i11ie341111. 14 .31,05t filepoily Farolabed lc Popular ,I#4llledosteiaCulleire to the Uuitm. States. j +IMMO/MD EXPltgalitiLY „MEN j Dobids to /Amain thorough Practical Bierineti Education. Shurlnstag Man has a Counting Desk to him self, audit separately instructed. FeColesso 131 1171LXILliCli tlvill SZAULV F. , . ESA TSTATI THI Thar Wit COMpilthen! , tre and Tborougb Course of Studs. una the vuly -1116.LOTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. from Printed or Nino uncript Foetus in • • fatititko 13o0K-crarl.%o AT THE .lAALTIMORE COILMERCIAL COLLEGE 413Nis method of in ruction is nov. here else intro ducea in this country. Every Young Man should %% riti , immediately Serape of ttrope large and beisiinf.ii. Ornitintiital "roarrrilligestting the extort°, and interior o She Oollege. I tanan-hip, Si.. isitiels:is ill Kpt by nstarn tuntl, !ref qt chary,, with Att.:Cats - 4Wco. assoftainirisr list of students, terms of tuition, pia mi o et r e the . Pre.s on our now ny 4tew of Dock. g, IMEEEE MIZE liAGlAstast, Principal—Lectrtrci on the Science -11riCeounta, Basin Cuytorn.. etc. FILU.LIPtI, Prules,or of Boi.k-Keeping and IPOnniseecial Calculation. DArtts, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. CL 41enutson, Professor of Penmanship. 13.T.3 1 14444an5, lierrantile Lan. - giv.jr„. y. fix,[, D. D.. colionertial (.4 . • Tlit. STELA! : 443 an P.*Kennedy, liun. Jotllua Vanua, Thamai SwlizEll Win. 11. Keighler, Esq.. Mallian4 Knabe, tiese usually required to complete the full gtiorsi, itpm 8 to 12 weeks. AMlllorea is awarded to all Graduates. __ Legge Circulars and Cat tlogues stating terms, #O., sent my mail /re, charw. Address • E. K. LUt•IIER, Feb. 7, lip. ly Hodges Brothers, "REST, BALTIMORE, MD. "crreFouse ) Importers of ' , OSSIF:RY. GLOVES, MUIRoIDEIII/./1, WHITE GOODS, other articles, and Wirt,lesale Dealers in AVVAICAV FANCY GOODS and .I . I4JSSi Our irarehotiaVerktch we iIL expresly toe for oa 11 VifittipinS 51X doors, each x 100 feet. and at-large wk and extensive *sort snt hich we keep, require entireorruranev. Nobouse any of the Northern Cities. , bing goods to Or. country, crynbined advantages to bibs country merchant, our stock is not only arge, but obtained upon conditions which will islet competition. We contract with the Manufacturers for all the Aleteriain articles we sell, and send a buyer to ]:grope regularly twice a year, to select our 'Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to offer pwarnd vantages in prices, as well as to get up a !Moak si Ml tome replete with the newest and -011•441wisuble goods. I Allernillusta is:good credit are invited to examine Mack when they next visit Baltimore, and ALT mina. their own interest by doing so t." by Rail carefully executed ashen ac-. 1011101.01eied by satisfactory references. ireb.141,!69. 4m EIBIE , • • s CIO ~~ '; . •Dr. - 13aakee RICATS ALL nrst:AsEs.—Dß. BAAKEE T ie ZOO ,sPlacalti istaalit eta 4.9,Mbr! feOlowlitg Consattipttou,Vroyp, laomeimm, Ai llium, Bronchitis and all diseitso 4 , 1! The Mae, th. Thro4. awl L wigs. A tteh lion to the treatment of all Skin diseases—Lum bago, Lumbar Abscesses. ti'crofula, Itheuma tismi-Nentaltria, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, PIN, 8441 stll diseases of the Stomach, Liver and also all chronic diseasetpertalning to "Women and Children. Dr. fisaree can pro ace one thousand certifitates of his perfect Almost In' ouring Cancers, Old Sores or ricers, Fistula, Scald Heads, Want, Steeling , ' and Tu mors of every description and without the use of the knife,. These last named diseases can not be treateti by correspondence, therefore the patients must place themselves ander the Doc-' tibi's personal en per-vision. Djt BAAKEE h.ts mule a new discovery of a "fed tlM't will produce perfect übstfon of the CATARACiq l' atill restore perfect lisle. olp to the Eye withont the use of the knife or needle, anO, he alfiNsealkes of the EYE AND EAR, wiithoutjki use of the knife or needle, and he has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artiscisti Ewes. afidlympannros, or rocesDriumr, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Dr. Baakee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physicians and Surgeons now His fame is known personally in nearly every Arttalrititi nitp in the world. All letters directed to Dr. Baakee. (enclosing ten ceuts,) asking any questions pertaining to any disease, shall be cmptlyan.swered, and all Chronic diseases can fretted by correspondence, except those inentiossett that wilt require his personal super risipn, Office hours from 9A. M.,to 4P. DOCTOR BA AKER, No, 74 Lexington Si.. bct vreen Charles k Liberty, April 11,'.59. [Jan.3l.ly] Baltimore. Md. Burr Mill Stones NVATIRANTED.--B. F. Stkiitft k CO., Cor, itf iffir4A .is Cause Street', ogpcialte N. C. R. R.. Station, BayrFoons, ND. : 1 1 an u fac. term it FRENCH 13 1: It CIS , 'twiters 9oW Dealers in Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloths, Lea- RedaeltinKs, Cal diumtPleter,and Mil Irons, of Warranted Qua - 1 - tj; Alec , Colocie, Coc,dico, and Esophes &cw ota aizes. [Feb. 7. sa. I y - • !T -Pifer Zell & Son, 10-N MERCHANTS and Dealers in Corn Meal, Cuanoes, OATS, Rye Chop, Done Dust, /MU.FEED, Hay, Straw, Phos. Lime, LORI,O Flea Seeds..k Ground Plastor Sirl.4l k /411? ...Noaru lloss•an us, 1 1 /, LTI.IIORE', MD. <- , ..,. ~ Light, Light I lr efiliclAlA ACISSeIr VOll .20,411N11 . PATENT LAMPS, superior to all others slis- listritet. Also dealers in COAL Oftbsitvi Lllli*Peictsrcitty deseription. Constantly on hiintl COAL OIL of the very best qteXtiy, .wlffeli we will bell si the lowest petrim Brice, - All orders promptly filled, • -- • ° AIAILDOS it CO.„ la'+s 4 - ' .1 1 1 c r.l 8, Liherty st„ Inter Baltimore, *Sies.l7 f -am HMO:more, 31d. Misr. s. warn. "-'-'' White & Swope, ER it OLIPAIA Deolami in BOOTS, SOBS.: CO , k STRAW GOODS ; Alm I *VA, Silk, Piths/14 Flax VATS . Colt _9.41),Acl Howard stre44, B• 114- .. Vo.v. 29, 18:e., .• • MOUief. • • • t atit to ck &Oil fltr - 414 rs, PAT* nem! 10 4: • lo;. 4 110 t. plus Clow 4 , 3 / 4 4 • t1 : 1.,3 , 4. 114.tn4etitre I ' 'SWAT 1 7 • tcd frindkrrehiefit. 9.11 A W CRAPES, LACES, d a numerous variety of =.l 3. Lawrence Sill, M. D. - ."6 ' 21F01300 . - -_. , litider . after :DFAS his office one . ,......-,. i bore now opeuedour largaaad co •, bare FARMERS AND MEUCHANTS.—We I 117TDO!krEl—Coute to the Store at Goren - n dour we of th e •••)w m 0 mediousi mount for liavgalltsl-i-The underetned :au theran church In • c. f % .inehostae, on the corner of Sitattesatad Hail- would mom respectfully Inform the -peddle that Chumbersburg street, and opposite Pining's 1 road streets. Dear the Depot of the Ogety•burgl he has plyrchasedibe Moro of Jobe Welkert, at store, where those soaking to hare any Dental . Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive I Gree tt giount, Adams comity, he t if..we r 011 the Operation performed are respectfellv inelted to produce of aU kind), wiz: FLOCR, WHEAT, I road from Gettyabarg to Ilkatuttaburg, where be t c 111. RICYLUEXCtIi • Drs. Horner, Rev. C. p.: RYE, CORN, OATS. Le. Alio.ois hand and for , experts, by atteation sad email pn o thi, to re .„,,, Plaster. Fish, kr. A large. tale an the old cestom and secure btu of new i Krauth. D. D . Rev. H. L. B.sugher, D. D., Rev. , isle, Salt. Gll4/10t, Pr.f. M. Jacobi. Prof. M. L. titcever. i stock of Groceries just received, consisting of , His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, i . ... Gettysburg, April 11, '53. . ;Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, - - Tess, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, Ac., ke., • Dr/A. W. Dorsey, , which •e do not hesitate to any, s e will sell as FORMERLY of Carroll connty, Md.. having low as can be bought elsewhere. wholesale and permanently located In Getty shrug. oFers Merchants will do well by calling to see , his professional services to the e l ilj A im orthp examine oar stock before purchasing else town and sum-pm:idle: roxklitrin'ire. practice of i where, as our motto will be " quick sales and the various brawl:llre hi.. profession. Office ' 111 °" Profits." and residence. 'Baltimore street, neat door to M,*e would also call the attention of all inter- The Compiler Were, where be may li e round a t i rated in the thrifty and healthful condition of all times when not professionally engaged. their Cattle, Hones. flogs. /Lc . to the fact that we have for sale Frooeheld s itsvasszt,ks. Prof. liath , iln R. !fetal. Rattlmoie,Md• Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER. of (lev. Augustus Webster, 1). D., Bittern ore lid. Which we lave sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds Dr. J. L. Warfield, Westminster; Md. ! per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. Dr. W. A. linthlrts, it . • • KLINEFELTER, SEITZ k CO. Jacob Reese, Esq., ft Gettysburg. Nov. IZi. John K. Longwell, Esq., it tt Geo. E. lA'aurpler, Esq , ," • -' Sunbeam Gallery. • • Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. FIpHE subscriber would respeetfally announce Oct. 25, 1.13:.o. nut to the citizen, ~ f t; ett. sburg and the pub lie generally. that lie has provided himself with an court new and splendid SKY-LIGHT AM 13'It0TYPE ROOM at bis Ttlideoce In West Mid dle street. one Square west of Faleneittock's Store. where he is prepared to furnish Ambro, Melaino. Enamel and Photograph Pictures in every sty le of the art. which he will warrant to give entire satisfaction, and is prepared to ac commodate all with good pictures. either single or in groups. He also has • *umber of speci mens at his room is Chambersburg streets • few doors West of ('obean • Culp's Shoe Stott. where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of themselves and friends. will do well to give me a call, as I lave reduced my prices to suit the present bard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds; also, inserted in Lockout, Brew Pins, Finger Rings, arc. The subscriber being thankful to his friends and the public in general for past patronage, wishes them to continue it, and assures them, that as heretofore, they shall not be dissatisfied. sir Charri from 50 cents to $lO. Hours for operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on hand. at the very lowest prices. ViiirChildren 'will not be takes for less than $1 00. D. McConatighy,' . ATTORNEY AT LAW, (o ffi ce one door test of Buehler'. drug and book - store, Chant bersborg street,) ATTORNIV AID rloiamroa 7011 P•TENTB PtNiliONS. Bounty Land War rants, Bark-pay suspended-. Claims, and all other claims agains*,tha Govesunent at Wash ingtion: A. C.; slsoAmetien Clabinfin England. 14,a Warrantsloeted and sold,orbought,ited est prises siren: .Agents 'engaged lo catitig• Mi6TADIS In lows, Illinois and other western State. Mir Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysbu , . . Edward B. Buehler, • A "f a TODICEV AT LAV, yip faithfully and 11 6 .-pqmoptly attend tn.`all kiusiitussentrested to usm. ile *petits the German language.— Office ai the same.plice.in South Baltimore street, near Forney's drug store, and nearly' opposite Danner k Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, Vara 20. Wm. B. .114CleDan, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—O ffi ce on the south side of the public square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel office. • Gettysburg, August 22, '53. Wall Paper. 111,1 ID F. SIcII + II,,S.NY respectfull - `.mites the „ attention Of thapublis to hi large stock of Null raper, and anciminalWc ohs friends and customers, that he hal made a :angeinents to have on band a fuU and complett•line of simples from fi cent? up Co 50 cents a roll—so that persons failinxto beiuited with his large stock on hand, can select from his sample book and be furnished with paper at any price and in any quantity ontwo Or tErse days notice. Jan. 24, '59. , • • WM. OILLISPIE. " _ HKNILV TUIAIAS Family Giocery AND PROVISION STORE.--GILLESPIE & THOMAS respectfully inform the people of Gettysburg and the public generally, that they have just returned from the city with a gaperal assortment of GROCERIES,!PRO VIS IONS sad VEGETABLES. which they are pre paredto sell as low as the lowest. FLOUR and FRED always on hand, and sold at small profits. more on York street, one door east of Wat tles' Hotel. Goemburg, Aug. 3, '57. WY. J. TAYLOR. Wm. J. Taylor & Co.f . Commistgos „vac HANTS and .w holesale dealers in Fish, tteese and Provisions, No. 13d South Wharves, between Chestnut_ and. Walnut streeta,./Itiladelphia. ; siir Sole Aegis fur Henry's Celebrated Vinegar. [March 14, 1/138. 3m The Cars are Here ! ALL THLNGS ARE READY!—The under signed has the pleasure of announcing to his old country friendss—fanners and merchants —as well as the citizens of Gettysburg. and " the rest of mankind." that his new and com modious Warehouse is now open, and that heis receiving GILILLN-k paQuriuftr all kinks. for which he is paying die higliestlnirket ,psices ; and while the public can dispose yr - their .pro_ duce to the best advantage, they caabe saptdied in return with Groceries, of every description. ennsisting of Salt, Coffee, Sugar, 31olasafili Teas, Rice, hr., Ae.. also, Guano, Plaster, ClitCredar ware, and a thousand other things not' here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheapest is our motto. If the people consult their own interests. and act wisely, they will'uot forget the undersigned. doping the familiar faces of all my old customers will riseedme again, and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor to please them. JOHN HOKE. Gettysburg, Nov. 22. IESB. The Only Article - TTNRTVALIAD -14 MARKET, WITH IM MENSE HOVE k ErROPEAN DEMAND. —The reason why, is that by l!latare's own pro cess it restores the natural color permanently la ter the hair becomes gray ; supplies the natural fluids, and thus makes it grow on bald beads, re moves all dandruff, itching, and heat from the *alp, quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus cures all nervous headache. and may be relied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair; It will stop and keep it from falling off; males it sett, "lour, healthy and beenditid, and if used by the young two or three times a week, It will never fall or become gray; then, readers, read the fol lowing and judge for yourselves: ?law Yonit,7an. 8, 1858. 'Mulcts. 0. J. WOOO k Co.: Gentlemen:— Bavingheard a good deal about Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and my hair being quite gray I made up my mind to lay aside the prejudices which 1, fn common with a great many persons. bad against all manner of patent medicines. and a short time ago I commenced using. your article, to test It for myself. The result }pia been so very satialltetoty tha% I am very glad I did so. and in justice to youois well as for the encouragement of others who may be as grey as 1 was, but aho haring my preju dice without my reaions for setting it aside, are unwilling to give your Restorative a trial till they hare further proof, and the heat proof being occular demonstration. I write rou this letter, which yon may show to any such. and also di. rect them to me for further proof, who am in and out of the N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment every day 31y hair is now its natural color and much Ina prort d in appearance every way, being glossier and thicker and much more health" - looking, I am, yours respectfully. HENRY JENKINS. , Cor. Columbia and Carroll sts.. Brooklyn: • LtviNasrols, Ala., Feb. 14, 1858. Pane. WOOD: Dear Sir:—Your flair Restora tive has done nittili good in this part of the country. My hair has been slightly diminishing for several years, caused. I suppose, from a slight burn when I was quite an infant. I hare been tisinq your Hair Restorative for six weeks and I snd that I haven fine head of hair now growing, after having need all other remedies known• to no effect. I think it the most valuable remedy now ettant. and advise all'whn are afflicted that way to u'e your remedy. lon can publish th:, if you think pioper. Yours. ke.. S. W: MIDDLETON. Pintsbatrata,•Sept. 9, 1557. Blot. WOOD: Dear Sir:—Your Halr'Restora tire it proving Itself hetkiltqal ' l to Me. The front, and else lb* hart` per( of My head ahnost lost its covering--*tur in Isct %dd. I itirre'ined but 2 half plirtbettiestlef youf gilt:tor:Wire, abd now the top of sty head IS well studded with a promising crop of yoting hair, and the froat is also receiving its henest. I hare tried other preparations withoqt way benefit whatever. I think from my own personal recommendation, I cah, Induce many others to try ft. Yours, re spectfully, El, R. THOMAS, M. D.. No.: 464 Nitre street. The Restorative is pat ep le bottles of three Rises, viz : large, reedit:us!, and ;mil i the small holds.}" a' pint, And retails for one dollar per, , .- bottle ; the medium holdt at fag: twenty per - ritOrIINWSI : Fent. more in propolrtiotr Shan the null retails LEXAMDIIR EIRULICII, Glen. and Watch rir tern dollars per,trotOis t the -Lams ist4dk a' • ~,xsinkses4 potemnd-hicaball to-lb• room kiwi, 40 , psirocht, isoillqs . runpnrklon, . tlr. l , er--tht-TablieSquan lately A h...weota Patella. It 3 silsottlit. ' ,-, ‘, •- 1 i'-`.rt I b ''''' s 4 ''-i cu pl e d.iti s a L aw i ‘O , . 4. licifidAll Co:trentA4e . : lOW lit , ; , ' 1 40/11,111.119E4MOYCIAllielitik Aktteihd 0 1 1 ,41 W 41 140 1111 .10e1it ' 1 ‘ .t, 1 i tit 0/AIOIIIIIII%.+AMIPIVAigraC op" tabiLebetent,,) and 11 4 , 41100ket t1i.,•:..k 4 t_ . ; r tatodosisps•n*edko t baiome•,; or wass t i sold by all poll j2ruWsta a • • _ ' 7..'s 77. s , s ito es wii t was so ke d ebee w i ,k ok , Deidid: • • -- 7 . e' ; ;.1 - .711) ItrRRIVRAOHL.IIIMit'• *web lA, le.so, .3 . rii ' Gettysburg. April 11. Inf. tt bar Ambrotypes taken for fifty cents and up warde, and in the beat style. SAMUEL WEAVER. April 26, 1858. tf —— The Farmers' & Mechanics' AV INGS INSTITUTION of Adams county o.receit es money ou deposit daily, from 9 A. ,11,-ustil 3 o'clock, P. M., and on Saturday from o'elook. A. )1., until 6 o'clock. P. M.— Interest on dcpa its from 2to ", per cent. Special deposits-paid nig rteably to notice. nod transient deposits; !laid on demand with interest. Interest on special deposits, when made for 10 mouths and upward., 4 per cent.; fora months nerd upwards, 3 per cent.: on transient deposits fur 30 days and upward., 1 per cent., and on regular weekly deposit. 5 per cent- The popularity of this Institution with all classes of the community, both in town and country. and its consequent success, may be as cribed in part to the follon ing reasons: It "APIs a convenient, responsible and profita ble depository to farmers and mechanics, to ex touters, ,adininistrators, assignees, collectors, agents and all ptitdie officers, to attorneys, trustees, spcieties and associations, incorporated or otherdiso, to married Cr single ladies, to students, merchant., clerks, and business men generally, to minors and all who have plods, much or little, to deposit with a return of interest. Depositors receive books in which are entered their drposit,N which book+ serve as vouchers, They may designate in case of sickness. death or absence, who shall receive their deposits, with out the intervention of executors or administra tors. 4 [Gettysburg, Feb. 28, 1859. Great Reduction N Tea paws OF THE I. M. SINGER.* CO.'S I SEWING SIACIIINEI.—II. RANDALL. pro prietor of the State of Pennsylvania, the counties of Philadelphia. Erie and Allegheny excepted. The undersigned would respectfully inform the ; citizens of Fork. Adman, Cumberland and Lan ; caster counties. that he will sell Singer's Snows MarAmea al redueed priers. Persons desirous of uprchasing a good Sewing Machine should by all means purchase ont.^of Singer's, for they are the only machines that will do the work that is required ota Sewing Machine. Coll and examine and see for yourselves before purchasing else where.. Foe beauty they cannot be surpassed, and for durability cannot he beat—there being , now in use over 15.000 of Singer's Machines, which recommends them to be Mr superior to any other in use. AU L air is. an examination of the Machine. and if you hare any notion of one you will ~he certain. to buy. Machines of eStry society Cll.l3infzer's on band. Every family should have one of the Family Machines, for they are aertaitily st: handsome and useful piece of furniture. _ They are not rtable to get out of re pair, and will lost you a lifetime. Machine Silk. Needles, Thread, _Dobbins. Oil, kc., 'Lt all times on lulu& An orders at tended.en with dispoteli. W. F. REISINGER, Agent, 42 Market street, York, Pa. °ll Tan. 3, lltgti. Fresh Prttits, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, kc.— • FRUlTS.—Fruits of every d Iscription, as ((Mows Liiyor Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Dries, Palm Nut Filberts, Lard and paper shell Almonds, Pea - Nuts, kc. GROCERIES.—A good assortment ofSnifars: Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Corse, N. 0. Molasses, Syrups of the beat quality, Rice, Soda, Starch, Tens, Cinnamon, (gruatti ant unground,) Cloves, Bustard, PERFUMERY.—Perfumery of every descrip tion, which will he sold low for Cash. LEMON SYRUP.—.I largo lot jest received. Any one desiriar a cheep, pleasant sad healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. , TOBACCO.—AII the various kinds of Tobac co, Cigars and Smut, for sale by Wm. Boyer* SOP VIVEG IR.—We have a good quality, as all will say who bare tried It. FLOUR * FEED.—We have made arrange ments to have constantly on h.iad Flour and Feed, which we will insure to be of superior quality, and at such prices ft+ cannot fail to WM.. BOYER h SON pleßse. April 26, 1858 Wholesale and Retail T IQUOR STORE.—The undersigned respect -4 fully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that they have opened • new LIQUOR STORE on Railroad street, south side, and midway between the Passenger and Freight Depot, and have made arrangements to keep constantly on hand a full supply of all kinds of Liquors, Foreign and Done/TIC, surh as Bran dies, Wines. Holland and Domestic Gins, Old Rye and Rectified Whiskey, Champagne. Gingrr Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Cordials, Kimmel, --twee. and Wines of every grade. The above Liguori will be furnished at the [float reasonable rates and warranted good. By strict attention to busineis and an effort to please, we hotpe to merit the patronageof the public. Dom' t 11 orders promptly attended to Feb. .7, COVER & KIIIN. spouting. GEURGE k 111041.1" WAMPLER. will make House Spouting and pat up the same low, for cash or country produce. Farmers and all others wishing their houses, barns, kc., spout ed, would do well to Ore them a call. April 18, '53. tf G. kH. WAN PLF.H. Globe Inn, r BCH ANICSTOWN, Frederick county, Md.-- in Verlag been renovated and -rs4nenisbed, the proprietor assures the public that • call is only needed, as be gnapantess full satisfaction in every ease. Charges moderate. HID llERlV,lProprietor. - Feb. 14, 1439. tr Groceries. Confectiowaries.Queensware, Wooden m,", Crockery-wars, Hardware ' Ac., Is large and veriest—equal to that (deny other first claim pore--and be will sell et prices aatonishiogly low. He only asks a trial, to prove the truth of this assertion. Country produce taken in errhange for 'roods. J. ALEX. HARPER. The undersigned also carries on the CAR RIAGE-EAKING balmiest. at the same place, and offers rare inducements to purchaser'. He will warraat his work good, whilst his charges are among thwoost moderate. Repairing done on abort notietr. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14. 1859. 1y Adams Comity 11UTTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— lueorporsted Mgrch IS, 1851. OTTICI2II. Previd•ut—George ti*ope. Pre, Presidia-9. R. Russell Steretary—D. A. Buehler. Tree fterrr—DayidCreary. Ezetrotire agnanitter—Robert McCurdy, Jacob Sine, Andrew Helntsehnan. Xanagers—Gearge Idwope, D. A. Boinkler,Ja. cob King, A. Bents,lman, B. M'Curdy,'Thiss. A. Marshall, 8. Pahnestock, Win. B. McClellso, Win. ft Wilson, M. Elcbelberger, Rbdiel P.Oltt, John Wolford, H. A. Pleking,.l. Anghinbangh, John Horner, K. 0. McCreary, 8. B. RtmelL D. M'Creary, lAndrew Polley; John Pkking, J. B. Hersh. ate—This Company Is limited in Its opera tions to the county of Adams. It bu been in successful operation for more than Or years, and la that period has paid all losses and es pease., without (ray assessasext,tar log also 11 large surplus , capital in the Treasury. Thi'Vom pany employ 4 op, 14‘ittp—all business being done by the Ifarlaget if Vetto are agnuallys t ett by the Stockbolderi.Ably ng an Insurance can apply to any of the ove named Manazers for further bformation. •The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. Howard Association, HTLADELPIIIA.—A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment for the e t ef of the Rat, and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. Id times of Epidemics, it is the object of this institution to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, ithysicians, Clothing, Food, Iledicines, itc . ., for the sick and destitute, to take charde of the orphans of deceased parents, and to minister in every possible way to the relief of the &Mete' and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the Directors. at snch times, to visit per sonally the infected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians. not acting members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its hooks, subject to be call ed upon to attend its hospitals, free of chary. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors have authorised the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid to persons suffering un der CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent charic ter, arising from abuse of the physicarpowars, mal-treatment, the effects of drugs, kt. Various REPORTS and TRAITS on the na ture and treatment Of Chronic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published fur gratuitou4 distribution, and will be sent FREE of MARIA to the afflicted.. Address. for reports or treatment, Dr. GEORG E R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As sociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philad'a, Pa. llr order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, Freer.. Gso. Seep. Sept. 20, ISSB. ly The Mighty Healer World KaMCR and World Tried. Holoway's Ointment. rfl II E free admissions of all Nations. as well as the verdict of the leading hospitals of the Old as well as the New World, stamp this powerful remedial Agent as the greatest Dealing preparation ever made known to suf fering Man. Its rioairrarrivx nnALITIcs are more than it Aavm.tous.through the extitl i orifices of the skin, invisible to the eye, it reaches the Peat of the internal dis ease; and in all external affections its anti inflammatory and healing virtues surpass anything else on record, and is Nature's great ally. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT IIIIP:(11 are two of the mast oeminon and viralent dis orders prevalent on this. continent, to these the Ointment is especially antagunistie : Its " rarklus operua.ii is first to eradicate hie venom and then complete the more. BAD LEGS, OLD SORES. AND U LCERS. —Cases of many years standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to any ether remedy at treatment, have invariably sue combed to a few applications of this power ful unguent. ICRIJ prioNs ON TIIESKIN. nri sing from a had state .4 the blood or chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear and transparent cur. face regained by the reiterative action of this Ointment. It sorpassv many of the oestue. ties and other toirtit applianeeein its Tower to dispel rashes and other distliguremenisof the face. PILES AND FISTULA.—Every term and feature of these prevalent and stubborn dis orders is eradicated locally and entirely by the use of this eutolleut ; warm fomentation! should precede its application. Ira hoalia qualities will be found to be thorough as invariable, Both Me Ointment clad Pills ehonkl be sued in Me following eases : Pa Own, liasagoatlasa , UN Threats, Bane. Ittaiaorat, Sam at ala Wade, llba iteaaad Etaalla, Illatt libea, Spealaa, Cblalas, Scalds, Sill Jabal% Nistaia, akin Daewoo. Tatter, Uaa • %, Illimilad llimall, SWIII, . =abaire t Dora taort, Tabilrott Sem, ialfdraore its, lroaaisofaU IMairt Pilaf% Bon Illeads. 1 Iffareautioni--News are genuine unless the Words « Holloway, ?Veto York and Loa dost,",are discernible Is a wakr-stark in every leaf of the book of directions around ea.th pot or box the same may be plainly seen by AnidintMe leg/ fo Me light. A handsome re ward will be given to any one rendering ench information an may lead to the detection of any' party'trr parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * * *Soli at the Manufactories of Professor tfollowny, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots at 25 cents, 63 cents, and *1 each. Buehler, Gettys burg. There is a considerable laving - by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions fur the guidance of pa.. tienta in every disorder are of to each pot.. j:4l one 14, 1858. sourly. J. 4. ( bah. of the Firm or & G ENTLEMIRS'S STORE, lad SKIRT ItiA.NUFAC No. 814 Ctiassicy Snuff, (nearly opposite the Girard lioute,) P.HILADSL-PHI A. J. W. BC6'rT wosid respectfully call tie at. tension of his former patrons and 'Moods I* bib new Store, aad is prepared to ill orders for SHIRTS at short Reties. , A perfect, COUNTRY TRADE, supplied withs•Sitiaril sad COZLAIII. [Oet. , 4, MSC sy ?reef . , S TILL CONLINGI-4 oat, rewind as 44 ebeing 4c =tla li r4 CULFI.7S -1!, f sSP, tt Cheap! Oheaipti k motz NNW 000D8-1-411 0* BRO. juiv•just from th e vitt' a Ilarge 'miasmal of Cloate. asatmeree. Vostings, Winter Goods, and everything sloe in the men's wear line. They aloo offer ) pin and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk alsd'eut• ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, ke. Baying bought unusually low, for the cash, they are enabled to sell cm EAFIR rusx sysa—an excel-1 lent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3. for in- ) stance. Gi re them *call, at their new estah- ilahment, in Chambersburg atreet,a few doore west of the Court-house, beforepurchasing elsewhere. [Oct. 11. Who will Refuse THE worth of their stoney and the right change back? NORBECK. k MARTIN'S is the place to get it. where they sell all kinds of Groceries. Confeotionaries, and Fancy Articles—in a word, everything belonging to $ first-cl ass Grocery. Grocery. 31olasses of seven different kinds, from 40 cents up to 75 per gallon ; Sears, six different kinds, from 8 cents tip to 14 per Ih.; Coffee, five kinds ; Teas, Chocolate. Race; Crackers, Tea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit, Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Balt, Becton and Lard. Mat 24, 1858. " Hard Times XTO 11011E."—Any person (Lady otOentle il man.) in the United States, possessing • small capitol °Morn $3 Soli; - enter into an easy and respectable business, by which hop $ to $lO per day can be realised. For particulars, addzWih (with stamp') W. R. ACTON CO., 1 41 North Sixth St., Philadelphia. March 7, 1859. 3m Removal. subscriber has (*moved his Plough 4 . and Machine Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blackproith shop, back of the Nagle Hutel, whcre he is better prepared than ever to at lend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, Reapers, 414., repaired. Also he will attend to cleaning_and repairing Clocks. May 10. DAVID WARREN. Pine Old Brandies. prim subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES k LIQUORS, would most respect- Wily call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 North Prow Street, Philadelphia, where they have a large assort ment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrange ments with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rot:belle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle : BRANDIES: Otard, Hennely, Pellersion, Pinet, Castlllion; J. J. Depny k Co., T. !limes, A. Sergnette, Martel, Matett, &c., kc., of various brands and qualities. WINES: Champagne, Weirs, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Tenerife, Burgundy, Hock, Muscat, Claret, Sherry, and Mklaga Wines. Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, /Lc. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on band no ex tensive stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly Improved by age. From our long experience in the business, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the Community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which aretnost re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. goods sent from our establi:th meat are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON I BRO., No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia. Feb. 7, 1859. ly Still at Work! COACHUAKING AND BLACKSMITHING. ki —The undersigned respectfully informs has friends slid the public that he continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmitbirig lotsineas in every branch at his establishment in Chem bersiturg street. He has ,ou band end will min ufncture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, be., of the best material, and made by superior work men. girfterstatuto and BLacitsUlTursa of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction Of customers. Cornea's Paooncs taken in exchange fur work lit market prices. b ar Person deetriag artlelee or work in the Coachrnaking or Blacksmithing line, are re spectfully Incited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTIt. Gettysburg, Jest. 24, '59. New : Grocery. WAY FOR RAR(AINS.—The sub suriber respectfoUrinforms the citizens of town and country. that he has opened n tlroeery. Confect:lottery and N•btion Store, on York street, two doors east of St. James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assortment of goo 1+ in his line—such as: Syrup, from 40 to 70 'ants per gallon; Sugars, all kinds; C•ffec., dif flerent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese. Scotch ll)rring. ground and unground Pep per. Alspice, Cloves, Cinnaurm, M istard. Soda, Ginger. Starch. Rice, Teas, Candles, &trace, Coffee. Chocolate. ,Concentrated Lye; Brocrea„Bucketa, Candies, all kinds : Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts. istyerffabiejae. Lemons. Oranges, Fan dy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, Ac.. In. Bsdkraed Smia bought sad sold. He in vites the sails of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and prim. He is determieel to sell cheaper than the cheapest. BITTLE Gettrbuts, Dee.3.o. '5B. Limber. . ANY variety ot LUMBER can be had at the Coal end Lumber Yard of BREADS, BUEHLER 4 KCIII I L Mardi 14, 1859. Stoves! Stoves ! SHEADS, BUEHLER I KURTZ, in their new three-story building, corner of Carlisle street and the Railroad, hare just received a large supply of new and beautiful Parlor, Saloon and Shop STOVES, of the latest and most im proved styles. Also, all the latest styles of COOK STOVES, embracing the "Noble Cook," " Royal Cook," " Win. Penn," " Sea Shell," "Morning Star," "Philadelphia Sunrise," "Fre donia," (Baltimore Air-Tight, improved) "Jewel," and "Charm"-41.11 for wood or coal. March 14, 1859. Good and Cheap ! ITIHE undersigned would inform his friends 1 and the public generally,that he continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING} IiCSTNESS, in all Its branches, at his establishment, in East Mid dle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., whore he has on hand a first-rate lot of work, and Is prepared' to put up to ardor whatever may be desired in his line, sit :—Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Palling- Toppliackaway and Trotting Bug- glee Jersey Wagons, Jtc. With good workmen and good materials, be can pledge Ida Work to be of the best quality—and his pricer are among the lowest. 1111PRepialzing done at short notice; and at retionabie rates. Country produce taken in eXahange for work. Call Jana 0. 'lt JACOB TROXEL ' To the Country, GOOD 7717/13 . 7 --1 have rented the Foundry tofthe amtiloCyear, and am prepared is ilt4. l o ,ll A:ttlittlikit /0 , 4 e of Outlay null! 1 4 it iiiiite it a fit; -, . 1 irtri t e c ek r ecrnetantly od hiult . t. , -4 # as points, She t rpr; ' , auk's, Paat,WisZt: Writ , . .04)0011.1perii.. NI.- , ch ~ V ,:sii_ta _ ellAtety Penelog nide . . N. i., lt , T iirt r , .. - i . .ti k irqupA lt; i n k . • a°aetr _will t P? 44 i gacllOD *•• '. rainy Ala 'a aa, cam. atidiabotat WA Was al readdril. oft twahbadihriettllelleittade .flaidabbootta. Mid% if. iiallidaredr bot WI aideavat alls*lP-ithaesakeetlL . & Natir : Galayttura land 1, '37, . New- Gheoeery Store. DTEW FIRM AND NSW G00D3.--SNY DKR & OBNN SR. bare just reeeired at likeir New Store, in Baltimore street, a few deuce above David McCreary's Saddlery es• Inblishinent, the largest and most complete assortment of Gr icerie• brought to Get trabur4fura long time, consisting of Coffee, (four kinds, ) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molasses, Syrup, Shad, Mftekerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Flacon. `alt, in short every thing nsually kept in a first-class grocery Store. Amer he highest market price paid forcoun tryguce or taken in exchange for Goods. ire us a call. Buy your Groceries where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. Milrilover's celebrated writing Ink for sale. (Nov 1, 1858. Greatest Improvement Q F THE AO E! --fond Aleut KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, unrivalled in Beauty, Simplicity, Safety or Economy.— );`very person desiring to obtain the vcry best and ch.eapes portable light within their reach, should call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, for the reason. Ist. That. no accident .can occur by ex plosion. 2d. That they emit No offensive Odor while burning. -3d, That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoke. . 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than any othor light now in common use. These Lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Students, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Galls, Churches. Stores, Motels, and are high ly recommended for Family Use. Fur sale by GILLESPIE lb THOMAS. June 14, 1858. Cattle Powder. FRONEFIELD Ar. CO'S C AT ?LE ArEDlciNes have been thorough ly tested and pronounced unsurpitssed and tesurpassable. None other •ae - triefut have been introduced during the oentury. Whilst farmers are usingevery effort, and investing large amounts of money in the improvement of their soils, too little atten tion is generally paid to the health and de velopment of farm Stock. Breinig — , Fronefield & Co. justly claim be ing the first, in this country, who devoted their attention to this important subject.— Their VIOZTABLI CATTLE. POWDER, was the result of several years' study and experi menting—which experiments have actually shown that, by feeling this Powder, a Cow I will yield from Ito 2 pounds batter perweek wore than when she dues not get the Powder; all other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produced in the fattening of cattk or swine. It is used with equal profit for Threes, Cattle and lI 'gs. No farmer, or feeder of any kind, shouldbe without it a day. For sale at the new Warehouse, corner of Stratton street and the Railroad. i.v Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la- The Liver Invigorator, bored to produce the most effectual alterative PREPARED by Dr. SANFO It D, compound ed that can be made. It is a concentrated extract entirely from GUMS, is one of the best of Pars Sarsaliaritia, so combined with other Purgative and Liver Medicines now before eulutances of still greater alterative power as the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, to afford an effective antidote for the diseases milder, grid inure effectual then any other Sarsaparilla is reputed to due. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who medieimi known. It is not only a Cathartic, i but a I.iSer remedy, acting first on the Lirer . suffer from Strumnus cotreplaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove to eject its morbid matter, then on the %tom. I ' of imm -exrvice to this large class of our ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus .- a ffli cted fellow-cit i zens. How completely this accomplishing two purposes effectually, with. compound will do It has been peneu hr exper .)ut soy of the painful feelings, experienced i im e n t on man y o f t h e wont cam to is, found in lier (),...rations of most Cathartic,. It of the Wowing complaints: strfillgthene the system at the same time that; SCROPCLI, AHD Maori:tons CONPUInrr, it purges it; an d when taken daily in mat- ERCPIIO3II AHD Eauertvs,Dmitur.s. Mcßee, crate doses, will strengthen and - built up Piwri.eg. Bt.°Tuo l2l , TIMM Star Miens. with unusual rapidity. 1 SCALD lIRAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC A/- The Livia is one,: of the principal regu- . rumors, Minterrarar. Deimos. Drumm Nce lators of the humane -7 .: body ; and when it j mania DR TIC Doturiestarx, Duane, Dn. prfunno it functionsr., well. the powers cf ; 0 PEPSI* AND INDIONOTTON. EICYSIMILAII, Ross awa it Sr o . f ANTICIN . T'S Flea .. and indee d the whole the system are fu11y.,4 derelopel. The shorn-: among fro m CIUTY or ark is ttllUDSl'entire-;4ly deuesident on the i viz , siooo. b e .d t by notion of thee) ,firer for the proper : This compound will be found a great pro performaceuf its funs' tieing; when the stom- I no w t o f h ea l t h , when taken i n the • g. to rich is at fault, the' bowels are at fault, expel the feel humors - which fetter in the and the whole systems buffers incon‘equent* I blond at that seasonal the year. lity the time. of one organ-44 t.tv ta—haring ceas- ! ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders a nd to do its duty.— Fur the diseases of arc nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by that organ. one of the s a proprietors has made I the aid of this remedy, spare thenssehres from it his study.in a prat lice of more than 20 the endurance of foul eruptions aid aleerona years._ to fi nd some ,, --' remedy wherewith to owe% through which the system 'roll strilOtO counieaset the man.-4 derangements to rid itself of corrupsinns, if not assisted to do which it is lianle. -1..4 -ehia timenneirettedy To peeve that this remedy is at last by an alterative medicine. eelesierveari the vitiated blood w ..yoti find its impurities f sons], any persbnrl2 troubled with Lsvta 1 b urst i ng t h roug h thm a bi l u t sigsples, eruptions, tlomet_AlN.r. in any ot, its _ fore r 6 but or ewes; demi , it when yon Mmd it is oh., to try a battle, and,:if, coarietion is certain. stmeted and sluggish in the veins • adeanso it These Gums re-0 move all morbid or 1 whenever it is foul, and. your feelings will tell bhd matter can tlie:ks system, supplying in i i you when. Even vrhere me particular disorder their place' a111)W of Zhi le, invigorating the , is felt, people alloy better heahlt. and live atomach.cansing 1'011(1.1 to digest well, PURI. i longer. for cleansing thellood.. Keep the miens rut none. giv-M iisg time and health 1 blood healthy, and all is well; hat with this at the w'issle ma .hinery. removing the cause t u lloin of life disordered. there can be no of the disease—effecting a radical cure. •ig health. Sooner or later something limeys arracts are cured, axe, wuar 13 1 I; r nitts : t . go wrong. and the Reit machinery of arms. PRIVIINTILC, by the occasional use of me ''" disordered or matbruwr" Sarsaparilla luss,...and deserves much. the the Lives INtrumatron. &alien of • • there earls. but One d.,eb after eating is sufficient to relieve rworld has accenl i g been egve ,,, iow isli "! ly deceived b y the stomach and prevent the food from rising isms ef it, peed ; because the drug anal souring. alone has not all the virtue that is claimed, 0 sly one dose taken before retiring, pre- f oe i t , b ut more because man y pre p ara tio n' , vents NICITHARS. pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, Only one dose taken at night, loosens the contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, bowels gently, and cures Corrivs etss. or any thing else. One dose taken after each metal will cure During late stars the public have been mis- Drseeesta. led bylingc bottles, pretending to give a quart mir3ne dose of two teaspoonfuls will al. of Extract of Sarsaparilla fur one dulLa. Most dilate SICK HZADACaIe. of these have been frauds upon the sick, for IP lrni t f done taken fur female obstruction re- they not only contain Mae, if any. Sawa moves the cause of the disease, and makes a rilla,_lmt oftisi tt ne ad painail disappointment curative properties whater perfect eru.e. fr. lial ".. bl er Lag followed the use ot the various extracts of Only one dose immediately relieves COMM, • Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the while name itself is justly despised, and has become One dose often repeated is a sure oar, for synearmous with imposition and cheat. Still Oaotaita • Mottoes, and a preventive of we call this compound Sarsaparilla, end intend, CHOLIRA. • - to supply such • remedy as shall rescue the IlfrOnly one bottle is needed to throw put name from the load of obloquy which rota of the system the effects of medicine after upon it. And we think we have ground for a long meekness. 4 believing it has virtues which ere irresistible lidirOne bottle taken for Jar:mice remove% by the ordinary run °tate diseases it is intend all sallowness or unnatural color from the ed to cure. In order % secure their ample** skin. eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, sad makes food di- the bottle. Rest well. One dose often repeated cures CHRONIC MARSHALS in its worst forms, while Stases find Bowes, complaints yield almost to the arst dose. KLINEFELTER, SEIT2 ..t. CO. Nor. 15, 1858. Cm Ore or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in Children ; there is no surer. serer, or speedier, remedy in the world, u it serer fails. lir A few bottles cureDsorsr, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Farts and Anus, Cum, FErss, and all FrYER of a BILIOUS TYPE. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. AU icAo use it are giving their unanimous Watt's", is iAfavor. fit` is watbr in the month with the In vi r. and swallow both together. • Tun - Lulu' lirvioeciroa is s smentille rued hal discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. Itcuresiuvif by magic. even the first doss giving benefit, and seldom mere than one bottle is required to onre an kind of Lissa eomplaini, from tha worst or - Dyspepsia to a commoe Headache, ail of which are the result of n Dissoso Ursa. • IWO S 43Xii oLLAl•rtit nami. DR. SANTORO, Proprietor, 345 Broad way New Yea.: _A.. D. "Bustittit,'Agent, (Tatty • 4ifillibitl4* ' *A' VW P:44040a bAr he fitio_d r = l4lll 42 sessoss a1 , 11141 1 v lbw ilibil=r7l24- 144 2 itil: 22, 1858. 1.7! tsar ; VOTFOE.—The unditieltned Aria' .L 1 aaeooia ted with them in the LutuFfiness. E. c. BEI°Mt. me, would th em ic s . h e no dee that the holinesereaftefidl ion. floated trader the firm Of' Sacci.', l lihifinaz k Co., and tbay hope, by strict attention to business' rind - an - mimetic dtwire folillute, to merit a orwitirmation of the liberal patronage heretofore beatowiti upon them. RII.LfAY SMALL & CO. Lumber Yard., os North Ckorse **eel, sear lite Ituilrood, YORK, P.t. We Tumid invite the attention of Mechan ics, Builders, and others, to our lame-find well selected stock of LUMBER, constsdag of every doscriptionpf White Pine Lards end Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingl_ehe,Rielsets, Worked Flooring and W P 5 0 4 14414 I Siding, &c. We are prepared, to cpero ORDER any size, quantity and qualit i y of IVIIITE PINE & OAK LUMB.SR, at the shortest notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keep on hand a gene ral assortment of SASH, DOORS, Shutters, Blinds, Window Frames and Door Frames. .111iirOrders for any sizes not on hand filled with dispatch. sarci ur stook and assortment is equal to any others, and we are determined to 101 l at the lowest market prices. ordera and communications ad dressed to the undersigned, at York,illa., receive prompt attention. SMALL, BENDER & CO. York, May 24, 1838. 1y Hanover B. Railroad. T RAINS over the Hanover Br. Railroad new run es follows : First Train leaves Hanover at 9 a. is.with passengers for York, Harrisburg, Columbia and Philadelp hia. Smand Train leaves Ilanorsr at 1 p. a. with passengers fur Baltimore and interme diate points. DANIEL TRONE, Tisket Agent. Notice. TIIE unders'igned . having retired, from the Mercantile business, the sante will here after be continued M the old stand., iti.NLi• more street, by their sena, lienry.B. Danner and Way bright.Zical4ander .1,4-tgattaind style of Danner and Ziegler, Jra., whom wo will recommend to; and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public iir gimerni. Having retired from the 3luroantile Itchi ness, it is necessary that our old hosins.4 should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to ue either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to cuYetnnil settle tbo some without delay. The books will be Nand at the old stand. J. B. DA NNER. DAVID ZIEGLEI. May 24.181 e. Plat?AltiD aT • • DR. J. C. AVER a . CO. ' LOWF,LT, MASS. Prie*, $1 per Bottle; Ws 11• Sties tin ea. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the ears of eteury variety of Throat and Lung Caroptairst, that it to estirsiy ossiseeissey for as to remiss dot evidroes of its sirtuas, ytheresar it has. hors -aos• played. As it has long been is _combust vas throughost - this seetion, we need not do rnorettuto assess the people its quality is kept upto dirtiest it ewer has hem and that it miry be -relied no to do for their tete( all it tOts ever bdWibund to do. Ayer% Cathartic Pills, VOA MB Vl= o Cbstivemost, Jizreadlier' , Dpfkrriii. Loyeastery, Foot Rime/ed. 4 , 01/ON riles,..ll.4esistotiost. En4Pgioll eget .64001.0/. Liver Complaint, Derry. TsUer, Z Mawr, end Soft la c iest, Worsts. CPutt . Iredfitifs. as • Digesir are ra4 see I.fir sou &SW. They sagrar-eosted, so that tiatrillisedalipsit. tire ma tiara them ploosastly. osatilisy bat aperient far the world for all the Ast family physic. ?SW U swear per les; 5 Ikkasl/441114" Gram nambetaat CEMerarnag• men, and anaiimost pna;l w nantaa to eertt)* 0 6taese •• . brut o ar sma elm • • • • • Sig' - , —'..1118 Odra twit MalkalthiWUnorlowidell **V .swiptarat.qs.wllllll3dasnaplons Fiat *NM be loin lowed kr Si* cure. • )47.1p*APPOCa "det: lire& ba. imbeei.6,ll6e . AmmelledhertWAisiokii 1111 . 1a l l * " ft") -ZittligrtiMtiCZ . 11111P8a by A: 1414 raioF. 410600 1 0 6441 10 811 W0. . 24er nd •100410:116101 1 ' : 417' 1 " Oct 18, Is sB. %tidy M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers