~. .... - . , . ....- .. - 4i4ee4i tikririr t iiff Here! I t t - Ak..l . 11:100111 ARE- ItEADYI--Tbs wider :iiiitiol,liirtholikooore of suitostmiag to • toosstrifrietas—farntertrand merchant/ ' * Wie as the citizens of Gettysburg, and reel, of mankind." that his new and com a Warehouse is now open. and that he is rtmeelvieg GRAIN k PRODUCE of all kiuks. for whirl it Isfaying the highest market prices ; oodvmbtio the public can dispose of their pro doge.* the best advantage, they can be supplied In Sitar' with Groceries, of every description, coushrtingof Salt. Coffee. Boger, Molasses, Tens. itiatilltri..ho., also. Guano, Plaster. Oils, Ceda r warp, sad 4 thousand other things not here ,mod. Wbolettale, Retail and cheap as the whisspas Is our motto. if the people cosselt Asks Own ilite'reAtX, and act wistly. they will not &eget_ the unsiertirned. Hoping the f.tusiliiir incins of all ray told cu.tozuer4 a ill meet Inv again. aid with thew man} urn 011 , 4, I 'Lull endeatnr to please th.m. JullS 1101:F. ' LifttrAinrg. Nov. 2'l'. Id".; Wholesale and Retail . 1 , ..),...,........—The undersigued re:pect folly announce to the citizen, or r: e 1 tyshory the public generally. that np., hare opened 6 sew LIQUOR STORE on Railroad street. south side, and midway between the Passenizer and Ended Depot, and hate made arrangements to keep essetently on band a full supply of all kinds of Liqsar*. Foreign and Liotnettic. such as Bran dies, Wiueq, Holland and Dutne.tic Gins. Old Hp and Rectified Whiskey, Champagne. Ginger Remedy. Cherry Brandy. Cordial.:, El EU luel, Anice, mid Wises of et ery grade. The above Litijaars lie furnished at the mod rilmoortible rates and warranted good. 8 . % Ilktiet attention to busine.ta and an effort to please. mo tape to merit the patronage of the public. *rj•All orders protoptly atteuded w. Ireb. 21, 'l9. CoVER L Kuirs Great Reduction , K. TTIE MUCH OF THE I. M. SINGER &CO.'S SEWING MACHINE. 4, —. d i. RANDALL. ;du o( the State of Penns) IN ania. the counties of Philadelphia, Eric and Allegheny ex,clitcd. ' m • inutersigned could respectful!) iulorui the eilizsas of York. Adams. Cutuherland and Lan- 1 taster counties. that he will sell Ni Jeri Srlem Netehister at reduced prices. Persons de,irou i u aprehaiaing a good Sewing M whine F }multi by all means purchase one of Singer's, for they are the only machines that will du the work th * at. is ' , required ofa Sewing Machine, Cull and examine and see for yourselves before pur, liii-ing else- i where. For beauty they cannot be ,urpassed, sad fur durability cannot he heat—there tieing now in use over 15,000 of Singer's Ma, hines, ' which recommends them to be tar superior to say other In use. .111 I ask is an examination of the Machine, and if you hai e env notion of tole you will be certain to buv. Machines or eeery variety of Singer ,on hand. Every tinily should hare one of the Family Ma, hines, fur they are certainly a haselsome and useful piece 'of furaultare. They are not liable to get out of re p&' and will last you a life time. Machine Silk, Needles. Thread, Bobbins, Oil,' .ke, keNit all times on hand. All orders at- landed to with dispatch. W. F. IIEIS'INGER, Agent, 42 Market street, Yurk, Pa. Jae. 3, in). Cm The Parraera' & Mechanics' oLVINGS INSTITUTION of Adams county '0 receives money on deposit daily, from 9 A. M. until 3 o'clock, P. and on Saturday front 9 o'clock, A. M., natil G o'clock. P. M.— Interest on deposits from 2to 5 per cent. Special deposits paid agreeably to notice. and transient - deposits paid on demand with interest Interest on special deposits, when made for 10 months and upwards, 4 per cent.; for 3 months and upwards, :; per mat.; on transient deposits for 30 days and upward;, 2 per cent., and on regular weekly deposits 5 tx r cent. The popularity of this Institution with all chums of the community, both in town and country, and its con-equent succe , s, may be as -seribed In part to the following reasons : It offers *convenient. responsible and profita hie depository to farmers and mechanics. to ex ecutors, administrator., assignees, collectors, agenda and all public officers, to attorneys, trustees, societies and assockttions, incorporated or otherwise, to married or single ladies, to studentst, merchants, clerks, and business men geostally, to minors and all who have funds, moth or little, to deposit with a return of interest. Depositors rye ci‘e hooks in which are entered Weir deposits, which hooka s cre e as vouc h er ,. TUT slay designate in case of sickness. death or absence, who shall receiie their deposits, with oat the intervention of executors or administra tors. [Gettysburg, Feb. 28, 1859. Sunbeam Gallery. TLIR subseriber would respectfully announce to the citizen; or Gettysbur g and the pub lic generally, that he ha; pro \ ided himself with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGHT AM IIRCITYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Mid dle street, one Sqns.re west of Fahneitoek's Stneit4 where he is prepared to furnish Amino, Xelalno, Enamel and Photograph l'ictnres in every style of the art, whi.ll he u ill 11 - arrant to Bite entire satisfaction. and is prepared to ac eornmodme all with good pictures, either single or is roam Ile also has a number of sped= wens at his room in Charnber;hurg, street, a few doors West of toile:An & Culp's :ihoe store, where he still continues As fornterlv to take pietures. All who de.ire a correct likeness of themselves snd friends, u ill do well to give me a gall. as I have reduced my prices to suit the present hard tinter. Pictures copied from old specimens titan kinil; • Man, in:q•ftCa to lockets, Breast rin9. linger Rings. ke. The subscriber heing thankful to hi. friends and Site pablic in general for pd=t p.itronage, wishes theta to tontintic,it. and assures them, that as heretofore, they shall not be dissatisfied, Sigreitsttes front JO cents to io. 'lours for eptevegiag front 8A.M.t04 P. M. 00141 Lockets, Denainpine. minable for miniatures, always on Land, at the very lowest price 4. mi'Children will nut be t.tkets for less than SI 00. larrAtribrotypes taken fur fifty cents and up *trite, and in the best style. 6.I.AUEL WEAVER. April 26, tf Wx. 4.1'11466S Wm. J. Taylor & Co., COMMteat)N ERCHANTS and whol*sttle M dealers id Fish. Chee‘e and Pruvisibes, No-. I..ai Sesta Wharre.4, between Chestnut anti Walleutstreets, Philadelphia. ilir..Sola Agents for Ileury's Celebrated Yi.egar. parch 14. 1859. 34+1 Wall paper. F. It ciLIIFANY res .ectrull - :nrites the ._ • • ' lstistriz against Sardinia. ...--.-am'vEineuta " Revrolutio . ns iairandcOnipleteline of "'I eka iii cents up to 4e cents a roil—so * -.: A etas tailing to to sailed with tis large noel[ l7F4 on hanol, can Qelett horn his sample book tad be farnishta with paper at any price and , 40 say qaaattty on tit° or three dais notice. MIZE olie.urta. HENRY v.ll 18. Fanillf Griocery IFEePROVISION STORE.—GILLESPIE Tittlit4S 'respectfully inform the people vit 4,llol;tyslawrie wad the pulite generally, that %bey bow, jnetAretarned from the city with a tpsweral assortment erf GROCERIES, PRO VIS -40:13 and VEGETABLES, Which they are pre to sell as low as the lowest. FLOUR and BItO alwaya ena band, and soil at small profits. etteet oft Yak street, one door east of lVat- Wes' Hotel. etitysbnrg, Aug. 3, '37. 4. W. Scott, Zaitolite Piro of ifiadiut& if Rena.) "I'LEmEN'S FrANI.3IIING STORE, and WIT MANIIPAOtetrif, u. it% Cratere? &ream (nearly opposite Ile 2„ Girard Hone,) PLIILADELPHIA. l e t. W. SCOTT would respectfully tall- the at . .„., of , lits torther patrols and friehds to his '"' - -; sad is prepared 'to MI orders for 4 ,:1 i . atsbort notice. A perfect St guarantied. Y. TRIOS supplied with Firs Snurrs ILL (Oct. 4, 4859. ly and Bee dE -r m.. New J m asey on :& mitt a, littw" 'tare - took MEADS, sulks k tarsi mea. 04 ""rfT7 . DS- - - l eolol44l4:tfit vargifit et 31en't asulitats Rats, /Ws sad 11414416-- , 4 st* wWI will bb una rer7 tam, A S. Et. icaligir,S. BELltilataare . 11/LXISI I. gess AZIWOIIis. White & ewolie. WHOLESALE Dealers hi SOOTS, SHOES, t: APS, it STRAW GOODS; tato, co fall] ionsible Moleskin, Silk. Feit and Vitt lIATR, N. W. ('or. Baltimore and Howard streets . Balti more, Vd [Not'. 7.9,11:15m. Howard House, CORNER Howard and Baltimore Streets, BALTIMORE, 711 - . .New Proprietors. Fare redneed to ;1...50 per day. C... 11 for the Howard House Coach at tb. Dppata. 81111 PE, } Proprietors. J. N. BUCK, January 24:76. ly rIOMUIS:iION liiidietiANTS and D,-9,11,ri iu CuRN, Curia Meal, Guanuei, U tTS. c Chtip. Boise Lust, I WILL FEED. liay. Straw. Phos. Lime, Fl.t /CR, Yield Seeds. k Ground Plaster Nos. 147 k 14U SuILTH Srat:►r, Jun. 17, ly* BILTIMUItk:, MD. Iht, Light! WHOLES AGENCY FOR JONES'S PATENT L.A NIPS. superior to all others in the market. Alto dealer. in COAL OIL and LAMPS of ei ery deicriptlon. Cuustatitl, on hand COAL OIL of the eery best quality. w hick we will sell at the lowest market ',rite. All orders promptly filled. A111111)0N k en).. O. 1 S. Liberty ,t., (near Baltimore.) Jan. 17. Cm Baltimore. Md. 9 €1 HANOVER STREET. BALTIMORE, MD. ( White Iron Front Warehouse.) Importers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, 11111RuiDKRIES. VIIITD GOODS, ilan.lkerebicfs, SHAWLS, CRAPES, LA CES, \tad a numerous ‘ariety of other articles. and Whulesale Dealers in Joo:wic.us FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS. Our n - archouse, which we guilt exproudy for our own couLtins six doors, each :u z 10) feet. and the large tuck and extensive assort :lent which we keep, requirr is entire occupancy. Nohouse n any of the Northern Cities, me cumhined advantages to the country merchant, as our stock is not only arge. but ui,tained upon euutlitiuns which will (I.2fy competition. We contract with the Manufacturers for all the American articles we sell, and send a buyer to Europe regularly twice a year, to select our Foreign goods. We arc enabled thereby to offer great advantages In prices, as well as to get up a stock at all times r'eplete with tbo newest and most desire-10 goods. Merchants lngood credit are invited to examine our stock when they next visit Baltimore, and they will promote their own interest by doing so. Orders by mail carefully executed when ac-. eompanied by satisfactory references. Feb. 14, '59. 4m Burr Kill Stones WARRANTED.—B. STARR k CO., a of NortA and Centre &rev opposite N. C. IL R. Statit BALTIMORE, MD. Minor: turers of FRENCH BUR, Importers:lnd Dealers in 111 Blocks, Bolting Cloths, Li ther and Guns Beltings. tined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warrnnted Qunl ity. Also, Colone, Cocalico, and Esophes Mill Stones of all sizes. . [Feb. 7. '59. ly 400 . • 1 ,t.v. FOUNDED 1852. Chartered 1954. Located COR. OF BALTIMORE .k CHARLES STS., lloternioas, MD. The Largest, Moat Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States. DESIGN - ED EXPRESSLY FOR YOUNG MEN D.siring to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education. Every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self, and is separately instructed. STCDSNTS LF ATTRNDANCrI ?Molt SIMILY Ernie SPATS rf THE UNION. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduce. No Copying from Printed or Manuscript Forms in hiAaNINO BOO[-KaKrING AT rift B.U 4 TISIORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. This method of instruction Is nowhere else intro duced in this country. t very. Young Man should write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars. representing the exterior and interior view of the College, Penmanship, de.. which will be sent by return omit, free of charge, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, opinions of the Press on our new system of Book- Keeping, etc. rAcr try : E. K. Lasttn, Principal—Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, Ilu4iness, Customs, etc. J. M. Putturs, Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial Calculations. II:II. Davies . , Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. N. C. Joussox, Professor of Penmanship. !..1. ILL! AU A, Esq., Mercantile Law. Rev. E. 1. Rums, D. D., Commercial Ethics. TarsTEKS: Hon. John P. Kennedy, lion. Joshua Formant, Hon. Thomas Swann, Wm. 11. Keighler, Jacob Trnst, Esq.. William Kuabe, E.g. The time usually required to complete the full course, froua,B to 12 weeks. A DIrLoYA is awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars, and Catalogues stating terms, ikc., scut my until free of rhlrore. Address E. K. LUSIER, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 7, 1852. ly sfigilloass TibeREATS ALL DISEASES.—DR. BAAKRE • will give special attention to the following kses : Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Croup, Influenza. Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the Nose, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Alten-; tion to the treatra:•at of all Skiu discakes—lium bago, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula., Rheuma- I tism. Neuralgia, Paralpis, Epilepy, Dyspepsia, • Piles, and all diseases of the Stoin.ich. Liver and Bowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Bankee can pro- I duce one thousand certificates of his perfect; success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or livers, i Fistula, Scald Beads. Wens, Swellings and Tu-; mors of every description and without the use of the knife. These last named diseases can-1 not be treated by correspondence, tberefere the patients must pla.:e themsell es under the Doc- ; tore personal supervision.. DR. ILIA KEE has made a new discorery of a Fluid that will prodice perfect aligorption of the CATAR A CT, and restore perfect TiACk to the Eye without the Cu of the knife or needle, 11114+111* cures all diseases of the RYE AND EAR, witbest the ass of the knife or *teak, asil Ye has constantly-on Eska as iteelleat assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or .Err Drums, suitable for either set and all ages - ittS'ettel is five talnntee. Dr. Basket is One et the Wait eelebrstea and skilful Physicisas sad Surgeons sow living.— VS dune is knows person/My is Dearly nem riat.lll4 city is the world. -All lenses akar. to Dr. Baskee, (endesisg ten tests,) asking say qsestions pertaining to any disease, shall be =ly answered, sal all Ottosie disessestan ei by eolvespondesee, except those seentlesed,llllrt *WI regales kis personel saw. vision. Ogee koactibess 9A. N., tAs4 P. M. SOS &LAUB, No. '74 Les' agtok At.,lnturess MASS & Elheity, April li,'S9~ bas. 31, aatiaore, Yd. Peter Zell & Son, Hodges Brothers, ,obbing goods to the country, Dr. Baakee A ?TORN EY AT LAW, will-lead to enlist -0d all otber busbies, it iced to that •aL Aer bum introit ate with prompt/Him °aim nearly opposite Fa/mattock', /Stare, Baltimore street. Oettyeborg, April 11, 1859. tf D. McConaughy, Arer,TTOTINFX AT LA SC. 1 office one door west of Buehler's drug and book store.Cbam nurg street.) ATTORXIIT •NO SOLiclTot Foe P. 17101,11 AND Paxmoss. Bounty Land War rants, Back-pay suspended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Wash ington. D. C.: also American Claims in lingland. Land Warraats located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo cating warrants in lowa, I lilliul/11 and other ise,tern States sair• A pply to bins personally nr by letter. Gettysburg. Nov. 21, ':.3. Edward B. Buehler, aTTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and lIL promptly attend to n , l business entrusted to him. fie speaks the tierman lnrignage.— Office it the same place, In south Baltimore street, sear Forney's drug store, nail nearly opposite Danner it Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March ZO. Wm. B. McClellan, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Offire on the south side of the puLlic square, 2 doors west of itir Sentinel office. Gettysburg, A ugttst 22, %Vt. Dr. A. W. Dorsey, JEIORMEIIIN of Carroll county, Md., basing permanently located in Gettysburg. offers 14 profcisional services to the Milieus of the town and surrounding country in the practice ot the various brunches of his profe talon. Uffsce and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office, where he may be found at all time.; when not professionally engaged. RRRRRR ProtNathan IL Smith, Baltimore, Md. ger. Augusto% Wehtter, D. D., Baltimore Md, Dr. J. L. Warfleld, Westminster, Md.' Dr. W. A. Mathias, " sl Jacob Reese, Esq., CI I' John K. Longwell,Esq., ' I Geo. E. Wampler, Esq., 41 nee. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. Oct. 25, 1858. am Z. Lawrence Hill, X. D. AS his office one door west of the s'•. utucran chnrrh in Charaberstinrg street., and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to have any Dental Operation performed are respectfully incited to call. Rertaexcls: Drs. Horner, Rev. C. P. Kranth, D. D , Rev. R. L. Ranber, D. D., Rec. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. IL L. Stcever. Gettysburg, April 11, '53. Groceries, WITOLESALK AM) RETATL—Molasses and Sugar by the barrel, Coffee by the sack, and all kinds of Orocerics, either by the quantity or in small amounts, at prices that de fy competition. Call at once at April 4. FAIINESTOCK BROS'. Removal. tA LEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch maker. has removed his shop to the room on A LEXANDER West side of the Public Square, lately occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq., as a Law Office, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customer 4. Thankful fur past tivors. be hopes, by strict attention to business, and a desire to please, to merit and receive the 14tronage of the public. ..pettysburg, April 11, 183 P The Only Article UNE:WALLED IN MARKET, WIT!! EM MENSE HOME k EUROPEAN DEMAND. —The reason why, is that by Nature's own pro cess it restores the natural color permanently af ter the hair becomes gray ; supplies the natural fluids, and thus makes it grow on bald heads, re moves all dandruff, itching, and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus cures all nervous headache, arid may be relied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair; it Will stop and keep it from falling off; wake. it soft, 'Flossy, herlary and beau•iful, and If used by the young two or three times a week, it oriU never fall or become gray; then, readers, rend the fol lowing and judge for yourselves: Naw Your, Jan. 8, 1858. Nuns. O. J. Woo° & Co.: Gentlemen : Raving beard a good deal about Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, aad my hair being quite gray, I made up my mind to lay Aside the prejudices which I, in common with a great many persons, had against all manner of patent medicines, and a short time ago I commence,' using your article, to teat It for myself. The result has been so eery satisfactory that am very glad 1 did so, and iu justice to yon, as well as for the encouragement of others who may be as grey as I was, but u h having my preju dice without my reasons for setting it aside, are uuwilling to give your Restorative a trial till they have further proof, and the best-proof being menhir dtruonstration. I write vou this letter, which you may show to any such, and also di rect them to me for further proof, who am in and out of the N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment every day. My hair is now its natural color and Stith im proved in appearance e% ary way. being glossier and thicker and much more healthy looking. I am, yours respectfully. HENRY JENKINS. Coe. Columbia and Carroll ate, Brooklyn- Livisuaros. Ala., Feb. 11, 1858. I'ao►. Wool): Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restora tive has done much good in this part of thc country. 1y hair has been *lightly diminishing for several years, canoed, I suppose, from a slight burn when I was quite an infant. I have been lasing your Hair Restorative for six weeks and I find that I have a fine head of hair now growing, after having used all other remedies known, to no effect. I think it the most valuable remedy now extant, and advise all who are sancta:l4nd way to use your mine 17. You can publish this if you think proper. Yours. *e., S. AV. MIDDLETON' PrticADat.rett, Sept. 9, 1837 Paor. WOOD: Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restora tive is proving itself beneficial to me. The front. and also the back part of my head almost lost its covering—was in fact bald. I have us . but 2 half pin .i.iottles of yonr Re•it... • , and now the top of my head is • studded with a promising hair, and the front is )-etcceiiing its benefit. I have tried, other preparations without any benefit whateter. I think from my own personal recommendation, I can induce many others to try it. Yours, re spectfully, I). It. THOMAS, M. D., The nestorntive pnt up in bottles of three sizes, viz : lArge, medium. and small; the small holds a pint. and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion thin the small; retails for two dollars per bottle : the large holds a quart. 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tails for $3 a bottle. 0. J. Wood k Co., Proprietor", 311 Broadway, New York. (in the peat S. V. Wire Railing Es tablishment.) and 114 Market St.. St. Loni', Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. March 14, 1859. 3m Wall Paper. HOWELL k BOCRKE, Manufsetnrers and Importers of PAPER HANGINGS, No. 17 Smut Foura areal, (below Market, and opposite Merchant street.) PHILADZILPSiIi, keep on hand • large and beautiful assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, FIREBOARD PAT TERNS, ke., which they are selling at very low prices. Country Merchants supplied at the low est ratio., Booms wend at short notice by careful workmen. The citizens of Adam minty are Invited to examine their splendid asseststent of Paper be rore purchasing elsewhere, and Adge few them selves. j a r Mertet new styles just me-tired April 4, 19311. len New Livery FveISTIMASII Imyr. C cult it AR* It. Tars has opeeed a new eetabLis hen en t, at the stables on Wasitlegton strew, oeespied in part by the " gage /Utak" sad has made each meets es will enable Via to lineanitti= pabno it all tines, on reseonabote terms, with Horses, Hagen, Hacks, ke. . Me stepekl/1 good. Os tweet oecattions t ic.. lie will 111-abU to 'apply a want which has bees Inset seeded, sirTertes CASH. tie, 24, 'lift. - E=l=l 11 . . AdizocCowity 1 . '•" 1 ?I - ot ice ITO „IltiatlTEßs AND MERCBANTs.—iVe vir UT VAL FIRIESSITRANDE rOMPOY.-- hare bow opened oar large and commoillons 'ln lucorpogited March 18, 1861. i &rehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail- ! OTTIOW. road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg ! President—George Swope. ; Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive ' V J'crsanss-8. IL Rauell. proditee of all kinds, els: PI,OrR, WHEAT, ' Secretary—D. A. Beebler. RYE, CORN. OATS, tc. Also on hand and for ' rrea"rer—David WerellrY• sale, Salt, Guanoi. Plister. Fish. &e. A large- Er.cstire C...wasatee—Robert McCurdy, Jacob stuck of Crucsries ju4 reeek ed. consivting 14 King, Andrew Heinttelmisn. Sugars. roffeeQ. Syrup , , Molasses, Oil.. Rice, .11anajers--Oeorge Swope, D. A. Buehler...la- Teas. Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware. kc., he., cob King, A. Heintzelman R. M'Curdy, Thos. which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell as i A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock, Wm. B. McClellan, low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale an d . Wm. B. Wilson, M. Eichelbergar, Abdiel F.Gitt, ret.til. merchants will do well by calling to se• John Wolford, 11. A. Picking, J. Anghtnbaugh, and examine Coo stock before purchasing else- John Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell, D. where, as our mutt() will be „ quick sales and' M'Creary, Andrew Polley, John Picking, J. R. smell profits." We would also call the attention of all inter ested In the thrifty and heAlthful condition of their Cattle. Horses, Hu,Ts. &c . to the tact that we Late for side Ilreinig. rronefield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of hlch we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. MAN EFELTER, SEITZ & CO. Gettysburg. Nor. 15, lroLd. Frazer River OrTncisE . --Come to the Store at Green mount for liargainsl—The undersigned would must respectfully inform the public Out he has purchased the Store of John Weiket., at Greenmouut. Adams county, kilf-way on the road from Gettysburg to ruimitaburg. where be expects, by attention and small profits, to re tain all the old tu.tont and secure lots of new His stick of Din' 60111): 4 . of every des,•ription, Groceries, Queezt..% are. Wooden ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, &c., is large and varied—equal to that of any other first class store--stout he will sell at pricci astonishingly low. He only asks a trial, to prove the truth of this assertion. Count?, produce taken in exchange for goods. J. ALEX. HARPER. The undersigned alainearries on the CAR- R 1 AGR-MASLN G balancer at the same place, and offers rare Inducements to purchasers. lie will warrant Ma work good, whilst big charges are among the moat moderate. Repairing done ea short notice. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. 1y lIIIILADELPIII.t.—A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endosnuent for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this Institution to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food, Iledicines, £e., for the sick and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased parents, and to minister in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the Directors, at. such times, to visit per sonally the infected districts, and to pro% ide and execute mesas of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usual!) enrol their names on its hooks, subject to be call ed upon to attend its hospitals, frt.e of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid to persons guttering uu- - der CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent charac ter, arising from abuse of the physical powers, mal-treatment, the effects of drugs, &c. Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the na ture and treatment of Chronic Diseases. by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent FRES of CHARGE to the afflicted. Address, fur reports or trentment,Dr. GEORGE Consulting Surgeon. trovraril As sociation, No. '2 South Ninth Street, Philad's, By order of the Directors, EZILA B. lIE.II.ITWELL, l'res't. Ctn. FAIRCUILD, Sec . y. Sept. 20, 1858. ly GROCERIES, NOTIONS, lc.— FltrlTS.—Fruits of every description, its follows: Layer Raisins, Figs, Orange+, Lemons, D.ttes, Palm Nuts, Filberts, bard and paper shell' Almonds, Pea Nuts, kc. GROCERIES.—A good assortment of Snzars: Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Coffee, N. O. Molasses, Syrups of the best quality, Rice, Soda, Starch, Teas. dinnumon, (ground and ungronad,) Cloves, Mustard, kc. PERPUMERY.—Perfumery of every descrip tion. which will be sold low for Cash. LtiMOS SYRUP.—A lulu lot just received. Any one desiring* e heap, plesutaut ant healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. TOBACCO.—AII the various kinds of Tobac co, Cigars and Snuff, for sale by Win. Boyer k Son. VINEGAIL—We have a good quality, as all will ear who hare tried It. FLOUR k FEED.—We have made arrange ments to have constantly on hand Flour and Feed, which we will insure to be of superior quality ; and at such prices as cannot fail to please. WM. BO ER k SON. April 26,1858. The. Great Araloamador of _Malik to all ABOON TO TILE SICK 7—The want of a sterling medicinal to turret the ills end necessities 4.f the suffering portion of and one entirely free from mineral end other deleterious particles. was severely tilt till this all powerful medicine was ushered into the world ; lltu.t.owAy 'a IX VAI.U.LIILL PILLS have become the UOUSSEIOLD ata&DV of nit nations. Their attribute is to Peavey - , as well as to craa ; thefattitek the RADIX or Roar of the complaint, and thus b 7 removidg the hidlen cause of disease reinvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system. assisting nature in her tusk of TITAL and !FUNCTIONARY itsroaisTioN. DYSPEPSIA.—The great scourge of this continent yields tptiokly to a coarse of these satiseptio Pills, and the digestije organs are restored to their proper tone; no Matter in what hideous shape this Hydra of disease ex hibits itself, this searching and unerring remedy disperses itfrnm the patient's system. GENERAL DEBILITY AND WEAK NESS.—From whatever cause, 10 spirits, and all other ei eeeased liver, and other • ions of the system' _....-...rerttder the eradicating influence of 'kilt all powerful antiseptic and detergent remedy BILIOUS DISORDERS.—The proper quan tum and right condition of the bile is of mo. mentous importance to the health of the hu man frame, this anti-bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, and ren ders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the tital functions of the body. WILLY FEMALES—ShouId lose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whatever may be their complaint, it can be taken with safety in all periodical and other disorg,anizatious. Its effect is all but miraculous. No. 464 Vine street USREFUTF.D PROOF.—The testimony of Nations is unanimously borne to the health giving virtues of his noble remedy, and car ttficates in every living language bear wit ness to the undeniableness of their intrinsic worth. Ilulloteay's Pills are the best remedy known in the 'toilet for the following diseases : Asthma, DrePalt Inward Wiwi:own Bowel Complaiate, D•b41111. Liner Complaints. e4alr' P i erer sal Arai, Los Doss of Epl rite, C remale Complaints, Piles, Cb‘mit Disown, lifiallarbite, Stowe, 554 Grand, Coetlewoome, I sai t oetwo, mkeemkrysympto., Dripepela, latioeoza, 'Femmes! Affection.. Thaerlaani, loltalumatiou, Worms, e all time //kir C ;talon !—None are gen u tue unless the words ,/ Holloway, New rat k and Lon don," are disoernible as a water-mark in every leaf of th e boeb,of directions around each pet sr bot ; the same may be plainly seen by ' Uldiag the lea" to the light. S, l andsloote re ward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party at parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending tho same. knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sold at the itS7nn factor' es of Professor ' llulloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and MNM respectable Druggists sad Dealers in edicine tbrouthosi the United States and the eivilised world, in boxes at gs *eats, 63 cents, and di. each. A. D. Dogmas., ikimat 43stsysburg. Ifir Chaco it considerable saving by taking the larger situ. N. 11.—Dirootiano for the guidance of pa dents in veers Disorder are afixiod to each (Jose I, 1858. eow/y. Howard Asaooiation, Fresh Fruits, Mankind. nolloviay's Pills. =SEM Hersh. littr•This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years. and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, trilhoaa any cuturnent, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employe no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. zuorThe Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Weduesday in eery month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. To the Country, GOOD NEWS.—I have rented the Foundry for the ensuing year, and am preparnd to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points, Shares, Cutters, &c.; Pots, Kettles, Pans, Wash ing 31 tchines, kc.; Stoves and Itacbinery Por dies, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dippatch. All orders will be attended to promptly hnt being without capital, and money being neces sary to carry on the business, I will be com pelled to sell for casit, - but on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of pur chasing. Givens a call. E. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1,'57. Lime! Lime! Mag. undersigned have made arrangements, A liv which they will be ready to supply LIME in any quantities, at thelowest pleas, tas own as the Railroad is completed. They are ready to receive orders. SUE ADS, BUEIILER k KURTZ. t' Nov. =, 1858. Stoves! Stoves! ITEADS, RI:EULER & KURTZ, in their )71 new three-story building, corner of Carlisle street and the Railroad, have just received a lark supply of new and beautiful Parlor, Saloon and shop STOVES, of the latest and most im proved styles. Also, all the latest styles of ('OOK STOVES, embracing the "Noble Cook." Royal Cook," " Wm. Penn," ." Sea Shell," "Morning Star," "Philadelphia Sunrise," " Fre donia." (Baltimore Air-Tight, improved) "Jewel," and Charm"—all for wood or coal. March 14, 1859 Good and Cheap ! TILE undersigned would inform his_ friends and the public generally,that he continues the CARRIAGE-MAKLYG BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his establishment, in East Mid dle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on hand a first-rats lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order whatever may he desired in bis line, viz :--Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Falling- in Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug- ..z-..7:yee - • pies. Jersey Wagons, Ate. With %‘• 4 . 4 good workmen and good m Aerials, he can pledge his work to be of the best quality—and his prices are among the lowest. iNiritepairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce Lauri in exchange for work. Call! June Us, '457. JACOB TROXEL. New Grooer3r. 11111 IS WAY FOR; B.IRGAINS.—The Pub -1 scriber respectfully informs the citizens Of town and country. that he has opened a Grocery. G.' mfertienary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors cast of St. James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a goners' assortment of guo Is in his line—such as : Syrup, from 40 to 70 tents per gallon: Suzars, all kinds; Coffees, dif- ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt. Fish. Cheese, Se itch II rring, ground and unground Pep per. Al.picts. Cloves. Cinnamon. Mustard. &O A, Ginger. Starch. Rice. Vas. Candles, Extract Coffee. Chocolate. Concentrated Lye; Browns, Rickets, candies, all kinds: Figs, Walnut«, Palm Nuts. Almondi, Ground Nuts, L-Cyer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, Fan. cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, &e.. &e. Blller and Eyre bought and sold. He in. vital the calls of the public. confines , ' that his assortment will please, both in quality and price, lie is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Wit. E. BITTLE. (1 ittyitlorrtt. Dee. lk '5B. Lumber. ANY variety of LUMBER can he bad at the Coal 'sad loooltvsr Yard of S!IKADS, BUF:IILVIt KURT 4. March 14, Intl. Still at Work ! n)ACIBIAKING AND BLACK-IMITHING. —The undersigned respectfully informs its friends and the public thit Ise continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmitbing business In every branch at his establishment in Chats bersburg street. Ile has on hand and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., of the best material, and made by snperior work men. leirßsrmaixo and BLACIMIITIIING of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. Coaxer Pstoonci takenliwwirrige for work at Tiirjretipai.ae Scrersons desiring articles oewerk in the Cosc!imnking or Blacksmithing line, are re spectfully Invited to call on JOIIN L. 110LTZWORTII Gettyiburg, Jan. 24, '59. Pine Old Brandies. TIR subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES & LIQUORS, wohld most respect tuity call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, Nu. 5 Nora Front Street, Phi/ode/pa/a, where they have • large assort-, went of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrange menu with some of the first houses in Coguac anti Rochelle, enables them to tarnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cogn.tc and IL/el/elle: BRANDIES: °Card, liennesy, Pellersion, Pinot, Castillion; J. J.,Depuy .5: Co., T. Mines, A. Sergnetto, Martel, Matett, Sc., &c., of various brands and qualities. I WINES: Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Teneriffe, Burgundy, Hock, Muscat, Claret, Sherry, and Malaga Wines. Holland Gin, Scheitlam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and IrMh Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Ernadies; Cordials, Wine Hitters, Amsterdam' Bitters, Ac. Is Also, Agents and Soy's Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on band an ex tensive stock of fine old llonongahel s, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of ! which are guaranteed to be superior to any in I the country, all of which are highly improved by Fage our leap experience In the 'sass, . . . ITI rom sad a thorough knowledge of the tast e of the cenuannity, we latter earseivea to be ble to Ed ail friers that may be entrusted to us. Orders trout the ceentry (which are most re spentfally solicited) will be promptly attended is. Orgasm:, taken in packing and shipping. barAtt goods seat from ear establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. IL P. 111091.11T0R k BRO., • No. 6 North treat Et, Philadelphia. Feb. 7, 1859. kr spouting: G11451t611 k lIKART WAIIPLRU will mute Nous* Spoatiag and putsp Who 'awe ittw, for cask or cowl*, ittedeoi. Taroks* mid all °thus 'risking tack Looses, bars's, ad, would do wall to give. tboui a. call. Aril il l , 53. if Q. 1 11. ICIZELEU. Greatest Improvement AP TUE AOC—fancy' Paten t XeRORF.N I or COAL OIL LAMPS, unrivalled in leauty, Simplicity . Safety or liconomy...ss I Siery porsoa desiring. to obtain the eery bal l and cheapest portabe light within their ranch. should call and examine these Lamps i before purchasing elsewhere, for the reason, Ist. That nu accident can occur by ex plosion. 21. That they emit No OXensive Odor' while burning. 31. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn, entirely free from emote. 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common Use, These L'imps are admirably adapted fur the use of St udents, 310 e-hanks, Seamstresses, Halls. Churches, Storm, Hotels, and are high ly recommended for Family Use. For sale by GILLESPIE it THOMAS. Juno 14, 1858. Cattle Powder. RREINIG, FRONEFIELD & CO'S CAT TLE MEDICINES have been thorough ly tested and pronounced unsurpassed and unsurpassable. None other as useful have been introduced during the ogntury. Whilst farmers are using every effort, and investing large amounts of money in the improvement of their soils, ton little atten tion is generally paid to the health and de velopment of farm Stock. Breinig, Fronefteld Sr. Co. justly claim be ing the first, in this country, who devoted their attention to this important subject.— Thai . / VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER WWI the result of several years' study and experi menting—which experiments have actually shown that, by feeling this Powder, a Cow will yield from 1 to 21 pounds butler per week more than when she does not got the Powder; all other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produced in the fattening of cattle or swine. It is usel with equal profit for Horses, Cattle end Hags. No fanner, or feeder of env kind, should be without its (ley. Pur sale at the new Warehouse, corner of Stratton street and the Railroad, by KLINEFELTER, SEITL I CO. Nov. 15, 1858. Gm Cheap ! Cheap ! 'WORE NEW GOODS !--JACOBS & 11110. have just returned from the city, with a vary large assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Winter Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars. silk and cot ton 11-Indkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ic. Having bought unusually low, for the cash, they are enabled to sell caw's& THAN ITER—an excel lent full cloth suit. made up, for 813, fur in stance. Give them a call, at their new estab lishment. in Chambersburg street,a few doors west of the Court-house. before purchasing elsewhere. [Oct. 11. Removal. THE suhseliber has removed his Plough and Machine Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, where lie is better prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice, and Moohines, Reapers, ,ke., repaired. Also he pill attend to eleaningand repairing Clocks. Mty 10. DAVID WARREN. The Liver Invigorator, pREPA RED by Dr. SANFORD,cornpounded entirely from GUMS, is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicin n. It is not only a Cathartic, but a v.v. re ~ y, acting first on the Licer to e' et its mor d matter, then on the atom , ac II to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two pa rposes effectually, with ! mt any of the painful feelings experienced iu the operations of moat Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusu al rapidity. The Livia is one,: of the principal regu lators of the huntanE3, body ; and when it performs it funztionsE— l well. the powers of the system are fu11y.,4 developed. The eons ark is almost entire-g ly dependent on the healthy action of theo• Liver fur the proper perforwaceof its fune- tions; when the stom ach is at fault, spite suffers inconsequence th bowels are at fault, n g and the whole s of' one organ — tb tures—having eetui. el to do its duty.— For the diseases of that organ, one of the.... proprietors has made it his study,in a prac-E i tice of more than 20 years, to file' some> remedy wherewith to counteractilte manvo.4 der an gemen ts to which it is liable. - P-1 To prove that this remedy is nt last found, any person - A troubled with LIVER Covetater. in any 0f .. , its forms, ham but to try a bottle, anitz' conviction is certain. These Gums re-0 move all morbid or bad matter from the7.T.l system, supplying in their place a flow of Z bile, invigorating the stomach,causing foods to digest well, rear. rriso Tun BLOOD, giv-cn hie, tone and health of the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease—effecting a radical cure. Dittoes ATTACKS are cured, AN D, WITAT IS IIZTTIR, PaRVZSTED, by the occasional use of the Li - ins - INVIGORATOR. Ono dose after eating's sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising and Goering. Only one dose taken before retiring, pre vents NIGHTMARE. Only one .I..se ken tit„gig,Lit,looserta the . • , ~.at y, and cures Cosrtvexess. One dose taken after each meal will cure Drseerst A. s e r Dne dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve Swat IleAo.tens. One dose taken for fern le obstruction re moves the cause of the disease, and mikes a perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Cnome, while One dose nften repeated is • sure cure for Cnor.ca.► folJeturs. and a preventive of CHOLZRA. _ . aerOnly one bottle is nesded to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after long Rictuses. *One hittletaken for JAUNDICII removes all sallownoss or uunatuml colur from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di- gest well. One dose often repeated cares Caw.= DIARRIUMA in its worst foronl, while Summits find BOWEL complaints yield almost, to the a-st dole. One or two doses cure attacks (mused by Worms in Children ; there is nip surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. sir A few battles cureD ROPSY, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Farts and Anna, Cacti, Frrsa, and all Farca of a Itimixts Trra. It operates with oertainiy, and thou• sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. AU wio use it are giving heir unanimous testimony in its favor. - water in the month with the In vigorator. and swallow both together. Tat Lrrse brotooaaroa is &scientific med ical disoorery, and is tinily working cures, almost too great to believe. It if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Lints complaint, from the worst Jaandies or Dyspepsia to a. eommos Headache, all of whisk are the :elan of n Disuse* Urea.. • • • SSW. CO -DOLLAIIt rue 1017L11. Da. SANFORD, Proprietor, 30' Bread. way, flu York. A. D..Begutait l i Agent, Getsyeberg Way 17. DM. ly FL'ELDDIZI MATgRIALS.—PaIati, 0114-4ke., always ea hand aid will beton:asked at r rat : 33 at FAHNESTOCKB'. `-h ~ b a anutitatiettal 411m.001 Ow r blood. by Which this fluid boom I bat ' Creas g e au airy part or it. Ito or trefe from its *tad", nor is there one Walt IS MI not destroy. The scrofulous taint is earietny caused by -mercurial &sew, low Rim* na da n d or unhealthy food, harm air, Illth an d fil t hy Walt, the , by the Tea depressingitem and, above a lldartion. What/ ever be its origin, it is hereditary in dtt fore mimics. descending **from parents to Whim: unto the third and fourth ,iteneration *deed. it mats to be the sod of Rim utak Mk a! I will visit the iniquities of the fatha.` 9 l itpxt their children." Its effects commence by daps nties from tbdf blood of corrupt or Wean= matter, Whist% in the lump, liver, and hrternal m V is Wood tubemles ; in the glands , alb and the surface, eruptions or mores. is ha Me entice, which genders in the blood, deprenol the energies of life, so that acrofuloua eenstftd; , tioos not only setter from scrolialous Con. Plaints, but they have far less poems to with. stand the attacks of othin diseases: erinl.' quently, vast numbers perish by Seceders which. although not scrofulous in their noble, are still rendered fatal by this taint in that system. Moat of the consumption which des mutates the human family hos its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and miry destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and. indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ere aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in. fection, and their hcolth is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renew . ** the blood by an alterative medicine, and itt. vigorate it by healthy food and maybe. Such a medicine wo supply in AYEIt'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical still of our times ell devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is eons. bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of thiafoul disorder from the blood, and the revue of the = from its destructive consequences. it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other &free ! tions which arise from it, such as Eerrriver and Emme Monism!, Sr. Asrooxy's Puts, Ross, or Elysirutio, Pturtss, rt.STdLIS• Burreurs, BLAIN/ and Botts, Toseous,Trrrom and. SALT Runny, SCALD HEAD, RIXITICODAL, REZUMATISM, Syruarrie and ateaccntaL Ds- ZAaEs, DROPS; Drorersti, Doman . , and. indeed, ALL COMIMAIWDI ARISING mow VMA, YID ea Imposts Bum!). The popular Ladle( in di impurity of the Wail!' is founded in truth. for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. 'I be particular purpose and virtue of this itiarrapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impostibbs in contaminated constitutions. - Ayer's Cathartic Pills , br FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within thi range id their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and clean**, and invigorate every portion of the human organs ism, correcting its diseased action, and restating its healthy vitalities. As a eonsegamsee of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is latoniahed to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once ass simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-clay roinplaints of every body, but also many fimuilille and dangerous diseases. Ibe agent Lclow npuied 11 pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of them corn sad directions for their use in the fulkming complaints: Cookr ern, Uses Man,, headache anima/coon dipordmil Mtwara, .Nausea, I ndiscridion, nin and Mortal Inaction of the Morels, Ratulem-y, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other bindle(' complaints, arising from a low state of the body ur uLatructiot of its functions., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, run wiz sirto coos or Coughs, Colds, Didactic*, Meridiem!, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. . - So viZe is the Geld of its usefulness :Ind en ri me:urn are the cases of its eons, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub. licly known. who hate !ecu restored from aisnuit g and even desrerute diseases of the lungs by its tese. When once tried. its superiorly 011 CT every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to clans , observation, and while its virtues are know". tie palle`no longer hesitate what antidote is employ fur the distressing and dangerous attrition' of tt'ir pulmomry organs that are incident to our iate. While many inferior remedies flints% u{eit. the community have biled and been discarded. Cis has gained friends by every trial, conferred betsfits On the aillicted they win limy forget. and pro- duced cures too 101111C/0411 and too rentaskalle to foe forgotten. EPAIZED AY 'CIR. J. C. ALYEIC .Sr. Lowr,LL. MASS. Per Sold by A. P. Buehler, Gettynburg— T. J. Cooper, nenr Cashtown—Posts.o it. Co. Fairfield—Anil all Druggb.ts. Oct. 18,18 a. euwly Co-Partnership MOTICE.—The undersigned have assoc.'s -4.1 ted with them in the Lumber litixinesis, E. C. BE lota. Tiny would therefore give no tice that the business hereafter will be COW. ducted under the firm of theu.a, I.lsxuss is Co.. end they hope, by strict attention to business nod an earnest desire to merit a continuation of the lib , t 1 t pa . Foliage heretofore bestowed upon th KILLIAN • • lALL CO, ember Yard, N North George Street, near the Railroad, YORK, PA. We would invite the attention of Mechan ics, Builders, and others, to our large and well selected stock of LIMBER, consisting of every description cf White Pine Ryards and Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also. Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, Plicksits, Worked Flooring and Weatherboarding, Siding. &c. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDER any size, quantity and quality of PIXE & OAK LUMBER, at the dtiortest notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by ,Railread. We also manufacture and keen on hand a gene ral assortment of " SASH, DOORS, Supers, Blinds, If7ndow Isamu and Door Frames. IRM:orders for any sizes not on hail d filled with dispatch. iteirOur stock and assortment is equal to any others, and we aro determined to sell at the lowest market prices, All orders and communications ad dressed to the andersieed; at York, Pa., will receive prompt attention. SMALL. BENDER t lk CO. York, May 24, 1858. ly New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOOD.3.—SNY DER & BENNER' have just received** their New Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David 3lcCrear,'s Saddlery es. tab* rut , the largest sad most complete aosoent of Nirtrerie4 brought to' Get tvsburi; tor a long time, catutiar, Coffee, ((tour kinds.) Sugars 09filf Syrup, Sbad, Mackerel. Ere* oui t ..Cors. Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, ft% l a.s t kor t every thing usually .kepi. :AtsFolasii Gr Store. Thehighest market prieeptddfal anon try produce or taken in eaekanofeltilmoda. aer Give us a Mill. • Bay roar Groceries where you will be save to sat them rood Anil cheep. • • • . 1111rBover's eigebrated writing r_._4 fur sale. [Nov. VMS. "Hard Times N 0 NORIL H —iLsy porton (Lady or Croatia. istiur,rfirthe trotted States, - pereareelog • ° a Ulla sie T CIPS III Of from fa to ;7, eisa•uhtebto as aridinquetable blueness, by lebbOs froa4.3 $l4 Iser day can be ressAted., • Sitldsosi,„tdith staaap,) W. 11. s: it CO., 41 North 'tins*. - plahe 4 I • Mara 7, 1839. 3m •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers