I NWIMR•IMI. ,, Tut. CourtarbbliOlta4.erfr, K d ay tornint..b7 Millllsr ir t 4talattt, It CT . s per annum if pelf •ticaact-:-$.OO per anosot tt" ilialitiEsibastrance.• .No subscrip tion discblt'aitini, 'solos' at the option of the plitiiiihmeotattil all arrtaragus are raid. larthltilSitexts.inscrted sk the eseat Cites 39 . 1 Porsiixo darer erith ecatrieis rstch, £t at theaQtate 0 r pi/by: Ikai,t. 41,111ta 131 , c; pc et, dimetly . "PP te, 40.0 tel Pfling gAi , iblishMent, Olte, t hit . se_tre.i f-T•ilt the Ceurt - .4r '•(";. , !irfltror. " et. tlitt,Pip. : great Imp3ovement COOKING B'rOVEi.—Con.rumption of 5atti1a,42.4441- 4 1 ,448, 4,4 d Nuiti,4 4/ The All ILSCri tier WOUII respectfully irfusra t1: 1 0 public that he has a Itc his funnel. varie ty 'nf Stjvcc, a "rieir PiCenled Gus-burning (.:001-0 1 1 4 10 STOVE. ' . k is well known that all inflseasnablemat teretusguires a certain amount of Air to sup port ci.unLo.itiun, and the supply ;A insuf ficient, it is impossible to produce a fitune.--:. The hest-of the fire, in ordinary cooking stoves, (lee :111 -,,, ses the fuel, and as all the fresh air is admitted mailer the rate. Its ..oxygen .j.‘ exhausted before it has passed ;through the fi'rc-chanilier. The clues dues at tap of the stiiVi , , - ihete act's, lti extin guislier, tetidirt7 to ririt out flsst gut, instbsd of assisting the. vombussien. . A WV portion feel, tlitrefore, passes off inthe shape ~f 641119k , : i. c1 , ,, ,- ;;;iug up tip Iltice of the store 3U as't3 impale - the draft ar,dififerfere with the tr.kiett,ii-itlr df glin which com bines with the lime and so destroys:the Dior tars( tireAlltianacys. loosening the bricks, and ~sx posing the dwellings to the danger of fire. Tile introduction of an additional supply wunid cool the gas below the guiting temperetove, hut by the proper ap lidation Auve Abe fire, of air previously Ileatc,d to n'tempenature of seceral hundred .tlegrees , (wilich is one of the prominent fea rnrcs cf t4t fltter/1).4;m gases are inflamed in numerous jets, and their combustion is sa of tO,liF.at the oven , even if the draft tit resittethetfire-chamber is entirely clord. In aitiitioia to rho 'ordinary direct draft, limit:writhe flit* arril through the list-chato- Imr,,thc.,gue-biuser lies an ethiltional draft thr. , ugh the pip plateb wrijels of ifwlf suf ficiinf to lit abit I eontlatstion.' - The sipper draft• , via ettetsueree the gases, but it helps to strengthen and preserve the centre Piestasetrhistit_arc ;pink exposed to the .direct actinn4 ihq-fi ro, and wbicharcninde &Ain in.teaXof ii tge usual single plates. B ymeans .of OA di alone, nil the operations of cook ing,- cau`bel carried on when the fuel is but partially ignited. and the feel consequently Louvres:sere slush/ and snore economically. kagfi t eient evidence of the effect u( the gases la Imating'the trven, is found in the fact that the ho :early fur baking, even befisna the fire fd.f7a offißd3 kindled, and to eels seenertitan lAtlttly-uther stove. AA&. 4o ''AliikgSOStm lambs order of the day,•49,Ci..lteuirpg ag Sieve will rat only be the le ng llth ye of iKe prevent season, lint it tilf bauTrbtedfy !kinerct4e 4 alt others. Purchasers will, therefore, consukml' their own-interest, hg seeing and examining it before giving suy ~„ostuga elsew ere. The operation is 09._perficit r ittil its advantages are so evtils to 'An and intlerstood, that it rowdily eommarrds,-at retail, n I advanee of five or six dollars over theisetail price of any atone vf the suite site; - r irtol. 11.141/4 *Arm Poudaz ,CeAL Srovatir-re.4104.P0 • Wtitteir i rlStt.V. "" . - .. • YurkSt., Gettyrbtirg Sept. G, 4m ' Howard Association, Ppill Benevolent tnilitu tion established by Special Endowment for theArliff9f the Sick and D ci. af flict eNrW" illie`ixt riga Y:iiilenvWDtseases. In times of gpritioutics; it is the object of this Inititutios to establish Ilospitals, to provide Nuraes.-Physicisits, Clothing. Food. Medicines. ac., for the sick and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased pa rents, and to minister, in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the irvelors,at Nett tames, to visit personally the infeezeddistricts. and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians. not acing members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subjmt to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. - la_ the absence of Epidemics. the Directors have authorized the Consultin4 Surgeon to give advice and tatilicat aid to persons suffer ing under VII2DNIC DIN AS Mof a v iru len t character, arising from abuse of the physical frawari, ctrl-treattrieut, the elftxts of drugs, k Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the nature Ana treatment of Chronic Diseases, by the CononWag Suriron. have been published for gratuitosoidietetbution, and will be scut IRKE of CUARGE to the afflicted. Address, for Reports or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALIIOUN, Consulting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. :.'. South Ninth btron,Phtladelphia, l's. By order of the Directors. F:ZRA D. IIEARTWELL. Preet. Gto. Fmcmui, See'y. Stilit. O. 1853. ly Co-Partnership N 0 T —The undersigned hero Itagocia .A-` tad with them in the Lumber business, E. C. BeltDeß. They would therefore give nu ticet•that the business hereafter will be con. ductod under the firm of Sxatt., BENDER & Cu., and they hope, by strict attention to busi,ness.aod.,an earnest desire to please, to merit a gintinuation of the liberal patronage Lerutuft4locatiired upon them. ; SLLLI.I4.A.JULL & CO. Lumber Yard, O bi saki (karge mar list Railroad, • Wis mould invite the attention of 3feekan bilijaers. *n4 wham t 9 our lam and well selected stock LIAMER, consisting of every deserriptiocrite Baarda and Joiet.Setssailog aid lancing. Also, Pinisead, 4.l4iontue kilriaiglea, Laths Pickett*: Werkeci Flooring-mail Weatherboarding, Sidiatmtc. We are prepared-to CUT TO ORDlfft say sive;.rquantity and quality of IrßrrE & O.IK LUIMER, at tie's licirtcst notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture aul keep uu Land a gene ral &911101fialielli of 13 A.. 8 , I) 00 It &utter; Blixds, Window Frriotes and Door Fran et 10411`Orders for any sizes not on hand filled "jai ilfiqs.lkii r Ilidc4t)tar . stock set.karortment is equal to *nye ors, and we arelletermined to sell at the Diwest niartet price. - ' - .arciirs. and communications -lid stremied tothg, unilert.igneil, at York, Pa., will receivirlirossig, attention. SMALL, BENDER & CO. ‘Ygrii. e . Ray 24, 18:IS. lv RPINADA.--kleorge and Henry IVainpler ••••' will wake noose Spooling and put up the &sate low, for cash or country produce. Far •ll3rk3_Atik others wishing their houses, barn 46 Le. wouted, would do well to give Ol: wxi a call. . G. k 11. W-111PLEIt A 96118. 18.53. ti rfilk • COFFEE—a superior quality of 143tticlerer sale bi .3. ' 'NTT Do big lot of thaloc Nails, all attestaatl the nest , quality maimfacitared, veriyferforthe cash at 24. Dunair ae . Ziegler, ~Trs. PS—such as Satin lialian Cloth, Buff sad White Ilarsaile44ainen, German, ie. " • Pleit(ll44.PS. rpIPPIMWEI of vverrkeeripsien.o* 4sand aneoissla at gEt.),L Clelt4W s baril Street. ~. . • , . a . i t tittovratir, r • • ' teio amiln 60 , ouittal. • • •".. • .1 1 -I • Ili IL I shTAIELE. 4r - YEAR., Valuable Real Mate, .A T PRIVATE &CUL—The subscribers, A 34 Exeentont of itatalrall StfirDZlß, deceased, offer at Private Sale, that DESIRABLE' FARM. on which decedent resided upwards of twenty yearn, situate in Tyrone township. Adams county, adjoining lands of George Meckley, Heirs of Jacob Wulf, A.utkoyy Dear dorff, Samuel Deardorff,- and David Hoover containing 202 ACRES, more or less with good proportions of Timber and Meadow The-improrements consist of a two-story Weatberboarded Dwell - - 'I ing HOUSE, Dank Barn, Wagon . IT Shed and Cure Crib attached, Cooper Shop, and other out-buildings ; 2 never-failing wells of water, one at the house, the other at the barn ; and an excellent Ap pie ORCHARD, with a variety ()Collier choice fruit.. C9nowago Creek runs through the Farm, and there are also two springs on the property. The fences ' mostly of chesnut rails, are good, and the land is in a good state of cultivation, two-thirds of it having been limed. The property will be shown by Samuel Bollinger, residing thereon. Also. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, containing 7 stores, mare, or lesi, situate ir. Jlennllen township, Adams county, adjoining lands of George Mcckley, Jacob Gulden, and others. JOHN SNYDER, FREDERICK HOLTZ, Sept. G, ISSR. • —F..reentors. 11037 - The sale notes given fop personal property of said deceased are now due, and immediate payment is required. The notes are in the hands of F. Holtz. A Valuable Farm, VT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscrilwr, wishing to discontinue farming, offers at Private Sale, Ar s 7 x A It 31, situato in 31ountjo township, on the road leading from the W tite Church to Horner's Mill, adjoining land. of Jaw.xtb Schwartz, James Rider, George Grolif, and Others, con --taining 220 Acres, more or less, hetween 5() iirizt'A GO mire. of which are Woodland, and a large prop4rtism of Meadow.— The improdt.meats are a Two-; I n 111 !s t ory Brielt Ope-ittory Baer-huiltling, tog Barn,. - • Wagon Shed, Corn Crih, and AR neom.nr toutbuildines. in good order, two ttover-failii4 j e l idWefol,ol,4Vater near the door, with pumps !, lie th • eral .prints <Hi the farm; 2 s, containing ',variety of fruit, • Per. Ate. et;tonit wl.l4hif to — sle* the property are requested to call on the subicrityr; rd tsiding thereon. Gt;')lt(lE P. KALBFLEP3CII. A ug 30, LS;s. "m AT VikiNSIS-44/6/iustriatakiatrtp erty on the corner of est Mille annl Wa-dfing,ton streets. now occupied by Mr. Joseph Little, in offered at private Fa le by the heirs of the Into Charles Ziegler, deceas ed. The improvements are a large Two-story Brick Dwelling HOUSE, FBI with a weatherboatdeil Back Build ing. and the Shup up the corner of the alloy. Fur infurmatiou apply to D. Ziegler, Jr. TILE BYARS. Sept. fl, IK,B. 2,„, Timber Lots. TILE subscriber bas still n few Inure valuable LOCUST' and . . CIIESNUT TIMBER LOTS fur pale. J. G. I'AXTON. Gettysburg, July 2(1, IrCAI. Dissolution of Partnership. TILE Co-partnership existing between the subscribers has been dissolved this day, by mutual consent. We are much 'bilged to our friendsand the public, for the liberal-sup port extended to us. Our books are placed in the hands of Dunlop Paxton for collection. and we earnestly request those indebted to us to call and make immediate payment. as we desire to Bettie the business of the firm with -out delay. DUNLOP PAXTON, It. F. MILIIENNY. Sept. 2,4. 1855. ' irTIE §tilacriber having disposed of his in terest in the Store of Paxton & 31'llhenny to R. F.. 111 then ny. respectfully asks the con tinuance of his friends and 'comment to pa tronise his successor; R. F. hl'ilhenny. ' DUNLOP PAXTON. Sept. 27, 1858.. Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes. VOW FOR BARUATNS!—The subscriter having commeheed business on his own hook, at the well known stand of PArroir ld'lLinyam, at the S. 11. Garner of Centre Square, respectfully announces to the citizens of Gettysburg, and the public generally, that be will constantly keep on hand a good stock of goods in his line and will sell cheap for Cash. We intend to ;ire our constant at tention to business, with a disposition to please the particular tastes of every one who may fi►ror us with their pitmans. B. F. MILIIENN. Y. Sept. 27,1858. • Greatest Improvement O F TII E AG E`. —foxes' Patens KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, unrivalled in Beauty, Simplicity . , Safety or Ecaucrmy.--. Every person desiring to obtain the wry best and cheapest portable light within their reach, should call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsowlaere, for the reason, Ist. That no accident can occur by ex plosion. 241'.` That they emit No °abusive 'Odor while horning. r• 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4tb.•That they are easily regulated to give more or less light., `sth. nat they burn entirely free from smoke. Cth. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cbeaper than any other light now iu common use. These Lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stodents, Meelianks, Seimst resit% Hans, Churches, Stores. Hotels, and are high ly recommended for Family Use. Fur sale by G ILLES'PIE & THOMAS. June 14, 1813. CLGTHS, Cassimeres, and every article o Meu's Wear, good and cheap at • J. C. QUINN & BRO.'S. FRCITS and Confections, nice and fresh, just from the city, to be had at GILLESPIE & THOMAS'. ntiEENSWAßE.—Persorte wish hsifilb tfCr ' I4 C chaae Queenswarn will do well by examin ing the large and well selected assortment at H. S. S, E. H. M.tusions'. - ITST IN SEASON.—A large lot of Mow iu4 sad Cridling Scythes, of all the differ ent hinder now Beam g,.at thesamllest profits, Danner Zieglir, Jr,. HI. SON --- ,TOVSIPIPH of all sisal 'ask io order 'at IsJ BUMILER,'S;in Chsmbersbqrsikriet. . - - • . 1 _ • , ... . M t . c . 1 , .... 1 ,, .A. . .. :• .".. ~....„1., : - , 111, ; g .• . ... 44 .. . liet;il. llo tef- - • Town Property. A Card. GETTY§iiIIII4, PA.: AfO i 'iDAY, 25,-1858. the i'oefs eoilict. NIZ TOO *KATI! OWN At'TlL-NR. We, too, hare autumns, when our leaves • Drop loosely through the dampened air, When all our good seems bound in sheaves, And we stand reaped and bare. Our seasoss tiara so Bud Warns, Without our will they come and go i .'t soon our sudden summer bores, E'er sunset all Is show. • - But each day brings leer summer- obeev,. - Crimpe sore our ineffectual spri44/, And something earlier every year Oar singing birds take wing. As less the golden glow abides, And less the chillier heart aspires, With drift-wood beached in put spring-tides We light our sullen fires. By the pinched rusblight's starfingbearn We cower and strain out wasted sight, To stich youth's shroud up, seam by beam, In the long arctic night. It was not so—we once were young— When Spring to womanly Surumerterniuk, Her dew-drops °coach grass blitde In the red sunrise burning. We trusted them, aspired, believed That earth could be re-made to-morrow ; th, why be ever undeceived? • • Wiry giro up kith for sorrow? 0, though whc4e days are yet all spring, Trusted, blighted once, Is past retries ink ; Elperienee is a dumb• dead thing ; The victory's in believing. scleot i . Neeii4t?lj. • Mairying a Eiidcfnuiid. A few weeks sine*, in the neighbor hood of St. Burnabag, a rover conduct ed his intended bride to the altar. The marriage ceremony plot-ceded with gshtrity until the fair one wag a•ike,l theitsestielh "Wilt thou have thi!imatt for thy wecktud hilsband?" To which, with mach nivarent sintetity, 'she re plied, "Np." The poor bridegroom gazed upon liar with ailtonishnvein t ; bnt no expostulation could induce her to alter 1141/t• resolution. She fralikty re plied that, She had just seen a gentle dan that she liked much bettor. This eclaration soon brought matters to a ars , a tto oler3 - 2itna- - • conducted the parties to different doors. The bridegroom more disgusted with Mich conduct than mortified at Ms dis appointment, declared that Ilk tdreetiOn from timi Inca:dent - .Were alienated Mid that nothing should induce him to tal:0 the lady, even if her resolution were to alter. Mr. b'r. t .the- lady's own • brothcr,finding him in snob god spirits, intimated (lint, is a splendid dinner would be prepared - at his house, much time and expense would be slimed if he would return to rho church and con %dude the ceremony with one of the bridesmaids. The hint was instantly taken and the proposalis matte, and as the fair one herself had no objection a special license was instantly procured, they gut married at the identical church on the identical morning, anti after wards partook of the identical dinner which ha I been prepared fug the change able one.—Court Journal. bfir•A foreign paper says that the Olympic Games, after having been dis continued fifteen hundred years, arc re established at Athens, in the ancient Stadium, by a decree of the queen Re gent of Greece. This is the most re rnarkuble "revival" of tho day. Those games aro said to have been instituted by the god Jupiter himself, and, un ac count 9f their supposed divine origin, none but those of the best possible mo ral character and most heroic attributes wore permitted to take part in them.— Among tho eminent patrons of the Olympic Games was 'lured; the King of Judea, who, finding the institution declining even in his day, restored it temporarily , to its old magnificence.— The last of these games took place about the year 440. The Olympian plain is.now known as Antifala, being opposite to the town of Lela. liiirCon the morning of Senday, the 3d inst., there died in East Corinth, in Penobscot county, Maine, a maiden lady named Edgerly, whose age, aa.shown by the written record, was one hundred and seventeen years. It is said that she was five years old when the record was made, so that her real ago is one-hun dred and tweak -two years. She perfect ly retained her facalties until within two years, her eyesight being clear enough to enable her to thread . a needle as readily as any young person. She was barn on Cape Ccid in 1736. Cement for Roof..—An excellent cement for seams in the roofs of houses, or in any other expose(' place, is made by mixing equal proportions, by weight, of white lead, dry white sand, and as much oil as will make it into the consistently of.patty. The cement. be comes in a few weeks as hard as a stone. Brandy from tAe Aidy Regions.— Among the curiosities on. exhibition at the fair of the Indastriat Society of Rhode Island is a bottle of brandy found on board the bark Resviute, when she was picked up after her abandon ment in tho ice of Wellington channel, Lancaster sound. Tal. P. Shaffner has publish ed a lengthy card in the St. Louis Dem ocrat claiming that he is the originater of the Atlantic telegraph, and thatch• nil 'W. has raceme(' a great des oxife.Tredit than he .deserves. "WU= IS 1111916 T; AIM WILL PILYINAIL." .. • ~ •%. to Mae np a *useeL William?• j4add was the wedident of this Amencan PeaceSoeietr, find ho be lieved that'tho principle of peace car ried obt,would maintain good wilfamong neighbors u well as illations. /But there was a tiro! when he stiad tot. fully con sidered this subject-le-had vat thought much about it—as I ditre say any young readers have not, amd NI believed that if a man struck him a Wow; it was boat and fair to striker bete‘clogairr,‘, ovithont . 3 4 eoasiiicei n g , if tk, etc eptaine bet. tor 'way of ovencominic Akdor ;or 'a umn did him an ti n why, as peo ple: coin monty Pray,' be! 6 eve ht as good as he sent.° t '''..‘ 4 lie :hen had a farm j awl itrar we, who lived on land nitqiping . sh,ls.ilmot" , l l leeted to keep up afe . Melt it wag his business to keep i "s' , consequence, his sheep 's is tblTMiam Ladd's wheat field, an , duel' dew as - Pe. William Ladd • ' .man gam to go to the neighbor- him Ire must mend the fence - -keep the sheep out. But the • came in again, and William- .; Waren very orderly man him. s. pro voked. "Sam," ; said he, "go t. fellow and tell him if I l e dont , sheep out of my• 'wheat lick', I' NT them shot." Even this did not do a —lisp sheep were in a , a misl. • saidWil/iata a, "Lake any gun and shoot those r ." " I would rather not," Sala. - r, nether lint, Meru . Wh there are but three; i‘.'s no great job, • No sit.; but' the poor .rots lint j three in the world, person. that likes to shoot lirran:s • " Then the. poor man take proper rife or them. warniu•AP why Ailsl he n ' oaid dais fenee a " I guess it wtr sent )tim a rough kind of made him unt.f, and solid [ "1 etinsidercil a hit' ti William Ladd, iksud the. pnt the hurse in LI , " 8110111 *Nut is "N 4 lo"patt4.l. (but. I said nothi gy and drove V fi t i tteiti . When I drove / man was eltopp'n: , wootl., a few sticks of It is').l . and.te P° 4 •A',..a 30 . 1 WY Iwthet wirt motleautl•-rei l r°l)-5-I `e - ...row. _ .4 Neighbor !" I calletl milt. , • "•Purtnit me , „ • ;Tie i!tilit, The man looked eulkx ivul 441 not "/- 4 /$ 11 .4-e al o "mir ...it.V40 4 .. 91 5 1 4, raise Lialead. . tiao),.., dew% wifieu.Rati "14iii ell 4 "Coate, come, neighbor,” said I, al 115 W' inl i1u"ta u ° 1 41,..,".. - Par l 9 . 040 01 ! ~U have come with friendly feelings to Y" " 4 ' 7 * 4 4 1 " . . • ). 11)11 YI* 4 ) .p. , down i the CeeptPy ` a bto i rit you, and you must meet me halt uay . „. 1 ,0 Ile perceived that I trasin earnest, I, Puppy ,, ma- B ay' - Se&•. Oa laid down his axe, niul )atone to the " °mu " 9 4 4 9fl'Sr.V.,ro. ' _ .. . ago n. . unit bat c. fur lioarAlOgc4it: " Now, neighbor," said 1, it we have or. .r ; k• L - ' Loth been in the urong; ydeftegleeted llere vie Ate vaTicill, ita ifle Zia • • I Bono w 114 04,1 ry. your fence, and Igut angry, Mut sent, you a provoking message.. Now, let's ` `lY l '7llPrt liaL °Sit I" e Ic l ?' 1.1141 }half`a I/ 0 too audience at once. , shake hands." plc didn't feel quito.like,..ivinlme his aOh nothin, , r--tptiAlting whatever ! f The . ni a Lept rtifitz (In 'Jul as ntothimg hand, but lie let me take it. I had A 4( Km d.'' " Now, said 1, "neighbor, drive your sheep down to my pasture. Tkey shall sham with my s►liou till next spring; and you shall have all the yield, and next summer we shall start Mir.' Ills hand was no longer dead in mine,: and he gave me a goodly IFieudly grass; The tears canto into his oyes, and ho said, " 1 guess you are a Christian, William Ladd, after all." " And this little fratlewitis lior 'about the illecp was," said 'William "tiro first step to nay devoting myself to Ow Yearn Sooggy. • . A 1171 i. key Point.— Ktintneky law. yer on crro.dt was asked In dine with the Judge. At tholableitiseJndgoots id his eusteinq asked tilllessing, and shortly after rods from Who seat and took from tho sidobedird etiottlo of Oki Bourbon, of which rhe kielWd his•gnest to partake, partakingto=f, as is his custom. After dinner as the lawyer Mid : • "Judge, will you Jo to ask you a question ?" eertainly,"-ro ho Judge, "what is it ?" • •• jir• • - " I observed thatafterloirsesked a biassing you set on the battle. , Now I want to know' ;wheal. l 4l,oa were ashamed to asks blessing aliSbo ligoor or whether you tkougholll Was good enough without?" :ary+ The Judge took the viabc ander ad *laws .11n. Maltbone, irr liesr44Aurort; a trou bled with dyspepsia, t- d - . has • bad dreams. One morning 'Mier breakfast ehe was complaining sadiy,,and describ ed her aeasations to hurupspatkising husband. "I wits i l l he t o climbing up., up, everplittle while I stopped to rest, and thebribm, nl, up.— Oh, I was so tirod Thaitisot 14' I bad areal nightmare." 4 4 Thin. 'why,. my dear," said the affeetioitaan husband, •'why did you not get-oissaad,4ldo r" • commie( Rip .6.4•4411•15 ararriage cerantonr had ham paisalisilittiriiiireine of the churches 4u AdaitheilliciStan, the bride, when reeei • casigratnla, Lions of her fri andrs, accord. iug-to the establisbeckwillioniows e*atom; at the sight of whielactbelOoosa ed snit with a oopiosts $ briny fluid. After his friondayssoseeeded in calming him, he said lyiposeldit-4-- help it for he felt as lAd abeutrillPhinefft dist - . • 011irNo lady will boadhiiflOslMPO tale nest w(kilari's liiffitelDdliebbillin who 'does net shaeo'lait-dlif hawk The ()dicers aro- oxiitleted 4 .4 west mu st:gate& . 2 840 0 fOU '014 1Z 1410 - 1 , du ..; 10 iw bog The Tanker and and his ?tattle es. A eorrespoindetitof the SoidA Carolf- Mut, at the Rwee4 Spring of.Virginia, tints Mentions au '43xltibition thereby the, snak4charmeri : A tall, bony, 'Yan kee-looking foreigner, last from Cali retitle, mild° his appearance with a box of snakes—rattlersnakel; moccesions, black-en. es, vipers, atur Me collected a crowd '• round' him, ',lough at a re 7, ippectful a-•', .• .pini wi botk b '..t. '. .. ~., 7' "flak , .-, • . , them aro. tidbit' .' and th • 3 . , m ' into his a a am, tia r a' thoy wore .' .ds of silk or }`epos Their twisting, suit! earnings • cool give him p leasure, yhile.th , by-stiwi era Vero filled with very op . Ito Emotions . lie professes ts Co tame is savage friends by mosmer him, and i thus fights the ruttip-snake iv ith ,li is Own _weapon. _ Saju2A the crowd suggested that he WIDTI t4cllwircll, untamed snake and sly - lie Ogler pv . ar it, which he 'agreed to lisrot;twen4 7 fi ve , dollars. - This 3 rx awn was readily subscribed, and a rat 41e.snak ' . 2iiight': the day before, was aeon p _ rem- The operator examin edlum th some caution, but present ly Arne the bon over and threw the venoknoni reptile upon the greev sward. Ile kiek' d him about sevaral tigtes, caught mby the tail and thiew,iiim back an forth, and finally seized him 4 in the middle and held him at. arms length. :T.he snake turned hiihead to ward, him'4ml ,their eyes mot--the ratter dAud file gaze steadily upon the snake and kept it eo fur several minutes, ' when tte'suddaiiq coiled it around nill flea, thrust it, *bsOils bosom, as ho done thelothers, and the snake seemed 1 040E4 docile. Ta e days after,•lie re peatiad hiss axperi r tne ',fur twenty dol fare do e v targe rattle-snake whidi had it/seta-Nut Caught, and With similar re sults. A erowd ,of ladies, gentlemen and . et' iy,ceti,)n the piniza,•of Ike butyl, T witnessM Me singular exinbitios. IL Wnikpainful to 1.i4.4101d, though the indi vidual seethed to' have the angst entity . ootifideve in his uhility to Luittrul the horritraniteale, ~..--- Ireini, Arti,ence.-111 court, Fat .4-The late news rtboUt Paris " fasideinsult suniewhafitartlai. Fat is the rage. Ladies eultivatellt. L . They are doct oring vast quantitiei &bitter,' washed, rose leaves, and such lite. Irh i'Empretis is quite coipulent; / •qhfeh I eouats rer the style. Tub fiterdbn'will ' be her 4 befel-o long. We hall it effih "jsk" . i A new era ,i dawning. - "Ofr giM l will stop Ottink slate lichens' and chalk, and eonmende ly of rektst beef and baked botak: ?hey will risi, with the lark. They will ex ercise.", They will try on the wash-tub perliapu. . •..• • siar-The NS* Or:mini Mee Dilta of a unit ny. goat, in that city, edzieh has taken )upou herself the olliedi of.a wet nurse.% a youngln t whose mother had died - awl says ant whoneva. liearttfit ckild cry it:darts- hlAtity of ,to eupplz tiro wants lof the "seitttesiees bairn— .ffig4 Life.—;b• gentleman in 1 4 Iew Tork informed the editor of,the Fay etterilio ,-• reeently that he , had pelt' $A•5OO,f. 'pe win Dr. Alixa is (preottesistri Ulrich, and flak , ..* e 4, it was subject. 4) a ground rent of lISO 1 . 1 year. ~' This wo oosoider paying keti t y extravagantly for the privilege ! grace. A Word to Boys.--Bekiu elait WV . to collect tibratie‘Of vitt' tiirp, *gip wsth a single bask, anit or learn of any flret r tate; . obtalOt you can. After a whilo anotior.ta:ott are ablo, and bo-aure and It.'; d ike the boat care or your books, and in this, way, when you are naon,'y t ou vent have. good libraries in your ho Os as well sur standing on your shelves. ' „ le"'"Fellow-citizotio,1" amid a North Carolina candidate'. '" I- am • Repub. !lean and never in anything else.— There are three topics that now agitate 'the State; the United Siatee Bank, the Tariff and the, Penitentiary. I sha ll page over the !first two -very briefly as my sentiments are well known, and comeito the Penitentiary, where I Mall ?Nell for some time." ssirThe weight of ono million dollars of Untied States currency in gold is 53,- 7513 troy ounces. This makes 4,479 pounds 2 °wilco', or bearty 1%0 tons ;4 a quarter, reekornt °My' 2,000 n4e. siigh ton; , 10:44131166i ttptitridt; lilt That tA t pat bP CI rt inns ta tl ew....a . tmr- - 2iMM the Utak, roiled,„ 'On tfiiiltOrtolle circuit, BarelsteriLee woe rtitshledfbr de plaintiff in an Itc tiopfor a breach of promise of marriage) whits the Airier was 'brought him, he inquired whoOor the ! a4l-jr was good looking. " Very hindsome, based, 'sir!" was the assurance of Ileelaa's.attorney. "Then, sir," replied Lae, kl.begiron will rqquest hqulake initour!" and nka -11-4 ivlitirifeboTan b 0 'awl! The attorney promised conigtuide, sad the lady, in accordance with'Lee's wishes, took her lest in .a conspicuous Place. Lee, in addressing-the jury,.did not fail to insist with great warmth on the "abominable cruelty'!which had been - exorcised towards "the lovely con fiding female" before them; and did not sit down until ho bad succeeded in working up tkeir feeliugs to the desired • -. Tho counsel on the other side, how ever, speedily broke thC-spell with which Leo had enchanted the jury, by observing the hie lei *1 friund in describing the grae,es an 'beauty of the plaintiff had not men tidied ono fact; naniefy, that the lady hala tooodiOlegf Tho court waacenvulisetkkithrlotighter, while Leo, who was ignorant of this circumstance, looked aghost-p and 'the jury, ashamed of the influence that more cluquence had had upon them,returned a verdict for the clefendalt.--rPolson's Law and Lswyal. . , Marriage Nada,Eaay. As, old121(cl' farmer, just arrived at the dignity of Justice of the• Peace; hug his first marriage case. Ile did it ut) in this way. He first sAitt to the man: " Veil, you wants to be marrit, to you? Veil, you lovesh ,die voman so good as any voman you have over seen ?" " Yes," ftneweredihe Then taiimpeeemiarre- • " Vesll,eleyomilovQdie, wan so bettor as any yulii/ji•pa err. woe ?". She 11,esitsit!xl a litthi, and then he re-. posted: . . - • "Volt, veil, do you ,like him sio veil as to be bir Mile.' • t It ' Xan "Jab, 04. :N4B l a' • • dltko:k wheasesismiusdiktgatossoribesinti.xak ghee near by woma i t out to him '.nrkiekbvieed—if Oak- , . Uri 41 Igo • i . • el ' .W =4 l ; :w, • 4‘ • ASI 4 • wind frost by, ,an itiehiliiirfridullthe ittokip whiati had beam vitosiLeatit *lug lAis Vogaiod it.t.4 r o iVelf‘ r 103 Aitr VAPc r yilr or if .was ko n , .but tud nosetiveNusif And' both otheoriattnir left. , 'll4lll Boos-ti sailor again mado his appearance, calisd lilt*, and wis asked *by he did est drastic whon.ho was iyr Water 11.15 replied that hu bad been watching the nigglre"—thakit was just soros utssinse, . n o s thp liquor had not - ki iig tint time, ho bo- Perodiiel coW!d Minn.! t % Ind' would ran . thexisk. • •: • The Right Use of the Eges.—An an hishop who had endurtid expc t li n 4s r socutiop 'with a 'palm, uutd11641,4 • 'was asked how lip attaituxt such . 1 ;,. tory orbr, himself: 64 ,113 y roakiu_ :..1 eeibbrrawy4oB,witsiti . : to *leaven, as.thetpkan 110111111eLaatigcb ingt.46 AtRo4.IAO • • a .sPul!ih° ffirllehols44 l 'k space o soo n. a r can occupy or Want: "I lea mo, aed think 'how Meer tate fatuniorvi wretched thus I bur." It. ; :1 4111.1 t: i• 1 , 7 • A Recoaciliation.—Vi. Virifwsikyalie Landon biti'tsketi tip hfir'reaftitee nt Genoa, ,where IKe family"; memo., posseem-sr fine ostvorriimr the enarieo4b 01446.14,114 0 ; lafetYi4k 6 4 t hat !t has led . imc sitittionDan tween the aged poet 8,711'43;4# a seistration ofrorry `,Nagar ‘AVrive' poverty nor riches." And' this wilt ever be t h e prayer .the wise._ Our i s i lnuna t ex wr att i n A r k ia.c vs; et , if too Ste; Causi as to sunlit hie andln ' • . • Gone into the Xining Business.—The A.tlaitle Telegraph, z ,(A' napany have forma *somethuig snor e profitable than their eabio to work, is the lead raia . es of Newfoandland t . A 'porrespondeqt of the New York Post. writes that they have 150 men employed milling lead.on their lands, and. that several ehipleads have'conao to New York.. ..lbrmott., is Central' America.—Col. Kinney informs the San Antonia (Tex as) herald thq, le has t:oncluded his negcitiation with We Mormons for the sale of his interest in c'entral America, and has received lin earnest, 0f15200,000 as part, of the purchase money. Ile is to receive $2,000,000. ' iiirPrantico swishes that the individ. ual wto ir.ventod was called the "payirig out machine" for tho Niagarsi and Agachiimnon, would get up a little machine of tits sort toJfie used in tho case of every nekitispapettitablicriber. ' :r • A - 14.4... • , . . . . 1111°' : - I. .. 4 .. ."•ior r , • ... ...: . . " . ..) , ... . . . . eg - o- , • 1I•• TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR. NO. 4, -----wAgymes*wasepliAtio— next trein, i!ut • byetanuor IVit azur - Judgineat. 4 —Wit. irc - ood, Teo 6r_st etlai brietterld tlie tither 7 "Pt* inait Ittitit i th4Ott • • • Braidlisa Bees. It. A scflierte4s on footle introilltet from • AAA, ike -ecietithyt k 41 presume the vAriety is tha tic is of the wasp family; a• • t the asas the bousedlg, with. , • ck and the body yellow. w a hire, about t forty le ••.! i C nce, for itself, o •''lsll4iehes of ••,, waking it of a pk me a t F•airouhr prfel.; howeyar, the intiocluctiogal' genus ifelipomet;7,s• construct their hi trunks 43f , the ground. They •Boutli America. TI ..arity,is the absent( they are oneS Apts metilft, or: The honey of fiynr two bitter; the othf excellent article:: sting, which * th would make them should be capable of 'Y. Evening Post. To Step a Rctilirottel Tertfo.•-iiiret pondent• of Al. Washingtori,lllD. ', lutelligeacer proposes to g•istapalsallect of r,ars ethateve't nta t v,44o the. • spied," by luiriftz agfill v . „. in front of ttfo 4 arillg witdati . n i i .- , modiately over Oil) ilabPorr efiell • `- thettraek, with a soatmerriatiog~t fouling to the sagjpooleo , i immediately a constsfilt atreata • • - ,t could bo poured on the rails, an „ A t 4. forw&Vd motion of thitrain tr. I . • tlrely cease when, or soon Agri thirilllbra car of the trata reached thls.olledpoOrm;...- tion of phe rails. By . hawing aa f i x nbt difforfng nutterially f r ,„ the first, in. thu..rear. a the Lindh( * car, imqualiatolyvvorhaseur sionellls os either sido of the track, a strobe tot sand could be poured on the rails ,thipli preventing another train from toint;" 1 stopped by the same cause. : , alik.s: —,----. -,----------• 'O4 - The 4tlgptic Telegraph.--LaNd Ali counta.-_—tettere from Valentin states that although .no imprmanebitellitd taken. p•laeo- in the *chiral coat i lmit of the. Atlantic cable, - the fault aid,..Wl get i(haVse,, for ociasionally consid&rabli and distinct "reversals" A ~,. . • foundland *ere aiseeinabfer. le (iv ion that theprincifilil titaleifi t ~ .4 is dew the shore daily gititioe • `", ' # altiKtislt Professor Thoutoadotopiniesiri was directly vim:AO layaah a '- - tion. .It was supposed that sot ' would be dodo tritsaras under- '+: - and repafridg thecable duri . 1 , ,...r. , '' S • „ i which s generally a Hilo ut• nth go !;* Irish eonat. • , , • Ai 40-, • ,Singutar Development —A gehtioinan 7 from - Virginia, brings" with hisn a ebild seven:years of ago, wh9se .. growth•sind appoarenee• present degree afearininvokipntitit:, is Walter W. Bryant, and b ../ in Richmond ,county, ninety pounds, end is forty , 9. 1.14 ';'1- • high. His face 'lens largo' 0, a t i l t ; Alliesoni.ifitteralhotitts '777 - rteetlingly robust. Hy Inesampio.. .the breast .354 tb ibebos ari1•115 , 9 ( 'l=-Dietinte yos.ag.l illorkkujas I*: a 1 , ne_ lray to , Moe Areih AV' BitNitti sediVeigimetti - ' - ' ' , rtioon ' whOn yent fling witt bo killed with frost at night, ran nyatear vines Oak' tirolo b e; l i a d .fijA r. - ttomatoes, alidlitin &Er; they ) 10111-ripcmt‘Mt74.7. tootrsome from my Vi ß tr o Ot. Christmas drys at were var y ( . C. Norton' weitewa .E. Farmer. It illinitFtl3l"9at--• VW t4iqueows *MS , be - ti iilkal „d staves it milea-be, antiolehr4o.! hid stithMosi 1 b a 17 I n w o t " sr !e l l i r l — 4 . 41 r illi : P . -,) _ —..----17.........ar. ..e.— , t-,- taillto Bev a Start Valet-4.4114y isalligra.l neeota; whilst& Act Atnovir,,, bi;kwiinew il yeast. I will give my , handful of bops in about 5'466410 1 ter tumor VW! 4 . ltiifferes, e.LriFkit t ilaik r kW, iur ivuilvesitt NAJJAR, wilt IA Moly, fursannt4 n made • all tIVIIIPP out-,;,/t , - .4i..gfflitirlik63 rsAy tyr vile, ill . apopt. a, ymeXciiima M , thiyisoPut it thirjdi AlMdic ~ eC (: .44broodiatithrettofrie—Cbr. Mit A irantierwco ~ J rl r ": : • • : _-:" . oßtow tv..l . 2 Pfittr'rreh 'tigi. Eari-ni r iSaiii - ' tiait•Aitioirmvoitettifect•tb I gi4W l4 W iseirtaneplerriteetrit OM rillipr VlA** biarelffirii, , ,tiatOtallorlii SOW ta t pit ° l.l "li etl a ttihc W i V io4: l V.lno444s 0 pailrei ORR jiMellf lisft• iielinit 040kactrees.nroandikchureihmeig ' ': • siT4: Lirerte iTlo.nt of h Wispoptivikartwi hi t../ a gS et r ru4l N i o ls k, b i l cr swiimp wpt °, Istic ti* d 4 8n e 5 oak* , trek. ' • Vie =lease:. *AA *AI yokra,madrilf4ll47 , _ , . 410 %.•Wing a . "at. vi 44 4. OPIIOI II O . . _cg 4 sl. years 'after' Lti4g, e ver. ' A Mtn le_lcith. Atli• G. Leslie Bud Nathaniel ; Hooper Kern ten miles to the soutliyara or grand Manan, chi the 13th hist., tlioy)PlisdeV-• crest a dead whale ' llkaigiwg, wilpielf-they ' towed into llolmeat Mare, Elieg, and extracted about 100 . barrOivApd. from hint; 'They state that t4i , .he,a4 and jawskebre'a mass of brottairbodels; from appearance, it had h6dtillthilikir • Boston Cotrier. , 0-f-41.1 larThe latest accounts From Tditen. tia state that the condition' of 44' Atli" is unchanged. The• experiraisiiiihilerir • progressing. Engineers were OW:4r. Valentin surveying the place witlA497 view to the ereul.frpn of stron'g ft.rtige. , Lions iiirTho shares of the Atianth-Tbki: graph Company twain ntoretistnantot. - London, and Lin- hare ativppw.Etie . $348. .1;k sir A youth Frew* hrierbagssz.-. sof . 4nced to they lifasoytohnnettlSAW.„.- 4 , Prmon, for life, for incondiari74m. . . !lifirTho r eharLstad l 2llllM4l4 that the cotton crorivilt *diet t if; , ly abort this year.; ' •••• , lIC - 4.. , iittte,.. s , . ... :. - . —.a . ' '.. • :4. iiirjbaro is a fywipii .... t o p _ l Eaft" 1 0 1 EiVnit-tr!-, 4 : ... - ',., . t' ...,;-...44•17..- Ply.kalilitro ,11 r v)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers