOTT k SON. County Treasurer. WE are requested to announce JACOB SUE ADS, of Gettysburg, as a candidate fur County Treasurer, subject to the deci,ion of the next Democratic County Convention. June 6, 1859. to - - Dissolution of Partnership. T"'partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of Oita,Es , els & TROXAR, in the Flour and Grocery busi ness, is dissolved by mutual consent this dar.— All persons indebted to said firm n ill please come and settle. The books will be left at the old stand. WILLIAM. GILLESPIE, HENRY THOMAS. Gettysburg, June 6, 1859. 3t New Store! NSW FIRM I NEW GOODSI—A. SCOTT k SON take pleasure in announcing to the public that they have just opened a new and complete Dry Goods and Grocery Store on the corner of Chambersbnrg and Washington streets, in the Borough of Gettysburg, opposite the "Baffle Hotel," where they are now and will be prepared at all times to offer bargains to suit the purse and please the people. By conducting our business on the CASH SYSTEM, with the motto "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and by pursuing a strictly hon orable course, we hope to receive - the encourage ment. not only of the citisens . of Gettysburg and Adams county, but the rest of mankind. We have . just returned from the cities with a hand some assortment of SPRLNG k SUMMER GOODS, embracing all manner of Ladles' Dreu Goods, of the most beantital styles, Fancy Ar ticles, Bonnets sad Bonnet Trimmings, Cloths, Cassinteres, Vesting., ke. Also, a large assortment of QUEZNSWARE. Oar stock of GBAXBRMS -is also large sad complete. We will not take time to particular ise, but invite all to call sad see-,no trouble to show goods. A. SCOTT is SON. Nay 11, lsse. r. Lumber. t 7 7.uktr ee l. yr m WY' s . as had it the Owl sad Umber Yard BREADS, BUSHLEIL KURTZ. March 14, 1859. BALT IMORE—Faitur LAST HANOVE ii.-TII CliilDAT LAST YORK--FIUDAT L AST Second Arrival Notice. E midersipted, Committee appointed by /pH tbe Commissioners named in the Act in corporating the East Berlin Railroad Company, hereby give notke that they will open Books and receive Subscriptions to the Stock of mid Company at the following times and plates, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of each of said days, to wit: At the public house of Henry Hoffman. in Kest Berlin, on Monday, the Gth day of June, 185.1; at the public l o use of 11. D. Wattles, in Getty's. burg, on Wednesday , the Nth day of June, 1859; and at the pul,lic house of List id %sash. iu York, on Saturdwl . the 11th day of June, leri . J. Samuel Meisenbeitar, J. J. Kuhn, J. H. Shireman, J. B. B.tiii.fliman, Thos. E. Cochran, Da% id Wills, George King. Win. Wolf, Henry J. 'Stable. [May 23,1859. td TER ritOSTA'S ESTATE.—Letters teis tuntentnry on the estate of Peter Crusts, e of Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased. 1 t :3 haring been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in the !MD(' pinee, he hereby git es notice to all persons indebted to g.ttLl estate to make immediate piu ment, and those hating claims against the et.une to present them proper ly authenticated fur iettlernenL. JOEL It. DAM;ER, Executor. May 30, IPSO. Ct IMS ENE 1 40 to 1 50 85 45 50 2 00 4 50 1 75 ! 1 20; 70 7 001 951 %EXAM - F.l, WEIII.E.It'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Enutenzel 1 ehler, late of Iltruilt,,n township, Adams coun ty, deceased, bating been granted to the under signed, residing; an Reading township, he hereby gives notice to 01l persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, end those having maims against the same to present them properly authenticated fur settlement. LIMN HI A. PICKLNLI, Ada'r. Shay IC, 1850. Ct - Irt)TAX-PAYEILS.—Notice 111 hereby given that the Cunnty Commissioners will make an abatement cit./ire per real. upon all State and County taxes assessed for the year 1859 that shall be paid to Collectors on or before l'riday, tie la of July. Collectors will be required to ou tax-payers on or before the above date, and make such abatement to all persons paying on or before said dny, and pay the same to the County Treastfrer, otherwise no abatement will lee made. Br order of the Commissioners. J.B. WALT4II, Clerk. May 2, 1859. td TAR undersigned liming retired from the Mercantile business, the sane will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons. Henry B. Danner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner & Ziegler,Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Having retired from the Meremitile business, It is necessary that onr old toisidess should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to as either by Judgment, Note or Book Aeconnt, to call and settle the same without delay. The books Kill be found at the old stand. J. B. D.k.NXFIR, May 25,1,955. DAVID ziEt:LEn. Assignee's Notice. MITE undersigned, Assiguee of Joss ECIII3- sups k W/FIL, or fleidlersburg, Tyrone township, Adams county, under deed of volun tary assignment, In trust for the benefit of credi tors, hereby gives notice to all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the said John Eekenrode, to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to GEO. F. ECEENRODE, Assipere, at Ileidlersburg, or to his Attnrnies,M. k W. McClean, Gettysburg. May 2, 1859. 6t - Here We Are Again rUST from the city with the hest and cheap est assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES at we hare yet offered, calculated to please all parsons in quality and prima ; 81;0AM, a very large stock, low • COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Bice, Cheese, S pices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured HAMS and SHOULDER, Lard, Shad, Mackerel and lierringa, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets, ie.; Baskets, Flour Selves, Brooms, Brushes, tkc.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly on hand; Fancy Goods, Coufectiomules and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords us pleasure to show our large and Inviting stock. NORRECK k MARTIN Gettyetturg. 11107 30, 1059. - Boot and Shoe -Fa W STABLISIDIENT REMOVED.—The under signed would Inform s customers and t e public generally, that be has removed his BOOT k SHOE STORE, to the Stone Building on Chambershurg street, opposite Buehler's Drug Store, slid a few doors from the Diamond, where he will continue the hnsinets on an ell, lamed srale,ind hopes that his old customers, as well as many new ones, will be able to find him. None but ermrieneed workmen employ ed to put ep all k of work to order at the shortest notice. DA 1D KENDLEUART. May 10, 1832. Still They Come! SCHICK has just received another heavy stock of GOODS, which for ipiality and cheapness cannot he surpassed in the county. lle invites everybody to ,call and see for tlactu. , elves.— ,‘ Small praftlA and quick sale," is his motto. Gettysburg. 113 y 30, 1:459, New Lumber Yard. TIET undersigned hat c opened a Lumber Yard, at their Warehouie, corner of Strat ton street awl the Railroad. Gettysburg, where they now have Lumber ou hand and will con stantly keep a large assortment, to which they ask the attention of buyers. Their prices are as low as the lowest. and no efforts spared to ac commwlste. KLINEFELTER, SEII7. ,k CO. kkir Also. COAL k LIME at the low est prices. March 21, 18.59, Stn CELEBRATED GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, manufactured and rot sale in the counties ut Cumberland, Adarus, 'York and Perry, by F. GARDNER k CO., Carlisle, sole agents for the above counties. Orders for these Drills will Ire received at tha Agricultural Warehouse of Sheads, Buehler & Kurtz, Gettysburg. or they may be purchased or our Travelling Agents. Orders addressed to us, at Carlisle, a tli receive prompt attentton. Farmers are int ited to ex amine the Willoughby Drill, a hich took the First Premium at the various State Fairs last fall. Several of them may now be seen at the above Agricultu rat Wareh uu.,e. Price $7O cash, or $73 on six mouths' time. May IU, 1k159. FOR sale by BASTRESS k WINTER, New Oxford GROCERIES, MILL. FEED, kc., /Lc., For sale Filiolesale and Retail by BASTRRSS Ac WINTER, New Oxford. air The highest Cash prices paid fur Grain May 30, 1839. Om* Hanover B; Railroad. ASSENGER Trains on the Hanover Branch P Railroad now run as follows: First Train leaves Hanover. at 8.15 A. M., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Train leaves lianaverat 2 P. 31., with Passengers for Baltimore and intermediate points. Extra Train on every Tuesday and Saturday leaves Hanover at 4.35 P. M., with Passengers fur Yurk, Harrisburg, /to., returning with Pas sengers from Baltimore. D. E. TROPE, Tieket Agent. Hanover, May 30, 1859. Wood- PRIVATH SALK.—I wi land ll WI at private sale 152 ACLICe OF LAND, on the hanks of h creek, awn ihreass's still, 0/ ACres of which is heavily thabaced. Helot sold prior to the first day of defy it will then be laid out in lots to suit purchasers and•sold at public sale. Hay 16, 1859. 040.401N0LD. lilOgst !MO liertb ef jeer mosey seit the right thew beck," make 'wan Purnkesee • the new estop *tare of A. SCOTT & EON, May 16. Opposite the Eagle Hotel. Notice. Notice. Notice Notice. Willoughby's Lumber & Coal, Sheriff's Sale. pursuance of a writ of Y,eri "ciao, I issuing. out of the Court of Common Pleas of A ma 4atty, Pa., and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg, on Satiorday, the In:Addy oi l June next, at 1 o'clock, P. Y., the following de scribed Real Rstate, No. I. A TRACT OF LARD, situated in the borough of Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa., ly ing on the west side of Long Lane, adjoining lands of David McMillan, George Little and others, containing acres, anre or leu. No. 2. - A TRACT OF LAN 1.; ing south of No. 1, and adjoining it ma the north, Dan id McMillan on the west, and Long Lane on the east, containing 9 acres, more or less. No. 3. A TIAt7T ll' LAND, lving south of No. 2. and adjoining it, and also adjoining lands Of David McMillan, Sam . ] it Ituibell and others, containing 71 acre., more or No. 4. A tRACT O LAND, I)ing east of No. 3, and adjoining lands of David Ziegler, Andrew Woods, and others, containing 9 acres, more or less. No. i. .1 TRACT OF LAND, situate in the said borough of Gettysburg, lying on the east side of Stony Ridge, adjoining hinds of George Codori, Ephraim Hanaway and others, contain ing 91 acres, more or less. . No. 6. A TRACT OF MEADOW-LAND, fronting on North Wa , hington street, situate in Gettysburg, and adjoining lands of John (:il .ert, Dr. 1). Gilbert and other.. containing 3 acres and 100 perches. more or less. No. 7. A LOT OF Gil' fronting on the east side of Stratton street. in Gett -burg, near the German Reformed Church, adjoining lauds of Henry Culp,eontaining 1 acre and 57 Perches, more or less. No. 8. AM the interest of Robert Smith in a Stick Two-story Dwelling 1101'SR, and Lot, situate on the south side of W. Mobil street, with a shop, stable and otherimprovements thereon, adjoining lot of Robert Sheads on the east and an alley on the south. No. 9. All the interest of Robert Smith in TRUER LOTS OF GROUND, fronting on the Railroad on the north, extending hack to R pub lic alley on the south, adjoining Gettysburg Foundry on the west and Presbyterian Church lot on the east. No. 10. TWO LOTS OF °norm), known as Nos. 24 and 25, in Trosel's Addition to Get tysburg, fronting on High street, adjoinit*lots of Amelia McGee and others. No. 11. A LOT OF GROrND, fronting on the Gettysburg Railroad on the north, extend ing hack to a public alley on the south, adjoin ing lot of Ephraim Martin on the weal and Romer k McConanghy on the east. No. 12. THREE LOTS OF GROUND, sitnated on the corner of Railroad and Washinlgton streets, known as lots Nos. 48, 47 and 48 op the plan of said borough—No. 4G being GO by 120 feet, and Nos. 47 and 48 each GO by 130'feet, with a brick barn and shop on No. 48, and a frame shop on No. 40. No. 13. The interest of Robert Smith in a LOT OF GROI'ND, Routing on Chambersburg street, with a Ta o-stork• Brick Dwelling House, brick hock-building and other Ireproventents thereon erected, cud bounded by a public ►lley on the south. No. 14. A LOT OF CItOrND, adjoining No. 13 on the east, James A. Thotnpson on the west, fronting on Chambersburg street, and extending back to a public alley, with a good well of water and other improvements thereon. No. 15. A LOT OF OR9IIND, fronting on Chambersburg street, adjoining No. 13 on the weft, the heir" of I.loltzworth on the east, a public alley on the south, with a Two-gory Brick Dwelling Howse, Stable and other im provements thereon. No. 16. The interest of Robert a LOT OF GROUND, situate at the intersection of Carlisle street and the Harrisburg road, in Gettysburg, with a brick Carpenter Shopthereon. No. 17. The interest of Robert Smith In a LOT OF GROUND, situate in the borough of Gettysburg, bounded on the north by then*, gerstown road, on the south by Middle street. on the east by lot of Robert Smith, and on the west by lot of Fahnestrtcks, eontaming 1 acre, more or less. Nu. 111. A TRACT OF ILOCNTAIN LAND, situate in liamiltonbon township, Adams coun ty, adjoining lands of T. Stereos and others, aostatoing 32 acres, *ore or tam No. IP. A TRACT OF WOODLAND, situate in If onntjoy township, Adams county, adjoining ands of Henry Noel, Christian Benner and others, containing 9 acres, more or less. No. 20. A TRACT OF LAND,• situate in Hiiniltonban township, Adams county, adjoin ing lands of John Orr, John Kaox, and others, containing 207 acres ' more or less, with a one and a half story Log Dwelling House, a doable Log Barn, a spring with spring bons., a good Orchard of fruit and other improvements. - No. 21. A TRACT OF MOUNTALN LAND, adjoining No. 20, and lands of Wm. Bighora, John Knox and others. This tract is situated in Hamiltonban township, Adams county, and contains 0 acres, more or leas. Seized and taken In execution to the property Of ROOM' 8111111. ISAAC LICIIITNER, Sherijr. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, limy 23, 'Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon all tale. by 'the Sheriff mast he paid over im mediately After the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put tip for sale. Dr. irLane's n ELRBRATED VERMIFI.7GE k LIVER ...ts PILLS.—We beg leave to call the atten- "- ion of the Trade, and more especially the :14. Physicians tit the country, to two of the tuo.t t r: popular remedies now before the public. We t.c. refer to DR. CHAS. WLAN 6'B CELEBRATED W' Oil. VEIIUIFUOIC AND LIVER PILLS. We do e ,„ not recommend them as universal ('aye-ails, twl but simply for what their nanie purports, The VEILNIMGE; for expelling Worms from tos the human system. It besets() been adminis tered with the most satisfactory results to va rious Animals subject to Worms: The LIVER ;to PILLS, for the cure of LIVER I '4)IIPLA IN Ts, all 1111.101:0 DERANGISNICNT:I, iSics In eases of Ft:vim AND Ant's. preparatory to or after taking Quinine, they altno.t nn aria 'T' lay make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifies for the alone mentioned di,- "b* 2 ease', they are unrivaled, and never known ;,; to fail when administered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has in- g &iced the Gfih;UTllEß.9, tas fiII,OTHERS, PITTSBURG, PA., to dispose of their I/mg. - 0 business, in which they hat e been successfully ;' engaged fur the last 20 y cars, and they will now git e their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. M Lane's Celebrated Vertuifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue 'to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest materials, and compound them in the moat thorough ruilluer. Address all orders to FLKIIING BROTIIEILS, I'aLsburg, Pa P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from others then Miming Bros., aril du well to write their orders distinctly, and take noise but Dr. prepared by l'ieminy urea., Pittsburg, Pa. To those wiAing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Ver. mlfuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All or. ders from Canada must be accompanied by twen ty cents extra. For sale by A. 1). Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg, and by dealers generally throughout the noway, Allay 2, 1859. ly omrmi I:IMEDIATELY, Welsh/tuts, Hotel - keepers, YIM sad private fa • to know that GO "UHN are sellisg sil fidr IVholeaale and Re' tail Liquor Store ow ilhelseed Street,* superior article of Liquors of all kinds for less money than was ever offered to the people of Adams county. Chill and evasaine our stock. Fine Liquors for Mediciaal purposes. May 2, 1859. Notice. JACOB WEIBIOR'S SSTATll.—Letters mentary on the estate of Jaeob Weirieb, late' of Germany township, Adams meaty, demised,' baring been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same wroth* be bereby gives notice to = ens indebted to WA estate to make peptoest,sad those hiving &gm the ems to present then properly authenTc l erel for settlement. PATER WILMS, May In, tail. Sto Alemoter. §ErAWLS:--Stolls 1111Allei,iatiod tiotteere sad Wallis altirett l eilooP, she Tow Mete A. soot? 1 SON, Opposite the Eagle Hotel. List of Itirohants IYITFIZI that:minty ofAdasns, returned and classified by the undersigned, Appraiser or ercantile Tams, in accordance with the set end acts of Assembly, for the year 1850-60, of Goods, Wares and Merchandise : Borvispl of Gettyebtaziami. now. ois. Fahnestock Brothers, 9 25 00 Danner k Ziegler, Jrs., 13 10 00 J. L. Schick, 13 10 00 John Scott, 13 10 00 A. Scott k Son, 13 10 00 Guinn k Brother, 14 7 00 k George . 4 trnuld, 14 7 00 M. Samson, 14 7 00 F.ll. Picking, 14 7 90 JRcolss and Brother, 14 7 00 Peter Kress, 14 7 00 J. itrinlnger, 14 7 00 A. D. Buehler, 14 7 00 )3. S.. Forney, Agent, 14 5 00 It. F. Mcllheny, 14 1 00 Cobeen k Culp, 14 7 00 Gille,Tie k Thomas, 14 7 00 Norbeck k Martin, 14 7 00 George Little, 14 7 00 Boyer k Son, 14 T 00 Mrs. Norhecit, 14 700 Visa McCreary, 14 7 00 l'hilip Winter, 14 7 00 I).iniel Plank, 14 7 00 'F K. Ilittle, 14 7 00 F.. 11. Minnigh, 14 7 90 Benner * Snyder, 14 T 00 Andrew Polley, 14 7 00 Thomas Warren, Sr., - 14 7 00 Shettds, Buehler k Kurtz, 9 25 00 John !Joke, 9 25 09 Klinefelter, Setts k Co. 9 26 00 Cumberlald firmalhip. 14 14 14 14 .1. Harper, John Weigle, mill, Francis Bream, " J. Ilellheny, " &rakes reemsahip. Philip Bann, P. Myers, Jacob King, Hugh King, King k Daniel Goulden ' Trniss Ihership. Peter Testis, Samuel Stoke, Jacob S. Bollinger, LArrly Tosraddp. G. N. Crayon It Brother, 14 V 00 Laiiswe Henry B. Smith, 14 t 00 Jacob A. Diller, 14 't 00 Adam Lerew, 14 1 00 Needles TronaAlp. Charles Elden, David Diviner. Burkholder k Wilson, 14 7 00 Abet T. Wrigbi, George Minnie', Wm. Overdeer, Jacob Piper, 0. P. House, R. H. k E. Hoopes, 14 7 00 H. Penrose, 14 T 00 Znagjog Ammo*. John Yost, .. 14 700 John Hebert, 14 7 00 Henry lieltler, 14 7 00 Butler 2buitalip. rrnr HdmitrdStaley, R. k N. Camp, John Hoover, • Samuel Faber, Agent, • 14 1 DO fiend/an fbernakip. • Spangler & Brother, Wlllll Wolf, Henry L. Miller, J. Carson, Wm. Breitchar, Vdebrand 41; Stough, 14 7 00 Frederick Ileidler, 14 7 00 George Mundott, 14 . 700 Deng Kline, 14 V 00 iliss Kreuter, 14 7 00 Ikrviek Ilistmedp. D. M. tfollinpr, 14 V 00 Wm. Doris, 14 7 00 Lewis Bumtluil, 14 700 Josephllaell94. • 14 7 00 hail& lbsiiiiii laseiflitatit, --•— * fti.. 94 - 1 se lomat Shank, 14 7 09 Jamie Mickley, Jacob Felweiler, Peter Mickley, of D., 14 V 00 Martha L. Miller, 14 t 00 Joh a Chamberlain, 14 t 00 Mrs. Aim lionnas i 14 ', 2 - 00 C. H. Curtis'', 14 I 00 W. W. Wiusore, ' 14 T 00 lleustiaylas ZoinwA4. Jacob A. Gardser, 11 12 20 Ephraim iteitsebow, James liegary, 14 if 00 John Gwrdner, 14 T 00 • Amos ( ) rl44t, 14 1 00 Oxforii Torisi* IF. D. & A. S. Dimes, Bsstress k Winters, P. Hersh, =REM A. Huth b, 14 1 00 .1. IVert. )3 10 00 W. Htanter, 14 7 00 E. Weigle, 14 1 00 Notaairkatastat Ibassakip. J. k Inner, , 14 100 Peter O'Neal, Jacob Gosantaa, Euutouel BE4II, &aim" Tuarish4l. Spangler k Brother, 13 Peter iloblitL, IMMO Jacob Wulf, 14 Ultios Tigssadyi. Peter Long, 24 Abraham Sell, 14 Abraham Sheely, .. 14 llawitimices Tome Alp. Sullivan k Rhinehart, 13 Paxton k McCreary, 13 Jacob If eitiigh, JohnC.Schatter, Genoa" a*. Study k Stouesifer, Tam 13 10 00 J. A. :ihurb, 13 10 00 John Spaulding, Lewis titonesifer, G. W. Rowe, John Miller, Myer N 'obsess, 14 7 00 Henry Dyhert, 14 7 00 1,. Break \ 14 t 00 Myers & Short), 13 10 00 nutter& & Weikert, 13 10 00 :Swope, Landis t Yoskam, 1$ 10 00 Samuel Little, - , 3E 7 00 Cdleariep Term. John Be sbey, 14 7 00 Reily a Sueerigger, 14 7 00 Dias/Ids Liana,. Dnrid Rhodes, Freedoms township, 8 15 00 Wm. J. Jenkins, Conowago " 8 15 00 APPNAL Notice Is beteby given to all persoas Interested In the above return of classification, that I will bold as Appeal, at the Cosmaissicraeni Office, in Gettysburg, oa Twoday, the Tth day of Iwo next, between the boars of 9 o'clock, A. 111., sad 3 P. M., whesdad where all pereoN that may cols alder thesaselvea aggrierbed said classiication may attend. J. 11. WALTER, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for Adams Co. May 16, 1859. 41 New Boot k Shoe JFiSTABLIBFIVENT, in the N. W.n im. corner of the Diamond, Getty,- trg, Pa.—The place to buy in or der to save weisq I—The subscriber would most respectfully Libras the citizens of Gettysburg and ornrronsdiaig muntry, that ha has opened a large Boot Nd Shoe listablislimeat, Is the northwest eemseeeir Centre Square, Gettysburg, in the rooms rseently occupied by D. Wills, llisq, as a Law Offee, where he has now on head, mid will continue to keep for sale, an extensive va riety Nif work, of his own manufacture. The work is made up hi the best and most durable manner, including all the newest styles, and embraces ROOTS k 8110118. Nea'a, Woutea's and Childrea's GAITERS, is short, every article smelly to be feud la a test close establish meet ef the kind. He lieu new and will continue to boas misplayed a number of winitmen_" bard to beat," to make up cancomer work. Tbat he will sell CIINAP, isproven. .olts 11. mill, examine his Boots, and Claihmoogill get his prices. With wiezospilomble week low rates, be hopes for and expects a Ask Map of the public's pationigs. sfrpmemakers ire Istarikei *O4 was keeps on hind lllTSfilke 14OW— tem readylor iagsmfag, which he of on pleasing term. JOHN BALL April 4, 1849. ly To the Farmers. MANNYGSVMBINED REAPING .1k MOW ING MACR/NE wtrn WOOD'S IMPROVE titT.—Tbe undersigned, Agent for the sale of Manny's Oombinexi Reaping and Mowing Ma chine with Wood'. Improvement, for Adams county, offers them to the public, knowing them to be the best combined machine in use. films been successfully introduced into different parts of our State, and I have thus far *old sixty-rune in Adams coiftity, all rendering satisfaction.— The machine received a silver medal at the t 4 tate Fair—also, the first premium at York, Cumber bind. Centre, iluntingdon, and other county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Farmeri need ing a Reaping Machine, will please cull upon the undersigned, before purchasing, as he al ways takes great pleasure is showing the Ma chines and warrants them to do good work.— Early orders are solicited, as the number re ceived from the manufacturer will bein propor tion to the demand. S.INIVEL ITERTIST, Agent, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg. l'a April 11, 1859. 3m The Sickles' Trial rR THE SHOOTINO OF KEY, and the Ex eention of Four Murderers in Baltimore. all created the greatest eteitement. The pa pers are filled with details of these shocking af fairs. The people talk about it on the streets and in their houses, And look upon these trage dies as being unparalleled in history. So withPlCKlNG'SCLOTHlNO—haviugju.stopen ed the largest and most complete. as wens the cheapest and best it , surtincnt of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every description and le. tcc offered in this place, the people talk about it on the highways and in their houses, urging each other to go at once to Picking's and purchase a new soft of clothes. But joking aside, we 'as sure the public in all candor that our stock cannot he surpassed—consisting in part of Black Cloth ('oats, Cassimere Frock and Sack Coats. Tweed and Liuen Coats, and in fact every kind that the market can produce. Vests of every description. Pants to suit all classes and condition?. Shirts, Collars, Stockings, Gloves, Suspender?, kc., kc. Also, Carpet Bags. Um brellas, Trunks. Accordeons, Violin?, in short everything usually found in his line. Thankful for past favors. he solicits a continuance of the same. Call and examine our stock—no trouble to show goods. itetnember the place, in (lam bershurg street, opposite the Lutheran church. April 18, 1e59. F. B. ricKim;. T 00 T 00 1 00 T 00 T 00 Too T oo 7 00 15 00 15 00 700 700 rOO cl SORGE ARNOLD, at his Clothing Em porium, has now got his stock of Spring and Summer Clothing—full and well assorted. all of our own make, and warranted well made. We hate just received from the city, a large stock of Cloths, Cassituares, Drillings, Jeans, Italian Cloth, Pariunetta Cloth, Tweeds,Summer C:1,881- merest, Linens, Vestinga, kc., all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times. We have hands constantly cutting and making up, and if we cannot please you in a garment ready made. we can take your measure and make you up a garment upon short notice. A. usual kir. Culp is always on the spot with shears and measure in band, at your service. Please call, as we sill' not be undersold by any other establishment in town. [April 11, 1859. 14 1 00 11 T 00 14 V 00 14 T 00 14 T 00 14 T 00 14 T 00 C .1: so • :T. 4. • - 14 T 00 14 T 00 14 7 00 14 7 GO Charles Dunlap, WIIOLESALE andtetail GROCER & TEA DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lexington Streets, DALTIIIICRRE, Hai on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Llgnors, Cigars, lac. Feb. 7, 1859. 1y 14 7 00 14 I 00 14 7 00 14 'I 00 14 7 00 Susquehanna House, O PPOSITE Culvert Station, - BALTIMORE, 11D. ‘ fare reduced to 51,25 per day. JOHN 3. SLADE, Proprietor January 17. 6m X, R. IZARPIRO. RDW'D Y. CARROLL,. Harding & Carroll, tjOSIXIS:UON 31ERCIUNTS, The Proof Warehouse and R. R. Depot, • 30. 126 .3"ort6 /Tourtrd Sired, • BALTIMORE, W. ?eh. 14, 19. ly 14 I oe 14 T 01/ JO/11111 C. [NELLIE Sheller & Frick, LOUR, k PRODUCE Commission and For warding Merchants, NortA ♦trret, opposite N. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1f35.9. ly James H. Bosley, Coxmissius MERCHANT, Nos. 124 ruid 12f; ..l'urth Street, BALTIMORE, MD. 11 If 150 I we prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all kinds of eIIUSTRY 1 3 110DucE. Having as experience of ten years in the (7ommission business, (and wishing to continue that alone.) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give seria •arrtos to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to fillins; orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, '59. ly 13 10 00 10 20 00 10 20 00 yOO C. W. Slagle & Co., COIIIITSSTON k ITODUCH MF.II- CHANTS, .V . ,,5. 118 and 133 ..V.4.1)14 . street, Hrthanorr.—Being established iu the Commission business fort number of years, they solicit consignments, anti pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds, Ploar, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro duce generally. We remit proceeds promptly. Tracks from the Northern Central Railroad run into env Warehouses. Refer to FL B. Buehler, E 4, Gettysburg. [June 21,':.8. ly •- - - Carpets, -- Pit CLOTHS and Matting", wholesale and retail. Constantly on hand an assortment Carpets at low prices, consisting of Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets, of every style and price. Oil Cloths from 1 to 6 yards wide. Also, Rugs, Mats. Stair Rude, Clanton and Cocoa Matting". Rag Carpets of Our own make, by the piece or ~vard, at low rates. JOSEPH VICTORY, 145 Lexington at., oee door west of Howard, March 14, 1839. 3m Baltimore, Md. 14 1 00 14 1 00 14• I 00 10 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 ? 00 TN 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 13 10 90 14 1 00 la 10 00 T 00 A. Mathiot & Son's §OFA AND PC RN ITV lig W 4 18i1t100312, Nos. 2S and 27 N. Gay meet, Baltimore, (near yetta st,) sineadlng trenikiery W Frederick st.—tiss Largest estaidishinent *fibs kind in the AlwaysaMa t ienon aciortatenst of BOVBERQUI. vertuayers bracing linreasui,Betbstredie,lir, Want robes., Nnakesses of Busk s Coties mood Bair, Spring Beds, mss, Titteoeatelegi Chairs, ReckhotChaln4 anon* 111 4 1 44 1 410 6 1 tees, Bnception and COielstars4 CileatiN AS SORTID COLORS OF CTAGE FUnTrirßil, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Ilarßacks, ILO rural/bra, Gilt and Walnut Prune Looking Glasses, SW boards, Extension lebles, of every length. Persons disposed to inrebsr• are 1140 4 to call and give oar stoelfestwbieh for variety and quality of w la. equalled by any establieli meat in eh. eountry. BATHIta I SON, Nos. 2.s;iind 27 N. Gay stregt. Aug. 2, MS. ly To Soothetll is Western K.7I I IANTS h 11114,1411180041111011 3 1 ElLiOlt-PlalDloo, LASTlNOillisaii— ho tet rt or ftsoa Pegs, hastisiiissir 011, Nita* I*. Tiouser's t o t rier's Tools, leek Taa'-lace - I , litho . * largest Ail "befoul aamatisisah , if Leather, Shoe-liadiaiK Hoiallaek . mai Sole. to be fogad la Illitidallaie, mot tar= Cheap Clothing. 131=133 Seiltimei•f!, .A.clirq4, Hodges ,Brothers, 9 0 HAY ova% /STREET, BALTIMORE, MIL (Wkie hole Frost Warelixtse.) Itopeaters _of 11081Eliri OLOVEB,i aussotiotuts, ilfrx GOODS,, Bandkarthlefe, • , SHAWLS, CRAPEr, L A AV * rul a unmet sty di other Kai holesula DM is A 4 1:111("401 FANCY COORS and NOTIONS. Our warehouse, which nil wilt ex, , rtsaly for our own contains six floors, sac o x No feet, and the le ( - ,ek and extensive nano lent which we keep, require .scritirc occupancy. No hon..? any of the Northern Cities, 11,1)ing goods to the country, .me combined advantages to the country Timm]l tot, as our stock is not mai lurg". but obm;nud upon contlitious which Will defy onmetitiol - mitract with the Manufacturer' for all the Ameri , , an ortl , lt.s we sell, and tined a haiyer to Europe reTidarly twice a vear. to select out Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to rear great nit a sung 24 in prices, as is Cll 11.4 to get up steak at all Wo' replete with the nen esrt ur dedrabre gf)(4 , :. 11 Mcn-haut4 in good credit are invited to mating our stock adieu they next tiisiL Baltiotore, and they will promote their own interest by doing so: , Orders by mail c.irefully eteeuted whert companied hy satisfactory references. Feb 14, •Int Burr Mill Stones wAnitANTED.—B. F, k CO., Cos-, tippw , ite N. U. R. IL Station, BlLTIX(IIIE MAIIU fac- turers of FRENCII ItURR:3, Importer,.nud lle.ilers I3urr 810.k.5, Bolting Cloths, Lea ther and Cum Beltiugq. Cal cined Plaster. and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual4 ity. Also. Colone, Cocalico, and Esophea Mitt Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 7, '39. ly 1,; 9 Tt t#" FOUNDED 1852. Chartered 1854.. T o riejittif CUR. OF BALTIMORE & CHARLES STS4 BALTIMOMI. nt. The Largest, Elegantly Furnished & Popular. Conmervial College in the United States, DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FUR YOUNG M Desiring to obtain n thorough Practical Littsi9esi , Eduention. Every Young Man line a Counting Desk to Moto self, nuti is separately instructed. STrDll2iTr3 IY ATTENDANCS FROM NJUKLY STATE 15 THE r!ifON. i ,l Tbo most Comprehensive and Thorough Connie' of Study, and the only PRACTICAL .METHOD OF I\STRUCTIOK ti Are here introduced. 411 No Copying from Printed or Manuscript Pbrms la LEARNINO BOOK-KEEPING AT TRY BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 1 4 This method of instruction is nowhere else intmd dueed in, this country. Brery Young Man should write immediately for one of those large end beautiful OrnamentnY Circular's, repre:enting the exterior and interior view of the College, Penmanship, kc., which will he sent by return mail, free of charge, with eetak logne containing list of students, terms of tuitionol opinions of the Press on our new system of Book— Keeping, etc. TA CTLTY E. K. Loma, Principal—Lecturer on the Memel of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. q J. M. PIIILLIPA, Professor of Book-Keeping awl' 4041fflusserriwf ettienlatiews. : -- "LI 11. H. DAVILA, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. - i N. C. Joflystox, Professor of Penmanship. a B. T. Wil.t.urs, Esq., Mercantile Law. :1 Rev. t. V. REEss, 1). D., Commercial Mies. q TIECSTHKEI : in Hon. John P. Kennelly, lion. Joshna Vansant, Is Hue. Thomas Swann, Win. H. Krieller, Jacob Trust, Esq., William Kant); Esq. d The time usually required to complete the tuna course, from 8 to 12 weeks. A DIPLOMA is ItiriltdCll to all Graduates. .1 Large Circular.: and Catalogues stating terms, ke., scut my mail free of charge. Address E. K. LO3IEII, Baltimore, 311. Feb. 7, 1859. ly - 5;- - Dr. Baakee - /PRE ITS ALL DTSE.tSES'.—DR. 131AKE1C l will give special attention to the jullo"wing 7 C,,ligitc, Colds, Consumption, Croup,, , , Intiticu/a, Asthma. Bronchitis and all dieetutett of the Nose, Mouth. Throat and Lungs. Altar. t ion to the trehtment of all Skin diseases—Pm liago, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Rheum; Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepslit,. l ) :: Pile-. and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining to,;`,' Women and Children. Dr. Baakee can pro duce one thousand certificates of his perfect: , ~,, success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or alcove,;.; Fistula, Scald Beads, Wens, Swellings and Tn. mors of every description and without the use . of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's personal supervision. DR. DAAKEP, has made a new discovery °fa Fluid (bet will produce perfect absorption of the_ C AAAAA C 7, and restore perfect vision to the Ey* without the use of the knife or needle, and se no cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife o.r needle. and be has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyea, and Tympannuta or "/ kat - Drums, suitable for either sex and allsges . " 4 - ..-lasested in live minutes. t)i .109. - ilaakee is one of the most celebrated:ad', / Mired Physicians and Surgeons nowliving.--' !#s Angie- is known parecontily in nearliy- every principal city in the world. All letters dinfteri ) to Dr. Basket (enclosing ten cents.) asking any' quetioni peitaining to may disease, Omit be:..s peemplly answered, sedan Chronic. diseases can be treated by correspondence, except those ansalliciptel, that will require his personal Super- fr AUL, Oilice hours from 9A. fi., to 4P. 11. _L DOCTOR. BURKE, -it lies. td Lexington lit., between Charles k Liberty, 1 : i April 11, pan. 31. if] Baltimore, lid. 01 WWIIPa. JOHN A. anroeft. Ta in .1 * filiropet 11112PSOLBSALS Dealer* la BOOTS, MOSS, yy CAPS, k STitA,W GOODS; also,. is AsMaasble Moleskin, Bilk, Felt sad Far If Ig.Cor. Baltimore sett Howard 'greets, [N.Y. 18,187 Howard Hpues, , ORSSR Seward 14 ibattleiore Streets, r BALTI/406/44 sv Prepeletese. bats induced to #1.34) per Say. Nil ilor n Noose Dosch st JAL w 41". ) PreP rtet • n , • 11,'61, El MI E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers