Acittaradvziel• 4 We'hars observed is Opp nition pa perm .varioes stories of corruption a meow Federal ofiltials, with an mos stood insinuation of complicity on the part of the President. Charges 90 con tradictory of the uniform tenor of Mr. Buchanan's public life, which through all its vicissitudes has never contracted eo much as the stain of suspicion, are too preposterous to require formal ref utation. But the absurdest. rumor gains a sort of credibility from perpetual re petition. The following statement, for instance, having been propagated with out denial, now circulates as accepted truth in the Opposition journals : "The Seaman Printing Investigating Committee is slowly progressing with their testimony. Yesterday some de velopments, regarding the election in Pennsylvania, were made. Mr. Wen dell, of the Union, says he distnbuted large sums for political purposes, espe• eially when the public printing was un der his charge ; and that he received a letter from Mr. 'Buchanan requesting him to expend 81,000 to defeat John Corode, which he refused to do." The States says a more shameless ca lumny never originated in the malice of political foes. Mr. Wendell has testi fied to no such charge; nor could he without committing the basest perjury. Indeed, the accusation is palpably false; since the • person for whom Mr. Buch anan is represented to have employed his Influence, was the opponent of his Administration or its leading measure. siirTho Select Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed at the instance of Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, to inquire into alkged abases in connec tion with the disposal of the patronage of the Navy Department, reported on Thursday week. Messrs. Bocoek and Groesbeck (Democrats). and Mr. Ready (South-American), join in a majority report, and Messrs. Sherman and Rit chie (Republicans), make a minority report. The majority report presents frankly all the prominent facts elicited by the examination of witnesses with reference to each specified charge, and follows those facts with such comments us we noessaary to a fall and thorough understanding of the whole matter.— The Resolutions attached to the Report entirely exonerate the present able and efficient head of the... Navy Department from any suspicion of having, in.the most remote degree, countenanced any of the irregularities which have crept into the management of some of the col lective brunches of the Department in trusted to his charge, and recommends legislative reform to cure the glaring abuses which exist in the Brooklyn Nary Yard. The Report is an interes -sing one, and it may lend to the adop tion of some wise and salutary lohisla- Ilan on the subjects indicated. spacial Notices_ INOTBItit Tarrurn Of_ ISCIINCII.—We lure* bell tomato& several those to aotice special sal remarkable traduces of mecum to the treatment of the most threat's /ad end emparated came of disame, seal eepostaly he the removal of mestere, by Dr- Itaihee, end today we biers the pleasant r anewttea another of dm moot extraordinary character. On the Itth alt., after a period of careful treatment, sod without the use of the knife, Dr. &sakes removed a Caacer-Tumor, weigitin; too poools, from the thigh of Mrs., wife of Captain J. 8. Apeight, at To. 96 (tooth street, near Broadway, and she Is now doing We are authorised to Welts the medical faculty to •reinase the tu•rwr at Dr. Bealthe's wile., No. 74 Istalag ton street, between Charlie sad Liberty, awl also to • lett the pettiest at her noidence. and learn the ledereeting beta .of Use ease. We have repeatedly stated for the leformatios a mar weeders that the Doctor's experiettin cod treatment orolcacee every form of dimwit, sad his sower In the "muiagemeet of pulmonary complaints, rhaumattina, die • an of the skin and the mod intractalde maladies, I. (Nu d Is that whist atheists his wonderful control of tumor; Istala awl ail affectlows of the eye and ear.—{Batt. h au. • IiOLLOICATS 01 bI'WENT AND PILLS—A perfect artecuard —No ocke wbo taboo tint tamable to examine U. Tosupt,leta used an wrapper' fur Linea' preparations emus to the victim of imposture. If graisamo, the water-mark, • flolloway, New Tack and Landow,. will V Nand as melt leaf of the pamphlet. Tbe too is ailansle, sod obassid not tw neglected. lA's lean thu the " mothers of Awed a" an almost om•ersally adopting- thaws wendortal _medicines—the thotarrot, as a mare for sons breasts, onsid bead, metes. scabious erupUons, cuts, sonar, braless, etc., and tbo Pills as • swift and mortals resody ter wansoor awouptaint, mammas, V0411:114 and all laternal ms.phaiWin fruraleat ts childnus. Tint Ce lAN D BALL TO LORD N API RR.—Tbis oplestild allear, (glitch eufte or At Washingtea, ea Thursday Blatt, nee a deckled seceete. All Cie seagnatas of the lead were preheat, sag all 'Rio yet thou:hely es exceedingly. Lady :Napier was dressed fulls. moat beeounag etyle, elate "eel t”rd " Welted emery !orb a NoLlemase sad a gteetlensau la the'eser ash, ableb he procured exereaely for the entire oteheiesa, from the Brows Stone Clothing Dell of Rockleill ,t. M Bane, hat 6 sad 605 Chastest .tweet above Bluth, • Bets. DI. las PL. .LSl'll% 2/11.SAII or arLLO cautsz.—aa ina's hotorial of 24th.luly says :—Rosliziriet the trusses:no of respcoothility'attoch,m; ta the Islaor and Publisher of ♦ widely airs hied Journal, ui should deism it Ilttle loss LbAll4ll adios Co reeesstosed any medical compaand this real virtue at urhick wa calla Sat soassuast.onsly Intaros.— This balossie oompocusd Yu bosoms a house &stars ; sad all peones oho mass, sad hare lu ruo attapiptod to cans (hair Coughs. Cobts, Bruachisl or Pulmonary Complaints, make use of this assousallisl remedy, The fellow mg Cartilos 4lron a distinvialseel yeti/man Is equally conclusive : /r em R.►. Hoary Wood, formerly Lifter of tbe Coors gratiosal Journal. C.ocorl, N fI., more recently American Camelia Beyroot, Syne., and now Chlplata in the Nary: Years. Seth W. Toole k Co .--Gratleteen :—Two years sere, 1 widen met vioieet attack upon my Leap conlesed sae to sky bed for several weeks, and when I recovered, I was se math oppressed by dificalty to brestblog, that I was often *able to ■leap or rem opal a bed by tilet. The saffeeing was estrecoe, and jdeging from the Ireacery of the ressedine mod; I supposed tie domain interable Be log yeensoded tt try a bot Ute of Wier...tee Helm= of Wt Cherry, vitamin *saddens. is Ito akesey, I fated Use difficulty Naomi &Karel, 1 . 0100.14 before one bottle wl4 used ep. eh* nap fellow setterare fadeless no to stake tbia Fn btie etatemmet, sal nicoarsugad the unlit to olden giaLlarly a/wt.& WLUt rospect, yours truly, HILLARY WOOD. X•w 110111110 111.1111111 sirsal I. BUTTS oil Um wrapper Prepared by Seek W Towle & Co., Doetoe, aad for eels by A. D. lbeeiklor, Gettysbu Jacob ralweiler, aiseeso. Darr; Bftsatar. New Orford ; D. B. Holltsdar, Abbott& tool ; Williams Wolf, goat Berlin ; Peter Bob hie, Hemp. toe; Wei. D. kbeidelf, Tort dpringe ; sad by all dealers is =aims& gib. 21. lir itSGLEIL k MTH, COSS= OS 280 4 02 D ASO Quay Drums, PIM LOILTIII• I[ Eaabtcess of Whit* Smut, Zinc Patty, Tarnishes, goahirs in Drag*, Whitlow Wars, 4a.— City wad Oonottr Norottnota who distr. to writhing Eros a sobsot , Wink sag at becaptahla pries are roviattally re quieted to implett oar gloat. Oar Whit Loot, V.., Patty, not Parnialos, sold by more than ono thonaing wasionto Jobbing Hams throogiont th. Colon, aid girt aalrotwil wtiMdw . U? Not owe towtsiniat has era limbed tin-43 load roar orders Croat. lob. f, Ills. Is , .II:r Till 011/1/LT EIGIASEL UNICDT t-1111. JLlt MU NI Ost.sisAys& NULLS ?mu, iscapatiod from & PIP Aerate by - 1112 J. Outs, M. D. PkvieLta IlErtesar. Cowl to tfr Uses. ?Ms troll Imam maatistas Ss so far past•sa, bat s eats aid ado nerdy &sr Murk DUllealOws &at 01•010 1 16•••, bow sky taws vlabrevr ; sad Lithos/it peradd genskr, Um." *meted astalag &extral to the •••istitid&ta • is Kum** Lassos It & posatiarty asttet. It &111, ft • lion Um*, &tin as Ur Imoatiiii period sls reaulartty. Vain Ms bees sorer boo kern to tail Teen the gireol lll ea Id pp perephiet 51s iii=reet. led Irelber pedieelele gee a pamphlet tree et Übe ne w t. 1.-.61 sad I prop stow seeleeld M ow as w. liet wa s aim brain was, emu[ end MI Slit, by Melo OIL I. W. DSO dr Ilse, Wirlierdie de. A. Ithilikee, Agertl l / 2 NIIIMri- KV3i,MS. IF 11111" A terrible calamity occurred near Baton/amigo yesterday moral og &week. The steamer Princess exploded bar boiler and burnt to the water's edge, having 400 passengers on board, 200 of whom are either lost or missing. The body of the engineer waa-found cut in two by the explosion, which it is alleg ed was caused by his own recklessness. About one hundred of the passengers were wounded by the explosion, and many are in a dangerous or dying condi tion. The boat was one of the finest on the river, and comparatively new. The engineer should have declared that be would be in New Orleans by a certain time or blow her up. The scene is de scribed as heart-rending. i& The immense warehouse, No. 245 Broad street, Boston, was burned on Monday night, together with seven thousand bales of cotton, seven thous and bags of linseed, and a large quanti ty of saltpetre. Tho loss is estitrustod at a quarter of a million of dollars. Half a square of buildings were de stroyed by fire in Memphis on Tuesday night, including six printing offices. .2Vorthern Central Railroad.—The York Republican states that Mr. Levin Wil ley, who has been superintendent of repairs to this road throughout its en tire length for the last twenty years, is tore place to another. Mr. Thomas O'Neil, dispatcher at York, also goes out, and some one else takes his place. TVhat a Session of Congress Costs.— The cost of the present abort session of Congress, of only three months .durs tion, foots up with the enormous sum of some two Million Eleven Thousand Dollars. So says the Appropriation Bill. A Man Hung by a Corpse.—The Gin cinnati Gazette says that on Saturday night last, a body snatcher who had sto len a corpse from a graveyard in the neighborhood of that city, which he had placed in a bag, was hung while endeav oring to get over a high fence, the corpse falling on one side and the body watcher on the other, he having placed aroand his shoulders the cord by which .the sack was shut, and the cord slip ping about his ncok, chocking him to death. Mir Wh y is a tear shod in secret liko a ship ? Became it's a private-tear. Superfine Flour 5 50 Rye Flour ...... ....-....—. 325 Wheat 23 to 145 Cora, Rye -.—...—...-.—. Oats -.—.—.— 50 ...—..— 50 Buckwheat 2 00 Clover Seed ..._...—......4 Of to 6 37 Timothy Seed ...... 54 to 1 25 Flax Seal-- ....-.--- 1 20 70 Plaster of Paris-- 6 50 Pork 7 25 Float ..... 6 12 to 6 25 Wheat 1 45 to 1 65 Rye T 8 to 92 Corn ?6 to 82 Oat.. 50 to 62 Closer Seed 6 37 to 0 61 Timothy Seed 2 00 to 2 25 Beef Cattle, per hand 7 75 toll 25 Hors, per hand 8 50 to 9 25 Hay 12 00 tol7 00 Whiskey 37.14 29 Guuo, Peruvian, per ton 63 00 Floor, from wagons 5 50 Do. from stores 5 75 Wheat 125101500 Rye 711 Corn .... G 2 50 Clover Seed . 4 00 Timothy Seed 2 00 Plaster 6 25 Flour, from wagoos..-- ....... 5 25 Do. from stores ............ . 5 75 Wheat ....... 1 10 to 1 40 Rye 80 Cora 70 Oats. 52 Clover Seed 6 25 Timothy Seed 1 75 Plaster 6 50 On Wednesday last, by the Rev. B. Short), Mr. JEROME MA RTLN to Miss SOPHIE ROIILMAN, all of this place. Yesterday, bythe Rey. J. R. Keiser, Mr. JESSE WOLFORD, of Oxford township, to Miss JANE LITTLE, of Hunterstown. On the let inst., by the Bev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. SAMUEL S. WALCK, of Franklin county, to Miss CATHARLNE E. LIME, of Butler town- I ship. On the Gth ult., at Hampton, Mr. JAMES W. ; HOFFMAN to Miss MARY MeELNNEY, both of llsnover. On the 29th tilt., at the Coaowago Chapel, Mr. EDWARD YOUNG to Ma SARAH ADAMS, both near Hanover. On the lst hut., at the ease place, Mr. JAMES SMALL to Miss LOUISA GINTER, both of Ad ams county. On the same day and place, Mr. CASPER CRESS to Vtias SARAH HAIR, both of Adams coantv. On the 24th ult., by the Rev. Jacob t3echler, Yr. JOSEPH SHE ELY to Miss MEDLLNE STONE SIFER, both of Adams county. On the 22d ult.. by the Rev. P. L. Wilson, Kr. GEORGE W. CRONICK, of Frederick county, Md., to Miss ANNA MARY L. SHEETS, former ly of Adam/ county, Pa. CO.ICUID, N. H , March 2 On `ii - ednesday, at Pottsville, after a protract ed illness, Dr. CHARLES N. BERLITRY, at an advanced age. Dr. Berluchy resided in this place for many years, and was one of its best and most prominent citizens. Few men were more generally known throughout the county, and none enjoyed more unlimitedly the confi dence and esteem of its people. Of a warm and generous nature—his hand ever open to the claims of charity—his heart never sealed to the inspirations of gratitude—slow to offend and ready to forgive—the intelligence of his death will be received with deep emotion by all who appreciated the sterling qualities of his character or enjoyed kim acquaintance and freodatip. On Wednesday, the 24th of Feb., at the house of Mr. Geo. Myers, in Latimore township, Mn.s MARGARET BOYER, (late of York county.) aged 87 years and 18 days. At the residence of Mr. David E. Bollinger, in Abbottetown, on Monday last, Miss FANNY WILSON, daughter of the lass Gen. Tempest Wilson, aged about 38 years. On the 17th ult., ALICE DELILAH SOWERS, aged 7 months aad 4 days. On the 24th ult., in Yort, Mr. WILLIAM 31111L88, aged 41 years 8 month. and 2 days. On the 12th ult., CHARLES XcLEAN, infant son of Charles M. and Aaa Curren, of Cumberland township, aged 4 month' and 3 weeks. Oa the 19th ult., JAHN A. HeNAIS, danekter of S. & and S. C. McNair, of Freedom township, Adams county, aged 11 years 9 months and 4 days. Oa the 234 ult., ANN CATHARINE, daughter of Abner P. sad Lerhda Wilms, of Hamilton towed*, aged 6 months and t days. Oa ti. 231 last., la Idols town, NANCY KATE, What daughter of Dr. I. Btaneeihr, aged 10 months ant 7/0 &syn. On the 21a4 la, la Adams TITITO /AIM W., What moot Jean W. &r um ad 2 months and 21 days .. ~"~' Y':r: The Maritets_ GSTTYSBULIG-SATIISDAY LAST BALTIMORE-FiuDAT /J/IT HANOVEII—TauesDA.: LAss. YORK--FittpAir LA/T. Ma.rriad.. Died_ 4, rho etemoeste So aged la Wm, that Natare eight Mame elk, Lod Noy to all the vdriel, Tits Wal 1. ILO! ' " El= Democratic ilicettniPL 71BetDemocratic eitsmes of Pranklle urea ip are rammed to meet at th e " lad ogee," so &shwa", M. litA of Nen* at 2 o'clock, P. IL, for the purpose of smakiag. .... rareats for the Spring Election. MAIM. Democratic voters of Batter township requested to meet in Middletown, on turday ereseiwg Nest, March 12th, at 8 o'clock, to settle • township ticket. MANY. Democratic voters of Cumberland town j_ ship are requested to inset at Wattles's, in Gettysburg, on Saturday INCrt, Match 12th, at 2 o'cl'h, to settle a township ticket. MAST. March 7, 1859 TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ADAMS COUNTY. Mary E. Rider, by 1 No. 4, August Term, her next friend,John IssB. The original and Edward Plank, es. alias Subpenas, issued in John Rider. the above case, having been returned 11 e. i. and due proof having been made that the defendant could not be found within the county of Adams, now to wit: Jan nary IT, 1859, upon motion of M. h W. McClean, Attorneys for the plaintiff; the Sheriff of Adams county is directed to cause notice to be publish ed in .• The Compiler," a newspaper published in said county, for four weeks succasively prior to the third Monday of April next, A. D. 1859,being the first day of next term, requiring the said de fendant to appear on the said third Monday of April, to answer the complaint of the libellant. By the Court, Attest--,JACOLI BUSHEY, Prodey. To the defendant, John Rider, above named: In pursuance of the &bore order, you are hereby notified to he and appear at a Court of Common Pleas, to be holden for Adams county, at Gettys burg, on the third Monday of April next, A. D. 1859, to aaswer the complaint of the said plaintiff. ISAAC LIGHTNER, SbaV. And now, to wit : January 11,1858, on motion, the Court appoint John R. Orr, Req., of Chant bersbarg, Commissioner to take the depositions of witnesses in Chambersburg, Franklin county, Pa., and Zechariah Myers, Req., Commissioner to take the depositions of witnesses in Adams county, Pa.; notice of the time and place of taking said depositions to be gins to the defendant by publication in "The Compiler" for four weeks prior to the time of taking the said depositions respectively. From the Record. fly the Court, Attest—JACOß BUSHEY, Proth'y. The undersigned will attend to the duties of the above appointment, at the office of Rowe It Orr, in Chaambereburg, Pa., on the 11th day of April, 1859, at 10 o'clock, A. X., whore the above respondent may attend. JOILN IL ORR, Comaissicnser. The undersigned will attend to the duties of the above appointment, at the (Ace of M. k W. McClean, In Gettysburg, Pa., on the 13th day of April, 1830, at 10 o'clock, A. X., where the above respondent ay attend. ZACHARIAIi MTERS, Cowssiesioner. March 7, 1859. 4t Statement OF THE BANK OF GETTYSBURG. ASSETS. Loans and discounts $208,240 11 Stock of the Commonwealth 24,189 74.1 Specie ... 37,267 94 D 'ae by other BanksBs,Bl2 69 Notes of other Banks 8,251 91 Stocks 965 74 Judgments 22,095 18 Bonds 8,295 38 Real Estate 11,900 00 Total Cirenbitton .. Deposits Due to other Banks Total The above statement is correct, to the beat of sly knowlqgde ILO belief. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Affirmed aad subscribed before me. March S, 1850. Gso. Assoio, J. P. Turnpike Election. la FlEStockholders in the York and Gettysburg Turnpike Road Company, are hereby noti that an election for President, Managers and other officers, to Condust the &gibs of the com pany, will be held at the public. bonne OrMICIIMIL Sorry As, in Abbottatown, en Waimeday, the 23d lay of March Mat., between the hours of 12 o'clock, M. and 2 o'clock, P. M. JOSEPH 831Y8ER, See'y. March T, 1839. td "Hard NO Times YORE."—Any person ll•ady or Gentle insin,) in the United States, possessing a ,mall capital arrant $3 to $7, can enter into an easy and respectable business, by which from $5 to $lO per day can be realised. For particulars, address„ (with stamp,) W. R. ACTON k CO., 4t North Sixth St., Philadelphia. March 7, 1339. 3m The Farmers' & Neehanies' SAVINGS INSTIT'CTION of Adams county receives' money on deposit daily, from 9 A. M. until 3 o'clock, P. M., and on Saturday from 9 o'clock, A. IL, until 6 o'clock, P. 11.- 1 nterest on deposits from 2to 5 per cent. Special deposits paid agreeably to notice, and transient deposits paid on demand with interest. Interest on special deposits, when made for 10 months and upwards, 4 per cent.; for 3 months and upwards, 3 per cent.; on transient deposits for 30 days and upwards, 2 per cent., and on ntcular weekly deposits 5 per cent. The popularity of this Institution with all classes of the community, both in town and country, and its consequent success, may be as cribed in part to the following reasons : It offers a convesient, responsible and prate, ble depository to fanners and mechanics, to ex ecutors, administrators, assignees, collectors, agents and all public oilcan, to attorneys, trustees, societies and associations, Incorporated or otherwise, to married or single ladiai- , to students, merchants, clerks, and business men generally, to minors and all who have funds, much or little, to deposit with a return of Interest. Depositors receive books In which are entered their deposits, which books serve as vouchers. They may designate in case of sickness, death or absence, who shall receive their deposits, with out the intervention of executors or administra tors. Idettysburg, Feb. 28, 1859. Horses, Cattle, F,ARNECG IMPLEXENTS, ke., at PukHe Sale. —Tha subscriber, intending to quit farm ngwill sell at t üblic Salt, at his residence, near Comfort's Mill, I mile from Caehtown, is Frank lin township, Adams county, us ThairsdaN, tAr 17t4 day of NarcA *err, the following valuable personal property, viz : 6 WORK 11ORSES. (2 being mares with foal,) 3 two-yem• old and 2 one-year old Colts, li bead of horned Cattle, 1 large Steer, supposed to weigh about 1500 pounds; 10 head of Shoats; 1 first rate four-horse broad-wheeled 'wagon, with bed, bows and corer; 1 narrow-wheeled wagon, 6 sets of horse gears, with housings; 2 saddles and bridles, cart and gears, thrashing machine and horse power, winnowing mill, graia drill, rolling screen. 2 pair kay ladders, lime bed, plough' and harrows, 'Mee and double shovel ploughs, 1 horse rakes, single and double trees, 1 pair spreaders, forks, rakes shovels, cloverseed cradles, scythes , leather lines, kc.; also, grain by the bushel, and bay by the ton • a good ten-plate stove; with pipe, eight-day cloc k and case, dining table, patent churn, tubs, casks, hogsheads and meat reseals, 2 'cap' of bees, with a large 'curia ty of other articles. - /Q-Sale to comments at 9 o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when Miatulaitee will be given and terms made known by JOHN HA.RT.VAN. My Aremitrville property is for sale or rent—a first-rate Store Stand, with large room, eonaters and 'belying; and 18 acres of land. Feb. 14, '59. Is " The Gem." NKW RESTAURANT.-The undirsigned has opened a Brat-dam. Restaurant, on the et boor of MeCosangity's Rail building, In Carlisle street, Gettysburg, and solkits a share of the public's patroaage. The rooms bare Jost bees lined up is tits most approved idyls, and will compare btvort with many of Ile best itt the cities. ma Oysters, Ale, de., will always be found of superior quality, and his chaps moderate. Tf+opeopriesor le thaalidil for lb* floe roo of customs be is already riodefsm sad Is Loodrod to sots "?S OW eves sass prac t io Yob. 14, 11159. 8. YOB, Divorce. General eepenses, $l2O 11 Hirelings, harvesting, butebesing, *he., 49 28 Removing paupers, 30 Vinegar, TE Vegetables and fruit, 28 09 Two barrels of flour, 10 50 Digging graves and permit In Cemetery, 5 00 $383,018 69 Sbet and beef, 41 55 1 LIABILITIES .- ...... $148,570 00 38,977 09 ...... -. 4,170 20 $189,717 29 Poor• Souse Asa:runt& 41-ORL R. DAN (EE, Esq., Treaseser, is ac count with site Directors Otis leer sad o( • Rouse of ifo9lopoest Of the Ciesety Adases, Wag hos the 4th day 4lr Jeseary, A. D. 1858, to the lid day of Jesury, A. D. 059: 18.18. DR Jaasary. To order ou Treasurer, Na 42, 23000 00 May 25. 109, IWO 00 Sept. 21. " " 253, 1500 00 Dec. llu 2114, 1500 00 Cash from N. & G. Codorl, Fine from F.dirard Delp, Balance due Treasurer, CR. By I'mt due Treissum at last settletneat, $ll5 17 By Cash paid ota as follows : Out door paupers' support, 699 25 Merchandise and groceries, 1762 30 Pork, stock hogs, and beef, 741 72 Beef cattle, sheep, and horses, 904 91 Flour, grain and grinding, 628 45 Mechanics' work, 233 LI Publishing accounts and blanks, 37 00 Stone coal. plaster. lime, guano A lumber, 292 61 Drugs and medicines, 54 84 Removing paupers, 23 31 'Wood chopping, making rails, post lend and shingles, 181 15 Orders to Steward, sundry expenses, 150 00 Male hirelings, 136 33 Female do., 207 00 Funeral expenses, 55 25 Sawing and boards, 15 99 Physician's salary, 100 00 Counsel fees, • 10 00 Directors' extra services, 20 00 Steward's Wary, 250 00 Treasurer's do. 40 00 Clerk's do. 4000 We, the undandened„ Auditors le settle and adjust the Public Accesusts, de hereby certify that we bars esamissed the items irlikh compose the account, and that tibia are correct, being from the 4th day of January, A. D. UM, to the Sd day of January, A. 1)., 18541—both days In clusive. CHRISTIAN CASHMAN, ISAAC HICRETIR, } Awaken. JOHN BRIN1:11RHOTIP, TACOB CCLP, Ban., In er mine with the Di e.) rectors of the Poor and House of Nmploy ruent of the County of Adams, being from the 6th day of January, A. D. 1868, to the id day of Jantuuy, A. D., 1839 Balance in bands of 84awd at Last set- DX cement, Amount of Directors' order, No. 7, 60 00 " 1.4 6{ 64, 50 00 It 41 " 167, 50 00 Cash found on person of paaprr, 40 Hash for wood of Dr. H. H. Huber, 1 25 Interest due Eliza White from A. Polley, 997 House sold John Scott, 80 00 Cow and hams, Wm. Howard, 47 00 A. Brien, balance on note, 5 00 Timothy seed, Dr. }laugher, 1 25 Collected from C. White and R. Smith, 48 21 Found uu person of J. Culp, 10 00 i. " J. Furst, 1 90 Sundry persons for tallow, 5 57 '• 4, lard, 9 72 ('ow• and oaf, Fire barrels of herring, =I Balance in hands of Steward, We, the subscribers, Auditors to seta= just the Public Accounts, do certify that we hare, examined the items which compose the &bore Account, and do report that the same is eorrort— the same embrachig the account of ;boob Cuip, Steward, from the 6th day of January, A. D. I KB, to the 3d day o(Jan:tag, A. D. ISSIS--both days inclusive. CIIRMTIAN CASHMAN, ISAAC HERETER, 1 Aragon JOHN DRIXKERHOFF, March 7, 1859. at List of Paupers fIEIIAINING in th e Abu House of Adaau county on the Ist day otJaanary, 1869: Males, 63 rz:=l Children, Colored, Total, JOT Transient paupers, 1533 PRODUCE OF FA= FOR lOU. Wheat, barbels, 301 Oats, 116 314 JLye, a 10 Ears of Corn, " 13110 Clover Seed, " 111 Timothy - " I Onions, •' =3 Potatoes, " Turnips, `• Loads of Cora-tbddert Toon of Itay. Heads of Cabbage, Pounds a Poet, JACOB crup, Akml3snl.B Pow& of Bee, March T, 18U. 4t :'/ - a LiIQCOR STORE.—The undersigned respect fully announce to the citizens of Gettysbam the public generally, that they have open ed a new LIQUOR STORE on Railroad street, south side ' and midway between the Passenger and Freight Dirt, and have made arrangements to keep constantly on band a hall supply of all kinds of Liquors, Foreiga and Domestic, each is Bran dies, Wines, Holland and Domestic Gins, 01d Rye and Rectiffed Whia l key, Champagne, Ginger Beady, Cherry Brandy, Cordials, Ailment, Attlee, and Wines of every grade. The above Liquors will be furbished at tke most reasonable rates and warranted Toot. By strict attention to business and an effort to please, we hope to merit the patronage of the public. Sir Ail orders promptly attended to. Feb. 21, '59. COVER k KUHN. Public, Sale • OvALrABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY.— OF The subscriber, intending to relinquish farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Germany township, Adams county, half a mile south of Littlestown, os Tuesday, the lath day of ifareA next, the following valuable person al property, Fire be.ul of HOMES, 1 yearling Colt, 7 milch 0311's, 4 Heifers, I Bull, new Rockaway Carriage and Harness, 2 Wagons, (one heavy broad-tread and one new narrow-tread.) Horse Gears, Dorsey's patent self-raking Mowing and Reaping Machine, Treshing Machine, grain drill, hay ladders, hay carriage, lime bed, wood ladders, ploughs and har rows, doable and single shovel plough; cultiva tor, double and siagie trees, stretchers, winnow ing mill, log chains, fifth chain; baiter chains, wagon saddle, riding saddle, wheel-barrow, jack-screw, rakes, forks, grain cradle, mowing scythes, and other farming isapiesaenta. Also, a cider mill and apparatus, cook stove and "stares, barrels, boxes, vinegar, potatoes, and a variety of other articles too numerous to sientioa. boi'Sale to commence at V o'clock, A. Y., on said Lay, wions attoadonce will be give* and terms made known by PETER A. WEIRICIEL Feb. 21, '59. Ls* Special Notioe. IHUSBY give notice that WILLIA/I S. BAirt, who some time since peddled Tie and Copper an, and Stoves kw me, is so loser la my em ploy, nor has he been since September last. All persons are theredwe twilled to pay him no money on my account, or make any settlements with him for me, a. I will sot be le for his &eta. , J.B. Feb. 38, 18511. 3t, sir Fulton Damara sad 0•1110 berg Cisipair hmert 3 tissin—Chsts t Alpirig. 1"n"r7" , 11 CIITOWN, IritiWok easaty, IL— relviii bees rmwerbel sad reAredeited, proprietor eas•rea tie psi& doe • ion is only seeded, as be itiamits4 811/ rafhlitlim is 7 T ChlM ili llila n, pairrissm Feb. 14, 1859. If Saltiraore Adv'ts_ B. T. ib'imai, 'ITM AND RANGE L PIWYRNUMlairjit PA STLUI mum MANUFACTIMR, Be. 52 Soak dimwit Eltrwet, gas door &bore Lesiagtun. BAIMIIIOIII. Parer ileariorL—Ossatantly Is dam Paper Hangings of every descriptioa, aid of the latest and most approved petterna. Also, Bonier:, Fire Board Prima, Le. Voierra a Mied..—Keeps on hand, and manu factures to order, Venetian Blinds of all colors, sizes and qualities. which wilt compare favors blv with any offered to the public. 421-l'aper Flanging done in the best style.— Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or exchanged. h 7, 1839. 1 v 46 00 1 00 504 56 $6741 55 Hodges Brothers, 3.3 B HANOVER STILEET, ALTIMORE, MD 'kite Iron 11-ouit Witrehoiree.) $1741 55 .ntry merchant, u our stock is not only large, but obtained upon conditions which will defy competition. We contract u ith the Manufacturers for all the American articles we sell, and send a buyer to Europe regularly twice a year, to select oar Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to ollke great advantages in prices, as well as to get lip a stock at all times replete with the newest mad most desirable goods. Merchants In good credit are invited to examine oar stock when they next visit finlthnore, and they will promote their own interest by doing so. Orders by mail carefully executed when ac s3 54 1 companied by satisfactory references. Feb. 14, '59. •m SELLING OFF I—The undersigned. having dis posed of his Store at New Oxford, and in tending to remove West, will sell off the goods in his Hampton Store actually at cost I He is desirous of closing out the stock as speedily as possible. The assortareat is very large, and not to be surpassed in quality. It embraces Dry Goods, of all kinds, such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings ; Satins, Silks, Detail/es, Cashmeres, Al pieces, Ilerinoes, Domestics, kc. ; Hardware and Groceries, Qneensware, Woodenware. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches and Jewelry, Perfumery, Cutlery, Stationery, Notions and Fancy Goods, in almost endless variety ; in short, every article that is to be found in a Brit class Dry Goods, Grocery and Hardware Store.— Country Merchants are Invited to call and ex amine these Goods. A rare chance will be of fered to purchasers. The actual City cost prices will only be asked. sir Come One ! Come All I JACOB AULIBACOII. Feb. 21,'59. 2m* $353 •1 34 00 45 50 OUTDOSH !—Come to the Store at Green mount fbr Bargains!—The undersigned would thost respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the Store of John Weikert, at Greentnoant, Adams county, half-way on the road front Gettysburg to Enunitsburg. where be expects, by attention and small profits, to re tain all the old custom and secure lots of new. His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, Groceries, Codectkutarles, Qusensware, Wooden ware, Crockery -want, Hardware, Jcc., is large and varied—equal to that tinny other first class store—and be will sell at prices astonishingly low. He only asks a trisi, to prove the truth of this assertion. 760 $351 81 Country produce taken in exchange far goads. J. ALEX. lIAILPEIL The undersigned also carries on the CAR RIAGE-MAKING business at the mime place, and offers rare inducements to purchasers. He will warrant his work pod, whilst his ebaires are among the most moderate. Repairing done on abort notice. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14, 1851 ly Timber-land FOR BALE.—in pursuance of authority given In the last wW and tenement of litany R. sossina, deceased, will be offered at Public Sala, on the premises, en Suirrdo,v, ate 18th dai, sir Nand earl, a valuable lot of TIMBER-LAND, situate in Butler township, Adams counts, on 'the pnblie road, leading from Bettysburg to Bendersville, near the Conaway° Bridge. adjoin ing lands of Jacob Rex, B. F. Thomas and John .Wisler, containing 8 Acres, more or less. The lot is covered with thriving white oak and up land hickory Timber; some of it large—and the land is (Wan excellent quality and susceptible of high cultivation when cleared. mirSale to commence at t o'clock. P. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by TOBIAS BOYER, IS CID Yeb. 21„'59. b Notice. OM EYLER'S ESTATE.—Letters testa tmentary on tho estate of John Eyler. late or ti finberLead township, Adams county, deceased, having beau greeted to the undersigned, residing is the same township, they hereby give notice t. alt persons indehted to said estate to make int- Mediate payment, and those having claims against the same to premint them property authenticated for settlement. '; HENRY 'EY LER, JESSE SHIRIIRTZ, Feb. 14, '59. 41t Zeveettiert °sneer Cured, WITHOUT SURGICAL OPERATIONS OR I.OBS or BLOOD.--Caucera, Tumors; Weal, Scrotal*, :Ulcers, Ac., cured i■ a short time, without the knife, by Dr. 51*cSicuoz., (Colleague of the late Dr. Loansberry, dee'd.,) N 0.50, North Fifth Street, below Arch, Plillad'a. The remarkable success which has attended the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, kc., by Dr. Mac Nichol, for • number of years past, has at tracted the attention, and in many instances has secured the hearty approval of many emi nent Physicians in Philadelphia, who are no longer willing to risk the dangers and uncer tainties of cutting. CANCIS CAN as OCRS!) '—if properly treated and promptly. A great majority of the Casts of Cancer, can be effectually cured. The nu merous patients, from every section of the country, who havebeen cured under this method of treatment is a guarantee of its superiority over every other known system.. Those who may be afflicted frith these dis eases, and desire further information or advice, will please address Dr. Mac. Nichol, when they will receive prompt attention and a Copy of Pamphlet., on the treatment of Cancers—free of charge. White Swelling, Bip Disease, Scrofulous and Malignant Ulcers, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Ulcerations of the Bones, Totter, Scald Read, and all diseases of the Skin, permanent ly cured, sad proper remedies sent—carefully packed—by Szpress to any part of the country. In every cases plain description of the dis ease is required. Address Dr. MacNlchol, No. be North sth Street, Philadelphia, Proprietor sad Manufacturer ef Dr. Lonneberry k Co.'s Celebrated Imperial Depuretive, the beet and most reliable Family Medicine of the Nineteenth Century, for the cure of all diseases originating in Impurities of the blood. Jan. 10,1559. 518 have Jest received front the city s large DOn il aseortinent of WALL PAPER sad .7144 BLINDS, of the latest 'tiles, aad will be sold at the linnet tutu poenibia. We have also the beet sad Airport wild* of Whedirer Mad Furness that ere la the nrecirna. We have still on hand a good Wen of Ems, law, Ilamas, sal st i."l l4lo esthetes la on Has stbsgiassa. Ova *a a eat—we will Dell at pries' to salt Oa thank 0011ELN 6 MU'. Tabrzarl 7,1115 t Importers of OSIERY, (;LOVES, W TA' GOODS, Handkerchiefs, SIIAWIA CRAPES, LACES, s numerous variety of other articles, sal Wholesale Dealers is A XII CAI FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS. Our warehouse, which we Alit exprearly for cur owe ise, contains ■ii soon, each x 160 feet, and the large •lock and extensive assort tut which ire keep, require entimoccupancy. Notion's any of the Northers Cities, ebbing goods to the country, le combined advantages to At Cost ! Fraser River lizembar Wall Paper. 13a1U3:11ore C. Lasted CUR. UY BALTDLORK k MARLIN Mi., BA LTlXofte t YD The Largest, Most glegantly Tarnished k Popular Commercial College in the raised States, DSSIGICED EXPRESSLY FOR YOtliG YEN Desiring to obtain a thorough P;actical liminess Education Beery Young Man has a Counting Desk to hhn self, and is separately instructed. Smart' II ATTOIDAIMI IKON NIAILT EMT STAT. IX THIS UAION. The most Comprehensive and Thorongh Course of Study, and the onl♦ PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRCCTION Are here introduced. LAARIIIIO BCOON-NERPING AT MI BALTIMoRE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE This vsothod of instruction La nowhere else intro- dneed in this country gray Young .Van should write Immediately for one of those large tad beautiful Ornamental Circulars, reltreeenting the exterior and Interior riew of the College. Peatnanship, ic, which will be sent by return mail, .free of chase, with Cats kip* °attaining list of students, terms of tuition, opinions of the Pass on our new spleens of Book er etc- IZIEM I. K. Loma, Principal—Lecturer on th• Science of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. J. IIL Pnwars, Professor of gook-Keeping and Commercial CalculatiooL B. B. DATIII2, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping N. 0. &misses, Professor of Penntaaship. 8. T. Wit.u.ans, Bag., liesoantito Law. Ur. L Y. Raw, D. D.. Contatercial Ethics. Hoe. Job. P. Essusedy, Hon. Joshua Vansaat, Hon. Tbeatas Swans, Wm. H. Esksiger, Jacob Trust, Esq., William Raabe, Esq. The time usually required to complete the hall coarse, from 8 to 12 weeks. A Thrum' is awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars end Catalogues strain teems, kc., meat my mail free of eherye. Address B. K. LOSLEII, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 7, 1859. ly T] To Xercbants & Fanners. Cr CHEAP AND CHOICE GROCgiISB, Al 8008 & BALDWIN'S, &W. wow bra d Ones Farrar. We would respectfully Invite the attention of buyers to our large and well selected stock of prime family Groceries, comprising every article usually kept In a first-class Grocery, which we offer at prices as low ea (if sot lower than) any house In the city. We name in part: Prime New - Crop Orleans Rope Do. do. Molasses. Porto Rico and low grade do.—very rheap. Rto,Lagsayra,Porto ateo,Cape Java, Marie/Lb°, and other!hes. gseellent Imperial , Young noon, and Gun powder Teas, at SO cents per poisod. Choice Oolong do. at 56 cents. mir Imperial Tea at cts. per paiß - Se This Tea wa wam►nt equal, if sot 'sprier, to any Tea sold at other plaees for $1 per lb. /LOVA, Thal, BACON, SALT, AO. at prices to snit the times ALSO, Fine old BRANDY, Old Rye WRISKSY, Old Bourbon MUMMY. PORT, lIIMUCT, ILUMBIA, sad " KALACIA worse. Rectified Wittstey sled Domestic Beady AT OTT TIMM sarAll Goods delivered to Boats sad Rail roads Jive of elnryptie and XO CHASOII 10X PACZAQU. Satisfaction guarantied in all asses or the goods returned at oar expense. A liberal dis count allowed to country merchanti. 1100 K k DALDWM, Wholesale and ltetail Grocers, Routhwest cor. Green k Lexington sta., Jas. 34, 'lib. tt Baltimore, Md. Dr. Baakee TREATS ALL DISEASES FREE OF CLIARUE.—Dr. Baakee will also give special attention to the following eases:— eingbs, Colds, Consimption, Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and other diseases of the Throat and Leap. Ile will devote.partlealar lateen** to the treatment of all skin diseases —Lumbago. Scrofula, Rlientnatims, (acute and rbruilic,) Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dys pepsia, Piles, and all derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, and also to all chronic female diseases. Special attention will lie gives to the treat- A ment of the ' ' EYEandEAR, withust th • use of th• Knife or :ice die, and he has ectastaetly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages—inserted in live minutes. Dr. Baakee has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the C , and restore perfect vision to the lie without the use of the knife. Dr. Baakee can produce one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Cancers, old Sores or Ulcers. Fistula, Swellings or Tumors of every description and without the use of the knife.— flpeelal arrangements must be made %Rh Dr. Noakes for the treatment of the last named diseases, as they will require big constant ad vice and attention. Dr. Baakee is one of the most skillful and celebrated Surgeons and Pbyeicians now living. His fame is known personal y in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters directed to Dr. Ilartkee, (en • closing ten cents,) from any distance, correct ly stating the nature of the disease, shall be promptly answered, and patients treated by correspoodencs FRIES OF CHARGE. Oaks ►oars from 8 A. N., to 5 P. lf. DOCTOR BAARES, No. 74 Lexington St., between Charles k Liberty, Jan. 31, 'U. ;y Baltimore, Yd. I. S. ILAXDING Harding & Carroll, (10112118810 N MERCHANTS, k . ,/ Ph* Proof Warehouse and R. R. Depot, No. 126 Nerd //award &reef, BALTIMORE, MD. Feb. 14, 'U. 17 - Junes H. Bosley, COX - MISSION XXXCHANT, Nos. 124 and 126 Nord &reef, DALTI MOHR, MD. I ass papered to receive and sell on Commis sion ail binds of'COUNTRY PRODUCE. Having an experience of tea years in the Commission business, - (and wishing to continue that alone,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give *arm ricrios to all who favor me with coosiipuizeats. also . attend to Sling orders for Groceries, Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, '59. Iy Charles Dunlap, WHOLESALE and Retail GRoCER t TEA DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lexington Streets, • Emnoas, so. Has on band I assortment of Groceries, Tem, Liquors, Cigars, itc. Feb. I, 1859. 17 Burr 111 atoms WARILUITI7I.—B. P. STARR a CO., *l v .cTireird and Caw/ &nos opposite N. O. A it Stidies, au.ruless, Ka. Namable. • taros of RICH BMA Imporionand Jilialsrs tailors / , A Nocks, Botting / • am sad Gum OW cased lissta, sod 11111 Irons, of Irsermadod Qual ity- Mos, Woos Coeslace, sad &aphis MW Blase. of slam VA. l• , rier Nada CO , a MILIC Dintlbw Haase. egO, WOLD. notormsoN mama= mg gauge it CORN, Omo Bea, OATS, Rye Chio, 800 lot, MILL nap, Bay, Stoor, Lilo, FIAMIL ?kid Bomb, h Raft No. 147 • 1491(017s HOUND trams? L Jot. 11, '69. BALTIBUBIL 191111 C.„, limner & Frick, rILCR k paovrtt ald roe~ irsrdieg Merehastif . Nerd ohm, opposite S. . R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 186 v. ly COMMISSION at PRODUCE M1D1‘,..) ‘,..) CHANTS, Nos. lift and 133 Nord awed, Bakinbare.—Belse established in the CoUtatissiou business for aassesisery poem they solicit consigneeents, and pay patsies*. attention, to the sale of GRAIN of ail kW% Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro. duce generally. We remit proceed* prostidtp. Tracks from the Northern Cettnd Railroad run into oar Warehouses. Refer to 111. R. Baithltsir t Esq., Gettysburg. (Julie it, 'N. II Howard House, cOIMER Howard and Baltimore Streets, BALTIMORE, 11M. ew Proprietors. Fars reduced to SIAM per day. Call for the Howard Bons* Calash a$ the Depots. A. SHIPS, 1 prorieters. J. ".S. BUCK, J January 24, '5O. ly 9 PPOWTH Calrert Steins, BALTIMORE, n ors reduced to Si ,2 5 per dny. JOHN .1. SLADE, Proprietor. latutary 17. am WHOLESALE AGE.Ver FOR lONII2II PATENT LAMPS, superior to all admen market. Also dealers in WAL OIL and LAMPS of every description. Constantly on band COAL OIL of Ore very best quality, which we will sell at don Inissas nankin rice. All orders promptly 61104. AMMIDON * CO, No. 1 S. Liberty st„ (seas ealtinsain,) Jan. 11. tint Beltbnora, 7g4- DANIOL S. WHIM White & 131v__e_pe t _ WUOLES.III.I4 Dealers in p00T8,1111014/4 IT CALM A STRAW GOODS; such is fashionable Moleskin. Silk, Felt and Par HATS, N. W. Cur. Baltimore and Sower& streets, Baltimore, Md. )slur. 29. 1858. BALTIMORE, MD. George M. Bokee, IMPORTER and CITINA, GLASS, k QUEENSWARL No. 4L North noward St., between Losing ton and Fayette &reets, Baltimore. M. sirStonoware always on land et fsetom prices. 1 Dec. W. MK ly Dealer in Hats, Caps and Chil4ool Fault Goods, \ 0.343 West Baltimore Street , near dna Bataw Hones, Baltimore, keeps On hend all goods of the beet - make and latest styli*, be &awl in a first Claus retail llst store. A eall bons persons visiting the City is solicited. DWI. 2n, 1858. Om* Gilts! Gifts! Gifts! WMIODT MONEY, Gifts and !Woks teaks obtained at H. F.. HOYT k CO.'S Gnat Southern GIFT BOOK STORE, BALTI3IO4II, Md. Send to aunt's' a Catalogue. Grestarlks &memento than ever before offered to Agents t Persons sending to H. E. Hoyt k Co. ars MINI of a Gift worth not less than fifty casts, and b. many instances worth ONE lICNDRED DOL. LARS! Our list of Prises ensisnaces a great em rietv of Gold and Silver Watches, Lockets,saisk, Ladies' Broaches, Brandon, Pastor flee ' Sewing Machines, Silk Dresisei. Pietism, Sc. kit. In a new Catalogue of Books may be falai Histories, Biographies, Travels, Adventures, Sto ries, Anecdotal. Tales, Igarrativos, Ronsaaess, Sports and Pastimes. Also, Rellgiona. Blb& al l Theological, Classical, Philosophical. Gstogeark. ical, Botanical and Agricultural Works. Dictionaries, Lexicons. Albums, Animals MA Presentation Books. Bibles, Hymn and Prop, Books, in every style of binding. Together Arida • all the newest Wurks of the day, all of wide are handsomely bound and GUILLLXTEND ma. , FECT la EVERY respect. Purchasers living at a distance title of books wanted, toe treated with ilso moo llberslitv as if at our Store themselves. TAD'. NOTICE.—AII orders will be answesili It two days from the time they are received. We can guarantee the best actual per eentors (including books and presents,) ever yet othrimi by any Book selling Brno or agency In the Val. led States, and are cosidest that all erho glue us a trial will he sure to buy again. Persona wishing to act as Agents fur us. erfll have (on application) Catalogues and a spmedia Show Card. establishing our Agency, korwatnisd free of esperme. All orders should be addressed to ilk H. E. 1101'T .dk CO, No. 41 Hakim,. street, Baltimore, U. Jan. 17. Sin TEWELRY. SILVER WARE, SILVER KAT- O El) WARE, kc.—A. E. WARNER Gold and Silrersnaitli, No. 10 Notre GAT Snare, 11AL. 'MORE, ED., has is store a beaatifnl-amart. meat of styles and patterns of RICH JEWXL2T, suitable fur presents, embracing a great satire, of Plain Gold and Sett Broaches, Momlas, Carb bankles, kc., Ear-Itings, Bracelets, Finger Rlap set with Diamond. Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald, kc., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Chaim', Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuf Plus; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pee and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, Gold awl Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins k Ear Map, U. ALSO, A variety of SUver Mounted k Plated Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, aka= Solt Sundt., Pearl Handle Desert,Apses% Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, its . of whisllk is respectfully offered on Use lowest tams I es.Tbe Country Trade and Dealers are invited to give me a eal,and examire= And Prices, being satisfied that my BALMS WA RX cannot he mirpaseed either for liamseeiar quality, or the lased mad most benutitalpidimiL Jamey 17, ISA ly IDIF'D •. CAIIOI.I. aOB. 1, 3, 5 end 7 North Eutaw Street.-- SALiZIOXIX No. 207 Baltimore Street, ve. Charles and Idght—BALTIMORE, XL. Xmasfretarers of Gold Medal Preadult GRUA AND f3QUARE PIANO FORTES. Wa. Kaabe lt Co. would respect/kite MTh* the attention of the public, and esperiaily those in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, iso tide W. sorted stock of instruments, which, fee ps ! and sweetness of tone, easy and agremabis Ineteis s and beauty of finish, have. by the beet lifiellpte, - been pronounced unrivaled - by lay la Rio ass 1. try. As to We relative merits slew Fbmalt p ' - would refer to the Certificates of llizedlame IM one possession, from 'MA I _LBEXCI lIITI4XII/0111, 0. SATTICR sad H. VIZIIXTIEIInoto WA* RAS - some of the mess diellagnialted pembiessm 0114 amateurs la dm eceuttey-; ohm to the faikee4agi HIGHRST PRZMIVMS, received wl4 the btes three Tiara GOLD MIWALS at the Institute, 11135, 1858, 1157. BILVMM at the Metropolitan Inetlinta, W also, KRGALet the Franklin la= l.l 4* Oda, 1858; FIRST PRZKII.3I at die Ia *l %*ts, Richmond, MS, 1856 11=-47 seem of our oreaufactars lase the fall trams, and aregaaranteed far FTni „ .Particular attendee paalid so tbe sebtefloc of Instruments for distant Nara, int 4 of exchange granted at any time ?kW trgetntii if the instruments should not prove IMO* slow ibetery. A liberal di/meant to 0104111% Teachers and Schools. Term. Rion, - • , -ti ! _ _ _ _ Who Sow& haletw tees to glwa we a wi heigtisa wa We Isabillit dispatch. sireto et 100401 Mia *OP _ is aired ddiggis•C egia iiiipeeakay = Z Peter 011 k Son, C. W. Slagle & Co, Susquehanna Homo. Light, Light! DIALZR ilf J. 8. Xe(Ronan, New & Rich Knabe & Jaiporflt, 1839 SI a. JI. NNW& .10111!1 L. MUM EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers