RISE -- .. Air Oa TWootllay _ittitrittrit sok entered al Scuatioldilit . 1 - 1 ` ; , " It iiiii r i r b illie 116.1 p "s, list ane s s , 1 0 11 0. 1 11 6 $ nbells is Jim Tack ea attracted t York Nast Annual Conferee's of ties ' . KitRATSTO IfBRIIIIFIYOII it Liligit to Ole Ailitsuoicls of thaw present by walking 1 Church, now in sellibe at SSW Haven. , ; G i tiLl...4.-.:-We Beg leave to tall th e A t te* . IP sit stated manner. and trigbiog de# i Bisbop James presidi a g. hasps/lied a r a- ; icon 0 ( t h e ni de; add More espec ially the at Mo 'wilting Mb Mir to be-ahaved•-=.ll bevy , almost uniutiotouAly doctoring Liget 11Vraiel1h1l of th e Catlatry, to two of the most i t kl . tisplitaf remedies now before the public. We - in AVheisilidaturn ;mambo eat at,*n in the chains ho/sfiag Ii a din , and that the Wok `'shsVeheril hold th e barber Lathered his fii.ci t and wet ing b should be Insetted lo ttle nr ovhit Wefts., VILCIIAS WLA.NF.'SC.F.LEBRATED ra VERIDEUGE AND LIVER PILLS. We do - ati‘Ppial tkiittlUtor, elitist hie unknowit cue • ruler " ill on )3f thls things rofbilislitia by tomer suddenly cried out. " 1 and not fi t t 4 diem. t-s not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, eas lire{" and drawing a tingle barre ll ed pistol _ _ _ssois, ' hut simple for what their name purports, viz: r„; from his pock( t tired at his image in the inir- lka t 'Ail Ark ausns ;Alper gives an account The VET3fIFrOR, for expelling SVorms from Lo ror, shattering the glass ed a thousand frog- of ri marriage in the jail of St. Francis cram-' the human As stem It has also been adminiss i 7.7. bleats. Before the barber recovered from ty, of a beautif u l y oung my, to o n e o f three Wed with the most satisfactory results to ea- 0 his siatoraihinent, his unprofitable patron ran , brothers who have recently been convicted of rions Animals subject to Worms. The LIVER I= bit' *ithout waiting to wash his face. 1 murder in the first degree, and sentenced to i PILLS. for the cure of Ursa rosirt•ta TB, al/ ~..,"" be hang. : Btivocs Drassentesrs , SICK BEA D-•cmit, Ate, I l i i /I/ eases of Ps% sit axis Aort, preparatory to / 1 • 1 or after taking Quinine, they almost invaria- bly make a spied) and permanent cure la As SIXc ifieS for the above mentioned din- ea ease+, they are unrivaled, and never known = to fail when administered in accordance with ' 4OO the directions, e"„ Their , flaprecedented popularity has in- - 4 (Diced the Proprieturs,FLEMlNG fIItoTHERS, vs PITTSBURG. PA . to dispose of their Drug'42_, business, in which they have been snceessfully e engaged for the last 21) i ears, and they will :A. now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. Wf.ane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest materials, and compound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROTHERS, Pittsburg, Pa. P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than limning Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and ink, none but Dr. A r L0n,.., prepare," by Fltnwl lives., Poisbur.T, l'a. To those wishing to gis e them a trial, a e a ill forward per mail post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pitts fur twelve three-cent postage stamp,. or one vial of Ver mifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All or ders from Canada must be accompanied by twen ty cents extra. For ale by A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg,. sad by dealers generally throughout the county. Ray 2, 18:03. ly i:?.)peclal I\7-cAlcee., ELSE ppm Ilf: ANY DrioD _Lyec /terra C, IL. 8. C )1„,, i t c, —Dr. C. lit. Jackaun, Philadelphia. tie :—I bare Mee afflicted with Dyapep.. (or of years, awl math throe years thane 1 amid Mad ewthing which wool 4 &Surd we nailer. fortunately for roe. beard of •• Dr. ticollaist'a Dorman Bitters," and thoegta, .1 would try them; sot, however, with mach faith that 1 Miceli be lammiltei 1 tintir aae. TO my autpriae I found that, OR taking a few doses I was rebored of tbe 'pain in coy ride tart cheat, my appetite 140115130 goof. I gained strewth, aid le fact fait *croup, •wil in better health lilao I bad for a lon g c”. e . Ido out allow myself to be oat of the Bitten If I UR obeli., fur hottiliag else does tea any cowl I AU, at all Gas arse ready to atoll Ulf WS toe an. out our, Lpty to know the fall nartiatiara, atal oWitwith pitassre re• commend them to all able may loci sElicte4 s Dy•peiata 'or Lissa' Complaint, tor 1 bolter. if anyth,nd 10 ' 11 Sea therm relief, they will be rallayoJ by Hootiaore G•rawn Batters Many persona is Ulu tl.slrtct hacc itae the bit ten with bebede 6/Jr...mita, and I bare be d,ubt you could p‘ a hathstoar f cersalcatea, were you to ae. for thew. for to my certain toowi e dge quite a nuitibet bare Lein very boleti Lined tad iry the are of your mod', U. AJ.m.,t, forgot to amotion that mJ fiatleaer. aboat ■I Z Dear. or ve. cared of JazDdice by 111.41aLA'S German Bitter. I th,flk but 6u meot;on aide, *a I have neler 100•/2 them u. 0.1 is uny unser caw of the kind Lespectfu ly .cur., crtlaww , D (I Lean Throe Balers are prepared by Dr. C. Y. Jackboe. 419 An& /Wart, Pijiwi•lphls. Pa aad bre told at relax par Nett". by drexpbta .a , l baarekberers le every Wen village la tau 1.7a,Lel C .I.llAd LS wl.3oath America or sale ►g ♦ D. Dueb:er, Agent, Cretteeburg—and 4es :era generally throughout the evuoty play 1 11.1.1 Vl7B' PITS ' PITS '—l'•r•ocui laborto; under this distressing malady find Dr flance•ti Etillepttc tills to teethe only remedy ever dtscovered for curing Epilepsy or Valiant Yits Thee Pills pem...id a m;aectllr a:ttoi uu the nervous system; ant although prepared el.. welly for to• Iturptre of curtod kits thee • il be (wad of espetlal bene fit to all per•otte tllictel with weak 1.01,4.1, or whose per trona system has been prostrated or elt•tLerad !roan any cause whatever. The dyspeptic patzrot, vt !woe stomach ku b oa t the power of dal . , ettavertin;, ft...dolt, a la. ws- Lao. Ng eiscuart, r relieved by ',ogle course of the carat orthoary Pill+ The gastric tiuid re•arquires its eolvent pp wed, and the snide nett intent which was a load and a lotrden to the eetrfe-er wit ' e :1.l orvotteatton was paralreed attel umtruag. Lec,inet Littler the wholesome revolution create...l to the sinew, the basis of streagth, Ar:l‘ ity, and health Seat tomer put or the country by a .11, free nr postage. Ad , !ru,4 :•c7IIS IL I,•c Ir. IUI Street, Prate—au Lox, 6,1, two. SS , tralre, t,24. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND DILLS —Amer. list 0' the experimental meliciaes used by •, the proforma " ennild AO many volumes Yet the greatest of mindere • rgeoas and chemist., Male'.]l., bee told iss that out una of these can Ls uniformly 101414 on •• • spetillis. en the other band, it Is vial Wed fur Iluilo.at's remedies that In nine cuss out of tea they cure those upon whom the ulnae regular materia medics " has Lime expends] In • Yrula the Vebil °barn/way ultimates, and oluatattnz from all natio/se—this sroild mem to be true. There eau he oo question. ea Lu, that all eruptive sad talarrous diserdere, awl affections a the stomach, liver, and • y.eld to their perifying . aod regenerative Ingisear:e. ZIECLk:R et. :4311T11, Coma or Elscoro AID Urger arena's's, P4ILAMitArtI. )I.laur.tetrort of Whyte Le.t. Zinc" Putty. Towt he. 11 W.leeele dealers la Drapl, Wiwkw Glom, to ant Country Stereh‘nts who dreini to parchsos from Atteet •t„ >cis sot at acceptable prmes We rospoetfally ra queited to luS;wrst out goods. Oar Whits LAss 4 , 'Lae, t VarniAbes. are 14314 by more than oue thoussod. ‘V.iole,ate Jobbing llouie throug!kut the ralun. sod giro Ilairatta/ cataartztson. L' — j — Not ooe eumplaiat has Nibr reached us _L:I Saul your orders direct. Yeb i,ieSJ. l y CUNEISTENCY IS DIIES.I —A 'lmbed doublet lei* • stove 14pp bat Sat cork oolo.i boots, would Lo • ridiattunst conibiattio• of tress. Just so ate Othl Snit would be with • Laced bonnet sal festlbirs. We lite eousisteney in garb, es ererylalelr else, nod with the present wolf in the way of beavers, we prefer to see in elegant cult of east, fonts sod west, Issas In the /adoet style, by Itoribill 6U3 had lkifi Chestnut street above disti, I'llitadelphin. IL. it W. have ever: thing desirable he the oral of spring wear. for gym yonths. Ap 26. In lO s eugghs, Coils, Brunt!nth, kNtbnnt, Crump, Whoop ing Cough, D,Lea..es of tie Tier°At um 1 Lung 4. and POI. )nnuory AZuctlook Aer.reat ti.pe, are quickly corm/ LI that lOn c ; tne-3 aso ta,thra/ rrau.tr, DR. W Lzlr It'S ISA 11 Of WILD CLIEINLY.—Safe a well. kao. ti „Ed , tor:—" is trolly a Bilious awl a bless ing to in.silds It contain. the pane balsamic priaciple tie 11 ild CLeirr, the ball. nie proiertie. of tar aul of pile It. ingredients, le.tieh are mitrgle.l After the true prirrelple or CIIEUlalr, are all balsamic, alai therefore it is ode amid sere .a ittrect. Coughs, Colaii. Cou.amptma, oil bnrucliial trouble. 11.11 , 1 War 1404.111 Its bet...some initorure as though elasmed away. Protout.ty an medicine k.. ever attained PO exteroled a ale or acoou,d„hl,l so 145.. p.”! is ILis renowned .1" Ct.t . rlLß. 6 t 11959 • :? , ..tll IV Foe le A: Co r.,•ton. 1,0,4 of y.tur Tra‘r L lute . !•ptl .t,[ruentot 111 e SPVI g oer la the zl..e Dr. % 11• 1 . /I of Will t;ltrr,e Leon .I..ng it fur tort. , 11l 11IY (. 1 ' tnl 1. all I , 1.:/1,17.1,1..41•11j hue Nitg4 it Lae tetou+ re.ttel , t tat I ha. a r , e: Cus.;iii, and I u.d. in cla:1 Area 1 Sao. it in It , n aY I.rib:rut int lcr,ne Ite•pectfulli tiur, JOHN II lIICE ICT - Lta - are 0:41:e an I ourt..l,e• 6,t1 u terre T4eouty I.:eau Pure, aol 11e4ic1a..41 ital..san hat th• own* of .•1.. 131, T written rith a pen, au I Ulu yrlat. a ,lua W of tbo t,p^irt.uni, .• W. FO/1 4L & ou 1.140 outer var.Apper. • Croyarri by `etli W Forte k Co . Boston. and for Lilo by AU. llueble,, Getty...Az Jacob IQ!writer, M New Oxfort; U k: klulltuger, Abbotti turu ; Wulf, East ; Peter 8.,u lilt. Hunt. tou , Wm. Li ifetcs-if, lurk prang.,: J•tuen .k Elder, 1:14./- 1....1.aburg, .u.. 1 by all 11.8.1... r. Loc./Li:meal. [April L. 4w 11:r THE URP,IT ENULLSLI REV EDY --SIR JtIIICS CLARKE'3Ii6LRaaaa 2.01t0 PILL!, proparoct from a prascriptiun by Sir J. Clarke, D. Pby.ca us hatraor -e., .1 ,ten. 26u volt kll,lll tnelacme is nu Lu poeition, but a sure and safe remedy let WWIUALS Uitt *4l Ottstrne tiunt, from any Wile WU 1441,0 c, and Although * pogerful remedy, they contain emt.hing hi:allot to Ws enustaAtion. To 4saaiao Ltmy It isl,eactrarly ea. ted. It rill, lo a abort Unto; brios on the won per...l ■ ith regularity. • These Pills Aare carer Leen known to WI where the di reetions o■ 2d page of padtpl.let are *ell °treated. Far rather particulars get a pamphlet fret of the agent. lA—sl. and 6 postage stamp. eacloeel to any ðer ize.' agent, viii Ware a bottle, containing over .10 pills, by retails wail. T. W Dyott k Son, Wholesale Agent*, PhWdatpbla.— D Pushier, Agent, Natty ,burg. May 11, 1339. ly 117".3ast4vertIseserEt of Or ealiforiVe Lt•ss !inflow!, Ana, is another *alums. The Ma.rl.-et..s-.. GRTTYSB ATI:MOLY LAST Sailer.lse Flour Rye Flour Wheat Corn, Bye Oats Buckwheat ...... Buckwheat Meals.... Clover Timothy .... Barley --- } hurter ground, per bag... ...... . 2 00 ....-4 50 to 4 75 1 75 1 20 70 7 00 95 BALTIMORE—Pansy LAST. Flour 11 11 to 6 25 Wheat ..... ...... 148 to 1 83 . Ye...... 80 to 96 ore ..... ......... ..... 82 to 85 Oats ....-...... ............... ... 50 to 56 Clover Seed 5 25 to 5 75 Timothy Seed 2 00 to 2 25 Beet Cattle, per hand. 8 00 tol3 Hop, per hand......... 8 50 to 9 23 ......... 00 tot? 00 Whiskey ....... 21 to 16 Gesso, Penivias t per toe - 62 00 RA.NOVEU-.-.TIIIIIIIIIDAY LAS?. Flow, from wagons 6 ET Do. Iron atorea—... ....... ...... A 36 Wheat ---_ 1 SO to 1 60 CRye......... . ....... ••..•.•.... Se OS ...... ..... 50 Mom ..... It 00 Tfid0tity8004..............•••••• oh :00 Mitialr;4• 444 ;roe ••••• 0,60 , . TOSIC-74instat use. Pbaloteiwwwieikac----. • - 22 .14 1 .0 11 " 1 111,- 8 .0 1111 """""' Of limp:. OK Ilea aept 4,2 p, 2 0. Plaster 6 So EMI A Printing Press at Pay's Peak.—A gen tleman just arrived in St. Louis from Pike's Peak met a party ut the eroding of the Platte, with a printing press. They were to estab lish a paper at Denver City. un the 24th inat.. at the parsonage of St Ch hy Rev. J. 11..K,1-er..llr. THOM AS BITTLE to 11 - 11.1 itARV ELIZAI3ETH KEEFER, both orLittleatoa-n. On the loth ult.. neat - Lewistown, Frederick county, 11A s;SON MA r LAY, infant son of Ham ilton and LoniFa Forre=t aged 19 days. At the rmiidenee of Mr. James McColiotigh, in cumberiand township. on Saturday week, SAM UEL SMITIL.on of Mr. Frederick Smith, de teased. agt d about 14 year.. A few dn . , since. N JANE. daughter of SAmuel and Nance Sadler, of Eleidleniburg, aged I.; mouths and 19 Ilya. Near 13endersT ille, this county, on the 23d alt.. S UK EL HARLAN, aged 8 years a months wad 14 days. On the 2.oth ult., is Littlestown, ANN MARIA LIES ON, aged Si .) ears .1 tuuaths and e; days. A HALES. 41 -.meth On the evening of the 21st of April. in Lati n:lure township, Mrs. ELIZABETH A. ZIEGLER, consort of Mr. John A. Ziegler, aged 32 years 8 months and 3 dues. In her death the husband has lust au affectionate wife, the children a kind mother, and society a worthy member. -Her days ou curth are ended, Her troubles are all o'er; We trust to meet in Heaven, Where parting is no more. Peaceful be her slumber, Peaceful in the grave co low; Thou no more wilt join our number, Thou no more oursongs shalt know. Dearest sister. thou heat left us, Here thy legs we deeply feel; Hut 'tis God who has bereft us And he can all oar sorrows heel. But again we hope to meet thee, When the days of life are fled; And in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shed." TonHE undersigned would most respectfully in form the public that they hare rented r. M n Ltrres BRICK YAW), on Rock creek, in the borough-of Gettysburg, where they will continue Um Brick-making business. The first kiln will be ready for sale by the latter part of May. They will insure their Brick for all pur poses, paring or building. They alio make a first rate Pressed Brick. Having much expe rience :e the business, they know that they will give 11146ifaetioa. MICHAEL .REEIM, May 2, 1839. 3t EIE undersigned s Assignee of Jou, Rosat i gout k Wits, of Ileidlersburg, Tyrone township, Adams county, under deed of volun tary assignment, in trust for the benefit of credi tors, hereby gives notice to all persons knotting thelnselves to be indebted to the said John Eckenrode, to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to GEO. F. ECKENRODE, Assignee, at Ileidlersburg, or to his Attornies, M. k W. McClean, Gettysburg. May 2, 18:4). 6t TTAX-PAYERS.—Notice is hereby given I_ that the County Commissioners will make an abatement of/imps. teat. upon all State and County tares assessed for the year 1859 that shall be paid to Collectors on or before Friday, the let 0/Jady. Collectors will be required to call on tax-payers on or before the &bore date, and make such abatement to aU persons paying on or before said day, cud pay the same to the County Treasurer, otherwise no abatement will be tu.ide. By order of the Commissioners, Mar 2, 1859. W INIVEDMTELY, Merchants. hotel-keepers. and private families. to know that COVER d KIT'S arc selling at their Wholesale and Re tail Liquor .tore on Railroad Street, A superior article of Liquor+ of all kinds fur less money than rens ever offered to the people of Adams county. Call and examine our stock. Fine Liquors for Medicinal purposes. Nifty 2, 1859. T" public are hereby cautioned against ne gotiating two notes of hand purporting to have been drawn hy DAVID Thant, deceased, late of Haim\ er, York county, namely: One dated the Ist of April, 1830, for Five Hundred Dollars, and the other dated the Ist of April, for Four Hundred Dollars. Payment of either of the above mentioned notes is declined uudcr existing circuttinanee:. .1('013 FWLNEY, Executor of David Diehl, deceased. Hanover, April '23, 1839. 3L Notice. rriHE first account of Ilz.Nstv LADY. Committee of the person and estate of JACOII LA UT. of avob, a Lunatic, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county. and will be confirmed by the said Court. on 2.4tA day of May 'text, unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, ProtA'y. Prothonotary's Offs,e, Cetty4- burg. April 2".. 45* Tnr. first and final account of Jous Dowsty, Assignee of Grottos If. Crltl , ll.tN. bas been ed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and be confirmed he the .I.ftid Court, on the 24th day of Me?, M". 21. unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, i'rot.Cy. Prothonotary s Office. Gettys-t berg, April 25. 1859. 4t* 5 87 3 25 1 20 to 1 35 70 8 45 60 MISS IIcCItEA RV is now openings Large as sortment of BONNETS suitable for the season, consisting of Straw, Neapolitan, Linen braid, and Fancy Bonnets (with extra sines for old ladies)—all of the latest styles., sad which forileaqty and cheapness cannot be surpassed ; with new style Ribbons. Ruches, Flowers,Cortis and Tassels, Allusions, 3laliaes , Chip, Tarlmon, and Lace for Trimming. Also, Slantillas, Para solit,—Olorerrilosiery, Embroideries of every kind, Caps and Fancy Head-dresses, Dress Trim mings, and Fancy Goods of every description, which the Ladies are invited to call and examine. Milliners will be supplied with patterns, free of charge, by calling for them. mar-Kiss M. will make Bonnets to order at the shortest notice, and in the best and most fashionable manner. [April 25,1859. 8w "4 posy seed is a 'mg earned."—Faititsx.ut. Cheap Clothing.- wa the undersigned, rmpectfully wish , to inform the public that we here taken the atop-rooss formerly occupied by 11. S. Km seen k Son, 8. E. corner Centre Square, where we &twigs intend to keep on hand a large, well selected and cheap stock of itLkar-ILLDiI MOTHLYCi k Guartasant's Feminism-Gems, which cannot be surpassed. We are very par ticAnz in manufacturing and selecting our goo 6, and we would therefore Invite the public to and examine our 1104 an(11:1413 t Bors :1, r and furubgl a tt la before pus - elseirhare. BRO. diner Centre Square, Netysbarg. te" tt trouble Altibasersaria4 r snAx RIL—.4 Largo sasortsse at n -at r R. F. McILHENY'S. duced prices at rAuNILSTOCKS. ..tt'Vr4iliPtw.:o/1/ge " ma.r.rieci_ "ID Itasca_ Brick 1 Brick I illellAHL 13USIIER. Assignee's Notice. Notice J. Y. WALTER, Clerk Wanted Notice. Notice. Spring Millinery. tallantilter rapaeolla. Milks the at. Alt Oa 115.11111~ idt ruff sad coat . - - 'GM. Is pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the subscriber, Ad ministrator of the estate of 111.111.11AAST RIMY, detested, will offer at Public Sale, on the prem ises, oat rostaissy, Me 17th dry of May, 1•59, certain LOT OF GROUND, situate in Mount pleasant township, Adams county, adjoining lands of the heirs of Henry Belly, Esq., deceased, Jeremiah Oaster, and Copt. Thomas Brady, and containing I -leas, sore or less, having thereon erected • Log and Weather- ff" boarded Dwelling HOUSE, with an Attic story and other improvements. Sale to commened at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when wires will be made known and Atten dance given by MICHAEL REMY, Ado,' r. By the Court—Hamm G. Wats, Clerk. April 25, MM. 3t ON ins GETTYSBURG RAILROAD 1-.• Sainwar A rrasigsemcw.--4M and atter Th or*. day,4pril 21st, the MUIL'iING TRAIL will lean, Gettysliurg at u o'clock, A. 8., connecting at Hanover Junction with Expresa train to BaltL more at 8.37, and -Mail train Pox Baltimore at 9.49, returning to Gettysburg at 12.30 noon, with passengers from Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, and the North and Wait. The AFTERNOON TILAIN will loave Gettys burg at 1 o'clock, P. )L, connecting at Hanover Junction with Mail train to Baltimore at 3.37, re turning to Gettysburg about 6.30 P. M., with passengers from York. Harrisburg, I'biL►delphia, and the North and West. On Tuesday and Saturday evenings or every week, the Evening train will wait at the Junc tion until 5.30, on the Evening Express train from Baltimore, which leaves Calvert Station at 3 , P. M., thus enabling passengers to leave Get tysburit on those days at 6NIA. N. reach Balti more at 11.15, A. M., attend to business there until 3, P. M., and return to Gettysburg the same evening. Starny the above arrangement passengers can go either North or South on the Northern Central nails-sty both morning and afternoon. R. 3PCURDY, President. April 25, 1859 'STEW SPRING GOODS. J. A. GARDNER s removed to his new and splendid Iron Front Store, and has received tirom Philadelphia and Baltimore one of the largest, choicest and cheap est stocks of DUI GOODS, GLIOCERIES, HARDWARE, QCEENSWARE, • CEDAR-WARE, PAINTS it Off,S, STOVES, Ac., Ac., to he found in the county. The improvements 1 hare made, and the facil ities 1 now enjoy, enable Me to compete in gamma% vidily amid price•; with any establish ment in the county. All in want of bargains are invited to call at my Cheap Store, where /Oar dealing, dunes goods, mod lairprirea, is the principle of doing business. J. A. GARDNEIL Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) April 25, '59. 3t Millinery. MISS ISABELLA BUSHEY would Inform the Ladies of Gettysburg and surrounding country, that she has commenced the Millinery business. in its different branches, at the resi dence of her father, in West Middle street, op posite Mr. George Little store. She will en deavor to descr, e a liberal share of patronage. April 18, 1858. 31Rs. SOPHIA r. BRINKERIIOFF haseom mence.l the Millinery business, in its dif tereut branches, at Daniel Saltzgiver's, one door from Peter Fret s corner, on Baltimore street, Gettysburg. and hopes the Ladies will girt her s fair share of-tireir patronage. April let, 1554. 3t New and Fashionable MALISSA J. CARPEN jj f Ell having Maned a Millinery Establish ment, at the reaideiie of her father, Dr Carpen ter, 2 miles east of( islitown, on the Chambers burg turnpike, would respectfully incite the attention of the public who mar wish anything done in the above hue. Ins - Tnnimings kept on hand. [April 11, ltls. 3t* $5 Reward. T OST, several weeks ago. by the under signed. a POCKET BOOK, containing sun dry Sale Notes, Due Bills, Receipts, kc. The papers will be of no use to the finder, but their loss may put the subscriber to inconvenience, who will cheerfully pay the above reward fur the return of the Pocket Book and papers, either to himself, or by leaving them at the Compaier Office. late All persons owing the subscriber on Sale Notes, Doe Bills, kc., are hereby notified not to pal the same to any person but myself. April 18, 1839, 3t* JOSEPH WIHLE. AOOFING,-7be subscribers are prepared to contract and put on at th e ebortest notice, :. Child it PATENT FIRE AND WA TER PROOF ELASTIC CEMENT ROOFING. his perfectly Fire sad Water proof, and in point of durability is equal, if not superior, to any lietalic Roofing. It can be put on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however fiat. or Seep they may be . In point of resisting the elements of Are and water, nothing hits yet been discovered equal to the Elastic Cement. Those who have need it, hate testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, end that there no farther room for improvement. No one will now think of putting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four shim& roofs. This R oo fing is warranted as represented. The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. it is also the best paler for iron, sfeetnally preventing rust ; and wherever applied pinthetly excludes dsentisens. The subscribers have this Comsat for ado. la VisoOtioo to salt. For Author informaties, ap- PIT to P. J. *SOL ATE,_ INK ..Or Pa. Nails APRA/an' tr ENE Public Sale. Change of Hours Removal. Millinery. Elastic Cement Ist& "2".'e - Regiatires !Woe. . 4 z-• .. • I4.•0"TION is herebi flees 4*i legatees sad ether person* iblacerneallbai the/Walls stration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphaa's Court of Adants county for coefirstation sad ellownace, as Tuesday, the 244 A of Vey oast, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 104. The first and final account of Basset! Herbst and John Herbst., 'executors of the teat will and testament of Jacob Herbst, deceased.. 103. The fine 'coolant of tiasenel Metzger, grees SOT of the last will and testament of Marga ret llosk, tate of Abbottetown, decayed. 106. The secocid eesatea of Michael Trestle. Executor of the last will and teat/tamest a Henry Troatle, deceased. 107. The first and final account of Jacob George, Administrator of the estate of 'Wan Knopp. deceased. • 108. The first and final account of Jacob Ditzler, Administrator or the estate of David Ditzler. deceased. 109. The first and final account of Col. David M. Myers, Administrator of the estate of Esther Myers, de. eased. 110. The first and final account of Jacob Myers. Esq.. Executor of the last will and testa ment ofJ. K. R. Herrigan. deceased. 111. The first and final account of George Smith, Administrator of the estate of Joseph Smith, deceased. 112 The first account of Burkhart Wert, Ad ministrator of the h . :state of Henry li:id:duper, deceased. 113. The first and final account of Abel T Wright, A dministratur of Mary Hewitt, deceased 114. The first and final account of Abraham Krise, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Ser gable, deceased. 115, The account of Col. John Wolford. Ad ministrasor C. t. a. ou the estate of Peter Su) der, of Joshua, deceased. 116. The first and final account of Rufus C. Swope, Guardian of Lydia Stonesifer, deceased, a minor child of Isaac Stones ifer, deceased. 117. The account of Moses Ilselcan, Testa mentary Trustee under the will of Letitia Mc- Neely, deceased. for the care of a spacial fund. 118. Th• second account of John Horner, Ad ministrator of the estate Dr ./antes X. MeGasighy, deceased. 119. First account of John asanabestin, Exe cutor of David Chamberlin, deceased. - ZACHARIAH 1l1:1CR2, /11.9isIsa. Register's Office, Getty,- I burg, April lb, 1859. j Grand Jury Report. T G the Honorable the Judges of the Courts of Adams county the undersigned, members of the Grand Jury, having visited the County Prison and examined it carefully, find parts of it in rather • dilapidated condition, and many of the Cells insufficient fbr the safe-keep ing of prisoners. We would, therefore, respect fully recommend that the Commissioners, as soon as practicable, put tke building in proper repair and make such alterations in the cells u will render them altogether secure. P. 81181V'ely, 13. McCurdy, Jeremiah Diehl A. Reever,Samusl Lohr, Isaac P. Brinkerhoff, Sam uel B. Miller, Isaac Deardorff, John McCleary, John Bigham, Benjamin Shelly, John L. Holtz worth, Sebastian Stitsel, Samuel Bucher, Daniel Mickley, Joh* Thomas, Samuel O. ('ook, Francis Krichten, Jacob G. Sasehoar, Michael Carl, David Wisler. [April2s, 1859. 3t ifforrison's Patent ()STABLE FENCE.—Tes OILY /venal., VINCI THAT MILL *llll7 TIN /TWIN.- 'Atented June 9, 1857.—The undersigned bas purchased the Right for Adams county of Morrison'sratent Portable Fence,a simple frame to connect the pannels of fence, by which the use of posts is dispensed with, and atsbout one third the usual cost. This frami is held together by means of a si mple bolt conn_ectlag the pan nets, and keeping them in an upright position ; then, by driving two pins into the ground, thro' the ends of the sills, the fence is made perma nent, as well as portable. It requires but little skill in its construction, and takes but half the time required to make a common board fence; the frames are made without a single mortice, the pannels are nailed up with strips on each side, and can be set Op in a few moments. It will be readily seen that one hundred 'mantis of this fence are worth two hundred paunch' of stationary fence,as it Is easily and readily moved from place to place, thus enabling the farmer to dispense with half the fence required when sta tionary is used--and from the fact that middle fences can he entirely dispensed with by merely using portable fence for pasture lots close. By this process one-third of the grass is saved that is generally overrun in pasturing, by mere ly fencing the quaptity required, besides saving at least five acres of land to the hundred that is neves/silly taken up with fence when stationary fence is used for inside fencing, all the .land 'be ing farmed alternately, it gives no chance , for briers and other rubbage that usually grow up along fences. This fence can be used to great advantage on low or wet laud, where it is diffi cult to set posts, merely requiring longer pins than for dry ground. The advantage also, of moving the fence, when streams overflow, that are likely to Boat it off, and the convenience It affords, in fencing pasture and other lots, for stock, enclosing grain stacks, ke., &c.. all high ly recommend its practical use to the farmer. The first premium was awarded to this fence at the Pennsylvania State Pair held at Phila delphia, 1837. Farm flights will be disposed of en sodomite terns on application to JONATHAN PITTESTURP, Reidiersberg, Adams co., Pe. April 25, 1859. 3ftlik lIIIIIT 11. DAIIIINZ. New Firm—New Goods. undersigned have entered Into partner- I ship In the HARDWARE * GROCERY business, at the old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under Abe name, style And firm of DANNER * ZIEGLER, ,IRS., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have just return ed from the cities with an immense stock of Goods*-consisting in part of Bu ilding Materials, such as Nails, screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass, kc. Tools, including Edge Tools of every description, Saws, Planes, Chissels, (lunges, Brace. and Bitts, Augers, Squares, Gouges, Hammers, &c. Blacksmiths kill find Anvils, Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Nails, &e., with them, very cheap. Coach Find ings, snch as ('loth, Canvass, Damask, Fringes, Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Spokes, Fellors, Bows, Poles, shafts, kc. Shoe Findings, Tampico, Brush and French Morocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kc., with a general assurtmeut of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general si , sortunent-- also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittannia, Albata and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, :Motel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs. Churns, Carpeting, kc. Also, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sixes and kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, Clarified and Brown Sugars; New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices,Chocolate, Flue, Coarse and Dairy Salt ; Linse ed, Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, kc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, Blackrmith,Cabinet Maker's, Painter's,Glasier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any-house oneof the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLNR. Gettysburg, May 24, 1418. Notice. J01:01 hicaltrir'S ESTATlL—Letters of ad ministration on the Mate ofJohn Ito Grew, late of Yeasilea township, Adants coanty, de ceased, haring been mated to the undersigned, residing ta rranklbt township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to maks immediate payment, and thine . having stains against the same to present &mit proper ly authenticated *re settlement GIORGS THROWS, Alhlier. Aprirll, 1959. et Goods for the Samoa I Lasober:fiber has Put teltsussell host tha ity, 'with INV gaPP I 7 of thew Gir WSW 011, la oilers to sell cheaper o hisa sail, sad judge fee gooradves. Hie as sortment sabraoso C • 1411 kW" 11,5“Wie. Aka* MO* 11 10 0411,_ ARADY.- ' • a, tat ass 44111110. • • Garish et., 4 doors hoot Goitre equate. Gettysburg, April 4, 1859. L. •g dealer in Domedia Goods, Cloths, Oaasimerss, Em Silks, broideries, Llnens, Jewels% Notions, etc., has returned from the Eastern markets with ',aro/the largest as sortments of DRY GOODS ever brought to this place, consisting of all the newest designs and fabrics of the present spring Importations.— LADIES' DRESS GOODS, plain and figured black Silks, very heavy and fine lustre, cheap ; plain and colored figured Slag, a very fine as sortment, at all prices; Hareem, Gresadines, Poll de ("Ilea*, Satin de Cheae, Poplins, Landes, Paris Organdies, Jagmest Lawns, Freach Chints, plain and colored Brilliants, Oingkaass, Spring /tousling, English Calicoes. and many other novelties, MOCRNING GOODS in great varie ty, Shawls and Scarfs, beautiful stock ; gibbons and Parasols, new styles, very handsome; Em broideries and WHITE GOODS, very handsome; largest and cheapest stack we have ever received. II EN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, complete stock, Gloves, Hosiery, Ititaand Gauntlets, of all kinds; Domestic Goods, at Factory prices. JEWELRY, new stock for Spring sales, consisting of the moat equisite styles ever offered in this market. We would say to our customers and the pub lic generally, that we hare opened one of the most elegant and largest assortments of goods ever brought to this market, all of which have been selected with great care and upon the most advantageous terms. We are determined not to be undersold by any. Our motto--"lair dealing aad small profits." J. L. SCHICK, El. W. Corner of Centre Ziquare April 4, 1859. - - - New Boot & Shoe F - 1 - I i4 STABLISIIIIENT, in the N. W. corner of the Dutmond,Gettys burg, Pa.—The place to buy in or der to «Inv money :—Tbe subscriber would moat respectfully inform the citizens of Gettysburg and surrounding country. that he has opened large Boot and Shoe E s tablishment, in the northwest corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, in the rooms recently occupied by D. Wills, Esq., as a Law Office, where he has now on hand, and will continue to keep for sale, an extensive va riety of work, of his own manufacture. The work is made up in the best and most durable master, including all the newest styles, and embraces BOOTS k Ilea's, Women's and Children's GAITERS, in short, every article usually to be found in a first class establish. ment of the kind. He has now and will continue to have employed a number of workmen, "hard to beat," to make up customer work. That he will sell CHEAP, is easily proven. Give him a call, examine his Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and get his prices. With unexceptionable work sad tow rates, be hopes for and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. 'Shoemakers are informed that be al ways keeps on band "UPPERS," fur Shoes and Gaiters, ready for bottoming, which he disiases of on pleasing terms. • JOHN BILLIVIM. April 4,1849. ly THESHOOT/41SG OF KEY, and the Ix ecution of Four Murderers in Baltimore, as created the greatest excitement. The pa pers are tilled with details of these shocking af fairs. The people talk about it on the streets and in their houses, aid look upon these trage dies as being unparalleled in history. So It is with PICKING'S CLOTHING---heving just open ed the largest and most complete. as well as the cheapest and but assortment of READY-MADE CL(YTEILIG, of every description and style. ever offered in this place, the people talk about it on the highways and In their houses, urging each °Aerie go at once to Picking's and purchase a new suit of clothes. But joking aside, we as sure the public in all candor that our stock cannot be surpassed—consisting in part of Black Cloth Coats, Cassimere Frock and Sack Coats, Tweed and Liken Coats, and in fact every kind that the market can produce. Yeats of every description. Pants to snit all classes and conditions. Shirts, Collars, Stockings, Gloves, Suspenders, kr., fte. Also, Carpet Bags, Um brellas, Trunks, Accordeons, Violins, in short everything usually found in his line. Thankful for past favors, be solicits a continuance of the same. Call and examine our stock—no trouble to show goods. Remember the place, in eltam bersborg street, opposite the Lutheran church. April 18, 1859. F. B. PICKING. FANNY'S COMBINED REAPING k MOW ING MACHINE erre WOOD'S IMPROVE .—The undersigned, Agent for the sale of MAnay's Combined /Leaping and Mowing Ma chine with Wood's Improvement, for Adams county, offers them to the public., knowing them to be the best combined machine in use. It hss been successfully introduced into different parts of our State, and I have thus far sold sixty-wise in Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.— The machine received a silver medal at the State Fair—also, the first Itemise' at York, Cumber land, Centre, Huntingdon, and other county Pairs, where it was exhibited. Farmers need ing a Reaping Machine, will Omuie call spoil the undersigned, Were pureing, as he al ways takes great pleasure In showing the Ka chines and wersires these to do geod work.— Early orders are solicited, as the number re ceived from the manufacturer will be in propor tion to the demand. SAMIVEL HERBST, Agent, Opposite the Nagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. April 11, 1839. 3m Irns subscriber would inform the public that be continues his MACHIN'S SHOP, in otabersburg street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he has various kinds of Ma chines on hand, such as Threshing Machines, Cora Shelters, Cornfodder Cutters, Cloverseed Hullers, Straw Cutters, and Horse Powers of different kinds,—two, four or six-horse, to snit purchasers i—indeed all such as can be had at Hanover or Littlestown. Also, Mortising Ma chines, for houte carpenters, put up in the very best and most substantial manner. Cutting Screws or long lloltA, any kind or size less than eleven feet in length. always attended to, as well as Turning In iron. casting or wood. Also all kinds of ItEl'AlltlNG on Machinery.dressing-up Mill Spindles, &c.. done on the shortest notice. The undersigned manufactures Monnas'a Paten HORSE RAKE, which he offers at the lowest living profit. Ile is likewise agent fur the REAPER . 1 / 4 MOWER manufactured by Joseph Shireinan, at East Berlin. I hope that all in want of anything in my line % ill call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I will warrant all m . ) work to give satisfaction to purchasers, D AVID STERNER. April 11, 1859. ly* WATORICIST lIIICILIBIL EORGE ARNOLD, at his Clothing Em porium, has now gut his stock of Spring and Summer Clothing—full and well assorted, all of our own make, and warranted well made. We hal e just received from the city, a large stock of Clutha, Cassimeres, Drillings, Jeans, Italian Cloth, Parametta Cloth, Tweeds, Summer Cassi meres, Linens, Vestings, ke., all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times. We have hands constantly cutting and making up, and if we cannot please you in a garment ready made, we can take your =ware and make you up • garment upoa short notice. As usual Mr. Culp is always on the spot with shear. and measure in hand, at your service. Please call, as we will not be undersold by anyotber establishment in town. [April 11, 1859. A Word to the Wise! oPON'T FAIL to call and see SAMSON'S New Goods—a large and splendid assortment IEN'S AND SOY'S CLOTH LNG and uznish ing Goods—an extensive lot of alt kinds of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES sadGAITERS- au un rivalled assortment of TRUNKS and CARPET SACKS, mean very ham:loom sad 111C1/ styles.— Also, a large and splendid variety of Setts, Breast Pins and Ear Map ; WATCH'S, MUSI CAL INSTRUMENTS, he., he. A v some and new style BALLROAD TRA BAG. In short, everything ta kis liaa. After all said sad dose, SUWON'S IS THS SPOT to boy your goods at *ss right prices. A word to the wise is made* Thooo who wish to boy to 001 l &gabs will do Ina by, "nig, as I gait mad win son thew goods cheaper Asa Ahoy as biy- noun is du city. Aril U, Iss. AisIPTQIMST AT LAW, vial "WO colfop- . time aad all What bigger's Jatraseid to ompithwitsees, Mos atearkyoppodiet Bilaws stmt. 41" . 11abirg, At 11, PIM tf ROMS WRITING 11 0 11ID.-.104t saki brakod Isk—r_oves tb b. Ike ion Is use—for oak by IWYDER, k stmtga 4~ = . _ 4 To the Farmers. Call This Way! Cheap Clothing. Malt:J .l l'l^ . ctro.A.d. - cr'tes_ C. W. Slagle lir, Co., COIIIIIIBSION k PRODUCE BER CILkIFTB, Nee. 118 end 133 Nortklia street; iteltiseare.—Belag established in the Commission business fora no tether of years, they solicit cossignments, and pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds, Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro duce generally. We remit proceeds promptly. Tracks from the Northern Central Railroad run Into our Warehouses. Refer to R. B. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg. (June 21, '5B. ty JOR.T C. IlfiLl.llll Keener & Frick, YLOUR I PRODUCE Commission and For warding Merchants, North sired, opposite N. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly Carpets, oQIL CLOTHS and M airings, wholesale and retail. Constantly oa hand an assortment Carpets at low prices. ronqiAting of Velvet, Brussels,' Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian ear pets,of every style and price. Oil Cloths from 1 to 6 yards wide. Also, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and COCOA Mattings. Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or yard. at lowrates. JOBEP/1 VICTORY, 145 Lexington st., one door west of Hots-ant, Marcla 14, 1859. 3m Charles Dunlap, wll OLESA LE and Retail GROCER k TEA DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lexington Streets, BALT(iloliE, Ni), flu on band a general assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, dm. Feb. 7, 1109. ly Susquehanna House, A PPOSITE Calvert station, BALTIMORE, MD sire reduced to $1,25 per day. JOHN A. 8L DE, Proprietor January 17. 6m X. X. XASDIXO. XCIW'D F. CAIIOLL. Harding ar Carroll, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire Proof Warehouse and R. R. Depot, No. 126 ./VoriA Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Pell. 14, '59. ly James H. Bosley, COM.IIIStiIUN MERCHANT, Nos. 124 and 120 North Street, BALTIMORE, MU. I am prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all kinds of COUNTRY PIIOD ITN. Having an experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone.) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give SAM- P'ACTIOS to all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries Guano, ai all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, - "59. ly To Southern & Western NERCHANTS 44 DEALERS.—LEATHER, SHOE-FINDLNIIS, LASTISGS, ic.— bole.tale Agency for Shoe Pegs, best Tanner's Oil, Patna Kips, Bark Mills, Tanner's and fur rier's Tools, Depot for Oil, Tan'-lace, Leather Pickers; largest and cheapest assortment of Leather, Shoe-findings, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, to be found in Baltimore, and by far the cheapest. Call and look at my goods and prices before purchasing, is all I ask, and then compare priers, smoky, quantify, and I feel satisfied that my house will be pronounced "the house.' fur the South and West—where New York and Bos ton prices are duplicated, and shall be kept so. Now on hand and to arrive, 5000 bushels of SHOE PEGS, at 5 per cent. to 10 per cent. lees than New York and Boston prices. sar-Sen d for Catalogues and Prises and read for yourself. Warehouses 42 South Calvert and 23 Grant Street, Baltimore, Md. P. U. GRCP'f. ila'Largest and cheapest assortment Gent's, Boy's and Ladies' Gaiter tippers and Shoe tip pers. Highest Cash prices paid for Hides, green and dry; Sheepskins, Wool, Tallow, Beeswax, Leather in rough, Ste. 1141 1 • Always on band sad for sale, splendid Patna Kim pare Tanner's Oil, dry and malted Hydes. Leather sold on Commission nail Cash advances made on same. April 4, 1859. 2m 01101G1 P. AVIZT Abbey & Neff, PTO. 308 North Third Street, (three doors I A ~ above Vine,) Philadelphia. TIfE OLD ARDWARE STAND—(established 24 years.) Every description of Building, Mechanical, Fann ing and Household HARDWIRE, is now in store, and will he offered at the lowest market prices, to Cash and prompt Six 3lonths Buyers. Nails at Manufacturers' tithes fur cash. Orders from new customers will receite strict And accurate attention, and all goods sent from this house will be its represented. sir Country Iferchants on their next visit to our city to make their Spring purchases are cordially invited to call and examine our stock and prices before purchasing. /tants 14, 1859. 3m Spring Goods ! WREST] ARRI VAL I—FA ESTOCK BRO.'S r bare just received a large and choice as sortment of spring Goods, to which they invite the attention of buyers. Our stock comprises many new and beautiful styles of Ladies Dress Goods, such as are rarely seen, and we are rum ildent that those examining them will acknow ledge that they have seldom been offered better goods or as pretty styles. We have also increased oar stock of staple goods, such as Men's and Boys' Wear, Calicoes, !baling, Delaita, Chintz, kc., in quantity, style aid price, unsurpassed. We need not enumer ate. but can assure our customers and friends that we are prepared to furnish them with such goods as they may want cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere in the county. Call early and select from our large and varied assortment. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, April 4, 1859, Red Front. Railroad Store. jrC. GUINN kHILO. have just received and are opening at their new store on the ort h-west corner of Cent re Square. Gettysburg, a large and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods and Groceries. The ladies par ticularly are invited to call and examine our su perior styles of Dress Goods and Fancy articles, embracing everything coming properly under this head at prices not heretofore equalled. and In quality surpassed by none. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, of every description, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres. Caslnetts, Coatings, Vsatings, which cannot be surpassed out of the city in quality and price. Our stock of Groceries is also complete, while every other article generally found in a Dry Goods store can be had at the "Railroad Store" of J. C. Quinn .k Bro. Believing that the pub lic can suit themselres.better here than else where, we invite them to give us a call. For. the proof of our assertion, call and examine our stock, even if you don't buy. (April 4, IEI9. The Latest News! THE latest news, in which all are interested, is the arrival of a very large and superior stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES, at the cheap and fashionable store of lit F. IicIL HENY, at the N. E. Corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg. If. stock of Bats Is very exten sive, comprising all the various styles of Silk Bata, Gent's black and colored Soft Mess Hats, Hen's Reads Bata (broad-rim,) and all kinds of NW' and Boy's Slouch Hats and Caps, of the most fashionable styles—all of which are unsurpassed for beauty orstyle and elegance of finish. BOOTS AND SHOES.---lie has aLso re. caved a very taiga intsestamt of Boots and Shoes, couldsdin of limes French Calf Boots, trench Calf Congress Gaiters, parses Leather Gaiters and Pomp*, Word Thu and all kinds of Men's and Boy's Deese AO Costae Shoes, Lowlier and Children's Shoes and Gaiters of every style. The public 14 veiyy *hod to call and examine theseY Wore pits-timing (bantam as It millbeta * their advantage. B. F. LUDO Y. April 18 1859. I W AJOURNICTIKAN. BLACKSMITH is wanted by tbe nbeartber r , st Bream's BBL Smiles ChMlabarg. lair weges and a yeses ea plerposSior obese, will be even: bituadtsta -ia daubed. JAXMO LIBBITIL - . VW. al - towns sad trimatlio, Tery. baretoame—eall and see them at the stars GEO. AIMOLD. MaliellatlZl:L. ".• iihnegpilebtrfk olks I\TOS, 1, 11, 11 ildtlAkielk 16,60, II SALESROOM Ika Street r . between Cimino sat 162., Manufacturers of Grid aid (MUM AND 891/IMil PIAM(MIiFFMS. Win. Neal* k Owl veldt' despeetniVirtte 4 the attentius of the publiverisk eitreekt Rhone in want of I FIRST °LAMB PIANO,* t as sorted stock of instruments, width, fot power and sweetness of tone, way and agreeable usnek, and beauty of finish, have, by the beet tektite*, been pronuuaeed unrivaled by any In the cow try. As to the fclative merits of our Pianos, we ould refer to'tbe Certificates of Eacellente its our possession, from - THALRERO, STRALOSII, G. SATTER sad 11. Y;lF,extrates, as also from some of the most distinguished professors and amateurs In the country.; also to the following lIIGIIES'T PRP:MRl[oreceived within the bast three years : GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1855, 1856, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan institute, Washington,lBs7; also, MF.1)11, at the Franklin Institute, Pilndek phia, ; FIRST PREMIC.M.at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1855, 1858 All instru ments of our manufacture have the full iron frame, and are guaranteed for Fira YEAR/4. kes_Partieular attention paid to the selection of Instruments fur distant orders, and a pH% Urge of exchange granted at any time within six mos., If the instruments should not prove entirely sutra factory. A liberal discount to Clertoturn, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to their advan tage to give us a call, as by greatly increased fat ilities, we are enabled to till all orders witit dispatch. 13313310 lialtinuore, 311 es-ConsMntly on hand, a large assortment of .111.3A1DEONS, from the best Factories. ' BECOND-11.1ND PI.V.COS at Great 1 3 :trRabith at pricesTrom rlO to 3150. Pianos Ezchanged, Hind and Tuned. A call is resiketfolly solicited. WILLIAM IiNADY4t CO January 17, 1870. 1 y GOODS, No. 11 North Howard street, ,vro doors North of the Howard house.—Tbs undersigned. having made large additions to his stork, is prepared to furnish Housekeepers, Conntrr Nlerehants and others, with such articles as they want, on the very best terms. Hamm : Whiten - as)), Sweeping.. Dusting, Paint, Hair, Tooth, Nsil, Silver, Shoe, &rub and Horse Drnshes. WCIODZN-WAIIE : Such as Tubs, Buckets, Xeasures, Tar Buckets, Churns, Rolling Pins, Butter Prints, kc. Brooms, B 'Acts, Mau_ and Cordage. Masser's 5 minute Ice Crean Freezers. Refrigerators, vigright and chest—the moat appro%cd kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's and other mo't approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware. Albans Forks and Spoons, Crns, Coffee and Tee, Puts, Egg Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Knives and Forks, Waffle Irons, Sauce Pans, Scales and Weights, Coffee Mills, Table Castors, Old Domin ion Coffee Puts, el and Tongs, Nurse Lamps, Toilet Sets, Focir Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knifu Cleaners, Wire Dish Covers, Table Mats, together with a variety of articles useful and stece%sitry to Housekeepers. Itohr & Davis' Patent Eseelslor Washing Machined. Plain Tin and :Meet Iron Ware and Brushes of every description, manu factured to order. GEO. A. MILLS, No. l l North Howard st., Baltimore, lid. - March 14, 18:13. ly - - Ti To Merchants & Farmers. Cr HEAP AND CIIOIOE GROCER/AA At HOOK k S~f . DIlG'i3T 3, corner Garin/eon At Cress Sired/ - BALTIMORE, MD. We would respectfully invite the attention of buyers to our large and well selected stock of prime family Groceries, comprising every article usually kept la a first-class Grocery, which we offer at prices as low as (if sot lower flan) any house in the city, We name in part: Prime New Crop Orleans Sugar. Do. do. Measles. Porto Rico aid low grade do.--very cheap. Rio, Lagaayra, Porto Rico, Cape Jere, Maricabo, and other Catena. Excellent Imperial, Young ilyson, and Gun. powder Teas, at 50 cents per pound. Choice Oolong do. at 50 cents. Efir• Impede:lles at nets. per pond This Tea we warrant equal, if nut superior, to any Tea sold at other places for $1 pet lb. lieu, HAM, JOHN ♦. NUT at prices to suit the times, ♦LSO, Fine old BRANDY, Old Rye WHISKEY, Old Bourbon WHISKEY ___ PORT, INIZILIT, MADEIRA, sad MALAGA wpm Rectified Whiskey and Domestic Brandy AT CITY I.IIIOIM. writ!! Goods delivered to Boats and Ball• roads free of drayage and no mutton roirrsonAno. Satisfaction guarantied is all moss at Ito goods returned at our expense. A liberal dia. toast ,!lowed to country merchaata. HOOKA BALDWIN, Wholesale end Retail Grocers, Southwest cot. Green k Lexington sta., ha. 24,'59. tf Baltimore, TEWELRY, SILVER WARE prAix 0 El) WARE, kc.—A. E. WARNER, Odd as Silversmith, No. 10 NORTH GAY &TIMM BAL TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing a great rarlety of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car bunkles, ke., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, Ac., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest t Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelet!, Pinsk Ear Rings, Jtc. A variety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Salt litands, Pearl Handle Desert Knives,Spoona, Forks, Ladies, Fancy Articles, kc., all of which is respectfully offered on the lowest terms I p 9 The Country Trade and Dealers generally are invited to give me a call, and examine Goods end Prices, tieing satisfied that my 811SEtt WARR cannot be surpassed either fur fineness or quality, or the latest and most beautiful pattenst. January 17, 1859. ly UPIIOLSTERER, PAPER HANGER, AND VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTE'IIEIe, No. 52 North Howard Street, tze door above Lexington. Bavntious. I've" ilangmps.--Constantly in store, Ps?se Hangings of ,every description, and of tie la:es and most Approved patterns. Also, Border! Fire Board l'rints, Ate. Venetia" Btinds.—Keeps on bond, and Mann factures to order, Venetian Blinds of all colors, sizes and qualities, which will compare favora bly with any offered to the public. flor / / Vet Hanging done hi the beat style.— Old Blinds repainted and trim:nod, or exchanged. Horeb 7, 1859. 17 Pirs Premim -ENNAXELLED t COTTAGII u FtOIITVIR. Ed R. W. HEY WOOD, No. le} North Chastes streafrOallimore, hay* been enraged for the lad II pan in She asaantaatura and mkt of the above desirable Paraltase, waited to country reeideneee, hai on bitad a large rarlety, =timbre- Oared expressly foe Wait salve. Also, Oak- veld Wand - Malabo Sets, OW *ad Walnut iftteaurioe Tablet, Vining itooss fk i k i Fancy Chain, -Sideboards, flair and•Ritik keens, Feather Pllknrs end lleakeisii illarok *I, ISM 1y _7 - 8. 111Eceellan, c. treat, seat to EATS, CAPII jad Cillajtuays -racy HOODS , Na. $a wild Nona* treat, seat the Bedew deetee l Illaligagora r kaaps *a head all 'iamb et Alleiptiliatiat latest at r ia to be Atead la a vi al I_loll' 4stetleal. A call troopers,* eleithit ' 'ln • wit '1144, ~... Dalt "I, MB. SIP . _ vgpfterft aa tD o o m - VIP *- •• ' = --- -. A . 4011.11N8WAHIL No. ailkiellit_ .` 7 • • tweet' Lexington and I: i ttter alteotti. • , ti. :.• note, Md. . 10 7 1858. II House Furnishing New & Bleb ALB 0 , B. T. Hynson, George SAL?, RR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers