games. Gov. tyk... has passed distil. :usisest died, and perhaps his saceampor say be less fortenste. At the g nary sessiiao of the territorial lee of Kansas an attempt will be - Cotostion of a State onnetitatioa, and admission of the territory into the Un ion, despite the reetrietiaa of the Eng lfsh bill. The object is agitation, at the expense of tie true ihteresta of the territory. liiii governor may, and probsirfy will, veto the measure con templated, bet ttio legislatere can pass it over his head. IoN. The Burning of Vie Austria.-31r. Philip Berry, of the Theological Semi nary at New Brunswick, J., who was one of the passengers on the Aus tria, gives a new theory of the manner in which the fire on that vessel origina ted.. Ile says the vessel had been ma king but 211 miles per day-. but on the day precious to the burning there was .a sport that the captani had bet ho woeid be in New York at a certain time, %Odell woe require 290 miles a day to be made. Some afterwards tho smoke stacks showed by their heat and the columns of ascending smoke and flames that great exertions were being made to keep hot fires, lie thinks, therefore, that the vessel may have caught from the furnace, particularly as the state ment concerning the burning tar is sup -1 urtod by very limited 4ad tudistinet testimony. SAorking Bnfehery.—A letter in • the cw York Times from Great Salt Lake fits, nays: A letter has been received at Camp Floyd from a gentleman in Los Angeles, detailing r tragedy which was enacts! between 12 deserters from the tinny of Utah, wko had succeeded, by llornion assistance, in reachiagenlifor ida. Three of them, led by a man named Burns, who had been trumpeter in the tenth infantry, murdered the other nine for the sake of their money. Burns thou proceeded, at night, to cut I he throats of his two accomplices.— (the he killed. Thu other survived, ol)tained assistance, and gave evidence , krinch led to the arrest of Burns, who now in confinement at Los A ngelos. Spiritualism Exposzd.—A test of spir itualism was recently- made at Now Bedford, Mass., which wo commend to Ihe believers in the "now revelation."' The son of Mr. Wade was supposad to 1 I,e lust with a 'wrecked ship some yours ago. The father, a full believer in the truth of mediumbhip between mortals; and immortnlsi enjoyed cornmuniea lions with the spirit of his loved and lost sm. The son, through a medium, informed him that ho " was bap nmoug the saints, and that a crown of glory was in reserve for himself." It.r. W., however, was " token all aback" a n few days since by the arrival of his sun in the form of flesh and blood, and' Ms relation of wondrous seeps by field lull flood. The medium mizzled. .4 Blue Plll.—Tiro election °fa Dem tier:atm nieuf , er of Congress in Wist;on, at:el another in Michigan, has taken the Republicans by surprise. In their victorious march through the country, he thought of defeat in a single Suit° had riot once occurred to them, and es pecially in such Republican strongholds its the above. hence the election of these Democrats is peculiarly aggravat ing to them. rest TlTur time oat woodetfel thing &scorer,* la • mneteenth century il Professor Weed's Elsie Restore. Cite It restores perfectly gray hsle to Its original color, mute. it grow DI the D 21.1401 .In preppy. It perfectly to • ape, if Italy used by the pause twice • seek. Dead ru9 awl diseete eaanot ca d et so the scalp when this is • 5•• circular, sod ws defy doubt. Ctr rros.—tleware eterthleee Insktatlocat, as several Sr. al• J. I f to the 011srltat, celled by different names. UM/ a nalswitNew.erds (Yrotea•ar Wood's Hair Itastacative, • rwt ±lt Lee's. Mo ant Now Tork,) are blows on the ta.ttls a.. 1.1 by all Druggistsaad Patent Medtciae dealer, hr Valley ant Toilet °teals dealers is the halte d tster cal Caesda. IMLLOWAT'S PlhLS.—Nothlceg this world eau &fiord I• of Any setae to them In wheal sickness Mu 'Ali art Wood the capacity for Imajopaent. The moat welcome intelli gence we can gi'e to all who are thus situated, IA that the ;mans of reeovety are withio Qom' reach—that they bars only to arall tnentaalrea of Professor Ilatkoray's ruatchisiss remedies ist order to slake off the maladies which are breaking down tbeir strength. spir.ts, and COW . StalltiolWl. and obtain a new hold oa his. and a new made of ,ts Llesain,gs. The PHU an to oar certain knowledge, 1 red , ic,ng such results ia chrome diarrhaa and cholie, weakness of the ebeisach. (bemses of the kidneys, and liver complaints, ft bairossesrer been paralleled in this country , while Thellesrayht Ointment ka working nattackle etternal disorders. 71t Y. C111:65 KIVU A? TUE TUILERIES —ltereut a4•,=e• from Paris stars Unit the . itioperar Napoleoe has rcluestol Sierphy Eire a 'poet:Den of tits blicirfola play. in: at the Tailors' borers the ladies of the iniperl.ll c ,crt, acid has also einrsentett to be beaten at rheas b• the young Americas Lithe odds of a rook We learn that it the totemic", of the Sisparor to reward the great mas ter of Chi,a by setaitz to the Caltiod 1 4 Lae' and procuring for him, a neer wit /61'th* Steers Stone Clot/twig hall of R..ekb i t Jlt Wii n, Nis. 603 snit 60b Chestnut ottrert, atsi, e sixth. That is i:attallay a oaks a - crth playing for. 'or. 8. T EIE II 1.'411E04 TON FAlxte, a aew■pepec "'cited to Li corature Last Agricitltars, aka sitting forth tall se:Galata of the tpvlr lot.t.Losatlit al asmileekta, la :Kim Jame', can saUscr ,s 4.l tar atoaly i tj au. per &MM. Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to St•litor or va• farmer, llauseseetoo, Atlantic wanly, New Jamey. Those vistas(! Wed, of the best quality, ia sus of the hsalibiest art met delightful climates in the rwon, Ise clrertiseasset elf iLtmeseatou Laois. 111114. its ID"TRE GREAT slows 11111111 1 / 1 11!-411 'AXES CLARE.E'S Crucsaarsio /SAWA propored from • preemption by. Sir J., IL D., rhysilifts Ritraor dis,ry to the 41.1•4111. e tas"! luaus loodloboo is Do im poiiitios, Sot &curs All 4 CAN CO unity foe Tamale Dillealitiss As 1 004troctlow, free 'V memo whatAvor; and rat/tool& powerful rsicoadi, lbw solotadoLosibleir hurttal to tos Pont:4 tatk,o. To 211 tall MSLoons it iIIpIKU/1447 1. oat, in • abort thee, Ma; **tie coostati period Talk tovlaritt. • ra,so ha" ante bra %Woo to fail Ow* tto .t.rec: oo.ool.lpqil lorpiam a rt art moll olosommt. it .r tort Juke p ootoilemi 'Akita& t boo of Um opal. 11.— St a 4001011,11114 oadookoo/ to so on thor. ital stela, sittiataufallprellis,`•orsislos over 60 frills, - r titers mead. • T. W. Dret444l*,llllHois*, Aria, P2lllo4lplas. I P. Blebler,aolo4llolllolol4l3. MAY /7, /NW 4'..i. lx Air /VW L•ND3I mooloo. eon P/Watabeht yr Ultra' 110 sae Stop o(Noisokosior. lbw Me the boat for Artooliong -- mp t lioiga 11101 Loam .41* w Att i s day Ootooa. ?bowl( 44 leeßrti StlVlts 40401 fatuta, ad barlinte rani all parte Otis qoaotry eco goo siKtikat gag Wain. ilikooppooe bo pouter Tirol (roe 613 , im• poompo r prallio eighto teas oars 101 isditataeglis- 2o Irak Yloo Bt. liatf at nab. at Lir .40 0 = 0: or frtlvise S. J. Sr itihi r ; • asotlur arilialile" . • C. fErs.• .s 4 • Jr", la AP r lt " . o• I'. an IMO" PNIIIVINIASINIIINOMIItst pm. maim Lodi. • `l7 "." " 4111 • Er ...dime liaasaivea le iron mark aset4 re adrarthweime • of liataresime test. Tr. be .:tee •~-s i , • .1k il lir - "WI Burglary at Midwife:lA, lit—We 1 i Relater's Notice.- dIF 1 ----) a learn that the grocery and- dry good* Xr CE i s OftebygiTen to all legatee* ON & houße of Mehra Riegle Herring, MI /. 4 er peraps concerned that the A 4 - 1 :kt . o'clock. A. . Mechanicsburg, Pa., tray entered bpi' 1 intra ..accoiMta hereinafter rrentioned All: Public SAN, at thi m Virl party of bu r,4lars between two and three P _ ; nted al theOr . phaa's Cuart of Ailamiqilaniiltonban tornahip. Mr be Governor le ticklish 1 eotett, y for confirmation and allowance, on o'clock on Tuesday morning, by cutting , n n th., o lst day of December nett, at 2 out a panel of the door in the rear or o'clock, P. M., vie: the store. The iron safe, weighing; 76. The account of Solomon J. Welty, nearly ono thousand pounds, was then ' Administrator of the (Atte of Amy carried from the establishment through D erail, deceased. the garden to a spot about one hundred 77. The account of Samuel Swope, yards distant, the lock filled with gun Guardian of the estate of Irene Catha powder and ignited. The work was „ nao ili ddlomosee swop.--, minor child of most e ff ectually done, the whole front I John A. swop,. of the safe being blown out, and frog- 78. The first and final account of ments of the lock embedded in the tifenT7 Wertz, Administrator of the Planks of a stable near. The burglirs 'estate of Jane Galbraith, deceased. then secured a considerable sum of me- 79. The account of Jacob Griost, ney deposited therein, and decamped.— Trustee of Susan Worly, settled by The books and papers were not (lister- Goa. teat Griest, Administratrix ofJaeob bed. The explosion sounded thro' the Griest, deceased. vii!age like the report of a cannon, and 80. The first account of Octavius causal many of the inhabitants to leave Creager and Joseph Creager, Ail rniuis their beds. A large mastiff left in the trstors of Joseph Creager, deceased. store, and valued for his watchfulness, 81. The first and final accountof John gave no intimation of the presence of 4, Swope, Administrator de bonus eon the burglars.. with the, will annexed, of Elizabeth Rider, late of Germany township, Adams county, Pa., deceased. 82. Vint and final account of George gearing and Solomon Menges, Execu tors of Elizabeth Ramer, deceased. 83. The account of Ylarnaan Wier man, Administrator of the estate of Mary Pearson, deceased. ZACHARIAH MYERS, 2ifegiger- Register's Offtee, Getty.- I burg, Nov. 22. MS. . Death of Madame Pfeiff&r.—The for eign news announces the death of Ma dame Ida Pfeiffer, the world renowned female traveler. She died at Vienna, where alio was born in 1797. The de ceased had not only visited the conti nents of Europe, Africa and Asia, but Ameries and the Polynesia ; she had traversed over 130,000 %ilea by water, and 18,000 by land. In appearance she was sligtt, and rather under the middle size; her complexion was somewhat darkened by exposure to weather and the beat of the climates in which she bad traveled. In 1846 she made a voy age around the world. Trate ]tan So/d.--Cbarles Yatcr, who for years past, it is alleged, has been an exceedingly dissolute character in Louisville, was sold on Saterday, in front of the court-house, under the va grant stet. Ouo dollar was all that was paid for him. liiirTbe debt of Russia is said to amount to $352,000,000. That of France is $1,284,000,000; and that of England to $3,295,000,000. - Oa the 21st ult., by the Rev. T. Martin, Mr. JAMES McDANNEL to Miss ELIZABETH EWER/LTA both of Butler towaskik. Oa the lath inst., by Her. 1. IL Keiser, Mr. DAVID SPANGLER to Miss NA.NCr HOFFMAN, both of Littlestown. Oa the 1 ith init., br Rev. Adam Brown, Mr.. JOSEPH KRALL, of York county, to Mias MARY ANN PENTZ, of Slechanifacille r this county. Ou thc 3d inst., at Fairfield, Calvet! co., 5. ('.. by thc Rev. Jesse Rankin, Dr. ILL. HEAL, of Davidson county, S. C., to Miss MARY E. daughter of James li.uper , Etq., formerly of Adams county, Pa. On the Bth inst., by RCP. Mr. Reese, Mr. THOMAS A. WIERMAN, of Linn county, lowa. to Miss MARGARET A. E. MARTIN, of Fred erick county, Md. On the 11th inst.. by the Rev. Mr. Gerbard, Mr. EMANUEL GULDEN to Miss LYDIA ANN GULDEN, both of Mountpleasant township. On the 27th of September last, Mrs. ANN MARIA ►l., wife of Mr. Daniel Kuhn, of Frank ha township, aged 41 years 11 months and IS days. On Saturday night last, at Petersburg,(Y. 5.,) Mrs. ROSA McGA VERN, aged 65 years and 20 days. On the 13th lust., in this county, JORN AD AM BAIR, aged 8 years 7 nionthis and 25 days. ALL THINGS ARE READY!—The on darsigned has the pleasure of announc ing to his old country friends—farmers and merchants—as wall as the citizens of Gettys burg, and "the rest of mankind," that hi. new and commodious Warehouse is now open,-and that he is receiving GRAIN & fROSCOE of all kinds, for which he is pay ing the highest market prices; and while the puha. ere dispose of their produce to t.e beet esivantage, they can be supplied in re tuns-With Groceries, of every deeeriptien, consisting of Salt, Coffers, Sugar. Molasses. Two. Wee* hc., &c.. also, Guano, Piaster, Gika, Cadarware. andathouhand other things not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and ap Ike cheapest is our motto. If the people consult their own interests, and act wassig..they will not forget the andersigned. Hopurig the familiar fades of all my old cus tomer/ will meet me again, and with time issey SIM aaw *see. /what' en ABS EO deavor to please Vistitisburs. Nov. 22, 6 15.5& . , M'MLena belle► 1411 1 1111111101 r,. Ftesiliekl k Orni Oxide blirdiabwoo—a eat rase s:. file for Roues, Cattlo and Hogs —can -be had 41 SNYDIR k BENNER'S, Ij4s•kei ilepotis. GETTYSBURG MARKET. Saturday, Nov. 20. 5 6)0 3 25 1 05 to 1 20 ito 08 43 Superfine Flour. 11)e Flour ... Wheat Corn, old yellow Rye Oat.• Buckwheat Buckwheat Meal Clurer Seed Timothy Seed... Flax 5eed...... .. Harley Plaster of Paris Ballintore--Friday lass. Fleur. per laurel, $.5 50 @ .5 62 Wheat, per bushel, 1 ..V. /4 1 50 Rye, " 70 (4 80 Corn, 54 14 80 Oats, •. 44 4 48 Clover-seed, " 5 50 ( . 4 5 75 Tam ans. " 1 87 (r?. 2 00 Beer Cattle, per hund., 6 5" (5 9 '...5 Ilogs, .. G 87 ( . 5 7 25 Hay, per toy, 10 00 ( . 5 t 3 00 W . Alskey. per gallon, on (5, n 3 Guano, Peruvian, per tort. 02 00 Yu/sorer— Tkureclay last. Flour, per bbL, from wegous, $5 00 Do. " from stores, 5 50 Wheat, per bushel, 1 05 1 15 Rye, 70 Coro, 64 66 Oat+, 44 40 Cloyersee4, " 5 00 Timothy, " 2. 00 Plaster, per too, 6 HO To4F—Frideg last. Flour, per bbl, from wagons, $5 03 Do., " from stores, .5 75 Wheat, per bushel, 1 00 ® 1 5) Rye, " ..2 Coro, ill • 72 Ones, 4r. 44 Cloveromet '• 3 25 Timothy, " 2 00 Plestqi. per ton. 6 60 Itte , all4P. ••Thaw dIEMII• tbe wail beathity was aleat ereoolle 'sow; % ell stalk by oral ethiir bowever It blow.". MARRIED, jle loi~~b. l•Likt leaves on truss tba rata of wan la rowed ; Now groan Jo youth, now lel Ulating onthogroasi." DIED, The Cara are Coming! M=IIMIIIIEMI THE undersigned hare made arrungsmentq, A- by which they will be reedy to supply LIMP. in any quantities, at the lowest prices, as soon as the Railroad is completed. They are ready to receive orders. SUEADS, BUEHLER a KURTZ. Nor. 'HI 1043. Aulabaugh's New Store, N the corner of Hanover street and th e O Public Square, in NEW OXFORD, Adams county. is the place to secure the most dniirable BARGAINS in HARD WARE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Oils, Saddlery articles, Gueensware. Glassware, Earthenware, Huts, Caps. Boots and Shaer, Ready-made Clothing, with an endless variety of other articles. nig stock of forged and rolled IRON, STEEL and NAILS, is very large, and of fers rare inducements to purchasers. Jones's Patent COAL OIL LAMPS, with the Coal Oil. (kerosene,) kept on band and for sale at the lowest rates. Also a fine lot of BUFFALO ROBES, of different sizes. Ile ahio has a quantity of LUSIIIEII still on hand, which he is disposing of at very low rates. JACOB AULABACUII. New Oxford, Nov. 15, 1858. ly• TILE undersigned, having been appointed - 4 - Assignee under a Deed of Trust for ben efit of creditors of HENRY S. and WIFE, of Gettysburg, Adams county, notice is hereby given to all persons know ing themselves indebted to said Assignors, to make immediate payment to the under sipel, residing in tlettysburg, and those haviu4 claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. J. B. DANNER, Assiuntt Nov. 15, 1858. GI ... 150 ....4 23 to 3 00 ....1 50 to 1 75 ... 1 20 .. 70 to 75 7 00 THE undersigned, having been appointed Aqsignee under a Deed of Trutt for ben efit of creditors an. S. E. 11. MINNIGII. of Gettysburg. Adams county. notice is hero hy given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said Assignors, to make immedi ate paynymt to the undersigned, residing in Gettysburg, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenti cated fur settlement. J. B. DINNER, Assignee. Nov. li, 1858. Gt . BLNK Or Gcrrt - sricac, 1 Nov. 2, V5B. THE President and Directors this 11146- A• tution have this day 4 "Isitni-an anal Dividend of T 111140112 PBST., Pay able on sad alter aak iiiii6 TV a O l filittO, Ciaskier. Nov. 13. 3t $5 Reward. TWO small MILL BOOKS were bat in Gouysburg on Thursday a-week. for the return of which to the undersigned a reward of FIVE DOLLARS will be paid. FRANCIS BREAM. Nov. 15, 1858. 3t urWANTEDin Dimemberftext, which CASH win be pa. Farmers who have the article for male, will do well by calling and malting engagements with the .ul,e4riber. at his Flour, Bacon and °emery Sacra, in West Midao strolbt, Gettysburg. 8. GEORGE LITTLE. VALENTINE WATT'S ESTATE.—Letters Y of atinisititration on the estate of Valen tineWattelatoofOumberlastd twp., Adamson., deceased. having been gvansed to the undersigned, residing in some township, be hereby gives notice sons indebted to said estate to nos mediate payment, and those having claims against the same topresent them properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH SUEZ Y, Oct. IR, 1858. 6t PAY UP.—All persons knowing themselves indebted to Paxton & Mcllheny by Note or Book account, will please call and make payment immediately, as their Books will certainly be placed in the hands of an °Seer for collection. PAXTON & McILIIEN Y. Nov. 8,1858. tt ppENIAINING in the Post Office, at Gettys burr, Nov. 15, 18.58. Brain) Miss Hannah 'Miller David Brandon Miss S. Ella Minter Miss Susan Campbell W. L. 2 Middleomf Jacob Corr John f 'Miller Mrs. Dittenhafer Christian Moore Geo. A. EckenrodellissMatiyJ , MilLs IZlrioa Grammer Thomas I wings Wm. dadsley James • won Moses Galbreath Benjamin Plank John Sr. Hummer Miss Sillis Peter* Henry Heller Miss Jane Richardson F. G. Ilarrunn E. •Stanton E. W. Kinney Duncan ' hrirer Mrs. &trail Kenerer D. 31c Stubs Mathatte Kahn Herman Soramertnan Miee Koones Noah pangler Harriet, Miu McLaughlin Msrk %:hirey John D. 2 Little Ana Elias Shanahrook Israel Lais Georg* 2 Shafer Daniel Mann . Francis F Snyder Jonas Maltase Joke Unsay Mused Millar Andrew Wimp*le Rev. Jacob GEORGE D YER, P. Y. bappertn un ca lli ng tor letters in the above list will please sly they are advertised. strepanish quarters, levies and ups not received in psynsont of postace. OBURATS, in great variety, se to eolor, Al:islet, and pis", $i gs vomited at SCHICK'S. Ms Wise ass invited ta self sad eseidae. No.troible to show pods. Nov. 8. Ira rs.—Ths nod eon . eplete aeoorteseat of Tests, of every "%arty and style, ever brought to Glettyetnri, just rrcaiscrs. 74':: rid Lime! Lime I Assignee's Notice. Assignee's Notloe. Dividend. 20,000 lbs. of Pork Ai atinistratores Notion. Last Notice. List of Letters E .11 abure Davi,. _ream's Sadakry es• following personal property. tit,.. 1 tablish mint, the largest and most Collll4ete 30u bushels Wheat, 1200 basbels Curn in assortment of Groceriei brought to riot- the car, Potatoes by tbis bushel, 4 Work trsbwrgfor a lan time, consillin4 of r -',,free. 1 Maces, 1 Family Berm.' yearling Cot, 3 Ober , loinds,) Sugar, (four kinds.) Molasses, Steers, end 5 heed of Youtio, Dottie, 16 Bogs Syrup,, Shed, r itbkrel. Froth Flour. Corn, for fall fattening, 25 Stock Hogs, a broad-, Osts, Nutter. Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in yliort tread It ma Wagon, with bow., bed and ' esery thin , usually kept in a first-clays i corer, 1 Plantation Wagon, 1 two-horse ry s ure. - i W a-wn, Grain Drill, nearly new, one pair b•higliest market prirepsi.iforeona er Hay Carriages, ie..,one pair Wood LaMar,, try produce or taken in esehange fsr Good 4. one Stone Ned, eight sets Wagon Clears,l BirGive us a call. Buy your Groceries partly new, one Wagon B.olle, Ploughs, I where you will be sure to get them good and Shore! Pluueis, two harrows, Windmill,' cheap. two-horse Carriage, and Harness, one new I se".llover's celebrated writing Ink for two-horse Sleigh. one four-horse Sled, one I sale. [Nov 1, 1833. Stone Sled, Grain Cradle, Fifth Chain, Log i Chain., Rough Lock, flay Bake, new Cut- ting Buz, halter Chains, Cow Chains, Double Trees. Single Trees, Forks, Bakes, Sh or e' ' , he., Hay by the ton, Corn-fodder, 5000 feet of Poplar Boards. inch and half inch, Ches nut Bails, hickory Waod by the cord, a lot of l i flour barrels, stares and heading, cider bar rels, meat stand, $ lot of good bags, 6 set of llonre Blankets. together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. 88' Atten.htnee will be given and terms made known by JOHN MITSSELMAN, Agent for 3lary Myers& Mary V. Myers. Nov. 8, 1838. to . Valuable ;term Fon SALE. —Tbe subsculer. Assignee of Hever S. Ktxxion and, Wire, fur the Wasik, of creditors, offers at Private Sale. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY, in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa., lying about 1} niter west of Gettysburg, and north of the Chasukursburg.tnenpike. adjoining lands of James J. Willa. Esq.. Heirs of Jno. Mansell, deceased, &motel Hartsell, Frederick Herr, Abraham Spang ler, and others, and °ordaining MS ACHES, more or Lou. The improvements are a Two-story Double Stone HOUSE, with Two-story Back- if building. having a basement . F..ttehen shove gruund, a Stone Bank am, c arr '..ue Douse, Stone Spring lisonte with a nererfailing Suring, Pump of nererfoiling water near the katOssn.deor, (Ma three On chards, 2 of which are now, (lie latter con taining about 1000 Peaoh trues, ;;;" APO". with a variety of other fruit trees oti premise.. There is running water intim tat all the fields. The farm is in a good state of cultic atiun and fencing. About 15 acres are in Timber and there is a full proportion of Meadow. sarPersons desiring, to view the preporty can ho shown the tame by culling on the family residing thereon, or on she subscriber. J. 13. DANNER. Assignee. 1858, Notice to Farmers & Merchants. WE have now opened our large and cot*• modiuus Warehouse, on the corner of Stratton and. Railroad streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company. and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: Flour, Wheat, Rye, Corn. thafs, Also, on hand and fur sale, Salt, Guano*, Plaster, Fish, &c. A large stock of Groce ries just received. consisting of Sugars. Cur few'. Syrups, Molasses. Oils, Rice, Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, &c.. &e., which we do net hesitate to say, we will sell as low as can lie bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to eee and examine our stock before purchasing ekewhere, as our mitt) will be "quick sales and grunt! profits." We would also call the attention of all in terested in the thrifty and healthful condi tion of thJir Cants. Items, !logs, &e.. to the fact that we hare for r.nlo BreiNig. 040:field if; Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable Cat tle Powder, of which we hare sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. - KLINEFELTER, SF.ITZ ✓E CO. Gettysburg, Nor. 13, ISM. Cattle Powder. FRONEFIELD & CO'S C.I TLE MEDICINES have been thnrough ly telted and pronounced unsurpassed and oneurpnassahie. None other ar useful hare Bern introduced during the ,ientury. Nhilst formers are using every effort. and investing larg e amounts of money in the improrement''of their soils, too little auen ti ~,, is generally paid to the health and dts• velopment of farm Stock. Breinig, Fronefield Co. justly claim be ing first, in this country, who devoted .their attention- to this important subject.... Their VEGETABLE CATTLE,POWDER was the result of several years' study and experi mooting—which experiments have actually shown that, by feeding this Powder, a Cow will yield firom I to 24 pounds butter per week more than when she does not get the Powder; #ll other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produced in the fattening of cattle or seine. It is used with equal profit for Ifmrses, Cattle and Bogs.No farmer, or feeder of sue kind, should be without it a duty. i?or sale at the new Warehouse, corner of, Stratton street and the Railroad. by ICLINEFELTER CO. Nov. 15, 1858. ant Hats pa: ug subscriber has just received from Phil very large and toll assortment of Data and Caps of every variety and of the most fashionable styles, consisting of No. 1 Mule Skin, N 0.2 do..blaek Rockland.(Clentle men's Dress,) Men's Napped Rockland, (block) Sox, French, Felt. Plaid, Cable, Ma surd, ac., &a.; together with a large assort ment at Boys' common and dress Slouch, Hata: And Caps. Being determined to ac commodate he invites his friends and the public generally to call and examine his goods, feeling confident that the quality of his goods and the prices at which they are sold cannot fail to stye satisfaction. Oct. 25. 11. F. McILIIENNY. Sala Notes Due. qinE notesven te Jolts Burr, (now re f efJin; is O gi ttio,Yfur articles purchased at his sale. to March last. hove, been placed in the hands of the undersigned, residing in Cuinbertand township. Said notes being now due, immediate p tyment is requested. LEOSAIII) BRICKER. Nor. R, 1858. 3t* Chas. R. Doran, M. D. OFFICE on Baltimore street, one door smith of the Presbyterian Church, and opposite David MoCreary's saddling estallishimnst, <1 ettystrtrg. [Oct. 4, 1838, 6m To the Ladies. (11CORGE ARNOLD has again replenished ul hi, m e l t o f ladies' Drees and Fan/ Goods; he has now on hand the largest an prettiest stock of DUOS Gouda i 4 town. The f ni styles are very handsome a u rip,. few, ansang which ii a beautiful of Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, Capes, ba s, and Shawls, ce beautiful artiefejts variety, Children's Dress Goods, v'tita mae. In a word ire have from a Neat to abettor, topping off with s litsie of the erilgoate, Call and see us. Oct 4, 1858. Fall Millinery. • ' MISS M'CREARY will opati 6 Vi o t t i sortuteut of FALL .AND W BONNETS, an Thursday, Friday suithao• urday, the ith, Sth. and 9th just; sad jiviies the Wise to call at that time sad egbadoi berassortzstat. Oat. 4 3m (IMAM. Tobaboa. Cana, . MW Umbeeihs, a Wier Wogs shy* eik bs bad athaussat • PICKIS. PERFUlifltiff.--gchiek's is the place to call at for all articles in the Perfumery lint. FIRK•AND ,Ell & .a Nor StAli, in 1 the' d ours 8.1i4i• Da- Id Mc C Pall and Winter Goods, volt 1858.—J. L. SCHICK, would avail -A- himself of this impdium of announcing to the community and public in general, that he has received from the cities the largest and most Complete stock of DRY GOODS, that it has ever been your pleasure to';- amine in this place. 'all of which hav Nile selected W4ll iline. the unrest care, anallwiTh particular refereace to the and wants of the people of this locality.and which for beauty of style and chemmeaa.h• ohallenges competition. is the LADIES' DEPART MENT. he bail all styles, qualities, shades, and.eolors of Gilcids, auitable fur the season. He invitee the Wien to outland takes look through his mileetimut at their earliest eon tenience.' roa TII g I3KNIia.IIEN, he has a choice ataisk of Clogs, CsAintarair, Vest logs. ac., 01 good and cheap. pass by r-ho will alwary he found W' s ready to show ow Goods and sell cheap-- stomas the very cheapest. Gettysburg, MUY. Sy 1838. Pahniestook Brothers, TUT frost the city with a large. elegant " aud cheap assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. We are prepared to over prettier styles and at lower rates than have Leen of fered in this market fur a lung time. We have received a great variety of staple and fashionable Dread Goods for Ladies, of new styles, designe r and embracing the newest patterns at prevent worn in the cities. For Men's Wear wie have everything desirable in thnt line. sail without attempting to particu larize are prepared utnffereverything usual- Iv kept in a Dry Goods Store atpriees to suit the times. Csll at once and select from the ne%. ! •nk at FALINESTOCK DUO'S. Oct. 25. if From N. Y. Auctions. 4 rARCUS SAWON it now in New York, end is almost daily reading to his Clothing establishnicnt in this place, pods of every variety in his line, buugi.t at the New York Aueti Sties. Ilia purchases are made at the lowest rates. and he is there fore prepared to offer BARGAINS such as 11:1V1.1 never before been procured in Adams tummy. Cull in and see his stock of c Low.- ING —Ceats 4 Pants. Vests, Shirt'. Collars, Drawers, Socha, Cleves. Handkerchief's, Boots, (hoes, Huts, Caps. &0.. ke.—with his large variety of Clocks, Violins, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, and a thousand other arti - too numerous to mention." Boyers nut only receive the worth of their money, but twice that, liv making their purchases at SAMSON'S, Opposite the Dank. Oct. 18, 18;8. Dissolution OF PARTNER:iII l —The C ).partnership existing between the sub , cribers has been dissolved this thy by mutual consent. We return thanks to .our friends and the public fur the liberal eepport extended to UP. Our Woks are placed mu the hands of Lieu. E. Brinpuan fur collection, and in hip ab sence will lie settled by J. Culp, at the Atom tend we earnestly request those indebted to call and make immediate, payment, as we are desirous WI settling oar business without de lay. GEO. E. BRING.III.N. JOHN CULP. Oct. 20, 1858. A Card. T HE subscriber having disposed of his in forest in tho Store of Itringrann & Culp. to Alexander Cobean, respectfully asks the continuance of his friends and customers to patronise his sueoessnri. where bargains may be had. LiEO. E. BRINUMAN. Oct. 25. Another Change TN THE IfAT, SHOE AND HARNESS BUSINESS.-1.. Coss baring bought out the interest of Geo., E. Bringman. Esq., in the firm of Hangman & Culp, respectful ly announces to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that the business will be continued at the old stand. sign of the Big 1340 t; by C.ibean k Culp, who will constantly keep on build a large stock of Goods in the line of Boom, Shoes, llats, Trunks, Umbrellas, Carpet Bugs, and Har ness. They will also continue the menu fiteturing of Shoes and harness. Frnat their long experience in all the above busi ness they anger themselves that they can please the public, and 'saloon heap for cash. Oct. 25. Gold atoitomen4 AT FR AZ E •RIVEH, OUTDONE LARne ARRIVAC MP TALL 1 WINTU, CLOTHING AT PICKING'S DRESS COATS— JUST received thelargeat and best sasortment ev er brcight t 9 Oettjaburg. Be it' remembered that Picking is celebrated for selliai4 oheap. PANTALOONS—TRE liege and varied assiirtnsent of Pants, and the exceedinglT low prices it which Picking is selling then 3 astonishes ev- nne who calls to boy. DBESSCOITSI—POMIC yourselves, end bring; your friends s lung, L. see sad buy Dress • o,,ets. which can't Le es- celled. at Picking's. BUSINESS O F every style and qual- UOATS—I-F ity just receive' at Pie,kiug's cheap store. Nov. 1. ' - Tin-ware, OF everydescription, now oillsand and for `- 1 pale by Cleo. E. Buehler, in Chambers burg street. STOVE PIPE, of all sizes, constantly on hand or made to order, at Buehler's, in Chambersburg street. iARD CANS Gran piles now ready and for Aj sale lit Boehler's Tin-ware Establishment. RTKAIN Elt Milk Buckets for sale at-GEI. iho E. BUELILEIt'S, in Chambersburg at. Nov. I. Boots & Shoes. jUirr received *an Philadelphia the best w assortment of Boots lied Shoes chat could be eeksoted for the oitisens of Gettysburg and surrounding country. at, the wow east corner of Centre Name. Men's grand water-proof BooesoMen's thick soled B.xou. Men's Kipp and wane heavy Boons, Oest's line calf double soled Bootie, -Oxford Ties, and Congress Galtess, Brogans. Ladies' Moroess. Quiss-beetedip Calf, - anti heavy winter Boodle, Wier/ Graters, Misses' and Children's Shoes and Gaiters of every variety. •Buys' Bouts oed &wee of all kinds and sizes. Piteous mishit% to perches. good Boots esti *toes will please gm/ me a call !Muse buying elsewhere. B. F. YcILUE~TNY. OSA 26. - 43 b Niip bt isipag platimsOmps datißsNs" (Jos* asykk mid coat so , us Chas street. as PICKING'S, S •ATIONZRY.--Sehlek keep * up his flue &monomial et Stationery, sad is seVirri, cheaper ilea 'rec. C 0003.- .1. just re vdat, 42sur•Vtruet. a few. IC t:ls' 'kE .t.ltß LE WORKS. Washington street, between Chamber' hurg and streets, near l'ate'n Ea 2 ,10 Hotel, t ;ostys burg. I L ,a,ing recently arrived trout Philo delfihist, and feelino• ' fully competent to exe cute ail work is the finest style of the art, we would respectfully invite the attention of the Ppublic wishing to procure anything in our rue, to favor us with a call and statnine oecineens of our work. We are prepared to furnish .4founnicate, resebs cud Readskinex, Marble Audio,. Slake fur Cabinet-seakers, and all other w.srk appertaining to oar busi ness, at the lowest possible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee that our work shall be put up in a manner substantial and taste ful cleat to the beet to he seen in the cities, where every improresnent which experience has suggested is availed of ; atol especially do we guarantee that one. Cemetery and (Imre Yard workAall be no carefully set as not to be affected by 'tread. but shall wain tain for years that erectness of position given at the completion of a Job. and so necessary to continued griteefobleas and s-v tunietry. [Oct. IL 1858. TN COOKING STOVES.—Cuastaarption o f J - &looks and Gas, awl Saving of Feel.— The subscriber would respectfully infinsethe public that he has added to his fernier 'atria tv of Stores, a now Patented. Gas-intraing WOKING STOVE. It is well known that all inflammelde mas ter requires a certain amount of air to sea port combustion, and if the supply is insuf ficient, it is impossible to produce a flame.— The heat of the fire. in ordinary conking moves, decomposes the fuel, and as ail the fresh air is admitted under the grate, its oxygen is exhausted before it has passed through the tire-chamber. The close flues at the top of the stove, then act as an extin guisher, tendin' to put out the fire, instead of assisting the rombustinn. A large portion of the fuel, therefore, passes off in the shape of smoke, clogging up the flues of the stove so as to impede the draft and interfere with the baking,—or of invisible gas which com bines. with the lime and so destroys the mor tar of the chimneys, loosening the bticks, and exposing the dwellins to the danger of foe. The introduction o f' an additional supply of cold air, would cool the gas below the igniting temperature, but by the proper ap plication above the fi re, of air previo usly heate I to a temperature of several hundred 1 degrees (which Is one of the prominent .fea -1 tures of the patent), the gases are inflamed in numerous jets, and their combustive is I sufficient to heat the oven, even if the draft through the fire-chamber is entirely closed. In addition to the ordinary direct draft ' under the grate and through the fire-ehitin , ber, 013,7,v-burner has an additional draft' ,' through the top plates, which is of itself suf -1 ficient to maintain combustion. The upper draft not only consumes the gases, but it helps to strengthen and preserve the centre pieces, which are most exposed to the direct action of the fire, and which are made double i instead of the usual single plates. By means of this draft alone, all the operations ofcook- I ing can be carried on when the fuel is but partially ignited, and the fuel conseijoently burns more slowly and more economically. A sufficient evidence of the effect of the ges in heating the oven, is found in the fact V as that the oven will be ready for baking, oven i before the fire is thoroughly kindled, and I much sooner than in any other attire. I As Gas:barn ing Stoves are the order of the day, the Gas-burning Coking Stove will not only be the lending stove of the present season, but it will undoubtedly supercode all others. Purchasers will, therefore, commit their own interest, by seeing and estunining it before giving any orders elsewhere. The operation is'su perfeet, - and its advantages are so easily to be seen and understood, that it readily commands, at retail, a indent:tee of five or six dollars over the retail price of any I stove of the same size. AlAo, on hand a variety of Nitwit Coat STOVES—cheap. ANDREW POLLEY, York St., Gettyeburg. Sept. 6, 18;8. 4m FORIISRLY of Carroll county, 31d., hiring permanently located in Gettysburg. offeri his proteational servioes to the citizens of the tarn and surrounding country in the practice of the canons branches of his profession.— Office and residence, Billimore street. next door to The Compiler °Mee, where he may be found at all times when nut professionally engagtd. . nomograms. Prof.Sathon R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. Rer. Auguatus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Md. Dr. J. L. Wadeld, Westminster, Yd. Dr. W. A. Mathias, " Jacob Reedt, Esq., John K. Longwell, Esq., " Geo. E. Weltipler, Esq., " Rm. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. • Oet. 25, 1658. thn. A. GOWAN, JOHN GULP. HATs. CAPS; BOOTS 1 Sllo£B.—Tho • j " subscriber has just returned from Phila delphia where he selected, with much care, a very large and superior stock of Boots, Shoe., Hats sad Caps, and Batters Iliumlf that he is now prepared to exhibit to the citiseas of Gettysburg sad vicinity, the larg est and iineetstock of Goods in his line that has ever been offered to their notice. Hav ing parchased our goods at the lowest cash prices, we are prepared to ofer greater in eaceiaents than ever. Come and !CC. We *ill take great pleasure in showing our goods whether you wish to hey or Oct. 20. 11. F. McILIIENXY.. Fresh Oysters, &c. • As niosx LiTtLE most respectfully in - forms friends and the public, that he wiltopen, on the Ist of November, an OYS TER SALOON, in the room recently occupied by W. L. Campbell. E-04., as a Law °thee, on lutasbersburg street. opposite A. 0. Buehler's Drng Store, wheie he will constantly keep prime fresh OYSTF.RS.and do theta up in any desired style. as the tastes of ctuttomers may suggest. Tripe, Fruit, Nuts. &c.. can also be had at his Saloon ; With a tip-top article of ALE. He hopes by strict attentiori to business. and an earnest desire to please, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. Give him a call—you will find ererything gotten up in the most palatable manner. Gottlabors. Oct. 25, 1858. tf S. W. Boott, (Late of the Firm of I{ l 7m-heeler & Scott.) GENTLEMEN'S PUILNISHING STOLLE, and BIIIRT MANUFACTORY;" No. 814 Cuasisice STIRRLT, (nearly opposite the Girard Rutile,) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. SCOTT would respectfully eaßthe attentina of hra former patrons aud (Weeds to hi., new Store, and is prepared to fill or ders for SHIRTSM short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with rpm Sawn and Cot.Lsite. Oct.. 4, 1858. ly • iporExag SSTATS.-140 , ..ildministraiao - ati the estate of ir one r • wort, late of Hamilton -town sill • Ifienty, fliessied. having been `""' Itadezeigned, (the Int named • niplasaanttovrilabip„ and the • . VIM! Carroll cool -4,, • reby give notice to all per spas •I•., e hod ohookriietahi sososhehimedi ste payment, sod those baying claim's againSt the same to present them pro. **when tiosted for settlement. SOLOMON &IC lIIKNRY 111'313 Oct. 21, 1838. Gt* • 4 Cannon & Adair's Great Improvement Dr. A. W. Dorsey, New Arrival 1 Liiministratets' Notice. Eg=:!=l MI li Itor Gt9o4 1 .• 4 ,,,. :' n7' .11? 4 0 F.l) laul.aga. is ropltniattail • -to;:k :f 4 ; 4k,rdir. Ilia tintottokeitlVia ,- .1 ~.statnat i tak Gib is a.grlat o , ti ' p rat ~, ..' Pros I .ohil!s, and falout 111)... e.tiiy. '1 Lc LatlieitviltiskOire ' Igio• gonis• Alm), cheap OLOTIIB, area, . Cu 11• i nett*. Vestiatik. iteady=asadlAPhitttlaii, . Hilw_keta, Sh siv, lg. Eauttela r 1.41 .1114114 t" . "ler.) , Gikvolit au, Lo.; olots, a jars 4aadiaat Dt.tue.ties, Treat, Grocerico, err. ! IfE.IDY-XL.I DE CLOT110:0.--If Ow._ wnnt the etterpeit and test lieady . litaaelit Chalking in town, rill and see Gnu. A i" Vie make our own Clothihi, 4 6 v• *ill 4. ,,,,' outwit, employed enttini out an :r ; rit , Our stock of Clutha, Catmints:en, Clutioieneeti, Comti tig,.., , , Vostingm, &c., ix large sad fa& call and see us, and if we cannot fit y0u4.41 , garment ready made, we will take yailik,. measure, and tanke you up a _gartnentjuat atili, you may &sire to bare it mode, on tl.tertscsiS e.t notice. Alr. Oar is always on bata t the Clothing Emporium, bright, polite. always ready to wait npoufriends that as Try film, prove liim, and see if theta Le error in him. . ~... Gottysburg. Oct. 4, IPZB. , , MI • . Fancy Furs, FOR LAP! }:Y AN D CH ILDREN.—J FARRIRA & CO., N. SIS (new Market Street, above Eighth, Niledelifh Importers, )Innufacturere and Diatrwillr FANCY FURS, fur Ladies and 01010111i* also, Oeut's Furs, Fur Oullars, and Clovis. The number of years that me have been gaged in the Fur business, and the p character of our Furs, both for quattly price is so generally known threuglont Coulary, that we think it is not necessary*" ,as to say anything more than that now opened our areortent of FURS, for Sur en Fall And Winter Sales, of the largest itlar."; most beautiful nlissortuiont tat we have stair offered before to the public. Our Fur. have all been imported during the preoent resest, When money was ettaretrand'Fore much lower than at the present time, and havelreen snap nfactured by thconoet competent workmate - we are therefore determined to sell them ' such rrices as will continue to givens thette. putauon tes have borne for years, etbet iii aa sell a Redd article for a %cry stnalDiroAt... I Storekeepers will do welt to give tort • as they will find theinrgeott.assortmcnt by_ ,fset to select from in the city, and at manufa ki,, surer.' prices. .501fN V.A.REIRAS, CO.; Nu. 818 Market Street, above la, Ph4l4 , Sept. 20, 1853. 4at Alfred E. Lewis, A TTOTtnY AND COUNSELLO/11. LAW, Practices in the Vourts of Ye*" - and Adams counties. Particular An endear given to the settlement of Estates, oolleetitia 'of Claims. ite. 0111 MS in C entre Squall% (Barnitz' Building.) Hanover, i'a. 03. 25. Gm • New Boot and Shoe 'LISTABLISHMENT.—+Tho undereignet .A 4 would announce to the public that Lute commenced, in connection with'bis nery, a BOOT & SHOP; Manufac• tory, in Ncw Chester, Adams eosin ty. and ifprepared to make up Duo*. Shoes, of all kipds, for Gentlemen, Ls • and Children. 'lle willaindcavor the best of workmen, so that the pub* Le under no apprehensionlng that every onable effort will Le made to girt satisheedearr to all who will favor him with thelr Dation, age. GLO. Emma= 4.: Sept. 20, 1858. 3m Sixteen Years THE WILDS OP AFRICA. TN .I`. /taws WANT= to Sell D. STONE'S TRAVELS 4 EXPLORATIO during a residence di' 16 Years in the of Africa. . . This is a work of thrilling edventureit ant -. hair-breadth escapes among savage baud*. and more savage men. Dr. Livingstone 'tilt .4i alone and unaided by any white man,. tram ing with Atrium attendants, among differeo tribes and nations, all strange to him, alff '''' many of them hostile, and altogether form ' the most astonishing Book of Travels We world has ever seen. All our Agent* knowledgeit as tire mostsakable book tru ;. Halted. The meat liberal . coursiartion - - to Agents, in small or largo quansitiget. gt -- ;" particulars, address J. W. BRADLEY. Publisher, " 7, AR North Fourth Street, Philad's; ' 2 - 4 "*. m Capita sent tril mail, free, on receipt price, 51 25. - ,t ----• NOTICE 3 OF TUE PRESS. . ti From among the 4nrulreds of favorabl a lice'', from thip "goat respectable jouree the country, ef mu' oilcan A edition of b•=go,'l,, stones Travels ind Exploration in . , , we take the following : " It ikbonalis in descriptions of Ammo i wonderful lesses.. among a people mid be, ~ country grads* new to the civilized * ..., and alingetber we regard it as one of, most intereiting books issued within the' year."—Daily Dranwrat, Patierson, 2V. . "It is emphatically an edition for the per. ple; and, judging from the rapid ealegirizh , :lnic which it is meeting, it is fully apprecialedgicoe • them.".—CArigturn Freeman, linelos • • - The book is having a great run, a • , he read by every reading man, %out chid, in this as well. as other lands."— . .. g. '' , testnela 10leio) Telegraph. , t _, " The work is finely illustrated. well peildfe.'l. ' ed. and firmly bound. thus answering in , • respect the demand for a popular and cheap ediuon of the • Journeys and Research** in . South Africa.' Those of our readers wh o. ,; would hare a delightful book for rustling -u any hour, will not be disappointed in al* , work."—r. S. Javrnal. . _ , . ith truth we can say. that Want presented to the reading public a work to - taming such a vast amoont of solid iagiw. ' Lion as the ono in question. The roams ist handsomely illustrated, and presents that - unique appearance of exterior for which sr,. „.„, Bradley's pullications arc noted."—Fastilpt. 11agazsme. " This interesting work should Lo iA _Ms • hands of every one. Its interesting- pries eIT adventures are full of instruction etAasesiar. , - ment, Ten thousand empire, it is stated, kaire been sold in one month.'—Aubtirn .Arsericass, " Dr. Livingstone's Travels and Researobos- , in South Africa appear to great id,vantego l .'4¢ this edition, which is undoubtedly the edition most acceptable 'fo the reader who reads tie 4 : practical instruction and stuusement."-::-S* urday Post. .t. lb. edition of Dr. Livingstone's Train*, • published by J. W. Bradley. is just Walk, purports to be. Like Kr. Bradley's lob- . tications, it is excellently gotten up."-:-Tiork Agitator, J'a. " We an recommend the edition of Ds. Livingstone's Travels, published by Bradley, , of Philadelphia, as every way wor dy of poll., lie patronage. Its excellence and-ha Am*. nag recommend it over all othas."—frealif Leslie's .Ifagctsini. T-111 C A UTION.—The attention of the er has been called to spurious editionst work. put forth at "Narrations stone's Travel' in Arrive." Ow i the cheap American editioto of ibis -pets pubhuhud, and contsinertl i ae iinportant sast. ter of the English mlition, which te KO se OWL dollars. - 1 3781 1 Canvastei revere! at% the ruoLW POL HON mootit: FA,Toit a cosopleto waa ; a tale of LIFE OF j guishicl AI 'nest. of Populai salatitle IL 4taia and. ...wool Mitre! Fir 2(ov. 1 g=:Cl 23 ‘• r 4 f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers