4011,2032 , 1x5.g tb.o RTAI3.I Ma, &tante t--There eras a time when I looked upon itobert Cl. Harperi- Esq, editor of the Adams Sentinel, as one of the moat reasonable, candid •ead 4sososietn men is the :ranks of (be Opposition---when I considered him as reedy toAcknowledge t both In public and pri vate,the merits and good deeds - of those that Mend - with hint in religion or politics as any Man in the borough of Gettysburg or the coun ty of Adams. It was -this liberality of senti mtett and gentility of manners, that enabled him in general to boast of so respectable a list of subscribers, (composed of Democrats as welt asWhigs,) instead of any extra talent or ener gy On his part. But Br. Harper, like many of his predecessors, was not infallible, nor proof against the inroads of reverses and defeat ; be fore which both his temper and manners grad ually began to give way. So long as the party .to which be belenged continued to be RE SPECTABLE and prosperous, so long did Mr. Harper observe the rules of moderation end candor to the letter—but alas t so soon as his flock began to associate with wolves in sheep's clothing—to meet in SECRET CONCLAVE—to ad minister oaths—to use secret grips and passes and by-words and countersigns—and to ogee rewards and reprisals to all those that could' he induced to come and seethe Elephant, no mat ter what their character or morals had been before,—so soon as all this took place to the destruction and downfall of his party, ho seems 'to have lost, by degrees, his character for con serwafiromess and candor, until now,l am sorry 4.0 say,be appears not to be himself at all. I feel confident he has not followed the natural in clinations of his heart, in his conduct and course—but the force of circumstances, and the hatred he bears towards the Democratic party, have brought 'hint to what he • is, and tempted hint to do what, tinder former dream stan6es, ho would have shrank from the very IrtIOUGLIT of committing. his not my provinco,or my delight thus to comment on , the conduct, or expose the frailties of Talmo= =careens like the one iii question - ; bat the reed - mg of last specimen of iucon sistency and UNUANLINESS, makes this expose actunlirnecessery and proper. In his Sentinel fof this week, Mr. Harper attempts to reply to that portion army communication, of the week before, that asserted that lion. M. Smyser hind voted against and taleen "extra-,pay," by charging, that as' that gentlemen had enclosed hii m a check for one-half of the extra pay, and ha ad appropriated the other half to the Female J.Leademy of BcShorrystown, therefore be, D. J. Smyser, did not take extra-pay. To cap the climax of malice and PIIAMBAICAL hypocrisy, he excitingly asks, in the face of this palpable de ception," Where is the falsification now?" Mr. Harper must consider his subscribers as Terde,nt as he is MY if he presumes he can casueno them in this way. But let us examine the congratulations that. this good Sentinel is bestowing on himself for the light that he was enabled to throw on the esiblect, from the fact that he happened to be Treasurer of the G. F. Academy at the time the Hon, 11 Smyser did not take the extra pay. here tl , 4y are: "The Compileris evident ly not BOOZED up, and as in remitted above, is 'floundering about.'" "This reference to Judge Smyser was a very unhappy one. kilo would not appropriate to his own ram= use the money voted by the Legislature to them selves as pay during the recess—but made a maeostriox of it creditable to himself," ac.- 4 "Anki yet, with all this doctimentary evidence, the Compiler says Judge :-_ , :myser took extra Ipay,aud Mr. Will did as the lion. D. M. Siny. see had done. Where is the falsification now ?" The cause that needs propping up by such siiisereble and palpable deception as is attempt ed here, in the face of documentary evidence„ must be desperate and deqpi e abie indeed; a n d the man that resorts to such' bald-faced strata gems and self-evident 311.41MPRESENTATIONS 7 Inust b/ hardened lathe ways of presumption and hypocrisy. It the money that the Hon. D. M. Smyscr checked out, and disposed of in the way stated, belonged to him, he had a right to appropriate it to whatever use he thought proper. If it did not belong to him, he had no Tight to rob Peter to pay Paul, by chocking it bout as tiC3lgnated by his letter to Ft. G.Harper, tEsq., then Treasurer of the G. P. Scadetuy. If the money that Charles Will drew as extra pay belonged to hint, he had the same right to -appropriate and apply it as he thought best, as had D. M. Smcter. And if he has thought proper to bestow any portion of it upon indi gent persons or benevolent institutions, the notes of true' charity do not require him to herald it to the world through the world-wide ,organ of Hobert G. Harper, Esq., or that of any bother Know Nothing in or out of the county. Mr. Harper is now old enough to know this, 'but has not the In tnliness and the moral cour age to act upon his better knowledge. Ma. EDITOR Star of last week eopies au article from the Chambers !burg Repository, boded "Edward :McPherson," which well deserves-at tention. The repositery, if it knows Stu own assertions to he ind and true, knows more than anybody else about ," Edward McPherson." It says "few ,tnen have surpassed Edward McPher son in shedding the lustre of godus upon the Politics and Literature of the day." lit would be well for the Repository if it wishes to maintain its reputation, if it has any, for truth and intelligence, to give some proof in support of this extravagant assertion. Where and w hen Edward McPherson shed the lustre of genius on the Politics and Literature .of the day, as well as all the particulars connected therewith, the people of Adams county would like to know, and would thank the Repository to inform them. The Repository says Edward McPher son is scarcely thirty years of age, and yet few ;non have surpassed him in ' , shedding the lustre of genius on the Politics and Literature of the day."-- ', For ten years past he has perhaps con tributed more to an enlightened 'dis cussion of the political questions before the people than. any other man of his Age. .I,t Drell tor the credit et' the lieposito,ry that, he provided this ex travag,ant hyperbole with the emphatic perhaps. Where did this Edward Mc- Pherson contribute so superlatively to this enlightened discussion Not in the Congress of the nation—not in the -`Legislative halls of the State—not on the stump? Then where? Echo an .iwors whores' In the Know Nothing Councils, perhaps? The Repository no doubt knows, but as yet must keep 'this silent and secret, until it is ordered by the Grand G. D. X. S. to remove the of secrecy, and to exhibit the noc turnal repord. But the Repository declares that Ed. ward McPherson had been instrumental ,to a great extent in effecting the con summation of the sale of the Main Line in 1857, and of the- remainder of the canals by the last Legislature, through his letters to the Philadelphia Bulletin I.n 1856 and in 1857, which were "print .ed in pamphlet form by the friends of 'Reform." It iscruel in the Repository hus to divulge the name of tho author if those wonderful letters, since I have In confidentially Assured, by a mem ber of the order, in good standing on the goose question, that this Edward the 'treat had-, whilaenditingAirose letters, • unted the cf.:ist, and laid the minds • 'on, of starting up, rbeenix like, ' other Junius furore from their ashes. : ut such half Know Nothings as the t• ,pository, it seems,ounnOt keep their • wn counsel, and it is on this aectAnt hat the straight out Americana .have. et reluctantly 'consented to Ittilfdp to with these sable Rltpublicans. But since the Repository is so con versant- with these greaecauses and ef fects, it should tell its readers whether ggEd• 1 McPherson" was also instrumental to a groat cztent in en grafting in the bill for.the sale of the Main Line, the main feature that the State waste be robbed of the revenue accruing from the State warct,tin the shape of Tonnage ; or whether the lustre of genius he shed upon the Polities and Literature of the day, prevented the Consummation of this Legislative swin ! die, by enlightening apd superinducing the Supremo Court to pronounce this "bargain and sale" unconstitutional 'Jacob Rester, Esq., in his." strong (le i sire to see our State Tax reduced by economy and retrenchment," should call this modern Junius to judgment on this particular phase of the subject, so that the people of, this Congressional district may not go it blind on the second Tuesday of October next. The Repository has shed as much light on tins subject perhaps, as Edward McPherson has on the Literature of the day. Before the Repository made those nerd discoveries, the benighted citizens of Adams were almost entirely unacquainted with the lustrous quali ties and qualifications of their fellow citizen, " Edward McPherson," as well as with the cacaos that were instrumen ital to a great extent, in effecting, the consummation of the sale of the Main Lino in 1857. They were under the impression that this wholesale swindle, including the throwing away of the Tonnage tax, was consummated, to 'a great extent, by more shining arguments than this young man could command; by more substantial aid than ho was then, precocious as ho was, able to i bring to bear on the subject. The Star and Jacob Rester, Esq., should see 'to it at once, and know how far their "smart young man" "waded" into the ; State swindle, and lot the, people know the result. The Repository also says "Edward McPherson" "has made his marl: in every struggle in Pennsylvania since ho attained his majority." This is astonishing and Startling in the ex teeme, and if it were not for the supe lrior intelligence of the Repository, the people would have remained in the dark again, as the luminaries of our county are averse to revealing' such mysteries as this. But the Repository is again elliptical, in failing to record the time and place, when and where, its " little giant" made his mark; whether it was in the Know Nothing Lodges, and whether the time was day or night, as his mark is so private that outsiders, and those uninitiated are not permitted ! to see it. !or Ths Compiler For my past I am not aware of any great miracles that " Ed wtprkft MePher son" bus performed, either in Polities or Literature. The "few brier ex tracts" the Repository gives of his ad dress on "The Christian Principle—lts influence upon Government," cont.:l4as,, in my humble opinion, very bale =dea l:act' to enlighten the multitude, much less Senators and Divines. Hear him on the gods, and we will let him and his glory rest until another day—" It has (The Christian Principle) diverted the sentiment of veneration from my thologi3 gods, but little better• and some times much worse than 77102 " If this is not a classical sentence lam a Know Nothing on the subject. I have al ways been taught that an " honest .man was the noblest work of the Crea torceording to Edward Mailer son'ic-fevelations, there are some hea then gods a little better as well as some times much worse than man. Jacob Rosser, Esq., should call the attention of the Repository, and other' political divines, to this beautiful and enlighten ing extract, so that the origin of these new gods may be traced, and that their names, with their peculiar merits, may be duly entered and recorded in their proper place, in mythological History. TOBIAS. FOLLOCAIIANCE For The Compiler Cast of the East India Mutiny—The Trotible with the ditlantie Cable.—NEW YORK, Sept. 29.—The cost of the sup pression of the India mutiny is begin ning to excite alarm in England. It is estimated that before the close of the campaign forty millions of pounds will be added to the debt of India, and that there will be an annual deficit of six millions. The Valentia correspondent of the Times says that it is perfectly conclusive according to the _experiments of Prof. Thomson, that water has reached the conducting wire in at least ope place, not lesS than two hundred and twenty miles from shore, and as the currents received from Newfoundland vary from one two-handrail to only one nine-bun droth part of the strength, they should be, it would,be deceiving the public to state that the fault is - other than of the most serious nature. - - , It appears that recent experiments induce the belief that the fracture, or fractures, for it is thought:there may be two, will be found to exist at a distance of between two hundred and three hundred miles from shore. For about two hundred and thirty or two hundred and forty miles the depth is only four hundred and ten fathoms, and within that range mischief could easily be re paired. But a sudden descent then oc curs to ono thousand five hundred and eighteen fathoms, were it is extremely doubtful ftp itVipg,could be done. The probability scorns to be, that it is at this abrupt point the damage has been sustained. Shares aeclined on Saturday to three hundred and fifteen poands. HOLLOWAY'S -OINTMENT ANO PlLLS.—Woodernal tares of bip disease, stiff joieds, paralytation of the limbs, aced other tripling diseases of the hones, sinews, nerrii, and neaseles, have been seampllalsed daring the past year by a brisk mad regular *se of Holloway's Ointment.. It le the any laxative which predates any impreeskus on them fearful antedates. The Mises° are doing winders'. No cane of dyspepsia bowel eansedsint, or Ever ileum ail) resist their unitary Opsiation. WIT 'Wald any Mimes Wog suffer from these nealedice, when the M.aal ofllo - relief are to be Nand la every city and town its the United States ? THE HAMMONTON FARMER, a sewspaper derotist to Literature sal Agricolters, oleo settles forth fail stesesto or tho now settlement ot. ILammenton, in New Jersey, ass be subseribed tor steely Ueda . per annum. Inclose postage. stamps 'tor . the amount. Address to Editor et the Farmer, thumocreton.Atialstiecoanty, New Jersey. Thom wishing cheep Mod, et the best quality, is one ot the healthiest turf most delightful climates isk,the Halos, see advertisement of Hammonton Eustis. Sept, IT, - lifdd. 3m ' TUN COUNT.,—Po rata Comet sae seett Aria tits aakatoya about aigbt'o.elook, oa tbaerasiott of tbo 2ett tilt:, at Cambridge. It war tba nortboliat botiaoa, out snows -u a Aar alba *moat -or third masoitado. Wa bar* bore, In Philadelphia, a star of tbo ibis magaitoito jo the abopa of the Stoma - Rona Ciotbimeltaltof ti; Wawa, Not 603 and 604 Cbuitat smut, aipao ll aMM PialadolOis - I& -)4o TEE 'MEM NAIR,. - Persons visitiggthe York, Fair daring the present. week wilt- bek:iAken, from any -of the Stations, over .the Gettyi burr.Railrm4d; going and returning, at HALF FARE. P. ItteecapY, 'Prat. Oct. 4, 1858. Er WINAT MUM NE3tEIPYI.43III LIMNS CLatIIEZII clustuusso illallial NUJ, from a prinoriptiently Mr S. Clarke, M. D., Physicleslatrees , &airy to the Qum. This well known medlelseM no be; petition, bit Senn Ng Itid. route:l7lhr Venal* Mika Wes uI Ottetrietipso, from any muse whaler's.; and **though a powerful remedy, thileontain anthill; hurtful to that coutitation. To MalltlO Latin it Lo pecadUrly salted. It will, In short time, brio; on the monthly period with regularity. Theta Fills bare smear been tufo to fail where the directions on page of pamphlet an well Ogletree'. Par farther particulars gets pamphlet free of Misused. N. sad 6 pottage stamps enclosed to any author. Ised agent, will insure • bottle, containing over .50 pills, by return mail. T. W. Dyott & Bon, Whalen!. Agents, PlAtidelphis. A. D. Buehler. Agent, Gettysburg. hist ly VARY LINOS Toll RILE 23 milos from Malts&labia by Railroad is the Rat* of New Jersey. Soil smug toe best for Agricultural propane, bola* a good team Emit, with a clay bottom. TM land la a large tract, dirtied tato small Isms, and hundreds from all puts el the country are ow settling tabu lid*. Tbsemp*asbsseaagtuw64. Terms .from Pl 3 to $2O per sere, payable within Your years by instalments. To visit the plato—Leare Tino St. Wharf at Phila. at I'S A. U. by Railroad for Ilammontoa, or address 11. ft. Byrnes, by latter. Sob full advertisement to another column. (Sept. 27,1'53.-tee in" See advettisenseet of Dr. Eiiiibird'a Ltnsa b another totem. tErAtI wanting to emigrate to a mild climate, good toil, and Aim market, too advertisement of Hammonton Lands. [Sept. 27. am ta"To all ranting Fermi, see wlrertlsenunt of Mule. mantel! Leacti. [Sept,. V. 3,n i)j4i.ket itepolls. Cotreetodfrom thelant Bald mars, York & Ilanovierikera Baltimore—Friday last. Flew, per hared, $5 37 ® 5 50 Wheat, per basket, 1 20 (t‘ 1 45 Rye, ..75 (t. 82 Cern,' .1 80 a 85 Oats, gi 40 44 Clover-seed, " 5 25 Cce) 5 75 Tim Way, " • 200(. 2 25 Beef Cattle, per hand., 5000 7 00 Hogs, if 550 600 Hay, per ton, 11.00 ®13.00 Whiskey, per gallon, 23 ® 24 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 62 00 Mower—Thursday last. Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $5 00 - Do. " from storeq, _ 550 Wtresk, per bushel, 1 15 ® t 23 Rye, 1.4 73 Corn, 44 77 VtLtS) 44 40 13=2=11 Timothy, " Plaster, per ton, )'Prittay /amt. Flour, per MI, from wagons, $5 00 Po., " from stores, 600 Wheat, per hnsliel, - 1 10 ® 1 25 Rye, 16 76 Corn, II 79 Oats, is 42 C10rtr,4.441, " 5 00 Timothy?," 2 00 Inaster. per ton. 6 50 iite, ail#. "Then rem* the wild heather. earn° *Teel or come MOW; etandl, oirhutherhuoererit MARRIED, On the :10:h tilt., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. MA SOA All CARL; ACGlltoMiss SUSANSAII C. BIESECKV, both of Franklin township. On the 26th ult., at Mailt's Church, by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. GEORGE WINE to Miss JANE GERHART, both of Manchester, Carroll county, Md. Toi 4 itite lesewe ceatrtealbe earn of man it canna ; Nov gt eco in south, nuw withering °tithe ground." DIED. On the 15th NVILDASIS, aged iG years 8 months anti 22 days. Chas. R. Doran, M. D. (*VP IC E an Baltimore street, one door south `+- 7 of the Presbyterian Church, and opposite David McCreary's &all' rig establishment, Gettysburg. (Oct. 4, IS iS. tim New Millinery Goods. MISS MARY 91. BUTLER has made per. chases of a large assortment of new and fashionable Millinery articles, to which she invite 3 the attention of the ladies of town and country. Bonnets, Ribbons. Feathers. Flowers, and Trimmings, of all kinds, are included. Colored Straw and Braid Bon nets, the very latest fashion, are also offer ed. Silks and Satins, of all colors, for win ter bonnets, she will have on hand in a few week's. Ready-made Bonnets, with Band Boxes, can always be had.tilie will be found at the old stand—Mr.Joinftatisin , zer's, in Littlestown. [Oct. 4. ISA. J. W. Scott, (Late of the Firm of Winchester & Scott,) C IENTLEMEN'S FURNISIIING STORE, and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 CUESSrr STREET, (nearl, opposite the Girard llouse,) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. SCOTT Would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to hie new• Store, and is prepared to fill or ders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SU JUTS au.j COLLW. Oct. 4, 18,8. ly Buffalo Robes. ny the hale or robe at tIEOI{4IF. F. WO3l --• RATIVS, Not. 415 .117 r .410.31 St. PUI LAD.A. N. D. Also a huge assortment of LADIES FANC Y FURS of own manufacture. Oct 4, 1858. .3m. New Goods ! GEORGE, ARNOLD has spin replenished his stock of Goods. Ms assortment is now fill, among which is a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods, and fancy goods gen erally. The Ladies will please call foe Bar gains. Also, cheap CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Vesting, Ready-insde Clothing, Blankets; Shawls, Flannels, Coatings, Ho siery, Gloves, &o. U.; also, a large stock of Domestics, Fresh Groceries, etc. , ,- READY-MADE (7LOTHING:—If you want the cheapest and -best Ready-Made Clothing in town, call and seethe. Assoto. We make our own Clothing, Lave bands con stantly employed , cutting out and making up. Oar stock of Cloths, Cassimeress Cessiestte. Coatings, Vestings, de.. le large -and Call and see ns, and if we cannel St you is a garment ready made., we will take your measure, and =kayo* up a garment just as you may desire to bare it made, 'flambe:t est notice. Mr. Culp- is *brays on hand at the Clothing Emporium,inight, polite, and always ready to wait upon &mob That colt. Try him, prove him, and see if there be any error in him. • Gettysburg, Oct. 4, 1858. : _ • - To. the Lulls& . Thsme (VMS MiNOLD lutt *Obi wittlettitelted " Ms stook of Lotrats',l)re* , . sim tronl -- 000 6; im fiat nvii on MO the WV= saw , prettiest-sit:kit of Oren Mob tir %Ica.. : eiyiee are req . §etaittwad pt ea. laii; - W ish. Among FM* .uo_a bettOfek-ulestifm:o4--- ---' Ladtes'o9th . CroduOtpois,Miudahui. ettd S totglii;ii Wadi fitt NSW) ili grest - Tarl"it i Chigoes Vriee *4144 eery handataaw.` a $ word we •herebora a 'media to sta,aikoloy' r twin& off eitti q *thud the oriagrute ! — Cell nod see us. - - 4 49 - 4, PP: niIEESE.-A first-rate article jest received and for sale by G LLEaria & TI10)3.19. ";',.TEL r . 4 • ViintaVaskoldiSpilst *e CirMAlt...„ ettnittY,Siliagtha day ofilleptentbi4l64 o .ds BM of Bri*. net D. taunt's' hbolvinat petition; sell, - On SATURDAY; the 30th of OCTOBER Inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M., at Public Sale, to the highest bidder. on the premises, at the. Pheuis Mill, near Emmitsburg, all those TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND, conveyed to us by said Young by deed, and conveyed by Arthur Quinn to John and Samuel D. Young by deed duly recorded in Lib. H. S. No. 11, fol. 129, Jtc.,one.of thelsand Records of Frederick county, and the parcel or parcels of lapd conveyed by John Young to Samuel D. Young by deed recorded in Lib. E. S. No. 7 2 fol. 516, one of said Records. • The - said tracts or parcels of land contain in the. aggregate 116 ACRES,3 ROODS & 35 VI BCFIES of LAND, more or less, and will be sold for that quantity In the gross, and not by measurement. The Land is of first-rate quality ; is now in good state of cultivation, and has been well taken care of and tended. It Is first-rate BOTTOM LAND, on Sam's Creek, and its productiveness is equal to any in that section of the State or County, and possesses great capacity for im provement. It Is welt watered, mountain wa ter in abundance being In each field. The im provements consist of TILE PHENIX. MILL, a Three-story Brick Building, running tiro pair of Burrs, with abundant and neverfailibg Wa ter Power sufficient to run three or four pair. It is unsurpassed by any water power in Em mitsburg District. There are also on • the Farm TWO DWELLING ROUSES, Ns one at the Mill, a Ismail. Weatherboarded Building; and the other, about one hundred yards distant, a Two-story Log Dwelling House, also a flourishing Young Orchard of prime and select Apples ; also a good' SAW MILL, newly built, with abundant and never failing water power. At the sme time and place, by virtue of the same authority, we vein sell :8 ACRES OF WOOD-LAND, lying about 2 miles freer the above described premises, on the road leading from Emmitsburg to Harbaugh's Valley, being one of the tracts conveyed to Samuel D. Young, by John Young by deed, recorded in t.ib. E. S. No. Ir, fel. SIC This tract is well set in CHESNCT TIMBER. fe*The above deseiihed Farm, MilLs and Dwelling Houses, will be sold together. They are situated about one mile from Enteritaburg on the hlarbaugh Valley road, being about 2 miles from St. Joseph's, and one mile and a half from Mount St. Mary's College. The Penn sylvania State Line is only one mile distant, and Gettysburg nine miles by a good road. TERMS OF . SALE.—The terms of sale as prescribed by the Court's Order, are one-third cash on the dny of sale; one-third in one year ; nod one-third in two years from the day of sale, with interest. The deferfed payments to be scented by the notes of the purchaser with security, bearing interest from the day of sale. tea - Any further information concerning the aid property. &e., may be obtained from the subscribers, living in Frederick city, Md., or from Robert Annan, Esq., on the adjoining property, who will furnish any information that may ho necessary ; or from Mr. John Young, at the Phenix Mills. WILLIAM J. ROSS, DRAHLE IC T. JOHNSON,' Oct. 4, is Trustees. 5 00 200 6 nu Assignee's Sale. rplIE subscriber, Assignee of L FRANKLIN $ Mruns, will offer at Public &le, on the premises, on Wedneaday,the 2.01 k dcwOclubcr instant, A FARM, the property or said Assig or, situate in Rending township, Adams county, within half a mile of Round Hill P. 0., and two miles of York springs. adjuininm ' lands' of Gilman Myers, Jesse Chruntster.Valentine Myers, and others, containing 101 Acres, more or less, of Patented Land. The im provements are a Two-story Log ROUSE, (roughcast.) Rank Barn, nearly new, Wagon Shed, Corn i; ; Crib, Carriage House, Spring - louse, with a never-failing spring, Ost- Kitchen, with a well at the, door of the kitchen, having a pump in it. There is also a young Apple Orchatd of choice ft nit. with other kinds of fruit, such'as Peaches, Pesis,, &c. About 25 acres are Timber-land, with a fair proportion of first-rate Meadow. The land has all been limed, and there is a ,run ning stream of water through the farm. Persons wishing to view the property ;up requested to call tet L. Franklin Myers, re siding thereon, or on the Assignee, residing in the neighborhood. terSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN 11ENRY MYERS, Oct. 4, ISSB. is Assignee. Small Farm, 7 - lon S' F —The suirseriber, desirnos of . retartag from farming, offers at Private Sale, IIIS FARM. situate in Cumberland township, Adaras county, on Rock-creek, adjoining lands of Henry Lutt, Dr. J. Runkle, James Rider, and others. containing about 87 Acres, more or, less. There is t fair proportion of Wund: land, and the prop erty . is in a good state of cultivation. The Improvements are a one and a half btory Frame iVeatherboareled HOUSE, good .:11:11j frame Barn,wenther boarded,wisb Sheds, and other Out•buildings; a good viaing Apple Orchard, and about 50 bearing Peach trees. There aro two springs of writer. The terms will ho made known on applica tion to the subscriber. JAMES BLACK. Oct. 4, F 58. traqf not sohtbefore the Ist of November, it will then be offered for,Rent. Call at Reininger's IPOR BARGAINS'.—The subscriber has A: just returned from the city with another largo assortment of goods for Gentlemen's Wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets,'rwceds, all kinds of Vesting, Le., which he will dispose of at the lowest living prices. His stock has been selected with . great care, and cannot but please the tastes of this community. • Don't forget I Call at the Merchant Tailor ing establishment of - JACOB .REININGEII, Oct. 4; 1858. Carlisle street. List of Letters Ipp EMAINING in the Post Office, at Gottys ." burg, Oct. 4, 1858. Alleman Rev. •M. J. Miller Isaac 2 Anderson Mies Cath. Moore Geo. A. Baker John McKesson John Butler Rev. J. O. Meelorielliss-Ann ' S. Mating John Calmat Solomon Mesen. Ott & Son Cobean Robert , -Peters Arno, Cutts Mary L. 2 Potterneld Carbon& John Reek Mari Davis W. &O. -' Reed Andre* .Danlinger D. 'Rummel Job Du John • Robert Mr. Diehl Ephraim Rohinsor. 3L P., M. D. Fogel Low 4 Stewart Harvey Maher Miss Mary A. :Spencer ILL. Frey Frederick , Sewed David Frenzel"Frolerick" Socks John - Geiger 1L.,-, - &mast-Harem. - ,. Hanel O. B . - Showeror.Theo4reA nollingef - Pavid ; jileettMrs. Ana: Bili ts&r 4 - ' ~ ca s Se '' ' 'g ": ' - .II - kits _Levi—itaitat Miss Mart llagkes Patrick r Solutliffilifig. - na,rY ' - ,IfeWd.fAie.-gat.', l , ' Stevens 41', - . • 7 ebrildiaii•' Itheelel lIev;-31.: .4:114ary, -- 4 ---- Tinritsititid antes, ,- • ' Viketraedin'--_, - .. Wolfont4ol,l - • ,-„. Weikart gee. - - •ir . . - . _:_, _: Wirnrisk.W,i.ir;..: -- _ -Tealite I tti4rd_ - _ -, Una * . - GEOcirf gotzli, p. - m: • serpersorp calling for letters in the above list' will plots° isay they !tre advertised. stir Spanish quarters, levies and 4plf not yeeeived in payment of postage. 11 41441t uiV 44--j iMaizTh ile44''W. . li 43 At.oo- :)1 7-7 At te 114 413Ge 114V .. - ALSO - . • - 1' lie Sale. THE subheriber 'olits . iring to rod die /iisistTlik, rill ofilr ta , Pit Sale,-at Matestablish. meat, in Piet Middle Inflect, Gettysburg, an Saturday, (lie 23d deg qf October inst., tTie following t t - THREE GOOD HORSES, 2 new Buggies, 2 second hand Rockaway Carriages, 1 second-hand Two-horse Car riage, I Falling-top Buggy, nearly now, 1 second-hand Door-body Carriage, I Sulky, nearly now, 2 Sprin t ; Wagon., 4 now paitt t ea Buggy Ito‘lleti, with or- er articles. A credit of mouthu will be given. All who desire to buy BARGAINS had better atteni the- salC. ' iiirSalo to commence, at 1 o'clock. P. 51., on said day. JACOB TROXEL. Oct. 4,1358. to Vablable - • .4.1. A T PRIVATE SALE. o.e 'tier offers at Pritate Sale THE FA'Rl4l,‘ on width he resides, situate in Butler town ship; Adams county, Pa., adjoinin ands of Jonas Roth, "Henry Wislor, Henry ay baugh, and others, containing 1.50 Acres, more or less, with 20 acres, of Chesnut land convenient. The improve meats are a good Onelin ( ko'hair - .;:.Ifiti - story Log HOUSE, a pod now Log Shop, or out-kitchen, with oven attached, a first-rate , Bank Barn, part stone and part frame, also a good new Hog and Corn bouse,,and other heccs3ary out buildings, all of which have been put under now roof within the last four ',years. - Dig Conownim Creek I.snands the one side of the place.- There is alWell of Water at the door, and two Springs near the buildings, and a good Orchard of fruit. Them is a sufficient amount of wood on the farm, and sufficient meadow, about 18 acres of width are bottom meadow. There has been put on the farm about 2000 bushels of lime. Persons wishing to purchaso may 'find it to their advantage to call and see this farm. us it is a first-rate stook and grain farm. There is also on the farm a quantity 0, good clay for making brick, together with t shed. To any person wishing to follow brick making this is a rare chance, as any,tnount of brick can be sold in the neighborhood. The farm is conveni ent to Kills, Churches, Public School, and Mechanics' Sliops. liar Persons wishing to view the farm will be shown the saute ivy the subscriber. Terms made easy. W. F. WALTER. .Oct. 4, Ht5S. 6t; Farr for Salo. O . N 7708 day. the 12,1 h of October inlet., at I o'clock. P. ?J.; the 'ides of DANIEL NEIDICII will sell at Public Sale, at the resi dence of the widoW l , in Reading township, Adams county, F A 11 31 containing 173 Acres, more or less, on which are erected a Two-story Brick 110U,Sli, a Log Barn, a Spring of nererfailing water near the door, Pi and all other necessary outbuild inns. There is a . good Orchard. There is about 60 Acres in go a Timber, and the Farm is under good, fencing. ligirAttendance will be given and terms made known by ' THE BEMS. Oct. 4,1858.* t& A Valuable Farm, AT PUULIC pirrsuance- of an Order of the • Orphan's Lleurt of khauis county. the" undersigned, Administrators of the estate of Pinup Tumacts. deceased, will osier at Public S.de, on the premises, on Sat urday, the I+ll4 day rd' October next, the fol• lowing property of said deceased, vik : A VALUABLE FARM', situate in Straban township. Adams county, within 11 miles of the Gettysburg att , l Han over Railroad. and the same distance from the Gettysburg and York Turnpike. adjoining lands of Christian Thomas, David Munfort, Henry Thomas, and Others. containing 148 acres, more or less, about 40 acres of which are first-rate Tnnber.land, with a due propor tion of Meadow. The improve ments -are a large ITwo-story , 4.$ o c STONE HOUSE, Stone Kitchen t. i and Smoke House attached, Dou Me Log Barp. Stable, and all necessary out buildings ; a good Apple Orchard, and a nev er-failing well of water near the doer ; water in the barn-yard; several never-failing springs on the - Farm, and a never-failing stream through it. to which access from nearly every field can be bad (or the watering of cattle. triTersons desirous of viewing the proper ty before the day of sale, will please call on Mr. Samuel Welcome, residing on the adjoin ing Farm, or on either of the Administrators. I.l:7Sale to comm t nee at 1 o'clock, P. Al., on said day, when attendance Will be even and terms wade known by - HENRY THOMAS, &AMU EL THOMAS, Administrators. By the Court —I l.rG WoLe, Clerk. Sept. 27, 1858. is Real & Personal Property, AT PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of an Order issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Adams county, and to me di iceted, will be offered at Public Salo, at the house of ,ABRATIAII Mv - tas, in Huntington township, Adams County. on Mono/ay, the 18th day of -October next, the fullowiog per sonal property of said Abraham Myers, a Lunatic'duly declared by said Court, consist ing of HORSES, COWS, Cattle, Plantation Wagon, One-horse Wagon, Pleuglia, Horse Guars, , large quantity of from 13 to 15 cords; of Oak Wood, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Also, the Real estate of said lunatic, cis: A FARM, containing 100, Acres, more or less, situate in said -township of Huntington, adjoining lands of Philip Myers, Peter It. Smith, James Townsend, and others. The improvements are a one and at calf story Frame , HOUSE, Double Log Barn, Wa gon Shed, Spring House, with an Liu excellent spring of water. and an - Apple Orchard. A! large pripartion ill the land is good Meadow, and from :15 to3o acres first-rate Oak Tim h erland. 'The Farm is well watered. . Sisrile property will be sold in one body, or in separate tracts, to suit parch:l3mo. Jam" Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by - JOHN HANES, Committee.- By_the Court—Jaws Bogus, Prottity. • Sept. 27, 1858,' to _ _ . Stoves! Stoves? -111MISIV MAUL Rill- KU RTZ bare jest 'Teosiestrietersupplx of netandless. Parleklialon aaadd:Warp STO,VAS, of the We*. 'sue_. t the •lilioreeett 440, ell !lel lost sesta C - 004 - 82 1 0 rESle:Orete! gobleit4tbigt . owto. nen: "86011witet.tomm isto..”“Phiti ' - 1 , -1-01atte ailr-T e hitk **NOW) Nf911;r4;110/4.7 t 61 —ell Tor *sod tu. dit: . • cst!, tbe Wire goant, ...teA ti.„ if Hale 0, *eat. 041040111reSt of the et w. ;saps.' F. 1858-- EVELR*,•Watefies, Pistols , ' Molina J tars,4coordeolus,ljarmonitiis, gi g ay Thirty-hour and Alarm Cloc k, at all price t) be bad at / SAMSON'S. The eetkyaburg Railroad. . TVir() DAILY TRAINS. ( I N and after today, 'Sept. lath,l Until for 'titer notice, the morning train of Cars will leave "Gouldeo's Station" at Ti o'clock, A. M. with passengers for -Delft:ire, York, Her. risburg. Ptiladciphia, Lc., and return with passengers from those places at noon. The afternoon train will leave there at 145 p. with passengers fur Baltimore, Ate:, - itittning with passengers from tlarrialiurg, York, Phil. adelphia. d.c , abo ut 6P. M. 1 151erchandize, Product: iii..traroported over the road as far as Goultlen's Station,' ROBERT MeCURDY, Prea't. Sept. 13. 1858. A Small raimi A su TriIIideOPIPSALE.--Thabseriber offers " at Private Sale, hi s FAR idoi tu ate i u St. wit n t pleasant township,Adants county, near Don aughtown, adjoining lands of Samuel Swope, Alexander Shurb and others, containing GG ACHES, more or less. having thereon a Two-story Frame HOUSE, with Back building, Deuble Log . Barn, and other Effi out-buildings ; Spring of nerer4ail ing water near the door, with excellent Fruit of allkinds on the premises. Abort 12 acres are Woodland, and.lo acres Meadow. The. greater part of the land has been well limed. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. Terms easy. B. F. LtAGARMAN . , Sept. 13, 1148. 7w Dissolution of Partnership. HE Co.partnership existing between the subscribers has been dissolved this day, by mutual consent. We are much 3hliged to our friends and the public. for the liberal sup port extended to us. Our books are placed in the hands of Dunlop Paxton fur collection. and we earnestly request those indebted to us to call and make nnmediste payment, as we desire to settle the business of the arm with out delay. DUNLOP PAXTO N, E. F. MILUENNY. Sept. 24.1858. A Card. THE subscriber, haring disposed of his in tereat in the Store of Paxton & 5111hcnny to R. P. 3111henny o , respectfully asks the con. tinuanee of his frilmds and customers to pa• tronize his SUCCeSSOr IL P. trllhsssir. DUNLOP PAXTON. "Sept. 27, 1858. Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoe& TOW rog 134,UGAINS!--The subscriber -LI basis; eontaaeaced business on his own hook, at the mil known F4,rl of PAXTON' 41 M at the S. C. 'raer of Centre Square, respectfully anooettces to thc,e4itiaess of Gettysburg. and the public generally, that he will constantly keep on hand a good stook of goods in his line and will s ell cheap for Cash. We intend to give our coosimot at tention to business, with a dispoAtion is please the particular tastes of every one who way favor us with their patronage. It. F. • Sept. 21,1858. Large Sale nt , VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. ki —O9 Thursday and Friday, the 14th and 15th days of October peat. I inttud tosellat Public Sate, at my residence, in Reading township, known as "Round Hill," a large amount of valuable Personal Property, con sisting of HORSES, COWS, lIOGS, Farming , Utensils, of ail kinds, Household and Kitchen Furniture. flay, Corn, Oats, Lumber, Bacon, &c. Sale ,to commence at 10 o'clock, A. AL, and to - Continue until all is sold. offer at Private Sale 3 TRACTS OF LAND—No. 1 containing 42 Acres, in Hun tington and Reading townships,with improve meats—No. 2 containing 18 Acres, in Read ing township, with improvements—No. 3 containing 4U Acres of Ittonntain Land. in Cumberland county, near the Adams county line. II7"Vor particulars see large bills. 8:71f these Tracts be not sold by the 14th of October, they may be uttered on that day at Public Sale. JAMES TOW NSEN D. Sept. 27, 1858. ta* Public Sale. 4-N pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the undersigned. Administrators of the estate ofJonx Jacous, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premis is, on Monday, the 25th day of October next, the following Rcal. Estate of said de ceased, A LOT OF GROUND, situate in Abottstown, Adams county. front ink on the York and` Gettysburg Turnpike, Strubingeron the west and n . publie alley on the east, and known as lot No. 12. hatang thereon a Two. story Weatherboarded 110USL, IF Fi a one and a half story Log House. - a new Stable, Wade( Water, and _ a number of &nit trees. lie`Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by - • CORNELIUS .IA.OOIIS. GEORGE JAM/118, Adasiniatratura. By the Court—ll. O. Wont, Clerk. • Sept. 27,1859. ta* Positive, Akde. 19PlIE subscriber will sell at Public Si/icon 1 1 the premises, on Moaclay, the .18M, clay of October next, A ROUSE, at.d 7 Acres of Granite Land, well limed. in Mountjoy towathip. Adams coanty. adjoin ing Iloke's Gate. on the Raltitnore Turnpike. The BOOM; is a one ands half story, Roughcast; Log Bank Barn; II I! a Weil of , nerer-failing water I near the door: and, a young chard, otchoiCe fruit. Persons wishing tow the Lot can so by calling at the Gaut. ~ 11784 e to nommen°, at 2 o'clock. P., on said day, when sUessisuce wake men and terms wide known by • NATEIANIE4 LIGONER, Sept. 27,1858. is Nonce to Assessors. MIDI Assessors elasted at. the l i sst OpOsig 1 Election isie heresy notified to attend' at the Commissioners' Offi3e: in the ilosinsffi of Gettysburg, to reactive Blank AsseeWent Dapliestas iunt the necesemz lastssitions, --- a* follows: ' , • The Aisintsorn of Union; " Ootter ,ige .ler 04, 101 wick; Berwick I.lr.,Otiltrilsito tan, Beat' ing, Monntpleuent, GermanY &Maus and Monatjoy, will sttendsinlii„ sl l 9's tb4Osb of Oetoher neit.;.- • . ,:' •' : ~... And the Ammon for . Borongh.esuis: .betissili Freetioisr; 1 1aboV., Ilataillimiuns, Franklin, Butlari'ideMillete, Tirtiire; iliin tingdon and Imintorl attessials Mari. day, Odtobet _2 t • t;1 S. , , „ ~„ • -:,,,. - By ,rd74:l,die COSI *l4llllllllllMbli . :'-:-*- - . N. WAT 014,17:"; Sept. 27,111 , 513 •• td' - ''''' ' .:,' VAT 13* The. Itideisigiti* -1 9berieci; of west stsaillisv trAV would - urge those uriebtoititi mgk mom - vithduritelups-400 ; m41,4w, lung , months sad utrinirdS44,thot paid oa o Wore the laic durforlOihner "raixt, pissed in site hendsier tut for . , _ Volta itt . tlMASUMk4io44* APE :11daSktioriastoo op tlSS , ostaso et Salty rails, late of IfintoC , Souranaforrnep, Adam* count7i4ansaad* Junin haaapordod-tatha unilessugeted,.rsei4isg to tits tome tairoakip, he hereby litres notice • to lilt persons indebt ed to said estate to make husupdhasPsymenS, aid those having claims against the same to present them proper!" authenticated for set tlement. .1051,1 3 11 LILLY, Adver. Aug. °3,1859. fit A PLA,NTAT,IOII, or Tract of Land, situate in the townships of Li:oxford and MonnopleastusteAddins county, adjoinin isnd# of John ,Sineit s soklisristiont l iii; terinstine; Joseph kitough. Charles Smith, and others, euntainlog 2.06 , Acres, m0yq,,,0f,,,,tw ! The prarenieniti ottt. half - Story 'race s P w s u f T ROUSE, lark eRid1e..14414 04 (42 and frante.)olllBT & mantis ' t with ens WantriroEltr; tt Sew illTherebard• of exctlleatlfrisit s . well of Water, and ether improvement 4. A. Air proportins t raid tract is the.beat-zof Shadow, end abut 75 acres are excellent Timber. This property is situated on Little Conowago Creek, which rune through the place, cithin threnipsearters of a mile of New Oxford. The Railroad,con necting Gettysburg and Hassorer with the Northern Central Railroad. pause through this property. upon which Can are now run ing daily. The Mills-are in eomplete order, with u good a run of owns as any Mills in the county, situated u they are in. a funs grain growing, region. The property will admit of division, and offers rue induce. monte for parsons. desirous of engaging in the business of farming, milling or mentor.- diting. Any information ea to title. de.. tan be attained - an reference to M. & W. Mc- Cl ea n, Dols., who haVe chugs of this. taro coodings. • 10—Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day. ISAAC LIMI'VER, Sherif. F.teriff's Office, Gettysburg, Sept. 13, PIM. Desirable Farms, AT MIMIC SAT.E.The subscriber*. Executors of the last will and testamsrtt of BALTZIig oslll24Telt• deceased, will crtsr at Publio Sale, on the premises, ea Beturday." the ltlih day of October next, the fallowing valuable Real Estate of said decedent. via:. THE HOME FARM', situate in MenaHon township, Adams county, one mile north of Arendteville, abt axo ting 7' lands of T. T. Wierman, Mattoon, floury Orner, anti others, contain ing 174 ACRES t mora or lees, shoot adores being Woodland, with a due proportion el Meadow. The improvements are $ ono and a half sum , Log Dwelling - HOUSE, - Double Log I liorn,Wagon Siled,Spring Roost; and other out-buildings; a never-tailing near the door, and a stream of water throe the form, tho fields nll being watered bet two. There is an Apple Orchard on the premise*. - Also, A VARIf, situate in Franklin township. Adams county, sid*aing hulls of Michael Crowl, John. °minter, Moves Baffenanargei, and others, containing 95 Atwell, sane or lose, with bar proportions of Woodland and Meadow. • the improvements comet of „a Two-story Log HOUSE. Log Barn, with iihodoe• Corn Crib. an Apple Orchard...with • spring of water in *a eddar cdfthso , liweUing. marfcreeng sighing to view Ike Tarim will call on the premises. gdr-Sale to commeace at 10 o'clock, A. M., on•tbe Home lifico, when attendance iltali 1‘ be given and term, made kit by JEREMIAH SLA AUOM. JACOB SANDOE, Sept. 20, 1858. ts* Executory. ' New Boot and Shoe ESTABLISHMENT.— The Undersigned would announce to the public that he has eonnueoml, in connection with his Tow nery, a BOOT & SUOE Manufac tory, in New Chester, Adams coun ty, and is prepared to make up' a awl Shoos, of all kinds, fur Gently:um, ILadiek, and Children. Ue will endeavor to have tho boat of workmen, so that the publieuaed be under ue apprehension but that every rear onable effort wall be made to ere tatiehtetiett to all. Who will favor him with their patron age. • GEO. EULtEUAILT.' Sept. 20, 1859. 3m ' - Railroad Bonds! A BABE CHANCE FOB tNTBSTSIVIT. —The Gettysburg Railroad is nearly completed. and the Company have still a few more Bonds to sell. These Bonds are bleared by a mortgage on • the whole length of th e road / the Huildingx and all its property: in cluding the unfinished lhite work vest of Gettysburg to the Marxiand line. There asa be DO doubt of the security of the investment, The Bonds bear lateen at die raking ti per cent. per annum, payable asai-aasselty, sod the Company are disposing °Meta at 80 pee cent. of their par value. Thmi Bonds art fro from all local Taxes, sad at the rate they are selling. yield to •the holder 74 per and; per, annum, clear dolt Taxes. Persona dolma any of them most attend to it soon. royalty information call on the endentigned, W*7 of the °dicers of the Company R. WW2*, Presidia. Sept. Xi, 1858. 31 Independent MIIona: MIRE Independent Memo trig sten ow 111. &aiming. Me gth of Wow. HAL ot tbehouse of Charles Myen, jet Bendrestills. at 10 o'clock. A. M., armed Oa 094119011 it cording to law. By order/ DAVID ithaniAN.e. a Sept. 2; 114. Ad n tWa nR. TAMES A." Cotters or administration on Um latileof Dr..Lunsi isst,e of Strider* *ewe. ship, Adams sounty, - doNnusia, hav'umshisse Istetv granted to the widerslped, in Franklin township, behereby Om notice to II "wooer indebted to soli seem - to wake immediate peposnk -, 1 4 .4 *WA havisOlaluis spinet the sawn le inel .91e!s/property nutitentiested fee • JAMES RUSWI tt 4 14a0r4 Aus. 23, nee. et - / •Aaiiiistnitairt ( NT lIONY POLLS R'S ILITATE.-14 - 161; 41 " of iiheinistratios 00 thosittito of Asti * fojler. late of goompresoost towalitip, Adams co.,deetasat, hams been piattet 'the undersiped, raying ems towiettip, he hereby gives ashen t0...011t0r• seas- lociobted _fa saw took fa -ii inedioicart.iiiCilaper &Wig Aimi• itgataptl mune to pram* tads preporty sethes for /44111 - _ Pltra MiniteMeen Aug. 23 1 1841. GI . s~ .UALTZEI4 IYAISTICitESTATIL.-• Lettere . teetizeteibtri O - thit esiiiiit all.- Saiteer, ' Otitietki, late tor iletieJtilk-. : wow - w ay !rii' Sues comitiyi 41eitt, ~ . . Iv that aidOrsigeoli. :i..4rowifoiro4l B S u be i r t ims,toiL a tip,, td, 44 prima* - tic iiiilet:liaine•listertylinkii 4. , . O w. eta,.- *Obit , *yr .wer. ..**• , ' ,A* peoperli Whoa ' • •:.... i - .. - JA, .t, . :: 44 11 1 jr,,;•,„ - - , ,:: 041. '!!‘; ;14351L, 6#C,„ :is- : i: 5; ,P ' . ' .-- lititkilt. ", • TA die ß a tittros i c36oo4 l 44 i t. .. 1, 'l . = lilintt•Vomatittetat the ~ ' .., • , "itA1014itolt . 31111" ti.Mk . ' . tott" Airottokop,:01001; - i 4 , e44 Otitioit ilia petit* , 't c tunas 14Otott *PM to' *ilk Os W Allid- es to 44 SoblotAtri Itsg• •bldittlitiO" , , issweajP. for se , taanlinto .POOkr wit ail-ponaplaa debted to Lasko iiste • JOUST UANlnittip, Sopt. 27, 1848. At s T RUNKS for vale cbeßp 46 V. B. PICK' J'i 13 Tb Jon. ►hero V.ob• irdny. ou'irug === MIEN OE WIE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers